#golf shirts at academy
topguncortez · 1 year
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For Her Hand | Jake x Shy!Reader
Opposites Attract Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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synopsis: Jake has a very important dinner with a very important man, even though he's already ask a very important question.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: none, fluff:)
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Jake was sweating. 
He probably had sweat stains on the underarms of his dress shirt, and he was now worried that he was going to have to use the bathroom before James got here. Tonight was the night that Jake was going to ask for Y/N’s hand in marriage. . . even though he already proposed. 
Jake knew it was soon, hell they had only been dating for four months and living together for one, but she was his one and only. Y/N was the only person Jake saw himself with for the rest of his life. Every night he dreamt of the life they would have together, the names of their children, what they would look like, the big house he would build her, and the garden that she would spend hours out in. 
Jake hadn’t always had a good reputation when it came to women, and it was pretty well known. Throughout the academy and flight school, it wasn’t uncommon to see Jake leave with a new woman. There was a part of him who had spent years searching for the person to fill the void in his heart that had been festering from years of striving for his father’s attention and love. And Y/N was the person who filled it in a very healthy way. 
When James first heard about Jake’s and Y/N’s relationship, he was not thrilled. He had seen flyboys like Jake before. He knew what they got up to on postings and detachments, and didn’t want his daughter to join the club of broken hearts. He had also seen and heard the broken cries of their partners when an officer walks off the ship and hands them a neatly folded flag. James felt ill every time he thought about his daughter being in that position. 
But then he saw how they interacted with each other at the Naval ball, and Vice Admiral James “Hercules” Parker was proven wrong. He could see the love that Jake had for his daughter. And even though nothing was promised in their line of work, James knew he couldn’t stand in the way of true love. 
Jake wiped his hands on his pants for what seemed like the thousandth time that hour as he looked around the restaurant for James. He felt like dinner was a more professional way to ask to marry his daughter than doing it over drinks at the Hard Deck or a round of golf, or blurting out in the middle of a meeting (like Coyote had done with Warlock). What made his nerves stay somewhat at bay was that Jake was kind of doing this all backward. He had already proposed to Y/N when he came home from his last deployment and she had said yes. Blame it on the heat of the moment and being a hairsbreadth away from death, but Jake couldn’t wait any longer without making her his forever. 
“Jacob,” James said as he walked to the table. Jake stood up and greeted James with a handshake, “Missing Thursday night football for this.” 
“I’m sorry sir,” Jake said and took another drink of his water. James eyed him suspiciously, seeing the young man's hands shake, as a waiter walked to the table. 
“Anything to drink for you two, tonight?” The waiter asked. 
“Top-shelf whiskey,” James nodded, “Make that two, neat.” 
“Oh, I’m good with water,” Jake said. The waiter nodded and went to go get their drinks, “Sorry, I’m just a bit nervous.” 
“I can see that,” James said, “Didn’t think that the ‘Hangman’ could get nervous,” Jake cringed at the way James said his callsign as if it were some sort of dig. Some sort of pass to let Jake know that he wasn’t good enough for his daughter, “What’s on your mind son?” 
“I uh,” Jake scratched the back of his neck, trying to gather his thoughts, “I love you, daughter,” James nodded, “A-and I did this whole thing backward and I apologize for it. My dad drilled into my head that you always ask for permission first before you do anything with another man’s daughter. But sir-” 
Jake nodded, “James, I don’t ever want to see a day where your daughter is not by my side. When I thought I wasn’t going to make it back to her. . . well, it was the worst thing ever. I had to make a promise to her when I got back on solid ground, and I did. And now, I gotta make it right. If you would please grant me the blessing, I would love to marry your daughter.”  
James looked at him for a moment, the silence becoming so thick between the two men. Jake felt a cold sweat go down his spine, but then he saw a smile break out across James’ face, “I knew this would come sooner or later. I was hoping for later, but,” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black ring box, “She used to wear this around the house as a little girl. It was my mother’s.” 
James placed the box on the table and Jake gingerly picked it up. Inside sat a beautiful diamond attached to a silver band. The diamond had to be nearly three carats and had smaller diamonds around it. Jake looked up at James, tears brimming his eyes. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t ask-” 
James shook his head, cutting Jake off, “I did the same thing nearly thirty years ago,” James chuckled, “I lost my wingman and almost burned in myself. The moment I got home to Clara, I told her that I could not go back up into the sky without knowing I was going to have her forever. Then she dragged me to the courthouse that same day,” James shook his head with a smile, “I knew this moment was coming at some point in time, when 'dad' stopped being the only man in her life. The only man she looks at with those eyes. No dad is ever ready for that day, and one day, hopefully, you'll have the same experience."
Jake could only imagine the day he would have a little girl and hoped she’d look like Y/N. He could see it now, a beautiful daughter that had her mother’s beautiful eyes and smile, and her personality. If she was born with Jake’s. . . lord help them all, she was going to be a firecracker. 
“Does this mean that I. . .” 
“You have my blessing to marry my daughter.” 
— — — 
After dinner was over, Jake probably broke every traffic law to get home to Y/N. He smiled as he noticed the lights in the backyard were on and the sound of her giggle was in the air. He could hear the small barks of the German shepherd puppy he had gotten her as a companion for when he’s gone on deployments. Jake grabbed the bouquet of pink carnations and basically skipped to the backyard. 
“Bring it back, Steve!” Y/N called as the puppy hustled his way back to his owner, “Good boy!” Steve’s attention turned the second that the gate to the backyard was opened. Even for a puppy, his barks were still loud, startling Y/N. She turned around, seeing Jake standing there with a goofy grin on his face. 
“What are you-” 
“Marry me,” Jake said, cutting her off. 
Y/N giggled, “Sweetheart, I already said yes. Did you hit your-” 
“Nope,” Jake shook his head and walked over to where she was kneeling on the ground. Steve growled a bit as Jake got close to his mother, “Hey, I was the one who adopted you and let you chew on the seatbelts in my truck.” Steve gave Jake a look, before trotting off into the backyard, “Animals.” 
“Be nice,” Y/N playfully scolded, and sat down in the grass, “How did dinner go?” 
“Went great,” Jake said, sitting down next to her and pulling her into his lap, “He gave me his blessing and gave me this,” Jake pulled out the ring from his pocket. 
Y/N gasped, “My nana’s ring! Oh my god, I thought I lost that!” 
“Your dad kept it and gave it to me,” Jake said. He grabbed Y/N’s hand and took off the fifteen-dollar ring he bought at Target that was slowly starting to turn green, “Now, we can make it official,” Y/N turned her head to look at him, “What do you say, Mrs. Seresin?” 
Y/N smiled and turned in his lap so she was straddling him, “I think you should’ve told him I’m already Mrs. Seresin, but. . .” She tilted her head back and forth, “Baby steps.” 
“Yeah, yeah, baby steps,” Jake smirked as he wrapped his arms around her waist and flipped them over. Y/N’s giggles filled the air as Jake pressed kisses all over her face. Her ring glittered in the moonlight.
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taglist: @damrlova @shanimallina87 @phoenix1388 @mygyn @cherrycola27 @yanna-banana @seitmai @topgun-imagines @bradleybeachbabe @na-ta-sh-aa @startrekfangirl2233 @atarmychick007 @lunamoonbby @sophiaslastbraincell @bradswolfe @fandom-princess-forevermore @angelbabyange @callsignharper @dempy @lovelywiseprincess @krismdavis @eternallyvenus @dakotakazansky @pono-pura-vida @callsignartemis @starberryhorse @daggersquadphantom @gspenc @poppyalice2001 @els-marvelvsp @nyx2021 @t0kyoreveng3rs @frazie99 @spencvrr @kmc1989 @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @toobouquet @malindacath @justenoughmadnesss @sagittarius-flowerchild
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dcbbw · 9 months
Single Mom
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This story is born of this week’s @choicesflashfics prompt #3 (which will appear in bold). It’s not the story I had in mind but was able to explore Riley as a mother, along with her fears and hopes for the lives she has brought into the world.
THANK YOU to all who will read this story; I hope you enjoy it. Please excuse and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. I was fast and loose with editing and revisions, but MS Editor has this rated as 99% error-free.
The song inspiration has absolutely nothing to do with parenthood or jellybeans; rather, it was chosen because of it’s fun, relaxed vibe which I feel captures Riley as a parent and her relationship with her sons.
Song Inspo: Recess, Eli “Paperboy” Reed
Pairing: Riam and family
Word Count: 2500ish
Rating: T for Teen
The royal family stood inside the private terminal at Cordonian International Airport; through the wall of floor-to-ceiling windows one of the airliners in the Crown’s fleet sits on the tarmac, waiting for its most important passenger to board.
The King holds his youngest son, Theodore, in his arms feeling the toddler’s tears dampen his shirt collar. His oldest sons, Francis and Jonathan, cling and pull at his pant legs demanding Dada come home with them.
His wife, his Queen, just stares at him. Her eyes are shiny but remain dry. Her husband, along with Rashad Domvallier and Kiara Theron, is going to Sweden for an international conference on linguistic resources to aid the immigration crisis.
Riley realizes that travel is a large part of being ruler: networking, being seen places other than thrones and golf courses, sitting on international boards and committees.
It doesn’t mean she likes it.
“It’s only three days, and I’ll call often,” Liam reassures his family to no avail.
“We’ll be fine,” Riley says as she pries six-year-old fists from his clothing.
She holds her arms out for Theodore as Fric and Frac wrap their arms around her legs, their own tears beginning to fall.
“Hey!” she says brightly. “We’ll go to McDonald’s on the way home, and NO SCHOOL until Dada returns,” she promises.
The twins immediately stopped crying, speaking excitedly to each other in their secret language.
Liam’s look is stern as he double-takes at Riley’s words.
“Oh, NO! There will be school! The boys need structure and to continue their educational routine.”
Riley frowns at her husband over her baby’s head full of black, curly hair.
“And I told YOU, MY children will NOT be attending a school that changes its name from La Petite Academy to The School for Spoiled Kids after our sons enrolled! I will be getting them transferred to a public, Crown-sponsored school while you’re away.”
“The security issues with that …”
“Are NO different than with that private school you insisted on! In fact, aren’t many of the Safety Resource Officers in the public schools members of the King’s Guard?”
Liam rubbed his palm over his face. “We’ll discuss this when I return.”
He held his arms out to embrace his family once again before boarding the plane. He kissed all of his sons on the tops of their heads before his lips lingered over Riley’s.
“I’ll miss you,” he whispered.
“You’d better!” she retorted, her palm cupping his cheek.
With a sigh, the King grabbed the handle of his rolling suitcase and began the walk to the plane. He looked back once; his family was still there. They were waving and blowing kisses and wiping tears from their eyes.
He did the same.
Day 1
It was 8am when Duchess Joelle Theron tucked her large, brown-paper wrapped package underneath her arm and smiled in greeting to Mara as she entered the royal family’s quarters. And stopped in her tracks.
