#couldnt find a way to draw it clearly tho
astrallogic · 7 months
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vox meeting his idol
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syscciht · 4 months
Oouurrggffgh fuck tho, I have to agree those moth boys are GORGEOUS
I'm half-astounded you/your friend used real moths as a reference :oc :3c ANGFNGH THEY'RE BOTH MOOOOOOOONNN MOOOOTTHHHSSS but not only that, I'm pretty sure Swad is a comet moth/Madagascan moon moth, and I just have to say, fitting. Burning up with brightest glory, flying too close to the Earth but ending up slammed into the protecting moon.
WIKIPEDIA ALSO SAYS THERE'S AN APOLLO MOON MOTH BUT ITS PAGE DOESN'T EXIST AND- harrllsghdbbxfnnnghhh *calm* I cannot find it anywhere else for the life of me. >8(
Yeah uh, originally I was looking up moth legs so I could try and draw these guys but... Clearly I got distracted,,,*amused Wheeze*
CLEARLY this loser got distracted..
BUT THANKS!! i couldnt make moth wing designs on my own and i love taking from nature. swan is a luna moth, too, and i loved the way the tails on the comet moth’s wings looked for swad… also the real moth is straight up yellow and red there was no better option. i wish i could see this apollo moon moth…
IF YOU DRAW TH EM THOUGH. PLEEASE TAG ME OR SHOW ME AND @fishfrypi (thats the friend that made them with me) GIGGLES
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cbs ghosts opinions
i hadnt intended on posting about cbs ghosts because i hadnt intended on watching it (it just didnt seem like my cup of tea) but the curiosity got to me and now i have thoughts, please stick around for below the cut to hear them (pls note that i have nothing against the show, but i also dont think i owe it any favours just because the story comes from our six idiots):
it was,,, alright. it wasnt a struggle to watch, i laughed a couple of times, but it didnt do all that much to draw me in (that being said perhaps if i hadnt seen the bbc one first i would have been more interested). but there are a couple things i want to talk about
visuals - we all already knew what it was going to look like, very set like, basic lighting setups, cheap costumes, its not ideal. the look of the show doesnt strictly take anything away from it, but i feel like if more effort had been put into costuming and cinematography it really could have elevated the show. also i had some issues with editing; theres one scene in episode one that i found super confusing because they kept breaking the 180 rule and i couldnt get a sense of the locations, there were also some very obvious edits in this scene which really took me out of it. the greenscreen/sfx werent fantastic either but im willing to look past that because its not something i care about personally
dialogue - there are definitely some good jokes, tho it felt odd to me just how much they lifted from the original scripts. i appreciate that the cast have clearly seen the og series but it meant some of the line delivery was exactly the same and that did feel like a bit of a cop out. i did enjoy how they played the sams dead ‘tough loss’ joke, because im sure for first time viewers there really would have been a moment of worry. 
writing - a little bit separate to dialogue a guess; there was too much exposition. they revealed so much information so quickly and it makes me worry how theyre going to stretch out a story. im not a fan of plot twists that simply contradict what we’ve been told and i feel thats all they can do from here. I cant see it having more than one decent season, because they havent left much space for the story to develop. i also didnt like how much they overexplained the jokes, i think it undermines the audiences intelligence. 
characters - the characters were a little cartoonish for my personal taste. in the bbc show the characters are the heart of the story and i dont feel theyre all that grounded in this version. i know the characters we know and love are flawed but theyre still likeable, and im finding it hard to like the cbs counterparts. im torn on isaac, i dont think hes bad as a character, im perfectly happy for him to be more camp than cap. but i do think theyre overdoing the gay jokes, and a lot of them are at his expense (ie the musical theatre jokes), i think itll be hard to create a layered, empathetic arc for him if the writers are too busy making us try to laugh at him.
relationships - i didnt enjoy the argument between sam and jay, i think thats not a good way to frame a caring couple (at least not from the outset) tho im pleased at how jay came around at the end. they dont feel on the same wavelength but im happy to give that time. i did NOT like petes comments about carol, why did they have to make him dislike her? i feel like its a very cheap and overplayed joke
pace - i feel like they jumped into the story too quickly, we didnt get as much context establishment prior to the start of the plot. its supposed to exist separately to the bbc version but it didnt take the time to set it up for a newcomer audience which feels a little odd. it sort of presumes you know the deal already
alright those are my major points, ive got a couple of tiny complaints:
- a couple of times it felt like they were going to address important aspects of history and colonisation but then they backed out, i think they should either commit or not, because edging a conversation does nothing productive
- the trevor nudity joke just felt a little crude and out of place, i dont think it was necessary 
- i like thorfinn but it sounds like hes doing a bad impression of chris hemsworths thor, which is already a bad impression (sorry chris hemsworth), idk why hes doing a weird english accent instead of a Scandinavian one
- sam was just a little too quick to adapt to the ghosts, its a major life event and she accepted it very suddenly
overall its fairly decent. i think the cast and crew enjoyed making it but it doesnt have the love put into that our beloved bbc ghosts possesses; tho that might develop over time as the cast gets to know eachother.  its not really my preferred sense of humour, but i enjoyed it enough to keep watching. and at the end of the day this version isnt a show for me and thats ok, other people should get to enjoy it.
i dont think anyone owes it to the idiots to watch and/or enjoy it, they really have no creative input. just because they approved the use of the idea doesnt mean theyre an active part of this version, so if  you dont wanna watch it isnt a slight against them. tho i presume they get royalties or something so if you wanna watch to help them get more then go for it. 
please feel free to discuss in the comments im open to all opinions so long as youre respectful
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autisticzukka · 3 years
Hey hi, would you be able to elaborate on your tags from valentines day w the atla post? Sorry its a technically googleable question, but both live action reboot and racist cartoon weren't familiar concepts regarding atla in my memory and I wanted to follow up?. Like, for example,, didn't a live action version already get created in like 2013 and flop, etc, thanks for any clarity you can offer!
oh yeah lmao Netflix is doing a live action TV show length reboot
also other people have talked a lot more clearly and a lot better than i can on the issues that ATLA and LOK have with racism, which is a super easily googleable question and so i will let you go ahead and do that. or people can drop stuff in the replies if they want, i just got homework and no time to go digging for sources. honestly just chilling about on tumblr for long enough & following POC ATLA blogs, you WILL find out the issues. a really easy entry point tho would be looking up 'atla + orientalism'. i mean it's really a product of its time, even if it was ahead in some ways, and 2005 was... almost 20 years ago jesus
but my point in bringing that up was basically that people should not expect progressiveness from something that was last progressive in 2005 and was criticized even then for obvious thoughtless missteps and appropriation. a reboot probably can't fix fundamentally flawed material, although i am really excited to see the brand new problems they create trying to address decades of fandom opinion and criticism. i am like. effervescent to see this train wreck. my worst fear is it ends up too close to good to feel anything but frustrated with :(
but mostly i recognize certain fannish conventions around talking about shipping that i engaged with a lot when younger, and worry that young people who haven't lived through queerbaiting fandoms before will be drawn into the bullshit canon wars. the epic highs and lows of will my ship happen. thinking the creators really care about you because they toss some crumbs out to draw more pigeons. etc
its a natural part of fannish spaces and life cycles to have this experience, but i couldnt help but being pessimistic on main for a moment lmao
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gojoyogurt · 4 years
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happy birthday gojo!! || chilhood friends to lovers au || short fic
pairing: gojo satoru x reader
summary: you spend the whole day together with gojo, your childhood friend. this birthday was special since you were the only one to celebrate it with him since all his other friends were overseas. on this day, it felt more like you were receiving a gift on your birthday rather than giving him a gift.
warnings: grammar and vocabulary may not be the best. also, i know gojo isnt 20 but... for the sake of this story i made him just reaching his 20s hope you guys dont mind. some spelling mistakes may not be noticed.
