#wow! they really just obliterated that cop!
sailormoonsub · 8 months
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what was it that Grace said? if you don't like something throw it under the wheel? well I don't like the reductionist worldview you're peddling buddy
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lawyeryuri · 2 years
The heart thing but im not gonna describe how to kill you cause youre a cool mutual however i wanna hear what makes naruto a good anime and also what makes it bad also i wanna hear your favourite headcanons of the guy on your pfp and sakura if you have any
I wanna hear you absolutely infodumps me into oblivion. Obliterate me with your naruto facts, headcanon and whatever in betweens. Take your time to answer this i will be waiting, until that here take this cat with ya ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
(giggles and kicks my feet) thank you so much for this ask!!! ^_^
ok so what makes Naruto a good anime in my opinion are the characters, their emotions and how they relate to one another. (also it's like really gay) Naruto has a pretty big cast and a ton of filler episodes, so a lot of the time, it's used to get into different character combinations, specifically at the end of the original series, with the 80 episode stretch of filler, (honestly a bit excessive) that's basically just naruto hanging out with the other teams. filler is truly a double-edged blade, because if its not good, it is a SLOG... i didn't skip any episodes until like ep 450, where it breaks from the war (exiting, fun, plot-relevant) to cut to a parallel universe retelling of THE ENTIRE SERIES UP TO THAT POINT. it lasts like 20 episodes, and sasuke's a cop (old, dumb, acab)
another gripe i have with Naruto (the show) is best summarized by that post that's like "i miss when naruto ran around and bit people. now he's just a liberal" cause he kind of stops growing as a person at age 16. "as soon as you question your ideals, it's all over" ok buddy. how about you learn and grow with your experiences. other than that that though love the show, though I do think it's an interesting choice to redeem/offer justification for every single (canon) villain in the whole series.
OK my favorite head cannons for rock lee (pfp guy) and sakura... I think that rock lee speaks without contractions because he wants to give every sentence his all, and not take the easy way out. in a filler episode, rock lee builds a training dojo, and I think that's super in character for him, and I bet tenten helped him fix it up, and she's got a tool closet in there or something. I also hc that bor🤢 boruto Era 🤮 lee is like a taijutsu teacher and works with shino. as for sakura, I think she and Lee spar together all the time so she can improve her speed. I also hc her as an aro lesbian because I can #relate to.. the whole sasuke deal. I also feel like she would take up art, once she takes a break from work.
I actually also have a theory about naruto (the boy) I've never talked about, I actually think naruto can sense chakra signatures. this is because he sensed zabuza during the land of waves arc. it would also make sense that his sensing ability is just enhanced by sage mode instead of pulled out of nowhere. not to mention that the most powerful and precise sensor introduced is an Uzumaki as well. (shout out to my girl Karin) probably the reason it never comes up is because he doesn't know what a sensor is 💛
uh wow that got long. starting this I was worried I didn't know enough about naruto to infodump, for some reason (I've literally been obsessed since February why would I think that) anyways THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending this ask, it literally made my week :D💛💛💛 I know for a fact you are also a very cool mutual (I have no lame mutuals) and have a great week!
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asphodelical · 10 months
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Wow am I late to this one.
Things I liked:
The music. It's TWEWY, of course the music is going to be good.
The character designs of all of the OG cast members, with the sole exception of Beat's hair. Shiki, my dear sweet girl. I adore you and I'm so happy to finally see your face.
The expansion of the world. Oh, so this is what would've happened if Joshua had actually destroyed Shibuya. Got it. As well as the expansion of Shibuya in game.
The sequence with Hazuki and Rindo in the final day.*
The payoff with the birds.
The credits sequence was so pretty. Those colors and the animation were gorgeous.
Things I didn't like:
The Final Day was...a lot. But the two things I hated most about it are: 1. How easy it was to get Sho on our side. 2. How the Tsugumi and Shiki thing happened entirely off screen. I get that they did it to save Neku and Shiki's reunion for last, but it feels like a massive cop out.
The combat is just not as fun as it was in the original. But the original game was perfectly tailor made for the DS, so there's just no way to replicate that.
The pacing was kind of...weird? After completing my first playthrough, it feels like Weeks 1 and 2 were all build up, with almost all of the character depth and important bits happening in the last few days of Week 3.
The character writing was way weaker. I think the main sources of that are: 1. the new kids aren't actually dead, so there was no entry fee. So we don't really get to learn their deepest desires/fears. 2. The focus on a larger group dynamic rather than partners. Most of nuance and depth only started showing up in Week 3. The new characters are likable, but I don't know who they are as people enough to be invested in them.
*How Hazuki and Josh only showed up for five minutes each. Not cool. (I don't really care about Hazuki, but someone with a role as important as his showing up out of the fuck nowhere the way he did is just deus ex machina.)
Continuing from Hazuki being a walking deus ex machina, the way Kubo got obliterated out of the story was kind of stupid. Not that I wasn't happy to see him go, but it was still weak from a narrative standpoint. UGH the Final Day was too much.
When Josh sent Shoka away and told Rindo to go find her, I was expecting a repeat sequence of the one between Rindo and Hazuki, only with Shoka this time. It was disappointing for it to be resolved in a cutscene.
Why was Shiba let off the hook so easily?
The heel-face turn/vice versa of Susukichi was weak as fuck.
The CG animated cutscenes looked dumb. I guess the budget didn't allow for 2D anime cutscenes. But if we're going off the TWEWY anime as a reference...maybe it's for the best.
Some of the English localization choices didn't click with me. For example: I like how in Japanese, Beat calls Neku by his name with no honorifics. Rather than sticking with his nickname in English.
Despite all the weird mixed feelings, I'll be replaying this one again immediately. I played in Japanese the first time, so now I'll try the English cast.
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catnippackets · 3 years
I'm gonna do a 30 questions Jak and Daxter meme (questions from here) bc I'm in the mood and tis the season let's go
1. How did you discover Jak and Daxter?
I was like 10 I think and my dad just showed up one day with the first game and was like "hey you guys might like this" and my siblings and I were like wow thanks dad! and then it immediately took over our lives lol 2. Which game is your favorite?
I have such a soft spot for the first one!! it is literally the biggest inspiration in my entire life for my art and I would not be the person I was today without it, it made that big of an impact on me. I also really like the third one though, it made me actually sort of like desert settings even though I usually really hate them so that's pretty cool lol 3. Which is your least favorite game?
I guess technically the second one but only by default!! I still like it!! (I have not played the very last game yet so I cannot judge on that one) 4. Who is your favorite character?
originally it was Keira, I was so obsessed with her I got my hair cut to match hers, my favourite colour has been green EVER SINCE I played the game and saw her bc her hair/theme colour was green, I named the main character of my first webcomic after her...I just loved her man. after I got older though I just gained more love for Jak and Daxter themselves so. I would say those three. my sweet babes 5. Who is your least favorite character?
Errol omg I cannot stand him and also I take his character way too seriously so whenever I see ppl thirsting over him I'm like "alright well my mom said I have to go home now" 6. What mission do you love most?
I HAVE A LOT OF FAVOURITE MISSIONS...................I generally really like ones where you have to race or use the jetboard and I also like ones where you just have to run around shooting creatures to grab shit and I love the mountain temple from Jak 2 so like any mission there I love and I also like pretty much any mission in the sewers and the dig and I can't think of anything specific right now but. I love almost every mission in these games hjgkfd 7. What mission do you hate most?
fucking turret mission from Jak 2 but the one where you have to unofficially race Errol through the city also sucks. I just don't like the ring missions in general hfjgdk my brain can't keep up with them 8. Who is your favorite couple?
Jak and Daxter as best friends honestly their relationship is so important to me 9. What is your favorite weapon?
the peacemaker is super fun but the one I use the most is the blaster bc then I can use my patented technique where I jump up and whirl around and shoot everything in a tornado 10. Do you believe Jak is the Mar?
I want to sooooo bad but then I have to write my own lore to make it make sense 11. Which eco is your favorite?
green :) 12. Who is your favorite Precursor?
*gets really close to the mic* Daxter 13. Who is your favorite citizen?
the ones who let me steal their vehicles when I'm being chased by the cops 14. Do you like The Lost Frontier?
I haven't played it yet but I DID order it after like what 12 years of hemming and hawing about whether or not to bother buying it...I need the full set man I'm very easy to please I'm sure I'll still like it haha 15. What’s your preferred Wasteland vehicle?
THE DUNE HOPPER first of all it's green so I like that, second of all I love being able to jump over all the dumbass marauder vehicles that try to ram you, third of all the way the car springs up in the air is done so well and gives me that swooping feeling in my stomach like you can really feel the weight of it and I just really love it 16. How often do you use the hoverboard?
every single given opportunity I fuckin love that thing 17. Dark Jak or Light Jak?
how can I choose between doing a sweet attack that slows time dramatically as I punch the ground and obliterate everything in my path and being able to heal myself green eco 18. What is your favorite location?
the mountain temple in Jak 2...and also haven forest!!! they're just so beautiful!!!!!!! I also really like the dig site, and also spargus city, and snowy mountain :) and forbidden jungle is just so aesthetically pleasing I like that too haha 19. Ever collected all orbs in Jak II or Jak 3?
no...my sister is the one who tries to go for 100%ing the orbs 20. Which moment shocked you most?
the only moment I remember genuinely shocking me was in Jak X when Mizo made his appearance lol I distinctly remember I gasped out loud. I'm pretty sure the "Damas is Jak's dad" reveal also shocked me but I can't remember the exact moment bc I was very small child 21. Which opening / ending is your favorite?
favourite opening is the first game's bc of how nostalgic it is :') I just love these games so much...and I think maybe the second game's ending was my favourite, it's so nice seeing Sig show up and everyone's just partying and drinking and all the problems seem far away just for a moment 22. What are your favorite quotes?
the one that my sister and I quote at each other all the time is THE BARON TURNED OFF ALL THE WATER TO THE SLUMS and it always kills us so unofficially that is my favourite line...but tbh I also really like the intro Samos does for the very first game. "even the rocks do not recall" is so mystical to me...also "so it seems the answer begins not with careful research, or sensible thinking; nay! as with many of fate's mysteries, it begins with but a small act...of disobedience" makes me giddy bc the adventure is about to begin hehe 23. Toughest / easiest boss battle?
idk how popular of an opinion this is but I don't really think any of the boss battles are "tough", most missions in this series are pretty comfortable with just the right amount of difficulty so the boss battles are just fun without being super annoyingly hard! if you went back in time to ask ten-year-old me tho I would say the dark eco plant in the first game I was NOT happy about having to do that one lmao 24. Ever just go on a KG killing spree?
no I prefer to just smack one of them and then waste their time by having them chase me across the city until I escape 25. Favorite Jak and Daxter fanart?
this one it always kills me 26. Who is your favorite sage?
*gets up even closer to the mic* Keira 27. What is your favorite secret?
I like the scrapbooks lol I just love looking at concept art!!!!!!!!! and the scene players bc I like watching the cutscenes uvu 28. Do you like Jak X: Combat racing?
YEAH IT'S FUN AND THE MUSIC IS AWESOME 29. Would you like to see another game?
please god I know it's not gonna happen but like if it DID?? like sometime 20+ years in the future if there was some sort of continuation/reboot?? I would LOVE it I don't care if it comes out really bad I will still love it to bits 30. Have any unanswered questions?
yes who programmed the sand shark physics I just wanna talk. come here I JUST wanna talk
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 272: (Directed by Michael Bay)
Previously on BnHA: The My Child Soldiers Academia arc finally started to live up to its name as Tokoyami became the first (but I assure you not the last) victim of traumatic mental scarring courtesy of Horikoshi’s sick games! So he and Dark Shadow showed up to stop Dabi from murdering Hawks and were all “please don’t kill our mentor.” Dabi was all “AH BUT YOUR MENTOR KILLED SOMEONE ELSE, AND ISN’T THAT JUST LIKE THE HEROES THOUGH, THEIR HANDS ARE SO STAINED WITH BLOOD” and then he tried to set both of them on fire several times in succession. Hawks was all “Tokoyami just run away while he’s in the middle of his five-hour sermon” and so they tried but Dabi followed them! But then Geten was all “ALL RIGHT EVERYONE... CHILL” and fucking froze everything for no discernible reason, and Tokoyami fled the building with an unconscious Hawks in tow as the battle raged on. The chapter then ended with Gigantomachia being all “I smell my master!” and standing up, hahaha oh fuck.