The Crown Prince and the second-born were fist-fighting; Grunts, yells, and cries of “STOP THAT!” were uttered by both parties as well as their mother. The sounds of hands slapping skin ended once Riley was firmly in between the children.
The baby sat on the floor, eating dry cereal out of a bowl as he watched it all unfold. Occasionally Baby Theodore took a sip of juice from his sippy cup.
“Your Majesty?” Joelle asked hesitantly.
Riley turned, a confused smile on her face at hearing her moniker; she had made sure to clear her calendar while Liam was away.
“Joelle! What a surprise.”
The Duchess’ eyes took in the situation: Six-year-old boys in dinosaur-emblazoned pajamas with mussed hair, scratched cheeks, and angry splotches along their forearms; they glowered at each other with mistrustful eyes as their chests heaved. The Queen’s natural hair was an unkempt afro and she wore a too-big chenille robe with frayed sleeves, deep purple in color. A television blared the theme song to a children’s show. The kitchen counters were filled with dirty dishes and cut fruit.
“Is everything okay here?” Joelle asked in genuine concern. There was nothing noble or royal about any of this.
“Oh yeah. Just that Mr. Frac here woke up choosing violence,” Riley clarified as she glared at her oldest. “What brings you to the Palace?”
“I painted a portrait of the heirs. It’s not a traditional painting as I’m dabbling with abstracts now. I’m headed to Krona for lunch with Adelaide, and thought I’d drop it off.”
“Let’s see it!” Riley exclaimed as she led the twins to separate corners, sitting them in chairs facing a wall; their backs were to each other and the room itself.
“Mommy?” Frac’s querulous voice called out softly.
Fric heaved a laborious sigh and placed his face in his palms.
Riley whirled. “It’s QUIET time, young man! Unless you want a spank-spank, which you may get anyway, keep those lips zipped!”
She shook her head. “Puttin’ hands on folks first thing in the morning,” she muttered as she watched Joelle unwrap the painting.
The Duchess Theron arched her eyebrow slightly, giving the Queen a nervous glance. “Is Liam aware of your parenting style, Riley?”
Riley’s face hardened imperceptibly; when she spoke, her tone was tight. “My husband and I are in agreement as to how to raise our children, Duchess.”
"No judgment, it’s just not an approach seen before in Court,” Joelle murmured with a nod of acknowledgement and an apologetic smile before proudly displaying her portrait.
Riley was rendered speechless. And not in a good way.
Against a background of thick, layered cream-colored paint were three-eyed penguin heads with bright orange beaks interspersed with what were either Fred Flintstone’s big toes or inflamed nipples. Top hats and brown leaves completed the portrait.
Abstract, my ass. THIS is indescribable.
“Can you see them in the painting? Is it obvious what I was going for?” Joelle asked eagerly.
The Queen quickly morphed her expression into one of pleasant surprise.
“It looks just like them!”
Day 2
The Rys boys were seated at the dining room table, coloring and drawing. It was the art portion of their homeschooling day, which was a one-off project Riley pulled out of her ass while waiting to hear back from the Prime Minister of Education.
She agreed with Liam that their sons’ education shouldn’t suffer, and that structure and routine were important.  She enlisted Annabelle Parsons, and the women came up with a lesson plan:  Science, which was focused on the solar system with particular interest on the sun. Math, where the boys reinforced their counting skills; Fric and Frac could count to 100. Their younger brother made it to 20 before getting confused. After playtime and lunch, they would have their weekly self-defense class with Mara.
Riley and Annabelle were seated in the living room, enjoying a quiet conversation.
“I’m worried about Frac,” the mother confessed. “He’s taking these separations from Liam harder than the others. I don’t want to punish him for having emotions, but he can’t run around beating up his brothers and calling his mother a heathen!”
Annabelle Parsons carefully sipped her sparkling cider as she considered her friend’s plight. Normally, Annabelle tended to imbibe harder drinks but whenever she visited the Queen, she partook of alcohol-free beverages out of respect for the children.
“Francis loves his father deeply, there’s no doubt about that. Perhaps you and Liam could make a game of it? Maybe a week-long countdown until the day of the trip? And you could have another countdown until his return? Like Christmas, but instead of Santa, it’s Daddy.”
Riley drank sparkling water and lemon. “That’s an excellent suggestion, but how to get my child … all of my children …  to express themselves in healthier ways?”
The Queen adjusted her wig before letting out a heavy breath.
“I want them to be well-adjusted and social, not cooped up in palaces and estates with only adults for socialization. Not saying that being exposed to different levels of experience and maturity isn’t good for them, but they also need time with children their own age, doing regular kid things. They need playmates. They need friends! That’s why I want them in a public school. They can’t rule if they can’t relate!”
“There’s that Beaumont child,” Annabelle reminded her.
Riley looked at her friend in shock. “OH NO! HELLLLL NO! That child is half Walker, half Beaumont and ALL creepy!”
Annabelle snickered. “Well, he is a member of the next generation of Court. Perhaps you can start now sowing goodwill.”
Riley rolled her eyes before laying her head back against the cushion. “I’m going to speak with Liam about a therapist for the twins. Everything about their lifestyle is so … unorthodox, or maybe it’s me that’s not used to it. But thinking counseling can help us help them navigate.”
“I think that’s a brilliant idea,” Miss Parsons encouraged.
“Mommy, I finish!” Fric half-hollered.
A smile came easily to his mother’s lips. “Well, let me come see what masterpiece you’ve created!”
She rose, making her way to the kitchen with Annabelle Parsons close behind. Theodore glanced up and returned to his paper, drawing circles in red crayon. Frac raised his head from his drawing, his eyes meeting his mother’s.
“When is Dada coming home?” he asked sadly. “I want my Dada.”
Riley’s eyes locked with Annabelle’s before returning her gaze to her oldest son. “In two days!” she replied brightly. “And you know what? We can make a game out of it. Want to?”
Day 3
Riley was boiling hotdogs and heating canned barbecue beans for the boys’ lunch. Outside, rain fell steadily; she and the Princes had made it back inside just in time.
After breakfast, Riley had taken the boys to the hedge maze so they could run off excess energy and touch some grass. Until the dark clouds had rolled in and completely discombobulated her sons. All three children had a … thing about getting wet outside of a bathtub.
Her preschoolers were in her and Liam’s bedroom (where they had been since Liam’s departure), playing with blocks. Her toddler was hoisted up on her left hip, watching food cook. Both looked up hopefully when they heard the front door open.
It was Drake.
Both went back to watching hotdogs boil.
“THAT’S the greeting I get?” Drake demanded as he crossed the living room and settled at the kitchen island.
Theodore hugged his mother more tightly. “Hi,” he greeted shyly.
“He’s my moody child,” Riley explained as she used a fork to turn the pinkish meat.
“NO HOLES!” the toddler shrieked in her ear.
Drake looked around the otherwise empty room. “Liam not back yet?”
Riley shook her head. “Tomorrow.”
“Where’d he go again?”
“Dada make rain with skinny witches,” Theodore replied.
“Not what he’s doing, where he is,” Riley corrected. She looked over at her company. “Sweden. Conference on immigration and linguistics resources. We’ll hear all about it at the special Council meeting.”
Drake gave his friend a long, hard look. “You really told your KID that?”
Riley pointedly avoided Drake’s accusatory gaze. “I never said that.” A pause. “Around the boys.”
She set Theodore on the floor. “Go tell your brothers lunch soon, okay?”
Her son nodded his head vigorously as he ran down the hallway.
The Queen turned the burners off on the stove, and began draining boiling water down the drain, careful to keep the hotdogs from spilling out.
“I know you think I’m unconventional, but I’m a good mom. Well, as good as I can be given I was only supposed to be the cool aunt … the auntie mommy as they say in America.”
Drake looked at her thoughtfully; a pensive look shadowed her features.
“Hey, Brooks,” he said softly. “I see all mommy. No auntie.”
Surprised relief lit up her face. “Really?”
“Really. Parenting is always a hit or miss, and I guess it has to be. I mean, there isn’t enough training and skills and experience to raise human beings, right? All you can do is better than what you were taught and use the lessons you’ve learned. At the end of the day, good examples and bad examples can achieve the desired results. Although telling children their fathers are a fictional TV character and a Korean actor, neither who has no idea any of you exist may be pushing boundaries.  But, I’m just the cool uncle talking.”
Riley smiled gratefully. “Thanks, Drake. That means a lot. And for the record, I don’t tell the children that anyone other than Liam is their father. No one has ever heard me tell them that. Liam … that’s a different story. And I did NOT tell the boys that Liam was making it rain with skinny bitches.”
“BB said it was ‘witches’, and you admitted to saying that.”
They both turned at the sound of running footsteps.
“Hot dogs, hot dogs!” Fric chanted.
Frac held his stomach as if in pain. “I’m sooooooo hungry!”
As if all of them hadn’t had plates of apple slices and cheese crackers not an hour ago.
Theodore scrambled into his chair at the dining table. “BEANS!”
“Uncle Drake, did you bring us something?” Frac asked after determining his mother was fixing lunch plates.
Drake’s hand ruffled his godson’s hair. “You gotta share, big guy.”
Frac nodded in agreement. “What is it?”
Drake fished in his jean pocket, pulling out a sizable bag of jellybeans. “Here ya go.”
“Eat lunch with us,” Fric demanded as his mother slid a plate of plain, sliced hotdogs and a spoonful of beans in front of him.
Drake’s eyes met Riley’s; she nodded and smiled.
“Okay, deal!”
“And after lunch, you can play with us!” Fric chimed in.
Drake’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. Brooks’ children tended to not play fairly. He was still healing from the trauma of their last game of hide-and-seek in the hedge maze.
“Play what?”
Riely feigned hurt. “I can’t play?” she whined.
“YES! You know you always play with us, Mommy,” Fric replied as he warily inspected a circular piece of meat.
 Riley treaded lightly down the hallway, careful not to wake her children. It was just past 7am, and she both wanted and needed the quiet time to at least get the night’s dinner prepared and in ovens and slow cookers.
Glazed lamb, Chicken Tagine, potatoes au gratin, curried rice, and a vegetable medley. Desserts would be baklava and banana cream pie.
Her husband was coming home today!
She set a bowl of jellybeans and her phone on the kitchen island before rummaging through the refrigerator; the chicken had been marinating overnight, and the lamb had thawed. She placed them both on the kitchen counter, then placed a pod of green tea in the beverage maker.
The machine hissed as it heated water to brew her morning drink. When she heard the door to the quarters open, she didn’t bother looking around. Given the hour, it was Mara.
Riley whirled at hearing the familiar baritone.
“LOOOVE!!!” she quietly yelled as she ran to Liam’s waiting arms.
The couple kissed passionately: tongues probing, hands feeling and groping, noses touching. When they finally released the other, both were breathless.
