#cos i say pome
sensenmaedchen · 7 months
ok heres a useless poll no one wanted
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
Aaaaah chapter 6!!!!!!!!! I just wanna kiss and hug all the boys!!!! Like- Like- them playing video games (ORTHO BABY YOU REALLY DID THAT TO LEONAAAAAA) and Idia telling Vil about what Rook did djdhsisbsusjsh And feeling so proud when Epel gets his unique magic and it's so touching how Rook is so proud too and coaching him on how to cast the spell again- wisheoshejsh my Pomfiore family 😭😭😭😭 And when Vil says he could hug and kiss us and looks so genuinely happy- I just wanna make a round and kiss and hug everyone and tell them I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!! AND- and the team huddle- ajsvsoshsoshsj! And Idia going off about his games and how they zoom in on him- wjshsoshs! He's better at fangirling than me because this whole ask is how I fangirl lol. Ugh. The angst, too. I've paused for now before heading down to Idia & Co, but this game.... every single thing makes me love it so much 😭😭😭😭
OK SO SORRY FOR ANSWERING THIS ASK LATE !! but i didn't get to finish all this until like. yesterday sobs.
but everything you pointed out !!! big yes !!! you got all my favorite parts from book 6 down pat. book 6 has been SUCH A RIDE bc we have such funny and heartwarming moments, like them all playing video games and the pome reunion and epel's UM, but then we also have the angst and sad moments, like idia rushing to the underworld to help "ortho" and seeing everyone fighting together and sometimes getting hurt :'))))
this game...it's actually playing with my feelings sm sm :')))) i just KNOW that the angst is gonna get worse before it gets better, and i'm just PRAYING that no one gets too hurt after all this is over sniff
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peaamlipoetrydoctor · 1 month
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Poem Involving An Imaginary Blue Dress (No, Not AI)
Sundays (evenings for me, mornings for them) are poetry sessions - poetry and inspiration and dreaming and sharing how things are looking and what we've been experiencing - worldcon for example, or a wicked thunderstorm that blew in while one of us was eating tacos outside a little restaurant and that advanced t'wards us as we ate...
This poem was a melange of Worldcon and thunderstorm - and also featured an imaginary part-crafted party dress, drawing on our actual experience of cos-playing an academic facilitator in the conference academic track... the 'costume' we thought would work really well looked a bit of a mad mess on camera while the one that seemed a little ... "homespun"... came over [IMO] really rather well...
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Here's the early draft / first draft / under-finished / WIP and a couple of reflections about process and intent in the para below the pome:
Storm Front
I smooth the skirt of my second-best dress,
the one in cornflower blue with crocheted shells
woven into the edging – more love than skill
in my grandmother’s handiwork. I adore, adore
ADORE these embellishments. Crooked, clumsy.
I blink at the glare of the single spotlight,
speak to the huge, floating, disembodied
wall-hung head, speak over the microphone –
so that our audience can also hear the framing.
Some say unprofessional. I say I’m managing.
Squalls approach. Hit the edge of the balcony.
That frisson, uptick of energy from watching
the heavy rain rain heavily from the comfort
Of an indoor sanctuary. Imported feeling here
On this balcony perch. Feet damp, then soaking.
Waiters scurry, caught between fear of the
Sky god’s reaching fingers and the boss-frown
of the duty manager. The rain approaches
stealthily, then with the bravado of an army
that has heard the boom of nearby tanks.
I am not conference literate. Marketing savvy.
I am not versed in the bardic languages of X
YZ, cannot speak the spells that conjure eyes
or attention. And this lack opens space-gaps.
Makes small-place possibilities. Seeds drop.
How impossible it is to sail my small craft
straight against the will of the storm. How
strange that I might want to attempt this,
when I could slide on storm-breath energy,
glide towards a future half glimpsed, hoped.
What caught our attention in conversation afterwards was the blend, the crash, of the imaginary and the reimagined: taking place at more than one level within the poem.
First, two stories combined as if a single experience, a twined cord.
Second, one form of dress is fictionalised as another, a literal dress, became manifest as a home-made, hand-crafted piece, just as the conference 'costume' has been fashioned, imagined. One step further into the not-real which perhaps uncovers some workings of poetry inquiry, the way memories are blended, dispersed, and recombined, cos-playing a fantasy to gesture sideways at truth.
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faeflowerz · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Jade Leech! 🐬
Hoo boy. I'm a little mad because I don't have this year's card. I'm not going to give him any more of my money. I have better birthdays to celebrate. Like...my uncle...and...Alois Trancy. All better than him. Way better. Hmph.
Be sure to check out the other birthday posts I have and hit that RB so i know you enjoy my work! Reblogs are waaay better than likes. Follow my Twitter Fae_Flower if youre 18+. Same applies for here. I love to write and I wanna fill this blog with all kinds of content!
Jade Leech, you owe me for my time, money...and my heart.
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Okay, so Jade is NOT my fav Octavinelle, but I've been put in a position where I have tsundere feelings for him. Barbatos (Obey Me) and Sebastian (Black Butler) also evoke this same reaction. For some reason, I am drawn to Jade's quiet creepiness. He's unnerving with how polite he is. He's always smiling, too calm, and perfectly intact. Underneath is a swiss army knife of skills and perception.
Now, his gift from Silver is not interesting in concept, but it is fascinating that his love for mountains and nature is stronger than I initially thought. He needed rope, but that's something anyone should know to use when out in the field. He's thrilled by Silver's practicality (which makes me think they both get along fine) and it's sweet that he loves it so much. Sometimes the best gifts are something you need right as you think about needing it.
