#cool shower curtain bro
someheartsaretrue · 8 months
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absolutely love this blackout tattoo
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amlvsx · 8 months
"I would have never thought.."
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•Bang Chan x Male Reader•
Summary: y/n is a well known dancer on tiktok and instagram. his unique dance style and dance covers draw attention to him. Bang Chan just so happens to come across one of his dance covers, specifically his megaverse dance cover. y/n ends up going to see stray kids just a couple days after Chan liked his cover. one thing y/n didn't expect to happen at the concert, was to be recognized by his favorite idol.
Genre: fluff-ish
Warnings: little bit of cursing
A/N: hey guys!! this is my first ever story here on tumblr, i kept getting stuck on a few things since i haven’t wrote a fic in so long, please let me know if you like this! :))
The rays of sun that peeked through your curtains laid across your lower face as you laid in your bed.
The sun now reflected across your eyelids indicating a few hours have went by. You opened your eyes and they were automatically met with the shining light.
Sighing as you rolled over to escape the sun, your eyes landed on your phone as it seemed to ding.
Lifting yourself up halfway, you grabbed your phone to see a notification from instagram.
gnabnahc liked your reel
Rubbing the sleep away from your eyes, you reread the notification not believing what was written on your phone. “No fucking way” You thought with your mouth agape and eyes wide, you unlocked your phone and went into instagram.
Looking at the reel that Chan liked, it was a video of you doing the dance to Megaverse.
You clicked off of instagram and texted your friend.
Bro you will not believe what just happened..
Bang Chan liked my instagram reel!
No way!🫢
Which one?
My dance cover of Megaverse :D
That's so cool!!
Sadly I have to go, I have to get back to work
but ttyl👋
bye bye👋
You smile to yourself as you get out of bed to start your day. You make your way to the bathroom to take a shower. Getting undressed, you make sure the temperature of the shower is just how you like it before stepping inside. Letting a sigh escape you as relax from the feeling of the streams of warm water cascade down your back.
After washing your body and hair, you turn off the shower and step out. Drying off your body and putting on your clothes for the day, you make your way to the kitchen. You decided to make yourself an omelet with fruit. Once the cooking was done, you sat down with your breakfast and opened your phone.
Looking at the notification again, you still couldn't believe that the Bang Chan had liked your reel. Never in your life did you ever think that your favorite idol was going to notice you. Thinking about Chan reminded you that you were going to Stray Kids’ concert in a few days. You finally had the opportunity to get barricade, even though you spent almost all of your life savings.
You ate your breakfast and cleaned up what you didn’t eat.
Day of the concert..
You woke up from your alarm blasting in your ear. Rolling over and shutting off your alarm, you opened your eyes. Checking the time it was 10:45 a.m. Getting out of bed you went to the bathroom and got ready for the day since the concert wasn’t til 7 p.m.
After doing everything you needed to do in the bathroom you decided to spend some of your time catching up on your favorite show. Only after 10 minutes your stomach started to rumble. You decided to have cereal since you didn’t feel like cooking.
Sitting on your couch with your cereal, you continued watching your show. After an hour, you got up and cleaned up your empty bowl.
“Hmm..what should I do?” You thought to yourself. Noticing that you haven’t done a dance cover in a couple of days, you thought about doing Maniac by VIVIZ.
Going to your living room where you had the most space, you look up the dance on TikTok. While learning the dance you get a call from your friend.
“yo, what’s up?” You say waiting for a response.
“hey, i was just wondering what time are you going to pick me up for the concert?” Your friend replies.
“probably around 5:45, i want to make sure we get there somewhat early” You tell your friend.
“okay, cya then”
Hanging up the call you continue learning the dance. Making sure you got all the moves down, you record yourself. It takes a couple of tries for you to be completely satisfied with the results but once you are happy with the video you post it on TikTok and Instagram.
You were left with nothing to do but since you had yet to pick out your outfit for the concert, you went over to your closet. You picked out a Aelfric Eden shirt and a pair of black cargo pants. You obviously are going to wear your Converse, since it might be a little cold, you picked out a black leather jacket.
For some jewelry you picked out some silver rings and a silver chain. After you picked out everything that you wanted to you got your light stick and your wolf chan. You laid those two things next to your outfit that you put on your bed and checked the time, 2:33 p.m.
You thought about watching your show again but you didn’t feel like it, so you went over to your computer and went to find a video game to play. After finding a video game, you occupied yourself with it for about two ish hours since you had some time to kill.
You sigh as you lean back into your chair, slightly stretching. You check the time yet again, 4:45 p.m. You were bored out of your mind waiting for it to be time to go pick up your friend, as you sat there you hear your stomach gargle, realizing that you never ate lunch.
You have been wanting to go to this one take out place for a while, so you texted your friend to see if they wanted to get food before going to the concert. You instantly get a text back with them agreeing.
You get up to go change into your outfit, once you had the outfit on, you looked in your mirror mostly happy with how the clothes seemed to kind of go together. Once you fixed your hair to make it look the best you could get it to look, you grab your light stick, wolf chan, your jacket, and your keys.
You walk out of your house, making sure the front door is locked, and you get in your car. Quickly texting your friend that you are on your way, you pull out of your driveway and head to their house.
You surprisingly make it there faster than you expected, your friend had been already standing outside waiting for you. You turn on the radio while you also put on the directions to this food place.
You arrived at the food place, getting out of the car and walking in, you were shocked with how beautiful the inside looked. You ordered whatever seemed appealing to you. The stadium that the concert was being held at was not too far away, and your friend had suggested that you guys could eat in the little restaurant.
While waiting for your food you and your friend had brought up Chan liking your reel.
“so he didn’t comment or anything on your video?” Your friend asked.
“no he only liked it and that was it, though i would have never expected him to watch instagram reels” You chuckled.
“maybe he was just bored or something” Your friend shrugged.
“maybe bu-“ You got cut off by a person calling you and your friends order. You stood up and grabbed your guys’ food. You and your friend went on talking about nonsense the rest of the time you were at the restaurant.
“we should probably go now, it’s already 5:15” Your friend reminded you.
“yea you’re right, i do want to make sure we can get in line early” You said while picking up your garbage to throw in the trash.
Walking back to your car, you two headed to the stadium. Your friend had connected their phone to your car and was blasting Stray Kids. Time flew by and you had already arrived at the stadium. You quickly got out of the car with your light stick and wolf chan to make sure you got a decent spot in line.
You waited for some time before finally getting your tickets checked. You rushed to the barricade just to see that it wasn’t as full as you expected it to be.
As you waited for the show to start, your friend had noticed a head pop out from the curtains under the stage.
“bro who is that” Your friend asked.
“huh who?” You looked at your friend confused.
“over there” Your friend pointed behind you to under the stage.
You looked back to where your friend had pointed, your eyes widened in shock as you stared at the person.
“dude that’s chan” You said in disbelief.
“why is he just peaking out like that” Your friend chuckled.
You kept staring at him, and his eyes eventually made their way to yours , You looked away with slight embarrassment reverting back to reality, but you could feel his gaze on you.
You looked in his direction again, your eyes just feeling drawn to him. Something about his eyes was luring you in. He was still looking you before he breaks eye contact and looks to the ground, smiling to himself. He slipped back behind the curtains completely.
Your friend nudged you lightly, “i think someone recognizes you,” they said in a teasing tone.
“oh hush,” you say rolling your eyes with a cheeky smile.
You and your friend continue talking for a little while until the Stray Kids anthem started playing. You focused on the stage, filled with excitement and anticipation. The crowd being filled with screams only fueled your expectations.
The moment you had been waiting for had finally come, the Stray Kids was preforming in front of you. You screamed your lungs out, along with your friend and the crowd. The first song began to play as you swayed your light stick around.
As the concert shifted into the more calmer stage, the members started to interact with fans more since they weren’t dancing a lot. Chan had been roaming around your section for quite some time now. Just as you were focused on recording another member , you failed to notice that Chan was sitting on the edge of the stage right in front to you, interacting with the people next to you.
Your friend hit you while squealing, you looked back to in front of you. You started fanboying over the sight in front of you. Moving your phone to focus on Chan, he reached out for your phone.
A little confused with what he was doing you, let him grab your phone waiting for his next move. He recorded himself on your phone, he even did a few poses with you in the background before handing your phone back. He got up and walked over to a different section while you were frozen in place.
Your friend squealed even more, shaking you not believing what just happened. The rest of the concert was amazing, eventually the time came where they had to say goodbye. They went backstage after their goodbyes and soon the crowd started to leave.
You and your friend started making your way out of the stadium giggling about certain things that happened. As soon as you stepped outside you were hit with the cold winter air. You had forgotten your jacket in the car, so you started to speed walk back to your car. Unfortunately, you parked on the side of the stadium and your car was kind of far.
You weren’t paying attention to your surroundings much as you got closer to your car, and just to your luck you bump into someone. Stumbling back a little bit you take a good look at the person, it was quite dark so it took you a second to fully realize who you just bumped into.
“oh sorry, are you okay?” Chan asked.
“i am okay but i’m sorry i should have been paying attention more. i didn’t hurt you, did i?” You responded quite worried.
“no no, i am fine trust me” Chan said as he flashed his signature smile.
You stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Standing this close to your favorite idol made you really nervous.
Chan broke the silence, “are you the person who did that one Megaverse dance cover?”
“yeah that was me,” You chuckled nervously. You anxiously fidgeted with your fingers.
“it was a really good cover, your dance style is really eye catching.” You have heard that same compliment from a lot of different people, especially other dancers. But hearing it from Chan just felt different, it probably was because he was your favorite idol but you still felt like it was something that had a new meaning now.
Your favorite idol thinks that your dance style is eye catching. Something that you could have never imagined would happen to you.
“I would have never thought…I would hear you say that”
A/N: i feel like i made this story too long but i hope you guys liked it!!
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bbangtans · 6 months
searching & finding | knj | oneshot teaser
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⋆☀︎。 Summary: Wake up, go to work, go home, cook dinner, rinse, and repeat: that was your life had come to post-grad. Once a young woman with larger-than-life aspirations, you’ve been downtrodden by the world's harsh realities. Now, after taking out all your savings and having only one large suitcase in tow, you find yourself in an idyllic seaside town to figure out what’s next for you. Luckily, the bookshop owned by the town’s beloved Kim Namjoon will always be a place of solace for you no matter how sudden the seasonal showers are.
pairing: namjoon x f!reader genre: non-idol au, fluff, romance, strangers to friends to lovers, book cafe owner genius namjoon is saurrrrr dreamy bro, reader just wants to find inner peace, yoongi is just the cool cousin there for the ride lmao, and jungkook is namjoon’s cute cafe assistant hehehehe rating/warnings: PG-15 | language, alcohol consumption, mentions of sex a/n: kim namjoon is my beacon of light through a storm. this is for anyone feeling a lil lost, sending you the warmest hug ever 🫂 and inspired by summer strike – that drama will always have a place in my heart, and what you are looking for is in the library – a hopeful, meditative read i highly rec! word count: ~10k will be posted on Sunday, April 21st at 10PM PST! <3 EDIT: post date moved to Sunday, April 27th!
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“So, what brings you here to Pohang?” A tall, dimpled man approached your table as he set down the iced americano you ordered in front of you. He tucked his small serving tray under his arm as he eyed the stack of manga that you had, ready to indulge in a day of catching up on Haikyuu. You were the only customer in the establishment as it was late afternoon so that meant the kids were in school while the adults were busy at work. The soft sunlight filtered through the sheer white curtains of the front window, giving the book cafe a yellowish hue. The end of another day was near. 
You thanked him as you tried to think of an answer. “Uh… I’m visiting my cousin, Yoongi, for the summer. Taking a break from Seoul after some things happened and just figuring out… life, I guess.” 
Internally, you wanted to scream because you felt like you were oversharing.
He gave a deep, thoughtful hum to your response. “Well, I think you’ve come to the right place. This place, although small compared to Seoul, has a lot to offer. And I’m Namjoon, by the way.”
You gladly gave your name as well and Namjoon repeated it to himself as though tasting how your name felt on his lips. You couldn’t help but feel your face flush slightly, Namjoon was definitely attractive. From his towering, defined build to honey-like, sun-kissed skin and topped off with dimples that punctuated a bright smile, he was a sight to behold for sure. “Thanks, I’m looking forward to seeing more of it as I figure things out.”
“Yeah,” he excitedly responded. “And I guess I’ll be seeing more of you around. I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for out here.” 
“Same here.”
Your small smile matched his.
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merakiui · 1 year
RAAA STEP BRO CATER 👹👹👹 he would ask his step sibling to do suggestive things and assures them it’s just an innocent trend :33
(cw: yandere, nsfw, stepcest, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, stalking, non-consensual photography, obsession, cater’s so creepy and gross >_<)
Sb!Cater who’s the first to swoop in when you’re brought into the family, if only to get to you before his sisters do. He doesn’t want you to become yet another sibling of his who he dreads seeing when he must return home from NRC. You take to him immediately, warming up to his friendly, “cute” personality. Of course his sisters also adore you, seeing so much potential to ruin you—or that’s how Cater views it. His sisters shower you in clothes they think you’ll love, and each outfit must be cuter than the last. Cater would feel sorry for you, but he just can’t when you seem so genuine in your gratefulness. Are you really okay with his sisters shaping you into something you might not be?
Most days, you spend your time being shown around the town by Cater. He introduces you to all of his favorite, most photogenic locations. He even takes a few selfies with you to commemorate your arrival! This is the most excited he’s been for anything. Maybe it’s because you’re interested in his photography. Or maybe it’s because you actually listen to him and treat him like a person rather than some dress-up doll. At first he sort of hated the idea of getting another sibling (especially if you’re a girl; that would mean yet another sister). He can hardly handle the two he has now, so the fact that you’re much more of a relief compared to his sisters is like the biggest blessing ever.
Cater finds he’s restless on the days his sisters take you out. What are they showing you? What are they telling you? Do they talk about him? He wants to be the one to share things at his own leisure. He’s supposed to be the cool brother! That image will be ruined if you come back knowing his life’s story. >:( when you aren’t home, Cater finds himself poking through your room. It was mainly curiosity at first, but then he’s opening your drawers to look at your belongings and to see just what kind of clothes you wear. It’s nothing bad, he thinks while he’s running his own internal assessments. Your clothes are cute, but are they really you? Do you like this sort of stuff, or is it just the influence of his sisters?
He mainly snoops. That’s all he really does aside from scrolling through his phone to look back on all of the photos he’s taken. The two of you went swimming last week, and he zooms in to look at all of the skin that’s not covered by a swimsuit. It’s silly to think this, but you really are cute. He spends the hour compiling an album of photos with you, cropping the ones that include other people. He’ll add more to this album soon.
The next time Cater’s in your room, it’s to steal your underwear. You won’t miss it; and even if you do his sisters will overhear and insist they take you shopping. So he gets to be greedy and pick from the selection. Grossly enough, he fishes through your dirty laundry instead of the drawer filled with clean pairs. He’s gone before you come back from the kitchen, and you’re wearing that pair of short shorts he likes so much. Maybe his sisters’ influence isn’t so bad this time…
Cater’s added more photos to his collection. Some taken of you when you fell asleep on the sofa watching a movie. Some taken of your silhouette against the shower curtain. Some taken of you as you’re getting ready, your back turned when he stuck his phone through the small crack in your door after it was left slightly open. He’s gotten daring with each photo, straying too close to being caught. It’s dangerous and wrong. You’re supposed to be his step-sibling. He shouldn’t have these thoughts about someone who’s meant to be family. But he thinks you’d be even cuter if he had a chance to ruin you. You don’t need his sisters’ influence. You need big brother Cay’s influence (sure, he’s only older by a month or two, but that still makes him your big brother)! :D
He’ll teach you all about the pretty parts of your body you rarely touch. And he’d know because he’s watched you for months and snooped through your things in search of sex toys. It’s a little exciting to wonder and theorize. Have you even used your fingers yet? Are you truly textbook virgin (like his friend Riddle. Oh, if that’s the case he must introduce the two of you!)? Have you even taken a cock before, whether silicone or not? It would be super cute if he was your first time! There’s a floor-length mirror in his room. He can spread you open when he slides you down on his cock to show you just how widely you’ll stretch to accommodate him. And of course he must record it! Good memories should be captured in permanence, right?
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The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Epilogue
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Read it on AO3 | Previous
Chapter’s Note: Check out the Witchling Art tag |Beta by @zaria-04
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Chapter 32: Epilogue
Rays of sunlight fall through a slit in the curtain, which is not properly closed, and pull you out of your sleep. Not yet fully awake, you feel something move next to you and turn to it. Reaching out, you touch cool skin and hum something.
A chuckle sounds next to you. "Good morning, my love."
Loki’s voice is low and your favorite thing to hear in the morning. You open one eye, finally being awake enough to do so, and come face to face with your lover.
"Morning, dear."
He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him to steal a lazy kiss from your lips. Happy to comply, you bury your head in the crook of Loki’s neck and surrender to the sweet moment between sleep and fully awake. You are both naked and your legs are tangled together under the sheets.
Your muscles ache, especially the ones in your thighs. But it's a good kind of ache and you smile as you remember where it came from.
“We have to get up,” you murmur into Loki’s skin, not really in the mood to leave the comfort of your bed. “Or else we’re going to be late.” You feel his slender fingers under your chin, as he tilts your head so he can look at you.
“We can reschedule.” He rolls you over so that he is leaning over you. His naked torso feels cool against your hot skin. He leans down to you, but before his lips touch yours he stops. “You look ravishing and I am a starving man.”
