#country and western chic
themancorialist · 2 years
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Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
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hesperaaa · 2 months
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very obsessed with cowboy boots this summer ! such pretty colors and gorgeous designs ✨
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nicklloydnow · 8 months
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“Looking from East to West in the 90s, like Alice through the looking-glass, one could feel as confounded as the residents of Animal Farm. The Russian premier Boris Yeltsin spent the 90s spearheading "shock therapy" for the former Soviet Union. This process of economic liberalization, privatization and asset-stripping led to the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of an oligarchic elite, leaving the rest of the country to impoverishment, psychological shock, endemic organized crime and corruption. To the benefit of its leaders and the detriment of its people, the East became a mirror-image of the West's worst excesses. The Manics' critique of Western capitalism and its turbocharged adoption by the East, allied to their lack of faith in the practical application of communist ideology — though not the ideology itself — makes "Revol" an extension of the axiom of post-communist cynicism which states that Soviet leaders "were lying when they told us about communism, but were telling us the truth about capitalism."
The Manics' use of Soviet imagery in a post-Soviet world was not new, but The Holy Bible, with its lyrical preoccupations the band's adoption of military uniforms and the semi-logo of a Soviet war medal, saw it become something more definitive. How much of this was aesthetic opportunism, and how much politically earnest? Like the Manics, I grew up in impeccably Old Labour territory and, way before discussions on how to be a fan of problematic things, remember being starry-eyed about the Soviet Union. Any yearning for the USSR, though, had less to do with the reality of its final days and more to do with its symbolic opposition to a Conservative regime which was then laying siege to the industry, economy and community of my part of the country. I looked East in the way one might look to the stars in the hope of arbitrary rescue by occupants of interplanetary craft, with expectations about as realistic.
What had been a source of fear and fascination in the 1980s was, in the postmodern vacuum of the 90s, safely powerless and therefore kitsch. Fascination with the communist past — dubbed Ostalgie — tended to be denied any political dimension, allowed to manifest only in ironic or mocking forms, and very rarely linked with contemporary anti-capitalist critique (Pyzik, Poor). The Holy Bible's suffusion in Soviet chic, though, had more to it than ironic recuperation. Nicky Wire, when asked, "What do you think makes sense?", responded: "Certain kinds of socialism, where everyone is given a chance. A true egalitarian society where everyone is offered an education." As basic and uncontroversial as this is — and note the cautious "certain kinds" of socialism, pre-empting the conflation of socialism with Stalinism — it highlights the band's commitment to keeping the idea alive in politics and culture. The later Manics' Labourism appears almost uninterestingly mellow in comparison to The Holy Bible's morbid fascination with the extremes of Soviet communism, but neither approach denies the contemporary relevance of political history, or presents it merely as kitsch.” - Rhian E. Jones, ‘Unwritten Diaries: History, Politics and Experience through The Holy Bible’ [p. 76 - 78]
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“Ballard, Saville, The Holy Bible all use shock tactics, aesthetics of gorgeous abjection to assault the viewer. Ballard does it with crashed bodies and psychologies smashed to shards; Saville with bloated bodies out of control, tragic flesh of saints, sanctified for their suffering with no meaning, of no purpose beyond the physical carrying-through of their existence. The Holy Bible does it with its ruptured squabbles, soul sores leaking pus of humanity's capitulation to the dark side, rotten missives, accusations, breakdowns and weaknesses, as if it can't stop shaking anymore.
All three want to make their mark on you, perceive their own mission as one of violence upon the spectator: a moral mission because amidst all the white noise and static of the information-entertainment world, the jeering is too loud, and the crying is all but drowned out. In the service of truth, the artist must lacerate, and the profound abjection of the body, the scarification of the self, the breaking of the taboo of the illusion of sanctity of the body as self-contained whole, is a perfectly acceptable way for encroaching on the complacency that allows us to live complicit lives. Aesthetic butchery is thus a moral enterprise. Obscenity, critically modulated, pulls you out of your comfort zone and makes you confront yourself, or at least the parts you hide daily in order to live in polite society and in good conscience with yourself.” - Daniel Lukes, ‘Fragments Against Ruin: The Books of Manic Street Preachers' The Holy Bible’ [p. 226, 227]
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“The present absence of Richey endured even through the years immediately following his disappearance, when the band was most vociferously separating from their past. Speaking in 1996, Nicky stated, "We'll never fill that gap. We'll never get anoth er guitarist. James will never go over to that side of the stage" (qtd in Maconie, "We Shall Overcome" 88); the space of stage right became a sacred site of remembrance for the band, but also a heightened, present absence for fans. In the documentary for the tenth anniversary edition of The Holy Bible, James describes his discomfort whilst playing Reading Festival in 1994 as a three-piece (at this time, Richey was hospitalized), which included the fact that some of the fans "were staring at the space of the stage where Richey should be, refusing to look at me." This desire to look at the empty space usually occupied by an object perceived as valuable is arguably an expression of the connection between emptiness as an index of a sign that holds symbolic meaning; the absence ironically brings more meaning to the surface than was originally recognized in the object itself. In his discussion of the spectators who flocked to see the empty space in the Louvre from which the Mona Lisa had been stolen in 1911, Darian Leader posits that this incident makes manifest the split between art and the space it usually occupies, thereby prompting an interrogation of the usually unseen or hidden meaning in the artwork that typically isn't in question. In becoming a signifier of totemic mythologies of tortured genius and martyred rock stars, Richey's absence became an index for that signifier, whereby spectators intuit meaning even by staring into the void of the lost signifier. These mythologies then perpetuate a kind of lovely knowledge because they fit into an already established perspective and narrative of popular culture. Within the last twenty years, the proliferation of music magazine covers featuring Richey have played into this lovely knowledge, rather than confront the difficult knowledge his disappearance evokes.” - Larissa Wodtke, ‘Architecture of Memory: The Holy Bible and the Archive’ [p. 302, 303]
All passages from Triptych: An Examination of the Manic Street Preachers’ Holy Bible (2017)
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tabbyrhsims4simblr · 11 months
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🐴Western Lookbook Challenge👢
I thought it would be fun to do a country western lookbook challenge! I am excited about the new Horse Ranch expansion and I wanted to try to keep the excitement going with this challenge. There are no requirements for this. Please tag me if you are participating or use the tag #sims4westernlookbookchallenge so I can see your creations! Y'all can do these in any order. Have fun!
Outlaw/Bounty Hunter
Line Dancing
Horse Rider
Country Singer
Western Sci-fic/Fantasy
Country Western Vintage
Country Cute
Western Goth
Country Wedding
Western Boho
Old West
Western Chic
Western Wildcard (you choose)
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ascle · 3 days
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La chanson québécoise 1ère partie
Il est impossible de relater l'histoire de la chanson québécoise en quelques lignes. Je vous propose donc aujourd'hui un survole des 100 dernières années de ces chanteurs et chanteuses qui ont forgé, puis transformé et propulsé le Québec. J'ai choisi de vous présenter un artiste par décennie qui aura marqué, à sa manière l'univers musical québécois. Comme il s'agit de vous faire découvrir, vous me pardonnerez de ne pas parler des Leclerc, Charlebois, Reno et Dion, non pas par manque d'importance, mais parce que vous les connaissez déjà.
