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jimmydemaret · 4 years
5.11 Tactical Men's Stryke Operator Uniform Pants w/Flex-Tac Mechanical Stretch, Style 74369
5.11 Tactical Men’s Stryke Operator Uniform Pants w/Flex-Tac Mechanical Stretch, Style 74369
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dreamonminecraft · 4 years
oh yes, tell me more about this beautiful lesbian slowburn. I’m a sucker for a good love story
Okay so to start off, My sexuality fluctuates greatly throughout this story, but as of now I identify as a Bisexual lithsexual lesbian, which means that I am attracted to lots of people but lose attraction when the feelings are reciprocated, and I'll only date girls.
The story starts off August of 2018. I was starting 6th grade (middle school) and didn't really have any friends aside from a few people that I had last talked to in 3rd grade.
It's important to know that I'm a GT kid and so I almost always have the same group of about 20 kids. This started when I changed to an all GT class for 4th grade.
While it's nice to have a comfortable learning environment, it also means that there's no escape from any drama, and you get to pick friends from the very small pool of kids that you'll spend the rest of your education with.
This is a pretty long story as well and I'm not sure I'll be able to accurately retell many of the things because dates get mixed up and stuff. Anyway, I'm gonna try my best to explain but these are really only the things from my point of view and I don't remember a lot of the things. (This is also gonna be written like a fanfic because that's all I know how to write, I apologise)
So start of sixth grade, I don't really have any friends, I'm kind of this awkward nerd, there's 2 people in my class (we switch classes like normal middle school, but I'm with the GT kids for most of the day so that's what I'll refer to them as) that I've known for years, a few I've met before, but mostly new people.
I sit by some old friends from volleyball at lunch for the first few days but begin to feel unwelcome. One day I decide to sit by these two people that I know are in GT but haven't talked to before. I don't say anything, but I sit and they don't mind.
The next day we get new seats in English. I'm behind a boy named Owen, Inara, who is one of the girls I sat with at lunch, is to my right, and in front of her is a girl named Emilyse.
Inara and I hit it off immediately.
It's kind of crazy because we're both crazy anxious introverts, but we gel nicely. I'm a boyband-obsessed 11 year old and she's a mature and mysterious 11 year old.
She's a lefty. I'm a righty. The way we've been placed makes us bump arms everytime we try to write anything.
We have every class together. Somehow, we sit next to each other in every class as well, even in the ones where we didn't pick our seating chart.
It's September. I cry over boybands. She watches curiously.
For the next couple of months we casually talk. She spends every lunch period in the library. We text occasionally.
I have another friend who takes priority. His name is Logan. We got introduced by his friend Lennox when she asked for my phone number to give to him.
Lennox and I don't talk. Logan and I text nonstop for months. We discuss possibly dating in the future. I identify as bisexual and biromantic at this point.
I've been in this position before. Having mainly guy friends growing up puts me in a lot of awkward friendship/relationship situations. They always end the same.
I have an issue with dating in middle school. You're not dating if you don't go on dates, hold hands, kiss, or cuddle. But you can feel like you are.
In December Logan starts being mean. We start a game where we step on each other's shoes at lunch or in the hallway. It's fun.
Eventually, he recruits his friends to do it to me, too. It's a joke a first, but eventually there are 10 middle school boys chasing me and trying to hurt me.
I get kicked in the hallway and fall. Someone steps on my arm and people laugh. Logan watches. I tell Inara and she steps on his shoe for me.
Logan and I stop talking. Inara and I hang out more. By early January, Inara has stopped going to the library at lunch. We hang out with Emilyse in the field instead.
I text Logan one day in mid January and ask why we fell out. He says that I told someone that I was going to punch him in the face.
The person he said I told, only talked to me at the bus stop, and he didn't ride my bus. I had never said it in the first place, but his logic made it even more frustrating.
I tell him I got scared because I had a crush on him and didn't want to make things weird. It was a lie.
In February I came out to someone for the first time. They asked if I was bi and I said yes.
By March I had accepted that coming out didn't really make a difference. Inara and I hung out at school but not really anywhere else.
My birthday's in April. I invite her, Emilyse, and Rebekah. We paint rocks and draw on a table cloth. Emilyse feels distant.
Emilyse is homophobic. We find out in English one day. I don't remember how. Inara and I look at each other. We know we're both queer but haven't come out to each other.
I ask Emilyse if she would hate someone in GT for coming out. She says yes. Inara and I stop talking to her.
By May I've become obsessed with Marvel. Inara's interested in it and I decide to be, too. We talk about the movies. It gets awkward. She's not as interested when I get in on it.
By June we're best friends. We hang out fairly regularly, have all our classes together, and text all the time. Logan is forgotten.
School lets out at the start of June. We keep texting regularly. We make plans to see the new spiderman movie in early July with one of our other friends.
I have a complicated relationship with said friend. They're non-binary, although I didn't know it yet, and I've known them since Kindergarten. Inara met them in an advisory this year. I get jealous easily.
The day of the movie I shop at Kohl's. I buy the two of us matching shirts. We meet at the movie theater and it's awkward. I pay for popcorn and sneak in snacks that we share. Our friend's dad is there, but Inara and I don't have parents present.
We sit next to each other during the movie. At a certain scene, I start to get anxious. My stomach hurts and I can't breathe, I start to get sweaty.
I get up and rush out of the theater. I get to the women's bathroom and sit down on the floor of the very last stall. I'm panicing, dry heaving into the toilet, and trying not to cry. I try to text my mom that I'm having a panic attack but don't have reception.
I go back into the theater room after a few minutes. I'm still anxious, but better. Our friend is highly concerned, Inara just glances at me worriedly.
It's my first panic attack, and it sucked.
We leave awkwardly after it ends, trying to avoid the obvious elephant in the room. My mom is concerned when she picks me up. We don't talk about it. My dad and brother are watching it illegally when I get home.
We don't see each other until August of 2019, but continue to text through the rest of the summer.
When 7th grade starts, I'm still into Marvel. I've seen all the movies at this point, but there haven't been any new ones (even now) since FFH. Inara's interested, but not fully.
In late August/Early September we take BuzzFeed quizzes for fun and text each other the results. I take one about soulmates. I get her initials. I send her the link. She gets mine.
We take more and they all point to us being soulmates. We propose by sending pictures of rings over text. The wedding date is set for September 28th, 2019.
The time comes. It's Saturday and my brother has a double football game. We've planned to pick her up and take her there. It's a Christian league, so the games are at a church.
We go to the garden. There's a small white bench in some rocks, surrounded by flowers. We joke that we've had our ceremony. We wander around for a while longer.
My dad suggests that we go to the taco bell across the parking lot. We do. When we're done, we walk back to my house. Its not far, but we're alone. I carry her halfway back.
When we get to my house we pick things from my garden. We're barefoot and I'm wearing overalls. I joke that we're gonna get a farm one day when we're older.
She picks things while I stand back and watch. The sun hits her dyed-red hair just right. I vividly remember smiling at thinking "holy fuck she's pretty" you would think I'd put together my crush by then.
October rolls around and she cancels plans to go trick-or-treating with me. I'm upset but understand.
We "work" on a school project at her house. We don't actually get anything done before cuddling up on her bed and falling asleep to black panther.
In November, it's Emilyse's birthday party. We've gotten distant but still talk occasionally. Inara and I both go to the party.
We're watching Spiderman Far From Home because that's what Emilyse wanted. I've seen in twice, Ianra has too.
We're given candy and popcorn and then curl up on the couch. Inara and I sit next to each other.
