#hug kiss marry kill results
hug-kiss-marry-kill · 14 days
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 month
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yandere!duke with wicked stepmother!reader imagine
warnings: mentioned child abuse, fem!reader, arranged marriage, implied obsessive behavior.
Imagine being reincarnated not as the heroine of the dark romance novel that you fell asleep reading, but the male lead’s villainous stepmother. Although it would be many years before you would marry his father, and your family would get out their mountain of debt from this arranged marriage. You swore to not take out your anger on the poor child as you laid in your crib.
Just because the duke still held a candle for his first wife and the mother of the male lead, his son did not deserve such cruel treatment from a woman who would never receive any affection from her husband. Arranged marriages rarely result in mutual happiness, but there is always the possibility of creating a respectful partnership between each other. 
So that is what you will do. 
You became ambitious in your studies and etiquette lessons, making connections with other young ladies of high society as your own reputation grew. Instead of becoming known for being a spiteful and superficial noblewoman,  invitations to soirees, tea parties, and banquets arrived at your household every other day.
The Mad Dog of Macaluso became The Blossoming Flower of High Society. Despite the marriage proposals your household had received, none of the gentlemen in the Umbra Empire were as rich as Giovanni Lombardo, the grand duke and the male lead’s father. 
So, the marriage still happened; but you were not bothered by your new husband’s declaration on your wedding night that he would never have a child with you, citing that he found you unpleasant and nothing at all like his deceased wife as his tall frame towering over yours, his gray orbs glaring down at you with icy disdain. You stared at him for a moment before you smiled.
“No one can ever replace a loved one, and it is a relief to know that you do not care for me romantically, Your Grace. This is a situation that is beneficial only to my house, and the Emperor had forced you to select me because he was tired of hearing everyone talking about how his most trusted aide has refused to remarry since his wife’s passing six years ago during childbirth. Your son is your heir, so there is no need to have another child. If you would permit me, I would like to get to know him more. If you do not believe me, you can assign a servant to watch me interact with him and the rest of the staff. Is that acceptable?”
The baffled expression on the duke’s face at your words had been worth all the hard work you have placed into being a better side character that wouldn’t be killed in the novel’s third chapter. You would not disappoint him. 
You would prove to be a valuable partner and protect the male lead until it was time for you to leave the stage. 
Three years passed. You performed your duties as the duchess, overseeing the household and organizing any functions that were to be hosted in the duchy. When you weren’t doing paperwork in your private office or speaking to the head butler on how to improve the workplace and other matters, you spent time with the male lead. 
Alessandro was a sweet little darling, possessing his father’s shiny platinum silver tresses and his mother’s bright blue eyes that sparkled in delight when you praised him for doing so well in his studies with a big hug or a kiss on the cheek. He was precocious for a six-year-old, though he still could not understand why his Papa didn’t like Mama. Mama being you, even when you have had to gently correct him more than once that you are his stepmother, not his birth mother. 
“Some day when you are older, you will understand.” You said, resting your chin on top of his head as you carefully adjusted your grip around his middle. He liked to sit in your lap under the garden’s pagoda during tea time, and you saw no issue with it.  “Papa may not like me, but we love you. That will never change, and we only want the best for you.” You ran a hand through his hair, tucking a stray strand behind his ear. 
In the original work, he became obsessed with the female lead because he did not receive any love from his father and was abused by his stepmother. Her gentle demeanor, her kindness and loveliness triggered his desire to have her all to himself. He had even commissioned the construction of a human-sized golden cage so that he could keep the female lead by his side forever. 
Alessandro pouted. “But I don’t want to wait that long! Can’t you tell me now?”
You chuckled. “Good things come to those who wait, my dear. Believe it or not, being a grown-up can be hard in this big, scary world.”
“That’s impossible! Papa is super cool and can do so many things!”
“Yes, he is quite something, isn’t he? Now drink some tea or it will get cold.” 
What you did not realize at the time was that the duke had returned home early from work and went to search for you. The head maid had told him where you were, though the duke had not expected Alessandro to be with you in the garden. He heard what you said about him, and how you have come to accept that you will never be loved by him and it was not his son’s fault.  How affectionate you were with him, smiling and ruffling his hair while reminding him to pay attention to his arithmetic tutor because it was important for him to understand numbers because they were just as important as knowing all colors in a rainbow or which fork to use for salads. 
You had kept your promise to him. 
You did not demand his affections, prioritizing the duchy and his son’s wellbeing. You did not take any paramours nor spent more than the allowance you were given to shop for dresses and other accessories in the capital. You attended tea parties, and did not bring shame to his family name. You were a perfect wife. You were worthy.
Would you object to him spending time with his son as you do? Would you allow him to get close, to spoil you with gifts? Would you even consider the idea of giving Alessandro a younger sibling? It’s been too long, and he does have needs. 
Happy Mother's Day, guys~! :)
Taglist: @nunezs-stuff @imperfectbloodmoon @yandere-dark-cupid @aiimee9 @cassanderasblog @facelessfionna @ixchelhernandez4 @yourdoorisunlocked @faux-ecrivain @julietdelamare @reiivven @ghostdoodlen @persephone-kore-law @dreamlessnight @obsessedwithromance @f4turemom @pinkgoldweebgirl @yandere-writer-momo
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leilanihours · 1 month
can you write something based of so high school about Caitlin?
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pairing: caitlin clark x reader
word count: 1290
warnings: drinking, suggestive content
summary: caitlin’s drunken actions have you feeling like a lovesick teenager
⭑ from lani: hi anon! hope you like this! it’s my first time writing for caitlin sooo enjoy!
FRESH OFF IOWA’S final four win, the girls are all drunk off of cheap liquor and post-game adrenaline. after beating uconn in the march madness semi-finals, the group of young hawkeyes decided to celebrate by going out to one of their local bars.
when they practically begged you to join them, you insisted against it. but there’s one girl that you would follow through a storm, so there’s no questioning how quickly you agreed to come along the second caitlin joined in on the begging.
the whole night had been a rollercoaster of emotions, thus far consisting of a childish game of “marry, kiss, kill” (a result of gabbie having one too many drinks).
“hey guys, what was that one game people used to play as teenagers?” gabbie wondered out loud.
“you’re gonna have to be a little more specific, babe,” jada responds, giggling at her friend’s state.
“the one where you, like…pretend to marry someone?”
“gabbie…what?” kate chimes in.
you and caitlin had been listening in on the team’s conversations from the table next to theirs, but not being entirely present. if you were completely honest, you had no idea what was happening. the drink in your hand and caitlin’s sculpted hand on your upper thigh definitely didn’t help.
“oh! ‘marry, kiss, kill!’” she recalls finally.
“oh my gosh, i haven’t played that since i was like, what, fifteen?” jada comments.
“can we play it?” gabbie exclaims, “pleaseeeee.” she was quite a character whenever she was drunk (because how can someone so tiny hold in so much alcohol?).
after some laughable convincing, you and caitlin ended up sitting at their table ready to play along.
“okay, kylie,” gabbie starts, “marry, kiss, kill jada, kate, and hannah.”
“hmm..” kylie hums, “marry kate, kiss jada, and kill hannah. sorry, hannah. if fuck was an option i would definitely pick that for you, don’t worry,” she finishes with a wink towards her.
“wait you have a point. let’s replace kill with fuck. we can do that, right?” gabbie rambles.
“whatever you want, girl,” jada laughs, sipping on her drink.
“okay, okay,” gabbie scans the group in front of her, choosing her next victim, “caitlin! marry, kiss, fuck…taylor, me, and y/n.”
are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?
your eyes can’t help but shoot to caitlin’s as soon as you hear your name. for a split second you hold contact, but she breaks it as she looks up in thought.
everyone had always sensed a tension between you two, especially after seeing you engage in a nearly 2-minute long hug after the game. but no one knew that behind closed doors, you two were locked in.
you subconsciously bite your lip waiting for caitlin’s response. it’s just a game but you can’t help but picture you two in each scenario, the last one leaving a subtle blush on your warm cheeks.
it’s just a game, but really
“um…” she starts. and it’s like she has the same brain as you because you can’t believe it when she’s smirking saying, “can i pick all three for one person?”
i’m betting on all three, for us two
which brings you to now, only a couple hours later, where your freshly manicured fingers are laced with caitlin’s long ones under the table. you’ve been deep in thought, practically psycho-analyzing cait’s prior response.
and in the brink of a crinkling eye, i’m sinking, our fingers entwined
she had to be talking about me, right? you think.
you had been together for nearly a year, but you still feel slightly unsure in your relationship. before you can spiral into a cycle of overthinking, you feel a set of lips inch close to your ear.
“are you okay?” you hear. turning your head slightly, you are faced with your girlfriend’s familiar smile, a small glint of concern in her eyes.
“mhm,” you nod, “all good. are you good?” you can tell she’s getting tired; after the insane game and the so-called “after party,” you notice a more relaxed slump in her posture and a couple eye rubs every now and then.
“definitely,” she says, her eyes scanning your face.
she scoots even closer to you (if that’s even possible) and without regard for her teammates just across the table she puts her face in your neck. you’re now practically 100% sober, but the feeling of her lips ghosting your skin could get you drunk in an instant.
“you ready to go home?” she whispers, “wanna spend some alone time with my girl.”
if you weren’t blushing before, you had to be bright red now. how could you say no to her? that word wasn’t even in your vocabulary when you’re with her.
cheeks pink in the twinkling lights
“‘course, babe,” you reply, bringing up one of your hands to rub her arm.
after you both bid goodbye to the rest of the group for the night, you pile into caitlin’s car. you insist on driving as your girlfriend was in no shape to be in control of a moving vehicle.
you dig your hand in caitlin’s jacket pocket in search of your apartment keys. she’s almost putting her entire body weight on you, heavily influenced by the sleep dragging her under.
you successfully unlock the front door and pull her inside taking off her shoes and jacket, throwing them somewhere random. you then urge her into your shared bedroom, sitting her down on your bed as you retrieve a set of sweatpants for her.
neither of you have said a word since you left the bar, as caitlin fell asleep on the ride home and you were still processing her answer to gabbie’s question.
pulling off caitlin’s jeans, you notice a suggestive smirk on her face as she observes your position. for what seems like the hundredth time tonight, you blush feverishly at the hands of your girlfriend.
standing up to change yourself into some pjs, a hand pulls you back. suddenly you’re stuck in between caitlin’s long legs as she sits at the edge of your bed with both her hands on either side of your waist.
“hi,” she smiles sleepily.
“hi,” you reply.
“can i tell you something?” she asks. you hum. “i really like you. like a lot.” you giggle at her confession.
“yeah? how much?” you decide to play into her theatrics.
“so much. was thinking of you when we were playing that game earlier.”
“were you really?” thank god.
“‘course i was. i think you might be it for me. i mean, you got me feeling like we’re in high school the way you look at me. taking such good care of me all the time.”
‘cause i feel so high school, every time i look at you, but look at you
you smile sincerely at her answer, mentally laughing at yourself for ever doubting her love for you in the first place. you haven't had many relationships with girls, so you’ve never felt for someone the way you do for caitlin.
no one’s ever had me, not like you
you place a quick kiss to caitlin’s lips in response, then tell her to get into bed with promises of cuddles. you change into your pjs and crawl next to her under the blanket, feeling her curl into your warmth immediately.
with her head on your chest and your arms engulfing her toned frame, you feel yourself surrender to your exhaustion. but before you can fully fall asleep, you hear caitlin make one more comment that would never have you questioning your relationship again.
“i’m betting on all three for us, you know,” she mumbles into your shirt (her shirt), “two down, one to go. just you wait.”
you already know, babe.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 7 months
Aemond Targaryen x niece!reader
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Imagine dark yandere Aemond kidnapping his dear niece!reader (Rhaenyra and Daemon's daughter). You were supposed to marry someone else but Aemond just can't let it happen, not when he is in love with you and crazily obsessed with you. Imagine him keeping you at a tower. Imagine you hitting him, throwing hurtful words at him, because you just want to go back to your family, but Aemond just letting you hit him, not that you can actually hurt him. Imagine him pressing you against the wall and kissing you, telling you he killed your fiance. You have too much ego to tell him you never wanted to marry that guy anyway, but duty to family is always more important.
Imagine Aemond giving his word that if you eat he will take you on dragon rides. Imagine him showing you his gentle side but it's very rare. Imagine there are soldiers coming to rescue you but Aemond kills each and every one of them. Imagine Aemond telling you stories about every time he fell more and more in love with you.
Imagine you try to kill Aemond in his sleep but instead get pinned on the bed and he kisses you. And it results in long overdue hot steamy sex.
Imagine you finally realizing your feelings for Aemond and it just shifts your relationship completely. He trusts you with a weapon and you wait for hin to return and kiss you.
Imagine you two getting married in an ancient valyrian way but no one knows yet.
Imagine when Aemond was not there Daemon, your father came to "rescue" you. You didn't want to go but you weren't given any choice. You dropped a necklace or a ring that was given to you by your husband, as a sign that you didn't leave willingly.
Imagine you were sent North and forced to marry Cregan Stark
Aemond is furious and gathering armies to get you back. Everyday you hear news about Aemond winning battles and marching North.
Cregan doing everything to earn your love but it will never be enough
Imagine Aemond's reaction when he found out you gave birth to a boy. He just knows that it's his son. Now no one can stop him from getting to you
Cregan knows that's not his son, but he also doesn't want Aemond to come and take you and the prince away. He does everything he can to stop Aemond.
