#considering also adding American idiot
eccentricmoonlight · 1 year
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I spent my fourth of july doing normal things how bout y’all
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kelluinox · 6 months
Oh are people mad at JKR again and calling out her antisemitism? That's funny. No, it is! It's funny when people suddenly care about antisemitism after these 5 months we've had. It's funny when people who threw a grand ol party on October 7th suddenly care about being antisemitic. It's funny when the people who called the kidnapping and rape and largest massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust justified resistance... suddenly care about the Holocaust. It's funny to hear their "very angry very loud very righteous outrage against antisemitism" when they have:
1) said and done nothing about the hostages being held by Hamas, among which there is a baby and a 4 yo and women being subjected to sexual torture
2) done nothing to pressure the embarrassment called the Red Cross to pass vital medicine to the hostages and actually do its job
3) have gone full Holocaust denial with their denial of the 7th... despite eagerly sharing videos of Shani Louk and Naama Levy and Noa Argamani and the Nova Festival massacre as it was happening, asking Hamas to film their slaughter horizontally and calling victims "hipsters" as the massacre was actually happening
4) called for the murder and expulsion of half the world's jews from the Levant, labeling them all colonizers despite us being indigenous... which is ironic because they certainly don't seem eager to move their own ass and go back to wherever they came from (looking at you Americans, Canadians, Australians - shut the fuck up you hypocritical bitches)
5) attacked, and harassed, and bullied, and even murdered jews all over the world since the 7th. Jewish students were told to hide in the attic from an angry mob, have been unable to walk to class without verbal or physical attacks, have been unable to mourn the biggest massacre of jews since the Holocaust, have had posters of the kidnapped jews that they put up torn down, have had all their attempts at talks about antisemitism and peace derailed and have even been unable to wear their magen david without harassment. Jewish business have been targeted and defaced. And Paul Kessler and Samantha Woll were murdered. Murdered!
6) refused to listen to jews about antisemitism and have eagerly repeated antisemitic conspiracy theories as old as the middle ages like the gullible bigoted little idiots that they are: Jews control the media by distracting Americans from Gaza by using Spotify Wrapped, the Superbowl, and making a Stop Jewish Hate ad (wow do I 'love' it when Americans make fun of their own intelligence by admitting that they're so easily distracted). Jews poison wells - they poison Palestinian land. Jews steal Christian kids and drink their blood - Jews kidnap blond Palestinian children and steal organs from Palestinian corpses. Jews love killing and are bloodthirsty monsters - Jews intentionally target civilians, have killed 0 terrorists whatsoever, and are rubbing their hands in glee watching mass starvation unfold. Oh, and they also do all this on Ramadan because they're evil like that. Beyond that we also have had: Jewish doctors are not to be trusted - straight out Stalin's doctor's plot. And Zionists are racists - straight out of Imperial Russia's Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Wow, congrats on quoting Imperial Russia and the leader of the Soviet Union, fuckers. Though frankly you don't seem embarrassed about that considering your genocidal intifada posters display the hammer and sickle, do you?
7) have ignored literally everything Hamas has done. From the rape and brutal murders and kidnapping (videos of which they published themselves!). To the tunnels. To the theft of aid. To the execution of civilians following humanitarian corridors to safe zones. To using hospitals to hide weaponry, terrorists and hostages. To forcefully keeping civilians in said hospitals even as they try to evacuate, using them as human shields. To shooting at civilians who try to get some aid before it's stolen. To sending 4 yo children to Israeli soldier camps to assess their preparedness. To keeping weapons beneath a child's bed. To enlisting child soldiers. To programming children with Mein Kampf. To launching rockets from next to kindergartens and across the street from a building belonging to the joke we call the UN. To breaking the November ceasefire 15 minutes in because even an hour without killing jews was too difficult for them to accomplish. To separating families despite the hostage deal being that families will not be separated. To branding the Jewish boys they took hostage (sound familiar to you yet?). To forcing child hostages to watch their October 7 videos and threatening to shoot them if they cry. To raping female hostages. To depriving elderly and chronically ill hostages of life saving medicine. To forcibly converting female hostages. To not releasing the Bibas family despite the deal being that all children be returned. To executing hostages and then lying they died in air strikes despite the cause of death being a bullet. To creating sick games where they publish photos of hostages and dare psychopaths on the internet to guess which are dead and which alive. The list goes on and on and on and you lot stick your fingers in your ears every single time and go "lalala not listening".
8) Have supported the Houthis who literally have "a curse upon the jews" in their slogan
9) Have supported Bin Laden
10) Have supported Iran by supporting its proxy - Hamas.
11) Have shamed Ukrainians for trying to remind them that Russia is still attacking them, and told them that they should support Palestine when... Hamas and the Houthis have literally visited Moscow and Iran are Russia's allies. Good job, guys. Good job.
12) Have done everything to exaggerate what's happening, twist the facts and demonize Israel, all the while portraying it as "criticism". A war is suddenly not bad enough on its own - it has to be a genocide to get people to care. Displacement caused by a war is not bad enough - it has to be ethnic cleansing. Israel is suddenly a fascist Nazi state... despite being democratic and Jewish (where have all the people who laughed at Putin for calling Zelensky a nazi despite Zelensky being a jew gone? I wonder). The war in Gaza has to be the worst conflict on Earth, despite there being ongoing genocides in Sudan and China and the goddamn invasion of Ukraine.
And before any of you antisemitic goyim start furiously typing that it is a genocide and I'm a genocide apologist, please do keep in mind that jews know more about genocide than you ever will. And being a Russian jew I will know more about fascism than you ever will. So do us all a favor, shut up and listen to people more educated on the matter than you.
13) Have tried to define Zionism and Judaism and Jewish history to jews. Thanks for the goysplaining, I guess
14) Have mocked released hostages and their testimonies. Falsely claimed that they were not mistreated and actually written fanfics of them falling in love with the terrorists who murdered their families and kidnapped them
15) Have defaced the statue of Amy Winehouse
16) Have made lists of jews. Oh, sorry, "zionists"
17) Have devolved into race science
And to conclude my post, here are just a few photos of the shit goyim have done since october:
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK Radio Stationhead 1 October 2023
And a little more as well...
cr./and huge thanks to the translation accounts I used in this post.
I think this was the most interesting Stationhead we've had so far with JK. JK was chatty, informative (well, to an extent), I would maybe even say combative? Maybe that's a little too strong a term to use, but I do think he came to show that he is unbothered by the shitstorm going on and clap back just a little bit. And he knows about that shitstorm, make no mistake.
I see Jikookers falling for this hateful campaign against JK. Not only are they perpetuating it, but they are also adding to it, embellishing it, and spreading it.
By now JK has had several girlfriends named, he's a baby daddy (she was pregnant in Feb, so...), he's going on double dates with his mate Tae, trucking (censorship issues had me change that - you know exactly what it's meant to be) her with the windows and curtains open for all to see (after telling us he's aware he's being followed around including home). All this he managed to get done before he sat down and did hours on end of JM dedicated lives, calling him his fan, flirting with him online while in bed for all of us to see, and going on a 4 day private trip with him.
A very wise blogger once said: (@ourwinterspring, hope you don't mind me quoting your wise words):
Rumors are created by haters accepted by fools and spread by idiots
That. Just that!!!
People that called themselves Jikook supporters (I'm not talking about shippers, they are in this for their own self gratification, while supporters are supposed to be looking out for JM and JK and supporting them both individually and their relationship, which btw is still considered tabooed in their own country), they are rushing to conclusions, and aiding in the spread of these lies.
K-army laughed them off.
Chinese army are fighting them off.
And I army are just spreading them like wildfire.
Why this long winded introduction?
Because Jikook are in an impossible position really. They are a closeted queer couple in a country and industry that would not accept their relationship if it would become publicly known. As long as the door is open for deniability they are ok. Taking that step through that door and out of the closet, that is one hell of a step with many consequences, to them and to those who surround them.