“hey gojo!” i screamed acrossed the road as i saw the tall, light haired man with a bandana covering his eyes leaning on the lamp post. he looked over and gave a small smile along with a wave. it was such a special day since he just turned 20, if he made my 20th birthday so memorable, i should only return the favour since the both of us have been together ( not in a romantic way ) for the longest time and we were always there for each other. “ayo happy birthday you overgrown man baby!” i jokingly congratulated him. “thanks you tiny tiger” he replies back with a smirk on his face while patting me on the head. i blushed slightly, i always had a crush on him but i never got the chance to say it to him. “should i say it today?” i thought to myself as my heart skipped a beat.
we walked down the street for a while and we stumbled across a cafe that seemed pretty quiet, the atmosphere it gave off was so simple yet it was drawing our attention to it. “hey do you-“ we both said simultaneously. “man... that single braincell energy tho amirite HAHA” i affirmed him as both of us were laughing our asses off right infront of the cafe door. after wasting our energy on cackling, we finally stepped into the cafe and ordered our drinks. “one cafe latte-“ we both said simultaneously AGAIN. “why are we so in sync today??” he questioned as we both started giggling uncontrollably at the register. “excuse me, are you guys going to order?” the staff asked us. “oops, sorry. we’ll get two cafe lattes please!” i cheerfully ordered. “two cafe lattes, anything else?” he reassured us. “nope!” i confirmed our order. “ok here’s your receipt, you guys make such a cute couple! you’re so lucky to find your soulmate that matches you perfectly!” the cashier said to us. we both just looked at each other and laughed it off.
it was nearly impossible for us to get to the table since gojos hands wouldnt stop shaking because he was giggling. luckily, we made it to the table without spilling the drinks. “here, its a small gift i made” i said as i handed over a brown wrapped package to him. the crumpling and tearing sound of the paper filled the area we were in, my heart was racing since i was worried that he wouldnt like it. “oh wow, y/n you made this??” he questioned me as if he couldn’t believe that i actually made the picture collage of the both of us. “yeah... do you not like it?” i asked quietly, scared that he actually hated it. “YO I LOVE THIS SO MUCH THANK YOU!!” he screamed in excitement. the collage was filled with memories of me and gojo from when we first met when we were 5 and uptil this day.
it felt like a heavy weight was just lifted off my shoulder. “thanks!! that took a while since i also added some pictures of us when we were still kids!” i replied back in relief. “hey! lets take a photo now so we can add it to the frame!” i suggested. i wriggled my chair over next to him and i took out my polaroid camera from my bag. we both smiled for the picture and i waited for the photo to come out.. “should i tell him now?” i reassured myself. i looked at him quietly, he was smiling while looking at the photos of our past selves, “i want to see that smile forever... ” i knew that it may seem greedy, but my heart always raced whenever i looked at him, even uptil now. “hey, y/n you ok? you seem a little flushed” he asked me with a concerned look on his face. “oh, uh, yeah just feeling a little warm...” i muttered. “lets go to my place so you can rest, ok?” you agreed to go over to his place after finishing your drinks.
during the walk back to his place, i couldnt control my heart, it was beating as if im about to go on stage and perform for millions of people. i stopped walking and i was shaking quietly in a small alleyway leading to his house. “y/n, are you ok??” he ran back after noticing that i wasnt by his side anymore. i dont know why but i suddenly started crying, it was supposed to be a happy day but... why am i like this??? am i scared? gojo hugged me and i cried into his chest while he was calming me down. / “y/n... talk to me, is there anything wrong?” he tried to ask me after i calmed down a little. “i-i- i li- like u b-buht i d-don whant to ru-ruin our fwe nd shipp” i somehow managed to get the words out in between breaths. at that point, my face looked like it was a tomato about to burst. i could hear my own heartbeat, i didnt even dare to take a glance at gojo. “man... how do i take care of you... you see, y/n, i also liked you for such a long time but i always thought that you would go off with some other man so i never confessed” he confessed while scratching the back of his head.
my heart felt like it just stopped, at that moment in time, i feel like the world was so serene and quiet. after snapping back into reality, “wh-what weally??” i sniffled as i looked up at him with my swollen eyes. “HAHAHA YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE RIGHT NOW BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” he teased me as i quickly wiped my snot and tears off my face. “you’re not joking with me right?” i tried to confirm with him. he suddenly let out a huge sigh and walked towards me. my heartbeat suddenly increased as he got closer and closer with every step. he leaned closer towards me and took off his black bandana, “do i look like im lying?” he questioned me as i stared into his beautiful blue eyes. this isnt the first time im seeing it but i always can never prepare myself to see it. his eyes looked so peaceful, like a quiet ocean that has no limits. it felt like you could clearly see the sky even though we were in a dark area.
he put his bandana back on and gave me a long, tight hug. “you are the meanest person i know did you know that” i jokingly said to him. “hey is that the first thing you say to your boyfriend? ouch” he joked back. he hugged me for a little while longer before staring at me. he leaned in closer next to my ear and whispered, “thank you, for making this the best birthday present i could ever ask for” he gave me a peck on the cheek before looking back at me. my face was once again about to explode and my heart was probably on the verge of exploding. “can you not do that i have a weak heart you know???” i scolded as i jumped on him to attack him. “ouch ouch ouch!1!1!1!1! okok im sorry geez, violent much” he teased me once again. “c’mon, lets go to your house already, i look embarrassing” i pushed him so that i don’t embarrass myself in public. i clinged onto his arm and kept my head down the whole way back so that people dont see my face. this day was honestly the best day of my life, i had a huge smile on my face for the rest of the day.
and the rest is left up to your imagination...
hello people! sorry if this seemed rushed because i’ve been quite busy recently but ill still try to post whenever i can. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GOJO YAYYY. actually ive been on a hiatus off anime for a while and jujutsu kaisen is getting me back into the swing of things so im really into jujutsu kaisen atm HAHA. anywho hope you guys enjoyed this short fic and see yall in the next one byee!!!
also im so happy aot the final season came out today but since i read the manga, im really not prepared for whats going to happen... also can we talk about how the intro is just a whole gender reveal party??
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dysfunctionalnerd · 4 years
I was wondering ... how would Randall react to Evil! Layton? or Monocle! Layton(by the way your drawings are amazing!)
ahhh thank u so much!! that means so much to me ;u; oh my GOSH MONACLE LAYTON!!! i havent thought about him organically in too long sksksks
well so ok if i had to make layton evil at any point in time, the way id do it would be after unwound future. it would be about 2 years after he found randall, but in this scenario he never worked up the courage to call randall or go back and visit after he left Monte D'or so abrubtly, which means losing that friendship was already weighing on his heart. so then after UF, losing claire and luke in the span of the same week... its too much for him. Crying in his room one night, he says "so this is it then? am i destined to always lose the people i love? i will simply never love again." and he snaps. he gets cold and distant, doesnt allow the kindness of others to reach him. all he wants now is vengance, and this man has been wronged by soooooo many people.
The only person still living with him is flora at this point. at first she lets things slide. things like seeing hersh withdraw into his study for too long, or drink too late into the night. but then she notices he stays in his room for days at a time, clearly working on something, but he gets so rude when asked about what. shes always met with answers like "its none of your concern" or "dont ask questions you're not prepared to hear the answer to", until one day she really puts her foot down. Demands to know whats going on. Shes so worried. But hershel screams at her to go away. an ugly, terrible yelling nobody deserves. and its so cold she just,, runs away crying. she cant think of anybody to reach out for help. she doesnt know anybody, she was never allowed to go out and make friends.
until she remembers the stories luke told her about the man they saved in Monte D'or, and she remembers how softly hershel would smile the precious few times he mentioned he name randall.
so she pulls up a phone book and looks up a Randall Ascot. Its not hard considering he owns an entire fucking town. shes crying and scared and alone, and when randall picks up the phone, he is of course concerned. hes never met this girl, but nobody should by crying this much, and then his heart breaks when he realizes its hershel who did this. He was always hurt by how hershel never said goodbye, and never called again to rekindle their friendship. at first he doesn't want to come over, but flora begs him.
"please, randall, you have to help. I know i hardly know you but... nobody else can reach him, i just know it".
so he grabs the nearest train. tells flora take take it easy at a bougie hotel for a night while he makes the trip over, pays for everything ofc. the two meet up. randall falls in love with this girl in .5 seconds (yknow in that "ive only met this girl for 10 minutes but if anything were to happen to her id kill everyone in this room and then myself" kind of way). They decide to just go to hershels flat and knock. he doesnt answer. they knock again. nothing. randall gets worried. he breaks down the door, shouts for hershel. Nobodys there. the place is empty. they enter hershels study to make sure, but what they find horrifies them. a GIANT charlie kelly style board with a bunch of pictures of different people, mostly people connected to bill hawks, and red lines connecting them stand before the two, and they both know in their gut its a hit list of some kind.
so they run to parliment or whatever building it is those goverment people all stay in, hoping its not too late, hope maybe their suspicions arent true. Theyre horrified when they reach the front steps and theres no guards or anything. sirens are blaring. they run down the halls. injured soldier's and police are telling them to turn back, its not worth it, this man is unstoppable.
