#couldn't post the twitter link so deal with it I guess
yrsonpurpose · 1 year
if no one else got me, i know matthew got me
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
A little bit late, but I'm gonna jump in on the recent "RC uses AI art" bandwagon. I understand where you're coming from — I'm an aspiring translator and even before the whole AI craze I had no idea how tf I'm gonna look for a job once I'd graduate, but now the situation's even more dire. That being said, I think we really really REALLY shouldn't jump to conclusions about in this case because
do we actually have any proof that it's AI generated art besides "it looks like that"? Because AI... doesn't really have a "style", it's literally gonna look like the art you feed to it/what it finds on the web. I've already seen at least one instance of artists being told that their art is actually AI generated just because it looks similiar. CGs in all stories are usually more realistic-looking, imo, and showcase the biggest differences between different artists' styles. All of this is speculation is conjecture, but like, so is the whole thing about RC using AI art in the first place. So I'll just move on to more solid argument
just last month, on August 4th, RC announced an open call for hiring artists. I guess this vacancy was targeted at CIS countries since as far as I'm aware they didn't crosspost it to Facebook or Twitter or anywhere besides VK and Telegram channel. On 28th they stopped accepting applications from artists and are, most likely, currently continuing the tryouts. My point is: what kind of company would resort to using free AI and then go and hire real humans you actually have to pay? It just doesn't make sense
Here is my translation of these posts about the whole hiring business and screenshots. I'll send you links via another submission or ask because I'm afraid tumblr might nuke this one
translation, if anyone knows russian and thinks I made a mistake of some sort feel free to correct me, after all there's a lot of artist argot I'm not too sure about:
august 4th:
2D artist vacancy
Friends, we announce that we started hiring artists to Romance Club team. ❤
We're YSI, an independent game development sudio from Moldova, that creates interactive visual novels. We're looking for people who may become a part of our big family.
If you're a talented character and/or game locations 2D artist (or you're just great at drawing), then you're exactly who we're looking for!
✅ What do we want from the applicants?
- creativity and rich imagination;
- to be professionaly versed in 2D graphics softwares (experience with Adobe Photoshop is necessary);
- to be able to draw by hand using a graphic tablet;
- your portfolio is necessary.
❗All of the applicants will be given a test assignment❗
✅ Why you should choose Romance Club:
- friendly young team as well as modern office in the capital of Moldova;
- to work with experienced professionals in informal and inspiring environment;
- opportunity to realize your own creative ideas;
- exciting long-term projects;
- fair wage + bonuses;
- possible career development;
- game dev is cool!
If you're interested, send us your portfolio at jobs @ yourstoryinteractive. com and briefly tell us about your skills
August 28th:
2D artist vacancy, applications closed
Friends, we finished the hiring process for artists❗
Huge thanks to those who sent us their resume. Everyone turned out to be incredibly talented and interesting.
✅ Candidates that received an e-mail from us move on to the next stage of tryouts
Our apologies for not being able to reply to everyone personally. We received a great deal of applications and, unfortunately, couldn't possibly contact everybody.
Thank you for showing interest in Romance Club and working for our company!
With all due respect,
Your Story Interactive
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As a side note, it is possible that some of the artists may use AI without their hire-ups and writers and so on even knowing that — unlikely, I don't have any proof of that, but it's a possibility. But I feel that the only thing we're doing here is treading muddy waters of conspiracy theories. I'm repeating myself, but it just seems unlikely that there's actually any AI involved when the company in question just started hiring new artists. You may argue that they had to use AI for the most recent update because of the staff shortage but once again: let's not dive into conspiracy theories. Okay, I took longer than I needed to, but I rest my case
I agree with you on some points, it could be the artist using it without the company knowing and it is a possibility (although I think would be naive of them). But I believe that hiring artists and using AI is something that can happen simultaneously, in the beginning. One thing may not have to do with the other either. That said, it has caught our attention because the style has changed drastically from one update to the next and is very similar to how AI-generated images look. The public used to complain that the characters didn't have realistic poses and out of nowhere they change some to something ultra-realistic (without being able to see a real evolution until reaching this point), almost like a painting which happens to be very similar to how the AI works with images. It's something to be suspicious of, we shouldn't straight accuse them, but being suspicious and sharing our distrust is valid, given that many companies have recently been doing this. And if an employee is using AI and they know about it, It has to be approved by someone at the company, and it carries the company name. I don't think they're that naive (an artist's style changes suddenly and no one wonders why).
Since when they see that using AI is cheaper (or costs almost nothing) and it's fast, they have to make a decision, ethical or not.
Let's see what will happen, but I hope for a good outcome! I love RC stories and would be shame if they go for this path.
And of course, this is absolutely my opinion on this, you can agree or not and that's ok for me.