You can't help but nibble from his lips, pulling his face fully down to you.
Loki's intentions are clear and it is a very tempting idea. It wouldn't be the first time you two would get distracted. But the matter is important enough that you are willing to be the voice of reason.
"We already postponed it last time."
Pressing another quick kiss to Loki's lips, you wriggle out of his grip and off the bed. Without bothering to pick up your yesterday's clothes from the floor, you walk naked as the day you were born towards the bathroom.
Loki's eyes follow your every move and he licks his lips.
You throw him a glance over your shoulder. "Join me in the shower." It's not a question.
A light comes into Loki's face, a sparkle that is reserved only for you, and with a wide smirk he is on his feet. "Temptress."
Half an hour later you are standing in front of a house. It is cute, painted in red with white window frames – quite typical for this area in Norway.
The real estate agent greets the two of you in English, with an accent.
"It's a fifteen minute drive to the next town. They have everything you need for everyday use. For anything else you would need to go to the city that is about an hour away," the agent tells you as she leads you through the house. It's been empty for a while and needs a bit of work: some painting and minor repairs. Maybe a new kitchen, you think as you enter it.
But the house has the perfect size for a couple. And there’s quite a distance to any neighbors who would notice after a few years that you and Loki age differently.
"What do you think?" Loki asks you after the agent stepped aside for a moment to give you two some space.
"I like this more than the last one. But I still want to see the other two on the list."
One of them was located in Iceland. You agreed on a temperate climate, since Loki prefers it in the long run to the warmer areas of Earth.
"This one has a nice view," Loki agrees with you, looking out a window. The house is situated on a hill, giving a view of the town in the valley. On the south side of the property, there was enough space for a vegetable garden.
You don't have to make a decision right away, but you have a feeling this is the current favorite for both of you. Especially when the Asgardian adds, "How do you feel about brunch? There's a lovely restaurant in the town."
"Oh? Someone did his homework."
You say goodbye to the estate agent and Loki takes you to the promised brunch, which is more of a late lunch due to the time difference. The sun has already passed its zenith here.
But the both of you don't mind and take the time afterwards to explore the area until it's time for you to return to New York and get ready for the gala that will take place there in the late evening.
Pepper has organized the PR event for the Avengers. It’s the night where Loki will join the team officially.
In the media, of course, the Asgardian has already been seen alongside the heroes, but so far there has been no press conference about it. Just a few statements about his general stay on Earth.
This will change tonight.
Loki is quite popular on social media. There are numerous photos and short clips of him holding the flaming sword of 'Bloodweeper', saving the Sorcerer Supreme and fighting a demon from Hell.
Someone even looped a video of him wielding it and stabbing Mephisto. They added funny music to it and it went viral for a week.
"Midgardians are weird," was Loki's only comment on it when you showed the video to him. But he can't fool you. You know he saved it in his new phone Tony gifted him.
It will be good blackmail should he ever need a favor from Strange.
The Asgardian looks spotless as always for the event. He rocks a classic dark suit that shimmers green in the right light. A small brooch in the shape of a golden snake hangs from his lapel. No tie yet – it still lies over the back of a nearby chair, while Loki adjusts his cufflinks.
You take the tie – it's green and gold – and step up to him, placing it around his neck. With practiced movements, you form it into a classic knot.
You yourself are still in your dressing robe. Your hair and makeup are done but you haven't changed yet. With good reason, because you have a request for Loki.
"I couldn't decide on an outfit to match yours. Maybe you can help me out with your magic," you murmur against his lips, your fingers still gripping the tie so he can't move away.
As if he'd ever want to.
"With pleasure." Loki's eyes shine darkly, thinking about what exquisite things he could put you in. He slips the robe off your shoulders and kisses the exposed skin, up to your neck.
You allow it for a moment, basking in his affection before relenting. "We need to get ready or we will be late," you remind him for the second time today.
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
You chuckle, but still prevent him from pulling you to the bed. Instead, you whisper in his ear what you have in store for him after the event, if he keeps his good behavior up during the gala.
"I'll get back to you on that." The Asgardian loves a good challenge. "Now step back and let me work."
He considers for a moment, his gaze wandering over your body, before casting his magic. For a moment a green shimmer curls around you, and then you are wearing a stunning and very dramatic dress. It's not a mere illusion but actual tangible matter, as you feel it when you run your fingers over the fabric.
You move in front of the mirror and take a look at yourself. It’s very much the counterpart to Loki's suit, with a plunging but tasteful neckline.
"Wow." Thrilled, you do a little spin to admire the dress from all sides. "I should let you do my wardrobe more often."
Pleased with the praise, Loki steps behind you, his hands on your waist. Your eyes meet in the mirror.
"It's an easy task if the canvas is beautiful like this. However, there's just one thing missing." He conjures a necklace with a small golden snake as a pendant, just like his brooch.
You look at him, unsure. He knows necklaces are not your type of jewelry. Nothing that is too close to your throat is. But the gaze he gives you reassures you and you trust him enough to allow him to continue.
Brushing your hair aside, he puts it on you before placing another kiss in the crook of your neck. It's so light you don't even feel it on your skin, like it's not even there.
"Now, it's perfect."
Your fingers find the pendant and you feel a touch of magic.
"It contains a little spell," the Asgardian explains.
You turn in his arms. Your gaze is soft as you place one hand against his cheek and run the other through his hair. "I love it." Truly happy about the small gift, you thank him with a kiss.
Little does Loki know that you have a gift for him yourself. It is a letter that you keep hidden in your drawer. A reply from the Queen of Asgard, whom you have invited to tea in the near future. Loki and you can't go to Asgard for a visit, but no one is stopping you all from meeting here on Earth.
You plan to tell Loki about it later tonight.
Loki breaks away from you and holds out his arm. "Shall we?"
“Do you plan on using the elevators?” you ask back.
"How boring. What do you take me for? I plan to make an entrance." Loki's grin is wide and you mirror his face, taking his arm.
"We shall."
The gala is already in full swing. Tony has provided a hall for it on one of the lower floors of the tower. There is a buffet, an open bar, and additional waiters passing champagne on their trays among the guests. In one corner, a string quartet provides unobtrusive music that blends into the conversations as a lovely background noise.
The guests consist of all the active members of the Avengers, some influential political figures and selected people from the press.
This last group of people ensures that everything feels a bit put on. People's smiles often show too many teeth to be honest. Controversial opinions are only expressed quietly.
People are aware that this is an event to present themselves to the public – even if the actual public won't read about it until the next day.
Tony is talking to the mayor. Smiling politely while listening to boring stories is like second nature to him. He wears it like some kind of PR skin.
But after some time he grabs a new drink from one of the waiters before he clasps the mayor on the shoulder and uses an excuse to leave and find Pepper.
Suddenly, the lights flicker, go out completely for a moment, while the music also falls silent, as does every single conversation.
Then suddenly Loki and you are standing in the spotlight of the room.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," the Asgardian announces. His voice carries through the room without any effort.
The light and the music both go back to normal. A few seconds pass, during which the guests are too surprised, perhaps even too startled, to react.
Then a flurry of flashbulbs from the journalists goes off. Everyone is reaching for their cameras and phones to snatch a photo. Loki enjoys the attention and smiles at them, like the prince he is raised to be. He raises his hand and gives them a short wave before leaning to you and giving you a kiss on your temple. More photos are snapped.
You don't mind, because you know that their attempts to find out more about you will be fruitless.
When he thinks it's enough, Loki leads you by his arm to the side of the hall and conjures the two of you some drinks. Tony is at your side almost instantly.
"Cute entrance." His voice was noticeably neutral, as if he himself hasn’t been known for his notorious extravagance in the past. "We should have made this a Halloween theme party to fit with the spooky flicker of the lights"
His gaze shifts over to you and he smiles. "You look stunning as always, Sabrina."
Taking your hand, he spins you around once to look at you from all sides.
You giggle, flattered by his words. "You're not bad yourself." As you stand next to Loki again, you don't miss the Asgardian's possessive arm sneaking around your waist.
But his voice is leveled when he asks, "So, what's the plan for tonight?" He knows Stark is no real threat or competition for him, but, still, he doesn't appreciate anyone touching what's his.
"We have fun, mingle with the commoners," Tony explains with a wink. "Then there's a speech where you get up on stage and after that more fun, and booze."
That sounds easy enough. Pepper and the PR team would issue a few more official statements, but you two have nothing further to do than to make a good impression tonight. And personally you are quite happy about that.
You're no longer holed up in your little cottage somewhere in the middle of nowhere, but all this public relations work isn't really your thing. It's enough for you to stand by Loki's side as his support. For him, of course, such appearances are nothing unusual. As the prince of a whole realm, he was raised for this.
Maybe he and Tony aren't so dissimilar in that regard, but you'd never dare to say that out loud.
You briefly stop listening to the conversation between the two men when you catch a glimpse of Thor. His tall figure is clearly visible over the heads of the other people, even with super soldiers and enhanced humans attending.
He waves at you and grins, presumably a comment on the entrance of Loki and you.
You reply with a shrug like, 'well, what did you expect?'. You see him laugh as he turns back to his conversation partners, and you turn back to Loki as well.
As you do so, you notice that Tony has left and the Asgardian is watching you with amusement.
"Having silent conversations now, are we?" he observes, amused.
“Only within the family.”
His eyes soften, because despite all his prior conflicts with Thor, he is still his brother, and he is glad you two get along so easily. And Loki with your siblings too. It was only last weekend when the two of you met Elizabeth and Gabriel for lunch.
For Loki, family has always been a two-sided dagger. Something that was familiar, and yet something he never dared to open up to completely.
Frigga was the only one who saw him – like really saw him – but even in her company, Loki had never fully let his walls down. And that was not because she was not his mother by birth.
With Thor, he shared a camaraderie that could only be built by fighting side by side for centuries. And yet they got along better on the battlefield than in the palace that used to be their home. Perhaps because children can only develop truly and freely when they are not overshadowed by their parents.
The stay on Midgard really did their brotherly relationship good in this respect.
In the presence of your siblings, Loki has been initially reserved, always the observer first, studying dynamics in order to react to them. But both Bell and Gabe had welcomed him into their midst with open arms – probably not least because he had helped save Gabriel’s life.
Whenever you met now, which was only moderately between your various duties, lives and the time difference between the US and Europe, a lot of quips and teasing were thrown around between you siblings, and Loki didn't hold back either.
He didn't, however, tell you about the shovel talk he had received from Gabriel the other day when you briefly left the room to help Elizabeth prepare the dessert. Your brother is still recovering, but moving fast with all the healing potions you brewed for him. Only the fading cross on his forehead testifies to what happened to him – at least outwardly. The mental scars in the form of a haunted look that sometimes takes over his eyes will last way longer. But he doesn't talk about that. Not yet.
Loki has to admit that the young man – still older than any normal Midgardian – can look rather intimidating when he puts his mind to it. Not that he can do anything really harmful against a god, but the curses Gabe threatened him with, should it come to his ears that Loki is not treating you well, would be a real inconvenience, even for Loki.
It’s fortunate that he has no such intentions.
"Would you do me the honor of a dance?" Formally, Loki holds out his hand to you and you put yours in with a smile.
"I'd love to."
He leads you to a space near the string quartet, which has been unofficially claimed as the dance floor.
It's a simple dance, swaying slowly, and it gives a sense of intimacy between the two of you, though you're sure you're still being watched by more than one pair of eyes. After all, Loki is the main attraction of the event.
"They will be furious when they find out about the cloaking spell I put on you," Loki says, as if he had been reading your thoughts.
It has been a condition of yours to accompany him to this event. While you want to support him in all his steps with the Avengers, you don't want to be in the public eye yourself – even though you know this will inevitably happen. But for now the trauma of what happens to witches who are exposed as such still roots too deep within you. You are still hunted, even in these 'modern' and 'enlightened' times.
The solution Loki offered for the problem was ridiculously simple.
"I would love to see their faces when they notice the blurry spot on every single photo you are in." Loki chuckles at the notion.
You can't help but grin as well. "Maybe they'll think I'm Bigfoot," you muse, wondering if the origin of the cryptid creature had a similar explanation after all.
Loki knits his brows. "Your feet are not that big," he states as he leads you into a swirling spin.
You don't correct him. The one time you told Thor about the Loch Ness Monster, he was about to go hunt it down to take credit for slaying a legendary beast.
You're not taking chances. After all, they are still brothers.
After another spin, you put your hand back on his shoulder and look up at him. He is still leading the dance, but his mind seems to have drifted away.
Sometimes you still have a hard time figuring out what's going on in his mind. It is much easier when the two of you are alone, but in company he involuntarily pulls up these old walls around him. You are fine with it, because you know that he will let you through regardless, that they don't apply to you. Not truly.
But every now and then he needs a little nudge in the right direction.
"What are you thinking about?" you ask him softly.
“You would look gorgeous with a crown.” With this, the Asgardian prince reveals more than he actually wanted to, but neither does he give an explanation, nor does he take his words back.
"One day at a time," you remind him, taken off guard by this sudden change of subject and somewhat flustered by the hidden meaning of it.
The smile on Loki's lips remains a mystery to you. "Indeed, my little Witchling."
You both have enough time without having to rush things. More time than you would even know. It's a secret of his own for now, but Loki knows that the day will come when he will go and find Idunn to ask her for one of the golden apples. She owes him a favor anyway.
Until then he will stay at your side, dancing the night away.
And with that we reached the end of the story and I almost got my goal: writing something that is as long as The Hobbit (~95k words)
A big thank you to everyone who joined this ride and made it to this point. To everyone who, liked, commented and reblogged it. It brought me much joy to read your reactions and thoughts to every chapter ♥
Every reader-insert story I write is deeply personal. There’s part of me in the Witchling, part of my siblings in hers. So whenever I publish a new chapter it feels a little bit like putting a small piece of myself out there.
That's it, I have no more to say. Just this: be nice to people! You never know who might be a witch.
And to the Witches: don’t play with forces you can’t fully comprehend or understand. You never know what you might provoke. Be careful.
Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @nothing2113 @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu @ninjarose23 @ozymdias @huntress-artemiss @sofi786 @thedistractedagglomeration @rosaline-black @msrawog @moonlightreader649 @paetonnn @eldriidd @r4inlov3r @eleniblue @eleniblue @maeisonline @marvel-love24 @sinsandguilt @kalinaselennespeaks @ohtellmelove @eleniblue @hyojin-2579 @just-someone11 @marygoddessofmischief @fall-myriad @melavoris @baebeepeach
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twilightknight17 · 7 months
On this round of P3R, we’re heading to the red-light district!
But first, I just want to say, Fuuka’s link requires MAX COURAGE to start? Omg. Now I’m assuming Mitsuru needs max academics. Good god. NG+ is absolutely gonna be needed for this.
So it’s now the third (technically fourth) full moon! And now that I’m thinking about the Magician and that whole mess, I think it’s a little funny that no one in SEES, in any of our downtime, has ever questioned, “Hey, what the fuck was that thing that ripped itself out of Orpheus and bodied the Magician in one shot? It might help with some of these slogging battles.” But no. It’s fine. We don’t need to know what that vastly powerful persona was. Whatever. Let’s rock.
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Shirakawa Boulevard, despite Ikutsuki’s attempts to talk around it, is where the love hotels are!
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I’m pressing X to doubt, sir!
So we’re off to the Champs de Fleurs hotel, and actually other than the weird curtained waiting area and sexy price list next to the front desk, it does look pretty normal? Like, it’s a hotel. It’s got hotel hallways and elevators and stuff.
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And then we get to the third floor and the equivalent to the presidential suite.
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This is labeled as the Hierophant’s Chamber, and… Lovers is supposed to be here? Did the P3 movies just straight-up skip the Hierophant Shadow and I never noticed? XDDD The Hierophant is very round and kind of looks like a really big guy with a lady with a head made of coral behind him.
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Hierophant wasn’t bad, actually, and we get to explore the room afterwards before heading back downstairs. The kids clown on a lot of the décor, but like, the silly round bed would be cool for the novelty, and who DOESN’T want a tub that big???
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But when we try to leave, we all get knocked out, and Minato wakes up in a different room, where Yukari is taking a shower.
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This sounds very like Orpheus, but it’s definitely not Orpheus, because Orpheus would know that Yukari is not our soulmate!
Yes I will continue being biased. XDDDDD
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If you say anything other than the correct answer, you get a “wait, that doesn’t seem right” thought bubble, and the dialogue just loops back to the start. You cannot fuck up the mission and game over on a night of brainwashed debauchery. XD
Minato comes to his senses, gets up from the bed, and Yukari comes out wrapped in a towel. She abruptly realizes where she is, screams, and slaps Minato before running back in the bathroom. And… Yukari? I was literally just standing here. Holy shit. Is this the pre-Kyoto warmup scene? God.
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Fuuka gets through to us, and we go back up to the second floor to meet up with Junpei and Akihiko.
I can only assume Junpei and Akihiko were put in the same room.
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No one accused you of anything. Although now I’m giggling wondering what would have happened if I’d brought Mitsuru along instead.
We roam the hotel to find the mirrors we need to break to get back into the suite, and this is weirdly hilarious, all things considered.
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But eventually we find our way back into the boss arena, and the Lovers has the perfect design, honestly.
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GOD is it a bitch to fight, though. This fight took AGES because EVERY time it cast a spell with a charm effect, people got brainwashed. God forbid anyone other than Minato ever dodge an attack. Jesus fuck. I used every single one of my patra gems and dis-charms. Plus it cast diarama halfway through and of course when a boss does that it heals THOUSANDS of HP back to full health. Just give it salvation if you’re gonna do that.