"please dont let it be hershel, please dont let it be hershel."
flora stops when they reach the big door. she looks up at randall, crying. "im sorry... but i cant go in. i dont want to face him like this."
randall hugs her, reassures her. tells her its ok to wait by the entrance, that everything will be ok.
Flora rushes off, and randall takes a deep breath. He opens the door where bill hawks office is supposed to be. Randalls heart sinks. in the big chair is hershel, a sword covered in red, and tied to chains too close to the fire place is a beat up bill hawks.
hershel greets him coldly, like strangers.
"ah hello there. im sorry, but the prime minister cannot assist you today. please come back later."
"hershel, what are you doing??? that sword.... have you??"
"killed someone? no..." he hops off his chair and points his sword to bill hawks, far too close to the neck. "no not yet. but if youd like, you can join me for the first one."
Randall picks up a pipe or something close to him. "i cant let you do this hershel... i know youre better than this."
"ah, but you see, thats the thing." his blade lightly touches bills neck. "i could be, but then... whats the point?" then he scoffs, and pulls his sword away, pointing it towards randall in a battle stance. "never mind, you could never understand."
and he charges. AND THE EPIC SWORD FIGHT BETWEEN HERSHEL AND RANDALL THAT WE WERE ROBBED OF COMENCES! Randall, between parrys, is in total disbelief. "Hershel, stop it! i know how youre feeling, but this isnt the solution! youre tired, and scared, and unbelievably hurt. youre in so much pain... this isn't going to end that pain!"
clink, parry
"you couldnt possibly know what im feeling. ive lost everyone. but its no matter."
for a moment it looks like hershel is about to pin randall down, but he swoops away at the last minute.
"No, please hershel, you cant think like that!! youre not alone!! not anymore!! You didnt give up on the masked gentleman... let me return the favor!"
hershel gasps at this, and hesitates. its enough for randall to knock hershels sword out of his hands, and pin him to the ground. Hershel is afraid, his eyes are wide.
"r-randall, stop it!! leave me alone!"
"no!" randall throws the pipe he fought with aside. "not until you make things right!" he starts crying, his tears spill on hershels shirt. "not until i get my best friend back..."
hershel can't take it anymore. He screams, and starts crying uncontrollably. that ugly crying you reserve for your worst moments, and randall softens his grip on hersh, changes it so hes hugging his friend. And hershel just cries and cries and cries.
"i... i just dont want to live like this anymore..." he sobs.
"hershel.... oh hershel, im so, so sorry."
and they continue to cry. eventually randall asks what happened, how it got to this. hershel explains the events of the last few years. how luke left. how bill hawks sent men to beat him to an inch of his life 8 years ago, so really this is just him returning the favor. they talk it out.
"hershel... you owe flora an apology"
and hershel starts crying even more. "oh no, how could i do this to her?? im a monster..."
"nonsense! shes just worried about you, we all just want you to be ok. give her time, you two will be ok."
so slowly, randall convinces hershel to take his hand and walk out before some real irreverasble damage is done. they dont untie bill tho :) hershel comes face to face with flora at the entrance. starts stuttering some words, but jever gets around to saying anything bc flora hugs hershel so tightly, and cries into his chest. "professor i was so worried..."
"i.... im so sorry...."
and thats it!! the police dont do anything bc i dont believe in them, hawks eventually gets voted out. they all go home and randall decides to stay with hershel until he find a therapist. then decides to stay with him until he starts smiling again, then because i mean whos gonna help out with flora?? and then bc honestly hershel, this place is a mess! and then,,,,, well,,,,,, yknow,, 👀👀
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losangelesvalorant · 5 years
final thoughts on games today:
Tl;dr: london is going to have Issues with a capital I, paris is fine and will be better w hanbin, boston were okay and them losing just solidifies how fucking scary and well-oiled nyxl is rather than boston being terrible. Titans, like usual, have no respect for their opponents and could be even scarier /if/ they wanted to be, valiant pops off sometimes but cant do it consistently, shock looks rusty and dallas needs to pocket decay even harder than they already are to win games.
london: i see a lot of potential in them, but until they gain confidence they’re c tier for me. They seem overcoached and lost when they aren’t unable to go through with their set plays, of which they way too many for each map. When they were able to play their game, they cycled their ults well, but were easily forced out of their comfort zone. Bernar tried his best to carry, but jmac looked lost and wasn’t able to bait nicodgh’s walls at all, that might be a problem w coordination w sanguinar for speedboost tho. babel wasn’t quick enough to get his walls out in time, though they were great when he did. Glister and highly tried their best, sanguinar seems to play very individualistically which gave london chances, but fdgod just outplayed him mostly. Once teams figure out how to play vs them they’re fucked unless the coaches move away from set plays and unless the team builds more confidence. This team is going to suffer with hero pools if they don’t fix something quick. London honestly and truly has a TON of potential, but not the coordination or confidence or coaching to utilize it.
paris: they’re gonna be scary as they get more coordinated! Can’t wait til they can run at full strength w better tanks. They made good adaptations and looked good doing it. Nicodgh’s walls were sick, nosmite looked great, fdgod is a fragger, xzi clicked heads and greyy and hyp did good too. Benbest i didnt watch. I really like what i see with this team, but we haven’t seen them at full strength so i dont feel like i have much to say about them. Definitely a dark horse for me. They should thrive with hero pools. 
nyxl: nyxl looks as dominant as ever. They’re coordinated, smart, aware, turn impossible situations around, and quickly shut down every win condition boston had before they could even execute it. Though whoru’s mei is def the weak link for me (his walls kinda suck. I think theyre just giving him stage experience here tbh. His genji slaps tho), him and sbb/nenne are a scary duo, everything that can be said abt jjonak and anamo has been said already (They are the best. They are the best. They are the best.), and mano and hotba are both doing excellently. I dont feel that this is their optimal meta, but nyxl has showed a lot of willingness to adapt to their opponents and make swaps, which i like. I’m not worried for them in hero pools, though they might stumble a bit. They’re solidly in S tier for me now
boston: This is gonna be controversial (and take this w a grain of salt cuz im plat.) but boston played better than i expected cuz im a pessimist and was expecting them to get completely rolled, and they at least showed some signs of life. They’ve clearly scrimmed a lot of different comps and looked at least vaguely competent in them, which is more than dallas valiant and london can say. They tried to go for a lot of clutches which never rly worked. they tried to adapt, but nyxl outmatched them and kinda drove them away. Axxiom and fusions were coordinated and i liked their dive, their double shield not so much. boston dps were holding their own, swimmer and myunbong were too, there’s not rly a carry on this team. axxiom i think is being slept on tho. They could definitely kite better and coordinate more, and make faster/smarter swaps, but they at least looked pretty synergized. They were clearly outmatched but they def looked better throughout the whole series than london did vs nyxl after the first 2 maps. Boston seems like a B- tier team to me, but they could be better and i do want to see them play more before im certain abt this. I’d call this a quality loss despite the scoreline
vancouver: Titans clearly didn’t prep much for this match and didn’t respect valiant as much as they should have. There’s no weak points on this team, just that all of them went for clutches they shouldn’t have and got punished for it bc they assumed valiant would be weaker than they were. Titans hate being methodical but are great when they are. When they subbed stitch in, they went for more dumb plays it seemed like, so i bet sms is the one keeping them chill. Fissure’s playing bumper style (taking space and dying for it) but quieter, which I like, bc it means they can pocket haksal harder and let twilight go for more plays. Good adaptations, great plays, great synergy, once titans got their feet under them and downloaded valiant it was over. Their dive was soooo clean. Nothing to be said about this roster that hasnt been said already (theyre the best). This is classic titans and im glad to see losing bumper hasnt completely stopped them from doing dumb shit, cuz even if it hurts me to watch its fun. They should be absolutely fine with hero pools, S tier.
valiant: Valiant only have one comp and theyre Very good at it, especially in the mirror, but theyre having trouble adapting to titans. They have very high highs and very low lows, they also try to clutch sometimes and fuck up. When the team pops off theyre sick, when they dont they… dont. Gig is a madlad. I do like that they prepped for the titan’s bap strat on lijiang and shut it down entirely, that was very good coaching, but they weren’t able to adapt to non-mirror matches after that. They might get fucked by hero pools bc they didn’t show anything successfully other than rein/dva variations, but we’ll see. I'm finding them fun to watch and I'm interested to see if they can consistently maintain their peak play. B tier, i think their weaknesses are more exploitable than boston’s but that boston would lose to them. Id compare them to hunters last year but if hunters played meta
shock: I didnt watch this match super close tbh. Shock looks strong as usual, but they stumbled far too much for my liking when they let doha and decay get value but otherwise incredibly dominant. Architect’s ana got sooooo much value as the series went on, beautiful sleeps beautiful nades beautiful nanos etc *chefs kiss.* i dont think shock prepped super hard for them, and they rly couldve adapted better on horizon and won that map, but it was overall dominant. They seemed pretty rusty honestly but theyre still good, but they should be pissed they got fullheld on horizon. I’m not going to draw any conclusions from this game when it comes to shock bc its one game and its their first game back. S tier, they’ll be fine with hero pools.