When Aemond's army reached Winterfell Cregan locked you in your room with your son, didn't want you to help Aemond in any way. You can hear the armies fight and Vhagar roaring and spitting fire. You know Cregan won't survive it
Imagine the door getting knocked down, you thought it was someone trying to hurt you and your son, so you were prepared with a sword. But it was actually Aemond.
Aemond immediately running and hugging you, kissing you, telling you how he has found you again. Imagine his eyes finally falling at his son. His prince. His heir. He vows to always protect you two.
Imagine you and your son leaving Winterfell on Vhagar
Aemond knows that the only way to keep you and his son safe is to get the throne for himself and that's what he plans to do. He doesn't care how many people he has to kill as long as you two are safe
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fanon-canon-idfk · 10 months
Ehemmm..... Jealous Dazai??
Hint of yandere dazai? Or full yandere dazai? Up to you! ;)
Genre: Fluff!
Main Character : Dazai And Male Reader!
MN = Male name/reader.
MN is just like kunikida, hard working, diligent, serious and easy to be fooled. Because of that, the two — MN & Kunikida, get along well. Everyday he visits kunikida to tell him his new ideas for a healthy work environment. The two when together never seperates from each other, whenever people are partying or having fun the two are in the corner scribbling on their notes sharing ideas. MN and kunikida grown to each other and because of that yosano and ranpo makes fun of them being the Parents/Star Couples of the ADA because the two are always on watch and scolds dazai whenever he has quote on quote funny ideas that results on being harmful towards the others. The two cooks, looks after the younger detectives (aka. Atsushi, kyouka, tanizaki, naomi and kenji) how beautiful and lovely no?
"No." Said dazai. Why is that?
Well duh. MN is dazais boyfriend! And only his!
MN was supposed to pamper him, look after him, talk with him, BE WITH HIM!
But nooooooo!
He goes to kunikida and writes their stupid ideas on their stupid notebooks! Dazai gets irritated when yosano and ranpo jokes around saying they're (MN & kunikida) is like a married couple.
So, dazais plan is :.
- get MN & Kunikida separated, how? Make the other on get busy on something so they won't be together and dazai will have MN with him all the time.
- do something stupid to attract MN attention. How? Make atsushi do something stupid . Forcefully.
- gaslight MN because he looks like kunikida's boyfriend not his.
- kill kunikida— (NO THAT WONT HAPPEN!)
Dazai is abit.... Co co Ca Ca about MN
(Translation: A yandere for MN, run kunikida.)
Dazai whines to gets MN attention no matter what. And he still doesn't get his attention. Dazai will cry so MN would kiss him and pamper him.
The perfect plan.
(But the perfect plan was to kill kunikida—/NO! /)
I’ve had this one in my inbox for like almost a year and now I’m finally prepared.
Dazai Osamu x Male Reader
Content subjects: Jealousy and kinda yandere-like thoughts from Dazai
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Let’s start at the beginning of Dazai and your’s relationship:
Dazai always had his eye on you, he couldn’t quite understand why but he was just so drawn in by you.
By this time you two had been coworkers for about a year, constantly on missions together because of your compatible abilities and planning.
You had also always been with him and Kunikida on these missions.
Dazai never said it, but he hated when it wasn’t just missions with you. He hated that Kunikida would join and work so well by your side, getting so much of your attention.
By that time he never showed it but on the inside he was screaming, crying and pouting all at once.
One night, after yet another mission with Kunikida and yourself, Dazai was rolling around in his bed hugging his pillow angrily.
He was cursing at the world for not only making you so easy to love, but for the fact that it meant others can love you too!
“And of course it’s Kunikida! They’re so alike and compatible!!” He screamed as he shoved his face into the pillow roughly.
After yelling into his pillow for a good 10 minutes, Dazai came to a conclusion.
There was one benefit he could get out of Kunikida and your’s likeness..
Your gullibility.
The next day was pretty simple, not too much paperwork and no missions at all. What a peaceful day.
You had felt more satisfied than you had all year. All your work done, no issues in the workplace, no missions. Everything was the perfect atmosphere you could only dream of.
And then Dazai pulled his chair next to yours, against your desk.
“M/nnnnnnnnn~” he giggled childishly as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“What are you up to now…?” You asked hesitantly, almost not wanting to know the answer so you could preserve your peace.
“Nothing! I just wanted to let you in on a fun fact I just learned!” He beamed at you.
“Hm and what’s that?” You question, turning your focus to him fully to listen to him.
“Did you know, it’s apparently really good for work morale and motivation to have acts of intimacy with your peers?” He pulled off an innocent, believable smile.
“Ah really? I haven’t heard of that before. Are you sure that really works, Dazai?” You took the bait so easily.
And just like that you fell right into his trap.
“Well, let’s see.. wanna try it out with me?” He smirked softly as he looked up into your eyes with pure desire.
“Hmm..” you pondered “well I don’t see why not.” You agreed. Perfect.
He chuckled softly then delicately wrapped a hand behind your neck “Alright then~”
He then finally leaned in, pulling your head towards his at the same time and closing the distance.
You both interlocked, he kissed you softly and you reciprocated without a doubt in mind.
Then you both pulled away, looking at each other fondly. Dazai’s eyes could’ve held hearts in them with how love struck he was.
You then spoke up “I see what you mean, that really did make me feel a lot more positive and motivated.” You said with a nod.
Dazai looked at you blankly before breaking out into laughter. He laughed so hard he started tearing up!
“Hm? What’s so funny?” You asked obliviously.
He grinned up at you before leaning in once again, grazing your lips with his own but not kissing you.
“Just kidding~” he whispered against your lips, his broken breaths from laughter fanning your face.
After processing exactly what he’d said, you felt your face heat up immediately.
A long talk after work later, and you both had finally confessed and made it official.
You weren’t getting married and yet Dazai was already the happiest man in the world.
And now that brings us to the current times:
Dazai was sitting on your desk, slouched, arms crossed, and a big pout on his face as you scolded him like a child for a prank he pulled on Kunikida this morning.
He whined and groaned at every “No, Osamu” and “that’s not safe, Osamu.”
God, you were just like the parent Yosano and Ranpo joked about you being.
The “dad to mother Kunikida!” as they would put it. It made Dazai so annoyed.
After you had finished scolding him, Dazai turned his head away from you looking down as he began to pull off a few fake teary eyes.
You felt your heart ache at both the saddening look of defeat on your boyfriend and how cute he looked doing it.
You gently placed your hand under his chin and pulled his face up to look at you.
“I love you, Osamu.” You reassured to him softly as you pressed your forehead against his own and gazed into his eyes lovingly.
His pout quickly turned into him fighting a smile at your loving acts, trying to stay mad at you.
He finally gave up and just wrapped his arms around your shoulders tightly and gave you a few strong and loving kisses all over your face.
He placed one last kiss to your lips before responding “I love you too,
You both stared into each other’s eyes lovingly, getting lost in your own world and letting yourselves forget about everyone else in the office.
Until Kunikida called out for your attention causing you to turn your head to look at him.
This made Dazai’s eyebrows furrow slightly in annoyance before he shook it off and walked with you over to Kunikida.
Kunikida then let you know that tomorrow you were to accompany him on a mission.
Alone. With Kunikida.
On the outside, Dazai was listening blankly. However, on the inside he was trying to calculate every possible way to make sure this would not happen.
Maybe he could sneak out tonight and anonymously solve the case??
Maybe he could turn off your work alarms so you sleep in??
Maybe he could tie you down and keep you home forever..?
Maybe he could remove Kunikida from the equation-
No no! He shook the dark idea away quickly.
But that didn’t stop him from all day, trying to figure out a plan to stop this mission.
Then he finally got it.
The next morning, you woke up to your work alarm like usual, but your boyfriend was nowhere in your bed with you.
You got up from the bed to go looking for him.
You walked to the kitchen, and the closer you got the more you heard this sound of.. coughs and beeps?
When you made it to the kitchen, you saw your boyfriend sitting on a counter top with a thermometer in his mouth and sweat on his forehead.
“Osamu? My love, are you ok?” You walked towards him quickly, lifting his bangs and putting your hand to his forehead.
Sure enough he was burning up.
“Oh, my love.. you have a fever. Let’s get you back to bed, ok? I’ll bring you some soup soon.” You spoke softly and sweetly as you picked him up from the counter and walked him back to your bedroom.
After tucking him into the bed again, you went and quickly made him a warm soup he usually enjoyed when sick.
When you came back, you set the bowl onto the nightstand delicately before turning to your miserable looking boyfriend.
You caressed his head softly. He then spoke up “Are you.. staying with me today..?” He questioned with soft puppy dog eyes and a cute frown.
“Yes, my love. I’ll call in and let everyone know, ok..? I’m here to be by your side all day.” You reassured him as you held his hand in yours and whispered into his knuckles.
With that being said, Dazai quickly changed into a soft, blissful smile.
Waking up early, taking a boiling shower and holding a hand-warmer to his forehead until you woke up was so worth it.
He spent the whole day in bed, getting fed and cuddled by you. He spent the whole day bathing in your love knowing nobody else could ever get this love, you belonged to him alone.
Plan successful~<3
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comfortless · 4 months
hi syl! omfg i cannot believe we are mutuals, i love your works so much. but have you heard of the midieval concept called “marriage on the gallows?” basically, a person who was given death penalty can still be saved when someone promises to marry them. all i can think about is könig going to a live hanging/ burning at the stake and using marriage on the gallows to have a wife.
not like she was framed or anything, right(????) but don’t worry, könig promises to make her happy and alive now that he’s her husband. or maybe knight! ghost was the one who was about to be killed but y/n is like “I CAN FIX HIM” and marries him instead.
chanting Torta, Torta, Torta hi!! i am hugging you for this. <3 i have heard of it! but never did i think to apply it to König and now here we are… ^^
content/warnings: forced marriage?, vague religious imagery, injury, threat of public execution, vague smut.
When you sell your soul, really sell it, you’re cutting away from the umbilical cord that tethers you to whatever waits in the darkness of the afterlife. You kneel, you pray, you bathe yourself in sacred water and parrot divine words, but you don’t realize you’ve become obscured in invisibility, a shadow, a husk.
He’s clipped her wings and the only thing left to do is end her flight, let her go tumbling down into a pit of sulfur from the rope lead tied to her neck: to die before a sea of jeering faces, horse shit and fine wine, gilded paintings and the darkened splatter of blood, dried and crisp against a wooden stage.
König knows something about that, because there’s a dense, thorny guilt curling in his chest as he looks up at the little sparrow led up to the rope with her face pushed down by a hand that doesn’t belong there.
She’s done no wrong; smiling sweetly at a man like him shouldn’t have resulted in this. His heart shatters when he hears her begin to cry, her battered face wrenched up to face the crowd by the hangman’s cruel hands.
A little, flightless bird like this could never have done what he did to get her here. Gentle, sweet things knew so little of the very blood that pulses in veins, of what a man’s innards look like spilt out on a thick blade.
But of course they will believe anything— she’s a commoner, no special asset to the village. They needed their farmers, their tailors, and men like him— the blacksmith they all shunned as though he had risen from the fiery pit he worked away at himself. They didn’t need her.
Only he did.
So when he steps through the crowd of vultures to watch as the rope is tightened around her delicate neck, his voice comes in a roar. He propositions the hangman that he will take her as his wife, haul this devil back to his shack at the village’s edge and ensure that she— he will spill no more blood.
She weakly raises her head to eye him, recognizing him immediately as the man who had accused her of murdering that stable boy only two nights prior. Her stare is not judgmental or accusatory: she doesn’t have a clue of the lengths he has went to- would go to- to tether her to him.
A fortnight later, the woman becomes his bride.
She doesn’t know what brought her such a malison, how she came to be the wife of a man who once cast his accusations toward her, but she’s grateful to the man who’s cursed her to suffer him.
There’s no celebration, no flowers or dancing. There’s a kiss she nervously leans into at the chapel, shy, while his heart bursts into flames.
She isn’t blessed with meaningful vows, only a pleading profession whispered into her ear when his kisses reach from her neck to the curve of her jaw.
It’s consummated in that darkened shack, not a candle lit where smoke has painted the walls black with ash and dust; a place where she curls her arms over him sweetly and breathes her thanks against his shoulder, where his fingers commit every curve, dip, and ridge of her to memory. His words are lost in her hair, her shoulder, her chest as he devotes every remnant of himself to her entirely. He isn’t gentle, but he tries when her tight whines and whimpers fill his ears, drowning out even his lamentations.
She tolerates him four times over before he can will himself to pull away from her warmth. The guilt is replaced by a sense of purpose, a certainty that all he’s done has been entirely for her. She tells him that she would never hurt another thing, and he whispers against her skin, “I know.”
His flightless engel does not remain downtrodden.
Each morning she wakes him with giggles, face warmed in memory of the night’s prior rapture. She bakes for him, sweet things that he’s never thought himself worthy of prior while he buries himself against her, yearns to pry apart her ribs and bury himself in her softness for all time.
He kisses at what remains of the scars along her neck when she finds him melding down steel for a new weapon, takes her into his lap just to watch the flames dance in her eyes.
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l0sercat · 1 year
Yandere Alphabet w/ Jack the ripper
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Affection — how do they show their love and affection?