JK is about to release his 1st solo album, and he's in the midst of trying to infiltrate the American and Western music market. To do so they are selling a very certain image, and being queer is not part of it.
They are also both before enlistment to the military.
Them going: "hey bitches, the stories are untrue, we're in a long term loving relationship", is not a realistic expectation. And no matter what JK would say otherwise, the rumours they are just gonna keep coming, cause this train, this coordinated smear attack, it's not finished. And if and when that would be done, we'd be back to Yubi and Rose and Lisa (oh, oops, she's with Freddie), and Miju. Ehm, she's married. But wait, since when has that stopped anyone, eh? It didn't stop the Nicole stories, which, btw, are still rampant, including among some Jikookers (?) - what the actual truck is wrong with people???
So, no Jikook announcement.
A company one? Kind of feel that one won't come either. Again, JK 3D promotions and upcoming album in mind. Not to mention, and this my friends is me being super cynical right now, other than the harassment claims, the company doesn't have a problem with these rumours, given it solidifies his bad boy, truckboy, heterosexual image they are selling right now. There, I said it.
But Jikook, JM and JK, they aren't happy with this. They can't be happy with this. As much as this image is a price to pay, on the way JK is sending us constant hints that it ain't all that you see. That he's a complex being. That he might appear one way in 3D, but another in Seven and another in his CK and Vogue photoshoots (the latter with him being the artistic designer and bringing along some outfits and/or accessories that he wanted himself), not to mention someone else all together in his long lives with us. He tells us this is him. Who we see. But those that only see that image in 3D are just not looking at the full picture he's painting.
This is him:
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But also this:
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And this:
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And this:
And this:
And this:
They are all pieces of the puzzle that is one Mr. Jeon Jungkook. And I'm sure there are pieces we have yet to see.
It's funny that JK is singing 3D (basically having phone sex and wishing for more) but at the same time he's telling us "this is me in 3D". Not one dimensional. A complex grown up human being.
Btw, I kind of feel like I need to link this post again, seeing that so many are still thinking that having muscles, tattoos and piercings makes you heterosexual or at least bi. Cause, I mean, you must be sexually attracted to women if you are super masculine, and get tattoos or pierce your body, right?
Oh boy, this is a long one. I haven't even started with Stationhead, lol.
So, JK is trying to show us he's a complex human being. This is him. Not one MV or song he chose to sing. The full picture. The shoots he chooses, the concepts for his songs (do I have to remind of his Seven concept shoot?), his lives, what he shared with us (as in past tense cause Idk how much more he will with everything that's going on).
And in the midst of this, knowing you are in a committed relationship, having your integrity, your good name smeared, being with the person you love and knowing that the world not only doesn't see how dear you are to each other but also thinks you're being sexually intimate with multiple others. Not to mention, having to deal at this young age with the knowledge that there are people out there that hate you enough to want to hurt you on such a level, to ruin your good name, your career. It can be paralyzing. And they put on a brave face. JK says he knows people hate him and good for them, he'll continue to live his life. But it's hard, it's hurtful, and these two, they are the kindest sweetest people out there, they don't deserve this.
OMG, when will I finally get to the point?
I think about now would be a good time.
So, no speaking up. No announcement. But at the same time they don't want to just sit there and take it.
Phew, here we go?
JK came today, 1st October (or more so 1st Jimtober) to Stationhead after his 3D dance practice video landed (same day).
And by some strange coincidence (no coincidence at all), JM released his second #ThisisJimin dance clip to Dominic Fike's Phone Numbers with these lyrics, coincidentally:
Woah, Kenny! Why you not here with me? Can you break bread with me? Why you switch phone numbers like clothes? Why you can't answer me? (Yeah) 'Cause I got more coming
(Not a love song)
Using a prop. Wait for it...
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Oh, and the outfits that happen to be kind of similar and sticking to the black and white.
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I feel like I'm repeating myself here, but you know, sometimes you need to in order to hammer the message in.
And JK, well he also posted a selfie on Weverse (while on Stationhead).
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1st Jimtober with his fave Jack Skellington.
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So yeah. The little things. Those little codes that say "we are here, we are ok, all is well, this will definitely not break us."
Yes. I get all of that from those little things, lol.
But, it didn't end with that.
And here we are.
Finally at the precipice.
Well, not precipice per say. That's being a little dramatic. But I am finally going to get to JK on Stationhead, as in what we got from him during the show.
I guess with this long introduction I should start with the Jikook related, right?
Let's start with JK repeating the endearment JM used in his IG post for 3D.
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And then JK basically confirmed that he and JM were together when drawing the cloud whale drawing JM shared with us on IG telling us JK drew it.
Making sure we know that they drew the whale together.
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You don't have to understand Korean to hear the amusement in his voice. We don't know when this was taken (CT or perhaps more recently... although my initial thought was CT I'm kind of leaning to it being more recent, like very recent), but we know they were together. We thought so and now JK confirmed it.
Enjoyed confirming it.
He also brought up JM's birthday being this month. Yes, he could be reacting to comments, but we've discussed this multiple times in the past. You know. Choices. And in this case, his choice which ones to answer, right?
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Once again, it's all in the way it's all being said. The "I know something you don't" tone of voice. The "a-ha, yeah, Uhah" while supposedly looking up if he's doing something on the day. The "I'm going to be busy...I see I have a schedule..?" ending with a question mark? As in "do I really?" Lol.
The way he was talking, the man has something planned. I really don't want to have any expectations here. But man, he's making it hard for me not to have them. Lmao.
And another JM related comment he chooses to answer:
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This time you don't get the sassiness or teasing in his voice like we did with the JM birthday answer. Idk why they aren't doing each other's challenges. It's for them to know. We know JK was showing/teaching JM Seven moves. We know that JK knew SMF pt. 2 moves. I guess it's something they just decided between them. Or perhaps schedules didn't and aren't aligning. Who knows. And who knows, we might just get a surprise. Next phone song JM does could be 3D, lol.
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Ok, so he saw his parents. He goes on to also talk about his mother's cooking (oh, that man is so in trouble with his mom calling her cooking bland, lmao). Kind of gathering from it all that JK was in Busan for the holiday. Could that photo JM shared, you know, the one JK made sure we know they both drew the whale on, have been taken when they were both down in Busan for the holiday? I wonder...
This here is, I feel, JK clapping back a little at the haters. But also telling us, once again, that he's an adult and does adult things. Knows how to work hard when needed, and when to "play hard", as in relax and have a good time, when allowed.
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This one isn't about Jikook (well in a sense maybe it is, as it's about shooting down TKKs hopes and prayers, lol). JK clarifying Tae's story about him recording a song at JK's place and JK directing him.
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So, no pre-planning, JK's reply "and I was like "suddenly"? And also letting us know Tae didn't record the final at his place. Burn, lol. Also answers (again - like in the Inkigayo live) a question about karaoke with Tae. More or less same answer. More or less "that's a no"?
And this I already shared with you guys:
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This is basically JK. Again, when he says I'm showing you my true self. It's not the image of the hunky guy with the sexy expressions doing that sexy choreography with the female dancers hands on him. Well not only. It's the shy introvert that feels awkward when these women are touching him. And just to be clear here. This isn't me saying anything about his sexuality. But it's definitley me saying he is not this careless truckboy people are so badly wanting him to be. Being an adult and having sex (let's call it rex from now on), a lot of it, enjoying it, doesn't make it the core of who you are as a person, doesn't mean you are having rex with multiple people for the only pursual of physical gratification nor does it mean that the rex you are having is necessarily with a female even if you are singing a song saying girl in it, to which the lyrics were not written by yourself. JK also sang a song about having rex 7 days a week, but with that one person, in his words, wanting to be all the time with "the love of my life". See, that was a little slip of the tongue by him, lol. But very revealing. Thank you ever so much for that one JK.
Do you understand the difference here?
One being lyrics to a song he's performing, him being a singer. Lyrics he didn't write himself.
