#contesting elections
rightnewshindi · 6 months
मंडी लोकसभा सीट पर चुनाव लड़ने से मुकरे जयराम ठाकुर, जानें कंगना रनौत समेत किन चार नामों पर चल रही चर्चा
मंडी लोकसभा सीट पर चुनाव लड़ने से मुकरे जयराम ठाकुर, जानें कंगना रनौत समेत किन चार नामों पर चल रही चर्चा
Loksabha Elections 2024: नेता प्रतिपक्ष एवं पूर्व सीएम जयराम ठाकुर ने कहा है कि वे मंडी लोकसभा सीट से चुनाव लड़ने के इच्छुक नहीं हैं। मंगलवार को पत्रकारों के पूछे गए सवाल के जवाब में जयराम ठाकुर ने कहा है कि हिमाचल प्रदेश के वर्तमान सियासी हालात को देखते हुए भाजपा और कांग्रेस किसी भी विधायक को लोकसभा चुनाव नहीं लड़ाना चाहेगी। मंडी संसदीय क्षेत्र में भाजपा के कई सक्षम कार्यकर्ता टिकट के हकदार हैं…
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newzquest · 1 year
Rahul Gandhi "Tore" the 2013 Ordinance that could have saved him from disqualification.
Wish Rahul could have undo now..'Ordinance should be torn and thrown out' ''अध्यादेश को फाड़कर बाहर फेंक देना चाहिए': काश राहुल अब इसे पूर्ववत कर सकते थे, काश अध्यादेश ना फाड़ दिया होता ! कहते हैं वक्त की लाठी बे-आवाज़ होती है.. दर्द का एहसास बाद में पता
Wish Rahul could have undo now..‘Ordinance should be torn and thrown out’ ”अध्यादेश को फाड़कर बाहर फेंक देना चाहिए’: काश राहुल अब इसे पूर्ववत कर सकते थे, काश अध्यादेश ना फाड़ दिया होता ! कहते हैं वक्त की लाठी बे-आवाज़ होती है.. दर्द का एहसास बाद में पता लगता है. एक इक बात में सच्चाई है उस की लेकिन,अपने हरकतओ से मुकर जाने को जी चाहता है!! Rahul Gandhi was disqualified as a member of Parliament…
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dividedindiversity · 4 months
For information on parliamentary groups within the European parliament see wikipedia
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it sucks that the choice between the fascist telling people that haitian immigrants are eating their dogs and the woman who worked for the legal system in an effort to do good things is such a difficult choice. like wow there really is no lesser evil between the guy who said covid would just "disappear like a miracle" and the woman who thinks people should be able to have bodily autonomy and access to vital healthcare. it's so unfortunate that there is absolutely zero difference between the guy who said we would "never have to vote again" and the woman who wants to raise taxes on the ludicrously wealthy. what a shame that there's just absolutely no way to choose between the man who thinks disabled people should just die and the woman who wants kids to never go hungry and never get shot at school. and the choice between the guy's side-guy who wants woman to be nothing more than baby-making maids and the woman's side-guy who thinks period supplies should be easy to access? forget it, that's an impossible choice
what a truly terrible, terrible, election where neither party is acceptable in any way. voting just simply doesn't matter because they're both utterly abhorrent people with absolutely no differences at all
[reading comprehension disclaimer: this post is thoroughly sarcastic and intended to mock people who insist that voting is meaningless and that both parties and candidates are identical]
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brifdi-daily · 5 months
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Day 20: Fan !
Source: Inanimate Insanity II & Inanimate Insanity Invitational [AnimationEpic]
i think i do not love this man the way other people do but thats ok. heres your internet boy
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cahirsmommy · 4 months
thank you esc for reminding me why 18 is a very sensible voting age
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handwrittenhello · 2 years
if you don’t do a castiel will graham rematch i will change the trajectory of your life
it's not even over dude it hasn't even been 12 hours ffs get out there and campaign like a real grassroots patriot
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arabela25 · 1 year
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jomiddlemarch · 2 years
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bopinion · 4 months
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2024 / 19
Aperçu of the Week
"A functioning, robust democracy requires a healthy, educated, participatory followership, and an educated, morally grounded leadership."
(Chinua Achebe, Nigerian novelist, poet, and critic who is regarded as a dominant figure in modern African literature)
Bad News of the Week
For a long time, it seemed as if “the office was stronger than the person” in Italy too. After all, the election victory of Giorgia Meloni of the right-wing populist Fratelli d'Italia was not the end of Italian democracy. The Prime Minister is far more pragmatic and balanced in her day-to-day political activities than her shrill tones during the election campaign would suggest. The conservative Bavarian Minister-President Markus Söder has just visited and discovered “many similarities”. So all is well in Rome?
No. Because behind the scenes, the young (she is just 47 years old) surprise politician is demonstrating an ice-cold calculation for power. At first, everyone was surprised at how she, the newcomer, managed to contain the political warhorses Silvio Berlusconi (Forza Italia) and Matteo Salvini (Lega Nord) and not just be a naive junior partner. And now, bit by bit, she is consolidating her power - also by democratically dubious means.
