#corona virus newest
ghostlynimbus · 5 months
I need to decide what year to set the "present" of my gods and goddesses AU in
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lefemmerougewriter · 3 months
My newest chapter of The Corona Chronicles, entitled "Eugene's Folly?: An 'Invisible' Virus, Cass, Marika, Raps, and the Allure of Space Piracy" is out! The first half focuses on Eugene and the issues he is dealing with in Corona as the new King, while the second half focuses on Raps adjusting to living in space on the Bentenmaru with a girl she has a crush on (Cass) and the girlfriend of her crush (Marika).
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bryanos12 · 11 months
In -depth understanding of Denny Ja’s latest work 26: Death in the Corona Virus Era
Artwork has always been a form of expression that enrich this world. In the world of literature, the work of Denny JA is in the spotlight thanks to his uniqueness and intelligence. One of his newest works, entitled Death in the Corona Virus Era, presents a deep and inspired perspective.    In this work, Denny JA succeeded in describing how terrible the Corona virus pandemic occurred in various parts of the world. Death caused by this virus is the center of attention in the story as outlined in his work. Through a straightforward and sharp style of language, Denny JA succeeded in describing the atmosphere of panic and fear that hit the community.    Death, as the main theme in this work, is presented so deeply. Denny Ja invites the reader to reflect on the meaning of life and death in the middle of this unexpected pandemic. He encourages all of us to self -introspection and live life with full awareness of the limitations and uncertainty.    In death in the Corona virus era, Denny Ja also presents a strong and complex character. Each character is described in great detail, thus making the reader emotionally connected with them. The presence of these characteristics enriches the story and gives a deeper dimension of the theme raised.    Not only that, Denny Ja also managed to combine the mystery and suspension elements in his work. The plot that is constructed cleverly and structured makes the reader continue to want to read further. Surprise after surprise was found when the story went on, making death in the Corona virus era a difficult work to miss.    Denny Ja’s style of language in this work is so strong and inspiring. He was able to present a clear and detailed picture of the atmosphere and feelings of the character in his work. The words chosen carefully produce strong and striking sentences. Denny Ja is truly able to present an extraordinary reading experience with his latest work.    Not only in terms of portrayal of character and atmosphere, Denny Ja also managed to raise the relevant social issue in his work. He touched on how this pandemic affected the community as a whole, including mental health problems and social inequality. With a straightforward style, Denny Ja invites the reader to see and reflect on the broader impact of this Pandemic.    Death in the Corona virus era became a brave and aroused work. Denny Ja not only presents interesting stories, but also enrich us with a deeper understanding of the current condition of the world. This work becomes a reflection of life and death, about the uncertainty and fear that we must face as humans.    Denny Ja, with his latest work, proves how important art is in delivering in -depth messages. Death in the Corona virus era is a work that should be appreciated and used as a material for reflection in facing life challenges. Through his strong and clever language, Denny Ja invites all of us to continue to ask questions, learn, and share in living this life.    As readers, we should not miss this valuable work. Death in the Corona virus era is an emotional journey that will not be forgotten. Denny Ja has given birth to works that will continue to inspire and motivate readers to see the world with broader eyes and thoughts.
