#cornwell x tilly
theadmiralslegion · 8 months
Katrina Cornwell Shipping Poll
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About the event - Rules - Ao3 & FAQ
100 Followers on this blog, isn't that crazy?
We can't wait to celebrate this fortnight with all one hundred of you!
If you are looking for inspiration on what to create, there is a list of the daily prompts here - if you click the individual prompts on it, you will find more detailed suggestions, for example an entire list of meme prompts! If you'd rather work with your own ideas, you're free to do that as well.
You don't need to sign up or anything, just share what you create, on however many days of the fortnight you want to! You can also be a part of this by reblogging and commenting even if you aren't a creator.
The Fortnight is open to all Star Trek fandoms and will begin on Saturday, July 23rd, and end on Sunday, August 7th!
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hauntedmoonchaos · 1 year
Rare Trek April Pairing Prompts
So these prompts were created using a bot on Rare Trek Discord . They are rare and random, and some are weird and some make sense. These prompts are for everyone to use in or out of the server. Write as many you'd like.
There is a Anon Rare Trek Collection for those who wish to write them but would rather be anonymous or Rare Trek Collection for those who don't.
You can write these as serious, crack, platonic or romantic
1. Khan/Lorca
2. Deanna/Ro
3. Reginald Barclay/Erin Hansen
4. Hugh x Jal Culluh x Matt Decker
5. Raffi x Tallinn x Kat Cornwell
6. Harry x Tom x Leeta
7. Ezri x Janeway
8. Jadzia x Kira xSeven
9. Shaw x Seven
10. Seven x Tasha
11. Beverly x Liana x Ro
12. Raffi x BQ
13. Christine Chapel x Kes or Ogawa/Chapel/Kes trans-temporal nursing convention hijinks
14. Ro/Shaw
15. Tallinn/Ro Laren
16. Deanna/Janeway
17. Saru/Kira
18. Will Decker/Adreek-hu
19. Tallinn/Liana
20.Ro Laren/Jadzia Dax/Laris
21. Kira Nerys/Raffi Musiker
22.Ezri Dax/Seven Of Nine, Leeta
23. Lenara Kahn/Vadic
24. Liam Shaw/Kira Nerys
25. Sylvia Tilly/Seven of Nine
26. Sela/Laris
27. Oh/Sela
28. Data/Seven
29. Saavik/Tasha Yar
30. O'Brien/Samantha Wildman
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indienby · 6 years
Katrina gets roped into joining in.
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I've just finished Discovery and Picard. I was very reluctant at first because all I could hear was the noise of the white cishet boys saying those shows are shit...
They're not shit, they are amazing shows. It's like Star Trek is finally starting to follow its own ideals : good representation in terms of race and gender, and even getting there in terms of sexuality. The plots are interesting and the action refreshing (though I will admit it took me a while to get used to quite that much violence on Star Trek), while not impending on the aspects that make Star Trek what it is. We still have the iconic captains, and the neurodiverse characters (hey Tilly, hey Elnor, to name just two), and the amazing writing (I'm seriously considering making myself a notebook with just quotes from the two shows).
And can we talk about all the amazing women ? Burnham, Tilly, Georgiou, Cornwell, Dr Burnham, Number One, Amanda, Raffi, Seven of Nine, Soji, and all the rest ! They are what Uhura, Number One (Majel Barret's), Troi, Yar, Crusher, Kes, B'Elanna, young Seven, and even Dax and Kira, were meant to be. And they are played wonderfully.
Anyway, I'm really sad that it took me that long to watch those series just because part of the fandom is being awful about them. Especially because I feel that they are awful about it mainly because it's actually what the fans that are part of marginalized groups have been wanting to see for so long while Star Trek remained comfortably in a place of representation that was as safe as possible (while still being quite groundbreaking). I'm not saying Disco and Picard are perfect, but they belong in the Star Trek universe, and very much so, and I just want to see some love for that quality content !
(And if you want to spread negative shit about it please don't do it here, thanks !)
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rcgue-prince · 4 years
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discotrek really turning me into a hopeless romantic because of paul and hugh’s relationship
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pers-books · 5 years
So, uh, I might’ve written just over 5k words of a Disco version of the 2006 movie Road to Christmas, which clearly no one asked for, but if I can finish it tomorrow, you’ll be getting: Road trip Milippa (with bonus Tilly), Spock’s Christmas Eve wedding (with Michael as Spock’s Best Man in a suit - and Philippa in a sexy gown when she attends the evening buffet supper and dance with Michael), forced bed sharing, Kat as Philippa’s best friend and former lover, who’s now dating Chris Pike. (And I borrowed - wholly without permission - @onaperduamedee‘s Milky Georgiou as there’s a dog in Road to Christmas. I can ditch Milky, though, if you’d rather @onaperduamedee!)