Les années 20: La Bolduc
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Mary Rose Travers, née en Gaspésie en 1894, est une autrice-compositrice-interprète qui s'inspire de ses racines irlandaises (père) et canadienne-française (mère). Elle va connaitre un immense succès à la fin des années 20, pendant la grande dépression, où sa musique et ses paroles drôles et réconfortantes touchent la classe ouvrière. Entre 1929 et 1932, elle enregistre 70 titres, soit un 78 tours par mois. Elle entreprend des tournées au Canada et dans le Nord-Est des Etats Unis. Reine incontestable de la turlute (non... non... pas celle française!! Retournez dans mes publications précédentes pour la bonne définition), elle enchaine les succès qui traversent les époques et qui, sont encore chantés et repris aujourd'hui.
Je vous recommande:
Ça va venir découragez-vous pas (probablement le plus gros hit)
La bastringue (qui est aussi une danse)
J'ai un bouton sur le bout de la langue (une chanson humoristique)
La cuisinière (une de mes préférées)
Dans le temps du jour de l'an (LE classique du temps des fêtes)
Le commerçant des rues
Vous pouvez aussi regarder l’excellent film de François Bouvier: La Bolduc. Il raconte merveilleusement bien l’histoire de cette grande dame, mais aussi montre la réalité des familles, des femmes québécoises des années 20.
Les années 30: Quatuor Alouette
Ce quatuor composé de Jules Jacob (ténor), Roger Filiatrault (baryton), André Trottier (basse) et Émile Lamarre (basse), chantant a cappella et dont le répertoire était exclusivement consacré à la chanson folklorique canadienne-française. Le quatuor connait un gros succès international dans les années 30. Se produisant partout au Canada, mais aussi aux États-Unis et même en France où en 1934 il fut officiellement délégué pour les fêtes marquant le quatrième centenaire de la découverte du Canada. Les chanteurs participent à plusieurs centaines d'émission de radio au Québec dans les années 30-40, pour connaitre un déclin et la dissolution du groupe au milieu des années 60.
Les années 40: Alys Robi
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(S’tu juste moi ou on dirait Laure avec un chapeau ?!? 😮)
J'ai commencé à chanter à l'âge de 4 ans, je fais mes débuts professionnels à 12 ans, je suis la première star internationale québécoise. Qui suis-je? Céline Dion? Nope! Il s'agit d'Alys Robi, née Alice Robitaille, qui a eu un succès phénoménal et mondial dans les années 40 à 60. Interprétant des chansons françaises et américaines, elle fait également découvrir aux Canadiens les rythmes latino-américains. Accident, problème de santé, hospitalisation, lobotomie... la vie de cette grande dame est un mélange de gloire et d'enfer, de joie et de désespoir. Je vous recommande fortement de regarder l'incroyable film "Ma vie en cinémascope" (2004) de Denise Filiatrault et je vous mets au défi de rester insensible. C'est impossible.
Je vous recommande:
Tico Tico
Chica Chica Boom Chic
Zi Padee Doo Dah
Besame Mucho
Les années 50: Willy Lamothe
Le père de la chanson country western au Québec. Passant de chansons originales à traduction de chansons américaines, c'est un répertoire de plus de 500 chansons qu'il aura laissé et dont plusieurs sont encore chantées aujourd'hui par les plus grands. Il suffit de taper "Mille après mille" pour se rendre compte de son héritage à la simple vue des artistes ayant repris le titre: Céline Dion, Isabelle Boulay, Zachary Richard... Mais il n'était pas que chanteur, auteur, compositeur et multi-instrumentaliste, il était aussi animateur à la télévision (Le ranch à Willie) et acteur au cinéma.
Je vous recommande:
Je chante à cheval
Je suis un cowboy canadien
Mon voyage en Louisiane
Les années 60: Michel Louvain
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Les boîtes à chansons se multiplièrent à partir de 1960, en même temps que la « Révolution tranquille », vaste mouvement d'émancipation économique et culturel, gagnait tout le Québec. Parallèlement, plusieurs chanteurs populaires connurent leur plus grands succès. Parmi eux, Michel Louvain. Très aimé de la gente féminine, séducteur et charmeur, il enchaine les hits à la radio, mais aussi à la télévision où il anime plusieurs émissions au cours de sa carrière. Il sera actif sur scène jusqu'à son décès en 2021.
Je vous recommande:
La dame en bleue (Son plus gros succès)
Buenas noches me amor
Un certain sourire
Les années 70: Offenbach
À ne pas confondre avec Jacques Offenbach :D c'est pas du tout le même style!! Il s'agit ici d'un groupe rock et blues très populaire dans les années 70. Son chanteur, Gerry Boulet, est en grande partie responsable du succès du groupe par sa voix unique, rauque et dure. La poésie des textes, la langue très populaire et le son caractéristique de chacune des pièces d'Offenbach en fait un des groupe les plus importants de la culture québécoise.
Je vous recommande:
Mes blues passent pu dans porte
(Après avoir écouté l’original, je vous propose cette version de Breen Lebœuf avec une p’tite fille de chez nous)
Promenade sur mars
Faut que j'me pousse
Seulement qu'une aventure
Câline de blues
Les années 80: Richard Séguin
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Il commence sa carrière avec sa sœur dans les années 70, puis en solo à partir des années 80 jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Chateur engagé aux textes percutants, il défend plusieurs causes en plus d'encourager la relève.
Je vous recommande:
Sous les cheminées
Journée d'Amérique
Aux portes du matin
Double vie
J'te cherche partout
Protest song
Les années 90: Jean Leloup
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Comme on dit au Québec, c'est une bibitte! Le genre de gars qui se fout des conventions, qui vit dans son monde, embarque qui veut. Hyper populaire dans les années 90-2000, il se fait malheureusement plus rare maintenant. C'est bien dommage parce qu'on aurait grand besoin de sa folie.
Je vous recommande:
I lost my baby
À paradis city
Le monde est à pleurer
La vallée des réputations
L'amour est sans pitié
Les années 2000: Loco Locass
Groupe de Hip-hop québécois qui connait du succès dès le début avec ses textes engagés politiquement. Ardent défenseur du français, le groupe prêche pour l'indépendance du Québec et inculque aux jeunes la fierté d'être Québécois!
Je vous recommande:
Hymne à Québec
Le but
Occupation double
Le mémoire de Loco Locass
Les années 2010: Les Trois Accords
Je triche un peu puisque ce groupe roule sa bosse depuis le début des années 2000, mais leur succès perdure dans le temps et il m'est impossible de passer à côté. Les 3 Accords est un groupe de pop rock humoristique, leurs chansons, toujours déjantées, rejoignent un public jeune qui grandit avec lui. Ils ont quand même fait la première partie des Rollin Stones!!
Je vous recommande:
Grand champion
J'aime ta grand-mère
Elle s'appelait Serge
Dans mon corps
Les années 2020: Charlotte Cardin
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Elle fait d'abord carrière comme mannequin à l'âge de 15 ans. Finaliste de la première saison de La Voix (The voice) au Québec, elle fait ensuite un duo avec Garou, puis compose les chansons qui se retrouvent sur son premier EP. Aujourd'hui elle continue à gravir les échelons du star système et son talent est reconnu dans le monde entier.
Je vous recommande:
Dirty dirty
Main girl
Feel good
Big boy
Voila un petit survole de la chanson québécoise! J'espère que ça vous a plu et que vous avez fait de belles découvertes!
