kassiekole22 Β· 2 years
Christmas Miracle
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Picture edited by me.
Description: You and Jason share a nice Christmas with your family...
Warnings: Fluff, Jason Is A Sweetheart And A Perfect Husband, Eventual Smut, P In V, Creampie, Breeding Kink. (And Joey, Merwin, and Clarice are alive in this.)
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: Merry Christmas, Buds! Luckily, I was able to finish this fic just in time. I'll have to apologize for any typos because I was a little wasted when I finished writing the other half of it. πŸ˜‚ And to the person who sent in a Christmas request, I am going to be a few days late with your fic. I don't want to rush it because I want it to be perfect. The dialog is a bit shit and boring but I hope you still enjoy it. Again, Merry Christmas, Buds. I hope it's magical. πŸ’–βœ¨ A portion of this fic is based on this picture by @containsnut.
MasterList: πŸ’–
Jason's Angels: @lorebite, @yellowroses-world, @house-of-kolchek, @yeslieutenant, @koexchange, @yesitsloulou, @mistmoose, and @jasonexo.
My eyes slowly opened to the sound of little footsteps running quickly down the hallway outside of our room. It was still a little dark in the room, but I could tell by looking through the curtain that the sun was beginning to rise. I continued to lay in bed, getting every bit of rest I could while waiting for our demise. Seconds later, our bedroom door flew open as our Son Jack and our Daughter Hope ran into the room.
"It's Christmas!" They cheered excitedly as they jumped onto our bed. Jason threw his arm over his eyes and let out a groan as I chuckled at both my husband's attitude and my children's excitement.
"Wake up, Dad!" Jack yelled as he attempted to nudge Jason's arm off of his eyes but failed due to his muscular arm being to heavy for the small boy to push. Jack was only five years old but as tough as nails just like his Daddy. And Hope, she was ten and had my sass and sense of humor. I was definitely a proud Momma.
Hope began helping Jack by shaking Jason's shoulder. He only groaned in response while I sat back, hiding a giggle behind my amused smile while watching my family's annual Christmas morning brawl.
"Would you control your children!" Jason grumbled and I couldn't stop myself at bursting out laughing. Usually, Jason was a morning person and would play up being tired to amuse the kids every Christmas morning but today he was actually tired. We hadn't gotten alot of sleep the night before. Luckily, we thought to put our pajamas back on before falling asleep to prevent our children from trauma, knowing that they would ambush us early the next morning.
"But Dear, they're you're children too." I responded as innocence honeyed my voice. There was no damn way he was winning this.
"But you grew them in your belly, Honey." Jason countered as he lifted his arm off of his face to show me his smug smirk, clearly thinking that he had won.
"And you left them there, Sweetie." I smiled innocently at the ex Marine as our children stared at us with equally confused looks on their faces. Jason narrowed his eyes at me before sighing and rubbing his hands down his face.
"Fine." He mumbled into his palms before getting up and putting on a t-shirt, covering his toned form. A part of me hated when he did that. I put on my favorite robe and me and Jason followed our children down the stairs.
The kids gasped ran right over to the shiny tree that and sat right down on the floor that has been covered in presents. I always loved this part of Christmas the most. The kids' reaction to all of the goodies that Santa had left behind always warmed my heart and I knew that someday, when they were adults, I would miss it dearly. The thought of those moments becoming distant memories in the future always saddened me until I would remember something that would make me even happier and excited for the future than before: Grandchildren!!!
"Alright, children! Hang on a minute!" Jason called out as we entered the living room, stopping our kids from tearing into their presents like wild animals. Both kids heaved an over dramatic, disappointed sigh before setting down their gifts and raising their hands in the air like bandits caught in the act just like Jason had taught them to do.
"We will go one at a time, ya hear? Since Hope is the oldest, she'll go first." Jason instructed firmly as he grabbed a specific present from under the tree and handed it to our young girl.
"But Dad!" Jack whined like a bratty toddler and Jason turned to give him a stern stare.
"No "but's". Listen to your Father, Jack." I said as I settled down on the couch.