Oh and Michael, Philippa and Tilly all work for NASA - Philippa flies SOFIA, with Tilly as a scientist on board, while Michael does Astrophysics stuff (and has five degrees - she started her first Bachelor’s degree course at the age of 15 - she has one each in Anthropology (her mom’s subject) and Astrophysics (her dad’s subject). She also has Master’s degrees in both subjects, and a PhD in Astrophysics.)
No, I don’t what the fuck possessed the Bitch Muse to do this when I have SO MANY other fics I’m trying to fucking finish!!!
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jhelenoftrek · 5 years
Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Sylvia Tilly, Hugh Culber, Katrina Cornwell Additional Tags: Sequel to another fic, Title from a Frank Turner song, Discussion of Death, Written in less than 24 hours Summary:
Dr. Hugh Culber's resurrection by way of the mycelial network affects Ensign Tilly in ways she didn't expect.
This lovely person wrote a sequel to one of my stories and I adore it! You should go read!
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Currently watching Star Trek Discovery S1 e14
Oh shit the Emperor just called Saru a slave
I just learned what it was they were eating and I am rethinking I what I said because *gags*
Holy shit Tyler is still alive?
There's so much trauma to unpack
If you're looking for captain lunchbox, he's not there
Aw, Michael, your dad is staring at you
Well shit, the only children spared are orphans now
Oh no, the Emperor is gonna cause some issues 😂
She just wants to go home
Your highness 😂😂
Yeah, make yourself at home, but you know, maybe don't kill and eat any of Saru's people?
Paul, Tyler wasn't himself, he had no control over what happened
I love Tilly
Idk how I feel about Cornwell
Well damn, 80,000 souls are gone
That is unfortunate
Um, Cornwell, is it really a good idea to tell L'rell about the fact her race has won, when the forcefield separating you two is flickering? If you anger her, you dead
Wow, even the way Michelle Yeoh closes a book is hot😭
"Daughter who is not my daughter" 😂
They really don't want us to ship Michael x Philippa, don't they?
Paul, what type of show are we gonna get?
The fact that Paul may let Tilly name his next thing is great 😂
Is Sarek going to the Emperor for parenting advice? 😂
Oh, she summoned him
Sarek, she's manipulating you
Of course she wants freedom
Aw, he said she was human, but so is her mother, so he didn't mean it in a bad way
Aw, he told her not to regret loving someone. Totally sounds like something someone who was up to something would say
I feel like Tilly not being aware of how much death she was gonna be around is pretty true to most people I know who enlist
Paul is a proud plant papa
Are Michael and Tyler breaking up?
Him saying he can't find his way back without her seems really toxic to me after everything she just told him
Yeah dude, it's solitary
Oh no, Cornwell what are you up to?
Oh shit, what a twist😂
Oh my god😂
Oh she's having fun😂
It's amazing how even different the two characters body language is different, despite being played by the same actress, the littlest details are fantastic!
And that's it for me folks, it's 1:30am and I've got some editing to do!
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girlbosslrell · 4 years
i had the idea of giving all my favourite disco characters and ships their own individual tags based on song lyrics, but then i realized how nauseatingly obnoxious that would be but i thought the ideas were good anyway so i’m putting them under a cut:
L’Rell would be ch: in my head i do everything right, from Lorde’s Supercut. EDIT: OKAY WAIT NO. It would be ch: call me mother from RuPaul’s Call Me Mother. How iconic would that be? 
Ash Tyler would be either ch: every perfect summer’s eating me alive, or ch: you’re gonna watch me disappear into the sun, or ch: i’m a little much for everyone or, for simplicity’s sake, ch: liability, all of which are from Lorde’s Liability 
I hate to say it but Philippa Georgiou would probably be ch: i’m the bad guy... duh from Billie Eilish’s Bad Guy
Tilly and Saru are honestly 2 of my faves but I just can’t think of song lyrics for them yet :( I’ll probably update this post when I do
Ash Tyler x L’Rell would be sh: come home to my heart, from Lorde’s Supercut
Ash Tyler x Michael Burnham would probably just stay as ‘Ashburn’ tbh because it’s both concise and pretty, but if I had to pick a tag it would be sh: you can lay on my arm as you break my heart from Mitski’s I Don’t Smoke
I don’t ship it but L’Rell x Katrina Cornwell would probably be sh: you’re gonna hear me roar from Katy Perry’s Roar. LISTEN. Let me have this.
