#cos he deserves all the support love and understanding in the world
not-goldy · 1 month
I just want to be honest and speak without being emotional and biased towards bts , like yg have the opportunity to go to his home everyday and I'm sure he can work on his music from home and do the military duty as office job while the other boys especially jm jk and jin really being living in nowhere they can't even breath freely they working their ass off to go through that fouking serving shit , and still he managed to ruin it for himself he could have a 100 drivers and they could drive him home with the most expensive cars or go with taxi but he himself make the decision the media maybe take it to far but this what media do all over the world , army love to always make it like kmedia do it just for bts but this is what they do for everyone like I remember not so long they make a big deal of gdragon being drunk even though his tests was clean and they bring him to court and in the end he was really clean , yg going to the police station is not the big deal that army claims , he did wrong while he is serving and they question his behaviour and thats it , they should keep it Low and doesn't give it to much attention instead of cutting k media including jin up coming shows !!!! Like how they work !! jin working on this shows since the day he discharged and now army want to sacrifices His work for another member's bad decision while hyping western media that just last month have being shady towards jm and they have always been shady towards bts , dropping jm music and using his funds for useless movement , I just want army for once to forget their own prideful mindset and just shut up
I don't think you're saying this because you hate Yoongi. If you do my BS detector isn't picking it up.
And I understand your point of view and where you're coming from.
I just want to say Yoongi isn't doing his service this way because he is privileged. He was injured had surgery and couldn't go through that rigorous harsh system the others are going through.
Jin is brave and strong for conquering that and moving on with his life. Now the government has nothing on him.
The others will be free eventually too.
I think Yoongi should have been exempted all together. Jimin has chronic back pains and BTS as a group deserved an exemption.
Personally I think the laws in Korea are too strict and paternalistic but that's besides the point.
As for Army, I think they are doing what any Fandom would do- support and attack and defend. How big this thing gets, how much people speak against it, how much media attention and international attention it gets can either help or hurt his situation.
If they aren't being fair to him it shall be met with such worldwide condemnation it will push foreskin off dicks. That's the power of Army and the beauty of having amassed such following.
It would be strange if the Fandom went silent and watched this whole thing unfold don't you think??
People are just worried about him that's all. I'm actually worried too cos I feel this whole hing has been blown out of proportion. Any person in that situation perhaps would have been slapped with a warning but like you said because I a kpop idol and a member of BTS people wanna scapegoat him.
People want to humiliate BTS so bad they want humble them and some higher ups want a leash around their neck and will go after them for anything.
And they are falling out of favor with the sky man thems so if I feel they should all be careful how they move.
I know he screwed up, didn't think this whole situation will escalate but I also feel he is prepared to face the law. Actually, you know what? I'm gonna go ahead and research the law on this to understand the situation much better cause I'm hating this every second I write about it.
I think falling off a scooter in front of his own apartment when he wasn't even driving on the road and putting his life and the other's life at risk- is crazy how far this whole thing has gotten. Crazy
Just hope he is doing alright and is prepared mentally for all of this cos from his pov it would seem like everything he has spent his entire career to build is coming crashing i hate it here
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dolldrop · 2 years
So, so foolish for you.
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✿ This is part one of a three part series!  ✿  read part two here.
❀ Prologue/summary: You were able to land a respected spot in the Fatui because of your heartless nature, yet your feelings became your biggest source of weakness when you started working under Scaramouche.
❀ Pairing(s): Harbinger! Scaramouche x gn! reader
❀ Themes/warnings: angst, slight cussing, reader pining for a cold man.
❀ Doll’s note: Hello Tumblr~ (,, ・∀・)ノ゛Just wanted to write a slightly longer fic for your heartstrings during the holiday season, I’m still relatively new to the site so any replies or reblogs would be greatly appreciated!
❀ word count: 1.3k
✿ masterlist (not yet posted) ✿ requested by: N/A, original concept
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Scaramouche has always had a distant untouchable demeanor.
You have no clue how things have ended up this miserable during such a supposedly cheerful holiday season, was it something you did wrong? You couldn’t help but start to backtrack in your head, still considering the possibility that it was you who could have done something to deserve how terribly he treated you. The sign of winter in full-swing floating so beautifully from the sky ironically makes your heart sink more. You breathe into your bare palms in an effort to warm them, the silent night filled with only the sound of crunching snow beneath your feet makes you realize how pathetic this whole situation seems. 
“Scara, do you really not see me as anything more than one of your subordinates?”
You have managed to join the Fatui in order to earn the type of mora you could never obtain through a measly salary anywhere in Snezhnaya. Your mother came down with a chronic sickness that would be incredibly costly to relieve, hence the urgent need for another source of finance. Although your ability to learn was satisfactory to achieve any small job within the nation, your strong suit resided in your combat with your given vision. So much so that it was more than enough for you to understand that any commission in the adventurers guild would not be paying you what your skills are worth.
You were living day-to-day just completing your assigned duties like an automated machine, to the point where your world seemed like a monochrome routine… until you began to work under the sixth harbinger. They called him the balladeer, with a more specific name of Scaramouche. The first time you met, you were struck with a complicated infatuation. 
“Love at first sight? Don’t be ridiculous.”
You scoffed as your co-worker tried to suggest the concept when you attempted to speak on your strange feelings for your superior. 
You were someone who always felt like they harbored no deeper feelings for those around them, being able to take on ruthless tasks in the organization that would normally be rejected by the other members. That was your charm, your strength that allowed you to climb the Fatui ranks faster than a majority of others. 
At least that’s how it was supposed to be. Nobody has ever held such weight in your heart as this man has managed to. You have never felt like your emotions were such a weakness as it is now. You didn’t come to terms with your years and years of longing for intimacy until your feelings for Scaramouche began. It blossomed in the way he nodded approvingly at your flawless completion of fatui missions, in the gentle touches that were briefly exchanged when he handed you information documents. 
You were able to take note of his more vulnerable sides when you received the order to work alongside him for prolonged periods of time. You were the one who quietly stayed by his side and soothed his moments of doubt, who always supported him and eventually offered your unconditional loyalty. You forgot all about your original motive the moment he entered your life, when did you become someone so naive and dependent on another? Your love clouded over whatever initially gave you your vision, you sacrificed everything else to keep your position by his side. You left your entire life behind to be at his every beck and call.
Over time, you both seemed to become more comfortable with one another. You surely felt an unspoken connection.. 
“I know we’ve been working with each other for a while.” You began.
He looked up at you slightly from his drink, you have invited him out to tea this evening to finally confess your welled-up feelings for him after all this time. It was nearing Christmas, a time you desperately wanted to spend with him as lovers. You’ve lied awake countless nights thinking about exchanging gifts with Scara, being able to share an embrace by a fire, and many other typical holiday-couple scenarios of the sort. It became such a habit of pining for him, you couldn’t imagine your life without his presence anymore.
“Scara, do you really not see me as anything more than one of your subordinates? I really feel like we have something special..and…I’ve fallen in love with you, since the first time we’ve met.”
You tried not to stumble over your words during your blunt confession, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain your usual calm composure. 
You are all that brings color to my dull world.
He looks back down at his cup, raising it to his lips without a single thing said.
Please stay with me.
He places the cup down slowly, the sound of it gently set upon the table almost reverberating throughout the room.
Still not a word.
I’m begging you...
The silence was deafening, his lack of a response was making it hard to breathe. 
I truly beg of you.
“Oh? I feel the same way.”
Your heart picked up an impossible pace, staring at the man in front of you with wide eyes. He smiled gently at you, with an expression you’d never seen before.
“You’re incredibly talented (y/n). It’s been such a pleasure spending so much time with you over those other incompetent idiots.”
You’re lying, right?
“To tell you the truth, I always admired you too.”
..For real?
“So how long do you want me to continue entertaining you with this bullshit?”
His forced facade snaps into a disgusted frown, shifting his glaring eyes to your teary expression. 
“Is that what you wanted me to say? I thought you were beyond harboring such useless feelings, (y/n). I must say, I’m surprised. More so, I’m disappointed in you.” 
He clicked his tongue in annoyance.
“You should know better than to think I would utter such pathetic wor-“
His sentence was interrupted by tea thrown over his dark locks, drenching his face from the shoulder up. Unfortunately, it was no longer hot. It had been sitting in front of you for quite some time now while you were working up the courage to say such worthless things. Your scorching tears are now streaming down your face. Regret washed over you for wishing to receive anything more than his horrible attitude. 
