#couldn’t kill him off
danggerine · 7 months
going insane thinking about the harrow and palamedes friendship. harrow, who has never met another necromancer her age forming a bizarro 3D chess rivalry while pal worries about her safety at every possible turn. harrow, who is up to her eyebrows in paranoia and secrecy, trusting the sixth house with gideon unconscious and hurt, letting them into the ninth house quarters unsupervised. if “i cannot conceive of a universe without you in it” is goth for i love you, “death first to vultures and scavengers” has got to be goth for i love you (platonic). pal’s first reaction when harrow comes into his bubble in the river is to scoop her up in a hug, and at this point she doesn’t remember anything about him because cutting out all her memories of gideon is impossible without cutting out memories of the sixth, but she still makes him a skelehand to inhabit anyway. when harrow’s memories are finally whole, she tells dulcinea she couldn’t face pal knowing that his pen pal girlfriend died on her account, but the next time she “faces” him, palamades’s soul is in someone else’s body and harrow’s body is full of nona’s soul. he spends six months protecting and caring for harrow’s body (and nona obv), believing in the possibility of bringing her back to it the same way cam believed in him. “god, do you know i miss harrow terribly.” and by the time harrow comes back to her body at the very end of ntn, pal is gone forever, fully pauled. the last time harrow and palamades see each other as their complete selves is in canaan house, alive and unlyctored. two of the smartest and loneliest people in the solar system meet each other in the worst of circumstances and spend the rest of the story dancing around each other as fragments of themselves, trying to care about each other in the interim but never fully meeting like they did the first time. a friendship made almost entirely of missing the other person. “do you know i miss harrow terribly.” god. i need to lie down
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Everyone is always talking abt how much Link hates Oakworthy and they’re absolutely right but if you ask me the funniest part about it is that he’s trying to play it cool. Like he’s so goddamn excited to get a chance to shittalk Hermie but as soon as Normal expresses that he’s still into him (he needs him), Link backs off. He’s giving Normal a big thumbs up and telling him to go get his man, but then leaning down to whisper to Scary about how much he hates Hermie’s stupid theatre kid ass as soon as he turns away. He’s trying so hard to be supportive but every day spent in Hermie’s presence is a day closer to turning over a new leaf and excepting that murder is ok, sometimes, if it’s Hermie.
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virgothozul · 1 year
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clownjacket · 29 days
If Kipperlilly DOES end up betraying Porter/Jace as part of a secret other scheme she has (whether good or evil) and it has to do with saving Lucy, I just know she’s going to be a bitch about it and pull a ‘sorry, I only save High Five Heroes’ before leaving her other friends to die or some shit. And then she will take her final form: Magic Betty from Adventure Time, betraying her allies and saving her frost gf at the expense of the world. It would also parallel what Ankarna is going through (‘your girlfriend’s out of town, it sucks’, becoming a little imperialist rage machine under the influence of Porter/Sunstone but not being able to fully turn on Lucy despite going against her values and turning into a violent weirdo). This is my wish. My dream. I am manifesting it. Magic Betty Kipperlilly I believe in you.
#I am currently painting clown makeup on my face rn but this is what I’ve been rooting for from the beginning so let me dream#Come on though she HAS to have some other shit going on though right?#She was DEFINITLY in that temple when the Bad Kids said Ankarna’s name#Brennan literally rolled#and we know she was in Porter’s office#so WHY hadn’t she told him Ankarna’s real name yet? We know he genuinely believed Fig found it#Also the BKs couldn’t see who was in the window during the Wanda Childa scene#Which one of the RGs has invisibility?#HMMMM#Wanda saying ‘Kipperlilly? Why are you doing this? Is it because you’re jealous?’ before getting carried off by a fake Porter would let KP#know ‘okay they FULLY saw what happened after I killed Buddy and are onto us’ which would cause her to follow them to the temple#Also…if NONE of the Rat Grinders knew Ankarna’s name then what did Lucy write on her form to change her divinity???#We KNOW it was Ankarna’s name and not the ‘symbol representing her’ because no one could see it BECAUSE the god was dead and no one alive#knew her name#Which means Lucy HAD TO HAVE KNOWN and was keeping it from the others right?#And when she died and didn’t come back they were fucked because they couldn’t even check the form anymore#But#Brennan also said that if Porter WASNT using Devil’s Honey and genuinely believed in Rage And Conquest goddess Ankarna instead of just her#domain then he and his ritual would (maybe) bring her back instead of killing her permenantly so he can take her domain#And idk#A powerful goddess of rage and conquest who despite everything can’t be turned against her sister and ex#who’s resurrection would mean the rune could be broken and Lucy can come back to life#One who has (or had) a personal vendetta against at least one of the bad kids#and a personal vendetta against the people who led to Lucy’s death#that sounds pretty appealing to someone as spiteful and obsessive as Kipperlilly doesn’t it#especially after her best (maybe only real) friend died and didn’t come back#especially if she stayed dead specifically to stop Porter#Again I’m putting my clown makeup on but I don’t want her to be secretly good or anything just unhinged and gay and a parallel to Ankarna#Please world let me have this I’m on my knees#dimension 20
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pendinganchor · 1 year
“we never see billy change his ways in canon”
because he dies saving all their lives?????????