Little touches and small gentle kisses
Blood — how messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Semi messy. He won't outright kill people unless they are a threat. He may torture people that leave them on the brink of death if they don't immediately seek medical attention.
Cruelty — how would they treat their darling once abducted?
He would be nice and treat you like any gentleman would.
Darling — aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Yes but it's nothing serious. He may give you kisses on the cheek or lingering touches. Nothing psychical or terrible like rape or torture. He respects you and loves you and wants you to love him back.
Exposed — how vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Almost fully vulnerable. He has nothing to hide from you but a few dark things. He wants you to open up like he has.
Fight — how would they feel if their darling fought back?
He would not enjoy it. He wants you to accept him and your fate. You were made for each other.
Game — is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It's not a game and he would hate to see you try to leave him. The first time it happened it worried him but after the second and third he grew annoyed.
Hell — what would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When he comes home covered in blood and a disheveled mess. He hugs and smoothers you which results in the blood getting and smearing on you. You were panicked but he didn't let go of you despite your screams and protest. He fell asleep and gagged at the smell and threw up a little but he to wait to clean up until he woke up and released his hold on you.
Ideals — what kind of future do they have in mind for their darling?
One where you are both happily married and have at least a child or two.(if you can't have children then maybe you can adopt)
Jealousy — do they get jealous? How do they handle it?
He can get jealous sometimes but it's rare. He trusts you and is secure in the relationship. He knows you wouldn't leave him. When and if he gets jealous he just quietly huffs to himself and stands menacingly being you.
Kisses — how do they act around or with their darling?
He acts like a gentleman. He's very caring and loving.
Love letters — how would they go about approaching their darling?
Little gifts left at your door and then bloody roses. Before kidnapping you he would send a very detailed letter about his infatuation of you.
Mask — are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes. Around others he can be considered standoffish and a little aloof. Although still nice. But around you you see his soft side.
Naughty — how would they punish their darling?
He would probably bound you to your shared bed and gag you. He might talk down to you and abuse you emotionally to make you feel bad.
Oppression — how many rights would they take away from their darling?
You wouldn't have a lot but you have more than what most darlings would have.
Patience — how patient are they with their darling?
Very patient. He almost never loses his patience or lashes out at you.
Quite — if their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
I feel like there is a 6-10% he would find another darling if the first one does but it's very unlikely. He loved you very much but if he found another darling he wouldn't love them as much as he did you and probably only have them as a rebound. If darling escapes he would be devastated but try to find you. He is searching all over London and panicking.
Regret — would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling?
A little but seeing you next to him(wether you want to or not) gets rid of all the guilt.
Stigma — what brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Probably childhood. He's never had anyone and the one he did she didn't truly love him and then he killed her(*cough*his mom*cough*) He never truly felt love as now that he has he is not letting go.
Tears — how do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He hates it. He doesn't want you to shed tears and scream at him. He expects it he's not to delusional but, he still hates it and it visibly upsets him.
Unique — would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He doesn't do a lot of non-con stuff and he doesn't put gags and ties on you. He doesn't believe he needs to restrain you and he believes you will warm up to him. He doesn't want to force himself on you because that will only push you away.
Vice — what weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
How caring he can be. He is always sweet and understanding with you. He may sometimes if you beg enough take you out. When it comes to you he a bit of a push over.
Wit’s end — would they ever hurt their darling?
If you push his buttons enough then yes. But he wont do it for fun he'll do it because he has to discipline you.
Xoanon — how much would they revere or worship their darling?
He worships you a bit. Not overwhelming but thinks your a gift from the gods because your so beautiful and amazing.
Yearn — how long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Probably 5-6 months. He just needs to make sure all the preparations for you are perfect and your going to be safe.
Zenith — would they ever break their darling?
I don't think he would. You would probably fall to Stockholm syndrome or fall normally. He's just such a gentleman and would treat you better the non anyone.
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making this poll but for ppl who actually know who he is (i am devastated by the original results)
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nightmarerodent · 16 days
Expecting the Unexpected (part 1? IDK)
A Jakeda one shot that’s no longer a one shot because it got a bit out of hand (as they tend to do)
Jacqui’s heart dropped to her stomach and lodged itself in her throat all at once when she was read the results from the doctor. Positive. Without a shadow of a doubt. The test she took at home wasn’t a fluke. She was pregnant. She was undeniably pregnant. What the hell was she going to tell Takeda?
They were carful. Usually. As careful as two people that rarely got any alone time could be, married or otherwise. Her father was still pissed about that. He never got behind the idea that her and Takeda were going to be a forever thing. He hated that he, and by extension now her as well, was a Shirai Ryu, and Scorpion’s adopted son no less. News that she was now knocked up might just put her dad over the edge enough for him to finally make good on his promises and actually kill the poor boy. It was not a conversation she was looking forward to. At all.
She went home that day in a daze, mind a million miles away from her body. At least she had the wherewithal to go to a clinic in town and not the hospital on base. This way news wouldn’t spread as quickly. If people were going to find out, she wanted it to be on her terms. And putting off the lecture Auntie Sonya was undoubtedly going to give them would be nice too.
Cassie was the first to find out. Takeda was still gone, out on some mission for the clan, and probably wouldn’t be back for the next few days. She was bursting to tell someone, to get advice or reassurance, something, and Cassie knew something was wrong with her best friend. She’s noticed Jacqui behaving strangely; she was more tired and had excused herself more than once to use the bathroom, only to be found vomiting a few moments later. So Cassie showing up at her on base housing with take out and a worried look after Jacqui’s visit to the doctor was unsurprising. Nor was her reaction.
“Pregnant!?” Cassie was out of her chair in an instant, “Are you sure? For how long? Does Tak know?”
“No. I only found out yesterday. And I’m only seven weeks along.” Jacqui told her.
“Am I the first you’ve told? Aw, JB.” Cassie moved to hug her and Jacqui gratefully accepted.
A small weight felt like it lifted off Jacqui and it was enough for what strength she tried to carry since receiving the news to finally break. Tears welled up in her eyes and she began to tremble.
“What am I going to do? This wasn’t part of the plan. Not yet. I’m going to be discharged. My career is over.” Jacqui sobbed.
“Hey, no it’s not. Briggs’s don’t quit,” Cassie reassured her, “You’re the smartest, most badass, most determined person in SF and you’re going to have the smartest most badass baby to ever grace Earthrealm. If the brass has a problem with that then they can kiss my glowing green fist.”
“I can’t defend Earthrealm and have a baby, Cass. They’re going to kick me out. It’s protocol.”
“Says who? Have you forgotten who runs this place? I mean, I wasn’t planned and I sure as hell didn’t stop my mom from pursuing her career.” Cassie pulled back on the hug so she could look her friend in the eye but still held her close.
“Auntie was way further along in her career than I am. She was a commander when she had you, I’m just another Sargent.”
“That’s married to the second in command of one of our most important allies. No one if firing you without pissing off Hanzo. Or me. Or Tak, but most importantly me. Trust me, we got you. You’re not going anywhere. I promise.”
Jacqui wanted to believe her. She really, truly did, but the fear was overwhelming. This whole situation was overwhelming. She didn’t even know if she wanted to be a mom. She was open to the idea. Her and Takeda have talked about it, sure, but always as some vague eventuality, off in the far distance that was some undefined future. A wishful daydream of peaceful times not filled with oni from the netherrealm or some new nightmare crawling out of god knows where in Out World. Now it was being thrown into her face in a time of such uncertainty. And Takeda wasn’t here.
But he will be, she reminded herself. He will be back in a few days and they’ll figure this out together. Always together. That was their promise. And Takeda never breaks a promise.
“You’re going to be an amazing mother,” Cassie believed every word she said with her whole being, “And Takeda is going to be the greatest dad. He already has the humor of one.”
That actually got a chuckle out of her, “His jokes are so bad but he looks so happy when he tells them.”
Over the next few days Cassie kept her promise and didn’t tell a single soul what she knew. She covered for Jacqui too, claiming a stomach bug that Jacqui was too stubborn to acknowledge whenever she was caught throwing up. Cass was always ready with a convincing lie and had the acting chops to pull it off too. She was a Cage after all.
Jin at one point commented that she looked terrible, causing Jacqui to start crying uncharacteristically, blabbering that she felt gross, freaking him out. He immediately started apologizing, saying that she looked fine, it was a joke, she was supposed to snap at him and they’d have their witty back and forth and then she’d punch him like always. It was their thing. She just cried more. She didn’t want to punch him. She never wanted to punch him. He was her friend and she was always so mean to him and she was sorry. This only freaked him out more. He just bear hugged her and desperately looked around for Cassie because this was not his department. He had no clue what to do with a crying Briggs or what was causing it. Was she possessed? Did she need medical attention? Chocolate? A cat? Where was Takeda when you needed him? What was happening? Eventually Cassie showed up and got Jacqui to calm down back to normal but Kung Jin was thoroughly freaked out by that point and refrained from being his usual sarcastic self for the remainder of the day.
All the while, Cassie kept an ear out for news about Takeda’s return. She was hell bent and determined to have Jacqui be the first thing he sees when he exists the transport or portal. When she finally received word after a few days that he’d be returning within the hour, she booked to tell Jacqui. She’s never run so fast in her life.
The second Takeda stepped out of the portal he was hit with the force that was his wife barreling into him and wrapping him into a desperate hug. One he was equally as desperate to return. Before he could even breathe so much as a word, she had already grabbed his face and pulled him into a forceful kiss. He wasn’t complaining. He chuckled as they pulled away from each other, jokingly asking if she missed him, only for the smile to drop and worry to set in as he noticed her nervous smile and wet eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He asked.
“Only good things,” she told him, “I just- I really missed you.”
As soon as they were alone back at home she told him. A whole mix of emotions flew across his face in a matter of seconds. Shock, disbelief, confusion, fear, joy. He finally settled on ecstatic as he hugged her tight, laughing, and asking her a whole slew of questions. She was relieved he took it so well, though she wondered why she had thought any different. He was always the one that brought the topic up, even if it was just as a hypothetical. He wanted kids. He never said it in as many words or so directly, but it was clear to her it was a thing he desired. His infectious joy was evidence of that.
They celebrated the way couples that were young and in love do, Takeda becoming completely unable to keep his hands to himself for more than a fraction of a second and her being more than willing to receive any and all affection he was able to give. By the end of the night they were curled up together, his arms wrapped around her and a hand pressed gently against her stomach where their future was growing, peppering her with kisses and muttering sweet nothings.
Uncertainty still hung in the air. How they were going to make this work. How they were going to tell people. What their positions as Earthrealm’s defenders would look like now. How and where they were going to raise the child. If they were even fit to be parents in the first place. All conversations they were going to have to have sooner rather than later. But, for now, for a moment, they were allowed to be happy and unashamed. Opinions and outsiders be damned.
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deadlymousex01 · 10 months
Skyrim men reacting to s/o being pregnant
Farkas, Nazier, Brynolf, Bailmund
Fair warning for Nazier and Brynolf it's written as if your in a relationship but nothing very serious as a nod to the fact you can't marry these men in game....still unhappy about that....the others are written as if you're married
Apologies if these are a bit long, wanna do it justice! Enjoy!! :)
When Farkas returned from the job he was sent on he went straight into your shared home of Breezehome, where you greeted him with a big hug and kiss as well as a refreshing mug of ale. Setting the mug down for a moment to shed his heavy armor he didn't notice your nervous twitches as you waiting for him to get comfortable to share the news. As he collapsed in the chair with a groan he picks up the ale again.
"So did you do anything interesting while I was gone?" he'd ask. You shrugged clearing you throat trying to find the way to word it.
"Well I did a few odd jobs, helped the guards kill some vampires and uh...oh I uh...I learned something new about myself."
"Oh really? What's that?" He asks taking a big drink of the ale.
"I'm pregnant." The poor man chokes and coughs hard as ale flies out of his mouth and nose at the shock of your words. You're left sitting there speechless and wide eyed as the man you love is coughing and wiping his face trying to recover before he looked up at you with the same wide eyed expression.
"Pregnant." The man stared at you like you had grown two heads, which in a way you slowly were. Farkas stared at you for so long you started to fidget thinking that he was unhappy with the news so you try to tell him more details.
"I found out after the vampire fight, I was more tired than I usually was and Aela commented that my scent was different. I realized it's been a little over a month since my last bleed so I went to the temple and the healers confirmed it...at this moment I'm about a 2 months." Farkas was stunned, he didn't even think that the night you two shared before he left could of resulted in a child, he honestly never really thought about having kids. Slowly he slid out of the chair and stood on his knees next to your's lightly placing his hand on your stomach.
"You're pregnant....Gods I never thought...I mean..." He couldn't find the words and he never cursed so much before now that he wasn't his brother who could tell you so easily how happy he was. Looking up at you he cups your face before pulling you down into a gentle kiss like you were made of glass, pulling away with a smile.
"Let's hope the poor pup doesn't get my ugly mug." With a laugh you kiss him back resting your forehead against his, knowing that even though it was unexpected the two of you were going to make this work together.
Nazier was used to you vanishing for weeks or months at a time, your duties as Listener and Dragonborn kept you busy, which is why the casual relationship the two of you shared worked well for him. It allowed you both to fill the desires you both had as well as make it so the distance didn't hinder the work you both needed to do.
