#corvus sucks
morgana-ren · 7 months
With Corvus, is it better for you, long term, to break and cry right away or to try and put on a brave face as long as you can? (Not defiance, just stiff-upper-lip kind of thing).
So, I am pretty biased in this regard, but I would say a carefully balanced mix of the two is probably best in the beginning.
If you're too defiant and bitchy before he's really gotten attached to you, he will not be abiding it. You know that bit of time when you are merely eye candy entertainment, and he doesn't quite have any fondness built up towards you? Struggle too much or become too much of a threat, and he will decide that the trouble isn't worth it. If you're constantly taking physical pot-shots at him (which won't work) or if you are consistently trying to kill him, you're running a red line. You really have to walk a razor's edge to keep him entertained and enamored in equal measure rather than frustrated if this is the case.
Now, this will usually only happen if he happens to take you by chance rather than watching and stalking you for a bit. You know, he gets drunk and finds you on the road and decides he could settle for a little bit of less-than-wholesome fun or something of that nature.
That isn't always the case, however. Typically, when Corvus takes people (these days anyway) it's after a lot of carefully done stalking and research where he has already grown fond of you-- although you will not know it. You will have a bit more leeway in this instance because he already knows your personality. If you happen to be abrasive and aggressive (like I am) and he chooses to take you anyway, he will fully be prepared for that.
However, he does also account for these things.
Your actions will, in a way, dictate his own. If you are bratty, defiant, and mean, he will react in due fashion. He will be a lot more likely to use physical force and intimidation to keep you in line. If you are kind, sweet, and demure, he will still be cruel, mind you-- but he won't be as likely to hurt you off the whip. He will be more manipulative and shitty about it. Either way, you cannot avoid the pain, and you will learn this quickly. It's a tightrope act.
Corvus likes clever, strong, and resourceful women-- but not in comparison to him. He wants you better than everyone else, but not better than him. He will be impressed if you manage to outfox him, but you will never know, and it will also infuriate him.
If you want to figure out how to get a leash on this asshole, you need to be a good manipulator-- and sometimes even that won't help you. Keep in mind, it's a game he plays very well. You'll need good judgement. 'Know when to hold them, and when to fold them' type shit. Sometimes a fight is worth picking-- or maybe he even wants you to pick it. Other times, you're going to get slapped down like Icarus flying too close to the goddamn asshole sun.
When it comes to being sweet and weak, he also does love and appreciate that. He does. But it's difficult to explain. If you're almost... callow, he doesn't enjoy that. He doesn't want a wilting flower, necessarily. He won't always enjoy someone who rolls over and shows belly and is pathetic all the time. He wants a sort of hidden steely strength hidden away in there. He wants a fire and not a smoldering ruin. Breaking you too quickly is boring and leaves nothing at all to be desired.
While he might tell you that's what he wants, he's kind of like a dog in that regard. He doesn't always necessarily know what he wants, and it really does differ day to day and situation to situation. You need to get good at reading him. Sometimes placating him is the best option. Sometimes it's being a bit of a brat. Other times, there's really no winning because he's just toying with you, and he's already decided what the outcome is.
He really is infuriating in that regard. Trust me, there's no way to fully win with him, even when he loves you. He always has to be the big top dog, the smarter one, the stronger one, the more clever one. If you're wise, you'll learn to play into these fantasies when necessary, and when to inflict psychic damage and challenge them subtly.
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leiirue · 10 months
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messy doodle i did
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corvus-woodfordi · 6 months
Did some art. It looks kinda bad but whatever.
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soul-cairn · 8 days
i love loser fictional characterssss! i love bullying fictional losers because they suck!!
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kingstooth · 7 months
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original posts from here
the party's adopted sad twink npc whose dad may or may not suck, and @shuckstruck 's paladin, ramiel
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novacore18 · 1 year
Ok that Twitter post that twitch made about among us dreamteam made so mad.
Like do you have absolutely no respect for the creators that gave this game life and continue to keep it interesting and engaging for the viewers.
It just absolutely destroys me but I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering the state of the platform and that they've never really supported their smaller creators.
Only highlighting bigger streamers that played the when it was big during the 'hype' of the game and not showcasing the streamers that put the sweat blood and tears into the game everyday.
Like come on twitch.