The other is his explanation, his take on the meaning of the song he is singing (also not written by him). Inserting that little very personal touch.
Do we get it? JK isn't the lyrics, the lyrics aren't JK.
Oh, and by the by, JK's lyrics aren't referencing multiple partners. If we are being all about "but he's singing it, so it must be who he is". The multiple partners, the truckboy image, that's Jack Harlow's bit. JK is still talking to one person.
But again, I stress, the song doesn't represent JK as a person or his character. And those that are making that leap are simply...
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Moving on.
JK's asked which he prefers more? 7 or 3D. Very diplomatically makes sure we know that at the time he liked Seven and now it's leaning more towards 3D. Well duh, this is him promoting it. Then he combines the two to 7D.
"What's your favourite part of 3D?" Him asking the listeners.
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JK talked about eating chicken, being busy practicing all the time (I am curious to know what for), finishing up and going home to workout, shower and sleep.
He also talked about GCF and his appreciation for Army.
Asked about music or variety show, and the answer is probably not, it's hard for him (this is where the shy introvert part of him wins, I guess). It's easier to be alone on a stage in front of thousands performing than have to interact one on one with people that you aren't as familiar or comfortable with. On stage you go after much practice. Small talk and interviews and socializing means having to be focused (neuro divergent prince here) and it's so so hard for a shy introvert to deal with. Key word ALONE.
Although he's asked about further plans he's adamant not to give spoilers (well, more so afraid he'll be told off by the company, lol).
He misses the old days I guess. Of Kakao Fancafe. The intimacy of it. The safety of it perhaps.
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He also wants to cook for army.
I feel like him telling us he is pulling back on the lives, allowing for the mystery, well he's also missing those lives. He needs that connection with his fans. Maybe even more so with this path he's going down, disconnecting from the idol and becoming the mega star. He needs that emotional connection with his fans. But at the same time, a more intimate setting, where he can really connect with them, is something he prefers.
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And again, the connection with Army.
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About the members:
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F u c k , this is getting way too long. I can't talk about it all. I will add a couple more things and leave it at that. My apologies.
So, this is another clap back from JK:
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Oh, and this was curious.
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Ooh, one last thing.
He finally tells us where he got the scar on his shoulder from. Well, not too glamorous, lol. He slipped and fell while running in the car park shooting the CK ad. Hurt his finger as well, but that has healed already by now.
JK ending with:
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Funny how the little things just added up. All very little perhaps inconsequential actions as of themselves, but add them together and you get a message.
One you will see if only you wish to.
Oh, and end comment. This is utterly disgusting and childish and I'm at a total loss for words here.
We have 2 more of these coming, if I'm not mistaken. Will be interesting to see what we get next.
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i’ll explain papaya rules for you!!
okay so after oscar’s over take (and im pretty sure after mclaren’s first pit stop) lando’s race engineer comes on the radio and says
“you are allowed to race oscar, papayas rules”
so everyone was kinda confused because no one knows what said “papaya rules” are. so anyway after the race during the press conference, lando gets asked what papaya rules are and if he thought oscar’s overtake fit into those rules. lando basically said that the papaya rules are that they are free to race, but do not make contact. lando thought oscar’s overtake did fit into the rules but could’ve ended badly if he had braked later. zak brown was also asked about it after the race about what papaya rules meant and basically said the same thing that lando said!! but he said they would have to rewatch oscar’s overtake to make sure it applied by the “papaya rules”.
but then everyone (mostly lando fans) started getting mad at oscar and mclaren for allowing oscar to overtake and for them to race. they think that they should’ve swapped the cars on the last lap to allow lando to close the gap to max in the drivers championship a little more.
another thing, in the post-race press conference lando got asked if he needed help to win the championship and he said that he did have help and that his teammate was indeed helping him. he also said that he didn’t want to win the championship by begging for track position over his teammate. he said it was something the team would have to implement race by race. and oscar had nothing to add to that.
i hope this explained it and i probably added wayyyy to much details!! but it’s very interesting to me as a die hard oscar fan, to see everyone hating on him for racing and not giving the position to lando, even though the team said nothing about giving it up. but ill let you have your own opinion on the situation <3
Anon you’re and actual angel. Like genuinely you deserve a star here ⭐️
This topic now intrigues me more as a lifetime Lando fan and a new Oscar fan. Honestly I think, always thought tbh, that whenever Zak says that there is no number 1 driver, he’s just lying bc it’s Lando, we all know it’s Lando guys.
On that note, I think this Papaya Rules stuff is not very healthy for the future. Like how is this gonna work in a few months when the inevitable is going to happen and Lando is 3 points from the championship and Oscar is only p3. Who are “Papaya Rules” gonna help out at that point?
I get it, racing each other can be dangerous especially considering Lando’s lead. But making a petty kitty papaya rules is not the way guys. I get McLaren is trying to be the new hip team.. (i.e holister merch and like every pr thing ever (I could be wrong but McLaren feels like it like started this wave of F1 merch in American malls bc when F1 merch started rolling out it was all McLaren merch.) (sorry for all the () but on all that McLaren merch, when a driver is put on it it’s ALWAYS Lando. I own Hollister McLaren merch, it’s all Lando. And for the New RB merch at Hollister, it’s all obviously Max bc he’s the number 1 driver. So yeah sry for the Tangent)
.. but I think treating the boys like Kindergarteners with papaya rules is not it. There is a better way guys. I’m like 79.678% sure they aren’t gonna be the next Maxiel Baku 2018.
But I’m an idiot so I’m probably vry wrong. THANK YOU ANON FOR THE EXPLANATION I WAS ACTUALLY SO CONFUSED AND SO WAS MY DAD (another big Lando fan lol)
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mariacallous · 4 months
Russian state-controlled media apparatus closely followed legal troubles of the former U.S. President Donald J. Trump, spicing up most of their coverage with pro-Trump clips from Fox News and Tucker Carlson. Russian propagandists were openly hoping for a hung jury and were visibly disappointed when Trump became a convicted felon on all 34 charges he was facing.
On Friday morning, Dmitry Kulikov, host of Solovyov Live, the self-described “most patriotic channel” in Russia, said on-air, “They wronged our Donald Trump!” Malek Dudakov, a political scientist who specializes in America, said that the hope for a miracle—meaning a hung jury—was extinguished. He said, with Russia’s affectionate middle name usage, “The miracle did not happen. Our Donald Fredovych was found guilty on all 34 counts.” For that, Dudakov blamed the judge and the jury and baselessly claimed that all of them were prejudiced against Trump. “Now, he is a felon,” he surmised, while also noting that the former president’s incarceration as a result of this conviction is unlikely.
Dudakov expressed hope that despite his legal troubles, Trump would still win in the upcoming presidential election. Kulikov and Dudakov jointly echoed Tucker Carlson’s assertions that their preferred candidate will prevail, “unless desperately panicked Democrats will organize an assassination of Donald Fredovych.” They expressed hope that Biden—not Trump—would die before the elections.
Similar reaction reverberated across Russian media outlets. Appearing on a state TV show 60 Minutes Friday morning, State Duma member Aleksei Zhuravlyov opted to discuss Trump’s conviction before addressing other bad news Russia is facing, with Western governments broadly signing off on Ukraine’s right to defend itself by striking Russia on its own turf. Zhuravlyov said he would address this “escalation” later and started with his rant against America for turning Trump into a felon.
Mischaracterizing the prosecution by describing it as “a lawsuit brought by Stormy Daniels,” host Olga Skabeeva chimed in and described Trump as “a former and potentially future U.S. president.” She surmised that the situation is too ridiculous for words and keeps escalating on every front. Skabeeva complained that earlier predictions of a hung jury did not come true, bitterly adding in perfect English, “Shit happens.”
Zhuravlyov angrily asserted, “There are idiots in every country, but this is the only instance where idiots have their own country. This is something new in history.” The state lawmaker complained that in supporting Ukraine’s right to defend itself by striking Russia’s territory, Americans are not even afraid of the retaliatory nuclear strikes by Russia. Skabeeva scornfully added, “Our universally beloved Donald Trump thinks they can sit it out across the pond.”