Today on BnHA: Well you guys are not going to believe this, but it turns out that Tomura waking up is actually a very bad thing. A “worst case scenario” if you will! Because, get this, he has a quirk that can destroy anything, which spreads from whatever he touches to fucking everything and everywhere else. Gosh, if only we’d known about this since like 35 chapters ago. If only we’d had a spy among the villains who could have warned us, and three entire months to plan our attack, and literally every single hero in Japan on call to help us when the time came. Anyway so you’re really going to be shocked by this I’m telling you, but it turns out that when a crazy powerful person who wants to destroy everything finally wakes up, he immediately starts destroying everything with his crazy power. So X-Less dies and Crust dies and everyone else runs, and meanwhile the kids, who are on the outskirts of the city finishing up the evacuation, stand there in shock as the plot rampages toward them ready to swallow them whole. The chapter ends with Deku powering up to FORTY-FIVE PERCENT YEAHHHHH, and oh shit. Finally we’re doing this.
I am not even remotely done with all the shit I’m supposed to be finishing up, but fuck it, I need a break and reading the new chapter is by far the funnest thing on my current to-do list, so!
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-- ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohm --
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[puts on glasses and unfolds map while poring through a mess of scribbles on post-it notes] -- hold up, if my calculations are correct, I’m pretty sure “somewhere a bit further from the hospital” is, in fact, where a certain THREE TROUBLE-PRONE DISASTERS ARE CURRENTLY HOLED UP. AHHH
can it really be true. are we finally rejoining our protagonist and his buddy cop friends after 97 years. how will everyone react to Deku reacting to Tomura waking up ahhhh
so Burnin’ is yelling at the civilians to let them know if they have any family or friends who need assistance evacuating
god I hate the fact that this is a fucking understatement
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they’re not taking any chances after Kamino and Fukuoka huh. fool them once, shame on you. fool them twice, oh shit. but there will not be a third time! no one fucking destroys three cities in the span of six months on their watch, no sirree
(ETA: ...)
lol the kids are trying to get the elderly citizens on a bus to evacuate, but a lady is trying to give them candy and Kacchan and Ochako are of two different minds on whether or not to accept
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Kacchan is absolutely right about Ochako’s motivations, but in her defense, who the fuck turns down free chocolate
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(ETA: I sure hope these poor bastards had good insurance.)
also. this man here who looks like Beaker from the Muppets, who presumably has the power of Doing Anything Those Wacky Flailing Inflatable Tube Men That You See Outside Of Car Dealerships Can Do. ...yes. that’s it. that’s an intentionally incomplete sentence with a subject but no predicate. I just feel like we should all sit and stare at him for a good thirty more seconds before continuing on with our lives
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is... this... a space shuttle man
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is this literally just a man with a Boeing for a head. FUCKING QUIRKS THOUGH!!!!! ~*~wild~*~
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so now he’s slightly hunching forward with his hands pressed together and Todoroki is immediately sensing that something is wrong ahhhhh
(ETA from like 5 days later: I had that as “Tokoyami” instead of “Todoroki” for the better part of a solid week you guys. SHOUTO YOU WERE GONE FOR SO LONG I FORGOT YOUR FUCKING NAME whoop.)
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here come dat angst. here comes Horikoshi’s hand beckoning the trio closer and welcoming them to the pain parade ahhh. from now on that’s how I’m ending all my sentences btw. it just seems right. ahhh
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ladies and gentlemen, YOU WERE SAYING DEKU DIDN’T HAVE ENOUGH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT LATELY? HE’S NOT INTERESTING ENOUGH AS A PROTAGONIST, IS HE? well maybe that’s because Horikoshi has been saving this one juiciest of plot nuggets for a rainy day precisely like this! BRING ON THAT CHOSEN ONE ANGST AHHHHH
anyway so yes it is indeed OFA speaking to him in the form of Lil Bro a.k.a. the first user
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lol I’m trying to think of commentary but it’s difficult seeing as I’M ALREADY SCROLLING DOWN TO IMPATIENTLY READ THE NEXT PAGE
lmao the fuck
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it absolutely boggles my mind that this guy is somehow still alive. ??! how many chapters and panels has it been now. he’s like the goat in the t-rex pen in fucking Jurassic Park. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET EATEN ALREADY
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do you... want a blanket. ...?
(ETA: do you ever just. wake up and you’re like “ah shit it’s cold”, and then you destroy an entire city. mm.)
do you all suppose X-Less is fully aware that he’s about to die though? he hasn’t even moved. I imagine that sitting next to Tomura actually is much like sitting next to a giant t-rex. like he has to know there is no getting out of this alive. poor guy
damn Mic isn’t even looking back he’s just running back into the main room where all the rest of them are
wow this fight is still going on
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I don’t know why, I just expected it to all magically be over all of a sudden now that we have bigger things to worry about. do you guys remember when we were all worried about the High End Noumus being the biggest threat. hahahahaha
(ETA: moment of silence for ALL OF THE FUCKING HIGH ENDS lmao. that did not go how I expected that plotline to go AT ALL, but at least we got the best fucking battle in the entire manga out of it.)
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goddammit. my reaction to this should have been much more “!!!” and “OH SHIT”, but he dragged it out so much that my initial reaction was one more of relief than horror. maybe it’s because of the way I read the chapters, constantly pausing to do commentary as I go along, but whenever a chapter has a ton of panels of people just staring into the distance awash with dread, it really stands out to me lol. there’s only so much I can write about that kind of thing. ah well at least we’re finally getting to the action
I genuinely can’t tell if Ujiko is frightened that he’s about to be disintegrated by Tomura’s quirk, or excited that Tomura is awake
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maybe both lol. well don’t worry you’re not gonna die that easily, much as you would not catch me complaining if you did
thanks Gran
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lol where was all this speed throughout the rest of this arc though. “we’re only competent when the plot necessitates it” huh. is that right
oh shit it’s destroying the rest of the lab
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those are all of Ujiko’s collected quirks, right? someone please tell me if this is a good or a bad thing. on the one hand if they’re all destroyed it means Tomura can’t get them and Ujiko can’t make any more Noumus. but on the other hand this means they won’t ever be able to give them back to the original users (if any of them are even still alive). and also that’s a lot of evidence that’s being wiped out as well
oh shit they didn’t know about this?!
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even after Deika City, you didn’t put two and two together?? even with all of Hawk’s intel?? what the hell did you think happened there?
well this explains why everyone was so la-dee-da-no-rush about capturing him though. well that’s on you guys. next time maybe don’t waste 20 minutes uselessly battling redshirt Noumus while Mirko has to do everything herself
anyway so I feel like people other than X-Less are almost certainly going to die here, and fuck. I’m not ready for any of this
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I want to see it crumble so bad. now this is the kind of foreboding cinematic disaster movie bullshit I can get into
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...okay so I see Ryuukyuu in the top right, and I think that’s RockLockRock on her back. Thirteen is clearly there in the bottom center, but I don’t know who that is next to them. and then of course Gran and Mic on the left. and a bunch of others spread out in various other places, but... where the hell is Aizawa??
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oh my god I gasped in real life. stop making me fear for the lives of main characters!!
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he. he --. crust. he. ...
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I literally stopped reading and had to stop and cover my mouth with both of my hands I’m
silence. no screaming. no flailing. no freaking out. just silence
shit. rest in peace you old sedimentary bastard. respect to you for saving the father of my children in your last fleeting moments. I still have not the slightest idea how you rose through the ranks to somehow become the sixth fucking highest rated hero (HERO BILLBOARD CHART, IS EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT. ARE YOU FEELING OKAY), but you sure did go out with style though
also this may be tacky of me to point out during such an emotionally charged moment, but one second Aizawa is wearing his goggles like normal, and the next they’re suddenly pushed up onto his forehead so we can see the anguish in his bloodshot eyes. there was no reason to do that other than angst and we all know it. so yes Shouta you dramatic bitch, I am calling you out. why Horikoshi felt he had to add to your many accumulated traumas is beyond me. you don’t deserve this and I am so, so sorry
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seeing as we just went over this with Gran, I will take the high road here and won’t ask why you’re only this fast now and couldn’t have been this useful this ages ago back before Tomura woke up. oh wait does sarcastically saying I won’t bring it up count as bringing it up. well whatever. middle road, then
sob I’m getting flashbacks to the end of Return of the Jedi when they’re all frantically flying out of the Death Star as it explodes
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friendly reminder that Ryuukyuu, clearly the fastest one here despite carrying like 20 people, was number 10 in the rankings for some unknown reason. again, r.i.p. Crust you well-meaning geriatric soul
also just a stray thought, I hope it’s clear now why it was so important to give Deku those additional quirks. at a minimum he needs Blackwhip and Float just so he doesn’t instantly die the moment he’s in Tomura’s general vicinity. sob I’ve joked so much about flying quirks and here they are becoming fucking prerequisites now
anyway so Ujiko is mourning the loss of his lab, which again, good riddance mostly. but r.i.p. that evidence though
(ETA: nah the “total loss” part is referring to how the heroes fucked up so soundly and thoroughly. anyway no one would blame Mic if he accidentally dropped Ujiko in the midst of all this chaos, I’m just saying. I guess they need any intel he could still provide now more than ever though.)
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oh my god oh my god it’s still spreading??!
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fuck fuck fuck at this rate it’ll reach the kids
(ETA: that happened really fast actually.)
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I can’t tell if her earthbending was able to stop it or not?? god help us all if it didn’t, I’m not even sure what else could stop it at this point
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they really did. only to fuck it up completely at the finish line. well, the man most singularly responsible for it is dead now, again r.i.p. Crust you useless old legend
lmao despite myself
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“by a miracle, or maybe through sheer will” even he acknowledges that Tomura waking up was basically complete bullshit. yes blah blah yadda yadda got zapped by some exposed wires explanation science. because we all know that getting electrocuted will fix you right up when your heart has stopped and you have completely flatlined. you can definitely trust Horikoshi on this and there’s absolutely no need to google how defibrillators actually work
also is he somehow wearing a cape now. again by a miracle or maybe through sheer will
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(ETA: one has to wonder what Ujiko’s plan was, assuming this scheme had actually played out. were they just banking on Tomura not waking up cranky and disoriented and wanting to test out his power. his quirk doesn’t exactly distinguish friend from foe here I’m just saying.)
the part of me that goes all “ooh ahh” when all the buildings explode in Independence Day is singing inside. but never fear, the rest of me is appropriately horrified though. what was that Burnin’ was saying about the city becoming a large-scale battle zone? sob
also this page sure serves as a nice refresher for exactly why Tomura Waking Up Was Bad, which was inexplicably a topic of some debate in recent weeks. yes in spite of everything the villains are still the bad guys who’d have thought. almost as if the purpose of humanizing a character is to show that they’re human, not that they’re right
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finally finally finally!!!!!!
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and there is no one coming to save them this time. no one to arrive at the last second and say “it’s all right now because I am here.” they have to save themselves. they have to save everyone. the training wheels are finally coming off. the safety net has been removed. after 272 chapters, the story has finally reached a point where these kids, these children, who in spite of all they’ve been through have been protected and shielded from the worst of it up till now, will finally have to be the ones to save the day all on their own
and they are not ready. but also maybe they kind of are??! but they definitely are not. and oh god oh god oh god, FINALLY WE’RE REALLY DOING THIS. TIME TO FIX THE MESS THOSE SILLY GROWN-UPS MADE, CHILDREN. YOU GOT THIS
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
In Who’s World Is This Normal? The Fenton’s That’s Who - Phic Phight
Prompt Creator: @trainernick Prompt: Meet Danielle - Danny decides after D-Stabilized that Dani needs a home, and his is the right fit. He just has to convince his parents. Summary: A brand new Fenton appears
Warning: mentions of clone death.
“Alright, you wait right here, ok?”
“Sure Danny”
Danny pushes open his front door, “hey mom! Hey dad! What you up to?”