“You’re back early! I was expecting you at dinnertime.”
Liam smiled tenderly as his eyes gazed into hers. “I couldn’t stay away another second.”
He heard the quiet and asked an obvious question. “The children are sleeping?”
Riley nodded. “In our bed.”
“I trust all went well?” he asked as he placed his luggage and bags filled with presents for his family in one of the time-out corners.
His wife was placing a pod of his favorite coffee in the brewer. She nodded.
“You basically know everything. Joelle came over; we were unprepared.”
Liam chuckled. “Where is this portrait she gifted us?
Riley looked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes. “THAT is a drunk date night reveal. It’s the only way it’ll make sense.” She turned back around to grab Liam’s mug.
The King looked over the jellybeans in the bowl and popped one in his mouth.
“And I told you about the boys’ counting prowess, and excitement over the solar system.”
“Krona has a new planetarium opening soon; we should make it a weekend trip for all of us.”
Liam grabbed a handful of the jellybeans this time around; they were delicious, and he was hungry. He hadn’t eaten since dinner the night before.
Riley was blending sugar and sweet Italian cream in their beverages.
“Did you and the boys have fun?” he inquired.
“We need to have a husband/wife, mother/father talk. I’m worried about Frac’s separation anxiety.”
Liam nodded somberly. “I agree. I’ve been thinking about your suggestions; we can discuss now, or this weekend.”
“This weekend will be fine. I won’t have you to myself until then anyway. But we went to the hedge maze, had reading time, and today is facial masks and dance party day!”
“Oh, I came home just in time,” he joked.
“And we played bean butt.”
Liam’s chewing slowed. “What exactly is that?”
Riley slid his mug across the granite countertop; her eyes widened when she saw the candies in her husband’s palm. With her giddiness over Liam’s early return, she forgot to empty the dish's contents in the trash.
She slapped the side of his hand, causing him to spill them.
“What’d you do that for?” he demanded angrily, wincing at the stinging on his skin.
“Bean butt? Long story short, I put a whole bag of jellybeans up my ass. One at a time. And then pulled them out."
Liam frowned and looked askance at the bowl. His thoughts tumbled in his brain.
Riley was his wife. His loyal wife.
She was clean. THAT was important.
He had put his tongue in her forbidden places before.
He’d already eaten some!
The King would take the risk. He scooped more.
Riley had her back to him, pulling out breakfast meats and eggs for breakfast.
“Drake played bean butt with us too.”
Liam looked aghast at his palm, and poured his jellybeans back into the bowl as if they were live fire. He then threw the entire bowl in the garbage can.
Welcome home.
Tagging: @jared2612 @marietrinmimi @ao719​​​ @indiacater @kingliam2019​ @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie​​​ @liamrhysstalker2020​​​ @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman​​​ @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam​​​ @beezm @gardeningourmet​@lovingchoices14 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @alj4890 @choicesficwriterscreations
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pontevoix · 4 months
you don't want any weed, do you? *modern!reibert maybe...?
his  father  used  to  tell  him  that  a  man  who  wears  his  heart  on  his  sleeve  is  an  honest  man  —  &  that  there  was  no  shame  in  honesty.  privately,  bertolt  doesn’t  think  that  this  advice  is  applicable  —-  he  had  just  been  trying  to  say  that  people  always  tell  him  that  he  looks  nervous.  that  he  looks  like  he’s  lying.  that  there’s  something  bothering  him.  it’s  something  he  brings  up  in  conversation  because  it’s  something  that does  bother  him  sometimes  -  the  way  that  he’s  seen.  the  way  that  people  can  see  how  he  is  always  reactive  to  something.
there’s  no  shame  in  honesty,  sure.  he  agrees  with  that.  but  he  doesn’t  know  how  to  explain  to  his  father  he’s  worried  about  he  is  seen  because  feels perpetually  that  there’s  someone  who  will  see  something  that  1  )  he  doesn’t  know  about  himself  2  )  something  that  he  doesn’t  know  he  had  been  showing.
he  doesn’t  know  how  to  explain  to  his  father  that  he  isn’t  anxious.  he  thinks  he’s  pretty  good  at  being  adaptable,  at  grounding  his  feet  down  into  the  earth  &  standing  tall.
he  thinks  (  sometimes  )  if  he  tried,  that  he  could  outlast  a  hurricane.  that  he  could  be  a  weed  in  the  wind,  bowing  &  not  breaking  &  coming  out  standing  strong.
he  isn’t  anxious.  he  doesn’t  think  the  worst  will  befall  him.  he’s  arrogant  that  way,  in  a  way  that  his  father  did  not  raise  him.  arrogant  in  a  way  that  doesn’t  match  his  youth.  arrogant  in  the  way  that  he  thinks  himself  a  coward.
he  isn’t  anxious,  but  his  body  answers  that  he  feels  quite  a  bit.
his  father  used  to  tell  him  that  a  man  who  wears  his  heart  on  his  sleeve  is  an  honest  man.  bertolt  used  to  roll  his  shoulders  back  in  maybe  agreement  &  spend  time  plucking  at  the  sleeves  of  his  t-shirt  because  honesty  doesn’t  stop  stress  from  swelling  at  the  back  of  his  throat  &  making  him  feel  as  though  as  though  he  were  about  to  swallow  a  golf  ball.
at  some  point  he  accepts  his  anxious  energy;  he  starts  bowing  to  the  wind.
it’s  around  that  time,  anyway,  that  his  father  starts  to  build  bad  days.  starts  to  lose  track  of  things  in  a  way  that  gives  bertolt  a  reason  for  anxiety,  for  surrender.  bertolt  starts  settling  into  the  mentality  that  he  needs  to  use  his  cowardice  in  a  way  that  pays  well.
it  doesn’t  dawn  on  him  that  he  can  be  anxious  for  someone’s  sake  but  his  own.  it  doesn’t  dawn  on  him  that  he’s  anxious  for  loss,  that  he  always  feels  like  he’s  anxious  for  loss.
he  meets  reiner ( @chaoslulled ) in  the  military  academy.  he’s  there  by  scholarship  &  the  promise  to  enlist.  reiner  is  there  for  reasons  that  he  doesn’t  say.  which  bertolt  forgets  to  think  is  confusing  —  reiner  is  all  types  of  open,  all  types  of  eager,  all  types  of  himself.  &  yet  there  are  things  he  doesn’t  voice  aloud.
these  things  become  evident  anyway.  through  appearance  alone,  they  become  evident.  reiner  looks  like  his  father,  &  no  one  bristles  in  pride.  honestly,  it’s  awkward.  but  bertolt  starts  to  adore  reiner  anyway.
bertolt  doesn’t  realize  that  reiner  is  someone  who  can  be  lost  until  later  —  after  split  demonstrations  of  skills  training  &  coursework  &  whatever.  reiner  goes  to  the  front.  bertolt  chooses  &  finds  assignments  that  he  can  build  an  efficient  trajectory  to  make  his  way  back  home (  to  his  father  &  his  deteriorating  health  ) as  soon  as  possible. 
he  spent  too  much  time  counting  anger  in  his  teeth  &  doing  some  extra  studies  &  he’s  smart,  but  he’s  not  super  smart.  he’s  better  with  athleticism,  but  he  dials  that  down.  so  he  spends  a  while  learning  too  much  about  weaponry  &  interning  with  a  man  who  never  learns  his  name,  who  keeps  his  hands  in  his  pockets, &  who  knows  a  lot  about  how  to  blow  up  the  world.
he  supposes  he  did  his  time.   at  some  point,  he  administered  some  direct  damage  or  stood  present  while  rockets  were  fired  or  missiles.
mostly,  he  supposes  it’s  another  thing  that  he’s  reluctant  to  ever  talk  about.  he  wipes  his  hands  against  the  fabric  of  his  pants.  they  never  recover  from  their  stain,  &  he  did  his  time  —-  he  came  out  with  an  eye  for  logistics  &  a  to-do  list  that  he  remembers  before  he  sleeps  at  night,  before  he  gets  out  of  bed  in  the  morning.
his  father  used  to  tell  him  that  a  man  who  wears  his  heart  on  his  sleeve  is  an  honest  man.  nowadays,  bertolt  agrees.  wearing  his  heart  on  his  sleeve  just  ensures  that  he  names  his  priorties,  keeps  them  simple,  keeps  his  head  down,  &  prioritizes  good  health  over  good  happiness.
he  has  managed  okay.  done  his  time.  he  smiled  awkwardly  at  job  interviews  for  three  months.  skipped  the  whole  school  thing.  reiner  goes  back  to  school  eventually.  bertolt  thinks  if  he  tried  to  study  again  it  would  feel  as  though  he  were  spending  a  lot  of  time waiting  around  for  better  things  to  come,  &  he’s  not  too  worried  about  better  things.
he  visits  his  father  weekly  &  otherwise,  he  is  business  hours.  he  stares  at  a  cubicle  wall  for  too  long,  crunches  numbers,  refuses  to become  much  of  anything.
he  has  a  perpetual  type  of  indifferent  fear  pressing  knots  into  the  bit  of  his  stomach.
he  is  business  hours.  he  stares  at  a  cubicle  wall  for  too  long.  spends after  hours   tracing  his  fingers  over  the  threadbare  upholstery  of  his  couch  while  reiner  drops  next  to  him,  acting  as  though  he’s  had  the  longest  work  day.  he  forgets  to  wrestle  with  something  in  his  back  pocket  until  after  he’s  seated.  it’s  not  particularly  graceful  to  watch  him.
bertolt  helps  minimally  by  tugging  a  lopsided  pillow  out  from  behind  reiner’s  back  to  give  him  some  space.
reiner  emerges  clutching  a  crumbled  plastic  bag  with  a  blunt  he  must  have  rolled  earlier.  bertolt  watches  him  with  a  bit  of  dull  vacancy  in  his  eye.  it  occurs  to  him  that  karina  would  hate  to  know  that  reiner  keeps  any  in  her  house.  reiner  fumbles  again  in  his  pocket  for  a  lighter,  &  bertolt  interrupts  the  search,  stretching  to  retrieve  a  lighter  from  the  coffee  table.
you  don't  want  any  weed,  do  you?  reiner  finally  asks.  bertolt  accepts  the  blunt,  takes  a  hit,  lets  his  lungs  burn  for  a  moment.  it  makes  his  eyes  feel  more  dry.  he  takes  a  second  hit,  a  longer  hit,  sinks  into  it.
reiner  has  a  habit  of  acting  too  casual  sometimes  when  something  bothers  him.  he  turns  prickly  &  anxious  sometimes,  but  he  always  acts  too  casual.
bertolt  knocks  his  knee  against  reiner’s,  offers  the  joint  back  to  him,  &  flicks  his  thigh  when  he’s  finished  taking  a  hit.