When you returned from your travels you looked pretty tired and beat up, which struck him as odd, as you could handle yourself with almost anything. Putting some hot stew into a bowl, grabbing some fresh bread and a mug of mead he went down to the living quarters where you had retreated to. Smelling the stew you turn and give him a smile as you start to remove your armor.
"Thought you might need this, you looked pretty beat up. Rough travels?" He asks setting the food down on the table and sitting down in one of the seats next to it.
"You could say that. Fought a dragon outside Windhelm, got hurt and ended up stuck at the temple for a few weeks before I was able to get back here." you explain setting down the last of your armor. You were thankful for the loose tunic you were wearing as it hit your slightly bulging belly, you wanted to break the news to him before he saw it.
"A few weeks at temple? You must of been hurt bad, are you alright?" He asked concerned, the Brotherhood just found it's Listener and he didn't think they'd survive without you. Sitting in the open chair you pull the bowl to you and take a bite sighing happily at the flavors. Nazier may be a murder but he's also a damn good cook. You finish your bite before looking up at him.
"I wasn't hurt to bad, they kept me because they found out I have....something else happening with me..."
"Something else? What else?" You sigh before putting the spoon back in the bowl deciding just to get it over with.
"When I got hurt it was in my shoulder and ribs and while the healers were taking care of me...they found out I'm pregnant..." You look him in the eyes and as your words sink in. You can see him stiffen and look down at your belly.
"They kept me longer to make sure there was no harm done to the baby and only when they were satisfied did they let me go...I...I came straight here to tell you, ran into some wolves just outside of town that's why I looked rough but I kept going because I needed to tell you." Nazier nodded slowly when you finished talking the weight of everything setting heavily on his shoulders. You were pregnant and while the two of you were not serious with each other he knew you weren't seeing anyone else, you wouldn't be telling him otherwise, so it had to be his.
"How... how far along are you?" He asked slowly. you set your hand on your stomach the fabric tightening showing your small bump.
"Three and a half months." Nazier nodded again before sighing and running a hand down his face before leaning his elbows on the table.
"I'll be honest; this isn't something I was counting on when we started our little meet ups. I'm a murder, I don't know how to raise kids and I've never been the most maternal of people however...." He looks you in the eye "I am here for you. If you want to take it to the orphanage after it's born I will support you, if you want to keep it I will do my best to help."
"I want to keep it." You say looking him dead in the eye as well so he knows how serious you are. He stares at you for a second before leaning back in the chair with a smile.
"Then I suppose our little family here is growing again."
Brynjolf had had no time for you anymore. The two of you had shared beds many times before Mercer's betrayal and even did so again before that final battle. Now that you were the guild master you expected that to continue not to have him suddenly want nothing to do with you. Frustrated you spent less and less time around the Flaggon, spending more time on the road. It wasn't until you were in Solitude taking care of business did you realize it had been three months since your last bleed and your belly and breasts had gotten bigger. You knew what it meant and you knew who the father had to be, so you started the long trek back to Riften.
As you enter the city gates you adjust your cloak around your shoulders to cover your front. Heading into the grave yard you ope the secret entrance and head down. Climbing down that ladder you're greeted by Sapphire and Rune. Nodding to them you spot Brynjolf and take a steading breath before heading over to him.
"Brynjolf, we need to talk."
"Sorry lass, I've important things to do. We'll speak another time." He says and starts turning to walk away from you. It may have been your frustrations for how he's been treating you or your hormones acting up but you were not going to take that. Grabbing the belt that hold the pouches on the front of his armor you pull him around to face you leaving him stunned by your strength and the anger on your face.
"No! We are talking now!" You almost yell before dragging him towards the training area. All the thieves in the area made a clear path for you wanting nothing to do with your rage. Once in the room you yelled out to the others there and they quickly ran out like their lives depended on it. You dragged him over to the training chests and forced him to sit on one of them before leaning down and pointing your finger in his face.
"You are going to sit there and be quiet until I'm done talking and your not leaving here until I'm done or so help me I will shout you right through the wall behind you!" Brynjolf nods and sits more comfortably on the chest giving you his full attention. He had never seen you this angry, it was both sexy and terrifying. You stand up straight looking at him dead in the eyes.
"You have been ignoring me, dismissive of me, and rude to me. You constantly make excuses not to talk to me and I've had enough, I need to tell you something important and I need you to listen well; I'm pregnant." Brynjolf wasn't sure what he was expecting you to say but it wasn't that, the man sitting on the chest suddenly looked like his brain shut off so with a sigh you continue moving your cloak so he can see your slightly belly.
"I'm three and a half months, and before you ask yes it's yours. You're the only man I've been with so there's no chance it's anyone else. I'm not asking you to quit the guild and go straight I know you can't. I'm only telling you this because you deserve to know, and because I am keeping it. I've a home here in Riften, I got after getting the Jarl to make me a Thane, I plan on living here but if it's a problem I do have a home in Whiterun. I do plan to return to the Guild after the child is no longer a helpless babe, but until then I won't be here much."
You finish your speech and look at him as you rest your hand on top of your belly. It wasn't something you did often but when you did it was a comfort. Brynjolf to his credit did sit and not interrupt you once during your talk and only when you seemed did he start to speak.
"Well you're right about one thing lass, I can't go straight. I've been in the guild to long to give it all up, that being said; I won't let you do this alone." That last bit shocked you as he stood up and gently placed a hand over yours.
"This is certainly unexpected, but any thief will tell you that sometimes you have to improvise. I'm sorry for ignoring you and making you feel tossed aside. If you live here in Riften I will be here with you, I will be here for the child. Everyone here knows I'm with the guild so I'm not worried about blowing cover. This is a new adventure and I've never been one to back down from a challenge. Besides with skills like ours our child will be the greatest thief in all of Skyrim and the world!"
You stand in front of the cooking pot feeling happy and content. Alduin had been defeated, the civil war was over and while there was still some dragons to deal with most decided to follow Parthanaax. Now you could take a breath and relax. After most of your travels were done you had returned to Riften and found Balimund, wearing a amulet of mara you had both agreed to wed. Balimund had captured your heart when you knew his; his kind heart in taking in Asbjorn from the orphanage and training him, to his gratitude when you brought him the fire salts.
The door opens as your husband enters hot and tired from a day of working the forge. He walks over and gives you a kiss before going to wash up. When he comes back you've got dinner on the table and you and Asbjorn are already starting to eat. As he sits down and starts eating you feel both nervous and excited at the same time before you take a breath to calm yourself before sharing the news. Before you get the chance he turns to look at you.
"This is incredible, you're an amazing cook dear! Much better than we are." His praise never failed to make you smile or love him even more. Asbjorn nodded in agreement.
"I agree, watching him try to cook fish was always a nightmare, missed so many bones and ruined the fish." Balimund nudged him with his elbow before taking another bite and then asking another question.
"By the way, did you go to the temple today to get healed from being sick?" You had been sick the last few days and decided to go to the temple to see if they could heal you as healing potions didn't seem to help. It was there you were told you were pregnant and the smile that had been on your face when you found out had never left.
"Yes I did and it turns out I'm not sick...I'm pregnant." Balimund coughed choking on air for a moment while Asbjorn gave you a big smile.
"That's incredible! Congratulations to the both of you!" Balimund managed to remember how to breathe before he stood up quickly and pulled you into a big hug, picking you up and spinning you aorund.
"Gods be praised! This is the best news I've ever heard!" Setting you down gently he cupped your face and gave you a deep passionate kiss before pulling away with a big smile.
"I thought I was the happiest man in the world when you agreed to marry me but you continue to make me even happier. I'll get started working on a cradle tomorrow as well as taking some more orders to bring in more gold. Asbjorn; I know you'll have no problem handling the forge for a while when the baby arrives."
"Of course, I'm happy to help and happy for the both of you." The both of you sat down and continued to eat dinner, when you were going to go to Sovrenguard to battle Alduin you weren't sure you would ever have this but now here you are, with your growing family, with a happy air and a excitement for the future.
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 2 months
List of already polled characters:
2b/YoRHa No. 2 Type B - Nier: Automata: Hug
A.B.A - Guilty Gears: Hug
Abe - The Oddworld Series: Hug
Abramar - The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood: Kill
Adam - Hazbin Hotel: Kill
Adonis “Donnie” Creed - Creed movies - Rocky franchise: Hug
Adrien Agreste - Miraculous Ladybug: Adopt
Ageha Hijiri - Hirogaru Sky PreCure: Hug
Agnea Bristarni - Octopath Traveler 2: Hug
Aidan - The Illuminae Files: Kill
Aiden Clark - School Bus Graveyard: Hug
Aigis - Persona 3: Hug
Akane Sonozaki - Higurashi: Kill
Akira Kenjou - KiraKira PreCure à la Mode: Hug
Alan Wake - Alan Wake: Hug
Alex DeLarge - A Clockwork Orange: Kill
Alex Taylor - Good Game: Kill
All Might - My Hero Academia: Hug
Almalexia - Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind: Tribunal: Kill
Alucard Tepes - Castlevania: Marry
Amane Momose - MILGRAM Project: Adopt
America/Alfred F Jones - Hetalia: Kill
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader - Star Wars: Kill
Anders - Dragon Age 2: Hug
Angela - Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruin: Hug
Angoramon - Digimon: Hug
Antonio Madrigal - Encanto: Pat on the head
Applejack - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Hug
Apple White - Ever After High: Pat on the head
Aragorn - The Lord of the Rings: Marry
Archer - Pokemon: Kill
Argan - Winx Club: Hug
Aristotle - Billie Bust Up: Hug
Arthur Dent - The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: Hug
Arthur Lester - Malevolent: Hug
Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption 2: Marry
Ashe Bradley - Witch's Heart: Kill
Ashlyn Banner - School Bus Graveyard: Pat on the head
Astarion - Baldur's Gate 3: Hug
ASTRA - The Entropy Centre: Pat on the head
Astro Boy - Astro Boy: Pat on the head
Atlas - Cryptid Crush: Hug
Atsushi Nakajima - Bungo Stray Dogs: Hug
Augustus Sinclair - Bioshock: Kill
Avicenna - Some Desperate Glory: Kill
Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity - The Locked Tomb: Kiss
Aya Maruyama - BanG Dream: Hug
Ayame Sohma - Fruits Basket: Kill
Aziraphale - Good Omens: Hug
Baba - Baba is you: Pat on the head
Babe - Pit Babe: Hug
Bai Wuchang - Word of Honor: Kill