Dallas: Dallas looked way better than yesterday, when decay and doha were unleashed and it was less about taking space they were monsters. Tank play was better but not great, glad theyre not making note play rein anymore. Decay is a god and doha played around him really well and his walls were sick. When decay couldn’t play mccree and couldnt get support, there was nothing dallas could do. Gamsu… seemed a bit tilted and used ults he shouldnt have. There were also communication issues, it didnt seem like trill called some of his shatters which meant the team couldnt follow up. They weren’t able to adapt that well without set strats, and other teams will use that to their advantage. Once a team figures out how to shut down doha and decay the game is over. C tier, will struggle in hero pools
right now rankings for me go titans, nyxl shock in S tier, glads in A tier, toronto, paris, valiant, boston in B tier, dallas, london in C tier
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oleaspur · 6 years
ummmwine replied to your post “zenkaiankoku replied to your post “i find it really interesting how...”
oh totally to all of that though, like, yeah i think ppl either smooth him over WAY too much &/or make him like, more stable than evan which is like??? they have Different Problems actually but connor is definitely the least okay / least okay to be around of all of them...but it's also like...clearly just as Off to interpret him as somebody who just acts out completely at random and is just Intensely Angry ALL THE TIIIME instead of yeah, him having this actual internal
OK im replying under the cut because this will be long but tl;dr YOURE RIGHT
process behind the stuff he does which like, from an outside perspective would clearly be unjustified or over the top or irrational etc etc etc...and tbh like interpreting him as like, slow to warm up to ppl and quick to draw back thx to paranoia or potentially actually sort of latching on to ppl too fast but it can also go sour rl quick All Thanks To Splitting is valid af and like!! we don't know cuz canon doesn't say anything about that kind of thing re him. liiiike
i think the difference between having a relationship w someone with something like depression and anxiety and with someone who has a disorder like bpd is that w/ depression and anxiety you can almost always take a step back. its not going to be the case that everything you do impacts them and that their response to your actions is going to be a public thing.. bpd for me at least is very loud. it takes up all the space it can possibly find, so every interaction Means something and every response you have to those interactions needs to serve some kind of a function and it needs to be Known. its why at least for me i tend to suffer more when i have close relationships with people, because youre constantly having that sort of connection. like im not saying its always a bad thing because the good times are! so good! but everything is horrible and intense All the time so it never feels like youre doing something wrong when youre acting out. its more like why DOESNT this matter to everyone else the way it should. 
the splitting thing just makes so much sense to me because i used to be the kind of person who would say like , really awful things to my family as a result of it. i dont ever want people to think im justifying what connor supposedly did but i think there Should be an explanation beyond hes just ‘a bad person’ or Vaguely troubled. there is a genuine attempt to reach out to evan, however minor, and i think that its way more compelling to treat him as someone who Does crave genuine connection w people and is just unable to approach it in a healthy way than anything else
i don't think that reference to that particular incident with zoe is meant to be like "there's a specific canon answer to what issue made connor act like this" but like i can so see that being more of legit paranoia fueling that problem somehow and just...like hghh again out of all the senior kids he'd definitely have the most work to do before he'd be able to have a good relationship either in terms of on his own end or re the other person's end of it...like obviously
there's the violence which is like. number one Got To Get Rid Of That Asap mostly for other ppl's sakes but then like. figuring out how to deal w the underlying crap would be more for his sake. like god that all of them were in therapy but also connor's problems definitely seem intense enough that he could probably stand to look into being medicated instead of having to self medicate cuz i figure that's what he's trying to do even if its kind of backfiring sometimes...
definitely definitely.. i could say a lot about why i think having connor and evan (or jared i suppose but i havent thought about that so much) bonding initially and then it going downhill because of a lack of an actual understanding of each other’s issues (and then both learning and coping separately IN ORDER to build an actual relationship with each other) is more interesting and genuine feeling than them Immediately helping each other and it actually working. but it would be long.. 
they all need to See Someone. + obviously medication is never the be-all end-all of any kind of mh treatment but for me personally therapy was never useful UNTIL i was on medication that actually helped regulate my moods first. the sort of things they talked about were never feasible for me because my moods dropped SO fast and because just being told to do things was so infuriating.. and so on. i definitely agree w the self-medication part i usually see that as connor trying to deal as best he can w something that no one else seems to understand or struggle with. sometimes it seems like the best way of coping w things is to try and detach urself from it . obviously that isnt healthy at all but when u dont know how else to deal w ur problems u find your own solutions :(
ANYWAYS the point is that like. first of all projecting shit Is Valid And Who Cares Anyways but in this case its probably also more accurate than what ppl write when they have no experience with such intense and unmanageable things and stuff that you really can't quite imagine accurately unless you know it firsthand already. and godddddd a trope i cannot stand is like, the 'i just need one good relationship and that will fix things / inspire me to choose to be able to
handle this and voila! i am handling it" like!!! i LOVE good relationships being mutually helpful and with this cast it's easy to see how they'd clash cuz they all do in canon!! but it's also ughh so easy to see how they could all understand and help each other even tho their specific problems are different when u zoom in enough. and like it's cool as hell if a relationship helps you / motivates you but it's not gonna fix everything and it shouldn't!! and like yeah with
connor i really see his shit as being involved in / close to the clinical psychotic types of issues. which yknow, people REALLY don't tend to know how to write if they don't have lived experience or really do a lot of good research anyways. like badly written anxiety is still probably gonna be closer to the mark than badly written delusions or smthing, idk. but anyways i am going ON AND ON and the point is. bpd connor is valid as fuck and i love that perspective on him
YEAH i think when i was younger i fell into that kind of writing as a sad sort of wish-fulfilment thing because it makes sense to want things to be that way. but its not helpful to people who relate to those characters, or realistic/healthy to want that sort of solution because it just doesnt exist
i think with personality disorders especially its hard because to a certain extent its like... it inhabits you. i was SO worried that once i started being able to deal w my mental health issues i would stop being a real person because like. it informed Everything in terms of how i approached the world. its hard to write something like that but like.. it all makes sense in your head. you have your own internal justification for everything even if you never reason it out and even if you couldnt possibly explain it in words you KNOW youre feeling this way for a reason and youre justified and should be feeling this way. its weird stuff
ANYWAY ty for this i LOVE talking about this kind of thing and literally everything youve said is so good and real.. connor is important to me even if he has barely any characterisation in canon lol
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hermannsgayhands · 6 years
some HANDY TIPS/references for drawing someone using a cane
mostly about hermann bc Lets Be Real who else is even out there to be drawn with a cane but this applies pretty generally
height: the handle should be at about hip/wrist level, and its almost definitely going to look too short if youre not used to seeing someone use a cane. theyre really not that tall.
