#corbyn besson instagram stories
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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lipstickbisous · 5 years
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my beautiful baby.
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What a cutie
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
Love Song; Corbyn Besson
description: yeah just some good ol’ friends to lovers 😋
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Your face clenched up as the nurse swabbed your nose. The urge to sneeze came over when she tugged it out, and you quickly pulled up your mask. After a round of watery eyes and the oddest facial expression, the sneeze subsided.
“Thank you,” you told her, a laugh dancing at the edge of you tone.
Her eyes crinkled, showing the smile beneath her mask. “You’re welcome. It’ll just be a minute.”
You stood from the chair, plopping down beside Zach on the couch. He was playing on his phone, but looked up when he noticed your presence.
“Hurts, doesn’t it?” He watched your hand rub at your nose over the mask.
“Uh, yeah,” you chuckled.
Zach went back to his phone and you unlocked your own, crossing a leg over the other. Soon, his name was called and he snapped off his mask. Negative.
Daniel replaced Zach in the seat beside you. You bid him hello and he said, “Hey. How are you today?”
“Was doing fine before I had to have a stick in my nose,” you giggled.
Daniel laughed as well. “Yeah, but whatever we have to do to get to celebrate.”
“New normal,” you nodded.
“Y/N!” The other nurse called out from her clipboard.
You flashed your eyebrows at Daniel and stood from the couch. Slipping your phone into your butt pocket, you walked over to the table.
“You are negative, my dear. We’re having everyone who has already been tested to stay in the kitchen.”
You took the packet of your information from the nurse, thanked them again, and joined Zach, Corbyn, and Christian in the kitchen. You slipped the pink mask in your jean jacket pocket as you took the empty bar stool next to Christian.
“Hey, guys,” you greeted.
Corbyn perked up at the sound of your voice, peaking up from his phone. He was directly across from you, leaning his chin against the ball of his palm. You glanced around at the boys, meeting his eyes over the top of his phone.
“Hey, Y/N, when did you get here?” Christian spoke, drawing your eyes away from Corbyn.
You cleared your throat and folded your hands in your lap. They were clammy now, budding heat throughout your face. His eyes.
“Like ten minutes ago. I said I was here in the group chat,” you reminded Christian.
He shrugged, “I don’t really pay attention.”
“Rip,” you laughed.
Zach and Christian went back to their conversation about the album, the only valid topic of interest for the night ahead.
You glanced back over at Corbyn, who had shifted so he could pretend like he hadn’t blushed at your presence. You sat there for a moment, contemplating saying anything at all. Ultimately you settled on tugging out your phone again.
You leaned on the counter, scrolling through people’s Instagram stories. You swiped past Why Don’t We’s shared page and fell on Corbyn’s. It was a selfie, one he took mere moments before you sat down. You flushed red, eyes gently lifting to take in how he looked right now.
His eyes.
You forced an awkward smile at the awkward eye contact, feeling...awkward.
You looked back down at your phone. It seems everyone of the boy’s friends and family members had posted about the album. Except you. You felt slightly guilty, voicing your concerns to the boys before you. Jonah and Daniel had since joined you guys in the kitchen, talking with Christian and Zach.
“No worries, Y/N. I mean, you’re here,” Jonah shrugged it off.
Zach added, “Yeah, but if you wanna post something go ahead.
“Why don’t we just take a selfie or something?” Daniel suggested, tipping his water bottle towards the phone in your hand.
“Oh, yeah. That’s good. I know it doesn’t matter, but I really want you guys to get number 1 on the charts,” you grinned sheepishly.
Jack appeared beside you, slinging on arm around your shoulder. You noticed Corbyn shift again, gulping and eyeing Jack’s arm.
“Oh, we will, Y/N, we will,” he winked at you.
You laughed loudly at his expression. “I believe in you, Jack Avery.”
He squeezed your shoulder. Everybody moved to stand around you, Corbyn ending up too far away. You tried to see where it was he was standing, just because you felt comfortable being able to see him, seeing you. But you couldn’t.
You were attempting to hold the phone out far enough to get everyone in frame, but your arm wasn’t long enough. Everybody laughed at your struggle. Jonah took the phone from you and angled it at the group. He snapped the photo and everyone dispersed.
Jonah ended up in the seat across from you, Zach next to him where he had been. Daniel, Jack, and Christian decided to start pouring drinks, since it was nearing 11 pm. Corbyn stood there for a minute, contemplating running off the edge of the world.
He settled in the seat beside you which drew your attention from your phone. You had been captioning the Instagram post, struggling to come up with something interesting.
“Hey, Corbyn,” you weakly smiled.
He smiled. “Hey.” His voice made your knees weak.
You flashed the screen at him, pushing down the red blush willing itself to paint your face. “What do you think I should caption it?”
“I don’t know,” he let out a breathy laugh, “uh, maybe a joke. Like, track 4 was written about me.”
You shared a laugh with him, happy nothing felt stuffed of weird energy for even a mere few minutes of conversation.
“That would be really funny, but probably cause some drama. How about, like, ‘dibs on Love Song?’ Because I genuinely feel like that ones gonna be so good.”
Corbyn gulped, “I wrote that one with Daniel.”
“Oh,” you breathed. “Then, I call it.”
Red cheeks all around.
You quickly posted it. Soon, the room was engulfed with music, the 3 singles the boys had released filling the air. There was a single camera on the band, standing around the kitchen island you had once been sitting at.
You stood to the side with Anna and Kay, a glass of champagne in your hand. You had since abandoned your Jean jacket, revealing the flowery, thin strapped corset that left your midrif out in the open. You felt really hot, be it because of the outfit, your sparse interactions with Corbyn, or the alcohol beginning to take hold of your bones.
See, there was something there with Corbyn, something nobody really even knew about. In fact, you didn’t even know if Corbyn himself remembered.
You had been good friends with the entire band since they moved to LA, attending concerts when you weren’t in school and hanging out constantly. Of course, as any pathetic pining story went, you’d been in love with Corbyn since you’d met him, but his heart had always belonged to Christina.
When you discovered they broke up, you felt elated for half a second. Then, he called you in tears.