Check more: In -depth understanding of Denny Ja’s latest work 26: Death in the Corona virus era
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nayablog2 · 1 year
Tracing the work of Denny Ja 58: Considering the impact of Ratu Adil Virus Corona
Denny Ja 58 is one of the literary works that attracts the attention of many people. In this work, Denny JA discusses the impact of Ratu Adil Virus Corona which is currently engulfing the world. In this article, we will explore deeper about Denny JA 58's work and how he considers the impact of this Corona virus. I. Introduction In this introduction, we will discuss a little about Denny JA and the background of Denny JA 58. Denny Ja is a famous writer in Indonesia who has written many literary works that inspire many people. His works often reflect Indonesian social and political conditions. One of his newest works is Denny Ja 58, which discusses Ratu Adil Virus Corona. II. Recognize the impact of the corona virus In this section, we will discuss the impact of the Corona virus in general. The Corona virus has drastically changed our lives in a short time. The impact is felt in various sectors, such as health, economy, and social. We will also see how this Corona virus affects the world of literature and artwork. III. Ratu Adil Virus Corona in the work of Denny Ja 58 In Denny Ja 58's work, Ratu Adil Virus Corona is one of the main focus. Denny Ja described Ratu Adil as a metaphor of the rampant corona virus in the community. In this work, Denny Ja described Ratu Adil as a figure who has great power and is able to change the world. IV. Consider the impact of the Ratu Adil virus Corona In this section, Denny Ja 58 invites the reader to consider the impact of Ratu Adil Virus Corona. Denny Ja stressed that the Corona virus is not only a health threat, but also a threat to social and political stability. In this work, Denny Ja invites the reader to reflect on how we as individuals and society can face and overcome the impact of this Corona virus. V. Implications of Denny Ja 58's work to the world of literature In the last section, we will see the implications of Denny Ja 58's work on the world of literature. This work provides a unique and inspiring view of how literature can be a tool to describe and criticize social and political conditions. Denny Ja 58 also shows that literary works can be a means to reflect on the impact of major events in human life. VI. Conclusion In this conclusion, we will summarize the important points of this article. Denny Ja 58's work, with a focus on Queen Adil Virus Corona, gave an interesting view of the impact of the Corona virus in society. Through this work, Denny Ja invites the reader to reflect on and overcome the impact of this Corona virus. This work also shows that literature can be a strong tool to describe social and political conditions. In this article, we have traced the work of Denny Ja 58 and how he considers the impact of Ratu Adil Virus Corona. This work gives a unique and inspiring view of how we can deal with and overcome the impact of this Corona virus. Through this work, Denny Ja also shows that literature can be a strong tool to reflect on and criticize social and political conditions. 
Check more: Tracing the work of Denny JA 58: Considering the impact of Ratu Adil Virus Corona
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nepenthepotion · 2 years
The Bat That Saved The World
The Bat That Saved The World
In 2020, a zoonitic disease spread throughout the entire world within less than two months. A virus that first attacked China at the end of 2019 and no one took it seriously has turned out to be the newest type of Corona virus. Covid-19 gave the impression of being engineered by how well calculated the process of easily getting infected by it and spreading it was. We couldn’t tell who has it…
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5millionfriends · 4 years
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Damn Source by 17arrow3030
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andyelson · 5 years
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sumi-sprite · 2 years
RIP Macchi - FIP Awareness
Yesterday around 4pm, I had to say goodbye to Macchiato "Macchi", my newest cat. She was barely a year old.
Over the past two weeks or so, she had been rapidly losing weight, but sported a potbelly. She was withrdrawn and exhausted, hid in my closet and slept all day, and was very warm to the touch. She only ate and drank periodically. I finally mangaed to get her in the same day I called. I initially thought - hoped - it was perhaps worms or a parasite since she was eating but not gaining weight. I hoped it was something treatable. I was even hoping it would be a tumor. Anything would have been better than FIP. The night prior, I had tried to look up her symptoms, and I ran across FIP numerous times.
No, can't be that, that happens to OTHER people. The odds are so low. It CAN'T be FIP. Famous last words.
The vet was very worried because all of her symptoms lined up. She had a fever of 105 F (normal temps for cats is roughly between 100 and 102 F). The vet said she was extremely sure it's FIP, and offered to run a blood test and test the fluid building up in Macchi's abdomen. There is no direct FIP test, but getting an idea of her hemoglobin levels would give us - give me - a slightly more solid confirmation. My nightmare was confirmed after it was shown that the hemoglobin in her blood were identical to that of the fluid in her abdomen, which is NOT normal.
