#cos it got stuck in my head so i needed a listen
cos of that song in Good Omens 2, if you search Every Day on spotify, not only does it give you that song first, but also the first 4 playlists are Good Omens themed, followed by more on the second row
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peniswentz · 2 years
It's crazy how a practice room at school can make you spiral into insanity so quickly
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targaryenluvs · 9 months
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pairings: dark!lucy gray x fem!reader, dark!coriolanus snow x fem!reader, coriolanus snow x lucy gray
summary: you reunite with your dear songbird after the games, but it seems the capitol has followed her home, and taken an interest in the two of you. but it seems lucy gray is willing to share you with a certain peacekeeper, even if you aren’t.
warnings: crazy lucy n corio conspiring like evil doers, manipulation, chasing, primal play?? is that what is called idk corio enjoys hunting your ass down, kidnapping, drugging, forced into accepting a third partner?? nc touching, abuse of power (peacekeeper), power dynamics, kinda cheating (lucy n corio), guilt-trip, jealousy, threatening, self doubt and relationship problems, murder, betrayal
word count: 3.0k
a/n: lol i complain about wanting to write fluff but all my good ideas r so dark 😭 someone needs to give me tips on how to write girls cuz i have no experience would be easier if i was gay boooo!!
he was like a shadow, stuck to your back, always.
you’d complained to lucy numerous times that you didn’t feel comfortable around him when she played at the hob, knowing he’d be there, in the crowd. “sweetie, he was my mentor. he helped me so much in the games, i wouldn’t be here without him. you love me don’t you? so you need to learn to love him too, he’s a good friend a mine. i love you and i gotta get to the stage baby.” she explained as she ran around getting herself and the covey ready.
you were always front row. wanting to be as close to lucy as possible. she looked especially majestic tonight with flowers in her hair. as you listened to her sing you’d managed to forget about the certain blonde peacekeeper near the back. but he hadn’t forgotten about you, nor lucy.
you’d left to get a drink and you’d came back to an unfamiliar tune. you usually knew every song being played off by heart but this was new.
Everyone's born as clean as a whistle
As fresh as a daisy
And not a bit crazy
Staying that way's a hard row for hoeing
she sounded as angelic as usual and the crowd around you seemed entranced.
As rough as a briar
Like walking through fire
This world, it's dark
This world, it's scary
lucy smiled at you once, just once. which threw you off since you usually got a bunch. especially during new songs and songs about you. was this not also about you?
I've taken some hits, so
No wonder I'm wary It's why
I need you
so it is about me! you thought as you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to sway to the music and singing. you’d hoped you wouldn’t miss a smile headed your way.
You're as pure as the driven snow
your eyes flew open as you stared at lucy, she was looking past you and to the peacekeeper. to coriolanus snow. you’d always been a rational person, you prided yourself on restraint but that restraint was hanging on by a thread. you wanted to jam a beer bottle into his neck. lucy was your girlfriend not his. and yet he smiled stupidly towards her as she sang and you could feel your heart clawing its way up. best to leave now rather than stay and hear more of the ever so driven man.
your head was spinning as you slumped to the floor, in one of your finest dresses yet worst mental states. of course, something had formed between the two. she was in the goddamn hunger games and he was her mentor. trauma bonding? he quite literally saved her life, coached her and you did what? sat at home and hoped.
hope could only get you so far.
your hope and faith in lucy gray baird was dwindling as her lyrics swirled in your head. of course she loved him. who wouldn’t? the man was undeniably eye catching. a capitol man. but you’d always imagined lucy staying away from the capitol, despising them. but maybe it wasn’t the captiol part but the man part. maybe she wanted a true life, a home, marriage and children and everything she could wish for.
what on earth could you provide her with?
“y/n?” it sure as hell wasn’t lucy calling out for you and you knew that. coriolanus’s reflection was prominent in the puddle before you as he neared. great, you sneered, would love to get to know you mr peacekeeper. please tell me how you stole my lovely girlfriend from me!
your chest felt oh so heavy as you heard his footsteps in the gravel, determined and unwavering as he made his way to your slumped body. “what do you want? you wanna gloat?” coriolanus stopped in his tracks, gloat? “why would i gloat?” you looked up at him annoyed, “rub it in my face. you practically stole my girlfriend from me.” coriolanus laughed. actually laughed and it made you want to strangle him with his stupid dog tags.
“sweetheart.” vomit. you wanted to vomit. maybe choking and dying on your vomit would be less embarrassing then this. why on earth was this fuck head calling you his sweetheart. “fuck off.”
you didn’t see him coming. and you certainly didn’t expect his demeanour to snap. but the large hand tangled in your open hair was a big slap in the face to your unreadiness. “you of all people don’t get to talk to me like that. do you know who you’re talking to?” you could hear his perfect porcelain teeth grinding at your words. god this man couldn’t handle an insult. wuss.
“what the hell is your- ow! problem!” you yelped as he dragged you into an alleyway. “you need to learn how to respect your superiors. if you’re nice to me, i can make your life easier. doesn’t it hurt? not being able to fully provide for your family? seeing them struggle? do you really think disrespecting a peacekeeper is going to help? i suggest you straighten your act and thank me for even looking your way. there are plenty of other girls here.”
but he didn’t want those other girls. he wanted you. you with the teary eyes and messy hair. you who he’d been seeing in his dreams and during the day. you with the kind smile and curious eyes. you who were so sweet and pretty but mean when need be. the y/n who was stupid enough to spit such hateful words at a peacekeeper. but he’d teach you. whether it be with words and lessons or actions and bruises. you’d learn your place, by his side and lucy’s, and underneath. but with such fearful, brown doe eyes watering up infront of him, the girl he’d heard oh so much about from lucy. how could he refrain from indulging?
his hand reached out to wipe away the few stray tears that fell as his left extended towards your right, which was clutching your head, where he’d grabbed you. “shh, let me help you.” your hand slowly retracted as your heart ran a marathon. the man was obviously unstable, going from a deceptively caring man to violent. coriolanus smiled at your actions, and it freaked you out. he caressed your scalp in an attempt to soothe, “good girl.” he cooed as your apparent saviour approached.
“sweetie?” lucy called out to you as coriolanus withdrew from your personal space. he walked over to her and she let him. he held her hand and spoke with, love? his voice was soft and comforting, his thumb again caressing the back of her hand as they talked, whispered, plotted? god knows, all you wanted was to leave.
was this your chance?
you tested the waters, slow and calculated movements as lucy nodded in agreement with him. but by the time they were done speaking you’d bolted.
but you sure as hell weren’t getting far with these two on your tail, poor y/n l/n. a little dove trying to spread her wings but they were bound to be clipped.
your feet were throbbing and begging for you to slow down. but your brain was in charge for once, your heart which yearned for your dear songbird pushed to the side as your head screamed and urged you to go. she was in league with him apparently. her seeing him corner you and not even batting an eyelash. did she truly care for you so little? did she want to rid herself of you? she could’ve broken up with you and let that be it. maybe the games had twisted her head.
even as you believed yourself to be gaining distance from the two you could hear the not-so distant steps of determined pursuit, headed your way. how would they kill you? slow and intimate? hasty and brutal?
“if you stop running now we won’t be mad little dove!” lucy shouted in warning as you felt yourself momentarily slow at her words. traitor. you thought to yourself as your body involuntary listened, she still had an affect on you. “she’s right, we love you, we won’t hurt you. unless we have to, don’t give us our reasons.”
“shut up!” you screamed. god, i know we haven’t talked in a while. last minute efforts right? maybe he’d listen to you, save you from your tormentors. you should’ve kept your head clear, focused on running. focused on your surroundings and if you had, you would’ve noticed the nearing tree roots, thick and protruding from the ground, ready to knock you down.
you crawled behind the tree, trying to catch your breath as your hands worked tirelessly to provide some form of relief to your aching ankle.
you’d been found. you fucked up.
“our little dove, ever the sprinter.”
his words had you lurching forwards in an attempt of fleeing but lucy’s cold hand on your ankle dragged protests and cries from your throat as well as you, back to them. “you should’ve listened before, we would’ve been nice. given you some time to adjust, but you can’t sit and think for a second can you?” coriolanus mocked as his hand trailed up your un-injured leg, “that’s okay, you won’t be doing much thinking from now on. we’ll be taking care of you, since you obviously can’t take care a’ yourself baby.” lucy’s voice was saccharine, like honey, and her smile was even sweeter. the familiarity and comfort of her presence was intoxicating, you felt at peace on one side and the other wanted to jump off a cliff. she lowered your guard and coriolanus slithered right in.
the prick in the side of your neck wasn’t painful, but their words were. “you’re with us now, we’ll take care of you, we promise.” and you were stuck, stuck with them for god knows how long.
you blinked away the sleep in your eyes, adjusting to the room. maybe they had killed you? in their own twisted way they’d keep you forever, in their memories and soul. coriolanus and lucy’s voices swam around your head and blended together. you were wrong. yay.
“it’s a bit early for katniss, even if it’s one of her favourites.”
“she should eat something better.”
“better? don’t go all capitol on me now corio.”
he was smiling, you could tell.
“never lucy gray. but she’ll be weak for a few days, proper meals will help her regain some strength.”
you picked your head up and looked through the window, the lake was evident.
“alright, you go grab it and i’ll stay here.”
“why? so you can get more time with her? if anyone should get extra time it’s me.”
“now who was her partner first? oh that’s right, me. you’re acting as if i’m gonna pick her up and run away. if you’re that scared than we’ll both go. take her with us.”
coriolanus’s head whipped towards the cabin and you quickly flopped back down on the bed. you shut your eyes as you heard the door creak open. “gosh, doesn’t she look pretty?” lucy asked, knowing the answer already. “so calm, i liked her better when she was crying.” lucy hit him, “coriolanus snow!” he stroked the side of your face and you had to resist from turning your head and biting his fingers off.
“little dove.” your eyes opened again, turning your head his way tiredly. “we need to get some supplies okay?” you nodded as lucy went outside to gather the baskets she’d left out earlier on to dry. coriolanus’s hand dug into your cheeks as he forced you to look at him, “i told you i’d make you respect me. now listen, if you try anything when we’re in town i will never let you forget it. you’ll know who you belong to every single day. maybe i’ll pay your family a visit? an appointment with the hanging tree for being rebels? stealing?”
you shook your head violently as you began to cry, “you don’t want that? didn’t think so. you listen to me and everything will be fine. your family will get daily help and weekly groceries. they’ll never go hungry again. all thanks to their sweet little girl. lucy’s too nice, but don’t think for a second she’ll save you from me. you’re mine and if you try anything.” he leaned in to whisper, “i’ll strangle her with my bare hands infront of you.” his words were meant to scare you, and they did. but don’t you know? coriolanus snow doesn’t need a reason to do bad things.
coriolanus was wicked and ruthless when it came to what he wanted, if you had any hope of trying to get through this then you’d need lucy’s attention and help. so you nodded. “words sweetheart.” you swallowed your pride, your dignity, and you shook hands with the devil.
“yes, i’ll do what you say.” he straightened up, his white shirt a contrast to his dark thoughts.
“y’all ready to go?” lucy questioned as coriolanus grinned, “yes, yes we are.” he lifted you up and helped you dress, you hadn’t realised the fact that you were only dressed in his own white shirt, dress to you. he handled you like you were the most delicate object. as if he wasn’t hell bent on breaking you, over and over again. till you were fit to his standards. the captiol standards. the snow standards.
his, his, his.
with how obedient you were, he figured you’d do well in the capitol. which was exactly where he was meaning to bring you.
lucy walked in front of the two of you as you made your way through the woods. coriolanus’s hand was glued to your waist as he held you close, afraid to let go. you were at flight risk of course. his grip was tight and bruising. lucy’s humming distracted you at times, if you were delusional enough you could imagine it to be the two of you. your brothers far infront and the covey following. after an amazing afternoon at the lake, heading home for dinner, maybe a performance or the night shift.
your daydreaming was interrupted when you clocked coriolanus’s missing hand from your waist, and his arm now around lucy grays throat.
don’t you remember? you’d do well in the capitol! you were his! but not entirely, no.
not with her in the way.
you were frozen in place as lucy clawed at him before reaching out for you. a plea, a cry for help and aid yet you stood stuck in fear. a minute, two. she’d put up a strong fight, especially when you ran towards the two, pushing and shoving at coriolanus to let her go. but again, you fucked up.
here lies lucy gray baird, singer, victor, psycho.
obsessed? madly in love? you couldn’t think of another word, and as much as you wished to forget her, forget how she’d practically allowed another man into your relationship and let him kidnap you. her lifeless face and hollow eyes made your heart clench. but soon enough she was rolled over, thrown in a pre-made hole and buried. she’d survived the games but no one survived coriolanus snow.
“don’t forget what i said. don’t forget what you agreed to. you said you’d do as i say, i’m telling you to get up and follow me. we’re leaving district 12.” your face was painted with confusion as coriolanus clutched your face, “i’m going back, and you’re coming with me. don’t ask questions, just do as i say.”
and you did.
when he had you say goodbye to your family, a courtesy, a privilege he’d granted you. you kept it short and sweet, no questions just hugs and false promises of return.
when he ushered you onto the train and he wanted you to sit and be silent, you did.
through his time at the university, he wanted you close to him, living with him. and you did.
through his presidency campaign he wanted for you to charm sponsors and entice newcomers. you did.
when he wanted to marry you in a grand spectacle infront of the captiol and dress you up, you did as he asked.
when he held you down on your wedding night after tearing your dress off, biting and marking you down all over, pushing you down to your knees and took you all over the house, asking you to give yourself to him as if he didn’t take you anyways, you did.
you had no idea why at this point.
for your family? who hadn’t reached out in so long, even when they promised to talk to you every day? coriolanus had them all arrested, punished and hung for inciting riots and uprisings.
for your friends whom listened to your concerns of the capitol peacekeeper who hovered and didn’t make you feel crazy? each of them ended up dead in many different ways, hung, shot, a mugging gone wrong.
you didn’t know at this point and when you looked in the mirror you didn’t recognise the girl who stared back. a captiol sheep, dressed up in the finest silk dresses and slick heels yet the filth underneath the finery, jewels, and makeup weighed you down. each time he touched you, kissed you, fucked you, it felt like a peace of yourself was thrown away.
and as you clutched your swelling stomach, you couldn’t help but feel pity for baby number four.
maybe you’d grow up and find love.
maybe i’ll be able to take you all away from him.
maybe we’ll heal.
you thought, but in the back of your head, a little voice wouldn’t shut up.
you’ll always be his little dove.
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milfhunter6698 · 2 months
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synopsis: You’ve been working for Victoria for quite some time now, becoming her most trusted and loyal assistant. Your relationship had always been strictly professional. As you both agreed on keeping your personal and work lives separate, but tonight, when you invited her over for a party, everything changes the night ends unexpectedly. 
warnings: 18+ Smut, no use of (y/n), reader’s a supe, cursing, no describing reader’s appearance, explicit language, cunnilingus, fingering, top/reader, bottom/victoria.
pairing: Victoria neuman, x female reader.
notes: Hey ya’ll so i did it.. i couldn’t wait anymore i had to write something about my beautiful wife. anyway this is kinda self-indulgent like a little blurb from a whole story i was initially going to write but got stuck and lazy and decided to post this instead. plus this is the first time posting smut on here too sooo, i feel like a complete whore lmao but anyway enjoy and lmk if i should write more i’m opened for any requests and ideas.
(You have to listen to this song while reading idc)
wc: 3.1k
Victoria's life seemed to spiral further into her work. Election campaigns, meetings, and a packed schedule left her little time for anything else. You, too, found yourself caught in the whirlwind, working late into the night, and returning home exhausted. 
Sometimes the job felt like it was hell-bent on kicking your ass, but then, you think it's not all that bad after all working with Victoria.
Tasks often pulled You away from her, leaving you two disconnected. The leisurely coffee breaks you once shared after long shifts were a thing of the past. It had been nearly two weeks since You had even stepped foot in her office.
Desperate for a break, You decided to host a small soiree party at your penthouse. inviting a few close friends, co-workers from the bureau, and, of course, Victoria. You believed you both needed a reprieve from your hectic work lives, even if it was just for the night.
On a calm Saturday evening, the soft hum of conversation filled the air as Victoria stood in the balcony, overlooking the bustling city streets. The warm night air made her skin shiver. She rested her arms over the railing, holding a glass of champagne in her hand. She turned around, sensing someone's presence just as You stepped outside through the glass doors.
A playful grin tugged at the corner of Victoria’s lips, her heart warming at the sight of you. she turned to fully face you, the glass held loosely in her hand.
"Hello, you," She greeted, a friendly tone in her voice. she tilted her head, gesturing towards the party. “Having fun back there?"
her gaze flickered between Your face and the lively scene behind you. You could sense the exhaustion that seemed to cling to her like a heavy cloak, and You couldn't help but feel a pang of concern. But for now, You wanted to give her a moment to breathe, to forget about work and everything else for just a little while.
"Come, join us. Let's forget about everything else for tonight, okay?" You offered, your hand gently guiding Victoria back into the party, a smile still playing on her lips.
As the night wound down, You watched the last guest leave, offering them a friendly smile as you shut the door. Making your way to the kitchen. You found Victoria helping to clean up, your gaze drifting to her, and you couldn’t help but notice How she has been clutching on her shoulder all night. concerned you leaned against the counter, grabbing a drink. "Hey, you alright?"
Victoria's eyes met yours, her expression weary. "I'm fine, just a lot on my plate.”
“Here, let me help,”
Sliding the drink onto the counter, You stepped closer, hands finding their way to Victoria's shoulders. Your fingers began a slow, gentle massage, kneading the tense muscles. "You know, I can tell when you're lying right?" A small chuckle escaped You, amused by Victoria's denial and unyielding spirit. due to your powers it allowed you to spot a lie from a mile away, and You couldn't help but admire the other woman’s resilience.
Victoria's shoulders relaxed under Your touch, her defenses slipping for a moment. "I'm not lying. I'm just... overwhelmed. The aftermath of the town hall, the backlash, and Zoe... it's a lot to handle."
A few weeks back, You visited the 'Godolkin University' for Victoria’s town hall, and you were there, her ever-reliable assistant. you witnessed it all, How things quickly went downhill, how the crowd full of angry supe-students erupted into displeased shouts. refusing to be treated as low as ‘normal humans’. their powers flared as chaos ensued. nearly killing the women you deeply cared for.
“Hmm, I get it,”
You hummed voice soft and understanding. As you continued to massage Victoria's tense muscles, fingers gripping her shoulders tighter. You knew damn well the weight Victoria carried, A person like her navigating the relentless storm of her life—campaigns, balancing her work and personal life, the pressure. You were well-acquainted with the insanity she endured, and you were determined to be there, ready to support and help ease her burdens.
"You know, you don't have to do this alone. I'm here to help, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're not overwhelmed." 
In return Victoria’s hand found yours on her shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze with a quiet ‘thank you’.
As your fingers spread across her back, gently tracing her curves, hands gliding up to her shoulder blades. savoring the sensation, trying to memorize every inch of her skin. When her head falls back and a soft groan escapes her lips.
“uh, yes right there.”
Your heart races. Eyes locked on the smooth curve of her neck, She gently pushes her soft hair aside, revealing its soft, inviting skin.
your eyes meet as you spin Victoria around, and in that moment, you were so close you can practically taste her. Her breath hitches as you feel the buzz of adrenaline race throughout your veins, she can't help but lift her face, and you mirror the move, her arms came up to cradle the back of your neck, drawing you closer.
Your foreheads meet, You were enveloped by the familiar, heavy scent of Victoria’s skin. Your very being bristles, The sweet smell of her perfume wafted through the air, intoxicating and hard to ignore. Your heart thumped loudly in your ears, the rhythmic beat echoing in the silence. This closeness was akin to sinking into a warm embrace, a comfort You craved.
The air between you crackled with unspoken desire, Your lips quivered, parting slightly hovering just mere inches from hers.
as you nestled your nose against her warm cheek. With her eyes shut tight, you inhaled the familiar scent that continuously drew you closer. “I like being close to you. You’re so warm.” 
you whispered, an overwhelming sense of contentment enveloping you in Victoria’s embrace.
Your eyes jumping between her eyes and lips. She whispers back, your name escaping her soft lips. she leans so close that your noses gently bump, and you stay like that, faces connected, her hand moved instinctively to cup your cheek, her fingers brushing against your skin. Your eyes, fixated on Victoria’s lips, slowly drifted shut, basking in the warmth beneath her touch. Close enough for your breaths to intertwine, You hear how her heart thumped rapidly, the sound echoing between you. As your lips hovered tantalizingly close.
"Vic, your heart's racing," Your hand finding its place on her chest. your own heart pounded in sync with hers.
Not wasting another second she closed the gap. As your lips finally met, the kiss was soft at first, tentative, as if testing the waters of something new and uncertain. But as you melted into each other, the unsureness gave way to warmth, to the familiarity of shared experiences.
Victoria’s warm breath teases your lips. She forces her heavy eyelids open to meet your gaze once you pull away. her eyes are intense, her pupils wide, and her thick lashes flutter on your cheek as she struggles to keep them open. Your own hands tremble as they grip her waist, she releases a soft sigh, feeling the warmth of your closeness.
Your lips parted, only to meet again, tongues dancing in a passionate tango. Her hands roamed on your back, her fingers tangling in your hair, pulling you even closer. The scent of Victoria's skin, the taste of her lips, the warmth of her body, all enveloped you in a whirlwind of sensation.
The kiss deepened, slow and closed, the taste of alcohol on her lips made your head dizzy. The sigh she let out against your mouth made you groan. Her hands sliding down your sides, fingers gripping your hips, pulling you flush against her. Your head spun, mind hazy with desire.
Her hands impatiently tugged at your shirt, Your grip tightening on her waist. the heat and plushness of hers clung to you.
Pulling back, you gazed into her half-lidded, dark eyes. You panted, as if you’d both been holding on to the last threads of air. Your heart raced, your voice a soft whisper, "Do you want this?"
Victoria's eyes searched Yours, The question hung between you, heavy with implications. Her lips curved into a small, knowing smile, Her hand trailed down Your arm, her touch gentle and reassuring. "Yes," she replied, her voice low and husky. "I want this."
Your gazes locked, the unspoken words between you now spoken, Your hand found the back of her neck, pulling her in for another searing, messy kiss. lips crashing her tongue met yours, and She lets out a whimper, Your head swimming in a daze of desire. Your hands moved to grip at her shoulders, then her forearms, pulling her closer, kissing her back with the same intensity. The strained groan from Victoria sent shivers down your spine. Her eyes, filled with lust, roamed your face. 
Victoria didn't realize you were lifting her until her feet left the ground, her arms wrapping around you, holding on tight. With a jolt, She found herself seated on the countertop, her legs instinctively wrapping around your waist.
Your lips trailed down her neck, your teeth gently nipping at the sensitive skin, a moan escaping her lips. Her hands gripped your hips, her body arching into your touch. The room fell silent, save for the sound of your heavy breathing and the soft rustle of fabric as you moved against each other.
Victoria's hands roamed your body, her fingers finding the hem of your shirt, lifting it to reveal your smooth skin. Your breath hitched, heart racing as her lips trailed down your chest, her tongue flicking over your nipples, drawing them into her mouth, sucking gently.
“Holy fuc-“ You choked
Your head fell back, the air hitting your bare chest made goosebumps spread all over your skin, your hands gripping Victoria's hair, guiding her to your most sensitive spots. The sensation sent shivers down your spine.
Your kisses grew more urgent, your passion a wildfire, consuming you both. Your fingers finding the clasp of her blazer, unfastening it to reveal her silk blouse. Your lips found her ear, your breath hot against her skin as you whispered. "I want you, Victoria."
Victoria's body trembled under your touch, her hands fumbling with the clasp of your pants, As your fingers working to free her from the confines of her clothing. You removed her bra gaze lingering on her full, perky breasts. Your lips found her nipples, your arousal growing with each passing moment.
You turned, lips found Victoria's neck, trailing down to her jaw, and ear, hearing her gasp, clutching at your bare back. her hips rocking into yours, slow and deliberate.
Her moans arched up to the ceiling, her body trembling as Your teeth grazed her skin, leading your way to the swell of her breast. eyes flickering up to hers between each teasing lick and soft bite. Your mouths met, insistent and hungry, Her arms cradling Your head, Your entire being practically ached for her, heart pounding with desperation.
Finally you reached down, fingers trembling as you pull off her pants, sliding them down just above her knees. your hungry eyes lock, as your lips part in a breathy sigh. Your hands slide down, parting her legs, fingers slip inside her underwear, your touch soft, light, and slow.
“oh my god.”
Victoria's legs trembling already, her breaths shaky and uneven. your gazes hold, your fingertips soft on her clit, gasps escaping you both as you cling to each other, mouths still entwined in a passionate kiss.
You hissed, feeling her nails dig into your back. Impatient, You didn’t even bother to fully remove her pants as you freed one leg from Victoria’s pants, sliding them down her ankle, as they dangled loosely on her left leg. Your fingers then gripped her underwear, tugging it down, as one of her heels fell the Sound of it slamming against the hard floor echoed through the room. Revealing her fully to your eager exploration.
Her legs wrapped around your waist her arm draped over your shoulders as she pulled you in closer. Your lips found her neck again sucking and leaving small bite marks on her soft skin. 
“I need you so fucking bad.” Voice faltering as she whimpers desperately, her breath hot blowing against your ear. 
A proud smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you turn to kiss her before pulling away. you lower yourself, your eyes never breaking away from her, watching how her chest heaved with desire, how her body trembled with need. resting a knee on the ground as you positioned yourself between her thighs. bringing one of her legs to rest over your shoulder, you leaned in placing a few small pecks on her inner thigh before your tongue made contact with her clit.
Victoria let out a sharp gasp, her hand gripped the back of Your head, urging you on. Your lips traced over her flushed skin. Your eyes close, your tongue delving into her, tasting and exploring, savoring each moment.
Her body writhing and shuddering under your touch. She could feel every touch, every movement, like a spark setting her body aflame. Her eyes fluttered shut, legs closing in squeezing your head, As her fingers tangled in your hair pushing you closer, desperately needing more of you, needing to feel your tongue on her skin.
She couldn't control the sounds escaping her, gasps and moans that only seemed to fuel your eagerness. The sensations coursing through her were overwhelming, as if her body had a mind of its own, craving every moment of pleasure.
The need to please Victoria, to taste and devour her, grew. Your tongue slipped inside, tasting every drop, every delicious moan that escaped her lips. The heat from her core enveloped you, your own desire mounting with each flick of your tongue against her.
Your middle finger teased her slit before slipping it in, You can feel the tension in Victoria’s body slowly releasing, replaced by the growing pressure within. her head thrown back her sharp jawline clenching, unable to meet your gaze as her breathing became erratic, her body craving for more.
The pleasure intensified when Your mouth found Victoria’s clit again, your tongue dances sending waves of ecstasy through her. your eyes glazed over, seeing her face flushed, drinking in her body, as you inserted your ring finger further. The stretch sent ripples throughout her, a mix of pleasure and pain washing over the women above you.
You curled your fingers towards her g-spot, and She couldn't help the tears that pooled in the corners of her eyes. her moans growing louder and more urgent, you could tell she was already on the edge, and your tongue darted out, teasing her harder, feeling her shake under your touch.
You came up as your foreheads touched, Your fingers continued sliding into her, three of them, as deep as they could go. she cried out of pleasure into the small space between your faces. you couldn’t help but let out a choked moan of your own, flexing your fingers upward in an unforgiving curve, feeling her walls clench around your fingers.
Victoria’s free hand left the edge of the counter, resting gently at the side of your face. She angled hers back, your noses touching once more. Her eyes opened, locked onto yours, watching the heat rise to Your cheeks as you drank in every flicker of pleasure that danced across her features.
Her body curls into yours, her nose nuzzling into the curve of your cheek, She holds you close, Her hips bucking harder, faster, driving into you with a fervor that matches the intensity of your passion. Her mouth fell open, fingers entwine in your hair, tugging you closer, your lips crashing together in a messy, desperate kiss.
The room was filled with the symphony of your heavy breathing, muffled moans that escaped Victoria's lips as she kissed you.
You can practically feel her pleasure shaking through her body, Her gasps, whines, driving you absolutely crazy, and you continue to push into her, hitting that spot that makes her head spin.
“Fuck, I know Vic let go.” You spoke softly your eyebrows pulled together as you watched her.
her eyes roll back, her body arches up into you, her release taking over. she tightens the grip around you, the sensation overwhelming. your breaths mingle, As Victoria’s orgasm washed over her.
“fuck- fuck! fuck.” She cries out
You lost in the sight, the sound of Victoria’s pleasure, and the way she clings to you, etched into your memory. hearts pounding, your bodies slick with sweat, oxygen barely reaching your lungs.
you were left breathless, your own arousal reaching its peak, the sensation of Victoria’s orgasm rippling through you, as if you were feeling it too. You were left in complete awe, your gazes meeting once more, hearts beating in unison, bodies still entwined.
Your fingers continued to move inside Victoria, your own climax drawing near. The intensity of your connection, the raw passion, and the sight of her pleasure pushed you closer to the edge. Your body trembled, your breaths coming in ragged gasps.
her body quivered, her moans softening as her orgasm subsided. Her fingers loosened their grip on Your hair.
Your eyes fluttered shut, as your body tensed and there it was, a wave of your own orgasm came crashing over. your knees buckled, you brought a hand between your legs palming your clothed core. your whimper comes out muffled by the space between your lips. Your fingers inside Victoria stiffened, Your entire body trembling as you rode out your release.
Your fingers slowly withdrew from her, Your whole body collapsing against Victoria's, head dropped to rest on her shoulder. the aftershocks of your orgasms still rippling through your bodies.
Victoria's hand slid down your back, her fingers gripping your ass, pulling you closer, that your bare chests pressed together. waiting for the trembling to stop, your heavy breaths filled the room. your skin, tacky with sweat, contrasts with the colder air.
"Wow, that was fucking insane." you couldn’t help but utter.
A soft laugh escapes her, you smile against her shoulder. moving your face, to press a soft, insistent kisses at the side of Victoria’s, until she turns to look at you. Your lips catch in a sweet, lingering kiss, sighs mingling as you explore each other's mouths.
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okay-j-hannah · 3 months
Part 5: Mieczyslaw
Teen Wolf : Multishot
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word Count: 13k
Warnings: series rewrite, season 1 {aka 2011}, slow burn, friends to lovers, Stiles pining, eventual NSFW, usual teen wolf levels of violence and gore, heart conditions, fainting
Request: This just came from my own head 😊  
A/N: A little more history of the Reader in this one - I honestly love her family's backstory
Part 4: Ollie's Catnip
Part 5: Mieczyslaw {You Are Here}
Part 6: Orange Cream and Peachy Sugar
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The hospital was quiet that evening. You were assigned to the long-term care floor and spent long hours updating patient files and making your rounds. Checking vitals, refilling water bottles, adjusting patients with bed sores, and administering medication at the right times.