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remellu · 8 months
DISCLAIMER: You can skip to the gofundme before scrolling to read everything, as I do update on there, but since I don't use tumblr much and this is very urgent, I have additional stuff to say in this post after providing the link. Link: https://gofund.me/952d122a
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As you can tell, I'm currently homeless and cannot access resources for shelter, as the homeless epidemic has caused it to get much harder to find shelter and transitional housing. I'm also someone who needs special accommodations as a disabled person, such as my medication and my cat being an emotional support animal, so that alone will make me less likely to be accepted.
I've been seeking a way to get housing way before I became homeless, as I knew the lease wasn't going to be renewed, but I couldn't do it on time. Currently I paid for my 1st and 2nd stay at the hotel I'm currently at. That's been 10 days, and currently I need to renew again by the 13th of February. This is the information for my first booking, which was cheaper than the second check in. 403 was the total including tax, but the second check in is 403 WITHOUT the tax.
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Here's the proof of the second stay in for 5 days being higher than the last.
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This hotel is literally the cheapest I could find with basic accomidations such as having a microwave and being able to refrigerate food, so I have to deal with the prices fluctuating a bit. It's not going to be the same each time I renew my stay at the hotel. But I don't expect it to reach the 500 USD range, it's going to be bellow that. The better approximate I guess is to get 480 USD for every 5 days of staying if feasible.
This is the current amount I got for the 3rd stay 66.11 is what I have left and the other two are donations that are still processing This isnt enough for the third hotel stay. (Due on the 13th) I would need around 500 USD (in case I need other needs like food/ set up the p.o. box) I'll appreciate any help!
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Gofundme does not finish sending transactions on weekends, in fact it postpones it, so that may cause complications for the 3rd and 4th stay if the money comes in too late. I do have a kofi and paypal in case anyone wants to ensure the money comes in faster, I'll put that link for Kofi here: https://ko-fi.com/remellu If you don't have gofundme, I'll provide my Paypal directly as well: paypal.me/yummeiko
Here's a diagram for the 3rd and 4th visit and how transactions work on Gofundme can affect me being able to renew the stay. Especially for the 4th one.
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I do not know how long I'm going to stay here, my homeless status is indefinite, I'll I can do is continue to work on finding resources for housing that will fit my financial situation while I try to stay in the hotel as much as possible. 10K USD is the amount asked because I know it may take a while to get things sorted, I may not need that amount, but if I don't and I reach it, I could always use it for deposits and so on as well as furnishing my apartment whenever I can get there. I apologize how lengthy this is. I do not use Tumblr often so if you want to get more frequent updates about what is being donated and my current status is, there's a few places you can follow me at. Twitter (Main): https://twitter.com/Remellu Instagram (main): https://www.instagram.com/remeiu/ Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/remellu.bsky.social I also posted a video in regards to the gofundme on both tiktok and youtube (i may also put these on both my instagrams if the length is allowed. Twitter also has it) Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@remeiu/video/7333364564697894186 Youtube: https://youtu.be/YWokYi2gl0g Again, I'll appreciate any help I will get, and I will also try to come back on this site to update this stuff as well, I'm just not good at remembering I have a tumblr. The best you can do if you can't donate is reblog or share on your other social media we are both on. Thank you in advance!
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omentranslates · 1 year
Owari no Seraph chapter 127 english fan translation
hi welcome to the tumblr experience since i'm not risking a 30 post thread on twitter right now
the official is already out on manga plus, i usually only leave the link over there but since it's a special occasion
just for fun as usual so thanks for reading
Chapter 127: Loyalty and Love
Color page text: No matter what happens, I won't let go of your hand.
Energy top-up for exploring the past...!!
Yuu: Haaah....I get SO hungry. And I hit limit-break at the best times. Reliving the past is no small deal.
Yuu: Oh. Great, after this cola I'm all full. Mika, I'm coming back. Hope I make it in time.
Yuu: I'm back
Mika: Shh
Angel Mika: Yuu, guess what. Father says we're gonna have a picnic together! I can't wait...Yuu, you should come with us, ok!?
Yuu: Oh, someone's coming.
Mika: Yeah
Angel Mika: Huh? Did Father come back in?
Yuu: No...
Paimon: *coughing*
Yuu: It's Saitou.
Paimon: *coughing and hacking*
Angel Mika: Oh....
Paimon: You're in my way.
Angel Mika: YUU!!!
Paimon: Die.
Angel Mika: I won't. What...is the meaning of this?
Angel Mika: Leave. Now.
Paimon: SHIT!!
Bael: Paimon
Paimon: You truly are the King's child...There's no time for this. I'll have to bring my best as well.
Angel Mika: *echoing voice* O, Light
Paimon: ..........shit. You're so strong even just having been born. If I leave you alive here, there will be no hiding you from God's sight.
