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jimmydemaret · 4 years
Rdruko Men's Golf Shirts Quick Dry Short/Long Sleeve Polo Athletic Casual T-Shirt
Rdruko Men’s Golf Shirts Quick Dry Short/Long Sleeve Polo Athletic Casual T-Shirt
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johnbbutmakeitace · 4 years
five reasons why pope heyward is screwed, a series (part 3/5)
part two is here
Reason Number Three: Fistfight
Pope Heyward is not in love.
Well, okay-- no. That’s not true. He is in love.
He’s just not allowed to be.
And look, Pope came up with the “no pogue on pogue macking” rule when he was like eleven and a control freak, okay? 
He was young, and literally everything about the concept of love was totally and completely new to him. And the very idea that his only real friend group could split at the seams just because one of them tried to kiss Kie was absolutely terrifying.
Now that he’s older, Pope is beginning to realize what a stupid rule that is.
Like today, JJ is helping Pope with grocery runs for his dad. They’re both sweaty and tired in the afternoon sun, and JJ’s taken his old tank top off and is using it as a dew rag instead of a tank top. 
He’d dunked it into the water and left it draped around his neck to stay cool, and now there’s rivulets of water sliding down his chest and back. He keeps sweeping sweaty hair out of his eyes, looking like some sort of teenage Adonis, or something. 
And Pope is trying not to look like he’s staring -- by which he means he definitely is just fucking staring -- but thankfully JJ’s not all that sharp in the observational skills department.
So while Pope might be blatantly staring at JJ’s back, tracing the way the water slides down his spine with his eyes, all JJ does is lift up a bunch of bananas from the bag he’s been rummaging through and ask, “You think Miss Amy’ll give me tip if I get down on one knee to give her these?”
Pope flushes just a little at the idea of JJ down on one knee for anything, but manages to roll his eyes and jab lightly, “Yeah, a tip to put your shirt back on.”
Shining in the sun, JJ throws his head back and laughs, and Pope thinks no pogue on pogue macking the stupidest rule. It’s the worst rule.
But it’s what he’s stuck with. And he’s just gonna have to be okay with that. He doesn’t want to be okay with it, but he will be.
He reasons, as he makes his way down through the golf course entrance with an armful of too many groceries, that he’ll get over it eventually. That these kinds of crushes happen all the time. That it’s nice to have it for a while, to moan and groan about it with your friends (he hasn’t actually done any moaning or groaning to any of his friends about it, because, y’know) but then forget about it and never act on them ever.
At least, that’s what he keeps telling himself, anyway. 
He’s a little too wrapped up in thinking about it, slowly sinking deeper and deeper into the labyrinth that are his own thoughts. It’s why he doesn’t hear them coming until it’s too late.
“How much for one of those beers?” Rafe’s voice is in Pope’s ear before he actually sees him. His head jerks up, and suddenly he’s face to face with both Rafe and Topper -- who are both wielding fucking metal golf clubs, by the way -- with an arm full of groceries, completely alone.  
Something cold and heavy settles in his throat, and Pope does his best to swallow it. 
 He keeps walking, “They’re not for sale.” 
Rafe uses the back of his golf club to push Pope to a stop by the chest, and Pope ignores the way he can feel that cold, heavy thing swell into something like dread.  
Rafe’s smile reminds Pope of a shark. A manic, borderline psychotic, coked up shark-- but a shark nonetheless, “Then why don’t you just give us a few for free, huh?” 
 Despite it being two against one, Pope is still helping his dad with a job right now. A job that his dad needs to pay the bills and keep their house, so. 
 He shrugs and tries to sidestep them, “Or you can order one, like everybody else.” 
 It doesn’t work. 
 “But you’ve got so many,” Rafe pushes him back, and the gesture is just a little too aggressive, “How about just one?”
 “C’mon, man,” Topper chimes in, grin casual, like Pope didn’t just see his grip tighten on his club, “Just one beer.” 
 Topper’s golf club glints in the sun, and Pope takes a deep breath and seals his fate. 
“I said no.”
 The whole fight happens in about a thirty second blur. Pope remembers the groceries getting sent flying into the bushes, throwing a fist, then a flash of silver and a bloom of agony. Remembers spitting blood into the sand, remembers a shadow above his head and being fucking terrified of what came next. 
He remembers the way Rafe had laughed above him, the way he leaned down and spit “we don’t want you here” in Pope’s face. Remembers the way he’d stayed there and watched Pope writhe in pain like a fucking psycho, the taste of burning copper coating Pope’s tongue and teeth. 