Bandit Heeler - Bluey: Hug
Barbra - Night of the Living Dead: Hug
Barnaby - Billie Bust Up: Hug
Barney - Barney and Friends: Kill
Barry Klemper - The Boys Next Door: Kill
Bart Simpson - The Simpsons: Pat on the head
Basil - Omori: Hug
BD-1 - Star Wars Jedi (Survivor / Fallen Order): Adopt
Beatrice - Umineko: Marry
Becka - Scarlet Hollow: Hug
Beebee - Adventures with Anxiety: Hug
Benoit Blanc - Knives Out: Hug
Bernd das Brot - KiKa/German TV: Kill
Bibble - Barbie: Kill
Bierce - Dark Deception: Kill
Bill Cipher - Gravity Falls: Kill
Billy Coen - Resident Evil 0: Kill
Blazer - Stray: Hug
Blitzwing - Transformers Animated: Hug
Bob Newby - Stranger Things: Hug
Bob Pancakes - The Sims: Kill
Bog King - Strange Magic: Hug
Bolt - Disney's Bolt: Adopt
Bonnie - In Stars and Time: Hug
Boyfriend - Friday Night Funkin: Kill
Brad Meltzer - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Brahms Heelshire - The Boy: Kill
Brainy Smurf - The Smurfs: Pat on the head
Breezepelt - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Brian Flanagan - Cocktail: Kill
Brian Robeson - Hatchet: Pat on the head
Brooklyn - Gargoyles: Hug
Bruce Wayne - Batman: Hug
Buffy Summers - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Hug
Buggy - One Piece: Kill
Camila Noceda - The Owl House: Hug
Camille Saroyan - Bones: Hug
Candace Flynn - Phineas and Ferb: Hug
Captain Pip Bernadotte - Hellsing Ultimate: Hug
Captain Haddock - Tintin: Hug
Carlos the Scientist - Welcome to Night Vale: Hug
Castiel - Supernatural: Hug
Catherine - The Gregory Horror Show: Kill
Catra - She-Ra: Hug
Cecil Palmer - Welcome to Night Vale: Hug
Celty - Durarara!!: Hug
Cerise Hood - Ever After High: Pat on the head
Charles Calvin - Henry Stickmin Collection: Hug
Charlie Cutter - Uncharted franchise: Kill
Charon - Hades: Hug
Chelsea - Royal Scandel: Hug
Chibiusa/Sailor Mini Moon - Sailor Moon: Pat on the head
Chikai Kuji - Sarazanmai: Kill
Chilchuck Tims - Delicious in Dungeon: Hug
Child - Young Justice: Kill
Chloe Bourgeois - Miraculous Ladybug: Adopt
Chococat - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Chrom - Fire Emblem: Marry
Clint Barton/Hawkeye - Marvel: Hug
Clive Handforth - LittleBigPlanet/LittleBigPlanet2: Hug
Cloud Haetae Cookie - Cookie Run Kingdom: Pat on the head
Clyde ‐ Dreams of an Insomniac: Hug
Cogimyun - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Colette - The Thea Stilton novels: Hug
Conan Edogawa - Detective Conan: Pat on the head
Coraline - Coraline: Hug+Adopt
Cordell Walker - Walker 2021: Hug
Coro chan - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Crash Man - Megaman 2: Hug
Cream the Rabbit - Sonic: Hug
Crying Child - Five Nights at Freddy's 4: Adopt
Daijin - Suzume: Pat on the head
Daisy Johnson - Agents of SHIELD: Hug
Daisy Tonner - The Magnus Archives: Kill
Dale Cooper - Twin Peaks: Hug
Damian Wayne - DC Comics: Pat on the head
Damien Darhk - Arrow: Kill
Damon Salvatore - The Vampire Diaries: Kill
Dana Scully - The X-Files: Marry
Danny Fenton - Danny Phantom: Hug
Da Quing - Guardian: Hug
Darcmon - Digimon: Hug
Dave - Total Drama: Kill
Dean Winchester - Supernatural: Hug
Death - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Kiss
Death the Kid - Soul Eater: Hug
Delenn - Babylon 5: Hug
Desmond Hume - Lost: Kill
Dexter Morgan - Dexter: Kill
Diana of Themyscira | Wonder Woman - DC Comics: Marry
Dib - Invader Zim: Pat on the head
Digby - Dead Estate: Pat on the head
Doctor Strange Supreme - Marvel's What If...?: Kill
Dogday - Poppy Playtime: Adopt
Dominique de Sade - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Donald Duck - Ducktales 2017: Hug
Donald Trump - Real Life: Kill
Donald Trump - Real Life: Fuck
Donatello Splinterson - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003: Hug
Don Ramón/Seu Madruga - El Chavo del Ocho/Chaves: Hug
Dorana - Winx Club: Kill
Dr. Boris Habit - Smile For Me: Hug
Dr. Claire Finn - The Orville: Hug
Dr. D Light - It's Not Me, It's My Basement: Hug
Dr. Flug ‐ Villainous: Hug
Dr. Herbert Lankmann - Dreams of an Insomniac: Kill
Dr. Ludwig/The Medic - Team Fortress 2: Kill
Dr. Two Brains - WordGirl: Hug
Dragon - Shrek: Hug
Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter: Kill
Dream of the Endless - The Sandman: Hug
Echidna - Fire Emblem: Marry
Echo - Star Wars The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch: Hug
Ecolo - Puyo Puyo: Hug
Edd - Eddsworld: Hug
Edie Finch - What remains of Edith Finch: Kill
Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist: Pat on the head
Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate - One Piece: Hug
Eileen Leahy - Supernatural: Hug
El Chavo/Chaves - El Chavo del Ocho: Kill
Elena Shimabara - THE iDOLM@STER Million Live: Pat on the head
Elias - Noli Me Tangere: Kill
Elias Bouchard - The Magnus Archives: Kill
Elizabeth Swann - Pirates of the Caribbean: Marry
Emily Kauffman - Gylt: Hug
Emperor Belos - The Owl House: Kill
Emu Otori - Project Sekai: Pat on the head
Ena Shinomome - Project Sekai: Hug
Entrapta - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Hug
Eowyn - The Lord of the Rings: Marry
Eric Foreman - House M. D.: Hug
Eric Matthews - Saw: Kill
Erik (The Phantom) - The Phantom of The Opera: Kill
Eucerin - Object Fool: Kill
Eva Ushiromiya - Umineko: Hug
Evan "Buck" Buckley - 9-1-1 TV Series: Hug
Ezio Auditore da Firenze - Assassin's Creed: Hug
Ezra - On Air Island: Hug
Fan - Rockman Strategy: Kill
Fantoccio - Billie Bust Up!: Hug
Felix Fathom - Miraculous Ladybug : Pat on the head
Felix Kranken - The Walten Files: Kill
First Aid - Transformers Animated: Hug
Fitz Vacker - Keeper of the Lost Cities: Pat on the head
Five Pebbles - Rain World: Hug
Floyd - Trolls Band Together: Kill
Flynn - Shin Megami Tensei IV (Apocalypse): Hug
Francis Mosses - That’s not my neighbor: Hug
Frank Fontaine - Bioshock: Kill
Franklin Saint - Snowfall: Hug
Freddy Fazbear - Five Nights at Freddy's: Kill
Frisk - Undertale: Pat on the head
Fubuki Shirou - Inazuma Eleven: Hug
Furina - Genshin Impact: Hug
Future Edd - Eddsworld: Kill
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Bungo Stray Dogs: Kill
Gabe Ugliano - Percy Jackson: Kill
Gale Hawthorne - The Hunger Games Franchise: Kill
Gamzee Makara - Homestuck: Kill
Garden of Thorns Gregor - Limbus Company: Marry
Garfield - Garfield: Pat on the head
Garry - Ib: Hug
Garu/Karu - Nu:Carnival: Hug
Gary King - The World’s End: Hug
Gelus - Death Note: Pat on the head
General Sarah Alder - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Geno - Super Mario RPG: Hug
Gideon Nav - The Locked Tomb: Hug
Gilgamesh Wolfenbach - Girl Genius: Hug
Ginpachi-Senpai - Gintama: Kill
GLaDOS - Portal: Marry
Godzilla - Godzilla (Monsterverse): Hug
Gonta Gokuhara - Danganronpa: Hug
Gorōbei Katayama - Seven Samurai: Hug
Gosha - Beastars: Hug
Gray Wing - Warrior Cats: Kill
Gray Yeon - The Weak Hero Webtoon: Kill
Greg Heffley - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Kill
Gregory - Five Nights at Freddy's, Security Breach: Kill
Gretchen - Scarlet Hollow: Pat on the head
Grillby - Undertale: Marry
Grimora - Inscryption: Kill
Guardener - Undertale Yellow: Hug
Halsin - Baldur's Gate 3: Marry
Hal Stewart/Titan - Megamind: Kill
Haruhi Fujioka - Ouran High School Host Club: Hug
Harrowhark Nonagesimus - The Locked Tomb: Adopt
Hau - Pokemon (Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Moon): Hug
Heath - Blackstar Theater Starless: Hug+Kill
Heathcliff - Heathcliff Comic Strip: Hug
Heinz Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb: Hug
Hello Kitty - Sanrio: Pat on the head
Helob - Cult of the Lamb: Kill
He Who Gets Slapped - He Who Gets Slapped: Kill
Heywood Floyd - Space Odyssey: Kill
Hiro Hamada - Big Hero 6: Hug
Holston Becker - Silo: Hug
Homelander - The Boys: Kill
Homer Simpson - The Simpsons: Kill
Homura Akemi - Puella Magi Madoka Magika: Hug
Horrid Henry - Horrid Henry: Kill
Howard "Bunny" Colvin - The Wire: Hug
Hug Kiss Marry Kill Tumblr blog - Tumblr: Hug
Hwoarang - Tekken 7: Kill
Hyuk Lee - Sweet Home: Kill
Hyun Cha - Sweet Home: Hug
lan jingyi - The Untamed/cql: Pat on the head
lcb Sinner Gregor - Limbus Company: Marry
Ignatz Victor - Fire Emblem Three Houses: Pat on the head
Ilya Oblomov - Oblomov: Hug
Indika - Indika: Hug
Inuyasha - Inuyasha: Pat on the head
Invidia Bat - A Little Vice: Hug
Iris Black - Countdown to Countdown: Hug
Iron Giant - The Iron Giant: Hug
Ivan - Alien Stage: Hug
Izaya Orihara - Durarara!!: Kill
Jack Horner - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Kill
Jack Kline - Supernatural: Hug
Jaime Lannister - A Song of Ice and Fire: Kill
Jaime Reyes - Blue Beetle: Hug
Jak - Jak and Daxter: Hug
Jake Carter - The Marine movies/WWE: Kill
James Wilson - House MD: Hug
Janet - The Good Place: Hug
Jason Todd - Batman: Hug
Jax - The Amazing Digital Circus: Kill
Jay - Beyond Two Souls: Kill
Jeanne - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Jedah Diamond - Tokyo 7th Sisters: Hug
Jeff Whitman - The Devil in Me (The Dark Pictures Anthology): Kill
Jerry - Undertale: Kill
Jester Lavorre - Critical Role: Hug
Jiang Cheng - Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed: Hug
Jiro Yamashita - The Idolmaster SideM: Hug
Jobin Higashikata - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Kill
Joe Biden - Real Life: Kill
Johan Liebert - Monster: Kill
John Crichton - Farscape: Hug
John Doe - Malevolent: Hug
John Gaius - The Locked Tomb: Kill
John “Soap” MacTavish - Call of Duty - Modern Warfare series: Marry
Jonathan Sims - The Magnus Archives: Hug
Joshu Higashikata - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 8: JoJolion: Kill
Josh Washington - Until Dawn: Hug
Juan Carlos Bodoque - 31 Minutos: Hug
Judy Hopps - Zootopia: Hug
Julian - Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja: Pat on the head
Kabru - Dungeon Meshi: Hug
Kagome Higurashi - Inuyasha: Hug
Kakashi Hatake - Naruto: Marry
Kaladin Stormblessed - The Stormlight Archive: Hug
Kanba Takakura - Mawaru Penguindrum: Pat on the head
KAngel/Ame-chan - Needy Streamer Overload: Hug
Kankri Vantas - Homestuck: Kill
Kanta Higurashi - Zom 100: Hug+Kill
Kaoru Hakaze - Ensemble Stars: Kill
Karkat Vantas - Homestuck: Kill
Karma Akabane - Assassination Classroom: Hug
Kat Neese - Raising Dion: Hug+Kill
Kayne - Malevolent: Kill
Kazuya Kinoshita - Rent a Girlfriend: Kill
Keine Ron - UTAU: Pat on the head
Kel - Onori: Hug
Kellyn - Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia: Pat on the head
Ken - Barbie: Hug
Kendall Roy - Succession: Hug
Kensuke Kurosaki - Corpse Party: Pat on the head
Kermit the Frog - The Muppet: Hug
Kestrel - Wings of Fire: Kill
Kevin - Welcome to Night Vale: Kill
Kevin McCallister - Home Alone: Pat on the head
Keyleth - Critical Role: Hug
Khalida - Motherland: Fort Salem: Pat on the head
Kikunojo - One Piece: Marry
Kikuchiyo - Seven Samurai: Kiss
Kikyo - Inuyasha: Hug
Killua Zoldyck - Hunter x Hunter: Pat on the head
Kim - Kinnporsche: The Series: Hug
King Andrias - Amphibia: Kill
King Randolph - Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses: Kill
Kinito - KinitoPET: Pat on the head
Kinzo Ushiromiya - Umineko: Kill
Kitty Jones - Bartimaeus Trilogy: Hug
Klaus von Reinherz - Kekkai Sensen: Marry
Klavier Gavin - Ace Attorney: Hug
Klutzy - Club Penguin: Pat on the head
Kokichi Oma - Danganronpa V3: Kill
Korosensei - Assassination Classroom: Hug
Korra - Legend of Korra: Hug
Kotoko Yuzuriha - Milgram: Hug
Kou Minamoto - Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun: Hug
Kris Dreemurr - Deltarune: Hug
Kuzco - The Emperor's New Groove: Pat on the head
Kyle Drako - Milo Murphy's Law: Kill
Kyubi - Puella Magi Madoka Magika: Kill
Kyungsoon - Purrgatory: Hug
L - Death Note: Hug
La Chilindrina/Chiquinha - El Chavo del Ocho/Chaves: Pat on the head
LadyDevimon - Digimon: Kiss
Lady Eboshi - Princess Mononoke: Marry
Lance - Pokemon Special Edition: Pat on the head
Lance Serrano - Voltron: Hug
Langly (X-Files): Kill
Lee Doo-hak - Oasis: Hug
Lee Everett - Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Hug
Leo Valdez - Heroes of Olympus: Hug
Leshy - Inscryption: Hug
Lestat de Lioncourt - Interview with the Vampire: Kill
Lev Myshkin - The Idiot: Hug
Licorice Cookie - Cookie Run Kingdom: Hug
Lili Zanotto - Psychonauts: Pat on the head
Lisa Simpson - The Simpsons: Pat on the head
Liu Qianqiao - Qord of Honor: Hug
Logan Fields - School Bus Graveyard: Hug
Lonely Wizard - Inscryption: Hug
Looks to the Moon - Rain World: Hug
Luan Loud - The Loud House: Kill
Luigi - Super Mario Brothers: Hug