Angel Mika: I'M TELLING YOU TO JUST WAIT A SECOND. Aren't you Father's closest aide? You're Paimon, the angel Father always speaks so highly of. So why are you of all people doing this? Hey, tell me why you're doing this.
Paimon: There's no time. I'm ending this now.
Angel Mika: I'm just going to lay this out for you. I'm stronger than you. I've been holding back. So your knife there is useless on me.
Paimon: So what?
Angel Mika: So I'm asking what you're doing this for if you understand that already. Your intention is to die with this next hit, isn't it? But I'll counter it, so are you sure you want that death?
Paimon: My death doesn't matter so long as I kill you...
Paimon: *coughing fit*
Angel Mika: What for?
Paimon: ......for the King.
Angel Mika: What? What are you saying...
Paimon: Your existence touches upon the forbidden. The King will be punished for you.
Angel Mika: What? But-
Paimon: Did he tell you he would heal your illness? He's forbidden from that. He created you, he was also forbidden from that. He told me he would cure me too, it's forbidden.
Angel Mika: B-but...Father said I'd get better.
Paimon: You might, but the day you do will be the King's last. And that punishment will not be satisfied with just his death.
Angel Mika: But, Father said we'd all go on a picnic together.
Paimon: He was lying. The King plans to fall alone into Hell.
Angel Mika: But Father said we could always be together.
Paimon: It's all lies. He's going to accept his punishment to protect you.
Angel Mika: He couldn't....
Paimon: But I'm not going to let that happen, I'm going to protect the King from you. Because....I am his most beloved aide!!
Angel Mika: No, dying is.....
Paimon: DIE.
Angel Mika: LIGHT
Paimon: O, LIGHT
Yuu: Whoa...
Angel Mika: Oh, oh no...oh, what do I do, I'm so sorry!
Paimon: Ah damn it...you're strong. I couldn't have beaten you.
Angel Mika: What do I do what do I do what do I do......Father, I-I've gotta call Father!
Paimon: Wait, don't. Seeing us like this would hurt him.
Angel Mika: This isn't the time for things like...!
Paimon: I want you to listen to me. I'm thinking about something.
Angel Mika: Thinking? What could you possibly be...?
Paimon: First of all, you don't need to worry about this. I came here knowing I would lose to you. Take a look at these hideous blackened wings. My disease is progressing, I was going to die soon anyways.
Angel Mika: What...
Paimon: But the King refuses to give up on me. He's going to keep trying to save me, even though it will be his end. So then, what should I do?
Paimon: I want you to tell me, child of my King. What can I, in the way that I am, do to leave proof of my love for my King? I just want to protect him.
Angel Mika: You say it like that, but...
Paimon: Do you love your father?
Angel Mika: Huh?
Paimon: Do you love your dad, from the bottom of your heart? That's what I wanted to know. Because if you do, it makes us the same.
Paimon: Light upon the King....and the future of this land....
Angel Mika: It's not true, how can this......why.........
Angel Mika: *cough*
Angel Mika: *cough cough*
Angel Mika: .....so my illness....is going to hurt Father? My existence....it's causing him problems? Is that it, Paimon?
Angel Mika: Aah, what should I do....? Father...it seems like I'm really a burden on you, huh.
Angel Mika: God's punishment.....
Yuu: No, Mika don't
Angel Mika: Aah, I'm scared, Father. I don't think I'm brave enough to do this.
Angel Mika: but...
Angel Mika: I really love you too, Father.
Shikama: What the......
Shikama: Mikaela....Paimon.....it....it can't be....
An instantaneous tragedy.....
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intermundia · 2 years
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I saw earlier today that you and another Obikin writer I really enjoy left/had to take a break from twitter, and I wanted to send some love. I figured this might happen because that side of the fandom has become really aggressive and uncomfortable (and frankly, really creepily fetishistic), like, legit acting like schoolyard bullies over their kinks, and I wanted to send some love and support your way. You're an amazing writer and seem like a lovely person, and I'm really sorry you were made to feel so uncomfortable and unheard by what should've been your own community. No one deserves to be forced to see their identity constantly reduced a fetish, or worse, a joke. You're not alone, and you're very appreciated.