"FIP is a serious disease caused by a feline coronavirus variant, though not the one that causes COVID-19. The virus will spread through a cat's body causing systemic inflammation. Up to 95% of cats diagnosed with FIP die without treatment."
It is caused by a mutation of the Coronovirus in cats, and generally afflicts kittens or young cats between three weeks to two years of age. Macchi may have been carrying the mutated variety for any length of time, possibly since we adopted her. It's thankfully not contagious after its mutation, so our other cat, Jade, is not at risk. It generally spreads through fecal contact, which, in a multi-cat home is nearly impossible to avoid if the cats share litterboxes.
There is no cure and no treatment.
The vet was tentative in explaining that there is an experimental drug in Europe that has shown incredible results. But here's the catch: It's not legal, it's not approved for commercial use, it's not available in the US, and tests plus administration would cost more than my university semester tuition. There have been people smuggling the drug to the US, and many cats have recovered beautifully - but only when FIP was caught in time.
I could never afford the treatment, and Macchi clearly did not have long to live. She would not make it to treatment after waiting so many weeks to get the drug to her. And besides that, the vet and I both agreed she was too far gone for it to help either way.
I took too long to get her help. I thought she was stressed from our move and being in a less than ideal living space. But even if I got her in sooner, I wouldn't have been able to even afford getting her help.
Wanna know what the odds are of a cat contracting FIP are? According to VCA: 
"The incidence of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) disease is low (only 5 to 10% of infected cats and less than 1% of cats admitted to veterinary hospitals)." 
Yep. Roughly 5-10% of cats who caught Corona will experience the mutation, and less than 1% - 1 fucking percent - get to a pet hospital. Most cats develop the immunity to fight FIP and can go on perfectly healthy. Not Macchi though. Macchi was part of that 1%. One. Fucking. Percent.
This disease has NO treatment, NO cure, and it is VERY hard to diagnose. It is almost always 100% fatal in cases where a cat isn't able to fight off the mutated strain. It progresses rapidly and often without warning. Some cats may not display any symptoms for weeks, and then it all comes down full force all at once. My cat was perfectly fine up until two weeks ago, then she lost almost half her body weight, her muscles attrofied, and she lost the strength to fight it off. Her tests showed she was in the beginnings of multi organ failure. Less than two weeks, and she didn't have a snowballs chance in hell.
Please, PLEASE. For the love of god, keep an eye on your young cats and kittens - even your adult and senior cats. If any of them display symptoms, GET THEM TO A VET. There is a "dry" and "wet" variety to FIP. Macchi had the "wet" variety - where her intestines (primarily the stomach, large and small intenstines, etc) were shedding massive amounts of fluid. It can occure in the respiratory systems too. The "dry" variety presents as horrible multi or singular organ inflamation, with common locations being the liver, eyes, and even the brain.
Read up more information HERE
You're probably thinking that this can't happen to your cat. Like I said, Macchi just sadly fell into that 1% fatality. I thought that same thing, and yet here I am. Barely a year after losing my oldest cat, Max, and I had to say goodbye to another cat when she was barely a year old. Everything was fine, she was healthy and her usual, hamburger-faced self. Two weeks changed that. I had only a few minutes to come to terms with the fact that she was suffering, there was nothing I could do, and the most humane thing I could do was let her go. It takes roughly thirty seconds for euthenasia to stop a cat's heart.
Two weeks, a few minutes, thirty seconds. That's all she got.
I miss her, and I hope if just ONE person reads this, and it motivates them in someway to be more watchful of their cat; if I can make just one person aware, then I won't consider her loss meaningless. Maybe it's out of guilt. I don't know and I don't care, I just need people to know how serious this is and how quickly it can take a cat's life.
Please be safe, and keep your cats safe. Again, read up on FIP HERE
I love you and miss you, Macchi.