“Just finishing up supper sweetie! Your father’s finishing up some changes to ghost gabber, again”, Danny can’t help but snicker and shake his head. Walking into the kitchen he eyes his parents a little nervously but knowing that what he has to say needs to be said. He won’t risk losing her again because of nerves.
“Hey, Uh. I know you guys are doing your thing right now but, there’s something I kind of need to talk about. Preferably now”, Maddie near instantly drops what she’s doing and spins around to face him. Worried at first but relaxes when she sees that while he’s clearly fiddling with his hands, he also has on a lose warm smile. Jack is only a beat or two behind his wife, nearly shoving the invention off the table. Danny’s always glad for the reminders that family comes before hunting to them, there’s no way he’d be doing this if family didn’t come first.
“What is it sweetie?”, Maddie won’t lie and says she’s not ecstatic at her closed off son actively wanting to share something with them.
“Is it a whole bucket of fudge kind of thing, or just a fudgesicle?”, Danny can’t help but snicker at that too, effectively loosening him up a bit.
“Try three buckets, dad. But the kind eaten with a, probably confused, smile. It’s nothing bad, just weird”, Danny almost laughs when his dad actually gets a bucket of fudge.
While his mom sits down with a sigh, “well, sweetie. I’m not sure I’d expect it to be anything but weird. I’ve heard nearly everyone in Amity refer to you and your friends as the “weirdo trio”, including the three of you. Weirds not bad though”.
“Of course it’s not mom. But I’m definitely the weirdest person in Amity, even if Tuck constantly gives me a run for my money. Sometimes literally”, Danny sits down and shuffles a bit. Hands clasped and in his lap, “anyway, there’s someone I want you to meet and before you ask, no we’re not dating or anything and that would be really gross if we did. For a lot of reasons, which I’ll get to. But more importantly, I’d like her to come live here, with us”.
Maddie looks rather frazzled as Jack speaks up, “oh yeah this is at least one bucket of fudge already. Who is she and why would she need to come here?”
Maddie finds her voice at this, “oh god, does she not have anywhere to go? Sweetie, we’d be glad to let a friend stay if that’s what you’re asking”.
Danny smiles awkwardly and rubs his hands together, “friend’s not really the right word and she’s never really had a home, at all”. Maddie looks utterly crushed to hear this but Danny continues, “this is where it starts getting kind of weird though. Her name is Danielle or Dani, with an I, for short”.
Jack can’t help but laugh good maturely at that, “her names nearly the same as yours Danny-boy! That has to be confusing”. Danny nods and laughs a little, “Oh it is, especially when someone is trying to get one of us’s attention. It’s a good thing she’s got a good sense of humour otherwise all of Tucker’s nicknames would probably offend her”. Danny shakes his head remembering that time Tucker called her “gooey Dani”, even he thought that was mean and he makes jokes at the expense of his own half death.
Being more serious he looks straight at his mom, “with what I’m asking, I’m not seeing it as a for the moment kind of situation. But rather permanently, to be part of the family”. Maddie’s eyebrows raise as far as they can go and Jack shovels ice cream in his mouth.
“But...but what about her parents? Oh god Danny, what happened to her?”, Maddie looks downright horrified now and Danny grimaces. Which doesn’t make Maddie feel any better. Even Jack has slowly put his spoon down, sensing that this is not a good time to be eating anymore.
“What happened is, yes, why I want her to come live here. With us. And this is where it gets really weird, the bad kind. As far as parents, she doesn’t really have them in the traditional sense”, Danny can’t help but look a little bit angry and Jack instantly hates what or whoever could make his kind-hearted son angry at just a thought.
“to put it frankly, her technical father, who will not be called such because he’s a piece of shit, tried to melt her down. Simply put, he almost murdered her three days ago”. Maddie brings her hand up to her mouth, a bit teary-eyed, while Jack clenches his fists and stares down at the table.
“Son, that is absolutely evil. Please tell me the cops have this man”, neither of the two are happy when Danny sighs and shakes his head. Maddie’s about to speak up as he shakes his head at her.
“The cops don’t know at all, about anything and they can’t. Legally, Dani doesn’t exist. I said he was her technical father for a reason. She was created, in a lab, by a mad man. Along with four others, all of whom are dead. Melted down, because they weren’t “successful”. Their genetics weren’t stable”. Danny sighs and shuffles, “Dani herself is only stable because I figured out how to fix her before she fully de-stabilised. Which you guys actually helped with, unknowingly but still, so thanks for that. Technically, the right word for her is “clone” but she doesn’t exactly like that and neither do I”.
Maddie nods, feeling a bit numb, “you-you’re right, Danny, sweetie. This is weird. I can’t even imagine cloning someone and I swear we-we will not call her that. I’m glad you were able to help her, you really always are good to a fault”, Danny doesn’t even have to wait for Jack to make his opinion known as he almost aggressively nods his head repeatedly. “Son, this seems mostly like the bad kind of weird”.
Danny rubs his neck awkwardly, “yeah for only being around for half a year or so, her life hasn’t been the greatest. She’s mentally and physically around 12 though”.
“Well that’s changing right now!”, Danny almost jumps from his dad’s unflinching resolute tone. Maddie nods rather sadly, “yes, of course. She really is welcome to stay, unusual “birth” or not. We’ll have to see how she fits in though, Danny. We Fenton’s are rather strange”.
Danny smirks and chuckles, “oh I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that. This might make more sense if I just bring her in. You guys ok with that?”. At both his parents nods he gets up and walks to the door, as they stand and busy themselves with trying to look happy and welcoming.
Sticking his head out the door, “hey you. So this has been an interesting reminder in how weird and kind of screwed up both our lives are, to more normal people”, Danny smirks as Dani giggles into her hand.
“You’re such a mess, cuz”
Danny rolls his eyes at her but smiles goofily, “just remember, no ghost shit for now, they don’t know about that quite yet”. Dani slugs him in the arm as she smirks, before hopping out and goes to walk in the door; Danny in front of her.
Danny barely suppresses as laugh and Dani fails at doing that completely, as Jack and Maddie look back and forth between the two of them rapidly.  
“Danny-boy!? She looks-she looks just like you?!”, Danny nods as he rubs his neck a little. “Yeah, this is sort of the weirdest part of the giant circle of weird”.
Danny doesn’t get to finish as Dani speaks up, with a goofy grin on her face, “yup! Genetically, he’s my daddy!”.
Danny’s face goes beat red, facepalming as he mutters into his hand, “what happened to calling me cuz?”
“Right now daddy is funnier. And it is technically more accurate”, Danny clearly sees her fingergun at him through his fingers.
He can’t help but smile and laugh, smirking at her, “you’re awful”.
“If I'm awful, then so are you”
“Have you heard my puns? Me being awful is well established”
“Well, I think they’re spooktacular. In that awful I want to beat a rubber chicken up to hear it scream, kind of way”, Danny snorts loudly at this.
Jack and Maddie watch the conversation still rather stunned, Maddie’s the first to find her voice, “wow, you really are cut from the same cloth. I, um, it’s nice to meet you”. Jack’s eyes go wide with a realisation and he claps his hands excitedly together, “this means you already are a Fenton! Danny-boy was right! There can’t be anything to worry about if you’ve got Fenton in you!”
Danny smiles and smirks at Dani, “told you”. Dani just sticks her tongue at him and runs into the kitchen, waving at Jack and Maddie as she goes.
“In case it isn’t obvious, her social skills aren’t the greatest”, Danny shrugs just as Dani shouts out from the kitchen, “got any pancakes! I could literally eat my whole arm! I haven’t eaten all day!”.
Jack and Maddie both notice how Danny looks instantly worried and heads into the kitchen, “you could have said something you know? I would have bought you something”.
“I don’t want you spending your little money on me. You need it”, Danny rolls his eyes at her as he serves her some of the, now slightly burnt, supper soup. Dani doesn’t seem to care that it’s not fluffy batter circles, as she stuffs her face.
Watching Danny doting on her, Maddie leans over and whispers to her husband, “I think Danny might really see her as his child, at least subconsciously anyway”. Jack nods and smiles warmly, “I’m certain you’re right, Mads. And this is certainly the most Fenton way to find out you have a granddaughter”.
Any remaining tension is obliterated when Dani bumps the ghost gabber as she asks for more soup. And, “my tiny fearsome body demands more soup! Fear me!”, is blurted out of the little machine. Everyone but Dani bursts out laughing, as Dani pokes incredulously at the machine.
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wellhalesbells · 7 years
help I just finished the raven cycle. now what??
i mean, firstly, mourn.  i cannot stress the importance of this step enough.  take the time to sob and rage and fall apart about the fact that you have finished this series that is just head and shoulders above nearly every other.  because that did happen and it does blow.  i suggest a lot of laying on the floor or under your bed, eating tacos, and being generally despondent.  also if you feel the need to wear black for a year or keep your curtains drawn 24/7, well, that’s totally acceptable.
once that’s done, we’re ready to reenter the literary world!  probably, and ish.  to help ease the transition, i would suggest trying to pinpoint what you most loved from that series and then working from there.  was it the fantasy elements, the characters, the lgbt-ness, the young adult-ness or just the straight-up pretty writing?  here are a few things that might help fill the void (though do recognize that none will be perfect and, factually, your life is just emptier now):
[admittedly, i do not have a lot of fantasy on my shelves because i need long breaks between for that genre, but here are a few of my more recent reads]
the scorpio races - going from maggie to maggie is never a bad idea.  i will concede that it took me way longer to get into this one than it did the raven cycle, but i did eventually get there and the characters were heaps more established (and rational) than what’s usually on offer in a YA read!
the grisha trilogy - okay, so i really got into this because it has such a well-drawn villain.  meaning: he’s fucking gray, like all good villains should be.  you can sympathize with him and i was surprised to find that i cared what happened to him, not just to our hero.  the story and characters were also really great.  and if you want to jump off this trilogy into the six of crows duology (LGBT+), my only advice would be: don’t let your expectations get too high.  unfortunately, i went in expecting it to be the raven cycle’s equivalent and, for me, it did not have that same depth.  good, for sure, but on trc’s level?  not so much, in my opinion, and i wish i’d known not to expect that going in because i feel like i would’ve enjoyed it more if i had.
the dream-quest of vellitt boe - lovecraft with laaaaadies.
mosquitoland - this book can be a little hard at times but, woooow, did i fall in love with mim.  this had just the right amounts of humor and heart for me.
station eleven -considering this jumps timelines and characters, it’s monumentally impressive that you can feel such a connection to and investment in everyone’s stories.
simon vs the homo sapiens agenda - this is cuuuuuuute and i just love everyone and want the absolute best for them because they so deserve it and it shook out just how i wanted it to.
a place called winter - this is another one that’s hard, but worth it, i think.  it’s a sweeping story, spanning decades and continents and hammering in the historical hardships that came from being any letter on the lgbt+ spectrum during the pioneer era.
the watchmaker of filigree street - historical fiction, in general, is pretty much a turn-off for me because it’s dense and overly drawn a lot of the time (i get it, it’s the 1800s, can we shut up about the details every three seconds please, UGH).  but if there were ever a book that was going to turn me completely around on that, it would be this one because WOW, YES.
flying lessons and other stories - a slew of sexually and racially diverse stories from some truly brilliant authors!