Topper starts getting nervous the longer Rafe stares. Starts saying stuff like, “Rafe, come on,” and “we gotta go” as he keeps his eyes darting around the golf course, like he’s expecting Sheriff Peterkin to just materialize on the green, handcuffs at the ready. 
Rafe just leans down closer to watch Pope choke on his own blood, close enough that Pope can feel Rafe’s breath on his skin. 
“Not so tough now, huh?” He mutters, just quiet enough for Pope to hear over the blood rushing in his ears. The look in Rafe’s eyes makes Pope feel like he’s gonna be sick.
“Yeah,” Rafe grins wide, “You’re not so tough at all.” 
And, it’s funny. The more Rafe talks, the more Pope feels it. Something inside of him starts to coil, slow and steady. 
“That’s enough, dude,” Topper says, “Rafe, come on.” 
“What’s wrong, little pogue?” Rafe taunts and that thing inside Pope gets tighter, and tighter, and tighter, “Too much of a bitch to fight back?” 
“Rafe.” Topper starts to sound urgent. 
“What about your boyfriend? The one with the gun.” 
And Pope knows what it is now. Knows what to call that dark, ugly, twisting thing coiled up inside him that’s starting to break loose. 
“Would he fight back?” Rafe’s grin goes so wide Pope thinks his face is gonna split in two. 
“Rafe.” Topper shouts. 
It’s rage. It’s pure, unbridled fucking rage.
“Or is he a bitch, too?” 
Within a split second, Pope brings his elbow upwards and cracks it hard against Rafe’s face. He hears a wet crunch, followed by a pop as Rafe’s nose breaks under the force of it. Rafe yelps as he falls back into the sand on his back, and it gives Pope enough time to scramble to his feet. 
“Fuck!” Rafe shouts, clutching at his nose, red rivulets of blood already slipping through his fingers, “Fuck! You broke my fucking nose!” 
Pope can’t find it in himself to care. Because standing above Rafe while he’s laid out in the sand? 
It’s the most satisfying thing in the world. 
He doesn’t get to enjoy it for too long before he’s getting slugged in the face by Topper.
Pope stumbles, but thankfully doesn’t fall down again. Pain pulses bright and hot across his nose and under his eye, and white spots dance across his vision. His eye was already starting to swell, and that second punch did not help. Like, at all. 
Oddly enough though, there is no third punch coming like Pope expects there to be. When he looks, Topper has moved to crouch down next to Rafe and is helping him tilt his head down to deal with the bleeding. 
Their eyes meet over Rafe’s head, and Topper jerks his head back towards the entrance to the golf course in a clear gesture that means get the fuck out of here. 
Pope doesn’t have to be told twice. 
“You’re dead, pogue!” Is the last thing Pope hears as he books it back towards the docks, groceries left behind in the bloody sand. 
When Pope stumbles his way back to the boat, the adrenaline finally leaves him, and when the pain hits, it hits hard. 
His lip is bleeding and swollen, so is his eye. He’s having a hard time seeing out of it, and he’s also pretty sure his forehead is bleeding. He really, really hopes he doesn’t need stitches. His family can’t afford a hospital bill like that, especially now that Pope lost those groceries. 
Shit, the groceries. 
Pope stumbles into the cabin and catches himself on the wall, suddenly dizzy. His eye might be swollen shut, but when he blinks everything feels too bright and harsh and awful. 
He tries to take a breath, but his lungs won’t cooperate. The world suddenly feels too fast and too slow and fine but not fine all at once. 
That grocery money was supposed to pay the electric bill this month, and Pope fucked it all up. It’s all his fault. 
He scrambles to find a place to sit before he falls. He lands heavily on the cabin bench, and he puts his head down between his knees, covers his ears with his hands, and tries to breathe right. He watches blood from the gash on his forehead that’s going to need stitches drip onto the deck. 
His dad’s gonna be so pissed about the groceries. And the money for the electric that’s now gonna have to be used to pay his hospital bill. Pope messed up, he messed up so bad, and his dad’s gonna be so disappointed in him, and he’s so screwed and-- 
“Dude!” JJ calls out as he leaps his way onto the deck of the boat off the docks. His voice is light with laughter, and he’s holding up a small wad of cash as he comes running into the cabin, “You’re not gonna believe how much Miss Amy gave me for--,” 
JJ’s voice dies out the minute he’s through the door, looking down at Pope curled in on himself having a panic attack instead of driving the boat like he should be.
