#corporate hotel franchise
siarahotels · 1 month
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At Siara Hotels, we specialize in transforming hotels into thriving businesses. From operational efficiency to guest satisfaction, our tailored management solutions ensure your hotel stands out in the competitive hospitality industry.
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funishment-time · 8 days
one of those things that's not Common Knowledge is that Danganronpa as a franchise was written mostly by Kazutaka Kodaka, one of its creators. i think a lot of people imagine a room full of super corporate freelance marketers at Spikechun trying to figure out how long they can show Komaeda tied up for unending yaoibux and which angle Mikan's coochie must flash to ensure maximum profitability.
that is not so. he created these characters with Rui Komatsuzaki (whose iconic art style we see), outlined the plot, and did most of the script for most of the games, with some exceptions (V3's Love Hotels etc). he had script support, not to minimize the contributions of those folks, but the primary bulk of the narrative is him. that's why you can ask him questions about the characters: they're like 85% his blorbos creatively, just not legally
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svn-bangtan · 1 year
In The End 1
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»Summary: Han Y/n, hailing from a prominent family in Seoul, returns to South Korea after years abroad. Amid her family's internal power struggle for their hotel empire, Y/n's disinterest in the chairman position disrupts the status quo. A mysterious phone call prompts her return, marking a turning point. As she confronts her arranged marriage to Min Yoongi, a once-fancied childhood crush, the stark reality sets in. The contrast between her youthful fantasies and the complex man he has become introduces unforeseen chaos.
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»pairing: Husband! Yoongi x Wife! reader
»genre: Arranged Marriage AU, Angst,
»wc/date: 14.3k | September 2023
» warnings: Angst, Yoongi is cold, the reader is cold but eventually opens up and is very independent, arguing, sibling rivalry, Parental violence (not a lot, but did want to add that beforehand. If you do not want to read, all italicized part is where you can skip)
»note: I'm very excited for this fic as I'm about 80k words deep. But disclaimer beforehand. Once I have the next part fully edited, that is when it will be posted. AS WELL, I have soft launched some new stuff coming soon which you can read the description for each in my new Masterlist! I hope you all enjoy, 'In The End',
»  m.list | Taglist | Thoughts? Comments? Concerns
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Han Y/n gazed out of the window, her eyes tracing the intricate lines of Seoul's skyline as the plane began its descent. The familiar landscape filled her with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation. It had been years since she had set foot in South Korea, and even longer since she had last been in Seoul, her hometown.
As the plane touched down and taxied towards the terminal, memories flooded her mind. The scent of her mother's cooking, the laughter of her siblings echoing through the corridors of their sprawling estate, and the warmth of her father's guidance – all of it seemed like distant echoes from a life she had left behind.
Han Y/n, the eldest in the Han family, stood at the pinnacle of the family hierarchy. Her father, Han Ji-Min, had built an empire that loomed large over South Korea's corporate landscape. The Marblegold Group was more than just a conglomerate; it was a behemoth, a sprawling empire with tentacles that extended into numerous industries.
At its heart was the Marblegold Hotel, a towering symbol of opulence and prestige in the heart of Busan. But the Marblegold Group's reach went far beyond hospitality. It was a multifaceted business entity, a franchise that encompassed an array of enterprises. Under the Marblegold Group umbrella were shopping centers that rivaled the world's finest, clothing stores that set fashion trends, and an assortment of retail outlets that catered to the desires of the elite.
It was a true economic powerhouse, a name that commanded respect and awe in the business world. And at the center of it all was the battle for control, the quest for the coveted chairman position, the throne of the Han empire.
Of Y/n's siblings and herself, each of them brought their unique talents and ambitions to the table, and their father's approval hung in the balance. The competition was fierce, a high-stakes game played on the grandest of stages, where the winner would wield unparalleled influence over the Han family's vast empire.
However, she had chosen a different path and her sole focus wasn't on gaining the chairman position of Marblegold. After leaving behind the opulent halls of her family's estate for the bustling streets of New York at such a young age, Y/n stayed to completing her undergraduate studies, and Master's in Business Administration. The allure of independence and the thrill of carving her own path had kept her away from home for far longer than she had initially planned.
But now, as the plane came to a complete stop and the seatbelt sign blinked off, Y/n knew that her journey had come full circle. She had received a phone call a few days ago – a call that had jolted her out of her American routine and thrust her back into the world she had left behind. It was her father's voice on the other end, grave and unyielding, informing her of a family emergency that required her immediate presence.
Han Y/n stepped onto the tarmac from the private family jet, her attire a seamless blend of luxury and American style with a touch of modest Korean elegance. The meticulously curated ensemble exuded a quiet confidence that spoke of her years abroad in the United States.
She wore a tailored ivory pantsuit crafted from the finest silk, the jacket expertly cut to accentuate her figure while maintaining a professional edge. The slim-fit trousers elongated her legs, and the subtle sheen of the fabric caught the sunlight, creating an ethereal glow around her. The crisp lines of the suit were juxtaposed by a pastel peach silk blouse with a high neckline, embracing her Korean roots while adopting a hint of Western refinement.
Her accessories were subtle yet unmistakably opulent. A delicate gold necklace adorned her neck, its pendant glinting as it caught the light. The matching gold bracelet on her wrist whispered of her family's affluence. A pair of understated pearl earrings lent a touch of classic elegance, while her fingers showcased an heirloom ring that spoke of generations of Han family heritage.
Y/n's choice of footwear combined comfort and style – a pair of sleek nude pumps that added height without sacrificing practicality. Her hair, long and glossy, was swept into a sophisticated updo that showcased her delicate features and the graceful curve of her neck.
Though she exuded an air of confidence, her outfit was a reflection of her individuality – a blend of cultures and experiences that had shaped her. As she made her way through the airport terminal, her steps were purposeful, her head held high. People turned their heads, drawn by her commanding presence and the seamless fusion of elegance from both sides of the world. The whispers of silk, the glint of gold, and the aura of poise all came together to paint a portrait of Han Y/n – a woman who carried herself with the regality of her heritage, the assurance of her education, and the strength of her determination.
Y/n retrieved her carry-on bag from the overhead compartment and joined the stream of passengers disembarking the plane. She could feel a mixture of emotions swirling within her – uncertainty, apprehension, but also a strange sense of curiosity. She had been away for so long, and her family dynamics had undoubtedly evolved during her absence.
Walking through the airport terminal, Y/n's steps were steady, her demeanor composed. She had learned to carry herself with a certain poise in the corporate world, a skill that served her well as she navigated the bustling crowd. As she approached the arrivals area, she could see a driver holding a sign with her name. She nodded in acknowledgment, her heart starting to race as she realized that this was it – the moment of her return.
"Wow, Mr. Gu, you look like you haven't aged a day," she remarked with a warm smile as she approached the driver. It was true; Mr. Gu had been the family driver for as long as she could remember, and he still had the same kind eyes and friendly smile.
Mr. Gu's face lit up with genuine delight as he bowed respectfully. "Welcome back, Miss Y/n. It's wonderful to have you home."
The drive to the family estate was a mix of familiarity and novelty. The streets of Seoul had changed in subtle ways, but the essence of the city remained unchanged. Y/n's gaze drifted over familiar landmarks, each one bringing back a rush of memories. She could hardly believe that so much time had passed since she last walked these streets.
The sprawling mansion came into view, surrounded by meticulously landscaped gardens and the imposing gates that had always separated the Hans from the outside world. As the car pulled up to the entrance, Y/n felt a surge of memories rush back to her.
She stepped out of the car, her eyes fixed on the grand entrance of her childhood home. The ornate doors opened before her, and she was met with the sight of her family gathered in the lavish foyer. Her three siblings stood before her – Han Ji-Woon, the determined and driven elder son; Han Soo-Min, the shrewd and calculating second daughter; and Han Tae-Jun, the charismatic and charming younger son. They were all dressed impeccably, exuding an air of authority and ambition.
"Noona, you're finally back!" Ji-Woon exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and relief. He stepped forward and enveloped her in a tight hug.
Y/n smiled, returning his hug warmly. "It's good to see you, Ji-Woon. It's been too long."
Soo-Min's gaze was appraising as she looked Y/n up and down. "You've certainly adapted well to the Western style," she commented, a hint of skepticism in her voice.
Y/n chuckled, not missing the subtle challenge in her sister's words. "Well, living in New York does that to you. How have things been here?"
Tae-Jun grinned, his charm evident as always. "Oh, you know, the usual power struggles and corporate drama. You've missed quite a bit, Noona."
Y/n glanced between her siblings, sensing an undercurrent of tension beneath their greetings. It was as if her return had disrupted the delicate balance of power that had settled in her absence. She knew her siblings well, and she could read the guarded expressions in their eyes.
Soo-Min's smile, while polite, carried an edge of rivalry. Ji-Woon's grip on her arm tightened almost imperceptibly, a sign that he was not entirely thrilled by her return. Even Tae-Jun's easygoing demeanor seemed forced, his charm masking deeper emotions.
Y/n's smile remained poised, but she couldn't ignore the subtle tension. "I've heard bits and pieces about the family dynamics from afar. I can only imagine the drama," she said with a soft chuckle, attempting to diffuse the tension.
Soo-Min's lips quirked into a knowing smile. "You have no idea."
Ji-Woon's tone held a note of challenge. "It's a different world now. You've been away for a long time."
Tae-Jun chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. "But we're all here now, together again. Let's make the most of it."
The atmosphere remained charged as they exchanged pleasantries and caught up on each other's lives. The uneasy undertone persisted, each sibling subtly jockeying for position, their ambition for the chairman position palpable. Y/n navigated the conversation with grace, recognizing the underlying tensions that had simmered to the surface.
Soo-Min's words carried an edge as she inquired, "So, Unnie, have you finally come back to stake a claim in the family business?"
Y/n's smile remained serene. "I'm here for family, Soo-Min. That's always been my priority."
Ji-Woon's gaze turned piercing as he remarked, "Family is important, but so is commitment. Some of us have been carrying the weight of this business on our shoulders."
Tae-Jun interjected, trying to lighten the mood. "Come on, let's not turn this into a confrontation right away. We've all missed Y/n, and I'm sure there's plenty of time for serious discussions later."
Y/n nodded, appreciating Tae-Jun's attempt to ease the tension. But deep down, she knew that her return had sent shockwaves through the carefully constructed power dynamics within the family. She was a wildcard, a variable they hadn't accounted for – a successful woman who had built her own life far from the corridors of power in Seoul.
Y/n navigated the subtle tension that clung to the air, her siblings' scrutinizing gazes like a weight upon her shoulders.
"Where's Father?" she inquired with a measured tone, her gaze shifting between Ji-Woon, Soo-Min, and Tae-Jun.
Ji-Woon's expression was guarded as he replied, "He's in his study. Probably reviewing some important documents."
Soo-Min's eyes held a spark of curiosity, her tone laced with skepticism. "Why do you want to see Father so urgently, Y/n? It's not like you've been in a hurry to return home all these years."
Y/n met her sister's gaze evenly, not betraying any hint of her true motives. "There are matters that I need to discuss with him. Family matters."
Tae-Jun, always one to ease tensions, interjected with a grin, "Well, we wouldn't want to keep you from those pressing family matters, would we? Go on, see Father. We'll catch up later."
As Y/n turned to leave her siblings, she heard them exchange hushed comments under their breath, their snarky remarks echoing in the hallway. She couldn't help but smile at the realization that despite the years that had passed, some things remained unchanged.
"Always the mysterious one, our Y/n," Soo-Min's voice dripped with sarcasm, and Ji-Woon let out a chuckle that seemed more mocking than genuine.
Y/n stopped in her tracks, turning to face her siblings with an arched eyebrow. "And you two? Still as competitive as ever, I see."
Tae-Jun grinned, attempting to defuse the tension. "Come on, don't be too hard on them. It's just been a while since our parents have seen the eldest daughter return from the distant lands of America."
Y/n's lips curved into a sly smile. "Ah, yes. The prodigal daughter returns, and the siblings gather like vultures sensing fresh prey."
Ji-Woon's tone grew serious. "You can't deny that your sudden return has raised questions, Y/n. We've all been through a lot since you left."
Y/n's gaze met Ji-Woon's, and she could see the underlying challenge in his eyes. "I never claimed to be ignorant of the past. But as for my return, you can believe whatever you wish."
Soo-Min's voice turned icy. "We know you too well, Y/n. You've always been the one who manages to escape the family drama while we deal with the consequences."
Tae-Jun, sensing the escalating tension, chimed in, "Let's not start a fight right now. We're all here together after so long. Can't we enjoy a moment of peace?"
Y/n's smile remained enigmatic, her eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and resolve. "You're right, Tae-Jun. We should cherish this moment. After all, who knows what the future holds?"
With that, she turned and continued down the hallway, leaving her siblings to exchange puzzled glances. As their voices faded behind her, she found herself reflecting on the web of emotions that had always characterized their relationships. The competitive spirit, the simmering rivalries, and the unspoken desires – they were all woven into the fabric of their family dynamics.
Just as Y/n was lost in her thoughts, she heard a warm voice call her name. "Miss Y/n."
Turning, she saw the head maid, Seo Mi-Young, approaching with a gentle smile. Y/n's face lit up, and she moved forward to embrace the older woman.
"Mi-Young, I've missed you," Y/n said, holding the embrace for a moment before pulling back. "How have you been?"
The head maid's eyes twinkled with affection. "I've been well, Miss Y/n. It's good to have you back."
Y/n nodded, feeling a surge of warmth. "Thank you. I'm glad to be back."
Mi-Young's gaze held a knowing depth as she looked at Y/n. "You've grown into a remarkable woman, Miss Y/n. I remember the young girl who used to follow me around, full of curiosity and spirit."
Y/n smiled, a fondness in her eyes. "Those were good times, Mi-Young. You were like a mother to me."
The head maid's smile deepened a hint of emotion in her eyes. "And you were like the daughter I never had."
As they spoke, Y/n could feel the years melting away, the familiarity of Mi-Young's presence wrapping around her like a comforting embrace. She had spent countless hours with the head maid, learning about life, family, and responsibility. Mi-Young had been the one to guide her through her early years, nurturing her with wisdom and love.
Mi-Young cleared her throat gently. "Your parents are in the study. They've been waiting for your return."
Y/n nodded, a mixture of anticipation and trepidation stirring within her. "Thank you, Mi-Young. It's time I spoke to them."
Mi-Young's eyes held a mixture of understanding and support. "Remember, Miss Y/n, your path may have taken you far, but your roots are still here. Your parents love you, no matter how many miles separate you."
With a final smile, Y/n bid her farewell and followed Mi-Young through the corridors. Small talk flowed between them as they walked, the familiar rhythm of their conversations evoking a sense of nostalgia and comfort. Mi-Young's presence was a balm to her soul, a reminder of the family she had left behind.
Y/n stood before the door to her father's study, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The weight of the past, the years of separation, and the unspoken expectations hung heavily in the air, creating a tension that seemed almost tangible. She took a deep breath, summoned her resolve, and pushed the door open.
As the door swung open, Y/n's gaze met the sight of her parents seated across from each other – a juxtaposition of warmth and sternness. Her mother, elegant and regal, was the embodiment of grace and welcome. Her eyes lit up as she saw her eldest daughter enter, and a smile spread across her face.
"Y/n, you're finally here," her mother exclaimed, her voice carrying a mixture of joy and relief. She stood up and opened her arms, welcoming Y/n into an embrace that felt like a long-overdue homecoming.
Tears threatened to well up in Y/n's eyes, but she held them at bay. She allowed her mother to wrap her arms around her, standing there stiffly as if a stranger was hugging her. The embrace felt foreign, a reminder of the emotional distance that had always existed between them.
"Mother," Y/n said, her tone polite but distant. "It's been a while."
Her mother's hands tightened for a moment before she released Y/n, her smile faltering slightly. Y/n could see the hurt in her mother's eyes, a flicker of emotion that was quickly concealed.
"Indeed, it has," her mother replied, her voice taking on a more formal tone. "We're glad to have you back."
Y/n's gaze then turned to her father, his stern expression unyielding as ever. She offered a nod in acknowledgment, not bothering with any formalities. Her father's gaze held hers for a moment before he inclined his head in a brief nod.
"Y/n," he said, his voice as measured as ever.
"Father," she replied, her tone equally detached.
The tension in the room was palpable, an unspoken undercurrent that seemed to swirl around them. Y/n could feel the weight of unspoken questions, the expectations that had brought her back, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.
Her mother's voice broke the silence, her tone light yet with an undercurrent of concern. "Y/n, you've been away for so long. We've missed you."
Y/n's gaze shifted to her mother, and she offered a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Yes, Mother. It's been an interesting time."
Her mother's eyes softened, her worry evident. "There's much to catch up on. We'll have time to discuss everything."
Y/n nodded, her heart heavy with the knowledge that some conversations would be harder than others. The past, the present, and the future converged in this room, a space that held the echoes of years gone by and the promises of what was yet to come.
As they settled into the conversation, Y/n could feel the weight of her father's gaze upon her, his expectations unspoken yet ever-present. The tension remained, a reminder of the complexities that defined their relationships and the challenges that lay ahead. The room seemed to hold its breath, as if bracing for the decisions that would shape the future of the Han family – decisions that rested in the hands of a woman who had returned, carrying with her the echoes of her past and the hopes of a new beginning.
But as the conversation continued, her father's gaze remained unyielding, his words measured and businesslike. It was as if they were discussing a transaction rather than matters of family and heart. Y/n's mother excused herself with a warm smile, leaving Y/n alone with her father.
Once they were alone, her father stood up and walked to the window, his gaze fixed on the sprawling estate beyond. The tension seemed to thicken, the air heavy with unspoken words.
"Y/n," he began, his voice taking on a more solemn tone, "I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you to return."
Y/n's heart raced as she nodded, her gaze fixed on her father's back. "Yes, Father. I must admit, I was surprised by the urgency of your call."
He remained silent for a moment, his eyes distant as if lost in thought. "You've been away for years, pursuing your education and your career. I've watched you from afar, proud of your accomplishments."
Y/n's confusion deepened. "Thank you, Father, but why call me back now?"
He turned to face her, his expression unreadable. "Y/n, you are the eldest daughter of this family. With that comes certain responsibilities."
Y/n furrowed her brows, uncertainty clouding her features. "Responsibilities? I've always carried out my duties as a Han."
Her father's gaze held hers, unyielding. "There is a matter that requires your attention, a matter of great importance to the family."
Y/n's mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle of her father's words. "What matter, Father?"
He sighed, the weight of his decision evident in his voice. "Y/n, you need to marry and bring an heir to this family."
The words hung in the air like a heavy cloak, and Y/n's heart skipped a beat. The implications of his statement settled over her like a storm cloud, the realization of what he was asking sinking in.
"Marriage?" she echoed, her voice barely above a whisper. "But... why now?"
Her father's gaze softened, a rare glimpse of emotion breaking through his stoic façade. "Y/n, as you well know, our family's legacy and our position in society are of utmost importance. We need a strong alliance to secure our future."
Y/n's mind raced, memories and emotions colliding in a whirlwind. The weight of tradition, the expectations of her family, and the choices she had made all seemed to converge in this moment.
Her father's gaze turned distant again as if he was recalling a distant memory. "You remember Min Yoongi, don't you?"
Y/n's heart skipped a beat, her mind flashing back to her childhood – the fleeting moments, the shared laughter, and the unspoken connection she had once felt with the young boy who had grown up to be the CEO of Min Tech Solutions.
"Min Yoongi," she murmured, her voice tinged with surprise. "Yes, I remember him."
Her father's gaze bore into hers, his tone measured. "He is a family friend, and he has agreed to enter into a marriage alliance with us. You two have known each other since childhood. Your union would not only strengthen our ties but also secure the future of our family legacy."
Y/n's thoughts spun, the gravity of the situation settling over her like a heavy fog.
Marry Min Yoongi?
The memories of their shared moments flashed through her mind – the laughter, the camaraderie, and the unspoken affection that had once existed between them. But those memories were from a time when life was simpler when the weight of family expectations and societal pressures had not yet fully taken hold.
"Father, I..." Y/n's voice faltered her emotions a tangle of uncertainty and conflicted feelings.
Her father's gaze held hers, his voice softening with a rare touch of empathy. "Y/n, I understand that this is not an easy. But you are the eldest daughter, and your role in the family is significant."
Y/n's mind raced, torn between her duty to her family and the desires of her heart. She had spent years building her own life, pursuing her dreams, and shaping her identity far from the confines of tradition. Now, faced with the weight of her father's expectations and the memories of a past connection, she found herself at a crossroads.