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe - ohhhhh it’s pretty.  and soft.  and full of love and fear and understanding.  it hurts my heart with how tender it is.  [weeps]
idyll threats - you know how there are five million ‘cop/sheriff/detective in a small town’ mystery series that just go on and on forever and never end?  WELL NOW WE HAVE ONE FOR THE LBGT COMMUNITY.  the second book just came out last month and i want everyone to support these if you can; i want there to be so many i can’t count the number on my fingers and toes anymore, i want thomas lynch to be a friggin’ household name, i want a terrible movie franchise and an awkwardly posed poster on my wall, okay?  I WANT THIS TO BE A THING PLEASE.
the illuminae files - these books are dope.  they’re engaging not only story-wise but also visually, the text forms images, the fire fights are chaotic smashings of words, the space walks are delicate tight-ropes of sentences and then, on top of that, the characters and the twists and turns of the story?  oh my BUH-GOD.  this series is breath-takingly good and so freaking smart, okay?  it just is.  IT IS.
i’ll meet you there - i liked every single detail of this book and they’re all… still there.  i read this quite a bit ago and i remember so much of it.  i don’t remember what i had for lunch an hour ago but i remember this book.  so.  that’s pretty cool.
the merciless - all right, all right, all right, i have to qualify this.  because i was not a fan of the ending.  maybe you will be, i don’t know, i - personally - was not.  BUT everything leading up to that ending?  yeah huh!  it was some good-ass suspense.  as of right now, i’ve only read the first book of this series but… i think i am going to keep going with it.  it’s hard to get me to squirm but this book managed it and i think i have to chase that, right?
the secret history (LGBT+ minor character) - i said i would never recommend this book to people (it is long.  and dense.  and depressing) but, lookit, that turned out to be a fucking lie.  it feels historical even though it’s contemporary and it is such a complete story?  i mean, i know this story, i know these characters, i was thrust into those pages.  and i loved it.  if you need your characters to be likable though?  NOT the book for you, haha.
autopsy (LGBT+) - i read a fair amount of poetry these days.  i like very little poetry.  this?  this i liked a crap-ton.  donte collins is a friggin’ wordsmith, man.
the princess saves herself in this one - another poetry book i enjoyed!  i really love watching skilled people play with language, what can i say?
we were liars - okay, so, this is another odd one for me to recommend because… i did not like it.  like, at all.  i mean, i did like it a lot, and then the ending came and obliterated any positive thoughts i’d had about it (because i feel like it breaks the contract with the reader and that makes things just… not cool imo, but whatever).  HOWEVER i did find the writing really, really lovely.  it has a gorgeous, soothing flow to it.  and, again, some people may really like the ending and, in that case, this would be a super great book for you because the writing is really simple but nice, y’know?
american housewife - an awesome book of awesome short stories written very awesomely!
i’ll give you the sun (LGBT+) - the writing in this makes me want to fall to my knees with how good it is.  i just can’t.  i could go on and on for days.  it feels like it’s something that should’ve taken centuries to craft because it is so lovingly put together and it just–it makes you feel all the feels, okay.
everything i never told you (LGBT+ minor characters) - i like this book so much more in retrospect.  but it does the adult fiction thing that every fucking adult fiction book does and that made me so mad at the time.  but, beyond that, it’s a unique and well-told story!
things we lost in the fire - my favorite horror book i’ve read in a good long while.  mariana enriquez is a master at building up a creepy atmosphere.  it’s not gore and guts as much as it is a mounting sense of doom that’s entirely constructed through words and imagery that are so damn well-crafted.  really hoping for more english translations of her work because she is just so skilled a writer.
middlesex (LGBT+) - this took me a while to read because it is the very full history of three different generations of stephanides between those covers but, wow, is it well-written.  it’s moving and deep and winding and detailed and fucking worthwhile.
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kalinara · 7 years
so I saw this idea somewhere, I believe from @anoasisinawasteland: "AU where they couldn’t change legion!Rip by going into his head, but where he actually starts to learn to like them again, get redeemed (as much as he can be) but still remains a bit ruthless and keeps the evil coat" anD WOW WHAT I WOULDNT GIVE FOR SOMEONE TO WRITE THIS but anyways your thoughts?
Oh, I think it’d be fascinating.  
Evil Rip is such an interesting take on a villain character, that we don’t see very often on the show.
I mean, he is evil.  No question.  He murdered Sara (she got better, but that’s not because of him).  He murdered Charles.  He also mind-controlled the Knights of Camelot and is therefore to blame for their deaths.  He’s to blame for any casualties undertaken when he was wreaking havoc in 1776.
But it’s a measured kind of evil.  He murdered Sara, eventually.  But initially, he simply incapacitated her with a gut shot.  Which still, easily, could have been fatal.  It’s not like he just knocked her out.  But it also wasn’t a head shot.  He didn’t shoot any of the others in the same scene.  Even though he was in a position to order them killed right then and there.
(And personally, I thought there were a few times in his pursuit of Jax that he might have had a clear shot at him, and missed on purpose.  But there’s no real evidence of that one way or another.)
And then there’s Charles.  He seemed perfectly happy to try to trick McNider into giving him the spear.  He only attacked when it was clear that it wasn’t going to work.  It’s always possible, of course, that he would have murdered Charles even if Charles HAD given him the spear fragment.  But then, who knows?
One thing that stands out to me about evil Rip is that we don’t really see a lot of casual collateral damage.  There’s no random murders of bikers or sly knifing of cops.  There are no civilian hostages, no destroyed peasant villages.  Sara and Charles are superheroes.  His more faceless victims are soldiers and knights.  That doesn’t make it okay, mind you, but there are levels to evil, IMO.  And it makes it clear that there may still be lines that evil Rip is not willing to cross.
One thing that I really appreciated was that they avoided making evil Rip into a sadist.
He skirts the line twice, IMO, when he murders Sara and Charles.  But the former was done while Sara was unconscious.  It was far worse on poor Jax than on Sara herself.  His murder of Charles was messy and doubtlessly excruciating, but it was also dispassionate.  He wasn’t interrogating Charles for the spear, he was physically removing the spear from Charles’ body.  
For me, there’s a difference.  Though I’m not sure poor Charles would appreciate that.
But I appreciate that evil Rip doesn’t seem inclined to torture for torture’s sake.  He doesn’t seem inclined to cause unnecessary pain or degradation.  We can see that in his control of his puppet knights.  When they’re not in battle, they’re motionless and still.  (Which seems to annoy Darhk.)  He doesn’t make them playact sick games or anything like that.
This distinction is normally not important when we discuss evil Rip, because evil Rip is not the real thing.  He is the creation of Eobard Thawne when he violated Rip Hunter’s mind.  It’s not a matter of redemption, so much as just restoring our Rip to the person he originally was.
But if there is no Land of the Lost fix, then we would need to look at evil Rip in his own right to see whether or not he’s believably redeemable.  And that’s where these lines and distinctions become important. 
We’re all going to have different opinions on where exactly the line between believably redeemable and not falls.  I’ve blogged a lot about my own standard when talking about Kylo Ren in Star Wars.
For me, the lines generally involve murder of civilians, sadism, torture and rape.  This isn’t to say that someone who’s crossed some of those lines couldn’t still be reasonably redeemed for me.  But that’s going to be a VERY tough sell.
So, given that evil Rip has kept his murder attempts focused on superheroes, knights and soldiers, and has shown little to no inclination to sadism or torture, and none for rape, he’s in a good position for me to buy a redemption arc.  Or at least a “token evil member” of the team.
The trick of course would be finding the right motivation for him to change sides.  And then, there are all sorts of possibilities when it comes to Rip growing to re-form new bonds with his old team.  It’d be like the best of slow burn fanfic without the romance.  (Or maybe with the romance.  Let’s watch Rip fall in love with his team all over again.  :-))
I think it could be a fantastic story.  I’m very glad that they didn’t do this with the show itself though.  Rip is a victim who doesn’t deserve to be permanently obliterated in favor of Eobard’s creation.  And well, given my frustration with certain parts of the fandom, I don't think I trust us to appreciate the nuances of the story.  :-)
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totalfanfreak · 7 years
One of Three - Chapter 8
One of Three
Chapter 8 – Que Sera Sera
"Welcome to our humble abode, milis Serpahine." (Sweet)
Looking out the car window, Sera stared up at the warehouse. "Are you sure you don't need me to come, Connor? I hate to have you –"
He held his hand up, VERITAS flashing at her. "I got this, lass, let Murph help ye get settled in, I'll get the pooch and something fer us ta eat."
She nodded. "I do need to talk to you both when you get back."
Murphy had gotten her bag, making his way to open her door. "We know, we will, let's get you upstairs and comfortable first."
They were speaking to her in hushed tones, something she could have taken as patronizing, but she knew they wanted to keep her calm. Perhaps afraid of setting off another seizure, frightening her the way the night had. But she was detached from that place and onto another, wondering how she could possibly explain to them that they had become attached to a harbinger of death.
"Coming, aingeal?"
She jerked her head up to Murphy, his blue irises anxious with concern while he waited patiently by the car door.
She tried to reassure him with a smile. "Yeah, here Connor, since you're both too stubborn to let me go you better take my license in case they need identification."
"Good call, lass, now hop on out, I'm sorry fer stickin' ye with him, but Murph will make alright company until I get back."
Getting out she was able to grin as Murphy balanced the bag, cigarette and lighter enough so he could flip his brother off. She waved to Connor letting Murphy guide her through the double doors of the building. The inside smelt a little damp, and from the assorted pieces of tools, barrels, and dollies she knew this place had been some kind of work site.
"How'd you guys find this place?"
Murphy shrugged. "We had just met Rocco, and he knew a guy, and was able to set us up here. Ain't exactly the Ritz, or all round legal, but suits us well."
He coaxed her into the rickety lift. "Wow, Rocco sure knows a lot of guys doesn't he?"
The way she worded it caused Murphy to choke on his cigarette, making him decide to drop it and stub it out.
"I believe ye may be right on that one, Sera."
The lift stopped, shaking a little as Murphy opened the grate, pointing to the door near the end of the hall. Hitching up her stuff he went ahead of her to open the door.
"Have ta apologize to ye. If we'd known you'd be over we'd have cleaned up a bit."
The smell of cigarettes and something she could only connect to as male was extrusive when she walked through the door. But the place didn't bother her, it wasn't how she'd decorate it, but this wasn't her place, and these were two single men. Her mother had taught her men were cleanliness blind anyways, and growing up with her brother, hanging out with her boyfriend in high school, and going to parties held where the place was guy owned she had seen worse. Though she would have liked if the commode weren't out in the open, yeah, she'd probably look for another one on one of the other floors later. Breaking from her thoughts she saw Murphy had begun, putting the scattered beer bottles and take out containers into a garbage bag. Going up to put a hand on his shoulder, she stopped him.
"You don't have to do that. It's fine."
He began chewing the inside of his cheek. "Want to though, can't be having our girl sitting here in squalor."
It had been an offhand remark, more than likely he didn't realize he said it. But…
"Our girl, huh?"
He flushed. "Yeah, hoping ye are, Connor told me you'd think about it. Unless ye don't then –"
"I'm not saying I don't want to, I – I would've liked to have tried, you both amaze me, I didn't really believe guys like you two existed outside the romance section of bookstore."
He had started to grin, the lift of lips faltering as he processed all she had said.
"Ye mean ye don't want to then?"
"It's not about want, I can't."
He tried to catch her eyes with his but she couldn't look at him. "And why can'tcha, love?"
"I can't stay here."
He stepped back, rolling his eyes, he was trying to keep good humor but she could tell he was getting exasperated.
"We've been through that; if it's about the showers or the toilet we can fix that. When Conn gets back we'll go get some plywood or something and put some walls up around it fer ye."
She shook her head. "It's not about that, though I don't know how you two go out in the open like that."
"Both got the same things, love, not that big a deal to us…so why can't ye stay."
She started with her nails. "I'd rather wait for Connor to get back so I just have to go through it once. Plus, I'd like to change clothes in case you two boot me out."
"Seraphine…c'mon love, it can't be that bad."
She couldn't get her voice above a whisper then. "To me it is."
He didn't say anything to her, but his eyes were somber. "Why don't ye get into some clean clothes and we'll relax. I'll see if somethin' on TV while ye change."
Going behind the wall of the shower, she began rifling through the duffel bag, starting to wonder if the two had a tad more fun than they ought to have when going through her things. She had to push aside a lot of her lacy underthings to get to the actual clothing.
"You and Connor put an awful lot of underwear in here for me."
She could hear the laughter in his voice from the other side of the room. "We wanted ta make sure ye had something to choose from, love. We didn't know what ye wanted to match to yer outfits."
"Hate to break it to you, but I'm not the kind of girl who matches up my underthings to my outer ones."
"What a shame, since Conn and me do."
She snorted, able to get out some floral print stretch pants, and peasant blouse. She decided to put her shoes back on until she knew if she'd sweep the floor or not. Coming back around she was stunned to see the local news on the rabbit eared TV, her apartment building flashing on the screen.
