#conversely i think a vetting interview could be played really well – no one WANTS to do that! (hence people's numbers for strangers
etirabys · 4 months
something that peeves me in fiction – in a setting where society that hasn't mostly eliminated scarcity, anyway – is when someone really kindhearted takes in a near stranger in need (e.g. orphan, ex slave) and that person is their only project to whom they can give a lot of care. irl I feel like everyone who's exceptionally nice, or at least bad at drawing a line for their own health, has a full case load and is close to burnout
I don't mind this at all when there's a good plot reason for why X should be helping Y in particular and isn't already overbooked; I feel some ugh when X is depicted as someone who'd always help people in Y's shoes but has mysteriously evaded all other supplicants.
I'm pro-fantasy but this kind of moral fantasy strikes me as a bit uglier than the others: you can be a nurturing figure who gives unconditional help without running something so unphotogenic as a vetting interview or cost/benefit analysis, but you'll never be overwhelmed, either
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palukoo · 3 years
andy, toby, and cj!!
thank you!! i always reblog these forgetting I can't pick favorites to save my life but! I will try!!
First impression: god i love her
Impression now: god i love her (but now with more depth!)
Favorite moment: see this is the favorites thing... remarkably hard considering how little she's there. I have to go with "the good people of Maryland. MARYLAND!" but really anything she does in that ep (esp the "you know i'm gonna get sued" conversation) or... in general... is great
Idea for a story: oh boy... well i AM going to write the long cj/andy fic at some point! hm. let's get specific... @otzi this is for you... cj, andy, and toby at a cher concert.
Unpopular opinion: are there popular opinions about andy? hmm, i guess maybe that i don't really blame her for the "you're just sad, toby" conversation because it is like. rude, obviously, and all that, but i think it's hard for me to begrudge her after he says he thought she was just being cute when saying she didn't want to marry him again. i think mostly though i just... think more about andy than the average tww viewer.
Favorite relationship: cj/andy! also cj/andy/toby or andy&toby bc yeah! but i also have to shout out donna&andy bc I want it so badly
Favorite headcanon: hmmm i have a lot, really. i mean, like, that she isn't straight... that she's one of the most liberal members of congress, probably. that she's also half jewish. that she's always wanted kids. that she struggles with like survivor's guilt after gaza... idk!
First impression: I honestly don't know but I didn't like Toby as much on my first watch as I do now bc I thought he was condescending and I'm right but like. They all are, kinda
Impression now: i love him! he's very funny and i love his dynamics with everyone and i go a little crazy thinking about him never working on winning campaigns and writing for rafferty and being so cynical but so idealistic at the same time. he still has written by a man disease (honestly. sorkin deserves his own subtype) but i love him!
Favorite moment: fuck! uh. um. hmm. okay obviously the "your father used to hit you" is a good scene and so is like. the better angels line... toby gets a lot of really good lines damn! i might just have to go with in excelsis deo as a whole though because it just shows him as a really good person, and it's bonkers to me with the context from later seasons that. he spends his entire birthday trying to track down next of kin for the dead homeless vet. idk. toby really gets a lot of sorkin's idealism dialogue which can be very lovely... but i think a lot of other moments i'd pick for him would be a lot more about his relationships with other characters bc. that is how i consume media
Idea for a story: honestly, while i love him, it's hard for me to think of doing like. a toby centric story. he definitely fits into a lot of my cj/andy(/toby) stuff obviously, but i tend to more cj centric... hmm. perhaps the post post canon toby & amy fic of my dreams where she writes a book that he critiques endlessly and they run someone's (probably rafferty's) campaign together
Unpopular opinion: i... don't hate his s7 plot? i totally, 100% get why people do, especially going back and watching s1, because his whole thing is loyalty and that jed is his guy and all that, but he also argues with jed over calls all the time, and i think... hm. the late seasons kind of break all the characters? and i get why people don't like that obviously, but i think it's just about pushing them to a point where there going to act differently than we expect them to (cj keeping will and toby out of the loop like she would've complained about and having to become much more pragmatic, josh leaving, donna leaving, toby committing treason, jed sort of losing power, etc...), and it's interesting development and it's weirdly something i accept at face value rather than push back against?
Favorite relationship: romantic? idk, i like cj/andy/toby and i like josh/toby too. friendship? everyone lmao. i really really love cj&toby and josh&toby and toby&sam and you get the point. tww is a family it's hard to individualize
Favorite headcanon: like i am obsessed with bi toby. idk, like. bc of what i want to write about, i sorta think of his relationship to the concept of family a fair amount... and then like this isn't even headcanon but there's a richard schiff interview somewhere where he says "his desire to cut people down is minimal. It's something he could do in his sleep, and it's not the point." and i just think about that so much.
First impression: wow!!!! wow!!! holy shit!!! i love her!!!
Impression now: all of that still and i would very very much like to hug her and want her to be happy and god she is so so good i lose my mind. i stay up at night thinking about her.
Favorite moment: there's too many!! cj has so many funny moments that i adore and they're a huge part of what makes me love her but i also love her heavier things. i love her trying to leak the story about the gay kid's dad in season one to danny. i LOVE her trying to quit until jed asks her to stay. i love her laughing and saying "the fall's gonna kill you" and i love her crying alone as she walks around new york and hallelujah plays. i love (maybe, it's complicated) her and donna in no exit. i love her when she starts as chief of staff and i love her answer to the press about her sexuality. i love her now knowing what the hell she wants in late season 7. hmm. i'm gonna say balancing the egg.
Idea for a story: okay well i'll talk about the cj/andy wip here in broad terms because like. it's about cj relearning how to be happy but like more specifically how to think about what she wants after canon, because i don't think she's like completely unhappy for all of canon and she's very optimistic compared to a lot of the others but like, she does spend a fair amount of canon just making sacrifices, and i want her to get a break and have a family!
Unpopular opinion: idk how popular or not this is, i just can't get behind cj/danny. i can't. it's too much him chasing after her while she seems mostly indifferent or vaguely annoyed. i hate that her ending is with him because to me the whole point of that episode wasn't "cj can't see a good thing in front of her" but was "cj has a hard time stepping away from what she perceives as an obligation/thinks she should do (usually to make other people happy)" and should've culminated in her not working with santos and not being with danny.
Favorite relationship: cj/andy! again i cannot possibly choose a platonic one... i'm going to SAY cj&josh bc. i love them, but in two seconds i'll remember anything about any other interaction of hers and go insane
Favorite headcanon: hmm again i have a lot! largely about family and that whole concept! huh. god. i think a lot of it is like canon or at least strongly canon supported, or i've already mentioned. like, cj being really good at disguising her emotions is just plainly canon. oh! hey! i really do love she/they cj!
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dodgergilmore · 4 years
YAS give me more jess/rory analysis PLEASE ❤
I ended up expanding on my season 3 thoughts in another post, so I’ll just ramble on about something different if we’re all good with that!
Let’s discuss how “You could do more.” is, in some ways, the thesis of the whole Rory and Jess dynamic.
When Rory is not amused by his magic trick during one of their very first interactions (what a sentence lmao), it shows that she isn’t going to put up with the facade he puts on in Stars Hollow. She doesn’t shy away from speaking her mind and pushes him to take responsibility for his actions:
“All [Luke] does is stick up for you, and all you do is make his life harder. I guess that's what you have to do when you're trying to be Holden Caulfield, but I think it stinks. (...) Funny, I never pegged you as clueless, my mistake.”
Again, Rory points out the act Jess puts on but this also shows how she isn’t going to just passively allow him to act in such ways because she doesn’t see him as the nuisance/lost cause that much of the town sees him as. Instead, she holds him to a higher standard because she knows he isn’t clueless.
After a well-intentioned suggestion on Rory’s part, we see her at odds with the expectations placed on her by the town as she becomes “the poster girl for censorship” and she can openly discuss this with Jess as someone who would understand where she’s coming from, because he is one person who is not charmed by Stars Hollow’s small town antics. Her future isn’t bound to this place, so when Jess questions what Rory and Dean talk about, saying that ‘he doesn’t seem like her kind of guy’ it adds another layer to that conversation; let’s be real, Jess is not coming from a place of entirely pure intentions but after season 1, Dean is basically the town’s golden boy (despite previously being the new kid in town) and thus is the embodiment of one of the two worlds Rory is caught between throughout the series: Stars Hollow. But right from the Pilot, we know that Rory is set to “do more” than Stars Hollow. That whole sidestory in 2x12 and its relation to Rory could be an analysis of its own, which I don’t think I am equipped to offer at this time...
By 2x13, Rory is pushing against and growing frustrated with Lorelai’s view of Jess. Rory recognises that Jess should not need a tutor, after trying to explain his margin-writing to Lorelai in the previous episode, and it’s clear that Rory believes in Jess in a way that he himself does not at this point. He meets her words of encouragement and “you could do more” with cynicism but Rory remains unconvinced. Schooling should not be a measure of success – and by season 6 it ends up being beside the point anyway – but it is interesting that Jess’ reasoning for not going to college has nothing to do with himself and everything to do with what others have to say about him.
And why aren’t you going to college? (...)
Ask my mother, she could give you a couple reasons. Oh, and I’m sure Principal Mertin can chime in with a few good ones. In fact, ask your mother. She doesn’t know me all that well but I’m sure she could improvise a few things.
Do not give me that whole ‘I’m so misunderstood, Kurt Cobainy’ thing. You are way stronger than that and I don’t even wanna hear it.
That whole conversation in the car really is The Goods. The paths they have planned for themselves could not be more different but still, they offer each other the same unwavering support and encouragement.
I wont go into detail because I think I’ve already addressed this in my previous posts today but “you could do more” comes into play even during their relationship in that Jess, as we know, does not generate the most positive views from the people of Stars Hollow, perhaps believing that Rory could do more, so to speak, than him. If nothing else, the town definitely thinks so.
Jess shows support for Rory’s Harvard-and then-Yale dreams, which is one of many reasons his reappearance in 6x08 works so well. He assumes she graduated early before considering she wasn’t in school; when Rory keeps commenting on how her circumstances are “all temporary” Jess is visibly... I don’t know that I’d say concerned at this point but he is definitely taken aback.
I know it's good. Jess, you've got such a great brain. I knew that if you could just sit down and stop shaking it around, you could do something like this. I knew it. I knew it.
I know you did. (...) So, I just basically wanted to show you that. Uh, tell you... tell you that I couldn't have done it without you.
Obviously Jess is confirming her “you could do more” sentiments when he explicitly credits the role she played in helping him find success for himself. In doing so, this reassures Rory that she was right about something after feeling the defeat of Mitchum’s words for however many months by this point, and also reminds her of the ambitions she once had for herself.
Neither of them do or say these sort things for “I want to be with you” reasons but for “I want good things for you” reasons. It doesn’t come from a romantic place – they sincerely want the other to succeed, even if that means being apart. Even after everything that happened, Rory is saying “I hope you're good. I want you to be good.” in that 3x22 phone call, and then this in 6x08:
You know that section toward the front, the staff recommendations? I'm gonna grab a copy of your book and put it in that section, and then I'm going to write my own little recommendation on a card and attach it so people see it and buy it.
Please, that’s just cute :(
Of course it ends up ending in absolute MESS but she goes all the way to Philadelphia to see his open house. Imagine if she hadn’t checked the mail that day lmao
I just got the flier, and I don't know. I just wanted to see your place, but then this...
In AYITL, Jess hears Rory out as she divulges the state her life is in then reassures her that she’s in a rut that she is fully capable of getting out of. “Where is this coming from? What inspired you?” indeed. The implications, y’know??
Now I’m going to circle back to what I said about Dean representing Stars Hollow for a moment here. Logan very overtly represents the world of wealth and like I said, Rory is between these two worlds. Rory is a balance of the world of her grandparents and her mother; what’s interesting about Jess is that he doesn’t belong to either world, really. He can exist in the world of Stars Hollow because of his familial connections and history there and that brings us some little moments that are not at all deep, but I absolutely love anyway:
Can't wait to hear how you bagged the job.
It was the usual thing; I submitted my resume, plus samples of my work, I was thoroughly vetted, there were several lengthy interviews, plus complex negotiations over salary, benefits, parking–
You asked Taylor.
Pretty much.
And then when he asks Rory over the phone to fill him in on the ‘showbiz spat’ in 3x14. Stars Hollow has an important role in Rory’s life, and Jess is able to understand that world in a way that Logan simply can’t – if I recall, he is actually quite endeared by the town when he makes his first official visit there in season 7.
Season 5 makes Dean’s place in Rory’s life very clear, first with “What am I doing here, Rory? I don't belong here. Not anymore.” in 5x08 and then in 5x18, when Dean is used as a direct parallel to Luke:
They want more than this. Don’t you see that? And all you are is this. (...) This town, it’s all you are, and it’s not enough. She’s going to get bored, and you can’t take her anywhere. You’re here forever.
It’s... kind of an odd comparison to make in that Lorelai is quite happy with her Stars Hollow life and hasn’t indicated that she wants “more” than this. For Rory, though, it does reiterate that she wants more than Stars Hollow can offer her. I’ve discussed this before but the world of wealth and Logan, while initially intriguing to Rory, loses its shine during season 6 and she ultimately rejects it in that she doesn’t want to be bound by it. It offers temporary thrills and escapism, but she ends up having to enter the real world.
In Summer, Rory talks about looking at places in Queens so that might be the best, most recent indicator of where Rory wants to be in terms of geography. Just like Rory, Jess isn’t bound to any particular world – bouncing around from place-to-place in the original series, not unlike Rory in the revival – and together... they can do more. And that is that on soulmate-ism!
All in all, they hold each other to high standards not because they idealise one another or put each other on pedestals but because they genuinely believe in each other’s capabilities. They actively push each other to do more and important to note is that they hear each other in these moments; maybe not always immediately but they get there eventually because by the end, it’s clear they have a certain respect and fondness for each other. I like that they don’t passively roll along with whatever the other chooses to do, which may be the very reason some people don’t like them. As much as their dynamic evolves with time, there are just some things that remain a constant...
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causeiwanttoandican · 3 years
The Telegraph
How Harry’s very LA relaunch has only just begun
From Prince to campaigner and Silicon valley ‘tech bro’ what wider impact could the Duke of Sussex's new jobs have?
By Camilla Tominey, Associate Editor28 March 2021 • 6:00am
Jobs appear to be like buses for Prince Harry. Wait a lifetime for an opening and two come along at the same time.
The former Royal’s first foray into the corporate world has seen him take up the role of chief impact officer at Silicon Valley coaching firm BetterUp, while also sitting alongside Rupert Murdoch’s daughter-in-law on a commission aiming to fight “misinformation”.
Neither role appears to have required the 36-year-old former Army captain to submit a CV or go through the usual vetting processes as he adds mental health coach and anti-fake news campaigner to his résumé.
Yet in keeping with a new breed of “celebrity responsibility”, which has increasingly seen the rich and famous flex their corporate muscles for the greater good, the highly prominent positions look set to propel the cash-strapped Prince to ever more lucrative heights, as LA’s most sought-after recruit.
Just as when Jennifer Aniston became the ‘chief creative officer’ of a natural supplement range or when David Beckham backed a cannabinoid skincare company, these mutually beneficial ‘ethical’ tie-ups can be worth their weight in publicity gold. And not just for the company that gets their endorsement.
As showbiz agent Jonathan Shalit puts it: “Like corporate responsibility – this is celebrity responsibility. There’s been a shift in people’s mindsets. Two, three years ago the mindset was: ‘What’s in it for me, how can I get paid a shedload of dosh, how can I maximise my income?’ Now people desire to give back and give back support to the community.”
While pointing out that Harry is “above celebrity,” he adds: “Many celebrities are very responsible in trying to use the strength of their platform to help others.”
The announcement of both roles last week certainly played into the idea that this was more than just a money spinner for the Montecito-based ex pat – although there is no doubt all sides are set to benefit financially.
While BetterUp may be carrying out noble work in its offer of “personalised coaching, content and care designed to transform lives and careers” – it all comes at a price.
Having spoken about his struggles with grief following the death of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, Harry said of his appointment to the “unicorn” tech firm: “(I) want us to move away from the idea that you have to feel broken before reaching out for help,” insisting he intends to use the job to “create impact in people’s lives”.