“I know we’re not expectionally close, but I need somebody. The guys, they just don’t understand.l
Since that moment, you guys had been attached at the hip. Quarantine had been boring at first, terrifying, even. But, then you’d begun to spend every waking moment with Corbyn. You were the one who suggested he dye his hair black, had helped him do it. you’d gone with him when the tattoo shops opened again and helped him pick which one looked best. You’d helped them move into their new house, helped Corbyn decorate his new space. Hell, you’d even suggested a song lyric or two when laying on Corbyn’s bed, listening to him across the room on his guitar.
And then, on your birthday a few months ago, you had gotten exceptionally drunk to drown the sorrows of lusting after your best friend. When the clock struck midnight, Corbyn had already hauled down a taxi from the bar, slung your arm around his neck, cradling your waist as he tried to get you inside.
Out of nowhere, the sky began pouring buckets of rain. You fell against his chest, laughing hysterically at the ironically cliche moment. Corbyn somehow nuzzled his nose into your neck, giggling along with your drunken haze.
You pulled back gently, the closeness emitting a fierce confidence in your gut which enabled you to lean up and kiss him. He kissed you back, but when he remembered how drunk you were, he tugged away.
“I can’t do this,” he urged, but you mistook his respect for consent as rejection.
You mumbled, “But I’m in love with you.”
You didn’t remember for a few days after, what had happened that night. All you knew was you had woken up in Corbyn’s bed, his clothes on you, a headache in your head, and your dress soaking wet over the bathtub.
Then, a few days later, when you were perched on Corbyn’s bed, watching an episode of Big Mouth, he made a joke about how, “in love you are with,” him. Your eyes widened, breath hitched, and a memory pulled itself from your brain. You suddenly stood up, his arm dropping to the comforter since it had been around your shoulders.
You made some excuse about homework, though you both knew you had finished your finals the night prior. Since then, neither of you had really spoken at all.
You clenched the champagne glass between your fingers, turning them white from frustration. You felt a hand on your shoulder, turning towards Anna.
“Everything okay?” She glanced between your eyes, noticing the tears welled up there.
You sniffled and blinked the tears away. One dribbled down your cheek. You quickly wiped it away. Anna’s bottom lip jutted out in a pitiful expression and she pulled you into a hug. You wanted to collapse into her, sobbing your way through the album’s release. But, you squeezed your face shut and grabbed the composure that was running away from you.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” you tugged back and set your glass on the table beside you. You quickly strode to the bathroom, shutting it behind you.
You wiped under your eyes with a wet cloth, salvaging your eye makeup. Your eyes were still red, though, red and pupils blown up in a sad countenance.
There was a knock on the door and you tensed up. Daniel’s voice came from the other side of the door, soft and sweet.
“Y/N? Can I come in?”
You already knew he had seen you crying on Anna, and probably watched you storm away as quietly as one could when they were this upset. You were taking him away from his night and that made you feel just horrible.
“Yeah,” your voice was weak.
Daniel gently opened the door. He didn’t try to hug you or tell it was going to be okay. Instead, he cradled your face in his head, pushing the hair back from your cheeks.
“I know. You don’t have to explain or try to push me away. I just know. All I can give is the fact that we wrote these songs about our lives. These songs are personal.”
You met his eyes, swimming in the undemanding answers he was laying in front of you. “What do you mean?”
He gave a warm smile, “Corbyn got really good at songwriting. Just listen.”
You hugged Daniel quickly before shutting off the light. He slung his arm around your shoulders, guiding you back to the kitchen. Everyone counted down for midnight and soon enough, the new songs were blasting through the kitchen.
You anticipated Love Song through the entirety of Be Myself, barely paying any attention to the song that you knew Daniel wrote exclusively by himself. Soon, Daniel’s voice was dancing through the speakers in an upbeat rhythm, singing the literal love song.
Right after, Corbyn’s voice came again.
“You came out of nowhere like a hurricane.”
You perked up, holding yourself together with your arms. Daniel caught your eyes and nodded firmly. Your eyes flickered across the room and met Corbyn‘s. He’d been watching you for a while, you settled. Though his band mates and friends were dancing around the kitchen, he was solemnly drinking his own champagne. His hair was damp from the bottle Jonah had cracked open at midnight.
“Pulled me in and kissed me in the rain. And I fell for you.”
Your breath caught in your throat. You found his eyes again, your face bright red. An overwhelming grin came over you. Corbyn smiled in response, a dry chuckle shaking his shoulders. He shook his head, finally relieved.
You set down your glass again, tapping Anna on the shoulder. “I’ll be back, k?”
She squeezed your shoulder again, still feeling sympathetic. You looked to Corbyn and nodded towards the back door.
You slipped outside, taking a seat on one of the pool chairs. It was dark outside, only the light from the kitchen washing through the glass sliding doors.
You heard the doors open and close again, looking up from your shoes. You stood up, breathing in deeply. Corbyn stopped in front of you, fingers squeezing each other.
You nervously smiled up at him. “So...” you ached, “so, um, I guess I really did call track 4.”
Corbyn laughed, his hands coming around to your back. He pushed you into his chest, yours going up around his neck.
“Yeah,” his face drew back, “and it was about you.”
You grinned, pursing your lips to try and push it down. But, you were tired of pushing it all down, so you let your lips widen before landing themselves on Corbyn’s.
“You could be the one, girl you’re driving me crazy.”
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wdw-spidey · 5 years
Purple Shampoo - Corbyn Besson Imagine
Corbyn Besson x Reader 
Summary: what happens when Corbyn steals your shampoo (Based off of one of his instagram stories) 
Warning: nudity, swearing, brief sexual themes (nothing crazy).
Word count: 1.1k
This is part of like a mini series so I might be posting the rest of the series later on.  -M
I reached for my purple shampoo bottle trying to get some of the shampoo onto my hand but barely any came out, I tried to squeeze the bottle harder. I remembered last time I still had an ok amount left of my shampoo, I would’ve known if I was running out during my last hair washing shower. Plus when I was packing for this trip I had made sure that I packed enough shampoo and enough of everything before I left. I finished my shower, wrapping my towel around me and slightly drying my hair so it wouldn’t drip all over the place. I walked out of the washroom hearing Corbyn talking to himself, or on his phone. I could see him walking around outside his phone in his hand, I assumed he was taking a video for some sort of social media but I didn’t step outside due to the small amount of clothes I had on my body. I went to our room grabbing a bathing suit out of my suitcase to wear changing into it and making my way outside to work on my tan. Once I stepped outside into our the backyard of our AIRBNB I looked around to see if Corbyn was still here. I couldn’t see him anywhere, I decided to sit on the lounge chairs that were outside putting on my sunglasses to block the glare of the sun. I closed my eyes trying to relax as much as I could.