“You’re really the worst.” You muttered shakily under your breath. While clenching your fists, all your customary polite mannerisms are now long gone. But you didn’t care, it was the least of your concern how you’re in no position as a subordinate to be angry with him.
He could have at least just said no. What kind of man did you end up loving, for him to be someone capable of dangling all that you wanted right in your face just to take it back as a cruel joke? You guess you never saw how heartless he really was, no matter what you’ve lost for him.
Not even bothering to spare his face another glance at this moment, you stormed out of the teahouse. Your face stings from the icy air hitting your wet cheeks. After some time trudging through the harsh weather, the snowstorm had ceased slightly and you were finally alone with your thoughts again.
You stop in your tracks, unsure of where you’re even trying to go. You have no direction, no place without him to return to because you’ve willingly given everything away. You felt your chest ache, this pain was unlike any you’d ever received in battle before.
It’s unbearable.
You didn’t realize when your knees have gone weak and how you’ve even begun to cry again. A sob emitted from your throat as the snow you’re kneeling on has been stained with the remnants of your hurt.
Oh, how I’ve been so, so very foolish for you.
It became clear when this was the way you were finally snapped back to reality from your impossible delusion, that he doesn’t think of you as anything more than just another pawn in his plan. 
Scaramouche has decided to reward your hardest efforts with the most excruciating pain.
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✿ Part two is now posted!
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@ 𝘥𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘱 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘳 | please credit if reposted! ♡
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savelockwoodandco · 1 year
At this point, I wonder if it is still possible to save Lockwood and Co... It seems so unreal to me. But I also have so much hope that the efforts will eventually succeed.
Hi Anon! Thanks for sending this in!
We've gotten a couple messages like this, and decided to condense our answer into just one -- but hopefully a good one.
We totally understand the idea of saving it seeming unreal. It's been 4 months since cancellation -- four months and a week, if we're being more precise -- and summer has gone by with our feverish effort supporting it. Add to that the week-by-week hashtag posts, email campaigns, and our frankly incredible trending streak -- which has gone on as long as we've been cancelled -- and it's easy to understand why people might be feeling a little in limbo.
Of course, there's always posts by CF, the cast, associated crew, Agents Stroud, and other people related to the show to make people both hopeful and fearful. One fan's encouraging post could be another fan's death knell, and there's no way to predict how an update, a like, a retweet, or anything else will make you feel.
(The only thing we can predict your reaction to is pictures of the lovely Leo, which is to forfeit all mortal possessions to the Leo. It's what he deserves, and certainly what he Demands.)
But we, along with our lovely Anon and others, truly do have so much hope that efforts will succeed. In fact, I -- the humble Tumblr mod -- still stand by what I've said since May: we are going to succeed, and Lockwood and Co will be on our screens again before long ('long' in the relative sense, of course -- it takes time to film and edit!).
My confidence is matched only by my pride in you all and my wonder at the way fans from all over the world have stood up for our show and those involved. And if you think this doesn't apply to you --yes, you reading this -- specifically, let me fervently assure you that it does.
Every drop in the bucket, no matter how small, is part of the waterfall, and we have an incredible waterfall here.
As always, we the mods are assured that Nice Things are coming, and that, for the time being, we only have to do what we can with what we have.
The wheels of TV grind slowly, but they grind fine -- and knowing about every tiny happening within CF would drive us all mad, rest assured.
So yes, all we'll know about is the end result, but let's be real, all we need to know about is the end result. Saving the show is what matters, not the intricate legalities that get us there.
Things can and will turn out well for us. Let's keep adding our drops to the bucket.
And a picture of Leo in motion, holding a treat in his mouth, ready and expectant for the celebration:
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
Is it me or do other people find it jarring how Taika's haters try and distort reality and act like everyone loves him and they are the only one? Or that everyone acts like he's perfect and heaps him with praise for doing the bare minimum when from what I've seen no one who actually likes him does that.
I've seen people like 'if you're cancelling the last of us cancel ofmd cos Taika is zionist scum who supports genocide'.
Hi Anon! Oh interesting question. I don't know if I've personally seen a lot of that specific situation where they think everyone is blindly supporting him (I do tend to block after a certain point so maybe that's why?). If I'm understanding you correctly it sounds a lot like they're seeing any support of Taika as "HE IS PERFECT AND NO ONE SHALL CHALLENGE HIM" when most people who support him know he's not perfect (as no one is) and we accept him anyway.
Which is one of the things OFMD really drives home-- you're not perfect, that's okay! You can do better if you mess up! You are deserving of being forgiven!
Which I mean, in general I think that really points to your first point, that folks who are mad at him are kind of living in this distorted reality. But also too... I've seen this a lot in my personal life with ... various folks that some people see the world in a very black and white state. They see things as "if it's not this, it MUST mean THIS" -- in this case "If people support Taika, it MUST BE BECAUSE THEY THINK HES PERFECT", same with "If he asked for hostages to be released, HE MUST BE SUPPORTIVE OF GENOCIDE".
--- sorry long post is long, I'm in a rambling mood today sorry!---
Which.. to be fair there's a lot of cultural training for that.. as some folks have put in tags of other posts, it's lack of critical thinking and questioning skills. I know where I grew up they were super big into us questioning everything, but when I talk to some friends who grew up in other states here in the US, they didn't get the same focus on critical thinking in public school, and got more of it in college (and not everyone can afford to go to college). I had a really cool 11th grade English teacher who showed us a video in class one day. It was a parody of a documentary and was explaining how the earth was flat (which we didn't know at the time, they didn't tell us this wasn't real). It was weird because it didn't come out and say "the earth was flat" though, it came out with kind of vaguely reasonable sounding arguments from people with "Dr" in front of their name.
I remember looking at my friend who was really confused too and saying something like "wait is this for real?" and them shrugging at me. It wasn't until this part of the video where there's literally cows running around Antarctica that a lot of us were like, "wait this is totally not real". That English teacher.. after we got done with the movie started asking us when it was that we started questioning the validity of the video, and then went into this whole lecture about how especially when we're young, we're so used to just being FED information that sometimes we get fed completely false information and we just DONT know it. The whole exercise was all about questioning and critical thinking skills and how not every "teacher" or "doctor" is going to be as qualified as they try to tell you they are.
I found that whole exercise really eye opening because I had never really thought of people purposely trying to bias my education like that before. I'm sure there's thousands of ways that people learn these kinds of skills (and I know mine aren't perfect) but I found that one to really hit home-- so imagine never being taught that. Never being taught that if you start feeling like the thing being said doesn't sound quite right to question it.
Now of course, some folks are purposefully ignorant and that's a whole other issue, but I do think we need better critical thinking education all over the world (but especially in America what with the vastly different education depending on which region you're in).
ANYWAY omg im sorry -- I dont know if I even really addressed your point, so I apologize if I didn't (the ADHD is strong today I tell you)-- so if I didn't please let me know and I'll try again!
I hope the trolls aren't getting to you too much today, sending love anon <3
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hes just being messy, he was with meredith in la last wednesday and then now is like very public with gab. i actually feel pretty bad for meredith, the unfollow makes me think she thought they were more serious than they were. i dont think dating casually is a crime but all parties should at least be on the same page 😕 (no need to post this just telling you)
I’m very confused by all this and I guess y’all really don’t understand boundaries, respect, or consent. But since I’ve deleted just about 40 asks about this in the past 48 hours or so, fine. I guess we are talking about this. (Not directed at you alone or anything just my general feelings on the subject and on the fandom.) you wanna talk about Matty’s love life? Let’s talk about it.
Matty is 34 years old. Which means he’s well above the legal age of consent and, yeah, god help him, as a cis straight man, he do be acting like an absolute child sometimes, BUT it’s his life. His decisions to make.
From everything that we know about him, and especially after the ENTIRE FUCKIN WORLD turned against him over the summer, he is a lot more kind, compassionate, smart, self-aware, gentle, and pure-hearted than anyone’s ever given him credit for. Even his own fans. Say what you will about Matty Healy, but if it were me, in his shoes, I’d feel more than entitled to be Turner bitter towards the public what with the way we all (yes, we, as his fans too) have been treating him. But NOPE. Matty is a way bigger person than most of us. He didn’t say a damn thing. He kept his mouth shut and his head down and he did what he needed to do, he never let any of it deter him from being vulnerable and honest with us and putting on the best fuckin show that he could possible put on every fuckin night.
