#cora’s math ramblings
anyway i signed up to this website for shitposts so by arc am i going to shitpost
There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
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enterrandomname · 3 months
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
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Based on Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed
Word Count: 1.1k
It had been two years since you were forced to leave your home planet, Earth. Life on Mars was a challenge for you to adjust to, and it must’ve been difficult for others too. You were part of a group of colonists that were dispatched to Mars for unknown reasons. Your family was devastated by the news, trying to spend as much time with you as possible before your departure to the red planet.
Despite all of this, you were somehow able to be friends with The Bittering Family, which is composed of Harry, the father, Cora, the mother, and their children Tim, Laura, and David.
It was strange to wake up to the seeded grass that had begun to sprout purple. You listened as Harry frantically rambled about how his cow had grown a third horn in the middle of its head. You only nodded, sipping your drink as you watched Harry throw his hands in the air.
“Can’t we just return back to Earth, (Y/N)?!” He angrily asked, kicking the Marrtian sand away from him.
“Well, Harry,” you calmly responded. “We can wait till the next ships return with the supplies we need.” Harry only frowned. “And how long will that take?” He grumbled, crossing his arms in disappointment.
You paused, silently doing the math in your head. Math was never one of your favorite subjects, yet you somehow managed to pass it. “I dunno, maybe a year or two?” Harry stared at you, dumbfounded.
“Two years?!” You nodded. “Two fuckin’ years?!” He was never the type to curse, so hearing this was quite surprising.
“That’s it! Come on, (Y/N)!”
“Where are we going?”
“We are going to build a ship to get off this red planet!”
“Harry, give yourself a rest, man.” You sighed, handing the man a cloth to wipe away the grease stains on his hand. “I can’t rest, (Y/N); you know that already.”
It was true. After hearing the news about an atomic bomb destroying New York City and the only spaceport, Harry had began to work hard on the ship. You tried to help him out by handing the man the tools he requested, but that only did little to help him.
“What are you two idiots doing?”
The voice caused both you and Harry to look over, eyes widening at the crowd of people outside of Harry’s garage. Harry’s lips parted as he noticed the sudden change in the colonist’s eyes. “Y-your eyes!” He pointed it out, dropping the wrench he had in his hand. “Why are they gold?!” Harry gasped at the man’s skin color, covering his mouth. “Your sk-skin..!”
The colonists only looked confused, with one of them raising an eyebrow before handing Harry a mirror. “You have them too, dumbass.” They chuckled. “It’s not even a big deal. I think my eyes look attractive. What’d ya say we head to the canals and look for some ladies?” The crowd cheered before leaving you and Harry.
The man whimpered as he stared at his own reflection, suddenly dropping the mirror in disbelief. “What are we going to do, (Y/N)?” he whispered, pulling you into a hug as he sobbed on your shoulder.
You awkwardly stood there, patting the devastated man on the back. “It’s goin’ to be alright.” You whispered.
If only you could take those words back. What makes you even think that everything will go well? People have started to change; they even started to say different words that you somehow understand?!
“Darling!” Harry’s wife, Cora, yelled. She had her children beside her, each of them wearing their swimsuits. “Why don’t we all go for a swim in the canals? I heard that they can help relax the mind.” She innocently smiled, not even caring that the six of them looked partially Martian.
After some convincing, Harry finally agreed, but only because you were going with him.
You sighed in relief as you felt the water against your body. “Maybe we just needed to go for a swim, Harry?” You said this, smiling at the man, who nodded in response.
“Mom, dad,” said Tim, the eldest of the three children. “Can I change my name to Linnl?”
The two parents faced each other before reluctantly agreeing.
“Of course!”
Your golden eyes only narrowed at the husband and wife.
“Oh! Oh! Can I also change my name?!” One of the other kids asked. Honestly, you forget their names, but who cares at the moment? They changed their names to Martian names, and that’s that.
When you and the Bittering Family returned from the canals, you noticed that it was almost like a ghost town. Everyone had just left. You looked at your fingers, noticing how your skin is getting darker. Was it just you, or did everyone suddenly get tall and skinny?
5 years later. . .
A rocket fell out of the sky. It lay steaming in the valley. Men leaped out of it, shouting. “We won the war on Earth! We’re here to rescue you! Hey!” But the American-built town of cottages, peach trees, and theaters was silent. They found a flimsy rocket frame rusting in an empty shop.
The rocket men searched the hills. The captain established headquarters in an abandoned bar. His lieutenant came back to report. "The town's empty, but we found native life in the hills, sir. Dark people. Yellow eyes. Martians. Very friendly. We talked a bit, not much. They learn English fast. I'm sure our relations will be most friendly with them, sir."
"Dark, eh?" mused the captain. "How many?"
“Six, eight hundred, I’d say, living in those marble ruins in the hills, sir. Tall, healthy. Beautiful woman.”
"Did they tell you what became of the men and women who built this Earth settlement, Lieutenant?"
“They hadn't the foggiest notion of what happened to this town or its people."
"Strange. You think those Martians killed them?"
"They look surprisingly peaceful. Chances are a plague did this town in, sir."
"Perhaps. I suppose this is one of those mysteries we'll never solve. One of those mysteries you read about."
The captain looked at the room, the dusty windows, the blue mountains rising beyond, the canals moving in the light, and he heard the soft wind in the air. He shivered. Then, recovering, he tapped a large, fresh map he had thumb-tacked to the top of an empty table. "Lots to be done, Lieutenant." His voice droned on and quietly on as the sun sank behind the blue hills.
"New settlements. Mining sites, minerals to be looked for. Bacteriological specimens taken. The work, all the work. And the old records were lost. We'll have a job of remapping to do, renaming the mountains and rivers and such. Calls for a little imagination."
"What do you think of naming those mountains the Lincoln Mountains, this canal the Washington Canal, those hills —we can name those hills for you, Lieutenant? Diplomacy. And you, for a favor, might name a town for me. Polishing the apple. And why not make this the Einstein Valley, and further over... are you listening, Lieutenant?"
The lieutenant snapped his gaze from the blue colour and the quiet mist of the hills far beyond the town.
"What? Oh, yes, sir!"
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traitor (pt 4) (final part)
The next day I kept my word and went back to school. I saw Stiles and Lydia waiting impatiently at my locker.
“Hey guys!” I said sneaking up on them.
“Oh god, I’m so glad you’re back. I missed you.” Lyds said, hugging me.
“I missed you too! Thank you guys for caring so much. It means a lot to me.” I said, nudging Stiles with my elbow and opening my locker. He smiled at me as I got my stuff out. The bell rang for first period and Lydia waved goodbye and Stiles and I went to English.
“I’m glad you came back today.” Stiles said to me.
“Me too, now can you fill me in on what’s happening?”
As we sat down, Scott and Stiles started telling me how Danny had been poisoned by mistletoe and how the sacrifices had moved on to healers. They said that Isaac and Boys had gone to Derek’s loft to try to fight against the Alpha Pack. At least I wouldn’t have to see him next period. Algebra was fantastic without Isaac. I can’t remember the last time I had been so excited about math. I made my way into Chemistry and sat in front of Stiles and Scott. After Ms. Blake told us she was filling in for the missing/sick Mr. Harris, Stiles started.
“Hey, my dad said that the ER attendant wasn’t strangled, but did die from asphyxiation. They just don’t know how.” Stiles said to us.
“Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?” Scott asked him.
“I don’t know, but Scott, there’s gotta be at least 20 other doctors in that hospital. At least! Any one of them could be next.”
“This really doesn’t sound good, guys.” I inserted the obvious.
Scott got a phone call, and Stiles and I just looked at him, trying to hear his hushed whispers. Then suddenly, he ran out of the classroom. Stiles just looked at me and I nodded my head as he followed his friend out of the room. Ms. Blake looked to me and I just shrugged my shoulders.
