#control your cravings
bestmethodking · 7 months
Could This Tibetan Monk Ritual Trigger Massive Weight Loss? (And Make You Look 20 Years Younger?)
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Recent brain scans of a Tibetan monk who fasted for over 30 years have left nutritionists in shock, changing everything they knew about weight loss and aging. These scans revealed that there is a special substance in the human body which is activated when you do not eat for at least 24 hours… And once activated it can make you lose weight 7x faster than any diet and make your brain, liver, kidneys, skin and muscles younger by up to 20 years. Now, a group of Nobel Prize winning scientists have made an experiment in which they managed to activate this substance by tricking the brains of the subjects’ into thinking they were fasting while eating their favorite foods. Researchers were stunned to see how people in the study were losing pound after pound while eating pizza, pasta, burgers, steak and drank coke and beer. The best part is that anyone can now activate this special substance from the comfort of their home. Don’t believe it? See it for yourself here!
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nevmarpoint · 2 years
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nevmartpoint · 2 years
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retr0scum · 1 month
I don’t know what your policy is with unsolicited headcanons so you don’t have to respond if you don’t want to
But if it’s okay,
I like to think of Ika-Ika as being like “oh, I love all my siblings equally!” but then having like, 7 billion baby pictures of Lani-Loli posted on the wall
I wanted to draw it so bad
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alaraxia · 1 year
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What’s left, when the hate is gone
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who-is-page · 5 months
If you like my work (or my general shenanigans), consider buying me a Ko-Fi. :V
Full disclosure that there isn't an especially important reason for this post, I just really want to order takeout and I'm totally broke.
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surohsopsisofclouds · 5 months
Sometimes you just gotta sit with a fact about yourself.
In other news, I am once again Thinking about the "eternal hunger" part inherent in vampirism.
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kkoct-ik · 19 days
honestly appreciate you talking about DID stuff so much, even tho the misinformation and mistreatment is still frustrating and hurtful it’s nice to know someone else also cares AND is willing to say something about it where i usually feel too nervous or incoherent to share my thoughts . its like both offline and online spaces make us feel alienated and mistreated but online spaces are so Positive and Well Meaning about how weirdly and inhumanly they treat us so it’s even harder to speak up lmao. anyways yeah agree so much with everything you’ve posted hope ur feeling better 🫂 much love
i wuv you and YEAH! its so difficult when its people who genuinely mean the best in the world but have been fed so much false information and guidance that they treat us like a different species
i hate the mysticism of DID and i love breaking it down into simple words without metaphors so people can actually understand whats going on and then realise that this really isnt as complicated or unique as the internet led them to believe. ill be part of that movement if need be. even if im a very traumatised creature. im verbose and nobody can stop me
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deus-ex-mona · 1 month
i miss the lxl divorce couch (it appeared in 1 image)
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nozomijoestar · 4 months
Heya! Wanted to thank you for the wonderful Asuka/Lili essay posts of yours. They were a real pleasure! You brought up Lili's façade on an earlier post and it was something I picked up on her as well, and it was good to see that it's not just me. Her masking alongside her terrible inability to figure out how to keep herself around Asuka is what first drew me to main her on Tekken 7/8 as, while I admit I was likely projecting, she gave me really heavy neurodivergent vibes. Please keep on writing!
Have you read the Bible yet
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nevmartpoint · 2 years
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luvmequmi · 5 months
stuck between a carnal desire for intimacy to the point of rooting each other’s souls deep within our cores and an ever-present phantom of the fear of being vulnerably exposed and opening up.
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
OMG, so Soft™, Merlin bby, ofc they like you.
I put my vote in for Roland being Merlin's unofficial squire, bc A) just as Extra as Merlin, and B) gets many more excuses to Stab. Like, "Yes, sir, I'll stay right back here while you fight sorcerous assassin du jour and if your magic doesn't work, this dagger will."
A child learning morals from the morally dubious would be A+ content.
Merlin: Agravaine is the traitor, I'm certain of it.
Roland, immediately: I can put a viper in his sheets.
Merlin: ........as much as it pains me to say, please do not do that.
Roland: Well, okay, but if you ever change your mind, I can get one in, like, an hour.