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goldiloxnpaintedhands · 8 months
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Extended write-up of my personals for those intrigued:
Cute little 30 yr girl. 4' 10", 130 lbs, green eyes, straight teeth, bangs, glasses, big tits, with curly blonde hair. dresses gothic pastel Japanese, listens to lil peep. model. studied fine arts. photography. dance. studied music. studied digital photography and black and white film photography. creative writing (fiction and non fiction). gymnastics. theater. cooking. sewing. esthetician research. certifications in adobe Photoshop, dream Weaver, and illustrator. dog training classes. Horseback riding trained English and western. Worked at the zoo!. Experienced in handling all animals. 
I like to surf I can do archery I can kayak I can canoe I can white water raft I can drive a boat. I can do pottery on the spinning wheel. I can blow glass. Contortionist levels of flexibility. Great core strength from being in sports my teenage hood. I can competitively swim, I've at least taken swim lessons a million times so I know all of the training.
I'm one of those little dorky smarty pants know it all girlies.  Nowadays my aesthetic is sundresses and bodysuits and the like (especially the two combined) crop tops, high rise shirts and skirts. Shawls. Different fabulous flower clad Cat ear adorned headband in my hair. Very chic . Japanese, blackpink, pastel, sakura, mother earth type of look. I played the clarinet. I drew and painted. I write fiction and nonfiction and poetry. I do photography digital and black and white film photography and I know how to develop it in the dark room, and gymnastics. And I love cooking. And I took psychology college courses in high school because I have a passion in that too. I can sew. And I have a green thumb I was just gardening outside taking care of my plantains. I'm about to start growing weed. And mushrooms. I can edit videos very well and I'm extremely tech savvy and I studied music, and I'm trained in the marching band so I'm trained in keeping rhythm and beat. 😁🤙🏻  hydroponic indoor plant gardening too!.
Lesser albeit mentionable knowledge of maths, I studied trigonometry in school. I have a basic yet reputable knowledge of chemistry, as I studied that as well as an honor student, as well as basic human biology, and marine biology (being the lesser of my expertise.) And I am trained in research in general as well. 
I've been to 13 states, 8 countries
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runwayrunway · 10 months
Galley Gala No. 4 - Saudia
Okay, so Saudia's livery isn't fantastic. But their cabin crew uniforms? Top notch.
I feel like the first thing that pops into a Westerner's mind when considering what a Saudia stewardess might look like is "aren't women in Muslim-majority countries legally required to wear a hair covering?" And the answer for airline cabin crew is not only 'no', but actually a fairly emphatic one. Emirates and Qatar Airways actually both ban the hijab (the hair covering). This means that, if you're hijabi and hoping to be a flight attendant, British Airways or WestJet would be a better choice than the national airlines of countries where the majority of women are hijabi. That's bizarre to me, personally.
(It should be clarified that the majority of these countries actually employ primarily foreign cabin crew; while certainly many Saudia flight attendants would have always been Muslim, they only began hiring Saudi women in 2020. Before this, they were all foreigners. The majority were Filipino, Thai, or Eastern European. This is true of many fields in many countries in the Persian Gulf. The UAE and Qatar also have never required head coverings by law, and from what I've heard non-Muslim foreigners generally just don't wear them.)
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Saudia's cabin crew, until 2020, dressed in a very smart blue pantsuit with gold hardware and a crisp white shirt underneath. From the neck down, it is literally just a very nice-looking flight attendant uniform which doesn't come with a skirt option in order to preserve hijab (the concept).
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Underneath the jackets, there are these lovely light-looking shirts and matching blue vests. I would, in a heartbeat, wear exactly identical clothing to a pre-2020 Saudia flight attendant, except with different shoes. It's stylish! And it comes with these headpieces which have headscarves attached to them, in order to actually cover the wearer's hair. It's a pretty stylish and clever way to approach the task. The scarf blends really well into the vest without constricting the neck, so if it catches on something in an evacuation the wearer won't be horribly strangled. I fully approve.
In 2020, they released an updated version. In addition to incorporating cabin crew's feedback on comfort and practicality, it updates the appearance to something I think is very chic.
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These coats, with the brown gloves and shoes, are gorgeous, and I just adore the new darker blue. These are just downright nice outfits. If you asked me what job these women have, I would not guess that they're flight attendants - I would think they're working in some glamorous, high-profile job. Being a flight attendant in Saudi Arabia is not considered glamorous in the least, but you wouldn't be able to tell it from this updated look.
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In addition to the darker blue, the female cabin crew are now given the choice to wear skirts, and their suits are given a belted waist for a very 40s look. I like it a lot. I think these are some of the best looking 'traditional' flight attendant uniforms out there. This has all the features Saudia's livery should have, but doesn't.
Here's something a bit weird, though. I think Saudia may have just banned the hijab*?
*The literal headscarf. The rest of their uniform is still quite hijab-compliant as far as I, a non-Muslim man, can tell.
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So, there's this drapey bit. It's pretty similar to Emirates's uniforms (which I will discuss some day). Emirates bans the hijab. Emirates flight attendants are all required to remove their hijab for work, if they wear one. Saudi Arabia, until 2018, required all women, including non-Muslims and foreigners, to wear abaya. Since 2018, there is no legal requirement to wear a hair covering, and now their flag carrier seems to have banned hijabs for flight attendants.
The absence of a hair covering inbuilt in the uniform isn't equivalent to it being banned, of course. The reason I think it might be is that it's been three years now and I haven't seen anything to indicate that it isn't, despite other people asking the same question. When this is partnered with the habits of other carriers it begins to feel like it implies something. I don't know. I can't find Saudia saying anything on the topic. This particular headgear really looks almost identical to Emirates's in particular. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bit of active imitation going on, since Emirates is absolutely massive and Saudia is probably kicking themselves for not getting into imitating them earlier and buying A380s while they still could. Imagine the efficiency of all-economy A380 hajj flights. On the other hand, Saudia's low-cost subsidiary, Flyadeal, doesn't require head coverings but does allow them, so I ultimately just don't know what's happening and am sort of curious. If anyone reading this knows more than I do, I would love to hear from you.
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Anyway, all that aside, Saudia cabin crew look absolutely fantastic. These uniforms are elegant in their wide strokes and immaculate in their details, and are up there as one of my favorite uniforms that could be described in structure and vibe as "a suit".
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mariacallous · 5 months
On December 29, Russia launched the largest missile attack against Ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion. On January 2, another attack of the same magnitude hit schools, hospitals, and apartment blocks across Ukraine. Early yesterday morning—the day after Orthodox Christmas—the Russians hurled yet another missile barrage at Ukraine. Together, these attacks sent a message: Russian President Vladimir Putin is not interested in negotiations, cease-fires, or swapping land for peace. Although he cannot overwhelm Ukraine militarily, Putin now believes that he can keep up the pressure, destroy Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure, wait for Ukraine’s allies to grow tired, goad the Ukrainian public into turning against the government, and then win by default.
