#corey coleman
heresthefanfiction · 2 years
Plot Bunny Intro:
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Tyler Owens and Corey Coleman in "Toxic", a Percy Jackson and the Olympians plot bunny.
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musicalcastingideas · 6 months
Team Starkid Does Into the Woods
Narrator: Lauren Walker
She's the iconic narrator Molag in Firebringer, if I want anything narrated, I'm calling her.
The Baker: Corey Dorris
I've been on the Give Corey Dorris A Lead Role train for a while (even though I'm very new to Tumblr) so this was easy for me. Also, is "A father who's not the best person but is trying his goddamn best" describing The Baker or Bill from TGWDLM?
The Baker's Wife: Bryce Charles
I'm so hyped for her to be the star of Team Starkid's next show, and I need to hear her sing Moments in the Woods.
Cinderella: Lauren Lopez
I don't feel like I need to explain this one? The vibes are just correct.
Jack: James Tolbert
I've only seen him in Black Friday and like 2 seconds of NPMD but he has such a sincere earnestness to his performance, I think he would be a great Jack.
Jack's Mother: Rachel Soglin
She's my favourite exhausted mother in Trail to Oregon, this is the same part but meaner and without an idiot husband falsettoing in a wagon with a floor window.
Cinderella's Stepmother: Mary Kate Wiles
(She's in Working Boys so she counts as Team Starkid) She has a wonderfully dry delivery and while in Spies Are Forever, she uses it for a Jaded Hero character, I want to see her use it for a truly cruel character.
Florinda and Lucinda: Angela Giarratana and Jaime Burns
Both wonderful comedic actresses who would definitely make these relatively small parts very memorable.
Little Red Riding Hood: Mariah Rose Faith Casillas
Is this just an excuse for a (albeit not as direct) third "Corey is Mariah's Father" casting? Yeah, kinda. But also Mariah is amazing in pretty much any part.
The Witch: Jaime Lynn Beatty
This feels so obvious. Her physical acting, character work and amazing belt are MADE to play the Witch. I am always open to constructive criticism except for this one.
Cinderella's Mother: Brittany Coleman
According to the Team Starkid Wiki, she's played this part in the Baltimore Centre Stage production, so she not only would obviously slay this part, she HAS already slayed this part.
Wolf/Cinderella's Prince: Joey Richter
Hmm, who do I get to play two parts, one who's supposed to be creepy and one who's supposed to be irresistibly sexy? I dunno. Anyway, Joey Richter has such amazing range, he plays skeevy villains like Mcdoon (the bandit king) in Trail to Oregon and Wiley in Black Friday , but also is so hot and charming as Ethan in Nightmare time and as Owen in Spies are Forever. Don't know why I bring that up now.
Rapunzel: Kim Whalen
Soprano Queen, actual princess. Also, I want her and Curt to play an actual couple
Rapunzel's Prince: Curt Mega
Not to fall into the Internet Wife Guy Trap but Curt seems so in love with his wife and I think he would be so good as the prince who would do anything to be with her (God please don't pull a Ned Fulmer Curt I swear to God). Also, if you haven't seen him and Joey do Agony for Shitty Broadway, please go watch it, it's amazing.
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abs0luteb4stard · 6 months
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🔻 W A T C H I N G 🔻
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Starkid Clue
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To make a long story short (too late!) it's the Starkid dreamcast for Clue! To clarify, this is a dreamcast for the play adaptation of the 1985 film, not the original musical (though I could do that later). Figure a dreamcast of a murder mystery with multiple endings considering the recent NPMD announcement. (very excited about that!)
Joe Walker as Wadsworth
Jeff Blim as Colonel Mustard
Britney Coleman as Miss Scarlet
AJ Holmes as Mr. Green
Lauren Lopez as Mrs. White
Lily Marks as Mrs. Peacock
Jon Matteson as Professor Plum
Corey Dorris as Cop & Others
Mariah Rose Faith as Yvette & Others
Curt Mega as Mr. Boddy & Others
Lauren Walker as Cook & Others
Understudies: Chris Allen (Wadsworth, Colonel Mustard, Cop), Jamie Burns (Mrs. White, Mrs. Peacock, Cook), Brian Holden (Mr. Green, Professor Plum, Mr. Boddy), Alle-Faye Monka (Miss Scarlet, Yvette)
Make sure to leave any show suggestions or any questions on my casting choices so I can explain them.
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Dans la version "director’s cut" de Zack Snyder, vous serez invités à plonger au cœur de la saga de SF, avec des versions plus sexy et plus violentes de Rebel Moon : Chapitre 1 : Calice de Sang et Rebel Moon : Chapitre 2 : La Malédiction du Pardon.
