dokjasweep · 9 months
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we're happy to introduce lexin, illustrating the temperance card! their art gives an amazing dynamism and depth to character illustration. is it a mind prison or a mind palace? maybe a library...?
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lovinglawzine · 1 year
❤️Contributor Apps Open❤️
Applications will remain as anonymous as possible to give everyone a fair chance. Apps will close on April 29th. Forms listed below.
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❤️Artist App:
❤️Writer App:
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its-squidding-time · 1 year
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xtruss · 8 months
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Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, paid visits to Egypt, Tunisia, Togo and Cote d'Ivoire from Jan 13 to 18, 2024. It has been a tradition for more than three decades for the Chinese foreign minister to kick off the annual overseas trips with a visit to the African continent.
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iraprince · 11 months
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drew up a lil icon just to use as my contibutor portrait in a zine! i don't think it's gonna dethrone the cat icon but i thought about it for a second
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narutogenderzine · 7 months
Contributor Applications open!
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Gender no Jutsu! It's finally time to trans all your fave blorbos genders! The contributor applications for the Naruto Genderfuckers Zine are open throughout March 2024. We look for writer, page, merch, comic and spot artists.
Contibutor Applications:
Need help with crafting your applications? We've put together a contributor guideline that will help you out:
@zine-scene @zineapps @anizines @faneventshub @narutoevents please share 🙏
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oumotazine2 · 9 months
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It's time for our casting call! Contibutor applications are open through February 7th! We are taking applications for page and merch artists, writers, and cosplayers! Why don't you check it out?
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flowerlanguagezine · 5 months
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🌷Did you miss us? We've been hard at work laying out the zine!
🌼Meet our next contibutor; @/abicatto !
🌻Flower Language🌻: An OMORI fanzine dedicated to BASIL.
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sithcityzine · 4 months
I hope this poll finds you well.
After a long time of Hiatus, this project is being Re-vamped!
After careful consideration we decided to start from scratch as it has been a long time since the zine went on hiatus.
For now, fellow acolytes, we ask of you:
Thank you all for your patience and for checking on this project. This is truly an important project that I am gratefull so many of you are interested and I'm truly pumped to make this become a reality.
Please share with fellow sith besties, friends and moots.
Thank you all, truly.
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sillysybilsden · 5 months
Ehilà, viaggiatore
Hey there, traveller
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Dedicated to my twin Lares.
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Hello there! It's me, the Silly Sybil (fka Clever Crow). I've been wanting to do this post for months, but life got in the way and I eventually forgot about it. But hey: better late than never, right?
Now, to the post.
In this foreword, I do want to address the nature of my resources. In fact, I am not writing all of this off of articles or academic works, but off of a questionnaire I had published back in July 2023. The answers given by fellow pagans are the main resources for this blog, whose objective is that of determining the main characteristics of two different approaches to lost practices: reconstructionism and revivalism.
Why choose such a peculiar approach to resources? Reconstructionism and revivalism are part of a spectrum, which can be intended and defined differently by different practitioners. Every pagan will have a slightly different idea of these terms. That means that these labels do not have a universal meaning - there is no institution recognised worldwide that gives us the requirements to be a revivalist or a reconstructionist: it is up to the practitioner and their understanding of the term. This is the reason why I've decided to opt for a form rather than articles as a resource. After all, who, better than a pagan who lives and practices paganism daily, can instruct us about paganism-related terms?
One last important thing I want to do is introduce you to our “cast”* - the wonderful pagans who took the time to compile the form, that is:
➳ anonymous contibutor (revivalist)
➳ Dead (revivalist)
➳ Guenevere (reconstructionist)
➳ Magpie (reconstructionist)
I do feel like thanking the people above is the least I can do. For this reason, I thank all of those who participated from the bottom of my heart: this post wouldn't exist without you.
*The "cast" is formed by aquaintances from a closed Amino community.
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On paganism
In order to understand the definition of paganism-related labels, we must first define paganism. My personal research led me to two definitions I will provide you with:
An umbrella-term that indicates non-Abrahamic religions*;
An umbrella-term that indicates religions that are not main world religions**.
The options above might seem similar - if not identical. However, the subtle difference between them is extremely important.
According to Dr. Angela Puca¹, pagan beliefs/religions show the following characteristics:
A polytheistic and animistic approach to spirituality;
A direct relationship with the divine - which sometimes translates with little interest to scriptures and interactions in a non-institutionalised way;
The belief of immanence - the belief that the divine is everywhere and, thus, is not external to the natural world but within the same;
As a consequence of (3.), the reverence for everything as everything holds divine power.