When the boys got back at lunch, Stiles texted me to meet them in Ms. Morrel’s office. She told us to find Deaton, we had to use Lydia. Scott went off one way and Stiles and I took another trying to hunt her down. We found her with Cora, who was clearly trying to threaten her. We found an empty classroom. After nothing worked, Scott came in holding his shoulder, telling us that Danny was a target, but not a sacrifice. Scott went off to Allison’s and Stiles left for the hospital. Lydia and I stayed in school and waited for them to tell us what was going on.
third person pov
It was a whirlwind after Scott and Stiles met Lydia, y/n, and Cora in Deaton’s office. They figured out the spot where Deaton was most likely being kept using Danny’s paper. Scott split to go find him, while everyone else went to Derek’s to try and help. When they got there, they had to figure out a way to get the electric back on, hoping for the original plan to work. Cora, Lydia, and y/n flipped on all the switches as Stiles texted Isaac. Cora and Stiles bolted up the stairs as Lydia and y/n finished flipping the breakers. They followed closely behind.
y/n ran up, on Lydia’s heels slightly out of breath. She saw Cora kneeling over Boyd’s limp body, Stiles hand on Derek’s shoulder, and Isaac next to Ms. Blake. She gave Isaac a sad look, knowing how the boy must be feeling. First Erica and now Boyd as much as she hated him, she wouldn’t wish this on her worst enemy. She knew the agonizing things Isaac had been through.
He stood up and looked at her, with tears in his eyes, something she hadn’t seen since before he turned into a werewolf. It was a simple gesture really, y/n held out her hand for Isaac to grab. He only held it for a few moments, but it was enough time. They all missed the jealousy that flashed in Stiles’ eyes, except Lydia of course. As soon as the moment between y/n and Isaac started it was over. She made her way to Stiles and Derek as he walked over to Boyd’s body.
y/n thought Stiles would drive her home, but he had asked Lydia without her knowing.
y/n pov
“Do you know why Stiles didn’t drive me home?” I asked Lydia, hoping she would have some more insight than me.
She pursed her lips at me, “You really don’t know y/n/n?”
“Nooooo...I wouldn’t be asking you if I knew.”
“Well what happened between Isaac and you back there?” She gave me a pointed look.
“What do you mean? Nothing happened. He was sad, I could tell how he was feeling...so I squeezed his hand for like 2 seconds to comfort him. He wasn’t going to show anyone else how he was feeling. I caught him in a moment of weakness. I hate the guy, but he doesn’t deserve another one of his best friends dying. Especially like that.”
“Well...maybe you and I understand that, but I bet someone else doesn’t.”
“What? Stiles...why does that matter?”
“Oh come on, he totally likes you! You should have seen the look in his eyes”
I looked at her in disbelief, “What? No, what do you mean? He doesn’t like me...he has a crush on you doesn’t he?”
“Maybe he did a while ago...but it hasn’t been like that lately. He looks at you the way he used to look at me, I can promise you that.”
I was so confused. How did I not notice this before? Usually Lydia knew what he was talking about...but how could I not have known? I’d always liked Stiles, I feel like I connected to him the most...even more than Lydia. And honestly, he was cute, super cute, although his sarcasm could be off-putting at times. There was just no way, Stiles couldn’t possibly feel that way about me.
After Lydia dropped me off, I debated calling Stiles. My mind was going 100 miles per minute. Was it too soon to like someone else? Did Stiles even like me? What if I’m debating this and then embarrassed myself because he didn’t feel that way? Why was I even freaking out about this? It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world….
I picked up my phone and searched for our texts.
[me]: Hey, I kinda need to talk. Do you think you could come over? You can use my front door this time! :)
I put my phone down and waited, I don’t know why I was feeling so stupid nervous.
[Sti :)]: sure, be there in 10.
Now I was even more nervous, damn it! Why did Lydia have to go and put this shit in my head. I paced my living room, waiting to hear the jeep pull up. Do I just straight up tell him what Lydia told me? Do I try to dance around it? Before I had time to lose my mind some more, he pulled into my driveway. I waited for him to knock before I went to the door so I didn’t look like a psycho waiting for him.
“Hey Stiles.” I said to him, opening the door for him to come in.
“So what’s wrong? Why’d you call me over at 11 o’clock?” He said sitting down on my couch.
“Nothing is wrong exactly…” I said, still not knowing how to continue. Stiles looked at me expectantly. “Okay, well listen, Lydia said something to me on the drive home tonight...still confused why you didn’t take me home by the way. And I guess I just don’t know how to feel about what she said…”
“I just had some things to do. So what is it that she said?”
“I can tell when you’re lying Stiles, especially since you would have just said something to me if that was the case…”
“Listen...you said you needed to talk, I didn’t know I was getting interrogated…” He said, clearly annoyed.
“I’m not trying to interrogate you Stiles, I guess I’m just trying to figure out if what she said was true, before I embarrass myself…” I looked at him with nervous eyes, hoping that he would understand I wasn’t trying to be accusatory, I just wanted the truth.
“Well I guess,” He started standing up and pacing my living room , like I had been doing not 10 minutes ago, “I saw what happened between you and Isaac, and listen I know I have no reason to have any type of teeling towards that, but after seeing what went down during the breakup...I don’t know. I guess I felt like he didn’t deserve your kindness. And well, I guess I was a little jealous. And don’t take that the wrong way, I know you just broke up with him and you guys had been together for a while, but…”
Instead of letting him ramble, I interrupted him, “So you like me then?”
“I…” He looked at me and I smiled at him, seeing him pacing and rubbing his chin.
“I think I like you, too.” I said feeling more confident about my feelings.
Wh….wh..you..what?” He sputtered.
“Yeah, I think I do. I mean Isaac and I just broke up, but I had known it was over for a while. I don’t want to rush into things. I don’t want you or anyone else to think it’s a rebound or something, but I do like you. And I would like to see where this could go...if that’s what you want?”
He smiled down at me, “Yeah, I would definitely like that a lot.”
third person pov
Between Stiles and y/n, Allison and Isaac, and figuring out about the Darach life seemed to be flying by for the group. y/n and Stiles said they were going to take it slow, but that lasted all of two seconds, they went on a date the day after their conversation. And boy was it a real date, Stiles spent all day freaking out because he wanted it to be perfect. Not that it was, a lot of shit went wrong. He had planned a very intricate, multi-part date.
First, they had an early lunch in the park, where a bird stole most of their food and shit on them.
Second, Stiles had planned an arcade/bowling date. The machines kept eating their tickets and the pins got stuck after every single turn they took.
Third, they had a reservation at a nicer restaurant in town...but the bowling fiasco made them late and they lost their table.
Fourth, and finally, Stiles had taken y/n back to the same park they had started at. He laid out a blanket so they could look up at the stars. When he finally thought something was going right, the sprinklers turned on and soaked the pair.
As they ran back to the jeep, Stiles was silently cursing everyone he could possibly think of. He was so pissed, he wanted this to be perfect. He wanted to impress y/n, he wanted her to know she was fucking important. Meanwhile, y/n was thanking everyone she could think of. Even with all the ‘issues’, they had so much fun. She had enjoyed herself more than she had in a while. She was truly, entirely happy. She felt important.
“I’m so sorry about all of this...it was supposed to be perfect.” Stiles said running up the hill with y/n’s hand in his.
y/n stopped him, ignoring the sprinklers that were soaking them, “But it was Stiles, just because everything didn’t go as planned doesn’t mean it wasn’t perfect. I had the best time I’ve had in a long time. You literally did all this for me, I don’t care about all the problems. You made this such a special night.”
Stiles smiled at y/n, “You really mean that? I just wanted to show you that I was really serious about this, whether it takes weeks or months or whatever.”
“I know you are Stiles and I am too. You’re very important to me.”
