#could be mikami
frootloopsl · 8 months
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i missed them
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1driedpersimmon · 2 years
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Started with doodling Matsuda and then I was like oh yeah Mikami probably is fit too
Annnndd boom silly AU
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Part of me would stay up until 3 in the morning writing an essay on what a beautiful cautionary tale Death Note is and the other part of me cannot take it seriously because
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irevanity · 11 months
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tainted blood
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ponury-grajek · 2 years
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what about Mikami and Gevanni accidentally meet in a locker room and Gevanni has a better look at his suspect and-
and the rest is a classical Romeo and Juliet story: one is from Kira found family, one is from SPK family, their families hate each other but their love is strong and it's getting even stronger each time they meet at the gym🤡
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smartzelda · 10 months
Might I have some of your finest beyondtsuda or mikamatsu (is that their ship name?) headcanons on this joyous day?
Oooooh hoo hoo
Anon I would be delighted
Okay so when it comes to Beyond Birthday ships, one of my favorite things is him finding little pieces of A in the people he likes. However, with that all being said, I actually don't see Matsuda as being incredibly similar to A (personal A headcanons and all that), so I'd like to think that BB grasps on to some of those little things he can find that reminds him of A, but he also...actually has to get to know Matsuda
With that all being said, because of how far removed they are physically in canon, I generally headcanon their meeting to be something by chance. In a canon setting for example, perhaps they happen to cross paths on the street or in a shop or cafe because BB is tracking L and Matsuda is out (most likely to do something for L, or perhaps related to his brief manager duties). Or maybe they even meet in task force headquarters, because Matsuda just so happens to be the first person B runs into
Idk I guess to sum it up best, I think their first meeting would undoubtedly be one of chance (be at least somewhat L related), and I think while BB upon growing feelings would draw similarities between him and A he would ultimately realize how different they are
It's like the idea of "What if we were strangers? What if we didn't know each other because you aren't a mirror of me? What if we actually had to learn to know each other?" with a sprinkle of "I couldn't help but latch onto the ways you remind me of the person I once loved, but I know you are NOT them"
Okay okay perhaps I should add a silly headcanon in here for your enjoyment
Beyond and Matsuda would bond over mutual enjoyment of magical girl anime/manga. BB infodumps about Akazukin Chacha, Matsuda talks about Princess Tutu and Sailor Moon. They watch Madoka together.
Funnily enough, if I had to draw a thread between these two ships, it would be that Beyondtsuda share the capacity to bond over L and Mikamatsu share the capacity to bond over Light. Dunno why that trope has me in a chokehold. Anyhow
I like to think that Matsuda would have visited Mikami in prison (in the manga canon setting) before Mikami "mysteriously died"
The Kira reveal was a *lot* for the two of them in different ways, and given how they were narratively placed as opposites ("the man Light chooses as his most devoted pawn and could successfully rely on, who only knows Light as Kira the god" vs "The man Light thought would swing to his side, who he thought he may be able to rely on in the end, who knew Light as Light Yagami the man, son of Soichiro Yagami and L's only friend"), I quite like the idea of them...wondering what it was like for the other
I like the idea of Matsuda being curious despite everything, unwilling to really write the man he'd trusted off as wholly bad and seeking to know the man that Mikami knew. And Mikami, while yellow box and the shock of his "god"'s apparent humanity leads him to grapple over the idea of 'renouncing the false god' or possibly even twisting truth for the sake of his own mind (so he doesn’t have to contend with his actions possibly servicing "bad"), I think at heart he too would be curious as to the Light that Matsuda knew. Ultimately, I would headcanon their first real meeting, their getting to know each other, as a tragedy. No matter how close they manage to grow, whether they are open to or even can understand each other, in the end Mikami will die
Now, on a less angsty (but still a bit so) note. One of my favorite headcanons is the idea of them becoming roommates post L's death during the timeskip. It's just hilarious to me to imagine Gevanni investigating Matsuda's roommate, and it's fun to imagine how they would be as roommates. Ultimately, I actually headcanon that Matsuda can decently cook, so I think it would be interesting for them to start out as roommates who barely interact, but then become the kind of roommates who collaborate on dinner and teach each other different skills and air out some of their frustrations. I also think it adds even a tad bit more complexity to Matsuda's own feelings about Kira if he's stuck between a rock (Mikami clearly being a Kira supporter) and a hard place (being a part of the Kira task force, which is full of quite a lot of heavy anti Kira people). And while I think it's more realistic that they would grow some manner of feelings for each other (not necessarily ones they can pinpoint as romantic or sexual at this time, but not exactly platonic either) but any realization of feelings would be overshadowed by their current duties/goals and their separate devotion to Light (and their own feelings for him), I think it's also fun to imagine them as sort of a...roommates with benefits situation
Okay okay now for something a lil silly
I personally headcanon Mikami as aroaspec but also gay, but I think it would be insanely funny if Teru Mikami just found himself at a random time completely down bad for Touta Matsuda. Like, while he's not 100% sure of the nature of any of his feelings nor do I think he takes the time to think about this, at least him being down bad for kami-sama makes sense to him, but when it happens regarding Matsuda? I think he would just think in his head randomly "Why him? Kira is someone whom I respect and adore, someone who I feel a connection to. Why can't I stop thinking about this dude??"