No need to post this, but I just wanted to slide some <3 to you after a rough few days (weeks, months, etc) in the Obikin fandom.
thank you, this means more than i can really say. being trans is a source of a great deal of pain in my life, pain that i do in fact get therapy for, but i'm trapped living in an area where transition is impossible, fascists bring AR-15s to pride, and there's no way for me to live a life that is authentically my own. i'm trapped in a body that i hate and has caused me just so much pain and grief.
i have used that pain and turned it into art, writing almost 700k words of obikin stories that i've given away for free to other people, especially meant for the ones suffering like me, trying to offer them solidarity and escape. people have enjoyed them and i'm proud that i've made connections with people this way. it's healed something inside of me that i hadn't known was a wound that even could heal. i guess for the first time, i didn't feel lonely. the community has given me meaning back to my life, and i am grateful beyond words.
so many people have been accepting and kind, that i took it for granted.
i just.. obikin has been the first community where i felt seen and accepted for who i was. i love obikin so much, and obikin twitter was a site i wanted to join because i kept getting links for incredible art and wanted to just see it all myself. i met such cool people there, and have had a mostly wonderful time engaging with other people who are just as obsessed with obikin as i am.
however, there is a small community of people on that site who really, really love the kink of feminizing men, drawing them in an exaggeratedly feminine style with breasts, mpreg, and lactation, and calling him "mommy" over and over, things which make me very uncomfortable, but i strongly support their right to make the art they like.
SO i have spent literal months blocking and muting every single time i see it. i know very well that my triggers are not other people's problem. it's frustrating that sometimes when i have blocked people, it's been seen as rude by the blocked people, but the alternative is to see content that makes me intently uncomfortable, so what do they want me to do? i don't shame people for liking it, again it's a ME issue, so i've tried so hard in good faith to curate my feed.
but no matter what i do, almost every time i log into twitter, i still see untagged images of kinks that i find just really upsetting. so i asked for people to tag their feminization stuff as a courtesy so that i could effectively filter it out. i didn't demand it, just explained that it hurt and like, asked for some consideration. i just figured that idk once people realized they were inadvertently hurting others they would be kind enough to stop. we're all part of the same community, and it's what I know others in the space would be kind enough to do.
it didn't seem like that big of an ask to me. idk i'm like. genuinely hurt that people would do that and don't understand why they couldn't just either tag it or block me for asking if they didn't want to. either would have been fine! it was hard seeing the general sentiment being that people should just get over it and avoid asking for help. it felt like people were choosing to be mean instead of kind, and i felt shamed and rejected from participating with everyone else bc my trauma was inconvenient.
idk i just thought in a space for queer people to enjoy transgressive fiction there would be more understanding of the diverse needs and sensibilities of the community. i think tagging kinks is a low-energy way to help protect other people who are passionate about obikin, and it makes other people feel welcome and heard in a space that's for everyone to share.
i've been really hurt by this experience, and it's started to feel like.. if my feelings don't matter as a member of the obikin community, why am i offering thousands of hours of my time to them? as someone who writes from a place of pain rooted in my trans identity, it seems pretty unfair that they're entitled to feast on the fruit of my hurt if they don't care about me as a person at all.
tldr; i left twitter and don't think i'll be going back.
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About recent Oklahoma legislation
Since everyone's talking about the anti-furry/therian/otherkin bill, I wanna say that it hasn't been passed and was just proposed by some quack that happens to be a politician. It's getting a lot of press because it's ridiculous, not because it is going to be passed.
So far the only action the bill has gone through is being made and introduced to the House. No votes and no other official actions. It hasn't been introduced to the Oklahoma Senate, there are no actuarial statements, no fiscal statements (though I can't imagine this would cost anything).
And in case you are doubting what an actual whack job this guy is, let me tell you some information about Rep. Justin Humphrey. First I just wanted to point out that he took his photo for the Oklahoma House of Representatives in a cowboy hat. Not that that really matters but it gives you a sense of his overall personality. He's a representative of Oklahoma district 19, and allegedly has pre-filed one other anti-lgbtq bill that I couldn't actually find in his history but another article I read said he did so...just decide the validity of that on your own I guess. I linked some of his other questionable bill ideas down below:
ok so this one is about the Tucker Carlson and Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit. Basically what happened is Tucker (who has a talk show on Fox News btw) said that DVS rigged the election against Trump, and DVS sued him, because that isn't true. And our homie Justin Humphrey wrote a bill that...continued to not use Dominion Voting systems? Idk this guy is kind of a nut job and this bill literally reads like a fancier version of a twitter post.
Ok so I'm sure I'm boring you at this point but this whole guy's Oklahoma Senate position is just pushing a bunch of really odd bills that are either dead or stuck in committee.
My point is, please don't spread misinformation about this. It isn't a big deal. All my Oklahoma peeps out there don't need to be worried.
Here are my sources and some extra reading:
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whalepropaganda · 1 year
2023-24 Signing News, Rumors, etc.
(I'm going to link this post in my pinned post and update it whenever there's something new to add!)
Players under contract:
Allie Munroe (D) - signed a two-year contract during the 2022 off-season (and renegotiated her salary prior to 2023-24)
Kennedy Marchment (F) - signed a two-year contract during the 2022 off-season (and renegotiated her salary prior to 2023-24)
Taylor Girard (F) - signed a two-year contract during the 2022 off-season (and renegotiated her salary prior to 2023-24)
Tori Howran (D) - signed a two-year contract during the 2022 off-season (renegotiated a new two-year contract prior to 2023-24)
Melissa Samoskevich (F) - signed a one-year contract during the 2022 off-season but was mentioned as being under a two-year contract in the press release for the Bellamy signing. Samo was subsequently confirmed by Melissa Burgess to have extended her previous contract into a two-year deal.