Often, this new phase of fighting is described as a “war of attrition,” as if the only thing that will determine the outcome is the number of bullets. But although the number of bullets does matter, the war has an important narrative and psychological component too. Alongside the bombings, Kremlin officials are now telegraphing to everyone—to Western politicians and journalists, to Ukraine, to the Russian people—that they can absorb 300,000 casualties and massive equipment losses, that their country’s economy is thriving, that they are willing to devote half of the national budget to defense production indefinitely. At the same time, the Russians and their supporters in the United States and Europe describe Ukraine as corrupt, politically divided, and, above all, certain to lose. In Washington, some Republicans justify their (so far) successful attempt to block American aid to Ukraine by using this language. Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian prime minister who courts investment from Russia and China, does the same when blocking European aid.
Ukrainians know that negotiations with Russia are fruitless, and in any case not on offer. They also know that military loss still means the same thing that it meant when Russia invaded in February 2022: occupation, mass repression, concentration camps, and the end of an independent Ukraine. They also know that the Russians are much weaker than they claim. Their soldiers still stumble into traps; their commanders still seem to be improvising. The Russian public is tired of the war and of the falling living standards it has created. Nevertheless, to beat the Russians militarily and psychologically, to undermine the Russian propaganda repeated by Orbán and the MAGA right, to maintain their alliances and defend their territory until the Russians have had enough, they have to change.
Two years ago, in the weeks that followed the full-scale invasion, ordinary people pitched in to buy night-vision goggles, the managers of chic bistros mobilized to feed troops, men drove their children to the border and then went home to fight in the territorial army. Now the volunteerism, chutzpah, and wild energy that carried the army and the society forward for the past two years have to be transformed into systems, institutions, and rules. Ukraine needs not just the most enthusiastic army, but the best-managed. Ukraine needs not just clever engineers who build innovative sea drones, but the most modern defense industry in Europe, if not the world. Finally, Ukraine’s government needs to eliminate any remaining corruption and mismanagement—and convince its allies that it has done so as well.
I did not invent these recommendations. I heard them in Kyiv, late last month, from Rustem Umerov, Ukraine’s new defense minister.
To outsiders, Umerov might seem an odd choice for this job. Born in 1982 in Uzbekistan because Stalin had sent Umerov’s Crimean Tatar family into exile there in 1944, Umerov returned to Crimea with his parents only in 1991, when Ukraine became independent from Moscow’s control. When he was still very young, Umerov told me, he “understood how to be what is now known as a refugee.”
His memories of resettlement and his membership in Ukraine’s Muslim Tatar minority might have led him to feel excluded or alienated. Instead, he drew for me a clear line from his childhood experience of exile to his present role in defending Ukraine. From the time he was a student, he understood that the Tatars are only safe when Crimea is part of a democratic, tolerant Ukraine—but a democratic, tolerant Ukraine is only guaranteed if Ukraine is part of Europe. He was an advocate of Ukrainian membership in NATO and the European Union when that position wasn’t particularly popular. “We want to be a part of the civilized world,” Umerov now says, “part of the rule-of-law world … What Russia proposes is no rule of law, no development, aggression towards all their neighbors.”
Following the Russian occupation of Crimea in 2014, when many Tatars were expelled from their homes once again, Umerov became an advocate for Crimean political prisoners, directly negotiating for their release. Starting in February 2022, he served again several times as one of Ukraine’s intermediaries with Russia, as well as with Turkey and the Gulf States, both formally and informally.
Along the way, he obtained a reputation for competence. When I asked others about him in Kyiv, they mentioned the languages he speaks (which include Turkish as well as English, Russian and Ukrainian) as well as his wide range of contacts, lack of pretension, and absence of drama. I met him in the same featureless conference room where I had previously met his predecessor, Oleksiy Reznikov, a personable lawyer who forged good relationships with his foreign counterparts but retired amid a series of news stories about Defense Ministry corruption. Reznikov was not personally implicated: Since 2022, in fact, there has been no suggestion of misused foreign aid or of high-level corruption in the Ukrainian army. But there has been overcharging and waste, just like in the U.S. military—the difference being that if the Ukrainian army has a shortage of winter uniforms because someone has written a bad contract, people might die.
Ending both the reality and the impression of sloppiness is now Umerov’s second-most important task. It’s also part of a larger problem, he told me. Ukraine needs everything, all the time: artillery rounds, winter shoes, F-16s. Prioritizing the army’s needs, translating that into concrete purchases and coordinating with both Western companies and Ukraine’s growing defense industry is a complicated managerial problem that needs more than one solution. Umerov mentioned several, including the creation of 10-year contracts that will help both domestic and foreign companies plan long term, and investment conferences designed to encourage Western companies to cooperate directly with Ukraine. When talking about these changes, he makes frequent reference to “OECD rules” and “NATO standards.” He also talks about “systems” and “transparency.” These are not buzzwords. Ukraine’s continued existence depends on making them mean something real.
Umerov’s more important task—Ukraine’s most important task—involves people, not shoes and bullets. Ukraine needs to recruit and train more soldiers, as well as to give veterans a rest from combat. Fear and paranoia about military service are growing; there are reports of people being pressed into the army and of others trying to sneak across borders and swim across rivers in order to dodge mobilization. Umerov understands this, again, both as a narrative problem and a real one. He wants to change the tone of the conversation: “This is not a punishment,” he says of military service. “It’s an honor.” But everyone is afraid of the unknown, he told me, and right now military service involves a lot of unknowns. “People should understand how they will be trained, how they will be fed, how they will be taken care of during the operation. And then how they will exit.” The details are still a matter of debate, but he wants to end the uncertainty, negotiate new rules with the military and with Parliament, create a national military-service database and then give all military-age citizens a clear set of options.
For Ukraine to weather Russia’s narrative war, Umerov also thinks that the Ukrainian political debate needs a “decompression.” The purported rivalry between the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, and the chief of the army, Valery Zaluzhny, has had a lot of airtime in the Ukrainian media. Umerov is widely thought to be one of the people who bring the two men together. When I asked him about the friction between them, he replied that he just wants these discussions to become less exciting: “It’s also normal, you know, for there to be disagreements between people. I mean, okay, there’s general unity, everybody wants to win the war, but there can be different opinions.” Instead of politicizing disagreements or making a fetish of them, “we should be focused on the objectives, strategic objectives, military objectives.”
None of these tasks is simple, and any of them could trip up larger, richer, and less embattled countries. Russia has a much larger population but has made a mess of mobilization, which it now does by stealth, forcing ethnic minorities and even foreigners with work visas into their army. European democracies have so far failed to rapidly ramp up domestic military production, even in the face of a growing, existential threat from Russia. The U.S., meanwhile, is incapable of any kind of decompression: Americans have hardly any debates that are calm, apolitical, and “focused on the objectives.” All of our conversations about Ukraine, just to take one relevant example, are now fully politicized: a part of the Republican Party is opposing aid to Ukraine simply because that harms Joe Biden.
But then, we don’t face the same stakes. Ukraine’s battle against Russia has always been a civilizational clash, between an open society and a closed one, a rule-of-law society and a dictatorship. Ukrainians are still betting that their version of democracy is not just more attractive than Russian autocracy but more effective. On the way out of Umerov’s office, I met some of his younger colleagues, who were joking about how confusing expressions like “institutional transformation” can sound to many Ukrainians, especially the older employees of the massive apparatus that is the Defense Ministry. But they weren’t suggesting that they won’t try to explain, or that they won’t eventually implement an institutional transformation and win the war. If they believe in Ukraine’s future, so should we.