Merlin: *deep inhale*
Also, I don't know why, but I'm picturing Roland as a girl. Like, maybe she heard about Morgause challenging Arthur or even saw the duel happen herself and was like, "Huh," and when Arthur does away with the 'nobility only' rule, she's like "Huh," and immediately goes for it. But girls still can't apply for knighthood (yet, bc gotta take baby steps with social change like that) so maybe Roland is her family name or a brother/cousin, and she just lops her hair off, steals some trousers, and falls in with the lads. She's young enough when she joins that she can pass for a boy. When they get a little older, well, by then her bros have all twigged but also know she can and will kick their asses, so they just make sure she gets tunics that are always a little too big. Bonus if legit nobody else notices this, including Merlin, and the only person who does know is Gwen, and she ain't saying a damn thing. Double Bonus if the first person to notice is Arthur, and the Squires immediately and without hesitation straight up lie to the fucking KING.
Arthur: *squinty eyes*
Arthur: Is.....is Roland......a girl?
SotRT: What? No, of course not, sire, don't let him hear you say that, you'll hurt his feelings.
Arthur: ........uh-huh.
Cue Gwen cracking tf up in the background like, "JFC, I married the biggest himbo in the Five Kingdoms, Arthur, you're lucky you're pretty."
(Also, here are my tokens of returned affection in courtship: 🌹🌸🌼🌺💐💍👑💎)
same gwen lmao
she didn't really ask merlin if she could be his squire. she just started hanging around him, helping him with chores, being his lookout until a couple knights asked and she said: "uh duh, i've been his squire for three months now" "your my WHAT?!"
roland had and will cut a bitch if they threaten merlin. oh, you're glaring menacingly at the king's manservant? roland is breathing inside your walls, have fun sleeping bitch. you told merlin to count his days?? count your seconds, bitch, roland is behind you, axe poised and ready to strike--
all of agravaine's inconveniences, that's roland. ok sure, merlin said no to the snakes, but he never said no to rats! he didn't say yes either but why would you question the method to the madness? his saddle never fits right. his food is always cold. his clothes are always dirty. agravaine knows something is up, but none of his spies are able to find out who is causing all of this???
the other squires help her plan the pranks and very illegal tampering with noble goods, but he called merlin "nothing more than a chair for the king" and they are out for blood.
agravaine complains to arthur about how unruly the squires are but arthur cannot believe it. because that meant that his knights couldn't handle them, but they could and that's a slight on his men which he cannot forgive. it's one of the only things agravaine couldn't trick arthur into believing. roland later soaked agravaine's sheets with spoiled mead, serves him right!
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kennexara · 11 months
getting real fucking sick of the fact every month my brain spins a wheel with 3 sections labelled irrationally angry, irrationally sad, and irrationally anxiety and then spins another wheel with one section labelled ‘eat sugar until you’re sick’ and makes me live by the two results for an entire week and then afterwards looks back and is like ‘damn bitch you live like this?’ as if it isn’t fucking responsible. 
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soldier-poet-king · 2 years
dorothy day would be SO disappointed in me and i have to live with that guilt constantly
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quiteriana · 2 years
everyday more and more i wish i would just relapse
#sorry but life was better when i was focused on starving#it made me feel good. and powerful#i was always in control and i always felt good about myself because i was focused on something and i was so good at it#i miss my anorexia at my lowest times i miss it so much#i will always wish for it back#literally there for me when nothing else was#and nobody understands it either#when you're bulimic for most of your life suddenly developing anorexia is like ?? a blessing you never knew you needed#nobody gets it#nobody gets what it's like with an ed#unless you are in pain because of your disorder and are trying to recover nobody cares about you#nobody has sympathy when your ed is something that you crave. when it feels like your only escape#they call you crazy deranged etc blame it on the media or fatphobia#no one understands that this is my friend#shoot me in the head i still talk about my ed like a 12 year old romanticizing it#i have not aged a bit have i no i really have not#i still have the same morbid fixations i still want to hurt myself every time i feel an emotion too strong#despite what everyone around me thinks i am not recovered. i still long for it all the time#it is still right here next to me waiting for when i feel this way so that i might run to it again#and i always want to#they are happy once you've stopped the behavior once you're eating normally not too much not too little once your weight is normal#that is all they care about#you did not cure me you just stopped the behavior#no one cares what it's like actually living like this they don't care about your loneliness or your sadness#or the way you bottle and suppress everything inside yourself trying to keep yourself small trying to disappear#i once was so overweight and even that helped me to disappear but no one cares#they don't care about that no one teaches you how to cope they just want to fix what they see#''they said to kill what's killing me and now i'm all alone''
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