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missmyloko · 3 years
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September 28th, 2021: Congratulations to Kyoto’s two newest maiko on their misedashi! Kokinu (小絹 - Left) and Kozakura (小桜 - Right) have debuted from the Hiroshimaya (廣島屋) okiya in Gion Kobu! Both are the imōto of natori geiko Kosen (小扇), also of Hiroshimaya. This is the first double misedashi in Kyoto since the start of the corona virus pandemic and the subsequent shutdown of the karyukai back in 2020. They are the third and fourth maiko to debut this month from Gion Kobu but will not be the last as we will still see one more in October after Onshūkai ^^ おめでとうさんどす小絹ちゃんと小桜ちゃん ^o^! Image is courtesy of Joiru Daikan.
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mindcologydotcom · 2 years
Are you #BurnedOut? Is being #BurnedOut Normal?
Psychology Twitter has stumbled upon a new phrase. Remember last year when all everyone on Twitter was talking about was Gaslighting? Well, it's found its newest catchphrase, and it's being #Burnedout.
Listen, our feelings don't get validated by millions of people every day in our personal lives; so platforms like Twitter and Tumblr it is.
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What is being #BurnedOut?
#Burnedout according to Urban Dictionary is described as "What occurs when you overwork yourself into a state of limited mental acuity, depleted emotions, and strength completely drained from your body."
"I was so burned out I didn't even know I was burned out. When three days of vacation helped maybe 2%, I realized I had to cut way, way back on the hours. I don't mind playing brinksmanship with myself, messing around until  I have to stuff to do. But, when I miss even those basic deadlines and my important stuff just starts piling up - of what I can't even function enough to take care of - well, it was pathetic, and I'm only just now coming out of it after chilling a few weeks."
-Example and definition brought to you by @Rose Etta
Sound familiar doesn't it?
That's because at some point in our lives, I'm ASSUMING you're old enough to be reading this, we have all been completely over school, our job, everyday life and if you're extremely unfortunate like me; ALL OF THE ABOVE.
The RONA and its impact on being #BurnedOut.
Then the Corona Virus AKA THE RONA happened; and she's still happening. Honestly, the Corona Virus has evolved with what seems like a new variant each month, more than how some of us have evolved in our adult lives and its honestly a frightening revelation. 
Everyone can get a little depressed just from the everyday struggles that come with existing, then add being stuck in the house with restricting curfews and toxic home situations with no end in sight.
Most people can only afford one carefully planned monthly outing that their social batteries can accommodate, and now the option of having that small break has been stolen as a result of the pandemic.
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I raise this points because alot of people depend on their social freedoms to alleviate the stress that normally leads to being #BurnedOut, and now without that; #BurnedOut numbers are skyrocketing.
So what if you're #BurnedOut?
What I' m trying to say is 2-3 years ago, at the beginning of the pandemic we thought it was the apocalypse and now here we are in the new norm. The current reality of the world is that there are copious amounts of things to be depressed about. Jobs lost. Lives put out on abrupt holds even some lost.
I feel like this warrants us being #Burnedout. We need to be kinder to ourselves. These are hard times for everyone and being #BurnedOut should be normalized in order to create safe space where we can have constructive discussions around treatment. This way we stop stress levels from increasing before reaching the point of being #BurnedOut
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onenettvchannel · 3 years
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OneNETnews EXCLUSIVE: EDM Producer of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt is All Set for the V-CRX 2021
SHIZUOKA, JAPAN -- The adult Japanese Anime series of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt's EDM producer from a 32 y/o named Teddy Sakakibara, known for a stage name of Teddyloid.
In every episode from a middle portion of background music (BGM), he is one of a kind musical artist of Electronic Dance Music (EDM) industry in Shizuoka Prefecture. Not only he was responsible for a dual festival-related greatest hits of all time, "Me!Me!Me!" debuts for a latest newest album of Silent Planet: Infinity which was released at the end of November 2018 under a convention exposition of Japan Animator Expo around 4 years later as Otaquest reported.
