ryuzatodraws-backup · 1 month
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Old man grabbers
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i-hold-horrors-hand · 1 month
Papas' Happy Incest Funtime Hour
Spite. Crack. Incest. Marijuana. They all come together in...whatever the fuck this is. If you choose to read this, you have no one but yourself to blame.
(also readable on AO3)
Terzo awoke with a yawn, then stretched his sexy body, pushed away the covers, and hopped out of bed.
"Oh boy!" he said, in Italian because he is Italian, "I can't wait to engage in some incest!"
After a sexy shower, in which he scrubbed his entire sexy body, Terzo then dressed up in his sexy King Gustav 3 of Sweden suit—which was an odd choice, because Terzo is Italian, but making sense is for losers—and headed out the door.
As he did so, he ran into his brother, Secondo, who was bald but also very sexy, but in a bald kind of way.
"Hello, little brother," said Secondo, in Italian because he too is Italian, "How are you this morning?"
"I am great, big bro!" Terzo replied, in Italian, because as I mentioned previously, he is Italian. "I was thinking of engaging in some incest today!"
"What a coincidence! I was thinking of doing the same thing! We should find Primo and ask if he wants to join us!"
"Excellent!" Terzo clapped his little Italian hands together. "Let's go!"
So off the two Italian brothers went, in search of their older brother, who is also Italian.
They soon found him, in his room, where he was smoking the fattest blunt you've ever seen.
"Hello, my little brothers," he said, in Italian because he too is Italian. "What can I do for you?"
"Well," Terzo said, "For starters, you can rolls us some blunts."
"Consider it done," Primo replied.
"Next, you can engage in incest with us, if you want."
Primo nodded. "Wonderful idea. Let's do that."
Primo then proceeded to roll two blunts almost as fat as his own, then stopped for a moment, thought, and rolled another one.
"Who's that one for?" asked Secondo, in Italian, because he is Italian, like I said before.
"This one is for Copia," Primo replied. "If we're doing incest, we should invite him, too. And give him a blunt."
"Excellent idea!" Terzo cheered, Italianly. "Having our long-lost bastard half-brother joining us will add an extra spice and kick to the whole affair!"
"Exactly," Primo smiled.
The three Italian brothers took a few minutes to smoke their fat blunts, then they left Primo's room and went looking for Copia. They found him in his room, which is where he was.
"Hello, brothers!" he greeted them warmly, and in Italian, because he is Italian too. "What brings you here, to my room, which is where I am?"
Terzo strutted over to him, Italianly. "We were wondering if you might be up to engaging in some incest with us."
"I sure would be!" Copia jumped up and clapped his hands together, smiling broadly and Italianly.
"Good." Terzo grinned. "We have also brought you a fat blunt, rolled by Primo, the master of rolling fat blunts."
"Oh boy!" Copia took his specially rolled fat blunt, rolled by Primo the master of rolling fat blunts, and smoked it. He smoked it for a good few minutes, getting stoned as fuck. Italianly.
After Copia decided that he was high enough, he set the fat blunt aside, then clapped his hands together. "Okie dokie! Who wants to do some incest?"
"We do!" Primo, Secondo, and Terzo screamed in unison, and in Italian, because they are Italian.
"Yay!" Copia flung his hands up in the air like an excited man who was excited.
So, without further ado, all three of the Italian brothers, who are Italian, stripped their clothes off and started having sex with each other. Incestuous brother sex. While high. Which is fine, because they worship Satan who is evil and bad, and he approves of such things.
This only lasted for an hour, though, because they got hungry. So they called up a local pizza place and ordered some pizzas. In Italian, because they are Italian and thus speak that language.
The end.
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You're so right about secondo treating copia like a whore 😩 Copia would always come back for more though. Terzo is definitely the more sensual lover lol
Also, whenever I think of copiia I always imagine their size difference!! Secondo is so much taller and broader than copia in my head
Finally, copia/primo (copimo??) I'm not too into this pairing but I think it would be fun to play with!(Especially knowing how well endowed primo is canonically lol, makes me wonder if copia would survive a night with him)
Prime Mover Copia 👁️👁️ (this can turn into horror or romance real quick)
SIZE DIFFERENCE MY BELOVED. I always see Secondo as the beefiest and tallest of em. Second biggest cock too.
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pastorcarlemitchell · 3 years
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at Pastor Carl E. Mitchell III https://www.instagram.com/p/COP1a-fLmHy/?igshid=16hxxbvnxumcd
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i-hold-horrors-hand · 1 month
If copia dated all the papas all at once, how do you think sex would be for them?