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alicentes · 6 months
FTWDs final season could have been so much better if it was revealed that Troy was running padre and controlling madison (as revenge) this whole time. He knew enough about nick and Alicia to make madison think padre knew who and where they were this whole time. And here are some other reasons how this storyline would make sense and be more interesting:
- Troy has a military background so him taking over and running a military base makes more sense than two teenagers building it up by themselves because all the adults died.
- taking and training up children to be solidiers also would make a little sense because of his own fucked up upbringing and the idea he has of the type of people who were made for this world. He would have probably had the same idea as shrike, that the kids stood a better chance at padre than with their “weak” parents. The mother of his child dying for being a good person and not getting to raise their daughter (who would not be named after his abuser) could have also played into this idea of the kids being separated from their good parents.
- shrikes radiation cure experiments: Troy ran walker bite experiments before, just to see how people would turn. So it would also make sense if the work we see shrike doing was something he approved of or an idea he himself came up with. As for shrike, it would make sense that she turned out this way if she’d spent years being mentored by someone like troy otto instead of becoming evil and stealing children just because her dad died.
- the scene where madison smashes the glass to expose “padre” would have been such a good and shocking reveal if it was Troy. Imagine Madison finding out that Troy is not only alive but had been the one running this the whole time!
There’s also a lot of other things I would have done differently for the other characters too and I would have liked Madison to have a little villain era and do some really fucked up shit as she tries to take down Troy and padre. How dark would Madison go? Would she survive with her humanity still intact?
I know I’m just talking into the void here because no one care about this shitshow but I just hate it when shows have a plot that could have been good, maybe even great but then completely miss the mark and fans come with better theories and ideas with minimal effort and thought.
#somewhere dave erickson is screaming (and relieved that at least frank dillane stayed away from the show lmao)#fear the walking dead#ftwd#madison clark#troy otto#i also would have had s7a focus on strand vs alicia but v differently with only alicia’s ending staying the same pretty much#then 7b would have been wrapping things up with morgans family and actually seeing the group being taken by padre before having a time jump#then season 8 would have been the much better padre/troy/madison arc#the way these writers reaally do not know how to write for troy and madison#it’s like they tried doing what they thought DE wouldve done with them but couldn’t decide if they wanted them to be villains or be redeemed#anyway i will always mourn the arcs we were meant to have in season 4#madison becoming the villain vs nick and alicia and whatever was planned for troy#troy was only killed off bc dave didn’t trust the new showrunners with him and he couldnt save the OGs by killing them too lmao#but i am glad alicia is alive and we got to see daniel sharmans acting bc most of the cast were only giving about 20% atp#but who can blame them? the writing got to new levels of bad in s7/8 and their personalities were changing every few episodes#actually to be fair they did the best with what they were given they just seemed done#i only tuned in to alicias episodes in s7 so my opinion on the rest of it is from what ive read bc i just could not get through it#so my opinion on the characters full arcs in s7 may be wrong
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sunnibits · 7 months
also. also. (quickly putting on my beekeepers outfit to protect from the hive that I’m potentially whacking). thinking about izzy saying “blackbeard. it was us.” izzy telling ed that he fed his darkness on purpose, that he maintained blackbeard on purpose, because he needed him. thinking about how ed begs izzy not to go, tells him he can’t leave him. (he needs him). thinking about how ed could never truly heal until he left blackbeard behind. thinking about how blackbeard is really two people, not one. thinking about how izzy tells stede in season 1, “it’s my job is to make sure that edward is content”. how it’s been his purpose from the very beginning to protect edward, to help him be blackbeard, to be his right hand man. thinking about izzy saying “I wanna go”. thinking about all the meta from season 1 about ed keeping izzy in episode four on purpose, because he still needed him. thinking about izzy telling ed that he’s ready. ed is ready. (and it’s not just ed. izzy is ready too. I want to go. ed, I’m ready. I don’t need you anymore. I don’t need blackbeard anymore. you can let go). thinking about izzy looking up, seeing ed’s face, and softly saying “there he is”. (when was the last time izzy truly saw ed and felt at peace with it? when was the last time he didn’t search for something darker underneath? how soft were there faces then? how young, how unscarred was their skin?). thinking about izzy telling stede that he thinks he’s good for ed, that it took him a long time but that he sees it now. (he trusts stede now. he trusts him to take care of his eddie. he couldn’t trust him before, couldn’t see it, but he knows now. he knows he’ll be okay with stede). thinking about izzy using his last words to tell ed that he’s loved, that he’s surrounded by family. (you’re safe now. you’ll be safe without me. you’ll be safe without blackbeard). thinking about how blackbeard has always been a form of protection, of defense - now unneeded. but blackbeard was always two people knitted together. two scrappy boys in a costume, like a prey animal fluffed up to twice it’s size. a skin that can’t be shed without splitting them both apart. stitches that can’t be undone without bleeding.
they’re both ready. they’re letting go.