Instead of saying anything, he stepped closer to y/n and looked into her eyes. He knew this is what he wanted. His feelings were confirmed as soon as Isaac and y/n broke up and he let himself think of her as more than a friend. He hurt for her when he witnessed the way Isaac treated her in the hallway the day they broke up. He wanted to do nothing more than drive to her house and comfort her that day and every day since.
y/n was staring up at Stiles. She couldn’t describe the feeling she had, she just felt entirely happy. For a few hours she had been able to forget about all the drama with Isaac and the sacrifices and all the werewolf shit. Stiles had made her laugh and smile all night. Before Stiles could make a move, y/n stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to Stiles’. He gasped a little before he relaxed into her kiss. They pulled away and smiled at each other, it wasn’t quite a kiss in the rain, but it was close enough for them. They walked contentedly back to the jeep, Stiles was no longer pissed at the night. He was excited for what was to come.
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josjournal · 4 years
Full Moon Ficlet #387 - React
Written for @fullmoonficlet
Stiles was used to getting a reaction out of people, some believed it was his goal in life to annoy every living person just enough to get a reaction before moving on to the next target. Some of the time, he ended up making a new friend but more often he ended up with another name on the roster of the “Stiles Stilinski Haters Club”. 
He seemed to go through life not letting anything bother him and he would shrug off the angry looks and move on without another thought, but in reality, he would go home and wonder what he’d done wrong that time. He didn’t really want people to be annoyed by him, but he really didn’t know how else to go about making friends; it had worked so well with Scott, it had to work with everyone else, right?
After the day he’d driven Jackson Whittemore to the point of knocking him on his ass on the lacrosse field, something changed inside Stiles and everyone noticed it, but no one knew what to do about it. Scott tried to behave like nothing was different but found himself carrying the conversations more often; an easy task now that he was dating Allison Argent and wanted to do nothing more than to talk about her. Lydia Martin kept challenging him with math problems or bizarre trivia questions. Stiles would answer the questions but not in the same rambling way he’d done in the past. She’d frown as he walked away, shoulders slumped like he wanted to disappear. Even Coach noticed something and tried to talk to him in his insane way but Stiles just nodded and moved on with his suicide drills. 
This new Stiles became the norm and soon everyone just let him exist, walking on eggshells around him but not trying to get a reaction any longer. He moved through his days focusing on schoolwork and his nights playing video games with Scott. Eventually, he started smiling again and even called a truce with Jackson.
Then Derek Hale came to school.
He’d been homeschooled, like his sister before him. Everyone knew about the Hales and expected Derek to start on the first day of freshman year, as his sisters and cousins before him had. Instead, he didn’t appear until junior year, the same day as his younger sister Cora started freshman year. There were a ton of rumors and Stiles’ curiosity was peaked, especially when he got a good look at Derek for the first time in years.
As luck would have it, Derek was assigned as Stiles’ chemistry partner. They exchanged greetings and then Stiles buried his nose in his book, ignoring Derek’s attempts to talk to him and ask about the school. Halfway through class, Derek gave up and muttered something under his breath about rude assholes.
That night, Stiles told his dad about Derek starting at the school and being assigned to him and his father asked if he was nice to the boy. Stiles shrugged. “I treat him like I treat everyone.”
His father frowned at him. “Son, you know he almost lost his entire family a couple of years ago,” he said and Stiles’ head jerked up, eyes wide. “The Hale fire. You snooped through the case files for weeks.”
He remembered it. The fire had destroyed the Hale property but fortunately, the family had been called out of town for a family emergency leaving the house empty. His father had discovered that the fire had been set by a woman, Kate Argent, Allison’s aunt. She’d been institutionalized after being arrested, swearing the Hales were monsters and she was trying to keep the world safe. Stiles hadn’t even put two and two together as that being the reason why Derek didn’t start freshman year at the high school.
His father watched him, watched his face go through emotions, changing from the blank expression he’d been wearing for so long and wondering if maybe this was the turning point; if this would be when he got his goofball, loving son back.
Stiles laid in bed that night staring at the ceiling, thinking over the past few years, thinking over the comments and random facts and emotions he’d kept pressed down into his stomach. He could feel them churning and twisting, fighting to come out and as he drifted off, a single tear fell down his cheek. His mind was on Derek and everything he had been through.
The next day, Stiles was sitting on his stool in chemistry when Derek walked in, hesitating before sitting down. They kept looking at each other out of the corners of their eyes and just before the bell rang, Stiles cleared his throat.
He’d been thinking all morning what he would say to Derek and had only come up with, “Hi,” but when he opened his mouth to say it, “On Good Friday in 1930, the BBC reported, ‘There is no news.’ Instead, they played piano music,” tumbled out instead and he slapped a hand out of his mouth, eyes wide and horrified.
Derek stared at him for a moment, his tongue poking out between his lips before they twisted up into a bright grin and he started to chuckle. The chuckle quickly gave way to a guffaw and he pressed one hand to the tabletop and the other to his stomach. Stiles stared back at him, something warm waking up in his stomach and flowing through him until he was spitting laughter into his own hand.
He eventually dropped his hand and let his laughter fill the room. He didn’t even notice his other classmates looking over with smiles on their faces, even Jackson seemed to give out a sigh of relief as he filmed the incident and sent it off to Scott and Lydia. It had taken years, but they got their Stiles back.
Cross-posted to AO3
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Happy New Year
Derek/Stiles || PG || ~2k || AO3 Summary: Once upon a time, the loft was where Stiles was asked if he liked boys. Now, years later, he knows he does.  A/N: Written for the @fullmoonficlet challenge - prompt #361: kiss 
For the first time since that one blacklight party, the loft is filled with the sounds of electronica and more noise than it has heard in years. Stiles didn't even know that Derek still owned the building until he got the text message from Scott about the party that was planned in it for New Year's Eve this year.
They're all back, the whole pack, for the first time in years. Until now, every holiday there was someone missing, someone who couldn't make it back to Beacon Hills for some reason. Stiles himself only barely made it back while he was in college and then in FBI's training academy. Now that he's working, it's not easy to get time off either but since he's been assigned to the California office as a liaison for all things supernatural, it's been a little less complicated to visit his dad and meet up with everyone else.
The pack being what it is and scattered across the world as it is, they're all involved with the Bureau in one way or another -- Lydia consults at the HQ in DC, Scott's holding down the fort locally, Jackson and Ethan work with MI5 in London, even Isaac has helped a few times in France after Chris suggested him to Interpol. Stiles doesn't hear from Cora or Peter much but he knows that at least one of the Hales has their fingers in cases involving creatures of the night. He's not even trying to guess what Peter is up to though.
The younger pack members are not permanently in town anymore though they do visit more often. Kira's parents moved back to New York but she's nearby since her training with the Skinwalkers continues now, though no longer on a permanent basis now that she's better able to control her inner fox. Mason and Corey went to the east coast for college but Liam stayed home, following in Scott's footsteps into the veterinary career.
Tonight, they're all here though, along with friends they've made since on their varied paths. When Jackson and Ethan showed up with Danny in tow, Stiles refused to ask questions lest they prompt ones about his own father and the relationship that Stiles tries really hard not to pay attention to. The older generation is here tonight too, from the pack's parents to Jordan and even Coach who hasn't moved from Natalie Martin's side.
Stiles is still taking in in, though he's been here since early afternoon as everyone started arriving and the music started. The building is vibrating with the bass line and the lights are off, letting the UV paint glow on everyone's faces and bodies as they move to the rhythm. A lot of those who can be drunk are definitely getting to the limit of what they can handle -- not Stiles's dad or Melissa, who seem to be content to be the holders of keys and unofficial chaperones, not that this is a high school dance -- and those who don't feel the effects of alcohol are following the others' lead to keep the pretense.