(I forgot to mention this but at some point she stayed the night at my house. She slept on the floor in her swimming suit even though I asked if she wanted to sleep on the bed. Swimming was fun though. We also go to an arcade. We mini-golf and play laser tag. We also danced in the rain together at some point that day.)
Once we're no more than 15 minutes into the movie, I'm cuddled into her chest. It's important to mention that at this point I'm 5'6 and she's no more than 5'0.
We cuddle the entire movie. We share candy and pretend no one else is there. It feels great.
We don't talk about that night for months. Nobody brings it up. I come out to Rebekah around this time, saying no more than that I like girls. I still haven't told Inara.
By December, I've brought her to church a few times. I don't enjoy going to church, but my parents always encouraged it.
(I'd like to say at this point as well that I have been raised Christian and identify with the faith despite the fact that I despise Church and disagree with many of the common teachings. If I ever had to choose for some reason, my sexuality matters more to me than my religion. Regardless, I respect your beliefs if they differ from mine :) )
Inara's birthday is in mid December. Her party consists of us making gay jokes with our enby friend despite not being technically out to each other.
My church youth group plans ice skating. I invite her and she accepts. I'm worried about it. It's essentially a date. Neither of our parents will be there.
We carpool with the youth leaders, who are actually pretty cute for a hetero couple. Inara and I share awkward glances the whole time.
When we get there I learn that Inara took ice skating lessons as a child. She's much more confident than I am, but pretends she doesn't know what she's doing. I skate about once or twice a season, but also rollerblade.
There's a wet, sloped, melty part of the rink. I get nervous and grab her hand. She holds it until we're out of the melted ice.
Every lap around I grab her hand at that point. Eventually, we just keep holding hands for an entire lap.
By the end of the night, we've both fallen a few times but held hands the whole time. We drop her off and I say goodnight.
That night, I rant about the adventure to one of my (ex)friends, who excitedly listens to my talk about holding hands with a girl.
There's a GT Christmas party at Hannah's. Inara and I carpool there. It's an all together boring party with the exception of a few interesting truth-or-dare questions.
(side note, remember Owen? Well he's one of Inara and I's best friends and we were actually close enough that the three of us were basically cuddling on the couch during part of the party. Also the whole class knows about Inara and I's wedding and calls us wives.)
Paislie asks me if I wanted to "marry" Inara before we got "married". I mumble an answer that nobody hears. I don't repeat it. When it's time to leave, Inara and I have our legs intertwined on the couch. We don't mention that, either. We drop her off and I say goodnight.
January is good. There's a night, the 4th I believe, that we really connect. We officially come out to each other for the first time on that night, and it gets really real, really fast.
She says she's pan, I say I'm bi but confused.
In mid January she texts me that she's crying because one of her favorite YouTubers finally hit a million. She cries for hours but never tells me who. I pay it no mind.
A few days later, she mentions a YouTube channel called Unus Annus and tells me that it's super interesting. I text back but don't look it up.
A few more days pass and I'm randomly on the trending page for YouTube, which I never do. I see a video trending called "Mark and Ethan go casket shopping". The thumbnail is interesting enough that I check what the channel is. I notice it's the one Inara told me about.
I watch the video and subscribe within 5 minutes. I text Inara quotes from that video, Ethan Finally Becomes a Man, and the Lie Detector test videos, until she responds and is surprised that I found the channel.
I obsess quickly and depend on her to know the new video at 1pm everyday. She gets annoyed and we drift apart slowly.
In February things get rocky. We fight often. If I win a small argument she doesn't talk to me for hours. She gets pissed at refuses to tell me what the Unus Annus video is called if I ask too many times.
At some point I get fed up and confront her. I don't remember what about, but we stop talking all together.
Friends pick sides. I'm left alone. We don't talk for a month. She tells me that she pushed me away because she thought I'd react badly to her telling me she loves me.
I confess my crush. She tells me she feels the same.
We finally make up at about 8:30 on a Sunday night in March. It's not fixed but we plan to talk. And 9:00, the school district announces that it's shutting down until least after spring break.
We stopped trying to communicate, but eventually, slowly we started talking again. We text a few times a day now, mostly about UA and anxiety, the best combo.
We haven't seen each other since. We're probably going back to school in person in about a month, but I'm not sure. Nobody is.
I've called her my girlfriend on here before, simply because I don't know what we are. I joked the other day about how the youth leaders would react if I said I was texting my girlfriend.
Here's how that went:
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So we're just jokingly married for now! It's a confusing pile of garbage but we both came out as lesbians the other day so that's a new development.
I don't know if any of that makes sense but I'll answer any questions anybody has :)
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
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AILMY Jeans for Women High Waist Retro Casual Washed Relaxed Wide Leg Bootcut Pants
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
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cards-onthetable · 5 years
A long time coming
Both this episode, and this Discussion about it.
We’ve all been on the internet these last several weeks. We’ve all seen the excessive amounts of promotion for this wedding. We’ve all had to spend half our lives staring at the weird white appliqué on Eddie’s dress that looks like something your mom would have ironed on your Girl Scouts uniform when you were 7. I dreaded the fuck out of this episode y’all. I was so sure it was going to be terrible.
SO WAS IT? 👀 let’s play bingo!
Here’s your warning that this is long af. I do not apologize.
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Erin and Eddie and the Lying Liar
The episode opens in Erin’s office/conference room with Erin wearing an area rug tied around her neck with a bow. Why isn’t “Erin wears a ridiculous rug with a giant neck bow” on the bingo card?
Erin’s glasses on/off as a tic of Concern count: 36
Erin takes a fairly accusatory tone with Eddie from the beginning.
Eddie gets OfFeNdEd all “you’re taking the word of a complete stranger over mine?”
GOD WRITERS, can you PLEASE write Eddie as a capable, intelligent professional for once in your lives? Real Eddie/Cop Eddie/Normal Person Eddie wouldn’t play the ~personal relationship~ card like that. I mean sure, Danny and Jamie do that shit all the time, and that’s dumb af too. But the way Eddie does it feels less like a family member asking for a Favor and more like a naive scared little girl expecting Special Treatment. Ew.
“I onLy HaVe oNe SiDe: ThE TrUtH” 🙄
Erin saying the witness was “very convincing” is gross. Everything about this scene is grossss gross gross
So apparently, Erin didn’t know/realize during the initial witness interview that Eddie was the officer in question. I wonder how that conversation (with Eddie) would’ve gone if any other cop walked into her office. Like the whole thing felt so unprofessional on both sides, but especially Erin. Wouldn’t she give any other cop the benefit of the doubt? Question them, sure, but not go into the conversation like she assumes they’re lying. Witnesses change their stories all the time. Ugh this whole storyline is gross
Not to mention why is this happening in EDDIE’S WEDDING EPISODE?! Look I don’t need Eddie’s entire life this week to be dedicated to wedding shit. But ew @ a Work Conflict with a future in-law 9 minutes before her damn wedding.
Jamie is such a dumbass. “I understand you’re upset, I’m just clarifying she didn’t ACTUALLY call you a liar...” shut up lawyer boy, hasn’t anyone taught you that those technicalities are NOT the way to go?
“I don’t think there’s any upside to splitting hairs about this.” WHO’S SPLITTING HAIRS, MR. CLARIFICATION?
“THIS IS GREAT, WE’RE ABOUT TO GET MARRIED AND I’M JUST NOW FINDING OUT YOU’VE GOT A PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER.” I think this is about where @ontherockswithsalt and I literally keeled over laughing. Mark it.
On the one hand I get what Eddie’s saying about Erin being every woman’s basic nightmare. On the other hand Old Eddie was a boss ass bitch who never would’ve been intimidated/shaken/irritated by the conversation in Erin’s office.