Paul Stamets x Hugh Culber would be sh: me and my husband from MItski’s Me and My Husband
L’Rell x Voq would might be sh: your mother wouldn’t approve of how my mother raised me, but that’s a little long so it would probably be sh: but awake at night i’ll be singing to the birds, both from Mitski’s Your Best American Girl 
Non-Romantic Relationships:
Michael and Gabrielle Burnham would be r: if only angels could prevail from Sweeney Todd’s Johanna (Reprise) 
Michael Burnham and Philippa Georgiou would be r: all of our heroes fading from Lorde’s Perfect Places
Tbh the majority of these are REALLY DUMB on top of already being cringey, which is why i’m not tagging them as such. But tbh? if only angels could prevail and all of our heroes fading are actually both accurate, concise, and pleasing to the ear so i just might use those tags. i also might use come home to my heart but i already have #the tylers, so i don’t exactly think i need another tag. anywho! if you’re still reading this: first of all, WHY? and second of all, thank u for being on this journey through my favourite songs with me
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carrietrekkie · 5 years
Firelight - Part I  Fire and Ice
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Hello Together!
Here is part one of four! I hope you enjoy it, it´s a longer one and there happened a lot in it!
This one belongs to my going-on Pike x Cathrin (OC) Story.
Warnings: Blood, Fear, some way of torture,... I made an extra warning for every chapter!
And if you don´t mind leave me a little FB!
„And today we learn that not everything can produced by a replicator.” Lieutenant Stamets smiled at me, checking another point on his list. I squinted on his tablet, this list seemed to go to infinity.
“Where do you store all that?” I was looking after another pallet of dark grey containers that just passed us by.
“I mean, this ship is big, but that?”
“Much will be exchanged immediately, installed or stowed so that it does not stand out.” He pulled me aside as something was carted past that occupied the whole corridor. “That has to go into the engine room.”
“Aye Sir!”
 A few hours ago, the Discovery had docked at a Starfleet utility station since then it has been here like a bazaar.
“Hey!” Tilly just turned the corner. „Have the energy coils already been there?”
“Should have been on one of the last containers.” Stamets looked at his list. “And they should be in the engine room.”
„Great.“ She turned towards me. „Captain Pike wanted to talk to you, he said it´s urgent.”
I shrugged my eyebrows. “What did I do?”
“He didn´t say that.” She smiled. “Any ideas?”
“Not at the moment.” I sighed. „I would say, have fun, but.“ I pointed to another load of spare parts.
“Are you kidding? That’s like Christmas!”
Smiling, I turned around and left the two alone with their toys. What could Chris want from me? Especially what he couldn´t tell me earlier as we had a cup of coffee together. A group of technicians was working on the bridge as I walked across it. I stepped through the doors of the ready room and found Pike sitting behind his desk.
He seemed to read something important, at least he looked like he had had better news before. Even when he looked up and smiled at me slightly, he still looked as if something had grossed his day enormous.
“Okay if you look like that I don´t know if I really want to be here.” I pointed at the door behind me.
“Sit down please.”
“Wow.” I dropped to the chair in front of his desk. “Not even a hello? Did I do something?”
He sighed heavily. “No, but I´m afraid I screwed it up.” He looked at me with an apologetic look.
“And you tell me that because?” I raised my eyebrows.
Captain Pike got up, walked around his table and instead sat down on the chair next to me.
“Captain Leland is here.” I blinked at him, a heavy stone slaped in my stomach. “He wants to talk to you.”
“Leland.” I narrowed my eyes. „Section 31, again.“ I jumped up, he looked after me.„No!“
„I don´t want to talk to him!” I glared at him. The last time I talked to Leland, rather with his hologram, still scared me. I was not keen to meet him in person. “He is a mean and manipulative ass.” Now Chris glared at me. “Yes, I know, he is your friend but he is a bugger.” I made no effort to pack that nicely. “He wants to put me in some lab or something to get out of me what I can´t tell him!”
“I will not allow that!” He raised his voice a little.
“And you think that interests him?” I´m getting a bit louder too. “He would make it an order or bring on any other legal trick.“ Okay, now I´m already too loud.  “I reported Admiral Cornwell anything I know, even as Agent Tyler and I didn´t know how often we both talked about it!”
“I know all this!” I was sure we were heard on the bridge right now. He raised a hand placatory, calmly he looked at me. As he continued to speak, he lowered his voice again.
“Listen, I'm not particularly keen on it either, but unfortunately it was a pretty clear command.”