It was the perfect distraction. You would be missing the lacrosse game that night, missing the first game with Scott being co-captain and Stiles being first line.
You’d be missing Andrew and his dimpled grin.
Instead of focusing on that the rest of the night, you call Lydia who had texted you an SOS.
“What do you mean you’re done?”
“I mean, he sent me a pathetic text asking for his house key back. The loser is so down in the dumps that he doesn’t think he deserves me, which is right, of course.”
You hold the phone with your shoulder and start typing notes into a patient file, “I’m sorry, Lyds. Breakups suck.”
“He’s become such an asshole recently. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. But good riddance. I needed to climb the social food chain anyway. He’s been lacking in the lacrosse category.”
“Sounds like you’re handling it surprisingly well.”
“I’m completely over him. Only took a few minutes… seconds actually.”
You smile, “Yeah, you barely sound upset over it.”
She can hear your sarcasm, “Did you hear that Allison is still going to the game? Her dad and aunt are going too.”
“That’s weird,” you frown, “I wonder why.” With the Argents being hunters… you wonder how much they know about the number of werewolves in town.
“You’re still on shift tonight?”
“Yes, right where I want to be. The perfect excuse to miss the game.” You upload another patient file and wave to another night nurse leaving for her break. It was just you and one other nurse on the floor – a redhead named Jennifer.
“Anything exciting happening?” she asks in a huff, upset that the attention was no longer on her dilemma.
“Nope, I’m working the long-term floor. Everyone here is mostly in recovery or stuck in their beds. It’s usually pretty quiet at night, which is why there’s less staff.”
“Fascinating,” Lydia says quickly, “Anyway, I’ve got to go. I’m going to sit with Allison and scope out my next boyfriend.” She laughs before adding, “Don’t worry, Andrew is off the table.”
You scoff, “Yeah, thanks. Have fun.” And you slide your phone back into your scrubs pocket.
The next half hour was relatively quiet, just two call buttons going off. The rest of your time was spent making your rounds and completing chores. That is until a pair of sneakers comes walking down the hallway.
“Yeah, I said I can’t find her.”
You stand to confront the foreign male voice that was definitely intruding past visiting hours, only to find Stiles on the phone. He was getting snippy with whoever he was talking to, “Hey, listen here wolfman – the only reason I’m harboring your fugitive ass is because you saved (Y/N)’s life last full moon, got it? I don’t owe you any more favors.”
“What the hell?” you say, catching his attention, “Don’t you have a lacrosse game to get to, hotshot?”
In a few seconds you can see a range of emotions flickering through his face: confusion, happiness, worry, and something in the way he looks at your scrubs. “Hi, (Y/N).”
You walk around the nurses station and fold your arms, “Care to answer my question?”
He gives you a goofy side smile, “You’re talking to me.”
“Yes, Stiles,” you fight the immediate grin that wants to envelop your face. “What are you doing here?”
He leans into the phone for a second, “Uh… is there a Jennifer working here?”
“She’s the on call nurse tonight, why?” you pop a hip, arms still tightly crossed.
“What about Melissa?” he asks, walking down the hall and to a room. He speaks to the phone again, “Yeah, well, he’s not here either.”
“Who are you talking to?” you ask exasperatedly, “Stiles, you can’t be here past visiting hours. Would you please…”
“He’s not here. He’s gone, Derek.”
Your jaw drops, “The fugitive you’re harboring is Derek?”
He looks to you, “Yeah, the rest of the town doesn’t know he’s innocent because it’s actually a psycho Alpha werewolf that’s killing everyone,” he says to you. “You sure Melissa isn’t here?”
You hold your hands up, “I’m not answering anymore of your questions until you tell me what’s going on.”
Suddenly you can hear the frantic voice of Derek over the phone and Stiles has a look of instant terror. It sets you on edge when a mysterious man stands at the corner of the hall; it was as if he had appeared out of thin air.
Half his face is covered in burn scars and after a second thought you realize that it’s Peter Hale – the long-term resident of the floor. Your eyes widen at the sight of him standing without his wheelchair and Stiles takes a few steps in your direction.
“You must be Stiles,” Peter says in an eerily calm tone. He’s barely smiling as he nods in your direction, “Hello, (Y/N). It’s nice to finally be able to speak to you.”
Stiles drops his hand holding the phone, walking back until he feels you near him. He reaches behind him and takes hold of your arm. Your instinct is to press yourself closer into his back, “Is that…?”
“He’s the Alpha,” Stiles mutters, whipping his head to the side at the newcomer.
“Jennifer!” you say, “We have a situation with…”
The redheaded nurse holds her head high, “Shut up!”
Your mouth clamps shut – how many people are in on this? Stiles, in his usual fashion, can’t stay quiet for long.
“You and… him? You’re his… and he’s the…” Stiles is shielding you with his body at this point. “Oh my god, we’re gonna die. We’re gonna die.”
You jab a finger into his spine, silencing him. “This is not how I’m supposed to die.”
But with an elbow to the face, Jennifer falls to the floor and Derek takes her place. You forget momentarily how tall, dark, and handsome he is. Peter speaks again with that same calm, menacing tone.
“That’s not nice. She’s my nurse.”
You start to pull Stiles against you, taking you both behind the nurses station.
“She’s a psychotic bitch helping you kill people.”
Peter makes his way over, “You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?”
A growl ripples from Derek’s throat, fangs appearing from his open mouth. Blue eyes glowing with strange power, he bounds for the attack. You’re paralyzed at seeing the action up close.
“Holy shi…”
Stiles drags you to the floor, doggy-paddling across the tile like a swimmer. You army crawl beside him as Peter and Derek start to throw each other against the hospital walls. Bits of plaster and plastic side railing break away easily.
“Okay,” you say, coughing as you breathe in some plaster dust, “I believe you now. I really believe you.”
“Is that why you haven’t been talking to me or Scott?” Stiles yells over the growling werewolves. “Scott could have easily proven werewolves existed if you just asked him to show himself.”
They continue their sliding movements across the station and to the next hall, the sound of breaking glass loud behind you. “No, I stopped talking to you because I needed a break after hearing the truth. It’s a lot to think about when you realize the whole freaking town has lore in supernatural entities that aren’t just make believe… they’re actual fucking werewolves!” You swipe an arm across the tile and shove his legs out of the way to reach his side. “I needed time to cope with the sudden shift in what I knew to be reality.”
“Understandable,” he pants, tongue sticking out, “I just wish we could’ve helped you cope instead of you just shutting us out.”
“Like I said… I wasn’t really thinking!”
“And of course it was the same night as Scott forcing a kiss on you and trying to kill you in your own home…”
“Shut the hell up, Stilinski! Bigger problems at hand!” The werewolves were moving to a different patient room to continue their fight. You gesture to the end of the hall, “The emergency exit is there. We just have to get there and down the stairs. We can call 911 when we’re outside.”
Stiles agrees, watching you with a different panic, “How’s your heart?”
“If anything happens we’re in a hospital,” you say frankly, “Come on.” You lead the way as the fighting becomes quieter.
Stiles admires you from behind, standing to run the last few feet. You slam into the door and guide the way down the many flights of stairs. Stiles is jumping whole steps and crashing into the walls.
Your lungs start to fight for breath by the time you reach the bottom, Stiles tripping over the last step and falling to his knees beside you.
“Does… Does the Alpha have control…” you pant, holding a stitch in your side, “… over Derek?”
Stiles breathes dramatically, his face scrunching up in a funny way. “I wouldn’t be surprised. He might be forcing Derek onto his side right now with some crazy alpha mind control.”
You stumble toward the exit, shoving it open to a gust of chilly night air. You lean against the hospital wall, hands on your hips. Stiles follows, pulling out his car keys.
“Can you make it to the jeep?”
“If I say no would you carry me?”
He shrugs, pulling a face, “No promises. I could probably swing a piggy-back ride.”
“Yeah, no thanks,” you say, bending down to put your head between your knees. It was routine when you were out of breath and starting to feel lightheaded. Your hands lay flat on the concrete, your mind focusing on how cold and gritty it feels under your fingers. You listen to the crickets and the wind whistling through trees. You smell the honey sweet rain from Stiles.
A large warm hand spreads against your back, rubbing up and down your spine.
You feel the air flood your lungs, “Have you called the police yet?”
“I told them there was a possible break-in and a nurse got knocked out,” he says, “They’ll be here soon.”
You take a few deep breaths, soothed by Stiles’ hand. “I have to wait for the police.” You sit up and Stiles retreats a few feet. The action makes you consider him for a few seconds. “I’m not mad at you or Scott. I just… I needed some distance while I tried to figure things out.”
There’s a bob in Stiles’ throat, “And… have you figured things out?”
You screw up your lips in thought, “I need to talk to Scott first.”
Stiles nods vigorously, hope lighting his eyes. “Yeah, yeah – for sure. Let’s go find him now, I’m sure the lacrosse game is almost over.”
A flash of pity is in your face, “You missed your first game.”
“Yeah, well…” he waves a hand, extending it to help you to your feet. “I had a couple more important things to tackle tonight.”
“Won’t your dad be disappointed?”
“Maybe a little,” he shrugs, walking to the passenger side of the jeep, “But if the pinkeye epidemic continues then I’m still first line for the time being!”
You giggle, sliding into the jeep, “I’ll pray for the conjunctivitis.” With the heater still broken, you’re grateful you chose a long-sleeve undershirt for your scrubs. It took a few minutes for you to call your boss and explain the situation.
The police were on their way, and you were meant to stay to give a witness statement. It would also have been irresponsible to leave your patients in their time of need. Choosing to wait in the jeep was just common sense seeing as there were two werewolves having a row upstairs.
“Do you think Derek is okay?” you look out the window.
Stiles was drumming his fingers against the steering wheel, “He’s fine. Peter will probably try to get him under his control.”
“Then what?”
“He’ll keep trying to get Scott into his pack.” Stiles leans more against the door to get a better look at you. “So we have some catching up to do.”
“Like what?” you smile.
He frowns, picking at his fingers, “I don’t know… like how Jackson broke up with Lydia.”
“Yeah,” you grimace, “Lydia only just told me about the breakup tonight.”
Stiles blows air between his lips, “Jackson always has another agenda. He’s been black mailing Scott because he wants the werewolf bite.”
“You’re kidding,” you say, “How did he find out about the supernatural?”
“I don’t know! He hasn’t been talking to anyone, not even Danny.”
You lean against the door to match Stiles’ stance, “Well, I know Lydia has said he’s never been the same since Scott outperformed him. He’s been slipping ever since.” You rub at your eyes, “He doesn’t talk to me much, and now it’s awkward between him and Lydia.”
“There’s also the news that the Argents know about a second beta werewolf.” At your look of confusion, he continues, “They know there’s an alpha and they know about Derek. They’ve realized that there’s a second werewolf and they’re trying to figure out who it is.”
“They being Allison’s dad and aunt?”
Stiles nods, “They have been scouting ever since – they think it might be a teenager.”
Your head perks up, “Lydia said Allison’s family was going to be at the game tonight. I bet they’re looking for clues as to who could be the other werewolf.”
“Let’s just hope they don’t suspect Scott.”
Stiles continues to pick at his nails, looking at them instead of you. “I’ve also heard that you might be going on a date with a certain potential lacrosse boyfriend…?”
You fight a smile, “Andrew asked me out.”
“And you said?”
“Yes!” you laugh, “I’ve been waiting for him to ask since I started working with Coach on the lacrosse field.” You miss the bitterness in Stiles’ face; he was trying to hide it with his downcast gaze.
A police siren could be heard down the highway. Stiles clears his throat, “Is he going to ask you to the winter formal?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, tickled at the thought, “But that’s still a couple weeks away.”
“Do you want him to?” Stiles finally looks at you, straining to keep the hurt he feels at bay. The tightness of his chest was smothered by the boiling jealousy in his stomach. He hates the way you sound doting on Andrew. And he hates himself for being jealous over something he shouldn’t be mad about.
You made your choice and Andrew is a good guy.
“I’m not sure. He doesn’t know about my heart and a formal dance would be prime time for it to give out.” You take a deep breath, “I’d rather not spoil an evening like that.”
Stiles nods and considers you, “I guess you just need to go with someone that knows how to calm you. That way you don’t need to worry.”
It was suddenly tense for a few seconds while the police cars come closer to the hospital. You put a hand on the door handle and say, “You should probably get out of here so your dad doesn’t overhear why you might not be at the game. Police radios, you know…”
“Right,” Stiles says, “Let me know if anything comes up. I’m going to find Scott and tell him about our newly identified alpha.”
The next few days felt a little less hostile as the friend group settles into a new norm. Jackson is still moseying up to Allison, who is still apologizing on behalf of Scott for the impromptu kissing. You console her in that Scott wasn’t himself that day.
Allison was also venturing into new hobbies to keep her mind off things. She had taken to practicing archery in the woods, sometimes taking you or Lydia with her.
Jackson was talking in angry whispers to Scott and Stiles more often. You know it has something to do with seeking the werewolf curse.
As for yourself, you were working on your science project implanting E.coli in varying meats and cooking them, swabbing each as you go and putting samples in petri dishes. They were currently incubating in the chemistry lab while you walk down the hall with Andrew.
“I’m sorry I missed it,” you say, eyeing the way Andrew held your books for you.
“Hey, now we’re going to state,” he says, “You can come to that game.”
You smile, almost to English, “I’ll bring my pom-poms and megaphone.”
Andrew laughs, handing back your books for class, “I won’t say no to a little cheerleading outfit.” He winks at you and a warm blush envelops both your faces.
“I’ll see you later,” you say.
Walking into class you’re quick to notice Scott and Stiles staring at you (Stiles with a little more of a frown). You choose to sit in front of Scott, taking any opportunity for Allison to be near him.
“(Y/N)…” he starts with hesitance, “Stiles told me you’re talking again.”
You don’t turn around at first, “And?”
He leans forward across the desk, and you can hear his whisper over your shoulder. “I’ve been trying to think of a way to apologize to you this last week and… nothing seems good enough. After you avoided me and everything, I thought I lost my chance.” He sighs and you can feel it in your hair. “(Y/N), I am so so sorry. I’m sorry for attacking you – I’m sorry for forcing a kiss on you – I’m sorry for scaring you – and I’m sorry for trying to kill you.”
Very slowly you pivot in your chair to look at him.
Those puppy-dog eyes were back full force. Those were Scott’s eyes – not the dark, menacing look they had on the full moon. You knew the difference was night and day. The real Scott McCall would never do those things if he was in full control.
“I feel terrible,” he continues, afraid at your persistent silence. “I’m an awful friend and I should have told you the truth sooner. Maybe you would have been more prepared for the full moon like Stiles.”
You blink, “Have you apologized to Allison?”
“Well, I tried…” he scratches at his shaggy head, adding to his puppy-dog look. “She was shooting arrows in the forest with Lydia yesterday… and I needed to return a necklace of hers.”
“You mean you were stalking her?”
“The details are a little foggy,” he says quickly, “I might’ve scared her and she tazed me.”
Stiles snorts from beside Scott and you have to stop yourself from losing your composure. “She’s picked up a few things since breaking up with you.”
“I noticed,” he says lowly. “Anyway, I tried to apologize, and I think it got to her a little. She’s still mad, but I think she might forgive me eventually.”
“I told you,” you say with a slight smile. It gives Scott hope.
“And what about you?” his dark brown eyes are wide with anxiety.
You share a look with Stiles, who shrugs. “I forgive you.”
Scott sighs, his head falling into his arms on the desk. “Thank god. I promise, (Y/N), I didn’t mean to do any of those things. The full moon had me wired and it was like something else was controlling my body.”
“It’s okay, Scott. I did a lot of thinking while taking a break.” You look between Scott and Stiles as the tardy bell rings. “And I don’t think I can be involved with all this werewolf stuff.”
Stiles is nearly out of his chair with how he reacts. “What do you mean?” his desk squeaks terribly against the tile floor.
“I mean, I’d like to still be friends with you guys…”
An awful needle like puncture was screwing its way through Stiles’ chest. Friends.
“… but I don’t really want to be included in any werewolf business or late night investigations or almost being killed – which has happened to me about three times now since starting school.”
“Werewolf business is a very regular part of my life,” Scott says with a disbelieving laugh.
You nod, “I get it, I just mean I’d love to hang out or go to a party sometime, but I can’t be involved with anything else related to the alpha situation.”
Stiles was having trouble swallowing as Scott continues, “Like it or not, (Y/N) – you’re kind of a part of my pack. The pack that the Alpha wants me to get rid of.”
“Then… I’m resigning from the pack,” you shrug half-heartedly.
Stiles’ jaw nearly hits the floor as the teacher snaps at the three of you for talking. There is about three minutes of quiet as the teacher explains the upcoming book report that you’ve already finished on Sense and Sensibility.
After that you receive a group text from both Scott and Stiles.
Stiles: You’re just unfriending the pack?!
(Y/N): Can’t I do that and still be friendly?
Stiles: No
Scott: Of course you can. We just don’t get why
You raise your hand and share what stance you took on the book report requirements. You wrote an analytical piece on the personalities of two sisters: Elenor being all sense and Marianne being all sensibility.
The teacher looks pleased and asks for more volunteers. You’re now covered to keep texting.
(Y/N): Tell you later
Scott: Ok
Stiles: Tell us now
You tuck your phone away and feel it buzz with a few more messages before going quiet. You don’t mean for it to be such a shock. You just knew that the more stress you had the more likely you’d have a fainting episode with your heart condition. That would lead to more heart damage and an end that you want to prolong as much as possible.
Being surrounded by high stress werewolf situations was going to be the death of you.
You are quick to leave the classroom at the bell and the boys weren’t far behind.
“Hey,” Stiles grabs your shoulder, slowing you down. “Explain.”
Scott holds his backpack straps, awkward but less demanding on hearing your explanation.
“It’s not a good idea for me to be around a lot of stress,” you sigh, “You know… because of my heart.”
Both boys purse their lips and share a look. Scott is quiet when he asks, “Because you have a tachee-heart?”
You and Stiles both say, “Tachycardia?” You laugh and continue, “Yes. My heartbeat is already irregular and if I do anything to add to it… it’s bad news bears.”
“Care to expand on what these bad news bears are?” Stiles asks irritably.
“That’s a talk for another day,” you say quickly, leading the way to your next class. “Just know that the more my heart struggles the worse off I’ll be.”
“But we can help you,” Stiles says, pressing into your shoulder as you all walk down the hallway. “We can calm you down if that happens.” I can calm you down.
You sigh, “Not always. It can be random and persistent.” You stop outside the door of your next class. “This isn’t me saying we can’t be friends, just… I want to avoid any werewolfy scenarios that might involve near death and/or general terror.”
You leave Scott and Stiles to contemplate out in the hallway. Shoulders sagging, Scott groans, “This werewolf thing is ruining my life.”
“Yeah, and mine.” Stiles broods at the classroom door, taking a second to realize what he said and turning to the mild anger on Scott’s face. “What? I’m the best friend – I am legally bound to whatever misery you experience.”
“All the new friends I’ve made are literally being pushed away because of this curse,” Scott rubs hard at his face, “And it’s ruined my love life, not to mention my lifespan. Hunters are basically knocking down my front door!”
“Yeah, it’s really putting a damper on my love life too.” Stiles mumbles to himself, “I really thought I had a shot with her.”
Scott shoves his friend, “Even after all her talk about Andrew?”
Stiles scowls, “That’s just a silly crush.”
“And what she feels for you is… what exactly?”
“Hidden feelings that I will unlock one day for her to realize that I am the perfect guy for her…” he licks his lips, wincing, “… despite the clumsiness, sarcasm, and general idiocy.”
Scott laughs, “Yeah, she’s really missing out.”
“Hey!” he rams into Scott as they walk towards their next class. “I really like her, Scott. Like… I like her, like her.”
“I know, Loverboy.”
“She’s all I can think about, and I know I’m just a pathetic friend of hers, but I’m hopeless, Scott! Completely hopeless.”
Scott gives him a look, “Are you sure you’re not stalking her?”
“In a broad sense of the term,” Stiles shrugs, “I’ve never felt this comfortable around a girl before. I’ve never felt this way about any girl.”
“You’ve got it bad,” Scott sighs, “I know the feeling well.”
You walk through the aisles of computers to sit near the back beside a hunched figure. He keeps his head down even as you watch his eyes dart to see who you are. If anything it makes him more shy, his shoulders drawing in as if he were trying to make himself as small as possible.
You sling your backpack onto the ground and ignore the random text Stiles sent you about the history of the male circumcision. He was always sending you the most out-of-pocket things.
“Hey,” you smile at the quiet boy, “My name’s (Y/N)…” He turns his head a little more and you instantly recognize him as one of the benchwarmers on the lacrosse team, “… and you’re Isaac, right?”
His blue eyes seem to warm at your recognition, “Yeah, Isaac Lahey,” he clears his throat, “I uh…”
“You play lacrosse!” your smile widens, “I didn’t realize we had computer science together.”
“Play is a strong word,” he says with a hint of a smile. “I sort of keep to myself.”
You lean on your elbow, considering him as he fidgets under your gaze. “I think the last time we talked was when I was passing out permission slips for that spring retreat Coach was talking about.”
Isaac nods his head, still bowing like he was trying to hide behind his computer screen. “I don’t talk much.”
“You didn’t bring back your permission slip if I remember correctly.”
“No,” he clears his throat again, finding it hard to swallow. “My dad needs me to stay home.”
“Even for just a weekend?” your brows knit.
He licks his lips, “He needs help at work and… I’m the only one around to do it.”
“Shame,” you mutter, “I’d like to have seen you there. Maybe we could’ve roasted marshmallows together and tossed Coach’s whistle in the lake.”
His lips upturn a little more, “You’re going on the retreat?”
“I don’t think the Coach can survive without me,” you stifle a laugh, “Besides I’m the only one who knows anything about the retreat. He probably couldn’t drive a single one of you up there.” You nudge your arm into his, “You should ask your dad again, see if he’ll change his mind.”
Isaac has an emotion you can’t gauge flash across his eyes. “Maybe.” He nods and hides that smile you’re trying to pull out of him. “I wouldn’t mind messing with Coach, though.”
“We could hide his energy drinks or put dye in his toothpaste,” you muse, “Make his teeth blue for a day.”
“Or we could put a squirrel in his cabin,” Isaac says with a little more enthusiasm, “Or maybe we could hide his shaving kit and see what kind of beard he can grow.”
You snort, “I bet it’s as white as an old mans.”
“It’s because all us kids give him gray hairs,” Isaac laughs, smiling wide.
You laugh along, suddenly struck with his change of demeanor. “You have a great smile, Isaac,” you say, “It looks good on you.”
A rush of red fills his cheeks, unable to stop smiling now. He isn’t hunched behind his computer anymore, “Thank you.”
The teacher was about ready to throttle you two for giggling over her talking. You nudge Isaac again with your arm, putting a finger to your lips.
The next day you’re being dropped off at the Argent residence for a ‘family dinner.’ Allison has been complaining about how often her dad talks about meeting you. It was odd not having met them – almost every parent in town knew who you were.
That was the consequence of a small town with two working parents in the emergency fields. Most adults knew that they had to leave at the drop of a dime if your heart was ever in trouble.
Hence the anxiety making your fingers pull on your sleeves.
“(Y/N)!” Allison greets, pulling you into a hug, “I’m so sorry for this,” she whispers.
You whisper back, “Don’t be.” But a flash of fear crosses your face when the door widens to reveal a blue-eyed, middle-aged man. “Mr. Argent?”
“(Y/N),” he extends a hand, eyes never blinking as he probes you, “We finally meet.” He shakes your hand firmly, “My wife and daughter have only had good things to say.”
And my friends have told me about your penchant for shooting arrows at teenage boys. “Nice to meet you.” You follow the family inside and to the dining room. “I hope you don’t mind…”
In your free hand was a small container of peanut butter brownies you had made earlier that day. Chris Argent looks pleased when he inspects the contents, “How wonderful – you didn’t have to.”
“I know,” you say, handing the dessert to Allison to plate. The Argents were able to provide for themselves, plus extra.
Living on the other side of town, the Argent residence was much more lavish than what you were used to. It created a very unfortunate divide between the teenagers. An invisible line that was rarely mentioned, but nonetheless present.
Over in these neighborhoods, Lydia, Allison, and Jackson lived with rich crown moldings, nice cars, high ceilings, and antique furniture. More in the valley, you, Stiles, and Scott lived in modest homes with hand-me-down items and a small growing pile of bills.
With one check you bet the Argents could take away your family’s medical debt.
“Your home is lovely as always,” you say, admiring the chandelier in the dining room. “And dinner smells amazing.”
“Not my doing,” a dirty blonde says with a crisp laugh. A near forced laugh as her less piercing blue eyes meet yours. She assesses you with something a little colder than Chris. “Hello, I’m Kate, and I have no talent for cooking.”
You give a wave across the table, instantly wary of her. Allison pops up beside you, “That’s my aunt I told you about.” She looks to Kate as she sits, “(Y/N) is an amazing cook.”
Kate nods, still scrutinizing you with her gaze. “What else are you good at, (Y/N)?”
“Reading,” you say instantly, sharing a laugh with Allison. “I keep to myself mostly.”
With the table set, the Argent family sits to enjoy the meal. Victoria Argent, whom you’ve met the few times you’ve been out with Allison, sat with her husband.
“So, (Y/N), tell us a little more about yourself,” Chris says, spearing asparagus with his fork. “You’re close with our daughter but we know almost nothing about you.”
You try to swallow your roast chicken quickly as Allison scolds her father. “I told you not to interrogate her,” she leans closer to you, “He doesn’t really have a ‘pleasant conversation’ option in his vernacular.”
“It’s alright,” you say with a wave, grabbing a nice cloth napkin to dab at your mouth. “My parents like to know who I’m friends with too.”
“You know Scott and Jackson, correct?” Kate digs into her chicken with a knife.
“Yes, we’re all friends. I also am a teacher assistant for Coach Finstock, so I see them at lacrosse a lot.”
Chris considers you, “But you weren’t at the last lacrosse game?”
“No, I work at the hospital as a medical assistant and I picked up a shift that night,” you take a sip of your water. How much information was too much information to give?
Kate tilts her head in your direction, “Wasn’t there a break-in at the hospital that night?”
You nod slowly, “Yeah, someone got into an altercation past visiting hours. I don’t know who but when I went to investigate the noise, there was a lot of broken glass and cracks in the walls. Thank goodness none of the patients were harmed.”
Chris takes his time cutting his meal into pieces, “That sounds terrible. What did you do?”
“I called the police, checked on my residents, and ran outside to meet the cops.” You take a small bite of food, “They didn’t find anything besides the damage.”
“Cameras?” Kate questions.
You shake your head, “My co-workers said that they had been damaged as well. Wiped clean or lost… I don’t know exactly.”
Chris seems satisfied for the time being, “Well, I’m glad you got out safely, whatever it was.”
Kate, on the other hand, seems to perk with interest, “I hear you’ve had a run-in with danger a couple times this year.” At your look of confusion, she nods toward your collar. “The attack on the video store, I mean.” She barely moves a centimeter as she stares you down, “Allison told me you had gotten clawed pretty bad.”
You spot the wince in Allison’s brow. “I did get attacked that night,” you wipe at your mouth again. “It was pretty bad for a while, infected and everything. But I’m okay now.”
Kate was persistent, “Must have left a pretty gnarly scar.” Her eyebrows lift as if expecting you to reveal your shoulder. She was scolded by her niece.
“It’s still a little pink, but that’ll go away with time,” you say as nonchalantly as possible. “I’d say it makes me look a little cooler than I am.” You shift the collar of your shirt an inch to reveal the tail end of three massive claw marks, another curling around your arm. It was your turn to gauge the reaction of the Argents.
Chris and Kate share a look and you clear your throat in response. Are you making yourself a possible werewolf suspect?
“And what do you guys do for work?” you say, steering the conversation off yourself. “Allison says that you’re a weapons dealer?”
Chris pours himself more water, “That’s right. We have quite the collection if you’re interested.”
You shake your head quickly, “I’m not really built for that. I enjoy my books and my lazy cat sleeping in my lap as I read.”
He nods, hopefully in a sign of respect. “That’s why Kate is here. She deals in weaponry as well – a very skilled hunter.”
She raises her glass, “The art of the kill. I needed my brother’s expertise on a few pieces for my latest hunt.”
“What do you hunt?” you say innocently.
“Big game predators,” she says, cold eyes locked on you. “Cougars, bears, wolves.”
You almost smirk. These people are hiding in plain sight.
“My mom is a buyer for a store in San Fransico,” Allison steers the conversation even more. “Right, mom?”
Victoria, already done with her meal and leaning back in her chair, replies, “Yes, it’s a charming little boutique. I also teach math at a boarding school for boys on the side.”
You nod, “Why math?”
“Strategy,” she says flatly. “Equations and probabilities. I enjoy the art of stratagem.”
That was slightly off putting as well. Did these people know how to be subtle? How had Allison gone this long without knowing her family history?
“And your parents are…?” Victoria continues.
You smile, “My mom works behind the desk at the police station – taking and directing calls. My dad works at the firehouse.”
“You must hear everything that goes on around here,” Chris smirks.
“Only when I ask,” you say, “And that’s considering nothing wild has happened in Beacon Hills for years…”
Kate leans back in her chair as well, crossing her arms in contemplation. “Have you lived here your whole life?”
“Yes,” you say, pushing your plate away, “Almost since birth.”
“Where did you live before?” Chris asks.
He might be intimidating, but you enjoy talking to him much more than Kate. “My parents lived in Palo Alto when I was born. We had a nice house and my mom worked security at Stanford University. My dad actually met her at the San Francisco Bay. He was a lifeguard before he was a firefighter, and he watched the swimmers at Keller Beach and Berkeley Marina.” You smile a sweet smile, “She kept coming back to those places to see him… even pretended to drown once for a kiss.”
“Must be a fan of The Sandlot,” Allison snickers, enjoying hearing you talk more than her family.
 “So why make the move to Beacon Hills?” Kate asks, arms still tightly wound.
Your smile falls a little, “I was born with a congenital heart defect. The medical bills and surgeries became too much… and we had to downgrade.”
Allison puts a hand on your leg beneath the table. Chris sends a piercing look to his sister and mutters, “I’m sorry, (Y/N) – I didn’t know you were sick.”
“Still am,” you say with mock cheerfulness, holding your water glass with two hands to give yourself something to focus on. “Heart problems are persistent. We try to keep it as discreet as possible.”
He nods, looking at you with a different air of likeness. “It sounds like you have a wonderful family.”
“I do,” you say fast, “Thank you.”
They move on to the brownies you brought as a means to change the subject. Victoria hums her appreciation, “These are delicious, did you put caramel in here too?”
“Caramel is one of the greatest inventions of all time and deserves to be incorporated into as many sweets as possible,” you laugh, “Of course I put caramel in them.”
The table laughs as you eat, feeling a little stripped bare after revealing so much about yourself. As Allison said, it did feel more like an interrogation rather than a pleasant family meal. You were quick to text the boys as you leave the residence.
“My place in ten minutes. I have an Argent update.” You smile as you add, “… and leftover brownies.”