"Fine!" He grumbled as he folded his arms across his chest and pouted as his sister tore into her present. It was longer after that he was smiling just as big as he was while opening his first present as well. And it definitely didn't take long for them to tear through the whole pile like little the Tasmanian Devils they were.
The kids sat on the floor and waited patiently as Jason tore each toy out of their packaging and I watched with a big smile on my face. The noise had calmed down and everything was peaceful and quiet other than the sound of our kids chatting about their gifts or the occasional colorful word that Jason would spat out while cutting or pinching himself on the sharp plastic of the packaging, teaching our kids new words that I did not at all approve of. Despite how wonderful everything felt in the moment, I felt my stomach suddenly beginning to turn.
"Jason." I muttered as I stood up. "I'm not feeling well. Do you mind if go lay down for a few?"
"Of course not." Jason said as he gave Jack his freshly opened toy and walked over to me before gently placing his hand on the small of my back and pressed a soft kiss to my temple. "I'll make you a coffee and bring it up to you."
"Best husband ever." I murmured before giving him a quick peck on the cheek and headed upstairs.
Me and Jason were not married when I got pregnant with Hope. We got married a month after finding out. Some say that we only got married due to the pregnancy. But it was much more than that. We knew that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with each other even before I got pregnant with Hope. It was a small wedding. We went to the court house, only our parents and Jason's best friend Nick was there, and Jason borrowed his Dad's suit and I borrowed my Mom's dress. We couldn't afford much so it had to do at the time. We had always planned on having an actual wedding someday but life always got in the way of things. It was fine. I accepted it as just a pipe dream now. And I was ok with that. What mattered was now.
I finally got upstairs and settled into bed, Jason came up shortly after to hand me my freshly made coffee. I felt my heart swelled with love for him just for doing this simple act. Jason was always the type of husband to do anything to make my life better. Big or small, he would always think of something. It was something that I was so grateful for.
"Careful. It's hot." He warned as he handed the heated mug to me.
"I know. Thank you, Sweetheart." I took the drink from him and took a slow sip, humming in satisfaction as the warmth calmed my stomach.
"You're welcome, Darlin'. Have a good rest." He kissed me on the forehead before leaving the room to tend to our children downstairs.
I propped my pillow up behind me and leaned back to enjoy the peace. I could hear Jason and the children downstairs below me and I smiled to myself as I enjoyed the heat of the mug in my hands and the satisfying feeling of a sick feeling slowly decaying. I laid like that for around twenty minutes before finishing my coffee and taking a nap.
I stood at the kitchen sink, peeling potatoes for our Christmas dinner while the turkey cooked in the oven, filling the house with a mouth-watering scent. Jason and the kids were outside and though the peace was nice, I still missed the constant noise that my family always provided in the house. As if my lonely thoughts were answered, I heard the faint sound of my children laughing and looked up and peered out the window to see Jason and the kids building a snowman outside.
They all had big smiles on their faces and matching dimples on each cheek. My heart melted as I watched them. Jason was making the bottom, Hope was making the middle, and Jack was making the head. It was the cutest thing I had ever set my eyes on. Once Jason helped them to put the pieces together, he began putting small rocks on it's face to make a friendly smile.
"Look, Dad." Jack called out to get Jason's attention as he held up a tiny version of the snowman that they had already made. "So he doesn't get lonely."
"That's great, Son! Hey, he looks a lot like you!" Jason chuckled as he took the tiny snowman and set him down beside the bigger one.
"Why don't we make the whole family?" Hope suggested as she began rolling another snowball around the yard.
"Good idea!" Jack yelled excitedly as he began helping his sister by rolling his own sonwball as well.
I continued to watch instead of doing what I was supposed to be doing while they made the whole family. A snowman for each of us. It was beautiful. The moment gave me a very faint memory of back when I was a child, around Jack's age. Me and my family would go outside each Christmas to build a little family of snowmen and play in the snow. Though it was such a long time ago, I always treasured it with all of my heart and it made me happy to know that my children got to have the same experience. I only hoped that someday, they would cherish those memories as well.
"There! All done!" Jason said as he brushed the excess snow off of his gloved hands while standing up. There stood four snowmen before them. One for each of us.
"They look just like us, don't they Dad?" Jack asked as he stood back and admired their hard work with his father and Sister.