As a brief side note, I love that when Minato casts the Jack Bros’ fusion spell, he just casually walks “offstage” afterwards and leaves them to it.
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But finally, we’re out of here.
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...Yukari volunteered so that I couldn’t take her out of the party and ruin my scripted undeserved slap. X’D
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Gee, Yukari, I wonder if it’s because no one ever has anything nice to say to him? He just gets treated like the comic relief.
Also, we’re being watched by these dudes.
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So when you say “we” do you mean you three, or like… humanity as a whole?
Back to the dorm to sleep this bullshit off, and then we move on with our week!
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...christ, dude, I just came to see how you were doing. Can I please have a dialogue option so we can talk about this??? No???? Okay… God, this is Mona all over again. My god damn Magicians are always having problems.
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...well, that’s nice. I wasn’t expecting that.
People at school are gossiping about how the school was rebuilt after an explosion ten years ago, and I’m getting texts from my attendant, who I apparently haven’t added to my phone? But at least she texts nicely.
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It’s pre-exam week, so all my social links are busy. Instead, my academics are lagging, so I’m studying with the members of SEES who aren’t cranky with me. That means Yukari and Fuuka, and Mitsuru and Akihiko. Akihiko recommends doing a quick workout after every few problems, because then, you’ll power through the next set in anticipation of getting to your next workout!
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Everyone I live with is insane. I love them. :’D
Ikutsuki calls a meeting to discuss something important, but before he can get to it, Yukari wants to speak. She’s had Fuuka looking into some stuff from the incident that happened ten years ago, and now she wants answers, because she thinks Mitsuru has been hiding things from us.
Other than the explosion, students were sent to the hospital, even though they were formally noted as just “absent”. It’s the same thing that happened to the girls bullying Fuuka; they fell unconscious and were unresponsive. Turns out, yeah, it was the same sort of thing. And it was Mitsuru’s grandfather, Koetsu Kirijo’s fault.
In greater Persona lore, knowing that he broke off from the Nanjo Group, he probably had access to tech that made his bullshit significantly easier to pull off. At the very least, we know he had the blueprints for a prototype anti-shadow suppression weapon, and the method to create artificial persona-users. But of course, he pushed too far.
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(Sorry that these subtitles are kind of blurry. Basically, they gathered up a shitload of shadows and then lost control of them, because of course they did.)
Tartarus and the Dark Hour exist because of all of this. The lab explosion happened because they lost control, and because the lab was around/under Gekkoukan, it ended with the school needing to be rebuilt as well.
Yukari is not pleased with this development. She feels like we’re just being used to clean up other people’s mess. But as Ikutsuki puts it, we’re the only ones who can fix things. Normal people can’t fight shadows.
He also says that no one knows why the Arcana Shadows suddenly reappeared after ten years, but… Well.
No one is okay after this.
Junpei is angry because he feels like nothing he does is good enough, and that all he’s really good at is fighting, which won’t be necessary anymore if the Dark Hour vanishes.
Akihiko goes to see Shinji, who he apparently grew up with in an orphanage with someone named Miki, to tell him that they know how to stop the shadows now. But Shinji still won’t come back to SEES.
Me and Minato aren’t okay because I’ve finally started this guy’s social link, and he’s a dick.
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Yukari’s dad was the lead researcher on the shadow stuff that led to the explosion, so I assume that he’s the one who got blamed for everything. Ikutsuki mentioned that the media picked one dude and demonized him.
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I think this date is wrong, though. If it was ten years ago, that’d be 1999. Right? :/ It’s also just funnier if the lab exploded like 3 weeks after the Sumaru crisis ended.
But I saved the cat! So everything is not a complete wreck.
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Pharos comes back to see me and implies some sketchy shit about my parents.
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My parents (and my sister, shush, I’m pretending it’s canon) did not explode, though. So this isn’t their fault.
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We’re absolutely friends.
After affirming that at least one person will stick by me to the end, even if that one person is a strange child who keeps waking me up at midnight, I come home from school the next day to find everyone sitting around experiencing the most awkward silence ever conceived.
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Akihiko, no!
Thankfully, we manage to talk through what’s bothering the group as a whole (Junpei is still mad at me, I think), and Ikutsuki shows up to suggest that after exams, we all go on vacation to Mitsuru’s family’s summer home on the island of Yakushima. Her dad is going to be there, apparently!
Mitsuru reluctantly agrees, Yukari apologizes to her for being too gung-ho and accusatory the other night, and I think we’re all chill again. Which is good.
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…….it’s my last night before exams and my option for study-buddy is Ikutsuki???
Nah. I’m out.
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narrators-journal · 11 months
could i get shower sex with yu and yosuke?
Woof, this one might be a lil rough. I'm trying to vary the sexual acts in these to keep them interesting, but I'm a little torn on how this one turned out. But! I hope the meh parts are weighed out by the good parts! I tried my best! Thank you for the fun ask regardless!
Kinktober prompt list: Here
Kinktober masterlist: Here
CW: Semi-public sex, a bit of an iffy knowledge of show sex and hand jobs, and the characters lol. Tho, Yosuke is gently implied to be homophobic, which is kind of canon.
After three years, Inaba had managed to grow a fair bit. Having gone from a tiny, sleepy town, to a slightly less sleepy hole in the ground. Now, it no longer had nothing beyond Junes to offer bored teens on the weekends, or for summer work outside of family businesses, but also a pool now.
That pool, in fact, was where Narukami had run into a familiar face in the chlorine and scream-filled air. “Well, well, well. I didn’t expect to find you back in this itty bitty town.” He chuckled, making the brunette in the lazily bobbing intertube jump. He took his sunglasses off to look at Narukami as if he’d teleported there. “Holy shit, Yu Narukami?! What are you doing back here?” He about squawked, the taller male laughing when his old friend about threw himself from the floaty to scramble out of the water. “I came back to visit my uncle, and I decided to join them for a visit to the pool” He explained, grabbing Yosuke Hanamura’s arm to haul him up to his feet, only for the nine-year-old to come out of nowhere to tackle the brunette.
Not that the man seemed to mind, hugging Nanako back and taking a moment to chatter like a pair of birds before, like any other child, the little girl was off once more to chug chlorine water and soak her father’s wallet and phone. Leaving Narukami with Yosuke at the poolside.
And, taking a look at the sun-kissed man shaking the water from his hair, the silver-haired man found that the three or so years they had been apart had been good to Yosuke. Finally handling that baby-ish face he’d had in highschool, and turned his wirey, scrawny frame into a more filled out, slightly pudgier figure. Though, Narukami could also see that, like him, the persona user had stuck to those work outs a bit, at least. So, he was still just as cute as the wildcard had found in highschool. ”Do you wanna swim? I brought a spare floaty if you wanna join me in floating around.” Yosuke offered, making the taller man hum with thought. Glancing over to where Nanako had made a friend and was blissfully ignoring him, or her napping father in a pool chair. “Sure. I wouldn’t mind floating around and catching up.” He decided, smiling when Yosuke beamed.
So, the men stuck to that. Narukami grabbing the other intertube the brunette had brought with him, and spent the next hour or two simply bobbing in the cool water and joking around as they caught up The silver-haired man even hanging back when Dojima decided to take Nanako home before she got too sunburnt. All was peaceful. At least, until they got out and decided to bathe and get some food.
Making their way to the small collection of showers the pool offered to let people wash off the chemicals, Narukami found one to use, but, Yosuke had...less luck. “Bro! How are all of these broken?!” He whined, making the wildcard snort from his stall, pushing the curtain to the side to ask, “Are they really?” “Yes! I’ve tried the nobs on all of them, but none of them come on!” Yosuke whined, scowling a bit. “I don’t want to bathe right after you. You’ll be stuck waiting…” Making the wildcard shrug, “It’s not like I brought shampoo, you wouldn’t take an hour in here.” “That’s not the point! I’d be embarrassed.” “then don’t shower. It’s just pool water.” Narukami reminded, only to get a dark glare to remind him of it being a public pool. Earning a dramatic sigh, “If you really want to shower that bad, you could always hop in here with me. We’ve done weirder.”
Admittedly, maybe a bit too forward of a flirt. Yosuke had always been sort of skittish about homoerotic types of things, so Narukami might have been too forward with the offer. However, all his words got was a long, heavy silence in reply, so Narukami closed the curtain again and went back to scrubbing out his hair. Leaving his words in the air with a bit of curiosity blooming in his chest. Will he take it? He asked himself, only to jump at the sound of the curtain being just about ripped open. Yosuke standing there, pink-cheeked and huffy, “I’m taking your offer. Don’t make it weird though.” That was his only explanation. Ignoring Narukami’s snort as he stepped into the small shower with him and did his best to scrub himself clean of the piss, chemicals, and whatever grime a child could carry into the water/ All the while, Narukami admired how the cold shower water trickled over Yosuke’s tanned skin. Seeming to trace his muscles when he lifted his arms to scrub the chlorine from his hair.
Before Narukami realized it, he was putting his arms on one side of Yosuke’s head, then the other before the brunette realized it and whirled around to find the wildcard’s face mere inches from his. “Woah there! What the hell are you doing, Yu?! It’s your first visit back, and you’re making moves like that?!” Yosuke yelped, instantly the color of a ripe tomato under the cool droplets of the shower, with his hand on the taller man’s chest to stop him from leaning any closer. His hazel eyes as wide as dinner plates as he stared up at the silver-haired wildcard caging him between his strong arms and the wall of the tiny beach shower. So, thinking quickly to hide how impulsive the movements were, Narukami reasoned, “Experimenting? Uh, testing the waters? Come on, Yosuke. Aren’t you a little curious about how this would go? I mean, I always thought we had a little something there. And, personally, I think it’s worth it to test the waters now.” Watching those honey-brown pools swim with a moment of confusion, contemplation, and then, a decision. “O-okay, I’ll admit I’m...kind of curious.” His voice cracking a bit with how his nerves seemed to choke him. “But, no kissing! That’s gay.”
Chuckling, the wildcard nodded, giving a salute as he said, “Of course. Totally not gay if we don’t kiss.” And, with that, he stepped back to give the pretty brunette some space to tame the burning blush across his cheeks. Once it had simmered down to a pinker hue, the silver-haired man took his hand and placed it on his well-muscled chest. Yosuke wordlessly took the invitation to run his fingers over each muscle.
Which, Narukami didn’t mind at all. Humming slightly at the temperature difference between the cold, trickling water of the shower, and the warmth of his partner’s hand coasting over the curve of his pectorals, relaxed muscles of his stomach, and, tentatively, the tops of his hip bones.
Glancing back at Yosuke’s face, Narukami smiled slightly at the almost awe-struck glint in his eyes as he drank in the wildcard’s toned physique, making the taller man’s blood zip slightly. So, he went ahead and continued the game.
Tracing a finger over Yosuke’s collarbone, pulling away slightly when he jumped, but when he did little else but eye his hand, he returned to following the bone back to his friend’s shoulder to slide his hand down his arm, letting the cold water trickle over his fingers in more of a rush than him. Then, he lifted his hand back to the brunette’s chest to start another lazy trail down his sternum and over his stomach the same way he had with him. “You’re very handsome, y’know.” He noted, watching that rosey dusting on Yosuke’s tanned face darken once more as he stuttered out, “U-um, thank you. Y-y-you’re not that bad yourself.” His blush darkened when Narukami chuckled lightly at the compliment.
He would’ve leaned in to kiss the man as well, but remembered the rule he’d set, so he refrained. Instead sliding his fingers over the man’s belly and down to the waistband of his swim trunks. Tugging them down and wrapping his fingers around the brunette’s length to stroke him slowly, inwardly grinning when he felt his old friend shiver under his touch.
“H-holy shit…” was the only thing Yosuke offered, so, Narukami kept moving his hand up and down his stiffening length. Letting the brunette grip his hips, taking his own time to tentatively push down the taller man’s swim trunks to toy with Narukami’s member in return. Earning a shudder from the silver-haired wildcard in the same way he’d reacted to the thrill in his blood. That contrast of his warm skin and the cool water trickling off of his skin heightening the excitement of their setting to kindle a small fire in the man’s belly.
Yet, despite the small voice in his head whispering skip the appetizer. Before we’re caught. Yu Narukami kept a hold of his impulses. Letting out a slow breath and letting the cold shower water draw out a small shiver as he continued toying with the brunette’s now-erect dick until Yosuke cracked, letting slip a soft moan. “sorry…” He instantly panted, his cheeks managing to somehow turn a redder color as his brown eyes locked onto the tiled floor of their small beach shower. “For what?” Narukami chuckled, tightening his grip on his partner’s cock to increase the friction each slow pump of his hand sent through the man. “I kind of hope my partners enjoy my touch. No matter their gender.” He pointed out, Yosuke not bothering to respond, just keeping his eyes glued to the tiles with a hand over his mouth to muffle the small moans the taller man’s slow movements earned bit by bit.
Though, he did finally swallow down the embarrassment and finally remember how his fingers were wrapped loosely around the wildcard’s semi-soft, twitching member. Hesitating a moment longer before returning to slowly stroking Narukami’s dick. This time, though, with more confidence, and a slightly tighter hold that earned a quiet moan of relief. Which, thankfully, seemed to encourage the man, instead of making him recoil or call off their ‘experiment’.
Not that Narukami would’ve been surprised. A few times in their high school years, Yosuke had asked to ‘try things out’ with the taller man, only to chicken out at the last second. So, when his soft noises of pleasure didn’t discourage him, the wildcard was happy to let out a few more to keep the friction going. Thankful for the cold water running down his back, as it kept him grounded enough to keep a handle on his volume and horny thoughts, as well as hid their lewd noises with the rhythmic patter of the water hitting the tile floor.
A fact that came in especially handy when the wildcard finally sped his own motions up. Making the brunette’s noises trickle out more often. Bitten back and hissed out while he tried to match the wildcard’s pace with a thin film over those pools of autumnal warmth that had Narukami’s own stomach twisting. Each change in speed or grip was mirrored, making the silver-haired man smile and moan more each time the coil in his stomach grew tighter.
The breathless panting and glint of lust shining in those amber pools, and the wildcard’s own hums and sighs of pleasure mixing and stoking the flames in their bellies further, and further. Warming their blood until it finally seemed to boil. Accompanied by a series of hisses and muttered curses as the boys tried not to fall under the onslaught of pleasurable buzz.
Taking a moment after to simply let the cold rainfall of the shower head soothe the burst of warmth and drag Narukami back to earth before Yosuke panted, “This...doesn’t mean anything, right?” with that same tinge of red to his face as before, his warm brown eyes once again locked onto the tile floor rather than the taller man in front of him, “I mean, it means something, but it doesn’t have to mean anything at the same time. If you catch my drift,” he assured, the brunette just huffing and shoving him against the wall so he could get out to dry off and get dressed. Narukami simply laughed as he followed after him, but let him go off on his own once they were dressed again.
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dausy · 2 years
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Ive posted this to IG and twitter before. Again, art for just fillers sake. Kinda an art vs artist version 2022 but not all of these were done this year.
I mentioned on IG that this year started off really rough. We got hit at the same time with both my husbands dad passing away and our cat at the same time. It was a rough January. I then lost both grandmothers. We did do some cool things. Disney at easter time was a lot of fun. We did the new ratatouille ride, husband got to do Rise of the Resistance for the first time but unfortunately the new GotG ride wasnt open yet. I also got to see my first ever Cirque du Soleil show and saw Alannis Morrisette in concert. I also got really lucky with art companies sending me lots of art freebies. Its been so cool. I never thought Id ever be worthy of art freebies.
Now ofcourse we are just hanging out in our hotel. Housing said theyd hopefully have our house ready next week. Im so ready to be moved in and buy new stuff for our home. Our apartment we had a mantle over a fireplace for our tv and now I think we need to go buy a tv stand. I dont know why thats exciting but it is. I also tossed all our old shower curtains so now Im going to retheme the bathrooms 8D
Ofcourse having my art space back would be nice. Its hard to create outside a comfy spot.
As for the area..now Ive lived in the southwest before but I think my dog is missing the grass. Shes having a hard time using the bathroom with her little feet and decorative rocks. We've yet to track down a dog park just yet but shes overdue for a game of fetch.
My first impression was how huge this city was. Like I knew it was large based on population but like idk..guess I thought people would build up? Everything is like single story accross a vast flat land. Its so weird to see houses go that far back. I am so far enjoying the amenities. Alot of the neighborhoods are definitely screaming border city ghetto. Ive yet to wander into the higher class neighborhoods yet but even amongst the ghetto looking houses they have so many amentities in one place. I havent seen a super target in years and I went in one today 8D and we've gone indoor rock climbing twice so far. I got dutch bros coffee (Im never going back but Ive never been to one before!!!). And they have a disney store here! A DISNEY STORE. I THOUGHT THEY WERE ALL DEAD! They had simba/nala plushies and I put them back 8(
What Im most excited for is one of the 3 rock gyms is 5 mins from my house and free to me. The major regular gym is accross the street. The army post here is the fanciest Ive ever seen. Theres a starbucks down the street too. So honestly if I could find remote work I never need to leave post really.
Anywho I applied for a couple jobs. Im still a bit overwhelmed and its really hard to job search and fill out apps on a phone/ipad. Much easier on a desktop. And its obviously very much so like a foreign country. I have heard more Spanish here than English which is also..making..job hunting interesting.
But Im not going to worry for now.
I am going to make another tumblr post later probably about other things Ive accomplished this year but this ones long enough.
