#cosmic luve
ericleo108 · 9 months
CosmicLuve.com December 2023 - Deer
Necessary prerequisite posts:
108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (book)
Sentientism 2022
Cosmic Love Feb 2020 - Emma Watson
Cosmic Love April 2022: Cary Charlotte or Mary
Cosmic Luve July 2023 - The Main Thing
Cosmic Luve Aug 2023 - Orange
Cosmic Luve Sept 2023 - Bam
Cosmic Luve November 2023 - Cosmic Bros
This post’s intro builds off the semantics from the cosmic luve entries “Bam” and “Cosmic Bros” but the semantics for this month are all new, and all surround Emma Watson (again). I keep up this blog to show how semantic coincidences I see as meaningful could be a communication from Gaia, which is another name for the Earth’s conscious and godly spirit. 
The basic theory is that Gaia can communicate through telepathic randonauting and “points of realization.” In other words, it’s thought that the Earth is conscious due to it’s magnetism that gives her the ability to read your thoughts and highlight cognition which affects your behavior. It’s postulated that Gaia would manifest her communications through signals of loving intent especially between romantic partners. She would basically have to use humans and animals as a canvas to paint her communication over the collective ethos which would manifest by groups of individuals acting out their (gaia) affected cognition. 
The basis of this is described in my book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” which breaks down the science and evidence behind my reasoning and why I came to this conclusion. In the sentientism posts on the blog I take the science and knowledge of this a step further into the belief that Gaia is already conscious and communicating and ask: “What would that look like?” Then, this cosmic luve log is my attempt at showing you all that from my experience and how the voice in my head predicts the future and manipulates my environment in the ways aforementioned. 
Where we Left off
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I guess I should have waited longer to publish the last post because a couple new semantics popped up that day that directly related to the main theme of the last post. I’ve seen the video of Pattie Gonia holding up the signs of exposing Big Oil Tycoons as criminals before… but I forgot to log it. I made a tweet about it and about how I came across it on the day I published the November 2023 post and (eventually) apologized to Gaia for missing her communication. The next day, Philip DeFranco did another segment on the protests of Just Stop Oil. 
New Coincidences
It all started December 9th, 2023 when I went to Three Rivers to see a friend and shoot three one-take music videos on the train tracks. They are posted and include “Yeah We Bang” “I Got You” and “Paliperidone” which is embedded above. In the December 10th Sunday update I talked about Emma Watson as a dear. Quick explanation, there was a deer that stopped in the middle of the train tracks while I was filming the second video which was “Paliperidone.” This is cosmic luve because right as I’m filming the deer I say “Gaia’s force,” then a little later I say “here’s the tale” as the deer runs away showing it’s tail, and (at the time) Emma’s Instagram profile picture was the mother deer from Bambi.
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In the December 10th Sunday update I also talk about how “in twilight while taking a nap during the day the other day and Gaia said to make a (mystical) tree an anchor that she could build upon so I tweeted it to make it official.” Here is the tweet about the tree. I mentioned how “I made a tweet back on October 1st about how I would get $500 from my music “in the next 100 days”. Well I got the $500 but it didn’t come from music. It was access money I had basically.” Here is the tweet I made on October 1st. I also logged in the update that Gaia said I would meet Hailee Steinfeld in two years. 
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On December 11th I uploaded the Paliperidone One Take music video to Youtube. On the night of December 12th, Jimmy Fallon revealed the 9th box ‘til Christmas day’ sweater and it was a deer. Also on the night of December 12th Taraji P Henson was on Steven Colbert promoting the movie she was in which was  “The Color Purple.” In the interview Taraji talk about how they shot the movie around a big oak tree (recalling what Gaia told me in twilight).  The movie clip in the show is about recognizing god’s love.
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On October 13 “Cosmic live brownies” dropped. I made a couple posts asking my ig audience why Emma Watson's profile picture is the deer from Bambi. On December 14 Emma changed her profile picture to a British vogue shot and lil dicky dropped mr McAdams the same day. Do you think this is Gaia making fun of me using Emma as a vessel? I think she is. On that day I also thought about the song “Do-Re-Me” from Sound of Music which I think relates especially with Emma being tied to the sun poem. That night Oprah made an appearance on Stephen Colbert wearing all purple. 
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On December 15th Gaia compelled me to make the tweet saying “Gaia says “you’ll hand a girlfriend in three weeks.”” I still don’t know what that’s about, we’ll see… On December 18th the Urban Rescue Ranch talks about “charlottes web” at 6:50 and how the spider is protecting Patrick, who I think is a type of African or Australian deer, from flies. I just want to say, this is how Emma’s cat semantics developed that I talk about in the book, the difference is the semantics were a lot more frequent and consistent because I had a cat. The problem was I hadn’t developed my theory of Gaia’s system (ie, knhoeing, sentientism, and cosmic luve) yet. 
This will be a pivotal post because it’s all about Emma Watsan, and draw together semantics from the previous trope. Listen to “Hey Emma” and “Be my dream” for music about Emma Watson. “Charlotte’s Web,” the last remake from ‘The Chalice Mixtape’ drops on Emma’s birthday April 15 2024. 
I am now using threads to document cosmic Luve coincidences so future logs will link to threads to document the prophecies instead of ‘X.'
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forjustice · 4 months
" I can help!! i luve helping!! " ( for zíniya :) )
Zíniya gazes out at the bleak, lifeless expanse before them, a section of her world's Route 113 that she and the rest of Seventh Vengeance had not yet been able to save from the cosmic rot that had engulfed it. She and Silva stand at the very edge of the safe zone; one step further and the sand--at this close distance, identical to the safe zone's sand--would turn to molten glass beneath their feet. In the distance, though, anyone could see the danger: the sand turned black and gave off a miasma the color of an oilslick, the mountains bent themselves in unnatural Escherian shapes, and overhead instead of sky a series of warps that bent the very universe itself. No one could even fly over that area without being grounded and swallowed by the pits beneath the earth, even if they kept away from the warps--not even Zíniya, beloved of the ill-fated gods.
She lets out a sigh. She admires the young one's spirit, but sometimes she thinks that these parts of her world really are beyond saving. So much of the world, in general, she feels is beyond saving. Billions are dead. Thousands of species, forever extinct. Every accomplishment that sapients built to make their lives more beautiful--set back hundreds if not thousands of years. Sometimes she feels as though even with all the help that she and others gave her world, none of it would ever matter in the grand scheme of things because the world could never truly gain back what it lost. These cosmic aberrations, stubbornly refusing to be removed, are only one manifestation of that.
She opens her mouth, about to try and tell the girl her true thoughts. But beside her, Aster--the somewhat draconic Whismur who contains the spirit of her departed daughter--lets out a concerned squeak. Zíniya can understand her voice, but she doesn't need to. She knows what her daughter is saying: If your friend can have hope, you can too.
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"Sure, I guess you could. We'd all be glad to have you," she says, fighting to keep the weary defeat out of her voice. "I gotta warn you, though. It'll be tough. When my allies and I fought to defeat the monstrosity who made our world this way, it felt like the entire multiverse was fighting us back. Getting rid of things like this--" she gestures in front of her--"is like fighting that battle all over again."
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a-dark-ghost-beat · 5 years
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ok so that was probably always gonna be the line that would’ve made bingo, I’m hella mad I got the Batmen squares wrong and the trinity, or the next crossover (but we got SOME TIDBITS) and the Batwoman square is debatable, Kara is the biggest one crushing on Kate so that’s SWELL :,) ALSO WE DIDNT GIVE DIG A FCKN RING????? Aight well what the fuck ever there’s not a lot to go over if I’m being honest so I’ll be brief WE GOT
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that soft forehead touch??? “I unlocked your potential” now, like, he is a cosmic ghost god at this point, SURE, so oli can kinda do whatever, but...I just think about what this episode was. it was arrow’s hour, which was pretty much a look back on Oliver’s impact on everybody, and how they can take on the anti monitor with and without him (wHICH THEY DID) and like, with everyone going through the speed force to different points in time and stuff, we got shots from other crossovers which I LUVED :,))) (I’m glad the earliest we went back was Invasion! Bc that was the big start of the big crossovers) and I know I’m rambling and there’s no coherency to these posts now but STICK WITH ME NOW
this was all meant to be reminiscent of the arrowverse’s accomplishments, oli even says that! “our greatest defeats, our bonds, memories” yada yada, they go back into other memories
(speaking of tHE CINEMATOGRAPHY WAS A LIL NICER THAN IT EVER NEEDED TO BE? idk if that is how the arrowverse shows are shot now but WOW IT WAS PURTY I can’t even express how much I love the shots I mean the sick cinematic shots and the cool close ups and front facing cams omg) luv my boys
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and with these journeys being made, Barry had a HELL of a trip at the start when he showed up to the first day he met Oliver and like...theY WERE SO CUTE OMG BUT it got me thinking...when was the first time The Flash met oli???? It is pretty much when Barry showed up on that rooftop with Oli, you know? And like, Barry was like “aw man I’m not good at being a superhero” and Oli is like “no man that lightning bolt chose you :,)” and like, I think about THAT being the true birth of the Flash and, like...
with the lil hoop that Oli does om Barry’s head in Crisis, idk if he ever unlocked any actual potential in him. Oli has always believed in Barry. From that day, from every moment they worked together, even in Elseworlds, he gambled his life on Barry being a hero (“it wasn’t a devil’s bargain, and I’d make it again/the real heroes are the ones that have to keep going”) he literally put all his chips on Barry, especially when Barry never believed. I loved that the most of that bromance and my headcanon is that they saved the world bc of Oliver’s faith in Barry that’s it :,)
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Oliver a KI NG SO FCKN FITTING fuck “I am IRON MAN” vs thanos LIKE ALL OF THE CRISIS BUDGET WENT TO THESE SHOTS OMFGGG and I loved it, it was exactly what Oliver deserved after all that’s happened to him and like
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he’s crying bc he can see the rebirth of the universe and he knows it was all worth it at this point 🥺
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and as he does so he passed the torch onto his two successors, the two who he helped start on their journeys, two sad bisexual babies who Oli believes in, but both are afraid of starting again without him 😭😭
Anyway this post has a ten photo limit and I had a TON OF OTHER CUTE SCREENCAPS but I can’t post them all so here are sOME
Honorable Mentions
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Alien is excited that her favorite lesbian is present :,)
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Dorks finally get a selfie during a crossover
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also shameless plug check out this blog I’m writing y’all :,) luv y’all
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abjecterrora · 5 years
even though i think it's hard to do in a rp context, i think you would do great with pennywise from it??? just the eldritch/cosmic horror i think you could do some cool things with t b h
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me luving eldritch/cosmic horror vs me wanting to punch a clun in the face---who wins?  nah but...i’ve literally only seen the new it SO idk.
who do y’all think miss kralie (me) could write? / @astoldbyraz
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ericleo108 · 1 year
CosmicLuve.com July 2023 - The Main Thing
Necessary prerequisite posts:
108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (book)
Sentientism 2022
Cosmic Love Feb 2020 - Emma Watson
Cosmic Love April 2022: Cary Charlotte or Mary
Cosmic Luve July 2022 - Smoke Blunts Response Treatise
Cosmic Luve Aug 2022 - Coast
Cosmic Luve Sept 2022 - Hope
Cosmic Luve Oct 2022 - Folklore
Cosmic Luve April 2023 - Sun
This is a pivotal post and touches on all relevant cosmic luves (as in persons, as well as ties in many posts). This post builds off the story developed in “Sept 2022 Hope” and especially “April 2023 Sun.” You won’t understand the theory or meaning of this post unless you read the Sentientism post and other log entries to see that these coincidences are common occurrences and how I interpret them. The fundamental understanding of all this comes from my book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness.” 
The intent of this cosmic luve log is to explain what I see as Gaia/Earth communicating. The basic theory is that the Earth and stars are conscious due to their magnetism. They have abilities like “telepathic randonauting” and “points of realization” to try and communicate which can affect things like evolution subtly but consistently. I show how Gaia could be manipulating our behaviors by influencing our cognition throughout the cosmic luve blog.