"They sure do!" Jason assured him.
"I love you, Dad." Due to being too short to give him an actual hug, Jack hugged Jason's leg.
"Yeah, I love you too, Dad." Hope parroted her brother as she also gave Jason a hug on the other side, only reaching up to his waist.
"I love you too, Kids." Jason kneeled down so his children could give him a proper hug and wrapped his arms around them, holding them as the fluffy snowflakes continued to fall over them. I cursed myself for not having my camera on me to capture that precious moment forever.
Afterwards, Jason and the children came inside, tracking snow all over the floor. Usually I'd be mad at them for it. But today, I didn't care. Jason came right over to me and kissed me on the cheek before grabbing the kettle and filling it full of water while the children took off their winter jackets, gloves, and boots.
"What are you up to?" I asked as I turned my attention back to the potatoes in front of me.
"Makin' hot chocolate for the kids. You want some?" He offered kindly. Once the kettle was full, he flicked the switch on and the water began to boil.
"I'd love some but unfortunately, I have to get on making dinner. Everybody will be here in a few hours." I sighed as I finished peeling my last potato and rinsed them off one last time in the sink before putting the full pot on the stove.
"Yes! Uncle Nick gives the best presents!" Jack shouted as he came running into the kitchen.
"You're wrong! Aunt Clarice is the best at giving presents!" Hope declared as she followed her little brother into the room. "She bought us a CD player last year!"
"Well, what about the others? They still get you nice things." I asked as I glanced over to them for a brief moment before turning on the stove.
"Yeah, Mom's right. Uncle Eric got you a science kit last year and Aunt Rachel got me a new Barbie." Hope mentioned to Jack as she sat down at the kitchen table and took a gingerbread cookie out of the jar I had set out for them after they went outside.
"That science kit sure was fun. But the football from Uncle nick was better." Jack protested as he took a cookie as well before nibbling away at it.
"Wait! But Uncle Merwin got us those Nerf guns!" Hope suddenly remembered.
"I didn't appreciate that." Jason muttered as he jokingly rubbed his side.
"Oh, don't lie! I seen you playing with them too!" I swatted his chest playfully as I caught his little white lie. He chuckled while raising his hands in defense.
"And Uncle Joey got us those video games." Jack continued to add to their list. Yup, with all of the friends Jason brought back from the Marines, our children sure were spoiled.
"Well, what about Uncle Salim?" Jason spoke up and I nodded my head, curious about their lack of mentioning him too.
"He got us books!" Jack cried as he threw his arms in the air like it was the worst thing ever. Yup, he was definitely his Father's Son.
"Very expensive books too! You better appreciate those!" I ordered as I gave my Son a semi-stern glare while pointing a spoon, that had been sitting on the counter next to me, at him to single him out in the room.
"Yes, Mom!" Jack sighed dramatically with a roll of his eyes, earning a stern look from his Father until I shook my head subtlety, letting him know that it was ok.
"At least Zain isn't as bad as his Dad at present getting and got us a Soccer ball." Hope mentioned and Jack nodded his head in agreement. "I'll agree to that!"
"Ok, you guys. Go play. I have to continue with dinner." I cut into the conversation, shooing the kids away with my hands. As much as I loved my family's company, I really needed to get things done before the party started.
"Ok." Both children huffed insync before leaving the kitchen and I chuckled to myself. I loved when they did that.
"Hey, I have to go out for a few, ok?" Jason mumbled as he walked passed me to grab his coat by the door. I turned to watch him a moment, pondering why he would be going out now of all times.
"Oh, ok. Last minute shopping? Did you forget to get me a present again?" I raised a brow, waiting for an answer as my lips turned up into a crooked grin.
"For the love of God, that happened one time and it will never happen again, woman!" Jason rasped in defense but I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was holding back a laugh. I chuckled as the memory danced in my mind while shaking my head, remembering the terrified look in his eyes when I asked him what he had gotten me for Christmas. "I just gotta go do something."
"Ok. Well, be careful. Those roads are icy as hell." I warned as I turned my attention to the stove in front of me.
"I always am." He said in an overly cocky and smug tone and I rolled my eyes at that bullshit statement. "Goodbye. Love you."