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thesmokingguns · 2 years
Step By Step Part 2
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Minors DNI 18+
warning: step bro relationship, daddy kink, spanking, anal play, fingering, humiliation, dominance, me going to hell
Read the first part if you want this to make more sense. 
Axl’s room looked like a mix of Dracula’s and King Louis’s. The opulence mixed with gothic tones gave off a look of luxury in the bachelor room, highlighting with a tone of wealth his style.
Thick velvet curtains and deep burgundy brocade chairs, candelabras in ornate silver with long sticks whose wicks flickered and danced in fire.  The bed was hand carved, large enough that you could drown in the ink pools of black silk sheets and be buried under the heavy burgundy damask patterned bedspread. It smelled of cinnamon, whisky, and hints of his cologne in the bedroom, all scents of Axl without actually giving me any sight of the man who you had displeased.
Wearing a peignoir set of delicate white lace on top flowing into a thin skirt of layered chiffon you felt out of place in the bedroom. Hands clasped in front of your stomach as you walked in, bare feet on the deep colored wood floor, careful to avoid the few you knew made that creaking sound that would surely alert him of your presence.
Thundering beats of your heart distorted your hearing as you edged closer to the bed, wondering where he was. A question you didn’t have to ponder too long because the door closed with a hard slam making you twirl around as you forgot to breathe.
Axl stood there, his eyes on you as he crossed his arms making you squirm as he didn’t advance, just stared. He must have gotten the band to leave his house, probably not too happy after Slash had come against your body. You were grateful for the time you had to shower and clean yourself up; maybe in that time Axl had calmed down from his fury.
Looking at his face you watched the way he was staring, the face he was making at you wasn’t one of a calm, cool, collected man so you could throw that out the window.
Had it been worth it? You knew it wasn’t worth it. Letting Slash come on you was a risk, if he had just kept coming in your panties and you stayed still in bed without all the moving and inviting him over Axl couldn’t be mad at you. But now you had done something that was a step closer to losing your virginity. But Axl disapproving of that was made very clear by the way he was  
“You have been a very, very, very bad girl.” Axl spoke slow and softly as he finally pushed off against the wall and closer to where you were standing, frozen by the side of  the bed. The closer he got the more worried you became.
He stopped in front of you, a hand sliding down over your face, frowning as you shrunk away from him as he dragged a finger down your cheek. He grabbed your chin in his hands, bringing your face up as he bent down to look into your eyes. He want you to know what he had to discuss was serious and that he wasn’t going to be playing games with you.
“You grew up without a dad and my father was no good replacement, so I understand that you don’t understand rules or how to follow them. But you can look at me like I’m your daddy. I’ll teach you right from wrong. And when you’re bad, daddy will have to punish you.” your stomach knotted as your relationship seemed to manage to get just that much more complicated. “Do you think you’ve been a bad girl?” you swallowed hard
Part of you wanted to deny, deny, deny. Lie to him and  tell him that you had been asleep and that you didn’t wake up until the guitarist was cumming on you. And then you got curious so you touched it a bit. But then you imagined what would happen when he realized you were lying to his face and that made you clam up.
“I’m…I’m sorry.” he raised an eyebrow.
“Who are you sorry to, little dove?” you blinked at him, unsure how to answer and then burned red as you came to the realization. Axl watched as your fingers picked at the front of your nightgown as your cheeks darkened in embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, daddy.” The word felt strange as it slid out but Axl was smiling, leaning forward to plant a kiss on your forehead. His fingers were in your hair as he held you against him, stroking your hair like he wasn’t mad at you anymore.
But you knew that he was planning his punishment.
Pulling away Axl looked down at you, he was moving to the ties of your robe, untying the chiffon robe and smiling as it slid off your shoulders falling to the ground around your feet in waves of pretty white fabric. You caught your lip between your teeth as he slid his hands up your arms, moving the straps to your nightgown down and letting it fall to the ground along with your robe.
Now you were in front of your step brother, who was mad at you for letting his guitarist cum in your panties, and now he was referring to himself as your daddy. It was quite the situation you found yourself in.
“What are you going to do to me?” you asked, looking up at him as you realized that you were scared.
“I’m going to keep my sweet dove pure and show you how to use this in other ways.” he was holding up the sex toy you had bought and planned to use on yourself. The blush traveled down your body and Axl smirked, gripping your hand and leading you to the bed. “But first, dove, you need to bend over because I am going to spank you.” Your eyes snapped up ready to protest but Axl was pushing you forward, kicking your legs apart as you bet over his mattress, hands in his comforter as he rubbed your ass.
A spanking. You had never in your life been spanked before. His palm came down on your ass, slapping your cheek as you jolted forward, toes curling at the sting of it. It hurt more than you expected and at the second slap you were trying to twist to make his hand miss.
“I know it hurts, little dove, but you be good and take it.” He delivered four quick slaps, stopping when you cried out to rub your aching cheeks and shhing you as the tears flowed down your face. The hand came down a couple more times and you were sobbing fully into the bedspread.
A dip in the bed made you aware Axl was joining you, pulling you over his lap as he stroked your back, ass and thighs. HIs fingers massaging and being so gentle on you as he went along. He was well aware that he was hard on you but he wanted you to be a good girl, wanted to protect you from all the bad boys that were out there  to keep you safe.
His hand dipped between your legs, swiping at your clit in soft little pushes, you whimpered out, mind off of the feeling of burning on your skin. Now you were just focused on the pleasure that he was making you feel.
“This, little dove, you cant let anyone touch until you’re ready.” he was stroking your entrance, teasing you as you tried pushing up for more. But Axl was sliding away from your hole.
“I’m ready.” you informed him, “So ready.”
“No you’re not. Your first time needs to be special, with someone that you love, someone that will take care of you.” You were ready to argue with Axlthat could be him. He could love you and take care of you but you didn't want him to stop stroking the button he was rolling in his fingers. “But right here we can use.” his thumb pressed against your asshole as you instantly tensed up.
What the fuck was he doing?
You were trying to wiggle away but his arm came down to hold your back down and keep you writhing in his lap. One of your legs fell off the bed and Axl slipped hsi legs over it, giving himself more space to play with your body.
“Right here can feel just as good. I’m going to teach you how to use your toy on yourself and get you ready so soon I can be fucking you there.” You stilled at this, face burning as you thought of your toys going there. “Tonight I’m just going to use my fingers because you’re going to be so tight, little dove and daddy doesn’t want to hurt his sweet girl.”
Reaching over you Axl pulled out a bottle of lube, he was squeezing, cool liquid sliding between your cheeks as he gently ‘shh’d’ you as you whimpered nervously. HIs middle finger toyed with your entrance as you felt yourself tighten, nervous that it was going to be painful.
“You need to calm down, I need you to trust me.” Axl was speaking to you in his soft voice, trying to make you feel safe in a situation you felt very out of place and scared in. BUt you didn’t want him to be angry with you anymore so you managed to take a deep breath, blowing out gently, “That’s my  good girl.”
His finger slid inside you a few  inches, your walls tight around him as you blinked, shimmying around a bit as you tried to adjust to the full feeling of something inside of you, even if it wasn’t in the hole that you had expected. It didn’t feel bad but it felt different, foreign and you weren't quite sure how to react to it.
Axl was sliding teh finger inside of you, moving it a bit deeper each time. His other hand started to stroke between your legs, brushing against your clit so you felt these shocks of pleasure as he toyed with your body in new ways.
“Are you okay?” he checked in and you nodded in response, mind whirling and unsure of how to process what was happening.
If you squeezed and closed your eyes you could imagine he was inside of you, his cock was hard under your body and you knew that Axl was turned on from touching you this way. His cock stiff in his leather pants as your naked body pressed against him and you helplessly let him play with you however he wanted.
Axl was in full control of you and both of you knew that.
“I’m going to add a second finger, little dove. Just stay calm because you might feel a bit uncomfortable as I stretch you.” You didn’t know what to expect as he slid out of you, the empty feeling for a second felt strange and you felt yourself clench before the pressure of a finger made you relax and then gag on air as two fingers slid into you.
“Oh my.” the two words slipped from your mouth and Axl found himself smiling at your reaction. He wished he had thought of this sooner. Wished he had prepared you for this a month ago because he wanted dto press you into the bed and slide into you, really stretching you open.
He couldn’t stop thinking about how it would look to pull out of you, drag you onto your knees so he could watch the way his cum ran out of you, down your thighs. He wanted to claim you by filling you with his cum, look into your face as you felt his cock emptying ito your body. He knew how hungry you were to be fucked and how you were so willing to do anything to learn a bit more about your body.
He had to stay focused, calm so he didn’t push you too far.
Axl wanted you to stay a virgin, not feel pressured to have sex with teh first guy who paid you attention. He wanted you to have choice and be really ready when you finally had sex. He wanted to show you all the things you could enjoy in the meantime so you knew it wasn’t a race to get there.
“Daddy.” he almost forgot to reply, his eyes drifting to you, the way you were raising your hips to drive him in deepered now, “I’m so close already.” you warned him and he smirked, your red ass taking his fingers in as you moaned on his lap.
This was how you should always be, not letting boys cum on you and use you. You were his girl and he wanted you to know that.
“Cum for me then, my little dove. Feel how good it feels when you cum and squeeze around my fingers.” you nodded your head, whimpered as his thumb pressed your clit, flicking harder as his two fingers turned in your body and you heard your toes crack.
The orgasm was strong, your eyes closed, mouth opened. Everything went black for a few seconds before you relaxed. His fingers felt tighter inside of you and you were lightheaded as he pulled them out.
Axl shifted you, letting you curl up with a pillow as he went to clean up, grabbing a towel from the bathroom he moved back to his bed, smirking as he saw you fast asleep in his bed.
You didn’t wake as he wiped you clean, taking his time as you stayed in his bed, sleepy from such a long night and your first lesson. BUt this was just the start of things. He had so much more to teach you.
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cynettic · 3 years
What about play hide and seek with Diluc, Childe, Kaeya and Zhongli with small s/o? Maybe fluffy
Summary - Playing hide and seek with Genshin characters, with the advantage of being short.
Pairings - Reader x Zhongli / Diluc / Kaeya / Childe
Warnings - None? Unless you’re still at that stage where you think kissing is gross :(
Penpal - I enjoyed this so much!!! Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoyed it :)
A/N - I used to be a pro at hide and seek- but that’s probably cause I was a tiny thing as a child. I can’t fit into half the things I used to fit into lol. And bro- why does my autocorrect keep changing ‘crunchy’ into ‘crunchyroll.’ Like that doesn’t even make sense- it feels like it’s making fun of me :(
Hide and Seek with a Small S/O
When you first mentioned it he didn’t hide his confusion.
The idea of playing a game he would play when he was younger made no sense to him, not until you revealed that you just wanted to drag him out of his desk and get him to do something else. ‘Anything’ else. Diluc was known for overworking and you swore that if he continued at this rate, you’d start to see grey hair.
“Grey hair?” He’d asked one time, hand reaching to tousle his red locks. “I wasn’t aware that working caused such side effects…” he flashed you a suspicious look, not entirely convinced. “Unless this just another one of your ploys to get me out of my office…?”
“Bingo,” you replied back with a smile, tugging at his arm. “Now cmon, come play hide and seek with me.”
And who was he to say no to his adorable s/o?
So he takes you by the arm, following along as you drag him to the centre of the manor. No one except the two of you are in the residence, maids gone for vacation, Elzer having head to Monstadt to help with the deliveries.
You tell him to count to 30.
When he covers his eyes with both hands and begins the countdown, you scurry upstairs, knowing fully well that he can hear the stairs cream underneath you. But that won’t matter.
Being small as you are, you can fit into tiny places without too much effort. So you find the bathroom cabinet, opening the doors and crawling inside. Towels and hygiene products accompany you in the darkness, and you press your knees to your chest.
You can hear Diluc slowly get up the stairs.
Actually, you can hear the soft thump of his footsteps wherever he goes. His room, your room, just until he opens the bathroom door.
You’re especially quiet as he opens the shower curtains, peeking in the tub and giving the room a quick look over. Shallow breaths as he slowly walks back to the door.
But just before he leaves the washroom, he pauses, your breaths the only audible thing as he stops. You know immediately that he found you when his footsteps walked back into the washroom, stopping right at the sink cabinets.
Oh well, he isn’t the darknight hero for nothing.
The cabinets door open slowly, the sudden light blinding you for a moment before you could focus back on the redhead in front of you. He’s crouched down, height still giving him a good head above the sink anyway. He lowers his figure to fully face you, chuckle slipping out of his lips at the sight of you huddled against the cramped area.
Without speaking, he instead reaches his hand to tug you out of the darkness of the cabinet. Hand against the small of your back as he pushes you towards him, till you were pressed against his chest. You bury your face into his shoulder, huffing in disappointment.
“What gave it away? I was being so quiet too…”
He rubbed his thumb across the skin of your back, slowly standing up with you in one hand. “I believe I’m a much greater listener than you give me credit for.” When he stands you up on both feet, you rub your eyes, still adjusting to the light.
“Alright,” you put both hands on the sink behind you, leaning back. “Your turn then? I’ll give you thirty seconds from up here, that should be enough.”
Raising an eyebrow, he quickly shakes his head. “I’m afraid my height would give me away in a matter of seconds love.” You open your mouth to disagree, there were plenty more spots- “But I won’t be heading back to work either, I do believe my rest is long due.” He laces your hand in his, soft sigh as he encases your small palm against his. It was comforting to be able to slide his fingers into yours, small enough to make him want to shield your body from everything all together. Keep you protected in his arms as your hands clenched the fabric of his jacket. “What do you say about resting bed then, together?”
A tad confused like Diluc at the start, but less stubborn when you insist on playing it with him.
He too works a lot, and if not buried in paperwork, he’s off doing missions outside or providing help to Monstadt residents. And when he’s off work, he wants to he’s still the tavern and drink till he drops, a habit he’s put to a stop for you, but still does on the certain occasion.
So when you ask, he can’t really say no. Besides, the idea does sound fun to a degree, why not give it a go?
“Make sure to find a good spot,” he whispers into your ear as the two of you walk along the bridge. “I’m afraid I’m a terribly good seeker, you don’t want the round to end too quickly do you?”
“Don’t get too cocky,” you hummed back with a grin. “You’ll end up eating your words.”
On a side note, you scare Timmie’s pigeons away and he yells at you.
You both walk to the Whispering Woods, a suggestion made by you. Settling at the start of the trail, you tell Kaeya to give you about a minute at the very least.
“And count slow,” you clarify with accusatory eyes. “No cheating.”
With a smirk, he begins to count, facing the other way as you scurry into the forest. Being as small as you are, you could easily creep into a log or bush, or climb a tree if you really wanted. So you settled with a tree, finding the highest one with the most branches and leaves to keep you cover.
It didn’t take you long to get up.
Clawing your way while using the branches as leverage, eventually hoisted your body up into one of the tallest branches. It was only then that you let yourself relax, looking down in search of Kaeya if he’d begun searching.
He checked ‘everywhere.’
Extremely detail oriented, he knew you were small enough to hide yourself in the smallest crevices. So he looked and looked, and you could only watch from your high position in the tree, giggling at his slight frustration.
It was only when he leaned against the tree that you knew he’d found you, peering up to give you a small smile.
“Oh~? And how’d you get yourself up there-?”
“I know how to climb a tree,” you stated back, rolling your eyes. “Took you so long too, thought I was gonna fall asleep.”
At his pout, you began to climb down. Branches scratching your arms as you made sure you were secure with every step you took. Nothing painful, but tedious when you were being so careful not to slip and fall.
“The woods have lots of hiding spots,” Kaeya defensively stated back, eyes tracking your movements. “Do you expect me to have checked all the trees in a matter of seconds…?”
You snickered, “Yeah. You kinda are the cavalry captain yknow.” A joke of course, Kaeya was already comfortable enough around you to reveal his insecurities and let you past his confident demeanour. He knew you didn’t expect anything from him, especially not as his title in the Favonius Knights.
But before he could retort back, your leg skimmed past one of the branches, hand grip not firm enough to keep you from falling. You were airborne for a moment before your arm hit one of the branches, pushing it away from your head as you were sent tumbling to the ground.
Kaeya cursed before quickly catching you from his position under the tree, hands catching your waist and easily pulling you to his chest bridal style. Your small figure pressed up against him, head on his shoulder as you blinked past the shock.
Letting out a relieved sigh, he gently set you down to the ground, crouching to scan your form. There were various scratches, none of them bleeding along the line of your shoulder.
His big hands still held you by the shoulders, eyes trailing along the bruise on your arm from the fall. He frowned, not hiding his disdain at the newfound injury. Gently, he cradled your arm in both his hands, brushing his thumb across the red splotch that would no doubt fade into an ugly purple and blue.
“It’s fine,” you reassured to his pensive eyes. “It’s a bruise, my fault for slipping anyways.”
He seemed unconvinced, but helped pull you up when knowing he couldn’t do anything. Not here. “Alright then, let’s get you back, Barbara will be able to patch it up in no time.” You nodded, walking alongside him down the trail. “Do you need me to carry you?”
“Ha- as if. If anyone needs to be carried, it’s you and your pride. I still can’t believe you took that long to find me.”
“My- and who said my pride took a hit from that?” But he played along with your jest, keeping one hand securely around your shoulder. “My my, such a caring individual you are. I might just take you up on that offer to carry me then.”
Bro- this guy would’ve been the one to ask ‘you.’
He probably got the idea on one of Teucer’s visits, persuading you and him to join the younger boy in a game of hide and seek. And even if it had taken the younger boy quite a bit to find both you and Childe hidden in the closet piled with clothes, it had entertained you all.