Luisa Madrigal - Encanto: Hug
Luke Carder - Inscryption: Hug
Luke Skywalker - Star Wars: Hug
Lumine - LUMINE: Pat on the head
Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter: Adopt
Luz Noceda - The Owl House: Hug
Mabel Pines - Gravity Falls: Hug
Madoka Kaname - Madoka Magica: Hug
Madotsuki - Yume Nikki: Pat on the head
Maggie Simpson - The Simpsons: Hug
Magolor - Kirby: Kill
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter - Sailor Moon: Hug
Malak - Dark Deception: Kill
Malcolm Merlyn - Arrow: Kill
Mallow - Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars/Super Mario RPG: Pat on the head
Manny Heffley - Diary of a wimpy kid: Kill
Man with the yellow hat - Curious George: Hug
Marceline Abadeer - Adventure Time: Marry
Marge Simpson - The Simpsons: Hug
Maria Ushiromiya - Umineko: Adopt
Mark Beaks - Ducktales: Kill
Marnie - Stardew Valley: Hug
Martin Blackwood - The Magnus Archives: Hug
Martin Payne - Martin: Hug
Mary Schmidt - Five Nights at Candy's 3: Pat on the head
Master Kohga - Legend of Zelda: Kill
Matcha Cookie - Cookie Run: Hug
Matsudappoiyo - UTAU: Hug
Matty - Witch's Heart: Kill
Medkit - Phighting!: Kill
Melchior - Riot Kings: Hug
Mia Dolan - La La Land: Kill
Miae Hwang - After School Lessons for unripe apples: Pat on the head
Michael - The Good Place: Hug
Michael J. Caboose - Red vs Blue: Hug
Michael Kaiser - Blue Lock: Hug
Miki Sayaka - Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Hug
Miko Nakadai - Transformers Prime: Pat on the head
Millennial Tree Cookie - Cookie Run: Hug
Millie Fitzsimmons - FNaF Fazbear Frights: Hug+Pat on the head
Min - Parallel City: Hug+Kill
Mina Harker - Dracula: Hug
Mini Yaemori - Rent a Girlfriend: Kill
Minish Cap Link - The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap: Pat on the head
Mion Sonozaki - Higurashi: Hug
Miorine Rembran - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Hug
Misa Amane - Death Note: Hug
Misaki Ayuzawa - Kaichou wa Maid Sama: Hug
Miss Kobayashi - Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Hug
Miss Piggy - The Muppets: Hug
Mithrun - Dungeon Meshi: Hug
Miwako Sakurada - Paradise Kiss: Hug+Kiss
Molar Boatworks Fixer Sinclair - Limbus Company: Hug
Momo - Stray: Hug
Monika - Doki Doki Literature Club: Hug
Mono - Little Nightmares: Adopt
Monsieur Tidbits - The Who Was? Show: Kill
Moonwatcher - Wings of Fire: Hug
Mo Ran - The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2ha): Hug
Morgan Yu - Prey: Hug
Mothwing - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Mr Bean - Mr Bean: Hug
Mr Peanutbutter - BoJack Horseman: Kill
Mr. Puzzles - SMG4: Kill
Mrs. Asahina - Project Sekai: Kill
Murmukusmon - Digimon: Kill
Mustache Girl - A Hat In Time: Pat on the head
Mylene Farrow - Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Kill
Narrator - The Stanley Parable: Hug
Nastasya Filippovna - The Idiot: Hug
Natalia - The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: Hug
Nate Wright - Big Nate: Hug
Natsukage Suoh - 1bitHeart: Pat on the head
Natsuki - Doki Doki Literature Club: Hug
Near - Death Note: Hug
Newton Pud - Little Big Planet: Hug
Nicholas Angel - Hot Fuzz: Hug
Nick - Zootopia: Hug
Nick Valentine - Fallout 4: Marry
Niffty - Hazbin Hotel: Pat on the head
Niki Sanders - Heroes: Hug
Niko - Oneshot: Hug
No.96 Dark Mist - Yugioh Zexal: Kill
Nobara Kugisaki - Jujutsu Kaisen: Hug
Noe Archiviste - Vanitas no carte: Hug
Norman - Honey I'm Home: Hug
Omnimon/Omegamon - Digimon: Hug
One-One - Infinity Train: Pat on the head
Ongsa - 23.5: Pat on the head
Onion San - Undertale: Pat on the head
Orel Puppington - Moral Orel: Adopt
Oroboros - Honka: Star Rail: Kill
Oscar - Malevolent: Hug
Ozen ""The Immovable"" - Made in Abyss: Hug
P03 - Inscryption: Kill
Patrick Star - Spongebob Squarepants: Hug
Pavel Yudin - Fear and Hunger Termina: Kill
Peacock - Skullgirls: Pat on the head
PearlescentMoon - Double lifesmp/Traffic life series: Hug
Peter Washington - Dawn of the Dead: Kill
Phaya - The Sign: Kiss
Philippines - Hetalia: Hug
Phoebe Spengler - Ghostbusters: Pat on the head
Phosphophyllite - Land of the Lustrous/Houseki no Kuni: Hug
Pink - Everhood: Hug
Pinkie Pie - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Hug
Playtime - Baldi’s Basics: Kill
Pomni - The Amazing Digital Circus: Hug
Popeyes Employee - RDCWorld1: Hug
Portgas D. Ace - One Piece: Hug
Prospera Mercury - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Kill
Qifrey - Witch Hat Atelier: Hug
Quark - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Hug
Raelle Collar - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Rambley the Raccoon - Indigo Park: Hug
Randy Random - Rimworld: Kill
Ranko Mannen - Akiba Maid War: Hug
Ranma Saotome - Ranma 1/2: Hug
Rantaro Amami - Danganronpa: Kill
Rasputin IV - X-Men: Kiss
Rasta Beast - Everhood: Hug
Ray - The Promised Neverland: Hug
R.B. Sous-chef Gregor - Limbus Company: Kill
R. Daneel Olivaw - The Robot Series: Kill
Red Harvest - The Magnificent Seven: Hug
Reese Kelly - Scarlet Hollow: Hug
Regina George - Mean Girls: Kill
Reigen Arataka - Mob Psycho 100: Kill
Reimi Sugimoto - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Hug
Rei Sakuma - Ensemble Stars: Hug
Ramy Hassan - Ramy TV show: Kill
Retsuko - Aggretsuko Anime: Hug
Rider - Centaurworld: Hug
Riku - Kingdom Hearts: Hug
Ringo Oginome - Mawaru Penguindrum: Pat on the head
Roadhog - Overwatch: Hug
Robert E. O. Speedwagon - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Kill
Robin - Honkai Star Rail: Hug
Ronald Novikov - Jackson's Diary: Hug
Rory - Morgana and Oz: Hug
Rosa Ushiromiya - Umineko: Kill
Rose Quartz - Steven Universe: Hug
Rozy/Rozana - The Guy Upstairs: Hug
Ruby Rose - RWBY: Hug
Runaway Kid - Little Nightmares: Adopt
Ryland Tate - Good Game: Hug
Ryo Akizuki - The Idolmaster: Pat on the head
Ryotaro Dojima - Persona 4: Hug
Ryuji Sakamoto - Persona 5: Hug
Saburo Yamada - Hypnosis Mic: Pat on the head
Sakuna - Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin: Pat on the head
Sakura Haruno - Naruto: Pat on the head
Samantha "Sam" Giddings - Until Dawn: Hug
Sam Drake - Uncharted Franchise: Marry
Sammy Lawrence - Bendy and the ink machine: Kill
Sam Winchester - Supernatural: Hug
Samwise Gamgee - Lord of the Rings: Hug
Sanetoshi Watase - Mawaru Penguindrum: Kill
Sarah Lynn - Bojack Horseman: Hug
Sara Lance - Legends of Tomorrow: Marry+Kill
Sasara Nurude - Hypnosis Mic: Kill
Sasha Nein - Psychonauts: Hug
Sasha Waybright - Amphibia: Pat on the head
Satoru Gojo - Jujutsu Kaisen: Marry
Saturday Tasogare- vivid/stasis: Hug
Scissors - Paper Mario the Orgami King: Kill
Scrappy Doo - Scooby-Doo: Kill
Scrooge McDuck - Ducktales: Hug+Kill
Scylla Ramshorn - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Seliph - Fire Emblem: Hug
Senku Ishigami - Dr. Stone: Kill
Sergei Dragunov - Tekken: Marry
Sergey Razumovsky - Major Grom: Hug
Serial Designation N - Murder Drones: Hug
Sesshomaru - Inuyasha: Kill
Seungha - Odd Girl Out: Hug
Severus Snape - Harry Potter: Kill
Shaggy - Scooby-Doo: Pat on the head
Shannon LaFae - Heart Fragment: Hug
Shaun Riley - Shaun of the Dead: Hug
Sheryl Luria - Evil: Kill
Shigaraki Tomura - My Hero Academia: Hug
Shinra Kishitani - Durarara!!: Kill
Shin Sato - The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls: Hug
Shion Sonozaki - Higurashi: Pat on the head must
Shouko Komi - Komi San wa komishou desu: Hug
Shouto Todoroki - My Hero Academia: Hug
Shrek - Shrek: Hug
Shuya Nanahara - Battle Royale: Pat on the head
Shu Itsuki - Ensemble Stars: Kill
Shuji Ikutsuki - Persona 3: Kill
Siffrin - In Stars and Time: Hug
Simon Keyes - Ace Attorney: Kill
Sir Pentious - Hazbin Hotel: Hug
Six - Little Nightmares: Pat on the head+Adopt
Skull Kid - Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: Pat on the head
Slate - Outer Wilds: Hug
Snow White/Red Shoes - Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs: Hug
Soldier Boy - The Boys: Kill
Solomon - Obey Me: Marry
Sonya - Fire Emblem: Marry
Sora Harukawa - Ensemble Stars: Pat on the head
Spamton G. Spamton - Deltarune: Kill
Sparkle - Honkai: Star Rail: Kill
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds: Marry
SpongeBob SquarePants - SpongeBob SquarePants: Hug
Stanley Poole - Bioshock 2: Kill
Stan Pines - Gravity Falls: Hug
Star Flower - Warrior Cats: Pat on the head
Starscream - Transformers Prime: Kill
Steve Harrington - Hug
Stokely Mitchell - The Faculty: Hug
Stonemover - Wings of Fire : Hug
Strider Hiryu - Strider: Kill
Subspace - Phighting!: Kill
Suletta Mercury - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: Hug
Sypha Belnades - Castlevania: Marry
Takuto Maruki - Persona 5 Royal: Hug
Tali'Zorah - Mass Effect: Marry
Tally Craven - Motherland: Fort Salem: Kill
Tamaki Suoh - Ouran High School Host Club: Hug
Tarvek Sturmvoraus - Girl Genius: Hug
Taylor - Simulacra: Hug
Taylor Hebert - Worm (Parahumans): Hug
Taylor Swift - Real Life: Kill
Teddy - Among the Sleep: Kill
Terry - Deltarune: Kill
Teruki Hanazawa - Mob Psycho 100: Pat on the head
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair: Kill
Tessa James Elliot - Murder Drones: Hug
The Dud - The Simpsons: Kill
The Emperor - Baldur's Gate 3: Kill
The Goose - Untitled Goose Game: Pat on the head
The Maker/Reed Richards - Ultimate Marvel: Kill
The Ninth Doctor - Doctor Who: Hug
The Nowhere King - Centaurworld: Kill
The Once-ler - The Lorax: Kill
The Princess - Slay the Princess: Hug
The Second Coming - Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft: Hug
The Shade - The Longing: Pat on the head
The Shapeshifter - Odd Squad: Kill
The Snatcher - A Hat In Time: Kill
The Stalker - Stalker: Kill
The Survivor - Rain World: Pat on the head
The Test - Baldi's Basics: Kill
The Wandering Trader - Minecraft: Kill
Thomas Richardson - The Apostle: Kill
Thorn - Wings of Fire: Hug
Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy VII: Hug
Tippi - Super Paper Mario: Hug
Titania - Fire Emblem: Marry
Tom Barnaby - Midsomer Murders: Hug
Tony Tony Chopper - One Piece: Adopt
Tord - Eddsworld: Kill
Toya Aoyagi - Project SEKAI: Hug
Trevor Belmont - Castlevania: Kiss
Trevor Garbo - Smile For Me: Kill
Tsubasa Yuunagi - Hirogaru Sky PreCure: Pat on the head
Tsukasa Okino - 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim: Hug
Tulio Triviño Tufillo - 31 Minutos: Kill
Tulip Olsen - Infinity Train: Pat on the head
Turbo - Wreck It Ralph: Kill
Twelve - Zankyou No Terror: Kill
Twice - Boku No Hero Academia: Hug
Ukitake Jushiro - Bleach: Hug
Umi - Sharkgirl Umi: Pat on the head
Uncle Iroh - Avatar: The Last Airbender: Hug
Uraume - Jujitsu Kaisen: Hug
Usami - Danganronpa: Hug
Uta - One Piece: Hug
Vanessa - A Hat In Time: Kill
Vasily Petrovych Goloborodko - Servant of the People: Hug
Vee - The Owl House: Hug
Vegas Theerapanyakul - KinnPorsche: Hug
Vertin - Reverse: 1999: Hug
Victoria Best - Wordgirl: Pat on the head
Vigilante - My Friend Pedro: Hug+Kill
Virgil - Portal Stories: Mel: Hug
Vriska Serket- Homestuck: Kill
Wabuu - Wabuu the cheeky raccoon: Kill
Wade Wilson - Deadpool: Hug
Wallace - Pokémon ORAS: Hug
WALL-E - WALL-E: Pat on the head
Wally Franks - Bendy and the Ink Machine: Hug
Warren the Eagle - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared: Kill
Wes - Pokemon Colosseum: Hug
Wheatley - Portal: Kill
Whitty - Friday Night Funkin: Hug
Winfrey/Speciment 02 - Dreams Of An Insominiac: Hug
Wooly - Rune Factory: Pat on the head
Wu Xie - Daomu Biji: Hug
Xavier - Xavier: Renegade Angel : Kill
Xavier Riddle - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Yadina Riddle - Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: Pat on the head
Yagami Eiji - Danball Senki: Kill
Yang Xiao Long - RWBY: Hug
Yato - Noragami: Kill
Yellow/Amarillo del Bosque Verde - Pokemon Special Edition/Pokespe: Pat on the head
Yoda - Star Wars: Hug
Yoo Joonghyuk - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint: Hug
Youhei Sunohara - Clannad: Kill
Yui - Sakuna: of rice and ruin: Pat on the head
Yukito Ayatsuji - Bungo Stray Dogs: Gaiden: Kill
Yuri - DDLC: Hug
Yurika Hakonaka - Yuri Kuma Arashi: Kill
Yuugo Tennouji - Steins;Gate: Hug
Zenkichi Hasegawa - Persona 5 Strikers/Scramble: Kill
Zeus - Greek Mythology: Kill
Zhang Chengling - Word of Honor: Pat on the head
Zhou Zishu - Word of Honor: Hug
Zim - Invader Zim: Pat on the head
ZombieCleo - The Life Series: Hug
Zuko - Avatar The Last Airbender: Hug
26 notes · View notes
cynthiav06 · 9 months
In which scenes do you think they should have given Klaus and Hayley a kissing scene?