Where we left off… 
When we left off I talked about the semantics of the sun in lil’dicky’s show, how I’m searching for Marcus Lemonis, and couldn’t afford help from Ryini. Well, I said screw it and signed up for Ryini even though it takes my whole music budget for the month. It’s been a couple months and I have found the investment worth it. 
We have a personalized meeting a couple of times a month with a group chat twice per week. This has helped me focus on marketing like making vertical music videos. With their help, we have been breaking them down into segments and running ads through Instagram to get followers and plays on Spotify. They have done things that are invaluable like turning me onto Spotify’s Discovery marketing feature that gets me thousands of plays per month now. I feel like it been worth it and they’re here to help and gonna keep working until I see a good amount of success or at least get my money back. I’m practicing a 7 track set to perform online and at local venues. Hopefully, I’ll have plenty to point to by next cosmic luve entry. 
Marcus and Dave
I stopped looking for Marcus Lemonis because I don’t think he wants to be found. It’s obvious to me he has to know I exist and is just ignoring my request for a meeting. I forgot to mention in the last cosmic luve post that my song called “Process, People, Product” which is taken from his quotes about business from Marcus drops on November 16th 2023. 
It’s worth explaining and furthering the semantics in Dave’s yellow dress. I should of mentioned this in the last post “Sun” but it didn’t come to me until right after I published it. The semantic trope goes as follows and furthers the story of the sun’s communication. Our sun is exemplified as a male. Dave in his yellow dress (exemplifying the sun) came out the same time as my song “Bong hits for Jesus.” Jesus is gods son and based off the myth of the sun (click here for more) as I show in my Atheist Raps blog post. “Bong Hits” is about smoking weed. In Dave’s song about smoking weed “Too High” he talks and makes jokes about the sun (having a dick). This also is a callback to the first Emma Watson post where she is pointing to a letter E in yellow. 
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Looking back
I have a confession to make. Gaia has taught me that when one door closes another one opens. In February I made a tweet along the line of “When they say when one door closes another one opens is bullshit, I quit my job months ago and haven’t found anything.” I quit my job in August 2022 and said that in February 2023. Come to find out that I got my first big royalty check in August 2022 and hadn’t been informed yet and didn’t find out until March 2023. When it was May I have now received my second $1500 royalty check in 6 months. The second royalty check came just after I decided not to go to Marcus’s event. Even with the royalty payment I didn’t really have enough to go because it was $500 plus hotel and airfare. I used the money to pay off my credit card which is full of music production and promotion expenses. 
It seems that financial security is coming slowly, but coming, I just need to focus on building momentum and doing the work. It’s just frustrating cuz I can’t afford anything else and forgo a lot to make all this music happen and I haven’t had real relief for years. The truth is I’m still struggling and have not even come close to breaking even with what I’ve invested, but it’s a start. I am currently desperate for more royalties or financial help.
Looking forward I want 100 tracks by December 2024. If you want to know about coming projects while hearing what I have to say about Big oil, global warming, and blue watch the July 16th 2023 sunday update.
The first cosmic luve occurrence I’ve had since last time was small but was with Taylor Swift. “Karma” is a song that was on The Chalice Mixtape in 2017, I’ve also had it remade and it drops October 6th, 2023. There was a small but unmistakable coincidence in Taylor’s “Karma” video. In my song “cosmic love brownies” that I uploaded months ago and comes out December 13, the lyric is “I got a Saturn in watching over you, cause you’re a supernova girl.” Here is the tweet I made about it. But this lyric reminded me of Taylor standing with Ice Spice lassoing the moon and Saturn in her “Karma” music video.
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Then I had a small occurrence with Hailee Steinfeld when my song “We Make The Party” dropped. I talk about it in my “We Make The Party” blog post but basically, I didn’t realize I would be releasing the song so close to the official start of summer. It has the lyrics “Nothing feels good as her in the summer, we make it hot like global warming.” On the 22nd Hailee posted her magazine feature in The Laterals as their “summer girl.” Unfortunately, I didn’t get a screenshot so you’ll have to look it up. This reminded me of Hailee’s newest song “Sunkissin” which feels like a ‘call-back’ from the sun where Hailee sings “Come and catch a wave, Fade away like it rains in the summertime (In the summertime).”
Although I just published a song called “Vulnerable” responding to a Selena Gomez song by the same name I haven’t seen any coincidences. It's worth mentioning I have thought to myself on many occasions that these women are like the sirens of Greek mythology. Selena reminds me of the ocean and therefore has the strongest association with this feeling and semantics.
Other coincidences since last time include that Cornell West announced his run for President with the Green Party days after I dropped “Philosophy 101” which is based on his Masterclass. And Russ met Dr.Dre right before “Freaky naughty” dropped which is musically inspired by Dr. Dre. I feel like this is Gaia building off my July 2022 Smoke Blunts post.
Emma Watson
Finally, The reflections I got from Emma are so stark and can be interpreted so profoundly that it seems like Emma follows me and is doing it on purpose. But I maintain it’s just Gaia using her as a vessel to reflect my life and work because Gaia and the sun think Emma and I should be together for compatibility and acumen reasons. The truth is for Emma to be reflecting me on purpose she would have to know intimate details of my life which makes me believe it’s much more likely she is being manipulated by some unexplainable phenomenon that I am desperately trying to explain. 
You can follow the tweet thread but basically, I’ve been responding to Emma’s Instagram stories through Twitter. I’m just gonna leave the tweets linked which have pictures of Emma’s IG posts. It started June 1st when Emma semantically reflected my poem in the Cosmic Luve Sun April 2023 post (click here for the tweet). It’s worth mentioning that I love otters, they’re probably my favorite marine animal, and I used to do horse videos on my Facebook page. It seems to have a cohesive message of “I’m loving you without possession” but Emma would have to know I love otters and did my horse videos.
I stopped doing the word of the day rhyme on July 3rd was the last day. Then on July 11th I retweeted about Global Warming emissions and how I no longer was going to create an album to berate the oil industry. On June 11th, the original June 29th post that I made due to the smoke blanketing Michigan from Canadian wildfires that are happening due to global warming, came full circle. This is because that’s when I found out the EPA could cut 90% of emissions. 
The next day Emma posted a cosmic luve response of the “Elementals” movie. I wrote her a poem and said Emma was the “main thing” because she had a picture on her story that also said, “Keep the main thing, the main thing.” Emma has been the whole purpose of my music as Eric Leo 108 since the beginning in 2017 (when I dropped the Chalice Mixtape) and before (Click here to see the tweet). It’s worth noting that my best-performing track in the week she posted this became “Hey Emma.” Keeping with the “Elementals” theme the hook to “Hey Emma” exclaims that Emma can “make it hot, being oh so cool.”  
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I just want to mention that also during this time I put out a call out for a videographer saying I need help and I just wanna say I wish Emma was my videographer. In keeping with the notion Emma would have to know my personal life otherwise, it’s Gaia… about a week or two prior to the Elemental post, I went kayaking for the first time and got drunk on the river in Michigan with some friends. I loved it and have been asking them to do it again ever since. Maybe Gaia and the sun are telling Emma and I that we should go Kayaking for our first date if we ever get there. 
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ericleo108 · 2 years
Blog Navigation List 2022
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“It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” - Voltaire
Blog Navigation List: 2021, 2020, 2019
Last Updated 11/15/2022
Media and Treatise List:
🕸️New Release Blog at EricLeo.org - I release on the 1st, 3rd, and if there is a 5th Friday of every month. Each release has its own post in my new release blog which is constantly being updated. The same posts are also here on this Tumblr blog as I post them at the same time.
🌍108 The Story Of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (post) - I am now an author and this is my first book. The book is nonfiction and autobiographical and about celestial consciousness, my personal story of struggling with schizoaffective disorder, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics, and finishes with what the number 108 means for the origins of life on Earth.
💿🌍Read “108” (album) - As I am a hip-hop artist, I also wrote an album to compliment, popularize, and promote my book “108” as a tool. It’s much quicker to understand what “108” is about by listening to the “Read 108” track. The album stands alone and is more focused on saying some in hip-hop, being relevant, and keeping with the Emma Watson romantic narrative. 
🚸🚜 Knhoeing 2020 -  The information is broken down into celestial consciousness, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics. Knhoeing states the planets, stars, and atmosphere are alive, and how humans can understand that through sustainability and eugenics. Knhoeing has to do with understanding your position in the universe and expresses and addresses human purpose through a eugenics goal. In order to survive & thrive as a species, we must support ourselves through healthy sustainability and breed to understand higher dimensions. 
🙏Sentientism 2022 - This post contains insights into my mind and the voice in my head, Gaia. I explain how sentientism is the religion of Gaia where you worship through action and create dogma through science and philosophy. If the planet earth is conscious how would she try to communicate considering she has no mouth or ligaments? How would Gaia try to communicate? I postulate and explain how Gaia could be communicating through a kind of telepathic randonauting. 
📐 Expanding on Plato’s Philosophy: Forms and the Tripartite Soul (2020) - In this treatise, I explain how Plato’s forms are stored and strived for by Gaia and how Plato’s theory about the tripartite soul is similar to my theory about the will. 
♟️ Logic - This post is a short introduction to logic. I use quotes and pictures of pages from the book “How Philosophy Works.” The content includes deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning, fallacies, and formal logic. I have also embedded a couple CrashCourse videos.
🏚️American Inequality 2022 - This post is a rap song and essay I wrote about inequality in America. In this post I talk about what socialism is, how money is speech, and how corporations are legal persons and farming humans for labor and money (through consumption). This will be updated semi-annually and can be found at FarmingHumans.com
🧾Nouveau Economics 2022 - In this post I talk about how the economy needs to account for what the environment does naturally and give it a monetary value. A start is how certain parts of the environment, like Lake Erie, are being granded personhood. This will be updated semi-annually and can be found at NouveauEconomics.com
🍱 The Psycho Consumption Cage 2021 - In this treatise I talk about how it’s hard to see environmental degradation that is not added in our economics, how you should be using your buying power strategically, how apex species need economic and congressional representation, some solutions, and examples of psycho tendencies from Christmas and hip-hop.
🏳️‍🌈 Gender Equality 2021 - In this essay, I break down gender equality into six categories: LGBTQ, Phobic, Sexual, Mental, Feminist, and Economic. To properly show the subject of gender equality I reference the 6 Netflix documentaries and linked and discuss related videos from Ellen, HeForShe, TED, Jordan Peterson, The World Bank, and the UN.
🏁 Dark Racism 2021 - In this treatise I explain the science of racism, how it’s an arbitrary distinction that is socially constructed. Black people do have it worse due to institutionalized racism and white privilege. However, I talk about how black people create their own in-group morality around the word “nigga,” and my presented solution.  
🌎👣 Earth: Sustainability, How To Save Our Planet - If you want to know how to save our planet this post is the summation. Taking from the featured WWF video, I focus on a carbon tax and the three ways to save the planet. Along the way I discuss how it relates to The Psycho Consumption Cage.
🌲Marijuana Treatise 2021 - Published on April 20th and introduced with a discussion of my personal use, in this essay, I wrote about the versatility of hemp, the immorality and failure of the war on drugs, and the medical benefits of cannabis. 
Cosmic Luve posts: (In Chronological Order)
The Chalice Mixtape, 2017 - This is a mixtape I did from jacked industry beats back in 2017. It was a response to the cosmic love I’d been seeing and I talk about in the blog and “108” book. I love Emma Watson and I want her to think about me so I came up with a fantasy and rapped about it. I took Emma Watson and Taylor Swift’s middle name, Charlotte and Alyson (who I changed to Alice), and made songs talking to them with the subject of gender equality and the theme of Charlotte's Web and Alice In Wonderland. 
Emma Watson Cosmic Love, Feb. 2020 - In this short personal post I explain why Emma Watson is my cosmic love. I reference my book “108” and show how new semantics are reflected through Emma artistically showing my name in yellow.