So it doesn’t come unexpected that he tugs you by the arm, gesturing to the crisp cool air of Liyue, tall imposing buildings lightened by the street lamps.
“Oh cmon Y/n, one game?”
He’d just gotten back from work, and you who’d finished your work much earlier had been waiting around for him to get back. Settling on a night walk, you weren’t surprised he proposed the idea.
“Hm? Fine, but you’re the seeker.” Your gaze slid along the buildings, small crevices and alleyways just waiting for you to sneak in. The night air coupled along with the dead silence gave you a thrill, you might actually enjoy this.
“Fine by me! I’m giving you thirty seconds.”
Scoffing, you push your shoulder against his arm. “No way, you’re give me more than that. I’m finding a good spot and I sure need more than thirty seconds in the ‘entirety’ of Liyue Port to find somewhere.”
He had no choice but to nod along, a smile forming at the idea. “I’m going to find you anyway, but sure, go and have your try at it. Let’s see how long it takes me.”
You take up the challenge, running quickly through the streets of Liyue as you attempt to find a place.
Being small, and having so many options to hide, you figured you should find someplace Childe ‘couldn’t’ get into.
Just to see the look on his face-
Luckily for you, there’s a little stretch right between buildings with a tiny cramped up space. It’s too small to call it an alleyway, but once inside it stretches up a tad bit more.
Maybe you’re claustrophobic, maybe you’re not, but you settle on going in there just for the sole purpose of mocking Childe.
By the time you’ve fully crept inside, you could only guess that he’d stopped counting. It took a while, but eventually you heard the soft sound of footsteps against gravel, crunching the rocks on its path.
When he made it to the alleyway, he peeked into the darkness, greeting you with a smirk.
“Found you.”
You found yourself smiling back sweetly at him, tilting your head to the side when you said, “Ah, well you do have to tag the hider you know. That’s how we played it with Teucer~” you put your hands up innocently, watching his eyes furrow in confusion. “Oh come on, you found me, tagging me should be the easy part.”
So Childe of course tried to squeeze in the little crevice, grunting when he couldn’t fit in at all. A scornful look of frustration crept onto his face as he tried and tried again to at least get his reach to you-
“I’m enjoying the view, but hurry it up would you? You told me you’d win in no time.”
He only grew more visibly frustrated at your comment, pulling out to try new tactics. He found he couldn’t reach you by hand, and when he used one of his water swords to try to drag you to him, you kicked it away.
“You’ll scratch me!”
“I’ll be careful I swear-“
Nevertheless, Childe soon grew discouraged after nothing worked. He contemplated teleporting in there with his hydro vision… but he didn’t want to know what would get squashed if he took the chance.
He summoned his water swords again, swinging them around in his hand menacingly as he stared down. “Well,” he drawled, watching it be your turn to give him a confusing stare. “If I can’t reach you by hand, guess I’ll just have to cut my way through.”
“Huh?! But these are buildings, you can’t just-“
“Oh yes I can. I most certainly can, and believe me when I say I ‘will.’” He paused to flash you a grin, teeth gleaming against the streetlights in contrast to the dark. He stared at you as if you were prey, sending a shiver up your spine as he assumed the role of predator. “Unless you get out.”
You really had no choice, not when it came to either that or destroying buildings for your sake. And even if he was joking, which you were sure he was, you didn’t want to risk it.
“Ugh, fine you cheater.”
“Who said threats weren’t allowed?”
You only stuck your tongue out at him, getting out of the little crevice. What you didn’t expect was for him to pick you up straight after, swinging you in his arms like you would a baby. He pressed a sly kiss to your cheek, content with the way you swung your legs to break free.
When he didn’t give in to your struggles, you simply laid back, groaning. “Archons… so persistent.”
He just pressed a kiss to your lips, carrying you all the way back home and successfully shutting you up.
He can join Diluc and Kaeya in the confusion. But 10x worse.
First of all, despite having lived for so long, he’s probably never even heard of it. Would grasp the concept quick, but he’s never heard it called as ‘Hide n Seek.’
But alas, if you want to play it, consider him in. He’s willing as long as it doesn’t endanger you in any way. And honestly? He could use a little fun and games once in a while, especially with you <3
Give him a rundown of the game a few times and you’re set. As per location wise, please do it at the Funeral Parlour.
And even if Hu Tao is there, she’d probably join in :)
On the occasion that she wasn’t, and you were leaning over Zhongli’s desk and staring down at the paperwork he was filling, it won’t be too hard to convince him.
“Please? It’s a small break from your work, I’ll even help you with it after!”
Zhongli scrutinized your face, quill in his hand on hold as he stayed pensive. “I… suppose.” He settled, looking around the room. “But are you sure you’ll be able to find such a spot here? It’s a rather small area.”
You only grinned back, “Trust me.”
And he did, closing his eyes and counting out loud like you asked him to. You trusted him not to cheat, hence why you kept the countdown at 30 seconds, and didn’t force his hands on his eyes.
And well… you were small, which really only meant one thing.
But it wasn’t your typical grand closet. No, it was filled with cabinets and little slots for paper and such. Which meant that you could fit in one of the bottom cabinets of you laid down. So being careful with the closet door so that it wasn’t audible to his ears, you laid down into the darkness, closing it up.
Waiting for Zhongli to finish counting, you slowed your breathing, waiting. He walked around the room aimlessly, and it wasn’t too long till he opened the closet doors.
You again were on the bottom shelf of a walk in closet, so he would have to kneel down to even see you.
But he did something you didn’t expect.
The closet doors shut, leaving you both in darkness.
The wood planks brushed up against your back, scratching your shirt as you stayed utterly motionless in an act to conceal your location. But in the darkness, you couldn’t see anything and were completely at the disadvantage.
You heard the floor creak beneath you, flinching when it came closer to your spot. You froze, hoping that it was just a coincidence and that he would step out of the closet soon after.
But instead you were greeted by the sensation of lips against your own.
Mind going completely and utterly blank, it took you a second to realize that Zhongli had knelt down to press a quick kiss to your lips. He hadn’t even tried to scare you or tap you to get the deed done. Instead he had taken his careful time to fluster you.
“Zhongli,” You breathed, slowly bringing the rest of your body out of the tiny space. “How- what…”
You couldn’t see him in the darkness, only feel the sensation of his hand glide across your neck to tousle your hair affectionately. He pulled you to another kiss to stop your voice, cupping your small body into his arms and pressing you against him.
“How could I resist?” He simply answered into your ear, a low growl that tremored through your body. “Hu Tao is gone, and I haven’t gotten to kiss you in forever.”
“You could’ve just asked you dolt…”
But you pressed in against him for another kiss anyways, smiling at the way his hands came to cradle your back. How he had to lean down to press his lips against yours, position almost predatory against your body.
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theunholygrails · 3 years
Foolish Games Part 2
A/N: Introducing new characters and some drama! Percy is still sexy as ever :'(.
Warnings: BJ
I woke up to a door slamming so hard it joined the symphony of my pounding headache. I groaned, hoisting myself over the back of the couch to investigate to intrusion. A brunette head of long sweeping hair rushed through the foyer, barreling towards the kitchen. A familiar mop of black hair hurried after.
Reyna was speaking so fast in Spanish my brain scrambled to keep up. I noted lots of curse words followed by a series of sentences too fast I was surprised she even knew what she was saying. Percy was answering in slow measured words, probably fighting a hangover of equal measure. I ducked behind the back of the couch, reaching for my phone plugged in on the coffee table.
It was noon. 2% battery and a couple messages from friends. Nothing from my ex thank gods. Five from Annabeth being nosey. I opened my uber app, squinting in the sunlight breaking through the cream curtains. I managed to get my driver secured.
A door slammed and I winced, peaking to check that they were in another room. I did not immediately spot my dress in the chaotic. I grimaced remembering the midnight swim. When I sat up I finally noticed the white tshirt I wore and the basketball shorts. And then I went rigid remembering what happened after the swim.
“Motherfucker,” I whispered.
Now I really had to get out of this house. I checked the arrival time of my driver. Three minutes away. Great. I made my way on shaky knees to the large wooden front door. My keys were still in the collection dish. I grabbed them quietly and turned the door handle a fraction of an inch before another door slammed open and Reyna came barreling back into the foyer, brown eyes landing promptly on my guilty ass. Behind her, Percy pursed his lips into a thin line and raised both of his hands to lay on top of his head. His biceps strained nicely against the thin t shirt.
“The fuck is this?” Reyna whispered.
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing,” I babbled.
“It’s just Noa, Rey. Gods,” Percy said.
“I can see that, Percy!” She snapped. I was glad her spear was not strapped across her back this morning. “Why is she sneaking out of my house in your clothes?”
“People were swimming last night. Her clothes got wet.”
“I’m sure the fuck they did.”
“Zeus, Rey! You ended it with me. Why does it even matter?”
“Because I still fucking love you! I’m sorry, okay?” She burst out crying and Percy instantly pulled her against his chest. The memory of being in those arms drove me out the door like a nest of hornets.
“I’m just saying. You have nothing to feel sorry for,” Annabeth paused to sip her iced coffee. “Unless they get back together and then you sleep with him. But as of right now, you’re good. Trust me. Been on the Percy train. We’re still friends. You’ll get over it. Just a harmless rebound for both of you.”
I groaned, laying my chin on the cool metal table parked outside our favorite coffee shop positioned between our New York apartments. Just two Manhattan women enjoying their Sunday afternoon. The air was cooling as fall neared. I pulled my baseball cap closer to the top of my sunglasses.
“Should I call him?”
“Maybe tomorrow. Let him deal with his relationship drama. Reyna is a lot to deal with. Still nothing from fuckface?”
“Nope and that’s fine.”
“Good for you. We will hydrate you, get you a good dinner, hit the gym before work in the morning and then get back on our bad bitch mental track. Agreed?”
“Good Monday, yogis,” I chirped from my desk at the corner of my studio.
The third class was beginning to trickle in and I was settling into my rhythm. Hot yoga was next and hopefully I would sweat out all the negativity I’d allowed lately. I was in the middle of emailing back a potential client when someone rapped at the wood of my desk. I glanced up to a blonde male who waved gently.
“Heya, sansei Noa,” he said.
“That’s karate. Can I help you?”
“Do you do trial classes?”
I hit send on my email and closed my laptop. The guy was built like a poser with the defined muscles and chiseled jaw but his voice was soft and tempered. He was clean shaven and dressed like a basic gym bro.
“Normally you have to schedule them beforehand because of class size,” I gave my standard answer.
“Right, my bad. Sorry. I was just passing by the front and it looked like the kind of place I needed right now. Can I go ahead and pick a date then?”
I was staring too long into his pale blue eyes, honed in on the polite response. A nice change from the daily demanding consumers. “You know what? Ive got space right now if you like? Have you ever done hot yoga?”
A brilliant white smile showcasing sharp canines. “My favorite.”
“Perfect. I just need a name, number and email to get you a file started.”
He leaned large hands on my desk. “It’s Luke Castellan.”
Before he could give the contact information, I cut him off. “Wait. I know you.” His tanned skin paled significantly.
“You’re supposed to be dead!” I blurted out.
His eyes skated around the room and he leaned in closer. “That’s not supposed to be public knowledge. I assume you’re a demigod?”
“Luke, you trained me. We took fucking sculpting together. The Apollo table was right next to the Hermes one for fuck’s sake.”
He winced. I heard a murmuring from the rest of my class I was disturbing with my volume. I collected my shock finally. “Take a seat if you want. We should talk after class. I need to start.”
“Okay. Thank you. I’m sorry Noa.”
I waved him off and walked over to my yoga mat. I sat cross legged and drew in an even breath to smooth out my emotions.
It was a slow 30 minute class. Each pose and movement dragged on. Finally, I dismissed the group and nodded Luke outside. He was waiting on the bench outside of the studio I split renting with a few other instructors. I sat next to him, wiping sweat from my face with the towel slung over my pink sports bra.
“Alright, talk,” I said.
“Not much to say. I was given a second chance at my hearing. Here I am. Starting over.” A shrug of well-defined shoulders. The muscles flexed beneath his gleaming sweat. His red tank top stuck to his chest and stomach. “I wish I remembered you, truly. That time is such a blur in my life.”
“It’s ok. You were a lot older than me and to be honest I had a massive crush on you so I probably hid most of the time.”
A surprised smile slipped across his lips. “I’m assuming the betrayal helped you get over that?”
I laughed outloud, slapping his knee. “No shit! So where are you staying these days?”
“Just around the corner actually. Got a job at the local gym.”
“Yeah I bet the fuck you did.” I squeezed his forearm between both of my hands. I wanted to roll my eyes at me falling back into my school girl giddy at him. Betrayal of the gods aside. He was even more gorgeous than ever. The scar down his face gave him a dark sexy vibe. Like a bad boy even though he claimed he was rehabbing himself now.
“So how, did you feel about the class?”
“I mean, I’d like to sign up for it a couple times a week, that’s for sure. And I’d like to take you out to dinner to make up for not remembering a beauty like you.”
I almost bit my cheek biting out the response of “Yes!”
“You’ve got my number,” he said, chuckling quietly. “I’ve got to get to work.” He shouldered his gym bag and excused himself.
The bike back to my apartment was spent reliving my tween fantasies about bad boy Luke. I opened my apartment door and screeched seeing a man sitting at my kitchen counter. Percy turned to face me.
“You know you live in New York? You should really lock that.”
“It was!” I snapped.
A quick grin. “Yeah. But it was easy to break into.”
I dropped my bag onto the floor and brushed past him to get a protein shake from the fridge. “I have to shower and get prepared for my night classes.” I told him.
“I know. I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier.”
I shrugged. “I didn’t either.”
He paused, studying my face in the shitty lighting of the single bulb hanging between us over the counter. “Are we good, Noa?”
“Of course. What’s a little head between friends?”
“Okay…I can’t read you. Can you not play tough just for a minute?”
I chugged the shake and set the bottle down between us. I leaned my arms on the chilled counter, bun knocking against the light. “Honestly, Percy. I’m fine. We are good.”
“Reyna moved back in.”
“You’re engaged again?”
I drank from the empty bottle to give myself something to do. He watched me with those green eyes. He’d known me for far too long. He was nearly impossible to deceive, but I was determined today. The fact that I had dreamt of fucking him two consecutive nights was irrelevant if he was off the table. Even if his lips did look incredibly juicy tonight. Even if they had done near illicit things to me just nights ago.
“I don’t know. She said she wanted to work on things. And it’s her dad’s house, so I can’t ask her to go and I don’t want to go to my mom’s and admit defeat.”
“You know you could stay here, Perc.”
He worked his jaw silently, then rubbed his hands over his face. “Thanks. I do know. Even if we aren’t officially back together, I think we should work on it…” he trailed off.
“And not tell her about you eating me out?” I leaned closer because I was mean to both him and myself. Because I knew this top combined with this angle gave him a simple opportunity. And he took it.
His tongue slid out between his lips as his eyes flicked down, stayed, then dragged deliberately back up. “Probably not,” he agreed.
For a long moment neither of us said anything. He had more to lose now than me. We were no longer on equal playing fields. So, I left the ball in his court. “I’m going to go shower.”
I was done washing in the first ten minutes. The second ten was giving him a little wiggle room to decide. I had my hand on the faucet to cut off the water that was beginning to go cold when I heard the door creak open. I watched through the fogged glass, catching a hold of my breath. I watched as he tugged his shirt off. My stomach flipped over itself when he reached for his jeans. What had I done?
The opening door let in a rush of cool air, perking my skin to attention. My eyes raked unapologetically over his naked, aroused body. His dark hair quickly slicked against his stubble covered jaw. His eyes were no longer the sea green but murky like the deep water of the ocean.
“Hey,” he said quietly, cautiously.
“Hey,” I giggled, reaching out to touch his rough jaw. He winced, catching my hand with his. “We probably shouldn’t kiss again.”
“Sure, whatever you want, Percy. What can I do to you?”
He groaned, turning his mouth into my palm, scraping teeth against the vulnerable skin. “Touch me,” he said.
My free hand instantly planted against his chest, scraping at the muscle. His eyes fluttered closed, head tilting back to expose his throat. I slid my other hand into his thick hair, tugging it tightly between my fingers and pulling to grant myself more access to the strong column of his neck. I bit it first, backing him into the tiled wall when he shuddered. I kissed over the reddening skin and moved my hands to his flat stomach, feeling the shuddered breaths beneath my touch.
“Like this?” I asked.
His reply was unintelligible. I kissed down his chest, moving my hand lower still as I went. When my fingers brushed over the v-line of his hips, I shifted my route away from the center and to his thighs. An annoyed grunt escaped his lips. “Hush,” I scolded, getting my knees under me. The now cold water was hitting the back of my neck and flowing down my body. I placed my hands on the inside of both his thighs, trailing them upwards and upwards until he nearly contorted when I gripped him. He let out a scandalous string of curses that quickly turned to moaning silence when I took him into my mouth.
He unraveled in minutes and I let him cum all over the breasts I had teased him with earlier. I rose in front of him, my own rosy cheeks mirroring his. “Now we’re even.”
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mandareeboo · 4 years
Kid Cosmic drabble prompt: Kid makes up for tricking Rosa into thinking the space ship was a castle by building a castle for her with all the stuff around his home. Also maybe someone dresses up as a princess.
The castle is made of what Papa G deems the best of his junk- dented toasters, bent bike wheels, and even a few bits of real sheet metal, mostly non-mangled. He crumples some sheet metal into makeshift points for the pillars.