Allison was kind enough to drive you home, apologizing the entire way. “My dad wasn’t as brazen as usual, but my aunt Kate?” she rolls her eyes, “I can’t believe how much she was grilling you.”
“You have a protective family,” you shrug, “So do I.”
“Your parents have a good reason to be extra protective of you,” she retorts, “My family is just nosy and suspicious and… I don’t know, my aunt and dad have been a little tense with each other this visit. They usually get along so well.”
“How much longer is your aunt staying here?” you ask, holding your container of leftover brownies.
Allison knits her brow in thought, “I’m not sure. She says she’s getting ready for another big hunt and just needs supplies and my dad’s advice. But I don’t know… sometimes I feel like she isn’t telling me everything.”
You thank Allison for the ride and the invitation to dinner. You promise to give her an update on your date with Andrew that weekend, and she drives off. Entering your house was a breath of fresh air.
Oliver trots to your side, his furry underbelly swaying side to side before you scoop him up and kiss his head. He purrs instantly.
“How was dinner?” your mom asks, sitting at the dining table with little potted plants in front of her. She was trying to grow herbs from seeds and the lavender was not doing so well.
“It was fine,” you kick off your shoes, “Her family is a little interrogative.”
Tom walks in with his usual cola, no doubt with a few ounces of whiskey poured in. “I knew they were a little tense, especially after that Chris guy shot the mountain lion at parent teacher conferences.”
You scratch under Ollie’s chin, “It was still nice, but I would watch out for that Kate Argent. She scares me a little.” You sit at the table and watch your mom preen the little sprouts of eucalyptus and rosemary. “Oh, I also invited Scott and Stiles over, if that’s okay.”
Tom folds his arms, making them look massive beneath his firehouse flannel. “I thought you liked that Andrew guy.”
“I can like a guy and be friends with other guys, dad,” you snicker, “I’m just going to take my medicine real quick, will you send them up when they get here?”
Your mom waves you off, adding some water to her seedlings, “Leave me one of those brownies, would you?”
A minute later, and having taken all your prescription meds, there’s a howling laugh coming from downstairs. You move to the foot of the stairs to see Stiles beaming and your dad wiping his eyes.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Tom says, “Stilinski here was just telling me about a police fiasco with a red tricycle and a klepto.”
You look puzzled as Stiles scratches at the back of his head, “Yeah, I might’ve stolen some already stolen items from evidence when I was a kid. I was the prime suspect for about three days with all the stuff in my possession.”
“And at five years old,” your dad laughs, downing his drink.
“I really wanted the tricycle!” Stiles retorts, “It was my first bike.”
Tom shakes his head, “Learning to pedal on stolen property.”
Scott pulls on his friend, “It was nice talking to you guys.”
“Of course, sweetie,” your mom says, “Now not too late, you still have school tomorrow.”
Walking up the stairs (Stiles tripping over at least two of the steps) you lead the boys into your room, Oliver already on your bed.
“Hey, buddy…” Stiles gets on his knees and crawls to the edge of the bed, “How’s the fuzz ball?”
Ollie perks his ears and blinks slowly at Stiles, bowing his head for a pet. Though upon Scott’s arrival, the cat sets his ears back and hisses.
“What the…” you mutter, watching your cat growl low in his throat and dart to leave the bedroom. “He’s never acted like that before.”
Scott looks guilty, “Well, I am part dog and… I did break into your house as a werewolf not too long ago.”
Your lips make a thin line, “Right. Cats and dogs don’t always get along.” You walk to your bed, flicking at Stiles’ head as you sit down, “Do you guys want a brownie? They’re leftover from my dinner with the Argents.”
Stiles’ greedy fingers dive for the plastic container while Scott shoves his hands in his pockets. “You had dinner at their house?”
You relay some of the conversation you had. The mysterious penchant for weapons and hunting big game predators. The interrogative questions on the hospital break-in and your involvement with Scott and Jackson. The request to see the claw marks on your shoulder.
“Do they think you might be the second beta too?” Scott asks with a tense line between his eyebrows. Stiles was too busy eating his third brownie.
“Maybe… do they think a scratch could turn you?”
“That’s what Derek said,” Scott swallows hard, “He told us a deep enough alpha scratch might give you the curse. The Argents might have the same theory.” He smacks his forehead, “Which is why they’re suspicious of Jackson. He has those claw marks in his neck from Derek.”
You frown, “And they don’t know they’re from Derek and not the Alpha.”
“But they do know your scars are from the Alpha,” Scott mutters worriedly, “I wouldn’t be surprised if they do a follow-up on you.”
“But after I told them about my heart condition, they seemed to back off. At least Chris did.”
You relay the conversation that you had about your parents meeting in Palo Alto and the move to Beacon Hills because of your heart. You remember the likeness Chris Argent had in his voice as he expressed his apologies for your sickness.
“If you’re sick then you couldn’t have the curse,” Scott mumbles, picking at his chin. “Werewolves heal really fast unless the wound is supernatural too.”
Stiles is licking his fingers when he suddenly blurts, “Do you think if you were a werewolf your heart would be cured?”
You shrug, finding the amount of brownie left on Stiles’ face amusing. “I don’t really want to find out. Anyway, I knew you guys would probably want to know.”
“Still not keen on all this werewolf business?” Stiles asks.
“I’m just trying to protect myself.” You sit on the bed, Stiles on the ground and leaning against the mattress. He’s looking up at you with his brown eyes, fizzing with warmth like cola and whiskey. “It’s not that I don’t want to investigate with you guys. I just worry what it’ll do to my heart.”
You laugh and point at your own face, “You’ve got chocolate all over your mouth.”
Stiles is quick to rub his mouth across his shirt sleeves, “Those brownies were just too damn good.” There was still a smudge at the corner of his lips.
“Maybe if you swallowed between bites…” you move your fingers to his face, lifting his chin to look up at you. He’s frozen as you move your thumb to the corner of his mouth and wipe down and under his bottom lip.
Eyes wide and imploring as they look up at you. He’s all sweet innocence and deeply adoring as you touch his mouth. The brown of his eyes was melting into the sticky sweet sap color, like warm honey in the sunlight.
You pull your hand away and suck the chocolate off the pad of your thumb, “… but thank you for the compliment. I’m not as much of a baker.”
Scott was trying to keep a smile off his face as his hand hovered near his crinkled nose. He was smelling something that was flying off Stiles like a firework set aflame. The poor boy was squirming in his spot on the ground, crossing his legs and keeping his hands over his lap.
“How was Allison?” Scott changes the subject.
You look up, now ignoring the sappy eyes gazing from below. “She was fine – maybe a little embarrassed about her family. It was strange knowing the motive behind her family’s questions but seeing none of it register with her.”
“I have a feeling she’ll find out soon enough.”
“Me too,” you stand, “For now she’s releasing a lot of her stress through archery and training with her aunt.”
Scott shivers, “Scary.”
You nod, walking to the door and hearing Stiles scramble to his feet. “I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow?”
Getting into the jeep was uncomfortable, Stiles pulling at his jeans. Scott was laughing at him before too long, “Dude, you should have seen your face. You really are hopeless.”
Stiles groans, slamming his forehead into the steering wheel, “She touched me and every thought just flew out of my head.”
“I could smell it off you,” Scott grimaces, “Just awful lovey-dovey sex hormones, even without the full moon I could smell it.”
Stiles sat straight, making the jeep wiggle side to side. He had a ruddy red mark on his forehead. “Did you smell anything from (Y/N)?”
Scott clamps his mouth shut before shaking his head. “I could hear her uneven heartbeat, but that’s nothing new.”
In a dramatic turn of events, Stiles slumps in his seat and puts the car in drive. “I need to figure out a way to tell her.”
“Tell her your feelings?” Scott gaps, “What about the possibility of utterly crushing humiliation? Not to mention ruining what friendships we still have.”
“Thanks for adding to the anxiety, Scott,” he grumbles, “I just… I can’t help thinking about how I am with her. I have never been able to just talk about my mom to anyone… but with her it’s easy. I’ve never brought a girl over to my house before… but with (Y/N) it was a no brainer. I’ve never been so equally terrified and comfortable with a girl. And with her heart…”
“You’re like an anchor for her,” Scott says quietly, all teasing aside. “You can calm her.”
Stiles puts one hand over his cropped hair, “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her.”
“You know the difference between you and Andrew Wickstrom, Stiles?”
He snorts, “He’s maybe four inches taller than me, has perfect curly hair, and is way better at lacrosse than I am.”
“He asked (Y/N) out,” Scott says, “You just need to ask her out.”
Friday night was all excitement and butterflies as you walk around a strip mall with Andrew. The white fairy lights turn on when the sun sets, and you’re left walking on cobblestones and eating ice cream.
You were laughing at the ridiculous training regime that Coach was making the boys do in preparation for the state game.
“What is the benefit of running laps to the classroom and out to the field?”
“Coach makes us carry his stuff too and from his office,” Andrew mocks, “He makes it sound like an exercise, but really he just wants us to fetch his granola bars and energy drinks.”
You laugh again, “That sounds about right. How do you feel about the game?”
“Since switching to goalie it’s been hard figuring the plays out. But I think I’ve got the hang of it now.” He offers to throw away your empty ice cream cup and spoon.
The night so far had entailed a dinner at a little café outside the mall before looking in some of the stores for new summertime clothes. Andrew bought an outfit for you, shorts with little revealing tears in them and a strappy top that shows your scars way more than you’re used to.
You love that Andrew doesn’t question you about them.
Next was a stop at an ice cream parlor, taste testing different flavors before picking your favorites. The pair of you now walking around as the moon comes out, the trees adorned with white fairy lights.
You were walking so close to each other that you kept bumping arms. “Next time I want to show you my favorite antique shop downtown. It has some of the coolest things from every time period, and it’s connected to an old bookshop – one of the ones with tall ladders and a second floor just like in…”
“There’s going to be a next time?” Andrew says, sounding a little giddy. He was looking at you with pink dusting his cheeks.
You blush, “Is that alright?”
In reply, Andrew locks your fingers between his. “Very alright.” You stroll down the next street of cool fairy light, squeezing each other’s hands. “What were you saying about the old bookstore before I rudely interrupted you?”
You brush hair behind your ears, “Oh, just that it reminds me of the old bookstore from Beauty and the Beast… the one from her town.”
“You’re a fan of Disney?”
“Always,” you laugh, “With movies like The Princess and the Frog and The Emperor’s New Groove… how could you not be?”
Andrew snickers, “It’s because of Naveen, isn’t it?”
“Ah, Prince Naveen,” you groan, “You got me there.”
“Got to be honest though… Treasure Planet might be the best one yet.”
You pull on his arm, “I haven’t watched that in ages!”
Andrew side eyes you as his dimples come out, “So old antique shop and then movie night?”
You’re giddy at the thought of another date, “Sounds perfect.” You wander the streets just talking and laughing for another half hour before he offers to drive you home.
He holds your hand atop your lap the whole way.
Walking to your door, porchlight on as your parents wait for your return, you thank Andrew for a lovely evening.
“It’s nice after all the chaos the town’s been in the last month.”
He nods, “I had a really nice time with you, (Y/N).” He hands you the shopping bag with your new summer outfit, “I’ll text you a time for the next one.”
You smile wide as he takes a step closer, “I had fun too.” He was leaning down to your height, your chin rising to meet him.
In a quick mind-boggling moment, Andrew presses his lips to yours. He pulls away just an inch to see your reaction before moving further.
At your slight smile he leans in for more, kissing you more firmly and cupping your cheek. A sudden warmth blooms up your chest and into your face – and a beeping comes from your watch.
You break away suddenly, “God, sorry…” you cover the watch face with your hand. “Parents are waiting.”
Andrew licks his lips, all smiles as he says goodbye, “I’ll see you on Monday.”
You slip inside and find your mom pruning a more successful chamomile plant at the dining table, no doubt planning to make tea with it. “Hello, honey…” she smirks, “Had a nice time?”
Checking your watch, you take a deep breath, your chest tight from something a little more than your racing heart. “The best.”
You had no idea that Stiles was burrowed beneath his blankets in bed, his phone lighting up his face is somber blue light. He watches the alert of your heart rate die down and knows in his gut that you probably had an exciting goodnight kiss on your date.
It sticks him with an ache he can’t shake for the rest of the night.
The weekend came with an invitation from Stiles in the most untoward manner. You were working on term projects for history and math when there was a sharp rapping on the window. Turning around you see Stiles waving on the roof.
Already smiling, you go to unlock the window and help him open it, “What are you doing here?”
“I came to ask you something.”
“And your phone is…?”
He shrugs, “More of a boring gesture than this.”
“And not coming to the door…?”
He screws his face up in a comical expression, “Again, this is a more interesting entrance.” And with a graceful slip of the hand, he falls forward through the window and crashes to the ground, “Ow!”
You grimace, hearing the floorboards squeak in the hall, “Shit, Stiles my parents will kill me if they knew you were sneaking up our roof!” In a frantic waving of your hands you shove him under your bed.
He does his now famous doggy-paddling across the hardwood floor.
“(Y/N), sweetie?” your mom calls as she enters your bedroom, “Oh – what was that noise? I thought you must’ve fainted and fell.”
You put your hands behind your back, looking around and finding Ollie still snoozing on the history textbook on your desk. He was so unbothered and not at all helpful. “Um… I dropped my math workbook,” you say quickly, “It’s pretty thick.”
Your mom looks to your hands to see the workbook and raises her eyebrows in question.
Choking on your words you look around and find the evidence on your bed covers, “See! I just picked it up when you walked in.”
Angela shakes her head, “Studying must be getting to you. Maybe you should take a break.”
You nod vigorously and thank your mother, closing your door and finding Stiles already trying to pull himself out from under your bed. His tongue was sticking out as he struggles.
“That was close,” you laugh, sitting on the floor with him, “Who knew you’d be such mischief.”
Stiles snaps his eyes to yours and flounders in his words, “I… you – did you…”
Your knees are inches away as you give him a quizzical look, “What?”
“My m-, my mom used to call me mischief.” His voice was quiet and wondering as he says it. He looks at you with a kind of awe; a freckle of sadness making his eyes glassy.
You suddenly feel warm, maybe from embarrassment – maybe from empathy. You couldn’t imagine a life without your mother. “A very fitting name for someone so mischievous.”
He chuckles, his smile subconscious, “That’s not the only reason she called me that. Um… I uh – my name isn’t actually Stiles.”
“I knew it,” you smirk.
“I actually have a polish name – my grandpa’s name. And it’s really hard to pronounce, so I’d pretty much stop at saying mischief cause that was as close as I could get.”
You raise your eyebrows, all curiosity, “And this name is…?”
He looks shy as he mumbles, “Mieczyslaw.”
He becomes shier as he repeats, “Yeah, Mieczyslaw. You can imagine why a young impressionable child would choose to go by something a little easier.”
You look at him fondly, “I like it. I like learning things about you.” You stand, taking his hand to pull him up, “Now what was the thing you wanted to ask me?”
“I wanted to know if you’d come hangout at my place tonight and meet my dad.”
“I already know your dad, Stiles.”
“Yeah, on a professional basis,” he mocks, “But… but you’ve never seen him without the badge on.”
You agree to come over that night and say you’ll bring a treat, which immediately strikes interest in Stiles. You plan accordingly, cooking all Saturday evening and dishing it in traveling containers. Placing them in a large take-out bag, you drive with your dad to the Stilinski bachelor pad.
You hope your gesture is kindly met.
“(Y/N)!” Stiles says with as much enthusiasm as one seeing someone for the first time in weeks. He’s awkward as he thinks of another way to greet you and is grateful when you go in for a hug. “Something smells delicious.”
You lift the large bag, “I told you I’d bring something.”
He leads you to the kitchen and you see Noah Stilinski looking over case files at the dining table. He looks stressed and wary until he spots you in the doorway.
“Ah, hello (Y/N). It’s nice to see you outside of the station…” he stands up, “… and outside of an ambulance.”
You laugh, going in for a hug that he wasn’t expecting, but loving it nonetheless. He holds you for a second longer as you say, “It’s about time.” He smells of whiskey. You gesture to the food in your bag, “I brought us dinner.”
“Oh my god,” Noah deadpans, “You spoil us.” He frantically tries to shuffle his case files into an orderly fashion, “I’m sorry it’s such a mess.” He moves his full whiskey glass and goes to put the decanter away.
“It’s okay,” you start to help, catching words like ‘murder’ and ‘Hale House.’ Stiles ran for some plates and forks. “There’s not always warning when Stiles makes plans.” You wonder how drunk the sheriff already is – the case must really be getting to him.
Noah chuckles, “You really know my son, then.” He seems awkward without the authority of his badge – like any other suburban dad. “He didn’t tell me you were bringing anything. Wait… did you cook that?” he points to your bag of containers.
“Yeah,” you say, helping Stiles set the table, “My specialty.”
Noah shakes his head, “I haven’t had a homecooked meal in…”
“Years,” Stiles snorts, “(Y/N) is the real deal, dad. Whatever she made will change your life.”
“He eats some chicken and rice and suddenly I’m a three-star Michelin chef.”
Stiles chortles, “Don’t forget those brownies. I’ll never be the same.”
You laugh as the boys sit down and you reveal the dinner you brought. A bowl of spicy Italian sausage, a plate of sliced garlic bread, and a dish of homemade mac and cheese topped with chopped parsley and green onion.
It was very quiet for the first few minutes, you placing a slice of garlic bread on each plate and ladling the cheesy noodles on top like an open-faced slider. You end with placing a few pieces of sausage on the side and passing the plates to the boys.
Stiles still can’t find the words as his dad says, “Did um…” he clears his throat. “Did Stiles tell you…”
You nod, feeling a presence there like nothing you had ever experienced before. “He said it was one of her signature dishes – a favorite of his.” You look to Stiles beside you and notice something glistening in his eyes.
You let them soak in the thoughtfulness of the gesture – what it actually signifies for them – and you start to eat on your own. Though it didn’t bring up any childhood memories of motherly love that it would for Stiles… it was still delicious.
“You’re right,” you say softly, “Like a fancy kids meal.”
Noah starts to chuckle, sniffing as he clears the emotion from his throat. He’s next to start eating his meal and the way he savors each bite is compliment enough. You wait for Stiles to start, very conscious of his quietness.
Stiles was never quiet.
He picks up the garlic bread laden with mac and cheese and takes a bite. He giggles like a schoolboy, “Wow.” He closes his eyes and you feel inclined to put your hand on his. Beneath the table, you wrap your fingers around his against his leg.
You rub your thumb in circles around his knuckles, watching him open his eyes and see tears there. “How is it?”
He sniffs, looking at you with wet eyes, “Like I remember.” He wipes at his face as you smile.
The rest of the meal continues with small talk and fond memories bringing up laughter. The sheriff finishes his whiskey and seems full and tired. Stiles keeps eating until there were no leftovers in sight.
He was now staring at the files of paperwork on the current Derek Hale case. You catch his eye and stand to wash dishes, “You finished, sheriff?”
“Oh no, I’ve got it,” Stiles slips out of his chair and takes the plates from your hands, “You just sit down, I’ll clean up.”
You smile to yourself as the sheriff looks more work wary, leaning on his hand and rubbing at his temples. “You bring out the best in him,” he says quietly, “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him willingly wash a dish before.”
“He’s sweet,” you say. Realizing too late that that was another thing Mrs. Stilinski used to say all the time.
Noah nods, a little red in the cheeks from the alcohol, “He is. She always said so.”
You had a feeling the sheriff didn’t talk about his wife very much. “You seem a little put out.”
“It’s just this case,” he rubs hard at his face, “I’ve been staring at it for weeks and I know they’re all connected, but there’s something missing.”
“What are all connected?” you ask.
He points a finger at you, “I shouldn’t be telling you.”
“You know I’m not going to say anything, sheriff,” you say candidly, “I’m a hermit that makes very good mac and cheese in my spare time.”
He chuckles deep in his throat, quieter the drunker he is. “The thing is… the bus driver that got killed, he was an insurance investigator assigned to the Hale house fire.” He pulls on a paper with his fingertips, sliding it across the table.
You read it sideways as it moves. “’Terminated under suspicion of fraud.’”
“The video store clerk who got his throat slashed, he’s a convicted felon, history of arson. Two others in the woods… they had priors all over their records, including…”
“Arson…” you say to yourself. The true crime fan within you was a little tickled. It sounds like all the victims had something to do with the house fire six years ago. You look over your shoulder to see Stiles standing in the doorway. He had soapy water soaking the front of his shirt.
He puts a finger to his lips and listens.
“There’s just so many questions…” You don’t stop him for fear that he’ll register all that he’s telling you. “If Derek wanted to kill everyone involved with the fire, then why start with his sister? I mean, she had nothing to do with it. And why make it look like some kind of animal did it?”
You shake your head. It must be killing Stiles to know the real reason behind some of these things and not being able to share. He was protecting his dad from the supernatural. Just like how he was trying to protect you from it.
“You know the instances of wild animal reports were up 70% over the past few months? It’s like they’re going crazy and running out of the woods. I don’t know.” He hand a palm to his forehead, already dozing off.
You feel a little guilty as you lean in your chair.
“Hey, sheriff, can I ask you a favor?”
“Anything, sweetheart…”
You smile warmly as Stiles leans his head against the archway. “Would you be willing to call my parents and tell them I’m staying the night? It’s late and I don’t want to worry them. Stiles and I have some work to catch up on… our chemistry project and stuff. Now would be a really good time to get it done.”
The sheriff had a dopey smile on his face as he looks at you. He considers you while Stiles is having a heart attack in the kitchen.
“Sure thing,” he says, fumbling for his phone, “I know your parents worry about you.”
“It’ll sound better coming from you,” you say kindly, “Thank you, sheriff. And thank you for letting me stay.”
He scratches at his head as you stand, already dialing your mom’s number, “Hey, Angela. No, no – she’s fine. We’re taking good care of her… hey, listen. The kids want to work on some projects, and I wanted to offer to let her stay the night.” He rubs at his tired eyes, “Sure, sure… of course. It’s just late and I know Tom is at the firehouse tonight so… yeah, sure thing. We’ve got plenty of room. Yep, thanks Angela. Sure, bye bye.”
You’re walking towards Stiles with a stupid grin on your face, “Let’s go talk.”
“Night dad!” Stiles yells instantly, still in awe that you were able to pull that off.
Noah waves them off, “Don’t stay up too late.”
You pull Stiles’ hand and go upstairs. “I can’t believe that worked.” You find the bathroom but wait for Stiles to show you his room.
“Um… one second,” he holds up a finger and tells you to stay put. He rummages like a madman in his bedroom, knocking things over and slamming things shut. You picture mounds of clothes and old plates of food being shoved into the closet.
He’s breathing heavy when he opens the door again, “Okay, you can come in.” He holds open the door and you walk in to find a queen bed with ruffled blue sheets, a desk on the other side with bulletin boards hanging on the wall. One of the smaller ones had a blanket thrown over it.
You wonder how much decluttering Stiles did because it was still very messy. Papers, sticky notes, and red string were everywhere. “Cozy.”
He looks nervous, playing with his fingers and watching your expression, “I don’t… ha…” he fidgets with his soapy shirt, “I’ve never had a girl in my room before.”
You take a bow, “I’m honored.” You sit on the edge of his bed, “What your dad is investigating…”
“Derek… I know,” he sits at his desk chair. “He’s so close to figuring it all out. He just doesn’t know about the Alpha.”
“Was it bad of me to egg him on while he’s so clearly drunk?”
“No, I would’ve done the same thing.”
“Exactly,” you deadpan, smiling. “If the Alpha is killing people responsible for the fire, then Derek siding with him at the hospital…”
“… is probably because he wants people to pay for the fire as well.”
You rub your legs down to your knees, “And the Alpha just wants to become powerful again in his revenge.”
Stiles was tapping his fingers against the desk, “So was there any other reason why you wanted to stay the night? Because I know for a fact you already finished our chemistry project and it’s incubating in the lab right now.”
“Well, there have been a couple things I wanted to talk to you about.” You sit cross legged on the mattress and say, “Coach has been talking to me about Scott failing his classes.”
“Big surprise,” Stiles scoffs, “The guy thinks he can be some werewolf savior and graduate high school at the same time.”
You wince, “Finstock made a deal with the office. Scott can’t go to the winter formal.”
“Because he’s failing?” Stiles gawks.
“They wanted to kick him off the team, but Coach said… some strange things… and made the dance agreement.” You tilt your head to the side, “Are you still planning on going?”
Stiles spins around in his chair, fumbling over his words, “Um, er – yeah, technically. I was s-still planning on it. Why… might I ask?”
You sigh, “Allison will need someone to ask her out.”
He was caught off guard, “I’m sorry, what? Me ask Allison to the dance.”
“It makes sense!” you say, “With Scott’s savior complex he’s going to want everyone under supervision in case the Alpha decides to take us out one at a time.”
There was a hesitance in the way Stiles kept spinning around in the chair. He seems grumpy, “Why can’t Jackson ask her?”
“You don’t want to go with Allison?’
“Well, I…” he was biting his lips, “I don’t know. Are you going?”
“I think Andrew is going to ask me on our next date.”
Stiles bangs a foot against the desk and nearly slips out of the chair, “A second date? Already?”
You smile, going a little red, “We had a good time and… we may or may not have kissed.”
A horrible sinking feeling enters Stiles’ stomach. His heart clenches painfully and the sudden desire to hurt Wickstrom came on hard and fast. “And… you liked it.”
“It was a nice change of pace from my usual,” you try to hide your smile, “I haven’t been kissed in a while.”
Stiles waves his hands around, “Woah, woah, woah… you’ve been kissed before? I thought you were a hermit that made mac and cheese.”
“And I have the occasional neighbor boy kiss me,” you laugh, “There was Easton from down the street when I was thirteen and then Adam who was visiting from San Fransico over the summer when I was fifteen. Not to mention, nimrod, that Scott kissed me just the other week.”
“Oh my god,” he wipes a hand across his face, “How do you do that?”
“Get people to kiss you?”
You squint your eyes, folding your arms, “Are you telling me you’ve never been kissed?”
Stiles squirms in his chair, swinging it back and forth. “Maybe.”
“Ah, Stiles!” you bounce on his bed, “That’s so sweet.”
He groans, “Don’t tell me it’s sweet. It freaking sucks. All of my friends are getting their jollies off and I am left here in the dust with the driest lips this side of the valley.” His arms hang limp at his sides, “Is it nice?”
You giggle, “It can be. I think it only ever is when you kiss someone you like. It’s just… god, it’s hard to explain.” But Stiles was leaning in like the most attentive student. “There’s something really vulnerable about it, which leaves you wide open to feel anything and everything. You’re scared to death of course, especially with someone you like. But the bliss you feel after doing it is like nothing else.”
Stiles purses his lips, “Is that how the Andrew kiss went?”
That raises his eyebrows, “I thought you really liked him.”
“I do, but I kind of have this new rule since the summer with Adam from San Fransico,” you hold up a hand, “I can’t date seriously. I can’t get too involved with any guy. So I’ll have to tell Andrew to stop eventually if this keeps going well.”
Stiles frowns, a punch to the gut, “Why can’t you date seriously?”
“Personal choice.”
“Because of what?” You smile and he groans, “Let me guess, it’s another story for another day.”
You use a finger gun on him, “Precisely, you’re catching on.” But the smile starts to dip from your face as you look at him. You lick your lips and say, “How about this. If you don’t have your first kiss by junior year… I’ll kiss you.”
The chair creaks as Stiles nearly falls from it, feet kicking out, “What!?”
“I’ll kiss you. We’ll make a kiss pact. I don’t want you getting too far into high school without having been kissed. The first one is always nerve-wracking anyway. It probably won’t be as meaningful as getting surprised with it by someone you really like, but it might be the next best thing.”
Stiles was losing his marbles, little fireworks exploding behind his eyes and falling like sparklers into his chest. “Okay.”
You smile at his goofy expression, “Now, can I borrow those sweats again? And maybe a t-shirt?”
He was still looking at you with sparklers in his eyes, “Huh? Oh yeah, sure.” He went to rummage through his dresser.
A few minutes later you were both in pajamas, having taken turns to use the bathroom to brush your teeth – you just using toothpaste and your finger – and standing in Stiles’ bedroom. You had dark sweats and an oversized shirt. With how broad Stiles’ shoulders were, the shirt hung low on your frame.
His throat was bobbing when he saw you standing there, pillows and blankets on the ground. “You good?”
You yawn, “Yep.” You meet him at the makeshift nest on the ground and nudge him, “Move please.”
“Oh, no this is for me,” he says, “You get the bed.” Standing so close to each other, you have to look up at him.
“I’m the guest, Stiles. You use your bed and I’ll count the dust bunnies under the bed.” You smile at the deep frown on his face.
He shakes his head, “Not gonna happen.”
“Fine,” you say, crawling onto his bed, “We can share.”
He chokes on his spit and starts coughing, “Share the bed?”
“Is that okay?” you look at him innocently.
That look combined with you wearing his clothes was sending him over the edge. His stomach was full of butterflies tickling the tightness in his ribcage. He wasn’t sure what to do with himself. In one night he had a girl in his room, said girl promised to kiss him, and now wanted to share a bed with him.
“Um… I kind of sleep in the middle of the mattress. I don’t want you to wake up to me invading your personal space.”
You laugh, “That’s fine, I can just shove you away.”
He nods, but is lost for words, going to turn off the light while you get comfortable. He’s back in the darkness and hesitates, “Are you su…”
“Get in the bed, Stilinski,” you mumble, already buried in his woodsy honey scented sheets. You feel the mattress dip as he finds his pillow. His knee knocks into your leg, and he apologizes. He shuffles down further and pulls up the blanket, rubbing his arm against yours, and he apologizes again.
“It’s fine, Stiles,” you laugh, “We’re bound to touch being this close.”
He swallows hard, staring at the ceiling as you cuddle further into your pillow, blanket tucked under your chin. “Goodnight,” you mumble.
Stiles bites the inside of his cheek, “Goodnight, (Y/N).” In the dark of his bedroom and the warm, calm presence of you beside him, it gave him a sense of ease. He takes a deep breath and says, “Thank you for the dinner today. It… meant a lot.”
You hum in reply, “You’re welcome.”
The last thing he remembers is turning on his side to face you already asleep. Your mouth was a little open and the pillow was squashing your cheek. Your hair was wild behind you and the shirt you borrowed was low enough that he could see the scar above your heart. You look more beautiful than ever laying there.
He wanted to know what you were holding back. He wanted to know what he had to do to give you the same feelings he was having.
And with thoughts of you looking beautiful in his bed, he fell asleep too.
Hours later you wake groggily to a still dark room. Stiles was standing and pulling his shoes on, phone in his hand. You groan and shift the covers closer to your body.
“Where are you going?” you ask half-asleep.
Stiles freezes at your words, “Uh… werewolf business. You can just stay here…” he walks over to your nearly asleep figure, “I’ll come back later.”
You don’t reply and he thinks you’re already back to sleep. It makes him smile. He bends down to tuck the covers a little tighter around you and… he hesitates, looking at your face. He swallows hard and leans down to place a kiss to your head.