“Are you okay?” JJ asks, and Pope sees JJ’s old sneakers from where his head is in between his knees. He can’t answer, his breathing is too fast, lungs tripping over themselves to catch up with his thoughts. 
He can’t think about anything except how his mom’s gonna have to pick up extra shifts at work to make up for the money, and his dad’s gonna have to apologize to the people who are gonna go without groceries for a week, and it’s all Pope’s fault and-- 
“Pope?” JJ cuts through the noise, and Pope realizes a split second later that JJ’s moving to kneel down in front of him, “Hey, talk to me, man.” 
But he can’t talk, because he can’t breathe, and all he can see is the money JJ dropped on the floor by the little growing pool of blood splatter. He should tell JJ to move it, before the money gets bloody and ruined, just like everything else Pope touches. 
“Pope, look at me,” and suddenly there’s fingers pulling his hands away from his ears and lifting his face up. 
Pope winces at the ache of movement, but doesn’t fight him. JJ’s fingers are cool and feel nice on his swollen, bruising skin. 
Pope hears JJ suck in a sharp breath, and when the world stops being too terrible enough for him to open his eyes for a moment, Pope sees an entire myriad of emotions in the wide blue eyes staring back at him. 
He watches as JJ goes from shock to fear and worry to panic and rage. There’s something else there too that Pope notices, even mid-panic attack. Something in the way JJ’s chin quivers for a moment before his mouth presses into a furious scowl. Something past the worry-- akin to fear, but stronger. More protective. 
But it’s gone before Pope can really look, replaced and buried under the thousands of emotions pulling JJ in a thousand directions at once. 
“Who did this?” JJ asks-- demands, voice too loud and growled for Pope to deal with right now. When Pope doesn’t answer right away, JJ shakes him a little, a mounting fury in his eyes that Pope doesn’t know how to handle, “Pope, look at me. Who fucking did this?” 
And Pope-- Pope can’t do this. He can’t. Not when his eye is swollen shut, not when his blood is on the deck of his father’s boat. Not with JJ’s eyes on him. 
Pope thinks JJ’s eyes are his favorite thing in the world. They’re stupidly pretty-- always have been, even when they’re red from seawater or purple from bruises. No matter what their condition, they’ve always been Pope’s little glimpse into burning, white hot fire inside of JJ’s soul. It’s what made Pope fall in love with JJ, he thinks. 
Because he is. He’s in love. It’s not some passing crush to moan and groan about to his friends, it was never going to be, because nothing in Pope’s life can ever be simple. 
He’s so, so fucking in love with JJ, and he can’t do this. 
Pope doesn’t register the sob he’s letting out until it’s already in the open air between them. He pulls away from JJ’s hands as he lets out another, squeezes his eyes shut as they keep coming and curls back into himself because it’s so much, it’s too much. 
“Hey, no no no,” JJ’s fury is gone as quickly as it came. He plasters on a comforting smile, even if his eyes are full of concern and a little bit of panic. He attempts to sound reassuring when he says,  “It’s okay! Hey, it’s okay, Pope. Shit, uhm. Wait-- wait a minute. It’s okay. Just-- here, let me.” 
And then JJ is ducking low under Pope’s arms and worming his way into a loose, awkward hug. After a couple of seconds of fumbling and repositioning and “c’mon, dude, work with me here,” Pope’s head is resting on JJ’s shoulder with JJ’s arms snug around his middle. 
“It’s okay,” JJ says, and Pope squeezes his eyes shut and holds on tightly to the back of JJ’s tank top, “You’re okay, you’re fine now. I promise. You’re okay.” 
After another few seconds of Pope’s ragged breathing, JJ pipes up again, voice light and casual, like it is when he’s trying to make someone feel better, “Miss Amy gave me twenty bucks for proposing to her with the bananas.” 
Pope would have laughed if he hadn’t been crying. Despite his rapid heartbeats, Pope still lets out an involuntary huff, because of course JJ proposed with bananas to Miss Amy. 
JJ notices it, because he then launches into a whole story about how after Miss Amy gave him so much money, he started proposing groceries to every woman he was making runs to, and he got, like, a shit ton of tips for it. 
Pope listens, lulled more by the sound of JJ’s voice than the actual story he’s telling. At one point while he’s talking, JJ leans his head to rest against Pope’s. It’s easier to focus on slowing his breathing, and find steady ground again. 