" – the items in the home were undisturbed making us believe this was a planned attack against Tovia, though the police have not fully pressed that the connected murders are put under hate crimes all the women have had the same religious backgrounds –"
Her eyelids fluttered, trying to cut off the tears, failing to stifle a whimper, Murphy's head whipped around to her, cutting the TV off.
"I'm sorry, aingeal, I shouldn't have left it on like that…please don't cry."
She let him put his arms around her, crying into his chest. "It was supposed to be me."
"Don't say things like that."
"But it's true!"
"The Lord wouldn't have let ye live if it was supposed to be you."
She pulled away, shaking her head. "You don't get it."
Murphy threw his arms up. "Then tell me! Quit holdin' everything in and tell me!"
She looked at him, his face dour and waiting. She inhaled deeply to get her pulse calmed, moving off; she sat on one of the mattresses motioning for Murphy to join her.
"Okay, let's do it then. I'll leave it to you to explain to Connor later."
Especially if I'm gone.
His gaze was intense as he sat across from her on the other mattress, hands on his knees as he nodded. "I can do that, now tell me why ye can't stay, why it was s'pposed ta be you."
She let her arms circle her knees as she sat up. "I – I know you were curious, back when I told you my parents were gone as well as Selene."
He nodded, motioning for her to keep going.
"They're gone because they were murdered. I didn't tell you, but our dad was a judge, he worked for years in bench trials. He'd seen everything from pedophiles to DUI to armed robbers. But mostly with organized crime, some white collar, most not. Yet when you looked on it, you could see a pattern aside from the other types of crimes those in the mob and such were way more likely to get off if they appeared before my dad. Well, almost two years ago now, we got to find out why. Turns out there was many off the table meetings and in turn for freedom my dad could get his pick from things off the black market, to international side partnerships, or, of course, money. But during one case, he decided to convict him. Ilari Klem, very high up on the Russian mafia scene, I got firsthand experience as to some of the reasons why my dad wouldn't let him off. His people were not happy with my dad, and with those repercussions went his life. But that wasn't enough…they wanted us dead too, wanted everyone we had known or cared about wiped out. They wanted us to hurt and suffer before obliterating us…"
She was done, and she hoped it was enough, Sera didn't want to have to say how her friends were taken many not found, the only boy she had dated killed with the blunt side of a pickaxe through his skull, how the few cousins she had were found dead by acts of what was thought was suicide, but her knowing better. She really didn't want to get into the ones she had killed, how being found place to place, it was take them out or die yourself. That she didn't regret killing them.
"Seraphine –"
"Don't, it's okay, but that's why I can't stay. Those cops haven't put it together yet, but that's them killing those women, I know it, I should've listened to Sapph when he told me to leave."
She scooped up the bag, ready to dart out the door, when Murphy cut her off.
"We're not gonna be runnin' away there, aingeal. Ye didn't run before and yer not now."
She had started to cry again. "Don't you get it? You will die if you're around me, you will both die. I can't do that, I can't cause that."
"Conn and me are tougher than you give us credit fer."
He stopped for a minute, letting his hand linger on her face. "Ye shouldn't have had to go through all that, none of ye should have. But ye know by now that they ain't gonna stop. Runnin' won't keep 'em away, yer brother's gotta know that too."
She nodded, solemn. "We did, especially after Selene, when he left – I couldn't fight by myself. He thinks he's protecting me but he's not."
"He's scared of losin' ye, Sera, losing a piece of ye with yer sister like that, if it were Connor I'd kill every one of 'em myself."
She smirked, sadly. "That was our idea too, but we fucked up, I got shot, he got scared. It's how I ended up here."
His eyes widened. "Ye got fuckin' shot?"
She nodded, pulling up her shirt to show one of her scars. "Then there's the few knife wounds and the one in my shoulder that you've already got to see."
"Thought it was a fuckin' birthmark."
Shaking her head again she leaned her head back on the wall. "I was full of hate for the longest time, I wanted to kill them for all they did, what they took away. But after a while of being away from it, I just wanted it over. Being here, and getting some semblance of a life again, I want it to be left alone. I want to move on."
"And ye will, we'll make sure of that."
"Murphy –"
"Don't be givin' me that shit! You want to be here with us?"
She looked at the fierceness in his eyes. "Yes."
"Then yer stayin', what's gonna happen will happen anyways, aingeal, whether you're here or across the world. But we protect what's ours and on my life I'll protect ye."
"See, I don't want that, I don't want you to give up your life for mine."
He smirked. "Fine, then I'll protect ye until I'm too tired to, then I'll tie ye up and lock ye in a safe."
She choked on her laughter. "You're a foolish idiot, Murph."
His eyes became soft then, his long fingers tracing to her neck. "Ye called me, Murph."
Her lips parted. "I'm sorry, if that's something only Connor –"
"S'not like that, Sera grá, I like it, makes me feel like ye got some trust fer me."
She reached out to touch his face then, playing with the hair on his chin. "You should know I have by now, I trust both of you, I care about both of you, which is why I don't want anything bad to happen to either one of you."
He took her hand away then, lacing their fingers together. "Won't happen, told ye we can hold our own fine."
Her mind was still in denial on that, but she nodded. She felt his nose on her cheek, and she leaned into him before his lips came on hers. She smiled into the kiss, sighing as his hands weaved in her hair. They was a differentiation with them here, where Connor's kiss was slow and savoring, giving her enough time to move away if she wanted, Murphy's were in a frenzied hunger, giving her no chance to scurry off. Both were evenly satisfying, the act of matching him and keeping up taking her brain away from anything else. She nudged him from the door, upping his ante as she guided him to one of the mattresses. Eager as her he flopped them both down on it, a tiny whoosh exiting her lungs from the exertion. She giggled while his teeth went to her neck, nipping and sucking up until he bit a sensitive part behind her ear causing her to groan.
His voice was husky as he kissed her ear. "Now that is the most enchanting sound I've ever heard, aingeal, you know I'm going to be trying to get that out of you every chance I can now."
Her own voice was breathy, hitching as his hands went to the bottom of her shirt, taking one finger to move it slowly upwards. "I don't think I'll mind that."
She could feel the grin of his teeth on her neck, him moving to her collarbone and back up to her lips. "Tá tú chomh milis, ár n-aingeal milis." (You're so sweet, our sweet angel.)
She tugged his mouth back to hers, only stopping when her stomach started to growl.
Murphy leaned up on an elbow, grinning. "Seems you're hungry for more than just me, love."
She palmed her face. "I'm sorry."
He pulled back, standing, and she found herself missing the contact.
"We might have some crackers here, should keep ye until Connor moves his ass and gets back."
As Murphy went to search beside the refrigerator the door flew open, Shepherd running to her.
She pulled him to her, letting him kiss his face as he wriggled in her arms. "My poor baby, locked you up like some criminal. Thank you, Connor."
He beamed at her. "It was nothing, was afraid they weren't goin' ta hand him over til he saw me. He was a happy little fucker then."
She grinned. "I'm sure he was. Connor set you free, didn't he?"
"Stopped fer our food, hope ye don't mind, but I gave him some on our way here."
"I guess not, after being kept like that. But don't be spoiling him."
"I won't, love, I won't. Wanted ta spoil you a little too, and got ye some get well chocolate."
Sera smiled, thank him as he handed her the candy bar, giving him a hand to take a puff of his cigarette as he slung his coat on one of the dining chairs and bags of food on the table. He turned back around suddenly, as if realizing something, a slow grin coming on his face.
"I see ye chose my bed, that's a good choice there."
Murphy grunted, taking the food out of the bag, and biting into a burrito. "Shut it, Conn."
"Come on, don't be getting all jealous little brother, just let the better man win on this."
"Oh, fuck ye, and you're little brother shit, ye know fer a fact that I'm the oldest! The girl needed a place to sit, don't mean she wants ta be stuck in bed with ye."
"Fuck ye! There's no way yer the oldest, Ma already said on our birthday the one who gave her the fewest gray hairs was it! How many you gave her I'm surprised she didn't leave ye off in the woods somewhere!"
Walking up to his brother, Connor knocked the food out of his brother's hands. Sera watched Murphy jump up, tackling Connor to the floor as the two rolled around, cursing at each other. She smiled, watching them wrestle. Connor had gotten off the bottom and had put Murphy on his stomach, pinning his arm behind his back.
"Say it! I'm the oldest!"
"Not on yer life, ye stupid shit!"
She couldn't resist anymore, the precious sorrows being washed away as she propelled herself on Connor's back, lightly wrapping an arm around his neck as she tried to tug him back.
"What the hell ye doin', love? S'pposed to be on my side here."
She laughed, letting her cheek rest on the bristly part of his hair. "I'm not being on anyone's side; I just wanted to join in. You both make it look fun."
She heard Murphy muttering on the floor. "Gettin' my arm twisted off, and ye think it's fun?"
"Oh, hush, I haven't wrestled since I was a kid, quit being a sore loser and let me enjoy it."
Connor chuckled. "Yeah, Murph, quit being a loser and let the lass have her fun."
She let her free hand crawl up his shirt then, tickling his side as he let out an unmanly shriek, falling on his side. Murphy cackled, rolling over to look at his brother as he caught his breath.
"She's got ye figured out, Conn, knows yer a sissy that can't hold in his giggles."
She laughed, getting up now that both boys were separated, and went to the table, though Connor had another plan as he rushed up and picked her up from behind.
"So ye don't like ta fight fair, do ye, aingeal? That's fine, I'm sure Murph and me can find the places that'll make ye squeal."
She blushed, wondering if he knew what all that could imply. "Afraid I have only a few ticklish places on me, boys."
Connor grinned. "Sure we could find 'em, love."
"I'm sure you could, but I'd have to take off my clothes for you to do it, and I'd like to eat first."
That grin faded then, and she was able to get out of his hold to get to the table, the boys grabbing a beer before joining her.
"Ye think yer clever don't ye?"
She smirked, wiping her face before speaking. "I like to think I can be."
Connor pursed his lips, trying to keep from smiling. "Alright then, eat up woman, before we change our minds about findin' those spots on ye."
It had been a comfy afternoon, when they were finished eating Connor had pulled the TV from its place, getting excited as they found a Clint Eastwood movie.
"What d'ye mean ye never watched him?"
She shrugged, Murphy piping up in her defense. "Not all people watch yer damn westerns and shit, Conn, 'specially girls if ye knew anything about them you'd know that."
"Fuck ye, this Escape from Alcatraz ain't a western."
She bundled herself on the bed propping herself up to see. "No one said we wouldn't give it a try, I'm curious."
"See the lass wants ta watch."
"She's only being polite ta yer dumbass."
Murphy had pulled over his bed, making enough room for the three of them to sit, with Sera in the middle.
"So are all of them going to die?"
Without turning from the screen Connor held a finger to his lips. "No, love, ye just gotta watch."
She held a laugh at him, the focus he had right now was kind of disconcerting. She felt Murphy bumping shoulders with her.
"Don't mind him, he's always getting zonked off when watchin' one of these."
His arm went around her, and she could feel his heat through the blankets. "We could find somethin' ta do to zonk us out too."
Oh. The way Murphy was looking at her she wanted to, but with Connor right on the other side of them…
"But –"
"He won't care, love. You might be his, but you're mine as well."
She smirked. "Am I?"
He leaned in a hair's breath away. "Damn right ye are."
She breathed him in, as his mouth went over hers. The hurried pace of before being drawn out longer, his mouth and tongue taking time to explore he, one hand going right under her shirt to trace patterns on her stomach. He pulled her hips closer, tilting her back until they were yielded by Connor. They stopped as Connor turned, his expression going from mild interest to full gawking, Murphy snickered, going back to kiss her neck.
"The fuck? Ye two know yer not supposed to be kissing during the movie, don'tcha?"
She could hear the amusement in his tone, letting her know he wasn't upset with them. She couldn't help but blush at being caught though.
"I can't speak for Murphy, but I didn't plan it."
Murphy pulled her to him, kissing the side of her head. "Aye, all planned on my part, aingeal, knew my brother's attention would be drawn away so I could have ye to myself."
Connor moved closer now that she was positioned towards him. "My attention's not away now, is it, love?"
She bit her lip before shaking her head. Connor's finger hooked under her chin bringing her lips to him in a tender kiss.