Even Trump’s alleged suggestion that he would have bombed Moscow in response to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine and attack Beijing if China invaded Taiwan on his watch was not enough to dampen the support for the former U.S. president by his Russian cheerleaders. Describing Trump as Russia’s “useful idiot,” state TV propagandists repeatedly insisted that he remains Moscow’s preferred candidate.
Appearing on 60 Minutes, State Duma member Oleg Matveychev said that unless Trump’s conviction leads to civil war, America should be officially considered “a fascist country.” The same hope was expressed one night earlier by state TV host Vladimir Solovyov, who urged Republicans and Democrats to take up arms and violently confront each other. Solovyov also volunteered to host the upcoming debate between Trump and U.S. President Joe Biden.
During Thursday’s broadcast of 60 Minutes, Dmitry Abzalov, Director of the Center for Strategic Communications, explained that Trump’s potential re-election would benefit Russia and assured the viewers that the former American president didn’t mean it when he said he would bomb Moscow. Abzalov predicted that if Trump returns to the Oval Office, he would treat China—not Russia—as America’s main enemy. Skabeeva surmised, “The Chinese are hoping that Americans will fight the Russians and want Biden to remain in power. We are secretly hoping that Americans will start to fight China and want Trump to come to power, because he is more predisposed to confront Beijing.”
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
Adding onto what prince-of-the-moths wrote about Central Asia and how heritage is treated there. In many places around the world, if you travel while looking somewhat ethnically ambiguous, people will try, sometimes jokingly and sometimes very seriously, to claim you as their own. It's not that deep.
This regularly happened to my father. He traveled a lot, and depending on season and his sun exposure, he would go from what Americans now call "spicy white" (ew) to fully brown. He got welcomed as "one of us" everywhere from Italy to China. Back home in Russia he was considered "black."
I have no idea what to label myself. The Russian empire and later USSR absorbed a shit ton of ethnicities back when. People who look like us regularly face physical violence, including from cops. We also get told to go home, wherever that's supposed to be. Because I'm a woman (-ish), I've "only" had the n-word thrown at me and idiots trying to touch my African-looking hair. But I also have pretty much white skin. I would be "spicy white" in the U.S., and the internet is basically so U.S.-centric it might as well be the U.S. So, was it racism I faced, or was it xenophobia? Do tumblr SJWs think it mattered to teenage me? Do I get the saintly victim card or the evil oppressor card?
Oh, evil oppressor for sure. I'm sure you have at least one ship they don't like.
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yama-uba · 9 days
At my current age, I know 3 things about myself for sure: I can't dwell on anything (especially before bed), I can't have plums and beets, and I never follow the first two prohibitions. Because of the abundance of thoughts about Paralives, last night I dreamed that I was an intern at PS.
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The first thing I remember is that I was introduced to the development team, an analyst, and a tester. And then the team leader asked how I did my "homework" on getting to know the project. I said that I was interested in the fact that they decided to make a mechanic where individual light bulbs in lighting fixtures can burn out and parafolk can buy a separate, suitable light bulb for some objects and screw it in. ATTENTION: I doubt that this will be implemented in the game - it was only part of my dream. And then I asked, if we deepen the home gameplay towards realistic household chores, then can we find out how the mechanism of breakdown and the mechanism of clogging of plumbing is implemented, including sinks/baths/washing machines/boilers, and not just toilets, because a clog is not just a leaky flush tank.
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There was an awkward pause and I continued asking questions in an attempt to ease the tension. "Will the game implement a system of water pipes and drainage, which would limit the placement of plumbing?", "Will we create an electrical circuit for the house, where all energy consumers should be taken into account, including sockets and light switches?", "What kind of heating will be preferable in the land of parafolk: radiators, convectors, air conditioners or a warm sweat system?", "Will sources of cold and heat in the house be taken into account, such as tiled floors, doors to the street and a chimney of a fireplace on the upper floors?", "What is the maximum length of a floor in the game and will it be possible to create a panel, frame, brick, monolithic reinforced concrete house and a house-hybrid of construction technologies?" I also asked a bunch of questions that I have already forgotten.
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Everyone was looking at me. And then my boss said, "You know, we haven't even thought about this until now. Your first task is to formulate a concept and create a prototype for our focus group and testing of this idea this week." I was very surprised by this deadline. Considering that 1 of these 5 days was already coming to an end, I was assured that this time was more than enough and, as soon as I got the hang of the project, I would be able to do all this in 24 hours.
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Then there was a typical "strange work day" in a dream, where it turned out that the junior programmer assigned to me to help with the implementation turned out to be a goose. I mean, he was not anthropomorphic, but a real live, white goose (and, if you look at it from another point of view, he was a really talented programmer, capable of writing code according to my idiotic technical task). As is customary in any dreams, the only thing that confused me was that his name was Steve (this name is associated with very difficult to communicate with people, like Jobs and cases from my experience, but Steve-goose was not only a competent employee, but also a pleasant person).
Somewhere on the 4th day of my work and hard crunch on studying the sewerage system of an American private house together with a goose, I began to sleep right at the meeting. My boss noticed this and asked me if I thought our parafolk personality profile system, which was a complete homage to the Sims 2 character system, was boring. I said that the OCEAN system was good, of course, but I would add to these 5 traits the missing traits from the HEXACO system (and added some other traits that I came up with at that moment, which brought their number to 9), and also returned the Yunk typology, but would make it not a "zodiac sign", but a lifestyle, and also added that very "passion for some activity" from the Hobbies DLC. At that moment, I forgot about fetishes and taboos (as always in a dream).
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The team leader loved the idea, but everyone else sighed heavily. He crossed out all his old notes on the wall and started drawing everything again. Steve, sitting next to me at the daily, stretched out his long neck and whispered that this person was both the project's best hope for getting out of beta and the local Elon Musk. So I had to be extremely careful with my "bouts of creativity."
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The boss saw this and asked what was missing in my character system for the base game. I said that the fear system from Sims 2 needs to be developed into a full-fledged mechanic. Like there are fears (rational fear of something), and there are phobias (irrational fear). And we could get a lot of interesting multi-layered systems with intrapersonal conflicts of parafolk, like real people. For example, a person who dreams of becoming a superstar (because his mother wanted him to), but is afraid of the stage. And that this would give more replayability with a small amount of starting content for stories: a phobia could arise during the game due to the player's actions, due to being in society with parafolk with this phobia, be hidden from the player (the character knows about his fear), hidden from both the player and the character (latency period). I was asked to list the options:
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Thalassophobia - (homage to Sims 2);
Cynophobia (dogs);
Nyctophobia (darkness);
Acrophobia (heights);
Verminophobia (bacteria)
Claustrophobia and Agarophobia (closed and open spaces);
I named half a dozen more phobias that I could remember, including trypophobia. And then I came up with the concept that we need to make a family of pre-mades, where the only toddler will have absolutely all the realized phobias, which will constantly exhaust his parents, but at the same time this same child will heroically save his family, neighbors and acquaintances from dangers and be a "reinsurer hen". This impressed everyone. Especially my boss. … He said that I have 3 days to give them a finished sample so that they can decide whether to do it. I said that I can't. To which the boss assured me that it's okay, because I can do it on the weekend. Steve, who had previously been kind to me, said that he could only help with the mechanics of the house, and this task was beyond his strength.
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It seems that this is where my career in game development ended, because I don't remember much after that. But I do remember that I woke up thinking, "I slept through my alarm! Steve now has to defend me in front of everyone else! We'll get fired! We don't have time for anything!" Maybe it's for the best that I didn't pursue a career in the game industry - this world already has enough Peter Molyneux.
I wonder if Steve was able to get promoted to middle programmer after such a quest…
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Another Character sheet, this time for Wolf's alternate counterpart.