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designsdefiance · 6 months
lays on the floor. i really wish i was one of those people who could play Just Anything on their characters and not worry about it being canon or making sense because it would make my life so much fuckin easier
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paternostergays · 10 months
what I hate is having to watch this show with my parents. cus during thirteen's run it was a constant stream of their criticisms and being weird about thasmin when it finally happened and now we've had a trans character and all the explicit references to the doctor's gender fluidity I have to deal with the rancid vibes my dad's giving off...i want more than anything to appreciate it but every mention puts me on edge cus I have no idea how he'll react to it and I hate it
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aspeckrobus · 1 year
spends 82 years looking through eorzea collection and crying trying to make new glamours
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galactic-blitz · 1 year
10 songs 10 people
yeah fine @redactedcrow im not @ing anyone after this i dont have enough mutuals but ill do the 10 songs part
Taking What's Not Yours by TV Girl
Enfants du Monde by Yaniss Odua
Guanaco by Kiltro
House on Fire by Slam Bamboo
Vitamin D by Pearl & the Oysters
Dear Arkansas Water by Lady Lamb
Hopscotch by nelward
Sisyphus by Andrew Bird
Observer Effect by Nychillharmonic
Embers by Ethan Hibbs
@zoomda174 @callinova @jayeeeeeeeeee @birdmanlyss @agaytoremembr @jadestronaut @mauraandthebees @augyarson @ultraguardians annnnnd @omokers (you dont have to do this lol im just fulfilling the role i was given. if you cant remember who i am just look away i guess. its kiki btw)
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saiibeo · 2 years
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Bold  all  that  apply  to  your  muse.  Repost,  don't  reblog  ! TW:  contains  mentions  of  abuse  /  neglect  /  death  /  trauma.
scraped  knees,  silent  tears  in  a  locked  room,  slamming  doors,  pervasive  loneliness, a  dog  barking,  rain  on  a  metal  roof,  flinching  at  movement, the  creak  of  an  old  house, forced  laughter, wandering  in  the  dark  woods,  wondering  how  you  made  it  through, sudden  loss,  trying  to  make  sense  of  the  noise, hiding  what  you  love  to  protect  it, trying  to  explain  but  your  words  falter, invaded  privacy, confusion  at  the  pain, running  barefoot  in  the  grass, wondering  what  you  did  wrong  and  coming  up  with  nothing, realizing  you  aren’t  a  priority, grass  stains  on  white  clothing,  trying  to  earn  love  you  will  never  have,  being  threatened  over  the  smallest  mistake, secrets  you  are  warned  not  to  share, the  feeling  of  never  being  good  enough,  the  hope  things  might  someday  get  better, grief  that  aches  in  your  bones, the  sense  that  your  body  isn’t  yours, shame  and  guilt  that  aren’t  yours  to  carry, sledding  down  a  frozen  hill, absentmindedly  following  snakes  through  the  grass,  punching  a  tree  wall  until  your  knuckles  bleed,  tears  over  every  dead  creature  you  find,  searching  out  small  places  you  can  hide…  just  in  case,  climbing  the  tallest  tree  comms  tower  so  they  can’t  touch  you, the  feeling  of  something  tainted  under  your  skin,  a  curious  child  told  to  stop  asking,  floral  dresses, body  tensing  at  approaching  footsteps, anger  with  nowhere  to  go, brief  escapes  from  the  chaos, the  purr  of  a  contented  cat, taking  the  blame  to  keep  the  peace, being  told  you’re  too  sensitive, the  creaking  springs  of  a  trampoline  on  a  sunny  day.
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morgana-ren · 8 months
Do the bastards like to dress up their darling? What do they make her wear (besides nothing)? Does it mesh with their styles?
Oh yes. They very much dress up their girls. It actually causes problems because their styles do not mesh with each other.
Reaver likes exactly what you would expect him to. Slutty cosplay, sexy roleplay outfits (kitten, maid, school girl, etc) and things of that nature. He also really likes it when you dress up as him. He loves putting stupid ears on you, tails, lingerie of the exceptionally kinky variety. He has no shame about this. Literally, think of the sluttiest, most degrading kink costume and just know he will go the extra mile.
In public, he will buy you very nice clothing. The finest brand name bullshit. The height of whatever fashion happens to be in at the time. After all, if you are going to be seen with him, you need to look like you belong at his side. Shopping is one of the ways he will try to buy your affection.
Corvus goes batshit for 'traditional' clothing. Long, white nightgowns, pretty dresses with aprons over them, cottage-core type things you'd see in older tv shows. Cardigans, Mary Janes, aprons, long skirts, aprons, shawls, bows, lace, aprons-- you get the point. If he is providing the wardrobe, you will be dressing like the perfect little housewife of his dreams.
When it comes to 'sexy' clothing, it's his 'traditional' kink' but he is also (secretly) partial to maid outfits (He also loves the super traditional ones over the slutty ones.) He also goes fucking bonkers for nun outfits (again, not the slutty ones that the rest of the boys like, but we're talking traditional hair-shirt/wimple/habit old ass nun outfits. And you will be praying, and that rosary will be choking you and-- never mind.) It's usually immersion over exposure for him, basically. Leashes and collars always. He also likes the slutty roleplay, but you will never get him to admit it-- especially the school girl one which he secretly really likes, but he'd rather die than say that out loud.
Asto is a bit more easy going. He's pretty much partial to however you want to dress because it's not really your clothes that he's interested in. If he has a choice, though? He tends to like leather. He's the most likely to dress you 'goth' because he finds it interesting. Darker clothes and makeup. He got a little bit suckered into the 'vampire' aesthetic, and now he leans into it. Likes fishnet and big boots. Corsets that plump you up nice and high so he can bite in easier. Chokers he can rip off. Garter belts. Same way he likes edgy girls with a kick to them, he will dress you that way.
