#conscious selection
akbey1913 · 27 days
Yeah this one is FIRE, I call it “Adversity.”
🪝{See I’m coming in heavy,
adversity to the brim but
holding steady on the levy,
Going back into the mindsets,
the Prophet said to study;__}
< Reach~ing for the teach~ings> from the plane of atmosphere,
< implemen~ted ensur~ing that I am everrr, ready;__ #> 🪝
{Slowed verse}
Life’s about the application,__ of simple lessons. Switching view might offer you some unique blessings... {Den you hold ya/ }Holding comfort ya know, you been prepared for all your testing. Special use for all your tools know in the moment you’ve entrusted,__
Due Success…, to your reflection,
Bal-an-cing passion,__clar-I(E)-TYY, and circumspection; Know you been chosen just for dis test and;
Pros-per against you, can’t any weapon;__
…….. Still letting no-vain temptations allure.
No evil eye is Cast, on what ain’t even yours,
Society has Peace through moderation
N-Keeping hearts desires <ever> remaining pure
< implemented to ensure that I am ready>#>
Purity ever striving, to ‘pave the way’. Goin in even when__ grinding calls for an overplay;
In the cares of the world, no display of grace. Even when trusted kin calls a REPRiVE on Labor Day!!
Patient as you wait, for love to manifest. Such amazement of face, yes Hu are truly Bless having Allah ordain, your lineage ends’/ depends on decisions you end with. Knowing Moorish ends belong N-D abode of happiness. Cuz we be founded on lessons, gleaned through reflection, reflecting just how could I be mad at this ;__.
Careful wit da science of dez tools, master applications we use, {scrolling through my minds eye/I peruse }, thinking which one will I choose ;__ on divine fates ladder of twelve steps;__ Got my axe, compass, and the thumb line, and on my square I’m, inclined to recline as You ensure my Graduations bliss an’t even a wish!
Apparently its abundance to see,
It’s as sure to me, as insurance see,
<thus the clarity> as Drew Ali declares to me
The surety a new era in time.
And through His Holy lessons I derive
The map from the map, and how I do revise.
Character’s not far from the descript of the divine, so practice is now molding self reflecting on the high. Inspecting the lessons bound to my heart where they reside.
With da faithful use of the anvil shouts Anfield, Elohim is who I’m texting;__ ‘then when’ ‘us__ing’ the axe, thumb line, and ‘the picket’ ‘to pivot,’ ‘con_scious_ness’ to da “mind tools is what I use;__ for that divot cause I dug it, WHILE THROWING SPUR 2MY CARNAL SELF, VAIN AMBITIONS AND IT’S PRIDE;__
It’s like shopping through the Taj Mahal of Allah’s mail. Grabbing da seasons best, bn careful of da fall. Surely Ive protracted with sincere circumspection, threw careful application of Doc Drew’s Holy lessons.
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anothermonikan · 4 months
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Ponee (It is half 3 in the morning)
#hey she didn't actually come out too bad!#I didn't show the last time I tried to draw Sunny but it didn't look great ehe ^^;#I think Ponies are gonna have to be a digital art only thing for now cause I had the select and drag so many elements of this#to make this look right sahsdhdshsdh#Yeah despite liking ponies since I've became a conscious thing I never drew them a bunch#and well. that's because I didn't start drawing properly until I was like. 11 years old. and I was super into something else then ehe ^^;#Sorry to get personal in the tags of an mlp art thing but I do think about how I always wanted to draw but like.#I was such a chronic perfectionist as a little little kid??? I HATED everything I tried to make XD#It makes me a little sad yknow? cause like. most kids don't give a shit they just draw whatever and it's beautiful and amazing#it makes me sad that I didn't allow myself to have that! I worked backwards IG lmao#little 6 year old hating everything she tried to make for not being perfect to me now where I love when my art is full of imperfections#that's the point of art!!! Have fun!!! It doesn't need to be perfect or even “good”!#because art is about expression yknow? and drawing stuff you like!#sorry this only took like an hour this should be on a more high-effort drawing sdhdhdshsd#Also um hi to the person who followed me for MLP G5 art?? I mostly post about puters and Ultrakill and Rain World here#But I do really love ponies I need to draw them more often XD#this is my whatever blog. I post whatever interests me here hehe#MLP#MLP G5#Android Arts#Android.txt
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despazito · 11 months
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Put that face away
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m1d-45 · 11 months
i’m having shining nikki sagau thoughts everybody beware. so first of all like i remembered that elves canonically exist in miraland (idk if we ever mentioned this before) and there’s elves or at least elf-like creatures in teyvat…… i’m connecting the dots (<- they’re not connecting shit)
second of all. the new skins. “sailwind shadow” and “blossoming starlight” are SUCH designer’s reflection names like if i opened up shining nikki and saw those there they wouldn’t even be out of place. idk about everyone else but i think it would be cute if sailwind shadow was bandit. i have more to say but i need time to put my thoughts in Order - teddy anon
shining nikki!!