I could hear Corbyn’s little giggle but I kept my eyes closed waiting to see what he was up to since I could tell he was up to something. I suddenly felt him kiss my forehead moving over to my cheek.
“Hey Corbs,” I said in a soft voice since I was almost asleep. I kept my eyes closed but stretched my arms out wanting him to lay with me on this lounge chair. I scooted over a bit to hopefully give him room. He sat down and pulled me onto him, I made myself comfortable sighing in content.
“You smell amazing,” Corbyn complimented brushing his hand through my somewhat damp hair, since I never fully dried it with a hair dryer.
“Thank you,” I smiled at him, “Hey, did you accidentally use my shampoo?” I asked him, he just laughed not responding to me. I looked up at him, his hair looked a tad bit different. I lifted my sunglasses off my face and squinted up at his hair grabbing some of the front strands in my hands, passing my hand through his hair, it had a small purple tint which made me bit my lip holding back a laugh, “what have you done to your hair?” I asked Corbyn.
His hair looked freshly washed from his shower this morning. I couldn’t help but feel a bit bad for him but also it didn’t look so bad on him.
“I… I dyed it,” He said with a smirk on his face.
I shook my head at him, “So my purple shampoo just magically gets empty on its own?” I asked him also smirking at him.
I looked around trying to find Corbyn’s phone since I knew I had left mine inside and I really wanted a picture of his purple tinted hair.
“Where’s your phone?” I asked him.
He moved around a bit taking his phone out from his shorts pocket, he handed it to me knowing exactly what was happening. I went into the camera app on his phone going into the video mode.
“Corbs, what happened to your hair?” I asked while bringing the phone closer to his hair for the purple to really show. I moved his camera away, leaning away from him and sitting properly on his lap while he was a bit more laid out.
“I told you, I dyed it,” He said still smirking, I could tell he was trying so hard not to laugh right now.
“My purple shampoo just happens to get used on its own?” I wiggled a bit on his lap which made his eyes widen. I could already feel the bulge in his shorts. I knew exactly what I was doing and I didn’t mind it at all.
“Ok no, I used your purple shampoo and used it for too long and now my hair is messed up,” He said sighing at me. He reached out trying to grab me but I leaned back a bit giggling.
I stopped the video, sending it to myself. I locked his phone giving it back to him.
“I don’t find it so bad,” I told him still playing in his hair, “I can’t believe you used my purple shampoo.”
“I can’t believe you just did THAT while recording me,” He said while glancing down towards his shorts which made me laugh even more than I was before.
“How long have you been using my purple shampoo?” I asked him and he just shrugged his shoulders. He finally got a hold of me pulling me closer towards him.
“Give me a kiss,” He said pouting out his lips, he gave me his cute puppy eyes but I just looked away not wanting to give in.
“How long have you been using my purple shampoo?” I repeated while trying to lean away from him but he had a strong hold on me.
“Since the beginning of this trip. Now can you kiss me?” He asked.
I shook my head at him, forcing myself to pout to pretend that I was upset he’s been using my shampoo but I honestly didn’t care.
“I’ll buy you some tomorrow or tonight,” He said, “Just give me a kiss please,” He practically begged.
I laughed leaning down to kiss him.
“Hey, now that we share shampoo you know what we should do…” He said after our kiss. He wiggled his eyebrows at me.
I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh knowing he was about to say something sexual.
“What babe?” I asked him.
He held on to me tighter, I laid out on top of him, resting my head on his chest.
“We should save water together,” He said in a whispering tone which sent a shiver down my spine.
I moved so I was able to face him and leaned down kissing him.
“You’re so gross but I can tell you’re horny as fuck so…” I said winking at him. He smirked at me his hands going lower down on my body.
“Are you suggesting we take a shower together?” He asked.
I simply stood up leading him back inside, heading towards our bathroom.
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bessonbitch · 6 years
Voice of an Angel ♡ Corbyn Besson Imagine
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Title: Voice of an Angel
Pairing: Corbyn x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 474
Summary: Corbyn is the ultimate hypeman
Warning(s): Posting a video of you w/o permission
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! If anyone would like to request an imagine, you can do so here: x
It wasn’t that you thought you were bad. It’s just—you didn’t think you were good. Certainly, you didn’t think you were as good as your boyfriend or his friends. You knew that you weren’t going to get famous because of it, and you definitely didn’t want to be a famous singer. You were content with being an average person that dated an above average person. Corbyn could have all the limelight in the world if it meant that you could sit back and watch it all happen. You would keep your singing to yourself, and he could perform in front of the crowds. 
You never had the intention of letting Corbyn hear you sing. You loved the boy to death, but you knew he would be insistent that you share your “gift” with the world. He’d give up, eventually, after seeing how much you didn’t want to, but you just didn’t want to deal with telling him how much you hated attention. So, you kept it from him.
One day, you were in your home by yourself. You were expecting Corbyn to come over later, and you didn’t have anything to do while you waited for him. You had a piano in your home, so you decided that you would play it while you waited for him. You goofed off for a long time, but eventually started to play Demi Lovato’s Smoke and Mirrors. You found yourself singing as you played, totally not noticing when the door opened and shut, someone entering the room.
As you finished the song, you heard someone say, “Damn, girl, I didn’t know you could sing!”
Your head whipped around and there stood your boyfriend, his phone in his hand, looking like he had just recorded you.
“Corbyn!” you said. “Did you just record me singing??”
He grinned sheepishly, ducking his head as he typed something on his phone.
“Corbyn, answer me!” you pleaded. 
He nodded, hitting something on his phone. You realized what he’d just done.
“Corbyn, if you posted that on your Instagram story, so help me God, I’ll end you.” 
He didn’t say anything. Instead, he took off running as you chased him down. The two of you ran around the house, you hot on his heels. As you passed by the couch in the living room, you jumped, trying to tackle him. You fell down, landing on the couch with you on top. 
“Let me see what you posted!” you said.
He unlocked his phone and showed you his Instagram story. Your heart melted almost immediately. 
He captioned it: “Voice of an angel😍😇💖”
“...You’re off the hook because you’re such a sweetie pie.” 
Corbyn beamed.
“...But if you do this again, I’ll kill you.”
He shook his head. “You wouldn’t do that. You love me too much.” 