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The erotic animated production company of Panty and Stocking was made by Gainax in Tokyo, from a makers of FLCL (Fooly Cooly), Gurren Lagann, etc. as part of the 11th anniversary today on BS Nittele by October 2010 (which is actually the same year on us a little bit from this internet TV station in Dumaguete, Negros Oriental from the Philippines).
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Gainax told to OneNETnews, there will be no plans for Season 2 at all as implied at the end of the episode quoted, "To be Continued in Next Season".
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Cafe in Kobe Anime Street From March 3rd to May 5th, 2017#神戸アニスト #PSWG #gainax pic.twitter.com/21CR4gEGUA
— KOBE ANIME STREET (@kobeanist)
In exception for a pre-rebooted anime before Corona Virus Disease-19 (CoViD19) in Japan, Kobe Anime Street recently opens a limited cafe-themed tribute from this anime alone in Hyogo Prefecture last March 3rd thru May 7th, 2017 with a bunch of merch in jackets as an example for a physical cash payments upon dining in only with a menu of your choice.
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For now, a latest new album of Teddyloid last year in mid-October 2020 releases with "The Biscats" from a music label of "Rock'A Beat".
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During the Finals of its Crunchyroll-Hime's Cosplay Cup at a Crunchyroll Stage in New Crunchy City, a half-hour LIVE guest mix of Teddyloid has added for a final hour results under a music intermission on his special performance, while the cosplay judges at a Virtual Crunchyroll Expo (V-CRX) 2021 have deliberated for a winner later on. Our research team of OneNETnews can't identify all the tracklist of the J-Pop songs, unknown IDs, remixes and/or mash-ups (except the identification of "Fly Away" & "Me!Me!Me!").
The last song wraps up with a latest single called "Black Out" with a Japanese VTuber vocals of Obsydia & TeddyLoid himself, under a music label of "Nijisanji". Obsydia's VTuber girl group trio were named by Rosemi Lovelock, Petra Gurin & Selen Tatsuki.
Teddyloid has acknowledged for the EDM of anime fans at the Crunchyroll Stage upon inviting a free music-related festival of LIVE-mixing disc jockey (DJ) of a Virtual Crunchyroll Expo (V-CRX) 2021.
You can stream or purchase online the entire musical favorites including "Fly Away", "Me!Me!Me!" & "Black Out" on Spotify and other musical platforms like Deezer, Apple Music & Amazon Music in memoriam for a sexual desired anime tribute of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt in Japan.
SCREENGRAB & ARTWORK PHOTO COURTESY for REPRESENTATION: Virtual Crunchyroll Expo 2021 - Crunchyroll Stage, IceWolf762 & Zacatron94
SPECIAL THANKS to Crunchyroll Press Release Group (CPRG) for sending us a news tip!
SOURCE: *https://www.deviantart.com/icewolf762/art/Panty-Anarchy-336760848 [Representation Art for Panty Anarchy - IceWolf762] *https://www.deviantart.com/zacatron94/art/Stocking-Anarchy-589945324 [Representation Art for Stocking Anarchy - Zacatron94] *https://vimeo.com/260656476 [18+ Only: Me!Me!Me! - Music Video] *https://expo.crunchyroll.com/en-us/panels/panel-information.html?gtID=726852&panel-name=Crunchyroll-Himes-Cosplay-Cup-featuring-TeddyLoid [Virtual Crunchyroll Expo 2021's Friday Schedule - Panel Information of a Cosplay Cup FINALS] *https://tower.jp/artist/1344955/TeddyLoid *https://www.otaquest.com/who-is-the-dj-teddyloid/ [Referenced News Article in EDM Profile] *https://www.otaquest.com/teddyloid-silent-planet-albums/ [Referenced News Article #1] and *https://thebiscats.com/archives/news/145 [Referenced News Article #2f]
HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from this Exclusive News Article are not necessarily those from the Crunchyroll LLC and its Music Label Companies. Furthermore, the assumptions of this Exclusive News Article will NOT state, intervene or reflect those of our Radyo Patrol reporters. The show, the station, the management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading! Stay safe and may the Celestia blesses you. Later!