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nevermelting · 1 year
I know that not many polish people will relate but it's so lonely to be someone from the polish elites/szlachta. Generally speaking, minor aristocracy as a concept is now long forgotten and when you mention that you are an 'aristocrat', most western people imagine glamorous ballrooms, chic dresses and so on. And you aren't anything like that. Polish minor aristocracy's life is drenched in the blood of war. These people were mostly military men and their wives and children, often so poor that that were two steps away from living like farmers themselves. Not many people know that after the two world wars plus communist rule the general population of Poland is not the same as it once was. To put it simply, minor aristocracy, the major power that fueled polish armies, was wiped out, destroyed in communist and Nazi death camps, died from various repressions. The Poland I belong to is no longer there. Reminders of this are constant. When the conversation touches Polish mythology/folklore, I constantly imagine...stories of kings and priests and merry Jewish merchants... You know, attributes of minor aristocrat's life. And then poles I know remember witches, werewolves, some kind of old country beliefs and I begin to get it.. While still 'poles', they are different poles. They are farmers. And, while genetically close, we will never understand each other. I scroll through another blog of country women in national dresses, labelled as 'Beautiful Poland'. But those dresses are actually similar to Ukrainian ones and Czech ones and Slovak ones. Farmers are the same everywhere, almost the same. They have their brotherhood and their universal laws and folk traditions. And apart from radical nationalists (which I don't want to deal with) no one talks about polish aristocracy, which is nothing like Ukrainian and Czech, it's an unique phenomenon, for better for worse.
It's very lonely.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
Hey, I saw the ask about the Winchester House and in the tags you mentioned not liking a certain youtuber’s video about Crimson Peak? Would you be willing to go into the issues with “tuberculosis chic”? I’m curious to learn more, I tried watching the video and something bothered me so I stopped but I wasn’t sure what exactly.
K*z R*we's video (censoring to avoid tags, per usual)? Yeah it. Did not sit well with me.
In brief, I feel like the whole pop history "Victorian women wanted to look like they had TB!!!!" concept is a bit backwards. Because of pre-existing beauty standards, consumption was considered a romantic and elegant/artistic disease. A pink-and-white complexion and clear skin (as well as a degree of weakness and delicacy) had been the feminine ideal in most western countries for a very long time before tuberculosis really hit its European peak in the 18th and 19th centuries. The fact that TB imparted those traits changed the perception of the disease, rather than the disease impacting what people considered beautiful.
Nobody sat down and thought "gee, I want to look like I'm dying of consumption!" It seems more like "gee, this look is pretty and women with TB look like this; what a romantic, feminine way to die!" to me.
So to apply the whole Tuberculosis Chic concept to Crimson Peak doesn't really seem apt? Apart from the fact that nobody in the movie has tuberculosis, you never think anybody has tuberculosis, and Edith doesn't look ~*more beautiful and delicate*~ when she's ill (her squint gets worse, she's shuffling around hunched over, her hair appears brittle and faded...)- it's also just Not A Thing. It's trying to analyze media through a lens that doesn't exist.
Also the video doesn't really seem to know what it wants to say, I thought. There's mention made of mourning clothes, especially in reference to Lucille. And, while there are certainly mourning references in the costuming- and two instances of actual mourning clothing shown onscreen -Lucille's outfits are. Distinctly not mourning. Yes, even the black one. Yes, even by the standards of the time. Then that thread of analysis doesn't really go anywhere or loop back to the central (again, historically unsupported) idea of Consumption Chic.
I don't know. It just wasn't my thing, personally. I'm sure that YouTuber has wonderful videos on other subjects, but the CPeak one kind of damaged my trust in them
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skyler10fic · 1 year
To Have and to Hold: Ch. 2 Venue Adventures
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Carol and Daisy have three available locations in mind for their wedding. Join them as they find the one that is just right for them!
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The first thing to decide on was the location, which would determine the exact weekend around “early June” as their timeframe. Unfortunately, they discovered, four months was cutting it close for most venues. Three spots on their list, however, still had openings, so Carol and Daisy rearranged their schedules to visit them as soon as possible on the last Saturday in February. At least it was a sunny, comparatively warm one for the season.
First up was a barn-style venue at a country club. The manager picked them up from the front office in a golf cart and drove them around the property for what seemed like ages. Despite the warmth of the sun when they were standing still, the biting wind made the ride seem longer. 
“We’re so glad y’all could come out here!” the manager shouted over the noise of the motor and wind in a thick Tennesee accent. “It’s been busy busy busy. We are filling up with events left and right.” 
They finally arrived at the end of the winding trail to a little walking path. Golfers in sweaters taking advantage of the rare sunny winter day waved as they walked passed, and gorgeous huge trees lined the green. 
“This is nice,” Daisy said optimistically. “I like the landscaping and everyone seems friendly.”
“Oh yes,” the manager confirmed. “We all watch out for each other too.” She waved at some golfers who waited until they had passed to tee off. “It’s just around here now.” 
She led them around a curve in the path and through some trees to reveal a rustic-chic barn and open lawn area. 
“This is where we put the buffet area,” she said gesturing to a concrete slab with poles to support hanging lanterns. “And this is great for a photo booth!” 
Carol wandered away a bit, drawn by the sound of a nearby creek. 
“Oh no!” the manager shouted. “Honey, come back on this side of the fencing.” She frantically waved to the whitewashed wood, unfortunately missing a few sections, that lined the wedding area as a golf ball whizzed past Carol’s head. 
Carol’s heart raced as she quickly and carefully made her way back to the manager and to Daisy’s side.    
“I don’t think this is going to work,” Daisy concluded. “What if one of our guests got hit by a ball?” 
The manager pasted on a customer service smile. “We do have a teensy waver for them to sign, but we can always add some decorations or signage to help keep them in the reception area. Before you make any decisions, let’s see the inside!” 
Carol and Daisy exchanged silent looks behind her back as she led them into the barn. They would be hypocritical to be disappointed, as it was exactly what it said on the tin. Artistically arranged horseshoes, branding iron marks, and taxidermied cattle heads decorated the painted gray walls, with knotted, uneven reclaimed wood flooring and a white wagon wheel table at the entrance “for the guest book!” as the manager explained in delight. 
“The website was less…” Carol faltered. “Western?” 
The manager tsked and waved dismissively. “Oh we haven’t updated that yet to reflect the redesign, but themed weddings are so popular these days, and did you know we’re the only Western aesthetic venue in the region?! Of course, you can always tone it down if cowgirl isn’t your style. The longhorns are removable, for an extra fee for labor, and we have some nice floral paintings or some ironwork light fixtures with electric candles, whatever your taste. The space is very adaptable.” 
The tension hung in the air as they tried to find a way to politely refuse. Daisy walked around the barn to give it full consideration. They only had three choices, so if the others turned out to be worse, she wanted to make sure they could make this one work. 
Unfortunately, she was distracted in this thought process by wall decor with “Live, Laugh, Love” underscored by hunting rifles under each word, and she tripped over a knot in the wood, knocking over a three-foot-tall metal silhouette of a cowboy and cowgirl in a romantic embrace. 
“Sorry! Sorry.” She tried to right the artwork and noticed she’d chipped the paint on the cowboy’s hat where it hit the ground. She grimaced and whirled back around to rush to Carol’s side. “You know, we’d really better be going.” 