As the silence stretched between them, the room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for her response. The decisions she would make in the coming days would shape not only her life but the lives of those around her. The legacy of the Han family, the echoes of tradition, and the complexities of her heart all converged in this moment, a moment that would define the course of her future.
Y/n sat alone in her newly decorated room, the gentle glow of the chandelier casting a soft light across the space. The room felt both familiar and foreign, a reflection of the changes she had undergone during her time abroad. The walls are now adorned with tasteful artwork and subdued colors, a departure from the vibrant hues of her youth. It was as though the room itself had grown up alongside her.
Gazing at her reflection in the mirror, Y/n winced as she dabbed at the small cut on her cheek. The wound wasn't deep, but its sting seemed to reverberate throughout her being. She had spent hours crying, her tears a mixture of anger, frustration, and a profound sense of betrayal.
As she gently applied the antiseptic ointment, Y/n couldn't help but replay the argument with her father in her mind. The coldness in his eyes, the way his voice had cut through the air like a blade – it was an image that was etched into her memory. She had never seen him so consumed by rage, and it chilled her to the bone.
Tears welled up in her eyes again as she thought about the lack of remorse in his expression, the way he seemed more concerned with maintaining his authority than with the pain he had caused her. It was as though their relationship had been reduced to a mere transaction, a business deal to secure their family's legacy.
Her gaze shifted to the photograph on her nightstand – a snapshot from her time in New York, surrounded by friends who had become her chosen family. A bittersweet smile tugged at her lips as she remembered the carefree days, the nights spent exploring the city, and the laughter that had been a constant companion.
Y/n sighed heavily, her reflection in the mirror mirroring her inner turmoil. She never thought her life would turn out like this. Yes, she understood the weight of her family's wealth and status, the expectations that came with it. But the reality of her situation – the callousness of her own father's request, the resentment from her siblings who saw her return as a threat – was a bitter pill to swallow.
She wished she could go back to the days when her dreams were simpler when her biggest concern was whether Min Yoongi would ever notice her, the boy with the captivating smile who had once occupied her prepubescent fantasies. But reality had a way of shattering such illusions, revealing the harsh truths that lay beneath.
Dressed in a silk robe, Y/n let out a shaky breath and turned away from the mirror. She walked to the window, gazing out at the night sky. The city lights twinkled in the distance, a stark contrast to the darkness that had settled within her heart.
Closing her eyes, she leaned her forehead against the cool glass. She wished she had ignored that phone call from her father, wished she had stayed in New York where she had forged her own path, far away from the suffocating expectations of her family. But now, she was back in Korea, caught in a web of obligations and traditions that seemed to tighten around her with every passing moment.
Y/n knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy. The wounds on her cheek would heal, but the wounds within her heart – the fractures in her relationship with her family, the shattered dreams of a love that had turned into a cruel twist of fate – those wounds would take time to mend.
As she stood lost in her thoughts, a gentle knock on the door startled her. Y/n turned, her eyes meeting the concerned gaze of Mi-Young, the head maid who had been a steadfast presence in her life since childhood. The years hadn't changed Mi-Young much; her hair had turned a little grayer, but her eyes still held the same warmth and care that Y/n remembered.
But as Mi-Young's gaze fell on the cut on Y/n's cheek, her professional demeanor dropped entirely. Without hesitation, she rushed forward, her hands cupping Y/n's face in a loving manner. She inspected the wound carefully, her expression a mix of worry and tenderness.
"Oh, my dear child," Mi-Young murmured, her voice a mixture of concern and affection. "You shouldn't be handling this alone."
Y/n managed a small, reassuring smile as she reached up to touch Mi-Young's hand. "It's not too bad, Mi-Young. Just a scratch."
Mi-Young's eyes searched Y/n's face, concern still evident in her features. Before she could say anything, Y/n's fingers tightened gently on her wrist. She seemed torn between her role as a servant and her genuine care for the young woman she had watched grow up. Before she could say anything,
"I promise you, I'm okay," Y/n reassured her, her voice soft but determined. "But what's going on, Mi-Young? Why did you come?"
Mi-Young took a step back, her hands folding neatly in front of her. "Your future husband and his family will be attending later on this week as well as a dress fitting scheduled to prepare for the dinner," she said, her tone shifting back to her professional demeanor.
A heaviness settled in Y/n's chest at the reminder of the looming arranged marriage. She nodded, her gaze dropping to the floor for a moment before she looked back at Mi-Young.
Y/n's heart sank even further. The reality of the situation was closing in on her, suffocating her with its weight. She managed a small nod, her mind already racing with thoughts of how to navigate the days ahead.
"Miss Y/n," Mi-Young's voice was gentle, "I know this is difficult. But remember, you are stronger than you think. You've faced challenges before, and you've come out of them even more resilient."
A tear finally escaped Y/n's eye, and she wiped it away with a frustrated sigh. "Within twelve hours of being back, I'm already thrust back into this toxic environment. I'm just supposed to be okay with it."
Mi-Young's arms encircled Y/n in a warm embrace, offering a silent understanding. "I know it's not easy, my dear. But you have the strength to face whatever comes your way. And remember, I'm here for you, just like I always have been."
Y/n's grip tightened on Mi-Young's embrace as she allowed herself a moment of vulnerability. She let her guard down, allowing the tears to flow as she clung to the one person who had always shown her unwavering kindness and love.
Mi-Young held her close, a motherly figure providing comfort in a world that felt so overwhelming. "It's okay to feel upset, Y/n. Your feelings are valid. But don't forget the resilient spirit you've carried with you since you were a child."
Y/n's voice trembled as she spoke, her emotions raw and unfiltered. "I just... I already want to go back to New York. I miss the life I had there, where I was free to be myself without all these expectations."
Mi-Young pulled back slightly to meet Y/n's gaze, her eyes filled with compassion. "I understand, my dear. But remember, you can still be yourself, even in the midst of these challenges. It may be a different path, but it's still yours to shape."
A tear rolled down Y/n's cheek as she looked into Mi-Young's eyes, a mix of gratitude and sadness. "Thank you, Mi-Young. Your words mean more to me than you'll ever know."
Mi-Young smiled softly, brushing a stray strand of hair from Y/n's face. "I want to see you happy."
Y/n's heart swelled at Mi-Young's words, a rush of warmth replacing the ache within her. She leaned into the embrace once more, finding solace in Mi-Young's unwavering presence. "Thank you."
"And, Miss Y/n," Mi-Young hesitated, her eyes softening once again. "I've been informed that arrangements have been made to move all your belongings into the Han mansion."
Y/n's eyebrows furrowed in surprise. "Move my things? But I never..."
She trailed off, realizing that her father was likely behind this decision. The idea of living under the same roof as her family was suffocating. She needed space, a place where she could breathe and be herself.
"Thank you, Mi-Young," Y/n said softly, her voice tinged with gratitude. "But I won't be moving into the Han mansion. I've already made arrangements to move into a penthouse. I need my own space."
Mi-Young's eyes widened slightly, but then a knowing smile tugged at her lips. "Of course, Miss Y/n. I'll make sure your wishes are conveyed."
As Mi-Young turned to leave, Y/n reached out and gently touched her arm. "Mi-Young, thank you. Thank you for always being here for me."
Mi-Young's smile grew warmer. "It's my honor, Miss Y/n. Remember, no matter where you are, you always have a family here."
With those words, Mi-Young left the room, leaving Y/n alone with her thoughts once again. As she stared out the window into the night, the weight of her decisions and the uncertainty of her future pressed heavily upon her.
The Han family mansion exuded opulence, every detail meticulously designed to exalt their stature. The grand chandeliers bathed the room in a soft, warm glow, illuminating the surroundings with an air of luxury that befitted the family's reputation. In the midst of this refined setting, Han Y/n stood poised, an embodiment of grace and elegance.
Y/n wore a floor-length gown made of a rich burgundy fabric that flowed elegantly, adorned with intricate embroidery that traced delicate patterns along the edges. The dress hugged her figure in all the right places, the off-shoulder neckline adding a touch of sophistication. The traditional elements of the gown were seamlessly blended with a modern silhouette, reflecting her unique blend of heritage and contemporary flair.
As she descended the grand staircase, the soft rustle of the fabric accompanied each step, a symphony of poise and confidence. Her dark hair was swept up in an elaborate bun, adorned with delicate pins that glimmered like stars against the night sky. A pair of elegant diamond earrings caught the light, framing her face with a subtle, radiant glow.
The dinner was set to take place in the family's opulent dining room, a space that had witnessed countless meetings and celebrations over the years. Y/n took her place at the table, next to her father who occupied the head of the table. Her mother and siblings were arranged on the other side – Han Ji-Woon, Han Soo-Min, and Han Tae-Jun.
As Y/n settled into her seat, the atmosphere was charged with an undercurrent of tension. Her father's presence at the head of the table was a stark reminder of his authority and the power dynamics within the family.
The staff moved with practiced grace, bringing out dish after dish in a perfectly choreographed dance. The staff moved around the table, pouring wine and attending to each family member's needs. Their presence was an unspoken reminder of the family's status and the rigid hierarchies that defined their lives.
As the first course was served, the silence was broken by the sound of Soo-Min's voice, laced with a tone that dripped with sarcasm. "My, my, Unnie. What a lovely fashion statement you're making with that cut on your cheek. It's positively daring."
Y/n met her sister's gaze, her annoyance barely concealed. "And what's that supposed to mean, Soo-Min?"
Soo-Min's smirk was evident, her words laced with provocation. "Oh, nothing much. Just wondering if it's the latest trend to showcase your independence."
Y/n's eyes narrowed, her patience wearing thin. "You know that's not why it's there."
Soo-Min's scoff was barely contained. "Oh, I'm well aware. I'm just curious how you acquired such a daring accessory."
Y/n's frustration bubbled to the surface. "Believe me, it's none of your business."
Soo-Min's smile turned into a sly grin. "Oh, come now, Y/n. Are you trying to hide something from us? Did someone give you that cut, or did you give it to yourself for a bit of attention?"
The accusation hung in the air like a challenge, and Y/n's resolve hardened. "You really have a knack for twisting things, don't you? Unlike you, Soo-Min, I don't have to resort to such tactics for attention."
Soo-Min's smile didn't waver, her eyes locking onto Y/n's. "Is that so? It's just interesting that you've returned after all these years with a sudden need for our family's spotlight."
She could feel her father's eyes on her, his attention heightened by the tense atmosphere. With a calm that belied the turmoil within, Y/n's retort was sharp. "Not that it's any of your concern, Soo-Min, but I accidentally nicked myself."
The retort held a subtle edge, a reminder that Y/n was no longer the compliant older sister who would silently endure the barbs of her family. The room seemed to hold its breath for a moment, the tension palpable as Y/n's words hung in the air.
Soo-Min's lips curved into a sardonic smile, her eyes narrowing as their gazes locked. The exchange carried an unspoken challenge, a clash of wills that simmered beneath the polished surface of their interactions.
Ji-Woon's voice, smooth as silk but laced with an undertone of rivalry, cut in. "Must we engage in this petty banter, especially tonight of all nights?"
Tae-Jun's infectious charm seemed to counter the growing tension, his voice lighthearted. "Come on, let's not dampen the mood. We're all here as a family, right?"
Their mother, elegant and composed, cleared her throat softly. Her gentle but firm voice carried a hint of caution. "Let's remember the purpose of this gathering. We are here to celebrate Y/n's return"
But the unspoken tensions lingered, threatening to boil over at any moment. Y/n could feel the weight of her father's gaze on her, a reminder that their actions were being scrutinized.
As Soo-Min opened her mouth, a tense argument looming on the horizon, their mother's hand on her arm silenced her. A subtle but stern gaze passed between them, and Soo-Min subsided, albeit begrudgingly.
Ji-Woon leaned forward, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Of course, Mother. How could we forget the importance?"
Soo-Min shot him a look of annoyance, her sharp retort quick on her tongue. "Oh, don't pretend like you're not eager for the chairman position yourself, Oppa."
Y/n watched the back-and-forth with a mixture of frustration and resignation. It was a familiar dance, one they had engaged in countless times before – a competition for their father's favor, a rivalry fueled by their shared ambition. As the siblings' bickering continued, the room seemed to crackle with tension, an electric charge that threatened to ignite at any moment.
Tae-Jun, ever the peacemaker, attempted to intervene. "Hey, can we please just enjoy this dinner and put our differences aside for once?"
But Soo-Min's retort was swift and biting. "It's easy for you to say, Tae-Jun. You don't have to prove yourself like the rest of us."
Soo-Min's lips curled into a half-smile, the tension between them simmering beneath the surface. The exchange didn't go unnoticed by their father, whose eyes bore into Y/n with an intensity that sent a chill down her spine.
"Enough," her father's voice cut through the air, his words curt and commanding. The table fell into an uneasy silence, the weight of his authority hanging over them.
Y/n shifted her gaze to her plate, her appetite diminished by the atmosphere that had settled over the room. She could feel her father's gaze lingering on her, a reminder of the expectations that loomed over her. Despite the elaborate surroundings and the lavish meal before her, she felt trapped in a web of obligations and familial pressures.
Ji-Woon, the elder son, cleared his throat, his voice carrying an air of self-assuredness. "Father, I've been considering ways to expand our hotel chain into international markets. I believe this move would significantly boost our revenue."
Y/n's father nodded approvingly, his attention shifting from Y/n to Ji-Woon. "Continue your research, Ji-Woon. We need to maintain our stronghold in the industry."
Soo-Min's voice cut in, her tone calculating. "And what about Y/n, Father? She's been away for years. Will she now be contributing her ideas for the company?"
The tension in the room escalated, the underlying rivalry between the siblings palpable. Y/n met Soo-Min's gaze, her eyes holding a mixture of defiance and weariness. "Soo-Min, if I recall correctly, your concern for my involvement seems rather sudden."
Soo-Min's smile was sharp, her words laced with a hint of condescension. "Well, we all know that you've been enjoying your freedom abroad while the rest of us have been working diligently to uphold the family's legacy."
The atmosphere grew increasingly strained, the unspoken animosities simmering just beneath the surface. Y/n's father interjected, his voice firm. "Enough of this. We are family, and we should be supporting each other's efforts, not tearing each other down."
Tae-Jun attempted to diffuse the tension with a charismatic grin. "Father's right. Let's focus on the future and the opportunities that lie ahead."
Their mother, who had remained silent, finally spoke up, her voice carrying a note of warmth. "This dinner is meant to celebrate Y/n's return to Korea. Let's not allow disagreements to overshadow this moment."
Tae-Jun seized the opportunity to contribute positively. "Thank you, mom, you're very right. We should be celebrating as a family. Noona, we've missed you."
Y/n offered a small, genuine smile in return, appreciating her brother's attempt to ease the tension. "Thank you, Tae-Jun. I've missed all of you too."
Soo-Min, though less overtly hostile, couldn't resist a snide comment. "Yes, it's been such a long time since we've seen you, Y/n. We're eager to hear about your adventures in America."
Ji-Woon interjected with his characteristic charm, trying to lighten the mood. "Tell us, Y/n, did you meet any interesting people during your time abroad?"
Their mother, sensing the need to maintain harmony, directed the conversation towards less contentious topics. "Y/n, have you seen the new renovations we've done to the mansion? We wanted everything to be perfect for your return."
Y/n nodded, genuinely impressed by the tasteful changes made to the family home. "Yes, Mother, it's beautiful. You've done a wonderful job."
The staff, who had been discreetly observing the family dynamics, continued their duties with a quiet efficiency. The tension, though temporarily diffused, still lingered beneath the surface, a constant presence that defined the relationships within the Han family.
As the evening continued, the conversation shifted towards more neutral subjects – the family's business ventures, upcoming social events, and Y/n's future plans. Despite the efforts to maintain civility, the underlying currents of competition and ambition continued to simmer, a reflection of the complex web of relationships that bound the Han family together.
Min Yoongi strode into Min Tech Solutions, his steps echoing through the sleek, modern lobby of the towering building. Dressed impeccably in a tailored black suit, his presence demanded attention. He was the embodiment of power and control, his cold demeanor only accentuating his status. To the employees, he was the enigmatic CEO of the company, known for his brilliance in technology and his strategic mind.
Behind him trailed his two closest friends—Jung Hoseok, his dedicated and efficient assistant, and Kim Seokjin, the charismatic head manager of the company. Despite their different roles, the trio had been inseparable since their school days, their camaraderie unbreakable.
As they made their way through the lobby, the employees paused in their tracks, bowing respectfully as Yoong passed by. It was a well-established ritual; a silent acknowledgment of his position. The private elevator beckoned at the far end of the lobby, its sleek doors sliding open upon their approach. Stepping inside, the trio was enveloped in the elevator's plush interior, a cocoon of silence and anticipation. It began its ascent, carrying them toward the upper echelons of the building, where the executive offices lay like a sanctum of innovation.
Hoseok leaned forward slightly, his tablet in hand, and began to brief Yoongi on the day's schedule. "Sir, you have a busy day ahead. First, a meeting with Kim Namjoon regarding artwork, followed by a suit fitting, dinner with your parents and brother."
Yoongi nodded along, his gaze focused on the numbers ticking up on the digital display. However, his attention snapped back to Hoseok as the next item on the agenda was mentioned.
"Lastly, you're supposed to contact your soon-to-be wife, Han Y/n."
Yoongi's brows furrowed, and he exchanged a puzzled glance with Seokjin. It was a rare occurrence for anything to surprise him, but this unexpected piece of information managed to do just that. He turned to Hoseok, a mix of disbelief and irritation evident in his voice. "What are you talking about?"
Seokjin chimed in, his curiosity piqued. "Yeah, Hoseok, what's this about a wife?"
Hoseok furrowed his brows, glancing down at his tablet again, as if the answer might have slipped onto the screen without his notice. "I... I'm not sure, Yoongi-hyung. It's on the schedule, but I wasn't informed of the details."
Seokjin leaned against the mirrored wall, his brows furrowing in contemplation. "This is unexpected, Yoongi. Are your parents aware of this?"
Yoongi's lips formed a thin line as he shook his head. "I have no idea. This is the first time I'm hearing about it."
Hoseok fiddled with his tablet, his brows knitting together as he tapped on the screen. "Wait a minute, let me check something."
As the elevator continued its climb, Hoseok's expression shifted from confusion to realization. He sucked in a sharp breath. "I think I know what might be happening."
Yoongi and Seokjin turned their attention to Hoseok, waiting for an explanation.
Hoseok looked up, his eyes locking with Yoongi's. "It looks like someone added this to your schedule without proper communication. And based on the timing, I have a strong feeling that this lunch with your family is more than just a casual gathering. I think they might be planning to discuss your marriage, Yoongi-hyung."
Seokjin shot Hoseok a look of disbelief. "Are you saying Yoongi is getting married? Without even knowing about it?"
Hoseok's expression mirrored Seokjin's incredulity. "I don't have any more information than what's on the schedule, guys. But if it's there, it seems to be something your parents are orchestrating."
The air in the elevator seemed to grow heavier with every passing second. Yoongi's eyes widened, his mind struggling to grasp the enormity of the revelation. Marriage? The notion seemed utterly foreign, especially given that he was entirely unaware of any such arrangement. His heart pounded, and his fingers curled into tight fists at his sides.
Yoongi leaned against the elevator wall, his mind racing as he tried to process the information. "This doesn't make sense. I'm not even in a relationship, let alone engaged."
Seokjin let out a low whistle. "This is some next-level parental intervention."
The elevator chimed, indicating their arrival at the executive floor. The doors slid open, revealing the minimalist design of the top-level offices. Yoongi stepped out, his thoughts still in turmoil.
Seokjin's eyes widened in realization, his voice a mixture of awe and amusement. "Yoongi, you're the unsuspecting star of a real-life K-drama plot."
A rare quirk tugged at the corner of Yoongi's lips. The absurdity of the situation was not lost on him, and the irony of being caught in his own storyline was almost amusing.
The sun had risen on a new day, casting its warm light across the bustling streets of Seoul. Amidst the city's vibrant energy, Y/n found herself seated in a familiar haven—a cozy Korean barbecue restaurant that held a wealth of memories. By her side were her steadfast companions, Jimin and Jungkook, the bonds of their friendship unyielding even across time zones and continents. The three of them had shared countless meals and memories over the years, and their bond remained as strong as ever despite the distance and time that had passed.
"Y/n, you're really trying to out-eat us today, huh?" Jungkook teased, his eyes dancing with amusement as he placed a piece of meat on the grill.
Y/n chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, you know I have to keep up with you two somehow."
Jimin chimed in with a playful grin. "Yeah, Jungkook's metabolism is like a black hole. I don't know where all that food goes."
Jungkook shot Jimin a mock-offended look. "Hey, watch it. I take offense to that."