honestly despite red being in my head on and off, i didn’t even CONSIDER sailwind shadow and that is a tragedy. i have his skin but didn’t do the quest relating to it yet (it’s a costume he wears for a play right?) but the entire thing with this event. god he’s so perfect.
blossoming starlight is probably just klee but higher energy and less fear, and while i don’t doubt the power of klee dps i do doubt your conscience allowing you to bring a child into battle, double so after red split. she’s just. a little girl. so we move on.
sailwind shadow. i’ll choose to interpret him as a mix of the dagger bandit and kaeya himself, which makes for a fun little guy in my opinion. always trying to sneak you off to somewhere “more interesting than sitting around all day, no?” and thinks that the others are being far too uptight. does he understand the gravity of the hunt? absolutely. but whereas red (and the two archons) want to keep you safe in the cave you’ve made home, he’d much rather whisk you away down a path in the forest.
less for combat, i’d imagine, leaving that to nikki and the others. has quite a few stories to tell, most made up but some gathered from his weak memory. dislikes kaeya, but less so than red, surprisingly. he seems to view him as having no other choice, that he’s “already conflicted enough without that fake touting him about as their sword.” he views kaeya with more pity than anything else.
he and red have a.. strange relationship. at their cores, they are diluc and kaeya, but that affection is hidden beneath the several layers of trauma painted over. they both worry for the other in their own ways—he checks red for injuries from afar when you all regroup after a fight, and red makes sure to make chicken mushroom skewers when he’s having a bad day—but it’s still a tough trial. it’ll probably go quicker than diluc and kaeya, but you’ll have to wait a while before they connect properly.
in his early stages, he’s not all that dissimilar from red. clingy and always hesitant to leave, but does do more to try and keep your attention on him. he’s kaeya at his core and the costume is from a play, so he’s got quite a few tricks up his sleeve to prolong his stay.
(these tricks commonly include starting to tell you a story only to reveal that the ‘ancient artifact’ is one of fischl’s arrows, or red’s rings. your laughter is enough to keep him stealing them back—anything to be the source of that shine in your eyes.)
less prone to violence than red, and definitely safer to take out in public after everything’s over. at worst, he’ll make a passing comment, but is too worried about his image. what if you see him sneer, or if the other person sees and tells you? no no no, it’s far safer to just pull you away again, even if he has to lie as to why. you’ll understand if the crowds are getting to him, or if he feels trapped indoors, right? you were meant to be amongst nature anyway, so if anything he’s just doing you a favor, surely.
(he doesn’t often leave your side as you sleep, but he did see red in the middle of.. taking care of some things once. while he prefers to keep his hands clean—it’s awfully hard to lie to you, and he doesn’t think he could stay quiet if you asked—he doesn’t look down on red’s choice of problem solving. he recognizes the person beneath his boot anyway, hands slightly twitching at the memory from earlier today. when the two of them return to camp by morning, he lets red do most of the talking, only adding in the small half truth of “just having some fun” when prompted. he did his best to wipe his sword clean of any unsavory stains, but does keep it safely in it’s sheath whenever you’re around.)
however, just because he’s less violent than red doesn’t mean the source of said violence went away. he still gets jealous, and if he finds his theatrics don’t make you laugh as much as they used to, he‘ll begin to panic. are you growing bored with him? are his stories getting predictable? do you look down on him for running away with hunters with you instead of staying like the others do? he promises he’s not just dead weight! please, what does he have to do? do you want him to be more like barbatos? he can’t quite help you fly like he can, but he can try to pick up a bow! do you like red more? he’d really rather not get blood on his outfit, but anything for you. anything, anything at all… just keep your attention on him for a little longer. please?