What the fuck is this sweater situation? Eddie it looks like you took some scissors to it and the result was tragic.
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Smooth move Jamie. Lol I’m sure most people loved that line “as far as I’m concerned you just described yourself” but 😂😂😂 @ everything.
Jamie and Erin on the courthouse steps. This should be good (read: gross someone get me a puke bucket)
Lol @ this running theme that Frank is nervous af about giving a toast/speech at the damn rehearsal dinner.
Why is Jamie bringing this Eddie thing up to Erin? Eddie vented to him - he’s her fiancé, it’s his sister they’re talking about, of course she’s going to Discuss it with him. But would it ever occur to him that maybe he should just listen and ~support her~ and he doesn’t need to go off and try to Solve Her Problems? 🙄
MAYBE SHE SHOULD FIND A SOFTER LINE OF WORK? Oh fuck me how is that called for, Erin? Eddie’s been a successful cop for years now. She only started having Trouble with her confidence and competence when your idiot dumbass brother fucked her up at a golf course on a Sunday morning.
DON’T BRING ME INTO YOUR FIANCEE’S DRAMAS.... oh my god Erin you started it so like step off.
I LIKE HER JUST FINE. Aren’t the Reagans all about Candor and Honesty? Shouldn’t Erin be having this conversation with Eddie herself if she apparently feels so strongly about it? Dude I’m so mad this is happening in the wedding episode. Or at all.
AND I’LL LIKE HER A HELL OF A LOT MORE WHEN SHE STARTS FIGHTING HER OWN BATTLES ?????? Eddie didn’t ask Jamie to ~fight this battle~ for her and everything is grosssss gross gross.
JAMIE SLEPT ON THE COUCH LAST NIGHT. AYE SOMEONE’S IN THE DOGHOUSE. Also this is about the closest thing we’ve gotten to Actual Confirmation that Jamko lives together/has spent the night together. I’m still convinced he’s never gotten her off in his life though.
Jamie has framed pics of his mom (his Harvard graduation) and Joe on his table. Does he have any pictures of Eddie framed anywhere? 👀🤔
“YoU’Re sTiLL PiSsEd” the Harvard graduate, y’all.
Completely on Eddie’s side on this one. Idk about the whole making-Jamie-sleep-on-the-couch thing, but I’d be pissed af too if my fiancé took a private conversation between us as an invitation to go off and ~fight my battles~ without permission and/or without being explicitly asked to do so.
He might be closer to his family than most people are. But Eddie’s about to be his wife (ugh don’t remind me) and she needs to come first now. It’s not his job or his place to take her issues to his family members like that.
“It’s my job to look after you” GOD EW GROSS JAMIE REAGAN. That may be ~true~ but it’s not your job to make decisions for Eddie or treat her like someone who needs to be ~looked after~. It’s your job to treat her as your equal and consult her on (basically everything but especially) matters that directly affect her. It’s your mutual job to look after each other. Just don’t re: this weird paternalistic bullshit mmkay?
There are vegetables all over Jamie’s kitchen. Carrots in one shot, celery and onions and shit in another. RUN, EDDIE. RUN FROM THIS FUTURE OF RABBIT FOOD AND MISERY.
OH MY GOD LOL 4EVER. EDDIE’S IN HER PORSCHE (welcome back bro! Where’ve you been all these years? No, really... where’ve you been?) and she has BINOCULARS like that’s a normal and reasonable thing to do in New York City on a Thursday afternoon.
Anthony’s here? It’s a party!
It’s 4 minutes before her wedding and Eddie’s all “I didn’t know Reagans were Like That!” Oh my god where’s the bingo square for me sinking into ontherockswithsalt’s super soft new couch and dying in misery forever? Mark it.
ANTHONY BEING THE ONE TO DELIVER SAID SPEECH? Shocking. Unexpected. Creative. Why is he so important that he gets this job in this episode by the way?
“Open your eyes a little. Know what you’re getting yourself into.”
Oh imagine that, the dummy lied. Eddie didn’t. Who’s surprised?!
Eddie’s back in Erin’s office. She’s wearing a mustard yellow sweater from Kohl’s (I know because I have the same one yo) and a.... prairie skirt? Interesting choice.
“It turns out I owe you an apology..” A REAGAN? APOLOGIZING? OMG
Aaaaand Eddie’s cutting her off. Fucking typical.
A few scenes ago she (rightfully, more or less) complained that Erin accused her of lying, now she’s all “oh, not really”
She’s bringing Jamie into it, saying she wouldn’t have whined to him if she didn’t secretly want him to go solve her problems for her. UM WHAT? They’re saying she wouldn’t have a conversation with her fiancé just for the sake of the conversation - there has to be a Goal? Dude I just can’t. This is the icing on the cake of Eddie’s shitty writing all damn season.
Humans are allowed to talk about - even COMPLAIN ABOUT - these things to their significant others. They should be able to do so without fear of outside repercussion or concern that their partner will go off and try to Fix Things in an unwarranted way. But if Eddie only brings her Family Problems to Jamie with the secret agenda that he’ll fix them for her, that’s gross and a huge red flag and blah blah blah. RUN EDDIE WHY ARE YOU MARRYING HIM.
Also gross in general @ Eddie apologizing. Eddie shouldn’t have ~taken things personally~ (but Old Eddie wouldn’t have - this is New Eddie and I don’t blame her for her puppetmaster’s bullshit) but Erin is the one really at fault here.
Minute 51 of a one hour episode meant to feature Eddie’s wedding, and she’s just now wrapping up this ridiculous Conflict with her fiancé’s sister. Sweet. ThE BeSt iS YeT tO CoMe
Danny and Baez
BAEZ IS TOO GOOD FOR THIS TRASHCAN SHOW? Mark it. Baez pretending to be Erin is hilarious.
Fuck me I’m only 11 minutes into this thing so far.
Baez pretending to be Erin messing with her glasses is GENIUS HOW DID I MISS THAT THE FIRST TIME I WATCHED. 😂😂😍😍
Can we please get a guest actor on this show who can actually produce tears when they’re supposed to be crying? All this dry eye blubbering is gross. They could get better actors from any high school drama department.
“We’re SoULmAtEs” this girl is like that over-attached girlfriend meme omg.
Baez is the best person left on this ridiculous show. Her thing with the palm print security doors? Genius.
Side note: HOW’S THIS DUMB CONTRAST where Erin is on one set repeating over and over that Eddie is Just A Cop when she’s in Erin’s office. Meanwhile Danny’s over here acting like his sister is the only lawyer in all of New York who can get him the warrants/subpoenas he needs for his investigation. 🤔
They’re arresting her. I don’t care about this storyline anymore but I feel like I should mark the time.
We’re in Erin’s office and like.... did Erin forget to put clothes on today or something? What?
Now Danny suddenly can’t remember how to talk to express his concerns. What is it about Erin’s office that makes all these ~professionals~ turn into blubbery babies who need their mommy to order their happy meal so they don’t have to talk to the cashier themselves?
Another unbelievably clear surveillance video to just clean this messy case right up. How convenient. I’m bored.
The Best Friends Club
Garrett and Sid walking down the hall, arguing the difference between piece and peace. Bros, it’s “object to this marriage or forever hold your peace” which, can I just raise my hand here and say this better be some damn good foreshadowing
Garrett and Sid are rude af marching in (interrupting) while Frank and Baker are in the middle of a conversation, and can I say there’s no Good Way this whole thing could have started? 
It’s gross for the boys to get all huffy @ the female member of their team having a discussion with Frank, but if it were one of the boys in there, it would be gross for Baker to get all offended and interrupty and seen as Rude and Irrational or whatever. Can we all just act like adults here? Thx.