It leads me to believe that Jade doesn't know much about on-land nature. Jade said he slipped when climbing. He's an embodiment of Ariel's curiosity for anthropology and botany. The enthusiasm he has for mountains and terrariums is endearing despite not being fully aware of how dangerous hiking and climbing are. I'm not sure if he was doing one of those faux rock climbing things or they have a small mountain to climb but either way, that can get dangerous if you don't have a partner or quality equipment.
Also, Jade and Silver should interact more. They are both pretty lowkey and chill and those are vibes I want in life.
I think that these cards revealed who is the older twin. Jade picked a big brother while Floyd chose a little brother. So Jade being younger is kind of cute.
Anyway, he picked Cater for his big brother and I think the reasoning is solid. Cater first of all is already the only boy in his family and the youngest. Having a little brother would mean that he'd have someone to be a role model for and set precedent for. Jade doesn't quite live in shadows, but he does absorb information through observation.
But it's what he says BEFORE his answer that I wanna zero in on. Jade doesn't believe he can count on Floyd. That's not to say that he doesn't love his brother, I'm sure he does. But considering Floyd's co-dependence, the roles are reversed. Jade has to take care of his older brother and it clearly frustrates him. His lines about Floyd are doting and exasperated while Floyd talks about wanting to be with him. He wants to learn and look up to someone and Floyd hasn't given him anything to admire too much.
Cater is energetic and social. He's pretty much different from Jade in a lot of ways. I think he's drawn to people who can navigate social interactions better than him, Floyd and even Azul. The three of them are introverted together and too close-knit to learn about other people.
Pomfiore is perfect for him. God. He'd look gorgeous in that uniform. He's graceful, stellar in potions, and just...beautiful. I don't need air, i dont need water, i need Jade Leech dressed like a Pome student. The cape would hide his bubble butt, but that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make. Those eyes with sharp eyeliner in tall boots make me want to die. I wish he was real. I want him to stalk me.
Im sorry i blacked out for a second. What was I saying? Oh, right.
For Jade, his biggest flaw (aside from his existence) is that he doesn't get enough attention. His energy is dedicated to his friends and family and as a result, he neglects to take care of himself and get a life. His labcoat story is a good example. He's glad someone liked his mushrooms and he doesn't really have anyone to talk about his special interests with. Jade is kind of lonely in that regard.
He doesn't rely on anyone but himself. Floyd relies on Jade. Azul relies on both tweels, but specifically Jade. He's got to take care of everything. In the magic robes story, he's gotta do shit not because his friends won't but because he wants it done his way. And as a result, he has to rely on himself to do it all. Unlike Trey, it's not his job title. Really, being a prefect isnt as intense as they all make it out to be, but some go harder than others.
So likd i said, i hate him. I love him. I wanna slap his cute smile right off his face.
Happy Birthday Jade Leech. 🐬
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The moment that made me like Vil as a character was when he said to Epel that there's no such as "for men" or "for women" when it comes to clothing and dance. I honestly did not expect him to say that and it made me truly like him as a character. <33
Fam, that was such a pog moment like, it was already slightly implied that he did hold those beliefs because in his robe card lines, he has a line where he says that the robes can be good for androgynous fashion. But having him saying that fashion and dance shouldn’t have any gender roles was so mmmmmm yes, we need to hear more of this. I already respected Vil before Pome, but that moment made me respect him more.
And I’m really glad that Epel realizes this. Sure, the pacing may have been a little wack-o there, but Epel could have held onto his misogynistic views for so much longer, because well, he’s grown up in a village that held those beliefs, but he doesn’t. He actually learns to accept that strength and beauty can indeed co-exist and that gender shouldn’t play a role in fashion and dance.
I’m really happy that Twst makes this statement, especially with how popular it is.
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swarmishstrangers · 3 years
My guess is in the next Dark Mode or story mode event, the DE squad most likely in present time either continue to harass Dark Choco to the point where he sees no way out with some of the kiddos joining in because as smart as kids are, they’re not knowledgeable and can be easily manipulated which in turn will be a whole bag of problems with some conflict from Liquorice and possibly DE’s cookie (yes that cookie with the blue eye was created by DE like an experiment oh no) because Liquorice is seeing that this REALLY isn’t right and even if he and Dark Choco are mere co-workers he doesn’t deserve it and the experiment cookie because they treat their three headed minion better than this and might be confused as why they’re clearly hurting Dark Choco. Or, something might happen that would hint to Dark Choco and some of DE squad members having a redemption arc of sorts. Maybe Liquorice decided enough was enough and runs off with Dark Choco to create their own darkness empire without Pomegranate and DE because he thinks they can do it without them and make their own better darkness empire (since Dark Choco still believes that he deserves to be in the dark) or perhaps some of the new cookies would start second guessing if they really want to serve DE or Dark Choco feeling as though something isn’t right and he can prevent a bad thing from happening even if he gets punished in the process like realising the other heroes are alive and wanting to save them or something. Either way, let’s hope the devs give Dark Choco the happy ending and redemption he deserves, he had it rough lately.
Ooo I love long reads like this, no joke i just really like theories.
Parts of this I agree and disagree with, the Choco Twins I don't think will join in the mocking of Dark Choco because both seem to have wanted to meet him and their relationship chart is one of admiration if I remember correctly, that and DE implied that the 2 were originally from the Cacao kingdom. However i cant say anything they would say or do because we have yet to see the 3 interact so I can't really say this wholeheartedly.
The 2 who cause Dark Choco the most misery I feel is Pomegranate and DE when he isn't compliant with their plans and cause him such hurt in order to hang their power of his head, and making him believe he was to blame fully for his kingdom as to "put him in his place" I guess you could say. Licorice does kind of mock Dark Choco?? Mostly behind his back and sometimes to his face but his words don't seem to affect Dark Choco as much and mocking people seems to just be a general Licorice cookie thing to do.