The trio's camaraderie was palpable as they shared stories from their recent adventures. Just two months ago, both Jimin and Jungkook had been in New York for work, and they'd managed to catch up with Y/n despite their busy schedules. It was moments like these that bridged the gap between continents and reaffirmed their unbreakable bond.
Amid the friendly banter, Jimin's tone turned more serious as he leaned back in his chair, fixing his gaze on Y/n. "So, Y/n, you're the talk of Korea these days."
Y/n's eyes widened in feigned innocence. "What? Who told you that?"
Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head. "Come on, Y/n. You know everyone's buzzing about your return. People are practically writing novels about it."
Y/n chuckled. She had expected her arrival to go relatively unnoticed, considering her family's business dealings and her complex relationship with them. Yet, both of her friend's words made her realize that her mere presence seemed to stir up interest and conversations all around.
"We're serious, everyone's been talking about you coming back," Jimin remarked with an amused grin.
Y/n raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? I didn't think it would be that big of a deal."
Jungkook chimed in, his playful smirk matching Jimin's. "Well, you've always been somewhat of an idol to people here. Even in the States, you managed to stay kind and down-to-earth despite your background."
“Idol?” Y/n chuckled, shaking her head. "I'm just me, guys. I don't get what the fuss is about."
Jimin pulled out his phone and tapped a few times before showing Y/n a news article with her picture. "Well, this might give you an idea."
Y/n took a glance at the article, her eyes widening slightly at the headline. "Seriously? They're writing articles about me coming back?"
Jimin grinned mischievously. "Oh, you're a hot topic right now."
Y/n shook her head, still finding it hard to believe. "It's weird, isn't it? I mean, I've been away for years. Why would people care?"
"Well, you're the eldest of your family, last I checked unless you have an older sibling no one knows about. And considering your family's reputation, your return might be seen as something significant." Jungkook leaned back in his chair, looking thoughtful. "The eldest of the Han family returns after mysterious disappearance years ago, is it to save the Marblegold group? That kind headline does have is rather captivating.”
“Cut it out Jungkook,” Jimin says hitting his shoulder, “You can’t even spell captivating.”
Bucking towards Jimin, Jungkook was about to attack his hyung before both of their attention turns to Y/n as she sighed softly, her expression tinged with resignation. "Yeah, I guess so. The Han family isn't exactly known for its pristine reputation."
Jimin and Jungkook exchanged a knowing look, their expressions showing sympathy for their friend's predicament. Y/n's family history was something they were familiar with, having known her since they were kids. Her complex relationship with her family was something they had witnessed firsthand.
Jimin, with his warm smile and easygoing demeanor, had carved a name for himself in the world of dance and choreography. His creativity and passion had led him to become a successful choreographer, working with renowned artists and creating captivating performances that resonated with audiences worldwide.
On the other hand, Jungkook's journey had taken him into the realm of gaming—a path that had led to immense success. Known as one of the biggest gamers in Korea, Jungkook had built a reputation for his skill, dedication, and charismatic presence. His online presence and gaming prowess had garnered him a dedicated fanbase and had solidified his status as a prominent figure in the gaming community.
As the conversation continued, the trio delved into deeper matters. Y/n found herself opening up about the whirlwind of events that had occurred within the first 24 hours of her return—her arranged marriage, the tension with her siblings, and the unfamiliar path that lay ahead.
Jimin's expression grew serious as he listened, and he leaned forward slightly. "Y/n, are you sure you’re okay withthis?"
Y/n offered a small smile, appreciating the concern in her friends' eyes. "Honestly, I don't know. It's a lot to take in, but I'll have to figure it out."
Jungkook chimed in, his tone gentle. "And this guy you're marrying, Yoongi. Is he someone you know? The name sounds familiar, like I can picture his face but I’m not sure from where."
Y/n's cheeks turned a faint shade of pink as she thought about Yoongi. "Yeah, I actually knew him when we were kids."
Jimin raised an eyebrow playfully. "Is he the Yoongi you had a crush on?"
Y/n playfully swatted at Jimin's arm. "Cut it out, Jimin. But yes, it's the same Yoongi."
Jimin and Y/n shared a laugh at Jungkook's expense, who suddenly choked on a piece of meat from their barbecue feast. Y/n quickly passed him a glass of water, her concern evident as he coughed and sputtered.
"Jungkook, are you okay?" Y/n asked, patting his back gently.
Jungkook finally managed to catch his breath, his face red from the coughing fit. He took a sip of water and shot a playful glare at Jimin. "You two are something else."
Jimin grinned sheepishly. "Hey, you're the one who couldn't handle the truth bomb."
Y/n chuckled, relieved to see Jungkook recovering. "Don't worry, Jungkook. We won't drop any more shocking news on you."
Jungkook shook his head with a dramatic sigh. "I should've known better than to eat while you two are talking."
Once the laughter subsided, Jimin turned the conversation towards a more serious topic. "Y/n, is there going to be an official statement about your sudden return and this marriage situation?"
Y/n shrugged her shoulders, her expression uncertain. "I don't know, guys. Honestly, I don't have control over these things. It's all happening so fast."
Jimin and Jungkook exchanged a glance, their expressions reflecting concern and sympathy. They had known Y/n long enough to understand the complexities of her family dynamics and the challenges she faced. Without saying a word, their supportive presence spoke volumes.
Jimin leaned forward, his expression concerned. "But are you at least going to stay with your parents until the wedding?"
Y/n shook her head, her eyes distant for a moment. "No, I'm not staying with them. I stayed with them last night, but my new penthouse should be ready this afternoon. Even when I'm married, I intend to have it as a place of solitude A place I can go to when I just need to be alone "
Jungkook raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in his voice. "A penthouse? That's quite the upgrade."
Y/n chuckled softly. "Well, I guess the Han family name has its perks. But honestly, it's just a place to stay. I don't want to be in the middle of all the family drama."
Jimin nodded in understanding. "Can't blame you for that. Family dynamics can be... complicated."
Y/n's smile turned wistful, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "You have no idea."
"So you're really going through with it? "Jungkook says, with a look of sympathy and his eyes. "The marriage?
Y/n sighs as she chews a piece of meat in her mouth before slowly nodding "I don't really have a choice in this."
Without uttering a word, their supportive presence spoke volumes, a testament to the deep bond they shared with Y/n. But just as they settled into a comfortable silence, Y/n noticed something out of the corner of her eye that drew her attention away from the heartfelt conversation.
The word alone held a weight that tugged at Y/n's composure. While she had always been adept at maintaining a cool demeanor, the unwelcome intrusion of cameras and attention had always unnerved her. Her return to Korea, marked by the chaos of her family's dynamics and the sudden arranged marriage, had plunged her right back into a spotlight she had never sought.
As if sensing the shift in Y/n's mood, Jungkook's gaze followed hers and found the source of her discomfort—the paparazzi gathered outside the restaurant. The awareness passed like a silent current between the three friends, momentarily casting a shadow over their carefree evening.
Jungkook leans in slightly, his tone gentle yet probing. As Y/n puts a hand up to cover her face, her hair moves behind her revealing the cut that she’s been hiding from them the whole time. "Hey, what happened to your cheek?"
Y/n's heart skipped a beat, and she froze momentarily. Jimin's gaze sharpened, his concern growing. "Y/n, is everything okay? Was it your dad again?"
Her friends' perceptiveness sent a shiver down Y/n's spine. They had known her for so long that they could read her like an open book. She looked down, her fingers tracing the still-fresh cut on her cheek as if lost in thought.
After hearing her father's request, Y/n tried her best to hold back her emotions. The news hit her like a tidal wave, leaving her feeling as though she was being treated like a pawn in a game. She had always known that her family's priorities lay heavily with the business and their status, but this was a blow she hadn't expected. Her emotions simmered beneath the surface as she struggled to maintain her composed facade.
"I don't get a choice in all this, do I?" Y/n's voice was steady, but the undertone of frustration was unmistakable.
Her father's silence was deafening. The lack of response fueled the growing agitation within her. The chill demeanor she had cultivated over the years began to crack, revealing the storm of emotions that raged beneath the surface.
"Is this what you've been planning all along?" Y/n's words were sharp, her voice laced with anger. "To use me as a means to boost your business? Because I'm not the son you wanted? Is that it?"
Her father's expression remained stoic, a mask that hid his true thoughts. The silence, the absence of denial, was a confirmation in itself. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place in a way that sent a surge of resentment coursing through her veins.
"You never cared about me, did you?" Y/n's voice grew louder, her frustration breaking through her usual restraint. "All those years in the States, and the only time you ever reached out was about the business. You never once asked how I was. And now, you want to control my life, my future?"
The tension in the room escalated with every word, the air charged with the weight of years of neglect and unspoken resentment. Her father's silence seemed to amplify the roar of her anger.
"Answer me!" Y/n's voice cracked, her composure slipping. "Was this your plan all along?"
Finally, her father's voice cut through the air, a sharp retort that echoed with his authority. "Y/n, you will address me with respect."
The sudden raise in his voice hung in the air like a shockwave. The room fell silent, the tension almost palpable. Y/n's heart raced, her chest heaving as she met her father's gaze with a mixture of defiance and desperation.
"Respect?" Y/n's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt. "You demand respect after years of treating me like a commodity? This is why I've never considered you my father."
Her father's expression remained unchanged, his silence a wall that she could not break through. The argument had reached an impasse, the chasm between them widening with every passing moment.
"You can't force me into this marriage," Y/n's voice quivered with determination. "I won't be a pawn in your games."
Her father's voice finally broke the silence, but his tone was cold and measured. "Y/n, you have a duty to this family, to our legacy. It's not about being a pawn, it's about fulfilling your responsibilities."
A bitter laugh escaped Y/n's lips, tinged with irony. "Responsibilities? Is that what you call it? This isn't about family to you. It's about control and image."
Her father's gaze bore into hers, his eyes hardening. "You will marry Min Yoongi. That is not up for negotiation."
The defiance in Y/n's eyes blazed brighter. "Funny you decide this for me, but you don't do the same for your other daughter, Soo-Min."
A tense silence settled over them, a battlefield of wills and unspoken regrets. The air hung heavy with the weight of their opposing desires, the clash of tradition and individuality.
Her father's voice dropped to a chilling whisper. "Think carefully, Y/n. Your actions will have consequences."
Y/n's own voice was laced with a newfound resolve. "So will yours."
Her father's face tightened, his jaw clenched as his gaze bore into her. The tension between them was palpable, a heavy cloud of conflict that seemed to envelop the room.
"Y/n," he said, his voice a low rumble, "you will do as your duty demands."
The words were a command, a final declaration that brooked no argument. The room seemed to vibrate with the weight of their opposing wills, the clash of generations and aspirations.
But Y/n was done yielding to his authority. The fire within her burned bright, fueling her determination to forge her own path, even if it meant challenging the very foundation of her family's expectations.
"I won't marry Min Yoongi," Y/n's voice rang out, her tone resolute. "I won't sacrifice my happiness for your ambitions."
Her father's face reddened, his features contorting with anger. "You are being selfish, Y/n. You're tearing this family apart."
The accusation hung in the air, a bitter accusation that cut deep. The room seemed to vibrate with the tension between them, the years of unspoken grievances finally finding their voice.
"Selfish?" Y/n's voice wavered with a mix of frustration and sorrow. "You've spent years neglecting me, using me for your business, and now you want to dictate my future? This is not the family I want to be a part of."
Her father's fists clenched at his sides, his nostrils flaring as he struggled to contain his anger. The air was charged with their conflicting emotions, a battleground of wills that seemed impossible to resolve.
Lost in her tumultuous thoughts, Y/n barely registered the approaching footsteps until it was too late. Her father, his face a mask of anger and frustration, stood before her.
"Y/n," his voice was a low growl, a stark contrast to the authority he usually commanded. "You will not defy me."
The tension in the air was palpable, a charged silence that crackled between them. Y/n's heart raced, her breath catching in her throat as she met his gaze with a mixture of defiance and trepidation.
"Defy you?" Her voice was laced with bitterness. "What if I were to reveal your true motivations for this marriage?"
Her father's eyes narrowed, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "What are you implying?"
A bitter smile twisted Y/n's lips. "Do you really think I haven't heard the rumors? About your dealings, your secrets? What if those secrets were to see the light of day?"
Her father's face darkened, his hands curling into fists at his sides. The atmosphere was charged with a new kind of tension, one that carried the weight of hidden truths and unspoken threats.
"You wouldn't dare," his voice was a low warning, a thread of desperation creeping in.
Y/n's own voice grew colder, the realization that she held power at this moment giving her a surge of adrenaline. "Try me. I've spent years being your obedient daughter, your pawn. But I won't be silenced any longer."
A strained silence settled over them, the air heavy with the threat of revelation and retaliation. The seconds ticked by, each one echoing with the weight of their choices.
Finally, her father's mask of control shattered. With a guttural roar of frustration, he grabbed a vase off his desk and hurled it in her direction. The glass shattered against the wall, a shard flying dangerously close to Y/n's cheek, leaving a small cut in its wake.
Pain radiated from the cut, a sharp reminder of the turmoil that had erupted between them. Y/n's hand instinctively went to her cheek, her gaze locked onto her father's figure, his chest heaving with rage and regret.
In that moment, the truth hung in the air, a truth that could not be ignored or dismissed. Their relationship, once strained, was now broken beyond repair. The silence between them was heavy, the room feeling like a battleground of shattered expectations and shattered glass.
With a final, seething glare, Y/n turned away and walked out of the room. The door closed behind her, a barrier that seemed to symbolize the irreparable divide that had grown between father and daughter.
Her footsteps echoed through the hallways, her chest heaving as she walked away from the turmoil she had left behind. Her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions, anger, and sadness mixing in a potent cocktail of conflict.
Y/n's response carried a trace of hesitation, a fleeting chink in the armor of her usually collected façade. Attempting to deflect the situation, she offered a wistful smile, her attempt to downplay the significance of the cut on her cheek palpable.
"It's really not a big deal," she finally said, her voice almost dismissive. "Just a small cut. It'll fade in a couple of days or weeks."
Jimin and Jungkook exchanged a knowing look, their mutual understanding woven into their unspoken conversation. They knew well the intricacies of Y/n's family dynamics and the complexities she faced. Instead of delving deeper, Jimin discreetly gestured for the check, a subtle acknowledgment of the paparazzi's impact on their evening.
Their unity was unmistakable as they collected their belongings, readying themselves to leave. Jimin's gesture and Jungkook's nod conveyed a sense of unity, an agreement forged in their shared experience. "Let's wrap up here," Jimin suggested softly, the words a quiet signal to retreat.
Jungkook's agreement echoed with an underlying current of protectiveness as he looked at Y/n. "Yeah, let's get out of here."
The presence of the paparazzi had turned Y/n's demeanor from cool to agitated, the shift in her disposition revealing her vulnerability. The weight of the unwanted attention had stripped away the layers of her practiced nonchalance, exposing the unease that lay beneath.
With a sense of urgency, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Seokjin entered Yoongi's corner office and shut the door behind them. The plush surroundings contrasted with the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in their minds. As they gathered around his desk, their brows furrowed in contemplation, each trying to piece together the puzzle that was Han Y/n.
Seokjin furrowed his brow and leaned against the edge of the desk, his eyes narrowing in concentration. "Han Y/n... I swear, I've heard that name somewhere before. But where?"
Hoseok tapped his tablet absentmindedly, his gaze distant as he pondered the enigma. "Yeah, it's like there's a memory floating just out of reach. It's frustrating."
Yoongi, his jacket now neatly hung over the back of his chair, sat before his computer, his posture rigid and his expression as cool and intimidating as ever. His fingers hovered above the keyboard, ready to dig into the virtual realm for answers. He began typing her name into the search bar, the screen populating with a cascade of results. The name held a resonance that couldn't be denied, and he was determined to unearth the connection, even if it meant delving into his own past.
Seokjin's voice cut through the silence, his voice a mixture of frustration and determination. "There's a face tied to that name, I'm sure of it. A face from our past."
The rhythmic tapping of keys paused as Yoongi's fingers stilled above the keyboard. His eyes were fixed on the screen, the images of Han Y/n sparking fragments of recognition within him.
"I remember now. Han Y/n," Yoongi's voice was measured and composed, his cold exterior unwavering even as his mind raced to make sense of the connections.
Hoseok and Seokjin turned their full attention to him, their eyes a mix of curiosity and expectancy. Yoongi swiveled his computer screen to face them, revealing the articles and images that had captured his attention.
"She's the eldest daughter of the Han family," Yoongi's tone held a touch of steel, his gaze fixed on the images on the screen. His demeanor remained as icy and intimidating as ever, the enigma of Han Y/n doing little to thaw his exterior. "We were classmates back in middle school."
Seokjin's eyes widened, a gasp escaping his lips as the puzzle pieces started to fall into place. "Wait, you mean the same Han Y/n who vanished without a trace?"
Yoongi's nod was subtle, his mind a whirlwind of memories and unanswered questions. "Yes, that's her. She was always the quiet, intelligent, but rather beautiful type. And then, one day, she just disappeared."
Hoseok leaned in, his gaze scrutinizing the images on the screen, while his tone held a mixture of curiosity and awe. "And now, she's back in Korea and making waves with her accomplishments."
Seokjin whistled softly, his words carrying a sense of awe and disbelief. "This is surreal. The heiress of the Han family, the same girl we knew, is now at the center of it all."
Yoongi's expression didn't waver, his cold demeanor acting as a shield against the surge of emotions that threatened to break through. "But what's the reason for this marriage? And why bring her back into the fold now?"
A palpable silence enveloped the room, the weight of their thoughts hanging heavy. Yoongi's fingers unconsciously tapped against the keyboard, a rhythmic accompaniment to the intensity of their discussion.
Seokjin leaned back, his expression pensive. "There's more to her story, something we're not seeing."
Hoseok leaned forward, determination evident in his voice. "We need to find out where she was all these years, what she's been up to, and why she's back now."
Yoongi's gaze remained fixed on the photo displayed on his screen, his thoughts racing like a well-oiled machine beneath his calm facade. The photo portrayed a woman who exuded confidence and grace, a far cry from the quiet girl they had known. Her enigmatic smile and poised stance held a thousand untold stories, and Yoongi couldn't shake the feeling that her sudden reappearance was just the beginning of a much larger narrative.
Seokjin's voice pierced the quiet once again, his words carrying a mix of determination and curiosity. "Whatever happened during her absence, and whatever led to this arranged marriage, we're going to find out. There’s no way there isn’t some bigger reasoning behind this."
Hoseok's brows furrowed in contemplation as he glanced between Yoongi and Seokjin. "But the question is, if this arranged marriage is true, why would your parents agree to such a thing?"
At that moment, Yoongi's intense gaze finally shifted away from the photo of Han Y/n on the screen. His eyes held a glint of realization, and his lips curved into a faint, enigmatic smile.
Yoongi leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled beneath his chin. "Hoseok, find out who added that dinner appointment to my schedule. And I want to know why."
Hoseok nodded, his fingers dancing across his tablet's screen as he began his investigation. He had been through countless tasks and challenges as Yoongi's assistant, but this one seemed to carry an air of significance that couldn't be ignored.
Hoseok looked up from his tablet, his expression a mix of concern and confusion. "Yoongi-hyung, it seems the addition was made by your parents' personal assistant. It's highly unusual for her to act without your parents' approval."
Yoongi's lips pressed into a thin line. "Seems like they've got something up their sleeves."
Seokjin leaned forward, his brow furrowing with a blend of seriousness and concern. "Perhaps it's time to have an open conversation with your family about this, Yoongi. If they're making decisions about your future without your knowledge, it's only fair that you have a say in the matter."
Yoongi's gaze turned distant for a moment, his thoughts drifting to his family and the complicated dynamics that had shaped his life. He was known for his resilience and his ability to navigate challenges, but this particular situation hit close to home in a way that left him vulnerable.
"I do have dinner with my parents this evening," he stated calmly, his tone unchanged from its usual cool demeanor. "Perhaps it's time I got some answers."
Hoseok looked back down at his tablet, his fingers poised over the screen. "I'll dig into Han Y/n's background, see if I can find any information that might shed light on what happened while she was gone, why she disappeared, and why she's suddenly in the picture."
A sense of determination radiated from Yoongi as he leaned forward, his eyes locking with Hoseok's. "And let's find out what my family is really planning. If they're orchestrating something like this, it's time they understand that I won't be easily manipulated."
The resolve in Yoongi's voice sent a shiver down Hoseok's spine, a reminder of the man's unwavering strength beneath the layers of complexity.
Y/n stepped into the luxurious expanse of her penthouse, the grandeur that surrounded her contrasting starkly with the whirlwind of emotions raging within. The heels of her shoes clicked against the opulent marble floor, a rhythmic echo of the disarray that had marked her recent encounters. As she kicked off her high heels, an unspoken tension clung to her movements, a sign of the anxious turmoil that had settled within her.