I guess I should make a content warning for some mild mentions of racism/discrimination, human experimentation, and child abuse/spousal abuse.
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*Name: Kevin Rome was named by his mother because she refused to let his father have any say in anything after he was born.
*Nicknames: Called Bone in Wolf form, called Kev for short.
*Race/Species: So here's where it gets a bit odd...Kevin doesn't actually know he's Russian-American. On the post-apocalyptic Earth of the 5a universe, Slavic/former Soviet Union ethnicities are treated with racist hatred because of their association with the empire that essentially destroyed the world. Kevin's parents are still from Russia, but they hid this information upon arrival in the US and disguised themselves as German-Americans. Aside from that situation, his story of how he got the Wolf form is the same as Roman's--he was diagnosed with a genetic muscle wasting disease, and he overwrote his human DNA with wolf DNA, becoming what he is now.
*Age: 30, as he was born in 1993 in the US and it's 2024.
*Gender: Male, identifies as such.
*Alignment: Neutral Evil, as he has extremely loose morals and believes that nothing should impede the path of science. He developed a horrible habit of experimenting on fellow bunker dwellers without their knowledge, by adding things to their food or drink, or pricking them with a needle when they aren't paying attention.
*Class/Job: He was eventually busted by the Bunker's security and was exiled, technically making him an illegal scientist. He continued his shady work in the nearby Anarchy City, a bombed-out Pittsburgh home to Rejects, people rejected from the bunkers for various (and sometimes idiotic) reasons. I should've added that he's also a dual Mayor with Fang of Anarchy City, after they worked together to clear it out of rival gangs.
*Perception: Being a paranoid being, he's constantly on the lookout for trouble.
*Communication: A nervous wreck who stumbles over his words in most situations.
*Persuasion: Same issue as above, hard to buy what he's saying when he's sweating bullets talking to you.
*Mediation:...Yet decent at getting people to not argue and reach an agreement with each other.
*Literacy: Growing up in an abusive household where his shrew of a mother prevented him from talking to other children and considered his high intelligence to be a curse, and his father unable to put a stop to it, Kevin relied on books growing up...well, what little of books survived the raging fires of the nuclear exchange. When he ran away from home to work in the nearby bunker at the age of 16, he gained access to a significant amount of information that survived the destruction, becoming the well read man he is now.
*Creativity: And his creativity bloomed as a result, coming up with unique ways to deal with almost any situation.
*Cooking: His mother taught him to cook so she didn't have to anymore. So he's knowledgeable of a few recipes, and prefers to cook his meat rather than eat it raw like Roman.
*Tech Savvy: His father did teach him how to repair machines and salvage for scraps in the nearby ruins of towns, so he's knowledgeable in getting even the most broken of machines working again.
*Combat: Kevin never received the martial arts training that Roman did, and was simply given a gun to protect himself from the mutant animals and roving bandits. In Wolf fork, he's a lot stronger though.
*Survival: He knows the same basic survival skills as the others in his world.
*Stealth: Same issues with Roman, very tall both in human and in wolf form, very clunky.
*Street Smarts: He's familiar with wasteland lingo and has developed a fear of anything unusual or new, making him decently adapted in the chaotic nuke world.
*Seduction: LMAO no.
*Luck: Has no better or worse luck than most people, but he does fall on his face a lot when attempting something risky.
*Handling animals: Animals hate his wolf form. They're otherwise neutral to his human side.
*Pacifying children: He's learned from the failed parenting of his mother and can empathize with children really well.
*Strength: Weak as a human, strong as a wolf, but rarely gets exercise so he's not as strong as Roman.
*Dexterity: Clunky paws make it hard to manipulate things like he can in his human form. I probably should've put it at 3 instead of 2.
*Health: Weak as human, better as wolf.
*Energy: He finds himself having to sleep more after doing anything strenuous.
*Beauty: With his bad hygiene and lack of good self care, he's not considered as handsome as Roman, regardless of his current form.
*Style: Always wearing the dirty lab coat.
*Hygiene: Suffers from the same issue as Roman, with having human lymph nodes under his wolf fur, so he can develop a furious smell. Sadly, he doesn't have good self-care habits, so he's sometimes gnarly to be around.
*Intelligence: As with Roman, his brain mutated exponentially after birth, which his parents regarded as a strange and scary curse. Not wanting to get attention lest it expose the family as being from the Soviet Union, they forced him to withhold his talents from the world. His father was a bit more understanding however, and secretly loaned him books that he could get a hold of.
*Happiness: Living in a deathworld is bad enough, but growing up with a horrible mother who diminished his self-worth and contributed to his anxiety disorder really did numbers on his overall happiness. Like Fang, his role in helping clean up Anarchy City and control it has also led to him developing paranoia.
*Spirituality: Raised Christian by mostly his father, Kevin has relied on his belief in God to pull him through the tough times growing up. However, that hasn't stopped him from developing a twisted set of morals that allow him to see himself as a good Christian while doing very un-Christ-like behavior like experimenting on his fellow man.
*Confidence: Crippling anxiety, childhood abuse, and a pessimistic outlook has knocked his confidence into the toilet.
*Humor: Relies on either self-deprecating humor or insulting someone else.
*Anxiety: As stated before, has an anxiety disorder that is relatively untreated and exacerbated by the volatile world around him.
*Patience: Decently patient in most situations, but will get easily annoyed in others.
*Passion: His drive for knowledge and science have driven him to a dark path. But as time goes on, he's starting to doubt his life choices.
*Charisma: Lol.
*Empathy: While he can cruelly look down on people he feels superior to for whatever reason, there are times when he does have a sudden stroke of empathy towards a particularly sad situation.
*Generosity: Believes that communities can be stronger when they are generous, but doesn't practice this often.
*Wealth: Controlling Anarchy City has led to them being de facto wealthy.
*Aggression: Rarely aggressive himself, Kevin is more of a coward at heart.
*Libido: Aro-ace and having a very weak libido doesn't mix.
I'll add more later, and I'll repost this when I do.
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themichigami · 1 month
Annoying Spoilers from people and thoughts on Gambit (aka Chanbit)
I've waited long enough, so here we go. Sooo, one of my friends calls me their resident hillbilly translator, any time someone has an american accent usually southern they can't figure out they send me a link and ask me to translate. TWO DAYS before the new deadpool movie is out in theaters here, they message me with a link to a thing all desperately "Miche, Miche, what is he saying?!?" and stupidly i clicked it not knowing... and THIS WAS HOW I FOUND OUT ABOUT GAMBIT BEFORE I WENT TO SEE THE MOVIE!
Let me tell you, i have never been more in a state between utter rage and screeching glee and yet both at the same time in my life. The things they heard from me about it before being put on the "we're not speaking til i'm less mad at you" list have not left a miche's mouth in a long time. And yes, i could translate for em, but did i? no.
Did i secretly rewatch that clip to death til it got removed from twitter before going to the movie myself? mayyyyybe.
First off, I do not find Channing Tatum attractive, he looks like my dad, no really. If you find him attractive, good for you, you probably have the same taste in guys as my mom, which is awesome for you but not my thing. That said, i giggled like an idiot with a giant grin every time even in the theater because he actually managed to finally live his dream and get in the costume after a couple decades of trying, and do a decent job of it onscreen.
Also, yes, I'm annoyed about the eyes. Everything else, good, the eyes, minus fifty points, maybe more. Didn't even need full sclerals just some red lenses, full scleral contacts i'd forgive em not using because I've known enough cosplayers who have trouble with em after long hours, just... they used the Diable Blanc nickname but didn't give him his eyes which was the reason he had the nickname. adding the teeny tiny glow to em using the powers, okay you tried but no star sticker.
The accent, having known a couple people from down that way over the years, yeah not bad that's a damn hard accent to do and it varies all over the place so no one accent covers, could be worse. People are so used to the cartoon version's deliberately fake so that it's easier to understand accent that any attempt at the real thing which is hard as hell to understand already to other people sounds weird, and they were playing it up to be worse for the joke in the movie.