Carol took the hint and looked at her watch. “Oh, yes, we have another appointment, and with the ride back, we better go now to not be late. This looks, it’s very… aesthetic, as you said!” 
Daisy pressed her lips into a smile and nodded and hummed in agreement. The manager surrendered in disappointment and led them back to the golf cart. 
“Oh, watch out!” She stopped them just in time as a golf ball flew overhead. “Clive’s been losing his sight, poor man, but we can’t tell him not to come. His father was one of the founders of the club! So we just have to be extra careful on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.”
Carol and Daisy sent each other another silent message with raised eyebrows. A Saturday wedding was their goal, assuming it would allow more guests to make it.
Back at their car after a long walk and golf cart ride, Daisy and Carol closed their doors and exhaled. 
“So.” Daisy put the key in the ignition and started the car. “Safety seemed like a concern.” 
“Right. And, as hot as cowgirls are, maybe not our ideal wedding aesthetic,” Carol emphasized and they both let out a giggle they’d been holding in. 
“Okay, so we’re agreed. Not our scene.” Daisy backed out of the parking spot and drove on to the main road. “Though I will take note of the hot cowgirl comment for other activities.”
She glanced briefly over to Carol, who bit her lip as her imagination filled in the blanks. 
“Yes, please. But next up is…” Carol announced as she programmed the address into her phone’s GPS app, “The Church of Love, a remodeled cathedral-style venue that doubles as a popular neighborhood bar, with live music, food, and drinks, drinks, drinks.” She paused, amused. “It says it three times like that. Drinks drinks drinks. There’s more information about the types of alcohol they offer than the space itself or the pricing or what’s included.” 
Daisy sighed. “Yeah, I’m hoping they have more details in person. I mean, obviously, they are a bar, so that’s their business, but it would be good to know what ballpark we’re talking here budget-wise.” 
Carol shrugged. “Probably standard to not have it on their website. Most places didn’t either. But like, do they work with caterers, do they provide a sound system…”
“It didn’t have many pictures either. Most of them were of the stained glass windows so I didn’t get a good sense of the space.” 
They drove up to the steepled building with neon signs out front and beer ad banners flapping in the wind. It was only 2 p.m., so the parking lot was empty, save one car at the far end. They got out and knocked on the huge wooden doors, trying to avoid the judgmental gaze of the gargoyles and other creatures above and around them. 
“Hey!” called a man with spiky white hair wearing a Hawaiian shirt in 40-degree weather. “That’s just for show. Entrance is over here.” He pointed to a normal-sized metal door on the side of the church and walked inside, so they followed. The entryway and lobby were dark, but the man flipped on lights and unlocked doors as he went, clearly in charge of the facility.
“Hi, hey,” Daisy greeted as they caught up with him. “We have an appointment to talk about having a wedding here? Are you Jack?”
“Jackie,” the man corrected, “Jack was my dad. And he’d be rolling over in his grave if he knew what I’d done to his church and hosting marriages between…” Jackie looked back at them, stopped himself, and had a wheezing coughing fit. “Sorry, nothing contagious, just believe ‘em when they say smoking’s bad for ya, kids.” He coughed again and Carol and Daisy tried not to visibly recoil. 
He opened a final door and swept his arm around. “Here it is!” The first thing they noticed was the pride he took in it. The second as they stepped into the former sanctuary was the giant stained glass rose windows above with rows and rows of narrow panes of stained glass just below, throwing light all around them. 
“Whoa,” Daisy smiled. “Okay, that’s cool.” 
“Oh!” Carol lowered her gaze to see an equally huge bar counter under one of the windows. Neon lights lined the shelves full of tequila and vodka and beers of every variety and more. “Right here in the space.” 
“Convenient, right?” Jackie waggled his eyebrows. “Wait ‘til you see this.” He pressed a remote and a disco ball descended from one of the archways. Then another. And another. 
Daisy scrunched her nose in the way she did when she was trying not to be rude. “So, we were thinking the reception and the ceremony would be in different rooms. Is there anything like that?” 
Jackie raised his hands in peace, “Okay, okay, I see where you’re coming from. We have these partitions built in for this.” He walked to one of the walls at the narrow midsection of the sanctuary and folded out hinged room dividers, and the other on the other side. “Back when this was a fancy church, they’d’ve had the choir up here, see, and the people in the back in what’s now the reception space.” 
“Party in the back, got it,” Daisy confirmed. She followed Carol to the front where the altar still stood. 
Jackie’s phone rang and he walked away for a moment. 
Standing before the altar, Daisy followed Carol’s gaze up to the massive crucifix, complete with with Christ’s dying body carved in marble. Carol shivered. Daisy soothed her back. “You okay?” 
Carol huffed out a half-laugh and turned to face the sanctuary. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s weird, though. I can’t decide if it’s too holy or not enough.”
Daisy noticed below the stained glass but above the party scene, another row of gargoyles and angels stared down at them. “On paper, it sounds so cool. But in reality, it just doesn’t feel right, does it?”
They noted the way Jackie’s voice carried as he ranted to someone on the phone, echoing throughout the sanctuary even though he was far on the other side. 
Carol shrugged and gestured loosely to the marble bar counter with over a dozen marble stools and a whole wall of bottles. “It does seem like a cool bar concept. But maybe not for our wedding?” 
“Nah.” Daisy waved to Jackie, who waved back. She wasn’t entirely sure if he understood that they were leaving, but it didn’t matter anyway. “On to lucky number three!” 
The third venue had said to call first, so Carol talked to the receptionist who told them to come and reassured them that they would love the space, but that the venue’s manager was out dealing with an urgent situation and would meet them there as soon as she was available.
“Sounds like we have some time,” Carol said to Daisy after hanging up. “Wanna get coffee first?” 
“God, yes.” Daisy pulled into a Starbucks and they went in for a rest stop and refreshments in their long afternoon. 
Carol nibbled her thumbnail as they waited for their drinks. “What if this next one is another bust? What’s after that?” 
Daisy blew out her lips. “We go back to the drawing board, I guess. Maybe some of the ones that said they were full have cancellations or a waiting list? Wedding venues must have cancellations all the time, right, with people changing their dates or whatever?”
The barista called Carol’s name and she stepped up to take her drink, thank them, and wait for Daisy’s. Then she had an idea. “We could get creative, maybe somewhere we’re not thinking of? Somewhere not on the usual lists.”
The barista called out a drink for Tracey. Carol made sure they didn’t accidentally mean Daisy, but no, a Tracey stepped up to get an iced coffee. 
“Sorry, that’s mine,” Tracey said as Carol moved out of the way. 
“Iced coffee in February,” Daisy remarked, “that’s something I would do.” 
Tracey gave a little smile in response, then asked, “Hey, were you talking about wedding venues? I didn’t mean to overhear, just my wife and I got married last spring at a great place.” 
With that sentence, Tracey had their attention. “We’d love any recommendations at this point,” Daisy confessed. “We’re aiming for June, and most places are booked already.” 
Tracey searched in her phone for the information for the venue and showed them her screen. “Here, try this one. Gorgeous landscaping, right on this pond, there’s a wedding chapel and then an outdoor space and a reception hall with a kitchen. It’s owned by the city parks department, but as long as you bring in all your own people—photography, catering, deejay, whatever—and clean up when you’re done, it’s a good place to look into. We loved it.” 