‘  so,  what  ?  you’re  pissed  at  me  for  not  telling  you  about  my  job  ?  ‘
it’s  not  a  big  thing.  it’s  a  would-be  catastrophe  —  his  company  had  announced  lay-offs,  &  bertolt  spent  a  week  (  two  weeks  )  packing  &  unpacking  the  sparse  contents  of  his  desk  –  a  few  pens,  some  receipts,  a  stupid  dead  desk  plant  reiner  had  told  him  to  keep  alive. 
the  prospect  of  layoffs  something  that  should  have  made  him  more  anxious,  but  he  mostly  just  felt  resignation.  he  supposes  that  he  had  mentioned  it  in  passing  to  annie  or  to  someone  else  or  else  he  had  only  mentioned  it  to  reiner  too  late.
either  way,  bertolt  remembers  everything.  he  hadn’t  forgotten  to  mention  his  job.  it  just  hadn’t  been  a  priority.
he  flicks  reiner’s  thigh  again  &  demands  the  blunt  again  &  slumps  a  little  sideways  against  him. 
‘  i  didn't  mean  to  not  tell  you.  ‘
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clonerightsagenda · 2 years
College AU promised Day part 2: The thrilling conclusion.
Despite classes being cancelled due to the solar eclipse, Winry is at the hospital doing one of her shadowing shifts. When she hears that an Alphonse Elric has been admitted, she assumes it has to be a mistake (if one of the Elrics was going to end up hospitalized, it would be Ed) but bursts in to find Al semi-conscious. After an interrogation (is this what your mom had? I don't know. Does Ed know? I haven't told him yet) and some furious lecturing, she tries to call Ed. Ed and Al's sole source of family income is a classics professor, and they were rural kids - Ed's phone is shit and can't handle the current strain on the system. Eventually Ling manages to get through to Greed just as he's returning with everyone's coffee.
Upon hearing the news, Ed is ready to sprint all the way to the hospital, but Riza offers to drive him. It wouldn't hurt Roy to get his eyes flushed, and the campaign is doing fine without him. Olivier got the LGBTQ center and her hockey team to pound the pavement, and Havoc had a friend with a food truck that is now driving around throwing fliers out the back. (I once saw two guys dressed as Santa's elves riding a golf cart shooting t shirts out of a t shirt cannon near the student center for no reason I was ever able to ascertain. A political food truck would not get me to raise an eyebrow.) If anything Roy is a liability.
So, everyone piles into Riza's car and arrives at the hospital. When the desk attendant asks who's family, they call bullshit when Greed announces he's Al's cousin until Ed confirms it. ("How many cousins does he have?" they ask. "A lot," Ed says, not stopping to wonder which of the chancellor's other kids uncharacteristically showed up.)
Back on campus, faculty senate is meeting. Hohenheim has the laborious results of years of research. He's built a case against the chancellor he hopes will be ironclad. It's almost his turn on the agenda when his phone rings. This is the most unrealistic part of this AU honestly - could any version of Hohenheim own a phone? Maybe the administrative assistant sticks her head in to say that someone called his office line. His kid is in the hospital. And for once Hohenheim chooses to be a halfway decent parent, walks out of the faculty meeting, and heads to the hospital.
Meanwhile, Wrath is pretty annoyed that someone stole his car?! but arrives at the quad anyway to learn that his opponent... menaced his sibling and then bailed? Is this a forfeit? He's not sure. It's almost time for his speech - it's scheduled for right after the totality - but as he gets on stage he sees someone approaching. It's the religious studies graduate student who's been banned from most buildings but, critically, not the quad yet for loudly protesting the administration's behavior. That's right. Everyone else may have gotten distracted, but Scar is here and he's got all the archival research they've been doing. He has proof that the administration colluded with the military to create harmful chemical weapons, and that Wrath was an accomplice. And since the quad is also a great place for everyone to gather to watch the eclipse (the chancellor even advertised the university as a good place for watch parties in order to build his brand), there are a lot of witnesses to this revelation. Given the scandal and need for further investigation, elections are postponed. (This is why SGA had to pass a resolution that it was a different month once. We had to postpone the election due to scandal, the bylaws said the elections HAD to happen in a specific month, so we legally changed what month it was.)
Obviously this AU is set in a fantasy universe where people experience consequences once their actions are brought to light, much like in Leverage. IRL Father would get a $600,000 severance package, be hired at another university within a year, and write a thinkpiece for Heterodox Academy about the woke mobs destroying higher education.
Ed arrives at the hospital around the same time as Hohenheim and is mad at both him and Al. I honestly never decided whether Al is developing what his mom had or has another health condition going on, but between Ed and Winry they get him stabilized somehow. This probably involves Ed doing some kind of transfusion so now he is also stuck in a hospital bed or at least forced to sit down and sip juice.
As Roy's getting his eyes cleaned out, the rest of his campaign texts him to let him know that the election has been called off. Hughes had already been buying supplies for an election night party, and Elicia has a checkup at the clinic anyway, so he brings all the food with him. Winry uses her hospital connections to pull some strings, and everyone ends up eating pizza sitting on the Elrics' beds.
Campus police track down Wrath's car in the hospital parking lot, and he shows up with a few officers to try to catch the thief. Greed, motivated 50% by roommate loyalty and 50% indignation that he didn't think to do that first, announces he did it. This makes perfect sense to Wrath. Although he's in no position to press charges at the moment, campus police does not look kindly upon carjacking, and Greed finally achieves his goal of getting expelled.
In the aftermath, Al is recovering, the brothers are cautiously talking to their dad, the board is running a search for a new chancellor, and when the special elections roll around, Roy loses to a poli sci major who's a non-traditional student. Specifically, he is Riza's grandfather who decided to take advantage of free tuition for seniors. This is humiliating for him, but his friends agree it is probably for the best.
The end???
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Remote Jobs that need no experience to start up in 2024
Ever feel like ditching the full-time job is impossible? Join the pursuit of freedom! We’ve all punched that time clock at some point, and there’s no shame in it. But, as we waltz into 2024, the question burning on everyone’s minds is this: Are there better, more flexible jobs out there for the taking? Yes! According to FlexJobs, they’ve rounded up the top 100 companies dishing out remote opportunities. Check a few from the full list:
Working Solutions
CVS Health
Robert Half International
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cactus Communications
BCD Travel
But, and it’s a big but, even these companies may demand experience. Whereas working solutions don’t. Another company named Zillow is ranked #87, Sadly they require a real estate license to be a virtual agent.
So, where does that leave the newbies starting from ground zero?
The emptiness of traditional careers
Let’s face it, it would leave you here.. Working jobs that can be picked up and done by mostly everyone, Only to be replaced by another person TWICE your age. So in a capitalist market, you need a valuable skill that can’t be taken from you. Like imagine you had to go back in time to the first job you’ve ever worked, would you’ve chosen differently?
I would have.
My first “job” was 12 and I was a caddy at an expensive golf course. Yeah for networking it’s great. But not for developing a long-term skill for myself. I didn’t have an interest in golf anyway. So every day working there I always felt like a void swallowed my heart. That feeling of constantly repeating the same task over and over.. To be rewarded with $40.
I should’ve started with selling a product. Then I would have had valuable experience, that’s useful for the rest of my life. Don’t you wish you could turn back time?
Imagine If I had invested in myself.
Take a look at how (President of Shopify) Harley Finkelstein started from selling t-shirts — to having a thriving online business valued at $100,000,000
Consider the journey of Harley Finkelstein, the President of Shopify. He began his journey struggling financially as his family didn’t have much money. He moved to Montreal, Canada to McGill University. Once he got an in-state tuition, he moved to sell promotion t-shirts to his student council treasure in college. The key takeaway is that the trajectory of our careers can be dramatically shifted when we invest in skills that truly matter to us as people.
Social media marketing
Affiliate marketing
Website developer
E-mail marketing
Content Creation
AI AD creator
Video Editor
These skills have absolutely no start-up cost to pursue. A laptop and the will to learn is what you need!
1. Sales
Identify your strengths and transferable skills that are relevant to closing the deal.
Develop strong communication skills, both written and verbal.
Talk clearly and concisely.
Familiarize yourself with basic sales terminology and techniques.
Lifetime value of the customer
How the product personally helps them
2. Educate Yourself:
Take online courses in sales and marketing. Platforms like HubSpot Academy, LinkedIn Learning, and Coursera offer free or affordable courses.
Read books on sales and business development to gain insights into successful strategies. You can find a PDF of the book you want to read on Google
3. Build an Online Presence:
Create a professional LinkedIn profile highlighting your skills and aspirations.
Connect with professionals in the sales industry and participate in relevant LinkedIn groups.
4. Networking:
Attend virtual networking events, webinars, and conferences to connect with industry professionals.
Join online communities related to sales and business development.
5. Online Sales Platforms:
Explore platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr to offer your sales services as a freelancer.
Build a profile showcasing your skills, and apply for relevant projects.
6. Internships and Entry-Level Positions:
Look for remote sales internships or entry-level positions to gain practical experience.
Apply to companies that offer training programs for beginners.
7. Freelance Sales Consulting:
Offer your services as a freelance sales consultant.
Help small businesses with their sales strategies on a project basis.
8. Build a Portfolio:
Showcase your achievements, successful projects, or any relevant experience on your portfolio.
Include testimonials or references if available.
9. Apply for Remote Sales Jobs:
Search for remote sales job opportunities on job boards like Indeed, Remote OK, or FlexJobs.
You can tailor your resume to highlight your skills and any relevant experience.
10. Cold Outreach:
Proactively reach out to businesses or startups offering your sales services.
Craft a compelling pitch showcasing what value you can bring to their sales efforts.
11. Continuous Learning:
Stay updated on industry trends, sales techniques, and tools.
Attend webinars, read blogs, and engage in continuous learning to refine your skills.
12. Persistence and Resilience:
Understand that rejection is part of the sales process. Stay persistent and learn from each experience.
Adapt and refine your approach based on feedback and results.
13. Set Realistic Goals:
Establish achievable short-term and long-term goals for your remote sales career.
Monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed.
14. Seek Mentorship:
Connect with experienced professionals in the sales industry and seek mentorship.
Learn from their experiences and gain insights into successful sales strategies.
With Chat GPT on the loose, It’s to the point where it can communicate better than most humans can. Making all the sluggish tasks vanish. You can use these steps for a different skill I listed.
Establishing a Productive Remote Work Routine
Even with the blessing of a taste of what AI has offered us in the new year, transitioning from employee to independent is a change in work ethic. That comes with a cost. Having time to put your full focus into what needs to get done. Do you have a client who needs his website redeveloped? You can’t let yourself get distracted and waste time. As an entrepreneur losing time is an opportunity wasted to excel.
So you need to learn how to focus and this will surprise you. Having a habit of not having distractions when you wake up is a game changer. Not looking at your phone immediately and instead going to the bathroom and brushing your teeth, will build you into the habit of getting ready to work without having the urge to get a dopamine rush on the internet.