“Great!” I also tried to pull myself together. „I don´t even belong to Starfleet.“
 I felt a touch on my wrist and winced slightly. Pike pulled gently on my arm, I resisted for a moment, then stumbled upon him. For the first time I wished he would let me go.
“A suggestion.” He swung out of his chair. “We're going there together now, I will not leave you alone and I will not let Leland take you out of here.”
“You had already said that.” Now I felt sorry about losing my temper. It was not his fault and my anger, had met with him the wrong one. The completely wrong one.
“I was not sure if you got it.” He looked at me. “Let us go. Maybe after that the day could get better.”
„Listen, I can only tell you that again and again.“ I sank back in the chair, this conversation begans to annoy me. “Yes, when I arrived here I knew things into the future for almost two hundred years, but I have no access to it anymore. It´s like something blocking me.”
„But you also said it happened that every now and then somethings came up again.” Leland sat in front of me, as unsympathetic as I remembered him.
“Yes, but that feels like flashbacks. I can´t classify them, much less can I control them.”
“Leland, maybe we should give this thing more time.” Pike had kept his promise, even when Leland tried to kick him out, he had insisted on staying here. Now he was sitting next to me and his presence was the only thing that kept me from freaking out. “Cathrin is still getting used to her new situation and I believe is not an advantage if we push her or whatever else you think of.”
“Time Pike?” Leland smiled wearily. „That´s the only thing we didn´t have.”
“Captain, I would like to help prevent wars and catastrophes, to stop thousands, maybe millions of living beings are dying, but I can´t!” I glanced at him, still the hope in my mind, that he would understood it. “My head doesn´t allow it, no matter how hard I try.”
I stroked my legs, I didn´t want him to see how badly my hands were shaking. This man scared me and that was something I couldn´t stand very well.
“You told Captain Pike what is supposed to be happened in his future!” Leland pointed at Christopher. He sighed and shook his head.
“That was a coincidence, something arbitrary that had resulted from the situation.” I clawed my fingers in the fabric of my pants. Unexpectedly, hidden under the table top, I felt how Chris placed his hand on mine, holding it tight. I moved my thumb over the back of his hand, thankful to have something to keep me calm.  
“It was out of a conversation.” Pike punished his shoulders back. “And to be honest, that wasn´t very groundbreaking findings.“ I could have kissed him instantly for not wanting to beat this battle yet.
 “Forgive me, if I don´t believe you Christopher, but your report on the whole thing, came very late and was quite poor.” Leland rose from his chair, immediately followed by Pike. “But good, let´s try it with time, but don´t think you´ll get so much from it.” Leland stares at me, his dark eyes drilled into mine and I must force myself not to look away. “Find a way to get on that or I will find one.”
Then he rushed off without a word of farewell and Pike and I were alone in the office.
„Well that was lovely.“  Pike turned back to me. I jerked with the corner of my mouth, I couldn´t do more than that at the moment.
“I got a bad feeling about that thing, especially because I seem to be the thing.” I fidgeted for a moment, then stood up. “It´s over.”
“For now.” I put my head back before I let hang it down. “You have heard was he has said, he will not let rest it.” For the first time since I landed here, real fear crept into my thoughts.
“We will find a solution.” Christopher came to me. “We always do.” I gave him a small smile, at least I tried.
“I would like to believe you.”
“You can.” He put his finger under my chin, softly he lifted my head a little then he closed his arms around me. I was totally taken by surprise and almost wanted to wriggle out of his grip again but then I gave in and also closed my arms around him. I laid my head against his chest and heard his heart beat. As he leaned his head against mine I closed my eyes.
“We don´t leave anybody behind and if necessary, I give my life for nothing to happen to you.”
That he had closed his eyes too, I couldn´t see. I squeezed closer to him instead, relishing the feeling that his words had triggered in me. It felt so good to be in his arms as if that was the perfect place for me to be. Each fiber in my body screamed no, as he wanted to let go of me.
“Please don´t.” I only whispered. “Just for a moment.”
I felt him pulling me back into his embrace, his hand moved slowly up my back before he put it on the back of my head, with the other he held me so tightly he could.
"I feel like the loneliest person in the universe and if you let me go now, then I am afraid that nothing will keep me here anymore.”
I felt myself start to shiver but didn´t know if I was just upset or just cold. Maybe everything together or something completely different.
“You´re not.“ Now he pushed me off a bit, just so far that he could look at me. “And if nothing holds you, then I hold you.”
He smiled and at the latest, I no longer had any doubt that his every word was to be taken at face value. And it made the feelings that I cherished for him grow a little bit more.
“How about we leave this hospitable place and get you a big piece of cake?"
I raised an eyebrow. „You don´t know me as good as you think.”