“Thank you!” Carol typed the name of the venue and the city parks website came up with a page for the park it was in. 
“Good luck, and congratulations!” Tracey called as she left. Daisy's drink came just in time. 
Carol saw Daisy was holding in a smile. 
“What is it?” Carol asked as they walked out of the coffee shop and back to the car. 
“Look at the next address on the list.” 
“Just do it!” Daisy urged with a laugh, getting out the keys as they reached the car. 
“Wait. No.” Carol looked up over the car at her. 
“Yup.” Daisy grinned and got in. When they were ready to go, she waited for Carol’s phone to bring up directions to the park. “Sounds like this is the one. Let’s go.” 
“How did I not realize that I was calling the parks department earlier?” Carol asked herself. “She just answered with her name, I guess, and I assumed it was a business.” 
Daisy stopped at a light and took a drink of her coffee. “I just showed you photos of this one, not the site, because honestly the web page sucked. City websites always suck, and I didn’t want you to hate it because of that or think it was run down or cheap or something just because it was a parks department venue.” 
“Fair,” Carol replied, scrolling through the scant information on the park web page. It was poorly adapted for the mobile browser, so she had to scroll horizontally as well as vertically. 
They arrived at the park just as a car with the parks department logo pulled in. 
A woman in a maroon peacoat with a clipboard got out and rushed over to them at a speed her pumps would allow. “So sorry! I was running late because there was a raccoon at the playground…” 
“Oh, that’s okay.” Daisy cringed that they had stopped for coffee after saying they were coming right over. “No rush. We just arrived.” 
“Ah! Perfect timing then. I’m Anne.” She shook both of their hands and led the way up a wooden ramp to the wedding chapel. “Let’s see here.” 
She pulled out a truly impressive ring of keys of every shape and variety and unlocked the door. An entryway with restrooms and a bulletin board of parks department activities opened up into a lobby area with a table, a few chairs, and carpet to prevent echoing. There was a simple wood stand for a guest book and a few windows for natural lighting. 
“It was renovated a few years ago, so while it looks new, it has a long history,” Anne explained.
She opened the chapel doors to reveal a modern but simple chapel. One round stained glass window above the altar showed a rose surrounded by a rainbow of colors. Large plain glass panes in the front gave them a stunning view of the pond, surrounded by willows, oaks, and evergreens. 
Anne apologized again, “It’s not the best view now but by June, I promise everything will be in bloom.” She pointed out which plants grew on which sides of the pond and the center where a fountain would be sparkling come spring but was off for the winter. 
They turned to the inside. A wood podium stood at the front with various cables and plugs for the sound system. There was nothing particularly religious about the room, nor any other clear “aesthetic” or “theme.” Daisy did notice built-in hooks for floral arrangements or other decorations, and Carol pointed out the seating was movable pews, if they needed more or fewer. 
“Yes,” Anne confirmed. “This is our standard spacing, but we have two more rows if needed or we can space them out a bit more to make the room look less empty for fewer guests. Or add a chair or two from the lobby.”
For every question and concern, Anne seemed to have an answer. She then walked them over to the outdoor and indoor reception area options, showed them the typical places buffet tables and gift tables and cake tables could go in each, the spots for speakers whether they decided to hire musicians or a deejay or a simple sound system, and a basic but functional kitchen. 
Daisy’s heart raced. This was it. She looked to Carol, who took her hand and squeezed. 
“Well,” Anne turned to them, checking off the last item on her clipboard. “That’s all I have, any more questions for me?” 
“Just to confirm,” Daisy asked, trying not to get her hopes up too high yet, “you said this is available in June?”
Anne checked her clipboard as they waited with bated breath. “Mmhm. I have down that you want Saturday, June 4, is that correct? We put a temporary hold on that date for you, but I’m afraid if you don’t put down a deposit today, we’ll have to open it up again and we can’t guarantee it will stay open.” 
Misinterpreting Carol and Daisy’s excited shared look as apprehension, she stepped back, “I’ll give you two a moment to talk it over. I’ll be out here.” She stepped outside and walked around the side of the building to remove some litter from a dormant flowerbed. 
Carol’s smile bloomed as she saw Daisy’s. “Yes,” they both said at once. Daisy squealed. “I can’t believe it. We’re getting married. Here.” 
“C’mon. Let’s test it out.” Carol led her back to the chapel. They hurried to the front and looked out at the pond, beginning to change color as the sun neared the horizon, just out of view. They stood facing each other, holding each other’s hands just as they would in the ceremony. 
“I do,” Daisy teased. 
“I do too,” Carol replied and winked. They kissed just as Anne found them. She waited politely until they noticed her.
“We’ll take it,” Carol confirmed. 
“Please,” Daisy added. 
She was tempted to add more pleases, but it was unnecessary as Anne replied, “Perfect! Let’s get the boring part over with, shall we?” She raised her clipboard to indicate she meant the paperwork. 
She led them out into the lobby where there was a table to sit at, turned on a light as it was starting to get dark, pulled out the forms, and clarified the amount for the deposit. 
As Daisy ran to the car for her checkbook, Anne confessed to Carol, “I’m glad it is a good fit for you two. Some people think it’s too plain or too small, but I’ve always loved this place.” 
“It’s perfect for us,” Carol said, reading over the paperwork and signing where indicated. 
“My parents were married here,” Anne said quietly, then put back on her cheerier parks department tone. “Of course, it’s been through two renovations since then. Wi-Fi, new appliances in the kitchen, and ADA accessible now.”
Carol finished her part of the paperwork as Daisy arrived back inside and sat down with them. She wrote the check and filled out her part of the paperwork as Carol asked Anne more about the park’s history, which Anne was all too happy to provide.  
When they were done, they stood out front as Anne locked up, remarking on how it had gotten cold while they were inside. Carol and Daisy got out their gloves from their coat pockets, wrapped their scarves tighter, and took in the surrounding park.
“Call me if you have any questions,” Anne called out to them and waved goodbye. They waved and then turned back to the pond to watch the last of the sunset fade into twilight and the stars begin to appear. Daisy slipped her arm around Carol’s waist, and Carol laid her head against Daisy’s. 
“June can’t come fast enough,” Carol sighed happily. 
“I know what you mean, but, uh, we have a lot to do before then, missy.” Daisy pulled her away and back to the car as they started shivering in the February air. “Invitations, guest list, cake, food, drinks, a wedding website, registry, music, decorations, what we’re going to wear, what color we want so we know what to ask the wedding party to wear, honeymoon destination…” 
“Okay, okay,” Carol laughed as Daisy started up the car. “I just meant, I’m excited to marry you right in there.” She pointed to the chapel. 
“In our adorable wedding chapel! Aw, look at it.” They exhaled happily together, which made them laugh at their own cheesiness, and then Daisy drove them home where they could at least check off the biggest item on their list. 
Who would come and what they would see and do and eat while at their wedding, well, that could wait for another day.