The penthouse, with its extravagant decor and impeccable furnishings, should have been a sanctuary of calm. Yet, as her gaze swept over the pristine interior, she found it difficult to escape the cacophony of thoughts that raced through her mind. The echoes of her friends' words from the Korean barbecue reverberated within her, a symphony of anxiety that had taken residence in her thoughts.
Jungkook and Jimin's revelations about her newfound prominence within Korean society seemed to amplify the weight of her return. The collective attention of a nation had zeroed in on her, dissecting every move she made, every choice she contemplated. The sheer scope of it was overwhelming, a cacophony of voices that left her disoriented.
The situation with her family, marked by complexities and conflicts, seemed to have reached a crescendo. The arranged marriage to Yoongi, a pact that had implications beyond her understanding, hung over her like a shadow. The very foundation of her world had shifted, and uncertainty had taken root where once there had been surety.
She swept her gaze around the spacious foyer, where the light danced off crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceiling like delicate jewels. A coat she had been wearing moments ago was casually draped over a plush armchair, while her purse landed on the nearby couch with a soft thud, seemingly discarded without a second thought.
As she navigated the grandeur of her penthouse, a space that mirrored the luxury she had grown up with, she found herself grappling with a sense of unease.The penthouse was a breathtaking testament to opulence. Located in the heart of Seoul's elite district, it occupied the uppermost floors of a gleaming skyscraper, affording her a panoramic view of the bustling city below.
The space was divided into two stories, connected by a grand staircase adorned with a crystal chandelier that cascaded from the ceiling above. 
The first floor, bathed in the warm glow of ambient lighting, boasted an open-plan living area and kitchen. Creamy marble floors met rich, dark wood furnishings, creating a harmonious contrast that was both inviting and sophisticated. The living room was graced with plush leather sofas and oversized floor-to-ceiling windows, offering a breathtaking view of the cityscape.
What struck Y/n most was the artwork adorning the walls—exquisite Korean calligraphy and contemporary paintings from her collection in New York. It was a visual tapestry that bridged her past and her present.
The kitchen, a vision of modernity and functionality, featured state-of-the-art appliances and gleaming granite countertops. A long, sleek dining table sat at the center, where Y/n could host guests and family gatherings in style if she were even given the opprotunity.
Ascending the grand staircase to the second floor, she found herself in a cozy yet refined personal sanctuary. Her bedroom, a symphony of neutral colors, exuded tranquility. A massive four-poster bed with intricately carved wooden panels dominated the room, flanked by silk curtains that billowed gently in the breeze from the open terrace.
The terrace, a haven of greenery and serenity, was a juxtaposition to the bustling city below. Here, she could find solace amidst potted bonsai trees and meticulously maintained Korean gardens, a nod to her roots and a sanctuary for contemplation.
Y/n's penthouse was more than just a luxurious dwelling; it was a reflection of her identity—a blend of old and new, tradition and innovation.
Y/n, in her customary demeanor of composure, surveyed her surroundings with a detached appreciation. She was dressed impeccably, her attire carefully chosen to reflect both power and sophistication. A charcoal-gray pantsuit, tailored to perfection, molded to her form, while a pristine white blouse peeked from beneath the structured jacket. Her raven-black hair cascaded down her back in a controlled cascade, the dark waves a stark contrast to her porcelain skin.
In this realm of luxury, her usual chill facade remained intact. Yet, as she moved with precision through the penthouse, an observant eye might catch a flicker of internal turmoil, a hint of tension beneath the practiced exterior.
The penthouse exuded opulence, an extravagant tapestry woven with the finest materials. Y/n's sense of aesthetics allowed her to appreciate the harmonious fusion of design elements, even as her thoughts wandered.
The weight of the events that had unfolded in the short span of a day tugged at her composure, an undercurrent of vulnerability that threatened to breach her carefully crafted facade. Y/n was adept at masking her emotions, a skill honed through years of navigating a world that expected perfection. And yet, the battle raging within her was undeniable, a tempest that had eluded her control.
She moved with practiced grace, her demeanor a tapestry of poise. But behind the mask of composure lay a maelstrom of thoughts, a whirlwind of questions and doubts that cast shadows across her mind. Her pulse quickened, the rhythm of her heart in sync with the disarray of her thoughts.
The luxury that surrounded her felt alien, a stark contrast to the turmoil that churned within. The decor, meticulous in its detail, seemed to pale in comparison to the complexity of her circumstances. Though she appeared unfazed, even internally about her situation at hand, she couldn't deny the appreciation she felt for the meticulously curated space. She noticed with a small, almost imperceptible smile, how her cherished furniture and decor from her New York apartment seamlessly melded with the opulence of her new abode.
As she walked further, her eyes fell upon a collection of photographs placed thoughtfully on a side table. Among them was a family photo from her youth, a captured moment of innocence and happiness. Her fingers brushed against the edge of the frame, a mixture of emotions stirring within her. With practiced ease, she gently turned the photo face down, a subtle gesture to shield the past from prying eyes.
Making her way to the kitchen, the spacious room adorned with top-of-the-line appliances and sleek marble surfaces. Her fingers glided across the wine bottles displayed in an elegant glass cabinet. She selected a bottle of Romanée-Conti , a rare and expensive vintage that spoke to her refined tastes.
Pouring the wine into a crystal glass, she observed the rich, deep hue of the liquid as it swirled within the vessel. Raising the glass to her lips, she took a measured sip, savoring the intricate flavors that danced on her palate. The stress and tension of the past day seemed to melt away with every sip, replaced by a momentary respite.
Y/n wandered into the living room, the plush carpet cushioning her steps. Her eyes alighted on the turned-over photograph frame, an unintentional reminder of the past she had left behind. The image evoked a whirlwind of emotions, emotions she had buried deep within herself. Her grip on the wine glass tightened, her knuckles whitening as she stared at the frame.
A rush of memories flooded her mind—the carefree laughter, the warmth of family, and the dreams she had once nurtured. But beneath the surface of nostalgia lay a tapestry of complexities, of expectations and responsibilities that had woven her destiny into something far different from what she had envisioned.
As tears welled in her eyes, Y/n blinked them back fiercely, refusing to let her emotions overcome her. She took a steadying breath, allowing herself to acknowledge the weight of the past and the path she had chosen to forge. With a determined gesture, she turned the photograph back upright, letting the memories resurface, if only momentarily.
As her thoughts drifted, the silence was suddenly shattered by the intrusion of her ringing phone. Y/n's hand, which had been idly tracing the rim of her wine glass, stilled abruptly. Sighing deeply to herself, she retrieved her phone from her purse, which had been haphazardly discarded on the couch.
Her eyes flickered over the screen, her heart skipping a beat as her gaze settled on a name she hadn't expected to see.
The name glowed on the screen, a stark contrast to the dimmed lights of the penthouse. It was a connection she hadn't anticipated, a thread linking her to a person whose path had unexpectedly intersected with her own.
A myriad of emotions churned within her—confusion, apprehension, and a trace of something she couldn't quite put into words. Her thumb hovered over the screen, torn between answering and maintaining her self-imposed distance.
Setting her wine glass down delicately, Y/n cleared her throat, a subtle action that accompanied the sweeping away of unshed tears. In that moment, her face transformed into a visage of unwavering resilience, a mask carefully worn once more.
Amidst the quietude of the room, the persistent ringing of the phone continued, its resonating sound akin to a persistent reminder of the beckoning connection. Eventually, yielding to the inevitability of the situation, Y/n released a resigned exhale and reached for the phone. Despite the tempest of thoughts raging within her, her voice emanated a composed and cool demeanor as she spoke, grappling with her inner turmoil.
A palpable pause hung in the air, as if even he, on the other end of the line, was taken aback by her response. Gradually, his voice, enveloped in a warm yet slightly uncertain tone, permeated the airwaves.
"Y/n, I hope I'm not intruding."
Leaning slightly forward at the edge of the couch, her posture exuding a controlled ease, Y/n found herself in a state of both relaxation and vigilance, her defenses still standing firm.
"Not at all, Yoongi-ssi. How can I assist you?"
A soft chuckle, suffused with gentle amusement, resonated from the other end of the line. "Please, call me Yoongi. After all, I will be your husband."
Y/n's voice, like chilled silk, cut through the air. "Very well, Yoongi."
The atmosphere grew heavier, the tension palpable even through the phone lines. Y/n, her words measured, couldn't help but question, "May I ask how you obtained my phone number?"
There was a pause, a momentary hesitation that underscored the enigmatic nature of their conversation. "Let's just say I have my ways, Y/n."
It was Yoongi's turn to chuckle, his voice holding a frigid edge. "In our impending partnership, such details will become trivial."
Y/n, her resolve unyielding, replied in kind, her voice echoing with an icy calmness. "Very well, Yoongi. How can I assist you?"
Across the bustling city of Seoul, Yoongi sat in his spacious office, the floor-to-ceiling windows offering a panoramic view of the metropolis below. The glow of the setting sun bathed the room in a warm, golden light, creating a tranquil ambiance amidst the urban chaos. His gaze wandered to the photo on his desk, a snapshot of the moment when Y/n had disembarked from the airplane—an indelible memory etched in the recesses of his mind.
With practiced nonchalance, he maintained the conversation, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue. “Y/n, I believe it's essential that we meet before the upcoming family dinner. There are matters we should discuss regarding our sudden marriage."
A subtle pause from Y/n on the other end piqued his curiosity. Her demeanor still frigid, hesitated for a brief moment before agreeing, "I will send over my availability."
A knowing smirk seemed to creep into Yoongi's voice as he responded, "I look forward to seeing you, Y/n."
With that, the connection ended, and Yoongi leaned back in his office chair, fingers tapping contemplatively on the mahogany desk. He had just set a new thread in motion, one that would draw Y/n further into the intricate web of their entwined fates, and he relished the challenge it posed.
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208 notes · View notes
hug-kiss-marry-kill · 5 months
List of already polled characters:
2b/YoRHa No. 2 Type B - Nier: Automata: Hug
A.B.A - Guilty Gears: Hug
Abe - The Oddworld Series: Hug
Abed Nadir - NBC Community: Hug
Aborto - Filler Bunny: Kill
Abramar - The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood: Kill
Abuela Claudia - In the Heights: Hug
Adam - Hazbin Hotel: Kill
Adonis “Donnie” Creed - Creed movies - Rocky franchise: Hug
Adrian Andrews - Ace Attorney: Hug
Adrien Agreste - Miraculous Ladybug: Adopt
Aeryn Sun - Farscape: Hug
Ageha Hijiri - Hirogaru Sky PreCure: Hug
Agnea Bristarni - Octopath Traveler 2: Hug
Aidan - The Illuminae Files: Kill
Aiden Clark - School Bus Graveyard: Hug
Aiden Sousuke - Bleach: Kill
Aigis - Persona 3: Hug
Akane Sonozaki - Higurashi: Kill
Akira Kenjou - KiraKira PreCure à la Mode: Hug
Alan Wake - Alan Wake: Hug
Alexandra Trese - Trese: Kiss
Alex DeLarge - A Clockwork Orange: Kill
Alex Taylor - Good Game: Kill
All Might - My Hero Academia: Hug
Almalexia - Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind: Tribunal: Kill
Alphonse Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist: Hug
Alucard Tepes - Castlevania: Marry
Amanda Ripley - Alien: Isolation/Alien franchise: Hug
Amane Momose - MILGRAM Project: Adopt
America/Alfred F Jones - Hetalia: Kill
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader - Star Wars: Kill
Anacostia Quartermaine - Motherland: Fort Salem: Hug
Anders - Dragon Age 2: Hug
Andrew Minyard - All For The Game: Hug
Andy Knightley - The World’s End: Hug
Angela - Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruin: Hug
Angelica Schuyler - Hamilton: Hug
Angoramon - Digimon: Hug
Anthony "Tony" Prince - Grand Theft Auto: Kill
Antonio Madrigal - Encanto: Pat on the head
Applejack - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Hug
Apple White - Ever After High: Pat on the head
Aragorn - The Lord of the Rings: Marry
Archer - Pokemon: Kill
Argan - Winx Club: Hug
Aristotle - Billie Bust Up: Hug
Arthur Dent - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: Hug
Arthur Lester - Malevolent: Hug
Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption 2: Marry
Arvin Russell - The Devil all the Time: Hug
Ashe Bradley - Witch's Heart: Kill
Ashley Graham - Resident Evil: Hug
Ashley Williams - Mass Effect: Hug
Ashlyn Banner - School Bus Graveyard: Pat on the head
Astarion - Baldur's Gate 3: Hug
ASTRA - The Entropy Centre: Pat on the head
Astro Boy - Astro Boy: Pat on the head
Atlas - Cryptid Crush: Hug
Atropal Scion - Dungeons & Dragons: Kill
Atsushi Nakajima - Bungo Stray Dogs: Hug
Augustus Sinclair - Bioshock: Kill
Avicenna - Some Desperate Glory: Kill
Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity - The Locked Tomb: Kiss
Aya Maruyama - BanG Dream: Hug
Ayame Sohma - Fruits Basket: Kill
Aziraphale - Good Omens: Hug
Baba - Baba is you: Pat on the head
Babe - Pit Babe: Hug
Bai Wuchang - Word of Honor: Kill
Bandit Heeler - Bluey: Hug
Barbara Kopetski/Barb Wire - Comics Greatest World/Dark Horse Comics: Kill
Barbra - Night of the Living Dead: Hug
Barnaby - Billie Bust Up: Hug
Barney - Barney and Friends: Kill
Barry Klemper - The Boys Next Door: Kill
Bart Simpson - The Simpsons: Pat on the head
Basil - Omori: Hug
Basil Exposition - Austin Powers: Kill
Battler Ushiromiya - Umineko: Kill
Bayonetta - Bayonetta: Marry
BD-1 - Star Wars Jedi (Survivor / Fallen Order): Adopt
Beatrice - Umineko: Marry
Becka - Scarlet Hollow: Hug
Beebee - Adventures with Anxiety: Hug
Benoit Blanc - Knives Out: Hug
Bernd das Brot - KiKa/German TV: Kill
Bernkastel - Umineko: Hug
Bibble - Barbie: Kill
Bierce - Dark Deception: Kill
Big Hill - Reservation Dogs: Hug
Bill Cipher - Gravity Falls: Kill
Billy Coen - Resident Evil 0: Kill
Blazer - Stray: Hug
Blitzwing - Transformers Animated: Hug
Bloaty - Invader Zim: Kill
Blood Pet - Magic the Gathering: Kill
Bob Newby - Stranger Things: Hug
Bob Pancakes - The Sims: Kill
Bog King - Strange Magic: Hug
Bolt - Disney's Bolt: Adopt
Bonnie - In Stars and Time: Hug
Boyfriend - Friday Night Funkin: Kill
Bradley Nicholson - Milo Murphy's Law: Pat on the head
Bradley Uppercrust III - An Extremely Goofy Movie: Kill
Brad Meltzer - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Brahms Heelshire - The Boy: Kill
Brainy Smurf - The Smurfs: Pat on the head
Breezepelt - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Brian Flanagan - Cocktail: Kill
Brian Robeson - Hatchet: Pat on the head
Brian The Prethinker - Toontown Corporate Clash: Kill
Bridget - Guilty Gear XX: Hug
Brooklyn - Gargoyles: Hug
Bruce Wayne - Batman: Hug
Bucky Beaver - Shipwrecked 64: Hug
Buffy Summers - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Hug
Buggy - One Piece: Kill
Cale Tucker - Titan A.E.: Hug
Camila Noceda - The Owl House: Hug
Camille Saroyan - Bones: Hug
Candace Flynn - Phineas and Ferb: Hug
Captain Pip Bernadotte - Hellsing Ultimate: Hug
Captain Haddock - Tintin: Hug
Captain Takeo Masaki - Call of Duty: Zombies: Hug
Carlos the Scientist - Welcome to Night Vale: Hug
Castiel - Supernatural: Hug
Catherine - The Gregory Horror Show: Kill
Catra - She-Ra: Hug
Cecil Palmer - Welcome to Night Vale: Hug
Celty - Durarara!!: Hug
Cerise Hood - Ever After High: Pat on the head
Cersei Lannister - Game of Thrones: Kill
Charlene "Charlie" McGee - Firestarter: Pat on the head
Charles Calvin - Henry Stickmin Collection: Hug
Charlie Cutter - Uncharted franchise: Kill
Charon - Hades: Hug
Charon - John Wick: Hug
Chelsea - Royal Scandel: Hug
Chibiusa/Sailor Mini Moon - Sailor Moon: Pat on the head
Chikai Kuji - Sarazanmai: Kill
Chilchuck Tims - Delicious in Dungeon: Hug
Child - Young Justice: Kill
Chloe Bourgeois - Miraculous Ladybug: Adopt
Chloe O'Brian - 24: Hug
Chococat - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Choi Chul-woong - Oasis: Kill
Chrom - Fire Emblem: Marry
Chrome - Dr. Stone: Pat on the head
Claire Fisher - Six Feet Under: Hug+Kill
Claud - Fire Emblem Genealogy of the holy war: Kill
Clay Puppington - Moral Orel: Kill
Clea - Doctor Strange: Kiss
Clint Barton/Hawkeye - Marvel: Hug
Clive Handforth - LittleBigPlanet/LittleBigPlanet2: Hug
Cloud Haetae Cookie - Cookie Run Kingdom: Pat on the head
Cogimyun - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Clyde ‐ Dreams of an Insomniac: Hug
Coco - Witch Hat Atelier: Adopt
Cole Brown - Martin: Hug+Kill
Colette - The Thea Stilton novels: Hug
Conan Edogawa - Detective Conan: Pat on the head
Coraline - Coraline: Hug+Adopt
Cordell Walker - Walker 2021: Hug
Cormag - Fire Emblem: Kill
Coro chan - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Crash Man - Megaman 2: Hug
Cream the Rabbit - Sonic: Hug
Crow Strider - Homestuck/Crow Strider AU: Kill
Crying Child - Five Nights at Freddy's 4: Adopt
Cully Barnaby - Midsomer Murders: Hug
Cynthia - Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: Marry
Daijin - Suzume: Pat on the head
Daisy Johnson - Agents of SHIELD: Hug
Daisy Tonner - The Magnus Archives: Kill
Dale Cooper - Twin Peaks: Hug
Damian Wayne - DC Comics: Pat on the head
Damien Darhk - Arrow: Kill
Damon Salvatore - The Vampire Diaries: Kill
Dana Scully - The X-Files: Marry