#m1d : [chats]#teddy anon#and teddy!!!!!!#the shining nikki saga#kaeya is so whimsical we love men haunted by the horrors of their past#sailwind shadow… literally What Is His Name#i keep defaulting to ‘shade’ but idk if that only sounds good cause i chose it-#he’d literally lose his shit if you wanted to give him a name by the way. red would rationalize it as for convenience and not think of it—#cause he’d hate to be a problem and changing it once he could speak would just be more problems—but shade? loses his mind#reads into it 10 times over#still replays that memory sometimes as he watches you sleep#he doesn’t sleep btw. always watching you; either to make sure you rest easy or for his own enjoyment… unclear. the others are too afraid to#ask at this point tbh. he probably needs to but the occasional nap when one of the others takes you out is enough for him#he’d normally hate to see you walk away from him but you’d worry if you saw him looking sleepy so for these select times he allows it#worse attachment issues than red. red would be fine if you disliked him for his violent acts and would be content knowing you’re safe#but shade? not a chance in hell. if you show the slightest signs of thinking anything less than highly of him it’s like his whole world#falls to pieces. his first days—when he was conscious but couldn’t let you know—were literal hell.#being dismissed? you might as well have ripped out his nails; it would have hurt less.#once he managed to convey to you that he was also splitting it was a lot easier. he couldn’t talk yet but you were holding conversation with#him anyway (nikki had told you this made the splitting process easier and you were inclined to believe her).#he is. so pathetic i love him. god he’d probably cry if you even suggested he was doing something wrong.#sailwind shadow#he gets his tag :)
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roarinsaurus · 6 months
realizing it's not me and some people are just so incredibly self-centered they can't see anything as something other than an attack on them personally
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tumblr is the ideal social media for me because i’m truly just yelling into a void, which means i don’t have to be as worried about what people think. i’m not a part of actual conversations, i’m not (most of the time) creating content to be shared. it’s just me living in my own little world, which is exactly what i need.
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blossomingbellflower · 9 months
Not that you asked @fangsofdestruction but huehue ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ"
Are we really surprised by this?
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attraction meme
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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harapeveco · 11 months
girly pop i need more backstory on your english journey because yeah you struggled with it at the beginning but now you are really good at it??? when did the character development hit?
I’m sorry anon girly pop for some reason is sending me
Anyway I would say character development hit when I moved out of my home country and in many ways for better or for worse. I was 15 and as you can guess that fucked me up but by that time my English was better thanks to me reading fics and watching anime with English subs (like really it’s laughable how much fandom helped me comprehend this bs language) but still I had a problem and it was I couldn’t write it and I couldn’t understand when someone talked to me I only had like a 1/3 of it down LMAO
When I moved to this country my mom decided to put me in a catholic school thinking god would help me go through the hardships of a new environment (another can of worms I’m not talking about rn) so most of my teachers where super religious and shoved god down our throats. Me and overly catholic people don’t mix bc I’m an atheist but I really connected(?) with one of my teachers there and surprisingly it was my English teacher Elizabeth (teacher Lizzy for short). Teacher Lizzy was Puerto Rican so she knew the struggles of moving out of one’s country and understood that some people are slow at learning. Teacher Lizzy was like a mother figure to me I truly respect her like she would make me watch movies and series in English with English subtitles so I could grasp the hearing part and would tutor me after class for free so I could grasp grammar. Like I said reading wasn’t a problem I was really fast at it so she told me the other stuff wouldn’t be completely a problem which encouraged me a lot bc I thought I was a lost cause when I really wasn’t. Instead of humiliating me like teacher Eva did she saw potential and wanted me to be able to see it too. It was kinda annoying tho when she talked about how I was progressing so much thanks to god’s helping hand but oh well I let it pass.