Another unexpected factor is our diets. Any sugar or carbohydrates you eat in the morning when you begin work will be using energy to digest your meal, leaving a huge portion of your energy not being productive.
Building a team that pushes to strive
In the end, without a doubt way to speed up results, is to have a team that chases the same goal. You can try walking the path alone but always know, Harley Finkelstein didn’t do it.. Without crafting a team.
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mommiessecret · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Linksoul Polo Mens 2XL NBC Channel Golf Academy Short Sleeve Cotton Shirt NEW.
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galexpeterson · 1 year
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The universe abundantly blesses you. We are continually attracting what we desire through our beliefs and thoughts. When the Star arrives in the upright position, it usually follows a difficult change or traumatic event. Going through something challenging can take the wind out of our sails and cause us to feel like things will never be the same. This might be true. Death, loss, heartbreak, and other painful events can change us forever. This doesn’t mean we can’t build something better. What is it that you’re trying to heal from? The Upright Star wants you to open your heart, realize your inner strength, and have faith that the best is yet to come.
BIRTH NAME :  Gale Cornelius Nolan Peterson PROFESSIONAL NAME: Sheriff Peterson ALIAS : - AGE : 38 DATE  OF  BIRTH : October 21st, 1985 RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Widowed; Single HOMETOWN : Kismet Harbor, OR, USA TIME IN KISMET HARBOR : All his life RESIDENCE : Driftwood Haven FACECLAIM : Aaron Tveit
trigger warning:
EDUCATION : Police Academy OCCUPATION :  Sheriff at the Kismet Harbor Police Department GENDER : Cis-Male PRONOUNS : He/Him SEXUALITY : Straight
HAIR COLOR : Dirty Blond EYE  COLOR : Blue HEIGHT : 6'0" BUILD : Lean, Muscular. ACCENT : American LANGUAGES : English, Spanish, German, ASL, DGS TATTOOS : A foot imprint of Klaus at birth on his left bicep./ a larger and small dragon on his wrist SCARS: a scar next to his left eye and on his rightside neck as well as a large one on his chest above his heart.
ZODIAC : Libra LOVE LANGUAGE : Quality time, words of affirmation CLOTHING : high fitted pants and a shirt or sweater tucked in. Hoodies at home. CURRENT HAIR STYLE + BEARD: ( x ) CONDITIONS : cartilage tear in his right shoulder ALLERGIES : None EATING HABITS : Big eater, small portions but goes for seconds or thirds. Loves vegetables. EXERCISE HABITS : weights and mountain biking SLEEPING HABITS : Sleeps bad when alone, side sleeper.
ADDICTIONS : None DRUG  USE : None ALCOHOL USE : Special occasions only.
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Protective, loyal, determined NEGATIVE TRAITS: Bossy, pride, sarcastic PHOBIAS : None FEARS : Losing his family, failing Klaus, losing his job as sheriff. HOBBIES : Golf, riding his motorcycle, boardgames, mountain biking. HABITS : taps his heel on the ground, chews on something when bored, running his fingers along the scar next to his eye when thinking. USUAL TEMPERAMENT : Confident.
FATHER : Gus Peterson MOTHER : Kathy Peterson SIBLINGS : Nicole Peterson PARTNERS : Anna Peterson (2013-2017; deceased) CHILDREN : Klaus Peterson-Ruiz (may 10th, 2011; with Liesl), PETS : -
trigger warning:
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aakarshita04 · 2 years
Who Owns Volkswagen?
Among the companies in the automotive industry, Volkswagen is considered to be the largest. The company has been able to produce some of the best automobiles, such as the Volkswagen Beetle, the Volkswagen Golf, and the Volkswagen Passat. But the question is: who owns Volkswagen? This is a question that many people are interested in.
Whether it's Volkswagen's luxury brand Audi or their high-performance sports car Porsche, VW is one of the largest car companies in the world. Their brands appeal to a wide variety of customers. They're also known for their high-performance cars, piloted driving, and revolutionary technology.
Audi has been part of Volkswagen Group since 1965, and is known for their luxury and performance vehicles. Audi has factories in more than 100 countries and operates in more than 100 markets around the world. Audi has also produced the Audi E-Tron SUV, which is an electric vehicle.
Audi's logo is based on the four rings that represent four German automakers that merged in 1932 to form Auto Union. They are a tribute to the four companies.
Whether it is Volkswagen, Bentley or Land Rover, the German automobile manufacturer is a household name. It has an impressive list of vehicle brands including Audi, Bugatti, Cupra, Porsche, SEAT, Skoda, Volkswagen Truck & Bus and Ducati. It is a shirt sponsor of Major League Soccer club D.C. United and the Liga MX team Puebla F.C. Among other things, Volkswagen owns the David Beckham Academy in England.
Bentley Motors was founded in 1909 in Crewe, England. In 1931, Bentley was purchased by the British Central Equitable Trust, which later sold it to Rolls-Royce. After a long run of trouble, Rolls-Royce was nationalized by the British government in 1971. The name Rolls-Royce was a trademark that was licensed by BMW. Although Volkswagen did not own the Rolls-Royce name, it did have access to its logo and slogan.
Founded in 1909, Bugatti is one of the world's most renowned car manufacturers. It produces luxury cars with high performance features and craftsmanship. The brand also has a presence in India. The company is located in Alsace, France.
Bugatti is a brand owned by Volkswagen. Volkswagen bought the rights to manufacture Bugatti vehicles in 1998. The company was previously owned by Ettore Bugatti, an Italian automaker of high-performance cars.
The Bugatti Veyron is the world's fastest hypercar, reaching a top speed of 250 miles per hour. The car is also known for its sleek design and craftsmanship.
Bugatti Chiron is a mid-engined sports car that is named after Louis Chiron, the famous racing driver. The car's power output is 1,103 horsepower.
Founded as a bicycle maker in 1895 in Boleslay, Czech Republic, Skoda is now an auto manufacturer. Its products are sold in over 100 countries worldwide. Skoda Auto's profitability is second only to Volkswagen Group's. In 2017, Skoda Auto's operating profit was EUR1.6 billion.
Skoda Auto maintains its headquarters in Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic. The company also produces commercial vehicles, such as trucks and buses. During the communist era, Skoda's reputation for engineering excellence was tarnished. However, deliveries have increased sevenfold since 1991.
Volkswagen entered into a joint venture partnership agreement with Skoda in 1991. In the following years, Volkswagen increased its ownership in Skoda. By December 1994, Volkswagen had a 30 per cent stake in the company. In December 1995, Volkswagen increased its stake to 70 per cent.
Founded by the Instituto Nacional de Industria (INI) in 1950, SEAT (Sociedad Espanola de Automoviles de Turismo) is a Spanish automobile manufacturer. It is a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group.
SEAT is based in Martorell, near Barcelona in northeastern Spain. Volkswagen's co-operation agreement with SEAT is the first outside of Germany. It was signed in September 1982. SEAT contributed up to 15.2% of the total output of the VW group in 1989.
The SEAT logo is rounded, rather than square, and silver on a red background. The company's modern logo was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show in March 1999. The logo was introduced before the launch of the Leon hatchback.
Known for its iconic Beetle, Volkswagen is a German-based car manufacturer with operations in more than 150 countries. It is also the owner of a number of other famous brands including Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, MAN, Skoda, Seat and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles.
Volkswagen started off as a small car maker, producing only a few models before World War II. It reshaped itself into an automotive empire. The company has a wide range of brands that appeal to a variety of consumers.
The Volkswagen brand is the flagship of the company. It is also a household name. Volkswagen is also the owner of Bugatti, a French brand, and the Spanish brand SEAT. The company's latest product is the Volkswagen Arteon. It is a three-row SUV.
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dxn-bolton · 2 years
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Full name: Daniel Alexander Bolton Nickname(s): Dan, Danny, Danny Boy, Good Boy Dan, Uncle D. Age: Thirty-three.   Gender identity: Cis-male.   Pronouns: He/him. Sexual orientation: Heterosexual, and has been in bisexual encounters, so he’s still figuring that out.
-Physiology Height in feet: 6′2 (1.87 m)   Eye color: Blue.   Hair color: Blonde.   Build: Muscular Scars: Several from the sports he likes to practice (surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, Climb, etc.) Tattoos: 9 Piercings: Had one on his eyebrow, but not anymore. Right or left-handed: right but is goofy (lefty in surf).   Style in fashion: He is all about comfort, he wears eco, vegan clothing, and most of the time is just T-shirts and sporty shoes. Medical history: 3 broken bones. Allergies: Dust mites.   Chronic illnesses: None. Mental disorders: Depression.
-Family Father: Jack Bolton - Alive Mother: Evelyn Bolton - Alive Sibling(s): Cassidy, Grayson, Willow, Windsor Birth order: First. Marital status: unmarried and single.   Significant other: had one Adriana, but none at this moment. Children: none, (Have a miscarriage with Adriana, nobody knows) Other relatives: They are a big family Pets: One, Arya, an American English coonhound dog Language(s): English, Spanish, understands Portuguese. Hometown: Deerhaven, Tennessee. Superstitions: Always knocks on wood. He was born a warlock and most of his beliefs are focused to it. Diction, accent etc.: Soft southern accent, during his trip his accent washed and got mixed with others.
-Work / Home Education: High school, Fire Academy. Occupation: Firefighter, Derry’s pub manager. Place of work: Derry’s pub and fire station. Employment history: Truth be told, Dan wanted to be an Adventure blogger and photographer, but he had to return home and is following in his father’s same steps. During his trip he worked on every job he could get, from janitor, dishwasher, and English teacher, anything he could do to win money, he would do it. Workspace: has an office at the pub. Status & money: lower-middle class.   Living arrangements: own a house in sycamore heights, he has been fixing it little by little.   Roommates: none.
-Psychology Fears: losing his family, being trapped. IQ: average.   Sleeping habits: Sleeps a lot, but he knows that’s part of his depression so forces himself to not stay in bed for more than the recommended hours. Eating habits: Needs to eat at least two meals or else he will be in a bad mood. Groups or alone: depends on the moment Leader or follow: Depends on who and on what. Pet peeves: People who judge or are not emphatic Drinks, Smokes, & Drugs: Drinks, smokes weed, has done LSD, mushrooms, peyote, and ayahuasca.