-- OneNETnews Team
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 4 - Covid 19's effect on the entertainment industry.
*note: this episode was recorded in March 2020*
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru, starting this edition of the freedom of expression. Joe san, Tasai san, lets start once again.
J, T: Please
K: Well, well, well!
J: Well, well, well indeed!
K: Agh, things have really gotten tough.
J: Yeah, its tough. Its like this in the media too, when you meet anyone in our industry, if you speak to them its always, 'how is corona affecting you?', isnt it?
K: Thats right..
J: There is never a day where we don't talk about it.
K: *To Tasai* How is it at Tokyo Sports?
T: Well, most of the news is about corona..
J: I bet
K: Well, everywhere is like that, isnt it.
T: It seems like 80 or 90% is about corona at the moment. Entertainment events are being canceled one after the other, the places where we can go to report are disappearing.
K: Right
K: Do you (at Tokyo Sports) have any new ways to get through this?
T: Well, there really has been a lot of corona related news. For example, opportunistic scammers, people lying about the virus being in the sewers and scamming money off others. Or for example, up-and-coming new talets are losing work and have zero income, or the problem of people re-selling masks...this kind of thing is happening a lot.
J: This is really difficult..
Kami: Hello?
J: Oh, he's here!
Kami: Hello? Um, If you write articles about corona, can you sell a lot?
T: Can we sell a lot? Hmm, well its difficult...economic activity is getting stagnant so selling a lot is just making up for our losses. It feels more like sustaining ourselves.
Kami: Ahh
K: People want information right?
T: Well, yes.
K:Hmm, yeah. Theres a lot of info out there which is fanning the fear.
J: Yes, yes, yes, I think so too.
K: Of course, urging caution, or warning people  about where is dangerous, I want to know that kind of thing, but what about reporting the number of recovered people or that type of thing? If you don't hear anything like that, you only feel scared.
J: Yes, its true. Well as for me, in terms of work, for example, I met with newspaper science correspondents, these guys are always talking to the experts, and they are asking why all the tabloid news outlets are talking about the number of infections, or toilet paper running out and such. They are only talking about things to fan the fear, but there is no calm, scientific, reporting on how much of a threat this actually is.... So, this corona virus is part of the corona virus family that all animals can carry, and there are 7 types which can transmit to humans. This new corona virus is one of those. Up to now, there are also SARS and MERS. Corona viruses themselves, will always be with us. The seventh is the newest type, the shape of the virus is like a crown, hence the name corona virus. Certainly its said that SARS and MERS were equally scary, but if you look at it with a calm approach, the death rate isnt that much higher. At this point in time, there are of course people in the world catching this virus and facing a lot of trouble, but there isnt an excessive death rate. For example, in 2009 there was an out break of a new type of influenza in Japan, in reality over 10 million people caught that. At the moment, there are not even that many people who have caught this new corona virus. If you think about that, the things being reported now are just inducing panic. For some reason, there is very little rational, scientific news being reported. I have the feeling we are being manipulated by slightly sensational news.  When i meet with science correspondents, there are many who say there is no need to clamour to this extent. They say, be concerned, but not to this extent.
Kami: Its excessive, right? Corona beer doesnt sell any more * J laughs*
J: Isnt that a different corona?
Kami: Its different, but it looks like it still doesnt sell.
J: Oh really?
Kami: People probably feel a bit wrong drinking 'corona' beer.
J: I see.
T: It goes well with Mexican food.
J: Kami, do you like Corona beer, by the way?
Kami: I don't really know *everyone laughs*
T: But my friend who is a doctor says the best means of prevention is washing your hands and gargling. Its the cheapest in terms of cost, and most effective. Just wash your hands, and gargle.
K: Well, yes. Influenza rates have apparently been the lowest this year havn't they?