“I know it’s not as cool as a metal castle in the mountains,” he admitted, rubbing his elbow sheepishly. “But it’s got a working drawbridge.”
“Pathetic,” Chuck grunted.
“Shut,” Jo replied, smacking him upside the head. Her other hand had a plastic bag. “The Princess was too naughty to receive her share tonight, but the good horsey gets proper snacks for all her great work.”
Rosa let out a happy squeal and stamped her feet- thankfully, she was in her smaller size, and not currently destroying a neighborhood. “Castle! Castle! Castle!”
“And don’t forget the Queen!” Papa G burst out of his cabin with a flourish. His spindly limbs were just barely contained beneath what looked like an old green shower curtain. One of his clones helped him down the stairs and bowed. “Ah, horsey, you’ve brought my daughter home to me. You did a great job!”
Chuck shielded his eyes. “Kill me. Just kill me. Anything is better than this.”
Jo leaned close to his ear- or, well, where his ear would be on a human. “Nah, bro. You don’t almost get us killed just to go out that easy.”
“I hate all of you.”
“Reina!” Rosa blurted out, throwing her fists out. It caught the alien in the cheek. “I brought the Princessa and went across the desert and went into a fake castle! I even grew wings and flew!”
“Amazing!” Papa G bent down and touched her shoulder with a smile. He had glitter in his beard. “Buen trabajo, Rosa.”
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cartasmojadas · 3 years
DirkJohn HS AU, confessions....part 5?
In hindsight, John should have checked in with Rose first. It doesn’t occur to him until he is out of breath pedaling up the last hill to Dirk’s house, that Dirk might not even be home. 
He stops to catch his breath under the light of the streetlamp and pats his pockets in search of his phone. 
“Are you freakin' kidding me?” he frowns and remembers he left his phone charging at his desk. 
Doubt and dread prickle his skin for a moment before John shakes his head and hops back onto his bike. It's a character trait at this point; John Egbert finishes what he starts.
He walks the last two blocks and hopes that the cold spring air helps calm him down and maybe will cool him off enough that he doesn’t show up covered in sweat. 
When he arrives at the Strider-Lalonde home, John recognizes the family car but not the second one in the driveway-- he wonders if maybe he's show up at a bad time and if he'll end up making a mess of his confession in front of guests.
But as John approaches the lit window, he can see Mr.Vantas is sitting on the couch doing what looks like grading while Dave is sprawled out next to him with his head on his lap. 
John bites down on his lip and quietly changes his course from the front door to the side of the house. He already feels nervous and would rather avoid the awkwardness of running into his teachers being all lovey. 
As soon as John sees the soft orange light coming through Dirk’s window, his stomach flips and flops. 
He takes a deep breath and taps on the window. None of this feels familiar. Even though Dirk has climbed through Dirk’s window many times, John has always felt most comfortable walking through the front door. 
His stomach is in knots as he stands at the window in search of movement. 
 John’s hand shakes as he taps again. Three slow taps and then five quick taps to follow. 
He hopes Dirk remembers their old hideout code. 
The stillness continues. 
John is ready to accept that the universe has sent him countless warnings against John’s current course of action when he sees a shadow move quickly behind the curtain. 
A moment later Dirk has pulled back the fabric and stares at John with surprise. 
Dirk’s hair is wet, like he just got out of the shower, and his exposed face looks young and nervous. 
As ridiculous as it is to admit it to himself, John feels an overwhelming sense of confidence surge from deep within his chest as he makes eye contact with Dirk.
There is no doubt in John’s mind that the honey colored eyes watching him are filled with the same hodgepodge of feelings he has for Dirk. 
“Where the hell have you been?” John bursts as soon as Dirk slides the window open. 
Dirk blinks, “I was getting ready for bed?” 
“And you came to the window exposed and opened the window to someone who could have been a murder? Those are some unsafe practices, bro.”
Some of the tension in Dirk’s shoulders drops and he rolls his eyes.
“Whatever. Let me open the front door-- .”
“No!” John insists. “I am going to climb in.”
John shrugs, “I know you like the drama?”
Dirk’s cheeks burn bright red. He tries to hide his face from John who can only blush along with him.
The screen pops off with a quick snap and John grins at Dirk while he motions for him to step back. 
The last time John tried to climb through this window he was in 6th grade during a game of hide and seek that came to a quick end when Dirk discovered John stuck on the window sill. 
But one of John’s best events in Track and Field is hurdling.
It’s too wide of a hurdle for John to cover but he is able to push himself up and fall into the bedroom head first. 
“Jesus christ, you have about as much grade as Vantas after a glass of wine,” Dirk offers his hand to John who takes it. 
He hopes Dirk won’t notice how clammy his hands are and tugs Dirk down to sit on the floor with him. 
Dirk hesitates and tries to pull back but John holds his hand firmly and tugs on him again. 
Once they are both on the floor, facing each other with their legs crossed the same way they have always done, they take turns clearing their throats before Dirk finally speaks. 
“So, is there a reason you needed to come climb into my room a quarter ‘till midnight? On a school night?”
John hasn’t let go of Dirk’s hand even though it feels like it is searing his skin. 
“I have your oranges.”
“You were supposed to visit my island today and trade oranges for peaches.”
Dirk frowns and tries to pull his hand back. John tightens his grip.
“Are you talking about animal crossing?”
John nods. “It’s Wednesday. You always come over on Wednesday. I left my gate open all afternoon.”
Dirk drops his gaze and lets his hand go lips. 
John doesn’t miss Dirk’s shaky breathing. 
“Dirk, have you been avoiding me?” John asks the question softly-- he already knows the answer.
“I’ve been busy, dude.” Dirk can barely mask his lack of confidence. 
John hums, “So me coming out didn’t make you uncomfortable?”
Dirk’s eyes lock back onto John.
He can already sense a lecture from Dirk coming up. 
“No, wait--” John drops the hand he is holding and brings his hands up to hold Dirk’s face. 
Dirk takes in a sharp breath on contact. 
John’s stomach flips again. 
“Dirk. I like you. A lot.”
Something like a whimper gurgles in the back of Dirk’s throat. 
“I thought I was being pretty obvious about it with all of the making out and uh, some of the other stuff we’ve done,” John sputters and has to look away for a second.
“And if you like me too, I would really like to take you to prom.”
Dirk pushes John back and scrambles across the room. 
“Don’t!” John winces at his own volume, “Don’t, please. Fuck, Dirk-- talk to me?”
Dirk runs a hand through his hair with desperation. 
“This is a bad idea, Egbert. Really bad.”
“You’re my best friend.”
“So what, you’re my best friend too.”
“You’re confused.”
“Not anymore.”
Dirk shakes his head.
“Do-- Do you not like me back?”
Dirk freezes and his eyes become comically wide. 
“Dirk, I like you. I like-like you.”
John slowly scotts his way across the floor toward Dirk. 
Once he’s within reach, John takes Dirk’s hands. 
“You’re being reckless,” Dirk says.
“Dirk, bro, I think this is probably the most calculated decision I have ever made in my almost 17 years of life.”
Dirk huffs, “I already told Jane I would be her date to prom.”
John groans. He knows what Dirk is trying to do. 
“Okay, then let me be fucking clear--”
John finds sudden firmness and clarity in his voice. He can almost feel the shiver that runs down Dirk’s spine. 
“Dirk Strider,” John swallows hard, “Will you be my boyfriend? And maybe drop my sister as your date and take me instead?”
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katiea03 · 4 years
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❣︎Moving In With The Haikyuu Guys❣︎
❣︎Warnings❣︎: None other then a tiny bit of spice 🤏🏽
❣︎Genre❣︎: Fluff
❣︎Featuring❣︎: Tanaka,Nishinoya,Akaashi,Kenma, and Ushijima
❣︎A/N❣︎: I really like this idea a lottttttt. I decoded to add a random drabble for when you guys are moved in too. It’d be pretty cool if you gusy sent request so send awayyyyyy. Anywhoo Enjoy :)
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Moving in with this man will be just as chaotic as him.
You guys had spent a long time looking at apartments because you guys wanted to be sure it was perfect.
So when you guys finally get the keys, Tanaka will be carrying you bridal style through the door and speeds around the place.
“Can’t babe, we gotta practice for later!”
He continues to speed around the apartment finally stopping in the kitchen.
He places you on the counter and looks at you with the widest smile
“This is it baby, just you and me.”
He gives you the sweetest kiss before throwing off his shirt off
“Let’s do this!”
If it was up to him, he wouldn’t of had you lift anything but you insisted on helping
But that doesn’t mean he’s gonna let you lift anything too heavy.
By the end of the day, you guys have successfully moved in all the boxes and the very few pieces of furniture you guys did own.
But you guys forgot to buy food… so ordering in it is.
I could easily imagine the two of you pigging out on Chinese food on the floor as you imagine how you two are gonna decorate the place.
You both were exhausted so after sharing a quick shower, you both passed out on the mattress the two of you had set up on the floor.
Tanaka held you extra tight that night, knowing every night would be as amazing as this one.
Random Scenario
You were enjoying a little alone time just scrolling through your phone while you waited for Tanaka to come home from the corner store. All you wanted was a bag of chips, so you were starting to get concerned seeing as he still wasn’t back yet. You knew something was wrong. You hear the door slam and you sit up.“What did you do Ryu?”
He comes from the hallway with a cage.
“Okay babe hear me out!”
“What is that?!” You stand up and walk up to him
“It’s a hamster.” You stare down at the cage with the tiny dwarf hamster as its little beady eyes blinked up at you. Shit its cute.
“I got the cage and food and everything she needs.”
Your lips turned into a pout “It’s a she?”
“Yup!” Dammit! You’re supposed to be mad.
“How much did all this cost?” You almost don’t wanna know.
“Don’t worry about it.” Tanaka places the cage on the counter and reaches into a plastic bag.
“Oh- and I got your chips.”
You were probably gonna strangle him… but he’ll live.
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Moving in with Noya… is an experience and a half
And probably the most unorganized if we’re being honest.
This man didn’t label any of his boxes and kinda just threw everything together.
He also has a lot of stuff.
He’s traveled a lot so he has a bunch of knick knacks.
You guys walk into your small but homey apartment and he sighs
He looks back and forth between the kitchen and living area.
“Man the sex is gonna be GREAT!” You smack his chest hard.
“We have neighbors!”
“Oh yea!”
Will your neighbors hate you guys, probably.
Noya has music blasting as you move in all your stuff and it isn’t until after dark you guys get everything.
You close and lock the front door and wipe your forehead.
Noya walks into the middle of the living room and starts taking off his shirt
“Yu what are you doing?”
He continues to remove his clothes until he is stripped down to his boxers
“We have to set some rules in this house! Rule number one, no clothes allowed!”
He goes to remove the last piece of clothing but you run and stop him.
“STOP We don't have curtains!”
Does the night end with you guys “breaking in” the new apartment
Yes, yes it does 😉
Random Scenario
Living with Nishinoya taught you a lot. And you guys definitely learned a lot about each other. One thing is that he loves spa days. You guys have made it a tradition to have a relaxing day together full of face masks and long soaks in the tub every Sunday. He loves it when you tie his hair up with a scrunchie as you paint his face with clay masks. He surprised you one Sunday with matching bathrobes with your initials on it. You excitedly changed into it and followed the same ritual as always. You guys had gotten new bath bombs and best believe the man was excited. He always lets you get in first and he slides in behind you. You place the bath bomb in and lean against him as you close your eyes. He rubs his hands up and down your body as he lays soft kisses on your shoulders.
“You know I love you right.” He softly kisses the nape of your neck.
“Mmhmm I know. I love you too” You turn and caress his cheek.
“I could fall asleep like this.”
“Me too.” You get comfortable laying against his chest and try your best not to drift off in his arms.
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Akaashi would be the most organized when it comes to moving. Everything is placed away neatly in boxes and of course labeled (With his label maker of course).
He would never use garbage bags to pack stuff
He would have everything separated based on category.
For sure the thing that would take the longest would be his books.
This man has a mini library I swear
So best believe it would probably take a day to organize his books the way he likes.
“Oh my god why are these books so heavy.”
“Cause they are all hardcover”
He takes the boxes from you and you quickly realize that a lot of his stuff is his books
Of course you guys are lacking furniture for a while but that’s partially because you guys have a hard time deciding what pieces you should get.
Akaashi needed an office for sure with his job.
You would surprise him with a really nice bookcase, cause there is no way his old one would work here.
Random Scenario
Akaashi is a really hard worker, and though he is not exactly where he wants to be in his career, he still gives it his all. It is a pretty demanding job, so there have been many sleepless nights for him. He usually falls asleep a lot at his desk. Tonight was another one of those nights. You wake up in the middle of the night to see his side of the bed untouched. You sleepily climb out of bed and walk straight to his office. You slowly creek open the door.
“Keiji, are you awake?” You get no response. You walk further into the room to see him slumped over his desk with his glasses hanging off his face. You push the strands of hair away from his face and gently shake him awake. His eyes flutter open and he quickly shoots up in his chair.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep here.” He rubs the sleep from his eyes and sits up cracking his back.
“It’s okay, just come to bed. Your work will be here in the morning,” You take his hand and walk back to the room with him. He quickly slides back into bed and forces himself to keep his eyes open until you’re in bed with him. As soon as you are under the covers he knocks out. You softly brush your hand over his face before falling back asleep yourself.
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Kenma isn’t exactly the easiest person to move in with. Not because of anything bad, but because this man just hates the essence of moving.
Packing up all your stuff to move it and to take it all out again
It really sucks
And it honestly kind of stresses him out.
Especially with his gaming setup. He was sure to pack all his equipment as best he could.
And during the moving process he didn’t have the time to stream so that kinda bothered him too.
But because of all the stress, he is that much more grateful when you guys have finished moving in.
With your help, he managed to put a temporary set up with his chair so he could finally stream again.
When it comes to decorating, he doesn’t really care. If you like it, he likes it.
Probably would ban Kuroo from coming over.
“Kozu, Kuroo is asking to hang out.”
“Tell him no”. He continues to focus on his game.
“Why not? You haven’t seen him in a while.”
“And I would like to keep it that way.”
You wrap your arms over his shoulder and kiss his cheek.
“Well I already invited him for dinner.”
You knew he secretly wanted to see him, he just had a weird way of showing it
And in the end, you three had a great night together.
Random Scenario
You are about to throw the switch at the television as Kenma won another round of Super Smash Bros. He sits back on the couch with a smug grin on his face and you kick him lightly.
“Again! I’m gonna beat you at least once!” You sit at the end of the couch leaning forward as you start the round for the twentieth time tonight.
“ You know, it gets kinda boring winning all the time.” He yawns.
“Oh shut up, I’m gonna win this time!”
“If you say so.”
You are practically slamming your hands against the buttons and it is doing nothing in your favor.
Kenma laughs out loud as your health bar goes down quickly. You quickly retaliate with the same kick over and over, blocking him into a corner. You scream as you get a lead on him and slowly take down his health.
“Stop using the same moves.” Kenma sits forward a bit annoyed as it is actually working.
“Don’t be salty now”
It becomes an intense match but you ultimately lose. You throw yourself over Kenma’s lap as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“It’s not fair!” You whine out as he lays his hands comfortably on your waist.
“You tried your best” He teased as you leaned in to give him a quick kiss. You lean back with a pout and get off his lap.
“What?” He stands up and reaches for you but you go running down the hall.
“You want a kiss, you’re gonna have to catch me!” Kenma questions whether or not he should take part in your juvenile game but it doesn’t take much convincing as runs after you.
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Moving in with Ushy Gushyyyyyyyyy😩 (I’m sorrry)
Moving in with Ushijima is surprisingly pretty easy
But the one condition was that you had to get house plants
And a lot of them!
But that’s okay, cause they are all your plant babies
(He names them all)
You guys also needed a balcony, it didn’t have to be a big one, but enough to have some plants outside as well as at least 2 chairs.
The apartment was perfect for you both. Plenty of space for both you and him along with all your babies.
Moving all your stuff was really easy and Ushijima didn’t let you lift a finger.
“Toshi can I please do something! There are so many boxes.”
“I told you sweetheart I got it.”
You crossed your arms as you pouted.
But you gotta say, for doing all the moving by himself, he got it done really quick.
And it was a nice view if you know what I mean 😏
Man rolled up his sleeves and mmmmhmmm
The plants were last and you both took your time placing them around the house.
Did you have any furniture
But you have plants so you’ll be fine
Random Scenario
Your mornings started way earlier ever since you moved in. Him being an early riser stuck with you too. You climb out of bed wearing a big T-shirt of his and find Ushijima sitting shirtless with two cups of hot tea on the balcony. You open the sliding door and he turns around.
“Good morning darling.” You lean over and kiss his forehead.
“Morning Toshi.” You sit in your respective seat and he passes you the hot mug,
The sun is slowly rising as you both peacefully sip your tea. You lay your legs over his lap and his calloused hands run up and down your bare legs.
“Have you already watered the plants?”
“Yea, right before you got up.”
You mumble a response and continue looking out towards the sunrise. You listened as he softly went over his plans for the day; he was going to be super busy with practice. But that didn’t matter. In this moment it was just you and him and all your plant babies.
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sincerelybubbles · 4 years
A Long Time Waiting || Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: cursing, drinking, NSFW mentions (not much lmao), and pure fluff
Summary: You and Bakugou know each other better then anyone else. But will a close friendship become more with time? 
5.8k words of fluff :))
  You were definitely not panicking. Why would you be panicking? There was absolutely nothing to be panicking about. It’s not like you should care that the entire Yuuei academy seemed to be gathered in front of the stage waiting for you and your friends to step out. It’s not like you had heard them talking about how excited they were to see if you guys would mess up. When you guys would mess up.