Kacey Bellamy (D) - signing announced on April 20, 2023
Kendall Cornine (F) - signing announced on May 18, 2023 (previously reported to be a possibility by Dan Rice in his April 26 Around the Rink in the PHF [AtR] podcast/Twitter Spaces)
Emma Söderberg (G) - signing announced on May 23 (two-year contract)
Maude Poulin-Labelle (D) - signing announced on May 31
Janka Hlinka (F) - re-signing announced June 12
Justine Reyes (F) - re-signing announced June 13
Sandra Abstreiter (G) - signing announced July 15
Players rumored to be signing with the Whale:
Michela Cava (F)
Emma Greco (D)
As reported by Dan Rice in the June 21 AtR episode: "I believe [the Whale is] going to sign, if they haven't already signed, Michela Cava, who was the MVP of the playoffs . . . as well as defender Emma Greco, who previously played in Connecticut and played the last couple of seasons with Toronto. I believe they're both gonna end up in Connecticut. . . . If they're not signed already, it's pretty close to and I think it's gonna end up happening."
Possibly Mariah Fujimagari (G)???!!!???!!! (I 💖 Fuji)
Per Dan R. on June 21: "I heard Fuji might be back, possibly as a third goalie with Connecticut, don't know."
Players from the 2022-23 roster who are rumored not to be returning:
Dan Rice reported in his April 17 Twitter Spaces conversation with Allie Morse that he has heard that Meeri Räisänen (G) might not return. He specifically said, "I think Connecticut would probably look for another goaltender, but I don't know that for a fact--just kind of reading what I've seen and what I've heard." In the same conversation, Dan mentioned that some players may be unable to balance next season's increased time commitment with their jobs/education and specifically cited Janine Weber (F) and Lenka Serdar (F) as players who might not come back due to their other commitments (nothing definite, though). [WhalePropaganda note: Lenka has been participating in Whale-related activities this spring, so maybe she'll be sticking around?]
[A further WhalePropaganda note: based on the fact that Söderberg and Abstreiter have been signed, Meeri's definitely gone and we just don't know where she's going. My guess is that she'll be staying in Europe—she seemed really upset that she couldn't bring her dog with her when she came to the US :( ]
Abbie Ives (G) - Here's what Dan R. said in the May 16 AtR: "I still think there's a chance, from everything that I've heard . . . that if those two goaltenders [Söderberg and Abstreiter] sign in Connecticut, like, I wouldn't be surprised if Abbie's also there as well, like, again, teams carry three goaltenders. It's not easy, it's probably not ideal, but you want to have depth, and they went through last year where they had two goaltenders that split the time, so you never know, injuries can happen. But I've also heard that Abbie Ives might be a possibility in Buffalo— that's another team that I've heard that she's been speaking to."
On June 21, however, he said that Fuji is a possibility for the Whale's third goalie, which may eliminate that as a possibility for Abbie.
Players from the 2022-23 roster who are definitely not returning:
Shannon Turner (D) - retired :(
Emma Keenan (D) - signed with Montreal Force (officially announced May 12, previously reported by Ian Kennedy and Dan Rice)
Kateřina Mrázová (F) - (probable departure previously reported by Dan Rice) signing with the Rivs announced June 2
Caitrin Lonergan (F) - (prev. reported by multiple sources) signing with Boston announced June 2
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liquid-valo · 2 years
I'm I guess taking a minor break from Twitter? But like most of you are following me there too lol so I'm just on here to be feral because I'm absolutely done with existing in a human way
Just v tired and couldn't deal I guess?
Anyway I'm still writing, once chapter two is done I'll post a link there or something idk
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Idk are people blind or what? Twitter was so hot with V posting Leslie Cheung like to support LGBT people, but guys c’mon. The point is not him posting it, but him editing it two times to obviously not be interpreted in some way (I don’t say he’s homophobic, but I definitely say he JUST shared what he liked, it WAS NOT someone’s orientation, but an artistry) and in the end he just deleted it lmao. Because posting it I guess was controversial. Because he doesn’t want to “hint” at anything and because just like 75% of media persons he’s scared of whatever the hell could his fans interpret and to be an open supporter is just not the case here. Gosh, sorry, BMT, I’m just a little bit done with these pink lenses.
Anon, I am so done, you have no idea. I've been done for the past few days and it just feels like it doesn't stop. The day Tae posted that on his IG and I saw the reach from some people, I came here to provide a bit of extra information because we should have some context. I thought it wouldn't go further than that, but boy, was I wrong. So wrong. So now I'm just going to have a rant because I'm not ignoring this and it's going to be under read more cause I will have no filter whatsoever. I'm in no mood for propriety at this point and building up arguments.