"Tá ár cailín bhinne ná milliún barraí candy, nach í, deartháir?" (Our girl's sweeter than a million candy bars, ain't she, brother?)
"Go bhfuil sí, deartháir, nach, dar bhfaighidh mé riamh go leor. D'fhéadfadh a bheith addicted cheana di." (That she is, brother, don't think I'll ever get enough. Might already be addicted to her.)
She shivered, two sets of hands trailing up and down her body. Connor's hands going where Murphy had been, moving her shirt up to take it off when Shepherd decided that was enough and began to growl from his makeshift bed by the dining table. Connor pouted, letting her shirt back down.
"Now look here, doggo, she might've been yers first but we gotta to work this out, can't be keepin' her to yerself all the time."
Sera let her hands thread through her hair. "I guess we will have to work out a system in case we do this again."
Murphy chuckled. "What's this, 'in case' talk? I can promise ye, it'll happen again and again and again –"
He place kissed all up and down her face, Connor laughing at them until the next movie was announced.
"Oh, fuck yeah, you'll like Stone Killer for sure, love, I's got Charles Bronson in it –"
"He is handsome."
The smile deflated, the playful glint still in his eyes. "Don't be going there with that, no, it's about a washed up cop that has to stop the mafia underworld –"
"Turn that shit up, Conn."
The lighter haired twin raised his eyebrows. "The fuck for? It's a good movie."
"Don't want ta watch that stupid shit, and neither does Sera."
She knew what he was doing. "Murph –"
He waved her off. "No, we don't need to watch a movie like that. Come on, need a smoke break anyways."
"Why the fuck do I want ta go outside so ye can smoke?"
"'Cause I need ta talk to yer stupid ass but ye don't take the hint."
"Why can't we talk in here?"
"Because I said so! C'mon!"
Throwing on his coat Murphy went outside, Connor touched her shoulder. "We'll be right back, aingeal, goin' ta see what's got him so worked up."
He was putting his own coat on when she answered. "Me."
He turned from the door, perplexed. "What?"
"It's about me."
He didn't seem able to process this. "Why'd he want to talk about ye out there love?"
She shrugged, pulling the blanket back over her. "I'll be here."
He nodded, still confused as he left. Shep left his pallet and laid beside her, letting her hand up to stroke him. "Que sera sera, right, Shep?"
Tags! :D
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adorablecarrot-blog · 8 years
Friendenemies Tomco Style part 1
Ms. V: Welcome to our Tomco wonderland!!! Carrot: Where Tom and Marco can happily be together when they are not arguing. Ms. V: This the Star Vs. the Forces of Evil episode Friendenemies retold with even more of a Tomco twist then the actual episode. Carrot: Friendenemies is the episode that changed Ms. V and my lives. In this story the first part tells the story in Marco's point of view and the second part tells it in Tom's. Ms. V and Carrot: We do not own Star Vs the Forces of Evil. Enjoy the Story! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marco's P.O.V It has been an hour and I have been trying to buy Mackie Hand movie marathon tickets. So far I have had no luck and there are only two tickets left. Then there was a knock on my door and Star comes jumping in the room tangled in Christmas Tree lights. (Carrot: Haha Star VS the Christmas Tree lights). "Heyy Marco," Star says. The pitch her voice a bit higher then normal. "Can I get your help with something?" She asks. I  tell her while I am quickly typing on my laptop," I can't help right now. I just found out there is a Mackie Hand movie marathon tonight and I can't miss it." I hear star walk up behind me. "Ooohh who is Mackie Hand?" She asks. "He is the greatest martial arts master who ever lived. He died thirty years ago while performing one of his own stunts...on himself...accidently." I lean into my computer and then stand up. Then I see there is no more tickets left. I fall back into my chair and  bang my head on my laptop repeatedly. "W-what what's wrong?" Star asks. "It's sold out!" I tell her. "Oohh I'm sorry little guy," Star says while patting my arm while still struggling with the Christmas Tree lights. "It's ok," I weakly mumble to her with my head on my laptop. I turn my head. looking at Star, "It was only a once in a life time opportunity." Star's voice is a pitch higher again when she speaks," Don't worry I'm sure there is still a chance you can still get a ticket." I weakly mumble, "Good things do not happen to me." Then a fire shoots out from my desk and I jump up out of my seat to avoid being burned. I fall backwards on my butt. When I look up there is Tom. Licking a rainbow snow cone.(Ms.V: How does that snow cone taster Tom?) "Hey! What's up?" Tom asks. "Tom?!" Star and I question in unison. "What are you doing here?" Star asks. "Actually  I was wondering if we could hang out?" Tom asks a bit nervously while I stand up and brush off my clothes. I assume he is asking Star like he always does. "uuuhhh! No! No! No! No! A million times no!" Star shouts at Tom. "Tck, not with you Star," Tom tells Star like it is the most obvious thing in the world. "I meant with Marco," Tom continues to say. This catches me off guard. "Huh?! uhh?1 No?" My no sounded more like a question then an answer. I can see an emotion flash through Tom's eyes that I am not familiar with. "Oh! Ok then I guess I'll find someone else to go with to the Mackie Hand movie Marathon with," he says while waving two of the tickets around and smirking. "Wha-huh! W-w-what wait your a fan of Mackie Hand?!" I ask obviously not believing what Tom is saying. Tom uses fire to Jump off my desk. "I'm a super fan!" Tom exclaims. "Why do you want go with me?" I ask still not believing that Tom is asking to go to the Mackie Hand movie marathon with me. "I really thought we connected that one time...over ping pong," Tom says with sincerely. "You kidnapped me," I point out. "Well look I know I have been a little aggro in the past and I' m sorry. I promise  not to get mad this time." Tom promises. I give Tom a questioning look. I then turn around and push Star away from Tom to talk. "Star what is he up to?" I question her. "I think you should go with him. He' s obviously trying to bury the hammer or whatever," Star says as her voice cracks and is a tad bit higher than usual again. I correct her "Hatchet, bury the Hatchet" Tom then interrupts while holding up the tickets," Well the marathon is all the way on the other side of town. Soo...are you coming?"   I can not refuse because this is a once in a life time opportunity. I lead Tom out side and walk up to his carriage. Tom holds open the door and I look inside. I am surprised to see that the carriage is bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. "Wow!" I exclaim. "Let me give you a tour," Tom says as I climb inside. "Giddy up skeleton horse!" Tom shouts. "So here it is," Tom says as we stand in the middle of the carriage. "We got six flat screen tvs, a photo booth a karaoke machine..." I listen to tell me. "Is that a white tiger?" I ask pointing to the big cat licking it's self. "And up here is the lounge," Tom says while leading over to a red arm chair. He is leading me with his hand on my lower back. For some reason knowing his hand is there makes my cheeks heat up. "Here have a seat in throne ," Tom says. I sit down feeling a little nervous. "Are...are you comfortable. Can I get you anything? Some cereal perhaps?" Tom asks seeming a bit nervous. Then lap was on fair but I felt no pain. Just a soothing warmth and when the flames vanished cereal took its place.  I wish I knew why he was being so nice and why him being so close  makes my heart beat so fast. "Look your being super nice to me and your never nice to me. What's this really about?" I ask. Tom then rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Wha- I'm just a huge fan of Mackie Hand." I suddenly felt defensive and crossed my arms over my chest. "What's your favorite Mackie Hand movie then?" I ask. "Uuuhh...I-its," Tom struggles to say. "I knew it! you don't know the first thing about Kung Fu! I'm out of here!" I exclaim while standing up and start to walk away from Tom. "N-no no wait wait it's because I have two favorites. Hand to hand to hand  and Hand to hand to hand two, and you know now that I am saying it I am going to have to go with the original." Tom explained. "Wow! Yeah, your right that is the best one," I comment. "But not the English version I am talking about the original, in Swedish," Tom says. I am embarrassed to hear this because I assumed wrong. "I guess you do like stuff. I'm sorry," I say smiling sheepishly. "No, no, no, I get it, I get it. It can be hard to break through people's preconceptions of me. That's why I don't have many friends. I haven't even been to a movie marathon before." I feel bad for not believing him. He looks so sad and it makes my heart clench. What is this I am feeling? I then here an engine reveving. "Hey, where did you pick up your sweet ride? At a funeral home? Are you gonna go pick up someone's dead grandpa and hold a respectful service for him?" some punks kids say. Tom groans in anger. I can see him getting angry and for some reason I know I must do somehting, "You think you guys are fast? I can guarantee that we'll beat you to the next light without even breaking a sweat." I say placing my arm around Tom's shoulder to calm him down. "Yeah!?" One of the boys said. I smirk. "What are ya, chicken?" I challenge. "Whaaat?! - Bro." They say at the same time. "Bro! - You're on, punk," the guy in the driver seat says before driving off. "Oh, I'll show them!" Tom exclaims. "No, no, no. Wait...wait...wait" I tell Tom. Then police sirens go off and a cop pulls the boys over. "Those guys are going to jail," I assure Tom. Then the carriage goes by the boys in the cop car and we look out at the boys innocently. When we can't see them we start to life. Hearing Tom laugh makes my heart skip a beat and I a part of me wants to make sure Tom always laughs. " Oh, that was that was so much more fun than obliterating people," Tom comments when he gets control over his laughter. "Yeah! This whole thing reminds me of one of my favorite songs, Awesome Feeling!" I exclaim while humming. "Wait, wait, wait. Isn't that a song by Love Sentence? " Tom asks. I feel emberassed but answer Tom anyways. "Yeah?" Tom then looks at me seriously "Come with me," he says. He takes me over to a shelf covered by a curtain. When he moves the curtain I see a bunch of Love Sentence stuff. I gasp. "No way! You have a signed picture of you and Justin Towers!?" I ask. "I also have a vintage five-disc CD player with automatic shuffle." Tom comments. Placing a CD in the player and pushing play. Awesome feeling starts to play.  We then ride Tom's white tiger around the carriage while laughing. Tom then grabs a container of cereal and I pour root beer into it and then I pour it into Tom's mouth. I then pour a bowl into my mouth. I can feel the sugar enter my system and I am sure I am having a small sugar rush. We jump and run around before going into the photo booth. In there we take lots of picture together. In one picture I am singing into a microphone and Tom is wearing a Love Sentence t-shirt and in the next we are both singing into the microphone. I was holding the microphone and Tom has his hands over mine. My cheeks turn red as Tom holds my hands. I am this way with all the pictures. By the end of the song I am on the ground laughing while Tom is laughing on the couch. "Man, I can't believe I'm actually having a good time with you," I tell Tom. I know.Right? Heck, I could just skip that whole movie marathon and..." Tom says before I cut him off. (Ms. V: Why did you have to say that?!?!) "Oh, my gosh. Oh, the marathon! What time is it? " I exclaim. "Don't freak out." Tom says to me. I sit up and check my watch. "It starts in ten minutes?!" I say. I quickly jump up and run towards the door, but the door is locked with a chain and a heavy duty lock. " What the heck? Hey, can you unlock the door?" I ask Tom. "Actually, I can't let you leave yet." For some reason my heart skips a beat when he says he does not want me to leave. Does he like me? "What? But we gotta go. We're gonna be late." I tell him. "Couldn't we just chill here for, like, another four-and-a-half minutes?" Tom asks. "No. Seriously, let me go." I say. "Please. Just wait a little longer." He asks with a bit of desperation in his voice that makes my heart squeeze. "What is wrong with you? I said let me go! " I ask a little concerned. "And I said wait!" Tom shouts angrily as he bursts into flame. I am a bit shocked and step back in fear. Then I hear a whistle go off. Then the white tiger stood on two feet. He then pulled a part his mouth to reveal Brian. "Sorry, Tom. That's an instant fail for you. Hey, you almost made it this time." Brain says. "No, no! Wait, wait! You gotta give me a second chance." Tom begs. I am so confused. "Okay, seriously, what is going on here? Dude, I cleaned your litter box." I say while pointing at Brian. "Well, Master Tom here was just about to earn his anger management graduation badge. All he had to do was spend three hours alone with the person he hated the most without blowing up." Says Brian.  