Let's say we disregard the entirety of season 1, let the whole Elijah thing blow over.
Firstly, in season 2, when Klaus is consoling her after explaining the realities of being a hybrid, in the real moments are vibrant scene or even when he takes her out to kill witches, they could have given us a forehead touch in the for the former and a kiss for the latter part.[Both consumed by bloodlust mostly Hayley as Klaus can control it, she accidentally(definitely intentionally while acting on her true desires) kisses Klaus and he is so enamored he can't help but reciprocate.
I trust you, more than you know scene should have definitely evolved into a kiss. Klaus can't help the jealousy and the feeling of fear that arises at the thought of her marrying Jackson (yes, yes, he is also worried about Hope's existence being revealed, but there's obviously more) and after hearing Hayley's words he wants to convey to her that he does trust her and care for her so yeah a kiss there for sure.
In season 3, Hayley turns back and is fighting Klaus but breaks down after seeing Hope and then hugs her? I think that scene should have also had Klaus hugging them both, maybe to symbolise his apology or other but not a kiss, but at least a hug.
After he saves her from Lucien, we really need a scene where he hugs her, and then she kisses him because she needs to feel that he is real and they are both alright. Klaus kisses her back equally fervently to assure her that she is safe as she is both afraid for Klaus's life and her own so he can feel her fear and relief now that Lucien's dead. That should have definitely been added. (So many missed opportunities for the building up to probably the most compatible and perfect couple you would think they didn't do it just to not brutally destroy the previous Klaus or Hayley ships. Oh shit that's exactly why)
When they are alone in the wood clearing, and he says, "I have given you a thousand reasons to abandon me, but you haven't yet, thank you?" A kiss would have gone really well with that.
Maybe a scene where Hayley shows off her karaoke skills, and Klaus is so amazed he kisses her? That would have been perfect.
When he goes to Marcel to sacrifice himself for Hope, Hayley and his family, a parting kiss
When Klaus, Hayley and Hope unite and Klaus and Hayley see each other's struggles they can't help but kiss because Hayley has missed Klaus's presence, his words, his protection and Klaus has missed his little wolf and littlest wolf dearly, moreover Klaus can't help but marvel at her strength each time for whenever he thinks this might just break my little wolf she perseveres through it and he has been wanting to kiss her since they last parted and as she was one of the few who broke him out the want only doubled.
A lots of kisses during that time cause two people don't go to such lengths for each other if they don't love one another like crazy.
When he has to leave with the hollow's essence, a sorrowful but desperate kiss. Yet again, parting ways and this just might be permanent.
I like to think Hayley gave him individual visits to check on him when Hope was grown enough and was in school and they kissed and everything.
Lastly when Klaus saves her from Greta, the Hollow's defeated and its all good for the rest of them, after Hope's taken back, passionate kissing and make out scene that results into another miracle baby is exactly what we deserved. [This is what I believe would have actually happened if the writers weren't bloody fools and also so I don't wallow in misery at the unfairness of it all for both of them]
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Can I have some fluffy Paris x reader where he kisses her scars she got from a near death experience?
Absolutely :)
Warnings: A bit of dramatic angst in the beggining.
A Thousand Times - Paris x (Fem) Reader
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The battle unleashed with the death of King Menelaus left as result an encouraging victory for the trojans. Greeks were hit hard with the loss of two of their main heroes, their core motivations affected after losing the excuse that brought them to foreign shores. The outcome was good for the locals, but they did get some scares regarding the possibilities of losing some of their most remarkable warlords. Hector faced lethal danger fighting Ajax, the best opponent he had encountered in the battlefield in the absence of Achilles. Witnessing that with horror made you rush into his defense, but the luck of the fight was against you. To that greek you were only an obstacle in his way to glory, what he would have obtained by killing Hector. The interruption angered him and his brute strength was hard to contain, your brother in law got you out barely alive. 
Behind the city walls nobody was rushing to tell your husband what happened. Paris had his own wound needing attention and Helen was stitching his leg while trying to comfort him about the shame that fleeing away from battle in front of everybody caused him. He was scared of facing you, right hand of Hector in the army, as the coward he turned out to be. If he would have let you fight against the spartan king, the war would be over. Paris wanted to do it for you, to assume all guilt for bringing Helen to Troy so you wouldn’t have to be the one fighting. He wanted you to watch him fight and feel proud of his courage for challenging a great warrior. The pathetic spectacle he gave was the opposite of all his intentions, he gave the enemies more motives for mockery. Whenever a greek would make fun of you for being married to him, they would be in the right.  
All of that stopped mattering to him as soon as Andromache told him of the critical state in which you arrived back to the city. He limpied his way to the halls of the royal healers with unthinkable desperation. With his disheveled hair and tearful eyes, Paris didn’t look any different from the many grieving trojan women  
“ The one who did this will be burning in the pyre tonight.” Hector informed him. “ I took care of that, brother. She took the risk to save my life and I repaid her.” 
Paris glanced at him for a brief instant, showing to have barely heard a calming statement that wasn’t calming him at all. 
“ Forgive me, dear.” He told his sister in law, then hugged her. “ … for making you live fearing what fate is making me face now.” 
She didn’t speak, but remained receptive for the instant the contact lasted. 
“ Why did you save me so I would watch the love of my life die??! “ He reproached in between sobbing. “ She is dying, Hector! It should have been me, if you would have let me die the war would be over.” 
“ The battle would have started anyways. “ His brother corrected. “ Agammenon doesn’t care about the suffering woman that we are sheltering thanks to both of you. He wants to destroy us because we are the last obstacle for his empire in development.” 
He gently grabbed his face in order to force eye contact, an emphasizing act for what he was about to say. 
“ Paris, your death would have changed nothing. It would have only brought me more sorrow. Stop thinking of that, I don’t regret what I did. How can I ever regret saving you? You are my brother and I love you. If Menelaus didn’t see it coming, that’s perhaps because his brother wouldn’t have crossed the line of personal convenience or risked his honor for him.” 
“ Live for her.” Andromache added just as her husband was releasing the weeping man. “ There is still hope, she is strong. I followed the combat from the wall, she endured it with dignity and i sincerely doubt her strengths had run out there.” 
Hector allowed Paris to collapse against him, shredding his tears while he held him. 
“ The best healers in the kingdom are working on her, she can still see another day.” 
Paris was too worried to care for any logic. 
“ I don’t know if I will without her.” 
Time proved his family right and seeing you survive was like watching the sun shine again. From the very first moment he saw your eyes open Paris took Andromache’s advice a little too far. He was living for you, filling you with attentions that were making you feel even luckier to be alive. It also made you feel a bit guilty because he was neglecting his own wound to take care of you just because you got it worse, but there was another issue you were more reluctant to admit regarding the situation. 
Your preference would have been finishing the recovery on the houses of healing so you could be back with him once restored. Your wounds also affected your appearance and you were ashamed of returning to your husband in such state. 
“ I’m sorry that you have to see me like this.” You admitted to him at some point when you couldn’t avoid the topic anymore. You were feeling better and the vanity of princess was temporarily outshining your pride of warrior. “ I trusted on speed beating strength, but things got wrong. It happens sometimes, fighting is about skill but also luck. That wasn’t my time, the gods wanted Hector to have the glory and I got the bruises. “ 
It was expected that your opponent would try to leave ugly scars as soon as he realized you were a woman. Attacking your beauty was assumed a good chance to generate a distraction and the greek you fought was so strong that some of the worse bruises he left on you were made with his bare hands. 
“ Your time to shine will come, my love.” Paris comforted you immediately. “ All i care now is that you are safe.” 
“ At least when it comes I will no longer be the pretty girl of the battlefield. “ You joked lightly. “ The greeks will start respecting me now that these new scars have strippen the last hints of femininity from my looks. “ 
Right as you finished delivering that sentence, your glance got fixated in the wonderful perfection of his face. He smiled for you and you couldn’t resist it. 
“ Look at you, fighting hasn’t changed you at all. “ You sweetly complimented him. “ It’s as if you were coming back from dancing and you were resting a tired leg. Your flawless skin barely got caressed by the bronze, my dearest. You are still as beautiful as you always have been. “ 
In another moment he would have simply agreed to your comment, but not that time. With the presence of Helen and the way people talked about her, it was only natural that you would be more worried than usual about your looks. Even after what you went through, once your mind would begin to run cold away from the imminent danger, minor worries like that one could be coming to you. 
“ The traces of bronze will never disturb your beauty.” He praised you, carefully getting closer to you. “ You are as stunning as the first time I saw you. The wounds will heal and you will feel it in yourself again soon.” 
“ Scars will remain.” You immediately recalled. “ The punches will go, sure, but what about the rest? Your wife, your princess, now looks like a rebellious slave girl that got the punishment of her life. “ 
“ More like the hero that almost dies trying to save my brother.” He corrected you once more. “ I’m proud of you, it’s me who failed you. Let me make it right.” 
He helped you lay down in bed and began to inspect your bruises with unique care. The most prominent was on your neck, the hands of your attacker were engraved on your delicate skin. Paris was never a spiteful person, but he was very glad that the one marking you like that died by the blade of Hector if it couldn’t be by yours. The attempt of strangulation must have been brutal to leave those traces. Your husband tentatively approached the injured area, barely breathing close to see if the action would cause you pain. 
Once he noticed it didn't, he pressed one first and very gentle kiss. 
“ Is this good? “ He purred against your skin, right before kissing you again. “ My princess, I would worship your body a thousand times before letting you fall into those harmful misconceptions.” 
The comment was followed by a trail of kisses he softly led through that sensitive corner of your body, replacing the traces of pain left by the greek with a path of love created by him. 
“ I love you.” You purred back in delight. “ A thousand times, one for each greek ship on our shores.” 
He chuckled against you and briefly raised his head to stare deeply into your eyes. 
“ Then I may need to fill you with a thousand kisses. You will not find enough space in this glorious skin of yours for all this love I have for you. “ 
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lynnbutlertron · 1 year
I'm v drunk right now but I feel that mr b might lije scudworth but he doesn't like to show it- do u have any headcanons or thoughts about them
SO TRUE ANON i also tend to think about scudlertron while drunk. Hope you are safe and well atm… but let me throw some Thoughts at you. Thank you for asking me because i indeed have many thoughts…… so many. Too many. Trying to stay in theme with “mr b doesn’t like to show it” but i may go off track, apologies…
I have so many more general thoughts than this, but it’s quite a lot so i’ll put it under a readmore… i am so sorry i’m not the best at articulating my ideas, hope this is good….
-> scud and lynn are literally married but for these i’m thinking more mr b having a crush on him
-> since mr b doesn’t have hands, a mouth, etc, he would much rather show affection in other ways that don’t include having them (like kissing) . so like, i have the headcanon he loves to bake and will absolutely show his affection via baking. scudworth has no idea how much time and effort lynn puts into his bakes, how much time he spends thinking up new recipes playing on ingredients he knows scudworth likes. He is very talented and he will come up with some of the most intricate beautiful designs and scud will just wharf them and be like Thanks bee!!! You outdid yourself on those!!! and that’s enough for him.
-> This idea absolutely kills me- mr b is a robot and as a result is able to basically hide all of his attraction + his big fat crush on scudworth since he knows how to act normal (most of the time.) BUT… he cannot deny that when scudworth gets close to him, holds him, etc, he heats up like fuckin crazy (like hot to the touch) and you can hear the fans inside him trying to cool himself down (sounds like my computer when i try to play minecraft with shaders on) so scudworth could pick him up and give him a hug and b would be able to act completely normal aside from being *weirdly warm* and there being a quiet whirr from within him.
-> scudworth (i have the hc that he made him) knows this is weird and is observant enough to realise what’s going on to some extent, so i feel like he would tease him about it at one point. Which would just make him even more hot. Leave the poor robot alone he could explode at that rate.
