#countess AHS
marchsfreakshow · 1 year
Opium And Monique Gibeau {James Patrick March x Reader}
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It's 1938. You've been having to do sex work in the dark, until one client takes you to The Hotel Cortez.
Suggestive, so -18 proceed with caution.
Warnings: implied smut, general death warnings of blood, knives and such.
Inspired by "Noel's Lament" from Ride The Cyclone. Also 2.6k words this time, v proud of myself<3
Your perspective
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I was holding a small, brown bag in one hand, walking down a street with a cigarette in another hand. The streets were dusty and damp, and a homeless person in every other building. Street lamps dimly lit the Los Angeles roads, cars passing by to and fro. They were full colours of blue, black and white. Greys filled the car's shadows.
The tall buildings all looked the same. Meters tall, symmetrical windows, the darkness looming over them. Coughing, muttering, tiny breaths and sneezing went past me as I ventured into Los Angeles. They distracted me as I thought about the request the stranger gave to me. Throwing my cigarette on the floor, I opened my bag and took hold of the letter.
It read;
"Come meet in The Hotel Cortez. 10 pm, on October 30th. You will have to find the room.
Explore the Hotel all night if you must. I know it will cost extra, but I will be willing to pay more for the mystery of finding me.
Every read-over made me so intrigued that I did not notice where I was walking. I bumped into a man and almost fell. Luckily, he grabbed my arms and pulled me up, our eyes meeting immediately. There was no light there like a murder had just been committed. It was almost attractive, but the client needed me. "Excuse me! I am so sorry." He just nodded.
"Where are you going, sweetheart?" He smiled and held out my letter. I raised an eyebrow and stuffed the letter in my bag, in turn grabbing my lipstick and applying it as I walked in front of him. "You seem in a rush." He mentioned.
"The Hotel Cortez." Immediately, he took my hand and rushed me for about 5 minutes. Everything in my peripheral vision became blurry as I ran. God, I hate heels. Soon enough, he stopped and I held onto my head, as the rush stopped, and a headache formed everywhere.
The doors became gold as my vision cleared, but the mysterious man had gone. People were back to rushing to and fro, not even muttering 'excuse mes' to each other. It disgusted me. Sure I was a whore, but at least I had manners. However, I took a deep breath and opened one of the doors, a lavish hotel appeared before me.
It was breathtaking. Still, I wondered who wanted to meet me here. Everything almost overwhelmed me. Straightening my posture, I walked up to the reception and rang the bell. I rang, rang and waited for what felt like hours. No one appeared. 'How disappointing' I thought, staring up at the two stairs.
Slowly, I made my way up the staircase, seeing a bar before me. Lots of whiskey it seems. It took up a lot of the second level and added nothing but mystery to the hotel I was called to. October 30th. A day before All Hallows Eve. Not even a decoration, which was quite boring. The glum aura of the hotel only got deeper as I roamed the long, windy halls.
The walls all looked the same and never changed. Elevators on one of the walls. The doors also looked the same. Numbers kept going up. My heels were feeling like hell, so I stopped by a door, and took my heels off, immediately feeling relief. Thankfully, that wasn't the door I was looking for. At least I hoped. So I carried on walking around the halls. I felt crazy, wandering and roaming the empty halls, small sounds coming out of every single dark red door. Before an open door came into my eyes. I stopped next to it and peeked my head through.
What stood there was a lush, velvet room. Dark green filled the floor and carpets. Small tables held alcohol, snacks, cigarettes and more. The bed was bigger than I had ever imagined. It almost looked royal, and I had a suspicion, this was the room.
But what took my attention was a man. He stood around 6 feet. The suit was navy and looked freshly pressed. The shoes were a sharp black, but shiny. As I looked him up, I saw his face. Handsome, with a small moustache, and slicked-back hair. But his eyes made me realise something. This was James Patrick March. But, he was dead. He died 8 years ago. It shocked me, and by accident, I dropped my heels, which made him snap his head around. "Ah! You're here." He just smiled. His smile was attractive, but I stood there in shock.