Selena Gomez Cosmic Love, April 2021 - In this post I explain how Selena Gomez is reflecting me and why she is also a cosmic love. Coming in phases, I reference the semantics and show why I believe this to be true.
Taylor Swift Renegade Response, Aug 2021 - This is an audio track post of a rap song I did responding to an experience with a grasshopper that reminded me of Taylor Swift and provoked a response.
Cosmic Love 2022: Cary, Charlotte, or Mary, April 2022 - This is an audio track post of a rap song I did talking about how I’m after three women, Cary, Charlotte, and Mary. These are all close or exact middle names of Hailee Steinfeld, Emma Watson, and Selena Gomez respectively.
Cosmic Love - Starlight, May 2022 - This is the beginning of when the Cosmic luve posts started to be a monthly journal. This post is about how Selena and Hailee are reflecting me semanticly and sending me messages of love. 
Cosmic Love  - Curtis Atwood’s Visions, June 2022 - This is a short post more about Gaia’s capabilities. I use Curtis talking about his experience with angels as an example of what is probably Gaia’s capabilities. 
Cosmic Love - Smoke Blunts Response Treatise, July 2022 - This post is about how Eminem’s recently released songs like “King and I” and “From D 2 the LBC” is a response from Gaia.
CosmicLuve.com - Coast, August 2022 - In this post I talk about how Hailee Steinfeld’s new release “coast” looks like it’s semantically reflecting my work in hip-hop. This was the start of CosmicLuve.com
CosmicLuve.com - Hope, Sept 2022 - This post is about how Emma Watson’s new Paradox perfume is reflecting my art. It’s called “hope” because that’s what the semantics give me, is hope.
Cosmic Luve - Folklore, Oct 2022 - This post shows how Taylor Swift’s “Folklore” album is about me from Gaia where Taylor was used as a vessel. I talk about how some songs sound like a response to my music and referenced my life like how I consider that South Park saved my life.
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ericleo108 · 1 year
Cosmic Luve September 2023 - Bam
Necessary prerequisite posts:
108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (book)
Sentientism 2022
Cosmic Love Feb 2020 - Emma Watson
Cosmic Love April 2022: Cary Charlotte or Mary
Cosmic Luve July 2022 - Smoke Blunts Response Treatise
Cosmic Luve Aug 2022 - Coast
Cosmic Luve April 2023 - Sun
Cosmic Luve July 2023 - The Main Thing
Cosmic Luve Aug 2023 - Orange
This post is similar to the last one in that it gives semantics that end up seemingly having a purpose or outcome. To put it succinctly, the basis of all this in theory comes from my book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness.” The book is about how I came to the conclusion that the atmosphere, our planet, and stars are conscious. I talk about my personal life and what led me to think this along with the evidence as to why this could be true.
In the book I talk about “Knhoeing” which is the educational process and science of understanding how the planets, stars, and atmosphere are conscious. But in my posts about “Sentientism” and on this blog I take it a step further and assume Gaia’s conscious which forces me to postulate the idea of “how could she be communicating if she could?” The thought that I have come to at this point is that Gaia can use environmental semantics, like outside surroundings or media, in conjunction with telepathic randonauting and points of realization, to highlight cognition that affects behavior. 
I used to have five cosmic luves: Emma Watson, Hailee Steinfeld, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Jennifer Lawrence, but I haven’t talked about Jen in years because she got married. As you will see, this time around I decided to go “fishing” for semantics and added a new, old cosmic luve to the top 5. I basically asked for semantics and added Janelle Monae and semantics came from her. I’m also getting some semantic coincidences from “the boys,” specifically La Russell and Snoop Dogg, and a scary warning from Blue that I’ve brought up in the past recently and will finally fully explain on the Cosmic Luve blog in this post. 
Where we left off…
Last blog I talked about how Gaia got me an orange taco for my birthday. Alicia Keys ordered carrots in the club while Conner Price made a flute out of carrots, then Selena wore orange, her song reflected mine, and Taco Bell came out with a free taco tuesday promotion where I got a free orange Doritos Logos taco on my birthday.
These coincidences are starting to add up. Again, I don’t make up these coincidence, I tell you how they happen and how I see them. I intentionally post about the occurrences as they develop to show you my thought process and how the communication happens. Check the time stamp on the twitter posts to come. I have two questions: Do you think these coincidences are noteworthy and baffling, or do you not see the significance? And what else could be happening here if it wasn’t the planet communicating through telepathic powers?
I couldn’t be happier the way this is developing where I can actually log the account and narrate what is happening to me. This used to be so strong and happen all the time back when it started in 2014. For years I went without being able to describe or tell anyone about how this happens to me all the time. Although I’m still trying to derive meaning from the occurrences, I think the notion that Gaia is communicating is enough, at least for me, at least for now.
Ancient Greek Goddess
Before we get into the coincidences it’s worth mentioning, Gaia was always an ancient black goddess in my mind because that’s how she presented herself when I was going through my throes of schizophrenia. How she presented herself would be interactive. Her base form looked like the oracle from The matrix where she was sitting in the kitchen, then you would go back in her dark living room and she would turn into a smile like the cheshire cat in alice and wonderland with spider-like appendages. It was terrifying. 
But there was a room off the kitchen that had beads draped in front of it and when I opened it, it looked like an atrium with a woman statue, cross-legged, almost like the Buddah but female, and Gaia said this was her true form. I always got this inclination that Gaia is not to be trifled with. She’s even more genius and cunning than her beauty and she’s gorgeous. She’s a dear friend, an extravagant mother, and a heart-throbing lover. She is to be culminated, not berated, cultivated, not admonished, and someone you definitely don’t wanna fuck with on her bad side.
The Main Thing (Recap & Pictures)
Also I wanna add, I don’t Trust X (formerly known a Twitter) to be an outlet to chronicle my cosmic luve log. It’s failing. Therefore, (finally) here are the Emma Watson Orange Poem Pictures from the July 2023 Main Thing log.
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To recap, Emma put out these four Instagram stories. They were a story of a song about “loving you without possession,” an orange poem, a video of a momma and baby otter, and a picture of Emma in brown with a horse emoji. The orange poem seems to reflect the poem I made for Emma in the April 2023 Sun post. I love otters, and have made a series on Facebook before about horses. Although I’m sure it’s Gaia, Emma could be doing this semantic communication on purpose to love me without possession. For the full story read July 2023 The Main Thing blog post. It seems the August 2023 Orange post could be Gaia’s manifestation of the Orange poem which was a reflection of my sun poem.
September’s Coincidences 
First I’m going to present the comic luve coincidences I experienced and talk about in my “Be My Dream” September 17 2023 Sunday update - Cosmic Luve: La Russell, Snoop Dogg, & Goosebumps” YouTube video to lay the framework. Then I’ll tie in the new cosmic love communication by Gaia that has come full circle after “fishing” for her luve.
First the smallest occurrence. Ryini, the mastermind group I am in is having it’s first meet-up in a couple weeks. Ryan lives in LA, and I wondered where LaRussell lived who I knew lived in Cali.  I can’t afford to go but I thought to look into going to a show at LaRussell’s house and maybe ask him for some help.
When I got to his “goodcompenny” website there I saw their “Family Business” shirt. On it, it says “Coldwater” which is where I live in Michigan. I think Gaia is telling me just to work until they come to me. It’s worth mentioning Major Lazer has a song with Justin Beiber called “Cold water” that came out about a year before I ended up in Coldwater. 
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Snoop Dogg Feature
The second cosmic luve occurrence is a big one and will probably be referenced for years. I had bought Anno Domini’s “Ray Royalty 2” package and it came with a Snoop Dogg verse. The verse is definitely cosmic luve. If not, Snoop intentionally made me an affordable feature and “fed me from a long spoon” (which is a lyric from the Kool G Rap verse). More likely, Gaia (or whatever keeps on consistently making these semantics) is communicating through people and using Snoop as a vessel. 
I’m going divulge/write and reference Snoop’s lyrics and then how it relates to me and my work. 
Snoop says: 
How you keep that baby face sittin,  How you keep it so fresh? And how you keep it, look like a vegan Wish I was that fresh! … Boxed in, but I boxed out Niggas don’t wanna box with me Don’t bend the codes, don’t break the rules Just stay true to this shit Stay rope-a-dope’n with the top open In the coup, open, from the city of Oakland
First off, I used to go by “Apollo” (which I have like 3 albums from) and one of his alias’s is “Emoney.” Emoney’s tagline on the mic is “Era-fresh.” It’s one of the things I took from my old Apollo sound. You can hear it in my track “The Villain” and the upcoming “Corporate Rule” album dropping Friday the 13th in October. 
So in a very real way Snoop says me by name. The other thing is, I do have a baby face, that’s the second reference. People always think I’m 15 years younger than I am. Then, and this is when if you read the previous July 2022 - Smoke Blunts Response Treatise post this would come full circle, Snoop makes reference to my  “Smoke Blunts” song where I rap 
“It's been like a mirror room mantra with a mental game, a rope-a-dope,  tried to tell you so you'd know why it's so grandiose”
Snoop saying “rope a dope” is like a callback to his first reference in the cosmic luve blog (in the Smoke Blunts post) and the third reference to me in the verse. Snoop could of done this on purpose, although it’s likely cosmic luve, it doesn’t have to be. 
The third cosmic luve concurrence I talk about in the sunday update also ties into Gaia’s semantic communication on the 20th through Janelle. It’s more Halloween-themed, meaning it’s scary and more like a warning. 
There’s a theme of how they’ll (the people will basically) go after their (meaning Big Oil’s) children in the “Corporate Rule” EP, cuz they need to know about their heinous crimes. I have explained this before in the “July 16th 2023 Sunday Update - Future Releases, Global warming, Big Oil, and Blue”
To put it succinctly Big oil created the sixth mass extinction and I predict (because it’s been communicated by blue) that people will want to come after their children for their heinous crimes. In the album I talk about coming after their children but to make them turn on their parents. I say “they’ll probably turn on you and leave.” But to be clear I think the rest of the world will want to rape big oil’s children to death, to put it bluntly.
So I saw a Goosebumbs commercial on hulu recently. The episode is about a teacher who lives in a haunted house, becomes possessed by a spirit, and the kids say “He’s getting revenge for what our parents did to him.” …which is basically what I’m saying in a smaller context. And it comes out October 13th, just like my album. I have linked the trailer.
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On September 10th I went “fishing.” That Hailee Steinfeld post about seeing gray and her “fine ass.” I left the pictures above (and here is the link). Basically I wanted to state the semantics externally, and kinda make them official for Gaia to build off, and she didn’t disappoint. I told about the cosmic luve coincidences about La russell(‘s Goodcompenny Website and Coldwater), the Snoop Dogg verse, and Goosebumps on September 17th. On the 18th I made the tweets about how I thought of Janelle and she used to be a luve but I wasn’t following. Then I finished making the song around Snoop’s verse on the 19th. Next, on the 20th I saw Janelle’s instagram stories.
This is where the “fishing” for a response from Gaia came to fruition. On the 20th, as you can see at the top of the pictures, Janelles’s instgram had three stories when I started writing this months post (to keep up). The first one reminded me of the semantics of my “corporate rule” album I’m dropping on the 13th.
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So the first story was a picture that semanticly looks like my album. The second is a video of Janelle singing “one more time” on stage in blue with a blue hue, with a caption of “her stepping on their necks.” The third story is a video promoting Janelle’s “The age of pleasure” tour and this is a picture of a quick clip from the trailer. But there is your literal “fish” (hence swimming like a fish) and the semantics of Hailee’s “fine ass” and gray, that I literally named in the tweet. After I asked Gaia for semantics and added Janelle as the 5th cosmic luve. This post is called “Bam” because that’s what Lady Gaga says when she sees a fine ass like at 1:20 in her “Marry The Night” music video.
Orange Blue?