For the reasons above, pagans are very likely to believe in magick - if not practice it. Quoting Dr. Puca, one could say that some of the most popular beliefs that fall under paganism are “Wicca/Witchcraft, Druidry, Heathernry, Asatrù, Goddess worship, ethnic reconstructions and other animist earth-based traditions”.
Now that we have defined, very broadly, what paganism is, let us get to reconstructionism and revivalism.
*Abrahamic religions include Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
**Main world religions include, among the others, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism.
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On reconstructionism
“Reconstructionism is about recreating an ancient or dead religion as closely as possible to the original source. This means learning about, understanding, and incorporating historical traditions. Being a Reconstructionist involves a lot of time and research.” - Magpie
“A reconstructionist seeks to find the historic pieces of practice and remain true to that as best they can.” - Guevevere
As the two members of the cast above already said ever-so-clearly, reconstructionism puts a lot of emphasis on historical accuracy - which revivalism also does but to a lesser extent, as we will see later on. The key characteristic of this approach to pagan traditions is the will to practice a dead religion as it was by ancient peoples.
For example: a modern Hellenic polytheist who considers themselves a reconstructionist will do a ritual as a 3rd century BCE Hellenic polytheist would have - if that is indeed the era they mean to reconstruct: the same pagan religion can show different characteristics depending on the century.
The modern reconstructionist practitioner will not alter the rituals and, sometimes, nor will they attempt to fill the gaps with their own UPG*². For this reason, many reconstructionists affirm that it takes a lot of time and research for them to add new practices to their own, as they must research thoroughly the subject and reconstruct it exclusively thanks to historical accounts - for this reason, they rely on academical and primary resources**. Sometimes, if gaps make it impossible to reconstruct a, say, ritual, reconstructionists might decide not to include it in its entirety - in place of, as said before, use any UPG to fill said gaps.
*Unverified Personal Gnosis: a belief that is not backed up by mythos and is exclusively theorized/recognised by the single practitioner.
**Primary resources: texts that were written in the historical period that one is researching. Eg: Saint Augustine of Hippo's texts are a primary resource to those who are researching 4th/5th century Christianity.
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On revivalism
“Revivalism is a sort of subcategory of Reconstruction. It has the same goals and also has an emphasis on historical accuracy but tends to be on the less strict side and not as culturally focused*. While Recon. as a whole would include people that expect near-total adherence to historically or culturally attested practices, Revivalism is more theologically focused and has more room for adaptation to one's existing culture and environment. *cultural context is still important, revivalism just doesn't expect participation/membership to a specific culture.” - Dead
“Revivalists keep a sense of tradition within their practice but still allow room for UPG/SPG* and modern practices while still keeping it within the religion.” - anonymous contributor
As we anticipated before, revivalism, too, heavily focuses on historical accuracy. However, there is more room to add one's personal beliefs and/or alter some parts of the practice. This is the very big - and very important - difference between the two approaches: while reconstructionism hardly accepts UPG or SPG to fill the gaps - and, so, adjust part of a practice to one's needs/beliefs -, revivalism is much more flexible on that bit.
For example: a modern Gaulish polytheist who considers themselves a revivalist might decide to fill the gaps given by the little - and biased - resources on their practice by adding their own UPG to what is already historically attested.
Just because revivalism accepts UPG and SPG, it doesn't mean that it is a less-demanding approach than reconstructionism. In fact, it does require the same amount of research and of digging into academic and primary texts. Revivalism is about *adapting* an historical practice; it is not about eradicating it from its original historical and/or cultural context, which has to be researched nonetheless. One could say that revivalists want to reconstruct ancient practices as if they were never destroyed in the first place, taking into account the evolutions such practices would have gone through in the contemporary world. Thus, using one of the examples above, if I am a revivalist I am not practicing Hellenic polytheism as a 3rd century BCE polytheist would have, but I am practicing it as a potential 2024 Hellenic polytheist would have after all of the probable changes religion could have gone through.
To better explain the difference between reconstructionism and revivalism: Roman deities used to be offered incense and wine. If I were to use a reconstructionist approach, I might want to stick to these offerings as they are two of the few offerings that are historically attested. If I were to use a revivalist approach, I might prefer using incense or wine, but I could opt for a strawberry beverage from time to time.
*Shared Personal Gnosis: a belief that is not backed up by mythos and is exclusively theorized/recognised by a group of practitioners.