Judging by the cutscene where Dark Choco and Pome's arguement starts to spiral into something to the likes that Licorice has never seen before we can gather that this kind of treatment was seen but not ever to this extent as Licorice piped up telling them both to calm down and asking what has gotten into Pome. Basically, yeah he definitely didn't like what she was doing to Dark Choco.
Like I've mentioned in my break down of Licorice's character during that scene, friends have speculated on his wording and the short of it is that we think that Licorice was..possibly fed some misinformation regarding Dark Choco. Not gonna go too into that though as I already had said my thoughts on this my other post.
I do definitely think that the DE members will get a redemption arc of sorts!! I feel like after all the things they've been through I just really want them to be happy at long last.
Little bit of a correction though, Dark Choco's words of "I still belong in the darkness." Are words implying that he feels like he deserves to be forever stuck and cursed where he is because he feels like he is no longer a good person like he once was back then and has been made to constantly feel like the fall of his kingdom was solely his fault and that he let his father and the rest of his citzens down. From what we have seen of Dark Mode, he most definitely doesn't want to be evil or do the things he's demanded to do but rather it's him feeling he deserves this. But like I said, I talked about that in my other post.
Licorice is a character I feel like I get really really well and like friends have theorized, I believe his turning to the darkness was for the fact he felt like if being a good person didn't give him what he really wanted, that being appreciated, seen, and heard, then he would turn to the person who he thought could give him that, DE, as a cookie of evil. Didn't turn out that way though because DE uses this as leverage to further manipulate him and keep him going in this endless cycle of just trying to appease her because he wants so badly to just feel like he's appreciated for his efforts.
But yes I agree so much with him and others getting a happy ending!! I just,.,. The happiness I feel when we get a great happy ending for Dark Choco, Licorprice, Pome, and others will be great.
Thank you for sharing! This was a cool read!
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p-isforpoetry · 4 years
Sam Neill: "I ROTE A POME" (also reads from A. A. Milne) 
"Us Two" by Alan Alexander Milne
Wherever I am, there's always Pooh, There's always Pooh and Me. Whatever I do, he wants to do, "Where are you going today?" says Pooh: "Well, that's very odd 'cos I was too. Let's go together," says Pooh, says he.
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✰✰✰✰✰ 6th ANNIVERSARY  ✰✰✰✰✰
Neil Morris, speaking to Alan Lomax in 1959:
“Well, when I was just a small boy, Old Uncle Milt Oldfield…Billy Oldfield, the Congressman from Arkansas for so long, it is his father. He and my father are awfully close friends. And they were discussing music. They were music teachers both of them. 
“And uh, and they said, dad did and Uncle Milt sanctioned what he said, that MUSIC HAD NO END. That you could learn all the other guy [or girl] learned, and after you got that done they would then, something else would crop up. That uh, that you, that was the reason why that uh, music advanced. That’s why that you would get a better music in one generation maybe that is, uh, IT WOULD FIT THE TIMES IN WHICH THEY LIVED.” 
[Lomax: “What about music on the grapevine?”] 
“Welllll, they said that MUSIC GREW LIKE THE GRAPEVINE THAT IS NEVER PRUNED. That each year it’d…it’d put on a little bit more. That was what they said, now, about it. Any further questions?”’
It’s time to feast from 2018′s Grapevine That Is Never Pruned with 123 (+ 162 more) of the BEST REASONS TO WRITE FUCKIN’ RECORD REVIEWS IN 2018!
A prefatory note: The Best Reasons campaigns of our first five years endured critiques from far and wide about too many damn records listed.  Well...we can no longer countenance such reproach.  Every single one of these nuggets is an essential thread in the tapestry of 2018′s combustible sonic arts!  We here at FRR stand for ecumenicism and as such, consider the breadth of our listening parameters: Feeding Tube Records issued 74 items in 2018 (!), Clean Feed released about 80, and Astral Spirits about 30...that’s a lot potential gold in those three labels alone. Sure, it’s too much for any one person to absorb, but still... 
We all know that some combination of easy access to home studio tools, world wide web streaming, social media delirium, legacy record industry collapse, and artistic resistance to creeping authoritarianism has (somewhat paradoxically) unleashed a tidal wave of idiosyncratically great music during the past decade, so it should come as no surprise that such a list as this would contain nearly 300 essential items. Yea, it seems nearly everything gets recorded and released these days (especially the zonked improv/collagist /noise/outer limits realm), but whether or not we listen to such items as frequently as we consumed Exile On Main Street or Cosmic Tones For Mental Therapy back in the day is irrelevant...the time is now, and as far as wild sounds from the outer dimensions goes, now has unprecedented bounty...listen heartily, for tomorrow, who knows?
(...all long playing records unless otherwise noted...also, the list was made complete with links, but grrr they don’t show up, so point your browser as they used to say and happy hunting!)