Anyways, thank you very much, anon! Your ask has made this day much joyous for me!!
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empressofthewind · 8 months
Mikavanni becomes so much more gut-wrenching when you consider how Gevanni would’ve been affected by it in the warehouse scene. If you assume that Mikami and Gevanni got together in some capacity during Gevanni’s surveillance, it’s heartbreaking to think about how Mikami went completely insane in that warehouse, and how Gevanni had to stand by helplessly and watch it happen, even being the one to arrest him. He would've been well aware that Mikami would ultimately betray him, but nothing could've prepared him for what it would feel like to actually witness it. For the first time, he would’ve seen Mikami acting like just another mindless, pathetic Kira worshipper, capable of killing even the people he cared about without a hint of remorse. Because at the end of the day, that’s what Mikami was, but Gevanni wouldn’t have really had the chance to see that part of him in action up until that point, and it would’ve been incredibly confronting.
It’s particularly tragic if you subscribe to the theory that Near wrote Mikami’s name down. In that instance, Mikami would’ve been totally unaware of what he was doing, totally unaware that he had just tried to kill his almost-boyfriend, and that knowledge would’ve made things infinitely more painful for Gevanni. Maybe that’s why he’s the only living SPK member who didn’t show up at Near’s headquarters in the C-Kira oneshot, and made no appearance at all in the A-Kira oneshot; because even though he knew, deep down, that Near did the right thing by bringing the case to a close, he still harboured some lingering, irrational shred of resentment towards Near, knowing he killed the man Gevanni wasn’t supposed to love.
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grimalkinmessor · 11 months
The way that I am completely and unapologetically fond of Light Yagami he has done nothing wrong ever in his life and he deserves to have only good things happen to him and get whatever he wants forever
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timeguardians · 4 months
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azcatgoesmeow · 6 months
God is dead, worship me instead.
-Yagami Light probably
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mikami!! again!
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bunnyinatree · 2 years
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The confrontation at the Yellow Box Warehouse may be incredibly traumatic for all of the characters involved, but there is something deeply hilarious about it, too—from my perspective, at least :P
[image ID: A two-panel comic, based on a scene from this Mob Psycho omake.  (The exact moment is included under the cut!)  Starting on the right-hand panel, Mikami stands looking concerned.  He asks, “I-is everything OK?  I’ve also caused a lot of trouble for society, so I suppose I should be arrested, right?”  The second panel is much more cramped, with both Near and Light shoved into a relatively small space.  Near is in the foreground, squinting at Mikami and saying, “Hmm? Some further offenses?” while Light is distressed in the background and screaming, “Mikami! Stand over there and don’t say anything!” End image ID.]
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[image ID: A slightly blurry snippet of the aforementioned Mob Psycho omake.  In the first panel, Serizawa asks, “I-is everything okay?  I’ve also caused a lot of trouble for society, so I suppose I should be arrested, right...?”  In the second panel, a nameless lawyer squints at him and says, “Hmm? Some further offences?” while Reigen screams, “Serizawa! Stand over ther eand don’t say anything!” End image ID.]
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palant1r · 2 years
something about how death note operates on the rule of threes. and often the first two times a Thing Happens it seems to serve light's purposes and then the third time backfires on him.