"I love you too, Kitten. Goodbye."
The house was very quite. It was only eleven-something pm but the peace was nice. The room was illuminated only by the dancing lights on our tree. After hours of old stories, board games, dancing, and several kisses with Jason under the mistletoe, Salim, Zain, Nick, Eric, Rachel, Clarice, Joey, and Merwin had all gone home from our yearly Christmas party just minutes ago. It was such a blast to see them again. And the party was so fun too. There was music, snacks, bake goods that me and Jason made together the night before, presents; but me and Jason decided to wait to open the presents that we had gotten for each other until it was just the two of us. And now that the children we asleep and we were alone, we finally could.
"Hey, Babe." Jason said as he walked into our living room, holding something behind his back. "Come over here for this."
Though in my mind I questioned why he had told me to do that, I obeyed, standing right in front of our tree with him. I was more excited to give him my present than to receive my own this year. This was something that him and I both wanted for a very long time, so I could barely wait another second to keep it to myself.
He stood in front of me, smiling so big that his dimples were showing more than ever. He looked as excited as a little child which warmed my heart even more than the furnace that was running at the time, decaying the cold chill in the room and replacing it with a cozy warmth. The lights on the tree twinkled within his dark chocolate orbs as they watched me eagerly.
He slipped whatever he had hiding behind his back in his back pocket and took my hands in his own as the excitement within his eyes turned soft and loving. I felt a shift in the energy, going from exciting anticipation to loving and wholesome.
"(Y/N), you have been with me through my best moments and worst moments. You were always there for me when I needed it the most. For years we've shared a life, this house, our love, and so much more; You are not only my lover or the mother of my children but my best friend..." He paused for a moment and let go of my hands to reach into his pocket and pull out a small box. He got down on one knee and it was as if time itself stood still as he opened the box to reveal a small diamond ring. "I love you, (Y/n). I want to be with you forever. I know we have done this once before but we didn't do it right. We didn't do it the way you deserved. I want to see you walk down that isle to me. I want to see you in that dress you dreamed of wearin' ever since you were a little girl. I want to exchange our vows in front of everyone we know and kiss you to make it official. I want to make so many more memories with you and grow old with you. So, (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me again?"
"Oh, my God." I choked out between sobs. I felt tears run down my cheeks as I watched Jason, down on his knee before me, eagerly waiting for an answer. And in the end, there was no question what my answer was. We both knew. "Yes!"
With that being said, Jason stood up and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips before taking the ring out of it's box and carefully slid it onto my finger. Though there was a bit of difficulty.
"Jesus, I'm sorry. I think I got it a size too small." He mumbled as his smile fell into a disappointed frown as he pushed and pushed on the ring before finally getting it over my knuckle.
"Oh, no. You didn't. Trust me." I chuckled as I wiped my tears away with my other hand. "Do you want your present now?"
"Hell yes!" His eyes lit up with excitement again, making me giggle at his child-like innocence.
"Open your hand and close your eyes." I ordered and he obeyed, holding his hand out in front of him as he squeezed his eyes shut. I placed his present in his hand. "Ok. You can open them now."
He opened his eyes and furrowed his brows as he stared at the small stick on his hand.
"W-What is this?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes at it before they shot open as it dawned on him. "Wait- No!"
"You're gonna be a Dad again! We're having a baby!" I cheered excitedly and his wide eyes shot up to meet mine, almost as if he was trying to make sure that I was serious and not joking.
"Oh, my fuckin' God! Holy shit!" He shouted and I instantly shushed him between giggles of amusement. As much as I loved to see him excited like this, I didn't want to run the risk of him waking up the children. "Oh. S-Sorry." He chuckled as he lowered his voice below medium level.
"It's ok." I giggled quietly. "You always said that you wanted a big family."
"Fuck yeah, I did." He admitted as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "I love you so fuckin' much, Darlin'."
"I love you too, Sweetie." I whispered softly before pressing a gentle kiss to his soft lips.
Without warning, he picked me up and I let out a gasp. Giggling at my reaction, he carried me to our room. After closing the door with his shoulder and laying me down on the bed, he began gently removing each piece of clothing to free my naked body. He took a step back to remove his own clothes, only to get back on top of me merely seconds later. His lips pressed against mine tenderly as his hands moved up my body in the most gentle way.