If that doesn’t earn him the benefit of the doubt then I don’t know what will.
I’m not sure why or when some of us have decided that it is our place to observe what goes on in his love life, to monitor his following/followers lists, to draw conclusions based on those numbers, or to consume public glimpses of his interior life as if it’s some tv show or movie or reality tv, even when those images are taken without his consent, and decide Meredith is not “marriage material” or Gabriette has “an aesthetic that I can finally get behind” (which, by the way, is a very sexist and disgusting thing to say about them as well as Matty, but I guess this fandom is hypocritical and will turn against its own values as soon as Matty Healy’s dick is involved), but at some point apparently that happened and we started to treat him as less than human.
Fine, fine, I’ll even give you that much. Be sexist. Be judgmental and creepy and all up his ass. But to do all that and then “feel sorry for Meredith” call him a “mess”??? When you LITERALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED BETWEEN THEM?!!!!! How do know she thought it was more serious than it is??? Were you there??? Since we’re making judgements and assumptions based on the tiny fragments that we see, I’m gonna go ahead and make a judgment of my own and say since I didn’t see you in the middle holding one of his hands and one of hers, then you weren’t there. So why do you feel qualified to talk about what he may or may not have done??? Do you know him? Is he your bestie???? Did he confide in you??? Hmm? Fuckin tell me!!!!
To summarize: he’s a form of entertainment to you. You don’t care about his boundaries. And you have such a low opinion of him that (despite him proving in what is objectively one of the worst things to happen to a public figure, that he’s endlessly graceful and kind) you will comfortably assume the worst of him without A SHRED OF ANYTHING REMOTELY RESEMBLING EVIDENCE. So….why are you a fan? Hmm? Why do you feel comfortable supporting someone you think so little or and have no respect for as a human being?
If any of you really think “he deserve love” and “he deserves companionship.” Then you’d shut the fuck up, stop engaging with content that commodities and dehumanizes him, and mind your fuckin business for fucks sakes.
I mean, how would you like it if, based on a 7 second story on Instagram, or a tweet you made about your personal life or whatever, I (somehow who knows absolutely nothing about you) came up to you and was like “omg I noticed so and so has unfollowed you. Then two days later you posted a pic with this other person. You must have really crushed someone’s heart and led them on making them believe you were more serious than you actually were. And now you’re using this other person who appeared in a picture with you. That is concerning behavior my friend.” If you’re okay with me doing that to you then you and I must live wildly different realities.
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 8 months
i saw ur post abt black star right after reading it and I'd love for u to elaborate lol my biggest problem w it was Akira disliking/not forgiving akechi... like i know it was written before royal and im not even THAT big of a shuake shipper but reading akira as anything other than in love with akechi is just. Wrong. my only other problem w it was how it treated prison like the only other option for akechi besides death, and anyway akechi would have chosen death regardless. It's crazy how both of those huge flaws were disproven in royal and how they're most likely the cause for fan misinterpretation today. still a good plot and i liked the other characterizations but like. the conclusion of akechi going to jail and akira supporting that above all is just so wrong
Oh yeah Akira's feelings toward Akechi were a huge reason why I had to dnf, easily one of the worst aspects by far. And it sucks because otherwise Akira's characterization was SO good. OP understood him but they did not understand Akechi and that extended to Akira, sadly.
And yeah, the jail thing is both baffling and Bad. Akechi does not need to go to jail. Can we please stop believing in punitive justice even when it makes no sense. Akechi doesn't even get what he deserves anyway because he doesn't go on trial for most of his crimes (like, you know, the murder) and then he gets off easy getting to join the shadow ops months into his sentence. After all that set up about him needing to get what he deserves/justice being served only for that to Very Much Not Happen. Because if Akechi DID get what he "deserved" under our justice system he'd get life in prison at best. It's hypocritical.
Possibly my biggest gripe other than the stupid insistence that Akechi go to jail is Akechi's characterization, though. It's alllll wrong. And like, to be fair, it was kind of impossible to know that it was wrong at the time because Royal hadn't come out yet. In black star Akechi is portrayed as absolutely, 100% unremorseful and gets angry at the idea of having to pay for his crimes. Which just. isn't. in character for him.
I kind of went into this with my recent post about Akechi and regrets, but there's another aspect this take on Akechi is completely missing. And that's Akechi and debts. He absolutely recognizes that what he did is wrong. He did it despite knowing it was wrong. But his reaction isn't going to be "how dare you suggest I turn myself in." It's going to be "I should be in jail already and I will do my best to repay my debts as far as I am able." Not in a guilty sort of way (at least outwardly), but a pragmatic one. There's a reason Akechi turns himself in for you, and it's not just about making Shido pay. It's about making things right, both to Joker and the world in general.
Akechi thinks of justice in extremely punitive terms. If you do wrong, you deserve to have wrongs done to you in turn. This applies to both others and himself. It's what leads him to his actions, and why he willingly sacrificed himself and then later turns himself in. It's why he hates the idea of being granted mercy in Maruki's reality. In his eyes, he doesn't deserve anything more than death and/or prison. He hurt people, and so now it's time for him to reap the consequences.
The author of black star has it completely backwards. Akechi's arc shouldn't be learning that he needs to face consequences. He wants to face consequences. He wants to die/go to jail because he thinks he's worthless and doesn't deserve anything better. That's his starting point of any post-canon arc. Giving him jail time is giving him exactly what he wants.
Personally, I think punitive justice as a concept is complete bullshit. I'm not gonna get into the nitty gritty of that here. But my point stands regardless--and whether you believe in punitive justice or not, objectively the more interesting direction to take an Akechi redemption is to force him to live life to the fullest. That is unironically the worst punishment you could give him. Force him to face the consequences of living when he thinks he should be dead, of going through the painful and difficult process of recovery, and being forced to interact with and reconcile with the people he hurt after acknowledging that hurt not pragmatically, but personally.
I don't want to read a story about Akechi learning to accept that he has to go to jail. it's stupid, out of character, and counter to my core values as a person. That's why I stopped reading black star. I want to see Akechi learning to live. To me, that is a far more in-character and interesting concept to explore.
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hournites · 2 years
Alright, let me try to break this down in a way that should be easily able to understand. 
We can live in a world in which we acknowledge four things that co-exist:
1. That Rick was horrendously out of line to Beth and her parents, and that he should have never opened his mouth and said what he did to the only people in this show who are truly concerned for his wellbeing. Full stop. That he is in the wrong and is responsible for this. There’s no “he doesn’t owe them anything” debate bullshit.  Rick is constantly looked out for out of the love Beth has in her heart for him. So for him to throw “don’t ever tell me what to do” in her face is nasty, and any discourse trying to defend that is gross. Rick’s life was saved out of the hospitality of the Chapels for free. They were willing to give him somewhere to stay to recover. Beth was going to be there for him. She was STILL going to be there for him as he stormed out. All of the Chapels were calling after Rick. But they were right to let him leave because he posed a threat in that moment, and they absolutely have the right to feel safe in their own home. 
2. That the intervention would have likely gone a lot better if the Chapels were more gentle with their approach. Rick’s entire orphaned childhood consisted of being boxed in a corner for his actions and he is failing to see that the intervention was out of love. But that doesn’t mean that they were not in the right for handling the situation the way they did, because he was unpredictable and the mixed signals were all over the place. Beth knew Rick the best, and despite being firm, she was understanding. Rick saw that and he reacted well to that in some few short moments, but ultimately couldn’t give up control. Because for Beth to take the hourglass from him would be for Beth to have power over him, which scares him. This sense of power? That’s something Rick’s brain right now is screaming at him that he cannot part with, hence the clear delusions that he thinks he’s never been better despite the fact he’s stumbling around like a drunk looking like he’d been mauled by a bear. 
3. That Rick’s addiction was talking in that scene. That Rick needs help and deserves to get help. That a clean Rick would not talk to Beth like that, the girl who he had just told less than episode before that he loved because she was a part of his family. Who for over a season and a half had always been protective over and reserved his most soft-spoken voice for when talking to her. 
4. That Rick is a depressed teen with zero support system, raised for ten years by an alcoholic with the only consistency of family dynamics = verbal abuse (which has and always was the case far before the hourglass was tampered with this season), and it makes somewhat sense that he’ll resort to Matt tendencies as a coping mechanism, even if he himself at previous points in the series was disgusted by that behaviour. That said, just giving up on him is not the way to go about this, even if he does not want the help. 