-Astrology Birth date: January 23th. Time of birth: Morning, 9:25 am. Sun: Aquarius. Moon: Leo. Rising: Piscis. Mercury: Aquarius Venus: Capricorn Mars: Taurus
-Personality Mbti: ENFP-T Enneagram: type 7. Four temperaments: Phlegmatic Moral alignment: Chaotic Good. Archetype: The Joker. Likes: Action movies, traveling, photography, sports almost all of them (except golf and cricket even if his father loves it), nature, bikes and fast cars, loves all kinds of music, hiking, and yoga. Dislikes: Reading, cause he’s not good at it, small spaces, people who think are better than others, people that hate others for race, heritage, sexuality, or gender, also not a big fan of guns. Bad Habits: Smokes too much weed, swears a lot, checks his phone obsessively, and loves gossip (xoxo). Secret Talent: Sewing. Hobbies: Skateboarding, Surfing, making music playlists, addicted to food porn, loves watching movies and tv shows, photographing landscapes, even though adventure and animal photography is his best skill, and exercising. Four Positive Traits: Adventurous, Loyal, Optimistic, Relaxed Four Negative Traits: Impulsive, Possessive, Forgetful, Disobedient Other Mentionable Details: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is dyslexic
The day that Daniel was born, his mother told him that it has probably everything to do with how he was, with how much energy and adrenaline he had on him. His Father was on call, due to a terrible storm, he and his mother weren’t expecting their first son until almost a month, but Daniel was ready to come and like most of his life, his birth was full of fast-driving, adrenaline, and rush.
He was a very hyper kid always getting in trouble, he was not a bad kid, but that didn’t excuse him in his father’s eyes for how creative he got with his adventures. The school wasn’t the happiest time for him, he had been given many skills, but scholarly skills weren’t one of those.
He started to get bullied for being a slow reader, that’s where he learned how to fight, he wasn’t the smartest of the pond, but he sure as hell was bigger, stronger, and more physically skillful than most. It wasn’t that he enjoyed fighting, but he was good at it, and other kids started to respect him a little more and it did come in handy to his siblings too.
With ADHD, and dyslexia, he felt extremely trapped at school, he used to skip classes. It was a reason he had such a complex relationship with his father, most of the time after a fight he ended up going to his grandpa’s house, the member of his family he admired the most, he taught him how to drive, ride a bike, climb and almost everything about nature, gave him his first camera and it was him that put the idea of traveling around the world.
Daniel was extremely protective of his family, he was there for everyone, but his relationship with Jack, his father, and him got harder each day, so when his grandfather died and left him his old truck Daniel didn’t think twice and drove to California with the excuse to spread his ashes there as he wished, he followed his trip across the border from Mexico to Argentina, stopping in as many countries as he could on his way down.
In Costa Rica, he fell hard for a Latin foreign woman who told him how to speak the language, how to cook, and how to dance, she was probably his one true love. Their love was strong, passionate, and fierce. It was a perfect match, with the only difference that she was a shifter and he was a warlock, but after months together they receive the news of an unplanned pregnancy, at first Daniel panicked, thinking things would change, but more and more he got excited at the idea of having a family of his own, after all, he was deeply in love with the woman and was already thinking about marrying her, sadly they lost the baby and even when his love for her didn’t stop, things got awkward and they both agreed to continue their life apart to heal, so he continued his trip with a broken heart, and a missing child, one that he might not have gotten to know but that he was starting to love and was ready to have.
Once he got to Argentina and spent a few months there, he was ready to move to Europe to visit his younger brother, but he received an urgent call from his mother, asking him to come back, asap. He didn’t know just how broken things were at home until he came back to his home. His dad had to retire from work and his beloved bar due to a heart condition that almost killed him, his brother suffered from bad drug addiction, and their mom had to deal with everything almost alone. Daniel felt guilty for leaving his house, and just not being there for them, so he forgot about every dream he had, rolled into the Fire Academy like his dad always wanted, took his father’s position as the bar owner, and just did what he thought it would make his parents live a little better and relaxing.
He started to live a lie, becoming the exact man his father always wanted him to be, to be almost a copy of him. Hiding any internal suffering he had, and hasn’t fully healed or dealt with. His mental health started to be more affected, he was angrier and depressed, and he started to fight in clandestine rings, quietly suffering, during one fight he was turned into a werewolf, but he lied to everyone and said it had been during an attack. Causing one more struggle within the shadows coming from a magic family. During a call where his brother, Gray was involved, he accidentally turned him, just making him feel more responsible and guilty it, not only did he lead to his own turn, he turned his brother for not taking care of his own condition. Slowly his demons seemed to be quietly eating him up, but he keeps hiding from everyone, to not disturb the temporary peace his family is having.
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academyguide · 2 years
[ad_1] Stacy Mapel PGA and Tod Chasczewski MS CC-AASP. 19339 likes 227 talking about this.Pga Junior League In Ptc Junior Golf 365 Much like other recreational league sports participants wear matching numbered jerseys and play on teams with their friends.Pga jr league fort worth. Add to Calendar Add to Timely Calendar Add to Google Add to Outlook Add to Apple Calendar Add to other calendar Export to XML When. This years event marks a return to the newly renovated Shady Oaks Country Club - home of Mr. PGA Junior League Golf. League Palm Beach Gardens Florida. Eight 8 Practices Thursdays either 500PM to 600PM or 600PM to 700PM April 22 29 May 6 13 20 27 June 3 10 Six 6 Matches Fridays Tee Times from 430PM to 530PM. Player registration for the 2018 season of PGA Jr. 04032021 400 pm 700 pm. 04102021 400 pm 700 pm Match 2. You can register for this league on our registration page on our website. Home Event PGA Jr. League is the key youth initiative of PGA REACH the 501c3 charitable foundation of the PGA of America. The Ben Hogan Junior Cup Matches are an annual competition between the Northern and Southern Texas PGA Junior Tours top boys and girls aged 13-18. The Northern Texas PGA is one of 41 sections of The PGA of America and has a membership of more than 850 PGA professionals. League is a game-changing opportunity for boys and girls to learn and play golf. League is a fun social and inclusive opportunity for boys and girls ages 13 and under to learn and enjoy the game of golf. League Palm Beach Gardens Florida. Youth ages 14 to 17 250 per junior. League Hat T-Shirt and Drawstring Bag. 15 2018 Registration for PGA Jr. Students participating in the program will go through an. League is now open at facilities throughout the DallasFort Worth market. League is a game-changing opportunity for boys and girls to learn and play golf. 07112020 200 pm 500 pm Where. This year the DallasFort Worth area has more than 25 courses offering. First Tee Fort Worth. ATLANTIS FL The South Florida PGA Junior Tour 2020 season was set into motion this past weekend with a sold-out Challenge Tour Event at the Country Club of Coral Springs in Coral Springs FL. The Northern Texas PGAs objective is to promote the enjoyment and involvement in the game of golf and to contribute to its growth by providing services to golf professionals and the golf industry. This is a two-month junior golf training program that will begin July 6 th and will consist of 12 hours of golf instruction mental coaching and golf-fitness training per month. Located just outside of Dallas Fort Worth Texas open to the public with fine dining on-site. 19427 likes 288 talking about this. Dallas Texas Feb. Each team is captained by a PGA or LPGA Professional who serves. League 14-17 Ages 400-500 starting times. League is now open. Find out more about this wonderful team-based competitive opportunity on our PGA Jr. The program brings family. The program brings family. League for ages 7-13 plays every other week at Rivers Edge 6 hole course at Rockwood golf course. The Junior League of Fort Worth opposes and condemns all forms of racism and intolerance through our Mission Vision and commitment to diversity and inclusion. South Florida PGA Junior Tour Welcomes in the 2020 Season with Challenge Tour Event 1. 18 hole championship golf course by Robert Trent Jones Jr. League 7-13 Ages 300-500 starting times. Rockwood Golf Course PGA Jr. We stand with our members partners and neighbors across our city and throughout this country who are feeling the impacts of years of injustice and unrest that have been underscored. We are happy to announce the formation of the MapelChase Junior Performance Golf Academy conducted by Mr. First Tee Fort Worth Fort Worth Tx Youth Organization Charity Organization Facebook Competitive Opportunities First Tee Fort Worth Elle Storoe Florida
Gulf Coast University Gainesville Florida United States Linkedin South Florida Jr Section Pga News Registration For Pga Jr League Is Now Open At Facilities Throughout The Dallas Fort Worth Market Local News Only Northern Texas Pga Announces Extended And Enhanced Partnership With Ewing Automotive Group College Golfer Spotlight Megan Thothong South Florida Jr Section Pga News Alumni South Florida Section Pga Junior Golf Registration For Pga Jr League Is Now Open At Facilities Throughout The Dallas Fort Worth Market Local News Only Registration For Pga Jr League Is Now Open At Facilities Throughout The Dallas Fort Worth Market Local News Only Registration For Pga Jr League Is Now Open At Facilities Throughout The Dallas Fort Worth Market Local News Only With Nearly All White Membership Pga Of America Looks To Diversify Sky Creek Ranch Golf Club Dallas Public Course Pga Junior League Juniors Amenities Trophy Club Country Club Tx Alumni On Tour Ntpga Junior Golf Instructors The Golf Critique Registration For Pga Jr League Is Now Open At Facilities Throughout The Dallas Fort Worth Market Local News Only Registration For Pga Jr League Is Now Open At Facilities Throughout The Dallas Fort Worth Market Local News Only [ad_2] Source link
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
Trouble in Paradise | 0.4 | Bradley x Bradshaw x Reader
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Synopsis: After the most painful break-up of his life, Rooster is stationed in Hawaii for the next six months. Alone, away from home and hurting, he finds comfort in the arms of a stranger.
Warnings: no use of y/n, age gap (rooster is in his mid-30s, reader is in her early 20s), smut, p-in-v, unprotected sex
Bradley considers calling Mav. He’s sitting in training, trying to listen to the instructor talking on and on about the mission — all he can think about is how badly he has fucked up.
Mav has broken a lot of girls’ hearts, he’ll know what to do. Then it occurs to Bradley that that’s stupid. If he listens to Mav then both of you will end up hating him. He considers for a moment if he would ask his father for advice.
Sure, he knows that Goose would’ve loved to be there for him and teach him right from wrong and how to be a good man. But he hadn’t been here and Bradley had had to teach himself.
No, he wouldn’t have gone to his Dad for advice about this. How could he tell a man who had loved his family so unconditionally that he had fooled around on deployment and now was stuck between his fiancée and a bartender that’s a decade younger than him?
He would have to figure it out on his own.
Amy was the clear choice. She fit into his plan. They were the same age, they had memories and shared opinions, they were both at similar points in their career — he had wanted to marry her once, he just had to get himself back into that headspace.
To do that, he had to stop thinking about you.
He tries.
He takes cold showers, he works out mornings and evenings after work to keep himself busy. He calls Amy every night. He was doing okay — he figured he wasn’t far from what a good fiancé should be.
He even managed on Thursday, his one day off. Amy was busy, his muscles were screaming at him to stop and he knew you were working today. It would’ve been so easy to go find you. Instead, he let Berlin talk him into a few holes of golf at one of the resorts with a couple of the other guys. It wasn’t so bad.