This was ridiculous, you were training to be a pro hero. People would be watching and judging you for far more important things then dancing, for the rest of your life. You shouldn’t be so concerned about stepping on stage. 
But, to think of it, this was so different then hero work. When you were training or helping in your internship, you had a mask on. People didn’t know your actual name or face; they only knew your costume and hero alias. This was different. Everyone out there knew your name and what you looked like and who you were. And they were waiting for you to mess up. They wanted you to mess up. 
Although, since the sports festival, the people knew who you were already and had seen your face. Plus, people hated on heroes constantly and villains were waiting for you to mess up, so this wasn’t-
Your racing thoughts were stopped immediately with a hand placed roughly on your shoulder. 
“Nervous?” A gruff voice spoke in your ear, and you jumped to see Bakugou leaning down, lips almost pressed to the side of your head so that you could hear him over the noise. You shook your head ‘no’ violently in a blatant lie. Anyone could tell you were nervous by the way you were wringing your hands in front of you, droplets of water leaking and creating a puddle down at your feet as you lost control of your quirk. “Good, because you have no reason to be. We’re going to kill them.” 
You felt your eyes widen at his large smile, cheeks flushing. 
“Did you just say ‘we’ Bakugou-kun?” You felt an arm slip around your waist and recognized it immediately as Mina, already able to picture the goofy smile on her face at Bakugou’s acceptance of your class. “Seems like you’re finally warming up to us!”
“No! Of course not, I said I’m going to kill them, get your hearing checked, dumbass.” You watched as Bakugou clashed his teeth together, almost growling at Mina. 
“We shouldn’t kill anyone.” You piped up, a small, nervous smile finding its’ way on your face. “That would be bad, the rest of the school hates us enough without any murder charges.”
“You know what I meant.” Bakugou mumbled, shifting his weight and adjusting his hand so that his arm was resting on your shoulder as he reached forward to close the curtain you were looking out of. “We should get into our places.” He told the two of you before turning around and yelling at everyone to “get their shit together.”
Mina squeezed her arm around your waist, brining your attention back to her. You returned her concerned look with a wide smile, “He was right though, in his own way. You have nothing to be nervous about. We’re going to kill it.” You nodded, letting her words sink in before taking a deep breath and going to your place. 
“Good, but make sure you aren’t hitting it at an angle, you’ll end up bruising your pinky.” You nodded at Kirishima’s directions, bouncing on the balls of your feet a few times before landing another punch on the heavy bag in front of you. At his nod, you landed two more in succession. 
“Hey, Shitty Hair, I need your- Y/N?” Bakugou’s voice almost made you fall as you faltered in the middle of your swing, catching yourself on the punching bag in front of you.
“Hi Bakugou-kun!” You smiled at the blond, wiping the sweat from your brow and straightening your posture under his questioning eyes. 
“What’s up, bro?” Kirishima asked Bakugou, coming out from holding the bag for you and mimicking your smile. At Bakugou’s confused expression Kirishima nudged you, “I was just helping Y/N train some, want to join us?”
“How are you able to help her?” Bakugou spit at Kirishima and you rubbed the back of your neck, looking at the ground sheepishly. 
“Well, Sensei says I rely too heavily on my kicks because my legs are stronger than my arms, so Kirishima-kun was helping me learn to punch a bit better.” You lifted your head to meet Bakugou’s eyes, only to find them snapping suddenly to you, obviously attempting to not be caught staring at something else. 
“You don’t want this idiot helping you, he doesn’t even punch right.” Bakugou’s tone was harsh, but you could sense a hint of a teasing nature in the way he crossed his arms over his chest, sending a glare to Kirishima that was less violent then his usual one. 
“Okay Bakugou-kun, show us what you’ve got if you’re so much better.” Kirishima’s tone, on the other hand, was obviously playful as he side-stepped out of the way of the punching bag, holding his hands out in a motion to the equipment. “We were working on her technique rather than strength right now.”
Bakugou let out a sound somewhere between and scoff and a groan but lifted one of his arms in a gesture toward you anyway, “Show me what you’ve got.” 
You turned back to the bag, a slight blush covering your cheeks as you did so, settling into your stance. 
“Don’t stand like that.” Bakugou huffed, uncrossing his arms before walking over and tugging at your arm. “If you do, everyone’ll know where you’re going to punch. Keep your muscles tense without looking like a dumbass.” As he talked, Bakugou moved your arms to rest closer together and kicked at your legs slightly so that you looked less tense. “Keep your arms like this so that you won’t get hit in the chest or stomach.”
You threw a punch after a second, realizing that Bakugou was done talking and had stepped back. You hit the bag with more force then you intended, making the stand it was settled on rock slightly. Kirishima moved quickly to steady the bag, resuming his earlier position of holding it. 
“Showing off, are we?” He asked, poking his head from around the bag and sending you his signature smile, pointed teeth on full display. You blushed but covered it with an overly sarcastic laugh. 
“Ha ha” You rolled your eyes before turning to Bakugou, “How was that?”
His eyes widened at your sudden attention before he cleared his throat and stepped back up to give you more direction. 
The three of you trained for another hour before you decided it was enough and you wanted to shower. You gave the pair your thanks, planning to meet up the next day after school to do more training. 
You had barely shut the door behind you before you heard Kirishima break out in a laugh. “You couldn’t have been more obvious!” You heard him say gleefully. “Your eyes were practically glued to her legs!” Kirishima was laughing quite loudly, his voice echoing down the hall despite the closed doors. 
You hurried to make your way down the hall and toward the bathroom, the sound of Bakugou’s denies growing faint as you shut the door behind you, leaning against it and letting out a shaky breath. 
Bakugou wasn’t staring at your legs, was he? It was probably just because you said something about Sensei calling them strong. Why did you have to say that? You probably just embarrassed yourself. 
You felt your cheeks warming and so you pressed your hands against them, activating your quirk to splash water to cool them down. 
“Y/N!” You stopped the steady flow of water that you were manipulating in the air in front of you to look down at Mr. Aizawa to see him motioning for you to come to him. You made your way toward him on a small platform of water, trying your best to not get anyone around you wet. 
“Yes sir?” You asked, sending him a curious look once you noticed Bakugou standing behind him, arms crossed and not meeting your eyes. 
“Take Bakugou to see Recovery Girl, please.” The tired man asked you, earning a nod in response. 
“I don’t need to see that old lady. What I need is to continue training.” Bakugou huffed, uncrossing his arms and clenching his fists by his side. You could make out a trickle of blood dripping down and to the floor. 
You reached forward to grab his arm and noticed a gash on the underside of it. Bakugou seemed too startled to do anything as you examined it. “It’s not that bad.” You looked up at Aizawa, “Why can’t we just bandage him up?” 
Your teacher shook his head, “Kirishima hit the concrete and Bakugou didn’t move fast enough. I’m worried about his head because it took most of the blow. Please make sure he gets there.” You nodded at your teacher. 
“‘M fine.” Bakugou mumbled as you led him from the gym, loosely holding his wrist to ensure he followed you. 
“We gotta make sure though. Here.” You pulled him to a stop before drawing water particles from the air surrounding you, gently rinsing the blood from his arm. You sent him a smile before circling his wrist in your hand once again, and beginning to walk down the hall. 
You jumped slightly when you noticed Bakugou twisting his arm away. You turned to look at him, a scowl making its’ way onto your face before you felt him grab your hand.
“It’s weird to have you grabbing my wrist like that.” Bakugou complained. You chose to ignore the slight blush covering both of your faces as you continued to walk to the nurses’ station together. 
You had not intended to get drunk tonight. Tipsy maybe but definitely not drunk. It was your last day at Yuuei and you wanted to remember it. The graduation ceremony was beautiful, and you managed not to cry as you walked across the stage. You did it, you were going to be a pro hero. So, as you entered the after party that you and your classmates had planned, you took a shot to celebrate.
And then took another because it was handed to you and you didn’t want to be rude. After that drinks were plentiful, and you ended up drunk. To be fair, most of your classmates also seemed to be in varying levels of drunk themselves.
Uraraka and Mina were dancing in the middle of the room, giggly and tripping over their feet. Kirishima was asleep on the floor under one of the tables, an empty wine bottle clutched to his chest. Midoriya was in the corner, crying and clutching his shoes to his chest in a tight hug, mumbling something under his breath as his fingers fiddled with the laces.
You were sitting in one of the chairs, dreading the walk back to your place. Everyone had moved out of the dorms a week ago and your place was a twenty minute walk away – manageable sober, but to your drunk mind twenty minutes felt like a lifetime and you really didn’t want to put back on your uncomfortable shoes that had already left blisters on your feet.
You watched, giggling to yourself, as Tokoyami and Sero played some sort of drinking game that you had never heard of before.
“Jeez, idiot, how much did you have to drink?” You turned your head too fast at the sound of a chair pulling up next to yours, leaving your vision spotted for a moment before your gaze focused on Bakugou. A promise you made to yourself forever ago weighed heavily in your heart, making yourself turn away from him.
You told yourself that you would never be the stupid girl with a crush in high school who couldn’t build up the courage to tell him that she liked them. It was dumb, something out of a stupid shojo anime, you wanted to be a hero for fucks sake. And yet, despite the promise you made yourself, you had fallen for Bakugou. Hard. And had yet to tell him.
He was always there. He helped you train, studied with you, and cared for you when you were sick or hurt. Granted, he pushed you to your limits while you trained, was a slightly impatient tutor, and endlessly called you stupid or a dumbass when you got sick or hurt, not to mention it was hardly ever you two alone. And yet, you could see beneath it all. He didn’t ever tell you anything outright, just lead you to conclusions you knew were true. And it was through this backwards way that you came to think that you knew more about him then yourself.
It was the extra servings he saved for you when he cooked; it was knowing what movies or shows you would like before you had even heard of them; it was the insistence that only he help you while you were hurt; it was the flowers he gave you earlier without a word that were now sitting your lap. Bakugou never outright said it, but you had a strong sense that he felt the same as you.
It was also knowing that, while he retired to bed early, he would stay up with little complaint if you asked to watch a movie; it was knowing that he insisted to hate sweets, but was always snagging yours whenever you baked them; it was knowing that he hated pickles and would eat anything if it was spicy. You also knew that when he was nervous he clenched his fists to build up sweat and when he was happy he grew louder. Teasing without obvious hatred was his way of accepting people. And, when he would let you, he really liked receiving your hugs, always lifting you a bit in the air on the rare occasion that there was a reason to hug, 
Despite knowing that, despite feeling that you both knew each other so well and knowing you two clicked in some undeniable way, you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. What if you thought wrong? He could just be trying to be a good friend. Or, more likely, you would tell him, and he would insist otherwise, despite both of you knowing the truth. And it would ruin everything.
Tears prickled at the corner of your eyes as the thought of never seeing him again after tonight entered your mind. You two would have nothing holding you together anymore. You were joining Edgeshot’s agency starting Monday and Bakugou was already in the process of starting his own. Of course he was, it was you who insisted he had the talent and that he should.
A warm tear slipped down your cheek. School held you two together and now that was over. And it was over for everyone in this room. Everyone was heading in so many directions that you couldn’t even remember them all. You silently thanked yourself for deciding to move in with Mina, before realizing that you were drunk crying over something stupid and lifting a hand to quickly wipe the tear away.
“Woah, hey.” Bakugou caught your wrist in one hand, lifting his other to cup your cheek and turn you to face him again. “What’re you crying for, dumbass, it’s a party. Only losers cry at parties and I can’t be seen with a loser.” Bakugou puffed his chest out, wiping at the tear with his thumb.
“So-orry.” You hiccupped. “I just realized that we’re probably not going to see each other anymore.” You closed your eyes, leaning your cheek into his hand slightly. You instantly blushed, realizing that he was still holding your face and that you had just nuzzled into it. Were you a fucking cat?
“Of course we’ll still see each other.” Bakugou said softly, then cleared his throat, speaking louder and dropping his hand from your face, “We live in the same building, dumbass.”
“We do?” You asked, shocked and finding it hard to focus as his hand was still holding your wrist loosely, dropped to hang in the space between the two of you. 
Bakugou laughed, a sound that you froze to just enjoy for a moment. “Pinky didn’t tell you? I live two floors above you.”
“Oh.” Your head started nodding uncontrollably, “Then that’s good! Really good.” You could tell you were slurring through your speech and cursed yourself again for drinking so much.
“Should I tell you again in the morning, so you actually remember?” Bakugou asked, obviously holding back a laugh trapped in his throat.
“Yeah. Probably. You should also walk me home.” You gave him an awkward smile, laughing nervously at yourself, “I might get lost.” You admitted.
“Don’t worry,” Bakugou turned his head to look back at the party, “I was already planning to. Dumbass.” He released your wrist only to link your fingers through his own, not meeting your eye. You smiled to yourself, looking down at your lap holding the flowers he gave you earlier, face feeling flushed.  
“Thanks, Bakugou-kun.”
You slammed the door behind you, only to not hear it shut. You turned around to see Bakugou holding it open, a shocked look on his face. 
“Really?” He snapped, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him, “You really were going to shut that in my face?” He growled, yanking his boots off of his feet. 
“Sorry, but considering you walked five feet behind me the entire walk home and said nothing, I really didn’t get the feeling that you’d want to come inside.” You returned his snappy tone with an exasperated look. “What’s up with you today?” 
“I can’t believe it had to be him.” Bakugou muttered, pushing past you and making his way into you and Mina’s kitchen. 
“Listen, I’ve had a shitty day without all of this. So, either tell me what’s got you all pissy, drop it, or leave.” You followed Bakugou, rubbing your forehead to try and alleviate the pain you had been feeling all morning. 
You had started the day with a migraine, run out of tea to drink, and were stuck doing paperwork all day for Edgeshot. Overall, you felt tense and annoyed; Bakugou’s attitude when he greeted you outside of your work to walk you home only made it worse, and you spent the entire walk home wondering why he even bothered to wait for you if he was so obviously annoyed at you. 
“You went on a date with Tokoyami?”“ Bakugou asked you suddenly after a few moments of hesitation. His back was to you as he made coffee, and his voice would have sounded steely and indifferent if it didn’t crack in the middle of Tokoyami’s name. 
“Who told you that?” You asked, brow scrunching in confusion.
“Oh, sorry, was it a secret?” Bakugou sneered, whipping around to face you, a glare fixed on his face, eyes closed off so that you couldn’t read anything behind them. “Sero mentioned it the other day. If you don’t want people knowing about your secret boyfriend you should be more careful, dumbass.”
“Bakugou.” You said, voice sounding tired as you stepped closer to him, setting your hand on his arm, feeling his muscles tense. “Our agencies are teaming up for a bit, so he treated me to lunch. What exactly did Sero tell you?”
Bakugou was quiet, fist clenching around the mug he was holding in one hand. The only sound for a moment was the water dripping in the coffee pot. 
“He said you and Tokoyami went out to lunch and he had a lot of fun.” Bakugou said, the words tumbling out of his mouth, tripping over themselves as the blond spoke quickly and softly. 
“It wasn’t a date, there were three other people there.” You reassured him as his head turned away from you in embarrassment, cheeks flushing. You dropped your hand to take the coffee cup out of his hand. Gently, you placed in on the counter before slowly looping your arms around his waist and tugging him toward you.
“What? What’re you doing?” Bakugou tensed in front of you for a moment before slowly relaxing and letting his arms fall over your shoulders and bring you tight against his chest. “I overreacted.” He admitted after a moment, drawing a laugh from you. 
You decided to drop the subject, pulling away from the hug after Bakugou tightened it and lifted you off of the floor for a moment, causing you to laugh again. 
“I’ll make you dinner, I don’t feel like letting you do it and putting out a fire.” Bakugou told you and you happily accepted, always excited to have him cook for you. 
You didn’t approach the subject of his obvious jealousy until the next afternoon as the two of you walked home in full hero uniform. 
“So, why did it bother you so much?” You asked, watching your feet with interest as you walked, not meeting his eye. 
“Don’t be vague, it’s annoying.” Bakugou complained. “Why did what bother me?”
“Sorry. Why did the idea of me going on a date bother you?” You clarified, taking a deep breath to cool your nerves, telling yourself it was ridiculous to be so afraid of his answer. This was Bakugou, there was nothing to be so nervous about. 
“It’s over, isn’t it?” Bakugou asked sharply, “Why do we have to talk about it more?”
Your heart was pounding. The apartment complex wasn’t far, and so you allowed the silence to linger as you two approached the building and climbed the stairs. You hesitated at your door step, knowing that he had night patrol and wouldn’t be able to come in, he was just walking you home on his break to keep routine. 
You don’t know why you decided now was the moment, but you did know that you were tired of this. You didn’t want to loose a friendship because the both of you were too awkward to admit your feelings to each other. 
Reaching out to stop Bakugou from walking away, you gripped his forearm, looking him dead in the eye, searching his face for some kind of answer to the words you hadn’t spoken yet. 
“I’ll wait however long I need to for you. It’s scary, but I know it’s true. So, take your time if you want, but don’t waste it being jealous. You have no competition, you never have.” You didn’t allow your words to linger, dropping his arm like it was on fire and unlocking your door as quickly as you could. You risked a glance over your shoulder as you shut the door, seeing Bakugou frozen where you left him. You shut the door gently, heart racing and palms absolutely soaked. 
You looked down at your hands and groaned. You had lost control of your quirk again, like a teenager. 
