#cornwell x georgiou
theadmiralslegion · 8 months
Katrina Cornwell Shipping Poll
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pixiedane · 2 years
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for @theadmiralslegion Katoberfest 2022 Day 6: Mirror Uinverse + Rom Com
The quote is from the Sandra Bullock/Hugh Grant film Two Weeks Notice. I imagined an office comedy where Emperor Philippa and Admiral Kat work together for Starfleet, each thinking they are in charge and the other is working for them. Eventually Kat gets fed up and has Philippa reassigned. But they have both changed, for the better, and are miserable apart. Philippa makes a grand apology and they reunite with a kiss.
The story is called Too Weak Notice and I tried to write it, I even watched the movie twice. Georgiou as Hugh Grant is just terribly funny to me. But I couldn't get the voices or tone right, so I scrapped the story and can provide only this synopsis and art.
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kira-nerys-rocks · 8 months
Katoberfest Day 8: Mission Fic
(Or: the fic I had originally planned to post on Friday but I only finished it yesterday)
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The Taste of Her Lips
Kat and Mirror Philippa Georgiou travel to Earth for a meeting with Starfleet Command. Kat misses Prime Philippa who used to be her wife. When a problem occurs, they are forced to huddle together for warmth until they are rescued. Add whiskey and you get a recipe for some kind of disaster...
Written for the admiral challenge with the prompts: Mission Fic, Cold Space, Cuddling for Warmth, First Kiss, Only One Bed
Read the fanfic on ao3
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ussjellyfish · 2 years
Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak, Michael Burnham & Katrina Cornwell, Michael Burnham & Mirror Philippa Georgiou, Katrina Cornwell/Mirror Philippa Georgiou
In which everyone is a little dense, and not quite aware of how they’re conveying their interest. If they had any, no one has any romantic desires for each other at all. Of course not.
Set in the Firefly ‘verse, but you don’t really have to know much about that. (no DMA, Philippa has a baby, Katrina’s in the future...)
Many thanks to @whimsicalli for enabling me and @theadmiralslegion for putting on the fantastic Katoberfest yet again.
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About the event - Rules - Ao3 & FAQ
100 Followers on this blog, isn't that crazy?
We can't wait to celebrate this fortnight with all one hundred of you!
If you are looking for inspiration on what to create, there is a list of the daily prompts here - if you click the individual prompts on it, you will find more detailed suggestions, for example an entire list of meme prompts! If you'd rather work with your own ideas, you're free to do that as well.
You don't need to sign up or anything, just share what you create, on however many days of the fortnight you want to! You can also be a part of this by reblogging and commenting even if you aren't a creator.
The Fortnight is open to all Star Trek fandoms and will begin on Saturday, July 23rd, and end on Sunday, August 7th!
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“[...] she wants to claw this woman's skin off until the woman she loves comes back to her.” From @nenya-kanadka‘s glorious fanfic Terrible As An Army With Banners.
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indienby · 6 years
The modern day AU no one asked for where Kat and Gabriel are in a band and Philippa is their sound engineer. Not actually crack (not supposed to be anyway!)
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girlgoneangsty · 3 years
Hurtcomfort (mainly comfort, because Emperor Georgiou is healing) is complete. I’m happy.
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I've just finished Discovery and Picard. I was very reluctant at first because all I could hear was the noise of the white cishet boys saying those shows are shit...
They're not shit, they are amazing shows. It's like Star Trek is finally starting to follow its own ideals : good representation in terms of race and gender, and even getting there in terms of sexuality. The plots are interesting and the action refreshing (though I will admit it took me a while to get used to quite that much violence on Star Trek), while not impending on the aspects that make Star Trek what it is. We still have the iconic captains, and the neurodiverse characters (hey Tilly, hey Elnor, to name just two), and the amazing writing (I'm seriously considering making myself a notebook with just quotes from the two shows).
And can we talk about all the amazing women ? Burnham, Tilly, Georgiou, Cornwell, Dr Burnham, Number One, Amanda, Raffi, Seven of Nine, Soji, and all the rest ! They are what Uhura, Number One (Majel Barret's), Troi, Yar, Crusher, Kes, B'Elanna, young Seven, and even Dax and Kira, were meant to be. And they are played wonderfully.