Then it’s Saturday. He’s a couple thousand feet above the ocean — it’s a routine training exercise preparing them for the real mission. Enemy surveillance, it’s run of the mill and he’s not in any danger. But, they train for dog fights anyway.
“Rooster, on your six!”
Rooster looks over his shoulder, finding his instructor on his tail. He pulls up abruptly, clearing himself from the danger behind him.
Riot is next to him. He’s just a kid, really. From the island, fresh out of the academy, on his first assignment. Rooster, being the more experienced aviator, is his wingman for the exercise.
Being the more experienced aviator, he should have noticed that Riot was a little too quiet on the comms. Riot had seen that the instructor was pursuing Rooster, he wasn’t paying attention. He was a little too close.
“Shit!” He breaks right to avoid getting too close to Rooster. Rooster watches it all happen. It’s two gulls. The hard right sends Riot straight into them, they hit the canopy and are sucked into the engine.
The next two minutes feel like they happen in slow motion. Rooster is silent on the comms, it’s the instructor who’s yelling his way through what to do. Rooster just watches Riot panic.
Both engines are out and he falls into a spin. Rooster watches him eject. He watches Riot hit the canopy.
He doesn’t even remember landing his own plane, but he’s back on solid ground before he knows it and Riot’s being rushed off to the infirmary.
“Rooster, you okay?” He blinks and turns his head. The instructor’s hand is on his shoulder — he hadn’t even felt his presence, let alone his touch. Rooster’s reminded that no one out here knows him. Or his dad.
“Is Riot gonna be alright?” He asks gently.
“Yeah, his shoulder hit the canopy, they think he broke something but he’s gonna be fine.”
Rooster pulls the collar of his T-shirt away from his neck. He hates shit like this. He knows he’s been given shit for being too careful his whole life but this is exactly why. You don’t pay attention, this happens.
“His replacement should be here the tomorrow afternoon, someone more experienced,” Bradley furrows his eyebrows slightly as he turns his head toward the instructor.
“Replacement? — you said he was fine.”
“He’s going to be be fine, but you can’t fly with a broken arm, Rooster. Someone’s taking his place for a couple months til he’s back on his feet.”
Rooster nods his head. He feels guilty for a moment, knowing that this kid just had a huge set back because of a training exercise that he was in charge of.
“I told the Admiral that you’d show the new guy around. He’s bunking right next to you so figured it would be convenient if he needs a buddy.”
If he was in a better mood, maybe he would’ve laughed at how much the Captain just made deployment sound like summer camp. Instead, he just nods and heads back to the dorms. He looks at the door next to his as he passes it and hopes whoever turns up tomorrow just stays out of his way as much as possible.
His phone is exactly where he left it, charging on the dresser in his dorm room. As expected, he has a couple of different texts from Amy. Then one from you. It's recent, only delivered fifteen minutes ago. He swipes the message open, brows raising slightly as he examines the picture. He's glad he didn't take his phone with him.
The picture is less than safe for work. You're sitting on your bed, he recognises the poster behind it. Wearing a cute pair of blue panties, but they aren't the focus of the picture. Under the picture, you've typed out 'Won't fade ):' in reference to the three purple bites on your bare chest from the last time he saw you.
He doesn't even bother changing, just grabs his keys, wallet and heads out to his truck. He texts you before setting off, letting you know he's on his way.
"Oh fuck!" You laugh, pushing yourself down from the counter as his reply lights up on your phone screen. Ella's eyebrows raise in intrigue as she drops the dish she was washing into the soapy water as she cranes her neck to look at the screen.
"He's on his way? - I told you!" She slaps your arm, making soap fly across your tanktop. You dip your hand into the sink, flick water into her face and dip out of the room before she can retaliate further. You weren't expecting such a swift reply.
You collect the mess of books on your bed, lifting them and dropping them into the closet, slamming the door shut. Ella listens to you busy yourself around your room. You busy yourself so well that you don't even hear him knocking at the door. Ella answers it for you.
Their brows furrow slightly. Ella looks him up and down, impressed by his uniform, then she steps aside, "She's in her room."
"Thanks." Rooster breathes, patting her shoulder as he passes her.
You spin to face him as the door opens. Rooster watches your lips part as you look him up and down.
"Fuck, you look good in uniform." You breathe, grinning at him. He nudges the door shut behind him, letting out an almost relieved breath as you lurch forward and rise up onto your tiptoes to kiss him.
You open your mouth, pulling back and furrowing your brows slightly. You look him over. He’s tense, you can see it in the way he’s carrying himself. Rooster knows you’re about to ask about his day. He can’t stand the thought of talking about it.
"Where are you headed?" Rooster asks, glancing down at your outfit. You're wearing a grey tanktop and denim cut off shorts. The kind of shorts that the pockets peek out the bottom of them.
"I wasn't expecting you to come over so soon - I have work in an hour." You admit. You don't admit that you like the way he clearly disapproves of your outfit choice. He grabs your hips and turns you around, nudging you a few steps forward to evaluate exactly how short they really are.
Deciding to push him a little, you bend over slightly and wiggle your hips, then look back at him over your shoulder, "You like them?"
Rooster scoffs. He raises his palm and smacks your ass, making perfect contact with your ass cheek thanks to the lack of coverage from your shorts. He grabs your hips and pulls you back against him, kissing your neck, "I like them, I don't like the thought of a bunch of drunk idiots liking them as much as I do."
You press you ass back against his crotch, grinning to yourself. You shrug your shoulders, "I mean, that's how we met. Could be a good opportunity for me to make some more friends."
"Shut up." Rooster grumbles against your earlobe, fingers curling around your hips as he grinds his crotch forward against your ass. You take your lip between your teeth, purely to keep from grinning.
"What? - What's wrong?" You tease. His hand snakes around to your front, popping open the button of the shorts, dragging the zipper down, whilst his other hand holds you tight against him. He shakes his head softly and presses his lips to the hinge of your jaw.
"Once I get you out of these, nothing." He murmurs, rutting his hips forward as his hand dips into your shorts.
You giggle as you try to pull yourself away from him, only to be tugged back against his chest before you've managed a step. His lips press against your neck as he nudges his hand into your underwear.
"I told you, I have to be at work - you'll have to wait." You push against his grip again, hoping he'll keep you exactly where you are. His fingers stroke gentle figures against your clit as his other hand covers yours. He takes your hand and places it over the bulge in his flightsuit. You squeeze his cock gently through the material, heart fluttering at how hard he is already.
"Does it feel like I can wait?" He teases. You can't help but laugh. He kisses your shoulder, "I'll have you there on time, don't you worry."
You push your ass back against him once more, letting your head rest back against his collarbone. Rooster hums as he grinds himself against you, circling his fingers over your clit.
“You started it, sending me dirty pictures whilst I’m working.” He tuts, catching sight of you smiling. He kisses your jaw softly.
“Are you saying you didn’t like it?” You feign innocence, turning your head to look at him over your shoulder. Rooster uses the opportunity to kiss your lips, grabbing your jaw with his free hand and keeping it facing him.
“Don’t be stupid.” He shakes his hand fondly, “Half tempted to make it my lock screen.” He’s joking, until he catches the look in your eye. The excitement — almost validation. He lets go of your jaw and withdraws his hand from your shorts, instead grabbing ahold of the bottom of your tank top and tugging it up.
You lift your arms for him to remove it, watching it land in the chair in the corner. Then you hear the zipper of his flightsuit and he’s kicking off his boots. You gasp as his chest presses hard against your back, forcing you forward until he has you pressed into your mattress.
“Up.” You lift your hips obediently for him, the shorts are thrown to the same place as the tank top.
He tugs your hips up, closer to him. You gasp at his mouth hits the backs of your thighs. The tickle of his moustache is a juxtaposition to the sting of his teeth as he nips softly at your skin. He pressed his lips to your ass cheek, making you giggle as he sucks a kiss to your skin. He nuzzles his mouth against your clothed core, stroking his tongue across the fabric of the cotton until it’s spit-soaked and almost see through.
You whimper softly.
“Want you to think about this when you’re at work later.” Rooster murmurs, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to the skin of your ass cheek, dragging his teeth over the spot. “Since you’ve got me thinking about you all the damn time anyway.” He nips at your cheek, slapping it playfully.
You hum contentedly as you push your hips back against him. He hooks a finger into your underwear and tugs it to the side, finally gracing you with his mouth as he flicks his tongue against you.
“Trying to get under my skin really does it for you, doesn’t it, baby?” He realises, pulling your hips harder against him as he presses a finger into you without warning. You whine at the fresh contact, fingers curling around your sheets, desperate for more.
“You like trying to make me jealous?” He asks, adding a second finger and curling them inside of you. Your soft moans are always music to his ears. You choose not to answer his questions, figuring they're rhetorical for the most part.
“Come on, you know you’ve got all my attention anyway, right, baby girl?” Your pussy clenches around his fingers as he kisses your hip. He raises an eyebrow, “You like that?”
“Fuck, Rooster — please.” You practically cry out. You push yourself up onto your knees and push back against him.
Rooster shakes his head, his hand on your hip steadying you as he fucks his fingers into you, “So needy.”
The sound of him discarding his flight suit has never been such a delight. He brushed his cock against you, just stroking his tip along your core. He groans gently as he rocks his hips forwards into you, leaning forwards and kissing your spine.
You push back against him, humming contentedly as you're met with the growingly familiar stretch of him filling you. Rooster's fingers curve around your ass, grabbing at the skin and squeezing. In this moment now, he just knows he's going to be thinking about you like this for the rest of his life.
He pulls you back against him, rutting his hips forward to bury himself as deep into you as he can. You rut yourself back against him, met with more force this time. You gasp as he drives his cock into you, hard. His hand skims along the tanned skin of your bare back, curling his fingers around the nape of your neck and pushing you down against the mattress.
Your cheek presses against your sheets, stifling the soft moans spilling from your lips as he fucks you. He snakes a hand around your waist, slipping his fingers between your legs.
"Shit, Rooster." You breathe out, fingers curling tight around your sheets as you lift your hips and push back to meet his thrusts. He leans forward and presses his chest to your back, grunting softly as he drives his hips hard into yours.
"I've got you, baby," He hums, pulling you tight against him as his fingers work over the swollen bundle of nerves between your legs.
It’s dirty and hard, and both of you know that you don’t want it any other way. You’re out of your mind around him, and you know that too. Rooster cums on your chest, sitting back against his ankles with him lip between his teeth. You barely even remember that you’re supposed to be at work that afternoon when you’re leaning back on your palms, grinning up at him.
It’s Rooster that reminds you.
“Come on, Baby,” he grabs his boxers from the floor of your room, letting out a heavy breath, “Said I’d get you there on time, didn’t I?”
Your eyes widen, “Shit!”
“You’re fine, we still have — twenty minutes.” He checks his watch and shrugs his shoulders before stepping into his underwear. You groan as you grab make up wipes from your nightstand to clean yourself up.