“Sweet dreams.”
Taglist: @assassinsasha23 @tasty-book-fans @lovelybaka @the-fandom-queen @runs-with-sciss0rs @iamaslytherin0 @n3muru @bethsvrse @taylorbrooke-0912 @iloveyou2mia @everrrsincenewyork @gisellesprettylies
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devotional-dwams · 26 days
Talk to me
Summary: Crosshair is being a dick, when is he not? But he’s not usually a dick to you, and frankly, you’ve had enough. Crosshair x GN reader (although the nickname “princess” is involved), love confessions. Prompts are in bold and are from the brilliant @novelbear, thanks hun!!
Word count: 1660
Warnings: Crosshair being huffy??? Idk. Reader cries but it’s only slight.
Authors note: Ough my boy. My boooy. Idk if you can tell but I love Crosshair, and so I was bound to write for him eventually. This is set pre-order 66 :))
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It wasn’t difficult to notice Crosshair’s sour mood. He had been grumbling for days, and in the tight confinements of the Marauder, there wasn’t a lot of space for his grumbling to fill. Albeit, it was mostly indecipherable huffs, but it was enough to have everyone avoiding him for worry of making him feel worse. You watched him now, his figure sat hunched in the corner as he twirled a toothpick between his teeth and polished his rifle.
“Yeah, I’m listening.”
“No you weren’t. But I shall continue anyway,” Tech adjusted his goggles as he spoke.
Truthfully, you had been listening but then thoughts of Crosshair had clouded your mind, and your attention drifted away from the man under the console. Tech was in the middle of fixing the panelling, and you’d taken the free seat next to him in order to try and distract yourself. It wasn’t that you were interested in the sniper… maybe that was a lie. You had decided to go with the excuse of worry should anyone ask why you couldn’t take your eyes off him. As if Hunter would believe that, you huffed.
“-and really I, what?” Tech stuck his head out from underneath the console.
He picked the spanner up, pointing it at you as he spoke. “I dare say your mind is on Crosshair again.”
You crossed your arms. “No! What makes you say that?”
“Do I really need to go through that list of reasoning? Hold this wire.”
You held your palm out, holding the heavy wire that Tech placed in it. Really it felt more like a plug than a wire, but you conceded. “I’m just worried. He’s been too quiet.”
“He’s always quiet.”
“Yeah but usually he’ll have some kind of sarcastic quip to add. I haven't heard one in days.”
Tech reappeared, holding his hand out for the wire, which you passed to him. “And you miss them, I suppose? How sweet.”
“Tech!” you giggled as embarrassment bubbled up, slapping his arm as you did. From the corner of your eye you watched Crosshair get up and leave the room. The door whooshed behind him. “Don’t talk so loudly, you dolt.”
“I may remind you that you continued this conversation rather needlessly. We all know you’re in love with him.”
The day wore on and you came to the realisation that Crosshair was avoiding you, and if not, ignoring you. It had come as a bit of a slap in the face considering you always tried to be kind to him. The bunk beneath your back felt colder than usual, and in the end you got up, wrapped a blanket around you and headed to the cockpit. It didn’t matter to you that the lights weren’t on, your feet had the path memorised and you easily avoided any object in your way. When you came to the pilot and co-pilot seats, you halted in your tracks. Crosshair sat in one. His feet were propped up on the console, and his arms were crossed. As you turned to go, the floor beneath you creaked and his eyes opened.
“Sorry, I didn’t know- uh, sorry.”
He said nothing, only letting his gaze drift back over the windows in front of you. A sudden flare of anger rose up inside you. He’d been dismissive of you all day and when you apologised, he once again ignored you. You approached him, wrapping the blanket tighter around yourself in order to keep out the chill.
“Actually, no. Talk to me.”
“Talk to me. You’ve been ignoring me all day, and I wanna know why.”
“None of your business.”
“Well I’m not moving until you tell me what’s wrong.” You stated, stubbornly sitting in the co-pilot seat beside him.
Silence enveloped you both. This was the problem the two of you shared; neither of you would admit when you were wrong. When you’d first joined the Batch, needing a lift and ending up friends with the strange bundle of clones, Wrecker had laughed. It’s like a nice Crosshair, he’d said. The sniper had sneered at that, elbowing his brother and insisting he was nice. What Wrecker said had stayed in everyone’s minds as it came apparent that he was right. You were a good shot, sarcastic, and most of all, stubborn. But you were chatty, open about how you felt, and you always made sure everyone was involved. When Crosshair would slink away to be alone, you’d find him and offer him a cuppa. Something soon shifted in the balance of the Havoc Marauder, but the issue remained in your shared stubbornness. Neither of you would admit how you felt- despite how apparent it was to all on the ship.
“You know,” you pulled the blanket up to your chin, “when we get to Ord Mantell in a few days, I’m so looking forward to going for a walk. My legs feel all cramped in here.”
Crosshair said nothing, still staring at the brilliant blues of space through the window.
“We could go for a wander if you want? Get some air from the others?”
“Well, I thought it might cheer you up.”
He turned to you, lip curled. “I’d not dream of tearing you away from your boys, princess.”
You were taken aback. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t play games with me, Y/N. You’ve been drooling all over Tech recently. You’re like a dog trailing behind its master,” he turned his face away from you. “It’s pathetic.”
You had been spending a lot of time with Tech recently, that was true. His rambles had always interested you, and so when he noticed you were down about Crosshair’s sour mood, he’d suggested having a chat in order to distract you. Oftentimes it worked, your mind getting lost in the information Tech taught you. Yet you still couldn’t shake the concern you had over Crosshair, and the worry about the strain on your friendship. What had you done wrong? At his harsh words, you felt your eyes water. While he was cruel, Crosshair hadn’t spoken to you in such a manner before.
“You don’t mean that.” You muttered.
Crosshair stood, tired of pretending that he was fine. As he made to move past you, his eyes caught your hands as they brushed your face. When you sniffled, he realised what was happening.
“…are you crying?”
“No, shut up.”
“You are.”
“Fine, okay maybe I am.” You stood as well, blanket dropping into the seat. Your finger jabbed hardly into his chest when you spoke. “But it’s only because you’re an asshole.”
“Tell me something I don’t know, princess.”
“Oh stop with the princess thing. You know something Cross, you act all high and mighty but if you were actually nice to me, maybe I’d talk to you more too. And what the hell is wrong with me hanging out with Tech? He’s been cheering me up, you idiot.”
Crosshair blinked. “Cheering you up? Why?”
“Because I’m in love with you, you dumbass! And these last few days you’ve been treating me like shit,” you finger jabbed into his chest again, and he stumbled backwards slightly. “And you’ve been ignoring me all fucking day.”
Your chest deflated. Crosshair could essentially see the fire burning out of you. Your voice was a mumble when you spoke, your head dropped to your chest. “So just tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it.”
At the sight of your crumpled figure leaning against the seat, his heart shattered slightly. He’d done that. He’d made you cry. And what’s more, you loved him. You’d finally admitted what the two of you had been dancing around, you loved him.
He sighed, massaging his temple. “I’m sorry. I got…”
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with Tech.”
Something lit up in your mind. He was jealous? All his grumbling and death stares were because of the watchful green eyed monster on his mind? You pressed your fingers to your lips, giggling.
“You were jealous.”
“No, shove off.”
“Oh, you were so jealous.”
He went to cross his arms, but you took hold of his hands as he spoke in a small voice. “Maybe a little bit.”
“And why were you jealous, Cross?”
“You’re enjoying this way too much.”
“With the misery you’ve put me in, I think I deserve to tease you a bit. So, go on.” You nudged his forehead with yours. “Why?”
“Because I want all your attention on me, happy?”
“Why’s that?”
“Karkin hell, do I really have to spit it out?”
“I would appreciate that, yes.”
Crosshair fell silent for a moment. The tension in the room was palpable as he found your eyes, his hands in yours pulling you closer. “Because?” His nose brushed yours, his voice a hushed murmur. “I’m in love with you.”
“Oh, I-“
Crosshair’s lips landed on yours. The kiss began roughly, a harsh press against each other. Yet soon it melted into something sweet, and when he pulled away you found yourself chasing after for another kiss. Crosshair happily complied. When you parted, you nudged your face into his shoulder as he hugged you. It was extraordinarily unlike the clone you’d come to be so soft for, and yet somehow incredibly him. His hands were wrapped right around your waist, his nose in your hair. You felt him sigh happily.
For the moment the two of you would stay in your bubble, content in the long awaited admission of your feelings. In the morning, the crew of the Havoc would gently tease you both, laughing at the lovestruck expressions you wore for each other. Even Echo would poke fun at his little brother. And later still, you’d guide Crosshair to a semblance of comfort in being soft for you around his vod. For now though, it was enough to know that Crosshair was sorry, and that your feelings were shared.
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danny-doodles · 3 days
Steve’s Hobby
This is a short 2k blurb about one of my Steve hcs, I am only really good at critical analysis writing so I’m sorry if this is bad!! Creative writing isn’t my strong suit but I felt like I couldn’t really explain this hc in a drawing as well as writing it could.
Growing up Steve was often taught the importance of words from his father, thinking it would be useful for his son’s future in the business. Steve was never the best reader, letters jumping around the page made it too difficult, so instead he listened to everyone around him. Teachers, his parent’s coworkers, older kids, all of them taught him the importance of the meaning of words.
How certain words would make someone a town pariah yet others a god among men. Steve was a more quiet kid but as he grew up he also grew confident in his words. He could tear someone down with one sentence, ensuring they knew he was not to be messed with. That’s why he was so confused when he struggled in his english class, he knew the power of words and the many meanings, but his teacher never understood. Sure he made grammar errors, how no one else struggled with the dancing letters he didn’t get, but how could the teachers not understand his connections? Steve shouldn’t have to explain why the red of the handmaid’s cloaks represented the ripping of humanity from the women, it was so clear to him. Obviously the boar head could be comparable to the church, how could his teachers not make the connection?
Even Nancy didn’t understand, someone he considered smarter than him. He knew she was trying to be nice when she critiqued his college paper but it still left him in the fog. Basketball was war to him, a fight that was pointless with one but possible with many. A challenge that called for leadership and a strict order. Everyone had the roles, knew where and when to shoot, needed the ability to think quickly on their feet and not struggle under the pressure. Uniforms to not only separate from the enemy but to show they are a unit reaching for a common goal. It was so clear leaving no need to explain, especially to Nancy.
But she didn’t get it, no one got it.
Maybe he wasn’t as good with words as he thought.
Steve from then on fumbled his words when he got nervous, scared he would say something that made him sound dumb and point out his weakness with words. The concussions didn’t help either, making him take longer to grasp concepts. Reading felt nearly impossible, the headaches were unbearable. Not to mention the kids' comments, judgmental and brutal as if Steve didn’t have a reason to struggle in the first place.
Everyone around him loved to put him in a sudden spotlight and when he didn’t say the right line he was booed off stage and dealt with the looks of disappointment from his co stars for messing up. So Steve stuck to what he knew, his quick remarks. Were they bitchy? Yes, but not coated in malice like they used to be. Piggybacking off others points with sarcastic comments so the other person kept talking, anything to get the attention of him.
But Steve had a secret hobby that he shared with no one, not even with his platonic soulmate with a capital P Robin.
Steve wrote poetry.
Years of horrors that by law he couldn’t share that caused vicious nightmares and a clammy grasp on reality at times tended to keep Steve up. Another gift bestowed by his father though was a feeling of shame when sharing his emotions. Didn’t help that those emotions were typically down played or outright ignored by others. Therefore a bottle filled with his emotions rested in Steve’s chest, which after Vecna he really realized probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. So Steve took to writing them down, but he did it for himself.
No need to explain everything, he knew what he meant, he knew every context of every word. He wrote on his experiences, his emotions. He wrote when he was happy, he wrote when he was sad. Steve wrote and wrote and found his love for words again. And god did it feel good, it felt like taking back his voice from a world that underappreciated it. In a weird way it felt like revisiting a relative he had last seen as a child, that sense of freedom and the loss of expectation because in their eyes he was still that little kid. All they wanted was to see someone they loved and to Steve the words welcomed him back with a hug that rivaled his Nonna Maria’s.
Steve would ponder over lines at random intervals of the day, biting his pencil between his teeth during the quiet hours at work or simply jotting down a line right before picking the kids up. Steve wrote so often he kept his small little notebook on him at all times, usually accompanied by a pencil bound to it with a rubber band. (Turns out having hearing aids and glasses made it really difficult to put pencils behind one's ears). At this point everyone had seen his notebook, pale blue with some star stickers because he never had a shortage of them. Everyone assumed it was for something different. Some thought it was grocery lists, to-do lists, something productive. Others thought it was like a pocket calendar with all his plans listed so he didn’t forget. Dustin insisted it was meant to hold the definitions of anything D&D related so Steve never forgot, meanwhile Robin argued it was to hold all the wonderfully obscure movie recommendations she loved to give. All of them were wrong though and Steve kind of adored it that way. He didn’t have to explain himself that way, he could continue to hide under the blankets. Steve no longer held his tongue out of fear of others but because he had an outlet he much rather prefer.
Listening now felt less like a pop quiz, waiting for him to mess up his response, it felt like an actual conversation. Steve may not speak up as much as he would have before the Upside Down but he fell back in love with his own voice and maybe one day he would feel confident enough to share it with the Party, but for now it was all his.
No matter how much they wanted to prove who was right, the kids and older teenagers never touched the book when it was rarely separated from Steve. Well...after someone tried to grab it and they learned they really shouldn’t touch it.
While at the Harrington house the Party were preparing for a campaign session when the argument about the pale binded pages was brought up again. Steve had left it on the kitchen counter while he went to the bathroom, and Mike decided he was done with the bickering. He shot up and went to retrieve and open the book but before he could grab it the book flew through the air.
All the heads turned and landed on El holding it in her hand, “We are not Steve, this is his. It is rude to invade his privacy, would you like me to watch you without telling you,” everyone quietly shook their heads, “Then we do not watch Steve without him knowing.”
That’s exactly when Steve walked back in, it takes one look across the room at all the embarrassed faces and El holding his book with frustration painting her eyes to know what had occurred while he was gone. He walks up, kisses El on her head and softly thanks her while taking back his little literature.
After that incident no one dared touch the book or face the wrath of their favorite mage. They would find out when Steve was ready for them to.
That damn little book haunted Eddie’s thoughts. He knew Steve was not what he assumed him to be so anything was on the table, he had been wrong about the guy before who's to say he won’t be this time?
Of course Eddie wanted to respect Steve’s privacy because Eddie personally would be mortified if Steve had seen any of his notebooks, mainly because of the pages of lyrics that not so subtly hinted at an itsy bitsy affection for the badass babysitter. If that didn’t give Eddie away the random ‘Eddie Harrington’ and ‘Steve Munson’ with hearts all over would finish the job. So yeah, Eddie was not crazy to offer up any of his notebooks to venture into Steve’s book. He just had no idea the universe would present him with a much more favorable offer.
Steve and Eddie started hanging out a lot more after Vecna, no shocker considering they shared a hospital room, and soon the bat buddies would spend their time together outside of the hospital. That’s why it wasn’t surprising for Steve to let Eddie venture into Steve’s room while he went to pick up their lunch.
Eddie was somewhat of a curious cat, so when he spotted the notebook and some papers scattered on Steve’s desk he was like a moth to a flame. He softly glided his fingers over the blue cover and exhaled some breath in a soft laugh over the star stickers Steve oh so loved. It was the paper though that caught his eye when he finished observing the book. It looked like lyrics at first but then he realized some of the lines were too short to be lines, if anything they looked more like stanzas from a poem. Steve had poetry on his desk, did Steve read poetry? Thee Steve Harrington likes poetry? God his whole doctrine was garbage huh. Eddie moved the paper towards him and started to read.
Watchful gaze
Setules on the glass.
Wishful gaze
Silent pleas of escaping rolling in the mouth
Fingertips slipping through the veil,
Grasping for warm hands,
Receiving lukewarm.
Hesitant to grab.
Dependency clasping the palms
Such a feverish feeling
Poking at the appendages,
A coldness that numbs.
Gently gripping for the heat,
The balmy yields.
Smoke and simmers,
Arms rushing to sides
Yearning for ardor,
Turn not yet given,
Waiting for the impossible,
Waiting for the unobtainable,
So understanding.
So relieving.
So desperate.
So alone.
Standing for the calling.
So patient.
So pathetic.
Empty Hands by Steve H.
Eddie was staring at the very last line on the paper, utterly flabbergasted. Steve wrote this? Steve writes poetry?! Is that what resides in the little book? Before Eddie could even find the power to turn to the book to look, Steve walked into his room. Again a quick look is all Steve needed to take before he knew what happened in his absence.
“Oh! Uh..I’m guessing you read it.”
Eddie slowly looked back up while caressing the paper, “Yeah, you..um..you really wrote this? Is that…uh..what’s in your notebook? Cause I will admit I never would have guessed that.”
Steve started scratching his neck, “I don’t blame you,” he huffs, “But yeah I write poetry, helps to let some of the thoughts out considering our lives y'know?”
“I totally get it dude! Lord knows my lyrics are infected with the whole spring break bullhonkey. So..totally cool if you don’t want to tell me but, why is this one out of the book? Were you gonna write it into the book?” Eddie picked up the paper to place it next to the notebook and turned to face Steve.
“Actually I copied it from the notebook, I’m gonna, okay wait, you can’t tell anyone this-”
“Even Robin?” Eddie exaggerated his smile to look wild.
“Even Robin.” Steve nodded with his eyes shut.
Eddie put his hands together and swayed while standing, “Wowww look at me, lil old Eddie Munson getting to learn the secrets of the mysterious writer Steve Harrington.”
“Eddie, you want to know or not?” Steve sighed as he put his hands on his hips.
“Yes. Yes please,” Eddie eagerly replied, barely letting Steve finish his sentence.
“The last time I went to Indy with Robin to go shopping at their mall we went to a cafe. The bulletin board had a flier for a poetry night and I got curious I guess.”
“You gonna perform the poem there?”
“That’s the plan.”
Eddie could understand wanting a fresh slate when it came to having a reputation. “Craving anonymity? Must be tough considering you are Hawkin’s golden boy.”
Steve smiles brightly and Eddie sees his shoulders lose tension, tension Eddie didn’t even notice because he was so distracted by the fact that holy shit Steve is a poet. “Exactly.”
Honestly Eddie would give anything to hear more of Steve's hidden works, he grabs some of his hair and brings it to cover his mouth, “I know you don’t intend to tell the rest of the bunch, but uh..would you allow a humble bard to observe your lyrical performance?”
Eddie looks at Steve’s face for any hint of annoyance and finds none, instead he finds a look that he could hope to be correct in his guess is excitement.
“Really? You’d want to hear more, it's not confusing or stupid to you?” Steve softly smiled at Eddie, making him swoon inside.
“It's art! It doesn’t need to make sense, it just needs to make you feel good, who cares if others are confused. And for what its worth even if I’m not right on the money that poem made me feel Steve, I mean as the expert in self-expression it felt real and vulnerable, y’know.” Eddie had to shut himself up before he himself waxed poetry about just how much he is dying to hear more from Steve to learn more about him.
“Thanks Eddie.” Steve gazed at Eddie as if no one had ever told him that before. Which now that hes thinking about it that’s probably the truth. Guess Eddie needed to constantly remind him then.
Eddie smiled, mirroring Steves while bending at his waist, “Oh but of course my liege.”
“Oh my god okay Eddie cmon the food’s gonna get cold.”
Steve started to leave his room and Eddie rushed to follow him, “Now that I know what the book is filled with may I pretty please read it?” Rapidly blinking his eyelashes in an attempt to look innocent and pure but instead looking like a piece of dust got in his eyes.
“Ugghhh c'mon Steve! Just imagine the look on the little hellions when they see me opening the book! God the jealousy! The feeling of betrayal when they see me reading Steve Harringtons’s treasure trove of text and they are none the wiser to what is inside. And the best part, I have permission! The power I would hold Steve! The possibility, I could use them like little puppets to do my bidding while they crave information I alone hold!”
“Eddie that sounds like a headache for me waiting to happen, they’re just gonna badger me to tell them because they would claim it’s unfair you know and they don’t.”
“Eh, their egos could take a little hit don’t you think?” Eddie was now resting his head on Steve’s shoulder as the younger started to bring the food out of the carry out bag.
“Can I read your lyric notebook?”
Eddie’s eyes went wide as his brain proceeded to remind him of every lyric he had written around his devotion to Steve. Red in the face Eddie responded quickly, “Nope! Mmm you smell that Stevie I’m so hungry, aren’t you?”
“Subtle Munson.”
“Tis my middle name.”
Steve fondly rolled his eyes, “Sure.”
As they settled down on the couch Eddie tracked Steve grabbing the remote, “So I can really watch you?”
Steve turned and looked at Eddie with a calmness on his face. “Yeah Eddie.”
Eddie grabbed his hair as Steve stared at him, “Cool, cool, it’s a date.” Eddie froze about to panic silently as he tried to fix his slip up.
“Yeah, it's a date.” The two looked at each other, neither wanting to look away. After a minute or so Steve turned on the TV and if the two fell asleep together it was their business.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Eddie taking home (her home) a very drunk Y/N Harrington, and Steve being pissed off because his sister is very drunk, and later talking with Eddie about him letting her sister getting drunk, and Eddie being protective of his gf and Y/N just making faces to Steve and then going to her bedroom to sleep with Eddie
This is really funny and I think I'll have fun writing it :) a little blurb filled with laughs and love
Drunk Harrington
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"Baby, I need you to walk," Eddie instructed, his arm wrapped around Y/N as he helped her walk. Her body was dead weight against him, her breath that smelled like alcohol smacking his nose every time she breathed out of her mouth.
"But I don't feel my legs." She whined, trying to focus on feeling the pavement underneath her bare feet. Eddie carried her heels in his other hand, keeping her upright as he knocked on her front door.
"Steve is going to be so pissed. His eyebrows get all scrunched up and he'll point at you like a teacher does while he scolds someone. He's funny." Y/N laughed to herself, the image of Steve in her brain causing her to laugh more.
"Very funny, until he has my ass." Eddie groaned.
"STEVE!" Y/N cheered loudly once he opened the door. Steve's eyes scanned her head to toe. Her eyes were red, she leaned on Eddie like her balance depended on it, and she swayed.
"You got her drunk? Are you kidding me?" Steve snapped towards Eddie, grabbing his sister from Eddie's arms. She stumbled into Steve, latching on to his arm as she tried to stay on her feet. He walked her into the house and sat her on the couch, Eddie following in from behind.
"I didn't get her drunk. She's a big girl, she chose to get drunk." Eddie scoffed, Steve stood in front of him, Y/N mostly blocked behind him.
"Probably because her idiot boyfriend brought her to a party! Did you just leave her there while you did your little drug business? What if something happened to her while she WAS PISSED OFF DRUNK!" Steve yelled, Y/N covered her ears at his volume.
"You think I'm an asshole? No! I didn't leave my girlfriend alone and I don't do my business with her around. Nothing happened because I was with her the entire time. She just wanted to have fun, Steve. I kept her safe and even got her home before curfew!" Eddie defended.
Steve huffed and paced back and forth. Y/N came into Eddie's eyesight as Steve paced. She was using her hands to mock him and mouthed his words. Eddie tried to hide his smile as Steve continued his rant. All of it went out his ears, as he watched Y/N make faces behind Steve's back.
"And she co- ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?" Steve snapped, noticing Eddie's eyes were directed behind him and a stupid smile that he was trying to hide under his hand.
Steve turned around to see Y/N, sitting silently with her hands in her lap. Steve eyed her suspiciously, telling Eddie to sit next to her so he could watch the both of them.
Steve started his rant towards Y/N, she rolled her eyes as he went on and on.
She started to make faces at him, too drunk to realize she was mocking him to his face. Eddie laughed and joined in.
The couple sat together and made faces at Steve as he lectured them. Y/N stuck out her tongue, using her hands to make antlers on the top of her head.
Eddie laughed and copied her. Then started to make animal noises.
"You two are unbelievable!" Steve groaned, his hands in his hair as he gave up. He marched out of the room.
"Alright. Playtime is over, time we go to sleep." Eddie said, standing up and grabbing her hands. She stumbled into his arms as he started walking them to her room.
"Maybe we can annoy him with other kinds of sounds in my bedroom," Y/N whispered, her lips on Eddie's neck.
"My favorite type of game," Eddie smirked, smacking her ass as she giggled and ran to her room. Eddie prayed she wouldn't trip over her own feet.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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punkshort · 1 year
Chapter warnings: sexual tension, language, f masturbation, angst
Chapter Four
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Pairing: Joel x F!Reader, pre-outbreak and post outbreak
AU (the only thing I kept was the outbreak, Joel, and Tommy's characters. Joel's backstory is different, and the way he finds Jackson is different. I may include Ellie one day, I just haven't planned that far)
Fic Summary: You worked for Joel and Tommy a few months before the outbreak. The outbreak happens, and you and Joel get stuck traveling the country and keeping each other safe. Neither of you spoke about the feelings you had for one another pre-outbreak, and in a post-apocalyptic world, it seems like survival should be your only focus. But feelings can't be ignored forever.
Fic tags: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Smut, Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader is 10 years younger than Joel), slow burn, mutual pining, angst, trauma, SA referencing later but I will put a big warning on those chapters
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June 2003
The audit had been underway for roughly a week. You had volunteered, along with Colleen and Debbie, to work some overtime. The three of you and Heather blocked off a conference room on your floor for the next two weeks after hours, diligently working until about 8pm almost every night.
The audit was pretty standard. The auditors supplied a huge list of reports and documentation they wanted to review, and you spent most of your evenings working away on your assigned items. The evenings went by surprisingly fast, and it turned out to be kind of fun. You ordered in food to eat together while working. You got to know a lot more about your co-workers, finding you had much more in common than you thought. One evening, you and Debbie discovered she had grown up in a town only 20 minutes away from your hometown. Needless to say, you spent the rest of the night talking about favorite restaurants and mutual acquaintances.
One day, you were walking from the conference room, your grey ruffled skirt swishing around your knees, heading back towards your department. You were looking down at the paper in your hands, reminding yourself what files you needed to look for in the cabinet. Given the time of day, you were surprised when you ran headfirst into a hard wall of muscle as you rounded a corner, dropping the paper in your hand. It was almost 7pm, you hadn’t expected anyone else to be working.
Two large hands reached out and grabbed your shoulders to keep you steady. His scent hit you first, a comforting aroma of leather and citrus, and you knew it was Joel before you even looked up.
When your eyes met his, his face showed as much surprise as your own.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Miller. I didn’t expect anyone to be here this late,” you apologized, leaning forward to pick up the paper you dropped, but he held out a hand to stop you.
“My fault. Here, let me get that,” he said, bending down. “I wasn’t payin’ attention. What are you still doin’ here?”
He picked the sheet of paper off the ground, his face inches away from your bare calves, causing your throat to tighten. You shifted your weight, trying to subtly create more distance between you two. Joel turned his face towards you at the movement, eyes briefly flashing up and down your legs as he slowly straightened himself upright, towering over you. He held out the sheet of paper, which you took quickly, trying to hide the slight tremor in your hand.
You cleared your throat and glanced down at the paper. His eye contact was intense, it made you nervous and excited at the same time, and you found you fared better when you took a few moments to collect yourself by looking elsewhere.
“I volunteered to help with the audit," you explained. "A few of us have been working most evenings, I was just heading back to look up some files,” your eyes flicked over to the locked door, then settled back on him. His face was softer than usual, plush lips parted, and hands shoved in his pants pockets as he listened.
“I’ll come with you and carry 'em back, that looks like a long list.”
Before you could respond, he turned around and was punching his security code into the keypad. He opened the door and looked back at you.
“Are you coming?” he asked. Your cheeks flared at the direction your mind took with that question, scooting into the room as the door fell shut behind you. You walked by the printer and grabbed an empty cardboard box. Heading in the direction of your cube, you placed the box on the floor near your desk and began getting to work rifling through the file cabinet across the aisle.
Joel slowly trailed in after you, glancing around the room curiously, noting that you two were completely alone.
“I don’t make my way down here as much as I should.” Joel said, leaning against the wall of your cubical and crossing his arms. “Looks like you’ve settled in,” he added, eyeing up a few picture frames placed on your desk.
You looked over your shoulder, taking a moment to appreciate how strange it was to have him standing at your desk.
"Yep," you agreed, turning your attention back to the files, trying to work fast.
Joel leaned in a little closer to examine your photos, seemingly unaware of how distracted he was making you. He smugly noticed you didn't have any pictures of the Ken doll. He straightened back up, glancing down at your half-filled banker's box, then his eyes traveled over to the empty cubicle on the other side of the room.
"Did your boyfriend land on his feet?" he asked before he could stop himself. His eyes remained glued to the empty desk, unable to look you in the eye.
"I'm not sure, we broke up," you replied, distracted. Then the impact of his words hit you. "Wait, how did you know we were together?" You stopped sifting through files and turned towards him, waiting for his answer.
Joel shrugged and turned back around to face you, but only once he was able to wipe the stupid grin off his face at your admission.
"Wasn't hard to figure out, the way he'd look at you and couldn't keep his hands off you." Joel stated matter of factly. His heart was beating faster at the direction the conversation was headed, and he couldn't keep his mouth from turning up into a half smirk at how flustered he seemed to make you.
You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear nervously, shifting your eyes between him and the file cabinet, before giving the file cabinet your full attention again.
He noticed when Justin put his hand on your leg during that meeting.
"I'm sorry if that was inappropriate. He was only trying to calm me down." You kept your eyes down on the sheet of paper in front of you, looking at what was next on the list. He was your boss, and no matter what attraction you may have for him, you had to remind yourself this was a professional workplace.
Joel's face fell, and he immediately felt guilty. He hadn't meant to imply you had done anything wrong.
Why was he so bad at this?
"That's not what I meant, I..." he trailed off as your fingers stilled on the paper before you, intently listening but still not looking at him. "I just meant... shit, I don't know, I was just explainin’ how I knew, is all." He ran his fingers through his hair, getting frustrated with himself. His gaze fell on your pictures again.
"These your folks?" he asked you, pointing to one of the frames.
You turned to look at the pictures. You nodded and smiled warmly. His pulse began to return to normal: you were back on track.
"Yeah, those were taken at my graduation, so a bit old now. I should update those." You looked at them once more fondly, before turning back to the file cabinet.
"I gotta do that too," Joel murmured. "Change my pictures, that is. Tommy pointed it out the other day."
You smiled sweetly in his direction, making his heart flutter, and announced you were done. He bent forward to pick up the box of files. This time you were ready, and you made sure you had more room between you.
You held the door open for him as you both exited the room, back into the hallway. You passed Heather's closed office door, hearing her muffled voice as she talked on the phone.
Luckily, the conference room wasn't far. You opened the door, confused to just find Debbie still working. She did a double take when she saw Joel behind you holding a box. Debbie straightened up in her chair, gave a stiff greeting, and hunched back over her computer, trying to look busy.