Une paisible colonie sur une lune aux confins de l’univers se retrouve sous la menace des armées du tyrannique régent Balisarius. Dès lors, Kora , mystérieuse étrangère, devient le meilleur espoir de survie des villageois dont elle partage le quotidien. Chargée de recruter des combattants aguerris pour repousser le Monde-Mère, Kora réunit une petite troupe de soldats : des marginaux, insurgés, paysans et orphelins de guerre qui ont en commun le même besoin de rédemption et de vengeance. Alors que l’ombre d’un royaume tout entier s’abat sur la plus vulnérable des lunes, une nouvelle armée de héros voit le jour.
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ciegeinc · 8 months
Movie Review...The Color Purple (2023)
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(3/5) I respect the reimaging of this story into a musical (you have to give them credit for trying). I also respect the lighter tone the film has especially for the main character. The songs were great and so was the cast but the songs shouldn't replace story and dialogue.
We missed a golden opportunities for all these talented actors to show off their skill. There was A LOT of singing and the musical numbers just seemed like segues between the classical scenes and lines of the original. This movie played like a highlight reel of those top moments carried by music and not performances. I was not a fan of that.
People who are more so into musical theater would love this more than me. So I might not have been the right audience. When it comes to musicals, these films are most likely at the bottom of my list.
A story of love and resilience based on the novel and the Broadway musical, THE COLOR PURPLE is a decades-spanning tale of one woman's journey to independence. Celie faces many hardships in her life, but ultimately finds extraordinary strength and hope in the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood (rottentomatoes.com).
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bolllywoodhungama · 10 months
Zack Snyder has released the first character pictures for his upcoming sci-fantasy epic. See images for Rebel Moon Part One: A Child of Fire.
On December 22, 2023, Netflix will release Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire. The breathtaking character posters for Netflix's highly anticipated sci-fantasy epic, Rebel Moon Part One: A Child of Fire, have been released. Zack Snyder brings together an exceptional team of Rebels, led by the mysterious stranger Kora, portrayed by Sofia Boutella, alongside the talented and diverse cast including Ed Skrein as Admiral Noble, Michiel Huisman as Gunnar, Charlie Hunnam as Kai, Doona Bae as Nemesis, Djimon Hounsou as Titus, Staz Nair as Tarak, E. Duffy as Milius, Cleopatra Coleman as Devra Bloodaxe.
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This thrilling science-fiction opera promises an immersive experience with fascinating visuals and a mythologically rich narrative. 'Rebel Moon Part One: A Child Of Fire,' which will premiere exclusively on Netflix on August 11th, invites fans to embark on a thrilling adventure as the outstanding team of Rebels attempts to preserve a peaceful colony from the despotic forces of the Motherworld. Kora (Sofia Boutella), a stranger with a mystery past, begins a new life amid a tranquil settlement of farmers after crash landing on a moon in the farthest reaches of the universe. When the tyrannical Regent Balisarius (Fra Fee) and his cruel emissary, Admiral Noble (Ed Skrein), discover the farmers have unwittingly sold their crops to the Bloodaxes (Cleopatra Coleman and Ray Fisher), leaders of a fierce group of insurgents hunted by the Motherworld, she quickly becomes their only hope for survival. Kora and Gunnar (Michiel Huisman), a tenderhearted farmer naive in the realities of war, are tasked with finding fighters who would risk their lives to defend the people of Veldt, and assemble a small band of warriors who share a common need for redemption along the way: Kai (Charlie Hunnam), a pilot and gun for hire; General Titus (Djimon Hounsou), a legendary commander; Nemesis. Back on Veldt, Jimmy (Anthony Hopkins), an old mechanized defender hidden in the wings, awakens with a new mission. However, the newly formed rebels must learn to trust one another and fight as one before the Motherworld's soldiers arrive to exterminate them all.
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boomgers · 11 months
No habrá héroes, solo rebeldes… “Rebel Moon · Parte Uno: La Niña Del Fuego”
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Después de estrellarse en una luna recóndita, Kora, una joven con un pasado misterioso, comienza una nueva vida en una pacífica colonia rural. Pero todo cambia cuando el tirano Balisarius y su cruel emisario, el almirante Atticus Noble, descubren que los granjeros, sin saberlo, estuvieron vendiendo sus cosechas a los Bloodaxe, líderes de un feroz grupo de insurgentes buscados por el Mundo Madre.
Ahora, la única esperanza de sobrevivir depende de Kora. La forastera y Gunnar, un granjero bondadoso ajeno a las guerras, deben reclutar a un grupo de valientes dispuestos a dar la vida para proteger a los habitantes de Veldt. A medida que recorren diferentes mundos en busca de los Bloodaxe, forjan un pequeño grupo de guerreros unidos por su necesidad de redimirse: Kai, piloto y asesino a sueldo; el general Titus, líder legendario; Nemesis, experta con la espada; Tarak, prisionero de sangre azul, y Milius, luchadora de la resistencia.