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canes that are too tall (even by just an inch!) will REALLY mess up your back and can cause a lot of pain, so its one of those things thats pretty small and insignificant, unless you actually use a cane, then its like Oh My God Please Love Yourself And Take That To A Hardware Store You Must Be So Uncomfortable
this is what standing normally with a cane will generally Look Like (it doesnt usually get much farther away from the body than this and stays pretty upright):
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like it really does look almost awkwardly short but thats what its supposed to look like. the arm should be relaxed but not bent-bent, because thats when the back problems come in. its basically functioning as a third leg, so it needs to be the same length as the characters actual legs starting at the hip joint. it shouldnt change the characters posture unless theyre leaning really heavily on it like if theyre really tired, so it needs to be short enough that their shoulders stay pretty straight even when theyre leaning weight on the cane (sorry for the black cane on black pants lol i couldnt find my green one)
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the cane goes on the side opposite whichever side needs support, which in hermanns case is his left, so his cane needs to stay in his right hand. some people switch depending on their needs at that specific time, but hermann never seems to do that. the cane stays on the ground for the same amount of time as the opposite foot and moves in tandem like That:
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ive seen a lot of art with hermann using one of those hook-handle canes, but this isnt the kind he uses. most people dont use those, because they get SUPER uncomfortable or even painful because theyre not at all shaped to the hand. his cane is solid wood with a handle similar to mine (below), which you can see most clearly in a couple shots when hermann is up the ladder for his chalkboard and his cane is hanging up on a lamp. not all canes look the same! try to find references for the specific character
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if theyre standing up, their hand needs to be on the cane and the cane needs to be on the ground. for most people, the circumstances where they arent leaning on their cane are pretty specific and very brief, like if you need to get your wallet out of your bag and you need both hands free (and you either have an attachment on the bottom so itll stay upright, a wrist strap, or you veeeery carefully balance it on something, because it Will Undoubtedly fall over otherwise). burn gorman kinda misses this one a few times but the one that really jumped out at me was when hermann finds newt after he drifted for the first time, and he drops his cane on his way down to the floor. BIG ouch. until the character is fully seated, they need to use their cane (or lean on something else) While theyre getting fully seated. even when i have done something careless and hurt myself, its not because i did something like drop my cane right when im bending all my joints with a lot of pressure on them, because 1-muscle memory and 2-I NEED IT or else i probably wont be getting down on the floor in one piece. which leads me to the end of this, which is:
basically treat the cane like another leg, because thats basically how it functions both literally and figuratively. its the same height as the leg, it moves like another leg, it gives support the way another leg would, but mobility aids are also kind of an extension of the self, so disabled people generally are Really Not Okay with someone messing with or picking up or taking their mobility aids, because its really taking someones mobility and independence. ive seen a lot of art thats otherwise really cute that still makes me kind of uncomfortable because while im sure the artist just wasnt aware of this whole thing, its something that able-bodied people sometimes do in real life as a joke, and its really scary. if you treat it like a third leg, youve got your proportions pretty much down and you can avoid something that, in real life with a real disabled person, would unintentionally be Really Shitty and potentially put someone in danger. most of these things are pretty small and easy to miss if you arent used to seeing someone using a cane or using one yourself, but if you Do, when people get it right it makes a really big difference! i cant help noticing when things are a little off but i always notice when its drawn accurately
EDIT: i feel like a total idiot but there is at least one scene where hermann uses his cane in his left hand that i had missed (i was kind of in a grump over inaccurately drawn canes when there are already so few characters with canes so i made this post in a bit of a rush). the problem here is that its not really consistent with his kinda-canon disability based on some Bonus Content that i saw referenced on a wiki somewhere, which was his hip being shattered during a kaiju attack (tho ive mostly seen people writing him w their own disabilities). if he had an injury to A hip rather than a systemic issue, he would probably use the cane pretty exclusively in one hand because its only one side that needs the support, and the rest of him is fine. for systemic issues (like chronic illnesses that impact mobility), theres more of a likelihood that someone would switch hands depending on which side needs more support, but not always (i only ever used my cane in my right hand bc my left leg is consistently worse). this part kinda depends on the characters specific disability. sorry for the mistake earlier
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tumblunni · 6 years
Man the manga makes it look so fun to be a Nobody!
I really marvel at how they captured the uncanny nature of the enemy Nobodies?? Cos seriously the whole point of them is that they look humanoid but move in really inhuman ways. And each individual enemy type has its own unique mannerisms for this, but in general its like..slugs? I'm pretty sure its slugs?? They stretch and squish and wiggle around and its like pretty much EXACTLY how medicinal leeches move, but thats a very underrated animal so its probably more likely it was slugs or worms. Like 'hey lets exaggerate slugs' but BELIEVE IT OR NOT THAT FATEFUL WIGGLIER SLUG DOES TRULY EXIST. And i love their cutie patoot lil faces. And the world needs to appreciate them more!
...ok im getting offtopic but you get the gist of what i mean. The basic Dusk enemies are vaguely humanoid things with their arms and legs tapering off into sticklike points, and they either wiggle them around like leech heads or hold their arms behind them naruto run style and use their entire body as a leech! Like its more likely that they pick up stuff by wrapping around it like a snake, rather than just using hands?? And also they can fly and stick to ceilings and just generally have loads of fun?? And look really pretty?? And some of the other more complex nobodies look even cooler doing their weird wiggle flying. Like the Assassin type have these weird big metal petal shapes on their arms that flutter like feathers and make them look like winged snakes crossed with.. Kites...? Kites made of kimonos? Being worn by a man with no face..?
And aaa the Days manga has a REALLY good panel showing a big swarm of them in flight and it just looks SO MAGICAL AND SPOOKY! this is the exact kind of Aesthetically Nutso Ghost Monster Person i wish i could be! The manga is so cool at iimplying the same sense of inhuman motion by drawing them like motion tweens? Like theyre warped into wildly different body shapes in every panel and its just SO CREEPY and SO BADASS and SOMETIMES KINDA MAJESTIC AND ENDEARING EVEN! And this big flight scene has EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL ONE drawn with its own different pose and mannerisms and like man every one of these weird squiggle flights looks like a world of fun to do!! God i love when superpowers actually look FUN, yo! It fuckin sucks that theyre just low level enemies and not ever playable. The only Nobodies that are playable or even get a big amount of screentime in cutscenes are the ones that ACTUALLY look humanoid and also move humanoid and BOOOO have zero traits of the monster theyre supposed to be. Like man just give me a whole game playing a lil bebby Nobody flying around! They remind me of the wanderers in Journey, they'd be so well suited to a chilled out exploration game like that.
And AAAAAA i get so sad thinking about how they're like bebbys!!! Noooo! Why do we not have more sympathy for them?? Like the particular way they write their 'bumbling weak enemy' scenes just comes off more like..well..sad thoughts about what happens when you lose your heart. Cos i mean the series really doesnt dwell much on the implications of the fact every single one of them used to be human! And whenever they're not being given orders by the higher ups in the organization, theyre just shown wiggling around flying in circles for fun, like a shoal of fish. They're so inhuman now, aside from vague resembelance in their appearances. They'd be seen as the cute wpodland critters in a disney princess musical number if they werent designated as monsters! Like they're not just 'dumb', they friggin dont remember how to talk anymore. And in their most memorable scene they dont understand the order "find this person" and can be easily tricked by photos of him. "Yes boss here is roxas he's a little more flatter than usual but here he is!" And they just keep gathering hundreds of the same person and never once cotton on to anything being wrong. Its so cute and also scary?? Cos seriously they are such eldritch monstrosities of fragmented soul that they move on to STEALING THE WORD PHOTOGRAPH. Just plucking it right out of the language! Failing so hard that you warp the laws of reality! I feel sorry for the poor lil guys, you definately cant say they didnt try as hard as possible!
I'm just so happy that they gave a bit more sympathy to the low level enemies because seriously WHO GIVES SUCH A GOOD DESIGN TO A LOW LEVEL ENEMY AND THEN BARELY EVER USES THEM FOR ANY SCENES
They actually give some sorts of pseudo dialogue to them?? Like during the kh2 prologue they show roxas being able to psychically perceive their thoughts while theyre trying to kidnap him. And its just so sympathetic and sad in retrospect?? They did a great job amplifying everything about this sequence because they made the Nobodies look so much scarier, made Roxas's life with his friends look even more heartwarming, and made it all super tense so you overlook all these little hints and just cheer for roxas in defeating these guys. But they left so many things that actually foreshadow that Roxas is a Nobody too, so reading this a second time is so sadddddd. I almost wish this was the first time i experienced the story, i think it does basically everything better than the original game version. Like seriously THAT ONE LINE OF WHAT THE WEAK ENEMIES ARE THINKING! "We've found you, my leige". THEY WERE JUST TRYING TO SAVE THEIR BOSS AND DIDNT KNOW WHY HE DIDNT RECOGNISE THEM. AND THEN HE ATTACKS THEM AND THEY DONT KNOW WHY!! aaa theyre just BABIES god theyre just ghost demon thingies that are like the larval stage compared to the main character versions. They dont remember who they were as humans, they just know they love their boss!! and he's apparantly been kidnapped by scary humans!! THEY WERE TRYING SO HARD TO SAVE HIM!! they got so damn close to taking over the town and they were swarming everywhere searching for him and Axel was trying so hard too and Diz just kept interrupting him before he cpuld explain or lying to roxas to manipulate them against each other! And axel even brought cake and icecream with him!! He was just trying to rescue his lil bro!!! Auuuugh seriously it was such a good twist that the Scary Monster Dudes were objectively in the right throughout this entire intro, and they just wanted to save Roxas's goddamn life. And he didnt even get to remember his peaceful days as a family with his fellow monster boyos until like five seconds before dying :(
Did anyone else just.. Not want to play kingdom hearts 2 after the prologue?