That's right Tom hates me. At this realization I feel something inside me snap. I just figured out that today Tom made me feel so special today. Not even Jackie has ever made me feel this way. I am in love with Tom! "But you, you had to be selfish. You could wait another four minutes and 15 seconds! All you care about are your precious karate movie tickets. Well, guess what. Mackie Hand movies are garbage." Tom tells me. He then rips up the tickets and then makes them burst into flames. "Are you kidding me? You lied to me about being a Mackie fan, and pretended to be my friend so you could earn some badge? Dude, you're a jerk and a liar, and that's not even the worst part. I was dumb enough to fall for it!" I yell at him. I can feel my close swell shut with emotion. I kick down the carriage door. I wanted to yell at him for making me feel this way but I couldn't do it so I walk away. "Marco, wait. I do like Love Sentence. That part wasn't a lie," Tom says to me. "Too little, too late! Which is my second favorite Love Sentence song, by the way." I tell him. I start to walk away and I am standing under the light of a lamp post when I hear Tom start singing. "Oh, girl, you know I never mean to hurt ya When you're sad you know I'd never desert ya Mm-mmmm You're my angel My beautiful dove," he sang. I can hear his voice crack a couple of times. I can feel my heart beat faster at Tom's words. "We spiraled high on a gust of love," I sing to Tom. "And I knew right from the start nothing could tear us apart," we sing together. I can hear Tom walking closer to me. "Till the day you broke my heart And now it's too little too late Ooh, ooh," I sing ending the song. I start to  walk away from Tom. My heart breaking a bit. Then I hear some chanting and feel the familiar warmth of Tom's flames. "Eesh, what a drama queen!" I say out loud. Then the ground cracked and a coffin comes out. A skeleton came out of the coffin and some hair and flesh start to form on it. "It's...it's Mackie Hand!" I exclaim excitedly. "Oh oh! I took quite a tumble there. How long was I out? I hope I didn't make us fall too far behind shooting schedule," Mackie says. "But Mr. Hand, I can't believe it's really you!" I say in astonishment. "Say, you must be the new P.A. Kevin, right? Nice to meet you," Mackie tells me while shaking my hand. I can not believe this! "Oh, my gosh. I wish I had something for you to sign." I tell him searching my Jacket for pen and paper. Mackie shrugs. "Eh, don't sweat it. I gotcha covered." Mackie says ripping out one of his ribs and signing my forehead with some green slime that is on the rib. "Hold still. There you go." He says. I look over at Tom and see him holding his head. He was sitting in a small crater. He looked exhausted. He did this for me. When he did not have to. He gains nothing from doing this and it seemed to use up all of his power. My heart beats faster at this thought and I blush a little. I smile at Tom. "Tom, I can't believe you brought Mackie Hand back from the dead just for me! That was that was cool of you." I say nervously. I can feel my  cheeks heat up a bit more. "Wait, I'm dead?" Mackie asks. (Carrot: How do you pull out your rib and not realize you are dead?) I reach my hand out to Tom and help him up. I then help him into the carriage. I am not sure where we are headed but at the moment I do not care. We sit down next to each other and I feel something on my shoulder. I look over and see Tom had fallen asleep. I pet his hair and smile. We then pull up to the theater and Tom wakes up and leads me out. "Three for the Mackie Hand marathon, please." I asked the man. "What does the sign say?" he asks. " Wait, but do you know who this is? This is the Mackie Hand in the flesh." I tell him and wave Mackie's hand. "Nice costume, but no one gets in without a ticket. Now shove off, grandpa, before I have to get physical." The man says while pushing Mackie. Mackie then turns his head all the way around and punches the man. Soon security gets involved and a fight ensues. "Hey! You! You were right! This guy's for real!" Tom says while we eat cereal and watch the fight. "Yeah. I told you." I tell Tom happy Tom likes what I like. "I still don't like you, Tom." I say trying to cover up my embarrassment. "I love you, too, Marco." Tom says while holding my hand. I blush and smile. My chest feels as warm as Tom's flames and I smile happily and lean on Tom's  shoulder as I eat my cereal
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noidsome · 8 years
Digimon tri: Loss rant aka butthurt
So there are things that bothers me a lot about these Digimon tri movies and this movie, well lets just say its teh drop that tipped the glass. I dont really like rewieving things..but i am very passionate for digimon, so i suppose this will do.
So what is there to say about Digimon tri? or spesifically... loss? hehe loss..more like loss of my intrest in these movies..
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TLDR; the movie is long, boring, little action, meiko is shit as always, the conflict with sora, tai and matt doesnt exist, some scenes go nowhere and are more filler then plot, still questions left unanswered, 02 kids are dead and gone and nobody cares at this point, and shitty, limited, boring, bland and dissapoiunting animation. 
Anyhow where do i even start? first i suppose i should start off by saying the things i DO like about this movie. I did enjoy seeing tai more in the spotlight, and it was nice seeing tai, matt and sora talk again. And not to mention, digivolutions! Where most of the digis became ultimate! hell yeah! and my boi machinedramon, i always loved that fella. And more digi kaiser?? YES PLS FUEL MY NEEDS FOR FOOTAGE!! and of course, the animation was well done with the fight scenes and the action was really neat! My favorite part of the movie was the last part.
and now, onto the... MANY many problems these movies had, with none other then shitty animation, awkward scenes, bad art styles, scenes that go nowhere, meiko, and FILLER!! clench your asshole because this is going to be a long one...
Ok so we start off the movie strong. This flashback goes well with me because its this old timey wimey film effect, and we get to see the backstory of himekawa and black hair teacher typography mcgee, i forgot his name..anyway thats cool, we get plot! and then cuts to meiko being left out with her dark evil special digital device. GOOD. she has no way to enter now. she should be left out like the shitty written character she is. im glad shes out.. but would i be like this for long?? NOPE, NOT HERE IN DISSAPOINTMENT LAND I WONT!!
So then we get tehse cute bonding scenes, which are just very nice. its good they take their time with these, and boy....do they take their time :))))) the shitty happy music desu comes so abruplty that you just sit back and say “nice here it is.” so the rest of the digimon get along just fine with the kids again, which is nice i guess....except for pyokomon or whatever. For some reason she is the ONLY CONVENIENT one that wont like her. now, im fine with this, because things never happen the same way twice. however, she is THE ONLY ONE, and the others open very fast, so why?? eh whatever wont bother explaining too much about that ;))
so after this kawaii desuka moment, after toei “””””””””””””””animation”””””””””””””””” show us a slideshow of their best drawings of the kids just sitting there, with no movement, we get on with it. 
There is one thing i learned in animation class, and that is that YOU NEVER HAVE ONE STILL FRAME in animation, and these movies have a lot of them, and so fucking shittly placed as well. Just sometimes to save time, or just because lazyness, the animators just pan a akward still filler frame. i know things are hard, and horrible in NEY-HON, especially with animation, but for gods sake i cant help but go “animation is hard XDDdDdDD” whenever watching these movies....because sometimes....SOMETIMES.......
anyway so onto the story, “special super powerful” meikoomon appears, crying because she is adult and remembers meiko. why, you ask?? WHY??????? WELL who cares stfu. so she runs away and jumps into a distortion. did she make it? did the digital world provide her with some? will we get answers??
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so then, PTaiSD starts doubhting if we can save the special boy cat, and Yamaha has to of course get angry about every single little thing tai does, and walks off in a huff. Was this scene forced like all hell?? is yamiffedo being a bitch for no reason?? Yes. yes he was. at this point, it feels like they just put this here to give matt a reason to be angry because they have nothing left to bitch about to eachother, or yashitto just wont let up. either way, it is so frustrating..but i digress. 
we also cut to black haired crocks wearing mcgee again, in and out, of him saying “i cant figure this out” and we get told this 2 times. ... ANYYYWAYYYY then the kids remember their personalities again and tai suggests we do something now, and the digimon digivolved. HURRAH!”
byomon is still not trusting sora, which is fine i guess bonds take time, and they did take their time, which was fine. so they keep cutting to this trolly, the one they slept in in digimon adventure. HEY GUYS, REMEMBER THE TROLLY???? REMEMBER DIGIMON 01?? WASNT THAT SERIES COOL??? 
special OP baby cat meikomon just sits and laments because she cant find meiko, so she gets all infected and fucks up everything again, making the reboot for NUFFIN if she keeps this up. BUTT WAIT, why does she still have this infection?????? OH NO SHE TURNED EVIL AGAIN!!!! but does the movie explain??
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so here we are with the blank kids club as izzy expositions the shit out of the other kids, which is nice. its nice to get plot... BUT ITS NOT THE PLOT WE ACTUALLY NEED, just...just a little bit of it. just a little bit.......... anyway everyone cuberbullies meiko and basically says that she is a shit and wont fit in here because all she would do is cry or fuck up something beyond repair. that is what she would do.
so then sora walks off and sits by a trunk and is sad because her tamagotchi doesnt like her anymore. BUT.......and this is a big but...Taishit and Yaman come to the rescue. BUT...they are both stupidly blank and doesnt know waht the fuck to do or say, but they try. how will they tackle this point??
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So basically sora is suprised to figure out that tai and matt cant read her mind, and just runs off and is understandably angry about the situation. so as tai and matt is visibly upset they cant fix this, which you couldnt tell because their expressions are about as vibrant as a piece of wood, Taichi basically says something good for once. Sora spends her times worrying about other people and doesnt say anything about her own worries. which is....good??????
im sorry but to me thats not good at all. if you fix everyone elses problem, and you shut your own problems inside, you are going to suffer. THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING HOLY FUCK WHAT KIND OF MESSAGE IS THAT??!?!?!?!? unless i am completly misunderstanding this kind of behaviour but to me, this is not good. fuck that shit. so that scene ends. nothing gets resolved.  then finally, after fucking FOREVER with filler scenes and awkward crappy animation, machinedramon finally appears and is here to fucking kill this second hand emberassment. they run from him, and the others see whats going on. so then they try to do something and fails, and then meikoomon isnt evil anymore...........????? and then something which i think is one of the biggest, STUPIDEST cop puts of all time happens. 
macinedramon shoots them at point blank, and really hard and long too, like so long the camera makes sure to show ALL of their faces as they slowly burn to death by the giant super death cannon...and so they all get fucking obliterated and die... EXCEPT THEY DONT!!!!!!!!!! A DISTORTION PORTAL APPEARS AND JUST... TROWS THEM ACROSS THE ENTIRE ISLAND!!!! AND THE KIDS ARE ALSO UNHARMED!?”!?”?!?