So, what the actual fuck? Has the world gone mad? Of course Twitter was hot because they attach themselves to every little thing without using their brain. Tae shared a link to a scene from a movie. A movie that he likes and he did the dancing way back in Spring. But only now it has to become a thing cause probably army couldn't figure it out before where it came from. That was all. What fucking support man? What are we talking about here? All I see is stans projecting their needs onto a guy and turning him into some ally. Duude, go and find actual people who are either from the LGBTQ+ community or actual allies, instead of obsessing over this. I don't give a single fuck about threads made by people who think that just because a guy watches Call Me By Your Name or another one watches La Vie d'Adele, then they're some knights in shining armour, the face of support. The standards are so god damn low. Get out of the bubble (not you anon, I hope you understood already I'm not addressing this to you, but I'm talking in general).
There's this twitter account that I follow that focuses on BTS and cinema who apparently thought that information about Leslie Cheung's personal life is absolutely necessary to be brought to army's attention, instead of just focusing on saying what the film was, who directed it and maybe recommend other films. Are we forgetting we're dealing here with people from this kind of fandom? Full of children and immature people? And taekookers are the scum of the Earth, I don't even know what else to call them. Tagging his partner on IG, spreading a suicide note on twitter and crying about how it's such a tragic love story and so similar to Taekook? I feel like the word disgusted is not enough. No empathy and decency is left in this corner of the fandom and I'm sick of it. No one should bring that man's life in this fucking fandom. Let him rest in peace and his partner should not have to see that kind of bullshit. And this happens time and time again. Using other people's lives like it's nothing. Of course the information is out there, a click away on google. But to bring it to twitter and to create a fucking discourse around it, because some fetishizers are sick in the head is beyond anything I could imagine. That man's life should not in any way be associated with Army/Tae stans/Taekookers. And no one should fucking tag tumblr posts as well using his name in the context of this issue. His fans should not have to see such bullshit. I wish I could gatekeep it, as childish as it sounds.
And I'm not sorry at all for turning this into a personal rant. I discovered Leslie back in high school, by watching his movies and recently got back into that. He was an incredible artist and he left an important legacy. Everyone should respect that.
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nekrotiize · 4 years
Where was the official Chipspeech characters sexual orientations announced? I checked the official site and Plogue's Twitter but couldn't find anything ;-;
You can find it over in interactions with their Twitters and all that! I’ll link them in their names here.  The Chipspeech wiki is getting worked on heavily, but it has a few of the ones listed. I’ll say outright which ones are confirmed and implied right here:
Bert Gotrax: SUPER Gay. Just Gay. 100% Gay. He’s very, veeerry much in love with Rotten.ST, and has been for years. It’s pretty important to his character, actually. He struggled with his sexuality a lot. We’re very proud of him for the comfortability he’s reached now. :)
Lady Parsec: Unsure, but definitely not straight. Has showed an interest in women canonically. Actually, she’s currently only expressed interest in women, so it’s possible that she’s a lesbian. Nothing is outright confirmed yet, though.
Otto Mozer: Asexual. It’s possible that he’s aromantic now, but most likely used to be homoromantic. (I’m in the middle of making a post about this actually!)
Dandy 704: Bisexual through and through. Has had relationships with both men and women and is very open about this. Like... VERY open. No big deal. 
Dee Klatt: Unconfirmed! They don’t seem very interested in romance right now though, due to their situation. Due to that, a lot of the fandom sees them as aro/ace. They’re also nonbinary! Only they/them please! 
Spencer AL2: Unconfirmed! He’s kinda literally a hologram, and romance isn’t really something that’s been addressed at all with his character. Nothing is confirmed, go wild.
Terminal 99: Unconfirmed also! He doesn’t seem to care either way, though? Due to him being really inactive we don’t exactly place a set sexuality on him... He’s also like... Literally a triangle. Go insane, I guess! 
VOSIM: Unsure! He used to date Dee, though? So he probably just doesn’t care. Maybe he’s pan! Like, he’s built to be a social companion android, so he might just not care about genders. Nothing confirmed, though. Do whatever!
CiderTalk’84: Gay! 100%. Was in a relationship with Dandy 704 earlier, but they broke up due to Dandy’s memory getting reset back to roughly the 1890′s? He’s been wallowing ever since. It’s kinda funny actually and it’s suuuuch comeuppance for the fact that he’s a billionaire and has had everything in his life handed to him on a silver platter.  
Rotten.ST: REAAALLY GAY. REALLY openly gay and VERY demi. Open about both! Very in love with Bert Gotrax, but doesn’t want to admit it. Him and Bert are very much domestic. Their relationship is very important to their respective characters. They have their struggles, both being neurodivergent, traumatized, and mentally ill, but they’re genuinely so good for each other.