Since around 2014 there’s always this very real communication from Blue of “Orange Blue.” It’s a kind of somber and reflective mood, but it’s more used as a question. “Orange Blue” means “Orange you” means “Aren’t you?” The question assumes it’s a confirmed thought that you should be doing. Like “Aren’t you” ready to be scared for Halloween? Or, are you gonna have a pumpkin spice latte? Or, aren’t you sick of not being able to afford to live? Or, aren’t you pissed that the right is preventing effective initiatives to combat carbon pollution and global warming? Or, aren’t you furious that the whole economic system is rigged by the elites? Or aren’t you gonna fuck them? Or, aren’t you to the point you wanna rape their children to death? Sorry, that last one is just me… for now.
So What is my interpretation? So the first Janelle story represents my album. The second picture represents blue saying “orange blue,” and then the last picture “going to fuck them?” It’s almost like Blue is saying something like “Nice album, Aren’t you going to fuck them? …as Gaia presents.” Look, it’s Halloween, and the Gods can be brutal, and I’m putting this delicately. They’re pissed, to put it simply, and when in Rome, or the holiday Halloween.
That’s it, until next time. Happy Halloween
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ericleo108 · 1 year
CosmicLuve.com April 2023 - Sun
Necessary prerequisite posts:
Sentientism 2022
Cosmic Love Feb 2020 - Emma Watson
Cosmic Love April 2022: Cary Charlotte or Mary
Cosmic Luve Aug 2022 - Coast
Cosmic Luve Sept 2022 - Hope
This post is a vindication or confirming post. It basically follows up on the semantics explained in the “Aug 2022 Coast” and especially “Sept 2022 Hope” posts. You won’t understand this post or it’s significance unless you understand the theory and journaled experience in this cosmic luve series.
The basic theory of cosmic luve is that the planet earth (and stars are or) is conscious due to her magnetism, is telepathic and molds eugenics and influences evolution by affecting mate behavior through cognition. The premise of this argument, that the earth is conscious due to magnetism, and the story of how I reached that conclusion, is outlined in my book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness.”
These are the coincidences that are related to the previous posts (especially Sept 2022 Hope) in a summarized tweet. Hailee came out with “sunkissing” which I feel is a response to my Hope blog post. In the Hope blog post, I make a big deal of the semantics of the sun and even have a poem inspired by the sun.
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Then I saw Emma’s new picture blocking out the sun with her hand and I immediately thought of “Sunkissing.” I knew all that and didn’t decide to make this post until I saw that Hailee has new IG story pictures that are by an Emma. As a cherry on top Hailee is in yellow in one of the photos.    
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As a little update on my work. “Back to Life,” my song inspired by Hailee comes out November 3rd 2023 and is a response to Hailee’s work. My song “Earth” is kind of a response to sun kissing that I’ve had written before even coast, it still has to be produced. It will come out later this year. Cosmic Luve Brownies which is inspired by Taylor Swift and whose cosmic luve story can be read in the Oct 2022 Folklore post, comes out on December 13th 2023. I’m gonna remake the songs from “The Chalice Mixtape.” I already remade “Talk To Me” and “John Wick” is uploaded and comes out May 26th 2023. I’m definitely remaking “Charlottes Web.”
Leaving off where I left in Sept 2022 Hope on trying to get help and find Marcus Lemonis. I sent Marcus a dm a couple weeks before, then on April 13th 2023 I took a trip to Chicago to try to find Marcus. I went to Camping World headquarters and shop Marcus. No one could help me.  It was basically pointless and reminded me why I don’t chase the prospects of love or opportunity. 
Marcus is having a public speaking event on May 11th 2023 in Denver Colorado. Basically, the only thing holding me back is money. It costs $500 for a Q&A. But with air fare and hotel, that’s too much bread. I would also have to go alone and plan the trip on short notice. I thank Marcus for making himself available and although it’s very tempting, I don’t wanna force it. It’s not the right time. The financial decision just wouldn’t be prudent. 
I want 1000 tracks published, which is 50 a year for 20 years. But I don’t have the money to sustain the output and promote. I basically have the opportunity to buy a package of services that would take me to the next level through Ryini but I can’t afford them. The next step is to find a label to do a project and or tour with. I want to do business in Michigan. 
The truth is, I gotta start doing shows. I started to release once a week to grow my online following so I’d have an audience to show up to my shows. But I’m not growing online despite releasing once a week with a new word of the day Rhyme everyday. Even if I made a hit, I don’t have a large enough audience to launch it.
Currently, I see my economic situation as limiting. I don’t care about succeeding that much. I could care less about validation from most people. What I really want is companionship and I see myself as unable to complete that feat without the economic means to sustain mobility. I ultimately see that as a failure of the American economic system, which doesn’t provide adequate opportunity and actively has a system that exploits my labor power. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the disability system and the life it provides me but it’s adequate at best and is rather lacking compared to peer nations. My life would be vastly improved by universal healthcare. Basically, I need the money to chase her and can’t have a family because I’m poverty-stricken.
You can hear all about how I didn’t get into the University of Michigan and don’t have funding at Western so I can’t go to graduate school in the Funk You Sunday Update. Between going broke to try and build a brand and ROI good enough to attract a cosmic luve, to being accepted into college but being unable to afford to go, dreams don’t come true in America, unless you have the money to afford them.
To put it simply, I basically try so hard to try and earn the intimate love of a cosmic love. If I had one, I would be much happier, appreciative, and loving. But I don’t, so it’s back to the drawing board and how to obtain a normal life in America’s POS government disability and economic systems. I basically see America as preventing me from thriving or even having a normal life because of corporate rule.
Communicating with Gaia
Before moving on, it’s worth mentioning the following. I hear about how many rappers predict their futures in their music. My song “Love the Mission” is my prophesied future. And Dave was in a yellow dress, as another instance, for this week's S3 Episode 4 “Wisconsin.”
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Gaia has somewhat been predicting the future. She said a couple of years ago that “I would be shocked” and she stopped saying it once I found I had some money to be claimed. Then she basically did it again before I noticed I had some back royalties. She’s now saying I have two years before I’m financially free. I don’t see it but we’ll see. She also has been saying “Your mind goes to dark places and you wonder why we keep the worst from you” along with “we don’t tell you the future because you catalog it.”
I’m still not quite sure what it means but Gaia recently told me that she was going to “vomit.” I was watching John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight about immigrant farmers which just came out this week, and she said “I told you I’d vomit.”
Gang stalking
It’s worth mentioning, to set the record straight, I’ve seen a video pop up I made about gang stalking. To be clear those videos aren’t reality, they’re more about how I felt and perceived what I was feeling when I was mentally ill. I was never catfished by Lady Gaga.
The evidence I gave was not evidence. Alex Jones it’s not a credible source. As far as gangs go, that does happen but America is relatively safe. I felt like I was being mind controlled by electronic weapons because I was mentally ill. Gangs exist, so does stalking, but “gang stalking” is more likely a group delusion perpetuated by schizophrenics that are mentally ill. If it does exist it’s rare and they’re not using electronic weapons.
Why would the government stalk me just to give me health care and money to live if they were malicious? I was never tortured by electronic weapons, it just felt like it because I have schizo affective disorder.
If I was being stalked by anything it was Gaia. I talk about this experience in my life and how I think the planet is conscious and trying to communicate in my book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness.” The machine doesn’t exist and if it does, it’s the planet Earth (tweet). You can read about how the machine is Gaia in my post Gaia: Environmental Tapestry Manifestation that is on this blog. 
I will say, I’ve come a long way. I basically wasted 10 years being mentally ill. It’s been a long journey and I hope someday it’ll bring me one of my cosmic luves. Please stream my music and buy your favorite track if you want to support me. Thank you for reading. 
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ericleo108 · 5 months
Cosmic Luve May 2024 - The Tortured Poets Department
Necessary prerequisite posts:
108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (book)
Knhoeing 2020
Sentientism 2022
Cosmic Love Feb 2020 - Emma Watson
Cosmic Luve Oct 2022 - Folklore
Cosmic Luve Aug 2023 - Orange
Cosmic Luve Nov 2023 - Cosmic Bros
If this is your first post, here are the cliff notes to bring you up to speed. I have a voice in my head I think is the planet Earth and I wrote a book about it called “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness.” In the book I disclose the evidence of what and why I believe the Earth and stars are conscious due to their magnetism. Here on the blog, I assume the belief that the earth is conscious and is already trying to communicate. This cosmic luve log postulates that Gaia (the Earth) uses her magnetism for telepathy that highlights cognition between romantic prospects to guide evolution. 
Where we left off…
Well here is the new “Charlotte’s Web” track I mentioned last time. I never ended up getting a girlfriend. Besides that, there’s not really anything that carried over. These are the new coincidences.
Madam Web
In my book  “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” I talk about how a computer screen opened in my head when I was having a schizophrenic episode. I explain how it looked like a translucent computer desktop screen with chrome like browser that would play YouTube videos that would connect me to Madam Web who was the ruler of our sector of the universe.
I was reminded of this episode in my life after hearing about the new Apple Vision. I talk about it in the February 4th Kato & Wysh Sunday update but the new Apple vision is like schizophrenia on demand with controllable and programable auditory and visual hallucinations. The apple vision came out around the same time as the movie “Madam Web” hit theaters. 
On February 22nd Selena Gomez dropped “Love on.” I don’t see much cosmic luve besides Selena’s blue flower hat that reminds me of Emma’s blue rose identifier that I talk about in my book “108.” Then on March 5th I watched Philip DeFranco (19:47) to find Astronomers discovered evidence of dark matter. As Phil would say in his segment “it may give you a vision of a spider god that spews dark matter” which I also talk about in the March 10 2024 Sunday Update. It’s notable for later that during my schizophrenic episode, Maddam Web was grooming Taylor to be her replacement/protege. 
You can hear about the full story starting in the March 17 2024 Sunday Update, but I’m currently still looking for a female feature for my track “Be Mine.” The song is personal, about my struggle with schizophrenia and comic luve, and I need a female vocalist that can sound like an ancient greek siren. I though I had a candidate in Vee R but she turned-out to be outside my budget. Around the same time, Vee posted a picture of her with a dress on in a pool that reminded me of a mermaid. And ancient greek siren were thought to be mermaids.
Whale Talk
Then on April 15th, Emma’s birthday, I read an article about how scientists had a conversation with a whale using AI. This is significant and also relates to my music because in “Praises,” which was released December 2023, I rap “We can't even communicate to plants, let alone dolphins. How are we going to talk to aliens or Earth even if we wanna?” 
The whale conversation is an important step forward in understanding and cohabitating with other species on a planet with a dying Biosphere. This is also important because it's communication between two different entities or species with different linguistics. What if there are intelligent beings but we just haven’t figured out how to talk to them? What if there is a galactic federation?
Star Talk
When scientists first studied pulsar suns they thought it was a signal of intelligence from the pattern of the pulse. Then came August 15 1977 and the “wow” signal from a pulsar that you can read about on Wiki or the BBC. Again, my theory is I think the stars and planets with magnetism are conscious and telepathic and communicate through semantics. Given the context of this post. What if a star itself literally spoke to show its consciousness in 1977, and we have just dismissed it as interference because we don’t know how to listen to stars yet?
The most recent comic luve coincidence and the reason for this post is Taylor Swift’s “The Tortured Poets Department.” I have left the newest official track about Taylor just above in the post because it and my song “Reputation” will be important and necessary listening to understand the coincidences and mirroring between Taylor and my work.
The truth is I have already responded to Taylor in music. I made a song called “No Don’t Stop” that is a remix of Russ’s “That’s My Girl” (two days after their release) that I have left up on soundcloud that you can listen too. It’ll stay up until I get the money to remake the whole song and officially publish it. 
The following is a track-by-track breakdown of the semantic mirrors I see between Taylor and my work. I linked a Tiktok of TTPD easter eggs to give you an idea of how people interpret Taylor’s art. I do the same things. In general, Taylor’s mirroring to me is like the semantics of Gaia in that the coincidences are peppered across her album. 