Mientras tanto, en Veldt, un viejo androide llamado Jimmy se alza con un nuevo propósito. Estos revolucionarios imprevistos deberán aprender a confiar los unos en los otros y luchar codo a codo para evitar que los ejércitos de Mundo Madre arrasen con todo.
Estreno: 22 de diciembre de 2023 en Netflix.
Dirigida por Zack Snyder, la película cuenta con las actuaciones de Sofia Boutella, Djimon Hounsou, Ed Skrein, Michiel Huisman, Doona Bae, Ray Fisher, Charlie Hunnam, Staz Nair, Fra Fee, Cleopatra Coleman, Stuart Martin, Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson, Alfonso Herrera, Cary Elwes, Rhian Rees, E. Duffy, Jena Malone, Sky Yang, Charlotte Maggi, Corey Stoll y Anthony Hopkins como la voz de ‘Jimmy’, en la versión en inglés.
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spryfilm · 1 year
Trailer: Zack Snyder’s “Rebel Moon” (2023)
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quirrelmorts · 2 years
2010/2011 Starkid merch
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ruleof3bobby · 1 year
THE CURRENT WAR (2019) Grade: C- 
Actually a really slow film. Much better off reading or watching a doc on the characters. I don't even think some of the story is fairly accurate. 
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moviegroovies · 2 years
of all the movies i believed might warrant a moviegroovies revival, i think i speak for all of us when i say that this one was... not at the top of the list. nevertheless: unexpected, unwanted, and unsung: dream a little dream (1989).
mmmmm... i liked it. more than i expected to, anyway. to be honest, this was one i probably wouldn’t have picked up on my own, even for the “two coreys” phenomenon and its tangential connection back to the lost boys (my beloved)--as i’ve indicated before, while i’ll do anything for love (of the lost boys), i won’t do that (watch corey feldman movies)--but my dad got some kind of meredith salenger itch this week, and this was the result. all in all, it was pretty solid? kind of dragged for me, but there were no scenes i’d point to in particular and say “cut this.” plus, they did some interesting things with the bodyswap concept... and, if we’re being honest, i found myself pretty impressed by feldman’s performance.
(said nobody ever. i know, i know.)
what i liked: the body swap is a fairly standard stock plot (although, as i type this, i can’t call to mind NEARLY as many examples as i thought i could. i’ve extolled the virtues of vince vaugn in freaky on this blog before, haven’t i?), but dream a little dream had a fairly unique take on it; most of the movie is corey feldman acting as jason robbards’ character coleman, but we never see robbards as bobby. the justification for the plot is given a lot more screentime than the handwavey explanation which typically accompanies such a story (although i’m not necessarily sure that this is a good thing--sometimes the plot does NOT demand explanation; groundhog day & etc.), too--we devote a substantial amount of the exposition to coleman’s obsession with dreams and the idea that, as we don’t really know what dreams “are,” therein lies the path to eternal life, eternal youth...
sometimes it really is better just to say a wizard did it and have done, i think.
what really stood out to me, though, was whose movie it really was. don’t let the smokescreen of the two coreys fool you--dream a little dream is coleman’s movie, through and through. coleman, not the delinquent teenagers, is the one with a problem to be solved. it’s coleman, and apparently coleman alone, who has to learn a lesson, and while “this was what being young was like--and it wasn’t easy” is a pretty standard one for this genre, it feels... different, as presented. i searched a while for the big why, until it hit me: dream a little dream is a teen comedy about an old man.
bobby, on his own, has plenty of problems, and the introduction, cutting between title cards and a seinfeldian conversation between coreys feldman and haim, serves as something of a red herring in that respect. we gear up for a movie about teenage ne’er-do-wells coming of age, finding themselves, and presumably getting the girl. the thing is, though--that’s not the movie we get. quickly after we’re presented with our presumed protagonists, we’re introduced to another figure: a grumpy old man searching, to the detriment of his relationship with his friends and wife, even, for more. he has a good life, and he’s still deeply in love with gena, but he’s restless and ill-content. it’s already a departure from the role of older figures in such movies (because if our teenage protagonists represent youth and chaos, then older characters, especially much older characters like coleman and gena, are stability, stagnation--they’ve already figured it all out, and are liable to be trapped in their ways)... and then his obsession pays off, with a little help from fate, and he ends up occupying the body of bobby keller, with gena taking up a more backseat role possessing his female counterpart, lainie diamond.