Pope feels more stable by the time JJ’s talking about how he got tipped at basically every house, “Except for this one house where the lady’s husband answered the door. And I swear dude, it was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“Please tell me you had your shirt on,” Pope says, and when he pulls back JJ’s smile is brighter than the goddamn sun. 
“No, dude! How do you think I was making so much bank?” 
“That’s so stupid,” Pope says, and JJ shrugs. 
“Hey, man. If you got it, you flaunt it. I don’t make the rules.” 
Pope smiles and shakes his head. There’s a lull between them for a moment, and Pope knows what JJ’s next question is before it’s even on his tongue. 
“So,” JJ starts, and then he’s gesturing to Pope’s bruised and beat up face, “You gonna tell me what--,” 
“I broke Rafe’s nose,” Pope blurts out before JJ can finish. JJ’s eyes go wide, and the words just start tumbling out of him, “He started talking shit about us and the whole kooks versus pogues thing and you and-- and I just got so pissed off I broke his nose.” 
When he looks, JJ is staring at him slack jawed in wide eyed awe. 
“Don’t just stare at me,” Pope says, feeling just a little bit hysterical, “Say something!” 
JJ blinks, like he has to take a minute to compose himself. 
“Pope,” he says, completely serious, “That was the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me.” 
And Pope laughs. He can’t help it. All the adrenaline and anxiety and everything leaving him in one rush of air. 
“I’m serious!” JJ says, almost indignantly, even as he’s fighting a smile of his own, “It was hot!” 
Pope throws his head back and laughs hard, even if it hurts his ribs. He misses the look of pure relief and maybe something more on JJ’s face as he does. But when JJ laughs too, Pope feels something heavy finally slide off his shoulders. 
Later, when they’re back at the chateau and John B and JJ were running to the store to get medical supplies -- the cut on his forehead doesn’t need stitches (thank god) but it definitely needs more than just a flimsy bandaid -- Pope decides to say something. 
Both he and Kiara are sitting on the couch next to the coffee table in the chateau, and Kie had just handed him a ziplock bag full of ice and wrapped up in a dish towel for his eye when he says, “Can I tell you something?” 
“Of course,” Kiara says as she sits down next to him, one leg folded under the other. She cocks her head to the side at his tone, “Is everything okay?” 
“Everything’s fine,” Pope says quickly, and when Kie’s suspicious look only deepens, Pope sighs, then takes a breath. 
“I like JJ.” he says, and Kie laughs.
“Of course you do,” she says, “Everybody likes JJ.” 
“No, Kie,” Pope shakes his head, then gives her a look, hoping she gets it, “I like JJ.” 
A confused sort of smile starts to grow on her face, “What do you mean?” 
“I mean--,” he starts, then stops. He takes a minute to gather his thoughts, and starts again in earnest, “I like it when he wears my sweatshirt. It makes me feel-- it makes me feel warm. Do you know what I mean? Like he’s carrying a piece of me wherever he goes. Like if I know he’s wearing something of mine, it’ll keep him safe. And I know that’s stupid but it’s true.” 
“I want him to be happy,” and Pope smiles now, “I like it when he smiles, especially when it’s with his eyes. Have noticed that? When he’s really happy about something, like when we’re surfing or just hanging out by the campfire or something, he smiles with his eyes. And I like his freckles. And his hair. And his eyes. I just--,” 
“Holy shit,” Kiara cuts him off, and when Pope looks, her smile is something genuine and a little disbelieving, but kind, too, “You like JJ. You like like JJ. 
“Yeah, Kie,” Pope breathes out, a smile of his own finding a home on his face, “I like like JJ.”
Kiara’s smile turns giddy, and then she’s springing up and running to the kitchen. 
“What are you--,” Pope starts to ask, but she’s already gone with a quick “hang on one second!” 
Pope watches with a bewildered smile as Kie gathers up a few -- and by a few Pope means a lot --  bags of snacks and two beers into her arms before she comes running back and dumps it all on the table and sits back down with a huff. 
“Okay,” she says, and as she hands Pope one of the beers, her smile is encouraging and kind and everything that makes her Kie, “Tell me everything.” 
part four is here!