Very quickly, I brought myself back, and put my heels on. "Are you the writer of this letter?" I asked, holding it up out of my bag. He walked towards me, and grabbed it, immediately reading it.
"Yes, indeed I did."
"But sir, with respect, you are James Patrick March. You should be dead. Did you fake the suicide?" I asked, crossing my arms. He seemed to admire my shape. He looked at me like he was about to make me a new person.
"You are correct in the fact that I should be dead my dear Y/N. However, I am indeed dead." He smiled at me, offering his hand to me. I took his hand in mine, and he led me in, closing the door behind us. We made eye contact, and it never broke. Questions I wanted to ask, ran past my thoughts. But our silence was kept as James sat me down. The bed was just as soft as I hoped, and he went to the table, picking up a drink. "Absinthe. Have some."
"Well yes." He held it out to me, so I took it, not wanting to make him upset. Keeping, almost, harsh eye contact with him, would kill him to soften his gaze as I stopped the gross liquid down my throat. It burned like the Opium someone had me take.
It seemed I started to sell my love for that drug. It kept me sane as I dressed in black which only hit my lower thigh, the fishnets ripped in places I didn't know. And I always wear dark heels always. Kitten heels, but tonight I decided to make them taller. Makeup was quiet on my face, but it was there. James took it all in, and I stood up, my bag now on the bed. "James. If you are a ghost, why can I touch you?" I asked, confidently placing a hand on his shoulder, attempting to make this whole experience quicker.
"Ghosts can interact with the living in this hotel, and this hotel only." He responded, taking the drink from my hand and simply placing a finger under my chin.
"Does it feel different? To do it with a living human?"
"I have not yet experienced that. That's why you are here yes?" Without thinking, I nodded. Something drew me to him. But I couldn't tell what it was. He was a serial killer, a madman. So I took his arms, brought him to the bed, and then slowly undid the buttons on his blazer. "Take your time dear, don't rush it." He smiled, starting to kiss me, the taste of absinthe finding my throat once again.
The morning came, and I awoke slowly, barely any light came through the window. The room was still glum, and velvety. A man came in holding some food and smiled at me. "Y/N. You are awake." Clearly, I wasn't looking great, since I saw mascara smeared on my fingers. But I smiled either way. "I had someone make you breakfast before you left."
"Well, that isn't what you asked unless you're willing to add more to my pay." A smirked curled my lips. I took the breakfast anyway and snarfed down every bite. James was, a rough customer. Nothing like I hadn't seen before.
"I can and will pay you every single penny I own if you're happy with being here." A slight sarcastic twinge began the sentence, but he smiled at me, watching me eat the food like it was my last meal.
I took the napkin and cleaned my face with it before pushing the tray away. James was just watching me as I got up and dressed myself again, It felt good, people would always watch me. I was like Monique Gibeau to people, a classic whore in France who 'helped' soldiers. "James?" I asked, walking up to him. He looked enamoured with me, rookie mistake.
"Yes, my dear?"
"120 dollars. Including breakfast."
He raised an eyebrow at me. The time disappeared. It suddenly meant nothing anymore. Eyes staring at each other. I fell to my knees and heard the fishnets graze against the lush floor. Why couldn't I look around? James, like the bitch he was, started to leave. "James! James please." I croaked out.
"Whores die as whores." I felt crazy, and the sweet, dark black washed over me, I couldn't think anymore, and James had left me to burn out.
Soon enough, though, I brought myself up. Confused, I looked around until my eyes went to the floor. A knife. It was a shiny knife. When I picked it up, a drop of deep red blood fell from it and I stared, holding it. Who's blood was this?! But I dropped it as someone came in. She was dressed as a maid and had scruffy hair. "Has James not yet cleaned the knife? Oh dear. Well, the sheets are clean, that's all that matters." She smiled at me, and I elicited a small chuckle as a response.
"Um, would you mind telling me what happened here? It feels like I woke up from a horrible dream.."
"He killed you. That should be obvious enough."
Could my hands shake now I was dead? Apparently, so, I felt shaky, and I sat myself on the wall by a window. Everything felt off now. Not like I had any next of kin that would feel bad for me, but, I still felt like I was hurting someone. The woman left though, not even a sorry leaving her lips. I felt like I was going to explode. I'm dead? Why? I couldn't remember anything at all.