The Duke added: “Being attuned with your mind, and having a support structure around you, are critical to finding your own version of peak performance. What I’ve learned in my own life is the power of transforming pain into purpose.”
He said his goal was to “lift up critical dialogues around mental health, build supportive and compassionate communities, and foster an environment for honest and vulnerable conversations” and he hoped to “help people develop their inner strength, resilience and confidence”.
It might strike the cynical as Californian word salad akin to Aniston’s declaration, upon joining Vital Proteins, that: “Collagen is the glue that holds everything together. I’ve always been an advocate for nourishing your wellness from within.”
Yet as Alexi Robichaux, who co-founded BetterUp in 2013, points out, Harry does bring a unique perspective. “He comes from a very different background,” to other executives, he says, adding: “He’s synonymous with this approach of mental fitness and really investing in yourself. It was not a hard internal sale. He will obviously have the whole organisation sprinting to help him.”
Robichaux confirmed Harry was joining the company’s leadership team as an “officer of the corporation”, which suggests it is a paid role, although public relations expert Mark Borkowski thinks it “highly likely” he has been offered equity in the firm, which values itself at $1.73 billion.
“This previously unknown start-up has now got instant recognition,” he says. “I always said that if Harry and Meghan wanted to generate income, they should look to Silicon Valley. Getting eyeballs onto the company like this, with all the competition, is the hardest job in PR – but now the whole world is talking about it. That’s the effect signing up someone like Harry can have.
“If he’s got points in this firm and it goes gangbusters, he could make some serious money.” Borkowski cites the example of shares in Cellular Goods, the synthetic cannabis firm backed by Beckham, shooting up by 310 per cent after it launched on the London Stock Exchange in February following news of the star footballer’s investment.
“This is all about the ongoing narrative, now,” adds Borkowski, referencing the Oprah Winfrey interview in which the Sussexes raised serious concerns about the Royal family’s handling of racism and mental health issues.
“The impact of generating more connections to his brand is an ongoing struggle for him. But by taking that narrative, which is embedded with that interview along with mental health issues, then he can certainly have a credible corporate platform.”
Yet considering some of the discrepancies that have surfaced since the interview aired in the US on March 7, can Harry really be considered a reliable voice when it comes to combating what he has described as the “avalanche of misinformation”?
Critics have been at pains to point out that his appointment to the Aspen Institute’s new Commission on Information Disorder, a six-month project that will examine the “modern-day crisis of faith in key institutions” appears somewhat at odds with the Sussexes’ repeated insistence that they do not look at newspapers, magazines or social media.
Equally awkward is the fact that the Prince will be sitting alongside Kathryn Murdoch, who is married to James Murdoch, the former chairman of News of the World publisher News International, who resigned from his father Rupert Murdoch’s media empire last year.
As with Harry’s decision to appear on CBS, despite the US network once sparking outrage in 2004 for showing a “distasteful” photo of his mother after her fatal Parisian car crash, the move suggests the exiled Murdochs are now considered reformed characters thanks to their new found work on democracy reform and climate change.
As Harry himself put it, information disorder is an issue that demands “a multi-stakeholder response from advocacy voices” including, apparently, the wife of a man who was found by a Parliamentary report in 2012 to have shown “wilful ignorance of the extent of phone hacking” and being “guilty of an astonishing lack of curiosity” over the illegal practice that Harry, William and Kate were all subjected to along with Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall and a string of palace aides.
It is not thought Harry is being paid for his work with the think tank, founded in 1949, which will look at everything from last year’s US election to vaccine safety and marginalised communities.
It is his listing on the Aspen Institute’s website, however, which perhaps provides the biggest clue to the sixth-in-line to the throne’s direction of travel as he settles into life in the US.
Referenced by his full title, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, the soon to be father-of-two is described as a “humanitarian, military veteran, mental wellness advocate and environmentalist.”
Despite his blood-born Royal status, Shalit believes this repositioning is actually intended to put him on a par with his high-achieving wife. For unlike her husband, who left school with two A-levels before training at Sandhurst Military Academy, it is Meghan – a Northwestern University graduate with a successful acting career under her belt – who is arguably the more employable of the two, on paper at least. As an American, the pregnant mother-of-one also doesn’t carry the burden of Harry’s complicated visa and tax arrangements, amid confusion over whether he is living and working in the US as a “diplomat” or as a person with so-called “special talents”.
“I’ve met Meghan on a number of occasions and she is a hugely astute woman, very bright, incredibly impressive,” says Shalit
“So for Harry to keep up with his wife, he’s got to find his own name and identity and this is the start. He doesn’t need celebrity. When you’re Royal, you’re the biggest celebrity in the world. But what this does is allow Harry to have relevance.”
When it comes to making an impact, Royal relevance is clearly going to be the jewel in the crown of Harry’s very LA relaunch.
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rushingheadlong · 4 years
A review of Queen: The Early Years
Well I have finally finished reading Queen: The Early Years, and now that I have read all 198 pages of this book I feel very confident in saying:
Yall I don’t think this is a good book. Like I really, really do not think this is a good book.
I’ve talked about some of this once or twice before, but I wanted to get all my thoughts about this in one place so, here we go. Brace yourselves, this is going to get wordy (as all my posts invariably do).
The Sources (or lack thereof)
The author wrote this book based on interviews with “over 60 friends and colleagues” of the band. Contrary to an earlier post of mine, he does provide a full list of the people he spoke with, however a lot of these connections are... dubious at best.
He does interview former band members of the groups they were each with before Queen, which might be the only good bits of this book. But a lot of the people he talked to fall under “friends of friends” or “casual acquaintances” or “knew them for a few months decades ago” and not really people who had deep insights into Queen as people, which is fine but he’s presenting their information as if they did.
He also doesn’t give any qualifiers for the information presented - and unless it’s a direct quote from someone, he doesn’t even tell you where he’s getting 90% of the “facts” in his book from. There are no in-text citations, apart from those sporadic quotes, and no bibliography list anywhere in this book.
Instead, he just presents everything he’s writing as the absolute truth with next to nothing to back up what he’s saying, apart from cherry-picked quotes from people who have their own biases in these conversations to begin with. He writes about how many of these people fell out of touch with Queen for 30+ years, and there are several moments during reading where I was wondering whether these stories that were being quoted were true or if it’s the sort of thing that these people made up for the purpose of getting their name in print (especially stories about Freddie).
In the interest of fairness, he does admit in the two-page epilogue that he knows the people he talks to will have their own slant to their stories but he claims that all biographies are “a random assembly of thoughts and recollections” as if to absolve himself of the work of verifying anything being told to him, or at least putting in the effort to let the reader know that things cannot be verified rather than simply presenting everything as pure objective fact.
Authorial Bias and Band Portrayal
The author very much comes across as writing about the band to fit his preconceived ideas of who they are. There are definitely points in the book where he presents images of the band that almost seem like caricatures - Freddie made out to be the deeply self-loathing gay who everyone knew wasn’t actually straight, Brian to be the aloof controlling perfectionist - with little to no nuance given to their actions or stories.
But there are also a lot of moments when it seems like the author doesn’t like the band at all and that he’s writing this book in an attempt to tarnish their image?
Like I wrote in one of my earlier posts, he literally says that Freddie and Brian had the power in the band and that Roger and John had “token” roles. He also implies that Queen only started attributing songwriting credit to the band as a whole beginning with The Miracle to prevent singles royalties from going to Freddie’s estate when he died. The author also often feels the need to put the blame for failed friendships solely on the band, and on several occasions implies that they “betrayed” the people who helped them out in their early career.
Because of this, and because he conveniently doesn’t provide sources for anything he says, it makes me call into question basically everything he writes in this book. Are these stories and facts all accurate, or is he spinning the truth to fit the story he wants to tell?
It’s worth noting also that he apparently asked Brian, Roger, and John for their input, and they and all their official representatives declined. It’s always a red flag for me when someone writes about Queen without the band’s involvement, but the author presents this situation as if he had been deeply wronged by this and implies that any bias in the book was because he didn’t have “their” side of the story - and not because he simply failed to do any work to validate what 60+ strangers were telling him.
I also want to give a warning that how he writes about Freddie’s sexuality is painful in a lot of places. It’s a combination of ideas that don’t hold up well in the 25 years since publication (for example, he says in one place that since Freddie went to an all-boys boarding school it was obvious that he would end up being queer) as well as loose anecdotes shared by people who didn’t know him well, but all felt that they had to give input about his sexuality.
It feels like every time this author interviewed someone about Freddie, he felt obligated to include their “opinion” on whether it was obvious that Freddie was gay in the early 70s or not. It’s a heavy and strange focus that gets really uncomfortable to read about after a while, and one that I don’t think is really appropriate to have been included to the degree that it was.
The author flat-out puts wrong information into this book. I will admit that most of what I picked up on during my read is trivial, but it’s the sort of trivial that makes me question his authority to write anything accurately and also (I believe) has led to misinformation being spread in other Queen writings.
He says that Brian’s parents could have afforded to buy him a guitar, and that the building of the Red Special was essentially an act of ego. This is directly contrary to everything that Brian has ever said on the topic, which is that his family was too poor to afford to buy him a guitar and that the Red Special was built out of an act of necessity. (This also ties into the author’s biased writing of Brian as a controlling perfectionist.)
He gives incorrect dates for concerts and tour information, as can be proven by other first-hand sources like ticket stubs and tour posters. (For example, he says that Queen played six shows in New York’s Uris Theatre in 1974, when we know they only played five.) Again, this is a minor thing but if he’s getting details like this wrong why should I trust his broader stories or conclusions that have no other verifying sources to be correct?
I also think his book is the origination for the story about Brian getting gangrene due to a dirty vaccine needle in 1974. I have a problem with this claim in that I don’t think it’s actually true, but this book is now the earliest source of the story that I’ve seen by over a decade. However since the author doesn’t cite anything in this book, I have no idea how he found this information (or whether he made it up himself).
I also suspect that this is the book that Mick Rock copied information from when compiling the timeline in his book Classic Queen, which was published 12 years later in 2007. Mick Rock not only copies the gangrene story (again, with no further information or citations given) but also includes a very specific reference to Brian complaining about not feeling well while on tour on April 21st, 1974 - a date which is also specifically referenced in The Early Years, again without any citation for where this information came from.
No one takes Mick Rock seriously as a good source for Queen information (beyond info about the photo sessions themselves, which is about the only thing within his scope of expertise). Now it seems like he might have copied those “facts” from this book, which means we might very well have a situation of one questionable book being copied by another until misinformation and lies get assumed to be true just because they’re in more than one place now, never mind that none of this is getting backed up by anything concrete.
Tiny details because I’m big mad about this book just in general
Maybe this is just my copy (which is a physical book, not a digital copy) but there are a lot of typos in this book. Mike Grose becomes Mike Crouse from one paragraph to the next. Words are misspelled, punctuation is missing... It’s a little jarring to see in a book that was actually physically printed up, and makes me wonder if this went through any sort of editing process whatsoever.
Conclusions, or something of the sort?
I need to admit here that I am very angry about this book, because particularly in the later chapters I think the author starts speculating about band dynamics and things from later in their career in a way that is entirely wrong and inappropriate.
However, for the most part, I did enjoy the first part of this book. Roger’s and John’s early chapters seemed to be fine (and from what I’ve been told, the information in Roger’s chapters is backed up in other, better researched, sources). The book started falling apart for me around Brian’s and Freddie’s chapters, though, and as it progressed it just kept going off the rails.
I’m actually really frustrated and disappointed by this, because there’s a lot in this book that reads like it could be true. There’s a lot here that sounds very believable, that seems to align with what others have said about the band, and that I didn’t blink twice at until the cracks started showing up and everything got called into question.
There’s nothing exactly wrong with writing a “biography” based solely on loose anecdotes, especially given that this was written in 1995 shortly after Freddie’s death and before a lot of the more contemporary sources had come out (like Brian’s books and the things him and Roger have said in more recent years).
But I do think that the author has a responsibility for doing some vetting of these stories, either by trying to verify what’s been said or making it apparent to the reader that some of the information is hearsay or has to be taken with a grain of salt. The Early Years doesn’t do that, though. This book is presenting itself as a labor of love from a tired, dedicated author who has toiled over tracking down these stories while being rebuffed by the band itself, and at no point does anything come with a caveat about what’s being said.
The author wants you read this book and assume everything in it is true. The author wants you to feel sorry for him that he couldn’t interview Queen directly, and frankly it seems like he wants you to side-eye the official Queen story (or at least question their morals and motives) in favor of agreeing with the narrative that he presents.
And that’s the big issue that I have with this book. Most of the information in here could very well be true - but as a reader, you aren’t given the tools you need to judge that for yourself and instead are encouraged to sympathize with the author and his work, and to take what he says as objective fact and not look at any of it too deeply.
And because of that, the entire book falls apart for me. If I know that the author is printing small details of misinformation, and I don’t have any way of verifying what is being printed here, and the author starts presenting conclusions and narratives that run counter to everything else that has been said about Queen... how can I trust that anything in this book is accurate on it’s own?
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agentnico · 4 years
Da 5 Bloods (2020) Review
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Plot: From Academy Award® Winner Spike Lee comes a new joint: the story of four African American Vets - Paul (Delroy Lindo), Otis (Clarke Peters), Eddie (Norm Lewis), and Melvin (Isiah Whitlock, Jr.) - who return to Vietnam. Searching for the remains of their fallen Squad Leader (Chadwick Boseman) and the promise of buried treasure, our heroes, joined by Paul's concerned son (Jonathan Majors), battle forces of Man and Nature - while confronted by the lasting ravages of The Immorality of The Vietnam War.
Talk about coincidental relevancy! The Black Lives Matter movement is in full swing currently (following the death of George Floyd), and non-other than Spike Lee releases a Netflix film about Vietnamese veterans, emphasising that it wasn’t only the whites who fought and died for their country during the war. On a serious note, racism was always an issue in the US, so movies like this should always be welcomed, with or without the movement. Director Spike Lee recently addressed the fact of his new film’s release timing accidentally coinciding with what is happening on the news recently in an interview with Variety, where he said the following: “I cannot take any credit for this. The film was shot when it was shot; it was ready to come out when it was ready to come out. And then the world changed for everybody. When something is repeated all the time it becomes a cliché … but that doesn’t mean it’s not the truth. And the truth I’m talking about is timing is everything. This film’s coming out at the right time for the world we live in.” Couldn’t have put it better myself, Mr Lee! This reiterates how severe racism is engraved in America’s DNA, especially that we keep coming back to this issue over and over again. You’d think that by now people would have learnt from their mistakes and would have become better. But as I said, it’s in the DNA of the US, and there is only so much that that can be changed unfortunately. History has taught us a lot, and sadly history tends to repeat itself. But let’s not talk about negatives. In this pandemic filled world where new films are such a rarity due to cinema closures, we actually have a decent film to talk about! So let’s talk about it! 
In a nutshell, this is a quest film! Find a fallen comrade and do some good ol’ gold digging whilst they’re at it! As expected with these treasure escapades, things get out of hand. Straight off the bat, our four leads meet up at the beginning of the movie, and right away you sense the camaraderie between these guys. Through the solid writing and great acting, you truly get the feel that these are true friends who have been through a lot together, like, say, a war! You get to observe their friendship and their love for one another, and though each of them have their own ideologies and beliefs, they work naturally well together, and at the end of the day that is what friendship is. A group of different people who share something in common. That is a theme I’m sure everyone can relate to. That is unless you don’t have any friends, in which case I am very sorry to hear that. Wish I could help. Not even much for advice on that one. Maybe get out more? Honestly, I’m no counsellor, so not the best point of conversation on this topic. I can provide you with a pat on the shoulder and a “there there” if necessary, but that’s about it... Anyhow, friendship!! There’s a lot of it in this movie! That’s just one of the many profound themes applicable to humanity that are present amongst the scenes that play out before our eyes. Even with the Vietnam war aspect, from the trailer I thought this was going to be a war movie, but it actually isn’t. Don’t get me wrong, the war element is certainly present in flashback form, but otherwise it is a modern day set tale. So the war is done, but that is the thing, for these guys, this war never ended. They still suffer from PTSD, getting nightmares and constantly being haunted by past demons, and thus the horrors of war are constantly surrounding them. Again, a very timely theme that can resonate with a few, even as loosely as the idea of being tormented by the past. This makes the movie work really well. It feels real, as it is dealing with a lot of true to life human emotions. 