I had almost forgotten just how sensitive I would get when I was pregnant until he slowly pushed his thick length into me. I didn't expect it, especially since I wasn't as sensitive the night before but it definitely was a nice surprise. He stayed still for a couple of minutes longer than he usually would to allow me to adjust his size before slowly pulling out to the tip and pushing back in at the same speed.
I had expected him to pick up the pace after a few thrusts, to get a little rougher with me like he always did but instead, he continued at the same speed.
"Jason," I chuckled breathlessly, catching his attention. "I'm not glass, you know. I won't break."
"I know. I just want to be careful." He murmured softly with a faint laugh at the end of his sentence.
His words melted my heart like his member melted the knot that was twisting in my core, waiting to explode and fill me with the high I craved so desperately. I kisses his lips and he finally began thrusting a little harder but still held back. Even the slightest movement made me feel like I was on cloud nine. I could feel everything now. The texture of his skin, the veins, I had never been this sensitive; not even with Jack and Hope.
His soft lips found my neck and pressed slow and tender kisses to it's length. I pushed my head back into the pillow to give him easier access as my back arched. My arousal grew fast and I already felt like I was close. I tried so hard to bite back the moans but it was nearly impossible. Even his finger tips brushing over my ribs and sent overwhelming shocks of pleasure throughout my already trembling body.
"Fuck." Jason muttered against my feverish skin. "You're so beautiful. And you're so, so beautiful when my baby is inside of you. I can't wait to fuck you with that big belly."
Jason's words sent shivers down my spine as that pre-orgasm tingle loomed over my body. I wrapped my legs around his hips and my arms around his torso to pull him closer to me, forcing his dick deeper inside of me and causing the tip to hit my sweetspot perfectly. It was all I needed to succumb to my heavenly fate and fall over the edge into pure ecstasy.
I buried my face into his shoulder to muffle my cries as I squirmed beneath him. It was more powerful than any orgasm I had ever experienced. My eyes rolled into the back of my head before squeezing shut as I practically screamed into his shoulder. His arms snaked under my body to hold me close and cradle my trembling form as he fucked me thoroughly through my orgasm.
My core squeezed down on him like the jaws of life and within seconds after, he followed me off of the edge and came inside of me. His heavenly moans in my ear along with the new warmth his cum provided in my core only helped to keep my high going for a bit longer. After we had both been thoroughly fucked, he pulled away from me only a little bit to look me in the eyes as he began to caress my face gently.
"I love you so much." He whispered before planting another tender kiss to my lips. After the kiss, we didn't pull away like we usually did. Instead, we stayed in place, enjoying the warmth and the feeling of skin to skin.
"I love you too." I murmured against his lips as my high began to fade, causing me to grow quite tired as the adrenaline died away.
We gazed into each other's eyes for a moment longer before he rolled over to lay beside me and hold me in a close embrace. Once again, everything was quiet. I closed my eyes and nuzzled into Jason's chest, breathing in his woodsy scent.
"So that's why you went out early? To get the ring?" I asked as I peered back up at him. He looked down at me as a fond smile returned to his lips.
"Yeah, they were late with my order. I was lucky to get it today." He sighed. "I know it's small but it's all I could afford. Do you like it?"
"Honey, it's perfect. I love it." My smile widened as I gazed down at the ring on my finger. It was so sparky and pretty. It was perfect for representing our love for each other. "Do you like your Christmas present?"
"Baby," He whispered as he brought his hand down to my stomach to rub slow circles over it while the other stayed on the small of my back, keeping me as close as possible. "I'm over the moon for it. Just like I am for you."
After sharing one final kiss for the night, I rested my face against his chest and counted each one of the freckles peppered across his skin as my eyelids grew heavy. The warmth of his body not only protected me from the chill in the air, but made me feel even more loved. Finally deciding to surrender in my fight against my tiredness, I fell asleep to the sweet feeling of Jason gently rubbing my stomach. What a perfect end to a perfect Christmas.