There are enough strangers that the pack is keeping their supernatural side under wraps. Stiles figures that once it's a little past midnight, only those in the know will stay and the claws and fangs will be more likely to come out. Especially since the next full moon is not too far.
But there's one person Stiles has barely seen all night, even though it's his building and his loft. And they're all here with his permission, unlike during the previous party that happened here, the one that Stiles remembers all too clearly. This one is not likely to be interrupted by Oni, at least.
When he's had his fill of catching up with everyone and his eyes begin to blur from the strobe lights, Stiles decides that it's time to get away from it all. Instead of leaving altogether -- midnight is close and he figures at least some of the others will be looking for him then -- he heads for the balcony where he knows the glass will keep the noise away.
It takes him a moment to realize that he's not alone out there. He spots a dark figure leaning on the half wall on the far side of the balcony, looking out at the town's warehouse district, now rebuilt into an area filled with shops and office spaces, even some residential buildings. When he was driving to the loft earlier, it took Stiles a while to process how much this part of Beacon Hills has changed from the place he knew and how little resemblance it has to the derelict space where they've fought more fights than he can count.
"You hiding?" Stiles asks quietly, knowing he'll be heard.
Derek turns his head and light hits his face, revealing an amused expression.
"Just looking for quiet," he answers. "Guess that plan didn't go too well," he adds and the corner of his lips twitches.
"I can leave you be," Stiles says, though something in his chest twists uncomfortably at the thought of being unwanted, especially right here and now.
"No, don't," Derek tells him, a little faster than Stiles would have let himself hope. "I was kidding."
Stiles walks closer though he keeps his distance still, leaning on the balcony a few feet away from Derek and looking down over the edge.
"Looks different down there."
Derek hums in agreement, mirroring Stiles's position.
"So, how's the academy going?" Stiles asks a few moments later.
It's not that he can't deal with silence, he's learned to master it, especially in his work -- interrogation isn't always about rambling, he realized during his training -- but this one feels different. Loaded. Tense. Like there are words that want to be spoken, words that should have been said before. It doesn't feel wrong but it doesn't feel completely right either. And then, he's also genuinely curious about Derek's progress at the police academy because Stiles is still a little amazed that his father managed to pull the necessary strings and got Derek enrolled.
He's even more amazed that Derek agreed to going through the full training and becoming a fully trained and licensed officer.
"It's fine. Final tests are coming up in a few months and then I'll have to get some experience done," Derek answers easily, with no hesitation.
"Don't you already have hours clocked here?"
"Those count for some of it," Derek says. "But I'll need to do some work in a different station. Probably to prove that I'm not skating or being given favors."
"Ha. Like Dad would ever let anyone get away with that," Stiles replies, chuckling.
"You know that, I know that. Jordan knows that. But the rules are the rules and to get my badge I'll have to work elsewhere for a while," Derek says, his shoulders rising in a shrug.
"Got any ideas yet where you'll go?"
"Six months in Sacramento. Another six in Baltimore"
"Oh wow, do they hate you so much?"
Derek lets out a chuckle and shakes his head.
"Those were my choices, actually," he says as he turns to Stiles.
"Why there? I mean, I bet there were places that would have been easier. I get Sacramento, it's not too far, but Baltimore?"
"It's close to Quantico and DC."
Stiles's head turns before he can think about it and he stares at Derek, trying to read the expression in his face. It's not easy, there's light but it's not bright and even if it was, Derek's never been one to give away his thoughts or emotions. There's something there that Stiles knows he's not seeing, something he probably should know. Something that he maybe just doesn't want to think about, lest he lets his hopes rise up.
He wants to be at least part of the reason for Derek's choice. A moment of quick math in his mind tells him that the timing fits, he's in the California office for the upcoming year but he'll be back at HQ right about when Derek's in Baltimore. Not for all of those six months but most of them, as they're going to be working on a full department for investigations focused on the supernatural. Stiles has been talking about it with the pack for months now, excited about being given the lead on the projects even though it means mountains of paperwork.
The name slips from Stiles's lips easily but it's barely a whisper. It's a plea and a wish rolled into five letters, a question and an answer all in one.
"If you don't want me to be around, I can request New York," Derek says, his face flashing with what Stiles can only see as disappointment.
Stiles doesn't hesitate. Doesn't let himself think about a response because there's only one.
"I do," he blurts out. "I mean, if that's what you want, I definitely do want you to be there."
"For the job?"
Now, Stiles pauses. Then he takes a breath and lets his thoughts flow right to his lips.
"I won't lie, you have connections that anyone in the Bureau can only dream about. Only Deaton's better linked to the side of the world that we'll need to reach," Stiles says but he doesn't give Derek a chance to look any more disappointed before he continues. "But that's not the main reason. Not why I'd want you to be in the area. As long as it's not permanent because I will be coming back to this side of the country once the department is up and running."
"Your father said that if Jordan's in office by the time I'm ready, he's under strict orders to give me a job," Derek says, grinning. "I have no doubt that I'll have a position here whenever."
"Good. Because I hated being across the country."
"From here?"
There's something in Derek's face now that Stiles allows himself to read clearly. Something that he himself feels and doesn't want to ignore anymore. It's hope.
"Not the town, no."
Stiles moves along the balcony and the distance closes fast as Derek moves too.
It's been years coming, a long time of Stiles pushing down hope and trying not to wonder whether Derek felt the same. Years of no relationship feeling right. It feels like a dream and because of past experiences, Stiles lifts a hand up and automatically counts his fingers like he used to do.
"Five," Derek whispers and reaches for Stiles's hand, then links their fingers together.
"Five fingers. Mine too."
Stiles reminds himself to breathe as they stand face to face, barely any space between them. Then, as if on cue, voices come from inside, shouting numbers in unison, one after another, starting from thirty. For a few of them, up to twenty five, Stiles wonders how they're coming through the thickness of the recently installed glass but then all thoughts vanish from his mind as he sees the look in Derek's eyes.
"New year," Stiles whispers.
There's a question in the word and an answer and more information than he knows how to put in words. Derek's looking the way Stiles had hoped to see him for years, expectant and hoping, close enough that Stiles can feel warm breath on his own face. Without thinking, he leans in and closes his eyes for a beat, then opens them again and finds Derek's eyes only a couple of inches away.
It's Derek who asks permission. Stiles nods and then holds his breath as their lips meet with one last movement closer. From inside, the countdown shouting continues, five, four, three, two, one, then a chorus of wishes for a happy new year. It's all white noise to Stiles though, blood rushing through his ears as he moves his lips against Derek's, their fingers linked and Derek's squeezing like he doesn't want to let go. Stiles moves his free hand to Derek's waist and his fingertips dig into the soft fabric of the T-shirt's thin layer separating him from Derek's skin.
When he feels Derek's tongue on his lip, Stiles can't fight the low moan that builds in his chest. He doesn't want to pull away, wants to stay in this moment forever or at least as long as they can. He's afraid to let go, to break the silence and the moment they're having. But his lungs eventually scream for air, unsatisfied with what he's getting into them. So with reluctance he stops kissing Derek and slowly pulls away, closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths as he processes what just happened. He feels Derek's forehead against his own and the warmth of a palm on his cheek, then a thumb moving in a gentle stroke.
Another moment later, Stiles opens his eyes and looks into Derek's.
"Hey," he whispers.
"So. This happened."
"What now?"
Neither of them has a chance to say anything anymore because the balcony door bursts open and when Stiles turns away from Derek and toward the noise, he sees Liam in the doorframe, eyes wide and cheeks flushed, looking apologetic.
"Whoops, sorry, interrupted something, you do you. Or each other. Don't mind me," Liam blurts out and backs away, closing the door again.
Moments later there's whooping from inside, loud enough again to reach them through the glass.
"This there was betting going on?" Stiles asks when it's quieter again.
Derek pauses and closes his eyes, obviously listening to the others, the corner of his lips curling as he does.