Like i couldnt stand the mood whiplash of going back to happy go lucky disney worlds with sora and having no more deep sad intriguing plot points for like ten hours of gameplay. And i could never take Organization 13 seriously as villains when the entire damn prologue was them being SUPER FUCKING SYMPATHETIC and the 'good guy' trying to murder a child in order to bring sora back. Like why am i supposed to be happy that he succeeded when i know sora himself would say no if he was told what sacrifice had to happen to bring him back? I would have been way more interested in this sequel having me play as roxas and try and take on the legacy of sora as the next hero and try and find a way to bring sora back without anyone having to die. Like the whole story could be people being all 'blah blah youre worthless youre not human your only purpose is to die for the sacrifice' and we explore all different sorts of 'heroes' doing horrible acts and justifying it to themselves because some people are just 'born evil' and its okay to do whatever you want to them. And Roxas is always struggling with almost believing that shit about himself, but in the end he does succeed to find a happy ending for everyone without a need for 'sacrifices'. And he learns to have self confidence and form his own identity and have more friendship scenes with Axel and co and also redeem all the other Nobodies please and also hug the tiny enemy childrens ones. I just did not feel much for the plot of kh2 at all except for the Nobodies!! Its just not sympathetic to have your 'heroes' arguing that 'oh they dont have hearts theyre not human they dont feel anything so theyre all evil and its all fine'. The game acts like this is true despite giving sympathetic backstories to half of them and the other half all die crying that they want to live!! What the fuck!! Like the only consolation is that they clearly cottoned on to the Org being RIDICULOUSLY POPULAR and later games literally bring all the most fan-loved ones back from the dead and add EVEN MORE sympathetic backstories and also here have a bigger villain who was really responsible and also he lied to them and theyre NOT really empty hearted and incapable of love. THEY ARE CONSTANTLY SHOWN HAVING THAT, EVEN THE WEAK LIL ENEMY DUDES HAVE ALL THAT LOYALTY TO ROXAS AAAAGH THEY DIED IN DROVES TRYING IN VAIN TO SAVE HIMMMMM
And god theyre so cute and so well designed and so sad and im sorry but AGGHHHH
I Forgot I Had So Many Emotions For The Emotionless Bebs :(
...also i really wish i cpuld get this pic of thos one panel to upload cos it looks real cool. I didnt think anything could make me love them more!!! Theyte just innocent weird snake bird worm person mannequin origami things. They just want to flutter around like messed up butterflies! And adorably poke at things they're curious about, and hold brooms awkwardly with their squiggle hands! The manga shows them doing lil chores around the house!! I LOVE THEMMMMMMM
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zeynepbal · 4 years
hanami nashi
Thinking that this time is going to be the last time that I can enjoy the sakura trees, I was planning to do the same thing that I had done years ago in japan; taking my book and going to a park, sit under a cherry tree and read all day, while drinking my coffee: doing hanami with nature. 
Then I remember that today is sunday and nothing can withhold japanese people from doing hanami with at least 10 people on a sunny sunday. So I just portphoned it for 2 days, and decided to do it on tuesday or wednesday early in the morning. And may be this time, I can live the exact scene I had experienced 4 years ago: under a tree in expocity.
Then I couldnt resist the will of reading book for sometime and sat on my bed to read, which reminded me that I had to exchange batteries of my head lamp for night reading session. While searching for batteries at home, I found a box which is full of old memories in japan, and lost I dont know howmany minutes. 
I found a small notebook in it and when I opened it I saw the poems I wrote, drawings of drew, notes took, questions to be asked.. directly reminded me even the smell of the very first year in japan. I read the poems, tried to feel the same way, tried to understand why and how I felt, or to whom I wrote them...I am a pretty asshole who doesnt need to be in love to write all those romantic stuff and actually  when I am not in love I write better since it is not always easy to describe the feelings if they are so dense.. But I am pretty sure these were for someone, or someones may be because when I read them I clearly saw the different patterns of love which means they were written for 2 different people. I smiled and kept on digging in the box: found notes and small presents from the people I think I was good those days since I even dont remember some of them - but thanks. probably you made me happy, very happy within the moment even tho I dont have any clue about who you are - 
Now thinking of the dreams,hopes and old me of 4 years ago, it feels like I am stuck in my little peacefull world which was disturbed by the sticks and stones of the “cruelity of the people” from outside. Now thinking of the old me, I can clearly see how I transformed into a human being rather than being a “jesus” and accepting all the shit people gave me constantly thruout my life.
I was a surely a little girl when I came here, thinking that people cannot be cruel and that selfish on purpose and now I transformed into an ordinary human being who started not opening her heart widely to everyone.   
I still am not sure if this is the right way I have to be, but what I do know certainly is there is no place in world for the people who are crystal clear, understanding and forgiving to everyone. 
Yesterday, Marcos sent me a new word “dimwit” with some comments about it. 
What I told him was “What I can clearly say is “a person should be a dimwit on purpose sometimes” and I added afterwards but didnt send it “because no one is afraid of a stupid person and can show all of his or her cards because he or she thinks a stupid person cannot give harm”
Then I asked myself yesterday “I was a pawn dreaming to be a king and now I am a chess player. what caused this change? or.. may be I still am a pawn who thinks she plays the game”
No matter what ..I now know, people are seriously cruel on purpose, and I no more let them to harm me - because there is no sincere place in my life for most of them, anymore.
Because contrary to old me who never thinks in this way, not I do think “many people neither deserve me nor my friendship. they dont worth it.” So I play the game. 
one of the teachers asked me “If you ride like that why dont you just apply for a competition” and I answered as “ I ride because it s fun and it s my hobby because I find it relaxing... IF I do apply for a competition it wont be my hobby anymore, it will be a matter of win or lose..And I dont like to lose. In order not to lose I will tear into myself a lot and will not be able to see the fun in it anymore. I dont want my ambitions to take over the fun. If it is a game, I would like to play it well... which transforms me into someone that I dont like at all.. this is also why I dont like games.”
I did tried hard not to see the life as a game before. 
but now, I play the game.
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agentstegosaurus · 7 years
Requests (2/?): Taegi 
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–>Arranged Meeting #1 in the Chaebol!AU for you anonie (≧◡≦) ♡ (not very much of a HC(?) but just thought I’d share this with ppl who like this AU! Tho, a heads up: I don’t know what i’m doing l o l. Also: explicit language…? IDK HAHA)
-Everyone in Yoongi’s family knew matchmaking Yoongi was a terrible, terrible idea bcs Yoongi couldnt even handle somebody telling him to clean the dishes and very much less being told to unite in holy matrimony with another complete stranger; no matter how “fine, husband material” this other person was told to turn out. 
-So everyone was betting their credit cards on Yoongi ditching the poor victim and burning down their family’s front lawn the first few weeks of introduction.
-But almost a month passed and nothing was burning and nobody died.
-Although, technically they weren’t wrong. 
-The first meeting consisted of a typical blind date in a restaurant uptown and Yoongi was bristling (apparently his mother couldn’t find a suitable time to schedule meet-up #1 since Husband Material had his plate full with his hard-pressed work on most days of the week. So they settled with a last minute brunch arrangement when Mr. Husband Material could “free up some time” and Yoongi was supposed to be recording.) 
-Yoongi purposely took his time; shrugging on a hoodie and picking up his keys off the kitchen counter at an amazingly slower pace than he’s ever voluntarily done; only to chime into the quaint establishment and guided to a reserved, empty table. 
-Husband Material only came in 25 minutes later when Yoongi was already staring daggers back at the other patrons who were shyly giving him silent encouragement. 
-When he saw those fluffy brown locks come bounding up to his seat with slack-clad long, long legs, Yoongi felt something similar to the taste of vomit coming up from the back of his throat bcs
what the actual fck?
-He vividly recalled his mother saying: It’s a blind date. 