“Mmm, debatable.” 
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mindyabusines · 6 years
Corbyn Besson Appreciation Week- day 2
Favourite Corbyn Moment
My favourite Corbyn moment is probably the video that was posted on the Why Don’t We instagram story, where he was talking after breathing in helium and his voice was all high. That video never fails to make me laugh
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prettytoxicrevolver · 7 years
My Girl | Corbyn Besson
Requested? Yes! @noodleswdw  I hope you like it 
Warnings? None just pure Corbyn fluff 
Summary: You go to visit your twin brother in LA but are side tracked by a blonde haired beauty 
Word Count: 3,075
“Jonah!!!” You exclaim loudly. “(Y/N)!” He yells back. You rush forward, pushing through the crowds of people to get to Jonah. When you finally reach him you wrap your arms tightly around his neck as his go to your waist. He picks you up and spins you around causing you to giggle. “I haven’t seen you in forever bro.” You say after he sets you down. “I’m sorry I’ve been crazy busy with the band. But now we have all summer together.” He says smiling wickedly. Jonah was your twin brother. He was older than you by about two minutes and he’d never let you forget it. Of course being twins you two were inseparable throughout your childhood but when he decided to move to LA to chase his dream of singing you stayed behind. You had missed Jonah like crazy and your parents knew it. They had decided that since you were old enough you could spend the summer with Jonah and his other band mates which included you touring with them. You were absolutely ecstatic so you caught the first plane to LA and now here you are. You and Jonah make your way out of the terminal and find four boys standing by the baggage claim immersed in conversation about something. When you approached them they turned towards you and smiled widely. “So that’s what Jonah would look like as a girl.” A boy with extremely curly hair who you believed was Jack said. “Shut up.” Jonah muttered. The rest of the boys laugh at Jonah’s embarrassment and you giggle quietly. Jonah pokes your side causing you to jump and yelp slightly. The boys laugh harder causing your cheeks to redden. “(Y/N), this is Jack, Zach, Daniel, and Corbyn. Boys this is my twin sister (Y/N).” Your eyes immediately land on Corbyn. You had seen pictures of him on Jonah’s Instagram before but somehow he was even cuter in person. His blue eyes shined as he smiled at you and he gave you a small wave causing your heart to flutter. Jonah nudges you slightly and you move your gaze from Corbyn to the moving belt behind him. You spot your luggage and walk over to grab it. Before you can reach for it Corbyn grabs it for you and places it on the ground. “Oh you don’t have to-“ You start. “I want to.” He says smiling at you. You smile back at him and turn to see Jonah smirking at both of you. You roll your eyes at him and drag him out of the airport so you can all head home. When you get to the Why Don’t We house you admire it for a second before heading inside. The boys follow, with Corbyn carrying your luggage once more even though you told him you could. He ignored you and grabbed it out of the back and followed you into the house. “Where am I staying?” You ask Jonah as he walks into the house. “Uhhh-“ He says trailing off. “She can stay in our room?” Corbyn suggests. “Three guys and one girl?” “A girl that’s your sister.” Zach pipes up. “You know I can just sleep downstairs right?” You say butting into the conversation. “No way.” Jonah and Corbyn say at the same time. “It’s only for a little bit before you guys go on tour. It doesn’t matter where I sleep.” “You can sleep in Daniel and Jack's room.” Jonah decides. After all of that is sorted Corbyn takes your bag upstairs for you while you follow the other boys into the living room. You all sit down around the room and the boys start to tell you more about themselves. Corbyn joins you a few minutes later, sitting on your right side while Jonah sits on your left. They tell you all about what tour is gonna be like and in turn you tell them about life back home. You guys talked for hours and one by one you each headed upstairs to go to bed until it was just you and Corbyn. “Tell me about yourself.” Corbyn says to you as Jonah makes his way upstairs to go to bed. “I just did.” You respond. “No you told me about Jonah and life at home. Tell me about you.” By this point you had pulled your legs up onto the couch in a criss cross fashion and turned towards Corbyn. He sat in front of you with one leg hanging off of the side of the couch and one tucked underneath. “What do you want to know?” “Everything.” He answers instantly causing you to giggle. “It might be awhile.” You say tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “I’ve got time.” He says while winking at you. You feel your face heat up and you can’t help but smile. You start off by telling him the basic things like who your best friend was, your school life, and any interesting stories you could think of. Hours passed by as you told Corbyn everything. He listened and asked questions and made jokes as you talked and you grew more and more comfortable around him. “It’s almost 2.” You say randomly as you check your phone for the first time since you got off the plane. “We should probably go to bed.” You nod your head slowly and look at him. “Probably.” You repeat quietly. Together you head upstairs and Corbyn points you towards Daniel and Jack's room. When you reach the bedroom door you turn to see Corbyn already looking at you. “Goodnight (Y/N).” He whispers so the other boys don’t wake up. “Goodnight.” You say smiling. You walk into Daniel and Jack's room and shut the door behind you and lean against it, smiling like crazy. The smile on your face never leaves as you get ready for bed and you fall asleep with your heart fluttering. You wake up the next day around 12 o’clock and for a moment you forgot where you were. When last night comes back to you, your smile returns and you were extremely excited for the day. You got dressed quickly and head downstairs to find the other boys. You spot Jonah in the kitchen and head towards him. You sit across from him at the kitchen island and he looks up as you sit down. “You’re finally up.” “You know I love to sleep.” You respond with a wink. “What are we up to today?” “Well we all figured we should probably get some new outfits before tour so shopping day?” You shrug your shoulders and Jonah gets up and walks out of the kitchen to tell the guys. Shopping wasn’t your favorite activity but you needed new converse and skinny jeans so you were down for the adventure. “Can I drive?” You beg Jonah with puppy dog eyes. He rolls his eyes but hands you his keys anyway. You cheer excitedly before heading out the door towards his car. You hear Corbyn call shotgun and you can’t help but smile. “Okay you’re definitely not driving back to the house.” Jonah says taking the keys from you. “Stop being dramatic.” You sass. Corbyn giggles from next to you and you feel your heart flutter once more. You all walk into the mall together and decide to split up. Daniel and Jack walk off together immediately leaving You, Zach, Jonah and Corbyn. “Well I need to go get new converse.” You say. “I’ll join you.” Corbyn says smiling. “I always need new shoes.” Together you and Corbyn walk away from the two boys and head towards the converse store. As you walk you talk about what shoes you wanted to buy and anything else you needed to get while you were at the mall. When you walk inside the store you immediately head towards women’s shoes. You’ve been wanting to buy a pair of white high tops forever and once you spotted them you tried to find your size. You spot your size on the top shelf but being short you weren’t able to reach it. “Hey Corbyn?” You call him over from where he was looking at a pair of black converse. “Can you grab that box for me?” He reaches above you and pulls out the box easily. When he turns towards you to hand you it you realize how close you two are and you smiled shyly when he hands you the box, your fingers barely brushing. You quickly slip off your shoes and try on the new ones. You move around a bit and do a fake runway walk making Corbyn laugh. “They’re perfect.” He says smiling at you. You nod your head in confirmation and place the new shoes back in