"Definitely. Your dad's not happy. Lydia won."
"So, do we want to brave the wolf's den?" Stiles asks.
HIs fingers twitch against Derek's T-shirt when he's pulled in closer, Derek's palm just above his waist.
"I think we can wait another while. Maybe they'll leave us be," Derek says, smiling.
"And then pigs will fly," Stiles answers. "But I'll take what I can get. Tonight."
He leans forward and kisses Derek again. They might not have much more of this private moment, of the magical bubble where it's only them and no interfering or curious pack members. It's enough for now though because it's only the beginning and if Stiles has anything to do with it, it's the start of forever.
For right now, he's done worrying and done thinking, done wondering and hoping. He's got everything right here. With the way Derek is kissing back and holding Stiles close, Stiles knows that he's not the only one. It's a new year, a new start, and it's good.
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ceceliadx · 4 years
Second Chance at First Line
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Word Count: 5512
Stiles x OC
Warnings: Swearing
Davina’s POV      
I’m still waiting at the school for my dad to pick me up while I try to think of why Scott is so scared of Allison’s father. I mean it could just be the fact that he is dating his daughter, or at least trying to date her, but it seemed to be more than that by the look on his face when he saw Mr Argent. I see my dad’s car pull up to the school and decide to leave that situation for another day. I open the car door and get in.
“Hey mija, how was school?” my father turns to me and asks before driving away from the school and on to the main road.
“Yeah it was good, how about work? Is the new job treating you well?”
“Work was good, umm, the sheriff's station was quiet today, was mostly just doing paperwork.”
“That’s good.” I reply, my mind still distracted by what went on at the school. The car ride home then turns silent between me and my dad the music from the radio being the only sound filling the car.
We arrive home a little while later and I head upstairs to my room to start my homework. I sit down at my vanity and take out all my books, notepads and pens to begin. I sit there for about half an hour but my mind just doesn’t want to focus on the maths homework which is due for tomorrow. 
My mind was doing what it does best. Overthinking about situations. When Allison told me that a guy called Derek gave her a lift home from the party I couldn’t believe it, but when she told me that he was a ‘friend of Scotts’ I was beyond confused. Why is he hanging around with a teenager? He wasn’t an Alpha, well he wasn’t the last time I saw him anyways. And he isn’t the most, what would you call it, sociable person in the world. Not with people who he isn’t close to. 
Growing up, my parents were close with Talia Hale, which meant we spent a lot of time with the Hales. Talia was an Alpha and a very powerful one. She was able to transform into an actual wolf. Her kids Laura, Derek and Cora were like older siblings to me and my brother as we were about 10 when they were teenagers. They used to visit us all the time in Virginia before we moved to Mexico. Virginia was where I spent most of my childhood , it was there were me and Damien learned control, it was there we learned that we couldn’t let the animal side of us take control, it was there I got my blue eyes. The Hale’s understood my blue eyes. Especially Derek and Peter, as they also had blue eyes. They both helped me through the grieving. I was always closer to Derek as Peter could be quite manipulative. Don’t get me wrong Derek had his faults but I always trusted him more. Peter will not do anything for anyone unless he gets something in return. But that doesn’t mean he deserved what happened to him in the house fire. When me and my family moved to Mexico, we didn’t see the Hales as much which was understandable. The house fire had already happened and most of them were dead, including Talia. Peter was hospitalised as he was badly burned and had gone into a self-induced coma. I have no idea if he’s any better yet. I don’t even know what hospital he would be at. So now I’m guessing Derek and Peter were the only ones who survived the fire.
I hear the front door open meaning Damien must be back from lacrosse practice. I then hear him race up the stairs which brings me out of my thoughts, he frantically runs into my room, knocking boxes over as he tries to stable himself. For a born werewolf you wouldn’t think he would be clumsy but hey, that’s my twin.
“Scott completely lost control today at practise you should have seen him, god it was bad, I mean it didn’t look that bad to everyone else and no one really saw anything but, I could feel what was happening to him, also he’s fucked up Jackson’s shoulder by crashing into him, Stiles took him away from the field before anything else could happen thank god. Oh! And your not gonna believe me when I tell you that Derek was there, just watching the whole thing happen but I don’t think he recognised me-”
“Wait Derek was there?!” I cut him off from his rambling.
“Yes, he was just standing there watching Scott, do you think Derek did that to him, do you think he was the one who bit him?” 
“No, it can’t be him, Derek isn’t an Alpha. I mean I know we haven’t seen him in a few years but, I mean it can’t be.” In disbelief I start questioning if it can really be Derek. There is only one way to find out. 
“Damien, we need to find Derek.”
“Okay and how the hell are we gonna do that huh?” he declares, looking at me like I’m crazy.
“Tomorrow we find Scott at school and tell him about us. He needs people right now who have been through what he’s going through, he has no idea about what the full moon can do and how to control it. He needs people that he can trust.”
“Do you honestly think he’s gonna trust us? Dee, we just moved here, we need to be careful with who we become friends with. Y’know just telling people about us isn’t an easy thing!” he responds still looking at me like I’m completely insane.
“He can’t go through this alone. I won’t let him. Imagine if we had no one Damien. We wouldn’t be in control like we are now. Also, Scott is our best way to get to Derek. As you said Derek was on the field watching him and at Lydia’s party he gave Allison a lift home and said to her that ‘he was a friend of Scott’s” that means something.”
Damien looks at me for a minute and nods, agreeing with me. He leaves my room and I get back to doing my maths homework. An hour later, I’ve finished everything I need for tomorrow and I get ready for bed. I have no idea how tomorrow’s gonna turn out but fingers crossed it goes well. 
Me and Damien walk into school together going over the plan of how we tell Scott as we haven’t prepared what we were going to say to him. Also we didn’t know how we were going to get him alone as he’s always with Stiles. Personally I think Stiles knows so it shouldn’t be a problem telling him also. But Damien is scared about telling people because he’s scared of what it means. Telling people about us completely changes not only their lives but ours also. The more people who know, the bigger the risk of not only hunters finding us but other supernatural creatures.
We walk through the doors and I start to speak about the plan
“Okay after math class meet me outside my locker, well go over, grab him and just tell him everything, okay umm, I don’t really know how else we go about it so, let’s just wing it, okay, sound good?” I turn round to Damien who has a look of uncertainty on his face. 
“Does that sound go-, just wing it! Your kidding right?!” he laughs while my face still reads ‘no i’m serious’.
“I’ll think about it okay, this is my first time doing this, I don’t really have any idea what I’m doing but, I mean what do we have to lose huh? Anyways, I need to get to class so I’ll see you later okay?” after he nods I turn back round and head up the steps. I pass Allison and give her a quick hello and a smile. I see her stop and speak to Scott and I’m tempted to go and tell him everything now, but Damien isn’t here and would probably have a fit if I did that, so I head to my first class instead.
The day so far has gone okay but now I have math class and I still have no plan on how to tell Scott. I guess me and Damien are really just gonna have to wing it. As I’m sitting working through the questions we had to do, I’m distracted by Scott and Lydia who are at the chalkboard at the front of the class answering an equation. I decided to use my werewolf hearing to listen to what they are talking about.
“Why is there a rumour going around that you’re not playing tomorrow?” Lydia asks while keeping her gaze on the equation in front of her.
“Because I’m sort of not” Scott sighs, 
“I think you sort of are” Lydia sarcastically responds “especially when you brutally injured my boyfriend by ramming into him” I’ve never heard Lydia speak like that before, she sounds like a bitch but I have been told that she is the queen bee at school. 
“He brutally injured himself ramming into me!” Scott snapped back.
“Jackson’s gonna play tomorrow, but he’s not gonna be at his peak, and I prefer my boyfriend at peak performance.”
“Okay!” Scott argues back.