Now we’re in Garrett’s office and Baker is going to Explain? Oh boy this’ll be terrible.
They’re pulling rank?! I’m a lieutenant, you’re a detective, you’re a civilian. Actually I’m Commissioner Moore.
Listen dudes, I’m sure your dicks are both huge. Shut the fuck up.
Why are Sid and Garrett throwing a fit like this at all? Frank asked to see the presentation and Baker showed it to him. God this is such a dumb contrived conflict why are we here?
“You know what? I don’t think this has anything to do with chain of command. I think this is bruised egos and stepped-on toes.” SAY IT BAKER. Call these clowns on their bullshit.
I need a margarita. @ontherockswithsalt please.
Garrett is in Frank’s office now, with a weird ass smile on his face as he says “it’s TIME for a VICTORY LAP!” Wtf.
“So you’re saying I have to get Gormley and Baker’s sign off before I can set this in motion?” How’s that for ChAiN oF CoMmAnD, Mr. Biggest Dick In The PC’s Office?
And now Garrett’s leaving through the conference room so he doesn’t have to walk past Baker. These dummies are literally so childish it’s ridiculous.
Now the BFFs club is in front of Frank for a Stern Talking To. Oh my god it’s like a parent dealing with a bunch of 6-year-olds. Remember when this show was actually good?
They’re all going to switch jobs for a day. Frank made a diagram. Clearly put lots of thought into it. A+.
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Garrett’s complaining that it’s a lot to ask. A lot to ask that these dummies act like professional adults? Agreed.
Gormley doesn’t know what the word “quote” means and/or is not familiar with the New.York.Times. Garrett doesn’t know how to answer phones or log into a computer but he does a damn good Gormley impression, apparently. Baker doesn’t know how to read investigative files? Omg are we all learning something today, kiddos?!
Jamie and Frank have a Heart To Heart.
Oh boy, the Best Friends are together again.
“Our behavior this week, it was embarrassing.” YOU THINK?
The BFFs just had a more emotional, moving Heart To Heart than Jamie and Eddie have had in their lives, so that’s chill.
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Jamie and Frank have a Heart To Heart
Jamie’s In Frank’s office after a quick chat with Disgruntled Garrett.
Frank’s joke is ridiculous.
“I have never seen you so unwaveringly certain about what you want.” Well unwavering is right. Jamie’s facial expression hasn’t changed since 2017.
Did Frank just compare Jamie’s feelings towards Eddie to his feelings about the Chevelle? Nice, that’s totally reasonable and not at all gross. Just kidding, it’s gross.
“She doesn’t want to lose herself.”
“Well that makes sense.”
“It does?!”
Omg seriously? Fucking seriously. There’s too much to even delve into here like I could write a whole damn essay about this exchange. But Jamie. For real. It surprises you that Eddie doesn’t want to throw herself headfirst into Being A Reagan? It surprises you that she wants to keep her own identity within your marriage? It surprises you that she doesn’t plan to melt herself into your back pocket and hang out there like a fun toy who parrots back all your opinions and dedicates herself to The Reagan Name above all else? Oh. My god. EDDIE RUN.
Well her brother’s dead....
Eddie has a brother? Oh that’s some nice cool chill information to drop on us randomly 6 years later.
I have Thoughts (maybe he committed suicide or accidentally OD’d back when shit hit the fan with Armin?) but I hate how this is a random throwaway line with such important implications. Have they ever truly talked about Eddie’s dead brother? Does Eddie feel minimized in her grief because her brother didn’t Die A Hero like Joe? EDDIE RUN.
“Don’t make her do all the work adjusting to us. Find ways for us to adjust to her” this is excellent and important advice, truly. Would’ve been nice to have this conversation, idk, 9 months ago?
Lena’s saying some shit. Cool. Y’all by this point I’m so exhausted @ everything in this shitshow episode, I don’t even care.
“Edit and myself - who have both suffered from my husband’s glaring insufficiency...” oh my god Lena way to read the room.
TO JAMM-KO. Oh, my, god, why are we here.
This is some really ridiculous pandering to the fans y’all. Like over the top gross. This show is a just whole ass joke at this point.
But actually LOL @ Erin scolding Danny for telling Sean “would you learn something, numbnuts?”
Where’s the joke Frank?
“She’s doing the bravest thing I’ve ever seen a cop do... she’s marrying Jamie... and walking down the aisle bY HeRsELf.” 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Can we not commoditize that choice? It shouldn’t need to be a Big Deal.
Eddie is Her Own Woman
And a Lifeforce
But y’all
Lifeforce is a disgusting euphemism for semen, in case you’re unfamiliar with certain Top Quality Fanfics we have available to us in this fandom
So I’m caught somewhere between dying laughing and like, crying forever
Seeing her in action as Jamie’s Life partner
That’s a thing that will never not gross me out. Public (or even uninvited private, tbh) expressions of Opinion about someone else’s family planning choices
Y’all this is Eddie’s future father in law telling her “I hope you go have lots of unprotected sex with my son, and potentially shelve your own career goals temporarily or permanently, and go through lots of painful unfortunate Body Changes, because here’s my public request for some more grandkids”
Let it be known if my future in-laws said that at my rehearsal dinner, they’d have a real actual Hurricane to deal with so
“SuRe YoU wAnT To gO ThRoUgH wiTh tHiS?!” One, gross, not a funny joke. Two, CAN SOMEONE ASK THAT TO EDDIE A FEW TIMES BECAUSE
“In over two thousand weddings, I’ve only lost three to divorce...” 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
LOL @ all the waving from the altar to the poor dishonored Reagans who have to sit in the pews like some kind of peasants. Is this my first grader’s spring fling school concert?
Side note: does Eddie have any bridesmaids? No? So she’ll just be up there by herself looking like she’s marrying 4 Reagan men? Nice.
I mean if they pulled some throwaway bridesmaids out of their asses I’d be mad, and if Erin and Nicky were her bridesmaids I’d be mad, so really this is a no-win situation here but still, gross.
Oh hey, we’ve solved the mystery of the missing Frank.
Eddie’s had nightmares about tripping while walking down the aisle. That’s her compelling argument for asking Frank to escort her?
Here comes the bride. On the organ! Appropriate, to go with the Reagan men’s 1836 morning suit choice. LOL IT’S ALL SO GROSS I CAN’T EVEN DEAL.
Here we go, she’s walking in. We see Jamie’s face. He looks... bored?
Lena crying.
Erin and Nicky looking all happy.
Eddie again. She keeps looking up at Frank and it’s distracting af. Has she looked down the aisle to see her groom even once?
Henry looks 100000 million times more excited than Jamie to be here.
Oh, a nice long shot of Jamie’s weird chin and stoic face. That’s certainly the look of a man who’s about to marry the love of his life.
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12/10. Beautiful. Moving. Ridiculous. I’m so impressed and in awe. Such a great episode.
WhO’S ReAdY fOr SeAsOn TeN?! See you in September folks.
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
Rite in the Rain Weatherproof Top-Spiral Notebook, 3" x 5", Black Cover, Universal Pattern, 3 Pack (No. 735-3)
Rite in the Rain Weatherproof Top-Spiral Notebook, 3″ x 5″, Black Cover, Universal Pattern, 3 Pack (No. 735-3)
Top Shoppers Choice 54 Golf Shirts. Rite in the Rain Weatherproof Top-Spiral Notebook, 3″ x 5″, Black Cover, Universal Pattern, 3 Pack (No. 735-3).
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Limited Stock 54 Golf Shirts, Rite in the Rain Weatherproof Top-Spiral Notebook, 3″ x 5″, Black Cover, Universal Pattern, 3 Pack (No. 735-3).