After a moment, you snuck a glance out of your peephole and saw Bakugou’s retreating figure walking slowly down the hallway, fists clenching at his sides. 
It had been three days since your confession in the hallway and Bakugou was acting weird. As in, acting like nothing had happened. He had been outside of your door the next morning at the end of his patrol, looking as tired as he typically did. He walked you to work and left without ever coming near to talking about the day before. He was there waiting for you after work again, and he continued to say nothing. 
The next two days were the same as the two of you continues your routine and you attempted to follow his lead of not mentioning anything despite the anxiety seeping into your chest, spreading with every encounter where he didn’t say anything. 
Did you read the situation wrong? Had you jumped to wrong circumstances? Did he now feel pressured? Did you seem creepy now? 
You finally broke down on the third day, crying to Mina in your shared living room. Mina had been privy to several nights of you talking about Bakugou in your second year, but you had spared her after that year despite knowing she didn’t mind. 
“No, you were definitely reading him right. Everyone has been just waiting for you two to hook up.” Mina rubbed comforting circles on your back as you cried, feeling like the world was crumbling around you. 
This is why you hadn’t confessed. You felt like you simultaneously couldn’t breathe and were being forced more air then you could handle down your throat. Obviously you had said something wrong and Bakugou was trying to deny your feelings in the kindest way possible. 
“Okay! That’s it!” Mina stood suddenly, causing you to widen your eyes and sit up to listen. “I am going to the store and getting you ice cream, movies, and another one of those small potted plants you love so much. We’re going to sit here, throw a pity party, then pull on our big girl panties and move on.” 
At Mina’s persuasive voice, you found yourself nodding, staying on the couch at her insistence that she would be back soon. 
You busied yourself by looking at your phone for a few minutes before there was a knock at our door. Assuming it was just a package, you stood and pulled the throw pillow from the couch around your shoulders, making your way to the door and unlocking it. 
You expected the delivery man holding one of the many things Mina ordered (her hair products, snack boxes, new clothes, etc.), but were instead greeted with Bakugou. 
Quickly and without thinking you slammed the door shut immediately with a squeal. 
“What the fuck?” Bakugou growled from the other side of the door, opening it a moment after it shut. “Listen here dumbass, you can’t just slam doors on people. It’s fucking rude.”
You were taken aback as Bakugou stepped inside of your apartment, kicking off the slides he was wearing and shutting the door behind him, continuing his rant. 
“You also can’t just suddenly spring feelings that you and the other person have been dancing around for years. How was I supposed to react to that? It’s fuckin’ inconsiderate, especially considering how damn adorable you looked while you did it.” Bakugou rammed a hand through his hair and glanced at you. 
Your mouth was agape and you were frozen at the sudden onslaught of information he threw at you. 
Bakugou pushed air out of his nose harshly and gestured at you, “Like, shit. Your face is all red and you’re in some stupid pajamas and you look hot as fuck. Obviously I like you, Y/N, I’d be a fool not to.” At this point, Bakugou was talking so loudly and quickly that you weren’t sure if you were being yelled at or not. Seeming to realize that, his next words were softer. “I made you wait for too long. I was being a little shitty.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that.
“What?” Bakugou demanded, fists clenching at his sides. You stepped forward and reached out to grab his arm and pried his hand open, stopping his nervous tick in action. 
“You never say sorry. You just say what you did wrong.” You glanced up shyly, noticing how close you grabbing his arm brought the two of you. “It’s cute.” You admitted quickly, “And it always feels more sincere then a short ‘sorry’.” 
Bakugou’s eyes were searching your face. At your small nod, he surged down and grabbed your face with both hands, pressing his lips on yours. You two stayed that way for a few seconds before Bakugou swept his tongue against the seam of your lips and you opened your mouth to him. 
With a groan, Bakugou kissed you harshly, hands moving from your face to grip your waist and pull you up toward him. You looped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself up as well until Bakugou pulled away, gasping for breath. 
He pressed three short kisses to your lips in rapid succession before resting his forehead against yours, eyes open and staring deep into you. You leaned forward slightly and brushed your nose against his. 
With a moan, Bakugou crashed his lips against yours again, teeth clashing in his impatience. You allowed yourself to be consumed in his mouth on yours, fingers digging into your hips and tongue exploring your mouth assuredly, for a moment before pulling away. 
“I really really like you.” You told him, staring dead in his eyes despite the blush overcoming your entire face. 
“No shit, dumbass.” Bakugou said, a smile breaking out on his face before he kissed you again, softly and slowly enough to have you melting. “I really really like you too.” He admitted, causing you to smile broadly as a blush worked it’s way to the tops of his ears. 
“Alright! It’s been twenty minutes, Bakugou- oh!” Mina pushed open the door suddenly, a smirk working its’ way onto her face at the two of you. “I knew my plan would work. Y/N, babe, I’ll spend the night with Tsu, call me in the morning.” With a wink, Mina shut the door and was gone just as suddenly as she came. 
You pressed your face into Bakugou’s chest, hearing the laughs he was attempting to contain. 
“So, we’ve got the place to ourselves tonight, huh?” Bakugou asked after a moment, causing you to gasp and lean back. 
“Don’t even think of trying anything, buddy, unless it’s cuddling while we watch a movie. I am a wholesome child.” You attempted to meet his eye with a serious face, but couldn’t hold back your large grin. 
“Yeah, okay.” Bakugou scoffed, leaning down to kiss the tip of your nose, smirking as you went cross eyed in an attempt to follow his movements, “Whatever you say.”
“So, you’re really upset, huh?” You mumbled, lifting your head from Bakugou’s chest and feeling his fingers falter as he traced random patterns against your hip.
“Was I too rough?” Bakugou asked, peering down to meet your eyes without lifting his head, somehow managing to look concerned and smug at the same time. 
“No, of course not.” You assured him, shaking your head and pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder, “You just usually talk to me some before jumping right into bed.” You smirked as your words caused Bakugou to flush. “What’s on your mind?” 
“You already know.” Bakugou groaned, moving his hand to wrap around your waist, holding you tighter to him. “Damn Deku got number one again.” You allowed the silence to linger for a minute, feeling Bakugou’s irritation come off of him in waves, handing tightening and loosening against your skin over and over. 
You reached up and rested your hand on his cheek, using your other arm to prop yourself up on his chest. “You’ll get ‘em next time babe. I promise. Plus, you’re only barely behind him.” 
Bakugou clashed his teeth together, avoiding your gaze, “I know, I just don’t want to be behind that fucking looser.”
“And, so, next time you won’t be. But, no matter what, I’m always here to support you.”  Bakugou finally met your eyes, the anger softening behind them. 
“Stop being so mushy, dumbass.” He mumbled, maneuvering off of you and sitting up. “I’m going to go start a shower,” He stood and stretched, allowing you to take a long look at the muscles lining his back, watching them flex as he rolled his shoulders before turning around to face you again and pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I’ll come get you when it’s warm.”
You nodded, watching him walk away, only to get up and follow him a few moments later. 
“Fuck!” Bakugou jumped as you wrapped your arms around his waist, “I told you I would come get you. And don’t walk so quietly, you scared the shit out of me.” Bakugou sent you a glare over his shoulder, but still lifted his arm and brought you to his side, wrapping his arm around your waist. 
“Sorry.” You said, laughing at his annoyance.
“It’s ready.” He mumbled, sending you another glare softened by the smile that you could see he was fighting. 
“Are you joining me?” You asked after standing under the warm water, receiving a smug look. 
“Can’t get enough of me today, huh?” He teased, stepping into the shower after you.
“Never.” You told him, reaching up to scrub his hair and work through some of the knots and hair gel. To your absolute astonishment, Bakugou leaned forward and nipped at your nose. “Hey!” 
“I told you to stop being so damn cheesy.” He mumbled, turning away from you to grab the shampoo. You too the opportunity to hug him, wrapping your arms around his toned torso and pressing a kiss in between his shoulder blades. 
“I love you.” You mumbled against his skin, cheeks flushed and heart racing. The shampoo bottle slipped in Bakugou’s hand, but he caught it before it could fall, setting it on the shelf before turning around in your arms, finding your cheeks with his hands and slamming his lips onto yours. 
“Say it again,” He demanded, pulling away from the kiss as suddenly as he initiated it, panting against your skin, “please.”
“I love you, Katsuki.” You told him and were rewarded with another kiss, your teeth knocking together, all tongue as Katsuki moved his hands to your waist to tug you closer to him. 
“I love you.” He whispered against your lips, grinning like a fool when you repeated it back to him again. 
Your shared shower lasted longer then intended, both of you pruned and dazed with happiness by the end of it. You decided to cook for Katsuki, allowing him to relax on the couch, still slightly grumpy from the hero rankings but in a notably better mood. 
“You really have to stop doing shit suddenly like that. It’s annoying.” Katsuki said, walking into the kitchen, talking as if you two were already in the middle of a conversation, confusing you. 
“Huh?” You asked, turning away from the soba you were cooking.
“Let me do the cute annoying romantic shit first sometimes, okay?” He asked, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms. 
“Are you upset that I said I love you first?” You asked, fighting a smile.
“I wanted to say it first. It’s fucking annoying, you told me your feelings first last time too.” Bakugou complained, throwing his head back, “So, let me do the other stuff first, okay? It’s less annoying that way.”
“Okay baby, okay.” You agreed, laughing and walking toward him, standing on your toes to kiss his nose before returning to cooking, ignoring Katsuki’s gentle complaints about you being “too fucking cute” and needing to “lay off, it’s annoying,” knowing that, behind you, he was smiling contently. 
A/N: so, i intended this to be maybe 1.5k. . . then 3k. . . and i just kept writing. so let me know what you think! sorry it’s so long, i got carried away and had to force myself to stop here, heh.
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seemslegitflapjacks · 3 years
Chapter 8; Sketchy Shit
The year had been going on for a while. I honestly can’t tell you what happened since last time, but I’m having a blast. Ever since I’ve been hanging out with Randy and the team things are turning up for me. I’m finally back where I stood at my old school. Popular. It’s dumb, I know, but, it’s just so awesome. People don’t fuck with you, you have friends in every class, and everyone knows your name.
Right now, I’m sitting in the gym. I was talking with my friends until the coach threw her keys at me.
“Woods you open up the locker rooms.” She ordered as I gave her a quick nod in return, standing up as I hopped down the bleachers to go down the hall.
Today was stormy, the rain was so loud and hard it sounded like a waterfall overhead. The sky was an angry bluish-black color, lightning lit up the sky now and again, rolls of thunder chasing after it.
I didn’t like going down to the locker rooms, because once you opened the double doors that led to the hall they were on, it was pitch black. According to Randy some kids had busted out the bulbs with a basketball and the school never bothered to fix the lights. I couldn’t see anything in front of me, the only light I had was the weird glow from the slit windows on the doors back behind me. I felt along the left wall, quickly finding the door to the girl's locker room. I messed with the keys, trying to get the one that went to the door before I stopped. hearing a noise within the locker room.
I slowly turned the key in the lock, peering my head in. The sound came from the far back of the room. I stepped in, slowly making my way through the darkroom, the bangs of thunder rumbling the building a bit. That’s when I could make out the sound, it sounded like a baby crying. My heart dropped into my stomach, I didn’t want to go any closer to where the sound was, but my feet disobeyed my head as they pulled me forward to it. It was like I wasn’t even in control. My heart was slamming against my ribcage as a sick feeling came up my throat. I stopped in the hall of the showers, pulling back the numerous curtains until my eyes trailed to the right of me.
I saw watered-down blood running off into one of the drains, the sounds of the baby now closer than ever. I tore my eyes to the curtain, the deadly curiosity getting the better of me as I pulled the curtain back.
What I saw was horrifying, I almost threw up.
On the floor of the shower was a bloody infant with its neck twisted at an unnatural angle, bloody cries of agony coming from it. Terror surged through my body as I got the fuck out of there, screaming.
I stumbled out of the hall, having dropped the keys in the showers, all eyes turning to me. The gym teacher marched over, grabbing me by the shoulders.
“Hey, hey Jeff what's going on?” She asked, trying to make me turn to face her.
I didn’t know what was going on, everything was too much, I couldn’t handle all of this shit at once. My body was shaking, It was like I was a deer in headlights.
“Woods! Get it together!” She hollered, striking me across the face, bringing me back down to Earth, albeit very painfully.
The gym went silent, the teacher sending back one of the other kids to get the keys I dropped. I felt so embarrassed, I wanted to cry and bolt. She took me to the sides and sat me down on a bench, a few guys coming past me, giving me awkward looks. I’d probably do the same after seeing a screaming kid get bitch slapped by a teacher.
I sat there for a while, trying to cope with what the fuck I just saw. It had to be me losing my shit and not taking my meds. Ghosts aren’t real, it had to just be me seeing stuff. It was probably just the way the room was set up and how some shadows fell. It was just so weird, and scary. Even if it was in the shadows, how could I have heard crying? Why did the baby look so real? All these questions were making my head hurt...
“Jeff, sweetie you ok?..” I heard a soft voice ask, looking up to see the gym teacher.
“No ma’am..” I admitted, the woman sitting down next to me with her hand on my back.
“What’d you see back there?” She asked, looking over at me.
“You’re not even gonna believe me Coach G..” I mumbled.
“Any answer’s an answer sweetheart.” She told me.
“I saw a baby..” I whispered.
“You’re gonna have to speak up a little bit sweetie.” Coach G told me, leaning in with her ear so she’d hear better.
I hesitated, before letting out a sigh, answering again, “I saw a baby, a dead one.” I told her.
Coach G went silent, I looked over, the color drained from her face completely. She was almost as white as the tennis shoes she was wearing.
“Coach G? Are you ok?” I asked, concerned.
“Nobody’s ever told you about the incident?” She asked, her motherly brown eyes becoming cold and unnerving.
‘What incident?” I returned, a bit scared.
“Well, back in 2009, there was a girl, she’d been pregnant and had her baby in one of the showers. She didn’t want it, so she snapped its neck. Not too long after she died from bleedin’ too much.” She explained, a grave expression on her face.
I sat there, my face losing its color in fear. I’d just seen the ghost corpse of some girl’s dead newborn. I felt sick to my stomach, what the absolute fuck?
After that class, I fucking dipped, to say the least. I wasn’t spending the rest of the day in school knowing full well there was some creepy shit going on. I quickly texted Keith, asking him to help me ditch, to which he thankfully agreed. I waited in the pool room, raindrops slamming onto the skylight roof above. I leaned up against the wall, staring at the water, the buzzing of the lights overhead accompanying the thunder and lightning.
I waited there for a while, closing my eyes, opening them once more, only to see a floating body inside of the pool.
I screamed again, running for the door, slamming my hands against it as I forcefully shoved it open, running outside into the unforgiving storm. I didn’t even have to wait before I saw Keith’s car pull around the corner. I ran over to sit, barely giving him time to stop as I swung the door open and got in, slamming it shut.
“Jesus Christ, what’s up with you dude? You look like you just saw a ghost.” He laughed, locking the doors as he pulled off.
“Cause I just fucking did Johnson.” I snapped, shaking.
“Hey, calm down, you’re cool now dude.” He told me, reaching over with his free hand to pat me on the shoulder.
I exhaled a large sigh, looking at the road ahead of me as Keith drove us. The windshield wipers pushing back the water now and then. The silence setting over us again, my eyes trailing to the gloomy scene outside.
All I could think about was what I saw back at school. Was Coach G trying to pull my leg? Was that body in the pool even a body? Was I just being a forgetful bitch and not taking my meds? I groaned softly, leaning my head back as my eyebrows bent downwards in frustration.
I saw Keith glance over to me in the corner of my eye, gently patting my forearm with his hand.
I felt my hand snatch him, holding his palm captive within my own. Keith was taken by surprise, but I didn't care. I was so scared, confused, and upset. My heart slowing down as he gently began to caress the top of my hand with his thumb. The two of us sitting in a nice silence for the rest of the rainy drive back.
Once we got to his house, I kicked off my shoes, greeting a few of his absolutely weird pets before I trailed upstairs into his room.
I flopped myself face-first onto his bed, breathing in the comforting scent of his room. Cigarette smoke, black coffee, and teenage boy. I grabbed the blankets, curling myself up in them as I heard Keith coming up the stairs and down the hall.
“Ma maison est ta maison?” He laughed.
“Oui.” I chuckled, Keith, launching himself on the bed, landing on top of me. “Dude get your skinny ass off me!” I laughed.
“Hmmm, no you’re a nice pillow bro.” He snickered.
“I’ll pick you up, no cap.” I threatened.
“Bet.” He smirked.
“Bet,” I repeated.
“No balls.” He poked.
“None.” I giggled.
Keith tried to shoot a reply back, but I beat him to his words. I pushed my arms up underneath him as I picked him up bridal style, standing straight up.
“Told you I could do it.” I gloated.
“How-” He spoke, confused.
“I go to the gym,” I answered.
“Roid midget.” He mumbled, yelping as I dropped him back down on the bed.
“I’m not a midget,” I whined, Keith, staring at me in the eyes, before smacking me with a nearby pillow, bringing me down onto the bed.
We lost our shit laughing, smacking one another with the pillows on his bed, Keith got me a few times in the face.
After a while, we both got tired. I flopped on my back, calming down as I finished laughing, tears in my eyes. Keith laying his head down on my stomach.
“You have like, no business being so fun to be around dude.” He told me.
“You ain’t got no business being so funny either,” I replied, my arms resting at my sides as I stared up at the ceiling.
We laid together for a short while until we both fell asleep to the sound of the raindrops dripping onto his bedroom window next to us.
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