Also, for those who don't know the ancient lore, at one point during the original 90's cartoon casting, they GOT someone with an actual Cajun accent to read for Gambit in the beginning, then decided kids and casual viewers wouldn't be able to understand it so they had another actor IMITATE a watered-down easier-to-understand version of his accent for a test, and decided to go with that idea instead when they cast the final actor.
Buuut, long post is long, so I'll sum up by saying, he may not be the best but he did decent, and i'm slowly no longer ignoring the friend who was a dumbass and spoiled it for me. Also, no, I am not from the south, but get used as the weird accent translator because i am originally from so far deep in the mountains of Appalachia that i had to have several years of speech classes to get rid of the worst of the hillbilly noises i myself made. I still slip once in a while when tired or distracted, but the "city voice" has been in place for around 25/30 years now. One of my first college roommates actually called me Gambit because of it for a few months before i managed to get them to realize I considered it really rude since i was actively trying to hide my own accent at the time. (might also partially have been the fondness for wearing a brown trench coat and bike gloves for most of the late 90's at fault there too)
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JUL 13, 2024
If the Cretin News Network Baby-Kissing Competition two weeks ago was the bottom of the campaign to date, President Biden conclusively demonstrated with his speech last night in Detroit that the Baby-Kissing Competition was a one-off “bad night.” This speech was the top, the definition of a “barn burner.”
The speech was give at a rally at a high school gymnasium in Detroit. Biden walked on stage to audience chants of “Don’t you quit!”
In the speech, President Biden pitched his plan for the first 100 days of a second term with a Democratic Congress:
Restore Roe v. Wade.
Eliminate medical debt by having the government buy up such debt and cancel it.
Raise the minimum wage.
Protect workers’ right to organize.
Ban assault weapons.
Continue to “keep leading the world” on clean energy and addressing climate change.
Sign into law the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which would end voter suppression, and the Freedom to Vote Act, which would protect voter rights and election systems, as well as end partisan gerrymandering.
Biden reminded the audience that he was the first president to walk a picket line, because “when labor does well, everybody does well.”
“When Trump comes here to tell you how great he is for the auto industry, remember this: when Trump was president we lost 86,000 jobs in unions. I created 275,000 auto jobs in America. In fact, what’s been true in the auto industry is true all over America: since I became president, we created nearly 16 million new jobs nationwide, 390,000 of those jobs right here in Michigan. We’ve created 800,000 manufacturing jobs nationwide, including 24,000 in Michigan.”
Forcefully contrasting his own record with Trump, who he called “a loser,” Biden said, “Donald Trump is the only president in American history, other than Herbert Hoover, who lost more jobs than he had when he came in. That’s why I call him Donald ‘Herbert Hoover’ Trump.”
Biden also brought up Project 2025, the policy plan written by the Heritage Foundation on how to install a right wing dictatorship in the first 180 days Trump is in office.
Pointing out the calls in the document to criminalize the shipment of abortion medication, deny contraceptive coverage, make cuts to Medicare, and eliminate the Department of Education, he went on to say, “Project 2025 is the biggest attack on our system of government and our personal freedom that has ever been proposed to this country. We’ve never seen anything like this. It’s not a joke. It’s time for us to stop treating politics like entertainment and reality TV. Another four years of Donald Trump is deadly serious. Deadly serious.”
He ended with a joke about his age, saying “I know I look 40”, telling the crowd that “with age comes wisdom. I know how to tell the truth, I know right from wrong, and I know I have demonstrated how to do this job.”
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes called the speech “the best performance Biden’s given since the State of the Union”.
What was the response of the “Democratic elites” to the speech?
The New York Times reported that so long as Biden remains the nominee, major donors will put on hold “roughly $90 million in pledged donations”.
Let’s remember that among the Masters of the Universe, aka the “Major Donors” of the Democratic Party are the financial geniuses who keep funding the artistic antics written by, directed by, and starring George Clooney (“The Monuments Men” anyone? How about “Leatherheads”?), master of all those “Nespresso” ads.
Despite the Press Corpse, there was good news for Biden yesterday: polls show him improving since the Atlanta Baby Kissing Competition, and that there was no great loss in support after that - other than among the collection of clucks in Washington who remind us that Mark Twain’s 1873 observation: “Consider a congressman, then consider an idiot. Bah! I repeat myself!” is still true.
The NPR/PBS/Marist poll released Friday shows Biden leads Trump 50%-48% in a head-to-head matchup.
Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, the dean of the Congressional Black caucus, told NBC that Biden “sometimes mangles words and phrases but all of that is almost natural for people who grew up stuttering. He has one of the best minds that I have ever been around … and so I would hope that we would focus on the substance of this man … and how he has run this country.
Asked by the reporter “Is this the same Joe Biden that we saw four years ago?”, Clyburn said: “No! I’m not the same Jim Clyburn that I was four years ago and in ten days I’ll be 84. But I’m a bit wiser than I was before … It’s biblical. When I became a man I put away childish things. Joe Biden has put away childish things because he has become a man. His opponent is still a child.”
Charlie Pierce said of Biden’s press conference on Thursday: “I was wavering. I admit it. But I’m not anymore. That was a president onstage on Thursday. But I’ve watched the dynamic of the past two weeks play out time and again. It chased Bill Clinton for eight years and it chased Al Gore for eight months. Clinton survived, barely, and Gore lost an election to trivia and some really horseshit reporting from the campaign press, which, in combination with the Florida Hijack, gave us the previous Republican Worst President Ever.”
According to The Clinton Rules, which the D.C. Press Corpse has followed ever since the Lewinsky “scandal,” once The Story is birthed, no matter which set of ratfuckers or bad reporters are its midwives, The Story must be kept alive. There will always be another document, another “issue,” another set of questions leading to Clouds and Shadows over the politician in question.
What continues to piss me off is that this time there are dozens of Democratic political geniuses (looking at you, Axelrod and Plouffe) and Masters of the Universe who continue to push their bullshit regardless of what President Biden does, none of whom seem to have any idea what they want beyond forcing the incumbent president off the ticket.
And this morning the 538.com forecast has Biden winning 51 to Trump’s 48.
President Biden's full speech in Detroit
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I'm a relatively new follower so unfortunately I don't know a ton about what to ask that'd work for you, but MAN can I relate to needing to talk or be asked something by someone when you're in that kind of high anxiety state... I'm really really sorry you're experiencing that and I hope it passes soon 🫂🩷🩵
As for a question and invitation to infodump to help, hmm... how about: what's a pokemon design you really like that you could talk a lot about? If that's a question you find interesting of course lol.
Oh honey. You know not what you have wrought. Though I'm going to go with pokemon I dislike instead. There are far too many I adore to talk about.
*pulls up a podium and sets up a display*
So I've been around since the original 151. Back when Pikachu was a tubster.
It was obviously new territory on the gaming scene. It was just a critter collecting and battling game and of course not much thought other than what kids would find cool were put into the designs of the Pokemon.
As the generations continued, people began to try and assign rules to a Pokemon's design. Like what made a pokemon a pokemon. I actually remember a complaint that pulled me away from gen 5 was that the Pokemon designs were terrible and didn't look like pokemon should.
(I have since learned those people were full of shit and I was a fool for skipping gen 5)
While do believe there is probably a set of rules that game freak has to ensure a Pokemon's design coalesces with the rest of the roster, it does feel like there are exceptions.
and I fucking hate them.
I love the majority of pokemon designs. The ones that don't immediately click usually grow on me. But dammit all there are some that I hate with such a flipping passion that I cannot bring myself to even consider catching them and adding the to my party.
Let's get the easy ones out the way.
You heard me. I hate those fuckers. Not only are they so different that it makes my ocd scream, but I overall just hated the idea of them in general. it freaked me out terribly. Something about the idea of pokemon from another dimension being so much more violent than the Pokemon native to the normal pokemon universe suddenly crossing over and running amok bothered me so badly when I was younger. I still hate it to this day and could not tell you why.