Taehyung casually sat down, placed his leather messenger bag by their juxtaposed feet under the table. Yoongi probably heard a muttered apology, short mentions about the traffic, the weather and also something about rushing off to somewhere later but Yoongi just gave him a very hard stare; his tongue stuck tight to the roof of his mouth. But clearly his indignation was totally lost on the male opposite to him who was already picking up the menu by his elbow and positioning his reading glasses over a high nose; like they did this every other day, like both of them didn’t just get tea bagged by their respective parents right under their noses. 
Taehyung: /turning to the waitress/ I’ll have a seafood Aglio e Olio-
Yoongi: Taehyung
Taehyung: -And water. /turning to Yoongi/ Hyung. What are you hav-
Yoongi: Yah. Kim Taehyung.
Taehyung: Calm down. Let’s order first, okay? I can’t be here for too long-
Yoongi: Are you crazy? I’m not doing this with you.
-Yoongi only watched Taehyung’s unfaltering nonchalance. Even as Taehyung sighed, dismissed the wary waitress and neatly folded his hands over the wooden surface. He even had the nerve to check his nails, Yoongi fumed. 
Yoongi: If you were dying to choke on my dick, you didn’t have to run your mouth to our parents. ‘Blind date’? Blind date, my ass. 
Taehyung: /Yoongi watches as Taehyung’s eyebrows furrow; warm hazel irises swirling with concealed mirth under the low light/ It is a blind date. Didn’t know it was you till I saw your car outside.
Yoongi: Bull. Shit. What the fck were you thinking? 
Taehyung: Listen. I didn’t know. Told my mother I rather have somebody I knew if she was going to set me up. Didn’t think she’d pick you. 
Yoongi: Cuz what? Don’t have anymore twinks to warm your c/ck in your local area? 
Taehyung: Judging by you being here, clearly my mother knows what she’s doing. 
Yoongi: Fucke- 
Taehyung: Hyung. Don’t tell me you never expected this in the least? The two openly gay children to the two largest corporate families in South Korea, single. You didn’t expect them to pair us up? 
Yoongi: Expected this? Oh sure I was. I was powdering my nose, sitting pretty, waiting for you to bend on one knee in my sleep. Get off your high hors-
Taehyung: Proposing already? Well I was hoping you’d do it. You know. You being two years older and all that. Unless, of course, if you want me to do it, I see no reason not to. But not here, no. The floor looks dirty. 
Yoongi: Yah. We’re not doing this. I’m not doing this. Not with you. 
Taehyung: Why not?
Yoongi: Why not? Have you lost your freaking mind? We barely know eac-
Taehyung: Barely? I see you more than I do my own brothers. I could almost call this in/cest.
Yoongi: Look, kid, I don’t know what you’re playing at here but I’m not doing this with you. This won’t work. You know why this won’t work. 
Taehyung: Then what? Ruin my parents’ reputation bcs you’re just that embarrassed to hold hands with me? I don’t do things for you. 
Yoongi: God dam- Kim Taehyung. This is not Ice Age, genius. If you stopped being difficult and just tell your parents you don’t want this, nobody has to go through with this shi-
Taehyung: And tell them what? We fcked at their villa everyday over summer, you left and now you act like I don’t exist? We can go together and do that right now. Shift can get fcked if we could finally get this sorted between us. And you know what I want. 
Yoongi: So that is what this is about? About your feelings? If that’s what all you’re going to talk about, I don’t see why I should even be here anymo-
Taehyung: What I want is for both our parents to get off my dick. I’m not just existing to fuck and breed. I might not be as important as my brothers are to my parents in the grand scheme of things but I have a life and you do too.
Yoongi: Wh-
Taehyung: This talk about marriage is wearing me out. So before they tie us both up and leave us stranded on an island, I’m hoping we’d breeze this through ourselves. You can move in my apartment, we can go on a honeymoon, get a puppy if you’d like. Then we go our separate ways, after maybe, i don’t know, 1 year tops? 
Yoongi: And why the fuck do you think I wanna do this?
Taehyung: You’ve got a better plan? Us mistress’ children don’t have much choice. Thought you’d know better than that. 
Yoongi found himself at a dead end. He felt his mouth quickly run dry, feeling his mind drawing up blank. It was a good compromise but Yoongi’s pride couldn’t leave room for any contemplation. 
Taehyung: Give it some thought. There’s no rush. Not like our parents aren’t going to stop just because our dicks shrivel up… And I’ll leave now. Don’t have much of an appetite anyway. 
Then, as casually as he’d strolled in, Taehyung had easily swoop up his belongings and left the table with the tab in tow; leaving Yoongi worrying his chapped bottom lip with a plate of grilled lamb skewers and a flute of apple juice placed neatly in front of him. 
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anomalagous · 8 years
lc’s ongoing long-ass list of what the fuck, teen wolf, and other sundry E606:Ghosted edition.
scott getting a little tiny bit snarly at the sheriff for not believing~~ in stiles gives me life
this old-ass map not only puts beacon hills on top of a real life place called scotty place which still makes me laugh, but also substantially more north and eastward than i originally estimated.
why the fuck didnt naziwolf just get the fuck outta bh?
why did he choose to stay and teach high school of all things?
california requires an 18 month accreditation course and a certain GPA of teachers who do not have an education degree, i know this from direct experience. its been three months since naziwolf busted out of his bacta tank, so what the fuck
if he forged his credentials, how
when did he actually learn all of the post WW2 physics and electromagnetics things he clearly genuinely knows and has a genuine interest in?
did the dread doctors read him bedtime stories from their science journals?
if so, what the fuck
i guess if youre an alpha werewolf you can sleep in the backseat with no seatbelt and its not a big deal if you crash
good job on malia being the driver and not crashing them im proud of her
reading the date of the canaan abduction in the standard american way it was april 8th, 1987, which cant be a coincidence given that’s stiles birthday (albeit pre-stiles)
if canaan has been abandoned for 30 years, who has been cutting these obviously not overgrown lawns and trimming these obviously not overgrown accent shubberies
why isnt that flag beat up or torn in any way?
kudos on giving that convertible the old 80s style california plates but why arent any of the windows on any of the cars busted out? no flat tires? no rust or missing doors?
also that shot of the ‘town’ where there was more substantial damage looked fake as hell and the crosswalk was proceeding at the wrong angle and i cant unsee it.
why is there still power running to these street lamps?
for that matter who has their street lamps scheduled to turn on in the middle of the day?
was that block party banner over the street lettered on both sides? it reads properly no matter what side youre looking at, which seems weird.
why is there blood on the carousel? was that explained? we’ve never seen the ghost riders’ gun draw blood that i can recall
im not even sure we’ve really seen their whips draw blood per se and certainly it wouldn’t have caused that kind of blood stain
also why is the blood still wet and red 30 years later? why wasn’t that newspaper rotted out? either time impacted this town to make it shitty as hell or it didn’t, pick one, you cannot have both. it still rains enough in california to totally disintegrate a newspaper in thirty years.
how the fuck did that carousel function even that tiny bit after 30 years in the elements?
why did melissa have to sneak chris argent around, couldnt he have just declined the operation against medical advice?
also good to see scott got his utter inability to lie from his mom
even if malia isnt wearing 100% stiles’ void-hoodie how could the costume department have thought for a minute we wouldnt have thought that was the void hoodie?
malia having a hallucination of theo in the same episode he comes back in for real seemed both rushed and entirely unnecessary.
in fact these hallucinations seemed wholesale unnecessary and neither scott nor malia deserved that nonsense
were all of these dead leaves already on location or did some poor asshole have to ship them in and then ship them out again
come to think of it, at first i was really excited to see coral/eucalyptus trees as they are actually trees that are in california (as opposed to the type of oak the nemeton is, which is distinctly Not a type of tree in california) but then i realized those are Southern California Trees and if beacon hills (and canaan) are that far north and close to the oregon border, the trees should be way more pines and evergreens and not coral or eucalyptus or ... any deserty tree, really.
seriously were these hallucinations just to show malia can feel sad too?
malia was wearing really subtle gold eyeshadow earlier. now it’s dark shadowing up to her browbone. does being a werecoyote also mean being able to shift your makeup at will? cause thats cool
do little girls seriously still play with baby dolls while hitting their first strides of puberty? im beginning to think i was never actually a little girl.
how much younger than malia was kylie supposed to be? bc she looks like 12 here but malia was like... 10 when the desert wolf murdered her family, right? was SHE the younger sister??
teen wolf shamelessly reusing shots with new filters on them like never before. this ain’t even the fifth time i’ve caught them doing this, this season, and i’ve literally never seen them do it in any of the other seasons.