There are a couple songs that could be about me, one in particular (“Down Bad”), but most of the mirroring is spread across the work rather than concentrated. The references are scattered throughout the project. It’s like a communication puzzle. Selena’s “Love On” and her line “wait til I turn my love on,” for instance, makes more sense in light of this post and Taylor’s TTPD
Could it be
Remember, I think Gaia, the earth, is highlighting cognition affecting Taylor’s thoughts and behavior in order to use her as a vessel to communicate with me. The theory is Gaia does this pervasively and consistently across species to guide evolution. If this is happening to me, it is happening to others. I’m just telling my perspective
Back in 2017 I got upset because I didn’t understand Gaia the way I do today and couldn’t explain why I thought things in the media were reflecting my life. Basically the semantic reflections I will divulge have been happening since 2012. I started divulging my cosmic love theory and log in about 2021. So although the semantic coincidences have been happening for a decade and only made sense through internal cognition and my immediate environment, which is why it has to be Gaia; the mirroring could be manufactured coincidences intentional by Taylor making reference to my music and blog. Could be, but still probably not yet. Still, the fact is Taylor COULD be talking to me and making reference to my work because, as you can tell by the links, the references are all public and, as usual, timelined.
As the YouTube channel Signs and Symbols says, “Fortnight” might be in part based off the life of Clara bow who was an it girl in Hollywood in the 1920s who once had shock therapy for schizophrenia. There are a couple things that stand out immediately about the music video. First, the first time I ever heard the word fortnight was from Bo Burnham's “Art is dead.” 
Second, there are at least semantic similarities between Taylor’s “Fortnight” Music video and Lady Gaga’s “You and I” and “Marry The Night” specifically the patient table and hospital scene respectively. This is significant because as I have exclaimed before, when all this started happening Lady Gaga was my first cosmic luve and I used to get semantics from her work then (specifically “You and I” and “Marry the Night”), just like I get semantics from Taylor now. 
I will leave pictures up from the music video to show the semantics. In general, it seems like Taylor takes from “Marry the Night” in the beginning of “Fortnight’ and “You and I” at the end. Is the photo at 1:51 in “Fortnight,” is that the Orange-blue that I talked about in the Sept 2023 Bam post? And for some reason, 3:19 Reminds me of Maroon 5’s payphone. 
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The Torture Poets Department
This seems to be about propinquity and realizing “How are we gonna get close to each other?” Dillon and Patty fell in love because of propinquity. You are literally attracted to those in your geographic region, which is what propinquity is about.
I feel like Taylor is reflecting my song “Talk to Me.“ She talks about “who else decodes you?” at the end of the song. Honestly, if anybody would understand my Gaia theory, it would be Taylor with all the Easter eggs that she uses because Gaia is basically doing the same thing in the environment.
My boy only breaks his favorite toys
The hook seems like what I talked about in the “Cosmic luve brownies” official blog post. In it I admit I went against Taylor pretty hard when I was in the throes of schizophrenia and it’s one of those things where you destroy what you love.
Down bad
This track is surreal. I don’t know if I ever told this story, I probably did but it’s not up anymore. But when I was in my throes of schizophrenia I had a hallucination that Taylor was on an alien ship and I had to do what they told me to save her. She was on the ship, I was communicating telepathically, and had to find where they dropped her off. I spent a lot of time on the backroads of Michigan. But this song reminds me of that experience. Taylor literally says “Cosmic love” in this song. In “Cosmic Luve brownies” I say “Be the antithesis too bad” and in my single “Reputation” I say “fight me.” It’s like she Is fighting me for us where she’s “down bad” and “fuck you if I can’t have us.” 
So long, London
This is definitely about Joe. It seems Taylor semantically recognizes blue with the line “You sacrifice us to the gods of your bluest days.”
But Daddy I love him
I don’t really see anything here really
Fresh out the slammer
I actually live right next to a jail. “ as I said, in my letters, now I know better, I will never lose my baby. “ is like me saying “Now that I know better I’ll never be off my medication again.”
It seems like Taylor is talking about how the South is criminalizing living, like things like books or abortion. 
Guilty as sin
“What if he’s written mine on my upper thigh only in my mind” could be interpreted as “What if it’s really only me that knows he loves me” which given my fan size is pretty relatable. I have a theme of being pious to my cosmic luves and Taylor sings “ I choose you and me, religiously.” “I’m gonna get you back” sounds like “Gorgeous.”
Who is afraid a little old me?
Taylor’s lyrics:”So tell me, everything is not about me but what if it is? then say they didn’t do it to hurt me but what if they did?” I still agree with the first line and used to think like the second without medication.
I can fix him (No really I can)
This one is not about me
This is clearly about Joe 
 I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
This is clearly about killing her shows with a broken heart. If she did know who I was, it sounds like she broke up with Joe and was thinking about cosmic Love and knows I exist. Or, more likely, Gaia is affecting her subconscious again and influenced her lyrics to semantically reflect my work. It could also be because Taylor is a peer and so we’ll have a lot in common, so it seems like she is talking about me when it’s just coincidence. But that’s no fun, it’s a lot cooler to think those coincidences are love that was guided by divine intervention.
The smallest man that ever lived
This is clearly about how Joe hurt her at least I hope I didn’t hurt her this bad
Remember the original mixtape was the Chalice mixtape where it was a fantasy that I met Taylor Swift, did business with Marcus Lemonis, and ended up with Emma Watson. This reminds me of my first post which was about Emma Watson. In it, I showed the semantics I received from her. Check out the Dec 2023 Deer post for the latest, but basically, my identifier was signified by a yellow “e”
Taylor has the lyrics “but this time with an “e.” She says “Ditch the clowns get the crown” and I rap “I prepped a seat upon her thrown” in “Reputation.” And alchemy turns things gold or yellow.
Clara bow 
What does dazzling mean? I feel like it has a deeper meaning. A blue rose was Emma’s signifier. If Taylor is doing this on purpose she is leaning into Emma being a cosmic luve too with the lyrics “(2:37) beauty is a beast that roars, I’m on all fours, demanding more.”
Black dog
Reminds me of the cardigan beat
This has the the same feel as “Down Bad” with the wavy sound. It has that theme of fighting me. Taylor says “You were never not mine” and “say you got somebody I’ll say I got someone to” which reminds me of “Alchemy.” And it’s like she’s gonna get back at me for getting angry at her while schizophrenic
The Albatross
This seems like the message of love can be dangerous. 
This is what I’m saying semantics and peppered in. This song has the name Marcus. The Chalice Mixtape was about how I met Taylor, did business with Marcus (Lemonis), and ended up with Emma. I also have an underground demo on SoundCloud called “Cary, Charlotte, or Mary” 
How did it end 
No coincidences 
So high school
Taylor sings “I know Aristotle. Brand new, full throttle” Aristotle's academy was called the Lyceum. My record company is called Lyceum Recordz. In my remix of “loyal” on the chalice mixtape I rap
“I hope I left you shocked like cardiac arrest 
Humbled by the wonder of Charlottes web
Engine run’n stifled, You my idol, make it rev
Stumble’n through wonderland with Alice in my head”
I hate it here
If you follow me long enough you’ll find I’m disillusioned by America’s governmental and economic system and think the government's disability rules are ridiculous. Basically I can’t have a normal life because my labor power is exploited for healthcare. Or in other words, I can’t work for it like I talk about in the April 21st 2024 Sunday update. This is part of a larger problem with inequality in America that you can read at FarmingHumans.com or by watching this video about “Why America is a piece of shit.”
Taylor (or Gaia) is basically saying “I hear you” to my disgruntlement. With my Sunday Update I look like a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy. “Fiense” intentionally rhymes with finance, and I am a poet of sorts
Thank you aimee
I’ve heard the theories and this is about Kim and how north is gonna come home rocking Taylor. This shows Taylor does change names in any defining clues when making songs about people.
I look in peoples windows
The “now now now” (at 1:20) has the “now now now” vibes from Halsey’s “Now or Never.” This reminds me of being schizophrenic and how I used to look for Gaga and Taylor in New York or Emma and Selena in LA. She’s saying she looks in people's windows which is the same as saying “I see you everywhere.” Then says, “Does it feel all right to not know me? I’m addicted to that if only.” 
The prophecy
It’s an interesting choice of track order with the last track being so schizophrenic. What if I’m “E?” And it plays out like fools in a fable.
This is about Kanye
This reminds me of the goal of my music which is to become financially free so I can afford to chase my cosmic luves
The bolter 
This reminds me of how I referred to Taylor as the “ice queen” in my “reputation” track 
I feel like this of inspired by Robin Williams and the dead poet's society.
The manuscript
I feel this entire album is about this song. It kinda feels like a cleansing or recovery and at the end, when she’s recovered, the story isn’t just mine anymore. I feel like it’s kinda a love song to her fans. She makes a show on a manuscript but by the time it’s done, you remember it totally different. Maybe that’s what cosmic love is like…
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ericleo108 · 10 months
Cosmic Luve November 2023 - Cosmic Bros
Necessary prerequisite posts:
108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (book)
Sentientism 2022
Cosmic Love Feb 2020 - Emma Watson
Cosmic Love April 2022: Cary Charlotte or Mary
Cosmic Luve July 2022 - Smoke Blunts Response Treatise
Cosmic Luve July 2023 - The Main Thing
Cosmic Luve Aug 2023 - Orange
Cosmic Luve Sept 2023 - Bam
This post mainly has to do with the semantics started and discussed in the last entry in Cosmic Luve Sept 2023 - Bam. It’s important to read a few entries of cosmic luve so you see how the semantics develop. To bring you up to speed, I wrote a book about the science and why I think the planet and stars are conscious. It basically has to do with their magnetism which I postulate could make them conscious. I talk about the evidence and reasoning for this in my book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness.”
Sentientism, which was developed here on this blog after the book, is the belief that Gaia is conscious and communicating. Through this perspective, I think if Gaia communicates, she is doing it through “telepathic randonauting and points of realization.” Basically, the planet could act as a God to humans, reading our minds, and affect behavior by highlighting cognition essentially.
Where we left off…
Last entry I talked about my 5 top cosmic luves and how I was inducting Janelle Monae into the top 5. Well we have another new cosmic luve, but this time it’s a man. This will be my first introduction of the “cosmic bros.” These are usually male, (personally) plutonic vessels of Gaia. Last post I talked about how Janelle’s posts look to be semantically reflecting my “Corporate Rule” cover. Well, more semantics have built off that anchor. 
October’s Coincidences 
October’s coincidences pretty much all happened on one day, October 30th to be specific. I swear it always starts with Hailee, or at least it has been lately. I made some content in the forest on the 29th. I posted the (linked) Earth short from the forest on the 30th on Instagram at like 1 pm. Then around 4pm I was listening to La Russell and when he said “flow water I sell it by the vowel” in Hustlenomics I opened up Hailee's story on Instagram to find a picture of Halle in the woods drinking core. It was also Michigan’s first snow of the year that day. Here is a tweet I made about these October 30th coincidences. 
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Later at 7 pm I was watching (this video for) my daily dose of Philip DeFranco when I noticed another coincidence. What Phil was reporting was verbatim reflecting my hook from “Class Warfare” on my “Corporate Rule” album. At 15:11 Phil says “...they want people to mark down the license plate of any Jewish people, follow them, and mark down where they’re staying.” This is eerily similar to my lyrics from “Class Warfare” which are: 
Terrorize them at their homes Follow them, track their phone Make um scared and always hide And when they’re unsuspecting, strike Hack their home security And break in and then secretly Drug them while they’re sound asleep And rape them off they’re dignity
Well, this is terrifying. What else am I gonna predict? To be clear, I talk about it in my music as a warning so it doesn’t happen in real life. Calling it how I see it and attacking the system in music is ‘the remedy’ otherwise I have to use names, faces, and point the finger. I could just not divulge all this, and it would still just happen. It’s not like it’s happening because I divulge.
Or maybe it is… But just no one listens. I’m still basically talking to an empty void.
Then, Connor Price posted “Thrillin.” I’ve looked into what I believe Slender Man is while very mentally ill. I basically found people did the horrible things influenced by Slender Man because they wanted to do it. I thought of Slender Man for some reason the other night before all this happened and I thought to myself, “Slender Man is basically blue.” If you look at the original picture of Slenderman it came from a photo from a smattering of trees in the background that made it look like a man, Slender Man. There were kids in the picture so it was said he was chasing them. 