✰ ROSALI  Trouble Anyway (Scissor Tail) ✰
✰ BRIDGET HAYDEN  Pure Touch Only From Now On, They Said So (Early Music, Sweden) ✰
✰ YUZO IWATA Daylight Moon (Siltbreeze) ✰
✰ L$D FUNDRAISER  Witness Disco (CocoMuse, New Zealand) ✰
✰ MAXINE FUNKE  Silk (Feeding Tube) + Eternity 7” (I Dischi Del Barone, Sweden) ✰
✰ LONG HOTS  Monday Night Raw cassette (self-released) ✰
✰ BASIC HUMAN  Cassette (Meatspin, Australia) ✰
✰ LOOSE-Y CRUNCHÉ Unruly Top  cassette (Altered States, Australia) ✰
✰ ETHERS  Ethers (Trouble In Mind) ✰ 
✰ UNHOLY TWO  The Pleasure To End All Pleasures (12XU)
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✰ ZAÏMPH  Rhizomatic Gaze 2LP (Drawing Room) ✰
✰ ALLISON COTTON  All Is Quiet At The Ancient Theatre (Feeding Tube) ✰
✰ CONSTANT MONGREL  Living In Excellence (Anti Fade, Australia / LVEUM, U.K.) ✰ 
✰ OTHERWORLD  (aka Kay Logan) Mad Wee Light  cassette (Kit, UK) ✰
✰ DUSK  Dusk (Don Giovanni)  & “The Pain Of Loneliness (Goes On And On)” 7″ (Dirtnap) ✰
✰ WENDY EISENBERG  Its Shape Is Your Touch (VDSQ) ✰
✰ THALIA ZEDEK BAND Fighting Season (Thrill Jockey) ✰
✰ EN ATTENDANT ANA  Lost And Found (Trouble In Mind) ✰
✰ MARK MORGAN  Department of Heraldry (Open Mouth) ✰
✰ MORE KLEMENTINES More Klementines (Twin Lakes/Feeding Tube)✰
✰ PATOIS COUNSELORS Proper Release (ever/never) ✰
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✰ ANNE GUTHRIE Brass Orchids (Students Of Decay)
✰ STEFAN CHRISTENSEN  City Code (Knotwilg, Belgium) & Two Live cassette (The Loki Label)
✰ BB & The BLIPS  Shame Job (Thrilling Living)
✰ SAMARA LUBELSKI / BILL NACE Samara Lubelski/Bill Nice (Relative Pitch)
✰ The SEDIMENT CLUB  Stucco Thieves (Wharf Cat)
✰ BEAT DETECTIVES  Rhythms & Edits Volume 1 cassette (Altered States, Australia)
✰ The COWBOYS Live At Tony’s Garage  7″ ep (Feel It) & The Cowboys [3rd Album] (HoZac - 2017)
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✰ SUSANA SANTOS SILVA  All the Rivers – Live at Panteão Nacional  cd (Clean Feed, Portugal)
 ✰ DIRE WOLVES Paradisiacal Mind  (Feeding Tube/Cardinal Fuzz, U.K.)
✰ SPECIAL INTEREST/S Spiraling  (Raw Sugar)
✰ JANUSZEWSKI & SZLAZAK Split cassette (Czaszka, U.K.)
✰ NYLEX  Nylex cassette (Tenth Court, Australia)
✰ CHARALAMBIDES  Tom And Christina Carter 2 LP (Drawing Room)
✰ CHRISTINA KUBISCH/ANNEA LOCKWOOD The Secret Life Of The Inaudible 2 cd (Gruenrekorder, Germany)
✰  HEAVY METAL Heavy Metal ep 7″ (Total Punk)
✰  LUJIACHI  Invisible Hands cassette (Altered States, Australia)
✰  OBNOX Templo del Sonido (Astral Spirits/Monofonus Press)
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✰  PINEAPPLE RNR  Pineapple Rik N Roll 7″ (Lumpy)
✰  WILLIAM PARKER Voices Fall From The Sky 3 cd (AUM Fidelity)
✰  RON JONS SURF SHOP  Ron Jons Surf Shop Sampler cassette (Ron Jons Surf Shop)
✰ LUCY MILLER Lion's Heart : Demos & Early Recordings cd-r (Soleils Bleus, France)
✰ BLUE CHEMISE  Daughters Of Time (Students Of Decay) 
✰ EKIN FIL Maps (Helen Scarsdale) & “Windblow”  download (Longform Editions, Australia)
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✰ COUNTER INTUITS Vietnamese Lighter 7″ (Total Punk)
✰ CHRONOPHAGE  (Minneapolis) Prolog For Tomorrow (Cleta Petra)
✰ HOBBS-WHITE DUO Hobbs-White Duo at Whitechapel Gallery, 10 June 1973H download (EMC, UK)
✰ CHRONOPHAGE (Austin) Give Chance A Peace download (self-released)
✰ CIA DEBUTANTE  Waves (Czaszka, U.K.)