Daniel - Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope: Kill
Daniel Matthews - Saw: Pat on the head
Danny "Danny Boy" Archuleta - Predator 2: Kill
Danny Butterman - Hot Fuzz: Hug
Danny Fenton - Danny Phantom: Hug
Da Quing - Guardian: Hug
Darcmon - Digimon: Hug
Darkiplier - Who Killed Markiplier: Kill
Dash Parker/né Arkadin - Minority Report: Kill
Dave - Total Drama: Kill
Daxter - Jak and Daxter: Hug
Dean Winchester - Supernatural: Hug
Death - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Kiss
Death the Kid - Soul Eater: Hug
Delenn - Babylon 5: Hug
Desmond Hume - Lost: Kill
Detective Noel/Charlie Dowd - Malevolent: Hug
Dewey Duck - Ducktales: Pat on the head
Dexter Morgan - Dexter: Kill
Diana of Themyscira | Wonder Woman - DC Comics: Marry
Dib - Invader Zim: Pat on the head
Dick Grayson - DC comics: Hug
Dieter - Monster: Kill
Digby - Dead Estate: Pat on the head
Doctor Strange Supreme - Marvel's What If...?: Kill
Dogday - Poppy Playtime: Adopt
Dominique de Sade - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Donald Duck - Ducktales 2017: Hug
Donald Trump - Real Life: Kill
Donald Trump - Real Life: Fuck
Donatello Splinterson - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Hug
Don Ramón/Seu Madruga - El Chavo del Ocho/Chaves: Hug
Doorstopper - Animatic Battle/Object Fool: Kill
Dorana - Winx Club: Kill
Dr. Boris Habit - Smile For Me: Hug
Dr. Claire Finn - The Orville: Hug
Dr. D Light - It's Not Me, It's My Basement: Hug
Dr. Flug ‐ Villainous: Hug
Dr. Herbert Lankmann - Dreams of an Insomniac: Kill
Dr. Loboto - Psychonauts: Kill
Dr. Ludwig/The Medic - Team Fortress 2: Kill
Dr. Temnova - PAFL/Parties are for Losers: Kill
Dr. Two Brains - WordGirl: Hug
Dragon - Shrek: Hug
Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter: Kill
Dream of the Endless - The Sandman: Hug
Dylan Lenivy - The Quarry: Hug
Echidna - Fire Emblem: Marry
Echo - Star Wars The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch: Hug
Ecolo - Puyo Puyo: Hug
Ed - Shaun of the Dead: Kill
Edd - Eddsworld: Hug
Edie Finch - What remains of Edith Finch: Kill
Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist: Pat on the head
Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate - One Piece: Hug
Ego Core - Meet the Cores: Kill
Eileen Leahy - Supernatural: Hug
Eisen - Sousou no Frieren: Hug
El Chapulín Colorado - El Chapulín Colorado: Hug
El Chavo/Chaves - El Chavo del Ocho: Kill
Elena Shimabara - THE iDOLM@STER Million Live: Pat on the head
El Huachimingo - 31 minutos: Hug
Elias - Noli Me Tangere: Kill
Elias Bouchard - The Magnus Archives: Kill
Elizabeth Swann - Pirates of the Caribbean: Marry
Emily Kauffman - Gylt: Hug
Emperor Belos - The Owl House: Kill
Emu Otori - Project Sekai: Pat on the head
Ena Shinomome - Project Sekai: Hug
Entrapta - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Hug
Eowyn - The Lord of the Rings: Marry
Eri - My Hero Academia: Adopt
Eric Foreman - House M. D.: Hug
Ericht Samaya - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Pat on the head
Eric Matthews - Saw: Kill
Eric Wynn - Cube Zero: Kill
Erik (The Phantom) - The Phantom of The Opera: Kill
Eucerin - Object Fool: Kill
Eva Ushiromiya - Umineko: Hug
Evan "Buck" Buckley - 9-1-1 TV Series: Hug
Ezio Auditore da Firenze - Assassin's Creed: Hug
Ezra - On Air Island: Hug
Fan - Rockman Strategy: Kill
Fantoccio - Billie Bust Up!: Hug
Felix Fathom - Miraculous Ladybug : Pat on the head
Felix Kranken - The Walten Files: Kill
Feng - Balls of Fury: Kill
Fernando Vera - Mr. Robot: Kill
Fezzik - Home Movie: The Princess Bride: Hug
First Aid - Transformers Animated: Hug
Fitz Vacker - Keeper of the Lost Cities: Pat on the head
Five Pebbles - Rain World: Hug
Flowey - Undertale: Pat on the head
Floyd - Trolls Band Together: Kill
Flynn - Shin Megami Tensei IV (Apocalypse): Hug
Folca - Pathfinder: Kill
Fox Mulder - The X-Files: Hug
Francine "Fran" ("Flygirl") Parker - Dawn of the Dead: Hug
Francis Mosses - That’s not my neighbor: Hug
Frank Fontaine - Bioshock: Kill
Franklin Saint - Snowfall: Hug
Freddy Fazbear - Five Nights at Freddy's: Kill
Frisk - Undertale: Pat on the head
Fubuki Shirou - Inazuma Eleven: Hug
Fukase - Vocaloid: Hug
Furina - Genshin Impact: Hug
Future Edd - Eddsworld: Kill
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Bungo Stray Dogs: Kill
Gabe Ugliano - Percy Jackson: Kill
Gabriel - Ultrakill: Hug
Gale Hawthorne - The Hunger Games Franchise: Kill
Gamzee Makara - Homestuck: Kill
Garden of Thorns Gregor - Limbus Company: Marry
Garfield - Garfield: Pat on the head
Garry - Ib: Hug
Garu/Karu - Nu:Carnival: Hug
Gary King - The World’s End: Hug
Gelus - Death Note: Pat on the head
General Sarah Alder - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Geno - Super Mario RPG: Hug
Gideon Nav - The Locked Tomb: Hug
Giles - The Shape of Water: Hug
Gilgamesh Wolfenbach - Girl Genius: Hug
Ginpachi-Senpai - Gintama: Kill
GLaDOS - Portal: Marry
Glenn Close - Dungeons and Daddies: Kill
Godzilla - Godzilla (Monsterverse): Hug
Gomamon/X-Antibody - Digimon: Pat on the head
Gonta Gokuhara - Danganronpa: Hug
Gorōbei Katayama - Seven Samurai: Hug
Gosha - Beastars: Hug
Grant Ward - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Kill
Gray Wing - Warrior Cats: Kill
Gray Yeon - The Weak Hero Webtoon: Kill
Greg Heffley - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Kill
Gregory - Five Nights at Freddy's, Security Breach: Kill
Gretchen - Scarlet Hollow: Pat on the head
Grillby - Undertale: Marry
Grimora - Inscryption: Kill
Guardener - Undertale Yellow: Hug
Gummigoo - The Amazing Digtal Circus: Hug
Gundham Tanaka - Super Danganronpa 2: Hug
Hal 9000 - Space Odyssey: Marry
Halsin - Baldur's Gate 3: Marry
Hal Stewart/Titan - Megamind: Kill
Haruhi Fujioka - Ouran High School Host Club: Hug
Harrowhark Nonagesimus - The Locked Tomb: Adopt
Hau - Pokemon (Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Moon): Hug
Heath - Blackstar Theater Starless: Hug+Kill
Heathcliff - Heathcliff Comic Strip: Hug
Heather Mason - Silent Hill 3: Hug
Heinz Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb: Hug
Hello Kitty - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Helob - Cult of the Lamb: Kill
Hernan Alvarez/Shades - Luke Cage: Kill
He Who Gets Slapped - He Who Gets Slapped: Kill
Heywood Floyd - Space Odyssey: Kill
Hideyasu "Sōki" Yūki - Onimusha games: Kill
Hikaru Sulu - Star Trek Continues: Hug
Himiko Toga - My Hero Academia: Pat on the head
Hinata Shouyou - Haikyuu!!: Hug
Hiro Hamada - Big Hero 6: Hug
Holston Becker - Silo: Hug
Homelander - The Boys: Kill
Homer Simpson - The Simpsons: Kill
Homura Akemi - Puella Magi Madoka Magika: Hug
Horrid Henry - Horrid Henry: Kill
Howard "Bunny" Colvin - The Wire: Hug
Huey Duck - Ducktales: Pat on the head
Hug Kiss Marry Kill Tumblr blog - Tumblr: Hug
Husk - Hazbin Hotel: Hug
Hwoarang - Tekken 7: Kill
Hyuk Lee - Sweet Home: Kill
Hyun Cha - Sweet Home: Hug
lan jingyi - The Untamed/cql: Pat on the head
lcb Sinner Gregor - Limbus Company: Marry
Ignatz Victor - Fire Emblem Three Houses: Pat on the head
Igor Grom - Major Grom: Hug
Ilya Oblomov - Oblomov: Hug
Indika - Indika: Hug
Inosuke Hashibira - Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba: Pat on the head
Inuyasha - Inuyasha: Pat on the head
Invidia Bat - A Little Vice: Hug
Iris Black - Countdown to Countdown: Hug
Iron Giant - The Iron Giant: Hug
Isaac - The Orville: Hug
Ivan - Alien Stage: Hug
Izaya Orihara - Durarara!!: Kill
Jack Horner - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Kill
Jack Kline - Supernatural: Hug
Jaime Lannister - A Song of Ice and Fire: Kill
Jaime Reyes - Blue Beetle: Hug
Jak - Jak and Daxter: Hug
Jake Carter - The Marine movies/WWE: Kill
Jake Holling/Megaforce Black/Super Megaforce Green - Power Rangers Megaforce / Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Kill
James Wilson - House MD: Hug
Janet - The Good Place: Hug
Jason Todd - Batman: Hug
Jason Voorhees - Friday the 13th: Hug
Jax - The Amazing Digital Circus: Kill
Jay - Beyond Two Souls: Kill
Jeanne - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Jedah Diamond - Tokyo 7th Sisters: Hug
Jeff Whitman - The Devil in Me (The Dark Pictures Anthology): Kill
Jerry - Undertale: Kill
Jessica "Jess" Riley - Until Dawn: Hug
Jester Lavorre - Critical Role: Hug
Jiang Cheng - Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed: Hug
Jim Phelps - Mission Impossible: Kill
Jiro Yamashita - The Idolmaster SideM: Hug
Jobin Higashikata - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Kill
Joe Biden - Real Life: Kill
Johan Liebert - Monster: Kill
John Coffey - The Green Mile: Hug
John Crichton - Farscape: Hug
John Doe - Malevolent: Hug
John Gaius - The Locked Tomb: Kill
John “Soap” MacTavish - Call of Duty - Modern Warfare series: Marry
Jonathan Sims - The Magnus Archives: Hug
Joshu Higashikata - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 8: JoJolion: Kill
Josh Washington - Until Dawn: Hug
Jotaro Kujo - Jojo’s bizarre adventure: Kill
Joyce Barnaby - Midsomer Murders: Hug
Juan Carlos Bodoque - 31 Minutos: Hug
Judy Hopps - Zootopia: Hug
Julian - Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja: Pat on the head
Juliette - Mushoku Tensei: Pat on the head
Kabru - Dungeon Meshi: Hug
Kagamine Len - Project SEKAI: Pat on the head
Kagome Higurashi - Inuyasha: Hug
Kakashi Hatake - Naruto: Marry
Kaladin Stormblessed - The Stormlight Archive: Hug
Kanba Takakura - Mawaru Penguindrum: Pat on the head
KAngel/Ame-chan - Needy Streamer Overload: Hug
Kankri Vantas - Homestuck: Kill
Kanta Higurashi - Zom 100: Hug+Kill
Kaoru Hakaze - Ensemble Stars: Kill
Karkat Vantas - Homestuck: Kill
Karma Akabane - Assassination Classroom: Hug
Kasane Teto - UTAU: Hug
Kata Akuna - Star Wars Jedi (Survivor/Fallen Order): Pat on the head
Kat Neese - Raising Dion: Hug+Kill
Kayne - Malevolent: Kill
Kazuya Kinoshita - Rent a Girlfriend: Kill
Keiju Tabuki - Mawaru Penguindrum: Kill
Keine Ron - UTAU: Pat on the head
Kel - Onori: Hug
Kellyn - Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia: Pat on the head
Ken - Barbie: Hug
Kendall Roy - Succession: Hug
Kensuke Kurosaki - Corpse Party: Pat on the head
Kermit the Frog - The Muppet: Hug
Kestrel - Wings of Fire: Kill
Kevin - Welcome to Night Vale: Kill
Kevin McCallister - Home Alone: Pat on the head
Keyleth - Critical Role: Hug
Khalida - Motherland: Fort Salem: Pat on the head
Kikunojo - One Piece: Marry
Kikuchiyo - Seven Samurai: Kiss
Kikyo - Inuyasha: Hug
Killua Zoldyck - Hunter x Hunter: Pat on the head
Kim - Kinnporsche: The Series: Hug
Kim Dokja - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint: Hug
King Andrias - Amphibia: Kill
King Randolph - Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses: Kill
Kinito - KinitoPET: Pat on the head
Kinzo Ushiromiya - Umineko: Kill
Kira Seijirou - Inazuma Eleven: Kill
Kirby - Kirby: Pat on the head
Kitty Jones - Bartimaeus Trilogy: Hug
Klaus von Reinherz - Kekkai Sensen: Marry
Klavier Gavin - Ace Attorney: Hug
Klutzy - Club Penguin: Pat on the head
Kohaku - Dr. Stone: Pat on the head
Kokichi Oma - Danganronpa V3: Kill
Korosensei - Assassination Classroom: Hug
Korra - Legend of Korra: Hug
Kotoko Yuzuriha - Milgram: Hug
Kou Minamoto - Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun: Hug
Kris Dreemurr - Deltarune: Hug
Kurokumo Clan Captain Gregor - Limbus Company: Kiss
Kuzco - The Emperor's New Groove: Pat on the head
Kyle Drako - Milo Murphy's Law: Kill
Kyubi - Puella Magi Madoka Magika: Kill
Kyungsoon - Purrgatory: Hug
L - Death Note: Hug
La Chilindrina/Chiquinha - El Chavo del Ocho/Chaves: Pat on the head
LadyDevimon - Digimon: Kiss
Lady Eboshi - Princess Mononoke: Marry
Lady Sio - Afro Samurai: Kiss
LaFawnduh Lucas - Napoleon Dynamite: Hug
Lance - Pokemon Special Edition: Pat on the head
Lance Serrano - Voltron: Hug
Langly (X-Files): Kill
Lantern Gregor - Limbus Company: Hug
Lara Vega - Minority Report: Hug
Lee Doo-hak - Oasis: Hug
Lee Everett - Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Hug
Lenore "Lenny" Busker/The Breakfast Queen - Legion: Kill
Leo Valdez - Heroes of Olympus: Hug
Leshy - Inscryption: Hug
Lestat de Lioncourt - Interview with the Vampire: Kill
Lev Myshkin - The Idiot: Hug
Licorice Cookie - Cookie Run Kingdom: Hug
Lila - Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022: Hug
Lili Zanotto - Psychonauts: Pat on the head
Lisa Simpson - The Simpsons: Pat on the head
Liu Qianqiao - Qord of Honor: Hug
Lloyd the Lion - Indigo Park: Kill
Logan Fields - School Bus Graveyard: Hug
Luke Trapper - The Marine movies/WWE: Kill
Lonely Wizard - Inscryption: Hug
Looks to the Moon - Rain World: Hug
Luan Loud - The Loud House: Kill
Lucia Villanueva - Snowfall: Hug
Lucifer Morningstar - Hazbin Hotel: Marry
Luigi - Super Mario Brothers: Hug
Luisa Madrigal - Encanto: Hug
Luke Carder - Inscryption: Hug
Luke Skywalker - Star Wars: Hug
Lumine - LUMINE: Pat on the head
Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter: Adopt
Luz Noceda - The Owl House: Hug
Mabel Pines - Gravity Falls: Hug
Mademoiselle Anastasie "Tasi" Trianon - Amnesia: Rebirth: Hug
Madoka Kaname - Madoka Magica: Hug
Madotsuki - Yume Nikki: Pat on the head
Mafuyu Asahina - Project Sekai: Pat on the head
Maggie Simpson - The Simpsons: Hug
Magnificus - Inscryption: Kill
Magolor - Kirby: Kill
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter - Sailor Moon: Hug
Malak - Dark Deception: Kill
Malcolm Merlyn - Arrow: Kill
Mallow - Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars/Super Mario RPG: Pat on the head
Manny Heffley - Diary of a wimpy kid: Kill
Man with the yellow hat - Curious George: Hug
Marceline Abadeer - Adventure Time: Marry
Marge Simpson - The Simpsons: Hug
Maria Ushiromiya - Umineko: Adopt
Marie Whitman - The Devil in Me/The Dark Pictures Anthology: Hug
Mark Beaks - Ducktales: Kill
Marnie - Stardew Valley: Hug
Martin Blackwood - The Magnus Archives: Hug
Martin Payne - Martin: Hug
Martyn InTheLittleWood - Life Series: Kill
Mary Schmidt - Five Nights at Candy's 3: Pat on the head
Master Kohga - Legend of Zelda: Kill
Matcha Cookie - Cookie Run: Hug
Matsudappoiyo - UTAU: Hug
Matt - Eddsworld: Kill
Matty - Witch's Heart: Kill
Max Goof - An Extremely Goofy Movie: Hug
Max Madigan - True Jackson, VP: Kill
Medkit - Phighting!: Kill
Melchior - Riot Kings: Hug
Mia Dolan - La La Land: Kill
Miae Hwang - After School Lessons for unripe apples: Pat on the head
Michael - The Good Place: Hug
Michael Afton - Five Nights at Freddy's: Hug
Michael J. Caboose - Red vs Blue: Hug
Michael Kaiser - Blue Lock: Hug
Michael "Mike" Munroe - Until Dawn: Kill
Michonne Grimes - The Walking Dead: Hug
Mike Horvath - Saving Private Ryan: Hug
Miki Sayaka - Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Hug
Miko Nakadai - Transformers Prime: Pat on the head
Millennial Tree Cookie - Cookie Run: Hug
Millie Fitzsimmons - FNaF Fazbear Frights: Hug+Pat on the head
Min - Parallel City: Hug+Kill
Mina Harker - Dracula: Hug
Mini Yaemori - Rent a Girlfriend: Kill
Minish Cap Link - The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap: Pat on the head
Mion Sonozaki - Higurashi: Hug
Miorine Rembran - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Hug
Misa Amane - Death Note: Hug
Misaki Ayuzawa - Kaichou wa Maid Sama: Hug
Miss Circle - Fundamental Paper Education/Basics In Behavior: Kill
Miss Kobayashi - Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Hug
Miss Piggy - The Muppets: Hug
Mithrun - Dungeon Meshi: Hug
Mitty - Made in Abyss: Kill
Miwako Sakurada - Paradise Kiss: Hug+Kiss
Miyo Takano - Higurashi: Kill
Molar Boatworks Fixer Sinclair - Limbus Company: Hug
Momo - Stray: Hug
Monika - Doki Doki Literature Club: Hug
Mono - Little Nightmares: Adopt
Monsieur Tidbits - The Who Was? Show: Kill
Moonwatcher - Wings of Fire: Hug
Mo Ran - The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2ha): Hug
Morgan Yu - Prey: Hug
Mothwing - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Mr Bean - Mr Bean: Hug
Mr Peanutbutter - BoJack Horseman: Kill
Mr. Puzzles - SMG4: Kill
Mrs. Asahina - Project Sekai: Kill
Mr. Scratch - Alan Wake: Kiss
Munehisa Iwai - Persona 5: Hug
Murmukusmon - Digimon: Kill
Mustache Girl - A Hat In Time: Pat on the head
Mylene Farrow - Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Kill
Narrator - The Stanley Parable: Hug
Naruto Uzumaki - Naruto: Adopt
Nastasya Filippovna - The Idiot: Hug
Nastya Rasputina - The Mechanisms: Hug
Natalia - The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: Hug
Nate Wright - Big Nate: Hug
Natsukage Suoh - 1bitHeart: Pat on the head
Natsuki - Doki Doki Literature Club: Hug
Natsuki Shinomiya - Uta no Prince-sama: Hug
Near - Death Note: Hug
Ness - Earthbound: Pat on the head
Newton Pud - Little Big Planet: Hug
Nicholas Angel - Hot Fuzz: Hug
Nick - Zootopia: Hug
Nick Valentine - Fallout 4: Marry
Nico Robin - One Piece: Marry
Nicumond the Red aka Santa Claus - Violent Night: Kill
Niffty - Hazbin Hotel: Pat on the head
Niki Sanders - Heroes: Hug
Niko - Oneshot: Hug
No.96 Dark Mist - Yugioh Zexal: Kill
NOAH - Lancer TTRPG: Hug
Nobara Kugisaki - Jujutsu Kaisen: Hug
Noe Archiviste - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Norma Jennings - Twin Peaks: Hug
Norman - Honey I'm Home: Hug
Nurgle - Warhammer: Kill
Nurgling - Warhammer: Pat on the head
Obi - Akagami No Shirayukihime: Hug
Obscurum/Dark Argan - Winx Club: Kill
Oh Jung-shin - Oasis: Hug
Omnimon/Omegamon - Digimon: Hug
One-One - Infinity Train: Pat on the head
Ongsa - 23.5: Pat on the head
Onion San - Undertale: Pat on the head
Orel Puppington - Moral Orel: Adopt
Oroboros - Honka: Star Rail: Kill
Oscar - Malevolent: Hug
Ozen ""The Immovable"" - Made in Abyss: Hug
P03 - Inscryption: Kill
Pal Percy - Playtime with Percy: Kill
Patrick Star - Spongebob Squarepants: Hug
Pavel Yudin - Fear and Hunger Termina: Kill
Peacock - Skullgirls: Pat on the head
PearlescentMoon - Double lifesmp/Traffic life series: Hug
Peter Washington - Dawn of the Dead: Kill
Phaya - The Sign: Kiss
Philippines - Hetalia: Hug
Phillip Price - Mr. Robot: Kill
Phoebe Spengler - Ghostbusters: Pat on the head
Phosphophyllite - Land of the Lustrous/Houseki no Kuni: Hug
PicoDevimon - Digimon: Pat on the head
Pink - Everhood: Hug
Pinkie Pie - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Hug
Playtime - Baldi’s Basics: Kill
Pomni - The Amazing Digital Circus: Hug
Popeyes Employee - RDCWorld1: Hug
Poppy - Poppy Playtime: Kill
Portgas D. Ace - One Piece: Hug
Princess Leia - Star Wars: Marry
Priya Singh - Tenet: Hug
Prospera Mercury - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Kill
Qifrey - Witch Hat Atelier: Hug
Quark - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Hug
Quico - El Chavo/Chaves: Kill
Rachel Green - Friends: Kill
Radahn, Consort of Miquella - Elden Ring: Kill
Raelle Collar - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Rainbow Core - Portal Stories: Mel: Hug
Rambley the Raccoon - Indigo Park: Hug
Ramona Flowers - Scott Pilgrim: Hug
Randy Random - Rimworld: Kill
Ranko Mannen - Akiba Maid War: Hug
Ranma Saotome - Ranma 1/2: Hug
Ranpo Edogawa - Bungo Stray Dogs: Hug