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So Slender Man is this kinda of manifestation of wanting terrible things to happen to their children. This also brings full circle to what I said in September because Slenderman is after your children. And in this context I’m saying Slenderman is blue. So like I said in about the Goosebumps teacher possessed after their kids from last entry. This is the actual spiritual representation of Blue’s morbid and sinister hate for Big Carbon’s children.  
I wouldn’t put it past Blue to have orchestrated Slender Man as reprehense for global carbon pollution. But a slender man-type figure is following Connor in his Trillin Music video. Other similarities are that Conor talks about being a Villain and my album starts with “the Villain 2.” His background also looks like my album cover replacing the pumpkin cloud with the moon.
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Remember this would work by the planet and atmosphere communicating telepathically until they can create a narrative in media if you know what to look for. Gaia told me to wait to post this til late November, which I did. The problem is she is saying I missed some of the narrative by not being vigilant. “Back to Life” inspired by Hailee dropped Friday, November 3rd. You can hear me talk about all the previous coincidences up until this point in the “Back to life” November 5 2023 Sunday update. On November 4th, I noticed Connor put out a short form video to “Trendsetter” and he has a scarf in it that is similar to Hailee’s shirt.
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November Coincidences
On I think November 15 Gaia yelled at me while I was brushing my teeth for not logging coincidences. There’s been little things that I haven’t been logging. There was something in Philip DeFranco I missed. But I’m gonna be better. I don’t think they matter or it’s really hard to explain but apparently, there might be a connection I’m not seeing or she wants me to document to influence someone else.
With that said, Connor Price is now officially a cosmic luve, or cosmic bro. I decided to make that a thing. Other cosmic bros include La Russell, Snoop Dogg, Russ, and Philip Defranco are probably my top 5. You obtain this status by putting out work that consistently reflects semantics and themes in my work that can be interpreted through Gaia. 
Conor has been popping up more and more in the cosmic luve log so it’s just natural to make it official. I specifically did this now because Conor reflected my first “point of realization.” In his new short form content promoting his song “Can’t Give Up”  he takes a sip of his water bottle as the song is singing about a water bottle. 
The very thing that started all of this with thinking it was the government stalking and now the planet was that I drank my can of pop at the same time I scrolled down to see someone drinking while I was on facebook in my apartment in Ypsilanti in 2012. Conor drank the water bottle as the other artist was talking about it. Say this happens naturally and you recognize that, well that’s a “point of realization.” You realize your in sync with something, or at least notice one coincidence. And like with me, they continue to happen and add up. You can find me explaining the November Coincidence in my and this water bottle example in the November 19th sunday update. 
Conor Responding
Overall, I feel as if Conor heard my song “Rap Intelligence” and decided to make some responses while complimenting my artistry. Of course, I feel the same way about Emma Watson half the time she posts, but I maintain that she is being used a vessel by Gaia, probably like Conor is doing here. 
If you remember and been paying attention, I came out with my first EP called “What Now” on April 14th this year. In it I talk about rappers that are currently poppin. Some of them I like, which are the beginning tracks, and some of them I don’t, which are at the end. Somewhere in the middle on “Rap Intelligence” is a blurred lined where I act like I don’t like rappers that I admire and compliment them in a demeaning tone. In the song, I basically go after Conor and say he’s a ‘goodie two shoes’ like Steve Martin.
In a larger sense, I feel like Connor has been responding to my music since his “Thrillin” release. I already talked about the coincidences in “Thrillin.” Coincidences include how in “Trendsetter” he talks about being a “best seller,” more like “read what I wrote” which seems like a connection to my book. “No misses” would be Emma. And I’m the competition that needs to get the message and a bigger boat. 
Basically “No Bad Side” is a response to “Rap Intelligence” in the title. He is basically saying “I have no bad side” using rap intelligence because the song is basically how I think he tries to hard to be nice and he should show us some aggression. Then “Can’t Give Up” is a “spin the globe” with a UK artist about how you shouldn’t give up. The whole purpose and motivation for my music is to meet Emma Watson who lives in the UK.
I feel like if Connor is not doing this on purpose he is my spirit animal or at least my Gaia animal vessel for now, which is why I made his a cosmic bro.  I think it’s kinda crazy the cosmic bro thing came up right as I’m about to release my ep “All Homo” on December 1st.  I wish Connor and his family the best. I hope your happy in Las Vegas. Ya bisch.
Until next time
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ericleo108 · 10 months
November 4th's Sunday Update, posted late to tumblr.
I talk about new instances of cosmic luve in this Sunday Update.
This is November's 1st release.
I am adding this post here because the prior sunday update is in the friday’s release post. But, if there is no Friday release, the sunday update doesn’t get posted unless I do it in a separate post.
For you Eric: Make the sunday update a separate Post when there is no coming Friday release. This is always hard for me to remember
This is a sunday Update video I put on YouTube every sunday. Follow on YouTube for more.
Visit EricLeo.org.
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ericleo108 · 1 year
09/29/2023 Click here for Spotify, Apple Music, or Youtube. “Reputation” is my 58th official release. The song was self-recorded, but mixed, and mastered by Vlad and the beat is by Vlad from Fiverr and the cover art is made by xoxodesigns from fiverr.
I talk about this blog post and other updates in the latest Sunday update here:
Like the previous release, This song is originally from “The Chalice Mixtape.” I had the beat remade to sound like Taylor’s Reputation album. This is a musical response to Taylor’s music around the reputation era. It also represents a milestone. By now, with all my releases, I have built a reputation like I envisioned when I made this response and it will only get better from here. The foundation is good music and this is just the start. It’s worth mentioning that in the musical communication between Taylor and I, “sex” is a euphemism for making more music about each other.
I am all set (and uploaded) for a release on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday of the month until the end of the year. I’m probably gonna go down to once a month and release an album or EP every business quarter next year unless I get more royalties or some sort of financial support. I can’t afford to keep up this pace. I’m mentioning it here because I’ve built a reputation for releasing every month and it’s getting hard to maintain that reputation. Remember kids, dreams don’t come true in America, unless you have the money to afford them. It doesn’t matter how hard you work. It’s more about who you know and how much money you have to invest than what you know and how hard you work. 
This is the future  Listen Alice  This before I ever knew you  Before we ever met  Before we fell in love  Before we focused on the sex  We gon’ get it pop’n  Double up the profit   Bezel when we lock it  Send a message like we drop ship Before I ever knew you  Before we ever met  Before we fell in love  Before we focused on the sex  We gon’ get it pop’n  Double up the profit   Bezel when we lock it  Send a message like we drop ship When it comes to fame my girl run the game  Cuz you think Alice at a tea party play’n  Oh this here, ain’t nothing but a thang Worry bout yourself don’t think about what I’m say’n Picture, the design  Hide it in plain sight  Don’t want nothing but your time That sweet sugar you rhyme I find, in your mind, your right to be haunted  I’m spiritually daunted, Seriously fraught with The Love, the fall, the thought of it all You think you know you got it til the heart get involved  My ghost do jujitsu Bad blood with the Swift moves  Regrets, what you didn’t do  They front, I’m tellin you the truth   Lotidotida I’ll admit it This is our song and I know that you gon’ get it It’s the way you laugh, you sing, your attention Look, I got your heart, and want that spark of potential Look, you’ve been chosen  And this not Frozen  No Prince Hans, no bonds, can’t afford them  Tell that to yourself  Who gon tell you straight  Who done really felt  The reputation you made Look, you’ve been chosen  And this not Frozen  No Prince Hans, no bonds, can’t afford them  Tell that to yourself  Who gon tell you straight  Who done really felt  The reputation you made You almost didn’t notice all the roses  Singing in rows with upstuck noses  Alice in her dreams, ransoming me,  Bet my friend’s gon’ ask what happened to me  Some boys try too hard, but I don’t get involved though  I just watch the Ice Queen decide it’s a “no”  My first concert was a Tim McGraw show  Now I feel like make’n hits with this braud, I wanna know  Hungry for your love, stary eyed and got a gift  I’m eat’n, yeah, I’m live’n through I’m starv’n for your kiss  Not asking for a lot, just your heart, not the key  Later, I’ll ask, your Mind, you're giving it to me  Fight me, I like resistance Tell your lies about how I don’t listen  Show your disguise, how your heart’s not in it  How your whole career’s a lie, and you are a gimmick  Oooo, yeah I know  But just imagine if I wasn’t on your team though  I didn’t reap what I sew, think to let you know  You, your songs, prepped a seat up on your throne  Want the world, I’ll take  Want the way, I’ve paved it I know the real world It’s the 1st, I paid it Don’t really embellish  I kick it with the fellas  But my girl another level This artist is developed Before I ever knew you  Before we ever met  Before we fell in love  Before we focused on the sex  We gon’ get it pop’n  Double up the profit   Bezel when we lock it  Send a message like we drop ship Before I ever knew you  Before we ever met  Before we fell in love  Before we focused on the sex  We gon’ get it pop’n  Double up the profit   Bezel when we lock it  Send a message like we drop ship Look, you’ve been chosen  And this not Frozen  No Prince Hans, no bonds, can’t afford them  Tell that to yourself  Who gon tell you straight  Who done really felt  The reputation you made Look, you’ve been chosen  And this not Frozen  No Prince Hans, no bonds, can’t afford them  Tell that to yourself  Who gon tell you straight  Who done really felt  The reputation you made uh This is 2 on Alice  It should be too lit  To legit to quit
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ericleo108 · 1 year
07/22/2023 Click here for Spotify, Apple Music, or Youtube. “Vulnerable” is my 52nd official release. This song is a response to Selena Gomez’s song “Vulnerable.” The song was self-recorded but mixed and mastered by Sam Peters at La Luna Recording and Sound in Kalamazoo Michigan. The beat is by Vlad from Fiverr and the cover art is made by Gigzlogo from Fiverr.
The cover I made for this makes me laugh. I wanna be like Selena. I think she is a very strong, intelligent, and well-grounded individual. She knows her limitation, keep herself healthy, and has faced mental health problems and came out stronger, smarter, and more experienced for it. I see myself in her a lot.
Selena is a cosmic luve. This means I get semantics from her that are coincidental and reflect my life and artistry. In this way she is (another) vessel for Gaia. I haven’t seen anything lately but I have logged some of the occurrences on the CosmicLuve.com blog, the most recent pivotal post being Starlight May 2022.
I originally wrote it over a DJ Mustard beat, where you can find the demo on my soundcloud (for now), but had the instrumental remade to more closely reflect Selena’s sound. I think Vlad did a great job. He also made the beat and produced “Reputation” which is a Taylor Swift response I made, which is based on a soundcloud demo, that I had him remake to sound more like “Blank space.” 