I need to also mention the technical side, as the way this movie is filmed....it feels like a filmmaker who knows his chops! For example, the way aspect ratio is used in this movie to emphasise the time and place in certain scenes really helps in separating the different story elements and tones. The modern day plot-line is presented in normal scope 23.5 aspect ratio as well as 1.78, then the flashbacks that show the Bloods fighting in the jungles of Vietnam during the war are shown in 4:3 (basically a slightly widened square shaped, very old-school) ratio with a more grainy palette, that very much adds to the feel of the past. Heck, for many audiences this might not be a big deal, but I appreciated this cinema trickery. 
As a whole this movie is a solid watch (and surprisingly intense with quite a few shoot-outs), and, like The Irishman last year, perfect for a streaming service like Netflix, as it’s a pretty long movie, reaching over 2 and a half hours, so it’s very comforting to split your viewing into two or three sittings. In terms of negatives, there aren’t many. As I said, it is a bit long, and 20 minutes could have been chirped off, and also at times the movie does come off a bit preachy and on-the-nose with some of its ideas, which seems to be a bit of a Spike Lee shtick, as I had the same little complaint with his previous directorial outing BlacKkKlansman (though, again, that was a very good movie too!), but never so much that it was beating you over the head with its messages. Though as previously stated, a lot of the themes and ideas are timely messages and thus I cannot really fault them. Also a shout-out to the entire cast, everyone is on their top game, and as I haven’t seen many of these actors before, I will definitely make sure to keep an eye out for them from now on, as these fellas have talent! Special applause goes to Delroy Lindo, who gives such a raw, emotion-filled, vulnerable performance, that I really hope The Academy consider him for an Oscar nomination at the ceremony next year. The film as a whole to be honest definitely oozes with awards potential. We’ll just have to see if these nominations truly come to fruition. Also those looking forward to seeing Black Panther himself, Chadwick Boseman, in this movie, just want to warn you, he isn’t in the film much. That being said, his role is very important and has a great impact on it’s characters. So don’t worry, you will still get your chances to scream “Wakanda Forever!” at the top of your lungs, you Marvel sycophants! 
Overall score: 8/10
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shewrites02 · 4 years
The Trinity |Golden State Warriors| Chapter One
Summary: Golden state rookie Quincy Williams feels he has found the love of his life, but how can he balance basketball, a new relationship, and growing fame.  
word count: 2.8k
"QUINCY! QUINCY!" Reporters shouted in the little room containing only his 5th post-game interview. He fiddled with the Rolex Stephen bought him, after He won their very first game for them. Now he began to feel as if he didn't deserve it. The screaming of reporters grew louder and Quincy new it was time to face the beast he created. He looked up and choose a reporter in the front row to answer to first. The room fell silent and all eyes now laid on the nervous ESPN reporter. He spoke timidly but his voice fell on Quincy like a thousand pounds. "You scored 23 points in the first quarter, an all time high for you so far this season. How much of an accomplishment was this for you in your rookie season?" Quincy's eyes squinted at the reporter causing the reporters hands to shake more vigorously. It was obvious that Quincy's 6'6, stocky, shooting guard stature was intimidating. And His hard expression helped none, at easing this reporters nerves. "It doesn't mean anything! We still lost, and a personal win doesn't mean a thing if your team lost. Ask me this when we win." Quincy hissed. He refrained himself from cussing knowing that wasn't a good headline for a rookie player. He didn't want to be labeled as another player with a "bad attitude." He knew that could ruin careers, and he didn't want to end his career before it even really began. "Just eight questions." Quincy mumbled to himself. Reminding him of the NBA regulations that permitted the players to only have to answer 8 questions in any interview. "QUINCY! QUINCY!" The reporters started to bark again. He picked another reporter. This time a women, who sat in the back with her hair tied. "Quincy do you feel your team mates gave this win away? Or do you think you needed more help out there? " "I feel as if mistakes were made among me and my team. Dumb turnovers and lazy defense on my part. Next question." He quickly brushed the insult he felt off his shoulder. He hated the fact they acted like Quincy was the only player out there, as if he didn't have the legendary Klay Thompson, and Stephen curry playing along side of him. It seemed to him these reporters were always trying to twist his words into him saying something bad about his team. As if he wasn't truly blessed to play with these guys. As the interview continued Quincy continued to get the usual post-game questions. Like 'why that shot? Or what was going through your head when..?' The same old things. Well that was until... "Quincy, you're known as showtime do you think you still live up to that expectation, or do you feel stripped of your title? " Quincy had never felt so offended. Them asking him that question was like them asking if he felt all those long practices on the court were for nothing, or if getting up at 5 o'clock to train alone was a waste of time. They were asking if HE had given up on his career this early in the season. Quincy clenched his fist and sat up in his seat. Fuck his image! He was finna tell every reporter how he felt! He opened his mouth to finally speak his mind like he's wanted to this entire interview. but then came Stephen, shirtless in his game day shorts, storming up the stairs of the stage like platform, then snatched the mic from Quincy. "Quincy Williams is still showtime, will always be showtime, and is the best rookie out right now! And anyone who questions that, questions me and the golden state warriors!" He defended. He then snatched Quincy up and dragged him to the locker room. The vets in the locker room laughed. Not at Quincy, but at the memory of their rookie seasons. They've all gone through being eaten alive by the press, and this moment just reminded them of that. "Are you stupid?" Stephen yelled at him jokingly before draping his towel across his shoulders. Quincy remained silent. He was still pissed and talking to his teammates, that took nothing but the games seriously, wasn't on the top of his to-do list. He just crossed his arms and leaned against his locker. "C'mon man. This shit happens to every great player, especially rookies. You gotta prove yourself. Despite the score." Klay informed him then headed to go take a shower himself. Quincy listened to his advice, but just didn't want to acknowledge it. Not now. His stubbornness wouldn't let him let this go. He snatched the basketball he kept in his locker and headed to the court. "Bruh, where you going?" Andre called after him. But nothing. Quincy walked on the court and took in the empty stadium. This was like his home to him, but he felt like his city was beginning to turn against him. He walked over to the 3-point line. Pulled up and shot the ball. Swish. "He dribbles down the court! The shot clock winding down, and for the game win..." He shot the ball again after acting out his play by play commentary, and once agin, swish. "Quincy Williams with the game winning shot!" He fetched his ball that was now down the court and headed to the center of the Golden state emblem. He sat down the ball in his lap then laid back staring up at the ceiling. "You need to go home rookie! Fuck the media!" Green yelled out to him as he exited the stadium. Considering the number of people left in the stadium was dwindling down, he agreed with Green's suggestion. He then entered the locker room and changed into his grey slacks with a red polo sweater, and exited the locker room with Steph. Some paparazzi still lingered, but wasn't too obnoxious that steph, and Quincy couldn't continue their conversation about the game. "That 3 you made in the corner toward the end of the second quarter was dope! I can't do that with all the luck in the world." Quincy confessed. Steph laughed. "Practice rookie! It took me from freshman year in high school til sophomore year in college to master that." Steph informed him. Steph had really taken Quincy under his wing, and watched out for him. He knew what fame could do to boy who never had anything. It could make him become arrogant, cocky, and NO golden state rookie was going to be that. They continued their conversation, and all Quincy could do was mess with his rolex. He was disregarding almost everything around at this point, even what steph was saying. All he could think was that he didn't deserve this anymore. Eventually they reached the player exit where Reily, and Ayesha where waiting. "Daddy!" Reily yelled. Her little legs moved swiftly as she went to embrace her dad in a hug. He swooped her up then swung her onto his hip. Ayesha then came and gently kissed steph, and whispered what Quincy assumed was good game. "Hi que!" Reily yelled, flailing her arms in a waving motion toward Quincy. She had trouble pronouncing his whole name, so he let her call him by his nickname. "Hey Reily, hi Ayesha.... I'll catch you later steph." Quincy went to exited from the family scene when steph called after him. "I bought that for a reason Quincy... believe in yourself." Quincy smiled and gave Steph a slight nod. He went out to the the car lot. The brisk Oakland air hit his face and immediately he regretted wearing a sweater in the hot Oakland weather. Moving quicker to get out the heat he found himself in front of his 2015 Benz that he bought himself the day he signed his contract. When he got in ESPN radio blasted throughout his car. "I don't know what got into Quincy Williams tonight Mike. He just.. wasn't himself." The radio host commented. Immediately Quincy shut off the radio. He looked down at the Rolex on his wrist then chunked it into the backseat. He didn't want to think about it let alone see it. As he cruised around the city he passed a diner his mom used to take him to when he was sad. Dirty Diana's. When he was in college he would drive all the way from UCLA to Oakland just to feel at home after a bad game. He parked and just peered into the tiny diner. Except from a little boy with his grandfather, and what looked to be a construction worker, the diner was empty. He took one deep breath before turning off the car and proceeded in. The little boy gasped as he noticed the first round draft pick in front of him. He repeatedly nudged his grandfather and pointed. Quincy noticed, and waved, but decided not to say anything. He loved his fans, but he wasn't in the mood right now. Quincy sat in a booth toward the back, and after a few seconds he was greeted by a waitress. When he looked into her eyes he was mesmerized at how beautiful simple brown eyes could be. It felt like just the two of them in that diner. Her smile was so soft and bright, it almost made Quincy forget how horrible he played tonight. Not only that but, her straight black hair reached down her back and shined against her brown skin. It reminded him of how his mother's hair was when he was younger. Her name tag read rosemary. "Sir?" She asked interrupting all these thoughts Quincy had going through his head. "My bad." He mumbled timidly. Which was strange for Quincy. He had always been so confident, so out-going, and definitely never one to shy away from a beautiful girl. "Can I have a slice of pie please?" "What kind?" "Which ever is your favorite." He replied softly. His flirting was almost so settle, she didn't notice. It he wasn't obnoxious like she was used to. So she didn't really know how to react to him, so she smiled and went to go his pie. "Rose, do you know who that is?" The cook, Sam, asked dragging her into the kitchen. She looked down at his hand on her arm, and his bug-eyed expression, and gotten a little afraid. She didn't know who he was, but apparently he was some big deal. "That's Quincy Williams! First round draft pick, plays for golden state! The boys the best rookie, since Jordan!" He whispered. He looked around as if he were afraid that Quincy was just gonna walk up behind them. Rosemary looked at him with a blank expression, he said a lot of words that she didn't understand. Like rookie, and first round draft pick. "Great?" She said in more of a question than an actual statement. She freed her arm from his hold, and went to get Quincy's pie. "Here you go." She smiled softly as she put the pie down in front of him. "Apple pie with ice cream." He announced before taking a big bite. "My favorite." She reminded. Quincy dropped his head and smirked a little bit. He thought she had kinda blown what he said earlier off, and paid it no mind. But he found it cute that she remembered. Rosemary went to continue her shift, but Quincy grabbed her hand and drew her back. It wasn't like she had a dinner of people to attend to. "Here." Quincy said handing Rosemary a spoon. She looked at him then around the dinner, as if she had a big responsibility to attend to. "C'mon... it's your favorite." She untied her apron then sat in the booth across from Quincy. "I'm taking a break sam!" She shouted over to the cook that had previously held her hostage in the kitchen. He glanced up at her with his eyebrow raised. She ignored him and took the spoon from Quincy. At first they sat in this comfortable silence. Quincy just admired her beauty as she sat in front of him oblivious to all the thoughts he had going through his head. He was astonished of the fact she hasn't said one thing about his career, or asked 'what is like being a pro-athlete?' Or any other question females, or people in general usually asked when first meeting him. "You have no idea who I am uh?" She had shoved another bite of pie in her mouth so all she could give Quincy was a puzzled look. She wondered why he cared so much whether or not she knew about his career. Then she came to the realization of how hard it must be for him to find a girl who's not a gold digger or something. "Well sam said something about you being some rookie baseball player or something.... Quinton Williams? And Something about you and Jordan. I don't know. " she confessed. To be honest she really hadn't paid that much attention to what sam was saying. She just assumed he didn't know what he was talking about. "Quincy." He stated laughing. She was the first person in a while who hadn't known him. Rosemary gave him another puzzled look. "What?" "Quincy... My name is Quincy. I'm a basketball player, I play for..." Quincy just stop talking. It was obvious that it didn't matter to Rosemary where he played, and if she didn't care it wasn't worth him talking about. "Your name, rosemary... I haven't heard that name in a while." She ran her fingers across her name tag, with a small smile on her face. It made Quincy curious to know what about her name was so special to her. "Common tell me." He cooed to her. She blushed a little bit. There was something about Quincy that reminded her of a high school crush. There was just something so... fun, and genuine about him. "I'm named after my grandmother. She was my best friend growing up.... I used to get picked on because of my name in elementary school. People would tell me to watch out before someone ate me or something. It's stupid now." Quincy couldn't refrain from laughing. Knowing him, he would've been one of those kids. She gasped hitting his chest. She wasn't mad he laughed, but she definitely didn't expect that! "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He pleaded. "But you have to admit... it's pretty funny." "It most certainly was not funny! I would cry because of that!" But rosemary, herself laughed. This was the first time she had laughed about the situation. She usually thought about as such a tragic thing, but now... it seemed less of a big deal to her. It was finally funny. "Before I started playing basketball I tried to play football, and I- I sucked. I was really bad." Quincy confessed as rosemary was dying laughing. "I tried to play almost every position. Quarterback, but I couldn't throw to save my life. I would constantly hit my line man with the ball in the back of the head. And I couldn't catch so the ball would fall right through my hands. I got called butter fingers til my freshman year " Rosemary laughed harder. She liked the fact Quincy would embarrass himself to make her feel better, and Quincy didn't mind doing so if it meant he got to see her smile again. "Well i guess it doesn't matter now Mr. Superstar." He looked down, after his performance tonight he was feeling less than a superstar. Rosemary sensed the tension that now lingered between them. "I'm didn't mean to say..." "No, it's not you. I just... bad game." He ended the conversation. He loved that he didn't have to talk about basketball with rosemary. He definitely didn't the want to start now. "So rosey...." Quincy went on to interrogate her on her whole back ground, as did she. Like where they were from, their family. Things like that. Quincy even told her about being cut from his his school basketball team his sophomore year, because of selling drugs trying to be a thug, and he had never told anyone that. Not even his mother. They had talked and laughed for hours. Shared secrets with each other. They even talked about their future goals. This was the first time in a long time Quincy had felt like he meet someone genuine. Someone who finally didn't care, or barley even knew about his career. I mean she didn't know much about basketball, but he could change that! "Rose, it's time to get back to work!" Sam yelled at her. She took a deep breath, and rolled her eyes. Only three more people had walked in, it wasn't like they really needed her. But Rosemary knew she couldn't argue after a 3 hour break. "I gotta go. But I'll see you later."
A/n: I really hoped y'all enjoyed this. I already have 5 other parts written so if you would like me continue lemme knowwww. Also if you’d like to be added to the tag list lemme know. 
Tag list: @loganwrites20 @terrablaze514 @shaekingshitup @highasfantasy
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ecmlol · 4 years
As Jude looks at the package on his lap. A strange little noise invades the space around him. Jude looks down and the fussiness is coming from his cranky little one in his arms.
“ I guess someone is hungry.” Jessica say from across the room. Jude looks up and sees Jessica fixing a syringe of milk. The box that was just delivered is open and is full of poaches of milk. Why is his daughter milk coming from a box and not a can. Jude doesn’t know much but he does know formula comes from a canister
“ is that milk?” Jude ask
Jessica take the syringe and heads straight for Jaxy
“ of course. It is”
“ ah Where did it come from?”
“ you didn’t set up a service for her?” Jessica says in a slightly nervous on her face.
“ is there some kind of paper work I never signed her up for anything.”
“ what about your husband or her. Birth mother.” Jessica says as she walks back to get the paper in the box.