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Rite in the Rain Weatherproof…
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Season 4 Episode 3 - No Man’s Land
I’m kind of glad they’ve stopped doing menswear challenges, because most of these designers clearly have no idea about men’s clothing, and that’s ok. It’s an entirely different world. I would, however, like a spin off show with only menswear designers, because I want some cool fashion too dammit!
The challenge was to create a look for Tiki Barber to wear on the Today show (maybe GMA idk oops).
13. Carmen
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Between the hat, the jacket, the pants, and the shoes, it looks like this man is going golfing in 1937. And she didn’t even make a shirt...the clear choice to go home.
12. Sweet P
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I have no words...
11. Ricky
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How hard is it to make a collar! About half of the designers this week attempted, and failed, that task. The jacket and pants are way too big for his model.
10. Steven
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from the chest down this is actually pretty good, but I can’t get past the collar, the tiny buttons that are too close together, and the awful ascot.
9. Jillian
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Once again the wide collar ruins the entire look. The print of the shirt is all wrong for Tiki Barber as well. The shoes also throw me off, this would look so much better with a pair of slick black dress shoes.
8. Chris
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Completely inoffensive, a clear ploy to get himself into the middle of the pack.
7. Christian
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I like all of the individual pieces, but they don’t match up well. I love the cool collar on the undershirt, but it looks messy against the opening of the jacket. I do like that he tried to add fashion elements, which a lot of designers ran from.
6. Kevin
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He took a bunch of random pieces from Kohl’s, threw them together, and something wearable came out, though it isn’t necessarily good. He should not have been in the top.
5. Victorya
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Honestly, this may be my favorite look of the episode if it wasn’t for one glaring detail, WHY ARE THE BUTTONS SO LOW. Other than that, I love the white jacket, the pants fit great, and the shirt is a nice backdrop.
4. Elisa
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This was way too casual for the challenge, but I could see a ton of men rocking this look, especially in 2007.  And she even lined her vest! Good on ya Elisa!
3. Jack
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This should not have won solely for the fact that the sleeves are sooo poorly fitted. I do like that he paired two stripes together and that the pocket and the button strip are on the bias. But those damn sleeves...
2. Kit
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This was pretty perfect. It’s still casual, but overall it gives off a fairly formal vibe. The cut of the jacket is just slightly off, and overall it’s just a bit too boring to win.
1. Rami
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This jacket is the only upper body piece that looks like it came straight from a store and that is why this is number one.  It’s also just a cool and casual look, yet with a tie I could totally see this on Tiki on the Today show. Rami was robbed!
Judges’ Top 3: Jack, Kit, Kevin
Judges’ Bottom 3: Sweet P, Ricky, Carmen
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Early in the decade princess wedding dresses, women wore tight tops and high-necked narrow sleevesoi87yths
Posted in Evening DressesTagged evening dresses for women, formal evening dresses, lace cocktail dress, mini formal dresses, off shoulder long dress, petticoat, tight prom dresses, vintage dresses cheap,The fashion of the 1840s was characterized by low and slanting shoulders, a low and pointed waist, and bell-shaped skirts that grew ever more loose over the decade. Evening dresses for women are often dated. The hair is separated in the middle, with small rings on the side of the head, or rings around the ears, curled in a bun at the back of the head. A paisley or crochet shawl is a stylish accessory cheap prom dresses, as is a linen hat with lace ruffles for the interior and a large hat for the exterior. The collar of the coat is very popular.This dress is best for a person who has a height between 5ft 10 or 6ft. In addition to that, the rainbow prom dress comes in unique colors and varieties. Early in the decade princess wedding dresses, women wore tight tops and high-necked narrow sleeves, as they had done in the past decade. However, from about 1893, the sleeves began to swell into the shape of the leg of the Lamb, the lower arm tightened and the upper arm bulged. Off-shoulder long dresses are stylish, and the horizontal trim on the bodice further exaggerates the lines. The dress was worn as a straight, simple line of length. Male styles and cuts are gaining in popularity short formal dresses, and women sometimes wear shirt collars and ties, especially when playing golf or going for a walk. The hair was worn high on the top of the head and curled very tight. The hat is small or wide and has a lot of decoration, but is usually yoiuhskj-issj worn on the top of the head.There is nothing wrong with this version, it will help you hide your body problems and enlarge your body advantages, which is why so many people like it!
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Not unlike today, royal weddings in yonder years received a lot of coverage—albeit not in as many different mediums as we have now—and thus had a tendency to be trendsetting. The nuptials of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were no exception. So when Victoria opted to wear a white gown (reportedly to show off the fine detailed Honiton lace produced by the British lace industry princess lace ball gown wedding dresses, which was floundering at the time), her fashion choice was widely reported in newspapers and magazines and was soon influencing domestic as well as international wedding trends. Initially embraced by wealthier brides, the trend of a white wedding gown eventually spread across all economic levels and was cemented as “tradition” in the 20th century.Summer sale:https://www.lalamira.com/Wristlets-Bridal-Purse-Wedding-Ceremony-Party-Satin-Kiss-Lock-Closure-Unique-Clutches-Evening-Bags-012184125-g184125 Related recommendations: If you score a component style of garment in intent short prom dressesP_)(8y7d the contact of romance only a patterned produce can cater simple wedding dresses*&^Tfd boys to a higher basic of respecting their individual classmates kohls formal dresses juniors POIuyhj the far apparel could expend some minute plus size short wedding dresses with sleevesO(*&UYtuhid
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suzyturnerbooks · 4 years
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It’s the last Monday of the month, which can mean only one thing. It’s time for the Fab40s! And this month, we’ve gone a little bonkers (well, I think I’ve gone a little bonkers anyway LOL). It was Sheela’s turn to choose the theme and she looked east for inspiration: choosing the Japanese theme, Harajuku.
What the heck is Harajuku?
Well, I had absolutely no clue either. Thank goodness for Google! I found the perfect article that explains everything you need to know about Harajuku fashion. Basically,  Harajuku started out as anti-fashion and has developed into its own style of Japanese streetwear with no rules. It covers a huge variety of different styles put together, but basically it’s creating your own, unique outfit without sticking to any particular trend, if that makes sense? Have a look at that article I mentioned and all will become clear. It really is quite fascinating, to be honest.
So, what did I wear?
Hm…. good question. What the heck did I wear?! Well, I started by scrutinising my entire wardrobe. Initially I did consider going down the Harajuku Goth route but then figured that would be too predictable for me (you all already know I’ve always been a bit of a closet goth). So I decided to something colourful and bright instead. Surprisingly, I don’t have THAT many colourful and brights items in my wardrobe lol.
My first choice was floral tights, white shorts, white shirt with a crazy bright neon orange tank top over the top of the shirt. But it wasn’t quite right. Perhaps because I felt like I needed more prints to mix and match, real Harajuku style. So I tried again and the next outfit felt right–if not completely alien at the same time. But I stuck with it and piled on the accessories and then revealed myself to hubby…
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Yes he laughed
He said I looked like I was going to a fancy dress party. And I totally get that…BUT, I felt great wearing this crazy outfit. It made me happy. It made me laugh. Would I wear it out to dinner or to the shops here in the Algarve? Well, no, probably not. Would I wear it out on the streets of Japan? Hell YEAH! I know I’d probably fit it perfectly.
The super girly pink blouse was from Bershka quite a few years ago, and the skort was given to me by Sophie at Sophie’s Golf Shop (yes it is a skort that you’d wear to play golf lol). I bought these floral tights from H&M ages ago and have never worn them because I’ve never found the right outfit for them (until now!). A few pairs of shoes later, I remembered my peachy brogues from Clarks. For a little added extra, I picked out my Tommy Hilfiger grey striped cardigan and threw it over my shoulders. I love how it *goes* with my skort but clashes with everything at the same time!