"Where's Colleen?" you asked, sitting down in front of your laptop. Joel placed the box next to you on a chair, and you lifted your head up to smile your thanks to Joel, which he returned.
"Tommy asked for her help with something right after you left." She was responding to your question, but she was staring at Joel, stunned to see him smiling.
Suddenly, the conference room phone rang out shrilly. Debbie snatched it up. It was Heather, asking Debbie to come to her office to help her with something on her computer. Being a younger employee in the department meant you were the first line of defense against technical issues.
Debbie looked relieved as she got up to exit, but not before giving one more curious glance in Joel's direction as she left, shutting the door.
It was just the two of you again. He wandered over to the white board in the room and read over the list of tasks under each person's name. You wondered why he was still here, but you didn't want to draw attention to it. You stared down blankly at your computer, trying to think of something to say.
Fortunately, you didn't have to.
"Your friend seems jumpy," he stated, still turned towards the white board.
You grinned at his back. Surely, he was joking. Feeling a little more comfortable around him, you said sarcastically, "Yeah, I can't imagine why."
At that, Joel turned to look at you, genuine confusion painted across his face. You looked at him incredulously. "You're kidding, right?"
Joel shook his head and you let out a small huff of laughter.
"You do realize everyone is afraid of you?" you boldly asked.
The corners of Joel's mouth turned up slightly, and he cast his eyes down quickly, quirking an eyebrow, before meeting your gaze again.
"Not you," he said, ticking his jaw to the side.
You gave a breathy laugh at his response.
"Are you sure about that?" you teased.
You watched as his gaze slowly turned from playful to heated, sending your pulse racing and making your grin vanish. His smile faded away as he walked around the table towards you. Like an animal hunting its prey.
You parted your lips slightly to accommodate your need for more air, your chest rising faster. The tremor returned to your hands that were delicately placed over your keyboard. You kept your head facing forward towards your monitor, but your eyes were glued to him approaching you from the side.
Joel placed one large hand flat on the table next to your computer, inches from your own. He leaned down, hovering over you, as his other hand gripped the back of your chair. Your heart was beating so fast, you were beginning to feel lightheaded. Your quickened breath was making your lips dry, so you shot your tongue out to dampen them, keeping your head positioned straight in front of you.
Joel's gaze caught your tongue shooting out of your mouth, and his breath hitched. He closed his eyes for a few moments and inhaled the floral scent drifting up from your hair. He could feel himself getting hard at the tension filling the room.
"You don't gotta be scared of me, sweetheart. I don't bite," he said to you, his voice husky, barely above a whisper. "Well, that’s a lie. Sometimes I bite," he couldn't resist adding with a smirk.
You couldn't stop the gasp that left your mouth at his words. Your eyes fluttered shut as you tried to stabilize your breathing, and you squeezed your thighs together under the table. The way his voice sounded and the innuendo in his words was causing your panties to grow damp. You opened your eyes and turned your face up towards him, finally seeing the heat behind his stare and the tension in his jaw. The hand that rested on the back of your chair was gripped so tight, his knuckles were turning white. Like he was fighting to hold himself back.
You opened your mouth to say something, but words failed you. When you went to shut your mouth, you gently sunk your teeth into your lower lip. His eyes flicked towards the movement, his own lips parting, and released a shaky breath.
The door banged open suddenly, revealing Tommy with his arm loosely wrapped around Colleen’s waist, giggling as they entered the room. Joel jumped away from you, shoving his hands back in his pockets as you clamped your mouth shut ruefully.
They seemed just as surprised to see you both, but slower to untangle themselves.
“Hey there, brother, didn’t realize you were still here, too,” Tommy gave Joel a mischievous grin, looking back and forth between the two of you. He glanced at Colleen, who looked disheveled and was smiling playfully at him. “Up to no good?”
Joel huffed and headed towards the door, your heart sinking in your chest, disappointed the moment was over.
"I was down here lookin’ for Heather, she needed my input on somethin’, what’s your excuse?” he shot back.
Tommy grinned and looked back towards Colleen, who had sat down in front of her computer, still smiling at him like a fool.
"Uh, yeah, same, came down to see what the status was on the thing…” his thoughts drifted away as Colleen giggled at his response.
“You mean the audit?” said Joel dryly, trying to draw Tommy’s attention away from your friend. 
“Yep! That’s it!” Tommy said, snapping his fingers and heading towards the door to join his brother. “We'll see you ladies later, be good now.” He winked in Colleen’s direction, which triggered another giggle from her.
Joel rolled his eyes and grabbed Tommy by the bicep, hauling him out of the room without giving you another glance.
The moment the door shut, you and Colleen whipped around to face each other, speaking at the same time.
"You've been dating Tommy?!"
Colleen grinned, with a dreamy look in her eye, answering first.
"Not exactly. We just hook up now and then."
You gave her a suspicious look.
"I'm not stupid," she continued. "I know he's done this with more than a few other girls who work here. It's just for fun, nothing serious."
You hummed thoughtfully, still in shock. You had no idea. Colleen must keep secrets better than you gave her credit for.
"Wait, what about you two? What was that all about?" Colleen asked. "Now it's starting to all make sense, no wonder he isn't tough on you! And - oh my god! Justin?! Did Joel force your boyfriend to quit so he could have you to himself?"
Your jaw dropped at her suggestion.
"No! Absolutely not! Nothing is going on between us," you could feel your cheeks heating up. It was technically true, nothing had happened. You just flirted a little bit, that didn't count. Right?
"I don't know, you both looked really cozy when we interrupted you just now." Colleen teased. "I've never seen him look that human before, I thought he just lived and breathed work." She laughed as she turned her attention back to her laptop, a silly grin still plastered on her face from her run-in with Tommy.
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After speaking with Heather, Joel kept quiet until they were safely on the elevator heading back up to the 10th floor.
"What did I ask ya to do, Tommy? Stop screwin' all our employees, we are gonna get slapped with a lawsuit one day!" Joel wasn't sure what made him more furious - the fact Tommy ignored his request, or the fact that his moment with you was interrupted. The hypocrisy wasn't lost on him, but he knew your flirtatious relationship would only go that far. He was too old for you, and, considering your ex-boyfriend, he clearly was not your type. It was just harmless and playful, he told himself. Nothing more.
"Oh, spare me, Joel! I saw you two when we came in that room! I'm tired of your bullshit!" Tommy fired back, fists squeezed at his side.
Joel spun around, facing Tommy head on with his jaw clenched and pointing a finger in his brother's face.
"I ain't gonna say it again, there's nothin' goin' on. I was just helpin' her carry a box after I nearly ran her over. I'm not stupid enough to think she's interested in me, she's just bein' nice 'cause I'm her boss."
His words hung in the air for a moment, and Tommy relaxed after he processed what Joel had said. He leaned back against the elevator wall, crossed his arms, and nodded.
"Oh, I get it now."
Joel shook his head and turned back to face the doors, refusing to acknowledge Tommy's statement.
"Joel, I think you're wrong. If you want, I can ask Colleen-"
"No," Joel cut him off, his voice softer now, feeling guilty about his outburst. "No, just... just let it go," he begged.
The elevator opened and Joel walked briskly in the direction of his office. Tommy faltered for a moment, then decided to follow him. He cleared his throat to make his presence known, but Joel didn't seem to care. He picked up his leather jacket and cell phone, and shut down his computer, getting ready to leave for the day and still avoiding Tommy's gaze.
"Listen, brother, I'm not sure how that Amy got your head all twisted and made you think you don't deserve to be happy, but you do. Now I know what happened was fucked up, and I don't blame ya for being hung up on it, but it's been years." Tommy said calmly, trying his best to get through to him.
Joel stilled, staring down blankly at the cell phone in his hand. He averted his gaze out the window, trying to think of what to say.
"You gotta understand, what happened makes me want to avoid relationships in the office. I caught them in the copy room, for Christsake," he croaked out. Still avoiding Tommy's eyes, Joel brushed past him and back towards the elevator.
Tommy jogged back out to the lobby to keep up with his brother.
"Oh, shit, Joel, I'm sorry. That didn't even occur to me, no wonder you are so gung-ho about me leavin' the girls alone." They stood together, waiting for the elevator doors to reopen.
"Well, I don't wanna get hit with a lawsuit, either, but..." Joel trailed off as he entered the elevator again and pushed the button for the parking garage.
Tommy slapped his hand against the side of the elevator to keep the doors from closing, and finally Joel looked up to look his brother in the eye.
"I'll leave 'em alone, I promise. I thought you were just givin' me a hard time, I didn't think it through," Tommy relented. "You gonna be alright?"
Joel scoffed lightly, "Yeah, 'course. See ya tomorrow."
Tommy removed his hand and the elevator closed.
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July 2003
The audit had been wrapped up for a week now, the rest of the time very uneventful compared to the night you discovered Colleen’s secret. The same night you and Joel had that charged moment in the conference room. Whenever your mind wasn’t occupied with something else, you found that your thoughts always drifted back to that night. You replayed it over in your head as much as you could remember, desperately trying to recall the exact tone of his voice and the feel of the heat rolling off his body as he hovered over you. 
On more than one occasion, you found yourself thinking about that night before you fell asleep: your hand sliding down the front of your sleep shorts, a finger dipping into your entrance to collect the wetness pooled there as you thought about Joel caging you into your seat. You had been interrupted that night, but you liked to imagine what would have happened.
You pictured Joel grabbing you by your arms and pushing you up against the conference room wall, his hands roaming up and down your sides while your hands raked through his hair. He would run one of his hands around to cup your ass, while the other went up to squeeze your breast through your blouse. Joel’s mouth would latch onto your neck as you moaned his name, grinding your hips up to his, desperate for contact. In your fantasy, Joel would feverishly rip your panties off and sink into you slowly, stretching you out and groaning in your ear about how wet you were for him.
You have replayed this fantasy over a lot in the past couple weeks, as you would hastily circle your swollen clit while another finger probed inside you, moaning out into the darkness of your one-bedroom apartment, grateful you finally lived by yourself and no one could hear.
At first, seeing Joel in the office felt awkward, embarrassed by your actions in the privacy of your own home. It became such a regular occurrence, however, that the awkwardness eventually faded away.
In fact, during your department’s monthly meetings with him, you felt more at ease. It was a stark contrast to the way you felt in your first meeting. You stayed quiet, not wanting to draw attention again, especially because Colleen thought something was happening between you and Joel. The only sensational thing was if one of you caught the other looking in their direction, which was typically met with a secret smile or a playful glance.
Today was the July monthly meeting. You sat, bored, listening to Heather discuss in great detail the end result of the audit, only looking up when she gave kudos to you, Colleen, and Debbie for helping out after hours. You smiled at her in return, feeling Joel’s gaze on you. You had a feeling he was recounting that one evening you ran into each other. You resisted the urge to look in his direction, afraid you wouldn't be able to hide your reaction.
When Heather was done, she quickly added that she had found a suitable replacement for Justin – a guy named Kyle, who had come from a competitor and had 5 years of payroll experience. He was scheduled to start Monday, which the team universally looked grateful to hear. Picking up the extra workload the past couple months was getting old.
Joel stopped Heather as she began gathering her things at the end of the meeting.
"Remember to bring me last month’s numbers before 3:30 today, I'm offsite after that.”
Heather froze for a half a second, then said enthusiastically, “Absolutely, will do!”
Everyone filed out and waited for the elevator. You chanced a look over your shoulder when you heard Joel and Tommy leave the room. Joel was wearing black dress pants and a dark blue button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, which you greedily noticed had become the standard lately. His eyes immediately caught yours and gave you a quick wink as he headed back to his office. You could feel the tips of your ears getting hot and you had a stupid grin on your face. Luckily, no one seemed to notice the exchange as you climbed into the elevator and headed back down to the 6th floor.
Everyone was settling back into their cubicles when the keypad began pinging and the door swung open, revealing a worried looking Heather.
“I hate to ask, but can anyone please take these reports up to Joel’s office? I completely forgot I had promised him, and I just don’t have the time, I have a meeting with HR in 10 minutes to go over onboarding for Kyle, and it won’t be over by 3:30.” 
The room remained completely silent, nobody wanting to offer up their head on the proverbial chopping block.
"I’ll do it,” you quietly piped up, much to everyone’s, including Heather’s, relief.
She handed you the file and briefed you on what information was inside in case Joel asked questions, and then quickly exited, on her way to HR.
Colleen grinned at you and whispered, “Why did I guess you would volunteer?”
You hushed her and once again confirmed you were not sleeping with the head of the company. She rolled her eyes.
"Don’t worry, I won’t say anything! I know that can be damaging, that’s why I didn’t tell you about you-know-who.” She winked at you and turned back to her computer, but not before whispering, “You better hurry, your boyfriend is waiting.”
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For the second time, you found yourself face to face with Ruby Potter. Still ancient, and still had lipstick smeared on her front teeth. She seemed to recognize you, because this time she didn’t ask who you were here to see, she just said, “Go on in, dear, he’s free.”
You walked to his open office door and gently rapped your knuckles on the wood. He didn’t look up from his cell phone but motioned you to come and sit down. This time, you left the door open.
You sat down in the same chair as before and waited for him to acknowledge you. You took the time to glance over your shoulder at the cluster of picture frames he said he needed to update. You couldn’t really make out any of the faces, but you thought you saw Tommy in a few of them.
Joel set his cell phone down on his desk and finally looked up. The frown that seemed permanently etched on his face instantly eased when he saw it was you. You turned your head back and smiled warmly at him, which made him smile in return. You held out the folder in your hand.
"Heather was busy this afternoon and asked me to bring these up to you.”
He looked down at the folder, taking it and placing it carefully on the desk before him. 
"Thank you, sweetheart... I'm glad she chose you," he said, clearing his throat awkwardly.
You could tell he felt uncomfortable after that, because his eyes were shifting all over the surface of his desk, looking anywhere but at you.
"I actually volunteered," you told him. He looked up at you then, not sure what to say. "You scare the rest of the department, remember?" you teased him.
You could tell his thoughts definitely traveled back to that evening in the conference room now by the way his gaze darkened, still fixed on you.
Nervous about where the conversation was going, you tried to change the mood. "Did you have any questions about the numbers, Mr. Milller?"
You did your best to sound professional, and you thought you had succeeded, but his gaze only became more heated.
"Please," he croaked out, "please call me Joel."
He sounded like he could barely say the words, like he was drowning and it was all he could get out. His face looked borderline pained as he pinned you with his stare.
"Ok... Joel," you whispered heavily. At the sound of his name, his eyes fluttered shut for a few moments, as if to savor it.
You pressed your knees together again, knowing for sure now that the attraction was not just one sided. And you think he knew it, too.
Joel opened his eyes, taking you in from across the desk. You sat there, so pretty, and looking at him expectantly with those beautiful eyes. You had asked him a question, but neither of you were worried about the answer. He could see it now, the way you looked at him and said his name. He knew he had to do this right.
He cleared his throat and opened the folder, his gaze dropping to the reports in front of him. He pretended to read them but in reality, he was watching you in his peripheral. You shifted in your seat as you waited for him to acknowledge you again. He had to make sure you didn't leave here thinking the attraction wasn't mutual. He couldn't act on it yet, he needed time to think, when his head was clear.
Joel looked up at you after he pretended to review the reports. "No questions, sweetheart. Thank you... for volunteerin'. Made my day."
You felt the blush spreading across your cheeks. You stood and thanked him, heading towards the door.
When you reached the exit, you turned around and said, "Have a nice weekend... Joel." And disappeared back into the lobby.
Joel sat there, staring at the empty doorframe, replaying the way you said his name over and over in his head.
"Fuck," he muttered. He got up and headed to his bathroom.
Chapter Five
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Beautiful
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : Billy wants to celebrate your birthday the way you want it, you want to be underneath him the whole day.
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Warnings : Swearing, smut (p in v, unprotected sex, praise kink, mirror sex), porn with little plot, aftercare
Word count : ~1.2k
A/N : My birthday present to myself and @billysbot
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Orgasm after orgasm had been pulled from you by Billy's tongue, fingers and cock. Here you were on your back, legs wrapped around his waist, nails dragging down his back as his necklace dangled in front of you.
The room was filled with the bed springs begging the two of you to stop, the bed frame was shaking and the headboard was hitting the wall. Skin echoed with your moans and Billy's grunts and groans along with the wet sounds coming from you as he pulled out slightly just to push back in.
"Shit," you moaned out, wishing you could pull him closer, needing him to invade all of your senses. He gently knocked his forehead on yours, his skin sweaty but you could care less because you were in the same boat as him. He gently lowered down onto you instead of hovering so you two were chest to chest.
His eyes fluttered shut when he felt you clench around him. "I love you," you whined out as he thrust deeper and he chuckled with a deep rasp. "I love you too." He kissed you deeply and you tried your hardest to kiss back but the moans wouldn't stop and he laughed against your lips.
You could barely hold onto him at this point, your limbs were going numb from pleasure. He moved his right hand under your chin, tilting your head up so you would look him in the eyes. His pupils were dilated, barely leaving blue in his eyes. "Let go for me, I got you." At that point, your release was inevitable, your eyes shutting, nails digging into his muscles and he let out a throaty moan of your name.
He leaned down to your ear, lips against your earlobe, "That's it, baby. Such a good girl for me." If you hadn't already come, you would've from that praise. He slowed down and hovered above you slightly to let you catch your breath. He slowly pulled out before sitting up against the headboard, patting his sweaty thighs.
You moved to his lap as he held your waist, guiding you down onto him and as he bottomed out, you clenched, making him throw his head back, baring his neck to you. You leaned in and bit the bottom of his neck before sucking slightly, running your tongue over the mark.
You slowly moved your hips, trying to ease yourself back into pleasure. You moved Billy's hair back, some strands sticking to your hand. He looked ethereal, face filled with pleasure, eyes filled with love for you and only you. You held his cheek, still slowly moving on him. He rubbed your hips before his hands moved down to your sore thighs as he rubbed deeply.
"Wanna move faster for me?" The way his voice was so deep with lust, you'd do anything he asked you, morals and reason would fly out of the window. You moved faster before moving into a bounce and his hands held the back of your thighs so that his own hands were connecting with his thighs when you'd slam down.
His hands moved up, holding your ass, kneading the flesh in his hands, occasionally spanking you. You began to slow down, thighs burning and shaking slightly. Billy moved your arms around his neck and you interlocked your fingers as your hands laid on his back. You moved your legs around his back.
"Holding on tightly?" You nodded and laid your chest on his as he held your hips tightly, planting his feet down on the ground, having moved so he could see the reflection of your love in the mirror. He could only see your back but the way you held onto him, trusting him not to hurt you did something to him.
His hips moved up softly at first before picking his pace up as he listened to the sweet music your body was making for him from your moans and pants to the way your slick stuck onto him before he pushed back inside. He watched the way your body contorted in the mirror as he hit your sweet spot, the spot that had you keening into his skin, mumbling nonsense and broken sentences onto him.
He watched the way your body moved with each thrust, the way your ass rippled against his thighs and how your thighs would have small spasms with particularly hard thrusts. You unabashedly wore the pleasure on your face and he knew you'd so the same with the love bites and bruises from his fingers gripping you tightly in the next few days.
Billy swore you were perfect but like this, you were everything and more to him, nothing could ever compare to you. He took a moment to admire you, taking a mental picture. He looked down as you pressed your face into his neck, sucking and nipping at the skin. With each thrust, Billy's muscles rippled under you and some tensed up as he tried to hold off his own orgasm.
"Think you can give me one more? I know you can." A chill ran down your spine and although your body heat was high because of Billy, you had chills all over your body. Your body moved up with each thrust, your clit being stimulated by the curls at his base, his happy trail scratching at your stomach. This time, you made no noise, head hitting his shoulder as your body shuddered, holding onto him for dear life.
He held the back of your head as if he were consoling you. His own head dropped, teeth connecting with your shoulder as he gently bit down as he twitched inside of you before spilling inside of you. "F-fuck," he moaned out around your skin, his head gently knocking yours as he tightened his hold on you.
He let out a deep breath and swept his hair back. "You still alive?" You laughed and nodded and let out a deep breath. "Happy birthday to me," you said, exasperated and the two of you laughed. He kissed your temple. "Happy birthday, beautiful." You smiled and thanked him, leaning up and kissing his jaw.
He tapped your thighs before helping you off of him and the two of you let out a moan as he placed you next to him. "Bath?" You nodded and he went into the bathroom and you whistled seeing his ass and he laughed and shook his head. "Nice ass, baby!" His laugh echoed throughout the tile covered bathroom. "Hush!" You both laughed.
You heard the water start running and you stretched, some of your joints cracking and you hummed. Billy walked out in a pair of shorts, some that he had left on the marble counter top, planning to shower earlier in the day but never having the time to.
"Water's hot, come on." He helped you up and put you in the bathroom. "I'll grab towels and clothes." You nodded and shut the door before doing your business and washing your hands when you were done. You got into the bath and hummed as the water soothed your aching limbs. Billy walked inside and placed everything on the counter top before sliding the shorts off and getting into the water with you. You sat between his thighs as he held your midsection.
He began gently massaging you as you laid your head on his chest, humming at the feeling of his hands massaging the soreness from your body. "I love you." Billy smiled against your head. "I love you too, pretty girl." You smiled and leaned your head back and kissed under his jaw.
He spent the rest of the night catering to your every need, making sure you didn't move a muscle and you knew that next year, he'd go bigger to make the day special.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
His Favorite Poison (NSFW 18+)
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AN: The trope that a lot of yall live for 🤭🤭
Synopsis: You and Jack grew up together in Louisville, but didn't run in the same circles. From what he had seen, you were bougie, entitled, and stuck up and the last thing he wanted was to be associated with you. Fast forward a few years later, you're new to Jack's team brought on by Neelam and as much as he wants nothing to do with you, he can't help it if you keep pulling him in.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack looked at Neelam in disbelief as she explained to him that someone new was joining the team and helping him with his new album.
He was all for it, until he found out it was you.
“Jack, she told me that the two of you grew up together in Louisville, so I felt that it would be nice to have another familiar face around. I figured that she would be a good fit. She is more than qualified to work with us. She’s worked with a lot of different people in the industry already.”
“Well the only thing I know about her is how stuck up and spoiled she is.” It was at that moment, as you were about to turn the corner you heard Jack’s voice and you could only guess that he was talking about you.
“Jack! Be nice! She’ll be here in the next ten minutes.”
“Tell her to turn around and go home because I don’t want her here.”
“Will you stop being an ass for five seconds?” Neelam said quickly growing annoyed with how he was acting. But you were steadily in the corner listening. It seemed like he already had his mind made up about you even though the two of you didn’t really even know each other. Even though the two of you did grow up in Louisville together, you ran in two very different circles. While Jack became a rapper, you became a songwriter and producer. But you two never worked together until now. However you had worked with Bryson as well as EST Gee many times. It wasn’t until Neelam practically begged you to work with Jack.
“No, I won’t stop because I don’t want her anywhere near me.”
Then you decided to make your presence known and not have this go on for any longer. The sooner you got this over with, the better. 
“Nice to see you too, Jackman.” You greeted him and he got somewhat of a startled look on his face while Neelam just shook her head.
“Oh… I-...”
“I don’t really care if you don’t like me, I have a job to do. I was hired because I’m obviously capable of doing it. But if you’d rather let Neelam continue to drown and not get my help, be my guest so I can go home. I have plenty of other things that I could be doing but I’m here with you.”
All you got in response was Jack sighing before he rolled his eyes.
“Now that we got that trainwreck of an introduction out of the way, we have a lot to work on. And Jack, did you even brush your hair this morning? You’re giving me caveman vibes.” Neelam stifled a laugh and Jack immediately eyed her as she quickly looked away.
“Who says that I even need your help and for your information, I did.”
“Well, you must have brushed it in the dark and obviously you need my help when you’re putting out albums that only get a 2.9 rating. The people of Louisville expected better from you and I plan on making that happen. So lose your attitude and leave your ego at the door. All those haters that you claimed to have are definitely not hating on that babe. Let’s do better moving forward, okay?”
“Well damn.” Neelam said under her breath, but Jack clearly heard her. At this point, his mouth was hanging wide open.
“We have a lot to discuss so I guess we should get started? Come on you two.”
You walked ahead of the two of them down the hallway and Jack simply turned to look at Neelam.
“I’m going to kill you for bringing her on.”
“You won’t kill me once she helps you. Like it or not, you need her.”
“All she’s done is terrorize me and insult me the minute she got here.”
“To be fair, you started it now, come on.”
You were sitting down trying to think of what Jack could do differently as far as his music went in order for him to bounce back from CHTKMY. It wasn’t a total flop, but after hearing his previous projects you knew that he had it in him to be better.
“Hmm, who knew that this is what I would be faced with on my first day?” You said quietly to yourself and Jack did a double take.
“What do you mean it’s your first day?! You’ve never done this before?!”
“And you’ve never put out an album rating 2.9 before either. We’re both learning here. But I have done this before. Plenty of times actually. I have a grammy sweetheart. I meant I’m faced with you being an ass and have to do my best to make sure this next album is top tier.”
“You don’t have to remind me of that every chance you get.”
“It’s supposed to motivate you to do better and I think I have a solution because no one is going to take you seriously if that happens again.”
“Let’s hear it.”  Neelam excitedly said and all you could do was smile at her. 
“Okay so, here’s what I’m thinking. From the research that I’ve done, this next album needs to be ten times or twenty times better than your last obviously. Oh and focus less on side pieces and all the hoes you get because let’s be serious, no one cares. We know you’re attractive and I can imagine you’re even more attractive when you brush your hair so we know the girls are all over you.”
“But…” Jack tried to add, but you cut him off.
“I’m not done. In Churchill Downs you say ‘everybody know Jack, but they don’t know Jackman correct?”
“And? What’s your point?”
“We need Jackman to show up for this next album and not Jack. We need to think outside the box and do something that you’ve never done before.”
“How do you propose I do that?”
“What do you mean how? You need to give your fans the real version of you because that will make them appreciate you even more. Despite you being an absolute asshole to me, I do want to help you do this and I take my job seriously. I felt bad when Neelam started to beg. I’m really here for her if we’re being honest.”
“HEY! You weren’t supposed to mention that!” She exclaimed and all you did was shrug.
“I call it like I see it. Now, we want this to be huge so, no promo whatsoever. We’ll drop a hint a day or two before it gets released and that’s it.”
“Wait a minute now, that sounds like a setup for it to flop.” Jack confessed and you could honestly tell he was worried.
“I promise if you do everything that I say, that it won’t be. And when have I ever made something that was a flop? Put some respect on my name please. I guarantee that I will have you number one on the charts. Just leave your ego to the side and do what you do best and I’ll do the rest. I need you to write a good ass album that will let people know that the little white boy that DJ Drama found from Kentucky is here to stay and he deserves a place in this industry. You’re not a fucking industry plant so you better not act like one. Now are we ready?”
“I didn’t realize that you were a fucking drill sergeant too.” Jack muttered and just crossed his arms. 
“If you think this is me being a drill sergeant now, You haven’t seen anything yet.”
“Jack, no. too repetitive.” You said as he was showing you lyrics of the current song that he was writing. It was around 11 at night in Louisville and the two of you had been working just about all day. There were a few other people scattered around the studio and Jack let out a sigh.
“I understand you’re frustrated, but I’m trying to help you make the best album you’ve done to date. So what are you feeling at the moment? We can use that to motivate you.” You curiously asked. 
From that first day of the awkward interaction, you and Jack had been spending just about every day with each other working on his new album and of course he was still being an asshole towards you despite you trying to help him. Although Urban told you that he would eventually come around, but you weren’t sure.
“What am I feeling? Feeling like I’m sick of this shit and that I want to go home.”
You simply laid your pen down on top of your notebook and fully turned to face him. He was looking at you curiously knowing that you were probably going to have a slick ass comment come out of your mouth.
“Jack, let’s just be adults and work through this. The sooner we get done, the sooner we go our separate ways and we never have to be bothered with each other again.” You tried not to show the disappointment on your face when you said it. You didn’t understand what he had against you seeing as you two didn’t know each other well.
“He will, if he wants to keep getting hit songs on his album.” Urban muttered and Jack shot him a look. 
“Now, I’m going to ask you again, how are you feeling right now?”
It took him a few minutes before he finally answered. 
“Like I just want to lay low while continuing to prove people wrong. Let the music speak for itself.”
“Then write that.” You said while scooting your notebook towards him.
He was hesitant, but he eventually took it.
It was almost one in the morning and you were ready to call it quits and resume later that morning. It was now only you and Jack left in the studio and you could tell that the writer’s block was getting to him.
“Jack, just get in the booth.” You said while looking over at him and he looked at you like you had lost it.
“I don’t even have anything written. So what am I doing that for?”
“I’ve been working on a few beats for you. Maybe if you hear it, it’ll motivate you. Do this and we can go home and be right back at it later tonight.”
Jack shrugged before doing as he was told. He now had the headphones on and you hit play on the soundboard. As the beat filled the studio, Jack was surprised and did his best to not show it on his face.
Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to bring you on after all. 
You simply nodded for him to start when he was ready and he simply freestyled what he was feeling.
It must be my skin, I can't think of any other reason I win (Ooh)
I can't think of an explanation, it can't be the years of work I put in
It can't be the way that I stuck with the same friends
It can't be the swag I got when I walk in, it can't be
It can't be the way I treat people or how I make time to see people
Or make sure that they feel like we equals
It can't be the smile, it can't be the eye contact with these crowds
It can't be my pen, it can't be these verses
That make people feel like I'm talkin' to them
It can't be the homage I've paid
Nights when I could've left the studio early, but I stayed
It can't be the tone of my voice
It can't be the thought I put into every choice
It can't be the Jeep instead of the Rolls-Royce
It can't be the downtime with my boys
It can't be the Tribe and the Biggie and the Nas
The Outkast and the Missy in my iPod
It can't be the absence of any facade
It can't be the worldwide hometown pride
So I guess (So I guess)
It must be my skin, I can't think of any other reason I win
I can't think of an explanation, it can't be the years of work I put in
It can't be the way that I stuck with the same friends
It can't be the swag I got when I walk in, it can't be
Once he stopped, he looked over at you to see if you approved and you quickly smiled at him and nodded. Once he was sitting back next to you, he mentioned that another verse and the chorus again would be perfect and that the song would be finished. So you volunteered to help him write it.
It took another twenty minutes, but in the end both of you were satisfied with it.
It can't be some understanding or branding
Or maybe that I'm outstanding
Or all the South American fans that meet me at the airport upon landing
It can't be my aunties and grannies
And every other woman in my family that raised me to be upstanding
It can't be that I simply make ear candy
Especially when the industry could just plant me
Especially when I didn't grow up on Brandy
Especially when I'm havin' dinner in Frankfort with Andy
It can't be a bit of good karma
It can't be the way they all said that he's a charmer
It can't be the lack of chinks in my armor
It can't be the poise when them boys try to harm us
It can't be that we built somethin' to be a part of
It can't be the way that every beat gets barred up
So I guess
It must be my skin, I can't think of any other reason I win
I can't think of an explanation, it can't be the years of work I put in
It can't be the way that I stuck with the same friends
It can't be the swag I got when I walk in, it can't be
“Now this is what I meant when I said that I needed Jackman and not Jack.” You said nodding in approval. 