-killing a wammy's house detective with the death note let him kill L and Mello, but trying to do so to Near let him get caught
-three people make the eye deal: first misa, who helps kira. then soichirou, who confirms that light isn't the owner of a notebook, diverting suspicion. then mikami, whose knowledge of everyone's names just by looking at them cinches that light is kira when his is the only name not written down
-light chooses three proxies. first misa, then mikami, then takada. and involving takada gives Mello an in to Team Kira, resulting in the real notebook being discovered
-the notebook is given up three times
-there are three notebooks
-there are three shinigami who enter the human world
-there are never more than three kiras active at the same time
-watari shoots a death note out of higuchi's hand, which helps light get the death note. matsuda shoots a death note out of the hand of a mafia member, which helps light get the death note. and then the payoff is matsuda shooting the pen and death note out of light's hand
-we have two textual instances where light uses someone falling in romantic love with him to make them kill for him: misa and takada. he's completely confident that the two of them will kill for him, and yet is willing to kill both of them. wouldn't it be perfect if it happened a third time? wouldn't it fit the pattern if the third and final time he tried to use this tactic, that person turned on him? what if that person was the one person in the warehouse that light thought would turn on the others, despite having tried to kill him not moments prior? do you see what i'm getting at here?
-matsuda being in love with light FITS THE STRUCTURE OF THE TEXT OK
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irevanity · 5 months
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side by side
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dykelawlight · 8 months
2. job headcanon
for mikami or light?? so interested in ur law experience here!
Oh love this!! I think Mikami is exceptionally good at his job and probably a good guy to have as a coworker. Passionate about the work, keeps his head down, in it because he genuinely wants change (which is about as good as you can ask for from a prosecutor, even though the "change" isn't reform lmfao 🙄) etc. etc. He's on the young end for an attorney, having passed the bar right out of college (though I believe it's more common in Japan to go directly to law school from college rather than returning as an adult, since many people don't go at all and rather take the preliminary qualifying exam for the bar, which does not require a law degree ⁠— Mikami may or may not [depending on whether you go by the manga or anime timeline] have attended law school as a graduate program anyway bc the law school system was not instituted in Japan until 2004), which means he might have to work a little harder to be respected by his colleagues as a whippersnapper fresh out of the year-long prosecutor training program. However, I think his colleagues probably admire his work ethic, even if he's unlikely to join the rest of the office for drinks ⁠— so, respected and liked well enough by the people he works with, but still kind of socially unpopular just because of his own standoffish tendencies. He maybe has freaked somebody out individually by saying some surprisingly aggressive shit about the nature of good and evil and how evil deeds should be punished but frankly dudes like that are a dime a dozen in prosecutorial and police offices so it's probably whatever.
He's a total fucking pit bull in court and imo probably really good at telling a compelling story to the judge since his passion for obtaining what he views as justice for victims is so real and close to his heart. I imagine him as a real firebrand who almost transforms from this solemn, mild-mannered guy to this vibrant, angry advocate who's very capable of swaying a jury and really demonstrates the emotional basis for his Kira fanaticism. But he's not purely an emotional performer ⁠— his arguments are airtight from a legal perspective, even though his written voice is probably kind of dry and lacking in any particular linguistic flair. People who have only met him in a courtroom context are often surprised at what he's like in his day-to-day life, but they wouldn't be if they'd ever read his legal briefs, lmao.
I like to imagine Light in a non- or post-Kira AU going on to join a Japanese intelligence agency like the Public Security Bureau of either the NPA or the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, specifically in a line of work like the TMPD PSB's Fourth Foreign Affairs Division handling global counterterrorism efforts. I imagine this because I think it would be funny. I also think he would be well-qualified for a role of that type (The Global Terrorism Is Coming From Inside The House) and would have the nepotism bonus from his dad lmfao, and would additionally probably really enjoy it when it was exciting and politely tolerate the boring parts. I think he'd be well-liked and admired by his peers, as usual ⁠— we can see the way the task force treats him for evidence of this. He's a hard, competent worker and a friendly guy, so I imagine he moves up the ranks relatively quickly. (Also, the PSB building is right by the Tokyo Public Prosecutors Office, so if Mikami ever moves out of Kyoto and gets a job over there, I know they're making out in the courtyard and shit.)
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Gender identity: non-binary
Why would transition save them?: "mikami has an extremely black/white worldview that makes them see everything in binaries. i DO think being non binary would give them a mental health crisis but it would be for the better. theres also the extremely genderful mullet they have." --@act1finale
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