“I´m working on it.” He smiled at me. “But I´m pretty sure about that one.”
“Okay, point for you.” I tapped him briefly on the chest and he used that as an opportunity to release the hug, but somehow I felt, it was just as hard for him as it was for me.
“All right, get out of here.”
“You don´t have to tell that twice.”
 We left the office and strolled comfortably through the hectic space station.
“Is it always so busy here?”  It seemed a bit overcrowded given the rather narrow passageways.
"No, this is actually a mere transhipment station, when we drop, the supply ship disappears again and there is only a small crew left behind." He raised his hand to show me the way. "Constantly staffed and research stations are much bigger and better equipped." He looked at me as I sucked in every word he said. "To be honest, I wouldn´t even drink a coffee here."
"I thought that came out of the replicator all over?" I looked at him. "Well, let's say so." Pike grinned widely. "It also has something to do with where the replicator stands and how it is set and apparently they prefer tea here."
"What is left of tea?" "Nothing. If you want some. "
"Uhh. Sounds like a real thrill. "I shook myself. We turned a corner and passed something that looked like the engine room. "Okay, that looks like an antique cargo ship. How old is this station?
"It was one of the first deep space stations." Pike pulled me aside as a technician hurried past with an unknown component. "It's off duty in a few weeks, this is likely to be the last major transaction that is taking place." "Then I can feel really honored."
 Then something crashed and the whole station began to shake. I caught Pike slightly as he stumbled against me, but another explosion almost knocked us both down and he caught me before I got to know the grid.
"What was that?" I looked around while Pike was pulling out his communicator. "Captain Pike to Discovery, what happened here?" "We're working on it, but nothing indicates an attack." Owo's voice came from the device. “We measure increased energy levels and severe disturbances in the supply of the station.”
I heard a painful scream from the engine room. This type of pain sound was unfortunately more than familiar. "Oh my god." I left Pike and ran. "Cathrin!" But I didn´t listen to him, but stormed through the entrance and found myself in the middle of a battlefield. One of the machines seemed to have exploded, in any case it was burning on every corner and the air was filled with smoke. I heard the scream again, looked around and spotted the technician from just under an energy coil. Behind me, I could see Pike storming into the room. "Chris, I need help over here!" I rushed toward the man and dropped to the floor next to him.
 He had a severely bleeding headache, was smeared with blood and was just beginning to fall in shock. The explosion or a falling component had shredded his left leg. "Hey hello." I put a hand to his cheek and forced his attention to me "Tell me your name." I searched for his pulse, he walked frantically and irregularly. "No, don´t get up." Pike was kneeling opposite me and pushed the wounded man down again. "Well, I'm Cathrin and that." I pointed to the captain. "This is Chris." Pike smiled slightly. "And you?" "Darryl." He groaned in pain, then wanted to move again. "You should stop that." I tore open my zipper, took off my jacket and slipped it under his leg, then pulled up my sleeves, knotted, and pulled them shut. "I apologize for that." I handed Pike a sleeve, unsure he took it in his hand. "Pull tight." "OK."
We pulled on the sleeves, Darryl screamed and then started to whimper. But it helped, the blood flowed now much slower. I closed the knot, then let my gaze wander over his chest, a piece of glass stuck in it, near his heart. "Pull 'em out, pull!" Again he raised his head. "No, no, no, no way!" I wrung down the hand he just reached out. "That thing is probably keeping you alive." "I don´t want to die." He started shaking. "My wife, we get a baby." "Darryl." He squirmed in pain, I looked around but could not find a first aid kit.
"I've already requested help, can´t take much longer." Pike looked at me. He just wanted to open his mouth when I held him with a sharp look.
"Darryl, Darryl, listen to me!" I put my hands to his face and leaned toward him. "You will not die here, we will not let that happen! You will survive this, go back to your family and live a happy and long life, and if you don´t listen to me, I let him make an order out of it. "I pointed briefly to Pike, Darryl's eyes followed my finger, then back to me again. "Did you understand me?" "Yes Mam."
"Tell me about your baby." I smiled at him. "Do you know what it will be?" "A boy." Darryl rolled his eyes, slowly it became difficult to keep him awake, blood loss and shock took his toll. Pike reached for his hand. "Nice." I carefully pulled the fabric of his jacket aside. Little blood seeped from the wound, at least externally. "Does he already have a name?" Finally I saw how Dr. Pollard and her team materialized in front of the engine room. "No, we just can´t think of one." Darryl smiled weakly. "Every suggestion my wife makes is worse than the one before." Pike backed away as the doctor finally reached us. "How about Christopher?" "That sounds good." He closed his eyes briefly. “Sounds nice.”