I’m getting a little bit emotional talking about teacher Lizzy she is a great person it’s kinda sad I’m using her teachings to be delusional about some Japanese man on the internet and writing gay fanfiction. I’m sure she expected me to do big things and be someone she could be proud of I’m so sorry teacher Lizzy  
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autumnalwalker · 1 year
Pride Month Drabble Challenge: Day 23, Smile
Reblog of the challenge rules with links to my posts is here.
“Look!  They’ve got the tillandsias growing upside down to look like jellyfish!”
“I’ve seen photos online of setups like this but it’s the first time I’ve seen one in person.”
“So, buying one?”
“I’d prefer to make my own holder and pick my own plant for it, but… Oh!  They have spanish moss!”
“They never have spanish moss in stock here.  I don’t know why, it’s not like it’s even that exotic.”
“New plan, I’m making jellyfish out of this.  Do you think we have room for another hanging in front of the living room window?  I’d put it out on the balcony but I don’t think it’s native to the area.”
“I guess we could set up another grow lamp, but I’d rather not bump up the electric bill any more than it already is.  Maybe something with mirrors…”
“Oh, nothing.”
“You look like you’re about to start laughing.  What’s the joke?”
“No joke.  I just love seeing you like this.  Right up there with listening to you talk about space.”
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andrumedus · 2 years
The cloud spoke and said, I am and I am not. I am here and I am gone. Nothing is less than I, for I am nothing. The star spoke and said, I do not exist either. I have been dead for millions of years although the wise men have given me beautiful names. The dream spoke and said, I am beyond death because I have yet to be born, and though I remain unborn, I am already stronger than death. Then man sat down and wept in desolation. Everything he thought was his did not exist. His kingdom was a kingdom of ghosts and his heart was a heart without echoes. And yet he had been able to live and die day after day for things that neither died nor lived.
Dulce María Loynaz, tr. James O’Connor, Absolute Solitude: Selected Poems; “CXVIII”
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irlwakko · 2 years
favorite movies of the 2010s?
oohoho this is a fun ask!!! but I mainly prefer to watch animated movies (and also during most of the 2010s I actually Was a child, between the ages of 7 up to 16) so I don’t know if these will be the answers you’re looking for dbdkdbskdb
In no particular order:
Brave (2013)
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The Peanuts Movie (2015)
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Wreck-it Ralph (2012)
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Big Hero 6 (2014)
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Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse (2018)
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Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart (2013)
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The Lego Movie (2014)
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#u kno what i dont like? when i talk abt doing something completely bananas that i would absolutely do if i was even a little less socially#conscious and then whoever im talking to is like lol do it#idk maybe im just slightly distorted abt it but i have a compulsive need to do what ppl tell me to and i kno ppl would think i was real#weirf for doing the things so im just like. r u making fun of me? bc truely i cannot tell#like i dont have a good grasp on how well i read ppl. sometimes i think im ok at it. like i can deduce things from context clues#but if someone is not being clean then its fucking way over my head but idk sometimes i cant tell if im being made fun of#like u kno when u make someone laugh and ur like well i wasnt really trying to b funny. i was just saying whats in my head#so was that nervous laughter bc i said something kinda off the walls or was it laughter at my expense#again im probably just distortion bc my sister used to publicly call it out whenever i was being weird but idk#i just wish ppl said what they thought more. like dont say one thing to my face and then later text me something that indicates u were#thinking something entirely different in the moment. bc that's disorienting and it makes me think i can't trust my reading of ppl#i mean. it doesnt help that i dont look ppl in the face lol but whatever#i should sleep. i have jury duty tomorrow and i pray that i am not selected. tho it would force me to have a day off#bc im fucked up like that. no fun allowed. only work. and not enough sleep :-P#idk why im even thinking this?#i guess bc i was helping one of my lab mates with coding stuff and like idk ive spent way too long around him and i still dont#kno whats going on in his head. like idk hes not too bad but he also is very quick to jump on it when i do something wrong#like when i make a lil mistake i mean. and i think its in a teasing way but idk it feels weird. like he thinks hes caught me fucking up#and im like ...yea? i mean yea that was a dumb thing i did. or like yeah i cant spell or remember plant codes? idk maybe he just thinks#its funny. it doesnt upset me or anything. i just think its kinda weird and i dont get it so it puts me on edge#idk he says things sometimes and im like... ok ur star war5 options make me nervous abt the general opinions u hold but i dont kno how to#manipulate u into a revealing conversation. idk his not that bad just puts me on edge a lil and i have to b around him a lot so i sit here#man wtf is his deal? let me psychoanalyze u#unrelated
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oscill4te · 1 month
i talk so little about my interests with my loved ones my roommate today was like "oh. Wait. You really like this cartoon dont you?"