the box. You both head to the cash register together after Corbyn picks out a pair of shoes. When it’s your turn to go up Corbyn takes the shoes from you and places them on the counter with his. He goes to pull out his wallet to pay for you but you stop him. “There is no way you’re paying for me.” You say. “Too late.” He says as he hands his credit card to the cashier. “Corbyn!” You exclaim but you only got a wink in response. “You guys are such a cute couple.” The girl behind the counter says. “Oh we’re not-“ You start but Corbyn interrupts you. “Why thank you.” He says while slipping an arm around your waist and kissing the side of your head. You face turns bright red and Corbyn has to nudge you to walk forward when the cashier hands you your shoes. When you get out of the store you turn to Corbyn with a pout. “You didn’t have to pay for me.” “But I wanted to.” “I feel bad those were really expensive!” You exclaimed. “Then you can buy me dinner.” He responds and you roll your eyes but continue to walk with him. After going in and out of a few stores together you head to the food court and stop at Johnny Rockets. You order first and then Corbyn orders. You go to take out your wallet to pay but Corbyn is already handing over cash. “Corbyn.” You whine. “Did you really think I was gonna make you pay?” He says smiling at you and shaking his head. You roll your eyes at him but smile nonetheless. After you two eat you meet up with the rest of the boys. You all head back to the compound but with Jonah driving this time. When we get there the rest of the boys besides you and Jonah head upstairs to their rooms for the night. You and Jonah decide to sit in the living room and properly catch up. “So you and Corbyn?” Jonah starts. “Me and Corbyn?” You ask trying to dodge the question. “Oh come on.” Jonah says nudging you. “Do you like him?” “Kinda.” You say smiling widely. “He’s cute and funny and nice and chivalrous. His laugh is the cutest thing I have ever heard.” You say gushing to your older brother. “I knew you’d like him.” “Did you set this up?” “Maybe.” He says dragging out the e. “Jonah!” You exclaim, lightly punching your twin in the arm. “Okay I did but you two would be cute together!” You laugh at your brothers excitement but secretly you were excited too. You had started to really like Corbyn and you were happy Jonah would support you if you two were to date. There was still a bit of nervousness in you though. What if Corbyn didn’t like you? What if all he thought of you was a good friend? Deciding that it was too late at night and too early in your friendship to questions these things you pushed them aside. You and Jonah talked for a few more hours before heading to bed. The next two weeks went smoothly. The boys continued to prepare for tour and you explored LA for the time being. You were beyond excited for tour to start and to travel around the US. “Corbyn get up!!!” You yelled shaking your blonde friend. “Tour starts today!” “Jeez (Y/N/N), you sound more excited than us.” Zach says from across the room. “I haven’t been traveling in ages! Can you blame me?” You sass back. Zach holds his hands up in defense before getting up and walking out of the room. You turn back towards Corbyn and see he’s still asleep. “Corbyn.” You whine shaking his shoulder. “5 more minutes.” He mutters. “Nope. You said that 30 minutes ago you have to get up.” Corbyn groans loudly but finally sits up in bed and swings his legs over the side. You pull him up and push him towards the bathroom before heading back into Jack and Daniels room to grab your suitcase. Just as you walk by Zach, Jonah, and Corbyn's bedroom you hear a voice speak up. “You’re in love with her” Jonah says. “Wha-?” Corbyn says. “Come on Corbs you can tell me.” Before you hear an answer you spot Zach walking up the stairs and you quickly grab your suitcase. You start to walk away from their bedroom door but Zach spots you eavesdropping and stops you. “Whatcha doing?” He asks. “Nothing.” You respond quickly. He gives you an uncertain look but before he can say anything else, his bedroom door opens and Corbyn appears. “What’s going on?” He asks looking between you and Zach. Before Zach can speak you answer Corbyn. “Nothing. Zach and I were just heading downstairs.” You grab Zach’s hand in one hand and your suitcase in the other before pulling Zach downstairs with you. When you reach the bottom of the stairs you put your suitcase at the front door and then turn towards Zach. “What was that?” He asks confused. “I was eavesdropping on Corbyn and Jonah.” You explain. “Why?” “Cause I have a huge crush on Corbyn and he was about to tell Jonah if he likes me back or not.” “Awww. Jonah’s little sister has a crush.” “Shut up I’m older than you.” You sass. Before Zach and you can continue your conversation you’re interrupted once again by Jonah. He tells you the bus is here and you all grab your things to head out. When you get in the bus you assign bunks and you find out yours is across from Corbyns. You crawl into your bunk and get settled in to take a quick nap. When you wake up you check the time to see it’s almost 2 in the morning. You groan loudly but quickly stop when you realize the other boys are probably asleep. You get up and walk into the back and collapse on the couch. You pull out your phone and start to scroll through your social media when you hear a noise. When you look up you see Corbyn making his way towards the back of the bus. When he spots you he holds up a finger to his lips causing you to giggle. “You don’t see me.” He whispers quietly causing you to giggle once more. He walks over and joins you on the couch. You rest your head on his shoulder and he rest his head on top of yours. Taking a leap of faith he slips his hand into yours and carefully intertwines your fingers. You smile at the shock that goes through you at his touch. You both sit like that for awhile not saying anything to each other. You eventually drift off to sleep and when you wake up again you’re laying down. You feel something moving underneath you and look around to see Corbyn passed out. You smile widely when you realize that he had one arm wrapped tightly around your waist as you two slept. You carefully slip out of Corbyn's arms but he’s quick to grab onto your waist and pull you back towards him. You giggle quietly as you look up at him. He opens one eye to look at you making your heart flutter. “Good morning.” He says smiling. “Morning.” You say reflecting his smile. “Ready for you first show today?” “Definitely.” When you get to the venue, you all pile out of the bus and head inside to explore. You had been to your fair share of concerts but you were excited to be able to see the boys perform up close. You and Corbyn walk around and take a few Instagram pics together and separately but you promise him you’ll post the one of you both. The boys do sound check which only makes you more excited for their first concert of the tour. Before you know it the show is starting and you watch from the side of the stage excitedly. You cheer on your twin brother and the rest of the boys as they sing and you dance and sing along to the songs. “Before this next song I wanted to invite someone on stage.” Corbyn says. “Can my twin sister come up here?” Jonah calls out and looks over at you. You make your way up on stage and Jonah pulls you towards him. “If you guys didn’t know, this is my sister (Y/N).” The fans cheer loudly causing you to smile. “And my dear band mate Corbyn,” Jonah says gesturing to Corbyn on the other side of you “Has something he wants to ask you.” “(Y/N), will you go out with me?” The crowd goes insane as Corbyn asks his question and you can feel your face turn bright red. Jonah hands you his microphone and you laugh loudly before answering Corbyn. “Of course.” You respond and the crowd goes insane once again. You hand Jonah back his microphone and walk over to hug Corbyn tightly. When you break away he quickly leans down and presses a quick kiss to your lips making your heart soar and electricity flow through you for a second. “This next song goes out to my girl.” Corbyn says smiling at you. You quickly head off the stage so the show can continue and when you hear the familiar beginning of Just To See You Smile you giggle quietly. Corbyn looks over and winks at you before singing his solo. You couldn’t believe this boy was finally yours.