-> After the scangrade fight (and all of the times mr bs become roughed up in season 2, which is a lot) he needs repairs, scudworth is happy to do it as he knows how, but if we’re talking about mr b having a huge crush on him, i feel like he would get so hot it would be basically impossible to touch him without hurting your hands, even with dish gloves on… I feel like in the end scudworth would have to turn mr b off (which is like the worst thing ever for the both of them) in order to repair him because he’s just squirmy and hot and he would definitely complain a lot and try and pretend nothing is wrong. And maybe it’s at that point scudworth realises there’s absolutely nothing wrong with his circuits, his fans, all the physical stuff, so he knows something is weird in the fact that he keeps getting hot to the touch. I haven’t decided if he’s smart enough to realise it’s because lynn has a huge crush on him though fhdh
-> random but the thought that mr b has seen every single side of scudworth- him at home, late at night on the couch watching fucking Jay Leno, him without his gloves, him being upset (different to the meltdown we saw in season 1) - and he’s just Fascinated with him. He feels all weird and fuzzy at the thought of being the only person trusted enough to see the different sides of him, as a result he tries to be as supportive as possible whenever he can at home. scudworth really does trust lynn and wouldn’t have it any other way ..
-> i feel like scud isn’t nearly as solitary as he appears to be- at home, he enjoys lynn’s company and asks him to watch leno with him… (scud puts it under the premise that lynn needs to make notes on all the jokes he comes up with, so he can send them to leno) but they end up kinda just snuggled into eachother. Scudworth enjoys all the heat mr b gives off like a big old radiator, and mr b is just sitting there trying to stop his circuits from frying because of how worked up he is from all the affection fhshfhd!!!
man they are everything to me. Thank you for letting me talk about them, i hope this makes sense to some extent shfhdh!!
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Jonathan Crane does not celebrate christmas. His grandma did and it was hell and he just hates everything that happens after Halloween anyway. Except Jervis Tetch is absolutly a christimas fan, the songs, the lights, the decorantions, the music, the food, the snow, Santa Claus, Jervis loves everything about it. His house is always the best decorated if a little bit over the top, his dolls are all dressed for the occasion and he even helps poor kids dressed as Santa before going for his own house and having a themed tea party.
Now Jonathan Crane hates most things and he specially hates christmas but he loves Jervis. And that means that suddently christmases aren't just another work day perfecting his formula and studying it's results anymore. Decemeber isn't the same month. He spends it decorating the house and putting a beutifull tree that would likely make Ivvy murder them if she ever sees it. He goes gift shopping of all things (and worse he has to call Edward and Harley to help him choose something for Jervis!)! He wears the most stupid elf costume and likely scares the kids Jervis is helping. He cooks! And he sings stupid cherry songs. And he hates everthing about it but it's soo damm worth it to see Jervis beam with joy and his eyes crinker and the soft hugs and passioned kisses and the soft ones at the mistletoe and even how cute Tetch looks in the dumb Santa hat.
- / -
Ivvy is not very into christmas, she sees it for the capitalistic waste that it is and while she enjoys gift making, her only celebration is to put her pine three on the front of the house as an statement that growing your own tree is waay better to all parts than to kill one.
Harley is jewish. She likes Hannukkah but where jewish celebrations are concerned is not really as important or showey as christmas is for christians and neither is her favorite. So different of what people might expect Christmas Eve is not really important in the Harlivvy household. During the weeks leading to it Harley decorares Ivvy's tree and goes to gift shoppings with Eddie and Selina and recently Crane and Ivvy celebrates Hannukah with her even if just to show support. The day itself is mostly spend cuddling in the sofa with take out and watching bad romance movies. They love it.
Edward does not care for christmas and never truly did. His mother was jewish and his father was an asshole. Hannukkah with his mom was nice, it was almost as if there was only the two of them for a while. Christmas after his mother was bleak and either just a bunch of nothingness and hidding under the sheats with the knowledge his dad was getting drunker downstairs or worse his dad would cry and say he regretted everyting and try to pretend it was all okay and do a nice father-son christmas day, it never lasted and the wait until things went wrong was unsuferable.
Diedre's christmas were full of catholic guilty and sexist parents and expectations she would never truly met. Of having her girlfriends be called close friends and listening to old aunties ask when she would settle down and marry already even though she wasn't even eighteen. Of treats of hell and treats of violence. It's not really surprising she stopped liking it at age eight and never went back.
Nina's parents never cared. Her dad was ethinically jewish and her mother was a chinese imigrant and neither could really give a shit about Jesus birthday. Not going to school was nice. And her parents deserved a day off for how tired they were all the time. They would play board games and her dad would make some simple and delicous meal. Christmas on the orphanage was full of people pretending to care for one day only and she was glad she only stayed a year before getting her emancipation and her late parents tiny appartment to bolt.
Their first time together was akward glances and shy gift exchanging (between the girls and Eddie, Diedre and Nina played by different rules with each other) and plotting to do a heist just the three of them only to give up and end in a bent up sofa watching bad horror movies and eating chinese and it was better than annyone had expected. It became a tradition. Nina would cook her parents old recipies and Diedre would create beutifull decorantions that were completly off brand from spider webs to easter bunnies to just ridiculous random themes like collages of shakesperean characthers and Edward would make not even a little bit christmacy playlists and sing anything from the soundtrack of Phantom of the Opera to The Beach Boys back to the poor confused carrollers who dared to ring their bell (it wasn't that he was a bad singer but answering to "we wish you a merry christmas" with Taylor Swift was a certain way to rise some eyebrowns) and somehow find the funnier worst horror movies ever made.
They would shop separadly both for the surprise effect of the presents and becase the girls did not like it as much as Nygma. Edward was enrapted by the puzzle of finding the perfect present and was a massive fan of dressing up wich ended with him going not only for himself but again for Jonathan and Harley and any other rogue who wanted his assistance.
It was their own little traditions and their own little family in the end.
Victor used to love christmas. Mostly because Nora loved it and appeared to shine in the hollyday sheer. They would decorate the tree and make a pretty snowman and just be happy together. She would always point out that more than the lights and the food and the gifts and anything really she was just happy to do it all with him. He would annoy her by singing "All I want for Christmas is You" in her ear while she failed to complain as all her trials were stopped by laughter until they were both laughting together.
Without Nora christmas was just another day of work. Another day trying to find a cure. One day she would be back and he would still be lonley because they still had to much to mend and he couldn't see himself as worthy. But this would pass. And one day she would be back and they would be together and this time she would sing "All I Want for Christmas is You" and he would try to deny it, to point out how she needed and deserved much more, only to end up laughting and they would kiss and things would be alright. One day. Soon. But not today.
Christmas for Harvey was bittersweet. His stepfather was a dick and growing up seing the good christmas on TV he wanted that. He had that for a while with Bruce and Gilda and the Gordons, the perfect christmas. The tree and the food and the feeling of belonging for once.
But good things aren't meant to last and christmas as Two-Face was bleak and empty and he would toss a coin for either going to the Iceberg's boring party or comiting a crime. It was empty.
This time he was in Arkham and christmases in Arkham were always bad. The staff was pissed of that they were working and it would always end up bad for the inmates. Except this time they took him to the visitation area. For an old man with glasses and a young woman with red hair. The Gordons didn't go for the Wayne party for once.
Christmas with the Gordons was bittersweet. But that was just how he liked it. And with his belly full of cheap turkey and microwave lasagna, playing Mario Kart with Barbara and a videogame illiterated Jim, Harvey felt like he belonged once again.
Christmas with Selina meant christmas with the Waynes for a long time. The difference was that before it meant go to the cover up high society partys and steal some jewelry, now it meant family celebrations.
It was not fair to call it chrisrmas, most of the Waynes (and Co.) were jewish and the ones who weren't weren't christian either, Dick was romani, Thalia was hindu and Duke and Steph (her mother usually worked on Christmas because being a nurse meant that hollydays turns were a likely possibility) were atheists from birth. But they had a tree and a feast and they loved each other.
The cat, the bats, the birds and the assassins. They made a weird picture and Selina loved it. She loved Dick jokes and hugs and Jason begrudgingly presence and well though home made gifts he would badly lie about finding in the garbage. She adored Steph sheer and sarcastic quips and Tim obligatory game moments. Duke's wild tales and Damian competitviness and sweet tooth. She would have the time of her life with Kate's childhood stories and Helena who would always appear late and lie she didn't care but also bring some new desert she totally didn't spend weeks learning with Alfred's help. She would melt at Bruce's barely hidden excitment over having they all there and Thalia's not even a little bit hidden kisses. The Gordon's didn't appear this year: family emergencies they said. And it was sad but it was okay. Harper and Cullen did and she was sure that was only the first of many times and they were happy and was cute.
Selina had a family now. A huge one. And she had no idea what it meant but the days were warm.
For Oswald Christmas Eve meant organizing the Iceberg Anual Party to perfection, grating his patrons a good time in exchange of his own enjoyment and being called a Grinch and other way less polite insults by all his workers. He didn't care. Growing up christmas with his family was good but scarse, the Cooblepot name was disgraced, they had no money and his dad had abandoned them the moment he realized his kid was truly disfigurated. The celebrations were only him and his mom and she did her best, god bless her soul, she truly did, she would starve to give him a book about birds from Santa, but they always had soo little. He dreamed of giving her the best. Maybe he did. In her last days. But it wasn't enought.
And maybe it had turned him a bit bitter. Or so his workers thought, he would do the celebration and count the dollar bills. He would go to church on Christmas Day and pretend to be a good catholic boy only to go back to his second party round and make his employees life hell (with maybe some murder involved). He was just a bitter Scrooge they would say behind his back. But Oswald didn't care.
The real celebration for Penguin was neither of those days. His true moment of joy was the 26th were he would host his dinner for all the A-Lister Rogues not currently arrested (with the exception of Joker as he was just too trigger happy for the occasion and after their break up it was also a matter of chosing either the clown or Harley and it was not a hard choice at all). It was all he had wished with his mother, full of pretty lights and food but still full of joys and friends and warm.
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sirsnortsalot · 1 year
YOUR TAGS ON THEEEE TOM LOOKING AT GREG ACROSS THE AISLE POST I DSDJKSDJSKJDJKS we shake hands that ep is my entire life for so many reasons i hhhhhhhhhhh. tom's suit being called a gregory. the two of them dressed in black and white when greg says "i do" true to marriage tradition. the fact that when tom sits down in front of greg he literally looks like he's getting on one knee. the way their knees are touching. the way they are sitting so close. the way the two waiters in the background are playfully smacking each other on the ass with towels and both greg and tom look at them wistfully before talking like god i wish that were us. the way greg teases tom a little with the well... keeping him hanging on a little bit. the way greg says "of course". the way their conversation [in that connor asks willa if she really wants this, bc she's kind of giving up her soul wrt money and she says yes i am and i do like the security and wealth but she also likes connor for himself, and connor talks about the age gap!!! and discrepancy in their positions and how they met and came to be and how everyone is always making fun of him/their relationship but she takes him serious and confirms she does want it and then they giggle and laugh it off just like a certain other couple] and body position mirrors connor and willa as well as the cinematography/shots who do actually get married in 4x03 [alone. without the siblings there. almost like a secret ish wedding. hmmm]. the way that nb said 'they wish they were getting married' and the way these mfs act you Know that's actually true and real. the way tom drops the "sporus". the way that after they shake hands, greg's arms twitch out as if to hug tom but then he decides against it bc he's not sure if tom would like that and he doesn't want to ruin this, because everybody else shrinks away from his touch or is disgusted by him but tom opens his arms and greg leaps at the chance, taking tom's shoulders and pulling him in slightly and hugging him tightly, tom literally jostled by the force of the hug.
i Think about the "come with me, sporus" scene a lot.
Oh my god y e s just that one scene felt like peak tomgreg in like 1000 ways 
ESPECIALLY because it’s right after shiv calls tom and tells him about her plan and his IMMEDIATE reaction being “okay, this is my chance to finally hit her where it hurts after her ‘death-by-1000-cuts’-ing me for years, but first i need to make sure greg is safe and on my side” like BEFORE anything else (just checked the script books and greg walks over to him RIGHT after he gets off the phone with shiv, no time to think about anything else) AND THEN ”SPORUS” AND THEN THE MOST ROMANTIC SCENE THAT HAPPENS IN THE (WEDDING) EPISODE AND THEN TOM ‘KILLING’ HIS WIFE I JUST. AUGH THE NERO & SPORUS SHIT MAKES ME GO BATSHIT ISTG HFSKJGHDFKJGHJDFKGHDRKJHY (also while I was in the script books I saw that the hug was unscripted??? It was meant to be just the handshake??? Just like the forehead kiss was unscripted too??? Matthew Mcfadyen is an absolute GODSEND (& nb I guess but yknow) for just ADDING those in UNPROMPTED he’s such a tg truther oml) 
Also can you IMAGINE how greg must've felt at the beginning of the tomshivorce, seeing him and tom going out together to hook up w random models or whatever (i think they were playing it up quite a bit and just wanted to spend time with each other but yknow)  and having the realisation somewhere that “do you wanna come with me, sporus” AND THEN THIS could have been referring to tom wanting to be with greg? Like we know greg knows the story, and we know he knows that tom betrayed shiv and he knows that the tomshivorce is resulting in tom getting a lot closer with him very quickly and he’s not stupid, he can put 2 and 2 together and see himself getting remodelled into the romantic partner for tom that shiv isn’t anymore for him, AND HE DOESN’T SHY AWAY FROM IT! LIKE LOOK AT 4X01, IS THAT THE BODY LANGUAGE AND BEHAVIOURS OF SOMEONE WHO IS AVOIDING THE PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL PRESENCE OF TOM WAMBSGANS FBSKJGHDFJGDFKJY
(i will never shut up about the timeskip <3)
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