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No surprise here that every single piece of jewellery I’m wearing (apart from my engagement and wedding rings) were gifts from my mother-in-law lol. I figured with Harajuku style, the more the merrier, right? And to top it all off, I added a purple floral umbrella.
My hair & makeup
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Well, I couldn’t do Harajuku style without at least trying pigtails–or pigbuns–or whatever you want to call them! If you look closely, you can see major white hairs white in my centre parting lol. And I love them! As for my makeup, I went all out for the pink. Pink eyeliner pink lips and pink nail varnish. A little OTT perhaps, but so is my entire cray cray outfit!!!
So, what do you think? Are you impressed with my Harajuku styled outfit? Or do you think I look ridiculous? Go on, be honest, but imagine me on the streets of Japan and not on the streets of the Algarve! But that’s enough about my crazy Japanese-themed outfit, let’s see how the other gals interpreted this fun theme…
Sheela, Sheela Goh
Coming Soon
Dee, Dee Sayz
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Dee really does look like she’s stepped off a street in Tokyo! I l just love how cool she looks with the all black ensemble and the baseball cap. The addition of the pulled-up socks and the crossbody bag make this look scream Harajuku!
Outfit Details:
Shirt: Mango
Shots: Kosamui, Bangkok
Shoes: Delhi Market
Socks: Local Shop, Gurgaon
Bag: Miniso
Cap: Local Shop, Gurgaon
Shelbee, Shelbee on the Edge
OMG Shelbee is rocking the theme this month! I love everything about this outfit–the fishnets, the frilly socks and Mary-Janes are utter perfection with the black and white striped skirt and then the leopard print lace top! Just gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!
Outfit Details:
Corset-Adore Me
Skirt and Bag-Thrifted
Shoes, Jewelry, and Arm Warmers-super old
Daenel, Living Outside the Stacks
Coming Soon!
Our fabulous guest this month, Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood
Ada has taken complete inspiration from her Detroit backdrop which reminds her of cities like Tokyo. I can see the Japanese inspiration in that fabulous dress. Doesn’t she look beautiful? Love it!
Outfit details:
Silk Wrap Dress – Express.
Fedora Hat – Vintage from London UK.
Wedge Sandals – Nine West.
Location – Detroit, MI, USA.
And me…
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Fake Fabulous
Ageless Style
Not Dressed as Lamb
Shelbee on the Edge
Style Splash
Living on Cloud Nine
A Pocketful of Polka Dots
Nancy’s Fashion Style
Chic & Stylish (Mumma B Stylish)
Elegantly Dressed & Stylish
Top of the World
Elegance & Mommyhood
Confident Twosday
WOW on Wednesday
Harajuku – the Fab40s have gone Japanese! It's the last Monday of the month, which can mean only one thing. It's time for the Fab40s!
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
AILMY Jeans for Women Ripped High-Rise Casual Bootcut Slim Boyfriend Cool Denim Trousers Pants
AILMY Jeans for Women Ripped High-Rise Casual Bootcut Slim Boyfriend Cool Denim Trousers Pants
The very best Golf Shirts Jcp. AILMY Jeans for Women Ripped High-Rise Casual Bootcut Slim Boyfriend Cool Denim Trousers Pants.
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Discounted Golf Shirts Jcp, AILMY Jeans for Women Ripped High-Rise Casual Bootcut Slim Boyfriend Cool Denim Trousers Pants.
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AILMY Jeans for Women Ripped High-Rise Casual Bootcut Slim…
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whimzea-blog · 7 years
ooooooo a concept: stripper heath from tfil except instead of pranking david, it's zane
“zeath smut idea: stripper!heath,,the gang brings zane to a strip club for his bday & heath brings him to a private room to do the do
Two stripper asks? Guess I have no choice lol– however, there is also a stripping scene in my fic HOTTER SEX WITH YOUR MAN- TONIGHT! which you can read here lol #self-promotion (also plz don’t flame me for what Aaliyah is wearing– I know it is stereotyping but it’s a strip club…not known for their political correctness lol)
“25 is a big one…a quarter of a century,” Scott said dramatically, putting his arm around Zane’s shoulders. “And a very special birthday such as this, merits a very, very special gift. From all of your very best friends.”
Zane looked around the table at the assembled group of his closest male friends (well, except for Heath, who always thought Zane’s birthday was a week later than it actually was and wouldn’t be back in time from Florida.) Every single one of them was grinning like a lunatic.
“What did you guys do?” Zane asked, narrowing his eyes at them. He knew these assholes too well, and the looks on their faces indicated that the gift was way more insidious than a nice watch or set of golf clubs.
“Well, we went on a little trip,” Scott began. He held out his hand and looked off into the distance. “We searched all over the world for your perfect gift. For something that would speak to you, would…fulfill your needs.”
Todd clapped his hands twice, and in front of Zane appeared…a woman. 
Her skin was a creamy light brown, and long black hair spilled down her back. The only parts of her face Zane could see were her brown eyes, darkened with kohl. The rest was covered by a gauzy mask. 
Her arms were covered with gold bangles, and from her bellybutton hung a gold chain. Her body was stunning- only a black bikini top covered her full breasts, leaving her toned, flat stomach on display. Only a swath of see-through black cloth covered her gorgeous legs, revealing a very small pair of black panties.
“And deep in the wilds of Arabia, at a lush oasis, we found it. The perfect gift- the perfect woman. Aaliyah, Mistress of the Desert.”
Aaliyah lowered her eyes coyly, but held out an elegant hand to Zane. 
“Happy birthday, my friend,” Scott grinned, pushing Zane towards Aaliyah’s outstretched hand. 
Zane looked back at the guys and started to speak but Scott held up a hand and winked. “You can thank us later.”
Zane swallowed and slid out of the booth, taking Aaliyah’s hand. 
She led him through crowds of rowdy businessmen and college kids towards the back of the club. They walked down a dark, empty hallway before Aaliyah stopped in front of a plain black door. She gave Zane a smoldering glance before opening it.
Zane’s eyes widened as he stepped inside, and Aaliyah closed the door behind them.
The room was dimly lit with a hazy red light, and on the floor, everywhere, were embroidered red cushions. Soft music was playing in the background, a woman singing in Arabic. On a low table near one of the bigger cushions, which was sitting higher off the ground, there was a hookah, already burning and ready to smoke, as well a plate of rich dark chocolate.
Aaliyah led Zane to this cushion. “Sit, and relax, Mr. Hijazi.” Her voice was smooth like velvet, deep and melodious. “Smoke. Eat. Enjoy yourself.”
Zane sat, mesmerized by her voice and her dark eyes. This was definitely not what he had expected. This wasn’t a lap dance- this was an experience.
Zane picked up the hookah hose and started to smoke, but he didn’t take his eyes off Aaliyah. She padded to a corner of the room and picked up a remote, and suddenly, the music changed to something a bit faster, but still just as mysterious.
She looked straight into his eyes as she walked back, moving her arms slowly, swaying her hips. She stopped a foot in front of him and leaned forward, putting her hands on his thighs.
“Shall I dance for you?” she asked. She pulled off her mask, revealing full, red lips.
“Yes,” Zane breathed. 
Aaliyah undulated her body, giving him a lesson in how to properly bellydance. But this was also slower, more sensual than regular bellydancing. Every movement of her body was calculated to entice, to show off her bouncing breasts, her round, plump ass. 