✰ WEEPING BONG BAND  Weeping Bong Band (Feeding Tube)
✰  COOLIES/The FUTURIANS Coolies/The Futurians split cassette (Uniform, New Zealand)
✰ QUIETUS Volume Four (ever/never)
✰ New Centre Of The Universe (Anti Fade, Australia)
✰ LISA CAMERON/SANDY EWEN  See Creatures cassette (Astral Spirits)
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✰ BRUTAL BIRTHDAY “Commotion” + 2 7” (Total Punk)
✰ DE PONTI/MORETTI Before We Were Foam We Were Unbridled Waves cassette (Dinzu Artefacts)
✰ DAVID NANCE GROUP  Peaced And Slightly Pulverized (Trouble In Mind)
✰ CRAMMM  Crammm cassette (Brainplan) &  Live 2018 (Brainplan)
✰ NERVE BEATS Nerve Beats (Fine Concepts)
✰ WILLIE LANE  Known Quantity reissue (Feeding Tube)
✰ The WAY AHEAD Bells, Ghosts And Other Saints cd (Clean Feed, Portugal)
✰ BADSKIN  Where Was I  (Brierfield Flood Press, Australia)
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✰ The ANCIENTS Frozen Aisle (Tenth Court, Australia)
✰ METTE RASMUSSIN & CHRIS CORSANO A View Of The Moon (From The Sun) cd (Clean Feed, Portugal)
✰ SYLVIE COURVOISIER TRIO  D’Agala cd (Intakt, Switzerland)
✰ MOSQUITOES Drip Water Hollow Out Stone (ever/never)
✰ CHARLOTTE HUG Son-Icon Music: Orchestra And Choral Works cd (Fundacja Słuchaj, Poland)
✰ RUSS WATERHOUSE  Amaro cassette (Gertrude Tapes)
✰ RICHARD PAPIERCUTS  Twisting The Night 12″ (ever/never)
✰ The COOL GREENHOUSE  “London”/“The End Of The World” 7” (Market Square Recordings, Spain)
✰ SANDY EWEN & CHASE GARDNER Transfusion cd (Marginal Frequency)
✰ AMEEL BRECHT  Polygraph Heartbeat (Kraak, Belgium)
✰ SUCCHIAMO Mani In Fuoco (Antinote, France)
✰ PORTRON PORTRON LOPEZ De Colère Et D'Envie (PoiL, France)
✰ TOM SMITH & MARK MORGAN Bones Sound Shipwreck cd (KSV, Germany)
✰ CIVIC New Vietnam 12″ (Anti Fade, Australia) & Those Who Know 7″ (Famous Class)
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✰ CARLO GIUSTINO Non Uscire cassette (No Rent)
✰ DONALD MCPHERSON & TETUZI AKIYAMA The Kitchen Tapes, Volume 1 cassette (God In The Music, New Zealand)
✰ HORNE & HOLT Wires (Self-Sabotage)
✰ WOLKOROTS Don Treppenwitz cassette (Dinzu Artefacts)
 ✰SAVAK  Beg Your Pardon (Ernest Jenning Record Co.) 
✰ The BALKANYS The Balkanys  (Toddi Records/Another Records, France)
✰ ANTELOPER Kudu cassette (International Anthem Recording Company)
✰ CLAIRE POTTER & BRIDGET HAYDEN’S I Am Come From A Place) cassette (Fort Evil Fruit, Ireland)
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✰ LAURA LUNA CASTILLO Laminaires (Genot, Czech Republic)
✰ RST  Spectra  (\\NULL|ZØNE//)
✰ TORI KUDO ガラ刑GALAKEI  2 LP (bruit direct disques, France) 
✰ SIGNE DAHLGREEN  Kunki Snuk cassette (Astral Spirits)
✰ PIOUS FAULTS  Old Thread  (Feel It)
✰ MELFI  Four Concerns  cassette (Czaszka, U.K.)
✰ The EX  27 Passports (Ex Records, Netherlands)
✰ J.H. GURAJ Steadfast On Our Sand (Boring Machines, Italy)
✰ KUZU Hiljaisuus (Astral Spirits)
✰ WUSSY  What Heaven Is Like (Shake It)
✰ BORZOI  A Prayer For War (12XU)
✰ RAYS  You Can Get There From Here (Trouble In Mind)
✰ DELPHINE DORA  Eudaimon (three:four, Switzerland)
✰ LAKE MARY & M. SAGE  Lupine Deluxe cassette (Patient Sounds (Intl))
✰ ART GRAY NOIZZ QUINTET  “A Call To You”/”Won’t you Say It To My Face” 7″ (Robelion Music)
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✰ VANILLA POPPERS I Like Your Band 7″ ep (Feel It)
✰ SOURDURE L’Espròva (Les Disques du Festival Permanent/Pagans, France)
✰ LOGARDECAY (Leslie García and Paloma López) FRGL cassette (Umor Rex, Mexico) 
✰ DE KLUMB  Con Pimiento cassette (U-Bac, Germany)
✰ MIDWIFE  Prayer Hands cassette (Antiquated Future)
✰ SALAD BOYS  This Is Glue (Trouble In Mind)
✰ RAMBLE TAMBLE Outlaw Overtones cassette (Eiderdown)
✰ ABBY LEE TEE  Imaginary Friends I cassette (Czaszka, U.K.)
✰ INGRID LAUBROCK Contemporary Chaos Practices / Two Works For Orchestra With Soloists cd (Intakt, Switzerland)
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✰ PATRICK SHIROISHI  Sparrow's Tongue cassette (Fort Evil Fruit, Ireland)
✰ FIA FIELL  All In The Same Room cassette (Nice Music, Australia)
✰ PREENING  Nice Dice 7″ ep (Fine Concepts) & Greasetrap Frisbee 7″ (ever/never)
✰ SABASABA  SabaSaba (Maple Death, U.K)
✰ HEADROOM/DIRE WOLVES Split (Pome Pome Tones/Centripetal Force)
✰ APOLOGIST  Houston  cassette (No Rent)
✰ The SITUATIONS  The Day After The Night Before cassette (Melted Ice Cream, NZ)
✰ WONDERFULS  Voices Like Rain cassette (Round Bale Recordings)
✰ TASHI DORJI & TYLER DAMON  Leave No Trace: Live In St. Louis (Family Vineyard) & Soft Berm cassette (Magnetic South)
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NAUJAWANAN BAIDAR  Volume 1 cassette (Radio KHIYABAN, Netherlands)
LOUIS MINUS II  Je Voudrais Juste Dormir Pour Toujours cassette (Econore, Germany)
The OPAWA 45s Silver Screen Guitar cassette (Melted Ice Cream, New Zealand)
MT ACCORD Postcards From A Dream cassette (Czaszka, U.K.)