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oh and we get a cute flashback to actually knowing what himekawa wanted. she just wanter he digimon back.......which is why she acted this way all along? so she could get her stupid digimon back=??? thats why she had to act like she was secretly the one fucking everything up?? ....eh idk ANYWAY
byomon sees sora cry and decides wew lad....that changes everything.,..so that scene ends, and what does byomon find?????? WELL WOW ITS MEIKO WHO JUST FELL INTO THE DIGITAL WORLD JUST BECAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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it was at this point i got really upset with this crappy movie. The scenes drag on for too long, scenes just end and go nowhere, and GOD DAMN IT IM SORRY FOR SAYING THIS BUT MEIKO IS A FUCKING MARY SUE. she is such a classic example of shittily written self insert characters that it fucking hurts. if i wanted to read your shitty digimon fanfiction from 2008 then i would of done that. Its fucking insane to see this level of writing from a professional writing team, holy fuck. 
and then........this.......this takes the cake.... fucking tai and kari are together. finally, they get to talk a little about things, like for example bringing up whats bothering tai all this time, or why he has to be such a tittybaby with yamato, or maybe have a little chat about character development. but no we dont get none of that. shitty sad music plays and....no tai just says “oh man im so angry i didnt make it” and kari says “its ok” and then tai just looks down.... AND THEN THATS IT!!! ....OK??
so then a whole lot of fucking nothing happens for a while, and i mean, they just.....dont say ANYTHING worthwhile. tai goes all “man i wish tai would read my mind and not be an asshole. my name IS MATT AND I JUST CANT TALK TO MY FRIENDS SO I WALK AROUND LIKE AN ANGRY PISSY BABY BECAUSE THATS MY TRAIT, WHICH IS NOT FRUSTRATING AND TIRED AT ALL” 
and byomon being a little warmer, going to meiko just because shes a cunt at this point, like now shes just being a dick, and generally everyone just walking around having a grand ol time. i guess its nice, and cool and all...but it drags ON FOR TOO LONG WE DONT NEED THIS LEVEL OF CALM WHEN YOU HAD ONE ACTION SCENE TROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE MOVIE!!!!! and just generally....just stuff that goes NOWHERE!! like that train scene???? literally filler. was it a trowback to 02 where agumon came back on the train after being with the dark master?? i dont know!! fuck!!
then expositionmon comes, and its vague, and leaves. and then whatever anyway
meikomon cries and when she gets back to meiko again she tries to slit her troat, and meiko supringly tells her that she isnt good.....wow..thats nice. but they reuine and FINALLY gennai arrives again. in his kaiser disguise. why does he have that avatar to go back and forth troughout the world? why did he chose to use kaiser?? my guess is just to be a dick to the others, because thats the only good explanation at this point. 
and sora does say “oh hi ken please dont” but thats it. im sorry but at this point, the 02 kids are oficcially dead and gone. there is no logical explanation to why they act like this anymore. none that are actually good. forget about them, the others have. just....forget about it.
so distortions appear again and everyone reunites again, because hell we needed SOME explanation to them meeting again. so action happens, and everything is nice and fine and then gennai just
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hes so insane im kind of liking it..... ANYWAY stuff happens and so they run away while gennai talks to them about some answers to our questions, which they might not hear because of the BIG HEAVY  STOMPS AND ROARS from the digimons but whatever... yuggrasil i dont remember who is and at this point i just wanted the movie to be over, so this last part, there isnt much to say because i liked it.
however sora getting BTFO by a giant mountain and machinedramons claw should have killed her, but nah whatever. and the scene with tai and matt drowning??? i jsut... dont understand it. what the fuck happened??? why did they just not drown anymore?? what?????? did the power of magic save them or somethin? I DONT GET IT!! and i mean...they should have drowned at that point jfc 
then half the movie is the digimon digivolving and now im so god damn sick of writing, but meikomon fucks everything up again and NOW IT ENDS ON A CLIFFHANGER!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE
SOOOO yeah thats it...the movie was slow, boring, fun, and overall awkwards. the kids had ALMOST no personality, and the scenes that the movie advertized, like the conflict with sora, tai and matt was nonexistant, and just....i myself, and a lot of people, are fucking dissapointed.
if you read this far, thank you. but i have no big hypes for the rest of the movies anymore because the shitty animation, no facial expressions, crappy storytelling, boring character interactions, and MEIKO makes me hate these movies more and more...........and that makes me sad.
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anew-books-blog · 6 years
A Matter of Time - Volume 2 ::: by Mary Calmes
My dear Anewers!
I think it is time for the sequel of A Matter of Time Series. Here we go again in a journey with Jory Harcourt and Samuel Thomas Kage. Let’s hope things get better between these two.
Let’s cut to what matters? Synposis and starting info:
“Books Three and Four Vol. 2
Three years ago, Jory Harcourt changed his name and shut the door on a past full of pain, only to emerge stronger on the other side. He has a new career, a great working partner, and a satisfying life—except for the hole in his chest left behind when police Detective Sam Kage walked out with his heart.
Now Sam's back and he knows what he wants... and what he wants is Jory. Jory, who doesn't know if he can survive another break up or losing Sam to his dangerous job, resists returning to the arms of the only man he has ever truly loved. But when a serial killer with a score to settle targets Jory, he will have to decide if love is worth the danger as he tries to solve the case and keep Sam safe.
Title:  A Matter of Time Volume 2 (Books 3 and 4)
Author: Mary Calmes
Year: 2011
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Language: English
Pages: 298
Reading time: 3 days
Format: e-book (Kindle)
Date of Purchase: 28/07/2013 at amazon.com
LINKS: Amazon (US) Dreamspinner Press
Again, this volume has two books in sequence.
I - Cover: (1)
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The only thing i will say about the cover is: Who the hell is depicted at the cover? Jory? Nah... Sam? If it is, please don't... Erase this image from my brain please! Sam is like Chris Hemsworth easily for me... So please... Just don't.
II - PoV: (4.5)
BOOK 3: Now she nailed it! The third stallment of A Matter of Time was sublime! Fast paced when needed, slowed down right on time. Not much dwelve on repeat scenes that just happened. PERFECT! Jory’s mind each time more and more twisted and interesting.
BOOK 4: Well... I will not repeat myself. Amazing. (lol), but the narrative sometimes gets a bit fuzzy, confusing.
III - Protagonists: (4.875) - HEAVY SPOILER ALERT!
Jory Harcourt: (Book 3 e 4) He was resilient about being back where all things began. Sam was out of his life completely for 3 whole years or so, and of course, who in the name of God would be, in good shape, after loosing the one person that holds your heart in his hand and then (even well justified) trashed it? Not a soul, i bet. So the reaction that Jory had about being around with Sam again was totally justified, i would personally do things a bit differente, but hey! That's Jory, not Alex.
Sam Kage: (Book 3 e 4) That persistent sonofabitch. He's adorable and perfect about the way he crumbles little-by-little the resistance of Jory. Stubborn, but both are. And his family mauling him and Jory after the definitive reunion... awesome... but let's not talk about them, the focus here is SAM. Hot as ever, still the man of anyone's dreams. I just didn't enjoyed him at all at the last chapter of book 4, if i was Jory, i would've let him alone and went home.
IV - Antagonists: (4.5) 
(Book 3): There's no antagonists at this book, i could place Aaron Sutter like it, but it wouldn't be fair to the man.
(Book 4): Caleb Reid: I can't mention him in his full feature now, because the HUGE SPOILER is coming on twists section... all i can say is this. This character is full of surprises, awesome and awful surprises. It would be interesting to read more about him messing with Jory and Sam’s life in the future.
V - Side Characters: (5)
(Book 3): General speaking... All perfect as always. I am madly inlove with Dylan Greer and her husband. The Kage's are something unreal. I miss a lot of Dane and his wife Aja. Aaron Sutter is something! Like a refined Sam Kage, but way out of Jory's league. Having nothing else to add... PERFECT.
(Book 4): Dane is back, like ACID back... He just mauled Sam's ass to submission for being back at Jory's life again. It was really awesome!
VI - Hot Scenes: (4.75)
(Book 3): There's only two hot scenes about Jory and Sam. And... WOW! The first one, the getting back sex was ASTONISHING-BREATHTAKING-AROUSING-EXCITING-SUBLIME-HOT.AS.HELL-PERFECT! Being mauled against a door, it got me right at the spot!... I can't comment any longer without pausing to take a cold shower...
(Book 4): Not so many scenes like that, and the ones that happened were as great as always, but getting too fast, should be a little bit more detailed.
VII - Story: (4.5)
(Book 3): The story is shortened as the Sam pushing real hard to get Jory's back... Or as his father said: "Hey, dipshit, when do you get your boy back?" Plain and simple, with some sidetracks: the marriage of Dane at the beginning, the pregnancy and birth of the first child of Jory's partner and BFF Dylan, the reencounter of Jory and Aaron, and two or three bad dates of Jory. No crime, no pursuit, no shots fired, or house busted, or kidnapping, torture... so on... just the plans of Sam to get Jory back. Funny and sweet. Unmisseable.
(Book 4): Despite the perfectness of book 3, book 4 starts doing a full back to books 1 and 2... and back and forth memory lane, BUT this time it was right. At least Mary Calmes doesn't lost too many time (or lines) re-explaining things... Thing is, if you never read Books 1, 2 and 3... you will be filled Crash-Course-Style everything in 3 chapters, and i meant it: EVERYTHING.
On this book, we already have the all cops-investigating-thing back again. Turns out that, the Brian Minor's case wasn't the real deal after all... but a serial killer matter, and, as you might think, "Jory is at the center of it" (well, not really), or so they thought. No more spoilers here...
This time Jory left Sam (same situation of Book 2, but in reverse) to investigate himself what's going on. And... well... read and see. It was interesting, and well developed,... BUT there's a huge ass flaw: Why the hell the police or the FBI didn't traced Jory's cellphone position to find where the fuck he was? Only when you take off the battery tracing is impossible. Moving on...
Jory's Batman-Mode is interesting, but... tiresome. Mary Calmes build this up for far too long, that i caught myself skipping some lines and paragraphs, meaning that i had to went back several times to catch up. It transited easily and fastly from interesting to boring.
But in the end, was really good, as a Hitchcock's Psycho gay version.
VIII - Plot Twists: (4) 
(Book 3): No twists in here. The story was way too forthcoming as predicted. And its not bad, actually it is awesome, no room for continuity mistakes.
(Book 4): HUGE SPOILER NEEDED! BE WARNED: The twists here are almost every single one in Jory's mind, and especially at the end when he was doing the Batman-Investigating-thing. Confused twists, first the one to Caleb Reid as the responsible for the murders, after that shifts to his mother Susan with a very poor excuse. Then Jory assumed that Sam thinks about he's being a danger for himself and the society?! Really??? Then Jory, unexplicably, tells he's wrong, Susan Reid is innocent. WHAAAAAT??? How so? The Caleb Reid hid inside the closet, really?! And the police didn't find him there? Really??? Searching 1-0-1: look under beds, furniture, inside armoires, furniture and CLOSETS!!! And Surprise-surprise! Caleb Reid has MPD! Multiple Personality Disorder. REEEEALYYYY!!!!!????? How Psycho is this?! Originality was forgotten or forsaken or forbidden? Hahaha, jokes apart: i loved it! However... the dialog between Jory and Caleb in Susan's shoes was AWESOME! Short and direct. I felt the horror Jory felt. This alone saved the entire sequence of unrealistic, unlikely, illogical, unclear and highly implausible events.
IX - Ending: (4.5)
(Book 3): HAPPY ENDING! I JUST LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS!!! So cute! And it gave you the feeling that there's room for more (a lot more). I love it! Simple as that.
(Book 4): So... Considerations on this ending... Interesting thing is, i would rather read about the full Jory/Sam wedding at Canada, some party after and they coming back to US happily ever after. This would be the crown jewel for me. BUT - in the interest of surprising people - Mary Calmes didn't do it. Disappointing? Definately yes. Bad? No.
Sam's brother, Michael's wedding with a blasting-catholic chick was the touch, but then again, i would rather see Jory this time standing his ground and obliterating that bitch over pulling out Sam and kiss the life outta him, than sucking it up and got all jealous in silence. So not Jory, even in Michael's best interest. I wouldn't toletare such thing, but then again it is me, not Jory. To avoid this i would not be at the reception, i would just be at the wedding, at the most far away bench and accept that everyone or suffer the consequences.
I would not consider this a real perfect happy ending, it was a happy ending, but with a catch. I didn't enjoy it that much. Pity.
X - Pace: (4.5)
(Book 3): Since this book has no twists (not that i can recall) tempo was right. Could be a little bit longer, but i'm not complaining at all. Perfect timing as i said at the beginning of this review.
(Book 4): This book has ups and downs. Some scenes i simply skipped, too long or visiting extensively down memory lane. Even so, not tiresome. The book have a good pace. In comparison with book 3, this one could be shorter, like WAY shorter. Too many unnecessary twists.
XI - Re-reading Factor: (5)
(Books 3 and 4): Well, this was the 8th time that i read the entire series, so... You all know what i mean by that, right?
XII - Recommendation: (5)
(Books 3 and 4): Do i really need to answer to that?
- Bonus points:
   . Gorgeous characters, and absolutely my type;
   . Should have a TV or Silver-screen adaptation;
   . Perfect HOT Scene (wow, just wow... did i mentioned that i want Samuel Thomas Kage in my bed right fucking now?!)
- Penalties:
   . None.
Average: 4.34 of 5 (from I to XII)
Final grade (applying bonus points): 6.84 of 10
Well, a little improvement from the previous volume. Although my review on book 4 was a bit harsh, the story is really interesting, just gets confusing and tiresome at a few points.
Anyway, Mary Calmes still delivers great stories about Jory and Sam. I would mention a few things here about this series, but let’s mention only after the review of the last book, ok?
NEXT REVIEW: “Pale as a Ghost” by Stephen Osborne.
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