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elbuencacao Β· 3 years
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Our Hazelnut Fudge is back again while supplies last as we have now used up all our stock of filberts. Only two ingredients: 70% cacao and filberts. We grind our nuts for up to 24 hours which creates a smooth butter that literally melts-in-your-mouth with our chocolate. They’re probably the best couple you will ever meet in your lifetime! Simple, pure and without an excessive amount of sugar. β€’ Currently using our 70% cacao from @haciendacacaoterajesusmaria β€’ Open daily. Weekdays from 11 AM to 6 PM and weekends from 10 AM to 7 PM. . . . . . . #elbuencacao #beantobar #chocolate #singleorigin #organic #ethicallysourced #sustainablygrown #cacao #darkchocolate #unapologeticallydark #madeinhouse #madeinidyllwild #hazelnut #fudge #hazelnutfudge #containsnuts #goodfood #goodchocolate #veganchocolate #organicingredients #organicorbetter #eatchocolate #shopchocolate #drinkchocolate #craftchocolate #upinthemountains #sanjacintomountains #idyllwild #california #ebc https://www.instagram.com/p/CRZi0EoDgEh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mims-in-bridgtown Β· 5 years
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Homemade macarons available here at MiMs Bridgtown. Love these sliver and purple macaroons made for a special ladies birthday. *contain nuts* #mims #bridgtown #cannock #beautiful #instagood #instagram #facebook #tumblr #twitter #linkedin #google #love #business #homemade #gorgeous #enjoyment #live #laugh #containsnuts #macarons (at Mims Cafe and Coffee Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwkiELmhN2y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18izlgnl3g9s1
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cayps Β· 6 years
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Had a bunch of fun showing prints, cards, backpacks & pencil cases at @boesebrothers with @serenamacedo_ last weekend! Still have a few babies left if you’re into it, shoot me a message / I’m working to get them on my site soon! ✨🎟 #artprints #butno #containsnuts #ohreallybitch #eyyyy #boesebrothers (at Boese Brothers Brewery)
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frogtog Β· 7 years
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Have you tried our new #WheatHeart muffins? These delicious NEW treats from our farm kitchen are made from middlings we get during the mid-step of grinding @froghollowfarm grown wheat at @capay_mills. Grab one today at our #FarmToTable cafe in the @ferry_building or order online for direct delivery to your home/office . . . . . #froghollowfarm #farmtotable #organicblueberries #california #wheat #bakery #smallbatch #tasty #muffins #blueberrymuffin #wheatbran #notglutenfree #notdairyfree #containsnuts (at Frog Hollow Farm Market)
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skinfxskincare-blog Β· 7 years
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Snickers Bliss Balls... so delicious!! My clean treats for the week... 2 a day... hopefully I can stick to that!! 😳 Riley loves these too. I will sometimes give her a tiny bit when I have one. Recipe in the comments 😊#cleantreats #onlyinmoderation #containsnuts
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elmatadormexican-blog Β· 9 years
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Stop by and try our Mole Enchiladas today. We only use the best ingredient available, imported straight from Puebla Mexico. #importedingredients #puebla #mexico #mexicanspices #bloomfieldnj #elmatadornj #containsnuts (at El Matador Mexican Restaurant)
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#24 Carob Covered Nuts. Ohhh this is what I miss the most from home. In the Netherlands we have all these nut & cheese stores with crunchy, roasted and chocolate covered nuts. I can’t seem to find any in London, so I'll just have to DIY this. The good thing about home-made nuts is that you can use exactly what you want in terms of ingredients. I like to substitute cacao with carob. Carob tastes almost like chocolate, but doesn't contain caffeine. | Recipe: Roast 2 cups of nuts in the oven at 175 degrees. Then blend the following: 2 tbsp coconut oil 2 tbsp carob powder 1/4 cup maple syrup 1/2 tsp himalayan salt Poor the mixture over the cooled down nuts. Place in the oven again, but this time at 125 degrees until dry (30min). Refrigerate in an airtight container. #nuts #cleaneating #carob #cacao #brasilnuts #almonds #vegan #dairyfree #glutenfree #wheatfree #vegetarian #vegantreats #healthy #nutrition #ingridcobben #containsnuts #freefrom
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