Hiya I hope you liked it :) 
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danielseaveyupdates · 2 years
18 notes · View notes
lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
0 notes
lipstickbisous · 5 years
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oh- um.
i don’t know which is the hottest, daniel or jonah’s shorts
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Cutie 😍
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boomboomboomwayhoo · 7 years
instagram story
guys can be dicks
she was a bitch
i think you’re an angel
is that yo boys cologne?
idk what to title this
i need you
phineas and ferb
parking garage
friendship bracelets
game night
one million
one time 1 2
just like when i was younger
do you like pranks?
happy baby
family is everything
assumptions 1 2 3
that feels good
mickey mouse star
a little bit sooner
zach herron
jack avery
daniel seavey
promise ring ~ daniel seavey
you’re done ~ august reinhardt
snowed in ~ eben franckewitz
lil puppers ~ zach herron
perfect ~ corbyn besson
the nutcracker ~ daniel seavey
carriage ~ jonah marais
baby it’s cold outside ~ jack avery
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wdw-spidey · 5 years
Dad - Corbyn Besson
Summary: Your daughter wants Corbyn to be her father 
Warnings: None 
Word count: 1k 
I could tell tonight was going to be a hard night for not only just me but also my daughter. I had her tucked into bed, closing the second bedtime story for tonight.
“I can’t wait for Corbyn to come home,” She mumbled a huge smile on her face.
She was only 6 years old but she was one of the smartest 6 years old I’ve ever met in my life, she was such a sweet girl and I loved her so much for it.
“I also can’t wait for him to come home but you need to get some sleep, you won’t see him till tomorrow morning ok?” I informed her tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, I kissed the top of her head while smoothing down her crazy baby hairs.
“It’s as if it’s Christmas eve!” She said in an excited tone.
I let out a small laugh nodding my head, “Yeah, Corbs won’t come back until you’ve fallen asleep sweetie.”
She let out a huff and made herself more comfortable to fall asleep. She curled up into a ball hugging her stuff animal that Corbyn had gotten her before leaving for tour. She kissed the top of the teddy bears head and closed her eyes.
“Mommy?” I almost didn’t hear her since she said that so quietly and softly.
“Yes,” I replied wanting patiently for what she was going to say.
Part of me really wanted her to go to sleep since it was getting very late, I had put her down to bed earlier today knowing she’d be super excited for tomorrow but I didn’t expect it to take this long.
“Is Corbyn my daddy?” She asked me.
My heart started beating so much faster, I didn’t know what to say. The right answer is no but I didn’t know if I should say the truth, it’s a hard thing to explain to a 6 year old. Obviously she’d question it since it’s not like I’ve been with Corbyn for years, therefore, pictures of when she was 4 and younger would be just the two of us without Corbyn.
“He can be your daddy if you want him to be, we also need to ask him if that’ll be okay,” I told her not really knowing what else to say.
I always imagined this moment, this question to be asked when Corbyn was around and to look at him for guidance on how this works.
“I can ask him to be my daddy?” She asked opening an eye to look at me.
I simply nodded my head not trusting myself to speak, feeling tears start to make my vision blurry.
“Ok. Goodnight mommy. I love you,” She said closing her eyes again.
She turned around so her back was facing me, curling up into a ball and cuddling her teddy. I played in her hair a bit to calm her down as she started to slowly fall asleep, her breathing changing once she was asleep. I got up off her bed slowly and quietly making my way into the hallway going into my room. Once I was in my room I shut the door. I held in my breath trying to get myself not to cry over that emotional moment, I was a mix of happy and sad that she asked me if Corbyn was her father. I knew this time would come at one point I just didn’t know how to properly deal with it, I was glad she wanted Corbyn to be her father figure but I was also mad that she doesn’t have a relationship with her biological father and most likely never will have a relationship with him.
I got ready to go to bed, taking off my makeup and putting on some of Corbyn’s clothes wanting to be as comfortable as possible. I grabbed the note he had handwritten to me before he left for tour rereading it while I sat on our bed. I grabbed my phone unlocking it going onto my social media, liking and commenting on some of the stuff my friends had posted. I went onto Instagram posting a throwback picture of me and Corbyn posting a cute caption about how I was excited to see him. I locked my phone and went back down the hall checking into Stella’s room to make sure she was still there asleep, which she was. I made my way downstairs going into the family room to watch some TV.
I had fallen asleep while watching TV and waiting for my boyfriend to come back home from his long tour. I opened my eyes hearing some noise coming from the lobby. I looked at the time on our clock noticing it was around 1am. I got up off the couch making my way over to the lobby seeing Corbyn there, a huge smile spread on my face I walked into his arms too lazy to run, he hugged me tightly to him, we pulled away a bit giving us space to kiss. I pressed my lips to his running my hand through his hair at the same time, afterwards holding him close to me, not believing he was here with me once again. It wasn’t a facetime call or a text message it was really him. When we pulled away from the kiss I shyly greeted him feeling like we were on our first date all over again.