She hands the papers to jude.
“Can you please hold off” jude looks down at a crying Jaxy
“ it’s ok it’s ok I’m just gonna find out who sending the milk ok.” Jaxy doesn’t care she holds her argument for the waiting milk.
Jude quickly reads the invoice.
“Well it clearly says it for you but who send. Ah wait this isn’t right.”
“ what’s wrong?”Jessica ask
“This say it’s from jamie Lawson”
“ oh that name seems familiar”
“ that’s her birth mom”
“ oh you know what I think she must have signed her up for a program for baby that are being adopted out. “
“ what kind of program?”
“ it’s a program to recieve breast milk from mothers that produce too much or they have losted there baby and they donate it . Don’t worry the mothers are vetted and the milk has been checked for everything under the sun.”
“ oh would you use it?”
“Yes breast is best she’s a preemie she need all the help she can get.
“ oh well if you think it’s safe then go for it” jude says as he tries to calm he tiny like noise maker down but he is having no luck.
Jude watches as she is being tube feed . Jude follows the milk as it races down the tubing.
“ all better “ Jessica say as she finishes the feeding .
“ can you take her for me please”
“ of course” Jessica gentle take jude’s pride and joy from him . Jude gets up and walks out with the package.
He had a seat in the waiting area and opens the package. Jude pulls out a letter and a old green iPod and a pair of headphones.
“ who could this be from?”
Jude reads the letter.
“ I thought you might want this for my granddaughter .love your father oscar.” Jude reads out loud to himself.
Jude turns in on and finds every interview that Jude had with Noah ,a few classical songs ,a few song that Jude doesn’t recognize,a couple of videos of Noah and a video from jamie to Jaxy.
Jude plays it.
Jamie is sitting on noah couch and she heavily pregnant.
Hey baby girl it’s your momma. I just wanted you to know I took the best care I could have of you before you where born. I made a lot of mistake before you where born but know this your daddy are going to take really good care of you and know that I loved. Please do great thing with your life and make your daddies proud of you. Love you .
Then she waves and then she ends the video.She looked like she was going to cry at the end.
Jude found himself on the verg of tear.
Jude thinks that he should talk to noah before he lets Jaxy see the video when she’s older.
Jude takes out his phone and calls his father. It ring three times before oscar answers it.
“ hello Jude “
“ hey how are you and how was your trip back to New York?”
“ I am well and our trip was uneventful. How is my grand daughter and Noah?” Oscar say
“ she doing great they just took her off the ventilator.”
“ that is wonderful news”
“ oh I received your package “
“ good I’m glad”
“ that was very thoughtful of you. How did you know sending it was a good idea?”
“ if you plan on keeping my granddaughter to your self little details like a video to a baby that know one knows about should be kept to yourself. Ms. Lawson’s family doesn’t need to know about her. .Do they?oscar says
“ your right. Thank you for finding it . The last thing I need is her family trying to claim her. “ Jude say in almost a whisper. He looks around to may sure there isn’t anyone around to hear this conversation.
“ very well how is noah?” Oscar says to change the subject
“ ok I guess”
“I see. Well if you commit to a plan you have to have the stomach to see it through. Are you regretting doing it?”
“ of course not it’s fine “
“ I have to go I have a conference call.”
“ oh ok thanks again for everything”
“ your welcome son. “ Oscar hangs up.
Jude puts his phone in his pockets.
For the next few hours jude sat in the waiting area and listen and watching everything that is on it. All of noahs interviews the interviews with himself everything . It was nice to think about how things use to be.
It’s the second Friday in August. It’s Noah’s birthday. Noah has talked about his birthday to everyone but Jude. Jude wonders why.Jude isn’t working today.Jude has changed his schedule so he’s off . He talked lionel into giving noah the day off so they could spend it together. Jude has the whole day planned.First he is going to pick up noah and take him to breakfast . Then to rodeo drive for a little shopping and then a nice drive up the coast to get out of town for a few hours and then dinner of Noah’s Choicing and then maybe so birthday sex to end the day.
Jude grabs his phone and shots noah a text while he’s brushing his teeth. There’s no answer. Jude finishes up and gets dressed.Still no answer. It never takes noah this long to reply jude thinks. Jude grabs a to go thermos and fills it with coffee for two. Jude knows how noah likes his coffee in the morning. Jude gets to his car and still no reply. At this point jude is worried that something has happened to noah. The trip to Noah’s house only take 8 minutes . Thankfully noah doesn’t live far from jude.jude gets to his apartment and slips in behind someone leaving. Still no reply. Jude anxiety is starting to get to him.jude finally gets too noahs door .
Jude knocks.
“ Noah I know your in there are you ok?”
Jude knocks louder. Noah’s next door neighbor pokes her head out.
“ sorry”jude is about to knock no bang on Noah’s door again when it flies open.
“ Jude? What are you doing here?”
“ checking on you” jude says looking over Noah’s shoulder into his apartment.
“ why? We didn’t have any plans I missed?”
“ I was texting you and you didn’t response and I got worried .”
“ aww you thought something happened to me . You like me “ noah says trying not to sound snarky. Noah is iratated with jude because lately he has been distance he’s been off and on for the last couple of months . He understands the first couple of months after everything thing that happen but now. Noah is fed up.
“ unless you want me to tell you that I love you in the middle of the hall way can I come in.”
That has noah a little surprised and let’s jude in.
“ so did you really think something happened to me or did you think I had company of the men type over last night?”noah says with his arms crossed over his chest.
“ maybe a like of both your 40 now maybe you had a heart attack “ jude says jokingly
“ not funny jude”noah says with a pout
“ just to being honest you alway answer my text in a timely matter.” Jude say and he looks so sad that noah holds his hand out to him but he doesn’t . Noah leans against his couch and Jude looks at jude . Jude walks over to noah.
“ so you love me huh?”
“ yes I wanted to spend my boyfriend’s birthday with him. It’s the big 40. It should be celebrated. Why didn’t you say anything . I only found out because Lionel asked me what I was doing for you.
Noah sighs
“About that I have been doing some thinking
Noah gets up and sits on the couch.jude follows him.
“ what’s wrong”
“ I have been thinking a lot about us. I’m 40 I want to settle down and have kids sooner then later.”
Jude’s heart is raise and he was wondering if noah is about to propose.
“ your not even 30 . Are we even in the same place in life jude ? Should we just end this and I can find someone that on the same page as me ? Are you on the same page as me jude do you want to settle down with me and have some kids .”
“ I do!” Jude blurts out
Noah jerks back a little then smile.
“ Jude I didn’t just ask you to marry me just yet.”noah laughs
“ sorry It was wishful thinking.”
“You really mean that don’t you”
“ yes I do . Dispute the madness of the pass couple of months . The idea of not having you in my live make me feel a lot of different things that I don’t like to think about. Your my friend and so much more. I don’t ever want to loss that. Wait you said yet”
Noah smile.
“I did”
“So we are dating with purpose?”jude ask
“ yes but if you don’t think so then the door right there”noah say
“ no no I’ll sit right here with my boyfriend as he plays his video games for his birthday.” Noah smiles
“ boyfriend huh “ noah says to himself.”
“so what was so important that you had to wake up half of my neighborhood on this fine day?”
“ I didn’t go through all the trouble to get you the day off for your birthday to have you be all by your self.”
“ so your the reason I’m home today”
“ I know I said I would never interfere with your job but I figured I could make up for it with spoiling my boyfriend for his birthday.”
“ does that me your helping me pay my rent because I’m missing work.”
“ oh I didn’t think about that but yes I’ll make it up to you”
“ I’m joking but I’ll take it anyway I still need my lights on”
“ of course “
“ so what was your plans for my birthday?” Noah ask as he starts his game up.
Noah is still a ittle annoyed with his boyfriend .
“Well I brought you coffee just how you like it.”jude says
“ well that’s a nice start. Thank you “
“ then I was going to take you to breakfast any where you wanted to go.”
Noah points to the breakfast he made on the coffee table. There is a large cinnamon roll and banana with the coffee jude brought.
“ oh”
As Noah plays jude looks around.
“ then I wanted to get you a new suit for next season.”
“ I have suits already jude”
“ oh ok then a drive up the coast with the top down and the have dinner any where you want.”
“ that sound romantic.” Noah turns and watches Jude’s reaction to the word.
“ yeah I think it would”jude say with a smile.
Noah smiles back the goes back to his video game.
Jude frowns
“ your mad.”
“ I’m annoyed with you at the moment what gave it away”
“ your not moving and the look on your face isn’t exactly happy. What can I do to make you happy right now?”
“ promise me that next year you will ask me what I wanted to do for my birthday. Don’t just plan a day . It’s my day jude my birthday.”noah says
“ oh ok I’m sorry I just wanted to do something nice for my boyfriend. I’ve never celebrate a boyfriend birthday before.i thought a surprise would be fun.”
Noah heart softened and he stopped playing and turned to Jude. Jude is figeting with his phone.
Noah sighed.
“ come here .its not your fault you are clueless when it comes too normal relationships”jude slides over and sits next to noah. Noah puts his arm around jude.
“I’m being a mess aren’t I?”
“ a bit” noah says and kiss Jude’s check.
“ I’ll make you a deal I’ll play for the next hour then we can roll ok?”
“ you sure?”
“ yes I shouldn’t get depressed about turning 40.”
“ no you shouldn’t.you are the best looking 40 year old I have ever seen.”
Jude says before kissing Noah’s shoulder.
Noah smiles .
Jude gets up and starts to look at all of the sports memorabilia on Noah’s wall seeing he has a hour to blow. Jude has never stopped to look at any of it. He has always just left after sex or slept over.
He runs a cross a bunch of old pictures of Noah.
“ you were a cute kids
“ thanks”
“Look at you tar hill player why don’t you talk more about playing for them.”
“ I was good but I wasn’t great. Why even say anything when most of the people I know where babies. Or professional ballers.”He looks jude straight in the eyes..”
“ haha I was alike 10 I wasn’t a baby”
“ yes you where . “
Jude didn’t want to argue about being a big boy because it sounds stupid to do so.
Noah surprised jude by not taking the whole hour. I was only 10 minutes before he got up and put on clothes on. They wind up going to universal studios because noah wanted to go see the Harry Potter area. It was the first time both and Noah and Jude acted like a big kids together.
Jude’s trip down memory lane is interrupted by murray walking up.
“ hey Jude” jude looks up and see murray standing in casual street cloths with a few bags in her hand.
“ I hope you don’t mind I called Lionel up so she could get me into the house so I could get you fresh clothes and to see if there was any mail that came to the house.oh and I Checked the frig to make sure nothing was rotting a way.”
“Thank you.”
“ here’s your mail.i sorted it out the junk like coupons and ads. I throw away some old pizza that looked like a frisbee. And here is a few clean T-shirt underwear and a pair of shorts oh and those picks you told me noah needed.”
“ perfect”
“ here’s the bag of pictures of anyone from your wedding and picture of the devilgirls and player. I didn’t take too many of the house but I did get pictures of the in laws. They were home.”
“ great!”
For the next hour jude decorators his daughter’s incubator with the help of Murray. After they where done Jude sent Murray to the arena to see if there was anything on his desk that was important and need his attention.
Jude stood back and looks a their handy work. Jaxy’s incubator is covered in black and red all over. Just like a devil’s princess that she is.lJude smiles. As he looks at his sleeping daughter he wonders how he can incorporate the iPod that his father send him for her.jude looks up and sees Derek looking into the nursery.
Jude waves. Derek nods.
“ I’ll be right back.” Jude tells Jaxy who is sleeping soundly.
Jude heads to the door . Jude passes a women on his ways . Jude nods and gives her a pleasant smile. She doesn’t smile a back she scowls at jude.
“ hey everything allright?”jude ask Derek
“Yeah yeah I’m fine I was in the neighborhood and figured I check on everyone.”
“ thanks she’s doing great she’s off the ventilator “ jude say
“ good good.”
Derek and Jude talks for what feels like forever. They talked about anything and everything but the devils .They even sit down. Jude starts to think something it wrong after awhile. Before jude can ask. Murray shows up .
She nods to Derek but doesn’t speak to him. Jude has always thought it was interesting that no one has turned Murray’s head until Murray explained it to him last week.
“ Jude I tried calling you the meeting with the team and devils girls is to night you need to get ready
“ what I totally forget . Crap” Jude says
“ same here I don’t know where my head it.”derek
“ well I hope you find it before the season starts.” Jude say
“ I promise you I will ,i need the season to start so I can have other things on my mind right now.oh I completely forgot to tell you what happened at practice derek says
“ I don’t think we have time I have to go . Maybe we can talk later.
“ sure that will be fine.ill see you at the meeting Derek”
“ yeah see you then”
Derek jude and Murray head to the exit.
At the arena
A stage had been set up and with a microphone.
Jude and Murray have just arrived. Jude looks around and see derek is already here. Lionel greets them first.
“ Hey how’s my gorgeous god baby doing?”
“She’s doing great she’s off the ventilator “
“ that’s wonderful. Jude .i have a fabulous gift for her by the way”
“ oh you do? Thanks”jude says in a absence minded way jude is too busy looking around making sure everyone here and checking out the arena.Jude wants to do a walk through seeing it’s been a few days senses he’s done it.
“Jude everything is fine I promise . I have been keeping a eye on everything “Lionel says
“Please tell me you have this thing in your back pocket. I don’t know what to say. “Jude says
“ I figure that much, you happen to be in luck jude. I can be your pr person .you really should hire someone Jude.
“ my phone has been ringing but I just keep it turned off for the most part” jude says
“ I know people have been calling me trying to reach you. I hope you don’t mind Et want a exclusive on her nursery and her.”
“ please tell me you said no”
“ of course not. The devils new image is all about family jude . She’s the newest member of devil’s nation. She’s perfect for some good pr.
“My daughter isn’t a pr piece for the devils
“ she is actually a great pr piece. She going to in herit the devils one day right?She needs to be use to the spotlight jude”
Jude sigh. Unless I sell and move to Florida. Jude thinks. It’s starting to song great as the days go by.
“ do what you thinks is best Lionel. Just remember she’s not ready for a close up just yet. She has way too many tubes coming out of everwhere everywhere.” Jude waves his hand over his body
“ agree I just need a few photos of her feet or hands maybe a cute picture of her hold yours and Noah wedding rings. That’s what parents like to do. All the celebrities do it. “Lionel informs
“ I actual have that “Jude says proudly
Jude opens his phone and finds the pictures he took right after she was born. He wanted to show noah but he just didn’t have time too. He isn’t ready to share it with the world just yet.
“ you know what can I give it to you later.” Jude says as he holds his phone protectly to his breast pocket.
There are so many reasons by he didn’t want to share her with anyone. How is he going to explain her. Who her mother is who. Adoption or should he say surrogate. What if she really looks like Noah when she gets old then what. Some many questions that Jude didn’t wNt to explain
“ can we get this over so I can get back to the hospital please.”
After jude does a quick” I know all of you are wondering why you” he invited Lionel on to the stage.jude takes a seat by Murray . For the next few minutes while Lionel is talking jude keeps staring at his phone.
“ you ok” Murray whisper.
“Yeah I just don’t like being away from the hospital if you don’t have too.”
“ I’m sure it’s almost over.”
“I hope so”
“ have you eaten?”
“Yeah breakfast why?”
“ as your assistant I figured it’s my job to keep your health too. Your sleeping in a hospital. Can I get you a multi vitamin? She needs her daddy health seeing her pops is all ready in a shitty way.”
“ I swear you think of everything.”
“ so after this food and a drug store”
“ I won’t even argue.”
“ good “Murray looks up and notices people are starting to leave.
“ I guess it’s over “murray says
Jude finally looks up from his phone.
“ good let’s good” because jude could even get up her comes a very pregnant Kyle. For a slit second he wonders when she is due and if it’s a boy or a girl.
“ incoming” Murray points to Kyle heading straight for them
“ earth to jude I know I’m big but you don’t have to stare.” Kyle sa
“ I’m so sorry I was just wondering when your due and if it a boy or a girl?”
“ oh right . I’m due January 3 and it’s a little girl.”
“ awesome ! Maybe our kids could have a play date.”