SAM: Unconfirmed! I personally see him as pan, though. It fits his character, in my opinion! Romance has never been explored with his character, which is ok. :)
VODER: He’s kiiiind of a giant war machine? We don’t have confirmation of anything. Go ham. Just don’t involve Pedro in it. That would be pretty weird.
Pedro: They’re 13. It’s not our business, really. PLEASE do not ship them with any of the canon Chips! They’re the only minor in the story. Outside of that, they are nonbinary! They/them pronouns only! 
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indecisive-v · 3 years
NINJAMUFFIN DOING ANOTHER AMA ON TWITTER, HERE'S MORE SHIT FOR YA! keep in mind i'm just sharing the funkin related stuff, though i am including WAAAAY more than what i shared before 👍 go check out ninja's twitter profile for questions about stuff like ritz! questions in blue, answers in orange. if yall don't wanna read everything i MIGHT make a version of this post where i replace the answers with my own summaries of em (and if the questions are long, those too)
and here's a link to the ama tweet itself! dunno if it's still goin
Q: I figure the answer will be yes but do you have more plans to implement more guest appearances from people in the newgrounds community into FNF? Or are you all gunna focus on OG lore and stuff going forward
A: for guest appearances, I think we have always seen it as getting a healthy mix of both. PERSONALLY I'd like to lean towards having more OG stuff than guest stuff, BUT it's all a matter of what other boys think of that as well. I'm not the sole person working on game!
Q: Are you gonna release the full FNF game or are you gonna be releasing week after week? Like, are you gonna release week 8 or are we gonna wait some years until The Full Ass Game comes out?
A: Release plan for FNF right now is a few more updates or whatev to the 'demo' we have out right now, and then a long silence of probably no updates whatsoever until the full game is done (which will likely be a few years). That's partly why we made kickstarter for game.
Q: Hey so like, how much will Fnf cost after it's finished? And when will you ask the supporters what they want the game on?
A: It's all subject to change, but right now it prob gonna be standard 15-25$ lil steam indie game.
We will ask Kickstarter pledgers and whatnot what they want the game on SUPER close to when its released, to keep options open if we get onto anything like a console people want.
Q: 1. how was your day
2. are you releasing a week 8 song early like week 7, or are you goin full lockdown
A: I am doing GOOD today, and I think recently I've been good in general.
up to the mood, but so far we doing good about not having anything leak or whatev, so I think it'd be fun to have update come out with people not knowing what to expect at all. Build dat intrigue
Q: Will fnf ever get official plushies?? Seems like an untapped market
A: FNF plushies will prob happen some point, we have a lot of current merch stuff on our plates already though! (Mostly kickstarter type stuff, shirts, pins, posters, and all the physical OST stuff) Its a lot to sort out, but in time more and more stuff will happen. We r jus 4 boys!
Q: did you ever expect your game to blow up as it did? what was your first reaction to seeing it become super popular
A: FNF never had a humble moment, literally day 1 before the prototype even came out, the vid on twitter had like 5K likes overnight. Then when ludum dare version came out, it got 5K likes again, like it wasnt just a fluke. Was crazy, and def felt like somethin was different wit FNF
Q: Do you plan on getting other people to come in to help with the music? That seems like a lot of work to dump on one person, what with the erect mode and whatnot.
I guess the question could apply to all aspects of development. Will you be bringing on more people to help?
A: We definitely are getting help from other people. We are always keeping an eye on people for various different things. In terms of programming, already I've gotten 2 people (MtH and Geokureli) to help with certain Week 7 stuff (charting/polish, and loading stuff). Shit like dat
Q: Oh, also, will the Steam version be Workshop compatible? That'd really help streamline the process of downloading mods.
A: Steam version of FNF will likely NOT be Steam workshop compatible, because we want all the mods to NOT be spread out through different places. There WILL be modding support that is as streamlined as Steam workshop though. Mainly for non-steam versions of the game!
Q: Are there any chances that the game will have a physical release? Also any updates on a switch port? I remember one of you guys talking/joking about it.
A: Not impossible for FNF to get a physical release. We would want to see how far we could go with it though. I think it'd be super easy to do something wit people like LimitedRun games or whatev, but I think stuff like that can only go so far. I wanna see Funkin in mf Walmart!!!!!!
not that LimitedRun isn't going to be an option! Just we consider and pursue many different things! FNF release is years away, so we have time to think about everything. Whole mindset can be different just a few months from now.
Q: Out of curiosity, how are you dealing with all the popularity? It blew up so fast id barely be able to handle it if I was in your shoes.
A: The only way I've been able to handle it is having the other boys on the crew and being able to talk to them about all the overwhelmingness.