I start to get sick of the conversation as it’s merely just Lydia completely going in on him, so I tune out of it. A couple of seconds later I hear Scott’s heart rate increase slightly, I start to worry as I don’t want anything happening in this classroom like what happened on the field yesterday, I decide to tune back into the conversation as it’s obvious Lydia has said something to rile him up. I only catch the end of the conversation.
“And Scott McCall can stay home surfing the net for porn.” Lydia grins at Scott. She finishes her equation on the board, rubs her hands, turns round and struts back to her seat. She passes me and gives me a smile which I return. I focus my gaze back on the board and I’m shocked that she got the equation right. Whenever I’m around her she seems to act stupid, hopefully she isn’t doing it for Jackson. She deserves better than that asshole. 
“Mr McCall, you are not even close to solving your problem.” the teacher huffs out to Scott who is still standing at the board.
“Tell me about it.” Scott mumbles out quietly.
The bell rings for the end of class, I pack up my stuff as quickly as possible and meet Damien at my locker as promised. I open my locker and put all of my books in it and close it. We look over at Scott’s locker and he’s not there. I start to look around and immediately spot Stiles and Scott crouched behind a wall. I slap Damien on the chest and point over to them. Damien’s eyes follow to where my fingers points, he looks at me and nods before we both head over to speak to them. Here goes nothing. Just before we get to them I hear them talking and I decide to slow my movements so I can listen to what they’re saying.
“We can’t exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek.” As Scott says this, I put my arm out in front of Damien to slow his movements down.
“I can do something.” Stiles responds, I can hear the irritation in his voice.
“Like what”
“Find the other half of the body.” Stiles stated before he turns around and walks away from Scott.
What the hell does he mean by ‘other half of the body’? And why would Derek be involved with that? The Derek I knew doesn’t kill innocent people. Jesus! I mean it’s a part of his family’s motto! Damien and I stopped to give each other a look and when we turned back Scott wasn’t there. We looked around and saw that he was over by Allison. I can’t risk telling Scott when he’s with her. She doesn’t need to get caught up in the world of supernaturals.
“Great there’s no chance we’re going to be able to tell him now.” Damien groans.
“Lets just follow him.” I mumble without even looking back to see if he agrees with me.
 I see Allison storm away from Scott, he’s obviously pissed her off, he seems to be getting good at that lately. But who can blame him. He is keeping a massive fucking secret that is pretty much taking over his life. Scott then huffs out angrily and runs out of the school. He’s furious but that doesn’t stop me following him.
I’m currently running after Scott who is on his bike riding through Beacon Hills Preserve. Alone. As Damien thought I was insane that I wanted to follow him. I haven’t been out to these woods yet so I have no idea what’s going to be here. This is making me realise I really need to start exploring more, especially this new town. Scott finally stops outside of a half burned down house. This has to be the Hale house, there’s no question about it. I stay behind a little so I’m not spotted by Scott. He starts shouting Derek’s name and I begin to feel nervous. I haven't seen Derek in years. I don’t even know if he would recognise me if he saw me. I hid behind a tree and kept my distance but not too much that I couldn't hear what they were talking about. 
“Stay away from her! She doesn’t know anything!” Scott shouts angrily as Derek walks towards him. He’s definitely kept up the fitness and he’s taller than the last time I saw him. 
“Yeah? What if she does? You think that your little buddy Stiles can just google werewolves and now you’ve got all the answers is that it? You don’t get it Scott but I’m actually looking out for you. Think about what could happen, your out on the field, the aggression takes over and you shift in front of everyone! Your mom, all of your friends and when they see you, everything falls apart.” Derek shouts back at Scott. I mean Derek isn’t wrong. Scott and Stiles don’t know everything yet, especially with the aggression part. It can completely change you.
Derek rips the netting of Scott’s lacrosse stick and then chucks it in the air which Scott swiftly catches. When Scott looks to where Derek was standing a minute ago he sees that he is no longer there. Scott looks around for a bit before he finally decides to leave. I wait till he’s far enough away so he can’t hear me and then I walk towards the house. I stop right in front of the house and all of a sudden it’s like a wave of emotions just overcomes me. My mind plays memories of me, Damien and the Hales and I feel tears brimming my eyes. I quickly wipe my eyes before the tears fall. I’m not that much of an emotional person but remembering the Hales and how good they were to my family I just feel sad. Sad that I couldn’t do anything to help them when their house got caught on fire. Before it gets a bit too much for me, I turn to walk away when the scent of blood catches in my nose. I look over at the ground where I could smell it from and I see freshly dug dirt. What the hell have you done Derek?
I decided to go back home for a while as I didn’t want Derek to find me outside his house. My mind just wouldn’t let me believe that Derek would do that. Anyways, when I got home I updated Damien on what happened. I told him about how he was trying to look out for Scott and then just totally disappeared. I told him about the blood that I smelt when I was there and what looked to be a DIY grave made for whoever was under it. No matter how much I tried to forget about the blood that I smelled, I couldn’t. Would Derek really kill an innocent person? It wasn’t how he was brought up, so maybe the person under that dirt really deserved it? But even then I couldn’t imagine Derek doing something like that. Enough is enough. I can’t keep sitting here and let my mind drive me insane. I decided that I was going to go back out there and see for myself. I slipped on my combat boots, my leather jacket, a beanie and a pair of gloves. As I was getting ready to sneak out there’s a knock at my door. Damien walks in and as soon as he sees me he raises his eyebrow and sighs.
“Dee, seriously? Do you honestly think Derek is capable of doing something like this? Killing someone innocent?”
“I don’t know, that's why I have to go see for myself before I go out of my mind. So, are you coming with me or are you just gonna stand there and watch me leave?” I question him, turning to look at him with my hand on my hip. He runs out of my room and returns a minute later with his shoes and a jacket on. We sneak out of the window carefully as our mom and dad were home and they would be pissed if they knew we snuck out. We jumped down from the roof and started running, leading the way to Derek’s house.
Once we arrive at Derek’s house a familiar scent catches my nose but I can’t tell who it is. It’s manly but has a slight peppermint smell to it. As we are walking up I spot a blue Jeep and I pull Damien’s sleeve so we can duck down. He points out to me that it is Stiles Jeep and two questions pop in my mind. Why the hell is he here? And is that really his scent because, wow it is amazing! Before I get too distracted, I shake myself from my thoughts and notice that Scott is with him and they are both carrying shovels and flashlights. Scott must’ve caught the scent of blood as well when he was here earlier.
“Wait something’s different.” Scott says while he looks around, pointing the flashlight to make sure he doesn’t see anyone. When he says that I know exactly what he means. Something is different? But I have no idea what it is.
“Different how?” Stiles questions.
“I don’t know.” Gotta agree with you there Scott
“Let’s just get this over with.” Scott sighs before he digs his shovel into the dirt.
I slap Damien on the back, motioning him to get up and follow me. Before we let them dig more of the dirt up we walk up behind them. Scott must’ve heard us as he turns around in defence mode, as Stiles just jumps when he sees us. 
“Davina!? Damien!? What the fuck are you guys doing here?” Scott shouts at us.
Without giving him an explanation, I turn to him and say “I smelt the blood too. I followed you earlier on and decided to come back, I guess you had the same idea huh?” I chuckle at the end. Scott and Stiles just look at me with confused faces.
Damien and I look at them at the same time and shine our eyes. Damien’s being the golden yellow orbs and mine being the crystal blue. 
“You guys are werewolves too!? Great, this is just great. But your eyes are blue? Like Derek’s. Why are they blue?” Stiles blurted out, directing his question to me.
“Story for another day. Can we help you guys? I just need to know if Derek would actually do something like this.” I responded.
“Wait, you guys know Derek? Scott questions, looking between me and Damien.
“Yeah, he’s a family friend, we’ve known him for years, that’s why we need to know if he really did this or not.” Damien replies, walking past them to look at the ground.