“See if you weren’t so stuck up growing up, we could’ve been making hits.”
“Uhh, thanks? But what makes you think I’m stuck up? You hardly ever said two words to me growing up.”
“Do I really have to explain it?”
“Yes, because I’m obviously confused. I was never mean or rude to you.”
“I guess not since you probably didn’t know I existed. You always had this thing about you like you thought you were better than everybody.”
“Where did you even get that from because that couldn’t be further from the truth. I knew that you existed right along with the rest of your friends.”
“Let’s just drop it. I appreciate you doing this for me. Sooo, same time tomorrow?” Jack asked while getting up to gather all of his things and you quickly followed suit. 
“Yes I’ll be here.”
“I still don’t like you or trust you though.”
Your heart somewhat dropped hearing him say that and you wanted more of an explanation to what he said before. You barely said two words to him when you were younger because you were shy and you had the biggest crush on him. You still did, but knew since he had this idea of how you were in his head already that even being friends would never be a reality. But you knew you had to separate your feelings from your job. You were here to help make him an amazing album and that was it.
“Just like I said before, you don’t have to.”
It had been about two months or so since you first started helping Jack write his album and it was going smoothly despite the awkward beginning that the two of you had. Even though Jack originally told you that he didn’t particularly care for you, his feelings were starting to change the more time that he spent with you.
He noticed that everyone that came into the studio gravitated towards you no matter what was going on and that people spoke very highly of you. 
Not once did he hear anyone say something bad about you. It wasn’t until the two of you were getting ready to leave for the night when you noticed him hovering near the door. You simply raised your eyebrow up at him as he shifted his weight back and forth.
“Did you need me for something?” You asked while turning around to look at him.
“It’s 3 in the morning and I don’t want you walking to your car by yourself.” Jack confessed while scratching the back of his neck.
“We’ve left later than this before and I was just fine.” You replied while looking in your tote bag for your keys.
“I get that, but I should have done it then too.”
You threw your bag over your shoulder and met him at the door with him moving to the side so that he could let you go out first and he would follow behind you. The two of you then walked to your cars in silence and Jack was surprised to find out that the two of you had actually parked next to each other.
“You would have a BMW.” Jack blurted out before he caught himself. He was trying to turn over a new leaf with you and it obviously wasn’t starting off well.
“What is that supposed to mean, Jack?” You asked before sighing and opening your door.
“Um… just that it suits you. That’s all.”
“I’m safe and sound in my car so you can go ahead and go home.” You threw your bag in the passenger seat, but Jack not wanting the night to end just yet had gotten a bright idea. He didn’t want to admit to himself how much he liked spending time with you. 
“Um, I’ll follow you to make sure you get home okay.”
“Are you…. Do you feel okay?” You asked, confused by the sudden change of heart. Two months ago he didn’t even want to be in the same room with you and now he wants to follow you in his car to make sure that you got home okay?
“I feel fine.” Jack answered as he shrugged and got into the driver’s side of his Jeep. The two of you started up your cars and were on your way.
You made sure that Jack was close behind you as you merged onto the highway. You looked into your rearview mirror periodically to make sure that he was behind you and put on some music to distract yourself from your thoughts. You didn’t quite know what was happening between you and Jack, and you were sure that your heart did a backflip when he wanted to make sure you got home safely. 
You didn’t know if that was good or bad.
He had never done that before and you also noticed that he was starting to get shy around you. Whenever you would bring up something, he would see what you thought first before giving his opinion. 
It took about twenty minutes before you were pulling into the parking garage where your condo was. Once you had parked, you noticed that Jack had pulled up next to you. You had gotten out and made your way towards him as he rolled down his window. 
“Thanks for making sure I got home okay.” You said while giving him a small smile which he eagerly returned. 
“Oh, you’re welcome. I really didn’t mind.”
Since the two of you had pulled into the garage, you noticed that it had started to rain heavily and because you didn’t want him driving in that trying to get home, you suddenly blurted out for him to stay with you before you could stop yourself.
“Um, do you want to come inside? It’s pouring out here and I can’t have you driving home in that.”
“I really don’t live that far away and don’t want to be an inconvenience to you.”
“You won’t be, I promise. Just come on before either of us get sick and then it’ll take us even longer to finish your album.”
Once the two of you hit the top floor in the building, you led him down the hallway and stopped in front of your door while fishing for your keys in your bag to open the door. Once you did, you led the two of you inside and Jack was looking around taking in his surroundings. Everything was neat and extremely organized just how you were.
He didn’t expect anything less from you.
 It was at that moment you suddenly had a thought.
“Shit.” You quietly said, but Jack still heard you.
“What? What’s wrong?”
You simply threw your head back and sighed before answering him.
“I forgot my brother is staying with me this week so he’s in the guest room.”
“I can take the couch, it’s not a problem.”
“Jack, your 6’3 ass will not be comfortable especially if you want to stretch out. You can sleep in my room and I’ll take the couch. I have a king sized bed.”
“Absolutely not. I’m not kicking you out of your room. You were nice enough to let me stay so that I didn’t have to drive in the rain but I’m not doing that. And what do you need with a king sized bed? Aren’t you like 5’1?”
“Watch it Harlow. Just…. come on.” You grabbed his hand and led him to your bedroom. You immediately went to your vanity to start taking off your jewelry while Jack awkwardly stood in the corner.
“Jack, I don’t bite. Make yourself comfortable.” You said as you began to put your hair up. 
He slowly slipped off his shoes as you went to change into your pajamas in your walk-in closet. When you came back, your breath hitched in your throat because he was now shirtless laying on your bed with his hand behind his head scrolling through his phone. 
Get yourself together, Y/N. You thought to yourself before sliding in next to him. Jack put his phone down when you did and he looked just about as nervous as you did.
“Uhh, what time were we going to head to the studio?” Jack curiously asked as you turned out the light. You figured he wouldn’t be able to see how nervous you were in the dark.
“Um around 11? How does that sound?”
“That sounds fine. I have another song that I wrote the other day that I wanted you to look over for me.”
It was quiet for a few minutes with just the sounds of both of your breathing in your room before you heard Jack’s voice again.
“Thank you for doing this for me even if it didn’t start out so well. You could’ve quit right then and there. I’m happy that you didn’t.”
“You’re welcome and I meant what I said. It’s my job and I’m going to make sure that this album is successful. Now go to sleep because we have a lot to do today.”
“So you mean to tell me that you slept in the same bed as the girl that you absolutely hate last night?” Urban asked his best friend on facetime as Jack was picking up what he learned was your favorite breakfast while also getting himself something from a small cafe down the street. He noticed how you came in with the same bag to the studio everyday and he has learned from Neelam that you liked chai tea and not coffee so that’s what he got you. 
“Hate is such a strong word.”
“You weren’t saying that two months ago. I remember every day for that first month you complaining about her despite her doing something that benefits you.”
“I woke up with my arm around her and luckily she was still sleeping. I left and went home to take a shower and change my clothes.”
“And now you’re picking her up her favorite breakfast. Hmm, you're whipped.”
“What? How am I whipped? We aren’t even together.”
“Not yet anyway.”
“There’s no way. I don’t even like her like that.”
All Urban did was eye him and Jack quickly looked away as his name was called to pick up your order. 
He made his way back to his Jeep before saying anything else. 
“Ask her out.”
“She has it in her mind that I don’t like her. So I can imagine that’s not going to go all that well.”
“Why would she think that unless you actually told her that? She literally invited you to her condo and the fact that the two of you didn’t fuck is beyond me. If you don’t want her, send her my way.”
All Jack did was scratch the back of his neck as Urban looked at him in disbelief.
“No the fuck you didn’t tell her that.”
“Ehh, not exactly my best moment.”
“Why are you such a dumbass sometimes? You have literally had this one-sided beef with her for years and one that she doesn’t even know about. She deserves at least that much from you. To explain it, I mean.”
“I ask myself that every day and I don’t know if she even wants to hear me out.”
“Tell her how you feel before someone else swoops in and gets her.”
Jack had now made it back to your condo and briefly knocked on the door and was hoping that your brother didn’t answer because the last thing he wanted was to have to explain what was going on between the two of you. You opened it and simply eyed him as he handed you the bag that contained your food and what you assumed was chai tea. 
“What’s this?” You asked while looking at him dumbfounded.
“Your breakfast. It’s the least that I could do for you letting me stay here.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that.”
“And I know you don’t really drink coffee so that’s chai tea. Neelam said it was your favorite.”
“Hmm, well thank you. I appreciate it.” You said while moving to the side so he could walk past you.
You locked the door behind him and went to the kitchen to sit across from Jack at the island as he also started to eat his food.
“Is your brother here?” Jack curiously asked while looking around and all you did was smirk.
“No, he left out earlier. Why?”
“I just didn’t want to explain why I was coming out of your bedroom at the crack of dawn just in case.”
“Last time I checked I was a grown ass woman and it wouldn’t be any of his business anyway. If I want to have sex with multiple people in one night then I’m going to without any input from anyone else.”
You saying that made Jack feel a wave of jealousy come over him and the fact that it wasn’t him that you were referring to. The sexual tension at least from his point of view was quite evident between the both of you, but since he had been an asshole to you before, he highly doubted that you would want to be anywhere near him when this was over and done with. 
“Fair point.”
It was now around four in the afternoon and everybody was stating how hungry they were and Jack took it upon himself to ask you to go to lunch with him and that he would treat you.
“You treated me this morning, so let me return the favor.” You said while looking up at him as he towered above you.
“No, you working on this album with me is more than enough. I’m treating you and I know the perfect place that we can go.”
You held your hands up in surrender and let him have his way, not wanting to go back and forth with him.
“Okay, let me just go to the bathroom and I’ll be ready.”
“I’m serious Y/N, leave your wallet here.”
You walked down the hallway until you got to the bathroom and quickly went inside and locked the door behind you.
Only a few minutes had passed and once you finished drying your hands, you opened the door to see Jack standing on the other side of it. Before you could ask him if something was wrong, he abruptly kissed you and pushed you back inside all while locking the door behind him.
You eagerly kissed him back as he sat you on the counter before he reached down in an attempt to pull your dress up around your waist so that he could have easier access to you.
He briefly broke away from you to look down at you for approval and you quickly nodded. Jack got on his knees and slid your black thong down your thighs before putting it in his back pocket leaving you with your mouth hanging wide open. 
Proceeding to spread your thighs, Jack got as close as possible as he could to you taking one long lick and you immediately shuddered while your hands went into his curly hair.
It took everything in you to hold back your moans not wanting anyone to hear you since you didn’t know how many people might be around.
“Jackkkk, shit.”
He continued to lap at your folds and couldn’t wait to see you come undone in front of him. If someone had asked you two months ago if you thought that you would be in the position that you were currently in, the answer would have been no.
“Mmm, you taste so fucking good.” You heard Jack say and you couldn’t help but to moan.
“Shiiit, I’m close.”
Upon hearing you say that, Jack immediately went to suck on your clit making you hold your hand to your mouth in an attempt to stay quiet. You let a few moans escape here and there before both of your hands went back into his hair.
In less than a minute, you came all over his face as he continued to lap at your folds. He finally stood up and you brought his lips to yours in a kiss that almost felt desperate. As you were kissing Jack, you were multitasking as you undid his pants and slid them down along with his boxer briefs to his ankles.
You definitely did a double take once you saw how big he was, but that wasn’t going to stop you seeing as you didn’t know if this would ever happen again.
“Fuck, I don’t have a condom.”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m on the pill.”
Jack simply nodded as he slowly entered you and kept going until he bottomed out and let out a moan.
One thing you loved during sex is if a man was vocal and you could tell that Jack wasn’t about to disappoint you. 
You reached up to place your arms around his shoulders as he whispered in your ear.
“You okay?”
You simply nodded in return now that you had time to adjust and Jack quickly showed you no mercy with the pace that he was moving in and out of you with. 
“Fuck, you feel so good around me.” You heard Jack say as you once again covered your mouth in an attempt to hide your moans. 
Nothing was working as he increased his pace and you loudly moaned his name.
“Shh, baby we don’t want anyone to hear us .”
You whimpered as you felt his thrusts get sloppier and you knew that he was close and it was only a matter of time before it happened. 
You didn’t know how much time had passed, but you knew that the two of you needed to get back down the hallways before anyone suspected anything.
The both of you finally released at the same time as Jack was placing kisses along your neck as you came down from your high. 
It took a few minutes before your breathing to become even again as Jack slowly slipped out of you.
You began to hop off of the counter so you could pull your dress down, but not before Jack brought his lips to yours once more.
“You think they’re looking for us?” Jack asked you as his forehead was laying against yours and you had gotten lost staring into those blue eyes that you loved so much.
“They might be so let’s go.”
Once again, you attempted to hop down, but Jack immediately stopped you.
“I’ll go first then wait a few minutes, okay?” Jack proposed and you nodded.
The both of you quickly got dressed and Jack left out first leaving you confused on what had just happened.
You had just had sex with Jack in the bathroom at the studio.
The thoughts were going through your mind at 100 miles an hour but you couldn’t think about that right now.
You still had a job to do and would deal with your feelings later.
Finally you hopped off the counter and had a realization.
Jack definitely slipped your thong into his back pocket.
Once you had gotten yourself together, you walked back into the studio to see Jack talking and laughing with Urban as you made your way back to your seat.
How were you even supposed to concentrate after that?
But, at the end of the day you were a professional and knew you needed to get this done.
No matter how hard it would be to now have to face Jack every day.
“You okay,Y/N?” Urban asked you and you simply shot him a small smile.
“Never better.”
Over the next few weeks, Jack had acted like nothing had happened between the two of you and for some reason it was bothering you to no end. 
So he could just have sex with you whenever he wanted and act like everything is normal? 
Luckily, it was an off day for you and all you were doing was laying around your condo, stuffing your face with food and catching up on all your shows when there was a knock at the door.
You checked your security camera to see that it was him.
Him as in Jack.
You rolled your eyes and slowly walked to the door, swung it open and walked back to the couch without even acknowledging him.
Jack thought it was weird that you didn’t say anything to him and simply followed you to sit next to you.
It was quiet for a few minutes before either of you spoke and Jack was extremely nervous and didn’t want to be the one to break the silence.
“What do you want, Harlow?” You asked while not taking your eyes off the television.
“I.. I wanted to talk to you about what happened.”
“So, it took you weeks to do that?”
“No… well… I didn’t mean for it to take this long. I just didn’t know what to say.”
“Didn’t know what to say? You literally put my thong in your back pocket, ate me out, and rearranged my guts in a studio bathroom and you have no clue what to say to me?”
“Look, I like you Y/N, I like you a lot and I’ve been afraid to admit it outloud. How I treated you was unacceptable and I want to apologize for it. I admit that because of what I heard about you, I already had this idea in my head about who you were as a person and that wasn’t right. I didn’t even give you a chance and I was judging you. You’ve been nothing but amazing to me this entire time as you helped me to do this album despite how I treated you. You’re a sweetheart who also takes her job seriously and I love that about you.”
“I just never understood why you hated me so much.” You said while finally turning to look at him.
“I didn’t hate you!”
“But you didn’t particularly like me either or trust me and you told me that yourself.”
“Um, well….”
“Just drop it, Jack. Your album is just about finished. We can go our separate ways and act as if this never happened.”
“But what if I don’t want for us to go our separate ways?” He asked while taking your smaller hand in his. 
“What are you even saying?”
“That I want to take you out on a proper date which doesn’t end up with me fucking you in a bathroom.”
“But who says that I didn’t want you fucking me in the bathroom?” You curiously asked before smiling at him.
“Let me at least buy you dinner first.”
“It’s a deal and I’m going to need my thong back.”
“No you don’t. I’m definitely keeping it.”
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Liked by yourinstagramname, urbanwyatt, estgee, neelamthadhani, brysontiller, 2forwoyne, and 5,739,042 others
jackharlow: Jackman. Out everywhere.
urbanwyatt: album art by yours truly
yourinstagramname: so incredibly proud of you. I knew you could do it. just didn't expect to see titties on your album cover
jackharlowsource: is anyone else foaming at the mouth at this pic or is it just me
jackharlow: yourinstagramname you've seen me in less, don't act up
jackharlowsource: OH 👀👀👀
neelamthadhani: thankful that he finally took my advice and let Y/N work on the album with him
urbandjack24: jackharlowsource nope. count me in too. we finally got a shirtless pic.
yourinstagramname: jackharlow okay so... I forgot what you looked like with less. I think I need a redo.
jackharlowsource: lmaooo no she didn't
urbanwyatt: jackharlow finally asked y/n out so I can stop getting facetime calls about how much he likes at her at 2 am
jackharlow: urbanwyatt now I'll call you to simp over her and yourinstagramname when you want that redo? because I got all night
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, saweetie, dojacat, estgeem brysontiller, lolabrooke, and 1,099,487 others
yourinstagramname: face you make when your baby hits number 1 on apple music. well deserved jackharlow. proud of you. 💕
jackharlow: couldn't have done it without you mamas. thank you.
neelamthadhani: you two hated each other and now look. can't keep your hands off each other For two minutes
yourinstagramname: jackharlow you know I'd do anything for you and neelamthadhani what's your point?
urbanwyatt: I think the fuel to jackharlow confessing his feelings to her was that I said that I was going to ask her out if he didn't
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt it still took him another month
urbanwyatt: yourinstagramname and to think we would've been amazing together
jackharlow: urbanwyatt HEY! CUT THE SHIT!
urbanwyatt: jackharlow if she decides to drop you, the bro code does not exist in this situation
jackharlowsource: lmaooooo not urban trying to get at y/n 😭😭😭
jackharlow: urbanwyatt and I thought we were brothers
neelamthadhani: idk why you two are fighting over her, when we all know that the only person that she'll leave for jackharlow is me
yourinstagramname: neelamthadhani you and me forever. we should get matching tattoos to symbolize our love.
jackharlow: yourinstagramname wait until later
yourinstagramname: jackharlow me and neelam are going on a date. raincheck?
jackharlow: yourinstagramname BABE, STOP PLAYING AND LET ME IN
555 notes · View notes
desswright29 · 8 months
CLASS 58 (Co-Captain)
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Pairing: CopShuri X Cop reader
Contains: Reader Crushing hard, hints at cheating (that’s about it)
You pull into the parking lot, in your all black 1967 Mustang, 5:30 am on the dot. The sky was still pitch black and there were only two other cars in the parking lot that you assumed belonged to the instructors. You turn off your car, get out and sit on the hood, taking a deep breath, staring into the sky. Early morning was your favorite. The still and quietness of the morning had always helped you start your day off right. Popping your airpods in, you lay back and stare into the sky waiting for the sun to rise.
 Your mind wondered as “Angel numbers/10 toes” poured into your ears. You could only hope that this was the new beginning you needed. This offer from the FBI came at the perfect time. Right in time to give you a new beginning after you and your wife of 5 years divorced. You had the need to get away. Especially, after she’d taken the son you’d adopted together. Going through this would give you an outlet during the nasty custody battle you found yourself in. You didn't want to take him from her, just for the two of you to be able to co-parent cordially. But, she was making it so unnecessarily difficult.
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“Get the fuck out y/n!”
“Baby please. Listen to me please!” You sat on your knees infront Riri, begging to be heard.
“What am I listening to? I saw everything I needed to see!”
“I was lonely, Ri! You're not even affectionate with me anymore! We hardly see eachother. Don't act like you haven't checked out of this relationship!”
“And who’s fault is that? How dare you!? How dare you turn this shit around on me to cover your ass. At least I was trying! I never even entertained the thought of cheating!”
The look in her eyes broke you. The tears spilling out of her big pretty brown eyes, onto her beautiful face. Since you were teens you’d worked hard to keep those eyes sparkling, to make her smile so hard that the dimples in her cheeks would show up. Now she was broken by you.
“I’m sorry.”
“Y/n, just go.” She seemed exhausted with the conversation.
“What about Amari?” You say in tears. A look of disgust came over Riri’s face.
“You should have thought of that shit before you placed your face between another bitches legs. Right now I don't want you around me or my child. Get out.” She spoke softly, walking away as though it took all her strength to hold her body upright.
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You huffed, rubbing a hand over your face. To stop the tears from escaping. You had to shake it off, push the memory back into its space on the back of your mind, and prepare yourself for the day. 
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“Today you will have your first P.T. test! It’s purely to gauge where you are physically right now and will not affect your grade. But, if I were you I'd give it a hundred percent! I suggest you don't waste our time or yours. When I release you all, you’ll head from the training building over to the gym and prepare for the push up and sit up segment of your test.” Mr. Kaufman looked over the class as they stood at attention, stern, serious. Making sure he got his point across.
The class fell out of formation, grabbing the belongings they would need to head to the gym when a voice called out to you.
“Aye yo Y/l/n wait up!” Benson scuffled, catching up to you. “What’s up, boss lady. We get assigned to dorms today. You think we’ll be roommates?”
“Prayerfully, my luck isn't that bad.” You continue on your way trying to avoid conversation not in the mood, however she doesn't take the hint.
“Ahh man you do me so bad. You're gonna love me when this is all over.” The two of you walk inside of the gym and find a weight bench to sit on, waiting for instruction.
“You’re very confident. You should direct that towards someone who won’t ruin that for you.”
“Loosen up, pretty lady. You can't be stuck up the entire six months.” You shot daggers at her and she finally took her cue. Laughter erupted from the other side of the gym, and you peered over seeing Shuri and a group of the guys from the class entering the gym. Damnit was she fine! When she walked into a room everyone had to sit up and take note, and you had to admit it had you intrigued. The girl that everyone would soon find to be the class whore, lingered closely pretending to be interested in whatever was being talked about. Laughing and twirling one of her cornrows around her finger.
“You could look a lil less disgusted by the sight.” You look back over at Benson’s amused face.
“What are you talking about?” You say defensively.
“You look like you wanna snatch Auguste up by them thick ass cornrows for being all up on Udaku.”
“I dont give a fuck about that girl. I don't know her.”
“Yea. Well you look like you want to.”
“Whatever.” You stood to your feet, rolling your eyes, and walking away with Bensons chuckle trailing behind you.
Mr. Kaufman entered the gym instructing you all to place out the green mats assigning you all to your respective lines. You were all called up by three’s for the push-up portion of the test. The class captain being one of the first up. She walked up confidently placing herself in a push up position. Sgt. Sanders called start and you watched Shuri work. Biceps protruding from her short sleeve compression shirt, and veins popping from her forearms and neck. She moved so effortlessly, even with her weighted vest on. You found yourself in a slight trance. She must have felt your stare, because her eyes found yours, her bottom lip curling into her mouth as she pushed them out faster. Your mouth fell open slightly as your mind traveled to places it shouldn't, her eyes never left yours as she put on a show.
“TIME! Damn good job Udaku! You knocked that out of the park!” The sergeant called out. Snapping you back into reality. You finally let out the breath that you never realized you were holding. What kind of spell did that woman have you under?
“I’d pay money to be the mat underneath that woman.” Auguste said from behind you.
You swallowed to ignore the way your body had gotten hot under Shuri’s gaze. A smug smile sat on her lips as she walked past you.
“Good luck, battle.” (Military jargon to acknowledge other military personnel. short for “battle buddy”)
She knew who you were.
“Y/l/n, you're up!”
You sat on your knees on the mat looking ahead seeing Shuri standing in between the lines arms crossed, focused directly on you. You got in position and when start was called, you looked straight forward, avoiding Shuri’s eyes that burned a hole through you. You knocked out your two minutes effortlessly.
“TIME! Udaku’s got some competition! Great job y/l/n!” You found Shuri once again, as you stood to your feet. She stood in the same position she was in before. A small smile plastered on her face as she gave a slight nod in your direction, before walking over to her group of friends.
The rest of the test breezed by. You and Shuri taking the lead the entire day. She left you in the dust on the running portion. She was Olympic level fast. And you were impressed.
“Alright everyone! Settle down. Get to your seats! Great job today. We’re gonna go ahead and release you all so that you can get settled in the dorms. Good news. You all will be the first class to use the new dorms. So only two to a room. You’ll share a a kitchen and bathroom. The bedrooms are seperate.”
The class began to cheer.
“Dont get too excited you dont get to choose your roommate. The list is on the board in the hall. Check it out. Get settled, curfew is at 9 pm. That means toe to line for count at 8:59! Get out of here.”
The class stood to their feet, the chairs squeaking against the floors as they rushed into the hall to find out who they would be spending the next six months with. You stayed behind, pushing in chairs waiting for the crowd to clear out. You pulled out your phone turning it on, checking to see if there was any word from Riri. Once again nothing.
You shot her a quick message before placing your phone back into your pocket and walking out into the hallway. 
You were met with Bensons smiling face at the end of the hallway. 
“Whaddup roomie!” Her face lit up with a smile and her arms spread wide. Your eyes widened.
“No way!” You rushed over to the list, your finger roaming over the paper until you found your name; low and behold your name was listed below Bensons in room 306. 
Your head dropped as you let out a sigh. 
“Don’t act like you don’t love the idea of being alone with me 24/7” You let out a groan. 
“We’re gonna have to set some clear boundaries. Atleast I know what to expect from you.” Benson pumped her fist yelling. “This is gonna be a fucking blast!”
“No yelling in the halls!” Sgt. Sanders yelled from the office. 
“My bad sarg!” She yelled back. You shook your head and started walking out of the building.
“I’ll meet you at the dorm Benson.”
As you walked to your car, you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention, you felt someone quietly approaching, your guard went up and you turned quickly ready to strike when you came face to face with Udaku herself. Your hand went up to your chest as you let out a breath. 
“I apologize. I didn't mean to startle you. Wasn’t trying to sneak up, I'm just naturally stealthy…..Like a cat.” She stood in front of you, her smirk showing just a sliver of her perfect teeth, today her hair was braided back, and she had changed into a simple black sweat suit, she made it look like she’d just stepped out of vogue, and It made your body visibly tremble.
She noticed your reaction as her gaze traveled over your body, “Cold?”
“Uh yea. It is pretty chilly.” You say once again avoiding her eyes. 
“Yes it is.” She stuck her hands into the pockets of her jacket. “Y/l/n right? I noticed you didn't come get my information after class yesterday.”
“I think I'm capable of listening and getting the same information you receive. I won’t be needing it.” You say, and she smirks.
“The other Army recruit, huh?”
“How’d you know?”
“Kind of my job, and I can tell you’re very strong willed, competitive, and prepared.”
“Competitive?” One of your brows shot up, your arms crossing in defense. 
“Yes, I saw your attempt at beating my scores, and though I admire your resolve, you can’t beat me.”  A smirk spread across your face. 
“Is that so?” She nodded very sure of herself.
“It is very much so.”
“Riiiiight Captain. We’ll see.” You say with a salute. She gave a chuckle, the soft sound made your ears perk up, you could listen to that forever, my God was everything about this woman attractive!
“But since you can’t beat me. I was thinking you would consider joining me.” You cocked your head to the side waiting for her to continue.
“You see I need a Co-Captain. And turns out I get to choose. I’ve watched you and think you would be the perfect partner.”
“Oh do you?”
“I haven’t seen anyone more qualified than you.”
“Co-Captain?” She placed prayer hands in front of her, before putting on her best pleading face.
“Pretty pretty pleeeease?” Those intense eyes focusing on your own, paired with her sexy accent had you looking away quickly trying to avoid the blush from rising on your cheeks. 
“Your one hell of a negotiator. Where’d
 you learn?”
“I’d say it was my military training, but that one in particular seems to work best outside of work.” This time you couldn’t escape the blush.
“I’ll do it.”
“Yes!” She said pumping her fist just like Benson had earlier. She held out her hand and you firmly grasp it; The two of you shook on it. “I look forward to doing business with you.”
“Same.” The handshake lingered a bit before the two of you let go.
“That yours?” She said her head nodding towards your car. Your face lit up. Not going unnoticed by Shuri.
“ ‘67 Reborn. My dad passed it down to me. His dad passed it down to him. She’s my baby.”Shuri nodded her head, cocking it to the side, her smile getting bigger.
“Cute.” She said, Your head snapped towards her. “The car. She’s beautiful.” Her gaze lingered on you, and the two of you stared at each other for what felt like minutes. In reality it was only a few seconds. She turned towards the building, throwing a “See you at the dorms partner,” over her shoulder before walking away.
You stared as she swaggered her way into the building. Leaving you with her clean scent lingering and your heart racing.
This was going to be a long 6 months.
Once inside your car you check your phone again. Heading straight to you and Riri’s text thread. The only thing ther was the several read text messages you’d sent over the past few weeks. Including the one you’d just sent.
Ri, I’m sorry. Just let me see him
Shuri watched from the window inside of the training building, as you hit the steering wheel in frustration. You sat back staring at the sky for awhile before you finally placed your key in the ignition and headed towards the dorms.
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
Hi, first of all I would like to say that your blog gives me so much comfort. You seem like such a loving and kind person and I love to read your writing. I adore the co-parenting series and am honestly looking forward to reading more parts <3 (no pressure tho, just wanted to say that I love it)
Actually, I wanted to make a request. The song 'Deep Sea' by 'Snail Mail' has been stuck in my head for weeks, the lyrics kill me every time and I could imagine some heartbreaking angst based on the song. I saw that you don’t write reader or character deaths and it doesn’t have to be that. Maybe a breakup or something like that, it’s really up to you and up to whatever the song might inspire you to write. For the pairing I love Gojo and also Getou or Choso, but I just want you to write whoever you like! 🤪
I had the idea for that request earlier today and made a post about it (that I have since deleted) because you came to my mind and I just really wanted to try my luck and ask you if you would maybe like to write about it 💞
Hope you’re having a great day, thank you <3
it took so long to know someone like you (gojo x you)
cw: breakup, chest-aching angst, swearing, emotionally constipated satoru where he doesn't know how to be vulnerable with someone so his first instinct is to push them away :))))))))))
note: HI!!! thank you for the love, i'm so sorry that this is so late, hopefully you still like it. pro tip, listen to travis atreo's cover of "when she loved me" along with the song mentioned to make reading this extra painful. again, thank you for the love and the ask. i hope you like this!!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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"don't look at me like that."
"if you don't like it, stop looking," you laugh humorlessly, feeling your heart twist like a wet rag with every shallow breath. "you just told me you don't want me; i think it's valid i can look however i want." your voice breaks off at the end of the sentence and you blink at the darkening clouds above. a storm was coming, but you felt like one had already devastated you.
"that-that's not what i meant," he says through gritted teeth, avoiding your glaring eyes in shame. "i just need a break. is that so bad?" every word felt like a separate cut to your soul and you were slowly bleeding out in the fucking mall parking lot.
"but, why? i'm just not good enough for you?" you practically spit your questions like snake venom. you hoped they stung, hoped the burned into his memory like his promises that he'd give you a future. high and mighty gojo satoru, reduced to a puddle in your arms and vowing that he was yours forever. pathetic. "finally got tired of me, is that it?"