Rantaro Amami - Danganronpa: Kill
Rasputin IV - X-Men: Kiss
Rasta Beast - Everhood: Hug
Ray - The Promised Neverland: Hug
R.B. Sous-chef Gregor - Limbus Company: Kill
R. Daneel Olivaw - The Robot Series: Kill
Red Harvest - The Magnificent Seven: Hug
Reese Kelly - Scarlet Hollow: Hug
Regina - Dino Crisis: Hug+Kill
Regina George - Mean Girls: Kill
Reigen Arataka - Mob Psycho 100: Kill
Reimi Sugimoto - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Hug
Rei Sakuma - Ensemble Stars: Hug
Rem - Death Note: Hug
Ramy Hassan - Ramy TV show: Kill
Retsuko - Aggretsuko Anime: Hug
Riamu Yumemi - The iDOLM@STER Cincerella Girls: Hug
Rider - Centaurworld: Hug
Riku - Kingdom Hearts: Hug
Ringo Oginome - Mawaru Penguindrum: Pat on the head
Roadhog - Overwatch: Hug
Robert E. O. Speedwagon - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Kill
Robert Freeman/Granddad - The Boondocks: Hug
Robin - Honkai Star Rail: Hug
Robin Scherbatsky - How I Met Your Mother: Kill
Rod Sullivan - Ice Scream: Kill
Ronald Novikov - Jackson's Diary: Hug
Rory - Morgana and Oz: Hug
Rosa Ushiromiya - Umineko: Kill
Rose Quartz - Steven Universe: Hug
Rozy/Rozana - The Guy Upstairs: Hug
Ruby Rose - RWBY: Hug
Runaway Kid - Little Nightmares: Adopt
Ryland Tate - Good Game: Hug
Ryo Akizuki - The Idolmaster: Pat on the head
Ryotaro Dojima - Persona 4: Hug
Ryuji Sakamoto - Persona 5: Hug
Saburo Yamada - Hypnosis Mic: Pat on the head
Sakuna - Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin: Pat on the head
Sakura Haruno - Naruto: Pat on the head
Samantha "Sam" Giddings - Until Dawn: Hug
Sam Drake - Uncharted Franchise: Marry
Sammy Lawrence - Bendy and the ink machine: Kill
Samuel J. Stuhlinger - Call Of Duty:Black Ops 2 Zombies: Kill
Sam Winchester - Supernatural: Hug
Samwise Gamgee - Lord of the Rings: Hug
Sanetoshi Watase - Mawaru Penguindrum: Kill
Sans - Undertale: Hug
Sarah Lynn - Bojack Horseman: Hug
Sara Lance - Legends of Tomorrow: Marry+Kill
Sasara Nurude - Hypnosis Mic: Kill
Sasha Nein - Psychonauts: Hug
Sasha Waybright - Amphibia: Pat on the head
Satoru Gojo - Jujutsu Kaisen: Marry
Saturday Tasogare- vivid/stasis: Hug
Savannah - Milo Murphy's Law: Kill
Sayori - Doki Doki Literature Club: Hug
Scissors - Paper Mario the Orgami King: Kill
Scrappy Doo - Scooby-Doo: Kill
Scrooge McDuck - Ducktales: Hug+Kill
Scylla Ramshorn - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Seliph - Fire Emblem: Hug
Senku Ishigami - Dr. Stone: Kill
Sergei Dragunov - Tekken: Marry
Sergey Razumovsky - Major Grom: Hug
Serial Designation N - Murder Drones: Hug
Sesshomaru - Inuyasha: Kill
Seungha - Odd Girl Out: Hug
Severus Snape - Harry Potter: Kill
Shaggy - Scooby-Doo: Pat on the head
Shannon LaFae - Heart Fragment: Hug
Shauna Shipman - Yellowjackets: Hug+Kiss+Marry
Shaun Riley - Shaun of the Dead: Hug
Sheryl Luria - Evil: Kill
Shigaraki Tomura - My Hero Academia: Hug
Shinobu Sengoku - Ensemble Stars: Pat on the head
Shinra Kishitani - Durarara!!: Kill
Shin Sato - The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls: Hug
Shion Sonozaki - Higurashi: Pat on the head must
Shirogane Ryo - Tokyo Mew Mew: Pat on the head
Shouko Komi - Komi San wa komishou desu: Hug
Shouto Todoroki - My Hero Academia: Hug
Shrek - Shrek: Hug
Shu Itsuki - Ensemble Stars: Kill
Shuji Ikutsuki - Persona 3: Kill
Shuya Nanahara - Battle Royale: Pat on the head
Siffrin - In Stars and Time: Hug
Simon Keyes - Ace Attorney: Kill
Sir Pentious - Hazbin Hotel: Hug
Six - Little Nightmares: Pat on the head+Adopt
Skull Kid - Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: Pat on the head
Skyler White - Breaking Bad: Hug
Slate - Outer Wilds: Hug
Slaymate - Dungeons & Dragons: Pat on the head
Snow White/Red Shoes - Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs: Hug
Sojiro Sakura - Persona 5: Hug
Soldier Boy - The Boys: Kill
Solomon - Obey Me: Marry
Sonya - Fire Emblem: Marry
Sora Harukawa - Ensemble Stars: Pat on the head
Spamton G. Spamton - Deltarune: Kill
Sparkle - Honkai: Star Rail: Kill
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds: Marry
SpongeBob SquarePants - SpongeBob SquarePants: Hug
Stanley Poole - Bioshock 2: Kill
Stan Pines - Gravity Falls: Hug
Stardust Cookie - Cookie Run: Kingdom: Hug
Star Flower - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Starscream - Transformers Prime: Kill
Stephen "Flyboy" Andrews - Dawn of the Dead: Kill
Steve Harrington - Hug
Stokely Mitchell - The Faculty: Hug
Stonemover - Wings of Fire : Hug
Strider Hiryu - Strider: Kill
Subspace - Phighting!: Kill
Suletta Mercury - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Hug
Sypha Belnades - Castlevania: Marry
Taichi Fujisaki - Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls: Hug
Taiga Kagami - Kuroko No Basket/Kuroko's Basketball: Hug
Takuto Maruki - Persona 5 Royal: Hug
Tali'Zorah - Mass Effect: Marry
Tally Craven - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Tamaki Suoh - Ouran High School Host Club: Hug
Tangerine - Bullet train: Kill
Tarvek Sturmvoraus - Girl Genius: Hug
Taylor - Simulacra: Hug
Taylor Hebert - Worm (Parahumans): Hug
Taylor Swift - Real Life: Kill
Teddy - Among the Sleep: Kill
Terry - Deltarune: Kill
Teruki Hanazawa - Mob Psycho 100: Pat on the head
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair: Kill
Tessa James Elliot - Murder Drones: Hug
Testament - Guilty Gear: Strive: Marry
Tetsuya Kuroko - Kuroko no Basuke/Kuroko's Basketball: Pat on the head
The Collector - The Owl House: Adopt
The Dud - The Simpsons: Kill
The Emperor - Baldur's Gate 3: Kill
The Goose - Untitled Goose Game: Pat on the head
The Grim Reaper - The Sims: Marry
The Maker/Reed Richards - Ultimate Marvel: Kill
The Mask - The Mask Animated Series: Kill
The Ninth Doctor - Doctor Who: Hug
The Nowhere King - Centaurworld: Kill
Theodore "Teddy" McDonald/Reed Thompson - Snowfall: Kill
Theodore Peterson - Hello Neighbor: Kill
The Once-ler - The Lorax: Kill
The Princess - Slay the Princess: Hug
The Puppeteer - Five Nights at Candy's: Kill
The Second Coming - Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft: Hug
The Shade - The Longing: Pat on the head
The Shapeshifter - Odd Squad: Kill
The Snatcher - A Hat In Time: Kill
The Stalker - Stalker: Kill
The Survivor - Rain World: Pat on the head
The Test - Baldi's Basics: Kill
The unnamed salesman who recruits participants for the Game - Squid Game: Kill
The Wandering Trader - Minecraft: Kill
The Works - The Works: Kill
Thomas Richardson - The Apostle: Kill
Thorn - Wings of Fire: Hug
Tien Shinhan - Dragonball: Hug
Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy VII: Hug
Tippi - Super Paper Mario: Hug
Titania - Fire Emblem: Marry
Tom Barnaby - Midsomer Murders: Hug
Tony Tony Chopper - One Piece: Adopt
Tord - Eddsworld: Kill
Toya Aoyagi - Project SEKAI: Hug
Trevor Belmont - Castlevania: Kiss
Trevor Garbo - Smile For Me: Kill
Tsubasa Yuunagi - Hirogaru Sky PreCure: Pat on the head
Tsukasa Okino - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim: Hug
Tulio Triviño Tufillo - 31 Minutos: Kill
Tulip Olsen - Infinity Train: Pat on the head
Turbo - Wreck It Ralph: Kill
Twelve - Zankyou No Terror: Kill
Twice - Boku No Hero Academia: Hug
Ubel - Frieren: Beyond Journey's End: Kill
Ukitake Jushiro - Bleach: Hug
Umi - Sharkgirl Umi: Pat on the head
Uncle Iroh - Avatar: The Last Airbender: Hug
Unpleasant - Regretevator: Kill
Uraume - Jujitsu Kaisen: Hug
Usami - Danganronpa: Hug
User Friendly - 3DV: Kill
Uta - One Piece: Hug
Vanessa - A Hat In Time: Kill
Vanitas - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Vasily Petrovych Goloborodko - Servant of the People: Hug
Vee - The Owl House: Hug
Vegas Theerapanyakul - KinnPorsche: Hug
Vertin - Reverse: 1999: Hug
Victoria Best - Wordgirl: Pat on the head
Vigilante - My Friend Pedro: Hug+Kill
Vinegar Doppio - Jojos Bizarre Adventure: Hug
Virgil - Portal Stories: Mel: Hug
Vriska Serket- Homestuck: Kill
Wabuu - Wabuu the cheeky raccoon: Kill
Wade Wilson - Deadpool: Hug
Wallace - Pokémon ORAS: Hug
WALL-E - WALL-E: Pat on the head
Wally Franks - Bendy and the Ink Machine: Hug
Warren the Eagle - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared: Kill
Wednesday Addams - The Addams Family: Pat on the head
Wes - Pokemon Colosseum: Hug
Wheatley - Portal: Kill
Whitty - Friday Night Funkin: Hug
Will Solace - Heroes of Olympus: Hug
Winry Rockbell - Fullmetal Alchemist: Hug
Winfrey/Speciment 02 - Dreams Of An Insominiac: Hug
Winston Byrd - Toontown Corporate Clash: Hug
Wombat - Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!: Hug
Wooly - Rune Factory: Pat on the head
Wu Xie - Daomu Biji: Hug
Xavier - Xavier: Renegade Angel : Kill
Xavier Riddle - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Yadina Riddle - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Yagami Eiji - Danball Senki: Kill
Yamato - One Piece: Hug
Yang Xiao Long - RWBY: Hug
Yato - Noragami: Kill
Yellow - Malevolent: Hug
Yellow/Amarillo del Bosque Verde - Pokemon Special Edition/Pokespe: Pat on the head
Yoda - Star Wars: Hug
Yoo Joonghyuk - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint: Hug
Yor - Yor, the Hunter from the Future: Kill
Yor Forger - Spy x Family: Marry
Yoshino Himekawa - Date a Live: Pat on the head
Youhei Sunohara - Clannad: Kill
Yui - Sakuna: of rice and ruin: Pat on the head
Yukito Ayatsuji - Bungo Stray Dogs: Gaiden: Kill
Yuki Yoshikawa - Horimiya: Pat on the head
Yura Beletsky - Pafl: Kill
Yuri - DDLC: Hug
Yurika Hakonaka - Yuri Kuma Arashi: Kill
Yu Shu Lien - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Hug
Yusuke Urameshi - Anime House: Hug
Yuugo Tennouji - Steins;Gate: Hug
Zenkichi Hasegawa - Persona 5 Strikers/Scramble: Kill
Zeus - Greek Mythology: Kill
Zhang Chengling - Word of Honor: Pat on the head
Zhou Zishu - Word of Honor: Hug
Zim - Invader Zim: Pat on the head
ZombieCleo - The Life Series: Hug
Zuko - Avatar The Last Airbender: Hug
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wanderingwriter87 · 8 months
work is making me feel fucking insane and paranoid. we're being bought out by a different franchise (though the corporate branding will probably stay the same) and over the last few months, the messaging from management went from "of course we'll have space for you at our other properties if you would rather stay with our company ☺️☺️" to "sorry we're all full up, yes everywhere, you're all being sold along with the hotel, pack a bag and meet your new owners One Direction." it's so demoralizing and bizarre, my direct managers are clearly frustrated and acting out of character but are still holding the line. they have very clearly been told this is what they Must Do. nearly all of the job postings have disappeared for every other hotel owned by this franchise in the region - including the generic "part time front desk" ones that are ALWAYS up. like they are trying to box us in. i realize this makes me sound so paranoid but i feel as if the new owners are so desperate to come into a fully staffed hotel that they got the current owners to agree to basically not allow anyone to transfer out. we're getting offers from the new company TWO DAYS before the property changes hands. that's not enough time to make an informed decision. i think they want us to feel trapped. am i insane, or are they?
anyway im applying to other jobs because fuck all of these people lol
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magicaltrash · 9 months
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It's time for the 5th annual Magical Trash Year-in-Review, where we take a look at trash cans at the Disney theme parks and resorts worldwide. Yes, it's a weird idea, but you are going to keep reading, right? (View previous Year-in-Reviews) Some may note that it's been a somewhat rocky year for the Mouse, but trash can activity has been strong. As we've seen in previous years, this year's additions were primarily driven by attraction openings, including Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway at Disneyland, the opening of the World of Frozen in Hong Kong, and the arrival of the Zootopia in Shanghai. Unfortunately, we also saw the fastest introduction-to-removal can timeline with the closing of Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser - which had opened just a year earlier at Walt Disney World. Over the past year, MagicalTrash.com celebrated the 1,000 trash can photo milestone (only took 14 years!), while adding over 100 new entries. This was complimented by 1,600+ posts across social media networks, including Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Threads, and Bluesky. Posts were also added to Twitter/X, but frankly it's hard to continue supporting that platform due to its overall decline on many fronts (and I say that as someone who works in corporate social media professionally!). For 2023, Magical Trash tracked 16 substantial trash can design changes, a 14% increase vs. 2022's 14 tracked changes:
Added: 14
Historical Cans Added: 4
Updated: 0
Endangered: 0
Removed: 2
The US-based parks saw the most activity, with Disneyland Resort experiencing 6 changes, while Walt Disney World recorded 4 changes. Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and Disneyland Paris Resort both recorded 2 updates, and Shanghai Disney Resort saw 1 new addition. No notable changes were recorded for Tokyo Disney Resort or Disney Cruise Line.
Here's a detailed breakdown of updates:
ADDED New trash can designs that debuted in Disney theme parks over the past year
Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway (El CapiTOON Theater) - NEW Disneyland, Mickey’s Toontown With a movie theater setting, iconography is anchored by a popcorn bucket image with large “EC” letters.  
Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway (M.A.G.I.C.) - NEW Disneyland, Mickey’s Toontown Outside the attraction are cans associated with M.A.G.I.C. - short for the Municipal Agency of Garbage Identification and Collection. Now that's a group we want to join!  
World of Frozen (Arendelle Crest) - NEW - NEW Hong Kong Disneyland, World of Frozen The official crest of Arendelle features a crocus - a multi-color flowering bulb that typically blooms in the spring - and seen throughout the Frozen franchise.  
World of Frozen (Wandering Oaken’s Sliding Sleighs) - NEW Hong Kong Disneyland, World of Frozen Furthering the rugged forest theme of the family coaster, decorative Scandinavian folk art patterns are found throughout queue, with geometric shapes highlighted in red, green, and orange hues.  
Zootopia - NEW Shanghai Disneyland, Zootopia A surprising entry to Shanghai's bland trash can scene, green trash cans with zebra-like stripes on the lower portion combine with a city emblem.  
San Fransokyo Square - NEW Disney California Adventure, San Fransokyo Square The shoehorned Big Hero 6 retheme of DCA's Pacific Wharf gave us new cans that looked a lot like the old cans - but with bonus "SFS" branding. Ho hum.  
Journey of Water, Inspired by Moana - NEW Walt Disney World, Epcot, World Nature You can tell this is a modern Disney attraction because the name is an IP-laden paragraph. Lots of storytelling to explain "scenery."  
Parkside Market - NEW Disneyland Resort, Downtown Disney Probably one of the more visually-stunning additions in 2023, Mickey Mouse + mid-century design. Simple concept, well-executed.  
The Villas at Disneyland Hotel - NEW Disneyland Resort, The Villas at Disneyland Hotel New DVC borrows much of its design from Aulani. Not ugly, but also not magical. Were these picked out of a catalog?  
Pixar Place Hotel - NEW Disneyland Resort, Pixar Place Hotel The retime of Disneyland's Paradise Pier Hotel features trash cans very similar in design to those implemented at The Villas at Disneyland Hotel. Maybe they got a 2-for-1 deal?  
Disneyland Paris Reusable Tableware Cans - NEW Disneyland Paris, Adventureland France's Anti-Waste and Circular Economy Law is focused on phasing out improper disposal of waste. Food service at the French parks has implemented reusable table settings, which has impacted trash can design.  
"Fantasyland 2" Backstage - NEW Disneyland Paris, Fantasyland A backstage can makes an appearance onstage as a support trash can from the “Fantasyland 2” zone, parked where everyone can see.  
Pym Test Kitchen Food Waste - NEW Disney California Adventure, Avengers Campus After debuting combination food waste trash cans in Tomorrowland around 2021, Disneyland expanded the practice to the Avengers Campus at DCA.  
Jollywood Nights Temporary Media Can - NEW Disney's Hollywood Studios, Grand Avenue Throw a sticker on an existing trash can and it's something new! Temporarily rethemed can at Disney's Hollywood Studios during a media event for Jollywood Nights holiday entertainment.  
HISTORICAL CANS ADDED Retro trash can designs that were unearthed by new research this year, but are no longer in use
MK Main Street (1974) - HISTORICAL ADDITION Magic Kingdom, Main Street U.S.A. Early years of the Magic Kingdom featured very detailed trash cans on Main Street U.S.A, often in multiple colors. Quite a contrast from the undecorated brown cans used in the 2000s.  
Farmer's Market (Late-1980s/Early-1990s) - HISTORICAL ADDITION Epcot, Future World, The Land The famed umbrella tables at The Land found their shapes emulated via the trash cans, which were primarily brown with light tan arches represented on all sides.  
River Country (2010) - HISTORICAL ADDITION Walt Disney World, Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground 9 years after the water park closed, remnants of the ‘Ol’ Swimmin’ Hole’ could still be spotted at Fort Wilderness.  
Mulholland Madness (2007) - HISTORICAL ADDITION Disney's California Adventure, Paradise Pier Tacky theme was on-point for DCA 1.0. This green can with road sign decal found a home in Paradise Pier.  
UPDATED Existing trash can designs that have been modified or revised in the past year
None for 2023  
ENDANGERED Trash can designs that still exist, but will most likely disappear in the future
None for 2023  
REMOVED Trash can designs that have been eliminated from use at Disney theme parks
Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser (Interior) - REMOVED Walt Disney World, Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser The in-wall trash cans for the 100-cabin Corellian MPO-1400 model Galactic Starcruiser were in use for just 579 days.  
Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser (Terminal) - REMOVED Walt Disney World, Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser You won't be needing to dispose of your garbage before boarding the MPO-1400 Star Cruiser Halcyon, as these cans will probably have a longer life than the hotel ever had.  
One massive disappointment in 2023 was Walt Disney World's opening of TRON Lightcycle / Run in the Magic Kingdom's Tomorrowland. Generic silver cans, thus reinforcing WDW's continual cheapening out on themed trash can design. Paul Pressler called and even he thinks you can do better.