“I missed you,” He said kissing all over my face making me laugh a bit.
I grabbed his hands wanting to grab him any moment I had so he wouldn’t simply vanish away.
“I missed you too,” I replied kissing the back of his hand a few times while I was still holding onto his hands, “I- Stella… She said something tonight and I need to talk to you about it, once you’re all settled.”
“I’ll unpack everything tomorrow, I just want to talk to you right now and cuddle then sleep,” He said with a cute smile on his face.
We went into our room and I told him what Stella told me, he seemed a bit shocked at first and then happy.
“How do you feel about it?” He asked.
I played with the blanket trying to keep myself busy, “I- Well it was a bit surprising at first but I don’t mind if you say yes, you’ve taken the fatherly role already in my opinion which is great, it’s amazing and Stella deserves you as a father,” Corbyn rubbed his eyes a bit a huge smile on his face, tears starting to spill down his face I put a hand on either side of his face, “Don’t cry babe,” I whispered pulling him closer to kiss him.
Once we were done kissing he cleared his throat a bit, “I’d love to be her father.”
I couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store for us. I couldn’t wait to become a family and have children of our own.
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queen-karen-3 · 7 years
No Matter How Much It Destroys You
Corbyn Besson
You sat in your dressing room, getting ready for your big day. Your wedding day. Technically, your characters wedding day. You were the main actress for an upcoming movie, she fell in love with someone but she wanted a marriage and he didn't. They broke up and she moved on, but not entirely. She still loved him. And she was getting cold feet at her own wedding. Because she's marrying the wrong man.
You were getting your make up done when Janice, your makeup artist, brought up Corbyn. Your boyfriend.
"So, you guys still fighting?" Janice asked as she did her thing.
"This is the biggest fight we've ever had." You sighed, looking down, afraid you'll start crying.
"You guys love each other too much. You wouldn't break up because of your career. So what you kiss dudes in movies, it's not real. He has legit fans holding him and grabbing him and flaunting themselves at him and you're okay with it, but he can't handle you doing what you love?" She asked, getting a tube of mascara from the vanity.
"I don't think he can get over this. It took him months to even look at me when he saw the first movie of me and Logan kissing. And we weren't even together at the time. We were just talking. But I get it. His ex-cheated on him for months. And he never knew." You were on the brink of crying but you held back tears, knowing that if you did, you wouldn't stop. You felt like everything was falling apart and you can't do anything to stop it.
Finally, after a long day of shooting, you were back in your apartment. Dirty and exhausted. You quickly showered and got ready for bed. However, when you laid in bed all you did was think and worry about Corbyn. He had left for the tour a few days ago and you hadn't spoken since he left after he found out about the role you just landed, having to be Andrew Garfield's love interest. You lost count how many texts you've written but never sent. You lost count of a number of times you watched him and his bandmates Instagram and snapchat stories.  Just looking out for him. He looked happy. That's all you wanted for him. For him to be happy. And if that meant you weren't his girlfriend or even his friend, then that's okay. It destroys you inside but you love him. If you could, you would move mountains for him. By the time morning came, you hadn't slept a single second. You stayed up all night, fighting the tears and thinking of Corbyn.
You went onto the set, with a fake smile and a fake pep in your step. You got to hair and makeup and then went to wardrobe and started filming. When the day ended you found yourself not sleeping again. You found yourself thinking of how happy he must be, touring around the country. Meeting his fans. Playing music. His dream was coming true. But little did you know is that he was miserable without you. He hated the fact that he left when you two were in the middle of a fight. He barely slept. Barely ate. The only reason he was smiling and looking happy was that he has an obligation to his fans and his bandmates. He stayed up late stalking your Instagram posts. As the weeks go by he noticed you didn't post as often. You didn't do your weekly rant on your snapchat story. Or your daily dance videos on your Instagram. Or you didn't tweet your daily 'Good Morning Everyone!'. You were distancing yourself from your social media. And you never do that. You didn't do that when your grandmother died and you were mourning. You didn't do that when you were forced to only 20 minutes on your phone a week because of a shoot. You didn't do that when you were sick with the flu. You didn't do that when you promised your mom you would focus on work rather than social media. You never missed those videos, because your fans loved them.
The fans eventually started to noticed your withdrawal and tweeted at you asking whats wrong. You never tweeted back. You went Social Media AWOL. It wasn't like you at all.
Corbyn had asked his best friends to text you or tweet you asking how you were hanging in, or how the movie is coming along. But all they received was radio silence. Which was crazy because the boys were like your brothers. They all began to worry about you, but they couldn't do anything for the next couple of weeks because of the tour. Because they have priorities. To you, you weren't on that list. But to them, you were number one.
"Corbyn, whats wrong? Worrying about Y/n?" Zach brought Corbyns attention away from his phone to the 16-year-old.
"Uh- yeah. She didn't post her rant story again. I'm getting scared. Something is wrong." Corbyn's voice raspy and breaking. All he wanted to do was cry and hold you in his arms. But you were miles and miles away. He's never regretted anything more than what he said the last time he talked to you.
"One more show and you'll see her," Jonah reassured the heartbroken kid with a pat on the back. But Corbyn just nodded and went back to staring at your recent Instagram post. It was a picture of you on the set of the new movie with the whole cast. 'Excited for the next couple of months working with this great cast' was captioned under the photo. That was 2 and a half months ago. You hadn't posted anything since.
After performing the show, he had the meet and greet. He had met so many fans. Some of them asked about you, others didn't bring you up. Then this one girl asked him how he was doing being separated from you for so long.
"How are you doing with the distance from Y/n?" She asked, pushing up her thick glasses on her nose.
"Uh, not good. It's killing me, being away from her for this long." He admitted, almost wanting to cry. He began to breathe heavily, trying to stop the tears from cascading down his face. "God, just saying this is making me want to cry. I miss her so much."