JONÁŠ GRUSKA Žaburina (LOM, Slovakia)
CHICALOYOH  Jaune Colère (213 Records, France)
MAMITRI YULITH EXPRESS YONAGUNISAN  Yulith  2 LP (bruit direct disques, France)
AONGHIS MCENVOY & TRISTAN CLUTTERBUCK  Duos cassette  (Fractal Meat Cuts, UK) 
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IE Pone cassette (Moon Glyph)
E  Negative World (Thrill Jockey) 
Wound 2 lp (Carbon Records)
DOMINIQUE VACCARO Close Distances cassette (Dinzu Artefacts)
RIÑA  Aqui No Eres Nadie 7″ ep (Thrilling Living)
GÜNTER BABY SOMMER & TILL BRÖNNER  Baby’s Party cd (Intakt, Switzerland) 
TRISTAN MAGNETIC  Tristan Magnetique  triple cassette box (Otomatik Muziek, Germany)
FAMOUS LOGS IN HISTORY Famous Logs In History cassette (Fuzzy Warbles) 
LUKE STEWART’s Works For Upright Bass And Amplifier  cassette (Astral Spirits)
RADIANT FUTUR  Overdriven Youth download (Get Busy!, Russia)
LÄRMSCHUTZ TAFELMUSIK SEPTET  Vierte Tafelmusik  cassette (Katuktu Collective)
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TERRESTIALS  Terrestials 12″ (Heel Turn)
ALEX CRISPIN Open Submission cassette (Constellation Tatsu)
MAAVIN Sunday Drive EP download (Get Busy!, Russia)
CHARLOTTE HUG & LUCAS NIGGLI  Fulguratio cd (Fundacja Słuchaj, Poland)
NAMELESS FRAMES Already Inside + 3 10″ (Super Secret Records)
GÜNTER SCHLIENZ  Liederbuch cassette (Muzan Editions, Japan)
SCRAP BRAIN Scrap Brain (Thrilling Living)
WURLD SERIES Stately and Befrothed cassette (Melted Ice Cream, NZ)
ENDURANCE Celestial Governors cassette (Tymbal Tapes)
BRABRABRA  Lagooona 7″ ep (Kitchen Leg, Germany)
DAN MELCHIOR  ‘The Folksinger’ (Swashbuckling Hobo, Australia)
JEN KUTLER  Worth cassette (Never Anything)
Field Recordings from the Sahel cassette (Sahel Sounds)
MONNONE ALONE Cut Knuckle 7” (Lost And Lonesome Recording Co., Australia)
ANDREW BARKER & DANIEL CARTER Polyhedron cassette (Astral Spirits)
YVES MALONE  Aced (2014) cassette (Baked Tapes)
JOHN HOEGBERG  Motion Detecting Songs cassette (Ehse)
CHAOSOPHY  Who Are These People And What Do They Believe In cd (Discordian/Liquen Record, Spain)
ARIAN SHAFIEE A Scarlet Fail  (VDSQ) & Beauty Tuning (Hausu Mountain) 
AKIRA SAKATA & CHIKAMORACHI with MASAHIKO SATOH Proton Pump cd (Family Vineyard) 
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LEA BERTUCCI  Metal Aether (NNA)
BIG SUPERMARKET 1800 (Hobbies Galore, Australia)
GARCIA PEOPLES  Cosmic Cash (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond)
R.M.F.C. Hive cassette (Slime Street, Australia)  
BIKINI COPS Three 7” (Drunken Sailor, U.K.)
MUYASSAR KURDI & NICHOLAS JOZWIAK Intersections & Variations cassette (Astral Spirts)
P WITS Blonde On Blonde  double cassette (chemical imbalance., Australia)
FOLD Aegean Sea 12” (AUS, UK)
TASHI DORJI & DAVID GRUBBA  Fixed Entrance Derivatives cassette (Sky Lantern)
WET PISS Wet Piss cassette (Dumpster Tapes)
TIM & THE BOYS Growing (Meatspin, Australia)
DINO SPILUTTINI  Forever cassette (No Rent)
NEGATIVE NANCIES You Do You download (CocMuse, New Zealand)
MISSING PAGES  “Long Way Down” 7″ (12XU) 
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SUNWATCHERS II & Illegal Moves 12” (both Trouble In Mind)
EYES NINETY Glaucoma Chameleon (Swashbuckling Hobo, Australia) 
PATRICIA KOKETT  Diabel 12” (Knekelhuis, Netherlands)
GEE TEE  Gee Tee cassette (Slime Street, Australia) 
C. WORTH  A Farther Sea cassette (Gertrude Tapes)
REX WONDERFUL & THE SILK SHEETS  Ego Death cassette (Tenth Court, Australia)
SARAH DAVACHI Gave In Rest  (Ba Da Bing) & Let Night Come On Bells End The Day (Recital)
PELVI$$  Pelvi$$ cassette (Fuzzy Warbles)
JEFF TOBIAS  Completely Phantom cassette (Baked Tapes)
BILL ORCUTT & CHRIS CORSANO  Brace Up! (Palilalia)
DONKEY BUGS  Ancient Chinese Secrets (Lumpy)
MOUNTAIN MOVERS  Pink Sky (Trouble In Mind) &  New Jam 12″ (C/Site)
MAbH  cinjusti cassette (Tymbal Tapes)
Bad Taste Vol. II - Another Collection Of Sounds From The NZ Underground cassette (chemical imbalance., Australia)  
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TERRY I’m Terry  (Upset! The Rhythm, UK)
NYZ  RLD GLD ET AL cassette (Fractal Meat Cuts, UK)
THEE OPEN SEX White Horses (Sophomore Lounge)
DRUNK MUMS  Denim & Leather, Together Forever cassette (Slime Street, Australia)
JONES JONES [OCHS/DRESSER/TARASOV] A Jones In Time Saves Nine download (self-released)
IVAN THE TOLERABLE & FRIENDS Autodidact 10″ (Ack! Ack! Ack!, U.K.) 