If Copia dates the other Papas? Hmm... 🤔
With Primo: I think Primo would be gentle with Copia at first, taking it slow, very respectful and attentive...then, when Copia's more comfortable, he'll get more dominant, making Copia call him "Sir", bringing bondage into it, etc. Though he'd still be respectful, and praise him constantly, and give such wonderful aftercare.
With Secondo: Secondo would absolutely dominate that man. Tie him up, spank him, flog him, make him crawl on his hands and knees, make Copia call him "Daddy" or "Master", overstimulate him, etc. etc. But, he would also praise Copia, tell him how well he did, and give excellent aftercare. And, of course, if Copia isn't feeling up to the usual routine tonight, then Secondo is absolutely fine having vanilla sex as well. He never does anything Copia isn't comfortable with.
With Terzo: Terzo would treat Copia so gently. And be so sensual with him. He'd tease him, playfully, get him excited, then take him to bed and absolutely rock his world in the most romantic and toe-curling way. His aftercare would be so sweet, too, and he would praise Copia until one of them fell asleep.
(it took me like 70 jillion years to answer this lmao)
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ryuzatodraws-backup · 7 months
If Copia were to date each papa, how do you think they each would care for Copia if he were having a bad day? Like if they saw him crying in his office or having a little mental breakdown?
For Primo i think he would have tea time with him that would end up with copia spending the rest of the day with him. he might talk about it, he might not but Primo would be happy to listen to him
For secondo , a lovely dinner just between the two of them in their chamber where they can be private and Copia can vent out if he wants to after dinner
terzo, once he saw Copia breaking down he would pause whatever hes doing and just focus on him 100 percent. if copia needs space, he'll give him that. if he needs company, he'll stay as long as he can.
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ryuzatodraws-backup · 2 months
9 with Primo and Copia -^-^-
A kiss in public
Sunday is the perfect time for a bit of light shopping , for Primo. The flea market is open and so does the small eco market at the side as well. The old Papa decided to bring Copia over this time to accompany him instead of his ghouls.
It was sunny, but not too hot as it’s early. Copia wore his favourite jumpsuit while primo with his black turtleneck. The Cardinal helps him with carrying the Papa’s beige tote bag.
Copia didn’t understand why people keeps saying that Primo is a scary man. By the time they’ve spent together Primo has been nothing but a sweet old man. Perhaps it’s the makeup? But he remembers the ghouls telling the stories of their later days during tours, how ruthless he can be.
The Cardinal shrugs off that thought and focuses on choosing the best tomatoes at the market with the much older man by his side.
It was a normal day, they ended up watching a small street performance along their way back, primo making small comments and gestures making copia blushes a bit. They passed through a small tunnel covered in ivy before the old man decided to stop.
“What’s wrong?” Copia asks.
The older man turns and slowly kisses Copia on his lips. “It’s a lovely spot here”
The Cardinal turns red as he nods. “Si…it is.”
“Now let’s get home and get to cooking”
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ryuzatodraws-backup · 5 months
We don’t get enough primo + Copia
So can I request #20 for them?? :3
''I think you're just afraid to be happy''
Primo fits the bill of the bitter old man. He's often found secluded in his garden , tending to the needs of his plants more since the time of his resignation.
Most of the siblings would avoid him, out of fear of course. Even his ghouls are rather terrifying.
that didn't stop Copia from visiting the greenhouse everytime he gets the chance to. there's a particular plant there that seems to attract the cats , and that attracts Copia.
He would take the chance to pet them every time he can. Sure he loves his rats but these cats are just too irresistible to pass the opportunity. He kneels down and caresses one of the fluffy tabby. Unknown to him a figure towers behind him.
Primo's hoarse voice manage to startle the cat and Copia himself. He gasps a bit before he turns. ''Oh! Papa Primo!'' He stands up and smoothens out his robe. ''Didn't eh see you there!'' Primo frowns a bit, or it could just be how his face looks like. ''What are you doing in my greenhouse, copia?'' ''Oh! I was patting the cats but you know that already, Don't you?'' The cardinal chuckle and picks up one of the cat that looks suspiciously like the old man himself. ''Hm?'' Primo's eyebrows raises slightly.
''I noticed you! everyday as I walked in of course. You knew I was coming in everyday.'' Copia smiles a bit. ''I noticed...that you left cookies as well, and they were my favourite...I think I didn't even told you my name and yet you knew.'' the cardinal blushes a bit as he scratches the cat's chin. Primo sighs as his eyes softens ''I never told anyone...out of fear.'' ''I think you're just afraid of being happy, Papa'' Copia smiles genuinely at him. Slowly Primo turns and walks away. ''join me for tea this time, Copia'' The cardinal nods and follows him.
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