Anyway, I'm really sad that it took me that long to watch those series just because part of the fandom is being awful about them. Especially because I feel that they are awful about it mainly because it's actually what the fans that are part of marginalized groups have been wanting to see for so long while Star Trek remained comfortably in a place of representation that was as safe as possible (while still being quite groundbreaking). I'm not saying Disco and Picard are perfect, but they belong in the Star Trek universe, and very much so, and I just want to see some love for that quality content !
(And if you want to spread negative shit about it please don't do it here, thanks !)
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theadmiralslegion · 6 years
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Ring out the old, ring in the new; Ring out the false, ring in the true. — Lord Tennyson
In celebration of our first year as a community and in anticipation of Star Trek: Discovery’s season two premiere the Admiral’s Legion is hosting an end of the year FANWORKS GIFT EXCHANGE!
Who can participate? Everyone is welcome, however you must have an AO3 account. You can request an invite from AO3 by going to the Invite Request page and adding your email to the queue (the page shows you how long you'll have to wait for an invite). Please contact the mods at [email protected] if you are waiting for an invite.
How do I sign up? Click on Sign Up Form. You will be asked to input your request(s) and offer(s).
What can be requested? Any fanworks, including fiction, art, vids, meta, playlists. All prompts must include Katrina Cornwell, other characters and/or relationships are optional. Any requested characters or relationships must exist in the tag set.
Requirements: Requests You may request up to five prompts. You must select at least one additional tag for each prompt: Fic, Art, Vid, Playlist, Meta, or Any. Each prompt must include one character and may include up to ten characters and up to five relationships.
Offers You may offer up to ten configurations. Each offer must include two characters and may include up to ten characters and/or up to ten relationships. You must select at least one additional tag for each offer: Fic, Art, Vid, Playlist, Meta, or Any.
Note: You will match on any ONE so you do not need to include every character or pairing mentioned in a request.
Gifts Fic: the gift should be 500 words or more Art: all mediums are welcome (pencil and ink, digital, photo manip, giftset, etc.), the gift should be neat, clean and complete Vid: the gift should be 1:00 or more Playlist: the gift should include 8 or more songs and cover art (at least 500x500px) Meta: the gift should be 500 words or more (lists are acceptable)
What should I include in my prompt? Here are some examples: Fic: -A story about Gabriel and Katrina celebrating the holidays at home. Any rating, but no angst, just fluff and cheer. -A Hogwarts AU about Katrina. Include whomever you want. Art: -Katrina and Afsaneh and Pippa not in uniform! -I’d really like some new Kat mood/reaction icons to use for the new season. Vid: -a vid about Katrina’s gaze, please include as many pairings as possible -a vid about the similarities between Katrina and Kirk Playlist: -Katrina’s Workout Playlist -The songs that played at Kat’s wedding to Leonard McCoy Meta: -How would you cast A Christmas Carol with Katrina and her friends? Why? -Tell me about Katrina’s relationship with Chris Pike
It is important to include any Do Not Wants or triggers. These may include requests for certain ratings or to avoid certain tropes, physical requirements for vids (e.g. “no quick cuts or flash effects”), and strong preferences (e.g. “please don’t include any songs with strong language or violent themes” or “I headcanon Gabriel as Jewish, please do not show him celebrating Christmas”). Creators are expected to take these requests seriously.
What if I can't finish? We understand - please default and your assignment will be given to a pinch hitter. You may sign up for the pinch hit list by emailing [email protected] or contacting pixiedane on tumblr.
I have more questions. Please feel free to ask!
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pixiedane · 7 years
Katrina Cornwell/Philippa Georgiou?
Answered here and mentioned here, but I wrote you a ficlet. This plays off my Academy Trio™ scenario and takes place somewhere in the middle of their relationship, so they are in their 30s, around the rank of Lt. Commander. 
“Once upon a time–”
“Ugh.” Katrina makes a face over her glass. “I hate fairy tales.”
“You do not.” Philippa chuckles. It’s late and they are already a little tipsy.
“They’re unrealistic,” Kat complains. “There’s no such thing as happy ever after.”
“I didn’t say happy ever after. I said once upon a time.”
Kat purses her lips and restrains from rolling her eyes. There’s a – familiar – mystical tone to her friend’s voice and she never makes quibbling distinctions without cause. Bedtime story it is. She gestures with her glass for Philippa to continue, drains it before placing it on the table and inching closer to the the other woman on the sofa. As Kat curls into the – also familiar – curve of her body, Philippa positions her arm around her shoulders. She brushes a gentle hand through Katrina’s hair, and begins.  
