#cory muscara
sidewalkchemistry · 8 months
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eternal-echoes · 1 year
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mythoughttherapy · 1 year
"I don't believe our world needs more positivity. I believe our world needs minds that are equipped to be with the complexity of life. Minds that can hold nuance and polarity. Minds that can stay grounded, centered, and open to the full range of what it means to be human."
—Cory Muscara
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d-i-x-i-t · 1 year
Finding your true self is an act of love. Expressing it is an act of rebellion.
Cory Muscara
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What you fear when you're still is what you avoid when you're not.
Cory Muscara 
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katfreee · 1 year
Instead of letting go, let be.
Instead of fighting reality, accept what's here.
Instead of trying to create the future, follow the truth that invites you into what's next.
~Cory Muscara
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haikuyosef · 1 year
The moment before letting go is often when we grip the hardest
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lazyyogi · 1 year
The more comfortable you become in your own skin, the less you need to manufacture the world around you for comfort.
Cory Muscara
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samtheviking · 1 year
“One of the most courageous things you can do is keep your heart open despite the many good reasons it has to close.“
 - Cory Muscara
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owlintheolives · 3 months
“When you infuse yourself with love, the part of you that's holding on gets touched by the very thing it fears it will lose if it were to let go - the letting go happens naturally.”
-Cory Muscara
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flowingrooted · 3 months
If you use future dreams to avoid unhealed pain, the life you build will be a distraction from the present, rather than an extension of it.
—Cory Muscara
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hetkepyydja · 11 months
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My summer targets 2023:
"If you want to build a great life, slow down. Anyone can caffeinate and push hard toward their next goal. But this isn't sustainable.
Long term energy comes from alignment. And alignment requires feeling the subtle difference between energy created from anxiety & energy created from inspiration."
~ Cory Muscara
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luedlclell · 1 year
Hatte heute Achtsamkeitstherapie und jetzt das auf insta. Sehr geil
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You can’t life-hack wisdom 
In a really interesting thread, Cory Muscara shared some of the profound epiphanies he had while meditating with Buddhist monks. The following is a selection that struck a chord: A sign of growth is having more tolerance for discomfort. But it’s also having less tolerance for bullshit. Procrastination is the refusal or inability to be with difficult emotions. Desires that arise in agitation…
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craftsandcats · 1 year
“1. Finding your true self is an act of love. Expressing it is an act of rebellion.
2. A sign of growth is having more tolerance for discomfort. But it’s also having less tolerance for bullshit.
3. Who you are is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.
4. Desires that rise in agitation are more aligned with your ego. Desires that arise in stillness are more aligned with your soul.
5. Procrastination is the refusal or inability to be with difficult emotions.
6. The moment before letting to is often when we grip the hardest.
7. You don’t find your ground by looking for stability. You find your ground by relaxing into instability.
8. What you hate most in others is usually what you hate most in yourself.
9. The biggest life hack is becoming your own best friend. Everything is easier when you do.
10. The more comfortable you become in your own skin, the less you need to manufacture the world around you for comfort.
11. An interesting thing happens when you start to like yourself. You no longer need all the things you thought you need to be happy.
12. If you don’t train your mind to appreciate what is good, you’ll continue to look for something better in the future, even when things are great.
13. The belief that there is some future moment more worth our presence than the one we’re in right now is why we miss our lives.
14. There is no set of conditions that leads to lasting happiness. Lasting happiness doesn’t come from conditions, but from learning to flow with conditions.
15. We often need to get out of alignment with the rest of the world to get back into alignment with ourselves.
16. Real confidence looks like humility. You no longer need to advertise your value because it comes from a place that does not require the validation of others.
17. Negative thoughts will not manifest a negative life. But unconscious negative thoughts will.
18. Bullying yourself into enlightenment does not work. You must befriend yourself to transcend yourself.
19. There are 3 layers to a moment: Your experience, your awareness of the experience and your story about the experience. Be mindful of the story.
20. Your mind doesn’t wander. It moves toward what it finds most interesting. To improve focus, become curious about what’s in front of you.
21. Life continues whether you pay attention to it or not. I think it’s why the passage of time is so scary.
22. High pain tolerance is a double-edged sword. It’s key for self-control but can cause us to override the pain of being out of alignment.”
Cory Muscara
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