Part of it feels very lonesome, feels like NO ONE can come close to comprehending exactly how I'm feeling, except them. also other PALS!!!
Q: Do you own any of the bootleg FNF merchandise? Like any bootleg plushies or anything?
A: i dont, i genuinely think they r a waste of money, and I know any bootleg shit that gets made, we can prob go about and make it, and make it 100x cooler because we actually put effort into shit. bootleg shit just in it for the coin, so they aint gettin that from me
Q: How did you go about getting in contact with sr pelo for skid and pumps vocals?
A: Pelo i think was familiar and pals wit PhantomArcade a bit thru various Newgrounds things and collabs and whatnot.
pelo retweeted the first OG FNF posts first ever, and brought a LOT of attention to it. to pay him back, we put skid and pump in game! ask dave for more info prob
Q: what's the plan for having the full ass game open source if it's gonna cost money? couldn't people just download the source and compile the game for free?
A: when FNF is fully released, the full source code will be released as well.
the game will be DRM free so it will be way easier for people to redistribute the released/offical .exe instead of compiling it, so that's not the issue anyways. people will pay for things if they like it
Q: What are the chances of it getting on consoles like switch or Playstation, ps5 would definitely be my preferred way to play
A: it'd be a matter of hiring someone to build out backend stuff for those specific consoles. someone who knows their way around all the wacky code stuff, AND knows console hardware stuff. Then its just a matter of hittin up those console manufacturers (Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo)
the CLOSEST one is SWITCH. pretty much all of that backend is already made, so it just a matter of gettin all that access and shit.
i think in any case though, there's a lot of NDA stuff required, i dunno how much we'd be able to talk about it even IF we get that stuf sorted
Q: any ideas of releasing it on epic store or another platform?
A: Right now, the only thing that is 100% confirmed and WILL happen is a Steam version, itchio version, and mobile versions on respective app stores. Other storefronts aren't out of the picture though, but we don't want to spread ourselves too thin with it.
Q: Will you continue using HaxeFlixel to make the rest of FNF?
A: yes, because it is what I'm the most technically proficient in, and generally is VERY flexible. just a matter of ME becoming a better coder. It's ALL open source, so if I need something done a certain way, either I can do it, or we can hire someone to do it.
Q: have you seen game theory's videos on your game yet and if so, what do you think about them? (not talking about his predictions because i dont want spoilers. i like mystery)
A: it is always good silly fun to watch the Game Theory vids about Funkin with some pals, and see what matpat thinks of the game. i lov the vids, but wish he used my face less! Or at least used a cuter pic of me like this one!!
Tumblr media
Q: Ok so: What does the future of FNF look like to you?
A: future of FNF is a rhythm game that not only exceeds every expectation that people have of it, but subverts most expectations and conventions as well.
Q: Do you plan on retouching on older weeks once the game is fully out? Like reanimating sprites, redoing some charting, updating the background, etc
A: retouching and probably overhauling certain aspects is almost definitely gonna happen. Everything is fluid and can be changed (and should be changed when necessary). i dont think anything should be too attached to, especially this early on in development
Q: I honestly do not care if the answer to this is vague as hell to keep surprises and shit lol but… Since Week 7 was the closest we’ll get to a playable girlfriend (still bf controlling tho), do you have plans to make girlfriend playable in spin-off things or just freeplay?
A: wouldnt be out of the picture for a playable GF, i don't think we've had some hard thing AGAINST it. just a matter of what we want out of the game, and what sort of story or whatev we could do with that concept
Q: How do BF and GF manage to meet famous newgrounds characters (such as pico, tankman and the others to come) like is this all in one universe/ timeline or are they being brought in?
A: i think they are all just there existing. i think there's a lot of wacky things in other media that try to justify crossovers, like MULTIVERSE bullshit or TIMELINE shit, but i dunno, its like subspace emissary. Captain Falcon and Olimar from Pikmin just hang out. Shit like dat
disclaimer that all lore shit is in phantomarcade head pretty much and maybe there is wacky dimensions or somethin
Q: Will the game have dlc?
A: its not too unlikely that we'd have expansions of some sort, but i mean right now we plan on packing in as much as we can into base game, and trying to make that as pure as possible.
if there is ANY dlc, i would personally want it to be 100% free updates
Q: How did you meet Phantom Arcade, Kawai Sprite, and EvilSker? And what do you think about the community and its controversies?
A: me and phantomarcade been fukin around NG for years so years and years ago we naturally crossed paths and became pals
about 2 years ago i found kawaisprites music on NG, and started talkin wit him, made Ritz wit him and we fell in lov
and evilsk8r i met cuz of FNF!!!
quik elaborate on evilsk8r, wanted artist for gamejam FNF was for (ludum dare), and OG person i asked wasnt available, so he referred me to evilsk8r, who I have never met or talked to before ever.
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