“ our kids wait when did this happen and why didn’t anyone tell me”
“ I thought everyone knew “ jude says thing about all of the phone calls”
“ I’ve been so busy nesting and trying to get everything ready for the season I have talking to anyone in days . Busy busy busy . My middle name should be bees”
“ I can understand it chaotic trying to get ready for a baby.”
“ tell me about it .” Kyle shakes her head
“ I’m getting off track here I need to know about the budget this year for the devilgirls”
“ I haven’t had time to look at anything yet give me a day and I’ll get back to you.”
“ ok don’t for get about me and the girls.”
“ I won’t my assistant will remain me if I get side tracked.”jude points to Murray who is next to him.
“ I promise you I’ll remind him” murray say.
Kyle looks her over
“ oh all right . If you ever want a makeover I could hook you up girl.”Kyle says
Murray looks Kyle over.
“ I think I’m good thanks” Murray said
“Sorry she’s mines Kyle. I bet you too it. We don’t need Jude’s new assistant looking like a .. glorified stripper. So go on and waddle that way Jude’s a busy man. “ Lionel say as she put her arm around Murray. Murray tries to not look surprised and goes with it.
“ fine have it your way but I would have ever single player knocking on Jude’s door looking for you. Honey”Kyle says
“ ah no thank you! I I’m so good”
“ married?”Kyle ask
“God no”Murray says
“ boyfriend?”Kyle ask
“Nope”Murray says with a smile
“ lesbian?”
“ no “ Murray shakes her head
“ I don’t get it”Kyle ask
Murray and Jude just smile at each other in a knowingly way
Lionel’s lost but plays it off.
“ I need to get back to the hospital. I’ll talk to you soon Kyle” jude says
Kyle who is still perplexed nods her head.
“ sure thing Bossman”
“ ok before you two leave I have to give you my goddaughter few of her many gifts .” Lionel wavesover eve German is right behind her.
“Congratulations Jude on the new addition”. Eve says with a huge smile on her face.
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thesecretisbutter · 5 years
A Few bad signs to look out for when interviewing for a job
Finding a job is one of the most important things you can do as a human being in America. In fact, the emphasis on having a job in America is so large, that if you don’t have a job of a means of making consistent income you are often seen as less of a person.
On the other hand, there are also a lot of employers that will likely see you as less of a person if you work for them. These jobs are often associated with the title of “sales,” but that isn’t always the case. There are many types of jobs where you can end up being the business’s means of income rather than their method of making income. These businesses are dangerous and designed to use you through employment and often discard you before you can take away any profits.
Through my long and arduous search to find work, I have come to identify a few key indicators that a company is more interested in using you than actually hiring you. Don’t think I’m just writing this to get back at any company or companies either, the more people that find actual work the better. When people find a job that isn’t going to exploit them other businesses learn that those types of systems make more money than their abusive ones. In short, bad businesses die if you work towards finding a job that isn’t for a bad business.
So, what are the signs? Here are a few that are most obvious and telling when or if you get an interview.
1)      You got the interview
I’m not trying to take you down a peg, because most people don’t need to be treated like that. But something you should be aware of is the eagerness of a company that is trying to hire you. While it can be completely fine to get a quick response from a potential employer, which is likely to happen if you are exceptionally qualified or a good fit, but when a company takes time to linger on you as a candidate, there’s usually an ulterior motive.
Companies that thrive on employee quantity are by and large bad places. Common instances of this are places like call centers, sales/travel sales companies, and mass media marketers. And don’t get me wrong, you can make money doing these types of jobs (and if you can’t get work anywhere else, these are real options), but the majority of the time the business is making money primarily off of your time rather than whatever it is that you’re doing.
So, when you get a quick and easy interview response, you need to be aware of any signs that you are being recruited rather than hired. Things like going to a location and finding a group of other candidates being interviewed on the same day for the same job and rapid follow up interviews are good signs.
If it looks like a lot of candidates are being pushed through the hiring process to work for the company, that’s probably an indication that they don’t necessarily care what skills you have and you’ll be doing the roughest side of the work they do. This happens mostly in sales and telemarketing, though the former is stealthier about this and the latter is more blunt. This is dangerous particularly if you have an educated background and a good work history, it means they don’t value your experience at all and that your only value lies in being a person that will do whatever they say.
Rapid follow up interviews are also bad indicators. An initial interview could be going great, but if you are invited to stick around for a second round of interviews or are told on the spot after your first interview of when the next scheduled round of interviews will be, this means that the first interview did not matter beyond being a quick vetting process. They want to see if you can commit to the time and basic phrasing of the position before they tell you what you’ll be doing (and that will still probably not be clear). They already expect you to make it to the second interview because, again, they don’t want to hire you, they want to recruit you. Lining you up for a second interview is how they invest you in continuing with the recruitment process; if you say yes, you are more likely to ignore some red flags and accept their offer of “employment.”
2)      Bad morale
Company morale is very important, it tells you whether your coworkers are going to be bearable and if you’ll actually be able to survive in that job. However, it’s hard to see from outside of actual employment at a company if the morale is good. But there are a few trick questions you can drop in an interview to pick up on potential tension and bad company culture. These are particularly useful if you are in a second interview, but also work on an initial interview as well.
“That’s not what I heard from *first interviewer*.” In a second interview, this question will tell you a lot. If the interviewer throws the employee that interviewed you initially under the bus, that’s a bad sign. Responses like “well, I don’t know what *interviewer 1* told you…” or “he messes that up sometimes” indicate a willingness to ingratiate you towards the second interviewer over the first, even though both have the same goal and method of profiting from your employment. All you have to do is listen for a detail that the first interviewer told you get repeated by the second and butt in with a “that’s not what I heard.” This doesn’t work so well if the same person interviews you both times, but it can indicate how good that one person’s memory is.
“Have you ever worked in retail?” This is a great question if you want to get a sense of the background of the interviewer and the other employees at the company. Working in retail is unanimously “the worst,” and it is often extremely degrading, but it is a means to an end. People that have never worked retail are less likely to be empathetic towards real world problems, the personal struggles of individuals, and are less likely to be able to handle genuinely difficult social situations. This might even be a good question to ask an interviewee, as it will tell you a lot about a person in general. But when aimed at an interviewer, people who have never worked in retail are generally worse coworkers.
“What is the company culture like?” An easy and common enough question for an interview, but also dangerous. Companies that invest too much in “we’re awesome” culture and activities are less productive overall. If a company has a party culture with frequently provided meals, hang-out periods, and lots of workplace amenities (like a ping-pong table, pool table, and arcade cabinet) that company is likely less interested in you doing work in that workplace and more interested in you going out and doing menial dirty work. Don’t get me wrong, restrictive work culture like you’ll find at most call centers is way worse, but if a company is trying to razzle dazzle you with “fun things” that’s not usually a good sign for one reason or another.
3)      Pop-up Offices (AKA–location, location, location)
This is something I thought everyone noticed, but (apparently) I’m weird and not everyone else sees these things. The layout and elements of a workplace can tell you a lot about it in ways you might not realize. And the most dangerous thing to look out for is a pop-up office.
While location has a big part to play ( i.e., how far away from the interstate the place is, what other businesses are in the immediate area, what level of living does the area look connected to), it is just as important to pay attention to the interior and exterior of the location itself.
So, what is a pop-up office and why am I bringing it up? Well, a pop-up office is a workplace that is designed to look nice and pleasant, but actually hasn’t been there that long and probably won’t stay there too long by design. These types of locations have hastily painted walls (a good tip off is to look at light switch and electrical outlet covers for smudges of paint, bonus points if the cover is old and yellowed plastic), cheap but nice looking furniture sets (usually bought in bulk from a home furniture store or provided by the company at large for these locations), empty or sparse bookshelves, lack of cameras or other security in the office or outside the office (particularly noteworthy if the area isn’t so great), worn locks on the doors, a lack or extreme abundance of company logos, stock art hanging on the walls, and possibly a large TV that is left on at an odd volume (either too quiet for anyone to hear in silence or slightly too loud to facilitate genuine conversation). These are all things that are used to make you think that the office space is something it really isn’t—stable, fashionable, and profitable. In reality, a pop-up office is just that, a façade. They can pop-up and pop back down on a dime and leave their employees in the dust because there is no more money left to be made at that location.
Conversely, good signs would be modest furniture, low-level visible security, no visible electrical outlets, well maintained textured ceiling (no yellow and brown spots or dust), and any evidence of janitorial work (vacuum cleaner tracks on carpet, lack of dust, slightly mismatched patches of paint from cover up work). These are the sort of things you see in a workplace that has been around for a bit and is confident that it will stay around.
4)      Reverse selling
It is never a good sign when an interviewer starts giving you the same lines that you expect to give them, but it happens. This is a big part of recruiting, and it is always a bad sign.
Part of your job as an interviewee is to explain how you can make money for the company. That is where your value as an employee comes from. Can you reduce waste? Do you work hard and keep a good pace? Can you take a bad business interaction and still have a smile on your face? Whatever it takes, you want to convince a company that your employment there would be mutually beneficial.
When a company starts explaining these sorts of thing to you, you should know that something is going wrong. Promises of big weekly payouts (often stated as “*this one guy that works* here usually makes/has made *some number probably close to $2,500* a week”), detailed interviewer introductions, explaining how the company can help you make more money or start your own company through them are common ones. These are attempts to make you more comfortable accepting a recruitment offer, basically seducing you with great potential when your chances of success (particularly long term) are actually quite low. They just want massive numbers of people working for them, so they make the job sound as enticing as possible.
In reality, these companies usually want you to exhaust your family, friends, and business acquaintances for clients. Essentially, they’re hiring you for your potential connections. Those are usually easy sales or clients to get, but only one-off profits for the company. In the end your employment will probably look like this: you get the job, pitch the company product to people that trust you, and then you dry up and get a different job… but now you have less people that trust you and you become more defensive about your work.
 This isn’t an exhaustive list of bad signs. In fact, you probably already know most of the obvious bad signs that you’ll see. You gut is usually a good indicator too. If a company feels bad, look into them. If their interview, the job posting, and the company background don’t add up to the job you think you’re applying for than that company is either terribly unorganized or just a terrible company. Don’t let some garbage business abuse you and take your time away from you to make money. Keep your eyes peeled, but don’t forget to trust people to a degree. Give people the time to talk to you before you jump to conclusions, but don’t let them decide for you.
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matched-roleplay · 5 years
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–THE WALLFLOWER– “I ponder of something great, my lungs will fill and then deflate. They fill with fire, exhale desire...“
YOU ARE MATCHED WITH: [The Gym Rat] SKELETON BLURB: You were raised around extroverts, all with boisterous personalities. That, however, is not you. The older you’ve gotten, the more you’ve become shy and awkward. You’ve often been encouraged to go out and meet people--to socialize and broaden your horizons, as well as your relationships. At times, you have wanted to and even made feeble attempts but to little-to-no success. Feeling you need the assist, one of your relatives signed you up for Match, filling out your profile in its entirety in hopes that, if you don’t at least find love through it, that the experience might bring something interesting to your life. Now that you know and believe there’s no backing out, you’re very anxious about whomever you’ll soon end up dating and married to.
CHARACTER NAME: Emmeline ‘Emmy’ Joy Becker
AGE | DOB: 29 | March 24, 1991
OCCUPATION: Cosmetologist (suggested specifics: Nail technician, make-up artist, hair stylist, fashion show stylist, salon/spa manager, etc.)
FACE CLAIM: Caity Lotz
RP CONNECTIONS: The Peter Pan & The New Age Hippie
–Interview Questions & Answers–
-TELL US 3 OF YOUR POSITIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: “I’m compassionate, athletic, and devoted.” -TELL US 3 OF YOUR NEGATIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: “What if there’s more than three? If I had to choose, I’d go with fickle, quirky, and compulsive.” -ARE YOU CURRENTLY EMPLOYED? IF SO, WHAT DO YOU DO? “Yes, I own a salon and spa downtown. I’m a hair stylist, so I specialize in that area, and of course handle the business sides of things, including the hiring. Between our staff though you can get the full treatment— hair, mani/pedis, and even massages.” -WHEREABOUTS IN PORTLAND ARE YOU LIVING? “I have a small single family home in St. John’s. It was actually the home I grew up in, but eventually my parents decided they wanted more land and luxury, so they moved to Forest Park. I didn’t want to see the home go— I’m kind of nostalgic like that. I’ve made a few improvements, but I love my place. It’s definitely ‘lived in’.” -DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A PEOPLE PERSON? “Definitely not. It’s not that I don’t like people— I do. But I guess I was just used to being in the background, having grown up around all of these exuberant, outgoing personalities. I just never felt like I really fit in that peg. But I do care about people; my family, my friends. I’m just not the best at making them or new acquaintances. which I should be; you’d be surprised how many people feel the need to strike up conversation and entertain you while you’re doing their hair.” -DO YOU ENJOY ANIMALS/PETS? “I absolutely love pets. Dogs, cats… any kind. I think in a second life I would have been a vet. Animals are easy to socialize with. They don’t judge and they love you unconditionally. You can be an awkward goofball and they still want to cuddle with you. I have a couple of them, actually!” -IF YOU AREN’T ALREADY, DO YOU SEE YOURSELF BECOMING A PARENT SOMEDAY? “I think so. I mean, I’d like to be a parent. Ideally with someone special, but I think if it came down to it and I didn’t have a significant other I would adopt, or something. I do love children. They might bring me out of my comfort zone, which probably wouldn’t be a bad thing.” -WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO FOR FUN? “Call me a dork, but I love board games. I also enjoy sports and being outdoors. Biking, sailing, volleyball? Any chance for fresh air and I’m there. I may or may not secretly have a competitive side. That’s probably the best way to bring me out of bashful mode is to challenge me. It must be the adrenaline.” -WHAT 5 TRAITS OR CHARACTERISTICS ARE MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU IN A ROMANTIC PARTNER? “Not to sound shallow, but there needs to be an attraction there. So, yeah. Attractiveness. Not to mention loyal, honest, caring… and they have to have a sense of humor.” -DESCRIBE YOUR IDEAL FIRST DATE WITH YOUR MATCH: “Like I said, I’m definitely low-maintenance. I think going to like an old-drive in theater would be fun. Privacy would be nice since you’re in a car and can talk all you want, but there is always the option not to as well. And gouging on junk food, of course. Or going to an arcade or carnival. It’s easy to get to know someone when you’re playing games and having a casual, fun time.” -FINALLY, IF YOU COULD GO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD FOR 1 WEEK, WHERE WOULD YOU GO? “I would love to go to Germany around the holidays and visit all of the unique Christmas markets and shops. I’ve heard it’s incredible there.  I would want to tour some castles as well. I just think it would be a really fun, cultural experience.”
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disorganizedkitten · 6 years
A day in the life of- Mafia AU
Hello @luckywritess! I was/am your Secret Santa this year (Last year?) from the @mlsecretsanta exchange! I’m sorry it’s so late!  I took one of your listed AUs and ran with it, I hope you enjoy! There will be at least three more chapters of this, exploring other characters’ lives in the same Universe.  Also on AO3!
Chapter one-Paon Vigilant
“Maybe you should reconsider.” Renée’s comment was punctuated with the distinct sound of a gun cocking.
Paon Vigilant closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. “I already gave you my answer. It would be best for you and Lansky to accept that.”
Renée moved moved the gun closer to her head, a silent reinforcement of the threat.
Paon gave herself a moment, a part of her wishing some people understood the meaning of the word ‘No’, and the rest wishing it would be a smooth enough attack for her to grab her knifes at this angle, and then she moved.
The gun was out of Renée’s hand in a second, two tops. Another second to position the gun in her hand as she spun, kicking Lansky in the same motion.
The first gunshot echoed through the room, loud enough and long enough that the second seemed to merely be an extension of the noise. Two thuds, and Paon just needed to wait for her ears to stop ringing.
“I’m fine.” She called to her partner, wanting a moment to breathe in the familiar scent of fresh blood as she cleared her head.
Paon nodded to herself, and stepped over the two bodies she had just dropped, heading towards the door. Honestly, these guys thought she would take a bribe like that in the first place? Idiots. If they knew enough of her to try to bargain with the Miraculous Syndicate through her, they should have known she was smarter than to take such an imbalanced bargain.