“there he is.”
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fuck-kirk · 7 months
I’m not even necessarily mad that he died…ofc I didn’t want him to but imo the way it happened was so rushed and unnecessary for the narrative.
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kitsunabi · 9 months
I keep reading the lore and like I am absolutely doubling down on the idea that DF in the animation is 100% not the actual personality of DF. It contradicts like all the lore we’ve received of him.
It is 100% a representation of DH’s personal fears and viewpoints as shaped by his time in the Shackling Prison and skewed perspective from the ones who inundated him with the knowledge of the crimes of his predecessor
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eye-of-yelough · 1 year
Once again going insane about doing Legacy right between All That Remains and the last act 2 mission (forgor the name) and headcanon-ing that they all take place within a month
Like imagine. You are Hawke. Your mum just kicked it. You’re in mourning, haven’t left the house since, and you get RAIDED by Carta dwarf cultists. Then, in no particular order, you
- find out about some Really Weird Shit your dad did with Wardens, and that your (recently deceased) mother was almost killed by this guy you sort of trusted
- venture in to the deep roads and kill an Old Fucking God.
Oh and by the way during this, the love of your life, only person you have left, light in darkness is being driven insane by said Old God in front of you, and talking about how you would be better off without him. And then he attacks you.
So your mum just died and your mourning was interrupted by This Shit. You’re nearing the end of your fucking rope down here but by some miracle you survive and get back to Kirkwall to mourn in peace. And now add “process this traumatising insanity” to that list.
eeeexcept you can’t do that actually. You come home to a letter from the Viscount begging for your aid to help his son. Oh, of course, Seamus. He was such a nice boy you can’t let him die. So you go Do That.
And THEN. Aveline, the woman partially responsible for your mothers death like TWO WEEKS AGO shows up in your house with another mess for you to clean up. Also your best friend is there too saying she’s gonna die. And she leaves and you think she’s gonna be gone forever and. Ok this is getting really long.
Fast forward, Arishoks dead, you’re in mourning and every hightown noble feels entitled to your company all of a fucking sudden because you’re a “Champion” now. Hooray.
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suwunnysideup · 1 year
anyways, if the reblogs and tags didn’t clarify enough: this blog is fucking NOT a welcome space for billy stans.
he’s a fucking racist and abusive asshole of a man. yes he was abused, but that gives us the reason for his actions, it does not fucking excuse it. y’all do triple backflips through flaming hoops to defend this man while demonizing female characters (mainly nancy) for literally being teenagers. nancy called a relationship bullshit bc she was drunk and in agony over losing a friend and having everyone act like it never happened. she pointed a gun at steve to scare him off because a fucking demogorgon was coming and he didn’t know. she takes up arms to defend the kids from so many different threats while also dealing with her own fucking issues. billy threw lucas against a wall and threatened to break him just bc he was black and hanging around max. yes, he definitely could’ve used a support system like jonathan had, but he never fucking tried to make one. he and max could’ve tried to bond together under the abuse of neil. he could’ve talked to somebody - anybody - but he chose not to and instead lash out and take his rage out on anyone and everyone. did the narrative treat him weirdly? yes, i think so. but that doesn’t make him into this uwu soft boy y’all want him to be so desperately. like, this is the man who wanted to beat on kids and literally tried to bash steve’s face in with his fists. he intimidates and pushes around anyone he can, namely max and lucas. the duffer brothers and caleb confirmed his actions were racially motivated towards lucas. i’m not saying he deserved to die, nor am i ignoring the obvious trauma he went through, but i’m not using it to justify his actions and make excuses for his shitty behavior.
idc how y’all headcanon him but it’s fucking weird how much y’all wanna change about him to make him into ur sad boy of the month. anyways, rant fucking over with.
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sinfulsalutations · 1 year
all i’m saying is that in a life or death situation wrecker would execute plan 99 as quickly as tech did
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susielesbianism · 2 years
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[ID: Four screenshots from Deltarune’s Weird Route. Ralsei, Kris, Susie, and Queen, who is lounging on her jet-powered chair and holding a glass of battery acid, are at the top of Queen’s mansion. To the right is a giant light blue hand. Susie defiantly points her finger at Queen, saying “Noelle needs to wake up!” Queen responds, “Wake? No, She Has Already Awakened Too Much (…) Let Her Close Her Eyes And Sleep Away (…) Into A Darker, Darker Dream”. End ID]
This exchange haunts me
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2000snotebook · 1 year
Darius Deamonne hate is rooted in antiblackness idc
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adrianicsea · 8 months
by all accounts, when melton & dunstan initially approached the saw creative team with the pitches for saws 4-7, they had a rough outline of the ENTIRE hoffman arc (and this claim is seemingly backed up by the fact that the screenplays for saw iv-saw vii all have the sequential subtitles “evolution 1-4” as well).
being that this is the case, then, one wonders how these two men were able to present a four-film narrative outline without giving their lead character a first name until, seemingly, much later in the process.
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