J: Yes, because everyone is dutifully washing thier hands and gargling. So, as for masks, acvording to the WHO, they don't necessarily prevent you from catching it. Rather, they prevent infected people from spreading thier germs. Just because you wear a mask, you won't necessarily be safe, so im not sure about this whole bulk buying.
T: You know 'Monster' Hiranabe, who works for us, he said 'I've never caught a cold since I was born' *K laughs*
J: Because he's an idiot. He's an idiot.
T: '....so I don't need to wear a mask' he says.
*everyone laughs* He seems really bold *1
K: That guy is ??? *2
J: Yes, really.
T: ??? *3
J: Well one thing is that events and live shows in the entertainment industry are being cancelled, so how long will we keep having to cancel things? Of course there are still some people continuing as normal, and some people deciding to stop, I think there are probably more deciding to stop..Kaoru, what do you think about the issue?
K: Yeah, well, live venues have become demonised in all of this..
J: Yes, thats right. I don't know about singling out live venues, I mean, the Yamanote train line is still running, the subway is still running, there were some politicians holding a chicken party and such, and thats seems to be thought of as ok. Why are live venues...I mean, im sure some infections have resulted from them, but why have they been focused on so much? Maybe thats a Japanese thing? Finding one target and everyone getting worked up, focusing on that and feeling satisfied, relieved, and not talking about the root of the problem, I think thats it.
T: Yeah
K: Well, as for us, we are not at the point of deciding whether or not to record, but whether we decide to or not, there are things we have to be prepared for.
J: Certainly.
K: When I think about whats to come, its scary. How to go forward from here is the first thing.
J: Thats right. And this isn't a problem that only musicians have to think about.
K: Right
J: For sports, like the soccor and baseball leagues, they will have to hold talks and figure out a plan, despite being rivals. In this light, its not just the music business, but the entertainment, or performance industry on the whole who will have to think about what to do if this situation arises for second or third time.
T: Im not well informed, but when you cancel a live show, who shoulders the cost?
K: Uh, we pay for it.
J: Its the sponser.
K: Yes, the sponser.
J: For most one-man shows, the artist is the sponser, and the artist has to bear the burden. So for very large venues, the cost is significant. Of course there's your set etc aswell, you can't forget that. The expense will just fly straight at you. If its a large venue, a dome arena or such, it will cost more. If you an independent artist, a (cancelled) tour with  multiple venues will only result in bankruptcy. This is real problem. Having said that, the band Tokyo Jihen have done multiple lives, but they have recieved a tonne of criticism, I wonder if they deserve that much anger for playing shows...
K: Well, i can understand thier feelings. Even if you decide to do a show or an event, it will probably result in some damage. People will hesitate to buy tickets, so that will be hard I think.
J: Yes, thats right.
K: Thats what i imagine. I can't help thinking its all heading in a bad direction.
J: Yeah, its hard to imagine everyone suddenly returning to the venues straight after these sudden cancellations.
K: Mm, it will probably be hard to go.
J: For sure.
T: People need to think about how to look after each other after all this.
K: Yes, yes
Kami: Um, if you do tour , how many tours would it be?
K: We do about two tours per year.
Kami: If only one of those tours went ahead, would you get half the income?
K: It would be half..
J: Well, it isnt a case of halfing it, if you take into account all your losses. Its not easy to do.
K: Financially speaking, no. Thats also true.
J: This problem is so difficult.
Kami: So for example, if you suffered huge damage, how would the band continue?
K: Well...it would probably be harsh. I think it will be difficult for us. You know, these days CD's and such thrive on the sound, so we play lives shows to focus on that, and make it pay. If we lose that..the band's future existence...well, future existence may be exaggerating it slightly, but, anyhow, i think it will be hard.
J: We are going though a hard time, but the government doesn't seem to be doing anything about it right?
K: They aren't doing anything....well, should we contine this point next time?
J: I understand.