Here at Magical Trash we celebrated our 14-year anniversary covering the world of Disney trash cans, which included keeping up with various salt shaker merchandise releases that showcase the iconic can shape. 6 new designs were released during festivals: The Dude with the Food (DCA Food & Wine 2023), Amazingly Sweet (DCA Food & Wine 2023), Groovy Garden Orange Bird (Epcot Flower & Garden 2023), Stuck on Imagination Figment (Epcot Flower & Garden 2023), Chef Mickey (Epcot Food & Wine 2023), and Spaceship Earth (Epcot Food & Wine 2023).
If you happened to be at Tokyo Disneyland, you could have picked up a mini figure version of a Tomorrowland trash can or a TDS trash can toy. In the U.S. you could pick up a shirt or water bottle with a recycling can image proclaiming that you "Love Our Disney Parks" -- Disneyland or WDW-specific versions. There was plenty of trash can auction action as well.
Thanks to everyone who contributed photos, visited MagicalTrash.com, and interacted with this weird hobby over the past year. You've put a smile on my face as we all follow this goofy passion. As it's impossible to be omnipresent at 12 theme parks and numerous resorts around the world, let us know what we've missed! Thanks for an interesting year, CanFans! - Steve Tanner, your Magical Trash host
[All photos used by permission.]
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My Sin, My Siren (Homelander x OC)
Hello, Hello! So I'm finally getting around to something I've been wanting to do for a while - post a Homelander x OC fic! Bear with me as it's been a hot minute since I watched the show but I think this might be fun. Hope you enjoy! -
Quiet, melancholy music blared through tinny speakers, unseen by the figures onscreen.
The camera panned across a desolate landscape featuring a devastated Manhattan. As the camera swept across the once-busy street to really let you know how utterly fucked the situation was, a woman in a tastefully ruined outfit stumbled into view.
“Oh, god!” she cried, grabbing her hair. “What’s happened?!”
A man, not as artfully messy as the woman and instead just plain messy, joined her, and they clung to each other as they gazed out at the wreckage.
“It’s hopeless…” the man said, shaking his head. “They’re too strong. Who’s going to save us now?”
A set of booted feet walked into frame, the iconic American flag swaying. Instantly the fanfare switched up, into the iconic boom that viewers knew and loved, along with a familiar voice, sure and strong:
“Looks like you…need a hero.”
“So, what do you think?” Ashley Barrett said excitedly to the young woman beside her, hitting pause on the laptop, freezing the image of The Seven standing heroically against a post-apocalyptic background, the words Dawn of The Seven emblazoned across the screen in bold lettering.
Ashley may have worked with the shining stars of Vought on a regular basis and, thanks to the untimely demise of Madelyn Stilwell, she was climbing ever higher on the corporate career ladder. But she was still only human, and it wasn’t every day you had a face-to-face discussion with a freaking popstar! (Well, former popstar – her music taste had rather changed in recent years).
Cleo – no surname for her, at least not to the general public, she was simply Cleo - said nothing.
She just stared at Ashley, half of her elfin face obscured by sunglasses, which on the wrong person would have made her look like an insect, but through some magic of celebrities being above such things, they worked in her favour. It was a bright, sunny day, but Ashley suspected that she was actually wearing them to hide a hangover, considering her laconic she had been throughout this entire meeting. Perhaps it hadn’t been strictly necessary for her to visit the set to view the footage of the newest Seven movie, but Ashley had been unable to resist pushing the issue – it would be good if a paparazzi happened to get a snapshot of Cleo on-set, even in the unlikely event they went with someone else.
“This isn’t the final cut, of course, but it’s a general idea of what we’re going for for the seventh movie of the Seven franchise.” Ashely babbled on when Cleo didn’t offer her a response – perhaps she needed to sell it harder, although Cleo’s agent had sworn that she was indeed interested in Vought’s offer. “You know, it’s really going to tie in everything together nicely, we’re handling Translucent’s absence very tastefully and A-Train will-“
Slowly, as Ashley spoke, Cleo’s jaw flexed and a large, pink bubble slowly inflated from between her lips, the woman methodically making it larger and larger as Ashley babbled on, until she was forced to sputter to a stop when said bubble became so large that Ashley couldn’t actually see Cleo for it – for one bizarre moment it almost looked like the thing had consumed the entirety of her head, given that Cleo’s hair was only a shade or so darker than the gum.
Satisfied Ashley had stopped talking, Cleo popped the bubble with a quick, decisive chomp of her teeth, sucking the deflated gum back into her mouth and wedging it into her cheek. It was starting to lose its flavour since she’d been chewing it since she the hotel this morning, but she refused to spit it out until she could get her hands on a fresh pack of the stuff.
“Fine.” Cleo said, feeling like it had been an age since her actual input was required – this Audrey woman or whatever her name was had been continuing a one-woman monologue for what felt like forever. Cleo checked her phone as she spoke. “I can probably squeeze something in between, you know, my tour dates.”
Despite the lackluster response, Ashley rallied gamely – she was a professional, after all.
“Really? That’s great! Because you know, viewership is changing from the first The Seven movie and with your vocal talents it will really draw in the market on- “
Cleo raised her eyes, her irritation – which had been simmering before she’d even opened her eyes – finally became too much. She’d have to get hold of an aide and ask for some paracetamol or preferably something stronger. Much stronger.
“Ugh, spare me the corporate bullshit, won’t you?” Cleo snapped, finally looking away from the smartphone in her hands to shoot a glare at Ashley which managed to be palpable despite the sunglasses. “My agent’s already cleared it, so I’ll do it. Jeez. It’s not like writing a single for this schlockfest is gonna be hard, is it?”
“It’s not?” Ashley said, stupidly. Cleo inhaled slowly through her nose.
“It’s just like every anthem for the soundtrack of these damn movies. All about conquering the odds and uniting under the worst and diversity and God bless America, blah blah blah.” Cleo said, the disdain dripping off her voice making it pretty clear what she thought of said messages. “Is it too much to ask that you don’t have some D-lister doing a shitty pop remix of my song over the end credits, by the way? Like can I get some kind of clause in my contract specifying that?”
After all, if she was going to attach her voice to some stupid blockbuster movie, she might as well try to have as much control over the song as possible, right? Ashley sputtered but only for a moment, hurriedly tapping something into her phone.
“Well, yes, of course, I’m sure that wouldn’t be a problem.” She said, as she started typing up an email to Andy, ordering him not to call any said D-list musicians – they had a list of them pre-approved by Vought that had lined up, so she’d have to make sure nobody had jumped the gun and breathed a word of it early. She’d fucking kill them if they had and Cleo walked.
"You know," a voice rang out across the way, making Ashley nearly jump out of her skin. She heard that voice in her dreams sometimes – or perhaps nightmares would be a more accurate term. "Most people would consider it a lucrative business opportunity…hell, maybe even an honour - to be allowed to write a single for a movie about The Seven."
Both women turned.
Homelander himself stood there, clearly having overheard if not all then most of the conversation. He strode closer, like a big cat homing in on its selected prey, until he stopped just in front of Ashley and Cleo. Homelander clasped his hands behind his back and cocked his head, addressing the comment to the latter. The next sentence was spat out with a cheery venom that was a specialty of his, his blue eyes narrowing just a fraction.
"So what the fuck is your problem?"
Ashley looked horrified, but the newcomer looked at him without a hint of shame. Behind those ridiculously large sunglasses, Homelander saw her eyebrows quirk up as she looked him up and down - everybody in the country knew what Homelander looked like, of course, but people always tended to be surprised by how big he was up close.
She was attractive, he conceded, even if she had chosen to dye her hair that gaudy shade of pink, like a waterfall of candyfloss, sideways bangs just brushing the upper frame of the sunglasses. Her body was the result of strict diet and exercise typical of young, female musicians under a record label, though as his eyes slid down her body, Homelander noted that her breasts were definitely not the work of a surgeon - they looked pert and squeezable in that black Lycra tank top that was hugging them with vigour. And on the breeze, there was a strong tang of a sweet, tangy perfume…and…something else, something not quite -
She noted him blatantly sizing her up and scoffed.
"Oh, come on." She said, as if she already knew him, as if they were on equal enough terms that she was addressing him so casually. "Nobody likes to admit they're putting out a bad product, but this movie is pandering, derivative bullshit. I mean, ‘Girls Get It Done?’ Fucking really? How did they manage to stay that without wanting to fucking barf?"
Homelander's smile tightened and Ashley made this nervous shifting motion in his peripheral vision, like a little kid needing to use the bathroom but too timid to put up their hand for permission.
"Oh, really?" he said, through gritted teeth. Still smiling, though. Always still smiling. The girl shrugged, as if it was all one and the same to her.
"Look, it's not your fault. Nobody’s blaming you guys for acting in this thing. You guys didn't write this godawful script – you’re just in it for the paycheck, people respect that. But it's not like I'm the only one who's noticed the quality of these movies has gone down because Vought just wants to pump them out faster to sell more action figures and keep up with all the other movies franchises right now. That's why I'm here, isn't it?"
"Cleo's been selected to bring in the young millennial audience," Ashley jumped in, quickly, before Cleo could say anything else. Homelander probably didn’t know who she was – she was famous, of course, but they simply didn’t operate in the same sphere. "Of course, the decision isn't final yet, but-"
Cleo shot Ashley a look, and the sunglasses didn't hide her expression from Homelander. No doubt she thought the decision not yet being final was ridiculous, especially after she'd had to endure the unbearable burden of being escorted to a movie set and viewing footage of an upcoming blockbuster for a multi-million-dollar franchise before anyone else.
Before Homelander could wipe that supercilious smirk off the bitch’s face – Cleo, was it? – another woman with curly, dark hair and an equally dark suit approached them with a dazzling smile.
“So sorry about that, it was an urgent call.” she said, smoothly assimilating into the conversation like a pro. “Are we all good here? Oh, Homelander, what a pleasure!”
Homelander nodded curtly, slightly mollified at the genuine delight from the agent, though his sharp blue eyes cut right back to Cleo, who was fanning herself with one hand. Despite her poise, her face had a faint sheen of sweat.
“Jess, can we get the fuck out of this heat? I’ve seen everything I need to see, and I need to do some stuff before tonight.”
“Right, of course.” Jessica nodded, before turning to Homelander and Ashley. “Can’t wait to see the final product, you guys, you all are working so hard! We’ll let you know when a demo is ready and you can have a listen to it, see if it needs any tweaking or rewording or whatever before everything’s made official. “Ashley, you have my number. Ciao, ciao!”
With a wave, Jessica managed to chivvy Cleo ahead of her and depart from the conversation all in one smooth move, even with Cleo side-eyeing her at the notion that she would need to put in extra work into the single once she’d written it. Ashley glanced at Homelander to gauge his expression, but to her dismay it had settled into that eerie blankness he sometimes got – that look that meant you were never sure which way his mood was going to swing.
“Well, I’d better…” Ashley said, and shuffled away when it became clear Homelander was no longer paying any attention to her. No doubt he’d find her later when he wanted something else.
Homelander stood for a moment, surrounded by the chaos of a movie set and all the people who were supposed to make sure it ran smoothly.
“Oh, my god.” He heard Starlight say, and he turned his head to see her in her civilian clothing, her ponytail whipping around as she watched the two women leaving set. “Was that Cleo?”
There was a note of genuine pleasure and surprise in her voice, even if she tried to play it down, Homelander heard it loud and clear, especially given how Starlight had taken to walking and talking like a Vought-approved mannequin recently. No doubt it was her idea of being on her best behaviour after she was spreading her legs for some fuckwit who had helped bring down Translucent.
He forced himself to turn away from those thoughts – dwelling on how that had all gone down, the pieces slotting into place, every misfortune that had landed on him – landed on The Seven – finally making perfect sense, and then Maeve of all people convincing him otherwise…well, even if Homelander had understood the logic, had heart the rabbit-thumping of Starlight’s heart and was convinced she was telling the truth, it still annoyed him immensely, seeing Maeve leap to that doe-eyed little idiot’s defense when she barely looked at him, these days.
“Um, Homelander?”
A voice broke into his reverie and though the distraction was something of a necessary one, he still snapped a petulant;
The aide flinched, clutching her tablet to her chest like a shield.
“Ashley asked me to say hair and makeup just wanted to quickly see you before we start shooting the bridge scene. Uh, in the meantime, is there anything you need?”
Homelander pressed his lips together a moment, before an idea suddenly burst in his brain like the flashbang of a grenade. With startling speed, he turned and clapped a friendly hand on the aide’s shoulder – her knees buckled a little, but she managed to stay standing, peering up into the toothy smile on Homelander’s face.
“Actually, there is.” Homelander said, his tone pleasant. “Need you to look something for me.”
The aide brightened a little, hopeful that she had been able to salvage his obviously bad mood a little, and she hurriedly lifted up her tablet, propping it on one hand and preparing to type.
“Of course! Just name it.”
Homelander smiled, a plan already forming in his mind.
“Here’s what I want…”
The crowd was alight with excitement.
People holding up placards or photographs, girls in flower crowns and boys in eyeliner. Total strangers looking at each other with excited smiles, young and old united in their fervour. All heads were turned towards the stage, or to the person next to them to mutter something. Somewhere in the distance was a scream of exhilaration or excitement, a rising cry like a firework.
At the front of the stage stood Cleo. Despite the black minidress she had on that looked more like a racy nightgown than actual clothes, she seemed perfectly at ease standing in front of a crowd of thousands with so much of her on display. She wore tough-looking boots to counteract the girlish lace on the bottom of the dress, and a disarming smirk spread across her lips, painted a dark plum. Dry ice plumed around her ankles as she approached the lip of the stage.
“Y’alright, New York?” she drawled into her microphone, and the audience screamed. Thunder rumbled overhead, the clouds above the stadium an ominous dark grey. Cleo laughed as she walked across the stage, the weather threatening rain seeming to energise her.
“Yeah!” cried the audience.
Cleo thrust a finger at the crowd, the dagger-like end of her nail jabbing into the night.
“I can’t fucking hear you!”
“YEAH!” the audience roared, swept up in their own excitement.
Cleo chuckled softly, adrenaline pulsing through her. They were staring up at her, waiting with bated breath. And she knew not to keep them waiting too long, so she sucked in a lungful of night air and began to sing, the microphone clutched in her hand.
The audience recognised the song – one of Cleo’s most popular tracks from her debut album, and nostalgic sighs and a few enthusiastic screams swept out over the crowd. She loved the song too, and knowing that they loved it nearly as much as she did strengthened her, like she’d taken a hit of something.
High, high above the crowd, standing atop one of the floodlights that ringed the stadium, a figure watched the proceedings like a hawk, hands behind his back, chin down. He wasn’t worried about being spotted – even if one of the cretins down below had vision that good, none of them would tear their eyes away from the girl onstage.
Cleo’s voice poured through the speakers, honey with a hint of a rasp in it. Homelander’s fine-tuned hearing meant that he was picky about what music he would tolerate – even moreso what he’d actively go out of his way to listen to. He didn’t understand a lot of the beeping and shrill electronic noises that seemed popular lately and had little patience for the autotuned screeching so many ‘musicians’ relied on either.
But this?
This was something else.
Despite himself, he could feel goosebumps rippling across the flesh concealed beneath his suit. From his vantage point he could see and hear everything perfectly, and he drank it in greedily, relishing that he alone had such a perfect view.
Who would have thought such an obnoxious brat would have a voice like that? Homelander’s eyes took on a half-lidded slant as he observed her. Cleo. She was in her element, playing up to an audience that loved her, couldn’t get enough of her and her singing. He could understand what she was feeling, the euphoria that comes from being adored by people you’d never even know the names of. And all you had to do was perform for them, give them exactly what they wanted, and they were yours.
Cleo didn’t know she had an extra audience member, of course. One who hadn’t paid, no less. But Homelander made no move to make himself known – he just let the melodious voice wash over him in a soothing tide, that voice infiltrating his ears and settling in his mind. He could have listened to her for hours. He’d never heard a thing like it. Like her.
Suddenly, he knew that the decision of who was writing the single for Dawn of the Seven wasn’t unclear it all. It was her, or no-one.
Homelander would make sure of it.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
All the fandoms I'm doing and taking a break from. Always up to date, check often :)
Last Edited: 6/25/24
Bold -> Written Before
Not Bold -> Hasn't been written before.
🔪Fandoms I am currently writing for🔪
- Adventure Time
- Arcane
- Assassination Classroom
- Attack on Titan
- Avatar (Movies)
- Beastars (Season 1 + 2 of the anime)
- Bionicle: The Journey To One
- Black Clover
- Blue Exorcist
- The Boys
- Carmen Sandiego (Netflix show)
- Death Note
- The Devil is a Part-Timer!
- Ducktales 2017
- Gravity Falls
- Fire Force
- Halo RvB/Red vs Blue (All seasons)
- Happy Tree Friends (Anthro Animals or Hybrids/Humans [Like my OCs])
- Haikyu!
- Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
- How To Train Your Dragon
- Monkie Kid (Lego)
- Invader Zim (Original series and Enter the Florpus)
- My Hero Academia
- My Little Pony (FiM and a New Generation)
- Murder Drones
- Naruto
- Ninjago
- Noragami
- One Piece
- One Punch Man
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Puss in Boots
- Rick & Morty
- Saiki K
- Spooky Month
- Star Wars (Movies + Clone Wars)
- Steven Universe
- Solar Opposites
- Terminator (All movies)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Media (2003, 2007 movie, 2012, 2014/Bayverse, 2018/ROTTMNT)
- Tokyo Ghoul
- Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
- Treasure Planet
- Trigun Stampede
- Umbrella Academy
- Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Walking Dead
- Watchmen
- Wednesday
- The Witcher (Show)
- X-men Evolution
- Apex Legends
- Arknights
- Assassin's Creed
- Bendy and the Ink Machine
- Bioshock (All games)
- Borderlands (Including 1, 2, Pre-sequel, and 3)
- Cookie Run
- Call of Duty
- Cult of The Lamb
- Danganronpa (Games only)
- Dauntless (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Darksiders
- Dark Deception
- Dark Souls/Souls-Like games
- Dead By Daylight (All Survivors and Killers along with costumes)
- Dead Space (1-3)
- Detroit: Become Human
- Devil May Cry
- Deltarune (Both Chapters)
- Disney Mirrorverse
- Don’t Starve (All Survivors and Costumes)
- Dying Light
- Evil Within
- Evolve (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Fallout
- Far Cry
- Fear and Hunger
- Five Nights at Freddy’s (All Games, Books, Fluffy AU) (Animatronic or Android)
- Friday Night Funkin (Base game)(?)
- Final Fantasy (Primarily anything past 7)
- Gears/Gears of War (Yandere Fics)
- Genshin Impact
- God of War
- Half-Life
- Halo (Reach, CE, 2, 3, 3 ODST, 4, 5, Infinite, Wars 1+2)
- Hollow Knight
- Identity V (All Survivors/Killers and their costumes except Hastur and younger characters are depicted as Platonic)
- Honkai Impact
- Killer Frequency
- The Last of Us
- League of Legends
- Left 4 Dead (1 and 2)
- Legend of Zelda
- Lobotomy Corporation
- Mario Franchise
- Metal Gear Solid (All games, although I like Revengeance the most)
- Mortal Kombat (9 through 11)
- Metroid
- Mystic Messenger
- No More Heroes
- No Straight Roads
- Obey Me!
- Outlast
- The Outer Worlds
- Overwatch (All characters/Costumes)
- Payday 2
- Persona (3-5)
- Portal (1 and 2)
- Ratchet and Clank
- Pokemon (Just Trainers Right Now) (All games)
- Rainbow Six Siege
- Resident Evil (All Games)
- Silent Hill
- Red Dead Redemption (Mostly 2)
- Skyrim
- Street Fighter
- Team Fortress 2 (All Classes and characters like Miss Pauling and Saxton Hale)
- Twisted Wonderland
- Ultrakill
- Undertale
- Warframe
- We Happy Few
- Xcom
- Halo Books (Fall of Reach, The Flood, Contact Harvest, The Cole Protocol, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, Cryptum, Broken Circle, Hunters In The Dark, Last Light, New Blood, Envoy, Retribution, Smoke and Shadow, Bad Blood, Renegade, Point of Light, Divine Wind)
Fits in more than one category
- Black Butler
- Alien vs Predator (Just Alien movies or Predator movies are also included. Also books and games.)
- A Song of Ice and Fire/House of The Dragon/Game of Thrones
- Creepypasta/Gaming Creepypasta (Not everyone, it depends)
- Bungou Stray Dogs
- Cuphead (Game/Show)
- Cyberpunk 2077 (Anime/Game)
- DC Comics (Comics, Games, Movies) [Injustice and Arkhamverse mainly, but let's discuss]
- Demon Slayer
- Hiveswap
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Homestuck
- Madness Combat (Game and Series)
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (Up to Endgame)/Marvel Comic Universe (SPECIFY WHAT COMIC PLEASE-)
- SCP (Not everyone, it depends)
- Slashers/Horror in general (Please say what movie your slasher is from)
- Sonic (All games + The Paramount Movies + IDW Comics. All characters are aged up except characters Classic! Tails, Movie! Tails, Cream the Rabbit, Ray the Flying Squirrel, and Classic Amy, which are Platonic as I can't see them as aged up.)