like i said, the reverse is never true. bobby still exists in a spiritual form during coleman’s escapade, making the occasional cameo in coleman’s dreams (and one has to wonder about the influence of a nightmare on elm street on this movie’s final form; at one point, bobby even quips “you were expecting, maybe... freddy krueger?”, the dreams are shot in a similar, fuzzy way to nancy’s, and in the last act not falling asleep becomes an apparently life-or-death matter for gena), but he’s not walking around in coleman’s body, which i do believe the movie is stronger for. bobby might have a takeaway lesson from all of this, but it’s coleman we follow, navigating his way through high school and first love and the mortifying ordeal of trying to pull his wife’s consciousness up through a teenage girl’s mind. and i like that the delineation between lainie and gena and even bobby and coleman isn’t always clear; they’re sharing the bodies. as coleman points out at one point, “we’re them.” there isn’t quite a point where one stops and the other starts--coleman takes on more of bobby’s mannerisms and speech patterns the longer he plays his part, and lainie, when she’s around coleman, acts more and more in accordance to gena’s personal quirks. it’s surprisingly heartfelt, in a way. the end product is sometimes messy, because it’s juggling the body-swapping a-plot with a romantic triangle subplot involving an angry boy with a gun and a minor gang war between rival delinquent groups at the school (although, i will say that the culmination of THAT, the confrontation where coleman urges joel to shoot HIM, was pretty satisfying), but it’s mature in a way you don’t see in a lot of its contemporaries. ultimately, we’re watching an old man face the consequences of his monomania and realize what really matters to him is love. the rest is set dressing.
and as for the rest, hm. corey haim’s role didn’t pan out nearly as much as i expected it to. he sticks around for most of the movie to make faces at coleman when he does out of character shit in bobby’s body, but doesn’t even make it into the final scene when coleman and bobby (in their respective bodies again) come to a final understanding. it was already a pretty long movie, but i can’t help feeling like more could have been done with their friendship, especially with dinger making it onto the cover of the movie (unlike robbards) and into all of the promotional material. toward the end, coleman-as-bobby genuinely thanks dinger for looking out for him during the ordeal, only for dinger to ask if he’s “going fag” for his trouble. (as an aside: was this a thing people said? i’d never really heard it before i watched the warriors last week, but here it popped up again. whatever.) dinger’s character also continuously brought weird, sexualized racial comments to the table (first referring to apache women, then hawai’ian), which served no purpose but white supremacy’s. this, along with the ease with which lainie’s mother makes the decision to have her second husband drug her teenage daughter with a sleeping pill mixed into a glass of wine, can be explained (but not excused) as products of their time, but, y’know, come on. even in 1989, these scenes were written, greenlit, and parroted by people who should have known better.
hey, killer soundtrack, though. all in all, i could watch it again.
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cinemaquiles · 5 months
O pior filme de 2024 (até agora): "Rebel Moon - Parte 2: A marcadora de cicatrizes"
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oceanusborealis · 9 months
Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire - Movie Review
TL;DR – Moments of interest in the middle of a sea of mess. ⭐⭐ Rating: 2 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is no post-credit scene.Disclosure – I paid for the Netflix service that viewed this film. Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire Review – Before we begin our best of 2023 list, there are a handful of movies that I want to catch up on, one of them being this new Science Fiction magnum…
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Starkid Hamilton (April Fools)
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You guys have been asking for it for years so I finally decided to bite the bullet and bring it to you: The Starkif Hamilton dreamcast! I think this my magum opus and everybody fits their parts perfectly, so please no criticism of any kind! There’s no use delaying it any longer so I hope you all enjoy what you’ve been waiting for!
1.  Alexander Hamilton as Joey Richter 2. George Washington as Dylan Saunders 3. Thomas Jefferson as Lauren Lopez 4. Benjamin Franklin as Joe Walker 5. John Adams as Jaime Lyn Beatty 6. James Madison as Meredith Stepien 7. Thomas Paine as Curt Mega 8. John Jay as Brian Holden 9. Samuel Adams as Mariah Rose Faith 10. James Monroe as Jon Matteson 11. John Hancock as Britney Coleman 12. Roger Sherman as Brian Rosenthal 13. James Wilson as Kim Whalen 14. Edmund Rutledge as Corey Dorris 15. John Dickinson as AJ Holmes 16. George Mason as Bryce Charles 17. Robert Morris as Rachael Soglin 18. Paul Revere as Jeff Blim 19. Patrick Henry as Denise Donovan 20. Benedict Arnold as Robert Manion
Make sure to leave any show suggestions or any questions on my casting choices so I can explain them.    
(And April Fools!)
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julianlytle · 9 months
My review of the new Color Purple film.
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