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gazettereview · 2 years
Bad Birdie Shark Tank Update [year] - Where Are They Now -Read more at https://gazettereview.com/bad-birdie-shark-tank-update/ - https://gazettereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Bad-Birdie-Shark-Tank-Robert-Golf-Putt.png #Badbirdie, #Sharktank #Entertainment
Bad Birdie Shark Tank Update [year] - Where Are They Now
Bad Birdie Before Shark Tank Golf is a classic sport people enjoy on days with good weather. The game requires several equipment and accessories, one of which is polo shirts that help players stay cool and clean on the golf course. However, almost all of the specialized golf shirts on the market are plain, boring, […]
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sphynxtee · 4 years
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flauntpage · 6 years
NBA Summer Vacation: Emotion of the Oceans
There is motion in the SVW ocean and by that I mean an awful lot of dudes are way out in the wild blue yonder this week. A few did it really well—I mean really well, like an impending humanitarian award is on the way well—and a couple should stick to spending the rest of their summers on the dry side, lest they wanna become completely washed in the annals of these hallowed, a-little-sticky-from-aloe-vera-sun-balm halls.
Marc Gasol
Marc Gasol, who just a week ago was keeping tabs on the organic garden he planted in his yard last summer vacation, was out in a dingy rescuing migrants stranded in the Mediterranean. There is no joke here. Marc Gasol spent the last week volunteering with the NGO Proactiva Open Arms and much of that was spent out in the open water recovering the bodies of migrants and helping to bring survivors safely to land. The NBA is a progressive league, it gets talked about a lot, but it is occasionally without due credit given to the players who make it that way.
Rating: Just Marc Gasol, absolutely doing the most.
JaVale McGee
A nice transition into our regularly scheduled tittering and trash talk on the way player’s choose to spend their offseason is JaVale McGee pretending to pick up his daughter’s play phone and totally tear a new one to the would-be caller on the other end.
Rating: 9021UH OH!
James Harden
What’s UP James Harden in a trashy, regular ass tank top, flipping the hang loose hand while laser strobe lights illuminate your face?! Turns out all it takes to set James Harden free is setting him loose on the shores of Ibiza with Real Madrid Captain Sergio Ramos and frankly it’s dumb of all of us that it took this long to figure out!
You’ll be happy my sleuthing skills have peeled back another layer in this euro-rave onion, specifically why is Harden wearing that top, because from Ramos’s own documenting of this night we can see they are not just at some regular party, they are at a FOAM PARTY.
Rating: The big buildup that lasts for close to three minutes before the beat drops and every whistle is blasting and the foam cannon is pilin’ up the suds around you like so many cloud castles in heaven.
Steph Curry
We cut live to Steph Curry now, jumping fully clothed off the top of a boat. While we are not here to judge all selfless actions this summer vacation we are certainly going to judge this one. He doesn’t have trunks? He’s got to do this in what appears to be like, athletic technology warm up pants that probably shrink wrap to your legs once you hit the water?
Rating: Oh (splash) brother.
Dwyane Wade
Wade is in China, and we can only hope it’s because he’s hot on the heels of the Mr. Hyde of SVW, China Klay. In any case, he’s paused on his hunt for a quick round of golf and I am not a fan nor knowledgeable of that sport but could they not get him a taller club?
Rating: Fore out of five.
Manu Ginóbili
Aside from being in Vancouver, this looks like a nice trip for Main Manu and the entire Ginóbili family. I like to think that he’s getting familiar with the places DeMar DeRozan once set foot in before coming to Toronto for the main event, so he will have some skin in the conversation when Deebo brings up all the things he misses about Canada.
Rating: I’ll let my famous saying about Vancouver speak for itself—“Once you’ve sea-n one wall, you’ve seen ‘em all.”
Giannis Antetokounmpo
Oh my goooosh, look at our little gladiator ROMEin’ around, checking off all the sights and staying, considerately to his GF and the general public, low to the ground. My only hope is that we get a shot of Giannis high-fiving Christ in The Last Judgement, on the ceiling of the ol’ Sistine. He’d only really have to stretch on tip toes to do it.
Rating: Watch out, Eternal City, there’s a new cooler, younger, taller, Pope in town.
Lou Williams
Paris continues to be big and so does standing or sitting on some type of plinth. The supposed 6th man of the year (Fred VanVleet was robbed) has chosen either onyx or ebony, could also be a big Bose speaker just flipped around, to stand on and do the funny gag. Look how happy he is.
Rating: 6th man to attempt this gag on this particular day, maybe.