It was a shame Renée had pulled a gun on her, knives were much more in her element.
Her partner for the day, The Mime, was waiting for her in the hall, raising a dark eyebrow when she left alone. Paon shook her head, moving her left hand across her neck while tapping her new gun against her leg with her right. He had probably heard the entire commotion, but it was still good to communicate. Mime nodded, adjusting his bowler hat before starting down the hall.
Paon followed Mime towards the door, fishing her burner cell out of her pocket as she did so. She tapped the buttons on the screen, dialing the familiar number of her husband and partner in crime, Papillon.
It didn’t even finish one set of dial tone before the line came live. “How’s it going, Lovebird?”
“Scenario three, I’m afraid,” Paon said, sighing as she dropped the now-cooled gun into her knife pouch.
“Aw. I was really hoping they’d be good on their word. Are you and Mime on your way back?”
“Leaving as we speak. Is someone waiting outside?”
“Robustus should still have a car there,” Papillion answered without hesitation. “Were you sick again this morning?”
“Butterfly, my love, can we discuss my health somewhere we won’t be overheard?” Paon asked, adjusting her pace so she was passing Mime.
“Of course,” Papillon agreed. “According to Catalyst you can’t come home quite yet though. Are you and Mime still okay with vetting Mr. Pigeon in half an hour?”
Paon Vigilant turned to Mime as she reached the next doorway, leaning against the bar so she could sign the question.
‘You still good with going to vett Mr. Birdy?’
‘I’m not due for my daughter’s play until three.’ He replied, the smile at the thought of his daughter obscuring the teardrops under his eyes.
‘Alright. Robustus’ Or Helicopter with eyes, as was his literal sign name, ‘should be waiting for us outside.’
‘Yes Ma’am.’ Mime saluted.
Paon pulled herself upright and nodded into her phone. “Yeah, we’re still on.”
“Perfect!” Papillon cried. Paon could hear his smile, and could imagine well enough the happy movement on the other side of the phone. He had been very optimistic about this possible ally, and was seemingly sure that he would be on their side.
Paon smiled back, sliding her daggers into her previously unoccupied hand as she pushed the door enough to actually open it. She spun, checking the alleyway outside, and relaxed a little once it proved to be clear.
“Is Befana going to pick us up from Mr. Pigeon’s meeting place?” Paon questioned, making her way down the alley towards the street.
“She’s overseeing the kids’ practices since Zombizou was needed in the field today,” Papillon answered nonchalantly.
“Well at least there’s someone there making sure they all behave themselves. And she’s there for tech support too I assume?”
“Actually, a good amount of the adults are overseeing that for us since we have to be out today.”
“I’m glad they’re not being left alone for it.” Paon reached the edge of the alleyway, and scanned the road in front of her. “Where’s the ride Robustus sent?”
“Down the road, nearer to the river.”
“Perfect, thank you, Love.” Paon spun again and relayed the message to Mime. He tipped his hat at her, gesturing for her to lead the way. She did so gracefully, walking through the streets as if she owned them. And really, she did. Not even Audrey Bourgeois, known as Style Queen in the world of Mafia and reputed to rule the undergrounds of New York, could compete. Emilie Agreste ruled Paris under many names and as many things. Emilie Agreste, model and movie star, known and beloved by many; Paon Vigilant, leader of the crime syndicate Miraculous, -feared by many, bordering on all; mother of Adrien Agreste, the sunshine child, and Chat Noir, pure destructive power hiding behind a playful smile; possible future mother-in-law of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the growing celebrity designer, and Ladybug, leader of the next generation of underground; Wife of Papillon, the second half of the brains running the best set of underground warriors to date; She ruled Paris in many ways, and would not be dethroned by anyone. Ladybug may be her successor, but Paon Vigilant didn’t plan on retiring any time soon.
Passerbys averted their eyes when she turned hers toward them, some even ducking inside the nearest building to avoid her. Paon didn’t mind it though. She welcomed it. People would swarm Emilie, but they all avoided Paon Vigilant to the best of their abilities.
Mime kept pace with her easily, causing anyone who may have been stupid enough to try to challenge her on her own to think again. It was why the basic rule of Miraculous Syndicate is to travel in groups of two or more at all times. While almost all of them could easily fight on their own, having a partner kept spirits up and showed trust between members.
The car wasn’t empty when the doors opened, but Paon hadn’t actually been expecting it to be. Traveling in groups was a common occurrence, even past individual mission groups.
Riposte and Anansi were waiting inside.
“Hello, Miss Feather!” Anansi called, waving.
“Miss Vigilant.” Riposte nodded shortly from beside her partner.
“Hello girls,” Paon nodded to them each in turn as she entered the car, settling across from Anansi while Mime sat across from Riposte. “What have you two been up too?”
“Vanisher’s busy with the movie contest, so we’re being substitute spies concerning the Guardians,” Riposte explained.
“We stood out like bunnies in a hamster cage,” Anansi shrugged.
“Well if someone hadn’t gone head to head against a passerby about which version of that crazy spider myth of yours we might have stayed under the radar,” Riposte snapped.
“I was correcting misinformation!” Anansi defended.
Paon just smiled as the girls’ squabble kept up throughout the drive to Anansi’s drop location. Teenagers.
Hopefully Adrien’s teen years would be easy for her and Gabriel to deal with.
They reached Riposte’s destination not long after, leaving Paon and Mime again in silence for the last few miles to the arranged meeting place.
It was surprising, really, how far away the meeting places were from each other in Paris. Entirely different sides of town could sport buildings perfect for their needs. Out of the public eye, whilst not being too far out of the way.
Paon stepped out of the car, scanning the area for traps. There were none, but it would hurt more if she just breezed by instead of checking. Mime flanked her as they entered the building, following the soft cooing of pigeons to the correct room.
They reached the door, and after a quick conversation in sign, agreed to both go inside and meet with the possible new guy.
Paon Vigilant paused in the entryway of the meeting room, doing her best to not let her emotions show through her mask. Monsieur Pigeon took his name seriously. Very seriously.
There were pigeons and feathers everywhere. Bird feeders hung in the open windows, and any birds that weren’t flocked around M. Pigeon himself were staring at them from said feeders.
Even though she used a bird for her symbol, the majestic peacock, she had never taken it this far. Even Gabriel knew better than to take his butterfly symbol quite that far.
A part of Monsieur Ramier’s charm, or so she would suppose.
“Ah ha ha! You must be from the Miraculous Syndicate.” he shot out of his seat, moving irregularly across the room and scattering pigeons. “A pleasure to meet you! Isn’t that right my lovelies?” he chittered at two of the birds still on his arm, then turned back to her. “I am Monsieur Pigeon, if Hawkmoth didn’t tell you before he sent you.” The pigeons moved to his shoulders, leaving an arm open for him to offer his hand to her.
“Paon Vigilant,” she answered, taking it carefully. She pulled it back right after and gestured to Mime. “And this is my colleague, The Mime.”
“Not one for talking, is he?” Pigeon asked, tilting his head. “That’s okay! My darlings don’t talk much either, but we still make an amazing team. Isn’t that right my boy?” the pigeon in question just cooed, rubbing their head against his neck.
Paon was in crazy town. But he was said to be a good fighter, so she would have to trust that. And finish this interview.
“I’m sure that’s true. So you and your... friends... think you’ll be a good addition to our team? Most try rather hard to avoid being pulled into this, don’t they?”
She glanced around the room again, taking in the pigeons cooing around her, and wrinkled her nose ever so slightly at the smell of the poop wafting about the room. It was going to be a very long meeting.
“Well that was… a unique experience,” Paon voiced, pulling her mask off once safely back in the lair.
“Oh?” Hawkmoth prompted, leaning on his cane.
“Pigeon is not enough warning. He had at least thirty with him, and they all had names, and he was really nice, but I’m not sure how much he’d actually be able to do. We’re supposed to be scary, not nice.” Emilie handed the mask and hat to Hawkmoth, moving onto her hair.
“Are the pigeons at least unsettling?”
“Very,” Emilie assured him, walking over to where Catalyst was waiting.
“Anansi will be out soon, we could always use another bodyguard.” Catalyst offered, handing Emilie her purse. She took it and dropped her hair pins into it.
“I suppose you’re right. Nathalie, how long do we have until the film contest?”
“Two hours,” Catalyst replied.
“Perfect! We have some time to spend on the fashion world! Your newest line is due in two weeks, right?”
“It’s the one to go with Marinette’s hat.” Gabriel explained. “I still need to meet with her for the last set of checkups. Movie night?”
“I’m up for that!” Emilie agreed. “But only after you change back. Nathalie, do you want to join us?”
“After I finish the paperwork from today’s missions I might join you. You two should go ahead.”
“Alright.” Emilie moved back to hug Hawkmoth. “See you later Nathalie! Hit the button Lovebug.”
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Wellesley in STEM: Jenn Wiegel ‘08, Veterinarian
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WU STEM series editor Katie Kinnaird interviews Jenn Wiegel ‘08, a practicing veterinarian.
WU: Jenn, thanks for taking time to chat with us! You are a practicing veterinarian in Gibsonville, North Carolina. What drew you to being a vet?
JW: Every since I was a little girl I wanted to be a veterinarian. I always loved animals and this loved was sealed when I received my first kitten for my 7th birthday.
WU: Do you have a favorite part of your job?
JW: I most enjoy surgery and pleasant clients. :) Puppy and kitten visits are usually fun too. My favorite appointments are those with young children (though not so young that mostly all they do is fuss). I always offer to let them listen to their pet’s heart with the stethoscope. I usually ask them if the pet’s heart sounds okay and they almost always answer with authority that it does. It’s so cute!
WU: You majored in Econ with a minor in Astronomy at Wellesley. This seems like a less tradition pre-vet major. How did you decide to go into veterinary medicine? Did your major prepare you to be a vet in unexpected (or expected) ways?
JW: I’ve always wanted to be a veterinarian, but during my first year at Wellesley, I attended a pre-professional meeting that made it sound next to impossible to get into some of these professions (vet, MD, JD, etc). So I lost a little confidence in myself. It wasn’t until the summer before senior year that I decided I would go back to the dream of being a vet. I don’t know that this really influenced my major choice, however. I was never very interested in being a biology major because I never wanted to teach biology or work in a lab. I’m sure there are more things you can do with a biology degree than that, but 18 year-old me didn’t know this. I am a very practical person, so majoring in Econ was logical in that I could always fall back into any sort of business or finance job with this degree.
And Astronomy? Well, Astronomy was just fun! And I love math! Also, while I do love Star Wars, I will always chuckle at Han Solo’s line about making the Kessel run in “12 parsecs” because parsecs are a measure of distance, not time. Oh Astronomy nerdiness!
WU: How did Wellesley more generally prepare you to work with animals and their human caretakers? Where there any courses or professors at Wellesley that had a particular impact on you and your chosen career?
JW: I had many great professors at Wellesley who helped me along the way with recommendations, but I can’t say I think there was a certain course at Wellesley that helped with the animal or “pet parent” aspect of my job. I recall Professor Marc Tetel being very encouraging when I was the only senior in Bio 101. He was a great professor! There were other professors that I still regard as influential in my life path (Prof. Ryan Frace in history and Prof. Randall Collaizzi in Classics), but I think they just helped contribute to my lifelong love of learning and not specifically anything to do with veterinary medicine.
WU: What is the process for becoming a vet? What is the schooling like? Is there residency?
JW: Becoming a vet requires a 4-year undergraduate degree and then a 4-year veterinary medical doctorate. There are prerequisite courses that all veterinary schools require (the usual sciences and often public speaking as well), but many schools also want you to demonstrate animal or veterinary work experience as well. There are residencies for veterinarians. We essentially have all the specialties that physicians have and they all require a residency with the exception of being a general practitioner. All veterinarians graduate as GPs. If a vet does want to specialize, she would need to do an internship for a year prior to residency.
WU: A prerequisite in public speaking for working with animals is super surprising! Could you say a bit more about how this requirement fits into your veterinarian life?
One of the biggest and most important aspects of my job is client education. Veterinarians spend a lot of time speaking with people in order to help their animals. Taking public speaking as a course helped me be more comfortable speaking in public, particularly strangers (I took public speaking at UConn one summer and knew no one in the class). It’s very important to be clear and concise with what you’re saying and to be able to present medical conditions or treatments in a way that is easy to understand.
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WU: What is the most interesting experience that you’ve had as a vet? What was the funniest or most unexpected experience?
JW: I’ve had so many incredible experiences on this journey. Prior to graduating from veterinary school, I did multiple study abroad trips where we worked with native wildlife/animals and people in those countries. These places included Australia, South Africa, Jordan, Ecuador & the Galapagos, Hawaii, and the Florida keys. In Ecuador, I got to draw blood from the jugular vein of a jaguar and in South Africa, took part in an enrichment program for cheetahs. I really love big cats and so these experiences were incredible. In Florida, I did an externship at a 24 hour hospital that sees a large amount of exotic animals (birds, reptiles, small mammals, etc). While there, the Animal Planet TV show “Gator Boys” brought one of their gators to have his jaw repaired by the owner veterinarian of this practice. I got to be the anesthetist for the alligator which was awesome and nerve-wracking at the same time. I may have even been on TV! (I don’t have cable, so I don’t know!) I would say that was the most unexpected experience I’ve had.
The funniest experience I’ve had as a vet happened my second year out of school. I had an appointment on my books for a wellness cat visit for a 10 year old female spayed kitty named “Tabitha”. This cat had been with the current owners for about 8 years and had been to 3-4 previous veterinarians. I had the documents from this cat’s previous visits so I knew her history. When we perform physical exams, veterinarian usually do a “nose-to-tail” evaluation. Well, I got to Tabitha’s tail, lifted it, and,to my surprise, saw that Tabitha was actually a neutered male cat. Luckily the owner had a good sense of humor when I announced “It’s a boy!” Somehow it had been missed that Tabitha, who had wandered up about 8 years prior, was actually a neutered male and not a spayed female. The owner and I certainly had a laugh about that one for quite some time.
WU: For those of us who considering adding an animal into our families, what recommendations do you have for making this decision? Do you have any suggestions for making the decision and/or preparing our homes?
JW: Actually, there are some great online resources for this. For first time pet parents, they may want to check out this page. The AVMA is our national professional organization and they are very devoted to public education, so they have several pages to help individuals decide what kind of pet is right for you. If you already have an established relationship with a veterinarian, then you may want to ask him or her for a recommendation. If your vet knows you well, they may know whether a cat or dog or a certain breed of pet would work best for you and your family.
WU: Healthcare for humans and the associate costs are big talking points in the US right now. Are there similar conversations or issues surrounding animal healthcare?
JW: Yes and no. There is health insurance for animals, but it works completely differently than human health insurance. I would encourage pet parents to consider getting pet insurance. It does not cover routine care (exams, vaccines, etc), but would could accident or illness and might make having to make a tough decision a lot easier. I worked as an emergency veterinarian full time for about 13 months and unfortunately there is a lot of finance-driven euthanasia because people are not financially prepared for an emergency. Having accident/illness insurance (which is basically what pet health insurance is) could mean life or death for a pet.
There are some veterinarians who are worried that animal healthcare will become as crazy as human healthcare, but I just don’t see how this could happen.
WU: Wellesley Alums seem to be everywhere! Where’s the most unexpected situation where you’ve met a Wellesley alum?
JW: Actually, I just bumped into a Wellesley alum (even an ‘08er) at the top of the Seattle Space Needle in July! I happened to be wearing a Wellesley hat that I bought my husband at reunion. Berenice Rodriguez stopped me and asked if I had gone to Wellesley. I realized I recognized her and we discovered that we were the same class year. We never knew each other well at Wellesley, but well enough to recognize each other! Neither of us live in Seattle, we were both there on vacation!
WU: So many STEM fields are mostly male, and as a result, many women experience challenges breaking into and being part of their chosen communities. As a female veterinarian, have you faced any challenges? What helped you keep moving forward to become the effective vet that you are?