"no," he croaked. "no, no. i just-i don't know who i am when i'm with you." the sky was falling and you hoped the ground crumbled beneath your muddy shoes. "and, that scares me."
"you don't like who you are when you're with me," you echo hollowly, taking a shaky breath and pulling your jacket closer to your body like a safety blanket. "that's really a shame, since i really liked how you were with me," you huff another painfully mirthless laugh that turns into a sob. on instinct, he reaches out to touch you but you pull away like he was radioactive waste. "making all those lofty promises, letting me think that i was your forever and eternity and everything after that. you're really an asshole for that one, you know that?"
"i never said anything like that," he protests even though you know damn well that he's lying. raindrops start to catch on his hair, making it glisten like he was sent from heaven. too bad his words didn't match. "even if i said those things, i can't guarantee i actually meant it, so i'm sorry."
"you're sorry? you're sorry?" you have to take a step backward or else you'd have actually slammed your knuckles against his infuriatingly perfect cheek. "gee, thanks! i'll remember that next time anyone says they love me," you hiss and relish in the way he flinches. "they could just be kidding, after all, right? stupid me." it took so long to finally get through to him, to stand steady enough that he let down his walls, and suddenly he was throwing them up again and shutting you out.
if you were completely honest and without your stubborn pride, you'd admit that you understood what he was talking about. it was a little lonely being with him, especially when you didn't have any more time for self-discovery without worrying about another human being. you lost track of time when you were with him and lost a little bit of yourself, too, and you weren't sure if he was adequately filling that emptiness. you had no idea how to discuss it, let alone navigate it, and it struck a crack that only grew larger. neither of you knew how to cope with this, it seemed, and that's how you ended up sobbing on the asphalt in front of the man you believed you were going to marry.
"don't you wonder who we could be without each other? we could be anyone," he insists but nothing gets through to you.
"i don't know who i am without you, satoru," you whisper defeatedly and it's like you can hear his heart start to crumble. he did this to you, and you watched him realize it in real-time. he didn't know what he was saying anymore. he felt too far deep in that he didn't remember why he was asking for a break in the first place. all that he knew was that he was hurting you and every nerve in his body screamed at him to fix it, fix it, fix it. you sigh tiredly, shivering in the cold sheets of water that were starting to fall. "look, if you need time, then take it. take all that you need."
"no. i can't do this to myself if you won't even try anymore. goodbye satoru. a stupid part of me still loves you." as you slip into your car and accelerate away from him, he doesn't have the chance to say it back.
to tell you that the stupid whole of him still loved you, too.
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|| Rough Road ||
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Frank Castle x female Reader.
Tags/warnings: 'annoying acquaintances of circumstance' to lovers, fingering, oral (f rec), unprotected sex (wrap in RL!), swears 😯
Author's note: This is for the TFC December fic challenge 'Snowed In', so check the tags for more!
If you enjoy my fics please consider reblogging, it means others get to enjoy them too! Thank you so much for reading! 💕
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"I think we should try and find somewhere to pull over." you say to Frank. You had been driving for hours and the snow was coming down harder now.
"Mm, I'm pretty sure there's a motel about 15 miles ahead, we can make it, get a couple of rooms and start again in the morning." He replies, concentrating on the road.
You stare up through the windscreen at the neverending horizonless thick grey-white of the sky and the flurry of heavy flakes building up on the road ahead of you. "I don't think we'll make it that far."
Sure enough after another couple miles the road became impassable, you had hardly seen any other cars ahead of you or coming the other way for most of the drive. It was gonna get dark fairly soon.
"Shit." Frank says simply, turning off the ignition after he stopped the van at the side of the road.
"Thank fuck I've got cell service" you say, "I'm gonna call for a truck."
While you were on the phone Frank checked his paper maps for the nearest habitations, but there was nothing that warranted risking trying to walk through a snowstorm at night.
"Okay, the rescue company is dealing with shitloads of people in similar situations and 'cos we've got a van and some supplies they're saying we're further down the list. Earliest they could get to us is tomorrow morning."
"Alright, well they'll probably have cleared the roads by then. Guess that ain't too bad. Just gotta hunker down for the night."
You kicked at the dash in frustration. "Urgh. I told you we should've left after the storm, now we're stuck here in your stupid van, which stinks by the way."
"Stinks?" He screwed up his face in disbelief. "What of? I keep it clean!"
"Of you!"
"Listen, as much as you're a complete pain in my ass it was too dangerous to wait in the city any longer. Now the Russians associate you with me…"
You threw your head back against the rest and sighed. "Yeah. I know. Just gotta lay low for a while." you parroted.
"This ain't exactly my idea of heaven either sweetheart."
You hated when he called you that. Even though it was just an automatic thing for him and it didn't mean anything it really annoyed you. He reached into the back bringing out a pack of cards from the seemingly random selection of shit he had squirreled away there. "Imagine you don't wanna talk about what happened, so it's this or I-Spy."
You groaned and nodded as you whiled away an hour or so playing blackjack until your hungry stomach noises got too loud to ignore.
"Alright, chicken or beef sub?" he asked, diving into the backpack.
You chose the chicken.
"Damn, this is really good. You pick them up before we left? Where from?"
"Made em." He replied, taking a bite of his own.
"Huh." You mused, digging in again.
"Surprised I can make a sandwich?" He scoffs.
You shrug. "Surprised you can make a good sandwich. Guess being ex-marine you gotta have some talents."
"You got no idea." He throws you a wink as he takes a sip of coffee from the thermos and you roll your eyes.
After another hour of whooping his ass at blackjack and a lightning quick excursion into the nearby trees and back to relieve yourself, your yawns and heavy eyelids make it clear that you're gonna have to go to sleep at some point soon.
"Does one of us, uh, need to keep watch or something?" You ask him, watching as he crawls into the back of the van and starts digging out a mat, a singular sleeping bag and blanket.
"Nah. Even if they did send someone to follow us ain't nobody getting through this, we're safe enough." He rolled out the bag and caught your awkward look.
You wrapped your arms around you, it was getting cold now the residual heat from the van had disappated. "So… just the one lot of bedding then?"
He nods. "Yeah, usually just me in here y'know, with all my stank."
You rolled your eyes again. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense."
He has to resist the urge to let you panic about sleeping beside him for a while longer, he's not that cruel. "It's okay, you can have it. I'll be alright up front." He sees your visible relief as you process what he's said, nodding and rummaging in your pack for the toothbrush and toiletries you'd thankfully picked up at your last gas stop, there having been no time to grab anything but the absolute ultimate essentials before you left.
The thick layer of snow that had built up around and on top of the van probably provided quite a bit of insulation, but that didn't exactly stop you from being fucking freezing. You tried to snuggle up deeper into the sleeping bag, all your clothes and a beanie on and the blanket on the top, but you were still cold. You tilted your head up to glance at Frank in the passenger seat, still awake with his jacket on and arms wrapped around himself tight, the occasional puff of his breath misting the air.
"You awake?" You ask, already knowing he was.
"Yeah. You alright?"
The silence between you seemed to stretch on forever. You pull the blanket tighter around you.
Fuck it. "Uh, if you want, you could come back here, share the blanket? And y'know, body heat will help I guess."
"Thought you couldn't stand my stink?" He throws back at you.
"Well, the cold is kinda trumping that, but it's fine if you don't wanna… just thought it is your stuff after all, don't wanna put you out of your own van."
"Nah, s'good idea." he agrees, climbing into the back with you. You shiver at the initial chill as he lifts the edge of the blanket to lie next to you, your back to his. His jacket is cold against you but after a while you began to warm up, stopping your shivering and finding yourself drifting easily to sleep.
When you wake up it's still dark but you're warm, hot even. As you gradually gain a bit more consciousness you realise that the reason is because Frank has you in a bear hug. He must have turned around in his sleep. His arm is draped over you, big hand splayed over your stomach pulling you impossibly close to him. The only skin contact is his nose at the back of your neck, the warm exhales tickling the light hair there.
It's… pleasant, maybe even something more. He actually smells good. You smile to yourself thinking about the juxtaposition of this killing machine, this angry guard dog let off the chain being a big soft snuggly puppy of a man behind closed doors.
You shift slightly in his hold and then freeze.
Okay, maybe not so soft…
Despite the layers of clothing and a sleeping bag between you, it's unmistakable that it's his cock that's hard and pressing against your ass. You try to rationalise. It's just a normal bodily response after all, but do you dare move? What if he wakes up and it gets awkward, you've got a lot of driving still to do if this snow ever clears…
Any control is taken away from you as Frank stretches momentarily and then wraps you even tighter in his arms, his nose nuzzling into your skin and hips slowly grinding against you with a quiet contented moan. He suddenly stops, pulls away as he wakes and realises where he is, where you are, and what he's doing.
"Shit, fuck…" he turns away from you as he sits up scrubbing his hand over his face. "I'm sorry, I uh… it's uh, been a while since… y'know?"
The blanket rustles softly as you shrug.
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" He cuts himself off as his eyes adjust to the darkness, his ears registering the sound of the sleeping bag zip being opened and his gaze finding the smallest glimmer of soft light reflected in your own.
"It's okay. S'been a while for me too," you admit. This might be the stupidest decision you've ever made when it comes to sex, or even when it comes to roadtrips, but you can't seem to override it. Not when he looks at you like that, smells like that, makes you feel like that. He saved your life but you don't think that's all it is.
You slough off your defensive dislike and begin to embrace something that at least feels real.
His face is a picture in the dim snow-reflected light within the van as you reach for him, pulling his warmth and his lips towards you. He's taken aback, but his hand cups your jaw and you find yourself surprised by the tenderness with which his mouth meets your own. You don't waste a second, catching his wrist and guiding him down to palm over your chest, quickly leading his hand under the waistband of your pants so he can feel just how much he's affected you in this short space of time. It's like you're trying not to have the time to think about it. You both carry ghosts from your past that you've never openly shared, but you know, simply from the slight hesitation in his touch even as you urge him on.
The tender kisses soon heat up. "Call me sweetheart again." You breathe against his mouth, and he groans deep as his fingers meet with the wetness at your core. Your own hands explore underneath his jacket, fingers feeling the hard muscle of his chest under his shirt. You reach down to cup his cock through his jeans and then tug at them, moaning as he hurries to unbutton your pants so he can swipe his fingers through your slick folds. His mouth is on your skin, hungry to taste more of you as you scrabble to undo his pants too, urging them and his underwear down just enough to free his gloriously erect cock. He helps you wriggle halfway out of your pants too and now you're jacking each other off like a couple of teenagers, his fingers slippery and desperate over your throbbing clit, and yours covered with sticky precum as you wrap your hand around and stroke him.
"Oh shit…" you whine, as he skillfully brings you closer to the edge, your hips moving against his hand as he watches you. You forget the cold, gasping as he slips a finger inside you, your grip tightening around his cock making him grunt in such a delicious way that you can't help the words spilling from your lips.
"Frank, fuck me, please!" You're begging, you've never begged for anything other than to stay alive, but you need this, you want to feel him inside you, there's nothing else that will satisfy the ache.
He pauses, staring at you like you've just proposed or something. It takes him a hot minute to register what you're saying, but once those words sear into his brain he moves fast, lips sucking and kissing at the skin of your neck like a brand as he yanks your pants all the way down and off, his mouth following. He pushes up your shirt when he gets to the hem, his tongue trailing right up the centerline of your body to your bra where he mouths over the curve of your breasts before pulling down a cup. You arch your back as he takes your peaked nipple between his lips before he continues downward.
You claw at his shoulders as his nose bumps at the front of your underwear, just giving your clit the barest pressure, teasing you instead of giving you what you need, but you soon change your mind as he hooks his fingers under the elastic pulling them off you so he can bury his face in your pussy. He presses your thighs apart, holding you down as your hips try to rise up to meet the mind melting sensation of his tongue on you, in you. You moan, curse, and praise him as he quickly stokes your need and desire into a sharp dense point where you can do nothing else but implode in on yourself, screaming his name as he makes you feel.
He rises from between your thighs, licking his glistening lips with a small smile. It looks good on him.
"You alright, sweetheart?"
"Getting warmer, could be better." You throw back as you catch your breath and return the smile, yanking him back over you and using your feet to help him push his pants all the way off. When you take him in your hand again his gaze flits between your eyes and your mouth, which he claims in a hot kiss as you guide him to you, reveling in the feeling of the head of his thick cock spearing inside your heat.
"God damn." is all he can say, and you can only agree as he repeats it like a mantra as the slow slide of his cock filling and stretching your cunt has your eyes almost rolling back into your head with a long and loud moan.
You wrap your legs around his waist as he rolls his hips into you, the mental and physical battle he's fighting between going slowly, gently, and pounding you fucking senseless is palpable. He's drawing out sounds that you would never even make when you're alone. It might just be because you haven't had any form of touch from anyone for a long time, but you're more certain that it's all him that's making you flustered, hitting all your spots and stripping you down to a bare wire of being with nothing but his soft dark eyes.
That growling, barking, flesh-ripping fighting dog is still there underneath, you can feel how he holds it inside himself, yanking at the chain and always ready to be released when there's a need. The fact that he's driven you out of the city is proof that he actually cares what the fuck happens to you, and that sort of blows your mind. You could have easily gone alone, you were ready to jump on a Greyhound and make your own way but he wouldn't have it. He made you his responsibility. Yeah he was a killer but he was also a protector. Your protector.
He wasn't much of a talker but with his dick buried inside you he's soon gritting out reams of praise that have you clenching around him and mewling as his hand squeezes over the firm curve of your ass.
"Feel so good girl, s'fucking tight…"
You inhale sharply as he reaches between your hot skin to find your clit and ensure that you feel what he's feeling. Your fingernails graze over his scalp and the short hair at the nape of his neck as you pull him even closer, your second orgasm building up fast as he drives into you over and over.
"Ohh, god-"
"That's it sweet thing," he murmurs against your ear as the indescribable feeling of his cock dragging inside has you both on the very edge. "C'mon angel, such a good girl f'me."
You keen at the praise, something he'd unlocked from your subconscious with the simplest key, something even you didn't know you would react to. "Fuck… you're gonna make me-"
Frank feels you start to shake around him, moving his fingers even faster over that swollen little bundle of nerves. It's too much.
"Shit. You feel too fuckin' good, I gotta-" He moves to pull out suddenly and you claw at his ass stopping him before he does, you'll be damned if you don't feel him come inside you.
You whine as he stills. "Fuck! Don't stop, don't fucking stop…"
He looks for your assurance. "You sure? You want this?" his voice is quieter now, wavering. If you say yes he doesn't know that he'll last.
You nod frantically, tilting your hips up, wrapping your arms around his neck, the movement making him groan as you feel like utter heaven around him. He never thought you could be so soft, so open, needy.
The van rocks gently on its suspension as he resumes, every powerful thrust as he's fucking you punching such beautiful sounds from your throat. He can feel every gripping twitch of your perfect cunt as you begin falling apart underneath him, so tight, hot, and wet and quietly begging him to fill you. Your nails dig into the muscle of his huge shoulders and your mouth falls open, thighs tightening their hold around his waist as your moans crest. Don't stop, you told him, and he briefly wonders how he thought he ever could when you feel like this.
"Good girl, fuck- that's my good girl…" it's whispered and desperate, he's barely holding on by a hair.
The possessiveness in his words makes your eyes scrunch up tight and your body open. His cock is hitting you hard right where you need it, the focused touch of his fingers radiating out and burning you up.
"F-frank I-"
You unravel, crying out as you clench around him again and again as torrents of pleasure rip through your entire body. Your eyes fly open, locked on his, determined to witness how he might follow you into bliss. Your hips buck up chasing his own, his harsh warm breath washing over your skin with a deep, sensual moan as he finally lets go, pulsing inside you, not stopping the slowing, stuttering motion of his thrusts until he's given you absolutely everything he's got.
Laying there still entwined, a deep satisfying rumble from Frank's chest breaks the contrasting near-silence as he carefully rolls you on top of him and strokes his fingers lightly over your cheek and along your jaw, sliding them into your hair as his lips brush yours in a soft kiss.
"Frank..." you hum, your forehead resting on his. You can't stop your small nervous giggle as you're still unsure about what this is.
"Yeah." is all he says in return, his hands gliding down over your bare back and your hips, the sleeping bag and blankets forgotten now that inside the van had become a damn sight warmer. The windows with the covering of snow on the outside almost glow through the misting from your body heat on the inside of the glass. It's like you're trapped in a snowglobe. The image soon shatters as your mind clears from the dreamy fog of what you've just done.
"Shit. I-I'm sorry, I know that you-" you start to explain all the reasons that you know this is just a one-time thing, more for yourself than him, but he stops you before you can reel off the excuses.
"Hey," he says, gently catching your chin in his hand and running his fingers lightly over your skin. "We don't need to do all that shit, y'know?"
You can't help looking anywhere but in his eyes.
"Hey, c'mon, it's okay." He repeats.
You wish he wasn't like this, wish he would be colder with you, go back to the sniping, reluctant, thrown-together partnership, or whatever it was you had before. It takes effort but when you manage to meet the warmth of his gaze it feels like something you could get used to looking at.
"Look, it is what it is, yeah? I'm gonna keep you safe, no matter what."
You nod and allow him to pull you close to his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breath and the thump of his heart through his ribcage.
"It is what it is," you murmur, your eyes growing heavy as you melt into sleep.
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Frank tags:
@divinearchangel @saintmurd0ck @castlesnchurches @mindidjarin @hellskitchenswhore @pedrito-friskito @sweetieswiftie @shedaresthedevil @freshabogados
@father4giveme @stress--relief @e-dubbc11 @whistle1whistle @tea-and-wine @emiemiemiii @imherefordeanandbones @phoebe-danvers @munsonownsmyass
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Disgrace Chapter 4 : Crosshair x F!OC
How does one ignore the inevitable? You already know it's useless to try to avoid it, but how do you ignore its presence at your peripherals? The way it taunts you. There is absolutely nothing challenging about being stuck together on an isolated moon completely alone and cut off from the outside universe for an undisclosed amount of time. There should be plenty of wholesome ways to distract oneself... right?
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Chapter Specific Warnings: Nudity, Unprotected Piv, brief angst
Authors Notes: Crosshair and Tah'Nyem are like those cats who hiss and yowl at each other through a glass door but have no idea what to do once it's been opened. They chat a little about Tahny's life, love lives, and the things they refuse to talk about. Paging Medic Crosshair.
Word Count: 6700
Dynamic: Princess x Guard, Speed running Co-dependancy, A Mangy Cat and his Aggressive little Chihuahua. She's a damsel, she's in distress- she can handle it.
<-Previous Chapter - Read On Ao3 {START HERE}
Music Inspo- Aliens Tawk by Taw Listen on Spotify - Listen on Youtube
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Chapter 4 : Aliens Talk
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I looked into my empty pack and the giant tear along one of its seams. 
This was designer…
I huffed and slouched back into the co-pilot chair. 
So this means everything but the inner pocket of credits was lost in the factory. Fantastic.
We had already made the jump to hyperspace, though we weren't headed straight to Ga’hah. 
Crosshair had taken a data device from a pouch and popped it into the navigation with a click. An encrypted code set a scrambled coordinate, a safe house, possibly a moon. We won't know till we get there. 
Our ship wasn't making for an extravagant trip, the partially stripped vehicle lacked any food stores and we had limited water. There were cleaning rags piled in the corners. Some crusty, tattered jackets, and a dusty pair of knee boots in the door less storage closet. The life support system was fine, but once again, freezing. 
I got up and searched a pile of rags, picking one out that had the least amount of stains, and headed to the small sink. I wet the cloth conservatively and wiped at the dust on my face and arms, hissing as the rag passed over the scrape on my jaw where the intruder's boot had broken skin. I pulled the cloth away to eye the dark bruise that had come in. Seemed like that happened weeks ago now but it had only been about half a day. 
No medical supplies. I'll just have to tough it a while. 
The damp cloth left me more vulnerable to the cold and I would kill for a hot shower. 
And a snack. 
We had avoided saying anything for a bit now. Hunger was making us both snippy and it was safer to just avoid pushing each other's buttons in the small space. Though, I may be blaming hunger where withdrawal was a likely culprit; felt very alone with my thoughts suddenly…
I ran a little more water and rinsed my face, catching eyes watching me in the mirror when I looked up again. 
“What is it?”
I turned at his puzzled expression.
“Is that ink too?”
He gestures at the red markings and shadows around my eyes. I guess he expected it to fade like my arms. 
“A more permanent variety, yes, tattoos but it's cultural. Means I'm of age.”
He paused, but not at the insinuation.
“You have tattoos on your eyes?”
I looked at him for a moment. I admit the tats were subtle, the lines much finer than what used to be traditional. Most just assumed it was dramatic makeup. 
“...as do you?”
The air was awkward now, and I sighed. We need some food. I hope the safe house is fully stocked. 
And has running, hot water. 
I eased myself back into the co-pilot chair across from him, careful with the torn split of the tattered gown and my manifesto of growing aches and pains. I was physically active but not ‘running around blowing up factories,’ active and the extra wear and tear was catching up to me despite my conditioning. There was no spice to dull the aches and throbs and stings that plagued me. 
I looked up. 
“For what?”
“I should have let you change.”
He was eyeing my bare, scratched up thigh, though that might have been to avoid staring at the stiffened peaks beneath the thin fabric over my chest. It was always so cold on these ships.
“You're right… You should have.”
I shifted, lifting my knee to rest my foot on the cushion of the chair, letting the skirt fall away exposing the curve of my ass against the seat. 
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He cleared his throat and turned back to the racing field of hyperspace, shifting in his chair uncomfortably. 
Serves you right.
It was only fair he lived with the consequences. I looked over at him, pristine besides the streaks of dust here and there and contemplated getting my own set of armor. 
And I'd never leave home without it. 
The thought was glib, and mostly an attempt at amusing myself. My mind drifted to other ways to torment my captive audience. An empty can, hurtling through space. Nothing but two chairs, us, and time to kill.
… I'm just hungry. And bored. Behave. 
“So… spice?”
He broke the silence, seemingly desperate for something else to think about besides my shivering, exposed form.  
“I'm not an authority but… what about it?”
“You, uh, like it?”
“Oh, Yeah, can't deny that… it feels nice,”
“You do it a lot?”
“Not that often, The burnout is no joke, but ‘you can't run the underworld in broad daylight without knowing how to do things safely.’... so, it's fine… I know what I'm doing,”
I put on a mock tone of my father for a bit that seemed to amuse the man across from me. 
“Is that what you're doing? Cleaning up the underworld?”
“It's what my Vah’hadarr says he's doing, cleaning up the dirty side of dirty business,”
There was a little venom in that last part as I thought about the recording and the possibilities of my willful ignorance.
“It's his show…I just manage some of the actual business, It’s club and hotel and theater all in one, and it's a chore making sure it all stays legal and without political incidents,”
“Just that, huh?”
“It's a complicated trade! Mostly flimsiwork honestly, but the workers can be absolute divas when they get in a mood,”
I was on a roll now, the irritability of an empty stomach and an unhealthy amount of disassociation had me focused on the mundane topic. 
“they think because they own shares they can petition me to let them drink away all the booze and blow our spice, And Kahtzi needs to learn to not abuse her authority! The shyte she gets me into, Kriffen workplace relationships…You know, it's actually refreshing having a new set of people trying to kill me!”
I threw my hands up before resting on an arm and rubbing my forehead. 
“Who's Kahtzi?”
I was brought out of the foray into my everyday life and back to the bare cockpit.
I thought for a moment, trying to quantify Kahtzi.
“Mm, Assistant, best friend, on and off lover,”
That would have to do, it was more nuanced than that but hard to summarize. 
He made a noise that I couldn't really interpret, eventually asking:
“On?...or off?”
“Guess I simplified too much. We're never really a… couple, Just… two people who take care of each other? There's not really an ‘on’ or ‘off’, we love each other but don’t really work like that… together, long term,”
A beat of silence and him patting his belt, looking for something and then giving up.
“Why not?”
I smirked a little, shooting him a look. 
“Missing the right parts,”
“There's tools for that you know,”
“Oh but those don't satisfy like flesh and blood,”
He smirked back and we fell silent again. 
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“How bout you, tough guy?”
“Me what?”
“Ever been in love?”
A pause as he chewed on that…
“I thought so… maybe, once or twice,”
He finally admitted. 
“Not at one of our houses, right? The girls can be convincing but they are paid to act like that,”
He chuckled. 
“And the boys?”
“Less convincing, that… more your thing?”
“Ah… uh, not really,”
“‘Not really’, what's that supposed to mean? Just like to look?”
“Sort of, just… some clones seem to, I just… haven't,” 
I held my hand like it was holding a holo recorder,
“The courtship rituals of clones seems to be one of varied taste and values, furthering evidence of their individuality,”
He looked at me sideways and I felt like maybe I had gone too far.
“Sorry… I had a professor who did field studies, it's kind of a running joke between Kahtzi and I,”
I had let my guard down, and that was probably a little insensitive. I’m not too sure about clone… culture?
“Don’t be… just, seemed familiar,”
The mood had passed though and I leaned back, letting my eyes flutter shut. 
“I hope we get there soon… it's too cold to relax,”
The quiet air hung around us, thicker than before. 
I woke up, having dozed off eventually, curled up uncomfortably in the large chair. A tarp or drop cloth of some sort had been draped over me as a makeshift blanket. 
My stomach growled and a pang hit me as the acid started to flow. 
I eased my sore legs down, stretching them carefully; glad to see the fatigue hadn't grown into full on pain, and cast about for my unlikely companion.
He was bent over the console where our encryption chip was plugged in, now projecting data and instructions for our arrival. 
I padded over, my slippered feet not making much noise on the metal flooring. My hand slid to the small of his back, signaling I was there, and I leaned to look around him to the projection. 
Stifling a jump, he shifted so I could see.
We were headed to a red sun system, uninhabited. There were warnings about how much tech we used outside of the bunker, apparently any signals picked up by passerby's would be suspect. Keep the beacon on us, but abandon the ship till it's needed again. 
“So just… sit and wait?”
“This seems a waste of your talents,”
“It is,”
“I once again ask…Why send you?”
“An impeccable record of self control,”
I laughed at that,
“What's so funny?”
I wasn't sure, that just seemed… wildly inaccurate. No reason to think so though, he had in fact been quiet in control of himself. 
“Is it really all that important? It can't be real that you were ordered not to sleep with me, literally…”
He shrugged giving me a look like he wasn't sure what else could be said about it.  
I scoffed at that, irritated at the confusing perimeters of the situation. 
“and to think, if they stuck me with a Reg it wouldn't have been an issue,”
“What do you mean by that?”
The question wasn't accusing, just a hint perplexed at my wording.
… Maybe I said too much. 
I sobered and straightened, trying to think of a way to side step the topic. 
“I tease, I flirt, but it's all an act… it's my job in fact, to seem available but not be, but I don't push things very far… usually, my actual cravings are…”
An enigma? Rare? A reflection of my inflated ego? Either way this is different…
I trailed off, once again too close to the truth, and retreated slightly. He was raising an eyebrow, waiting for me to finish the explanation and not realizing how dangerous it made him look to me, or perhaps, maybe he did. I deflected,
“Isn't it annoying, to have to follow such petty commands?”
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Turning, I wandered back towards him, lifting my arms to rest against his chest plate and leaned in close, remembering the darkness that swirled in him, in me…
How much did he see?
“You were in here, what do you think?”
He seemed to know where my mind had went, but my question appeared to bother him more than intended. There's definitely something hiding in there.  
“I think ignoring direct orders has never been an issue for you… what changed?”
We can't keep this up, without any eyes on us it seemed idiotic to keep denying ourselves. I continued, pressed to him as I was, I had to look up to catch his eyes. 
“Is the Empire really such a loving mistress?”
“...I need to be trusted,”
It was the truth, but vague enough to not answer anything. He did something… I saw it, and he's been in that swirling storm ever since. 
Was it worth it?
There was a harsh beep from the encryption chip warning that we would be dropping out of warp. 
I snapped out of the spell that had begun to fall over us and went back to sit in my chair, strapping in.  He followed shortly.
The moon under the red sun was eerily quiet. Most of the surface was water besides a few flat islands covered with coniferous pines and ferns. All that could be heard was a gentle lap of water, there were no animals, no insects… no breeze.  
The sky was a deep purple and my skin looked red under the dark filter of the alien sun. Everything else was black. The trees, the ground, the beach of smooth flat stones. 
We had been walking a while, having set down on the opposite side of the designated island as instructed, and were making our way to the bunker that should be waiting for us. Our footsteps made small shuffles and clatters as we moved down the beach, Crosshair holding the beacon out as it flashed quicker and quicker as we found our way. 
I held my tattered slippers in my hand as we picked our way along. The moon was temperate. The sun, large in the sky, cast a moderate amount of heat making the stones comfortably warm beneath my feet. 
“I wonder if it's safe to swim…”
“Should be, but I wouldn't trust it,”
I looked over the smooth expanse of water to our left. The waves were so gentle the horizon looked flat and reflective, the red ring of the sun reflecting in the inky sea. 
The beacon chirped as we came even to a path cut into the ferns and turned to follow it, eventually coming to a large metal alcove jutting from the ground. Crosshair tapped the device to a panel on the door triggering a loud mechanical whine that cracked the otherwise pristine soundscape, and the door was opening. 
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The first chamber was dark, the walls thick and insulating. We walked a ramp downward, about twenty paces, before coming to another barrier. 
This door clicked and a blue light illuminated the space, scanning us from floor to ceiling. 
“Welcome. Tah’nyem Ra. And. Companion.”
There was a loud swish and we were let into a small, furnished apartment. The kitchenette and living area were equipped with the usual amenities. Thick ventilation and a bank of carbon scrubbers were recessed by the door, explaining the thickness of the walls.
How well can that actually scrub all the emissions? Where do they go?
With a small electric hum, the lights came on warm and low, and a screen flashed over the couch projecting a feed of the surface. It was all rather lush, despite its size, fine fabric and intricate metal work everywhere you looked. 
A low whistle came from beside me and I turned to look at the soldier, not seeming too out of place against the black tones and shadowy aesthetic of the safe house furnishings.
“This’ll do,”
I dropped my tattered bag to the floor where it hit with a clunk, the credits and old boots from the shuttle landing hard on the tile, and made for the kitchen. 
Please please please
Popping the pantry I laughed in relief as I took in the rows of food stores. Nothing too fancy but it was more than enough for two people to live fat and happy for a while. 
I grabbed two packages and headed to the rehydrator tucked on the wall, catching Crosshair's profile still standing awkwardly by the couch. 
“Relax, Commander, Mission accomplished,”
“Not yet, we still have to get you home,”
He looked at the data stick in his hand, now quiet and dark. It would blink again once new arrangements have been made for me. Which, if my parents left the same day using civilian travel plans…
“We could have days before Vah’hadarr lands on Ga’hah,”
And who knows how long he wants me underground…
“Go on, take a shower or something, you earned it… and probably need it,”
Turning back to prepping food, I popped the packages open and tossed them into the machine, hitting the appropriate buttons so that it started humming softly. 