I heard nothing in my ears, and my heart wasn't beating, but it seemed like I was breathing. Still confused and scared, I roamed my own hands over my body, no scars. No stab wounds. What the fuck was happening?! I was still wearing the short, black dress with everything else. Suddenly I felt humbled. I felt humbled by the fact that I wasted my life being a prostitute in 1938. It wasn't right but it wasn't wrong either. Wasted it, with the drugs, and the various people. Men, women, freaks. Who fucking cared.
Sobbing, I stayed in that room for hours. James soon came back in and looked down at me. Literally and figuratively. "Did you fucking call me in just to kill me?"
He hummed and that was it. "Maybe it was because I wanted you forever hm? And so I can make you a better person. You are too beautiful to be working like that."
"I'm flattered," I said flatly, taking off my heels and not making eye contact with him. "Fine, if I'm stuck here where is a spare room."
"You will stay here with me."
"Like hell, I will."
He sneered at me. "You have a roof over your head, you have food at your disposal, alcohol, cigarettes! You have everything now at your fingertips, how can you not be satisfied with that!?"
"Because you fucking killed me!!" I stood up and prodded his chest with my finger, beginning to walk out, grabbing my purse in the meantime.
I felt his eyes on me as I walked out of the room.
Time passed quicker in this hotel once you were dead it seemed. I was always roaming the halls, soliciting people for fun. I never had a thirst for blood like the others. I walked past James one evening, a tension created around us as we made eye contact. A sexual tension that I didn't feel with anyone else who thought they were high and mighty. "Y/N. Let me make everything up to you. Dinner. Tonight in my room."
I raised an eyebrow at him as I leaned against a wall. He just smiled at me confidently, Well he was cute I will give him that. "Do I have to wear my heels?"
His smile just widened. "You can wear as much or as little as you like. Steal from a guest if you want." James then quickly kissed my cheek and walked off in the opposite direction of me. I didn't mind watching him walk away, but I shook that out of my mind and made my way to another door, knocking swiftly on it.
A pretty woman opened the door and I smiled at her. "Good morning! I was wondering if I could come in and have a talk? I'm a bit lonely here.." I put on my quiet shy persona, and she just smiled warmly.
"Of course my little mouse." She truly was beautiful as she smiled, her blonde hair was in a top bun, and she was wearing a white, low-cut dress to the floor.
"You look so beautiful my dear." I smiled and he held my hand as he walked me in. "The dress looks so familiar to me."
"I met with a lovely woman called Elizabeth, She has long blonde hair, and she told me she's married to you, but it's an open marriage." I just giggled and sat on a chair opposite James. He grinned and nodded.
"Of course, it was my darling Countess. She is truly wonderous. She must have smelt me on you and took you in."
"Like, your cologne?"
He nodded as the maid walked in with some plates and placed them on the table I was sitting in front of. Everything looked fit for royalty, and I couldn't see myself eating any of this. "My dear please eat this. Miss Evers made it all for you to enjoy. You deserve nothing but the best food."
The candles entranced me, and I was staring at the flames, moving and burning. Everything in this hotel made me feel like I didn't belong here. The small roast was in front of me, and it didn't feel right to take a slice. "Hummingbird why don't you take some food and eat up. You haven't eaten anything since I gave you Breakfast."
"This... James. It's so much. I haven't had this much food in front of me. Let alone a whole roast! It's... overwhelming."
James got up and kneeled next to me. His eyes were soft. He never had that look on his face before. "Oh my darling, how about I give you a small forkful, and we can go from there?" He asked, putting some food on my own plate. It felt like I was a child, but it worked. No one dared enter now, otherwise, I had to die another time. Smells flooded me. Slowly, James took a fork and put some of the food on it, reaching for me. "Come on my dear, let me help you eat." As embarrassing as it felt, he helped me eat. Eating this much wasn't normal, and I avoided James' worried gaze.
We finished our food after about 20 minutes and I smiled to myself, happy that I had eaten something. "Do you feel better now my dear?"