I looked at Pollard. "I could only ligature the wound, there is a splinter in his chest, his pulse is weak and he is just losing consciousness." "Okay, I'll take care of him." Pollard immediately began investigating him, then gave the order and the transporter carried them away to the Discovery. I dropped back and got shaky on my legs.
I barely stood, when another explosion shook the station and the lights switched to red alarm, a siren thundered and everyone who stood hurried to safety.
 "They're evacuating, we need to get out of here right now!" Pike grabbed my arm and together we ran out of the engine room, which was starting to break into pieces around us. On our left side a fire burned, cut our way back to the Discovery.
"Pike on Discovery, two to beam!" We ran further away from the explosion. Lead shattered and forced us to duck. I stumbled and fell to the ground. "Shit!" I looked back, panic crawling through me, like the fire roller just shooting out of the engine room. "Cathrin!" Pike grabbed me under one arm, but the next bang knocked him over too. He rolled away from me and banged his head against the wall. "Chris!" Before I could even think of coming to him, the transporter finally caught us and seconds later we landed on the transporter platform.
"Oh, I'm sure that was more than hair-sharp." I looked back at Tilly, who was pure relief, and grinned at her. "It smells like burnt hair right here?" Then I rolled over and my good mood faded a bit. "Chris!" I pulled my legs up and crawled toward him. "Everything okay?
Dizzy, he sat up, I squatting and helping him get into a fairly upright position. Then he started to get up and I followed him. Slowly and shakily, he came to his feet. He had a violently bleeding wound on his forehead.
"Slowly." I held my arms so that I could catch him in distress. Well, I could try, he would probably knock me over. He blinked in a strange way and whiteness. "Okay, that's enough." I grabbed his arm and put it over my shoulders. "We're going to sick bay." Carefully, I guided him down the steps of the platform. "Tilly, can you announce us?" "Sure." She looked at me. "Are you getting along?" "I think so." I pulled my lips into a smile, then looked at him. "What did you mean Chris?" "I mean, I'm sure I'll have a headache tomorrow." "Tomorrow?”
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onaperduamedee · 5 years
2x05 DSC “Saints of Imperfection“ immediate and knackered reaction, spoilers under the cut
does the show think it’s fun to have Michael be destroyed by yet another loss? is this a joke?
they are even playing the “Michael is expecting her estranged brother but instead has to keep up appearances with her dead mentor” card
it’s a joke to them 
she is hot and hilarious
YEP the chemistry is still there
(they picked a less sexual hissing than the one from the trailer and I don’t know what to think of that)
Mary Wiseman is ACTING
seriously, her scenes with May are frantic and weird and it’s really enjoyable
Ash soft
Ash hot in black
bringing Ash back as a liaison is a HR nightmare waiting to happen though, I don't even want to think about it, but since this show doesn't know the word "trauma", it's not surprising.
the Technobabble is off the charts... although I would like more justification as to why they are willing to do such a dangerous trick to save Tilly. Like, we know that Tilly is worth it, but give us science and a reminder of all the crazy stunt they pulled before? that would work better?
Also, Tilly with wet hair... hot.
everyone is hot
except Michael; I don’t find the constant trauma heaped on her hot
TINY FINGER. May and Tilly are such a weird, oddball, cute team. this feels like the X-files but with Mulder being alien fungus
The mycellial network looks bloody gorgeous.
And Hugh is back! As a monster?
I don’t know, it looks pretty evident he’s not one and is crying and in pain? but given that the monsterisation of men of colour and LGBTQ people in fiction is a huge tired trope, I won’t complain.
Errrrr, I don't know I feel about the flex they pulled to reason that Hugh is alive. That was not very... logical.
Yes, shaky bridge shenanigans.
Aaaaaaah, the Shroomdoc music is gorgeous
I am really confused about May and her relationship with Tilly.
I am sorry but everytime Michael wonders "how is he alive/he was dead", I can only think about her mind going to Philippa AND NO ONE TOUCH ME
Oké. I really hope they give further clarifications on Hugh surviving because that was a hell of a copout.
Georgiou is so done with white men, I am cackling.
All the hand symbolism....
OH NO. I loved that shot though. Hugh's hand disappearing.
But May... hurt Tilly. like she needed her but she also really hurt Tilly. Tilly doesn't owe her anything?
What a visual. the Disco drowning. the budget jumped out.
Me at Tyler: comb that hair back where it came from or so help me.
I like the hair, but when it falls into his face, it makes him look like an old beau
Oh, Cornwell. Why is she still in post again? I cannot remotely take her seriously  anymore. Kettle, pot.