(Most if not all ultra beasts were designed by the ONLY American pokemon designer on gamefreaks team. That same artist has been responsible for some of the more disliked designs. Not their fault, The higher ups just seem to have terrible taste.)
Fucking hate this abomination. The design feels so damned lazy. Also looks like something from Chalkzone than Pokemon. I abhor catching this thing. They get my shittiest ball and camps out in my box until I decide to actually evolve it.
AHHHHHHH!!! Oh sweet Arceus I cannot tell you badly my blood boils when I look at this idiotic thing. I did not get the DLC just because I hate this design so badly. It could have been done so much better but no.
It's not that I hate their designs but the idea they represent. The future they foretell feels so dismal. Devoid of life and cold as metal. I actually feel depressed when I look at them. If there were more organic features to them I think I'd like them alot more.
I think I can leave it here. These are the ones that immediately come to mind and thus are the most hated. There are other topics I could crow about but I think this was enough and helped me a lot. Thank you so much for sending this ask.
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ursbearhug · 1 year
Okay, I might be overdramatique because I'm pure tears pal but I have some incomprehensible babble to spew and my tumblr will suffer collateral damage of it.
So hi hello. In the Internet sphear I go by Percy. And if you don't know me, my favourite anime of all times is Kill la Kill.
For some reason, I catch myself rewatching it every now and then. I thought I might be watching it extra critically this time but I got lost in the sauce by the 3rd ad and didn't feel like doing any deeper inspection.
(No joke if that's how americans watch anime no fucking wonder you need power of anime AND gods on your side. In 24 episodes I've watched more ads in minutes than actual episodes, that's fucking insane. Nothing is sacred anymore, I swear)
KlK also marks one of my last anime ever watched. It aired in 2013, I think, and I've seen the OVA (I don't remember a bit of it though) but then somehow in 2014, I've started Akumo no Riddle but got bored by like episode 4 and never picked it, or any other series, again. In me teens I just couldn't justify wasting time watching anime, when I could actively do other stuff I enjoy and that requires more than physical form (aka I do something-anything).
I clearly have a soft spot for it. For some folk it is weird; on one hand I have a... Complicated relationship with nudity. One can say I do not like it very much. But it never crossed my mind that in 24 episodes, 80% of it is spent half naked. I just kind of got the nudity is used for narrative purposes and paid it no mind. For some it's just fan service for all the weebos to beat their meat to the drawing or whatever.
Well, I love the graphical style and prowess of KlK. I think (is the key word here) that klk and attack on titan (the title I use for it does not tranlsate into English and you cannot appreciate the peak of my humour, sadly) are semi close on the time line. And I remembered a lot of people going head over heels for attack's style, but I always liked klk's more. Also music-wise klk blows the attack on nonsense outta the water. Like, they wish they had such a good track in the series. Don't even get me FUCKING started on Garnidelia! A QUEEN.
And I've been crying for 10 minutes over Senketsu's death. Like a bitch. I've seen this ending like 5 times by now and it never fucking fails. Your fave could never 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Also also, not a gospel or anything, so take it with grain of salt but I vaguely remember one day reading that Kill la Kill's title is actually a pun. What some people have noticed not a lot of killing takes place. Kiru ra kiru, as it could be pronounced, would be "to cut" and "to wear", which is quintessentially what the whole series is about. But then again, I'm not sure when, where or how I've read that and I'm also not well acquainted with Japanese (which is a polite way to say I can't read or speak it at all)(unless the meme-y japanglish counts; arigathanks gozaimuch and yamete kudastop and so on and so forth), so yeah. Take it and consider me an idiot making shit up, that's the safer way out lmfao.
Anyway, yeah, I'm a little vulnerable here, crying my eyes out to my pillow. Good night or something?
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 month
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Blah blah blah, deport millions, turn America into a Protestant theocracy, the President can kill anyone he wants for any reason and that's what George Washington secretly always wanted, ban all pornography because it teaches people that sex isn't solely for breeding white babies and can maybe last longer than 30 seconds, same stupid shit these idiots have been saying since the start of this. Even THEY responded to this getting out by saying "our website already proudly admits to all of this," which it does.
The thing is, none of us, including Trump, read their stupid website. So we need the media to highlight this nonsense. And now that it has, even Trump is pissed about it, because all but like 6% of the population hates all of this, hurting his campaign. And he is also a toddler, who hates being given a list of rules to follow, even if that list was made up specifically to help him loophole his way to a theocratic dictatorship.
American media has certainly talked about Project 2025. But this particular story is different, because these guys pretended to be rich failsons who wanted a meeting with one of the shitstains who composed it. They then clandestinely recorded him talking about how Blonde Jesus only wants immigrants from "Christian nations" to maintain our cultural purity (because this is how you meekly try to hide your racism in 2024).
The team that did this work for a UK journalism project. In the UK, it is considered acceptable for journalists to trick evil powerful people into exposing their garbage for all the world to see. In America, generally speaking, it is not. In America, we send an attractive newsreader who makes $20 million a year to sit down with a monster, ask him politely if he thinks he's evil, nod thoughtfully as he says no, then run another Subaru ad. Which, you will notice, doesn't fucking educate any of us about any of the secret schemes these people have to dismantle the republic because they think the proliferation of taco trucks is a sign of the End Times.
Granted, looser UK journalism standards also gave us the modern tabloid press and Rupert Murdoch, so it isn't all good. But at least they're using the same powers to directly confront and challenge American fascism. Which American corporate outlets can then report on, at least. I mean, at least they do that, still. At the moment.
I promise you, the day democracy falls here for good, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc., will treat it with the same nonsensical "both sides" bullshit method they always do. They will not stand up to anyone about anything, and will tell you just enough to keep you thinking you're educated enough to keep making thoughtful purchases. Like the sleek new 2025 Subaru Forrester. Because Love, Love is what makes Subaru a Subaru.
If you get your "news" from companies owned by evil billionaires, you get the information they want you to have, and nothing else. That's WHY they own them! It wasn't just because they thought owning a newspaper might be fun.