- Splatoon (Manga/Games)
- Transformers (Animated, Cyberverse, Earthspark, Generation 1, IDW comics, Prime, Robots In Disguise, War for Cybertron)
- Yandere OCs I have (Look at this list)
🚫Fandoms I am taking a break from🚫
- South Park (All aged up of course, Show and games)
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oraclesthroughthedark · 2 months
Fandom Awareness
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"Seems like we're all done with the preparations! I do love when a plan comes together seamlessly like this~!"
"I'll be right with you, girls, I just have a few things to set up before I leave Leanbox for a bit. It pains me SO to leave my DARLING Vert to handle things on her own for even some days... but alas, I have so many duties. Now let me update my social media real quick..."
((This post is just to make people aware of franchises which I'm most familiar with. Since I'm crafting missions around the characters I get, the most familiar I am with the series, the more confident I will be on my posts and the less research I'll have to do, which might result in faster posts. Due to OneHeart's ability to mimic people or take forms that people know, it also requires more research from me if I don't know the series that well. Please note, however, that this blog is open to ALL FANDOMS and OCs. This list is just for light referencing, and knowing me, I definitely forgot some so I'll update it a bit along the way:))
Major Fandoms [Extensive Knowledge]
Ace Attorney
Fire Emblem
Hazbin Hotel
Honkai: Star Rail
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Persona (3, 4, 5)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Touhou Project
Major Fandoms [Partial Knowledge]
Borderlands (2)
Digimon (up to Frontier)
Dragon Ball (Z)
Final Fantasy (except XI, XIII and XV)
Genshin Impact (up to Sumeru)
League of Legends
Legend of Zelda (mainly OoT, MM)
My Hero Academia
Pretty Cure (Soaring Sky)
Resident Evil (mainly the first 4)
Saint Seiya
Silent Hill (1, 2)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Tales of (Symphonia, Zestiria)
Wuthering Waves
Yakuza (0 & Kiwami)
Zenless Zone Zero
Minor Fandoms [Extensive Knowledge]
Cardcaptor Sakura
Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
Clock Tower
Deep Rock Galactic
Disgaea (5 and under)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Dynasty Warriors
End Roll
Hyperdimension Neptunia
King of Fighters
Koihime Musou
Mad Father
Made in Abyss
Mana Khemia
Payday 2
Petal Crash
Princess Tutu
Puyo Puyo (& Madou Monogatari)
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Shaman King
Stardew Valley
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes
The World Ends with You
Virgo VS The Zodiac
Minor Fandoms [Partial Knowledge]
Arcana Heart
DRAMAtical Murder
Dept. Heaven (mainly Riviera & Yggdra/Blaze Union)
Lobotomy Corporation
Monster Prom
Pillars of Eternity
Reverse: 1999
Rune Factory (1/Frontier, 3, 4)
Sailor Moon
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anthurak · 2 years
Edgerunners and 2077: Breaking Cycles and Finding Happiness Together
So I just finished watching Cyberpunk Edgerunners, which is a seriously AMAZING show that I super recommend, even if you haven’t actually played Cyberpunk 2077 or even know the first thing about the franchise. However, the one thing I really want to talk about right now is how the story of Edgerunners relates/reflects the story of Cyberpunk 2077, and more specifically how the story of David Martinez and Lucyna “Lucy” Kushinada makes for an especially interesting foil to what most people will agree is the ‘best’ or at least most hopeful/optimistic ending option available to CP77 protagonist V, and one specific version of that ending in particular.
(WARNING: I will be massively spoiling both the ending for Cyberpunk: Edgerunners and at least one of the endings for Cyberpunk 2077.)
Now as you can probably guess if you’ve played the game, the ending I am referring to is the Nomad-focused ‘The Star’ ending of CP77, wherein V leaves Night City for good with the Aldecaldos Nomad Clan after successfully extracting Johnny Silverhand’s personality construct, hoping to find some solution to their condition, or at the very least live out what few months of life they have left with their new family. More specifically, I am referring to a Fem!V (whom I will be referring to with their full name; Valerie) who has romanced Judy Alvarez.
The thing is, I think Valerie’s and Judy’s relationship makes for a very interesting parallel or FOIL to the one between David and Lucy, depending on which ending of the game the player chooses.
To start, I think it’s pretty easy to see the parallels between David’s story and the ‘Street Kid’ Life Path leading to ‘The Sun’ ending for V. Both have our protagonists as natives of Night City growing up in the shadows of legendary mercenaries and dreaming of greatness and eventually growing into a legend of their own who ultimately dies in a blaze of glory. Assaulting Arasaka tower and battling Adam Smasher for David, and raiding the Crystal Palace orbital hotel for V. David’s story also has some notable nods to V’s ‘Corpo’ Life Path and ‘The Devil’ ending, with his enrollment in an Arasaka academy at the start of the series and when Adam Smasher offers to preserve David’s mind with Soulkiller at the end of his story.
However, that also leaves one Life Path/Ending for V that David doesn’t have any connections or nods to.
The Nomads.
Now in context, this makes perfect sense. David spent his whole life in Night City and never had anything meaningful interactions with any Nomad Clans during his time at an Edgerunner. The closest is his friendship with Falco, who only has a Nomad background and is no longer part of a clan. There’s no reason David’s story would have any parallels or nods to V’s potential Nomad story.
But I think that entire lack of parallels from David serves to highlight the significance of ‘The Star’ ending being the most hopeful/optimistic one, and why it’s the proverbial and literal ‘Third Option’ for V.
A big theme of Edgerunners that runs through to 2077 is that the whole ‘Edgerunner’ lifestyle is one long cycle of violence, pain and trauma. Of mercenaries chasing the glory of their predecessors, only to destroy themselves in the process. We saw it with Maine’s descent into cyberpsychosis in the first half of the show, and saw David repeating the cycle in the second half. And a ‘Street Kid’ V who follows ‘The Sun’ ending is simply continuing that cycle. And the worst part is that David’s alternatives really weren’t any better, as shown by the nods to the ‘Corpo’ Life Path and ‘The Devil’ ending. At the end of the day, David really only had two options: Become a slave to the corporations or destroy himself fighting them, representing the dichotomy between ‘The Sun’ and ‘The Devil’ endings.
And THAT is what makes ‘The Star’ ending so important for V. It’s the Third Option that David never had. It shows V doing what David couldn’t. It shows V breaking the cycle that destroyed David, Maine and so many others before them. Or at the very least, escaping the cycle. Instead of becoming a slave or destroying themself, V simply LEAVES Night City behind with genuine hope for a longer life. Even if they’re unable to find a cure for their deteriorating health, it’s clear they will be genuinely happy with whatever time they have left with their new family.
Now, with the broad significance of V’s Nomad path in contrast to David’s story established, let’s talk about Lucy and Judy, and their respective relationships with David and Valerie.
Out of the prospective love-interests in CP77, I’d argue Lucy has the most in common with Judy Alvarez. Admittedly, a good chunk of this is simply due to process of elimination. I think we can agree Lucy has more in common with Judy than she does with an estranged nomad, an aging rockstar or a cop. If nothing else, while she may not be a top-tier Netrunner like Lucy, Judy does clearly have some skill with breaching and hacking, notably the only LI in the game to do so.
Where the parallels become a lot more noticeable is when we start looking at Judy’s actual prospective relationship with Valerie. If we’re looking for the version of V’s story that most closely parallels that of David Martinez, then I’d argue that would be a ‘Street Kid’ Valerie who romances Judy and ultimately follows ‘The Sun’ ending. Just compare Valerie and Judy in this version of events to how David and Lucy turned out:
We have two people who clearly mean the world to each other but whose relationship ultimately ends on a tragic note due to one partner’s failing health and drive to push themselves past their limits and achieve greatness. Both David and Valerie go out in a blaze of glory while Lucy and Judy leave Night City for good, mourning the loss of the partner they loved.
And this is where ‘The Star’ ending representing the ‘third option’ becomes so damn significant. Because if Valerie romances Judy and chooses this ending, then Judy leaves Night City WITH Valerie and the Aldecaldos! In fact, ‘The Star’ is the only ending wherein Valerie and Judy are able to stay together.
In short; a romance between Valerie and Judy wherein Valerie follows ‘The Sun’ ending effectively represents the tragic story of David and Lucy repeating itself. While a romance between Valerine and Judy wherein Valerie follows ‘The Star’ ending represents these two actually finding the life happy together that David and Lucy were never able to reach.
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siarahotels · 3 months
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puckgoss · 6 months
not tea but tbh i don’t want the yotes to go to SLC. i don’t follow them but i think they just need help in az and moving them to another stadium not ready for hockey won’t help. also i wonder about the cultural impacts of that….marketing hockey to mormons? no hate to mormons but i don’t think that would make hockey more welcoming 🫠
yeaaahhh i mean i think hockey belongs in the desert and i'd love the yotes to stay there but... the NHLPA has been kicking up a huge fuss about the state of the arena, the locker rooms, the lack of professionalism the players have to deal with... if they get another arena built it's not going to be for 5+ years, and that was just too long for the NHL & NHLPA to wait. i can't say i disagree with that.
however, alex meruelo is an idiot and a con artist and is one of a long line of incompetent coyotes owners... like he wasn't even paying their hotel bills this szn until all the hotels banded together and forced him to pay w a check up front... he's been spending as little money on this franchise as possible, lying to his staff and players and the fans, and is now getting a huge pay day out if it... it's sick (derogatory)
it's rly sad bc hockey has clearly been successful there at a grassroots level - one of the best active players is from there (matthews), and the fans are clearly passionate as they've stuck with the team through decades of incompetence and bullshit. the nhl and the owners they trusted to take care of this franchise really fucked up and it's really sad to watch this go down.
in terms of SLC - i'm skeptical but i think it can work. yes there's a lot of mormons there ofc but it is genuinely a growing tech hub. i know of more than a few people in my circles who have moved there recently bc they can work for a local tech company/work remote/have access to big city amenities/have access to nature - skiing, mountain biking, hiking, etc.
this ryan smith dude seems like a bit of a weirdo. in general i don't trust wealthy culty tech bros (elon musk, anyone?) but he has a track record of purchasing and investing in a pro sports franchise (although purportedly the team hasn't been good underneath him - their STH base is strong). they are going to start off playing in an arena built for basketball, but they have a proper NHL-worthy arena on the way - with full local & state backing from both public and private sectors. they are already 10 steps ahead of arizona with regards to that, and that was one of the most important pieces to the NHLPA.
i do wonder how this is gonna work considering the strict alcohol and gambling laws in utah. sports betting is literally illegal there lol. i think one of the reasons vegas has done so well (besides the team just winning right off the bat, etc) is bc vegas has a party/entertainment culture... and when done right, the NHL is perfect for that. genuinely one of my fave things to do is go watch my local team, drink some beers, and soak in the atmosphere in the crowd. it's so fun. will require some major buy in from the growing corporate/tech crowd in SLC but as i said lots of younger people are moving there from other places so. we'll see how it goes.
they are getting a team with a ton of great young players and prospects (i do think some of the older players will request trades) and the owner seems willing to spend money and make a splash in free agency. if they get it right i think it can go really well.
i feel so, so bad for yotes fans who have lived through this long rebuild and are now having to watch their young players & prospects they were so excited for, grow and develop for a different city. it really sucks.
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ectoplasmicbackstage · 6 months
hi! i'm claus! i'm in my 20s, i'm white, and please use he/him for me, thank you!
this is an ic-run blog for dave egbert, a kidswap version of dave strider from homestuck. he's from the same timeline as john strider at rocknrollerskates (and more tangentially, the alternate john strider at edgarallen-foe), and is a former child star, once part of a family vlog run by his guardian, colloquially known online as big bro. he's 27 now, living in minnesota and playing roles in comedic and surreal movies, mostly of b-list fame, while fighting for a better world as an activist against exploitation. unfortunately, he's also a conservatee under his cousin and crockercorp CEO, dirk crocker. damn!
i follow from @reddeliciousauce as a main blog!
as with reddeliciousauce, this dave is a DID system. but he actually knows it this time! want to know more about his system? check this post here!
there will be themes of substance abuse, death, mild-to-moderate jackassery, shitty movies, paranoia, past child abuse and exploitation, the entertainment industry, how fame changes people, corporate propoganda, active familial abuse, dissociative disorders, ocd, and the horror of a house. plus some other stuff too, probably. take care of yourselves!
NOTE! i'm not involved in any larger RPC in any way. just interacting with my friends for fun now, this site's truly a shitshow. rules under cut!
so the rules:
i’m cool with crossover rps, but they have to be with fandoms i’m familiar with. i’ll let you know if i don’t know the franchise - or, in cases of extreme anxiety, i will softblock - nothing personal or malicious! i’m sorry if that happens!
if you like and/or post about anything related to PEDOPHILIA, INCEST, SELFCEST (IM IFFY ON THIS ONE!!!), DUBCON/NONCON, i’ll block you, no questions asked. i understand muses being sa victims and muns coping with sa, but a lot of the time it gets glorified and i’m not for that graphic shit.
i’m naturally wary of these fandoms/media: camp camp, steven universe, rick and morty, doctor who, fate, and osomatsu-san. but fandoms i absolutely WON’T TOLERATE include: hazbin hotel, killing stalking, attack on titan, hetalia, mister pickles, south park, k-pop, and any other depiction of real people.
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violetfeatherwind · 2 years
Introduction/Rules for my blog
Name: Mila
Name pronouncing: mee-la
Gender: Female (she/her)
Username origin: Got it from the side of a Kellogg’s Unicorn cereal box where you search for your “Unicorn Name”. My name begins with an “M” and it was next to the word “Violet”. My birthday is in October, and that was next to “Feather Wind”. It’s also where I got the idea of giving myself purple feather earrings, even though I don’t own any.
Goals: Creating an independent animation studio where I can create original projects/becoming an animator
Personal animation preference: 2D animation that is traditionally hand drawn/detailed. Doesn’t matter the art style or medium. Nothing rigged, puppeted, or limited.
Likes: Cartoons (mostly western), animation, Hot Topic, comics, alternative styles (like grunge, goth, scene, punk, etc), boys’ clothing, animals (such as puppies, frogs, manatees, small birds, axolotls, Guinea pigs, etc), cyberpunk style, sci-fi, techno music, big band music, jazz music space themes/aesthetics, musicals, original songs, creating original characters, hanging out with friends, talking about interests to my friends, when people respect my likes and boundaries, soda (no diet or zero), junk food, cheese pizza (depends on where it’s from, I’m picky), going to the movies, traveling, sketchbooks, art stores, soap, having my hair straight, when my face is clear, singing, and plushies (there’s tons more, but here’s what I can think of😅)
Dislikes: When people don’t respect my dislikes and boundaries, making noises/showing me stuff/talking about stuff I don’t like/playing something just to tick me off or see my reaction, being taken advantage of, people being ***holes online (and irl), when someone says their opinions are facts, when people use their race/ethnicity as an excuse for how their parents raised/treated them (or just about anything that has nothing to do with their race), people pushing their agenda on to people, corporal punishment, people forcing their religion or beliefs onto others, politics, when people don’t take me seriously, being ignored, when people say my opinions and preferences are wrong, when I say that I have never seen/heard of/been interested in a certain genre/food/movie or show and they say “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! SERIOUSLY?! HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW/LIKE THAT?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!”, feces humor, creepy crawlers and insects (like spiders, hornets, bees, flies, wasps, yellow jackets, beetles, roaches, etc), getting water in my ears and nose, acne, when something I wanted to buy being sold out, when I can’t find what I’m looking for at a certain store, needles, rude people, ableist people, when people tell me: “Well, that’s life for ya” or “That’s just life, get used to it” and stuff like that, when people don’t flush the toilet or don’t wipe the toilet seat, artificial intelligence (AI), when bots follow me, creepy people online leaving weird messages, untrustworthy people, and promotional comments (oof! That’s a long list!😅)
Do’s and Don’ts:
Reblog and like my posts including my work (if you want)
Type down a nice comment (if you want)
Be respectful to others in the comments
Share my work around with friends and family (just NO reposting my work even if you give credit)
Keep stuff here mostly SFW
Harass me and others
Follow me for no reason (or without taking the time to know what I post)
Go into direct messages and send me NSFW content, comments, and links
Critique my work when I didn’t ask for it
Reblog with a hateful, negative, gawking comment
Be an ***hole
Send death threats
Be a creep
Be racist, hateful towards LGBT people and topics, or ableist
Repost my work and claim it as your own
Send promotions
Interact if you are a bot or support AI
What I post:
Original art
Fan art
Cartoons and movies
And more
Franchises I talk about:
Invader Zim
Sonic the Hedgehog
NiGHTS Into/Journey of Dreams
Balan Wonderworld
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Murder Drones
Nightmare Before Christmas
Poppy Playtime
Bendy and the Ink Machine/Dark Revival
And more
(Note: might edit this post later!)
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sacrligium · 2 years
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( » ) SACRLIGIUM . . .
a private multi-muse blog for characters & ocs primaliry from the JOHN WICK universe &. more. an in depth-study delving into some materials approached in HAGAKURE ( YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO ) , GO RIN NO SHO - THE BOOK OF FIVE RINGS ( MIYAMOTO MUSASHI ) , THE ART OF WAR ( SUN TZU ) , THE MYTH OF SISYPHUS ( CAMUS ), ACD'S BOGGLING WORKS ON SHERLOCK HOLMES ( man is rolling on his grave right now ), with the influences of the great akira kurosawa [ SANSHIRO SUGATA ( 1943 ) ; STRAY DOG ( 1949 ) ; SEVEN SAMURAI ( 1954 ) ; YOJIMBO ( 1961 ) ] , kan shimozawa's ZATOICHI ( 1962 ) , john woo's THE KILLER ( 1989 ) , john boorman's POINT BLANK ( 1967 ) ; LE SAMOURAÏ ( 1967 ) ; LE CERCLE ROUGE ( 1970 ) & many other crime-drama , action-thriller & neo-noir films as well as the HITMAN FRANCHISE & THE GHOST OF TSUSHIMA ( games ) .
muse list below .
the elder . the highest seat gianna d'antonio . the camorra seat anastasia novikova . the bratva seat ( oc ) salvatore d'angelo . the 'ndrangheta seat ( oc )
the adjudicator . NYC
viggo tarasov . the bratva . NYC the director . the ruska . NYC + MINSK the bowery king . independent . the bowery . NYC
shimazu koji . manager of the OSAKA CONTINENTAL HOTEL shimazu akira . concierge of the OSAKA CONTINENTAL HOTEL sofia al-azwar . manager of the CASABLANCA CONTINENTAL HOTEL
cassian . gianna d'antonio's bodyguard . the camorra . ROME ares . santino d'antonio's bodyguard . the camorra . ROME sandra kovalevych . the odessa . TORONTO ( oc ) kirill drozdov . the bratva . the tarasovs . NYC the tracker / mr. nobody . freelance . UNKNOWN
sakai jin . the ghost . TSUSHIMA james moriarty . professor . DUBLIN + LONDON punchline . unknown . GOTHAM CITY roman sionis . sionis industries . GOTHAM CITY mario falcone . falcone crime family . GOTHAM CITY johnny silverhand . rockerboy . samurai . NIGHT CITY takemura goro . bodyguard . arasaka corporation . TOKYO v . mercenary . freelance . UNKNOWN
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wanderingwriter87 · 2 years
things i didn't realize people did not understand about staying in hotels until i worked at one:
1. when u do online check-in, that means you're already checked in. if u then go to the desk and say "hi i am checking in" and they can't find your name in their list of guests who have not yet checked in, getting upset at them is not helpful. if u instead say "hi, i checked in online" they will know to just grab your premade keys and everyone will be happy
2. the first digit of the room number is the floor that it is located on
3. the food at the snack shop is expensive bc we have to charge meals tax. we have no control over this
4. when the hotel is sold out that means we PHYSICALLY do not have any rooms available. not even if u threaten to call corporate
5. we can't just give out your private information to random ppl who call, not even if they threaten to call corporate.
6. it's really truly not a big deal to remake your key cards because you lost them or left them in your room or threw them into khazad dum. happens all the time.
7. tips are appreciated when we deliver stuff to your room etc but it's also very cool if you name-drop the person who helped you in a review or survey. my franchise is particularly fixated on tripadvisor but im sure different hotels are different, you can always ask what's the best way to leave a review or survey that will actually get noticed by the bosses ☺️
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