There are too many white men talking in this episode. I don't like.
Oh, noooooo, we won't get a Georgiou/Ash team-up if he stays on the Discovery.
I find it slightly hilarious that Michael is so hell-bent on distrusting the Emperor when Georgiou actually never betrayed her or Starfleet? Does the show remember that Cornwell and Starfleet betrayed Discovery and asked Georgiou to blow up Q'onos? Georgiou is a violent manipulative ex-autocrat, but she’s also still wearing the Philippa’s face and always helped Michael? How does that work for Michael? For Starfleet that proved last season THEY could not be trusted? 
I am a bit angry at how anticlimactic Hugh's return was because this drives home even more how unnecessary his death was. Unless the next episode unpacks a whole half season of mourning and trauma, it feels like a pretty quick and dirty way to deal with what was a violent and problematic plot point? He could have been lost in the network just as Tilly was and recovered just as Tilly was WITHOUT the whole let’s make gay people feel like crap by replaying every episode the scene where he is brutally murdered.
AWWWWWW Tilly and Michael are adorable. 
I truly don’t know what to feel about this episode. It was exceedingly messy? But they also used the mess to do good and fun things? Which is ultimately good? So the fun train kinda was on? It was just also a train of coke? I just wish the show would be more breathable.
Michael felt very peripheral to the story though? She was pretty much Anton Walbrook in La Ronde, a.k.a. The Narrator™ and eh. She’s brilliant at it, but that’s really not all I want for her story?
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indienby · 6 years
Title: Crash Rating: Explicit Word count: 11196
This was my first Cornwell/Tilly story, putting a bit of context into the others. Shuttle crash tropefic, hopefully not too tropey!
I was going to post this yesterday for TT but got distracted by Ripper.
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pixiedane · 6 years
Wednesday is for WIPs
September 22: LadiesCon (panelist)
September 29: CumberCon (panelist)
October 5: Leverage Big Bang Due
October 6: Femslash Exchange Due
October 26-28: Northeast Trek Con (volunteer)
Pixie Fic
Tomorrow Will Be Kinder chapter 6*
@admiralkatcornwellfan​ requested Katrina Cornell and Mirror Gabriel Lorca + Slay 26: The deathbed confession I never wanted. 
@notjanebond​ requested Katrina Cornwell and Gabriel Lorca + Screw 31: Spooning naked as you fall asleep.
anonymous requested Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay + Screw 38: His fingers running through her hair.
@sassysaltysarcasticstupid requested T'Pol and Trip Tucker + Smooch 22: in a rush of adrenaline
@electroforest requested Kathryn Janeway and B’Elanna Torres + Smooch 36: to give up control
@lodessa requested AOS/Expanse/Discovery Fusion AU*
Pixie Ships
Tom Paris x Harry Kim
Julian Bashir x Elim Garek
Tuvok x Lon Suder
Emperor Philippa Georgiou x Intendant Kira Nerys
Ezri Dax x Sarina Douglas
Chakotay x Kenneth Dalby
Gabriel Lorca x Mirror Gabriel Lorca
James T. Kirk x Kathryn Janeway (Prime)
Seven of Nine x Sekaya
T’Pol x Charles Tucker III
Chakotay x Kira Nerys
Neelix x Morn
Deanna Troi x Jadzia Dax
Kathryn Janeway x Quark
Q x Kathryrn Janeway
Chakotay x Ro Laren
James T. Kirk x Kathryn Janeway (Kelvin)
Tuvok x B’Elanna Torres
Ezri Dax x Sylvia Tilly (Time Travel)
Janeway x Riker
L’Rell x Voq
T’Kuvma x Voq
B’Elanna Torres x Ayala
Q x Katrina Cornwell
Harry Potter x Ron Weasley
Star Wars vid*
Timeless vid
Macrocosm photocap
Star Wars Rarepairs Exchange
*indicates in progress
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st disco for the fandom ask thing? :D
*favourite character: I think it is obvious that I love Admiral Cornwell...*least favourite character: Mirror Lorca (just because he is bad... but I find him super attractive) *5 ships(canon or non canon): since it is bad to put lorca x Cornwell to all...Katrina x Gabriel (prime)Philipa x Afsaneh Hugh x Paul Michael X AshL'rell x Voq *Character I find most attractive: Its a tie between Gabriel Lorca and Katrina Cornwell (blame Jason Isaccs for being so handsome) *Character I would marry: hmmm... I don't see myself being with any of them (well... other than Commander Chakotay from Voyager, if he has no idea who Kathryn is) *Character I'd be best friends with : I'd love to make friends with Either Katrina or Michael but me being super awkward.. I'd be best friends with Tilly* a random thought: what is the purpose of the spinning disc portion of USS Discovery? Its cool but did they manufactured it especially just to spin? *An unpopular opinion: I don't ship Katrina with so many people. I just ship her with Gabriel. (I mean I'm not against any people doing that. Its just my opinion)* My Canon otp: Katrina x Gabriel *My non-canon otp: Philipa x Afsaneh* most badass character: I mean....whew... this fandom got a ton of badass female characters and its awesome... do you need the list in alphabetical Order or chronological Order? 