#cop book 2
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Say it louder for the TikTok and YouTube detectives, babe 👏🏼
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angely-cristal · 1 year
Me at Lydea and her Drakovian special agents:
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cluelessrebel1988 · 1 year
So...does anyone else think there's even the slightest possibility that Marguerite is the killer, or at least involved somehow? Because I had that as a passing thought a couple of chapters ago and now I can't get it out of my head.
I'm not sure at this point what her motive would be or anything (unless this somehow has nothing to do with the act or illegitimate children but rather some sort of childhood squabble that's been festering for a while), but it's for sure not Sebastyan (or at least not just Sebastyan), and while I am largely leaning toward Vasili being the one behind it all (even if he's not the killer, I'm guessing he's the one pulling the strings here), there is part of me that wonders if, given that her fashion shows seem to be occurring the same night as at least two separate murders (thank you to pb for that spoiler, btw. loved finding out two weeks in advance that there was gonna be a second murder), it just seems like it might be more than mere coincidence.
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Good Omens: A companion to Owls- biblical-cinematographical references.
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Since Cecil B. DeMille played such a big role, here are some side by side scenes from The Ten Commandments and A Companion to Owls.
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And most importantly, side by side scenes with the Book of Job and A Companion to Owls.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Somebody tell me if this is a bad take, or if my love for Bruce is causing my objective brain to glitch, but-- something about advertising Batman, a hero who's very popular for being good with children, for being NURTURING with children, a bad father kinda defeats the whole purpose of what he's supposed to represent.
Batman is a protector; He protects people the world (and especially law enforcement) does not care about. That's literally the point of him.
Something about marketing " you can be incredibly violent to people you care about! And Its fine, because you care about them even if you abuse them, and that's what matters!" towards people, but especially men and young boys, is REALLY fucked up to me.
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yardsards · 7 months
it's mostly just a throwaway joke but it feels Very Fitting that at the end of book 4 when kez apologizes to everyone and they all start to make amends, it's the sheriff/judge character that says "‘sorry’ ain't no justice i ever heard of!" and escalates to violence instead of joining everyone else in trying to fix things. of course it's the fucking *cop* who is singlemindedly fixated on punitive justice and refuses to accept restorative justice.
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azure-sorceress · 24 days
I love Marasi so much for not joining the Ghostbloods. She met the cool and nice members of the Ghostbloods in Codenames, TwinSoul and Moonlight and not the creepy exploitative kind that Shallan meets, and still told them no. She still was able to see through them. Even if there were some good people on their side, ultimately their values did not align with hers.
"I won't keep secrets when the truth could save lifes". Exactly. They are more interested in keeping secrets than helping people when they can. They seek power, not making the cosmere a better place. And it would have gone against Marasi's whole character if she had accepted.
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sailormoonsub · 8 months
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what was it that Grace said? if you don't like something throw it under the wheel? well I don't like the reductionist worldview you're peddling buddy
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sanctus-ingenium · 11 months
I finished reading said the black horse at a truly ungodly hour of the morning yesterday (too exciting to leave unfinished, as I'm sure you understand) and I wanted to say that it's fucking incredible, I absolutely adore the characters and the setting you've created, I have been telling and will continue to tell all of my friends about it, and it's made such an impact on me that I'm motivated to try and work on my own writing again. I would print this book on a stack of letter paper and eat it. thank you for such an incredible story and I can't wait to read anything and everything else you put your heart into!!
i sat on this one for a bit because i reread it a bunch of times lol. thank you so much, this really means a lot to me! especially in telling your friends, since i purposefully chose not to selfpub on amazon it means i don't have a lot of reach*. thanks for the amazing motivation for me to keep up with writing as well 🧡 🧡
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moominofthevalley · 1 year
stop i just realized marguerite is going to be CRUSHED after finding out vasili is the killer. she Just found out sebastyan wanted to reconcile with her right after his death, and that the only other sibling that she was close to besides trystan took that chance from her! 😭😭
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finnlongman · 1 month
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If I had known about this sign when I wrote Moth to a Flame, it definitely would have featured, if only to see Isabel angsting about which category she belongs to.
("Hey, Isabel, are you an alien, a firearm, or a piece of lost property?" "Well, I'm definitely not a cop, I know that much.")
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the-unconquered-queen · 7 months
The first half of the options may be for single-LI books because TNA was one, but I'm too curious about whether people would pick multi-LI books to not include some, so if you vote for a multi-LI book, please tell me which LI's PoV you'd do it from and bonus points for why/how you'd go about it if you'd like :)
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cassie-thorne · 1 year
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Detective Rose undercover💋
She can be both
I summoned her inner Lana Del Rey.
I'm afraid she won't be wearing that for too long... And no, that's not what i mean, what I'm saying is, first:
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Can we please call her King Cameron???
And second, the detective will question her entire existence there; expect her to complain every 5 minutes (Yes, Trystan is aware).
Kakjdjskakejfisijejfkfen, hold awn, lemme just--
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*died dead* pb should write a book where we steal Detective Rose from Trystan, I would read it. No, I'm kidding! I want my babies to live happily ever after !!♡ (i would)
Ik the light looks so dramatic but whatever, it's Cameron and she's a fucking goddess. Background from pb btw.
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choicesbookclub · 1 year
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Crimes of Passion 2 is almost here (June 28th!!!!) And so is the Book Club!
Our Crimes of Passion 1 book club ends this Saturday. Just in time for the release of book 2! Thanks to those of you who replied to this poll, a Crimes of Passion 2 book club will be following the Choices general release of book 2 on Wednesdays beginning June 28th! More information about the Crimes of Passion 2 Book Club will be posted by June 25th.
What are you most hoping to find out, discover, explore, investigate, etc in book 2?
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I didn't like the sun and the star.
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thiccoritaaa · 22 days
After having played through the mass effect trilogy 3 times now i keep coming back to the same question.......
what is everyone's obsession with Garrus??? He's cool ig but 10+ years of seeing fanart of this dude gave me the expectations that he'd be much more interesting, especially his romance which is sweet but underwhelming and I def wouldn't say it's leagues above anyone elses. It's actually been very disappointing ngl 😔 why does the game and fandom seem to presume that hes ur canonical best friend, sorry gang Legion was my #1 homie
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