"Yes, I do. Thank you James." He held my hands and pulled me up gently. "I feel so tired now.." The silent tension was replaced with just a comfortable silence as he held me.
"Let's get you to your bed then hm?" I nodded in response, and he kissed me, which felt odd, but nice. A genuine kiss, not a kiss that my clients had nothing behind it.
"That sounds nice James. Thank you."
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶
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gagaaaaaa · 11 months
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amengaga · 9 months
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The Countess's lovers - American Horror Story: Hotel (2015)
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tiffysdeath · 25 days
elizabeth the woman you are..
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newwavesylviaplath · 4 months
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they matched each others freak
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monstersedit · 9 months
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lady gaga as the countess elizabeth
ahs: hotel (2015)
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vizjpmdose · 8 months
The IT girls of the Cortez.
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reallizzie · 1 month
Just want to remind y’all that it’s the Hotel Cortez’s birthday today! (August 23)🖤🥀
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saintlucretia · 2 months
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— Darling, I am one of the greatest serial killer of all time, I find murder deeply satisfying and-
— Okay, wanna hookup?
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marchsfreakshow · 1 year
Inconsistencies PT.2 {JPM x reader}
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Oops! You've just died. Sorry! Pt.2 to Inconsistencies. :) (no one asked for a part two but I had t lol) Hurt/Comfort Your perspective.
I stared at James. He was lying down on a bed. My bed. My darling was in a fetal position, but no one was there. Confused, I climbed in next to him and snuggled myself into his arms. Could he be asleep? He was dead, so I wasn't sure. His arms had a certain coldness I loved. Sure he wasn't warm, but his coldness was something I couldn't help but be addicted to. My mind was stuck though, I couldn't fall asleep. I wanted to fall asleep, sleeping was the best part of my day. James moved though, he sat up and felt the side of my body, his touch tickled, and I turned around, smiling at him. His eyes had some type of light in them, one like I'd never seen before. Madness, but happiness. The two mix of emotions I knew he felt a lot when he was murdered. "Darling...!" James almost jumped into my arms, holding me and kissing my face all over, giggles erupted from my mouth.
"Hi.." I simply said. "Why are you so cuddly my darling?" James stared at me like I wasn't unaware of what just happened. What did just happen? I was laying on my bed, upset with James and The Countess.
Oh fuck.
"Wait.." I held a hand up in front of James' face and placed my other one to my head, everything was blurry. I couldn't place anything. "Shit.." The walls were the same, the carpet, the ceiling, the decor. But. It wasn't the same, something wasn't right about them. They were duller, less colourful. If they were colourful at all in the bastard building called Hotel Cortez. Could my breath get laboured now I was dead? It felt like it. What had they done with my body? How long was I dead?! Too many questions, not enough strength to ask them, so I held out my hands for James, who picked up the hint and picked me up too, my legs around his torso, and my head buried in his neck, sobs leaving my mouth.
"My dearest, please. I'm sorry for abandoning you my bird." James muttered, rubbing my back with one of his coarse hands. I wasn't sure what to say, I was dead. Dead because I was too fucking jealous of The Countess, and annoyed at James for missing dates. I just shook my head into the crook of his neck, my son's slowly stopping as I became more comfortable in his arms again. I just wanted an explanation why the countess killed me, that's all. But I was happy in James' arms. Even if he had pissed me off with our missing dates.
James laid me down on the bed again, his arms staying around my torso tightly. "It's okay my love, I'm just...confused. why would she do this?" I knew perfectly why she did it. Because I was a jealous bitch who was petty. But I wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth. His grip on me tightened as James was trying to find the right words for the question. The silence went on for a few minutes as we both lay there holding each other. Excruciating silence, but silence anyway.
"You know why she killed you dearest." James finally said, looking darkly at me, leaning up and moving around to sit next to me on the damp bed. I wasn't sure if I could actually hear the truth or not. Either way, he held onto my hand, rubbing my fingers with his thumb, not looking at me. "but I still have you, and that's what matters to me." He brought my head down, and I leaned on his shoulder. It felt like my heart was racing when it couldn't. Everything was so odd to me. Nothing could be placed properly in my head. Things could never make sense again. I had James forever, thats good enough right?