PURPUR SPYTT Nitpick 7″ ep (POUeT! Schallplatten, France)
BLOWDRYER  Blowdryer cassette (self-released)
CHARNEL GROUND  Charnel Ground (12XU)
KAJA DRAKSER / PETTER ELDH / CHRISTIAN LILLINGER  Punkt​.​Vrt​.​Plastik cd (Intakt, Switzerland)
DRY CLEANING Sweet Princess cassette (self-released, U.K.) 
ELKHORN Lion Fish cassette (Eiderdown)
ROMAIN BAUDOIN  Bestiari (Pagans/In Situ, France)
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FRANCIS PLAGNE Moss Trumpet (Penultimate Press, U.K. )  
SHITTY LIFE  Switch Off Your Head (self-released, Italy)
SICK LLAMA Stage Poison double cassette (unifactor)
ROCKET 808 “Digital Billboards”/“Mystery Train” 7” (12XU)
JON COLLIN What Is Thunder cassette (Fort Evil Fruit, Ireland)
CONCRETE LAWN Demo cassette (Urge, Australia)
BLANK REALM  Last Seen (Hobbies Galore, Australia)
DJ OVERDOSE  DJ Overdose 12” (L.I.E.S.)
LUDWIG BERGER & VERONIKA EHRENSPERGER  The Capacity Of Things To Act cassette (Dinzu Artefacts)
BRANDY Laugh Track (Monofonus Press)
PETER EVANS/ AGUSTÍ FERNÁNDEZ/BARRY GUY  Free Radicals cd (Fundacja Słuchaj, Poland)
LES HALLES  Zonda cassette (Not Not Fun)
SAMARA LUBELSKI  Flickers At The Station (Drawing Room) 
PRANA CRAFTER  Bodhi Cheetah's Choice  (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond)
YLAYALI  Pumpkin Patch cassette (self-released)
DEAF WISH  Lithium Zion (Sub Pop)
ROSE THOMAS BANNISTER  Ambition cd (self-released)
MIDDEX No Home (Polytechnic Youth, UK) 
SEI A  Phase EP (Aus Music, U.K.) 
KALI MALONE Cast Of Mind (Hollow Ground, Switzerland) & Organ Dirges 2016-2017 cassette (Ascetic House) 
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GERRIT HATCHER Parables For The Tenor cassette (Astral Spirits)
The 1902 Syntropic Seasonal 5 cd-r comp (Wist Rec, Ireland)
The LENTILS  My Pillow Lava (Complete Trilogy)  double cassette (unread)
SCY2E*GLOCHIDS*NURSE BETTY  Weird Ear's Fantastic Voyage (Autumn East Coast Tour) comp (Weird Ear)
the SHIFTERS  Have A Cunning Plan (Trouble In Mind)
CÉCILE CAPOZZO TRIO Sub Rosa cd (Ayler Records, France)
PROJET DE VIE  Vol. #1 EP cassette  ([Equilibre Fragile], France)
JAX DELUCA  Organs In The Wind cassette (ACR, U.K.)
LUCY CLICHÉ Cliché’s Principle (Fleisch, Germany)
JANO DOE( aka KATARÍNA GATIALOVÁ)  Duranzie cassette Genot Centre, Czech Republic)
KOMARE Komare cassette (Round Bale Recordings) 
COLLATE Liminal Concerns (self-released)
AREK GULBENKOGLU  A gift like a hollow vessel (Penultinate Press, UK)
BASIC HOUSE & WANDA GROUP  No Sympathy  (Opal Tapes, U.K.)
MANUEL TROLLER Vanishing Point (three: four, Switzerland)
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HEART OF SNAKE  Heart Of Snake cassette (Maple Death, U.K.)
SCHWEBEN Sketches Of Plains cassette (Otomatik Muziek, Germany)
GENEVA SKEEN  A Parallel Array Of Horses download (Room40, Australia)
IKUI DOKI  Ikui Doki  (Ayler, France)
CHARLES BARABÉ  De La Fragilité cassette (Astral Spirits)
MIDNIGHT MINES  Invisible Insurrection Of A Million Minds (The Loki Label) & Stations 7″ (I Dischi Del Barone, Sweden) 
DELACAVE  Window Has No Glass (POUeT! Schallplatten, France)
MARY LATTIMORE & MEG BAIRD  Ghost Forests cd (Three Lobed Recordings)
M/M  I Know You Are Thinking I've Said This All Before cassette (Czaska, U.K.)