im not sure anybody told kylie’s actress she wasnt gonna get to make out with shelley
how do werecreatures get piercings? or were her ears pierced first before the change?
why does anyone let liam make any decisions, ever?
i do not get why everyone finds naziwolf so hot
seriously i have a little tree-bush exactly like this right outside my door/garage and that shit is wild and untamed in just a month of no trimming in 30 years it would not have that nice slender shape anymore
also trees being choked to death by kudzu or whatever all these vines are dont look that healthy
is there even kudzu in california??? ive never seen so many vines in all my 10 years of living here.
the first house scott goes in theres like no tv in the living room but there is one chair (with no dining table) all alone in the dining room area, which just looks sad.
oh sorry two chairs set up in what was clearly the worlds most melancholy staring contest.
my dentist used to have that exact sailboat wallpaper trim around the top of his exam rooms.
scotts bullying a door.
have melissa and chris argent actually told the pack about the head-biting yet bc i feel like they should know
i think more people have asked scott if he’s okay in this episode than in the last three seasons, which is sad bc it’s basically just lydia and malia that do it.
that one house has some brutal earthquake damage in its exterior wall.
poseys microexpressions are so woefully underrated, he really is brilliant.
i have more grey hair than jr bourne and that makes me really angry
i like that they’re doing alchemy with druidic compounds/hedgemagic/whatever you want to call it more than i could possibly express.
why is there a porch loveseat on the step up to this one house but that FLAG IS ENTIRELY INTACT?
how convenient that all three of them were looking at that window when lenore decided to fuck with the drapery.
that said scott’s resultant HOLY SHIT?!?? face is amazing
how has lenore been surviving in this town, does she not need water, electric, heat, groceries? where did the lemons for the lemonade come from?
all this wood paneling is the most 70s thing i have ever seen in my life
i appreciate the little cast iron redwood decoration with the ‘m’ on the bottom of it.
everything!! in!! this!! house!! is!! brown!!
that piano as a busted af bass key there.
i feel like i’ve seen that other metal flower/leaf decor before. the new version of the stilinski house, maybe?
lenore has an intimidatingly large smile and i feel like that as an intentional casting choice
how come malia and scott couldnt hear her heartbeat after scott explicitly called out that there were no heartbeats? or for that matter not hear that caleb also didn’t have one? (presumably.)
im not 100% sure but i think malia is holding scott’s hand when they enter the dining room area of lenore’s house, which is adorable so i accept no other reality now.
i honestly feel really bad for lenore.
i would say the fisheye lens is s6′s slo mo but the slo mo didnt go anywhere
i dont know if its supposed to be fancy or artisinal or whatever you called that in the 80s but dont put green shit in your lemonade, green shit does not belong in your lemonade. lemons. sugar. water. it isn’t hard.
malia like chugs a good half of her glass at once, but when she sets it back down it is more full than any of the other glasses. i prefer to think she just faked drinking it to try and gain lenore’s trust than it’s a continuity error from the props department.
when lenore starts using her banshee powers to shake the house, it also magically converts the lemonade into water.
lenore has a pair of decorative ducks on her wall but they appear to be two male mallard ducks, so. gay duck decor.
so when does lydia get to have telekinesis?
i dont think im a very big fan of how angela harvey handles scott.
malia did NOT make a fist like she was really committing to trying to punch out that window.
seriously scotts the alpha he doesnt need lydia to give him permission to do things scott thinks need to be done
that being said scott going into the basement with a creepy kid when youre obviously in some kind of horror movie trope was stupid
the cameras they used for the senior pack team were super blurry anytime anyone moved even the littlest bit, its so annoying.
scott barely being tall enough to reach this tiny-ass basement window is endearing to me
there is no way a vhs tape that wet would run. i remember vhs tapes. they were not sturdy.
i feel like we used to have the same VCR in my parents’ room tho
also what the hell camcorder did they record this on that put it straight on VCR, camcorders in the 80s had weird little small VCR tapes you had to put in a converter. that was just a standard VCR tape.
also why are there jumpcuts in the home video? did somebody cut the original footage and THEN put it on a standard VCR tape?  how much fucking work was THAT??
caleb goes from 0 to 100 on the creepy poltergeist scale real quick
well okay maybe from like 40 to 100
banshee duel yessssss
literally why would noshiko do this after she saw what happened with the nogitsune
not that i necessarily think theo is as dangerous as the nogitsune but he is well bad enough
look at this worthless white boy doing this shit against all the advice of the woc around him
why does the sword do this, i thought the power was in kira and not the sword
if the power is in the sword why couldnt noshiko fix her own damn blade
look at this other worthless white boy even more worthless than the first
that looks like melissa is putting like grout on chris’ injury that does not look comfortable
oh look hes screaming imma guess it was not in fact comfortable
gratuitous jr bourne fanservice
awwww theyre holding haaaaands again
how did this kid get on the stairs the last time we saw him he was by the tv, why did scott and malia let him herd him like this
i appreciate malia’s willingness to beat up a kid poltergeist immensely
of the pictures on caleb’s walls, many are pictures of insects. one is a blue crab. one says ‘guten’ on it, which somehow entertains me a lot.
this is the second time this episode has tried to make me scared of carousel horses
the vhs footage loops while no one is attending to it which is not how vhs tapes work
malia is such a treasure
that being said having nearly drowned twice in my childhood this whole drowning-on-dry-land conceit is not super great for me
screencapping this is so gross
i love lydia’s fierce banshee scream face
so the blood was on the carousel before the wild hunt attack, as we see in lydia’s vision. SO WHY IS IT THERE??
poor skateboard bro couldnt even take his skateboard like rude wild hunt
i feel like there’s a lot more ghost riders here than there are in beacon hills. maybe the ghost riders just come for particular towns and the ones in bh are actually like... cora isaac and danny.
its amazing how much younger a good foundation can maybe somebody look
did liam SERIOUSLY just tell theo he can kill whoever he wants? did i hear that right? bc that is a TERRIBLE thing to tell theo, who has ALREADY KILLED A LOT OF PEOPLE, even if what you meant was ‘dont kill us you need us’.
i cant believe we got this cheap knockoff as an excuse to not have kira and then they didnt even let him have the powers he needed to do the job
otoh watching his ass get blasted back into the tunnels was satisfying
literally nobody cares if youre okay theo you murderous fuck
i wonder how many times scott had someone steadying him telling HIM he has to breathe like hes doing for malia right here
i should really keep a tally of how many times scott does stiles’ lizard tongue thing while stiles is gone
this is gross of me to think while the character is basically drowning but hey now i know what scott looks like with his bottom lip all wet and covered in somewhat translucent stretchy goo--jizz. okay. it looks like jizz.
scott mccall nearly drowns on dry land after a lifetime of severe asthma and the first thing he does after is ask if malia is ok
luckily THIS time she asks if HES okay to but jeez
he looks so shocked and confused to be asked extra jeez
more scolia handholding, this time while fleeing danger
i was literally three in 1987 and i still have more grey hair than lenore who was demonstrably an adult in 1987 I AM VERY ANGRY
that being said i realized why caleb here’s clothing was bothering me so much. nobody had shorts that long in the 80s. everybody wore short as hell shorts in the 80s. it was thighs everywhere.
these stupid motherfuckers taking theo to scott’s HOME and putting him in scott’s SAFE SPACE without even WARNING HIM oh my GOD
those better not also be scott’s CLOTHES
ok but WHY are the wild hunt trapped? did they BRING the northern lights or is the northern lights related to what’s trapping them?
excuse me but WHEN did lydia see anything related to what happens to people after the wild hunt takes them and why didnt we get to see it too?
seriously its like if scott is thinking of stiles then lizard blep
im so mad at liam for bringing theo back and putting him in scotts house i cant even see straight
and i just know that this anger that scott is being allowed will be it
and in a week or two itll be working with theo like nothing ever happened
im honestly shocked he even got this much
he even got undercut there by malias (also justified) rage
cool that the morrigan got a namedrop but i dont trust them with that story eitherrrrr
man let me tell you if this was martin and not scott and somehow he had been murdered and resurrected and was then confronted with his murderer in his pack house that murderer would not fucking leave alive
im still kind of mad that this season brought claudia back to life just to make her so sketch and make me kind of hate her, i didnt want to hate her
oh okay its a different weird leaf decor piece than the other one
oh yeah noah OKAY NOW youre starting to believe BUDDY you have faith issues
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