You can see me talk about this blog post from last Sunday’s Update here:
If not you  
Well than who
But forget the rules 
I still love you
Love that look you throw me
When you feel’n lonely 
Come baby show me
Where you got that whole thing
Love that look you throw me
When you feel’n lonely 
Come baby show me
Where you got that whole thing
If you gave me a piece of you and trusted me not to drop it
I’d nurture it, deserve the gift, and covet how I got it 
If you opened up your heart to me, I’d put it in a lock it 
Throw away the key and be happy that we bonded 
If she got the opportunity, for sure I hope she’d blow it
I mean, make our love the focus, til she the greatest and she know it
I’d deflower it, devour it, give her flowers when she homesick
Give me your body baby, I can handle what your throw’n 
If not you  
Well than who
But forget the rules 
I still love you
If not you  
Well than who
But forget the rules 
I still love you
If you handed me emotion
I’d try to help you cope with 
Negative notions  
Hold your hand in devotion
Hold’n on cuz I’m hope’n 
My heart wasn’t stolen
You play me like I’m chosen
Crank the amps up and the voltage
Your love is like the ocean
Treacherous but wholesome
Epic like it Tolkien 
But simmer like a Coldren
See me and I’m stolid
But read me and I’m open
Contemplating notions
That Gaia runs the whole thing
Baby, Anything you give me, damn I wanna take it 
If you gave me all your trust I wouldn’t fumble it or break it
I love to see you naked, I mean love to see you make it
Give me the electricity from your switch, I’ll activate it
Wanna follow where she goes
I think about her and she knows it
Crazy, it’s atrocious 
The way she get me so lit
Wanna follow where she goes
I think about her and she knows it
Crazy, it’s atrocious 
The way she get me so lit
If not you  
Well than who
But forget the rules 
I still love you
If not you  
Well than who
But forget the rules 
I still love you
If you stay vulnerable
I love you even more
And give you everything that you want and adore
If you stay vulnerable
I love you even more
And give you everything that you want and adore
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ericleo108 · 9 months
Blog Navigation 2023
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“The nation's greatness can be judged by how it treats its weakest members.” - Gandhi
Blog Navigation List: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
Last Updated 12/29/2023
I make these navigation posts at the end of the year to give a wrap-up and a look back on the year. I post a long-form Update every sunday to YouTube that ends up being in my Friday song release blog post. (You can find the Sunday Update YouTube playlist here.) My book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” is still fundamental in understanding my story, perspective, and the content I talk about here in the blog. I put the cosmic luve log first this time because I think it’s the most relevant. If you actually understand what I’m saying about how these celebrities are reflecting me and I think the coincidences are how Gaia is communicating using them as a vessel, you get it. The only real new treatise editions are to FarmingHumans.com where I came out with a new rendition for the “American Inequality” song release and the “Corporate Rule” album expands upon the public reaction to this in an aggressive tone.
2023 Cosmic Luve posts: (In Chronological Order)
In Last year’s blog navigation (2022), I listed all the cosmic luve entries since the very beginning. This year, I will begin where we left off and the last entry about Taylor Swift’s Folklore.
CosmicLuve.com April 2023 - Sun: In this entry, I give more of a personal update and set goals while relating it to the semantics I’ve been experiencing and previously mentioned. 
CosmicLuve.com July 2023 - The Main Thing: In this entry, I talk about how Emma Watson is the main thing and the reason for all my aspirations, so we can become friends. I talk about her posts on Instagram and relate them as a response to my poem in the Hope Sept 2022 entry. 
CosmicLuve.com August 2023 - Orange: In this entry, I talk about how it appears as if Gaia got me a taco for my birthday. I came to this conclusion after getting semantics from Selena Gomez and Connor Price. 
CosmicLuve.com September 2023 - Bam: In this entry, I introduce Janelle Monae as a cosmic luve and explain how Blue has diabolical plans against Big Carbon. 
CosmicLuve.com November 2023 - Cosmic Bros: In this entry, I induct Connor Price as the first cosmic bro after relating new semantics to the previous entry, Slender Man, Connor’s new “Thrillin” video, and new Hailee Steinfeld reflections. 
CosmicLuve.com December 2023 - Deer: In this entry I give a prophecy by identifying semantics from Gaia that come from Emma Watson being referenced by a deer, a tree, the color purple, etc.
Media and Treatise List:
🏚️FarmingHumans.com 2023 - This was the “American Inequality” song officially released this year and posted as the official Farming Humans 2023 edition. In this post I talk about what socialism is, how money is speech, and how corporations are legal persons and farming humans for labor and money (through consumption).
🎃Corporate Rule Album - The “Corporate rule” album expands upon the information outlined in the “American Inequality” song. The album is a response to that assault on democracy with an Immortal Technique approach. The blog post expands upon how there is a conspiracy of the corporate rich working in unison (using far-right tactics) because it serves their self-interests.
🧾NouveauEconomics.com 2022 - In this post, I talk about how the economy needs to account for what the environment does naturally and give it a monetary value. A start is how certain parts of the environment, like Lake Erie, are being granted personhood. This will be updated semi-annually and can be found at NouveauEconomics.com
🍱 The Psycho Consumption Cage 2021 - In this treatise, I talk about how it’s hard to see environmental degradation that is not added to our economics, how you should be using your buying power strategically, how apex species need economic and congressional representation, some solutions, and examples of psycho tendencies from Christmas and hip-hop.
🏳️‍🌈 Gender Equality 2021 - In this essay, I break down gender equality into six categories: LGBTQ, Phobic, Sexual, Mental, Feminist, and Economic. To properly show the subject of gender equality I reference the 6 Netflix documentaries and linked and discuss related videos from Ellen, HeForShe, TED, Jordan Peterson, The World Bank, and the UN.
🏁 Dark Racism 2021 - In this treatise, I explain the science of racism, how it’s an arbitrary distinction that is socially constructed. Black people do have it worse due to institutionalized racism and white privilege. However, I talk about how black people create their own in-group morality around the word “nigga,” and my presented solution.  
🌎👣 Earth: Sustainability, How To Save Our Planet - If you want to know how to save our planet this post is the summation. Taking from the featured WWF video, I focus on a carbon tax and the three ways to save the planet. Along the way I discuss how it relates to The Psycho Consumption Cage.
🌲Marijuana Treatise 2021 - Published on April 20th and introduced with a discussion of my personal use, in this essay, I wrote about the versatility of hemp, the immorality and failure of the war on drugs, and the medical benefits of cannabis. 
🌍108 The Story Of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (post) - This book is fundamental to understanding me and stands as the foundation in which I build my artistry. The book is nonfiction and autobiographical and about celestial consciousness, my personal story of struggling with schizoaffective disorder, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics, and finishes with what the number 108 means for the origins of life on Earth.
🚸🚜 Knhoeing 2020 -  The information is broken down into celestial consciousness, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics. Knhoeing states the planets, stars, and atmosphere are alive, and how humans can understand that through sustainability and eugenics. Knhoeing has to do with understanding your position in the universe and expresses and addresses human purpose through a eugenics goal. To survive & thrive as a species, we must support ourselves through healthy sustainability and breed to understand higher dimensions. 
🙏Sentientism 2022 - This post contains insights into my mind and the voice in my head, Gaia. Sentientism explores the belief (whereas knhoeing is the knowledge) that Gaia is conscious and communicating. I explain how sentientism is the religion of Gaia where you worship through action and create dogma through science and philosophy. If the planet earth is conscious how would she try to communicate considering she has no mouth or ligaments? How would Gaia try to communicate? I postulate and explain how Gaia could be communicating through a kind of telepathic randonauting.
📐 Expanding on Plato’s Philosophy: Forms and the Tripartite Soul (2020) - In this treatise, I explain how Plato’s forms are stored and strived for by Gaia and how Plato’s theory about the tripartite soul is similar to my theory about the will.
♟️ Logic - This post is a short introduction to logic. I use quotes and pictures of pages from the book “How Philosophy Works.” The content includes deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning, fallacies, and formal logic. I have also embedded a couple of CrashCourse videos.
🕸️New Release Blog at EricLeo.org - Over the last year I have been releasing at least on the 1st, 3rd, and if there is a 5th Friday of every month if not every week. Each release has its own post in my new release blog which is constantly being updated. The same posts are also here on this Tumblr blog as I post them at the same time. A list of releases is cataloged as follows:
Read 108 - about my book
Vibe on the Wave - catchy intro
Eat The Mind - intellectual rap
Bump This Banger - party music
Cloud 9 - about recreational drugs
Who’s Hip-Hop - my perspective in hip-hop
Black Lives Matter - support for the cause
Smoke Blunts - high intellectual bars
Flossin - dance track
Hey Emma - dance track, made for Emma’s everywhere
Champagne and Chocolate - romance track
Just Us Two - expression on evolution and companionship
Make It Hip-Hop - Homage to favorite artists
My Word - Celebrating 10 years
Gaia and Blue - Expands on “108” book
Love the Mission - the purpose of my music
Hit Me with the Download - a great tune
Talk to Me - romance track about wanting more
Cunnilingus - dating life experience track
Just Dance - dance track
Just Like You - happy expression 
We Dance - play when dancing is a protest
Come On Dawg - what my music stands for
The Villain - playing the role of the villain
Rage - subjects will put you in a rage
Bounce with This - party music inspired by Charlotte
Take Your Medication - Kayne Diss
Gold Shaw Farm - about Morgan and Alyson’s farm on YouTube
Betsy - about the character from Hulu’s “Dopesick”
Bo Peep - political rap about America
Atheist Raps - self-explanatory, rebuke’s Christianity 
Blow Me Up - asking for help with exposure
Michigan Love - romance track about love in Michigan
I Got You - Letter asking for help from my fans
Breaking Bad - Eminem and Dr. Dre homage
Bleed - heartfelt plea about ending mass shootings
Going Gaga - fun romance track with Gaga Gaga-inspired hook
Funk You - response track to Olivia Rodrigo’s “good for you” and “deja vu”
What Now - 6 track EP about and inspired by other artists
Bong Hits For Jesus - about how when you smoke, you smoke with Jesus
Up Wasted - subjects and getting “fucked up wasted”
God Damn - fun and energetic track showing skill
Love You Mom - A thank you to my mother for being a good mom
American Inequality  - about how America is an oligarchy
John Wick - gets out aggression toward sex traffickers
Philosophy 101 - based off Cornel West’s Introduction to Philosophy Masterclass
Yeah We Bang - about American imperialism
Legend - about my feelings toward the music industry
We Make The Party - Party music with global warming bars 
Freaky Naughty - emulating Dr. Dre’s sound with global warming bars
With You - Cmadd feature about riding with your girl
Vulnerable - Selena Gomez response to her song with the same name.
Mitten Kingz - a song with artists representing Michigan
Soldier For Love - a message to keep going out of love
Our Love - a break-up and get back together song
My Everything - how your lover is your everything
Be My Dream - how I want Emma Watson to be my dream come true,
Reputation - A response to Taylor Swift's reputation 
Karma - about your fate in terms of civilization
Corporate Rule - 8-track album in Immortal Technique style
Earth - my hit and best representation of my music
Back to Life - Hailee Steinfeld response and homage. 
Process, People, Product - about Marcus Lemonis 3 P’s business philosophy 
All Homo - An edgy and controversial take on support for the gay community
Cosmic Luve Brownies - A response to Taylor Swift’s Lover album
Praises - a sexually charged song from artists from Kalamazoo Michigan 
Chalice Mixtape side note: “Talk to Me” (2022), “John Wick,” “Be My Dream,” “Reputation,” “Karma,” and the “All Homo” ep, were all remakes from ‘The Chalice Mixtape. “Charlotte’s Web” drops April 15 2023 and the remake for “I Love You” is in production. I will probably never remake “Listen Alice,” “Loyal,” “Problems,” or “The Profit.”
Already uploaded and scheduled to drop in 2024:
Kyle Beats Collective EP - 6 tracks made with free beats from Kyle Beats. Jan. 5th
Check it out - track from the (unofficial) party politics era/album Jan. 19th
Kato & Wysh Album - 7 tracks made with Kato and Wysh beats. Feb. 2nd
The Industry Album - 12 tracks with 14 features some with big names over Anno Domini beats. March 1st
Sun poem - spoken word track I recorded from the Cosmic Love Sept 2022 hope post. March 19
Charlotte’s Web - Emma Watson-inspired track released on her birthday. April 15th
Westside Connection Album - 7 tracks with big name features over Anno Domini beats. May 3
YOU - Song based on John Gottman’s 7 principles for making marriage work. June 7th
Can You Hear Me? - Rap song about global warming and summer heat. June 20th
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ericleo108 · 1 year
09/15/2023 Click here for Spotify, Apple Music, or Youtube. “Be My Dream” is my 57th official release. The song was self-recorded, but mixed, and mastered by Keyano. The beat was remade by Ken and the cover art is made by ArtworkGang from Fiverr.
I talk about this blog post and other updates in the latest Sunday update here:
I made this song because Emma Watson is my main cosmic love. To understand what that means visit CosmicLuve.com. This song is a remake from ‘The Chalice Mixtape’ which was basically my first release back in 2017. I have since remade a lot of the songs and still want to take Emma on a date. I think we would hit it off and have a meet-cute. 