Short and sweet: Cannot defend Rick’s actions because he’s an addict, but we should not let Rick be thrown in the trash, just because he’s an addict. 
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elix8r · 7 months
never thought id do this but heres an essay on my thoughts on monkey bars 😭😭🤍🤍🤍
let me preface this by saying you did such an amazing job with this truly, you wrote so so well and i feel like you encapsulated every perfect emotion in the best way possible, and somehow it just gets better and better? i forgot how pt 1 went so i reread it before i read pt 2 and i was blown away again but youve even improved somehow ?!!? youre like the gift that keeps on giving 💋 also, thank you so so much for pushing through and writing this, i know it couldnt have been easy struggling with writers block but i hope u know we all think the world of this fic so please see the worth of your work 💗
ok now MY THOUGHTS!!! oh my lord, where to begin… first of all, same as before: from part one, i was already irked with jake when he pulled the beomgyu shit (albeit i moved on pretty damn fast surprisingly) but the cliffhanger you left us on was a game changer like he crossed the line so bad. i was conviced i would never forgive him. if someone did that to me i would have the exact same reaction as y/n tbh. anger later sad confusion panic first. and seeing the aftermath in part 2??? first of all, so glad she had such a good support system around her and people who actually put their morals first aka 02z bc u already know men irl would defend their “boys” first or whatever 🙄 hearing other girls gossip about her actually broke my heart cos if it was me i wouldve cried n had a panic attack there and then … and knowing my PARENTS know about it 😭😭😭
you wrote so well i was actually about to insert myself in NO JOKE!!!! like ok lets stray for a while but me personally i dont like “dumping” my emotions on anybody bc it makes me feel like im burdening them but when i read the scene when she went back home,, oh lord i wanted to cry in the dads arms there n then, u have a talent with words fr 🫣🫣
SORRY BACK TO OUR SCHEDULED ANNOUNCEMENT, nowhere in this fic was my heart set in stone. ok i lied. for the first 80% i was like FUCK THAT MAN HE DESERVES TO DIE IM NEVER FORGIVING YOU but then i started feeling pity too DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN WHEN I SAY YOURE AMAZING AT WRITING??? like am i throwing away my morals or am i just understanding that people are multidimensional,, woah lord,, like tbh i wouldnt have forgiven jake bc something of that scale is just not in my books, was way too extreme, but the way you wrote his character, his guilt, the actual situation??? couldnt even blame y/n for feeling sympathetic cos damn me too… i know a lot of people might not agree (especially irl. DEF NOT) but the way you wrote everything… how do you not feel bad for the poor boy 😭 in no way is y/n to blame for ANYTHING but at some point i started to be worried for jake too so i was like u know what. fine. get together with the boy. NO WAIT. idk. dont. IDK?!!!?
i think me personally, i wouldnt have been able to forgive him but i wouldve tried to move past it, despite how hard it would be. whether or not we get together would be a different question because rebuilding trust would take a lot, but,, yeah. overall i am soooo fucking satisfied with this, and the ending was so refreshing tbh!!! at first i was hoping they wouldn’t get together (literally when they kissed again i was like NOOO GIRLLLL WHYYYYY have more self respect!!!!) but after your slayful writing i was like nah u know what give them a happy ending,, n u did not disappoint,,,, i loved how it ended and that fresh start at the end was really like a breath of fresh air i have no idea how to explain it but it just genuinely did feel like a fresh start. i loved it. i will be rereading. thank you
this was insane praise like omfg thank you so much! i always have such a hard time wondering if what i wrote is good enough to put out for you guys and to hear you say that is so meaningful to me 😭 the writer's block def was a bitch but hearing you say that you could see that I've improved makes everything worth it like i'd go through it again if it'll help me get better at writing im crying literally 🥹
so the whole time i was writing this last part i had a hard time deciding if oc should forgive him or not because personally i would never be able to but i just felt that the only way for this story to wrap up well and in a satisfying way would be if it was a happy? ending so i ended up just going with that and yes one of the main things i wanted to show was that everyone was rooting for y/n so i made sure no one excused jake's behavior
the scene where she went back home was kind of tough to write like i totally get you i get really emotionally invested even when im writing and jfc just imagining how my parents would react literally had me going through it like her dad was devastated and i think it really shows to what extent one person's actions/mistakes can effect cause this shit not only broke her down but also most of those around her so those scenes were def tough to write
but i am so so so glad to hear how much you enjoyed the ending and overall this story! you seriously just relieved me of so many of my worries regarding this story and i always feel like the best compliment is when people tell me they'll reread my stuff so thank you so so much for sending me this ginormous message and hope I'll continue to produce stuff you like! love you loads 🫶 🫶 🫶
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idolskpop · 1 year
Congrats to Lee Dal for getting married! He’s one of my favorite actors from Vincenzo. I hope he invited Song Joong Ki and Jeon Yeo Bin to his wedding. That would be awesome #LeeDalWedding #VincenzoSquad #Vincenzo #LeeDal #LeeDalMarryNonShowbizGirlfriend
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Vincenzo star Lee Dal is ready to say “I do” to his non-showbiz girlfriend in a private ceremony this week. The actor, who played Jeon Soo Nam in the hit Netflix drama, announced his upcoming wedding on his Instagram account.
'Vincenzo' Star Lee Dal’s Wedding Announcement
On October 11, a media outlet reported that Lee Dal and his fiancée, who was a production staff member of his 2021 series “Police University,” will tie the knot on October 14 in Seoul. The wedding will be attended by their family and close friends.
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(Photo : tvN's Official Twitter) Lee Dal’s agency, Beasts Entertainment, confirmed the news and asked for the fans’ warm support and blessings for the couple. The actor also shared a photo of his wedding invitation card on his Instagram, along with a caption that read: “Hello, this is Lee Dal. I’m writing this to share some good news with you. I’m getting married to someone I love on October 14. She is not a celebrity, but she has been a great source of strength and comfort for me. I’m very grateful to her for accepting me as I am. We decided to have a small and quiet wedding with our family and close friends, considering the current situation. I hope you understand and respect our decision. I will continue to work hard as an actor and show you good sides of myself. Thank you for always supporting me and loving me.”
Lee Dal’s Acting Career
Lee Dal made his acting debut in 2014 with the acclaimed drama "Misaeng: Incomplete Life." Since then, he has appeared in various dramas and movies, such as “Signal,” “Black,” “Two Cops,” “Be Melodramatic,” “Hospital Playlist,” “Vincenzo,” and “Police University.”
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(Photo : tvN's Official Instagram) He is known for his comedic timing and versatile acting skills, as well as his friendly personality and good looks. He gained more popularity and recognition for his role as Jeon Soo Nam in “Vincenzo,” where he showed great chemistry with the lead actors Song Joong Ki and Jeon Yeo Bin, as well as the other Geumga Plaza members.
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(Photo : Jo Han Chul Instagram) He is currently filming for several upcoming projects, such as “Taxi Driver 2,” “The Heavenly Idol,” “The Empire,” and "Today’s Webtoon."
Fans’ Reactions
Fans of Lee Dal expressed their congratulations and happiness for the actor’s wedding news. They also wished him and his bride-to-be a happy and blessed marriage.
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(Photo : Lee Dal Instagram) Some of the comments from the fans are: “Congratulations Lee Dal! You deserve all the happiness in the world!” “Wow, I’m so happy for him! He’s such a talented and charming actor. I hope he and his wife will have a beautiful life together.” “I’m so proud of him! He’s one of my favorite actors from Vincenzo. He always makes me laugh with his hilarious expressions. I’m glad he found his true love.” "He’s so handsome and sweet. I’m sure his wife is very lucky to have him. Congratulations to the lovely couple!" “I can’t believe he’s getting married! He’s such a catch! I hope he will invite some of his co-stars from Vincenzo to his wedding. That would be awesome!” Lee Dal is the latest K-drama actor to join the married club this year. He will exchange vows with his non-showbiz girlfriend on October 14 in a private ceremony. We congratulate Lee Dal and his fiancée on their wedding and wish them all the best for their future. What do you think of Lee Dal’s wedding news? Are you a fan of his acting? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Matt's a senior in high school, co-captain of the cheerleading team, and doing a pretty good job in school. He's also, well. She's also a girl, which is somehow not the biggest deal in her life right now.