Example 1 from last week: Meloni is planning to amend the constitution to weaken parliament and the president - in favor of the prime minister. She even speaks of the “mother of all reforms”, with the aim of “giving Italians a stable and credible government that fully reflects the will of the people.” The most important point is that the prime minister is to be elected directly by the people in future. If the MPs overthrow the head of government through a vote of no confidence, he or she will in future be able to demand the dissolution of parliament and new elections. A clear shift of power in favor of the executive.
Example 2 from this week: shortly after the Meloni government took office in October 2022, influential managers in the RAI public broadcaster family were replaced, well-known journalists and presenters left, not always voluntarily. Now there is even talk of censorship, and the influence on journalistic freedom and the independence of the news is becoming ever stronger. For example, ministers of the reigning government are to be given more speaking time in the European election campaign. RAI has already been nicknamed “Telemoni”: Meloni's television.
The fact that Meloni herself is on the ballot paper in the upcoming European elections “as a brand” is also an undemocratic bluff. After all, no one can seriously believe that she would give up her post as head of government to go to Brussels as a normal parliamentarian. Democracy in Italy may not be in immediate danger, but it is under attack. And hopefully it knows how to defend itself.
Good News of the Week
I often disagree with voting decisions in my personal environment. Not with the specific individual decision, which of course everyone has to decide for themselves and their conscience. But with the way in which many make their decisions. Take the example of my long-deceased former mother-in-law from North Rhine-Westphalia. After federal elections, she told me that she had always voted for the Social Democrats. I replied that I didn't think it was good to always vote the same way automatically and without thinking it over. Shortly afterwards, there were elections for mayor in her town. She proudly tells me that this time she voted for the Conservative candidate. When I asked why, she looked at me in astonishment and said: “You told me so!”. Got the point?
I think the right to vote is holy. After all, it is the only way (let's leave referendums and plebiscites aside) that the sovereign, aka the people, can exercise their political co-determination without having to run for office themselves. That is why I would prefer to turn the right to vote into compulsory voting. If only for the reason that every non-voter tends to strengthen the fringes, which is already going too far to the right. Elections are the high office of any democracy. And also a responsibility. That's why I always find it difficult to deal with frivolous political decision-making. For example, when someone simply does the same as their partner because they're "not particularly interested in politics anyway". Or when someone gets caught up in a cheap slogan like “Your country first!”. Or my former mother-in-law.
That's why I regularly make passionate pleas for elections as a way of participating in democracy. The next elections in Germany are for the European Parliament. This is becoming increasingly important due to the tendency for more and more essential framework conditions to be decided at EU level. Similarly, some issues, such as migration, cannot be resolved by national governments acting alone. One specific feature of European elections is that you can vote at the age of 16 and do not have to be 18, i.e. of legal age. My son will be 16 exactly on time and has received “voting papers” for the first time in his life. His older sister is studying political science, so I don't have to explain anything to her. Both of them will be voting, of course. Which my wife is not allowed to do as a (EU) foreign citizen, even though she lives here.
In Germany there is the “Wahl-o-mat” - something like “Voting machine". This is a web application (from the independent “Federal Agency for Civic Education”) that asks you three dozen questions on current political issues and then compares them with the election program of all the parties standing for election. So with five minutes of effort, you get a solid basis for your election decision. Unsurprisingly, the far-right AfD (Alternative für Deutschland / Alternative for Germany) came last in terms of agreement for all of us. So I must have done some things right in my upbringing. The top three, on the other hand, are similar in varying order, but as I insist on electoral secrecy, I will never know for sure.
Why are these personal stories in the “Good News of the week”? Because it's a privilege to be able to vote. And - unlike in many other countries, including democratic ones - to have a real choice. And I repeat my plea to all those who will have this opportunity in the near future, from Europe in June to the USA in November: Use it. And use it wisely. Thank you!
Personal happy moment of the week
Today I had to take a train to Cologne for a business trip. And I didn't opt for the tightest connection so as not to have to rush. Fortunately. Because I had forgotten my digital second brain at home - my iPad with relevant data for this trip. My wife was kind enough to drive after me with just this scarce connection to bring it to me. Although she (of course) had other plans. She must really love me. Merci, chérie!
I couldn't care less...
...that FC Bayern Munich will end a soccer season without a title for the first time in 12 years. Because on closer inspection, that only applies to one part of the club: the men's team. The women's team confidently clinched the German championship title on the third-last match day. With a win against Bayer Leverkusen, of all teams, whose men had dethroned our men shortly before. I think we should be just as happy about that.
It's fine with me...
...that Germany, or rather our performer Isaak, was voted into the solid midfield at the Eurovision Song Contest this time after several years in last place: 12th place out of 25. In general, this biggest music event in the world once again fulfilled all expectations: a great stage show, unnecessary commentators, bad but well-produced Eurotrash songs, accompanying scandals, eternal voting processes, queer atmosphere. It's fitting that Nemo from Switzerland is the first officially non-binary person to win. “A victory for diversity” is one of the many media reactions. Now it is up to Switzerland to finally recognize the third gender. Because democracy demands it.