Rooster dresses himself first, then tosses you your tank top. You watch him cross the room to your dresser, brows furrowing.
“What, I can’t wear the shorts?” You ask playfully, passing him as you stand up to go and grab them. He shrugs his shoulders casually as he pulls open the drawer he has seen you find shorts in previously.
“You can wear whatever you want, baby girl. Just wasn’t sure you’d still want to.” There’s amusement just dripping from his voice. You furrow your eyebrows, wondering what he finds so funny. He glances back at you, then nods to the full length mirror in the corner of your room.
You cross the room, turn and examine.
“Rooster!” He tosses you a different pair of shorts. The ones he has chosen are slightly longer, they’ll cover the three new hickeys on tops of your thighs.
“You liked the ones I gave you before.” He teases, kissing your cheek, “Now get dressed, you’re gonna be late.”
You try to glare at him, watching his grin widen.
You have to admire his commitment to getting you to work on time. You’re still half-dazed as he’s opening the door to the truck for you. He seems more at ease now than before.
“Hey, Rooster?”
He hums to show you that he’s listening as he looks ahead.
“Are you… okay? — You seemed kind of… wound up when you came over.”
He almost winces, but holds it together. He thought he had made it through without being questioned.
“I’m fine.” Rooster glances over and immediately registers that you don’t believe him. He sighs softly, “There was a fuck up today at work, someone got hurt. It’s not that big of a deal.”
You reach out and slide your hand into his, “Wanna talk about it once I’m off of work?”
“No, no — I hate talking about work after work.” He shakes his head quickly. He watches you eye him curiously. “It’s nothing anyway. Just happens sometimes.”
“If you say so, sailor.” You shrug, taking off your seatbelt as he pulls closer to the bar. Rooster goes to take off his seatbelt too.
“Wait, you can’t come in.” You grab his arm, stilling him. He furrows his brows curiously at you, fingers still curled around the door handle.
“Why not?”
“We aren’t allowed to fuck customers. No boyfriends or fuck buddies in the bar, it’s Abi’s rule — saves arguments.” You explain. He watches you turn the rear view mirror toward you and check that you still look okay. As such, he has to turn his head and look out of the back window as he reverses into a spot.
“So does Abi know about me?”
“Fuck no.” You chuckle, shaking your head as you fix your hair. You debate pulling it back, but the hickey under your ear stops you from doing that.
“Cool, so I’m just a regular customer. Promise not to fuck you.” He leans across and kisses your cheek, then slips out of the truck. Your cheeks heat up as you follow him.
“Rooster.” You catch up to him before he makes it around to your side. You stop in your tracks, awestruck by the soft, sweet smile on his lips as he slips his palm gently into yours and squeezes. How the hell is this the same person who had you face down in your mattress twenty minutes ago?
“I’ll be good,” He promises you, “No rule against paying customers coming to see their favourite bartender is there?”
“I guess not.” Rooster brings your knuckles up to his lips, kissing them softly, then releasing your hand. He’s satisfied with that answer.
“So, I’ll see you in there.”
“You can only come in if you promise to tell me about your day.” You pull your hand out of his and poke your index finger into his chest. Rooster narrows his eyes fondly out of you. He tries to make you back down.
Realising that isn’t going to happen and that you’re really going to be late if he doesn’t give in, he groans, “Fine. Move it.”
You glance toward the bar, making sure you’re out of view, then lean forward and kiss his lips quickly, “See you soon!”
His lip quirks as he watches you hurry inside ahead of him. He remembers the thousands of arguments he has had with Amy about him keeping things to himself, especially about work. It’s never been easy to open up — he just doesn’t want anyone to worry about him. He especially doesn’t want anyone to think he doesn’t have everything under control.
You’ve just made further progress in a casual conversation before work than Amy made in six years, and you don’t even know it.
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raceweek · 2 years
Bestie what are your top 5 favourite chalex moments??
nutritious start to finish i can only thank lawrence barretto personally. the sincerity of explaining bear grylls as a concept. the no i actually Was good at throwing a baseball thank you. i will buy you flip flops:) oh wait…i can’t have the shirt
good morning baby. did he say it when he saw him tho…it’s been nearly two years. i need to know. im growing old
🧠🏌️ i admittedly do Not know for certain however the first time i personally saw charles golfing was with alex here (also). which. interesting alone for the fact that alex was very much not posting anything on his social media at the start of last year like. at all. and then suddenly charles who has never golfed is out golfing with him. and then he turns up in LA to go with alex again. and then he joins alexs golf team in bahrain. and then again with lando and nick. and then he apparently cheats to look good and- okay actually. 3b. im having a 3b okay it’s not cheating im just minorly following on from above. has he expressed an interest? yes of course. he does have my phone number he can text me? fascinating
mate you look amazing & alexander! charlie :) - both very dear clips to me personally. i find it hard to separate them both in just how endearing they are with just like. okay i am more comfortable now you are here energy
you thought you could get away!! anyway anyone who knows me personally as a human being should have probably anticipated this but like. any chalex list would not be complete with me dragging abu dhabi 2017 out and displaying it like it’s my most prized possession. the contrast is just. like competing until the last race of the previous season for the title as teammates in gp3. fast forward and going into the last race of the gp2 season and charles with the title all wrapped up, super impressive all year, f1 seat waiting for him. alex virtually nowhere in the championship and with no seat for the next year in any series and no academy or budget to get one either. alex is leading on the very last lap, on for his first win in gp2 in what could maybe be his final race in single seaters ever. charles is p2. and then. it eats at my brain it will never not eat at my brain hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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sir-incorrect · 2 years
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WOW I am a week late for the 10th anniversary bc of how long this took, BUT. here’s an item(s) from every single episode of the show, haha! gravity falls means so much to me honestly, I think everyone says this but wow this cartoon changed my life
happy summerween, everybody! :D if you’re curious about what items from what episodes, here’s a list:
Tourist Trapped: journal 3, grappling hook, dipper’s hat Legend of the Gobblewonker: three cameras Headhunters: wax stan’s head The Hand That Rocks the Mabel: gideon’s tie/amulet The Inconveniencing: three smile dip packets Dipper vs. Manliness: babba cd Double Dipper: tyrone’s hat, party crown Irrational Treasure: president’s key, $-12 bill The Time Traveler's Pig: waddles, time tape, the dropped calculator + barrette + shoe Fight Fighters: robbie’s YOU’RE DEAD poster Little Dipper: grow/shrink flashlight Summerween: jackomelon Boss Mabel: earnings jar with a single dollar bill Bottomless Pit!: truth teeth locked box The Deep End: mabel bottles from mermando Carpet Diem: the body-swapping carpet Boyz Crazy: calendar with sev’ral times poster Land Before Swine: huggy wuvvy tummy bundle pig carrier, pterodactyl bros shirt Dreamscapers: deed to the mystery shack Gideon Rises: journals 1 and 2, gideon pin
Scary-oke: black light, scattered confetti Into the Bunker: dipper’s scrapped confession to wendy The Golf War: the “u da best” sticker Sock Opera: dipper and mabel sock puppets, scattered forks Soos and the Real Girl: romance academy 7 Little Gift Shop of Horrors: disembodied hand (with $500 tag) Society of the Blind Eye: memory eraser gun, the mug + notepad + pen stan loses to the portal in the credits Blendin's Game: time wish, stan’s red screwdriver The Love God: anti-love potion spray bottle Northwest Mansion Mystery: silver mirror Not What He Seems: two of stan’s fake ids (hal forrester and andrew “8-ball” alcatraz), the vending machine code A Tale of Two Stans: stack of mabel doodles (snadger drawing on top), pines family case usb drive Dungeons, Dungeons & More Dungeons: infinity-sided die The Stanchurian Candidate: stan button, mind-controlling ties The Last Mabelcorn: unicorn hair Roadside Attraction: travel pamphlet Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future: the rift, ufo keychain Weirdmageddon Part 1: shooting star key Weirdmageddon 2: Escape from Reality: mayor mabel plaque Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls: summer memories scrapbook, two party hats, take back the falls flag
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mommiessecret · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Linksoul Polo Mens 2XL NBC Channel Golf Academy Short Sleeve Cotton Shirt NEW.
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nodynasty4us · 3 years
Jim Wright (Stonekettle Station)
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A number of you have written, asking my opinion regarding the group of alleged "120 Retired Generals and Admirals" who wrote an open letter to President Biden. 
This group of alleged flag officers spent two pages hysterically ranting about debunked conspiracy theories and questioning Biden's mental acuity given his ... age.
And then spent another two pages signing their names like they were John Hancock or something.
I'll tell you, I spent two and half decades in the US Navy and I recognize exactly ONE of those admirals. 
And he was an asshole. 
He "retired" rather than face legal actions for sexual harassment.  So that'll tell you what sort of company you're looking at here. But don't take my word for it, note how many female flag officers there on that list. Or officers who aren't white.
Most of these guys have been retired for DECADES -- putting many of them into their 70s and 80s. Making their question regarding Biden's competence due to age fairly hilarious. Ironically speaking. 
Now, some of these guys have retired fairly recently, but most are of a certain group. And if you start pulling the thread on it, you'll find these are the guys who bailed out of the service -- or got put out -- when the country they work for finally got sick of their racism and misogyny and good old boy bullshit and decided to change things. Many of these guys were pilots, or members of some exclusive specialty, insulated from the rest of the military -- the ones who almost always think their shit don't stink and think they are better than everyone else in uniform. These are the same guys, name for name, who spent pages of ink bemoaning the destruction of military discipline and morale when we started allowing women and LGBT people into the ranks. 
And man, when the military not only wasn't destroyed by those changes, but actually become more professional and competent and kept right on going about its job, well, let's just say *nothing* chapped their manly white asses more. 
These are the same sad old sons of bitches who now spend every waking minute sitting in the base Exchange food court bitching bitterly and loudly about how the military of today isn't like it was "back when we served. Boy oh boy, men were men and women were livestock and everybody else knew their place back then, you bet!" 
The absolutely hilarious part is where their letter complains of socialism and government. 
These guys, these alleged flag officers, the vast majority of them all went to college -- typically some service academy -- on the taxpayer dime, then spent 20 to 30 years in the military collecting government pay, then retired to some Defense Contractor or GSE job working for the government while collecting a government retirement check, shopping at the military commissary and exchange, and getting their healthcare via Tricare and the VA. 
These guys are the poster children for socialism. 
They are less than 2% of all retired flag officers, nothing but the disappointed dregs, bitter because after the service their lives have been one long anticlimax and nobody salutes them anymore. These miserable old entitled bastards screw on their MAGA hats every day and wander down to the base Exchange wearing shirts with a draft dodging coward's face displayed on the front, spouting conspiracy theories, and sneering at the young men and women in uniform for not giving them the respect they think they deserve. 
They're not scared of any socialism.
They just terrified Joe Biden is going to take away their base golf privileges.
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