Nick's a junior in high school, an MVP candidate for the basketball team, and doing his best. He's also definitely not in love with his best friend, unless he's telling the truth.
So for some ungodly reason I decided to do another high school AU for my April Camp NaNoWriMo, and here is the fruit of that labor. It's fluffy and a bit cheesy and maybe unrealistic in parts, but I think we deserve some queer joy in our lives, don't we?
Note: throughout this fic, Matt's pronouns shift depending on her mindset, what others know, and what she has told the other people to refer to her as throughout the story. If you see a pronoun error you think is not narratively relevant, please let me know, and I will check :)
Here is the playlist for the fic, because I can't do anything without making an accompanying playlist: Set the World Alight - an AEW High School AU Playlist
Saturday, November 29th
Matt jumps about a foot when Nick opens the door to his bedroom.
“Holy crap,” Matt says, hand to his heart. “You scared me. Knock next time, will you?”
“I did knock,” Nick says. “What’s your deal?”
“Nothing,” Matt says, adjusting his ponytail. Nick doesn’t get why he fusses with it so much. It always looks right. “I’m fine. You ready?”
Nick nods. “Just have to get the bags in the car and we’ll head over.”
Matt checks his reflection one last time and walks to the door. They make their way downstairs like always – shoving at each other to see who will make it to the kitchen first.
“Would you two stop trying to kill each other to get to the kitchen?” Their mother is mildly amused but mostly tired, coffee in hand as she sips. “It’s like raising two deer with the way you two always lock horns.”
“We don’t lock horns, Mom,” Matt says, rolling his eyes. Nick pokes him in the ribs. “Ow! Nicholas here just refuses to admit that, as the older brother, I should get first pick of the pancakes.”
“You’re just jealous I’m finally taller than you,” Nick fires back. Matt gets him in a noogie.
“Boys. It’s not even eight in the morning. I need you to stop before I lose my mind.”
Matt lets go, Nick fixes his hair, and they eat their breakfasts fast enough that their mom has to leave the room. "I raised two wildebeests," she mutters, making her way to the living room. "Where did I go wrong?"
"You didn't!" Nick yells. "Matt's stole a pancake!"
"Alright, well, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," she says. She doesn't even bother to peek her head in. “Drive safe to the game, you two!”
“I will,” Matt calls back. “And it’s a scrimmage.”
“Don’t correct your mother!”
Once the pancakes are gone, Nick muscles Matt out of the way and insists on driving the three miles to the school. Matt is less than pleased about it based on the pout he wears the whole drive, but Matt lights up when he sees the group of players and cheerleaders collecting in front of the bus.
“Looks like we’re riding together,” Matt says.
Nick nods. “Apparently that’s the new plan this year. Cuts down on buses to have you all on the bus with us, and third team and JV traveling together.”
“Sit with me?” Matt asks. “I mean, if you want to.”
Nick nods. “Sure. I always want to.”
Matt beams at him, and Nick doesn’t understand how still, after all this time, he doesn’t seem to believe the people on the cheer squad actually like him.
“Alright, let me check in with coach, and I’ll be right there.”
Matt slides in next to Britt, who is half supporting Jamie who looks like she still hasn’t woken up all the way.
“Nicky,” says Cole, clapping him on the shoulder. “Late. As always.”
“That is entirely Matt’s fault,” Nick insists. “And Mom’s. She made us eat breakfast.”
“Oh, what a tragedy,” Moxley says, pretending to faint. “I had a can of coke for breakfast. I’d kill for, like. Actual food.”
Nick briefly digs in his gym back and pulls out a granola bar. “It’s not homemade or anything, but you can have this.” He tosses it to Mox, who lights up.
“Hell yeah.”
He proceeds to scarf down the granola bar at a speed Nick is mildly disturbed by, and the coach calls them over a second later.
“Alright, boys,” he glances over, “er, and Jamie.”
Half the team rolls their eyes. Coach was getting better with it, but he constantly forgets Jamie’s not just one of the guys. Sure, she’ll take you out harder than any guy on any team, but she’s still a girl.
Specifically, a girl who was kicked out of the girl’s league for playing too hard.
“We’re on the bus with the cheerleaders, effective today. I don’t want to see any hanky-panky on there, you hear?”
“Yeah, Jamie,” Mox says, nudging her with his elbow, “don’t want a repeat of you and Britt in the science labs.”
Jamie blushes bright red. “Oh, shut up, Moxley, we all know what you and Kingston were up to last year at the championship game. You’re one to talk.”
“No one should be talking,” Coach says. Nick wonders when he’ll give up and let the team do their own thing. It’s always what works best. “Alright. Bowens and Caster, you are not allowed to sit next to each other after last week.”
“Aw!” the two of them whine.
“No,” Coach Gunn says, pointing at the two of them. “You two keep it up, I’ll make your parents drive you to and from the games, and you can deal with them.”
The two of them shrink. “Okay,” Bowens mutters.
“Yuta, you sit with Caster,” Coach Gunn demands. “Nick, you’re sitting with Bowens.”
“Wait, what?” Nick asks. “I already promised Matt –”
“Your brother will figure it out. I need somebody responsible to sit with these two clowns.”
Nick texts Matt to let him know, and gets a frowny face in return.
You can sit with Britt or Willow, you’ll be fine.
Willow’s sitting with Riho!! And Britt’ll be with Jamie!!
Nick exhales. Okay, sit with literally anybody. Nobody’s gonna kick you off the bus.
He gets back a panicked combination of emojis, and Nick begins to wonder why Matt’s so frickin’ weird.
They pile into the bus and Matt’s on his arm in a second.
“Everybody else has a bus person,” Matt mutters. “You are my bus person.”
“I have been assigned Anthony Bowens duty,” Nick says.
“I am not wrong,” Nick tells Anthony over his shoulder. “Just, Matt, sit wherever’s a free seat. Everybody knows you. You’re fine.”
Matt’s eyes flicker around the faces in line. “But there’s nobody else I want to sit with!”
“Just – figure it out!”
Once they get on the bus, Nick peeks around to make sure Matt’s not crying on the ceiling out of panic or anything. To Nick’s surprise, Matt’s plopped down in the first open seat, right next to Danny Garcia. He doesn’t look any kind of comfortable, but he’s seated and not crying or anything, so Nick considers it a win.
Interesting choice he texts to him. Bowens slides in to the seat a few behind Matt and Danny, and Nick moves to follow.
Matt turns around as Nick’s shoving Bowens further into the seat and glares.
He was pouting because Yuta’s stuck with Caster, so we both will be miserable together.
Nick rolls his eyes.
“What?” Bowens asks. “You’re being weird.”
“I’m not being weird,” Nick says, getting comfortable for the bust ride to the game. “I’m existing on a bus.” He closes his eyes, tries to relax. “You aren’t going to do anything weird, are you?”
Bowens makes a sad little sound. “No. Caster and I planned on putting silly putty in somebody’s hair, but it doesn’t feel right to do it without him.”
Nick is awake and alert the entire ride.
He resists the urge to text Nick frantically the whole car ride, and instead settles for trying to start his English essay. They’re finished with the personal narratives, finally, but he’s now stuck analyzing Salome and that whole poem is a lot to deal with.
He’s also been assigned the role of Salome in his all-boy group to present, and, well. He – he thinks this might be reminding him of something he’s been trying really hard not to think about.
Something she’s been trying really hard not to think about.
Matt isn’t sure, is the thing. Sure, he feels like a girl, but doesn’t everybody, sometimes? Doesn’t everybody sometimes convince themselves that they don’t belong with the certain body, the certain presentation they were born with?
Glancing around the bus, nobody is paying attention to him. Danny’s snoring, mouth open as he leans against the window. Jamie and Britt aren’t not making out in the seat next to him, and the rest of the bus looks otherwise occupied.
So he googles it.
how do you know if you’re actually trans and not just faking
hhat does trans feel like
how do you know if you’re a girl
He’s thankful for the two hour bus ride, for once in his life, because he’s able to read testimonies from so many people – from trans women in their thirties, nonbinary people in their forties, trans men at sixty-five. He’s baffled – he didn’t know this many people existed. He takes a deep breath. He didn't know this many people who think the same as he does existed.
He also is a little baffled at a common theme that keeps popping up: if you think you’re trans, you probably are.
The bus stops and he’s – well, he’s not sure he’s “he”, is the thing, but he has some other things to focus on right now.