The ATTACHMENTS  II cassette (self-released)
TYSHAWN SOREY  Pillars 3 cd (Firehouse 12)
JOËLLE LÉANDRE  Strings Garden 3 cd (Fundacja Słuchaj, Poland)
STONE WITCHES  Machine Efficient cassette (Slime Street, Australia)
DIRE WOLVES (JUST EXACTLY PERFECT SISTERS BAND) One For The Heads cassette (Baked Tapes) & Earthquake Country cassette (Sky Lantern) & Shootout At The Dildo Factory (Eiderdown) 142
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(this is a pic of DIRE WOLVES with their eyes closed)
GEN POP II  7″ ep (Feel It)
ANGLES 3  Parede (Clean Feed, Portugal)
FRANK HURRICANE Holy Mountain Coffee tour cassette (self-released)
CARROM  Prehistories cassette (self-released, Canada)
PARSNIP Feeling Small 7″ (Anti Fade, Australia)
ÁINE O’DWYER / GRAHAM LAMBKIN Green Ways 2 cd (erstwhile)
Longform Editions digital series, particularly: EKIN FIL “Windblow”, MARJA AHTI “Entering A Cloud” and STEAM VENT “Swells”
CLINTON GREEN Setting For The Iliad CD-R (Frustration Jazz, Australia)  
PETER EVANS & BARRY GUY Syllogistic Moments cd (Maya Recordings, Swizterland)
ETRAN DE L’AÏR  No. 1 (Sahel Sounds)
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ALIEN NOSEJOB Various Fads & Technological Achievements (Anti Fade, Australia)
J.C. SATÀN Centaur Desire  (Born Bad, France)
NAGUAL & STEFAN CHRISTENSEN Third 7″ (I Dischi Del Barone, Sweden)
EXEK  Ahead Of Two Thoughts (W.25th)  &  A Casual Assembly  12″ (W.25th)
ARUÁN ORTIZ TRIO’s Live in Zurich (Intakt, Switzerland)
MIA DYBERG TRIO Ticket! (Clean Feed, Portugal)
LA DANTA Alpeis Καράκας cassette (Fort Evil Fruit, Ireland)
WEAK SIGNAL LP1 cassette (Reality Delay)
DISTANT STARS The Way Things Work cassette (Detonic, Australia)Field Recordings from the Sahel
MUDHONEY Digital Garbage (Sub Pop)
ROB NOTES & RYAN LEE CROSBY  Modal Improvisations on 34 Strings cassette (Cabin Floor Esoterica)
...all those LOKI LABEL boots...
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rachelbethhines · 7 years
Around the World in 282 weeks
Many of us would like to travel more, but due to time and money many of us can’t. But with the internet we can bring a bit of the world to us. 
Each week I’ll be highlighting a diffident country, territory, or state, showcasing different aspects of it’s culture. 
Disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on anything so feel free to politely correct me if I get something wrong and I’ll change it. 
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Afghanistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located within South Asia and Central Asia. The country has a population of 35 million, making it the 42nd most populous country in the world. It’s capital is the city of Kabul. 
There are two official state languages spoken in Afghanistan, along with over five regional languages. Just to name a few; Pashto , Dari, Hazaragi, Uzbek, Turkmen, Balochi, Pashayi. 
Of these languages Dari is the most commonly spoken. 
Here’s how to say a few phrases in Dari. 
Hello = Salaam 
Goodbye = Khuda Hafez
Please = Lotfaan
Thank you = Tashakor
Yes = Baleh
No = Ne
Nice to meet you = Khoshaal Shodom az mulaqat e shuma
Poetry in Afghanistan has long been a cultural tradition and passion. It is mainly in Dari and Pashto languages, although in modern times it is also becoming more recognized in Afghanistan's other languages.
Here are some links to some famous translated Afgan poems
Love - Poem by Rabeha Balkhi 8th century 
Pomes by Rumi 13th-century
Desire for World's Peace by Sajia Alaha Ahrar 2010
Located on the crossroads between many trade routes, Afghanistan's music tradition was influenced by Arabs, Persians, Indians, Mongolians, Chinese and many others passing through. Thus Afghan music features a mix of Persian melodies, Arab scales, Indian compositional principles as well as sounds from ethnic groups such as the Pashtuns or Tajiks and the instruments used range from Indian tablas to long-necked lutes. 
Local art has spanned many centuries. The world's oldest oil painting was found in Afghanistan, and the country is home to the famous Minaret of Jam. However, Afghanistan is most famous for it’s textile art.  The art of making carpets has been prominent for centuries. Afghanistan is known for making beautiful oriental rugs. The Afghan carpet has certain prints that make them unique to Afghanistan.
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A traditional handmade rug, actually from Afghanistan, can coast quite a pretty penny. Anything under $300 is suspect for not being authentic. However if you wish to not break the bank but still support the local industry and own a piece of real art may I suggest this site. 
The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Arlington County, Virginia, whose stated mission is to advance non-violence and women's power, equality, and economic development. This link I provided helps to promote real women within Afghanistan and their local businesses. 
As a chiefly rural and nomadic population, the Pashtun dress of Afghanistan and Pakistan is typically made from light linens, and are loose fitting for ease of movement. Many of the co-ethnic groups who live alongside the Pasthuns in Afghanistan, Pakistan have also adopted the dress because of comfort or popular culture. The Pashtun dress is the most popular of the Afghan clothing, in particular the female dress which is known as Gand-e-Afghani.
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Such dresses are often reserved for special occasions such as weddings. So if you’re looking to have an authentic Islamic wedding you might want to check out this site.
My favorite part and perhaps the main reason I wanted to do this. Here are some recipes from Afghanistan. 
Naan and Kebabs - 
Naan is a popular flat bread  throughout Asia and you can buy it in most grocery stores, but here’s the recipe anyways. 
As for the Kebabs here’s two kinds you can do
Chapli Kebabs made with beef  or  Vegetable Seekh Kababs
Kabuli Pulao - a rice dish served with meat,  fried raisins, slivered carrots, and pistachios
This is the national dish of Afghanistan 
Veggie Option 
Borani Badenjan - vegetable dish made of fried eggplants and can ether be an entree or a side dish. 
You can wash any of these delicious meals down with some Doogh - A fizzy mint yogurt drink 
Noqul and Tea -  Serving tea and white sugared almonds, noqul, is a familiar custom during Afghan festivals. While Tea, often chai tea, is drunken all year around and is a sign of hospitality to serve it to guests. 
I shall now end this part with some beautiful and relaxing scenery from Afghanistan. 
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Next stop - Alabama 
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