Sexy clothes? Stands firmly with Reaver on loving roleplay outfits. He will openly admit it and feels no shame. However, he can also get really into whatever traditional outfit that Corvus is wailing on about assuming it's done well. Corvus is throwing a fit and wants a long white nightgown on the girl? Fine, but he's the big, bad vampire lord coming to corrupt the sweet girl in her dumbass ye olde nightgown.
Ilya hasn't had much time to figure it out yet. He's experimenting, the same as he is with most other things. He will openly admit he's partial (more than partial) to Reaver's horrifically degrading outfits, but he hasn't managed to find a favorite yet. He's not as big of a fan of the traditional outfits that Corvus enjoys (like a genuine nun outfit), but he can make it work. He will dress you like a favored concubine because it's what he has the most experience with. Think princess Leia while she's with Jabba the hut. Golden chain, long, flowing and yet somehow revealing skirt, some kind of unlatchable metal bralet, you get the gist. But that's more what he's used to as opposed to what he genuinely loves.
When it comes to regular day to day, he's likely to give you one of his robes. Comfortable with easy access. Satin pants, long sleeves, basically the same thing he wears. Easy enough to peel off, but very comfortable. Trust me, you'll be glad of it. He doesn't mind the traditional clothing that Corvus likes, but he finds Astarion's whole edgy thing more interesting, albeit a little strange. Truthfully, he can find something to like about most modern styles because it intrigues him. Pretty dresses, jeans, sweatpants, he can romanticize just about anything. He won't stuff you into anything you don't like, and will tend to let you dress how you want within reason because there's a reason he likes you, and he wants the authentic you.
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moonhuntersart · 17 days
I'm so bad at posting on any/all of my socials...how do people yap into the void without a care its so hard lmao
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corvus-woodfordi · 1 year
I was just forced to listen to Camel By Camel on Spotify, because I don’t have premium and I used all of my skips. All I could think of was that god awful Ankha animation. My day is ruined.
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noctae-corvus · 1 year
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My son they have every disease-
alt caption “that’s the witch that the cursed my d-”
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eddiethebrave · 1 month
secret admirer part six
602 words
one two three four five
Steve is a horrible artist. “I suck.” He slumps in his seat. 
Carol places her paintbrush into the cup of water between them and leans over to see his paper. “...Nooo this is good,” she says, but Steve can clearly see the way her mouth twists as if she’s holding in a laugh. It’s a great show of restraint for her. He’s actually kinda impressed.
Steve pushes her away gently and turns his easel so she can’t see anymore. She cackles. 
Steve huffs and studies his painting. It was supposed to be a dog but looks more like a frankly unsettling misshapen creature. He shivers and paints over the things creepy ass eyes that were previously staring into his soul.  
“Aw. I liked it better before.” 
Steve jumps, dropping his brush - that was loaded with black paint - into his lap. He’s never been happier that their art teacher makes them wear aprons - these are his favorite jeans. He puts the brush in the water cup. 
The voice snickers and Steve finally turns, heart racing. He already knows who it is before he meets the big brown eyes. Eddie has sat to his left since the beginning of this semester (which is also when Steve began to develop this little obsession but who’s counting). 
He didn’t take into account that turning his painting away from Carol would put it right into Eddie’s line of sight. 
Steve raises a brow. “You’re joking, right?”
Eddie grins and drops his chair back to the ground as opposed to balancing on the back two legs. He turns his easel enough that Steve can see his painting. It’s just as, if not more, disturbing than his little dog creature thing. Steve’s not quite sure what it is, but it looks slimy.
“Dude, gross,” Steve says, but he’s smiling. 
That night, Tommy gets into an argument with Carol and calls Steve to complain about it. She wanted to know why all he ever wants to do is hook up and honestly, Steve was kinda wondering the same thing. 
All Tommy wants to talk about these days is them hooking up or asking Steve if he’s hooking up with anyone (don’t be a prude, man, tell me what happened) no matter how many times Steve tells him he’s just focusing on school right now. 
A lie, he’s focused alright, but it sure as hell isn’t on school.
He didn’t tell Tommy any of that, though. Instead, he offered up his house for the weekend. Tommy’s always in a better mood when he has a party to look forward to. The boy had immediately perked up. 
Steve's kinda regretting it the next day, but he made his bed.
Eddie i like seeing you, it makes my day the disappearing act was real cute almost made me lose my damn mind, man, point taken do you got anything good planned for the weekend? i heard there’s a party  maybe i’ll see you there, with your new job and all p.s. have fun at your campaign (i learned what it’s called!)  -H 
Steve slips his sunglasses on during his walk to the cafeteria, and no it’s not just because he wants to stare freely at Eddie - he has a headache. Looking at Eddie is just a perk. 
He’s wearing a white shirt again. Steve has the freedom to look so much that his gaze strays to the other people at Eddie’s table and notices that they’re all wearing matching white shirts with the same print on the front. They printed matching shirts for their nerd club. 
Steve is gonna die.
seven (just realized I forgot to add this link for a whole day😭 sorry y'all)
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@sofadofax @noodle-shenaniganery @queenie-ofthe-void @friendlyneighborhoodgaycousin @devondespresso
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sorry if i missed anyone!!
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