Matt’s pretty sure the first game of the season has never felt so exhilarating, even though it’s not really the first game. His team does a pretty good job of keeping the energy going on the sidelines, but, even with the modifications from the football seasons in place, they put on a great halftime show. Better than the other team, if he’s being realistic.
“I’m not bragging, Wills,” he says to Willow, “I’m being objective. Our routine had, like, four times the difficulty of theirs.”
“Matt, you know this one isn’t a competition, right?” Willow throws one of those smiles his way, the kinds where he’s glad he’s gay so he doesn’t fall in love with her. “It’s okay that they weren’t as good as we are.”
“That’s all I’m looking for,” Matt says, tossing his ponytail over his shoulder. “An – an agreement.”
They do their cheering duties for the team through the second quarter, and Matt cheers extra loudly when Nick gets something like eight points in four minutes, which Matt knows enough to know it’s impressive.
“Hey! Jamie didn’t punch that guy!” Riho says, leaning over to look at Britt. “That’s good, right?”
Britt nods, a proud smile on her lips. “Yeah. She’s been doing so good with not punching people. Well, during games. There was that time at the movies.”
“That asshole deserved it,” Matt says.
“Ooh,” Riho says, “Matt’s swearing. It must have been quite the problem to earn that.”
Matt rolls his eyes. “I swear.”
“Like, almost never,” Britt says. “But, yeah. He deserved it.”
The game finishes up around noon, and Matt is starving.
“I told you to bring a snack,” Nick says, devouring a protein bar.
“Can I have a bite?”
Nick turns, cradling the bar and glaring at Matt. “Starve.”
“Oh, that’s cold.”
Matt turns to see Jon Moxley, grinning. “Right?” Matt says. “He’s so mean to me.”
“Am not!”
“I don’t know, Nick,” Mox says, eyes flicking to Matt. Almost like he wants to make sure Matt’s still watching. “Refusing to give your brother food? That sounds pretty mean.”
Matt grins, a little smarmy. “See? You’re so mean to me. Even Mox knows it.”
Nick looks between both of them. “I’m walking away now.”
Matt throws his best smile at Mox, because why not, and gets something a little sweet, a little not so sweet back.
He spends the rest of the bus ride trying and failing to do his math homework. Somebody decided to sing 99 Bottles of Jizz on the wall and, while funny, Matt’s kind of sick of it at 84 bottles and it’s only going to get worse.
“This is hell,” Danny says, staring straight ahead of him. Matt thinks he looks a little like a person in that zoned out state in movies, like when they’re trying to show a flashback. “I’ve never heard the word ‘jizz’ said so much in my life.”
Matt tries a reassuring pat on his shoulder. “You can borrow my headphones, if you want? The basketball team is full of some…interesting people.”
Danny shakes his head. “No, I got my own.”
“Oh,” Matt says, moving his hand. “Then – then why aren’t you listening to literally anything else?”
Danny shrugs. “I really don’t know.”
They stop at a gas station about an hour into the ride, and Matt flies into there, desperate for a snack and some caffeine.
“Don’t get distracted in the snack aisle!” Coach Gunn hollers after him. “You either, O’Reilly.”
Nick bumps his shoulder as he walks to the candy aisle. “Don’t get lost, dork.”
“Oh, shut up,” he calls as he hops his way to the wall with all the coolers. If the universe is in his favor, there will be plenty of double shots available for him to shove into his face. He’s still got an entire math assignment to finish on the bus.
He snags a bag of Chex Mix on his way to the cooler, and spots the coffee drinks. There’s only one can of his beloved Double Shots left. He picks up the pace to grab it, only to reach the door at the same time as a familiar face looks down at him.
“You like the double shots, too?” Jon Moxley asks, his grin wide. Matt’s heart starts beating at an unreasonable speed. “That how you cheerleaders keep up all the energy?”
Matt giggles a little. He can’t help it. “Well, one of the ways. You should see the way we have to train for splits.”
He didn’t mean for it to be…well, suggestive. But, from the way Mox’s eyes widen, it was. “Oh. Well.” His laugh is a little close to a giggle too. “All yours. I can grab, like, a Coke or something.” He brushes the side of Matt’s hand. Just gentle. Just barely. “See you on the bus, Matty.”
Matt doesn’t move until Nick comes up behind him and pegs him in the back with his basketball. “Dude, your coach is about to kill you if you don’t get out there,” he hisses. “Buy your dumb coffee and let’s go.”
Matt nods, a little dazed. “Hey, um,” he says as he hands the cash to the cashier, “what – has Mox said anything about me?”
Nick groans. “Oh, god, you have a crush on Moxley?”
“Shh!” Matt says, looking around nervously. They’re the only two from the high school left in the store, but still. “Look, sort of. Shut up.”
Nick sighs, spinning the basketball on his fingertip. Like it’s easy. Jerk. “He hasn’t. But I’ll…” Nick pauses, takes a deep breath like whatever he’s about to say is going to hurt. “I’ll put out feelers.”
Matt feels like he’s filled with lightning as he bounces out to the bus. He sits next to Nick, as always. But Mox’s eyes follow him as he walks down the center of the bus, and it makes the lightning spark, something like possibility.
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wejustvibing · 1 year
helloooo, i am a very new f1 fan but im british so have always supported lewis (bipoc at the top of his sport, we have to support naturally!). now that i have gotten into the sport & understand etc, it’s hard to watch someone who dominated, struggle soo much with his car and races (through no fault of his own). i know lewis seemed much happier & more confident in the car esp with the upgrades this weekend. i just wondered do you think he has a chance to win races this season, not just 2nd or 3rd but come first? he’s just such an incredible person / sportsman and im gutted that he’s struggling this much
also, i wasn’t around during lewis winning his championships and i know perhaps people were bored eventually of the same person winning however this is my first season watching all the races and im so bored of watching max win! im sorry it probably sounds soo bad but it’s not fun to watch, it’s very very boring like by the time anyone 3rd place and beyond even has a chance to push forward max has like basically won cos he’s like so far ahead 😭 sorry probably not the right terminology but i hope you get the gist
prayers for lewis and that he gets the car he deserves and back to rightfully no.1
winning and losing are a part of any sport so it's not like i'm delusional. i wouldn't mind him not winning had he not been robbed in front of the whole world and then wasn't allowed a chance or the car to fight back. i don't need him to constantly stay winning. but i need closure, revenge, vindication, justice. and all that is possible only with him winning. it's hella selfish i know but that's my reason. who knows if this car is capable enough. we can only hope for at least a win or two on their way up.
yeah, people who didn't support him or merc were probably bored when he was winning. even lewis always wanted there to be more competition. i thoroughly enjoyed it. those were the best times. he never really had total dominance or cakewalk as often as people love to portray though. there were battles with teammates and rivals. their cars were not the most competitive on all tracks so other teams did get some chances. and most importantly, they were not cheating. they were bringing innovation and breakthroughs that others simply couldn't keep up with. despite no budget restriction.
the thing with rbr dominating right now is again rooted in AD21 robbery and cost cap scandal. plus the whole team constantly instigating hate and racial abuse on lewis. so it's a hard pill to swallow. had it been fair and square, life would have been much easier now for both lewis and his fans
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cobrrastyle · 2 years
Same anon from the billy and the person who treats them like an advrage joe here, im requesting this mostly as a reference for how he may react with an oc of mine so if you don't wanna do this one i understand, but alive billy with a person that had bad abandoment issues because if people suddenly leaving them in the past. Can be either romantic or platonic, whichever you feel more comfortable with, but again you don't have to do this one if you dont want to
a.n. hello, anon! glad to hear from you again!! i'd be happy to do your request. i've decided to try out platonic hcs for a change, hope that's okay! ofc, theres no explicit mention of it being platonic so feel free to read this and interpret it however you'd like. sending much love to your oc, they deserve the world! <3
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𝗔𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗜𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲𝘀
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𝅘𝅥𝅲  gn!reader
𝅘𝅥𝅲  relationship. platonic leaning
𝅘𝅥𝅲  warnings. none
𝅘𝅥𝅲  edited. n/a
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• contrary to ghost!billy, alive!billy is extremely unfamiliar with what's it's like to be abandoned. there will be a bit of a disconnect when it comes to empathizing with you, but don't let that steer you away from the fact that he DOES indeed care.
• tell him about your past and the cobra will be mad and sad for you all at once. he never really thought about it before, but being left behind by the people you thought cherished you sounds beyond terrifying to him and he can only imagine what you must feel.