Crosshair hadn't made much progress, now casting his eyes about the clean, black living room and down to his guns and armor dusted in brilliant red sand. I rolled my eyes, wondering what had him so… of kilter.
“Just put it by the door, someone will probably clean and restock this place later,”
He jerked into motion and started stacking his things by the door frame, pieces of armor plating coming off in loud clacks against the hum of the cooking food. 
I leaned against the counter and eyed the sleek under suit that was emerging from beneath the plates. 
Doesn't take much imagination from there does it…
He moved to remove the belt and codpiece and I turned swiftly to look at the humming rehydrator instead. 
Well that was unlike me…
What is this? Blossoming respect?
Ugh, gotta get rid of that…
Out of the corner of my eye I traced his movements as he crossed my peripheral and into the back room of the bunker. 
I checked the timer on the food and followed, waiting a moment to hear the water start in the fresher before leaning against the door. 
“Hey, pass me your body suit, I'm sure there's a washer in here,”
There wasn't a reply but it wasn't because he didn't hear me.
“It's okay, I'll find a robe or something while you wash,”
A few seconds and the door opened, him in a towel, avoiding my gaze and holding out the black suit.
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I took it and the door zipped shut again, quickly. 
There was a closet next to the refresher door and I clicked it open. More towels. Next cabinet had two robes hung inside and I grabbed them both turning back to the fresher and hung one on a hook near the frame, taking the other for myself as I padded back into the short hall. 
There were two bunks opposite the door to the room and another thin door. I opened it to find the expected utilities, tossing the body suit in. Listening to make sure the shower was still running I stripped out of my tattered nightgown and tossed it in as well. 
Wishing I hadn't let him go first, I slipped the robe on, committed to filling my belly anyways. Which,
A beep could be heard from the kitchenette and I wandered back to retrieve my much needed calories, taking the two rolls from the machine and finding a plate to leave one out for Crosshair. I took a bite out of mine and savored the protein and grains, though they could use a bit more seasoning, I was starving. I eyed Cross’s portion and grabbed two more packs from the cupboard. 
That is not gonna be enough.
The faint sound of running water stopped and I scarfed down the rest of my food, eager to shower myself. 
My pace towards the bedroom faltered as the door opened and the tall clone hesitantly emerged, the gray waffle knit doing about as much to hide his frame as the tight black under suit. 
I glanced down at his exposed calves and marveled at their definition for a moment.
“Uh, there's food on the table, more cooking if you're still hungry,”
I pushed past him into the room, wedging him out and shut the door. 
Days shut in alone together and I'm supposed to behave myself. Be’llahl, what did I do to deserve this?
I knew what I did. 
I looked through the rest of the storage and found some silk button ups and trousers. Nothing my size. I checked a few more drawers, but the only female clothing I found were skimpy lingerie pieces. Sighing, I grabbed one of the large shirts and made for the fresher. 
Kriffs sake Vah'hadarr, you sure you don't want me shacking up with soldiers?
Be'llahl or not, I wanted nothing to do with thoughts on why my father's safe house was stocked with such sundries.
The water was already warm, and I stepped into the spray with a relieved groan.
My scrapes and scratches stung as the water flowed over them and I liberally coated myself with soap, feeling like the dust and sweat might never come off. 
At least it's decent stuff. 
My mind drifted as the creamy suds rinsed off of me. Mostly to the brief flash of Crosshair, framed in the door in nothing but a towel. I hadn't really processed the visual but now that I was clean and undistracted by hunger it came back in a vivid assault. 
Two days?... At least. Does today count?
I turned the handle, cutting off the warm stream and stood in the stall, letting the water bead and run down my skin, enjoying the feeling of it a moment before reaching for the towel. 
Finally dry, I carefully slipped on the black dress shirt. It was the style my father wore, the slim cut almost framing my torso, and fell to about mid thigh, reminding me how short I was compared to most Ga’haiians. I thought about rolling up the sleeves but the material fought me on it so they stayed long.
I hung my towel next to the other damp cloth already drying next to the door and stepped back out into the bedroom, catching my reflection in the mirror. 
I'd say the look was seductive, if it wasn't for the bruises and scratches that patterned my exposed legs, the oversized article hanging off my hips in a way that complimented my slim build.
Well, better than lingerie…
Wandering out to the living area I found Cross at the counter on one of the stools, halfway through the third roll and cleaning the smaller of his guns. 
He looked up from his task, eyes traveling from exposed knees to my dripping hair as he took another bite.  
What the kriff now?
I rocked from heel to toe a few times in the awkward seconds, but he was pushing away the cloth his work was organized on and tapped the stool closest to him before finishing the rest of his food. 
Closing the distance at an unsure pace, I slid onto the bar stool indicated and he pulled over another box. He had found the medical kit, popping it open now to retrieve a canister of bacta spray. 
“Oh, I can do that myse-”
He shot me a look and I shut up as he cupped my chin to examine the bruised abrasion on my jawline. 
A warm sensation spread over the wound as he carefully applied the slimy substance. 
“How did you manage to take such a beating…”
The wonder came under his breath as he moved the fabric from my shoulder, pinching a gash together and applying more spray. 
“I can handle a little pain… enjoy it even-” 
I winced, letting free a small whimper as he lifted my sore leg and assessed the damage there. 
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“That I can believe,”
A sigh, more spray. 
“Some escort I turned out to be…”
“Don't sweat it, I'm breathing, even have both arms still in the sockets…”
Our eyes met briefly before he finished and set my leg back onto the foot rest of the stool. 
“Those should be healed by morning,”
“Well, thanks doc, what would I do without you,”
He snorted dryly and pulled his gun back, patting at his waist, making a face like he forgot he was in a bathrobe. 
I got up and started opening drawers in the kitchen. Finding a little box by the cutlery marked in Ga'haiian.
I triumphantly pulled out a couple travel vials of toothpicks, and rolled them across the counter where he was still perched. They were gratefully snatched up, one quickly finding its way between his teeth. He leaned into his work with more enthusiasm now that he could concentrate and I slipped a few more vials into my bag's inner pocket, moving it from where it was still discarded on the floor.
Wonder when he managed to lose them.
At least he was keeping himself busy; it was my turn to figure out how to spend the time now that my creature comforts had been met. Well, most of them.
Finally free to really roam about the space I realized there wasn't a lot to look at. The living area was made up of a low, deep couch made of a soft black leather, a console with speakers beneath the false window, and another screen housing facing the couch. The kitchenette was barely a hallway, separated from the rest of the space by the thin island counter Crosshair was leaning over. Then the short passage with bunks and utilities to one side and the proper room with the refresher on the other. 
The bunker had no access to the outside holonet, its system self contained and concealed from any scans or probing. This meant all entertainment was limited to whatever was preloaded into the base's memory. 
I scrolled through the holopad, reading through the meager selection of games, films, and music. There… wasn't much. 
Wonderful, we can spend our time playing cards.
I selected an old Diva Shaliqua track and the hypnotic tones of the Theelin’s voice poured from the speakers, making the space more familiar and inviting. 
I turned to Crosshair gesturing to the speakers, and he nodded approval. 
“You a fan of the Divas?” 
“Not really a fan of anything,”
“Mm… Kahtzi’s related you know, not that that's saying much, I think all Theelin are related at this point,”
Kahtzi was a human Theelin hybrid, and would have been rather difficult to meet if I hadn't attended such a prestigious university. There were only about a million or so left in the galaxy. 
There were nested cabinets all around the room and I popped them open systematically, checking their contents. Most were empty, but one contained a few soft knit blankets. I carried one back to the couch and sank into it, pulling the knit tight around me. 
Exhaustion was catching up to me quickly, the nap on the tiny shuttle didn't do much in the way of rest. The warm living room and soft music were lulling me into a state of true relaxation.
It wasn't long till my eyes grew too heavy to keep open, and I fell into a deep sleep. 
Where's that cultural dress I had made for the meeting, Tah’nyem? 
No it's not revealing
That's the style, li’ha, the clients appreciate the care we pay to their customs.
Wear. It. 
It was dark when I opened my eyes again, the stereo and most of the lights turned off. 
I couldn't see Crosshair, but I could hear his breathing in the direction of the bunks. It didn't take long for me to figure that that was what woke me. The breathing was labored, almost panting, irregular. I got up with my blanket and tip-toed over to the hall to check on him. 
As suspected, his eyelids were twitching rapidly and a sheen of sweat glinted in the remaining light spilling over from the kitchen. I thought about waking him, but the brown eyes fluttered open on their own. He looked disoriented for a moment, but quickly refocused on me standing near the foot of the bunk. 
“What are you doing?”
I sat next to his knees. 
“Just seeing what the fuss is about, you remember what you were dreaming?”
He was quiet for a while. 
It was a lie. 
“You know, if you were to talk about the shadows that swim behind those eyes… who would be safer than someone you'll know so briefly?”
That didn't seem to placate him, but he forced himself into something resembling ease. 
“It’s… I'm fine,”
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I reached over and took his hand, turning it to massage the palm as I had on the transport only a day or so ago and the ease seeped into him, becoming real. 
“You want to go back to sleep?”
Genuine this time. 
“Me neither…”
I cast my eyes about the space, now feeling stiflingly small. 
“Come on,”
I tugged his arm, getting up from the bunk and letting my blanket fall to the floor. 
“Where, exactly?”
“Let's get some fresh air,”
“Prince-... Tah’Nyem, we have to stay within the walls,”
It was the first time he had used my name rather than the more derogatory form of endearment and it sounded wrong in its formality. 
“Call me Tahny… my full honorific feels… too heavy on your lips,”
No one really called me that anymore other than my mother, but…
“We have to stay inside… Tahny,”
My heart fluttered. The childhood nickname sounded different, colored by his voice, and it only spurred my resolve. 
“Anything a scanner can pick up has to stay down here, empty your pockets and it'll be fine,”
He still resisted. 
“They can scan for life forms…”
“The trees will throw them off,”
I turned, still holding his hand, to be even with him sitting up on the bunk. 
“Please, Crosshair?”
Since we're on a first name basis now…
A little tremor went through him and he sighed, moving to get up but pulling his hand from mine to close the robe that had come undone while he slept. 
Together, we left the mechanical hums and whines of the bunker doors, making our way back out into the dark, red stained landscape. 
The sun was positioned differently, but nothing else had changed since we had passed through hours ago. The rocks were warm on my bare feet, and the water lapped softly against the surreal, black backdrop of stones and trees. 
I could feel his wary presence, calm but untrusting, scanning the horizon. He had grabbed his rifle, and now held it lazily to his side while he took in the alien moon. 
Turning back to the sea, I breathed deeply, expecting to smell salt, but all that came to me was the vaguely green scent of ferns. How good it felt to be outside. 
“I've never seen a world like this, have you?”
“Red suns I've seen, but like this? Not… exactly,”
“New for both of us then?”
A noise of affirmation. 
I stood a moment, taking it in, breathing the fresh air and toying with the buttons of the shirt I was draped in. 
“I wonder what else we have in common…”
I didn't need to use much imagination, having been forcibly dragged through each other's minds. We're both filled with dark, swirling thoughts of people not their own. An ever growing resentment for being perceived, thoughts racing in an ever tightening circle of how to be free of… well, everything.
Death wish?
It seemed like an accurate label, and its hold was on both of us. We flirt with danger in different ways… but we were just begging for one instance, one moment, where maybe the danger will win. End the torture, the loneliness. Give us our freedom. All it took was once. Was one bad decision really better than another?
“Put your gun down.”
A pause of consideration,
“You won't need it.”
A moment passed as he fought with abandoning his physical sense of security. Eventually, I heard him put the stock on the ground, apparently leaning it against one of the trees at the edge of the narrow beach. 
With a deft hand, I worked the buttons down my shirt free of their clasps and let the fabric fall with a slither onto the warm stones. 
Alarm in his voice. 
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The command made him rock back from whatever action he meant to take to end this. 
I turned to look over my shoulder. He was only a few paces away, transfixed in a sort of befuddled way. 
“Why do we give them everything?”
“Everyone else. Those who control us, own us as you will, just… accepting that if they decide to change our lives, abandon us, use us, it's in their power to do so, and yet- what do they let us have for ourselves? What do they think of us?… they don't even see us,”
He didn't answer, I didn't need him to. 
“Listen… you can walk away, go inside, forget this and me the moment we part ways,”
A long moment of nothing but the lap of water…
It was so quiet. I turned and slowly closed the distance, pressing against him, feeling how tense he suddenly was. 
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“You can help me remember this beautiful night in a way that would always be ours,”
His breath was carefully even. 
I looked into his eyes, pleading. 
“How many times will you throw yourself at death till it finally snags you? Would you really go off to die without having me? Never knowing…”
He still teetered on the edge of duty and reason but had run out of excuses. His eyes darkened as I reminded him of our grim realities, stoking an anger that reflected what was burning through my core. I kept pushing,
“I don't know how you work but for me… it would be torture to never know you,”
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I had my answer when his arms snaked around me, crushing me to him as his mouth found mine, clamping to me with a sudden, desperate hunger; Ravenous to take, to have, to fight back in a way that would bring a smile to Be'llahl.
Hands running over his chest in return, I slipped the robe from his shoulders helping him to catch up to my nudity. 
His fingers roved down my hips, giving my ass a firm squeeze before he carefully lowered himself to the ground pulling me into his lap, never breaking the kiss that was slowly consuming us in flames of lust and hidden rage. 
I moaned into his mouth in need as I felt his cock stiffening against my thighs. Taking him in hand, I felt the weight of him, the length against my wrist as I gripped the base. I couldn't wait much longer. 
“Please, Crosshair…”
My flesh was on fire, his hands on me sending waves of tingles to my brain churning me into a sensitive mess. He stroked his fingers up my spine and I arched against him with a gasp. Using my free hand to cup his neck, thumb caressing the edge of the ragged scar over his ear, he took the opportunity to bite at a nipple that had come in range. 
This earned him another pitiful moan and I stroked his length wanting it inside of me. 
With a low growl he gathered my arms and held them behind my back easily with one hand. The other slid over my hip and down between my legs, gently caressing the tender petals he found there making me tremble as he coaxed the slickness of my arousal to drip onto his waiting member. 
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He moaned low, the same need consuming him, and he guided himself to my entrance. There was no resistance as he lowered me down to take him fully, pulling me into him till he was sheathed in me, grinding against my slick and swollen lips. 
We both sighed in relief before our mouths met again, less frantic now. Taking the time to explore the sensation of us, pulling back only to look at each other, bodies now interlocked. He was beautiful beneath me, naked and drenched in red light…
I squeezed my thighs. Rocking myself on his lap, desperate for some friction, he tightened his grip on my wrists. His other arm wrapped around me firmly but he was letting me take the lead. Cross’s lips gently brushed my forehead creating a strange juxtaposition with the rough, dominant hold around my bucking hips. 
The stones under my knees shifted with me as I rode him, his hands guiding my bouncing body. He was trembling, but focused, not wanting this to end too soon. I could feel the pleasure shifting into something more wild as I reached the first threshold. He pulled me down onto him suddenly, slamming into me, driving me over the waiting edge. 
The climax took me quickly, days of tension making me easy quarry, and my knees squeezed his hips as I let out a strangled cry, any other thoughts forcibly scrubbed from my brain as I shook in his hold. My desire was only deepening. I was starting to fear the physical contact wasn't going to be enough any more. I wanted him in my mind again, clawing against my soul. 
“Look at me,”
My eyes fluttered open, not realizing I had closed them. I drank in his face, the rapture in it, the red sun reflected in his eyes. 
This will have to do…
He let go of my arms, letting his left hand drift to my hip while his right trailed up to my neck, holding it gently as he laid back onto the stones. He thrusted up, increasing the power from below. 
The scoop of my hips became violent as I met each of his strokes, arms now free to use his chest  for balance. I dug my fingertips into the firm pecs as pleasure pushed the sense from me; It escaped in wispy moans that carried across the rippling water. It didn't take long for another orgasm to rip through me, harder this time. My muscles clamped down on him threatening to push him free as I cried out, echoing into the quiet, alien night.
I didn't dare look away. With him holding my neck, I couldn't if I wanted to. It was all intensity rolling off of him and a rumbling through his breastbone, pleased with my writhing form holding his eyes so desperately.
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“Oh Cross… li’nen, you feel so good,”
The world was spinning, he shifted us, skillfully flipping to be on top of me. My back pressed into the warm stones and I adjusted, wrapping my legs around his hips as he continued with careful, measured humping. 
No… that's not right.
“Don't, ah! hold back,”
His rhythm faltered but he didn't change pace. 
“I don't want to, ha-hurt you,”
“It's okay… I can take it, just… I want it all Cross-hah, give me everything,”
He took a deep, shaking breath… then roughly thrust into me. His chest pinned me as he scooped forward in a full bodied motion taking up a slower, harder rhythm.
I hadn't realized how much he had been restraining himself and I groaned at the new force. It took a moment to acclimate before becoming comfortable. I remembered what was said about his enhanced strength…
I'll have more bruises tomorrow for sure,
The thought was wiped clean as my body shuddered with each hammering thrust, any jolt of pain becoming pleasure as it was lost in the labyrinth of my quivering nerves. All I could do was wrap my arms and legs tighter about him. 
I was getting close again. Listening to his soft grunts as he ravaged me was just as erotic as the physical sensation. It felt like I was floating, eyes glazed, no longer capable of much sound at all. I clung to him, his breath, his heartbeat, the only thing that was real anymore. 
A gasp finally escaped me as everything became brighter. I claimed his lips again as I came, nails biting into his back and legs locking about his hips as my muscles flexed against him wanting him as deep as possible.
It was finally too much for him and his breath caught as he lost the battle with his own pleasure. He pressed back against me, letting my knees pull him deeper as he twitched inside, wracked in his own orgasm, a soft groan against my lips,
Before he collapsed over me. The hormones fled, leaving him spent and panting. 
I stroked his back as he rested his forehead against mine and we breathed heavily… together, reduced to our most vulnerable forms. 
Two frightened children, lost and adrift on the edge of the galaxy, grasping for a friend in the dark. 
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Shhh... *ushers you away*
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cordonianroyalairlines · 10 months
All I Want for Christmas Part 1
Series: Cordonian Royal Airlines
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for series: Various
Pairing for this chapter: Riley x Drake, Liam x Max
Word Count: 2,475
Rating: General
Warnings for this chapter: None
A/N: Listen. I had an idea for the @choicesprompts #rewritechallenge holiday edition. I had the whole scene in my head, but then I decided it needed a little lead-up. Then I decided the lead-up needed a lead-up and then these characters completely just took over, threw my script out the window, and took a whole detour to examine a little budding romance between Liam and Max when this story was supposed to be focused on Drake and Riley (and it still is, mostly).
Long story short, it got a little out of hand so I have split it into two chapters. I'm tagging all of the following:
@choicesprompts rewrite challenge, holiday edition TRR x Untamed Heart (one of my all-time favorite movies). @choicesficwriterscreations holiday prompt: Stuck together in the snow; @choicesdecember2023 Christmas and @choicesholidays: This is the worst Christmas ever.
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“Goodbye, Mrs. Lassiter, have a pleasant stay!” Riley waved with a smile painted on her face as the last passenger debarked. The smile faded from her face as the guests disappeared down the jet bridge and her eyes took in the heavy snowfall blanketing the runway.
Max noticed her despondent expression. “You okay, Ri?”
She turned toward her best friend and coworker with a sigh. “Remind me again why I volunteered to work this flight?”
“Uh…because your sister is getting married in less than two months, and you needed the overtime to pay for the ridiculous over-the-top bachelorette party she wants.”
“Right. Amelia,” Riley nodded to herself, “I’m doing this for her.”
“I think you do too much for her, Ri,” Max clucked at her like a mother hen, “She takes advantage of your generous nature.”
“Oh, Max, it’s fine. You only get married once!”
He arched an eyebrow at her.
“Okay,” a giggle burst out of her, “Hopefully, she only gets married once!”
“Frankly, I’m surprised she found anyone willing to marry her. Is there something wrong with him?”
“Max!” Riley laughed as she thumped him playfully on the shoulder before turning serious. “I just hope we’re able to take off tomorrow as planned.” Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, and she had promised her mother she’d be home so she could spend Christmas day with her parents and siblings.
“I wouldn’t count on it.”
Riley turned toward the voice to find the pilot striding toward them. Captain Liam Rys stopped in front of the flight attendants to announce, “There’s a blizzard headed straight for us.”
“Maybe we could just fly out right now—” Riley started hopefully.
“That’s a negative,” Liam cut her off, “that would put me over my flight limit for the day. We’ll proceed to the hotel as planned and hope for the best but be prepared to spend Christmas here.”
“Remind me why you agreed to fly into Estonia, the blizzard capital of the world, two days before Christmas?” Max grumbled.
Liam’s eyes flicked to him in annoyance. “Because of the obscene amount of money Mr. Lassiter was willing to pay for me to do so. You’ll thank me when you get your next paycheck and there’s a substantial bonus on it, on top of the holiday bonus you just received.”
“It’s okay,” Max shrugged with a tinge of disappointment in his tone, “My brother is in Japan anyway.”
Liam’s expression softened a little. “I’m sure he wishes he could spend Christmas with you.”
“Well, he’s flying with Leo, which he loves. I’m just disappointed that we’re almost never assigned to the same flight.”
Liam averted his eyes, unwilling to tell Max that was on purpose. Bertrand had requested that Max not be on the same flight as himself after the younger Beaumont’s enthusiasm became embarrassing for him. Max had gushed to a passenger about his pride in his older sibling, proudly articulating that, “My brother’s the co-pilot. He’s really good at it. He’s almost good enough to be the pilot!”
Liam shuffled his feet awkwardly, then nodded at Max, “Yes, well…. See you at the hotel.”
“You will?” Max’s head whipped around in surprise. Liam had never expressed an interest in seeing him outside of work before.
“Well, he was a little snippy,” Riley observed as Liam disappeared down the sky bridge.
“But did he seem….I don’t know…interested in-“ a flush crawled up his neck and then flared across his face, “Never mind. Of course not.”
Riley’s brow furrowed. “Interested in what?”
“Nothing. Let’s just get this cabin cleaned up so we can go.”
Riley awoke the next morning to sheets of snow pouring from the sky, blanketing the city in white as far as she could see from her hotel window. Which wasn’t that far. The snow was coming down too fast and too thick for her to see past the parking lot.
“Shit!” She aggressively pulled the curtains closed and dove back under the covers.
“So, what have you two been up to all day?” Liam asked as the four-member flight crew sat down for dinner in the hotel restaurant.
“Well, I slept in, then I called my mom to let her know I wouldn’t be making it home today and probably not tomorrow either. Then I drown my sorrows in a steaming hot bubble bath.” Riley responded as she pulled the menu over to her.
“Yeah, but then we saw a movie,” Max reminded her. Turning to Liam, he rambled excitedly, “This hotel has a theater in it. There was popcorn and everything! And then we took a cooking class! Can you believe that? The hotel chef hosts a class here once a week, but they did an extra class today because it snowed everyone in.”
Liam smiled at Max’s enthusiasm. “That sounds like fun. Now I feel boring. I read all day. Drake, what about you?”
“What about me?” Drake was busy shoveling a complimentary roll into his mouth.
Riley laughed. “Have you not been listening to the conversation? He wants to know what you did to keep busy today, you dork.”
Drake grabbed his water glass and chugged the cold liquid down to cover the fact that he had not heard a word of the conversation since Riley stopped talking. He was still picturing her in that bubble bath. When he sat the glass down, he responded, “I did my usual morning workout. The gym here is excellent. Since I couldn’t go for a run, I hit the heavy bags and then swam a few laps.”
“How many is a few?” Max asked.
“Twenty.” Drake’s eyes flicked to Max as he answered before landing quickly back on Riley’s face searching for any clue that she was impressed, or at least interested in him.
Not that he cared. She was a coworker, and he didn’t date coworkers.
“All before lunch?” She raised an eyebrow.
He wasn’t sure if she found his morning activities impressive or stupid. Her expression gave away nothing. “I find it hard to sit still,” he answered.
Liam scoffed, “You sit in the cockpit for hours at a time.”
“First of all, that’s different. I’m doing plenty as you well know and second of all, that’s why I need more physical movement when I’m on the ground.”
“Makes sense to me!” Max nodded emphatically as the waitress arrived with the menus.
They ordered their food and ate while making companionable chit chat. After dinner, Max suggested they continue the night across the lobby.
The hotel bar was crowded. The four coworkers quickly parted in the crowd. Drake and Liam navigated to a small table in the back and ordered drinks.
“You don’t want to ask her to dance?” Liam nodded across the room to the dance floor where Max and Riley were laughing and twirling to the music.
Drake followed Liam’s eyes and froze as he watched her sway and shimmy to the thump of heavy base. “I don’t dance.”
“I’ve seen you dance.”
“Not well.”
“So, you’re worried about embarrassing yourself in front of her?”
“What? No!” Drake reached for the tumbler of single malt scotch as the server placed it on the table in front of him and took a long pull as his mind spun with ways to shift the conversation away from his nonexistent love life. “What’s going on with you and Max?”
Liam startled so hard that bourbon sloshed over the rim of his glass. He stared at Drake in a blind panic. “What do you mean?”
“I mean….you usually pay no attention to what the flight attendants are doing when we have layovers. Yet you invited everyone to dinner tonight and you’re the one that was watching them dance. I’m pretty sure you’re not into Riley because if you were, you wouldn’t be pushing me toward her. So that leaves Max. Tell me I’m wrong.”
He lowered his glass to the table with a sigh. “It’s that obvious?”
“To me, but I’ve known you for a long time, Li.”
Liam blew out a long breath. “Shit.”
“Why don’t you just tell him you’re interested?”
“No,” Liam shook his head vigorously, “I can’t do that!”
“Why not?”
“So many reasons! Starting with the fact that I’m his boss and that’s a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen.”
“Not if he likes you back,” Drake countered.
“That’s not likely.”
Again, Drake asked, “Why not?”
Liam scoffed as he gestured toward the dance floor. “I mean, look at him! He’s fun and popular and hilariously funny. And look at those dance moves! He’s interesting and cool. What could he possibly see in me?”
“Hey, don’t sell yourself short, man.”
“I’m a stick in the mud and you know it. I was the president of my debate team. He was the lead in his school’s production of Beetle Juice.”
“How do you know- “
“Bertrand told me.”
“So, you’ve been pumping his brother for information?”
“Not the point. He’s amazing and fun and talented and I’m….me.”
“Liam, come on, man, you-“
“When I was twelve, I read law books for fun.”
“Geez, okay. Never mind. You’re definitely going to die alone.”
“Shut up,” Liam laughed, “I know you think I’m being dramatic.“
“You fly planes for a living,” Drake reminded him. “In my experience, a lot of people find that sexy.”
“Yes, well, I know your experience is quite extensive in that area but-“
“Are you calling me a man whore?”
“If the shoe fits….” Liam muttered into his drink.
“Insult me all you want, but it isn’t going to change the fact that you’ve got it bad. You should just tell him.”
“Oh, okay, Mr. I don’t like Riley.”
Fuck. Drake took another long drink. The conversation had come full circle. His eyes drifted across the room to find her again. She was still with Max.
Riley led Max off the dance floor and to a table as she flagged down a server for some water. “What’s up with you tonight?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you’ve been acting squirely all night and you keep looking around like you’re searching for somebody. What’s that about?”
Max flushed, “Ah….I think I might have a thing for Liam.”
“Wait…what?” Riley shrieked, then clapped her hands over her mouth.
“I don’t know….” Max dropped his eyes to the table. “I mean, you know, he’s hot or whatever.”
“Max!” She slapped his shoulder. “Since when? And why didn’t you tell me?”
He shrugged. “Just recently I’ve started to notice him more, that’s all. He’s always being nice to me and- “
“He’s nice to everyone.”
“I know, but it’s more than that! I can’t explain it, okay? It’s just…the way he looks at me sometimes….”
“I have never seen you act shy before! You hit on that model last week!”
“Oh, him? Yeah, but that was just--”
“That man is an international star, and you had zero qualms asking for his snap.”
“I know, but- “
“And he gave it to you!”
“Sure, but Liam isn’t just a pretty face, Riley! He’s so fucking smart and serious. He’s sophisticated, and there’s just no way he’d be into a goofball like me.”
“Ah, Maxey, anyone with half a brain would be into you.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re my best friend.”
“Yes. But also because it’s true.”
“No, it’s not. I’m the general fuckup in my family. Just ask Bertrand. Or my father.”
“Max, you’re not a fuckup!” Riley admonished. “You’re just different from your brother and father, thank God! I’m sorry, I know you love him, but Bertrand is the most boring man alive, and your father is a dick, so please don’t judge yourself by his opinion of you.”
“Bert’s not boring. He just had to grow up fast. My father put a lot of pressure on him and he, unlike me, rose to the challenge. I mean, look at us. He’s a pilot and I’m a flight attendant. Do you remember what my father said when I told him I wanted to be a flight attendant?”
“Yes, but on the bright side, it was the first time he acknowledged your sexual orientation.”
Max snorted, “That’s not funny, Riley.”
“You laughed.”
He bumped her shoulder with his own with an amused shake of his head, “If your point is that my father is a homophobic, controlling, abusive asshole whose opinion should mean nothing to me or anyone else with a lick of self-respect, then point taken.” He lifted his glass to her.
She lifted hers and tapped it into his with a grin. “My work here is done. Now go over there and ask him to shoot darts or something.”
“All right, well, this has been fun, but I’m going up to bed now.” Liam pushed away from the table and stood up, stretching as he did so.
“You really are a stick in the mud,” Drake laughed as the server cleared their table and asked if he could get them anything else. “Yeah, an unopened bottle of what we’ve been drinking tonight.”
Liam turned to go but froze as a voice that sent heat shocking through him spoke, “Hey…Liam….you wanna…go play darts or something?”
He turned to find Max smiling at him. Trying to push down the rising panic in his throat, his eyes flicked to Drake, who just gave him an amused smile, then back to Max, who looked uncharacteristically nervous. “Uh…. sure.”
“Great!” Relief washed across Max’s features. Then he remembered himself and begrudgingly turned to include Drake in the invitation. “Would you like to join us?”
“Nah, I’m good. You two go ahead. I’ve got a bottle of top-shelf whiskey, and this hotel has steak on their room service menu. I’ll be fine.”
“Okay then, goodnight and Merry Christmas,” Liam didn’t meet Drake’s eyes as he waved bye and then followed Max to the dart boards lined up against the far wall.
Drake chuckled to himself as he took the bottle from the server and thrust a handful of bills at him. He started for the door, then thought better of it and backtracked to the bar, reaching across and grabbing a clean tumbler to take to his room with him.
He had to dodge a bunch of drunk people on his way back, causing him to veer off course until he was damn near on the other side of the room.
It wasn’t so much that he saw her as he felt her presence. His head lifted and his eyes somehow went straight to her despite the dozen or so people between him and the table she was seated at. Without making a conscious decision, his body angled in her direction, and he made his way over to her, reminding himself the whole way that he didn’t get involved with coworkers.
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