It felt like hours that Zane sat there, watching her, the room becoming even more hazy with the smoke from the hookah. She removed the fabric around her legs and sat on his lap, taking his hands and running them up her abdomen. She leaned back and wrapped her arms around his neck, grinding slowly against his dick, but too soon she was up again, dancing in front of him.
She removed her top and once again put her hands on his thighs, sliding them up his stomach and chest to rest on his shoulders. She straddled his legs, leaning back, and then forward, so her bare breasts were inches from his face.
“I have a surprise for you, Mr. Hijazi,” Aaliyah said, her voice dripping over him like honey. “But you can’t have it just yet.”
From somewhere behind him she pulled out a black piece of cloth. “You’ll have to wait to see.”
She tied the fabric around his head so it covered his eyes. He started to panic, since blindfolds typically meant a poisonous creature was about to be tossed on to him, but Aaliyah ran a soothing hand down his chest. “There is nothing to fear. Only good things are in store for you this evening.”
Zane took a deep breath and nodded. Even if he was about to be pranked, having Aaliyah dance for him for this long more than made up for it.
He felt her body heat press against him, her breath near his ear. “Just wait and see,” she whispered. She floated out of the room, only the near silent click of the door marking her exit.
Zane tried to relax. Even David wouldn’t kill him on his birthday.
He smoked more, and fumbled until he found the chocolate. Since he couldn’t see, his other senses were compensating, and the chocolate tasted like ambrosia.
Zane was about in the most zen state he could achieve when the door clicked open, and then closed.
He knew it wasn’t Aaliyah, because he couldn’t hear her bangles. Other than that, he had no idea who it could be. Hopefully it wasn’t some drunk patron looking for the bathroom.
He heard the person’s footsteps glide against the carpet towards him. Fingertips lightly ran up his arm from hand to shoulder, leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
Arms wrapped around him from behind, hands sliding down his chest and then back up, and warm breath ghosted over his neck.
For some reason, Zane felt an inkling of recognition. He thought it was the person’s scent. He knew it- he just didn’t know which human it belonged to.
The person moved around to stand in front of him, and soon, he felt a weight in his lap and a back against his chest.
He knew immediately that it was a man- their back was too broad, the controlled power of their legs was too strong.
As far as pranks went this was pretty tame- having a dude come in to dance on him. What the guys didn’t know was that Zane would happily have a dude pressed against his dick any day of the week, especially like this dude was- slowly circling his hips so his ass got maximum contact with Zane’s hardening cock.
Just like Aaliyah had, the man took Zane’s hands- fuck, he knew those hands- and ran them up his abdomen, over his chest.
It clicked for Zane when he felt the hard scratch of metal through the guy’s t-shirt. Nipple rings.
“Heath,” Zane said softly.
“Mmhmm,” Heath agreed. He turned in Zane’s lap so that he was straddling Zane’s thighs, and wrapped his arms around Zane’s neck. 
“You’re the surprise.”
“I’m the surprise,” Heath agreed again.
“This is the prank.”
Heath made a noncommittal noise and pressed his lips against Zane’s ear. “It doesn’t have to be a prank,” he whispered. He tugged lightly on Zane’s earlobe with his teeth. “The guys don’t have to know what happened in here.”
Zane inhaled sharply, and he felt Heath smile against his neck. 
“I know your little secret,” Heath murmured. “I know…because I have the same one.”
Zane was so shocked he couldn’t speak. This…this had to be a prank. This whole thing. How…how could Heath have known…?
“Stop thinking so hard,” Heath said, digging his fingernails into the back of Zane’s neck. He licked a stripe from Zane’s ear to his collarbone, and Zane hissed.
“I want you,” Heath whispered. “Do you want me?”
Heath was hot and hard against him, and Zane was dying to get his hands under Heath’s shirt and feel skin-on-skin. This was all of his fantasies of late coming to life. It was too unbelievable that Heath felt it too.
“Is David about to jump out with his camera?” Zane asked, and Heath chuckled.
“David wishes he could film this.”
Heath pressed his lips against Zane’s, and it was like when your car won’t start and it finally, finally clicks after minutes of trying, and roars to life. 
Heath’s tongue swept through his mouth, his lips wet and his breath hot. Heath tasted so good, and the noises he was making…even the sound of his breathing was arousing. 
Zane was just reveling in the feeling of Heath’s tongue against his when Heath pulled away. Zane felt his hands at the back of his head, and soon his blindfold had fallen to the ground.
Zane had seen Heath turned on a handful of times- the main one being the time they had fucked the porn star together- but it had never been like this. His lips had never been so red and swollen, his chest never so flushed, his gaze never this electric.
Heath slid off Zane’s lap and pulled off his t-shirt, and Zane watched hungrily as he unbuckled his belt and removed his jeans and underwear in one fell swoop, pooling at his bare feet.
“So much for the slow reveal,” Zane said, and Heath smirked.
“I’m tired of waiting- aren’t you?”
Zane didn’t answer with words- only a growl. He pulled off his own shirt and frantically undressed the rest of his body before lunging towards Heath and knocking him on his back onto one of the cushions.
He pushed his way to settle between Heath’s legs and Zane attacked Heath’s neck, biting and sucking until there were angry purple bruises. He kissed his way down Heath’s chest, and Heath’s fingers fisted Zane’s hair as Zane took a pierced nipple into his mouth.
But Heath’s lips were what Zane really wanted, and he kissed them again, not letting Heath come up for air until he was moaning into Zane’s mouth. Zane pressed his hard, wet cock against Heath’s and thrusted lazily, owning every inch of Heath’s mouth while Heath clung to his back, getting louder and louder as the pleasure built between them.
Zane knew Heath had a submissive streak, and it was out in full force. He took whatever Zane gave him, no matter how hard he bit or how rough he was with his hands. But the biggest clue?
“Fuck me, please,” Heath begged, letting his thighs fall even wider apart. “Want it. Have wanted it. Please.”
Zane had never fucked a guy before, but the prospect was thrilling enough that he was able to push down any nerves he felt. But…but there was still the matter of…
“I’m all…ready,” Heath panted, hoping to convey his meaning to Zane with his eyes. And sure enough, when Zane sat back on his heels and looked, Heath was dripping with lube, all shiny and slick. “I…I had hoped that…”
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Zane groaned, cutting Heath off as he kissed him again. Heath whined when he pulled away, but Zane took Heath with him, pulling him up so Zane was kneeling and Heath was straddling his thighs.
“It’s my birthday, so you have to do the work,” Zane challenged, grinning devilishly.
“My pleasure,” Heath replied, pushing Zane on to his ass and making him slide back until he was propped up against one of the larger cushions.
Heath knew that reverse cowgirl was one of Zane’s favorite positions, and he smiled smugly as he turned and straddled Zane’s thighs, reaching back and sinking slowly down onto Zane’s cock.
“Jesus Christ,” Zane gasped, and grabbed on to Heath’s hips, pushing himself even deeper inside.
Heath raised himself up and down, and the slide of Zane’s cock inside him had to be one of the top three things he’d ever felt. In fact, it felt so good that it was hard for him to keep up a steady pace, the slow drag of it so intoxicating that going faster felt like blasphemy.
But the testosterone was flooding out of Zane’s pores in waves, and his grip on Heath’s hips got harder, and he forced the pace until Heath was just along for the ride, bouncing up and down on Zane’s thighs until he was incoherent with pleasure.
In the span of an instant, Heath was face down in a cushion with Zane slamming into him and he was pulling Heath back to meet his thrusts. So much for him doing the work.
But honestly, this was better.
Heath had discovered after a fling with a very experimental college girl that things in his ass equalled a good time. He’d been fucked with every type of dildo on the market, but the real thing? There were no words.