“Once upon a time, there lived a princess. She was very beautiful but more importantly she was clever. Rulers and knights of every kingdom wanted to marry her but she fell in love with a dragon. It was hard on the princess. Dragons are very powerful but they are better known for destruction than affection.”
Philippa’s quiet voice fills the room. She comes from a long line of storytellers and likes to provide advice or support couched in narrative. Even her official reports often have a touch of whimsy.
“This one was loyal to the princess. He flew her all around the kingdoms and during the full moon he could turn into a handsome prince so they could make love. But he was still a dragon. A monster and hoarder whose heart would always belong to the sky.”
Kat scrunches her nose. She’s not sure she wants to hear this story.
“One day a wizard offered the princess a choice. Turn the dragon into the prince permanently, so they might marry and rule together, or turn her into a dragon, so she would forget her responsibility to the kingdom.”
She looks down to meet Kat’s eyes. “Which do you choose?”
“Are you asking me?” Philippa nods. Kat sits up. “I’m the princess?”
Philippa’s eyes twinkle. Annoyingly. “Which do you choose?”
“Why does it have to change?”
“Because it’s a fairy tale. Transformation is required.”
“I told you I don’t like fairy tales,” Kat harrumphs.
Philippa takes in her defensive posture, the red tinge in her cheeks, and leans in to curl a finger in her hair again. “It’s just a story, princess.”
Kat does not restrain herself from rolling her eyes this time. “Turn me into a dragon.”
“And give up the kingdom?”
“They can get another princess.” She’d rather be a dragon anyway. “Making the dragon a prince would diminish him.”
Philippa raises an eyebrow. “And making the princess a dragon wouldn’t diminish her?”
“You just said dragons are very powerful.”
“And I said the princess is clever,” she answers with a smile.
Katrina glares. She’s tired, a bit lightheaded, and she has no idea what she’s supposed to be getting out of this story.
“Fine.” She takes a breath. “The princess tells the wizard that she’s happy the way it is, and to transform the hearts of all the simple minded people in her kingdom so they will accept that the princess is perfectly capable of ruling alone.”
Philippa gives her an encouraging smile.
“And then she moves her dragon into the palace, with a …launch bay so he can fly off to do what dragons do.”
“Burn villages?”
“Only the bad ones.”
Philippa laughs. Katrina grins.
“And the wizard keeps her company when he’s gone. They all live happily ever after, the end.”
“Are you suggesting we brainwash the peasantry?”
“It’s just a story, wizard,” Kat answers in a sing song representation of Philippa’s earlier comment, and advances toward her on the sofa.
“What if–”
“Stop talking.”
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it and/or write a scenario 
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kira-nerys-rocks · 2 years
Katoberfest - today's prompt is "free day" but you could also see this as a late entry for "Where is Katrina Cornwell right now?"
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Just Kat and Philippa going for a walk on the USS Shenzhou
Let's pretend both of them are still alive and happily married <3
Thank you @cleverlycrusher for giving me the idea to edit them into one picture, I'll try to do more edits like this in the future <3
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ussjellyfish · 2 years
Writing prompts. Katrina Cornwell and Emperor Georgiou but err, I can't decide which prompt, so whichever one tickles your fancy. Thanks!
Since you're read Firefly, this is set in the post-Firefly universe, where they've had time to fall in love with each other. (couple years?). Thanks for asking!
standing on your tip toes to reach your partner's lips
Amongst Katrina's many difficult qualities: her belief in the best of people included, is her height. When she wears her boots - and she's nearly always in uniform - Philippa's many centimeters shorter.
This can be remedied, of course, sitting on her desk works, as does tugging Katrina down by her collar to kiss her, but the simplest method to bring her close enough is Philippa standing on her toes. She had a lifetime of training in balance and control of her body, and rising to her tiptoes is something she can still do with grace.
Just to reach her towering love.
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rcgue-prince · 4 years
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discotrek really turning me into a hopeless romantic because of paul and hugh’s relationship
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You taught me the courage of stars before you left How light carries on endlessly, even after death With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite How rare and beautiful it is to even exist Sleeping at Last by Saturn
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loudestdork · 5 years
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“look, your highness...”
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