"I suppose. But, you're mine, never missing out on dates again. Understand?" I asked harshly, pointing a finger in his face.
"Of course, I understand my darling bird. Mine." We smiled, and I moved on top of him, kissing him, and making sure he knew he was mine. Forever.
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chro-matica · 2 years
we love to play destroy! (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ 
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. ⁺ ˳ 💉 ༚ . °ִ ۫ ⁎ . ♡ ⁺ ˳ 🩸 ༚ . °ִ ۫ ⁎ .
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d0llfaac3 · 5 months
Pairing: James Patrick March x wife!reader
Warnings: not proofread!, smut, unprotected P in V, nipple play, fingering, oral sex m!receiving,use of ‘good girl’, V slapping, dirty talk, murders, blood, kidnapping (none to reader) mentions of other famous killers and their crimes, James being completely pussy whipped for you, 18+, MDNI, below the cut!
Word count: 1,452
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You would talk to Liz and Iris allot, like nearly all the time, part of your daily routine, Liz would talk about her son, Doug, while Iris would talk about pop culture drama and about her son, Donovan.
It was devils night tonight, which meant the biggest party of the year, at least for James and his..friends, some of the worst, most horrible serial killers in all of America, the guest list was a crazy crazy thing, consisting of.. John Wayne Gacy, Aileen Wuornos, Jeffery Dahmer, Richard Ramirez, The Zodiac Killer and don’t forget John Lowe.
As it was your husband, James’ birthday today..you would have to bring his breakfast up to him in your shared hotel room, you made him the breakfast you would have made him 80 something years ago..While you two were alive.. your little cooking magazines you would buy called ‘American Cookery’, you would make him Coffee, shredded wheat and hot milk, it’s what was said in the breakfasts for business men and women..so you made him that, mixed with a little bowl of his favourite fruits, grapefruit, strawberries and bananas.
“Breakfast is ready sweetheart” you say as you shut the hotel room door with your foot, walking over to your shared bed, He’s half naked, he would only sleep in his pyjama pants, he was half asleep when you came in, his usual gelled hair, an absolute mess, you where still in your nightgown and dressing gown for goodness sake.
“I could never have wished for a better lover, darling” he says, in his sleepy morning voice, he’s quite cute in the morning for a man who’s killed hundreds of people, can’t say much. So have you.
He put the tray on the nightstand and smiles at you, opening his arms, one thing James would never admit is: he’s a cuddler at night, especially in the morning, his big arms wrapped around you and he smiles. “My beautiful girl” he says as he kisses your forehead.
“Jamie” you giggle in response, his face in your neck as he gently kissed and sucked on the skin, in certain places making you moan a bit.
“Mmm I could just have you as my birthday breakfast” he says, kissing down your neck and shoulder as he slipped your dressing gown off, making you giggle and always feel special around him.
“Mmm make love to me handsome” you say as he captures your lips in his, his hand sliding down your back to grope your ass through your nightgown, the fabric of the skirt moving against his fingers, you could already feel the soaking pool in your panties.
“God I love that laugh” he says as he takes your dressing gown off, throwing it to the side, then pulling down your nightgown at the front, so your tits spill out, causing you to blush and hide your face.
You could already feel him getting rock hard under you, funny thing is, ghosts can be dead but still have human emotions, it’s strange..but that also means the anatomy stays the same, you two had been dead since 1929 and still getting turned on by each other, been married in 1925.
“You know” You say as you kiss him. “It’s been nearly 100 years since we met..we met when..1924?” You say as your lips graze his.
He smiles into the kiss, his fingers sliding down you thighs, feeling your underwear. He smirks. “My word I am a lucky man..” making you whine a small bit.
His fingers trace the wet patch in your panties and you groan against his neck. “Mhm let it out, be a good girl for me” he whispers in your ears as his fingers hook the sides of your panties, pulling them down, the cool breeze hitting your pussy lips making you groan through the cold air of the room.