As I write this...
...a difficult time for my nose begins again on public transport, in supermarkets and actually anywhere you come into close contact with strangers due to the increasing heat. I would love to constantly wave a flag that says “Personal hygiene is respect for your neighbor”.
Post Scriptum
Vladimir Putin was sworn in as President of the Russian Federation for the fifth time. He won 87% of the vote in the rigged sham elections and will now be in power until 2030 thanks to a constitutional amendment made especially for him and this case. Russia has a tsar again. And still no democracy.
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officialbabayaga · 2 months
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not to be bitter but this literally isn’t true on the presidential level. only swing state votes actually matter. you talk about change without understanding the political system you’re trying to impact.
pretending the election is decided by popular vote is pointless. instead why don’t you take issue with the fact that it’s not a popular vote? your vitriolic energy is being wasted on the wrong approach
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mariocki · 3 months
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maybe-drawing · 2 years
Who I will be voting for in the 2023 mcyt Tumblr.com Sexymen Election (and why you should vote them too)
1. GoodTimesWithScar
I know he got the most nominations, I know there is a good chance he will win, I still feel the need to campaign for him. Because if anyone really truly seriously deserves this win it's Scar. In my many years in fandom I have seen people go absolutely wild with making characters insanely hot. I have rarely seen it happen this MUCH, this EXTREME. You can not tell me that this silly minecraft builder doesn't spawn some of the most vile (/pos) fanart/fanfic in this fandom. He's out here bringing EVERYTHING that makes a sexyman to the table, he's a creature, a builder, a conman, a capitalist, the mayor, a superhero, just a guy, an artist, he's charming and thirsting for blood and diamonds and everything in between. He fills out so many tropes without even trying. And above all cc! Scar is just a cool and nice guy. He is really fulfilling the role the best. (#scarsweep)
2. ZombieCleo
c! Cleo is absolute sexyman incarnate and if you are trying to tell me otherwise HAVE YOU SEEN THEM. Also cc! Cleo deserves to win this and be smug about it. She deserves the bragging rights, they're out here really doing it all (including bringing this to Twitter.)
3. Joe Hills
Although I wouldn't necessarily consider Joe Hills to be a traditional tumblr sexyman, he has been campaigning so hard and honestly I gotta respect the grind. He is one of my favorite blorbos and I would be absolutely delighted to see Joe come out on top. Also the campaign is one of the best and funniest things I have seen in a while, the blaze, the tumblr presence, the fanart, the getting killed by an anvil. (Joe how does it feel to be the funniest contestant)
If I could commit voter fraud I will would. Voting will be at @mcytblrsexymen I am looking forward to the vote!
(unedited version under the cut)
1. GoodTimesWithScar
I know he got the most nominations, I know there is a good chance he will win, I still feel the need to campaign for him. Because if anyone really truly seriously deserves this win it's Scar. In my many year in fandom I have seen people go absolute wild with making characters insanely hot. I have rarely seen it happen this MUCH, this EXTREME. You can not tell me that this silly minecraft builder doesn't spawn some of the most vile (/pos) fanart/fanfic in this fandom. He's out here bringing EVERYTHING that makes a sexyman to the table, he's a creature, a builder, a conman, a capitalist, the mayor, a superhero, just a guy, an artist, he's charming and thirsting for blood and diamonds and everything in between. He fills out so many tropes without even trying. And above all cc! Scar is just a good and nice guy, the contrast to fandom c! Scar is really funny. He is really fulfilling the role the best. (#scarsweep)
2. ZombieCleo
c! Cleo is absolute sexyman incarnate and if you are trying to tell me otherwise HAVE YOU SEEN THEM. Also cc! Cleo deserves to win this and be smug about it. She deserves the bragging rights, they're out here really doing it all (including bringing this to Twitter.)
3. Joe Hills
Although I wouldn't necessarily consider Joe Hills to be a traditional tumblr sexyman, he has been campaigning so hard and honestly I gotta respect the grind. He is one of my favorite blorbos and I would absolutely delighted to see Joe come out on top. Also the campaign is one of the best and funniest things I have seen in a while, the blaze, the tumblr presence, the fanart, the getting killed by an anvil. (Joe how does it feel to be the funniest contestant)
If I could commit voter fraud I will would. Voting will be at @mcytblrsexymen I am looking forward to the vote!
(unedited version under the cut)
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unidentifiedfroggy · 2 years
vriska currently losing by 8%,,, at least it's a number she'd have wanted
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mudwerks · 2 years
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(via Republican-Controlled County in Arizona Holds Up Election Results - The New York Times)
yes, these people are indeed treasonous assholes that just want to grift via political office
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catman-draws · 2 years
I feel like for fairness it should be like. A general election & the top three results are forced into the cursed triumvirate. So you gotta think less who would be suited to the role & more who would the other alpha trolls vote for (whether that's because they're generally well liked/respected within subsets of the group or they're likely to successfully aggressively campaign enough to gather significant votes).
I'm not saying this would be a Good or Effective selection process, I'm saying I want to put them in a petri dish with it & see what results.
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Your science experiment sounds Terrifying.
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