😜 for me its Katrina Cornwell but Michael Burnham, Philipa Georgiou, and Sylvia Tilly are super badass and stand equal in the list *most Epic villain: To me it is Emperor Georgiou ..she is Epic( Mirror Lorca is cool but I mostly love him as this morally Grey version of Prime Lorca and him being a rebel instead of trashy version revealed in MU episodes) *Pairing I'm not a fan of : L'rell and Katrina (ughhh) and Michael x Phillipa scares the hell out of me ( to me they are mostly mom and daughter no matter what the Universe is) *characters I feel writers screwed up (in one way or another) : I mean this show has one Epic team of writers... allmain characters are superbly written and feel so real. But I think it would've been more cool if MU Lorca was a rebel instead of who he really was. but the show isn't over yet.... we might still get surprising twists and revealations in next season. Also I wish they made Ash Tyler much more potent character. * favourite friendship: Michael and Tilly ( they are adorable together)* character I most identify with: Katrina Cornwell (her psychological background, her empathy, leadership ... gosh I could just talk about her for hours) *character I wish I could be: I'd rather be a lowly crewman if I could be in trek Universe... but I'd love to be Katrina Cornwell for a change... hehe Thanks for the ask @sad-is-happy-for-deep-people
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lingering-nomad · 6 years
Finished Star Trek: Discovery. Spoilers under the cut
First off, I hate that they killed Dr Culber. What was the point of that? It’s the only thing that genuinely disappointed me about the series, but it’s a big enough disappointment that I almost stopped watching. It was only after reading Winston Cruz’s comments about being a gay moc himself and that this is not ‘bury your gays’ that I went back to watching, albeit not with the same wide-eyed enthusiasm I had at the start.
That said, I love Michael and Tilly and Admiral Cornwell and weirdly enough, L’Rell. Emperor Georgiou gave me chills, but she’s nothing if not fierce and I appreciate that they made her openly bi. Michael side-stepping Lorca as he tries to reach for her while dropping dead is my aesthetic. All in all, these are the female characters I have always wanted to see and this series delivered. Well done and thank you.
In terms of romance, I already bitched about Culber, and part of that death hitting so hard, is because of the amazing, soft-yet-in-your-face chemistry he and Paul had together. I mean, omg. I’m crying as I type this. I appreciate that Paul had to find his way out of the mycelial network or whatever, but that scene where he’s taking about a forest while cradling the body of the man he loves haunts me. They had better make good on the promise to bring Culber back, because Paul and Hugh deserve to be together, bickering over opera as they sail into the sunset. I want that scene. I have waited as along as anyone and I fucking deserve it, okay. Gay couples don’t have to be tragic to be valid and that’s the tea on that.
As for the rest, let me say that well written m/f relationships are rare and I think this series did well in filling the quota. I don’t exactly ship Michael x Ash, but their relationship had a purpose in their arc, so I don’t hate it either. It didn’t feel forced or arbitrary. Michael didn’t compromise her own well-being to save a man and Ash made me believe that he loves her -- enough to respect her choice not to stay with him. Tbh, with how much of that one sw ship gets thrust down my throat, I am so so glad the writers put this breakup on screen. It wasn’t Ash’s fault that he attacked her, but if you can’t feel safe with the person you’re with, you shouldn’t be with them. End of. I was sad for both of them when Michael turned him down, but I’m glad she was wise enough to do it.
To my ongoing shock, L’Rell x Voq gave me genuine feels. As horrible and fucked up as their whole thing is, I find both their characters really intriguing. They’re not ‘moral’ by any conventional standard, but (torture and personality grafting aside) they have an idealism that isn’t altogether abhorrent.
I had to think for a bit about Ash’s decision to go with her, but I finally decided it made sense. L’Rell really does need help and with Ash there, she might even end up bringing Qo’noS into the Federation. Provided they don’t force more weird xeno rape into the mix, I’d be interested in seeing how how that alliance develops. Basically, if they wanted to make whole series focusing on L’Rell as the new Klingon leader, I’d watch it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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