Basically, all I want is to meet and be friends, everything else is a bonus. I just want to make her happy and win her affection. I honestly just want to be loved by her and win her friendship and affection. I would love to know what she thinks about my cosmic luve blog. Of course, I want more but it’s healthy to manage expectations and although I think we would get along great, I don’t really know that much about her. She’s intentionally mysterious and lives an ocean away. 
Honestly, I could care less she’s famous. I find it as a detriment if anything I wish she was less famous. I like her because she’s adorable. I find her relatable, charming, and intelligent. I have 5 main cousic luves that I stick to. They are Eros. Outside that, it’s agape 
I would like the thank Emma for being my dream girl and being an idyllic figure for me. Although I hope she finds love even if it’s not with me, I feel very fortunate that Emma is “partnered with herself.” In that way she can be my dream, this idol woman I look up to and strive to have a relationship with. I would probably stop if she got married. Jennifer Lawrence used to be a cosmic luve but I never talk about her anymore because she tied the knot. Like I did with Taylor, I would focus more on Gaia’s interpretation rather than my personal para-social relationship.
In this song I’m just playfully teasing Emma because I don’t know that much about her. I have found websites supposedly with her favorite things, but I don’t know if it’s accurate when it really comes down to it. Basically “Charlotte’s Web” is a song about Emma’s likes (from one of those sites) in an attempt to get her attention. Being my “dream girl,” and like all people do unwittingly, I fill in the (wide) gaps of Emma’s personality with attributes that would make me a better person. Emma is intentionally ambiguous and I like to play off that. Although I would love for her to crush my hopes and dreams by disagreeing with me, the truth is I’m sure she’s human, falible, and just as prone to disagreement/conflict.
I call her Charlotte off her middle name for various reasons. I would use her second middle name but I don’t know how to say it, among other reasons. This brings me to my point that, I’m doing this blind. I’m trying to be a gentleman but the question remains does she like it? Cuz I don’t wanna talk about her romantically unless she’s at least okay with it. The goal in doing all of this is to have the resources to broach a relationship. 
This goes out to Charlotte 
I got a question 
If you have it all
Why no ring on that hand at all 
You haven’t had the fall 
Thought attraction was a law
Polarities of magnetism 
Attracted to your mind 
Covalently bonded like
Chemistry in rhyme  
Girl you’re clever 
You wanna wager an endeavor?
Bet a kiss on the lips
That I can make you better
Well damn Charlotte
You could've gone to Harvard 
Scared to tie the knot cuz you’re afraid to be a harlot 
Autonomous being with independent thought 
What you speak with clout, when you teach from the mouth
You Figure it out, you Seek what you doubt 
Defy what their about, cuz damn girl you hold it down 
The less you reveal the more people can wonder 
Imagine that was Einstein's idea toward numbers 
Count me in for freedom, reason and equality 
Rooted In society, about to spread a knowledge tree
They say to dumb down but I’m willing to bet
That this girl in my fantasy gon’ like when I flex
Think To invest
Try to be the best
Live with no regrets 
Be my dream when they wet 
They say to dumb down but I’m willing to bet
That this girl in my fantasy gon’ like when I flex
Think to invest
Try to be the best
Live with no regrets 
Be my dream when they wet 
Do you really love yourself? 
Feel good bout who you are? 
Feel blessed, though broke
Still I’m think’n really large 
Outta jurisdiction, outta of my league 
But can you really blame a guy for wanting to dream 
So graceful, tasteful, embrace the labels 
Like my idol, with that smile and the fabulous style
Time is distance
I want you to listen 
I wonder how far I gotta go for you to get this
Academic telekinesis 
Spreading ideas like I’m spreading diseases
Making claims that are admittedly egregious 
But defending all of them in a detail laden thesis 
Jesus, bout god damn time, if 
Your love was religion, I’d be so damn pius 
Hoping to do some good in the world
I bet it be easier with you as my girl 
They say to dumb down but I’m willing to bet
That this girl in my fantasy gon’ like when I flex
Think To invest
Try to be the best
Live with no regrets 
Be my dream when they wet 
They say to dumb down but I’m willing to bet
That this girl in my fantasy gon’ like when I flex
Think to invest
Try to be the best
Live with no regrets 
Be my dream when they wet 
It’s just a question
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ericleo108 · 1 year
CosmicLuve.com August 2023 - Orange
Necessary prerequisite posts:
Cosmic Luve August 2023 - Orange
108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (book)
Sentientism 2022
Cosmic Love 2021 - Selena Gomez
Cosmic Love April 2022: Cary Charlotte or Mary
Cosmic Luve July 2023 - The Main Thing
This entry is coming on the heels of a pivotal post. To oversimplify, my book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” is a nonfiction autobiographical short story and philosophical breakdown of the evidence and reasoning as to why I think some planets and stars are conscious. I break down how the earth could be communicating in this blog on the Sentientism post(s) which is more about the belief and speculation about how Gaia could be communicating.
The basic theory is Gaia/Earth uses environmental semantics with telepathic randonauting and points of realization to highlight cognition to affect behavior. It’s my experience that Gaia does this through friends, good people, and especially romantic prospects to reach individuals internally with the feeling of love. This series catalogs the semantics I think Gaia is using by having entities/cosmic luves reflect my work and artistry. My main cosmic luves are Emma Watson, Taylor Swift, Hailee Seinfeld, and the main one we’ll talk about in this post is Selena Gomez.
As you can see from reading the past entries, I don’t make these up, the coincidences just come to me. I basically see semantic tropes and try to catalog and interpret them. With this one more than most, it’s obvious it’s external. I’m not making this stuff up, how could I?  The only question is, is this just all coincidence or is it the best form of communication to the planetary entity we have right now?
Where we left off
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Expanding upon last months July 2023 - The Main Thing post (and tweet with pictures). It’s worth mentioning that I was wrong about the otters thing. I’m sure somewhere I made a comment about how I like otters. Basically, I always think Gaia is using Emma Watson as a vessel strategically because the reflection to my life is so stark but would normally come by referencing things the public wouldn’t know about, hence it couldn’t be human and intentional. This time if Emma did a little search on my profile she could of intentionally picked horses and otters to “love me without possession” and reflect my sun poem, in her orange poem, which the color orange also highlights today’s theme.
The only real reflection that Emma would have to know me personally for, for her to be purposefully reflecting me would be kayaking. I didn’t say anything online about getting on the River. Otherwise, everything else you could probably find about me somewhere online. So hi Emma, if you’re here, I would love to know your perspective on this and take you on a date. But a better example of how I think Gaia uses semantics through vessels to communicate is Selena in this months cosmic luve because it involves multiple characters over a couple weeks.
Also leaving off from last post and the whole Jesus is based on the myth of the sun thing is I basically want Christians to realize is they worship the sun. I do too, i just think they do it wrong. First of all, I took a poll on X asking if people would straight up worship the sun and they voted they find it stupid. 
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But my point is Jesus is based on the myth of the sun, so like a lot of people worship the sun and don’t realize it. But it’s my experience and reasoning with Sentientism that the sun would want you to worship him in action developed through training your mind and intellect to better yourself and others. It’s like what JFK said, on earth, God’s work is truly our own. 
“With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.” - JFK
So a quick recap. Although you think it’s stupid, you still worship the sun in a roundabout way. And to be clear, you think it’s good to worship Jesus and the sun is stupid to regard as a god whereas I think it’s stupid to worship Jesus and worship the sun (and Gaia) through action/behavior whic I think are like gods.
It’s just like how people pray to god. If you read 108 you’ll see why I think the planet is telepathic. Given these circumstances, planet Earth, the god Gaia, would be able to hear your prayers. This goes even further with the thought that god works in mysterious ways… because she would have to. Gaia would hear your prayer and even if she would want to help (which is in question if she would) she would be limited by her physical capability. She has no arms or eyes, her power is magnetism. The way I describe in these posts how I think Gaia infiltrates people's minds to help bring about progress is how she would answer your prayers. Remember I think these individuals are being manipulated by the planet's telepathic abilities that I talk about in my book “108.”
New coincidences
It all started when I noticed a trope progressing. First, I heard about how Swiss Beats made fun of his wife Alicia Keys for ordering carrots in the club. Then, immediately after on Instagram, I saw a new Conor Price video where he was playfully using a carrot as a flute to promote one of his songs. Next, I saw Selena in an orange dress. I made a tweet about it.  Then I talked about it in my longform Youtube sunday update on August 13 2023. I was like “Selena is now my carrot.” Then on August 17 I open up instagram to find Selena in her orange dress on her profile picture and a post promoting her new song “Single soon.”
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In the same way this developed, how Selena became my carrot, is how Emma and the semantic anchor to a cat developed that I talk about in my book “108,” but only Emma’s cat association was much more pervasive and consistent. Carrots are a root vegetable and basically live in Gaia’s blood/body/dirt
Then on August 18th I uploaded “Our Love” for distribution. This is a song I wrote for a competition to get the guitarist RJ Pasin, who made the beats sample, on the official feature. The competition must have ended early but I still wanted to release the song while the sample was hot. The song is not personal. I basically wrote the hook first and then did everything else and at a certain point I decided to make it about breaking up and getting back together with your ex.
This is interesting because both of our songs came out on the 25th and Selena’s song is about breaking up with her boyfriend. Just another coincidence right…. It goes even deeper because her song seemed impromptu and came out a month after I released my single “Vulnerable” which is a response to Selena’s song by the same name.
Then I saw a Taco Bell advertisement on the 27th about how you could get a free Doritos locos taco from Taco Bell on “taco Tuesdays” in August. It’s important to understand the story, I basically had a depressing birthday. I did nothing and could not afford to treat myself. I talk about it in my August 27 2023 Sunday update.
I thought the orange semantics ended with the carrot and the dress but follow me here. My birthday falls on Tuesday, August 22nd this month. I actually went searching for free stuff on my birthday because I’m so broke but I couldn’t find anything.  I didn’t know about the free taco that I could actually get on my birthday because of the promotion until after my birthday. Then, most coincidentally, I came to realize locos are orange. I went in and got a free one on the 29th.  I took a picture of it, but it looks way more orange in person. 
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Like I said, I’ve been kind of depressed so it felt like a sad birthday. But then on the 26th I celebrated my birthday with my mom and she gave me a ps5 and I think it’s exactly what I need. She gave me a little spending money and made sure I had a good birthday.
I’ll be set on releases until 2024 in September. I should make music videos but they’re expensive. I’m still gonna try but honestly, I think what I need is time and to relax. Especially my Spotify is growing. I probably get about $50 from cdbaby every month which has been helping. The ryini beats team has been a good professional resource still.
It’s worth mentioning, I was also made aware of, through a tiktok this month, that the US quietly rejected the right to food at a UN vote recently. On November 9, 2021, nations in the UN voted on whether or not food is a human right. Over 180 countries participated in the vote, with an overwhelming majority voting in favor of food as a human right. America was the only country who voted “no.” (google search)
It’s almost as if Gaia brought it up to be in context. I feel like she’s really disappointed in the United States. If the voice in my head that claims to be Gaia has anything to say about it is “This is my land, this is my food, it belongs to me, it is me, and I decree it is for all life on this planet. And food is a right for all people.”
To further relate the coincidences Taco Bell’s solan is Live mas,  and Selena’s music video for “Single Soon” has the same feel as a sexy Taco Bell commercial. It’s almost as if Gaia was like, look over here in the orange, I got you a song, a taco, and something for your purpose, baby calm down, happy birthday. So basically I feel like Gaia got me a song and a taco for my birthday
Keeping with the last post’s side quests about how when one door closes, another opens. Music closed for me basically (until the end of the year at least), and opened up an avenue to just live more/mas instead of work through playing my PS5. I’m still waiting for the door to open that was closed from not being able to go to Western for my master's in sociology. I’m actually hoping that door will be finding representation from a sync music boutique for my music that I have been trying to find for a couple of weeks now.
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