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wesper-ao3feed · 3 months
Whats done in the dark will always find a way to shine (I done did so much that when you see you might go blind)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CyndfOb by Fandomsqueen1 Wylan Van Eck had no friends. That was the ugly truth. He had people who tolerated him. He sat with them at lunch, He talked to them, He might have considered them his friends, but they didn’t consider him theirs. It was something his father had drummed into him for years. He was stupid,. He was an illiterate and he was gay. He was disgusting. Any father would be ashamed if he was their son. Of course, sitting with the crows recently meant that he knew that being gay wasn’t something he should be ashamed of. But he couldn’t control his thoughts no matter how much he wanted to, and he could never change the fact he could not read. Maybe being gay wasn’t that big of an issue but that was for regular people. Not idiots who couldn’t do something a 5-year-old could.   Or Wylan Van Eck Had a cursed existence, He was abused at home and constantly lived in fear of something happening to him. He starts sitting with the Crows and learns what it is like to be loved and have a real family who would love you no matter what and do anything for you. The rest of the crows had had cursed existences too, but together they could overcome anything. Words: 5099, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Nina Zenik, Inej Ghafa, Matthias Helvar, Alys Van Eck, Jan Van Eck, Gert Van Verent, Original Characters, Kuwei Yul-Bo, He - Character Relationships: Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, The Crows Ensemble & Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker & Wylan Van Eck, Matthias Helvar & Wylan Van Eck, Wylan Van Eck & Nina Zenik, Wylan Van Eck/Original Male Character(s), kinda original - Relationship, Kaz Brekker & Jordie Rietveld, Alys Van Eck/Jan Van Eck Additional Tags: Wylan Van Eck Needs a Hug, Wylan Van Eck-centric, Dyslexic Wylan Van Eck, POV Wylan Van Eck, Hurt Wylan Van Eck, Snarky Wylan Van Eck, Hes not rlly at the start but he gets there promise!, what 16+ yrs of abuse will do to you ong smh, Flirty Jesper Fahey, Jesper Fahey Loves Wylan Van Eck, so muchhh i want what they havee, Kaz Brekker is Bad at Feelings, search up emotionally constipated and youll get a photo of kaz, Kaz Brekker Loves Inej Ghafa, omg i want what they have too ily inej, protective crows, rlly they all wanna punch van eck he rlly needs an entire trigger warning, Bad Parent Jan Van Eck, Jan Van Eck Bashing, Rlly hope he dies Jan Van Eck more like Jan Van DICK, Wylan Van Eck & Nina Zenik are Best Friends, not at the start but they will beee, Kaz Brekker & Wylan Van Eck Friendship, half beta we die like i hope jan van eck will, Protective Kaz Brekker, Protective Inej Ghafa, Protective Nina Zenik, Protective Matthias Helvar, Protective Jesper Fahey, High School, yall the fact i listen to not like us on repeat will be rlly obvious soon i swear, Rape/Non-con Elements, Underage Rape/Non-con, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, LOVE J COLE not related at all but yall should know, Wesper centric, but theres PLENTY of the other ships too promise, Bullying, Gambling, Racism, only for the grisha tho, will only be mention with matthais and or ninas pasts dw, shadow and bone guys r there just not relevant enough to tag i think, also im not from america not even close, i went to LA for a week and thats all i act real american tho ikk, Kas is wylans read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CyndfOb
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This WON'T be a popular message to those who are used to binary or reactionary thinking but I've got to say this. Covid-19 was not the real pandemic. It was a dress rehearsal for what may be the real pandemic. Everyone is already giving their "I will not comply" declarations and making sure to disregard any future pandemics but I have to advise caution here. Not many people remember things prior to the latter end of the Pandemic but I remember vividly the horror that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was before it began to mutate and become mild. There's a lesson here. We were blessed. Yes there were idiots in power who abused their positions and turned it into a free-for-all wealth redistribution and power consolidation operation, but the real threat of the virus loomed early on and while things weren't as bad as they could have been for most of us, this WAS a bioweapon in the sense that it caused mass casualties compared to the overall global population. Considering that this thing accidentally breached that BSL-3 lab in Wuhan, I'd imagine that China has several worse pathogens they've been testing. They already said that they'd be constructing more in the coming months and years. With this in mind, we must consider that China still has the WHO under their thumb. They're now, (Thanks to the Biden Administration) arguably MORE powerful with their new allies in Russia and strengthened BRICS alliance complete with currency plans and oil trading medium. The one thing that stands in their way is the US and its allies. But much like what has happened in only 3 years of Biden's reign, the strength of the US can be diminished from within, and what better way to do it than to remix an old hit from a few years ago. Assuming that the other Biolabs they have where they've been conducting GoF research (Some with the blessing of US entities) its reasonable to assume that they have some even deadlier pathogens of the chimeric variety tucked away, possibly with a similar if not longer incubation period than COVID, but also with added virulence. Given that Conservatives are primed to disobey any and all health based directives from the government and Conservatives oppose the puppeted and compromised Democrats, who arguably would make China's time becoming the premier global super power easier, the vested interest for China would be to delegitimize and destroy Conservative and Libertarian thought and credibility at any cost so as to soften the US up and let it collapse under its own authoritarianism & central planning. That's why I believe the nextpandemic will be the REAL pandemic brought to you by Xi and the CCP. They don't think short term like many of us Americans. If you're familiar with China, you know they think in centuries rather than decades.
Using the data that they have stolen from all our communications and from the platforms we call "The public square" they know that if they were to release some actually deadly viruses and lean on the WHO to keep it quiet or provide false metrics and stats like they did in the FIRST pandemic, that they'd easily be able to get it to the US and from there, let it tear through the liberty-minded who would completely disobey ANY calls for lockdown or cautious movement. This is a tendency that we've build up and can easily be used against us by any savvy evil dictator with enough balls to attempt it. The minute the bodies would start dropping, you'd see a counter-reaction and possibly collapse of conservative sentiment and credibility altogether because the situation was not approached with caution to begin with. This is the absolute worst case scenario as it would not only thin our numbers and cause untold amounts of strain on the economy, but would also usher in a NEW AGE of despotism by the ruling establishment who would more than likely thank China for defeating their pesky adversaries. This is why I'm eternally vigilant when it comes to the possibility of any sort of pandemic. I don't rest on my laurels for having survived the past pandemic because the rules never stay the same and reliance on old behavioral patterns, while it can be time-saving and a good guide, make you predictable when you have enemies plotting your destruction. This doesn't mean we take any and every vaccine, lick boot, and obey all orders from the gov't. Far from it, I don't trust them either. But at the same time, you have to be wary and not stupid enough to try and virtue signal to the grifters on the right by saying "It's just the flu" when there's a chance it may not be. Just a simple warning... Don't let your guard down.
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f1 · 1 year
F1 team bosses defend stewards after Steiners call for permanent officials | 2023 F1 season
Haas team principal Guenther Steiner’s call for Formula 1 to introduce permanent stewards failed to win support from his rivals. Steiner blasted the Monaco Grand Prix stewards over the penalty imposed on his driver Nico Hulkenberg during the last race. He referred to them as “laymen”, which earned him an official reprimand from the FIA. He also criticised F1’s practice of rotating the stewards between races, saying a permanent staff should be introduced to improve the consistency of decisions. “It’s now time, we’ve been discussing this since years and years, and we always go back to this – every other sport has professional referees,” said Steiner. Team bosses see no need to change the current system “American racing, NASCAR, IndyCar – how many times you hear problems with the stewards or with the race directors’ decision? Very rarely. But they are doing it completely different. There is full-time people working there.” However rival team bosses said they are satisfied with the current arrangement. “So far, this year, the stewards made correct decisions,” said AlphaTauri team principal Franz Tost, who pointed out only a small number of stewards are used by F1 over the course of a season. “Most of the time the stewards are well-known,” he said. “It’s not that at every race that they’re completely new. They are changing from time to time, but you see always the same faces. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free “It’s always the same story – if a team has some troubles, for whatever reason, then at the end, they tell that it’s the stewards that are guilty. It’s not the stewards are guilty. If we do our job in a correct way, then I don’t think that the stewards make problems.” Feature: Steiner’s outburst on stewards was a reasonable point poorly made Aston Martin team principal Mike Krack said he would “like to leave this for the FIA to decide” if the system needs to be changed. McLaren’s Andreas Seidl said they “trust the FIA.” Several aspects of F1’s race management procedure were revised in the aftermath of the controversial end to the 2021 season, when FIA race director Michael Masi was ousted over his mishandling of the championship-deciding Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff, whose driver Lewis Hamilton lost the world championship in that race, also backed the current approach to officiating races. “I never had my doubts in the system, I had my doubts in individuals,” he said. “And I think that as a steward and as a race director you have immense pressure to do the right things and probably every decision is going to have someone that likes it and the other one that doesn’t. “So I think they’re just trying their best they can and we need to support the FIA where we can.” Steiner has clashed with F1’s race management several times in recent years. He criticised the race director of the 2022 United States Grand Prix after he was given an incorrect deadline for the submission of a protest, which led to it being dismissed. Four years ago Steiner was fined for referring to a “stupid idiotic steward” during the Russian Grand Prix. Bringing the F1 news from the source RaceFans strives to bring its readers news directly from the key players in Formula 1. We are able to do this thanks in part to the generous backing of our RaceFans Supporters. By contributing £1 per month or £12 per year (or the equivalent in other currencies) you can help cover the costs involved in producing original journalism: Travelling, writing, creating, hosting, contacting and developing. We have been proudly supported by our readers for over 10 years. If you enjoy our independent coverage, please consider becoming a RaceFans Supporter today. As a bonus, all our Supporters can also browse the site ad-free. Sign up or find out more via the links below: Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2023 F1 season Browse all 2023 F1 season articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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