“Fuck you’re so wet aren’t you darling? This is what I do to you huh? You like when I’m all over you?, good girl” He pulled his hand away from your pussy and spanked it, he loved spanking your pussy with his hand, he thought it was just so..erotic the way you would writhe next to him as he knew he was in control..that’s what he loved, control.
You were so horny already, you could barley form words, only little whines and moans. “Shh baby it’s okay you’re doing so good” he says as he kisses your neck, his fingers grazing your pussy lips, his wet fingers gently touching your clit making you shut your eyes and bite your lip.
“Just..fuck me already!” You whine as you arch your back against him, he just gave you a soft laugh. “Mhmm baby, you wanna suck me off first? You look so good blowing me” he says as he grips your boobs, twisting your nipples in his fingers.
You could only nod in response to your husbands words, pulling his pyjama pants down and pulling his boxers down, giggling as his cock sprung up, she was always so excited to give him head, so eager. “Always so eager my love” he says as he touched your hair gently as he smiled at you.
You giggled as you licked a thick stripe up his cock making him let out a soft breath, he leaned back on the bed and got comfortable, you knew how to please him, you two have only been married ninety seven years…
When your mouth touched his tip he knew he wasn’t going to last long in your mouth, your hot mouth wrapped around his thick cock was something he adored for the past years, his cock hitting the back of your throat was an unforgettable experience..
His big hand pressed right against the back of your head, pressing your mouth further onto his cock, he gently started thrusting his hips up to your face, his cock now fucking your mouth.
He felt close so he tapped your cheek. “C’mon sweetie, I’m close” he says as he taps his cock against your lips, turning you around so your ass is up in the air. “Ready Darling?” He says as his hands grab your hips from behind.
He slides his cock between your wet folds, your body arching to get a better angle, He grabs a fistful of your hair pulling your hair back towards him as he fucks you.
Small mumbles of “yes” and “harder” slip out of your mouth as you two become closer and closer by the second, James had been coming inside you for the past 97 years, not like either of you cared.
You griped the sheets for dear life as he mercilessly fucked you into the bed, his grip on your hair and his right hand gripped onto your hip, leaving a red handprint, his fingers almost going pale white from holding so tight.
You two soon came, you couldn’t really hear what he was saying over your own moans and groans, his cock continuously pounding into your pussy from behind, such a sight would make a porn star look like an amateur.
After your eventful morning, You two just knew devils night was going to be a beautiful horror of a night. You danced with Aileen as you had been doing every devils night, she would jokingly kiss your face and call you sexy to annoy James. “That is my wife you’re referring to Aileen remember that”
“Welcome to Our annual devils night” James speaks up as his hand snakes around your waist to grip your hip. “We shall enjoy our food, then get onto the fun”, everyone knew what that fun meant, a murder, by all of them at the table.
James kissed your lips gently and Jeffery Dahmer gave a look of disgust, making you look at him as you filled your wine. “Now now jeffery don’t look at me like that, you ate people”
As Ms Evers came in with the dinner, she gave you a filthy look, as if you had rolled in shit and piss your whole life, yes obviously she’s had to clean blood stains off you and James’ bed from murders but..she signed up for it when she died in 1929 didn’t she.
James played with your fingers as you blew some smoke out of your mouth from your cigarette, he was absolutely whipped for you and it was completely obvious, he would beg on his knees for your attention at times.
Once the dinner was finished, Sally brought a man in, a tall man, a little overweight, balding, didn’t have any family so he wouldn’t be missed, as every devils night everyone attacked him and killed him, James looked at his beautiful woman, your hands covered in the man’s blood and James sighs happily.
“What a beautiful way to spend my birthday” he says as he kissed your cheek before rubbing his fingers across the blood stained part of your cheek.
You gently kissed his lips and smiles.
“Round two?”
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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newwavesylviaplath · 6 months
serving tate langdon realness
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amengaga · 6 months
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misscherrys-world · 20 days
❀The Countess have (used to have) a cat. Change my mind.
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vizjpmdose · 2 months
𝜗𝜚⋆₊˚ the countess might be everyone's favorite.. But you, Elizabeth Johnson.. Shall be mine. ˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊
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