“I promise, I’ll tell you guys anything you want to know but, I don't think we have much time until he gets back and trust me, I don’t think you want to see Derek pissed off.” I tell them, giving them both a smile. They agree for us to help them, so I walk past them and thank them.
Stiles and Scott start digging while me and Damien just use our claws to dig up the dirt. Let me tell you, getting dirt underneath the nails is not the best feeling in the world. Scott’s voice brings me out of my thoughts.
“This is taking way too long.” he says while shovelling the dirt, getting into the hole that we have dug out.
“Just keep going.” Stiles responds breathing heavily.
“What if he comes back!” Scott shouts, getting more worried by the minute.
“Then we get the hell out of here.”
“What if he catches us?”
“I have a plan for that.”
“Which is?” Scott questions.
“You run one way, I run the other, they run another, who ever he catches first too bad.” Stiles says, obviously without thinking as he’s surrounded by 3 werewolves with super strength and more abilities than a human could ever have.
“I hate that plan.” Scott replies, obviously not thinking the same way I am.
Stiles suddenly hits something hard with his shovel and shouts at us to stop digging. We begin to brush away the small bits of dirt that is still left covering what looks to be some sort of material that is binded by rope. The rope being in tight knots, Stiles tries to loosen them but fails. I get distracted by his fingers for a bit but then realise we’re on a bit of a time crunch. I move his hands away and begin untying the knots. As soon as I get all the knots loose, we open up the material to see that there is a dead wolf’s head there. Scott and Stiles scream and jump out of the hole, while me and Damien examine the wolf. That’s what was buried there all along? A wolf’s head? I can’t believe I even thought that Derek would kill someone.
“What the hell is that!?” Stiles screams
“It’s a wolf.” Me, Damien and Scott reply back in sync.
“Yeah, I can see that, I thought you said you smelled blood? As in human blood.” Stiles questions.
“I told you something was different.” Scott answers back.
I add in “I smelt human blood earlier on too, but when you said there was something different, I smelt it as soon as I got here. I just didn’t know what it was.” Directing my comment to Scott.
“This doesn’t make sense.” Stiles states, waving his hand around.
I start to feel a buzz coming from my jacket pocket. I take out my phone and I see my mom's name.
“Shit! Damien it’s mom we better go.” I say quickly, not wanting to keep my mom waiting.
“Right yeah okay, umm, so we’ll see you guys tomorrow for the game?” Damien replies and questions the boys.
“Yeah we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Scott stuttered before waving at us.
“Umm, Stiles you have my number so text me if you find anything else.” I say, not waiting for an answer, Damien and I start running home on all fours. Where mother goose is waiting to give us a lecture.
When I wake up the next morning, I reach over to grab my phone which is on my nightstand and I see that I have a few text messages from Stiles. Apparently, after Damien and I left they found wolf’s bane which was attached to rope that circled around the wolf’s head, but after Stiles had collected all the rope the wolf's head had turned into the other half of the girls body that was found in the woods. So Derek had killed another werewolf and buried her? Something doesn’t seem right here. Anyways, Stiles said that he had called his dad and told him that they had found the body outside Derek’s house which meant that Derek would be going to jail. I couldn’t help but feel bad for Derek. Once again I couldn’t help him. I didn’t respond to Stiles text messages so I put my phone on charge and decided to finish off some homework before the lacrosse game started tonight.
It’s a couple of hours before the game so I start to get ready. I take a quick shower and leave my hair dry. I sit down at my vanity, still with my towel on and start curling my hair, half way through doing that I get a text from Allison.
‘Hey Dee! Please sit with me at the game tonight? My dad pretty much just invited himself and I really just wanted to go alone, but I guess that’s not gonna happen :(xx’
I chuckle at her message and reply back
‘Hey Ally, of course I’ll sit with you. My parents are coming too so you’ll have to sit with them as well unfortunately aha. I’m pretty sure Lydia will sit with us xx’
I get a response back a few seconds later
‘They can’t be as bad as my dad aha! See you soon!xx’
I put my phone back down and finished curling my hair. I applied a little bit of make-up and then went to my closet to pick out my outfit. I decided to wear a grey long sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans, black heeled boots and my beloved black leather jacket. I look in the mirror and smile before I grab my phone and a pair of gloves and then head downstairs. I meet my mom and dad in the kitchen and we head out to the car and drive to the high school. 
Once we get to the high school we go to the lacrosse field and up on to the stands to get a seat. I see Allison and her father walking over to us and I give them a wave so they know to come over and join us. Allison sits next to me and pulls me in for a hug and we start small talk. I look over to see my parents making small talk with Mr Argent. I’m glad to be making some girl friends. I see Damien sitting on the bench getting padded up, when he turns round and sees me I give him a smile and a quick thumbs up to wish him luck on the game. I then see Scott and Stiles walking over to the bench, they both are looking at me and Allison and I give them a smile wishing them luck too. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little bit worried about Scott. Lydia joins us as she sits next to Allison and looks over to me and smiles. The ref blows the whistle and the game begins.
The game is going well so far, I mean Scot hasn’t tried to kill anyone yet so that’s good. But Scott also hasn’t made one pass during this game yet. Scott then sees the ball on the ground and runs towards it but gets rammed in the shoulder by one of the players on the same team. I look to see who it is. Jackson. That asshole. Jackson gets the ball off the ground and runs to the goal and scores. Everyone stands up and cheers, which I have to force myself to do. Lydia grabs a sign from underneath her seat and asks Allison to help her hold it. I looked at the sign which read ‘WE LUV U JACKSON’ Scott notices it which makes Stiles turn around on the bench and read it. Me and Stiles look at each other and both share the same thought. Brutal.
I can tell that Scott’s starting to get angry. Scratch that. I can hear his heartbeat increasing by the second. Fuck. This isn’t good. My eyes divert from Scott over to Jackson and my brother who seem to be in some sort of disagreement. Jackson argues with him and tells him not to pass the ball to Scott. Damien tries to argue back but Jackson cuts him off and walks away. Damien turns round to Scott knowing he heard and gives him a ‘sorry’ look and a shrug and then walks away to start playing again. I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again. Jackson. Asshole.
The game finishes as Scott shoots the winning goal. He definitely used his wolf powers after hearing what Jackson said to my brother but, he completely turned the game around which in turn made us win. We all run out to the field to congratulate the team, mine and Allison��s hands are linked as we stop and look for Scott. Allison sees him run off and she runs off after him giving me a short apology for leaving me. I see my brother talking to my family and tell myself that I will congratulate him later. I see Stiles still sitting on the bench while his dad is on the phone so I decide to go join him. 
“Hi” I smile at him, sitting down beside him.
“Hey Dee”
“Good game huh? I’m glad that Scott didn’t hurt anyone on the field. I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done if he did.” I reply
“Yeah, that would’ve made the game very horrible, how did you even know that Scott was a werewolf, what do you want from him?’ He questions me.
“I knew since the first moment in class, it was when he gave Allison a pen and she only mentioned that she forgot one when she was outside on the phone before we got into class. Also I think we can just sense each other. Me and Damien are born werewolves so we’ve lived with this our whole life, and I don’t want anything from Scott actually, I wanna help him. Y’know with the control and stuff. I can’t imagine what it’s like without help and I just want him to know that he can trust me.” I assured.  
His dad then came up to him and asked him to talk with him for a minute. I don’t listen in as I want to give them their privacy. After speaking with his dad, Stiles runs up to me and asks me to follow him as we head down to the locker rooms. 
When we get to the locker rooms Stiles runs ahead and stops all of a sudden as he sees Allison and Scott kissing. He pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me so we don’t interrupt them. Hello butterflies. A couple of seconds later we hear Ally’s voice. 