JW: I have not personally experienced any challenges to becoming a veterinarian as a woman. The vast majority of veterinarians are female. In veterinary schools nationwide, 80% of the students are female so it's a lady-dominated field. There are plenty of women-owned practices, etc. I really only find that the biggest issues come when other strong-willed women (as clients) try to play a virtual spitting game to try to one up me intellectually. I have experienced a lot of negativity from these female clients. Whenever I’ve had a client complaint, it has always been a woman. Unfortunately, the general populous is not as supportive of successful, strong women as Wellesley.
WU: What about your life, beyond your work as veterinarian, are you most proud of?
JW: Most proud of? I guess I’m not sure. Oh wait - maybe it was the epic road trip I took in 2010 prior to going to veterinary school. (Blog here: http://lifeisahighway2010.blogspot.com/) I still love telling people about that. Enjoy the most? That’s easy - travel! I love going to new places and experiencing new things. I’ve been to all 50 states (by the age of 27) and 20+ countries. My husband and I love going to the movies, playing trivia, and taking day-trips. I enjoy cross-stitching and crafting.
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WU: Okay, time for the big controversial question. Are you a cat person or dog person? … Just kidding! What I meant to ask is “do you have a special animal companion in your life?”
JW: No controversy here! I am 100% a cat person. Always have been, always will be. Don’t get me wrong, I like dogs and I certainly enjoy seeing them at work, but kitties are where my heart is! My (most recent) best kitty companion passed away suddenly last year. His name was “Major Tom” and, boy, was he handsome. Big yellow eyes, fluffy orange tail, and huge paws. I’m still a bit misty eyed about his passing, but got to be his cat-mom for a glorious decade. I do have some great kitty companions at home right now - Smokey Jo (Major Tom’s sister and my little shadow), Carolina Jane (a princess cat if I ever met one), Sergeant Boots (the shy, gentle, sweet type with an arresting meow), and Marigold Marie (who despite her permanent limp, is very handicapable, thank you very much!). They’re all very sweet, loving companions. They greet me and my husband each and every day as we get home from work, can hardly wait for you to sit down before they’re in your lap (and I mean all of them, at once), and stand guard patiently outside our bedroom in the morning for food and affection. I’ve always had great cats who do all these things.
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Did I win or lose?  It depends upon your perspective. - Episode 5
Yes, I lost to Coral in Ball Brawl.  If I had to lose to someone, I'm glad it was to Coral because she is a veteran's veteran.  The truth is that I lost on purpose because I wanted to leave. I knew the veterans were being greedy and didn't want to play like a team. They were not motivated by winning the game through any concept of sportsmanship or fair play; they were simply motivated by greed and the power of money.  I didn't want to be a part of that kind of challenge.  When I left, I really wanted the rookies to win.  The money wasn't important enough to put up the nonsense and these guys will do ANYTHING for a few dollars.  I knew my team wanted Coral gone, so I thought the best thing I could do was leave her to hang with them, to give them Hell.  I wouldn't be paid anything more to stay longer, and I knew when it was all said and done, the veterans would lose. These are things I said in my interviews with production at the time, which, of course, were not shown during any of the episodes.  
How did things get to this point?  Well, you only saw the very slightest hints of it during the episodes.  The "drunken" CT wasn't just something that happened early in the season, it was a constant, recurring theme.  He appeared intoxicated almost the entire time, and I wasn't interested in being around someone who is a loaded gun and who could possibly assault someone – again – at any time, without provocation.  NOT COOL.  
When it became clear, following the loss of a couple of key players for the rookies, that the veterans would dominate the entire challenge, those key veterans began their scheming.  I overheard one of their conversations.  Their clear focus was not on winning as a team.  Their interest was in maximizing their personal greed.  How much more money would they take home for each person they eliminated people from the team.  In their view, they would have to manage these "executions" themselves, since the rookies appeared incapable of doing it for them.  Their greed was toxic and I wanted no part of it.
 I shared this info selectively with some of the women.  Evelyn didn't believe it, or perhaps more appropriately, didn't want to believe that the guys, particularly Kenny who she had saved on a previous challenge, would lie to her about something so significant in the game.  Robin and Katie were aware, and in one episode, the editors used a clip where it was discussed.  Evan and Kenny tried so hard to be cool and funny, but I wonder if without their "MTV" fame, they could get a chick to save their lives. I've been asked if Evan made fun of me to deflect the fact that he is losing his hair and doesn't want anyone to notice.  Perhaps he does.  Evan, everyone notices you look already look forty and that is scary. You are not fooling anyone by wearing all of your hair forward. What will you look like when you are my age?  Seen any recent pics of Jeff Conaway?  Pathetic.  I hear Hair Club for Men is calling.  You even threw your friend Coral under the bus to look cool on camera.  Some friend you are.  That is behavior only a horrible person would resort to.  
While I've not talked to the rookies about it, I think some of them were aware that if they picked Coral, then the Vets would likely send me against her. Why? Some rookies were aligned with the vets (Frank/Jillian with CT, and Derek with Paula – stuff gets around). I think Brad and Tori were an exception.  Tori has lots of integrity, perhaps too much for a challenge.  Those rookies knew they would benefit from having the veteran's two strongest/most experienced women go against each other, not matter what the outcome; but, I suspect the other rookies thought the vets would send in a weaker player against Coral. It is logical that, in the end, the other veteran women were happy that they didn't have to go against me.  My performance on the Gauntlet 2 and The Duel was something people were well aware of.  If you were someone generally considered a weaker player and you had the opportunity to send home one of the three strongest women (including Evelyn in this), wouldn't you agree?  With one of us leaving for certain, then it only decreased your own odds of later going against someone who almost certainly would defeat you.      
The veteran's dynamic is actually a little more complex that this, though.  Because, if the goal was really to get rid of five or six girls, then why did the guys care so much which girl went first??  Coral gave them three names...Robin, Katie and Diem.  Evelyn volunteered...and they STILL vote for me.  For the guys, it wasn't just "game," it was personal.  It was very personal, but you didn't see me objecting to the vote.  I welcomed it.  The guys needed me gone because they knew I would not let rest their throwing of the women's gauntlet mission.  I would have done everything I could to return the favor.  If the guy's strategy really were honest, then Eric would have gone home by now.  Johnny, even with his bad ankle, was a far better competitor than Eric, and the kind of player who would be a plus to the team in any final mission.  
Our gauntlet did last longer than was shown; they almost always do.  After I tackled Coral, I would help her get up and wipe the sand from her face so she could see.  Just because I didn't want to stay, didn't mean that either of us were going to make less of an effort.  I came away with lots of bruises and I know Coral did as well.  I've been asked for my reaction to some of Coral's comments during our gauntlet episode.  Did I expect Coral's "grandma" comment? No.  It was silly, but also offensive at the same time.  Do I outweigh her by 50 lbs?  Hardly.  Our weight difference comes from the fact that I'm taller and the girl has no butt, seriously, no butt!  I weight 140 lbs. and there is no way she weighs in at only 90 lbs!   Come on!  Still, I understand the pressure of arguing with the rest of the team for a different competitor; hyperbole is also good TV sometimes.  From a team perspective, however, with the final mission in sight, Coral knew any other player with the exception of Evelyn made a far better team choice.  She knew that we both were being thrown under the bus.  
If I had heard her call me stupid names before the gauntlet, I would have beaten her. I know Coral didn't mean anything personal and she is trying to live up to her character.  Still, I would probably have thrown some missions, but I would have never stayed to the end. Winning against Coral would have changed my game play.  I would probably have though of myself as a rookie.  That would have been a little like losing.  In retrospect, losing to Coral and getting away from the challenge was a little more like winning.
At the end of the day, I really don't care what anyone thinks. I don't need to prove myself to anyone. I know, and Coral knows, the real truth of our gauntlet, and it's all on tape.  Frankly, I would rather look ahead than to the past.  I've not done my last challenge.  This one experience doesn't define the challenges for me.  I'm torn between two views as I look to the next one.  The Duel, where the goal is to be the last person standing, is a great format.  So is Battle of the Sexes.  If the veteran women have anything to prove; there is no better place to do it.    
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
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junker-town · 3 years
Karl-Anthony Towns on playing with Anthony Edwards and D’Angelo Russell, his year at Kentucky, and more
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Photo by David Sherman/NBAE via Getty Images
Karl-Anthony Towns is ready for his best year yet.
Karl-Anthony Towns has been one of the most productive big men in the NBA since becoming the No. 1 overall pick in the 2015 draft, but he’s only made one playoff appearance with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Ahead of his seventh season in the league, Towns believes the best is yet to come for both himself and his team.
Towns is coming off the most trying 18 months of his life. His mother Jackie tragically passed away from Covid in April 2020. Towns also lost six other family members to the virus. Towns has publicly been a proponent of vaccine, and has been urging the public to get their shots during this offseason.
SB Nation talked to Towns about the upcoming season, his relationship with D’Angelo Russell, what it was like to play with Anthony Edwards, and his evolution as a shooter. Towns is working with Mobil 1 to offer prize packages for fans through Behindthedrive.com.
This conversation has been lightly edited for clarity.
I think everyone knows you’ve been through a tumultuous 18 months. Before the new season, how are you doing?
I’m doing good. It was a good offseason for me just to get realigned — as much realignment as I could do. Just finding that itch. Playing the game, enjoying life, being with my family. It was big. Especially after Covid, it was really refreshing to see my niece, my nephew, my pops, my sister.
How much do you think about how your season at Kentucky ended? The team had such a great year, starting 38-0, and you fell just short in the Final Four. Now that you are six years removed from college, does the way the season ended still sting?
Man, I talked to (John Calipari) the other day, I’m still upset about it. It haunts me a lot. That was an amazing opportunity. All the work was put in, the results were show, and we just had to finish and we didn’t get the job done. Even to this day, I see Frank Kaminsky, I see Sam Dekker, I feel a little angry. Duke as well. It’s one of those things you just have to live with. It never goes away.
You finally got to play with your pal D’Angelo Russell last season, but between injuries and the pandemic, it was a tough year. What do you two hope to accomplish heading into the new season?
I think that we have a lot to accomplish. We have a lot of things we want to do. Just trying to do everything we can to make this team as successful as possible and build a culture that can stand the test of time. That’s what we’re focused on building right now. The best is yet to come for us. We haven’t had a real season where we were healthy. I was hurt, and when I came back I wasn’t close to 100 percent but had to find ways to make it happen. Then he got hurt, and he wasn’t 100 percent. It’s going to be great to be back at it. Last year early in the season we started off so hot, we were both healthy, both ready to go. Hopefully we can carry that out for 82 games.
Anthony Edwards seemed to exude so much positive energy as a rookie last season. What was it like being a veteran teammate for him?
He’s a ball of energy. He has a lot of positivity. He reminds me and D’Lo a lot of ourselves when we came in where he has all the energy in the world and he can do all of this all day, every day. He’s just an amazing player. An amazing teammate, as well. He has the chance to be really great. We’re going to continue being the right vets for him and continue steering him in the right direction for success. No ego into it, no nothing. Just want him to be the best player he can possibly be for his family and this organization so we can all win together.
I love watching Anthony’s interviews. He’s always so candid, and confident, and funny. What’s the most ridiculous boast Ant has made?
I don’t know. He boasts about everything every day. I don’t think he doubts he can do anything. I’ve heard him talk about baseball. That’s my sport, big dog, I know what to do with that. You want someone who exudes confidence, and he definitely does that. I’m going to let him believe he can do everything, because at the end of the day the belief he has in himself comes out on the court and shows in the results he puts up.
Casual fans might not realize it, but by the numbers you are one of the greatest shooting big men ever. How do you view your evolution as an outside shooter?
There’s no reason to be one dimensional. I always wanted to be the most versatile player I could be. Throughout the years of having such amazing coaches and teachers, and having my father be at the forefront of teaching me the game and building my skill set — I don’t think anyone else has a skillset like I have, especially at my size. I just always want to utilize that as much as possible. There’s no reason to be just a shooter. I think the numbers speak of themselves that I’ve been very efficient in my career at all three levels. That’s what I wanted to be. My whole game is built off efficiency regardless of if I’m close to the basket, mid-range, three-pointer, deep three, I wanted to be efficient as possible at every aspect. I score at all three levels, and I’m going to continue to score at all three levels.
I always felt like I was a great shooter. My dad always knew that. Cal knew that. Kentucky fans can take that as they like — but Cal knew that. I just wanted to utilize my game as much as possible especially in the NBA.
What’s this Mobil 1 campaign about?
It’s an amazing partnership that came together this summer. To have such an amazing brand like Exxon come through with Mobil 1 to give this chance to fans to win some amazing gear, and amazing prizes, that are once in a lifetime, it’s amazing. Especially with the behind the drive campaign that we started, just speaking out about giving back. What drives me to be great, what drives me to workout as hard as I do. It’s been amazing to get some stories out to try to inspire the next generation. This was just a partnership that was amazing. It’s amazing thing to be back on and off the court.
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filmfilmmagazine · 3 years
Linklater on Linklater : self-interview by the Slacker filmmaker (The Austin Chronicle, 1991)
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“Austin has the highest per capita ratio of wonderful people and the lowest percentage of assholes of any city. I believe I'll be based here for quite some time." When Richard Linklater made that announcement to the Chronicle back in 1991, at the height of Slacker's success, it would have been reasonable to believe that he was blowing at least a little smoke. But three decades, five Oscar nominations, and $300 million in the global box office later, he's still hanging around – an older, wiser version of the indie innovator whose latest film, live-action/animation hybrid coming-of-age period piece Apollo 10 ½: A Space Age Adventure, has been acquired by Netflix, and was still made in the ATX.
But 30 years ago, he was the newly minted hometown hero. In typical fashion, when the Chronicle sponsored a screening of Slacker at the Dobie on Sept. 22, 1991, we ran a story under the unwieldy title of: "The Art of the Interview: Self-Revelation or Self Torture? Richard Linklaker Interviewed by ..." There's no byline, because the subject was the author: Linklater, still whirling from the seemingly never-ending press tour, sat down with himself to dispatch, once and for all, the most meaningful answer to the most generic questions he had been asked over the summer months.
Here's a snippet, for the first time since its original print appearance, is the whole story of surviving Slacker, in Linklater's own words - Richard Whittaker.
After nearly 140 Slacker interviews in the last two months, automatic pilot has taken over, like an actor in a long-running play summoning energy before each performance, or an instructor making an ages old lecture seem witty and spontaneous. This publicity grind also seems to resemble a psychoanalytical session: Someone gets paid to ask prompting questions and listen to you drone on and on – and I do find myself discovering new things in the process. It's been a forced transformation from being too shy to address an audience to being live on CNN in front of millions. The final stage in the filmmaking process is apparently being a professional mouth and ranting on about things that have only the slightest connection to whatever "qualified" me to be ranting in the first place. So I thought a "composite interview" of all my interviews might able to include many of the natural questions the film invites, as well as more than just the snippet of my answer that happens to fit an interviewer's agenda – the luxury of my being both interviewer and subject here.
So, first question:
RL: So, just what is a slacker?
RL: (Acting like he's never heard the question before.) Hmmm... Slackers might look like the left-behinds but they are actually one step ahead, rejecting most of society and the social hierarchy before it rejects them. The dictionary defines slackers as people who evade duties and responsibilities. A more modern notion would be people who are ultimately being responsible to themselves and not wasting their time in a realm of activity that has nothing to do with who they are or what they might ultimately be striving for.
RL: (A slightly suspecting, almost distrustful look) So okay... You aren't a slacker. Slackers don't make movies.
RL: Sure they do, just not the kind you would usually want to interview somebody about. It sounds like I'm being judged on the success of the film, not its simple existence. No one ever said slackers weren't productive. It's just that their products often fall outside the market economy. If the film never found an audience, would my slacker credentials be revoked like this? I think I still qualify as a slacker... just one that's currently lucky. I've been officially employed about one year of the last seven. Actually, filmmaking is the perfect slacker profession. You can piddle around for years, watch tons of movies and daydream about what important films you would make if you only had the cash.
RL: Speaking of it, where did you get the money for Slacker?