"I would have imagined her here. Since she lost her role in the movie and all." She brought up, not realizing he didn't know you quit the movie. You hadn't slept or ate. You looked terrible. You felt terrible. When everyone began to notice the fake smiles and laughs, they questioned you about it, but you brushed it off. You began to be late to work and forgetting your lines and having random panic attacks because you felt unresolved. Eventually, you realized you were only holding back the movie, and you quit. But you quit on good terms with the director. When your agent came to visit you after quitting she realized how skinny you were. And how bad you doing since your fight with Corbyn. She had requested for you to go to a clinic to help you. But you refused. You pushed everyone away and locked yourself in your apartment to wallow in self-pity.
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah, I read online that she was fired or she quit? I don't really know what happened but she's no longer in that new movie with Andrew Garfield." She stated, not realizing how he began to choke on air.
"Corbyn, are you okay?" She asked, noticing he was struggling to breathe properly.
"Yeah. I just... Why can't I breathe?" He asked, going into complete panic mode. He was panting like crazy, tears clouding his vision, his legs giving up on him. He leaned onto the fan for support but eventually fell to the ground. The boys immediately running over to their best friend.
"Corbyn?!" They all shouted, getting to him as well as the guards and other important people.
"What's happening?!" Corbyn asked frantically. He couldn't breathe and he felt like he was going to pass out any second now. Which did happen. A few second after speaking up he had passed out. Making everyone freak a little. But a stage manager had called an ambulance. They drove him to the local hospital in Denver.
"I'm calling Y/n." Jonah shrieked from the passenger's seat in an uber to the hospital.
You were sitting on your couch watching the news when your phone blew up. You normally ignored it until it died but something in your gut was telling you, something is wrong. You turned your phone over, a picture of Jonah making a monkey face popped up. You answered the call, hesitantly.
"Y/n! You picked up!" Jonah sounded astonished that you picked up.
"Yeah?" You asked, your voice breaking. You rarely spoke now and days. All you did was watch videos of Corbyn and the band and stayed in. Not ever really going out or talking to people.
"Corbyn is on his way to the hospital! We're in Denver, Colorado. I know we're a little far, but if you get on the next plane out here, you won't regret it. We don't know what happened." Jonah shouted into his phone. His adrenaline kicking in again.
"I'm on my way!" Your eyes doubled in size and quickly ran to your room. You pull on a pair of leggings, converse, and one of Corbyn’s sweatshirts on and grabbed your bag running out of your apartment. You quickly made it to the airport and bought yourself a ticket for the next plane to Denver.
By the time you arrived at Denver, Corbyn was still in the hospital. They kept running tests to see if it was just a panic attack or something more serious. The boys had never left the hospital, not caring that it was almost 2 in the morning. You took an uber to the hospital, surprising all of the boys of your presence and how you look. No makeup on, hair in a messy bun, and looking skinny as ever. You didn't look too good. But all you felt was a worry, a worry you've never felt before. You still had no idea what happened. The second Jonah called you, you hadn't gone online. Wanting to hear about the events from the boys rather than fans.
"Where is he?" You asked, causing the boys to look over to you, clearly, they were shocked.
"Y/n-" Jack started but the doctor interrupted him.
"Are you all the family of Mr. Besson?" The man asked, scanning over the crowd of people.
"Yes, he's our brother," Jonah spoke up, pulling you in to listen what he has to say.
"All of you?" He asked, looking over to you.
"His girlfriend." Zach interrupted you, you wanted to cry hearing him say that, but you knew not to.
"Okay." He nodded at you before continuing. "Mr. Besson is going to be just fine. It was merely a panic attack from the stress, most likely. We'll be releasing him within the next half hour."
Everyone had let go a breath they didn't know they were holding him. Tears began to crawl down your face, feeling relieved he was going to be okay.
"Miss, you can go and see him if you want." He guided you to his room. When you walked in you realized how bad he looked too. He was skinnier, his hair was flat, his eyes didn't sparkle the way they used to. The nurse was sitting on the side of his bed, telling him how not sleeping and eating is bad for anyone and that no matter what is going on in life, you need to take care of yourself. But when he heard the curtain move, he looked at you and his heart rate went up. Alarming the nurses and doctors.
"Y/n?" Tears welled up in his eyes, as did yours. All you wanted to do was hug him and tell him everything was going to be alright.
"Hi." You whispered, afraid that if you spoke any louder you'd wake up from some dream.
"Please tell me you see her there too?" Corbyn asked the nurse. She turned and saw how bad you looked as well. She nodded her head as Corbyn.
"You both need to eat and sleep." She said before giving you time alone. His heartbeat still going crazy. You smiled for the first time in what felt like years!
"Get over here Buttercup, I'm all connected to machines." He spoke with tears going down his face, his voice breaking a little.
You quickly walked over to the bed and held onto his hand.
"You always had to be so dramatic." You made a small joke, looking down at your connect hands.
"It's the only way to get your attention." He whispered, looking at you, waiting for you to look up at him. When you didn't he brought his fingers to under your chin and made you look at him. Tears started to stream down your face.
"I'm so sorry for everything I said when you left." You sobbed, climbing into the bed with him, his arms wrapping around you. He ran his fingers through your hair, trying to calm you down before you pass out too.
"I'm sorry too. Damn, have I missed you." He said, trying and failing to hold back his own tears. He kissed your forehead.
"I quit the movie." You whispered after having calmed down.
"I know." He whispered back. His fingers never stopped from playing with your hair. "What happened?"
"If you couldn't tell, I stopped sleeping, eating, I was always late to work, I was forgetting my lines. I had a couple of mini panic attacks. I was a mess. So I quit. I couldn't put the cast through having a terrible actress." You explained, cuddling closer to his chest. Inhaling his scent.
"What happened to you? How'd you end up in the hospital?" It was your turn to ask him.
"I- uh. I was talking to a fan. She brought you up and your split from the movie. I couldn't breathe. I was worried sick because I noticed you went completely AWOL on social media. You never texted or called the guys back. My mind had only one thing going through it, and it was you. I was worried about how you were. Because I was terrible. I was a complete mess." He explained. You smiled, closing your eyes, feeling sleep taking over.
"We can be a mess together." You sighed, officially falling asleep in the arms of the love of your life. Corbyn had already been drifting off to sleep, but he stayed awake until he knew you had fallen asleep too.
"I love you Y/n." He whispered to you before falling asleep, hold you closer than ever before.
Can I just say, this is one long ass imagine.
I was watching How I Met Your Mother when Ted Mosby gave this huge speech on what love is. I legit cried... and not because I'm about to go off to college and I just worked my last shift at my job.
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