• he's quick to tell you that you're 100x more than whatever those bozos were and assures you that he would never do the same thing they did. he means what he says, but sometimes, his words end up sounding a little more harsh than what he originally intended to get across.
"they were total d-bags anyway! if anything, it's good they left y—!"
• and there he goes, seemingly missing the point entirely. (we do not phrase the second half like that 💀)
• he knows he's screwed up once you look at him with a pained look in your eye and he immediately tries to backtrack and fix his mess-up.
• then, he's at a loss for words and doesn't really know what to say. he honestly feels really guilty and he can only sit next to you as none of you utter a thing.
• leave it to the cobra to get you and him back on your feet though! if there's anything he despises more, it's pessimism and gloom, especially when he's the one being a major kill-joy.
• that being said, billy places a firm—and a tad heavy—hand on your shoulder which catches you off guard. turn your head and you'll be faced with a beaming smile (it's blinding, even!)
"hey, i know just what you need." your silence prompts him to continue. "confidence!"
• there he goes again, and atp, you're inclined to think he's not taking this seriously. you're more than ready to leave until he stands right in front of you, preventing you from going anywhere.
"c'mooon. look, you gotta recognize your own worth. show em all what you're made of! trust me, the cobra sees it in you. we just gotta get you to see it. now you're gonna need a shot of it—a lot of it actually. lucky for you, doctor billy is in!"
• and just like that, billy will take the 'love yourself' concept to extreme mode! he's gonna be super supportive <3
• any form of self-deprecation from you will be met with opposition, STAT. mf is going to be your no.1 hypeman fr!
• surprisingly, jammin' out to his music is a huge help and is something he loves to initiate! he loves doing this thing where he strums his guitar and has you repeating lyrics after him (many of them on the spot, specifically made for you). the fact that most of his songs are in first person gives you the chance to insert yourself into the music. plus, it gets you to smile!
• will spoil you rotten, regardless of what you say. for crying out loud, you're tight with the b joe co! it takes a special kind of person for that and he's only gonna want high level stuff for you!
• distancing yourself will be very difficult. wherever you go, he goes (unless his stardom doesn't allow for it like when he's on tour).
• it's at times like these where you're more likely to overthink, but rest assured, billy plans on keeping a stable connection with you through call!
• act differently around him in the hopes that he sticks around longer and he WILL notice and WILL call you out on it. this isn't you and he's not gonna wanna play dumb. he won't just "stick" around—he doesn't like it when you put it that way—and he'll clarify that he just likes being with you, the real you.
• for as much as billy gets sidetracked with other things, he genuinely does care about you and feels terrible when he realizes that he’s been getting too carried away with stuff. out of everything, you’re one of the only constants in his life and he is willing to pull out every trick in the book to help you feel less alone and loved <3
• if you need words of affirmation, he'll do it in a heartbeat, but he does get kind of hurt that you would ever think that way of him—that he'd leave ever you. throughout his life he's been a dick, sure, and he still may be a jackass, but ever since you came along, you've influenced him for the better, which is something you may not always realize.
"i'm better than that! you know that... right?"
• it's hard trusting someone's word when you've had such a rough history, but take a bit to search for any shred of doubt in his eyes and you'll only be met with sincerity. realize that this is good for you, that you're not alone in the healing process. after that? crack a smile, whatever the size, and affirm it. you're not where you stood back then, things are better.
"now that's what i like to hear!"
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episbep · 2 months
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rehab day twenty six
I am not feeling good, at all. Had a conversation with my mum that led to an argument and a painful realisation - she is no longer my rock, support or confidante, she doesn’t understand what I am going through and I am not her priority. We used to be so close, but I fear that I have just been draining her for most of my life and out of obligation rather than real love and care, she has endured it- I don’t want to do that anymore. It’s time for me to deal with it on my own, as hard as that will be in this situation she deserves every happiness and I am an adult, I can and will be responsible for myself, my feelings and behaviours. It fucking hurts to realise but that doesn’t make it any less true. Her husband is the centre of her world now and we are not friends. He comes first to her and that is fine. It’s hard to accept but that doesn’t mean that I should fight against it. I need my mum now more than ever, recovery is hard and painful and I feel so alone, but I can’t and won’t drag her down with me. I am sad.
On the bright side I saw this baby dinosaur earlier today. Cute.
Was sad, Flex and I video chatted for like an hour and a half and had a real giggle, he’s gonna help me tell the dealer I’ve sorted 14gs from that I’m not gonna be picking up and act as a ‘temporary sponsor’ (even tho he has less sober time than me but who CARES) and we’ve planned to meet up after he leaves rehab next month and get a hotel for two days in his home town like miss GURL you met him TWO DAYS AGO he is a COKE ADDICT you are a KET ADDICT fucking STOPPPPPP this is DANGEROUS (but also a nice distraction from the fact my mum has gone from being my biggest support to my biggest hater!! love that for us!! more concerned about her fella’s bowls match than her literal daughter❤️❤️ thanks suzanne ❤️❤️ didn’t have enough parental trauma already❤️❤️)
also redownloaded tiktok cos a housemate posted one she made in the house and saw that my ex requested to follow me 5 days ago🙃 accepted it cos why tf not who even cares at this point🙃
first came the anger and now come the tears. I have lost everything that I loved and was important to me- my sunshine, my boo, my support network, my coping mechanism, direction, identity, security, family, friends, job, license, future; everything. And I have no one to blame but myself.
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pashterlengkap · 11 months
We’ll learn how to win: HRC’s first president says history proves LGBTQ+ folks can take on the right
October marks LGBTQ+ History Month.  It’s a time to remember the history that is often forgotten and honor the many strides the LGBTQ+ community has made in recent decades. As a queer young person myself, I wanted to better understand the rich history that came before me to gain a deeper appreciation of what it means to be a queer American at this moment in time.  Related: To hide our history is to deny our existence: Kids must learn what queer folks have given the world Queer people gave us computers, the Mona Lisa, and “Where the Wild Things Are.” LGBTQ+ youth deserve to see that they aren’t alone. I spoke with Victor Basile, a long-time LGBTQ+ rights advocate and the first executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest queer rights advocacy group. Basile was also the co-founder of the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund, which supports LGBTQ+ political candidates. This year, he released his memoir Bending Toward Justice, about the history of HRC. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you: Subscribe to our Newsletter In our conversation, I was looking for context: I needed something to help me understand the wave of anti-LGBTQ+ attacks we’ve seen in recent years.  Together, we sat down virtually to look at where we stand and where we go from here.  LGBTQ Nation: Can you provide an overview of the current landscape of LGBTQ+ rights for queer youth in the US today? Victor Basile: It’s pretty rough. We’re facing an onslaught of bills against queer youth, with more than 420 anti-LGBTQ bills having been introduced into state/local legislatures this year. They come mostly from red states and queer youth are largely the ones targeted. Until recently we’ve made some great progress. And it’s only in recent years that have we seen — what I call “emboldened behavior — because anti-gay politicians see a political advantage. I see this as a fairly recent development. And it may get rougher before it gets better. LGBTQ Nation: What do you mean by ‘get rougher’? VB: In red states, little will get in the way of the passage of many of these anti-LGBTQ bills, try as we might. There are just too many states and too many legislators to successfully fight. But just as we did in the 80s and early 90s when things were so bad, we did learn how to fight and we did learn how to win. And the same is true now: We’re eventually going to beat these attacks back if we stay focused and organized. We’ve been down this road before.  LGBTQ Nation: Tell me more about the period of time when you served as the head of the Human Rights Campaign  VB: There were frequent ‘gay bashings’ directed mostly at gay men [like Matthew Shepard]. The police would do little to help, they would say the victim got what they deserved for being gay and the courts would agree.  The government also turned its back on us when AIDS came around as we watched thousands of people die, which started around 1983. It took Ronald Reagan until 1987, when he made a speech about it. Every year up until then, his administration zeroed out any funding for AIDS research. It wasn’t until 1983 that Congress put money on the books to fight AIDS. But queer youth today don’t know much about that history. Through telling these stories, it may give some hope to today’s youth that we may overcome.  LGBTQ Nation: What’s on your mind this LGBTQ History Month?  VB: To know us is to love us; the more visibility, the better life is. Do you know how National Coming Out Day started? It grew from the War Conference held in 1988, which was a gathering of about 275 activists around the country to address the government’s handling of the AIDS epidemic. It was called this way because we felt, back then, that the government was at war with us. And the overwhelming conclusion, despite all our disagreements, was the need for people to be “out” in public and that would eventually change people’s minds about our community. I was there.… http://dlvr.it/Sxywq3
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highpriestess-stuff · 2 years
So my day started out well i started with self love affirmations which ive been doing for the past 2 days starting off with a spiritual bath and i must admit it has mad quite a difference im excited to see how this will help me i didnt realise how much i truly needed self love i honestly thought i was such a confident person but im starting to realize how harsh iand negative i can be and im starting to see exactly why all these bitches are jealous of me especially the ones that i work with ive never really had a hard time with making friends but ever since me & T broke but damn did it do a number on me.. Getting cheated the first time was just traumatic & left me with anxiety but having such a strong support system and going to the gym almost like everday and letting it out really helped but this break up just left me completely distraught and just made me not want to live life anymore and isolate myself & i didnt realize how it was affecting all my relationships with my friends my family and co workers like damn this narcissistic gas lighting bitch sucked my fucking soul like end all be all and not a single person there to pick up my pieces my like damn had to get myself out of this shit and i feel powerful as fuck never will i let anyone tear me down like that again LESSON LEARNT: Never settle for less. Took 2 years of my life to realize that but hey it coulda been worse.. still trying to see the positivity in this lol coulda gotten married to this bitch ass but thank god he really had to take me off this path this person refused to understand me & the lesson i learnt was that im not for everybody i am simply a Diving Feminine and we aint for everybody if people dont get u then dont waste your time arguing or explaining yourself cause the right people to get you like how did i become so lost and desperate? i just really wanted him to see me for me i just really wanted to make my family happy .. & he wanted to make his the only difference was im not what his family wanted and u know what thats their loss because as soon as i came out i was told i was going to be a motherfuckin champion it truly is his loss lol he fucked up big time and his family is a peice of shit if they really loved him they would want him to be happy but i guess whats what he deserves OH WELL now i see why they dont want the best for him he deserves exactly that shit even the lord dont want the best for him but me i am truly blessed and protected so thank you Jesus!