K: Well, this time was sudden, but we'll leave it here for now. Please tune in again next time. Please subscribe.
*1, 2, 3 - Couldn't really figure out this bit.
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lefemmerougewriter · 1 month
While Eugene could understand this approach [a lockdown], he had a sense it would not be sustainable. How long could a country close itself off from the world? Could everyone afford to work from their own homes? What about those who had no choice but to work in public? What about those who left terrible conditions elsewhere and wanted to come to Corona for a better life? He had to remain strong and decisive, even if it angered citizens who were overjoyed at the end of the mask mandate and lockdown, as he had declared not that long before.
Eugene considers the issues with re-instituting a lockdown in a scene from my newest fic chapter, entitled "Eugene's Folly?: An 'Invisible' Virus, Cass, Marika, Raps, and the Allure of Space Piracy".
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jungshookz · 4 years
ice cream kook can u pls hold my hand, ik its corona virus season but i just washed my hands, if it's ok w/ y/n that is 😳
“I’m sorry, according to company policy all customers have to stay behind the counter! I’d be happy to give you a little sample of our newest ice cream flavour, though-”
talk to my characters!
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childoftermina · 4 years
Yay! You did it! (Also my pronouns are fae/faer) uhmmm.. can I possibly have some headcanons for X-Virus? - Sanrio Anon (you probably know who I am <3)
{of course you can <3}
X-Virus Headcannons
-his actual first name is Cody
-major family problems with his 'birthfamily' which is why I hc him with trust issues
-really good at chemistry
-also really good at teaching himself
-might've created the corona-virus (JK, pls don't be mad)
-if he takes interest in you, he'll just be what you consider 'rude' (but not in a disrespectful way/ manner) to you, to test if you actually like him and would fight for him or if you just want to be friends out of empathy
-if he just wants to use you as an 'object' to experiment on, he'll be nice to you in order to attract you (you know an angler fish? Yeah, like that) and then infect you with his newest virus
-probably can not explain very well
-NOT related to Ticci Toby
-always afraid that people will turn their back on him which is why he keeps a lot of secrets
-probs working on medicine to cure the viruses he has made just for fun
-gets along pretty well with Dr.Smiley, E.J and Nurse Ann as they share the same interests at some point
-prefers people with the same interests as him
-anyone who wants to get close to him (wether it be as friends or whatever) has to have at least basic knowledge of Plagues, Viruses and any Diseases caused my virus infections
-will talk about the black plague for hours
-not gonna lie I am pretty interested in Viruses and Diseases, too.
-thinks of Toby as a brother (sorry, needed to mention Toby)
-respectful to people who are older than him
-very respectful in general, would not ever insult you but as I mentioned earlier; might give only give one-word answers if he's taken interest in you
-might even be immune to all of his viruses
-very very loyal once you have become close
{I am sorry, that is all I could think of qwq. Do you know that moment when you know like 100 movies but when someone asks about your favorite movie you just seem to forget every single movie that you have ever known? That is kinda what I felt like because I got so excited
Also, if anyone is offended by the corona joke, tell me and I will take it out of this post}
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Is Distance Learning Effective?
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This topic is about Distance Learning Experience. So basically it is about my experience based on this topic. Distance learning is the newest form of learning. because of the variant disease called Corona Virus or COVID-19 the students ad so as the teachers are not able to conduct learning in a face to face situation. This is the newest form of learning that the Commission on Higher Education provided or implemented. My experience in distance learning was hard but not very hard. Because at home you can be comfortable to the tasks or activity given to you, but still it depends on the environment you are at. Sadly the hardest part in distance learning was the inability of some students to have enough materials or gadgets to use for doing some of the activities. But all in all, its up to the student if her or she will find a way to a least understand the given lessons. This topic is easier to give insights because this is based on my own experience about this topic. Distance  learning ain’t fair for everyone, but it is very helpful to make our years have sense and not just sit around all day getting frustrated but doing nothing.
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