I personally, to this day, do not know whether to consider myself a reconstructionist or a revivalist. That is because, depending on the pagan community you're interacting with, the "requirements" to label yourself as reconstructionist or revivalist might change - and this is something I already mentioned in the foreword. What I - and the other contributors - tried to do is give you some very broad guidelines in order to let you establish whether you fall under one or the other category.
If you do not find any of these two approaches fitting for you, there is no need to worry: as I stated in the foreword, we are talking about a spectrum. Some people lean towards one of the two extremes of this spectrum and there might be people who find themselves outside of it, which is valid nonetheless.
This being said, I thank you all for reading this blog. Let me know in the comments whether you describe yourself as a reconstructionist, a revivalist or something else entirely!
Wish you a pleasant day/evening/night.
The Silly Sybil
¹ Dr. Angela Puca's video on paganism
² Dead's post on UPG and SPG
¹ "Priestess of Delphi" by John Collier
² "Magic Circle" by John William Waterhouse
³ "Roman Woman Lighing a Lamp at the Home Altar" by Stephan Wladilawowitsch Bakalowicz
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lvlup-levizine · 3 months
Sorry for being dumb but whats a zine it looks vv cool and also i love leviathan. but idk what a zine is.
Hi there!
You're not being dumb, don't worry! Zines are fan made magazines containing art and writing centered around a theme (ex: franchises, characters, ships, etc.). A lot of zines contain work by a selected pool of contibutors, with applications submitted to a mod team that determines who they want to contribute to the zine based on skill. Since they intend to raise money through pre-orders to cover manufacturing costs (often with any profit going to a charity), a certain level of experience is typically required to make sure people want to spend money on the zine. We're doing a FREE digital zine, which makes this project open to anyone who wants to join (and follows the guidelines as listed on our carrd), as we do not have to worry about page count in a physical zine. More pages = more money, and since we're not manufacturing anything physical, we can have AS MANY PAGES AS WE WANT.
As for what a zine looks like, I was a writer for THIS free digital zine.
AHHH I think I explained too much. My apologies.
Basically, we're looking to make a free, downloadable magazine of art and fics about Levi! Art is not limited to just a single or double page spread either. If you're well-versed in chibis, but not necessarily backgrounds, we ARE looking for people to make emotes, icons, spot art for fics (little illustrations that go with the stories), etc!
WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT TO THE MODS is that we cultivate a fun, healthy community of creators working together to make a love letter to Leviathan. We're hoping this will be a good opportunity for artists of all sorts to grow and learn as a team, while bonding over a shared interest.
I hope this clarified things! If not - I'm sorry, I tend to ramble AH. I hope you'll consider joining this project! You can find more info about tentative timeline and the guidelines on the carrd.
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baconwaffle2016 · 6 months
Now that I have the OK...
I was recently accepted into the 18+ One Piece zine, @scarletletteropzine!
I'm writing a piece with Jinbe and a woman who, despite herself, is madly and pathetically in love with him.
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If you want to learn more about the zine and the other contibutors, feel free to click this link or check out their Tumblr/other socials!
Hope you enjoy!
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lovinglawzine · 1 year
❤️Apps Close in 2 Weeks❤️
We're still looking for Comic, Spot, and Page artists, plus creative writers. All apps will remain as anonymous as possible.
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Have any questions? Visit our Carrd and Retrospring.
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ares857 · 10 months
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Hello again,
Thanks to a new donation, from an (as of yet, still) anonymous contibutor, here come some more posts. :)
internet find
If you want this project to continue, you can use the Paypal donation button on the web page of the blog. Any donation is welcome.
For every donation of at least 1 euro, 100 posts will be added to the collection.
I hope you're all wearing your overalls with pride and as much as you want to.
Do enjoy and don't forget to share the love for overalls!
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officialclangen · 2 years
Hi, would it be possible to show some of the gore artworks on here so people could decide if they can toggle them on? Or describe some of them?Personally id like to see as much of tge art as possible but im somewhat sensitive to visual gore. No worries if it's not possible and thank you and all contibutors for the amazing work!
It's fairly minor gore at the moment, just dead and half-eaten animals. No detailed guts or anything, just blood, exposed bone, and the like. We'll never get super duper gore-y with it and I'd say it matches with the typical level of gore in warriors fan art + animations.
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 years
Found out earlier last year that the fic which was the 2nd biggest contibutor to me being into bnha and wanting to write fic for it myself at all was deleted along with the author's account. Was heartbroken, did several internet deepdives to find the author (hello old fanfiction dot net account) which went nowhere but just now i found the fucking fic again wayback machine i love you forever
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