RL: It wasn't about money, we never talked about it. There wasn't any, so we had to get by some other way. Everyone who worked on the film did it for reasons other than cash. The fact that it was done so inexpensively says more about the spirit of the people involved in the project than the cost. But by the first watchable print, about $23,000 had been spent. That doesn't include large amounts still owed at the time to the lab, sound studio, and all the deferred wages. With the blow-up to 35mm and all the legal costs involved in signing with a bigger distributor, the budget is now well over 150 grand and still growing. The initial cash came from where most truly independent films come from: supportive family and friends, credit cards, any savings, additional loans. You sell off possessions, steal, ask others to steal, all kinds of things you're not particularly proud of.
RL: Are you surprised at the film's success?
RL: On one level, sure. It could easily have never happened. It comes down to a series of the right people at the right time saying "yes" in whatever way they can. But for whatever success the film has had, there is a parallel track of rejection. You have to build up an almost erotic relationship with rejection, or the process could decimate you. Even as late as last week, it continues to get turned down at certain festivals, and we haven't really had a big break internationally yet. But I think everyone who worked on the film felt it was a success last summer when we opened at the Dobie. It was closure and success completely on its own terms. Had it never gone much further, it would have been this positive experience that we all learned from, had fun with, and basically accomplished what we set out to do; any additional success has all been gravy. The national selling of the film is a bit strange to me because it's so "cult-of-the-director" oriented. When I say "we," they usually change it to "I." Fortunately for me, my key Slacker collaborators understand the inevitable simplifications as a part of the marketing process to be used, ultimately, for our ends. I'm trying not to take the personal attention and scrutiny too seriously. and actually find a certain comfort in simply seeing myself as a spokesman of the moment for a lot of people's creative energy and input. As a producer, I've always felt responsible to the 150-plus people who donated their time and energy and will share in any profits from the film.
RL: One of the most interesting aspects of the movie is its large cast of mostly non-professional actors. Where did you find such poorly dressed people?
RL: Many were friends of mine or the crew, but were most were found through a very selective vetting process where we gave out cards that were essentially invitations to a video interview. From there it was matching people to parts they seemed to embody the essence of. A lot of interesting people couldn't get it together to show up for their interview, and a lot of cool people we met with just didn't match a preconceived part. We were then so underground no one cared much. I run into people who say if they had known it was going to be any good, they would have been more interested. Basically, the cast has never been given enough credit. These were not only interesting, creative and courageous people, but also the ones serious enough to approach the rehearsal and shooting process in a professional manner. By saying everyone "simply played themselves," it doesn't acknowledge that leap of faith to get into that arena and tap into a part of themselves necessary for the part. It's not easy to be yourself on purpose take after take.
RL: The press kit here says that the movie was entirely scripted. It has such an improvisational feel.
RL: Don't ever believe press kits... that was all bullshit. Actually, we'd just turn the camera on and whatever happened, happened. I don't know why everybody doesn't do a movie like this. I guess we just got lucky that it all fit together somehow (smiles).
RL: Seriously, I detect a structure, but was just commenting that the actors seemed very real.
RL: They are real. That was the point. It was all about giving the characters complete freedom within the confines of a certain structure. As long as the scene meant what I wanted it to mean, it was open to anything and in fact demanded a certain honesty of the moment that transcends acting in the typical sense. The inspired moments and personal characteristics were planned on and cultivated. It was all about creating an atmosphere where everyone was participating as an artist. Nowhere does it say that I alone wrote every word of the movie. The director in me would never give myself that much credence as a writer, and that wasn't what this movie was all about. I initially wrote what happens in each scene, minus the exact dialogue. This all came from God knows where... conversations, crazy ideas, and actual experiences. Some were inspired by or adapted from bookish ideas or pre-existing texts, like a spoken word performance by Jim Roche or a few short stories by Jack Meredith. I had a meeting with Sid Moody about various conspiracy theories. The thread was that I was moved in some way or another by a situation and deemed it important and thematically meaningful enough to be worthy of screen time. After the cast had been selected I would usually write the dialogue and then work with the actors rewriting it. To blend with the pseudodocumentary style of the film, it was very important that the characters make the material their own in whatever way possible. This was in the rehearsal period, which for me was the most inspired aspect of production — seeing the ideas come to life via this fusion of real person and fictional context. Each scene had its own unique life, and was as varied as the personalities involved. I had trained for years as an actor and felt confident I could extract a certain quality from people that would play on the screen. It's amazing what many of the characters brought to their scenes. This was where a lot of the humor in the movie came from: You get witty and intelligent people together with a common purpose in a playful atmosphere, and almost magical things start to happen.
RL: Does this Slacker phenomenon exist anywhere else, or could this have only been made in Austin?
RL: It definitely taps into one aspect of the local atmosphere, but it's hard to say how unlike other college towns that is. I wanted it to be both an "Austin Movie" with references and one that could have come from anywhere. Its spirit might have come from elsewhere, but it probably could have only been made in Austin. Where else would such a concentration of talented film people be willing to be involved in something outside the typical professional borders of the film industry? Where else would we have been able to get the professional favors and donations of everything from equipment to locations to food? I'm proud to say that it's a 100 percent Austin product.
RL: Much is being said about the twentysomething generation that is represented in the film.
RL: First off, I refuse to participate in a conversation couched in such derivative, blatantly unoriginal terms. That ridiculous catch-phrase started last summer on the cover of Time magazine, the same magazine that could only talk of Slacker in relation to the 1960s. and even called Austin a Haight-Ashbury of the 1990s. There's no doubt where their heads are at, and it's that kind of thinking that ruins anything new. I never bought that standard baby-boomer line that we were all so nothing... it just takes a different form. We're aware of the past, informed, cynical in a healthy way, and have a great sense of irony. Who could spend such formative years in the 1970s and 1980s and not have that ironic edge? I can see why people are asking me about a generation I happen to be a part of, but to me Slacker owes more allegiance to cinema than to a generation.
RL: I thought the movie was funny, but the person I was with found it a little depressing... that it adds up to futility.
“What gives me eternal hope and, in a way, what the film really depicts, is that our society still has a strong individual vitality at heart, intellectual and otherwise.”– Richard Linklater
RL: I guess I can see how some people look at it that way... it certainly has its dark areas. But what gives me eternal hope and, in a way, what the film really depicts, is that our society still has a strong individual vitality at heart, intellectual and otherwise. Habitual energy can equal optimism. We as individuals and as a society have the ability to revitalize ourselves. There can be no denying there is a large amount of alternative social and cultural experimentation going on. It could add up to something new, or if in fact there isn't anything new, at least a new emphasis, a new combination.
RL: What's been the most exciting or satisfying experience related to the making of Slacker?
RL: I think it was working with my friends and who were with the film all the way — the "Slacker 7." When people ask advice on how to make films, I always say "have talented friends." It was one of those rare experiences where we were so in sync and dedicated to the film that the notion of professional credits was a little odd when it was all over. We all had our specialties but basically everyone did everything — whatever was required. It was just such a life-expanding process. When I fell in love with the cinema eight or nine years ago, it filled a vacuum in my life in an all-encompassing way. With Slacker, I think I had a need to reach out and try to communicate, not only to a potential audience, but more importantly, to the cast and crew I was working with. It was a challenge to go from a rather isolated world to working intimately with over 100 people. And a finished film can add an entirely new dimension to the lives of those who worked on it. The people I've met because of this film have been the coolest. I could almost now say I have a life in addition to film. There were many years before where I really couldn't or wouldn't have wanted to.
RL: What's next? Are you going to go Hollywood or stay in Austin?
RL: I'm getting really anxious to be in production again — it's been so long since we were first shooting Slacker. I have several very different kinds of films I'd like to do soon. It's all about hooking up with the right people who, regardless of what level they're on, want to make the same movie you want to make. It's certainly not so cut and dried, like the independent scene is cool and artistic and the studios are evil. A guy who gives you 50 grand to make a film can totally ruin it, and a studio that gives you seven million can leave you alone completely. I've already been to Hollywood, actually, and it's a lot of driving around and people who care much more about their bodies than their minds and spirit. I've spent a lot of time in New York in the last year, but always come back thinking Austin has the highest per capita ratio of wonderful people and the lowest percentage of assholes of any city. I believe I'll be based here for quite some time.
Cet article est disponible en ligne sur le site de l’Austin Chronicle.
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Interviewing Emma Quick on Taxidermy
Have you ever been interviewed?
Erm, yeah actually few times now for some bands that I used to play (guitar and bass) in and also for a taxidermy magazine... that doesn't make this any easier though. I definitely prefer the role of the interviewer, although this is my first time doing that!
Have you ever given an interview before?
What/Who got you into Taxidermy?
Well I have to say that my magic 8 ball never saw this ever being something that I would do as a job once 'grown-up' but like mosty people who get into it, I've always been fasinated by Taxidermy since I was a kid. I think that interest stems back to a local Bradford museum that my mum used to take me to when little, which had a big glass display full of all sorts of native animals. That question of 'how did they get in there' really stayed with me. I didn't have a clue! I had been working a pretty serious and well paid corporate job up until about 5 years ago but thanks to an major extitenial crisis, I deciced to leave the industry, go travelling (again) and try and find a more creative path for myself once back. I booked myself in for a taxidermy day course thinking it would be nothing more than a small distraction and an opportuinity to learn but I got on so well with the two women running the course that they asked me to come back and be a part time apprentice for them. Everything just sort of took off from there.
What are your family’s/friends opinions on Taxidermy?
My family are all very supportive as are my friends but I did have a few people asking me when I would get a 'proper job' again during the first couple of years. People views on taxidermy can be quite polarised and the problem with that can be that people just don't know enough about the process or how things are procured. The main difference between a friend and an angry finger-pointing stranger is usual just that they are more comfortable to ask questions and find out more. Believe me, I had a steep learning curve there myself and a lot of moral questions around it but realising it's no longer just all men out shooting for throphies and now largerly a female based craft using only natural death and bi-products makes a big difference, for a start.
How do you think Taxidermy changes the world, what idea would you like to bring when you do it?
I don't think I would say it changes the world now but I think it's fair to say it did. I have very strong feeling against early traditional taxidermy as the animals were nearly always hunted and killed for purpose which just makes me so sad and angry but I guess I can see some ductional value in what the Victorians were trying to do in term of documenting natural history.
What are the good and bad things about Taxidermy?
The good is taking something that would usually be throw in the bin, incinerated or just rot away and making it into something that someone will love for years to come. The bad is the awful history of early taxidermy and the few people who still see it as ok to hunt in order to mount their animals (I'm looking at you, America).
What is your opinion on people who hunt animals with the purpose of Taxidermy?
Oh my god, well if you can't tell already... these people absolutely disgust me. Thankfully it very rare that I come into contact with them. My biggest consideration around what I work on is around trusted supply - nearly everything I use comes from registered conversationalist, animal sanctuaries and vets, and the rest is either found or brought in by my cats/friend's cats. I was very careful to seek out and interogate any contacts I was put in touch to ensure any animal I work on is from unavoidable death. I don't pay anyone for animals, only the postage costs so I can be sure there are no gains to be made from their death. This doesn't stop the odd person offering me something for money that I can feel in my bones has been killed, or the odd yank making some comment on my instagram thinking i'm down with hunting too. Blocked!
How do you think Taxidermy impacts the way people see animals?
I'm not sure about that but it definitely did make me see animals, and even humans in quite a new light. Learning about anatomy first-hand was so interesting to me and you really do start to look and see bodies differently once you get into that. We all seem a little more fragile now than we did before.
How do people's opinions on Taxidermy affect you?
Hmm, this is a tricky one for me. I'm naturally very sensitive and empathic by nature so I don't like to see anyone upset by what I do. I also totally understand that without delving into the subject and learning about the more modern side of the craft, that I expected most people to have some issues with it. I've had a few people contact me through my shop to tell me how evil I am and that i'll burn in hell etc etc (also, usually American) but I never retaliate with negativity. On the few occasions this has happened I have taken the time to write back and explain a little about how I obtain my animals and to my surprise, nearly all of them came back later to thank me for 'opening their eyes' and explaining. A couple even offered to buy something after! You can't write this stuff! I'd much rather people fire questions at me than get angry because they don't understand how it's all done or what my ethics are.
What, in your opinion, makes a good Taxidermist?
Someone who sincerely cares about animal protection and conversation.
What is your own opinion on people who stuff their own animals?
Have you ever had a bad experience with Taxidermying an animal?
Well I get them in all sorts of states, sometimes in terrible conditions. ie: Nearly every fox i've ever received has been hit by a car (bloody humans again!) or too far gone re decay. I never really get over the feeling of sadness if something is too rotten to work on but on the otherhand, i've managed to restore so many animals to their former glory that it sort of makes up for it, it's such an amazing and emotional feeling to bring something 'back'.
Do you feel a certain weight/responsibility when Taxidermying?
Always. Everytime I receive and work on something. This is the most important part of taxidermy for me. It also matters who my customers are and if they share the same ethical beliefs. I've found that nearly all of them do too.
How does the pandemic affect you as a Taxidermist? #
Yeah, it's been a struggle as most of what I receive is found so less people walking, less supply. I've really noticed an increase in people trying it out over this past year though - i guess the pandemic has been a good time for hobbiests.
Is there something that you would like people to know about Taxidermy?
I guess what I didn't realise is how much emotional attachment people make to the finished pieces. If i'm having a bad day I might take a look at some of my reviews as customers really do gush over what i've sent out and am bowled over about how much love there is for them. I often get people's life stories when working commisions and found that people don't see them as just a dead animal. They can hold all sorts of emtional ties to lost pets and lost loved ones and other such things. I'm often asked to make memorial pieces, or something that marks a certain stage in their lives. I couldn't have continued doing this if i just thought they were seen a a cool 'prop' for the mantlepiece.
Also, that it's really not as bloody, smelly or dirty as you might think (if you are any good, that is).
What are some stereotypes about Taxidermy that upset you?
Ha, there is no such thing as a positive taxidermy sterotype in film and tv tropes. We are always the murderers and phsycos! God i could list off a hundred films which include a sinsiter blood-splattered taxidermist with evil intent, and i'm sure some do exist but in real life, try and get to know us and you'll generally find good-hearted people. I won't say this upsets me because again, I understand how the craft is perceived and plus, I have a pretty dark sense of humour so it's easy enough to laugh this kind of thing off.
Have you always been interested in animals?
Yeah I've been a real nature girl ever since I can remember, certainly my first and last love. I'm definitely one of those weirdos who prefers animals to people and have had loads of different pets around the home throughout my childhood - Dogs (dog i love dogs!), cats, mice, gerbils, rabbits, ferrets and snakes to name just a few. My sister and I were brought up to love and care for creatures as much as my mum does - she is bascially like Ms Doo-little, taking in strays and injured animals and making sure they find homes and the treatment they need. It made me chuckle to myself reading Lorena's answers as very simiarly, me and my sis were young members of all sorts of wildlife groups when we were little and were always reading some sort of wildlife encycolpedia or heading off to the woods while our mates were more interested in mum's lipstick etc.
Was it hard for you to be interested in such a different form of art when it comes to finding materials to use?
Are there any Tv shows/artists/documentaries, etc that you recommend people watch to learn more about Taxidermy?
Erm, yeah this can be hard given how we taxidermist are perceived but I am starting to see a few documentaries pop up about modern day practices which is a welcomed change. I remember the bad film portrayals better than the few doc but i think even Netflix has one film called 'Stuffed' on it currently which does help provide a more realitic view of the craft.
Why do you think a lot of people see Taxidermy in a negative way?
What would you tell someone if they want to start practising Taxidermy?
That there is so much to learn and you'll never really stop learning. It's a difficult thing to do right and does take years of practice. I've spoken to people who have done it for over 30 years who still consider themselves as ameatures. My main tip would be to ensure your supply is a clean one and you are not adding any more unneccessary pain to the world.
What is something you would like to tell people about Taxidermy (a random fact or just a curiosity)
I once read that taxidermy started because of the Platypus. The explorers who found it did not believe it was a real animal and that someone had artifically created it so they disected one and sent it back to scientists to validate the strange (and very lovely little) creature, or so the story goes....
Please add here any additional information or commentaries that you find that are interesting to people who aren’t very familiar with Taxidermy.
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