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bharatvarsh22 · 3 months
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Paneer has long been a favorite item for enhancing our meals with dairy deliciousness. Although not all paneer is made equal, did you know that? A2 paneer and ordinary paneer are two words that have gained popularity in the world of paneer. These variations of this dairy treat provide distinctive nutritional profiles and unique advantages that can support a balanced diet.
You’ve come to the perfect spot if you’ve ever wondered what makes them different and why you prefer to use one. Let’s compare A2 paneer to regular paneer in the domain of nutrients.
A2 Paneer and Regular Paneer: Quick Overview!
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A2 Paneer Nutrition Explained
As the name implies, A2 paneer is made from A2 milk obtained from cows of a particular breed whose milk contains the A2 beta-casein protein. Comparing this protein to the A1 beta-casein present in conventional cow’s milk, it is thought to be simpler to digest. A2 paneer is a desirable alternative, especially for people with sensitive stomachs, because of its soft nature.
A2 Paneer and Regular Paneer Have Different Properties
The sources of A2 paneer and ordinary paneer are the main distinctions between them. A2 paneer, made from A2 milk, is frequently considered healthier because of its possible digestive advantages. Contrarily, regular paneer is often manufactured from ordinary cow’s milk containing A1 beta-casein, which some people may find less palatable.
Why Choose A2 Paneer over Regular?
A2 paneer has several advantages for your health and well-being over regular paneer. For people with digestive problems with A1 protein, the distinctive protein composition of A2 paneer may help with easier digestion and less pain. This decision allows you to prioritize your intestinal health without sacrificing flavor or nutrients.
A2 Paneer Nutrition: Quick Overview!
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The A2 paneer’s nutritional profile is very exceptional. It boasts a greater concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, which are best for their ability to low inflammation and may have positive effects on heart health. A2 paneer is also rich in vitamins B12 and D, essential for boosting bone health and strengthening your immune system.
Moving ahead, let’s discuss,
Benefits of A2 Paneer in Terms of Nutrition!
A2 paneer differs from conventional paneer in that it offers several nutritional benefits. The necessary amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and A2 paneer is frequently hailed as a high source of these acids. These amino acids are essential for growing generally, repairing damaged tissues, and building muscles. Additionally, it’s thought that A2 paneer has higher concentrations of certain elements, including calcium, which is essential for keeping healthy bones and teeth.
A2 Paneer’s Quality Characteristics
A2 paneer differs from conventional paneer in terms of its nutritional value and qualitative attributes. A2 paneer is well-known for its rich taste and creamy texture, making it a delicious complement to various recipes. Its flavor and texture improve the entire eating experience, helping you to appreciate your food thoroughly.
Healthy Alternative to Regular A2 Paneer
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A2 paneer is the way to go if you want to make a healthy decision without losing flavor. For people allergic to the A1 protein in traditional paneer, its distinct makeup offers a healthier choice. You’re making a wise choice by including A2 paneer in your diet, which might favor your general well-being.
Digestibility – Due to the absence of A1 beta-casein, which some people find difficult to digest, A2 paneer is frequently praised for its simplicity of digestion. Because of this, A2 paneer is a good choice for people with moderate lactose sensitivity.
Gut Health – By lowering inflammation and encouraging healthy gut flora, the unique protein content of A2 paneer may have a good impact on gut health.
Heart-Friendly – Due to its more excellent omega-3 content, A2 paneer can support healthy cholesterol levels and lower the risk of cardiovascular problems, which can help to promote a heart-healthy diet.