Heath got a hand on his dick, and he was close to coming when Zane fucked him even harder, like he knew that Heath was almost there. And when Heath did come (all over the embroidered cushions) it was truly spectacular. The orgasm of the century. Of the millennium. He was shaking and whimpering and he couldn’t even remember his own name. He had been truly, thoroughly fucked.
And Zane coming inside him was just the icing on the very expensive birthday cake that Zane was currently not eating.
They were on their backs on the cushions, dripping with sweat and trying to catch their breaths when Zane spoke. 
“So you didn’t really forget when my birthday was then, huh?” Zane asked. Heath shook his head and rolled so he was on top of Zane, still wanting to feel them connected. 
“I didn’t get you a present though,” Heath said, and Zane laughed and pulled him down for a kiss.
“Yeah, I think you’re good, Heath.”
When they were dressed, they left the room and walked down the dark hallway back into the club. Neither Aaliyah, Mistress of the Desert, nor their friends, were anywhere to be found.
They were in an Uber on their way home when Zane’s phone buzzed. It was a text from David.
Hope you had fun with Heath.
Zane showed Heath.
“He really is one step ahead of us at all times, isn’t he?” Heath marveled.
“At all times,” Zane agreed, wrapping an arm around Heath’s shoulders.
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Friday Faves
Hi friends and Happy Black Friday! I hope that those of you who celebrated Thanksgiving enjoyed a wonderful holiday with delicious eats and the company of those you love. While it’s a daily focus to maintain gratitude for the amazing things in life, I spent some extra time yesterday soaking it all in. I’m so thankful for my little family, the opportunity to spend some time in Tucson, a husband who works so hard and loves his babies, and YOU. Please know that I’m so thankful for you and consider you all my virtual BFFs. Thank you so much for reading this little blog and I hope you know how much I genuinely appreciate you.
I’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! I enjoy compiling this little list of the things that are making me smile each week, and also love to hear about your faves, too. Please join in the fun and shout out something you’re loving in the comments section.
Food and recipes:
ALLTHETHANKSGIVINGFOOD. I know this one is pretty obvious, but can we please take a moment of silence for the glory of Thanksgiving fare? I know that it’s more special to swim in a pool of gravy once a year, but I’d appreciate more stuffing, turkey and cranberry sauce on a regular basis. Maybe this needs to become a *thing.*
We woke up Thanksgiving morning and headed to our friends’ hotel room; Dave and Michele are staying two doors down from us. It’s pretty much the best thing ever. We’ve been friends for years, and since Michele and I are both from Tucson, it’s always exciting when our paths cross for family trips. 
(Shout out to madre who stayed with the girls one night while we went to Yard House for drinks and appetizers)
We had Thanksgiving morning mimosas with them while the kiddos played, then headed to madre’s house to watch the parade and eat breakfast. After a delicious breakfast, browsing sales fliers, and a family walk, P took a nap in her guest room, and then we went to my uncle’s house for lunch/dinner with my dad’s side of the family.
It was so so great to see everyone. When we’re back in Tucson, it makes me feel like we still live here. We jump back into all of the usual activities, and while it’s always so much fun, it still feels a bit bittersweet. I think I’ve written about this before, but it almost feels like a glimpse of the life we’ll have when we’re eventually back here. It’s definitely something to look forward to!
(I wanted to cry when I saw Everly, because I missed her so much, but had to hold it together so I wouldn’t freak her out haha.)
All of the food was amazing as usual. The girls ran around and played in the backyard with their cousins the entire time, and Livi spent 99% of the day playing frisbee with a silver Labrador puppy named Benjamin. Guess who’s been asking for a “big dog” now? (It’s not going to happen for a long time.)
The boys did their usual golfing shenanigans while the girls kicked back, drank wine, and brought out the desserts.
Afterwards, we headed back to my moms to see Uncle E and our cousins. Liv and P missed them so much, and all of the girls huddled in the living room playing with toys, laughing and watching the movie Sing. 
It was a great way to spend the holiday and I’m thankful that we were able to make the trip out here! We still have a few more days and adventures to enjoy, too.
Good reads and random finds:
The Nest. I started this one on the flight out here, and I’m enjoying it so far. Usually I scour book reviews online before purchasing anything, but didn’t have time at the airport. Turns out the reviews are pretty bad, so we’ll see how I end up liking it. Did you read this one?
The Sia Christmas Album. After listening to Michael Buble and Pentatonix Christmas albums for years, it’s nice to have something fresh and new in the rotation. Most of the songs are catchy and fun, but this slower more moody ballad is my fave track.
  This mini soap. It’s kind of a random fave but it’s the perfect little travel soap! You can use it as hand soap, body wash, dish soap, the list goes on. They have the small bottles at Target. I’ll be stashing one in my purse from now on and you can file it under the random things you’ll find in there, along with packets of Sriracha and a toddler fork for P. 
The much-anticipated return to Orangetheory. I’ve been itching to take a class ever since I was cleared for more intense exercise, but I wanted to make sure I was really ready before bounding through the OTF doors and high-fiving everyone with joy. I’m four months out from surgery and confidently strength and interval training again, so it felt like a safe bet. I modified some of the treadmill intervals – I can’t sprint super fast yet so I did a combo of incline walking and running -and the core work, but could do pretty much everything else. It felt so great to be back! My legs are also like WTF. They haven’t been this sore in a hot minute.
If you’re looking for a workout today, check out this Black Friday Frenzy workout.
Fashion and Beauty:
Black Friday deals:
While Thanksgiving is my #1 favorite holiday, Black Friday is also high on the list. I LOVE Black Friday sales – and usually use the opportunity to blast through Christmas list and stock up on house essentials – and thought I’d share some of the best sales I’ve found.
Here’s what we’ll be stocking up on:
–The Dyson I wanted is on SUPER sale. Half off, baby! Happening.
–gap is 50% off EVERYTHING with no exclusions (code BLKFRIDAY). I’m going to order some clothes for the girls in their next sizes. Old Navy is also 50% off and we love their outerwear (like this jacket) and pajamas for the kiddos.
–J Crew: 40% off ENTIRE purchase with code THANKU. I love their men’s polo and button-up shirts for gifts. They also have great pajamas.
–Homesick Candles are 25% off. These are a great “I’m not quite sure what to get you” gift.
–Nordstrom is extra 20% off selected sale items. These $17 Kate Spade earrings are SO cute and the perfect little hostess gift or stocking stuffer.
More fantastic sales:
Kohl’s: (extra 15% off today with code SAVEBIG15)
–The Instant Pot is only $79.99 at Kohl’s! I use ours at least a couple of times each week. It’s my favorite kitchen gadget right now.
-Our favorite bluetooth speaker is almost half off. 
–Shark steam mop
–Critter ballerina slippers for the kids $9
Ulta: (free 9-piece gift with any $50 online purchase)
-Love this Tarte lip set, these Philosophy gingerbread sets, and mini goodies for stocking stuffers
–Madewell: 25% off with code DONTSTRESS (need this floral dress)
–Revolve: up to 50% off! This is my favorite store online right now and they have so many gorgeous dresses, accessories and tops for winter. The earrings I’m wearing in some of the pics above are on sale for $39 here.
–Loft is 50% off everything! Love this top and this dress. The dress I’m wearing in the Thanksgiving pics above is on sale here.
–Banana Republic 50% off regular price.
–Kate Spade 30% off with code GIVEJOY
–ASOS 30% off with code EPIC30. I’m going to lurk this one for a holiday party dress.
I hope you have a very happy Friday! Are you shopping today? What’s on your list? I have lots of fitness gift ideas here for ya, too.
The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.
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