Going thru that experience really left me feeling emptier then even it felt like people could also see right thru me it left my fuckin boundaries all over the place i allowed people to step all over me cause i constantly thought i was the problem but now im starting to see i was never the problem its this cruel ass world no matter how nice u are to people or how much u just want to help them because u truly see what the can become and u see their potential it doesnt mean that their going to follow that exact path that u want for them it means giving up control letting people have their own experiences and im just trying to be comfortable with that like hey you wanna go fuck up your life go ahead like who am i to control u not like i got super powers cause if i did bruh. People are wylin & then godforbid i wanna do something for myself then they got a problem like what? are yall on. For example Victoria shes so far up my ass but yet cant even be there for me when i need her like bitch step aside and all day at work today she was so sad like what are u sad for... what happend to that advice that u give everytime "Dont Care" like lets see u do that now you dumbass u look fuckin stupid i have completely lost my respect for her like she looks for pathetic how dare she tell me not to care when i share my feelings with her like hows that going for you? keep ur bitch ass advice to yourself the only reason i ever listened to her was cause i actually respected her i thought she was someone i wanted to be like fuck no! i am so much better then her im better then any of these people how dare they show my any fuckin attitude ever like put some motherfuckin respect on my name or get the fuck out of my face and my energy aura cause i aint for everybody you wanna be around me? show some fuckin respect or get the fuck out because i value myself and my opinions and i can find people who do do i dont need you bitch ass people clearly YOU NEED ME like these people need to realise they need me at the end of the day so show respect or get the fuck out. Even will came in with some wack ass attitude but the second i refused to acknowledge him this nigga really started sucking my dick like are you for real why do i need to be rude like is that what turns you people on like is this why im working in this type of environment to learn that i just need to stay away from people who dont respect my energy why because you people cant do the work and become great like me??? ive done the work ive done the time ive earned to be where the fuck i am and if maybe yall put in the work you guys would be on my level but u aint thats why you bitches are so fuckin miserable and just focused on me unfortunatly thats what comes with the fame and i aint leveling down for no fucking body i came a long fuckin way and i deserve this shit put my crown on again & im knock it off * & this bitch shan like i thought she was the nicest girl ever bitch HAD the audacity to show me attitude like girl do u know who ur dealing with ur 20 nothing its actually cute and laughable because she looks like that character from ice age she thinks shes really doing something i cant with these hoes thinking they affect like.. like bruh this is my partime job lol this is your lifetimes career ofcourse u going to be mad lol stay mad cause what im winning? so u think showing me attitude gonna do something um no it just shows me that ur a terrible person ur disgusting and fuckin ugly i was just being nice and now that youve shown ur true colors i no longer need to loook go crawl back in ur dark cave u hoeeeeeeeeeee.. anyways ill be back for more updates byeeee
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wodenscild · 2 years
You have a good time calling with friends! :D Hold up- i thought i bit the nightmares- heh, guess I'll have to do it again. >:D
So umm... about the French number thing- it sounds like- uhh- Deez nuts. Yeah ok pretend i never said that. But it sounds like the word i previously said that i will not repeat.
I'm sitting on some if the lockers with fren :D the one with the red jacket! They are so supportive hfhfhhgf. They are talking with a other friend but I'm just enjoying company :D
Also have been randomly shaking lately? Like i can't stand for a minute without almost falling because my body just decides to shake for no reason. Not even that I'm cold there's no reason for it. Or atleast i think?
Also in year 3 there's a big chance I'm going to transfer! To mystery 2's school! My best friend will be there too :D and it's not like I'm gonna miss anyone here- or that they will miss me :]
Also what do you do on those calls? Just talk or play videogames? Not gonna lie i just find the things you do interesting- even if i don't understand a thing of it, it's quite interesting to see what a other persons life looks like. On the other side of the world! :D
Half the Netherlands... for cows?? That is friggin' cool! I love animals and they definitely deserve lots of space. Sadly here they are cramped up a lot- not everywhere, And there are laws against it. But it still happends.
About my gremlin collection- guess you might have to ask mystery 2 where he got the screw. And when my school is over (Wich is in 3 hours hfhdhh wayy too much) i will steal frogs phone and send a picture of most of my collection! Also remember the 2 other here? Yeah they're looking as i type. Well anyway.
-Mystery anon 1
XD PLEASE DO BITE THRM AGAIN- the nightmares have been very very intense T-T but they are finally passing!! Also OOOHHHHHH OKAY YES I SEE WHY PROPLE CHUCKLING ABOUT IT- THO STILL LAUGHING DKCKSKDKSK
🥺🥺 Your friend sounds great!! Sometimes you don’t have to talk, just the company of being with & around someone is enough :] I hope you are happy rn cos you deserve it <33
!!!! SCHOOL TRANSFER TO MA2’S!!!!! AAAAAAA OMGS I HOPE IT GOES WELL FOR YOU :00 I am glad you are going to a better place >:3 you’ll be away from those awful people who mock ye- ans also this will be your first time at this new school? Everyone will know you by your new name :D That is wonderful!!
On those calls I play games, watch movies, & enjoy the company of friends :] the people I have been calling recently are the people I am going to move to live with!! So I am getting to know thrm better now!! Tho I hate to admit I think I might be falling for one of them ToT she is so amazing & hhhhh <//3 the thought of getting to see her in 8 weeks makes me not sleep at night from giddiness FLFKSKFKS her, another friend, & myself will be spending the first few weeks just showing me around the city :D there is a really cool water park!! Tonnes of book stores!! The state library!! Gay bars!! >.< I am just !!! By it all- OH!! And they are gonna get me to perform in a drag race ToT I am horrible with makeup and by no means have the feminine flare to pull it off- so imma be wearing a full masquerade get up- DKFKSKDKSKEK I will be moving there like 8 days before my birthday, so my friends intend on giving me a very Perthian party (tho in all honesty I would just love to spend the day watch movies & cuddling & enjoying a quiet relaxing day).
I think it is scary that a family could own that much land D: I sorta have my reservations about it mainly cos of the impact cattle have on the environment & the fact that such a large ranch was built on stolen lands- it just doesn’t feel right.
& !!!! i am still waiting for MA2 to submit an ask so I can ask her about it!! But PLEASE DO SEND YOUR COLLECTION >:D I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE THE SHINIES
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