Boban Marjanović
Here’s Boban in a quarry of some kind, stalking toward the camera with his socks pulled high. Wouldn’t it be incredible if he gets really into BMX culture this year and is constantly almost caught wheelie-ing the white hot sides of the L.A. River? The LAPD are stumped, who is this giant shadow racing away every time on a tiny bike, leaving wet tire tracks all the way back to the Staple Center?
Rating: They’ll find some fancy pegs in Lonzo Ball’s locker, L.A. Boban rides again.
Jaylen Brown
Jaylen Brown is in Bali doing tarps off and fanny pack on, doing the kind of nervous smile one does on vacation when someone has pushed you into something you aren’t quite comfortable with. Out of frame I am imagining a pack of monkeys glaring at him with their beady eyes, rubbing their little paws together over what kind of gear they are going to nab off this guy.
Rating: An up-to-date rabies vaccine and one long look at the warnings, I hope.
Mirza Teletović
Ah yes, exactly the scene the Turkish folk poet Yunus Emre was attempting to set in his 13th century banger "Mirza at the Grand Bazaar."
Rating: Gives a whole new meaning to telenovela am I right?
Willy Hernangómez
Here we got a great, extremely contoured shot of Willy’s back as he soaks up the sun in the ancient port city of Cádiz, Spain.
Rating: How sweaty are you getting just looking at this? The answer is extremely.
Tim Hardaway Jr.
Double feature for THJ! What I wouldn’t give to get this in a slow-mo video but you gotta take your summer refreshers where you can get ‘em, folks. This is the exact yin to Willy’s yang (get your god damn minds out of the gutters) up there.
Rating: How quenched are you getting just looking at this? The answer is extremely.
Taj Gibson
Somebody wants to be this summer’s solo banana boat boy! Taj is floatin’ in the ocean off the coast of Pesaro, which is way up on the back side of the top of Italy’s boot, on what looks to be a rescue device but is maybe just some kind of Euro pool floatie more streamlined than the traditional mattress. In case there was any doubt that he’s fully in the Eat portion of his Eat, Pray, Love offseason, here he is giggling and having some spaghetti,
Rating: He’ll be sad when it’s time to say goodbye to this trip.
Malcolm Delaney
The Hawks guard has scooted a little farther south for a break in Miami where he’s getting some assistance getting on, or else a chauffeured ride on, this jet-ski. No reason to be out here having fun but not being safe.
Rating: As the SVW rhyme goes—“A ski on land, hold a friend’s hand. A ski on the water, let’s not repeat Sean Kingston’s mistakes.”
Sam Dekker
Double Dekker’s just the latest to be captivated this offseason by the Greek Islands, but this dude’s on ‘em for his honeymoon. One thing’s for sure, I’ve never felt less cool than when I realized Sam Dekker and I have the same style of jumping off things into pristine waters, that is, somehow bunched way the hell up in our bodies and plugging our noses like little loser babies. Congratulations, Sam!
Rating: Enjoy all that water up your nose while Sam and I breathe easily from ours!
Matthew Dellavedova
Here we have my and summer’s natural enemy, Matthew Dellavedova, holding onto a hammerhead shark with his eyes squeezed shut, praying for the photo to get taken so he can put it down. You know what, Delly? Why even pick it up in the first place? How would you like it if someone was hanging onto you by the butt and the back and lofting you high above your home? Come to think of it that must be what dunking feels like, but without the debilitating terror because the ball is not a misunderstood creature. Not that you would know what it feels like to do that.
Rating: I won’t.
Cameron Payne
Wherever Payne is—and he looks as confused about it as I am—he should stay there as long as possible, in that exact same shirt, wearing those exact same steampunk shades, squinting off into the exact same middle distance, because lord knows what’s happening to and for the Bulls this season.
Rating: If thou gaze long into an infinity pool, the infinity pool will also gaze into thee.
Marco Belinelli
I promised myself I wouldn’t cry, but I can’t help picturing Bellinelli fluttering out this big, Turkish beach towel for two in a place called “Fliper & Chiller” on the Balearic Islands as the same welcoming gesture he will make to my eternal guy DeMar DeRozan this season back in San Antonio. Belli I’ve never needed you more.
Rating: Sobbing. But this beach looks nice.
John Wall
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Like catching someone mid-sneeze, blowing out birthday candles, or the second they start to hurl going down the last huge hill on a roller coaster, the moment this photo was taken it became Summer Vacation For John Wall.
Rating: Extremely end of July.
NBA Summer Vacation: Emotion of the Oceans published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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