“Dee, Stiles” She gives us a wave and then rushes out. Both Stiles and I give her an awkward wave back and I walk out from his arms even though I didn’t want to.
“I kissed her” Scott begins, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
“We saw” Stiles replies.
“She kissed me”
“We saw that too” I answer this time, smiling at him.
“It’s pretty good huh?” Stiles questions
“I-I-I don’t know how but I controlled it, I pulled it back. Maybe, maybe I can do this, maybe it’s not that bad” Scott replies.
“Yeah, we’ll talk later then” Stiles sigh’s, he pats Scott on the shoulder and turns to leave but before he could me and Scott both grab his jersey. 
“What?” Scott asks
“The ah medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found”
“And” Me and Scott both urge him to continue
“Well I’ll keep it simple, medical examiner determines killer of the girl to be an animal not human. Derek’s human not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail.”
“Are you kidding!?” Scott exclaims obviously not happy with the outcome.
“No and here’s the bigger kick in the ass. My dad ID’d the dead girl, both half's, her name was Laura Hale.” Stiles says looking between me and Scott.
“Hale!” Scott shouts
“Derek’s sister” Me and Stiles say at the same time. I feel tears brim at my eyes. I feel both of the boys' eyes on me.
“I’m sorry, I have to go” My voice breaks while speaking. Before either one of them could answer I ran out of the room. I can hear Stiles' voice in the distance shouting on me to stop but I can’t. I just keep running while the tears keep falling. 
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Riptide - Ben 10 fanfic- Chapter 1
I just sat there. Staring at the back of the person who sat in front of me. Drowning the teacher out as I stared at the white shirt with the black line that ran down the back of it.
My mind was else where. Playing scenes in my head, trying to get the first glimpses of summer vacation. In my mind I was at the beach, laying on a towel as I read Harry Potter. Or actually being in the water, my body moving with the surf board as I glided under a wave that curled over me. My mind taking me places where I was doing anything that wasn't worrying about having to do homework, getting yelled at by the teacher or having to worry about what assignments I haven't done.
The boy who sat in front of me was hunched over, which is typically a bad thing.
I bent over my desk and whispered, "What are you doing?"
He sat up. "What do you think I'm doing?"
He turned around, showing me a paper plane in his hands.
I rolled my eyes, a smirk growing on my face. "Throw it."
"That's what I am going to do with it."
He pulled his arm back, and with one swift movement, the plane glided smoothly over the heads of the other students that were off somewhere else.
"Good one, Ben -" I was cut off as I saw the plane crashed into the back of the teachers head, the nose crumpled before it hit the ground.
I quickly grabbed the book in front of me. Pretending to read as I peered over the top.
The teacher had turned around, staring at Ben who had froze like a deer in head lights.
I kicked his seat, causing him to break out of his daze. He grabbed the text book in front of him and started 'reading' it.
"Hmm?" I stuck my head out of my book as I looked at the teacher. I heard Ben snicker from behind his book. I glared at him. If I get in trouble for this, Tennyson.
"Please stop reading your book and pay attention to what we're doing in class." The teacher said, "I know that it's the last day of school and this is the last lesson, but your education is important."
"Sorry, Miss." I closed the book, putting it back in my backpack.
"Thank you." The teacher turned around and continued writing math sums on the board.
"Way to go, Ben!" I hissed.
"What? You were the one who told me to throw it!"
"Yeah, but not at the freaking teacher, you dweeb!"
"Come on, come on." I heard Ben muttering to the clock that hung above the teachers head.
I held my fingers crossed under my desk as I watched the clock. "Please, please, please." With each second that went by, the clock was getting louder.
"And I just want to remind you all that I will bee teaching summer school this year, and it's never to late to sign up." The teacher commented as she continued rambling on.
"Yeah right." I chuckled at Ben's comment, rolling my eyes.
I looked back up at the clock there was only seconds before the bell went. "Please, please."
The bell went, signalling the sound of chairs as the dragged along the floor.
"Yes! Out of here!" Ben and I cheered. I got up from my seat, putting my books in my backpack before I swung it over my shoulder.
"Hope you all have a good time." The teacher called out as the students flooded out the classroom, "I hope to see you all in the fall."
I shrugged, starting to walk out of the class room.
"Hey, Cora." I stopped and turned around to see Ben. By brown haired, green eyed, best friend. "I wanted to ask you something -"
I held back a giggle, "busted..."
I heard Ben groan, running his had through his hair. "Meet me out side," he whispered. "That's if I make it out alive."
I giggled as I walked out the door, "See you later then, Sunshine."
"When are you going to stop calling me that?"
"Hmm..." I put my hand on my chin, pretending to be thinking. A smile cracked across my face, "Never. Later, Sunshine."
"Hey!" I looked up from my book. "Cora!"
Ben was sprinting over to me, his shaggy brown hair being pushed back by the wind.
I sighed as I put my book back in my bag. "What's the damage? After school detention?"
"Na, just got the usual lecture. You know, You should know better Ben, You are going to be a nice young man some day. Your education is important. Blah, blah, blah."
I giggled at Ben as I rolled my eyes. "Well, I mean, she's half right about the education part. It is important. But they teach us so much rubbish."
"Hey, you doing anything for summer?"
"Yeah. My dad invited me to come and live with for the summer."
"Oh." Ben remarked, looking down at the ground.
I raised my eyebrow, tilting my head to the side, "Why?"
"Oh, I, uh... I just wanted to know if you wanted to come with me and Grandpa Max on a road trip."
I felt my cheeks warm up at the thought of being with Ben for the summer. Being trapped in the rust-bucket for three months.
I looked away from Ben, biting at my bottom lip. "Sorry, that I can't come."
"It's okay,"
I looked up at Ben. His face beaming. I tilted my head.
"Maybe, Grandpa could stop at your fathers place and we can see each other."
I felt my heartache. "Uh, Ben... My dad lives... outside of America. I'm pretty sure that your grandpa could take you there..."
We walked the empty halls in silence.
"We can still call though..." I said hopefully.
Ben looked up at me.
God. You'd think that it was the end of the world, or that I was moving away forever.
The most that me and Ben have been apart from each other was a week. We've been friends forever. My grandparents were friends with Ben Grandpa Max, and naturally, my mum was friends with Ben's dad.
I guess this is kind of like forever.
"My dad gave me my own mobile phone, so we can call each other." I smiled.
I nodded, I grabbed a pen from out of the pocket of my jeans. I grabbed is arm, scribbling down my number.
"Call me tonight, okay."
"You know I will, Cora."
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tree(1) = 1
tree(2) = 3
i am opening the floor for someone to guess what tree(3) is
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you know, when Conway died, why didn’t they just have three people stand next to him?
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anyway idc about this actually
did you know that statistically your friends on average have more friends than you? it's a sampling bias
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the point of the mankeys on typewriters thought experiment isn't that they're gonna actually type the complete works of shakespeare it's that no matter how big the number is it's still infinitely smaller than infinity because that's the nature of infinity i am not explaining this again
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why didn't newton research group theory?
because he wasn't abel to
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What even ARE fractals this is an invitation to infodump
ok so the definition of a fractal is really weird. in a nutshell it’s an infinitely complex shape but how exactly to define that is weird. a fractal is usually but not necessarily self-similar but not all self-similar shapes are fractals. like a line, a line segment can be split into smaller line segments that are basically just the same thing but smaller (line segments in math are assumed to be infinitesimally thin), but isn’t a fractal because duh
ever heard of the coastline paradox? coastlines can be measured fractally! the smaller of a measurement unit you use the bigger of a number you get, and by pretty significant margins (i.e. not rounding errors)! they have nigh-infinite detail. it’s often illustrated with a regular infinite perimeter shape like the koch snowflake
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if you used a different measuring stick you’ll get different numbers because getting all the tiny details in is impossible and there’s no “right” answer because you can’t get an infinitesimal measuring stick.
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