Bone Strength – A2 paneer is a natural option for maintaining strong bones and avoiding illnesses like osteoporosis because of its high vitamin D and calcium content.
Immunity Booster – Increased antioxidant content in A2 paneer can indeed assist in strengthening your immune system and help you fight off infections and diseases.
A2 Paneer Brands – Look at well-known brands like Bharatvarsh for their dedication to quality and purity while looking for the best A2 paneer types.
Flavorful Delight – A2 paneer gives your favorite meals a rich, creamy texture in addition to being healthy and delicious.
Environmental Responsibility – Choosing A2 paneer from environmentally responsible producers, like Bharatvarsh Nature Farms, promotes moral and sustainable agricultural methods.
Continue Reading: https://bharatvarshnaturefarms.com/a2-paneer-vs-regular-paneer-the-nutrient-boost/
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my-favouriteiot · 3 months
Hospertz: Your One-Stop Partner for Building a Successful Healthcare Facility
Hospertz: Your One-Stop Partner for Building a Successful Healthcare Facility
Streamlining the Journey: Hospertz India Pvt. Ltd. (HIPL) caters to the healthcare industry as a turnkey solutions provider. They offer comprehensive support, guiding medical professionals through every step of establishing a new medical facility.
From the Ground Up: Their services encompass the entire process, from selecting a suitable location and obtaining necessary licenses to securing funding and attracting investors. They even assist with hiring qualified personnel and developing a strategic marketing plan.
Addressing Modern Challenges: HIPL acknowledges the growing complexities within the healthcare landscape. Their expertise helps navigate the increasing bureaucratic hurdles associated with setting up a new medical establishment.
Experience You Can Trust: With their extensive experience, HIPL has a proven track record of assisting doctors, dentists, and other specialists in building multi-specialty healthcare facilities across India. Their meticulous approachensures every detail is addressed, from acquiring high-tech equipment at competitive prices to recruiting qualified staff.
Focus on What Matters: By partnering with Hospertz, medical professionals can concentrate on their core competency: delivering exceptional patient care. HIPL takes care of the rest, handling day-to-day operations, licensing procedures, streamlining processes, and staff protocols. Their objective is to establish a smooth-running, patient-centric, and profitable healthcare facility.
Realizing Your Vision: HIPL acts as a trusted advisor, providing end-to-end project consultancy and management services. Their comprehensive solutions encompass the entire project lifecycle, from initial concept to final commissioning.
A Guiding Light: Driven by the vision of fostering quality-conscious and profitable healthcare institutions, HIPL leverages its three core strengths:
Physician-Inspired Knowledge: They understand the specific needs and challenges faced by medical professionals.
Unrivaled Technology: They provide access to state-of-the-art equipment and resources.
Impeccable Services: They offer a comprehensive suite of services to ensure a seamless operation.
A Collaborative Approach: HIPL prioritizes client satisfaction. They maintain continuous communication throughout the project, addressing any potential roadblocks and ensuring a collaborative effort towards achieving the desired outcome. Their ultimate goal is to transform your vision for a successful healthcare facility into a reality.
Building Trust: HIPL emphasizes transparency and honesty in all their dealings with clients and investors. They recognize that your vision is paramount, and they strive to make it the cornerstone of their every action.
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ciboriaadastra · 3 months
So. Today's my birthday and that means I got to splurge on comics today. Went to the bigger comic book store and everything
The haul:
Gotham Nocturne: Overture HC
Gotham Nocturne: Act 1 HC
Detective Comics #1080-82
Batman: Black and White (2013) #1-5
Batman (2016) #109 DC Pride variant
Batman 2022 Annual
Knight Terrors: Batman #1 + the variant cover by Kael Ngu
Batman: Year One Part 1 Blank Variant
Batman: Year One Parts 2 and 4. (They did not have Part 3 for some reason)
WFA volumes 1, 2, and 3
I wanted to get the collected Long Halloween here because the local store only had one volume but they just didn't have it at all :( They didn't have all the volumes of No Man's Land or the Knightfall saga so I didn't grab them either.
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