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taylortruther · 2 years
I am from Asia and I follow Taylor and very few selected western musicians. Can you please help me with few examples of 60s and 70s music that people are hinting at? Also, seems like half the fandom is saying it is 60s inspired and the other half 70s. Not sure what to expect when you say 60s/70s inspired.
so, the makeup in the original midnights cover looks very 90s (shiny blue eyeshadow) or 70s (eyeshadow + glam fur.) the phone, keyboard, and mustard-y tones are also very 70s. the 60s/70s blended together musically - many of the artists who became popular in the 60s remained popular into the 70s.
note that i am not a music historian so if anyone wants to correct or add detail to this post, feel free to add comments.
i'll include some musicians that have taylor associations too!
musically, the 1960s was a lot of motown and r&b (such as marvin gaye and the temptations), british rock (with the british invasion, like the beatles and the rolling stones), and politically-charged or folk rock (bob dylan, joan baez.) many of the musicians were active through the 70s as well, but the 1970s as a decade had more rock, disco, and funk.
some notable songs from the 60s:
hey jude - the beatles (1968) - rock/british
ain't no mountain high enough - marvin gaye & tammi terrell (1967) - one of my favorite songs personally! pop/soul
like a rolling stone - bob dylan (1965) - folk rock
some options from the 70s:
le freak - CHIC (1978) - disco/funk
diamonds & rust - joan baez (1975) - rock. joan was a 1989 runway guest
dreams - fleetwood mac (1974) - rock. stevie and taylor have performed together
help me - joni mitchell (1974) - folk rock? taylor has discussed joni's inspiration on her life/music multiple times
rhinestone cowboy - glen campbell (1975) - country
september - earth wind & fire (1978) - disco, r&b. taylor covered this song!
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grendelsmom · 11 months
Something about the whole euro summer tiktok trend fills me with white hot rage
actually, not it’s not just something: It’s talking about Europe and meaning (Southern) France, Italy, Greece and maybe Spain if we’re lucky. It’s that this whole ass continent gets turned into one monolith again and again as if there aren’t any cultural difference even between the four countries I just named.
It’s the glorification of an experience that most Europeans aren’t even able to afford, while presenting it as ~authentic~. It’s the complete lack of self awarness that this kind of “hype tourism” brings with it that criticises things like lack of infrastructure in areas that in some regions where first populated centriues ago and not build to support an ~instagram worthy vacay~.
And most of all it’s the glorification of European culture and aesthetics - meaning Western European culture. Not only does it constantly carry the implication that Europe is just more classy, more civilised, more rich in history and culture, because - and let’s be real here - the image that people using this aesthetic, and it is barely more than an aesthetic, chase is one of rich white people. So, off the bat it’s promoting rascist, classist and Western-centric ideas. But it also erases the cultural diversity of Europe - with which I mean both the overarching diversity of Europe itself (Eastern Europe continues to be ignored), but also the fact that many especially big European cities have a hugely diverse population. (And if you’re complaining about Paris or Berlin or what not being too dirty, too full of graffitti, too /ghetto/ - maybe you should ask yourself who lives there? who are you complaining about?)
It’s so reductive and buys back into the idea, that Europe is somehow better, because it’s “older”, “whiter” and “classier”. Aka we’re just basically taking white supremecy and re-selling it with a fashionable outfit and tiktok sound. (All while having massive break downs for internet fame, when you get met with one (cultural) difference that wasn’t previously promoted to you as chic or is inconvienent for you.)
The amount of diversity this aesthetic promotes is basically white woman in a black dress drinking coffee in Paris, white woman in a flowery dress walking through an old street in Italy and white woman in a stripped dress lounging in Greece.
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gaur9258 · 2 years
khanvel resort - The Ultimate Guide to Resorts in Silvassa and How They Can Enhance Your Vacation
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The abundance of natural beauty throughout Silvassa makes it a truly unique destination. Every year, visitors to Silvassa are drawn by the lush green hills of the Western Ghats and the town's Portuguese heritage. Not only do visitors from different parts of the country enjoy their visits to Silvassa, but visitors from all over the world do as well. And the numerous resorts in Silvassa are there to host these visitors.
There are numerous resorts in the Silvassa that are marketed as chic and elegant retreats. Among the dozens of options for finding a lodge in the city, we recommend going to the resorts in Silvassa to experience the city in all its glory and the various vibes all year round. If you're still not convinced, consider these top reasons to stay at a resort.
The comfort and the view
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The best thing about any Silvassa resort is that it provides lodging in extremely comfortable rooms at prices that are affordable to travellers of all budgets. All of these Silvassa resorts provide lodging in rooms with the most modern guest amenities and balconies with river views.
The Nature
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The Lion Safari Wildlife Park, located nearly 10 kilometres from the main city and close to whichever resort you choose to stay in, is one of the major attractions in Silvassa. Even Vanganga Lake, which is very close to the city and a short drive from your resort, is a great place to spend a leisurely day. This idyllic picnic spot features cascading waterfalls and enticing flowerbeds. Hirwa Van Gardens, which translates to "Green Forest," is surrounded by greenery. Come here to experience nature's splendor to the fullest.
The Culture
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If you're a history buff or an inquisitive soul, the Tribal Cultural Museum is one of the best places to visit in Silvassa. It is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn about the Silvassa tribal people's way of life. You can also visit the Baps Shri Swami Narayan Temple, which is known for its beautiful artwork and splendid architecture and is located on the banks of the DamanGanga River. The temple is surrounded by green lawns, which adds to its ethereal beauty. It is dedicated to Bhagwan Swami Narayan and is highly regarded by Guajarati’s.
If you are looking for the best resorts in Silvassa then do check out the Khanvel resort. This resort is strengthened with a tranquil haven for those who come searching for calmness.
So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and fly!
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valedale-rose · 2 years
Here's a self indulgent post lol. Some pride outfits I put together! They're based on some non-sso ocs that I've brought into sso via a method I like to call You Are A Horse Now
There's 6 outfits (asexual, polyamorous, genderfluid, agender, bisexual, and the progress pride flag) with clothes/tack listed, so if you're interested keep reading!
Keep in mind that sadly some of these clothes may not be available to buy anymore, they're just what I had in my closet. I've included alternatives to the items that are not in shops though :)
First off is Valentine, a ginger nerd who thinks he's god, appearing in sso as an andalusian! He's ace.
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Bridle: snazzy bridle (alt: raring racer bridle in violet)
Saddle: ebony classic jumping saddle
Saddle pad: beautiful summer night saddle pad
Leg wraps: snazzy safety leg wraps (alt: raring racer leg wraps in violet)
Head: effortlessly chic riding helmet
Top: gray knitted valedale sweater
Legs: white riding pants (alt: raring racer pants with frost belt)
Feet: trendy city boots
Next are Dahlia, Grey, and Vera! The three of them are in a polyamorous relationship, and appear in sso as a percheron, aqh, and rune runner, respectively.
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Bridle: gold baroque medieval bridle (alt: medieval black and gold hackamore)
Saddle: ebony classic jumping saddle
Saddle pad: exclusive blue saddle (alt: blue cowboy saddle pad)
Leg wraps: unnamed, can be found in the mall
Head: effortlessly chic riding helmet
Top: gold baroque top (alt: admiral's dressage jacket in black)
Legs: gold baroque pants (alt: raring racer pants with bronze belt)
Feet: admiral's dressage boots (alt: black competition boots)
Here's Dahlia again with their genderfluid pride outfit :)
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Bridle: rex stamper ebony bridle
Saddle: bobcats jumping saddle (alt: raring racer saddle in berry)
Saddle pad: eco athleisure saddle pad in black
Leg wraps: unnamed (alt: raring racer leg wraps in indigo)
Head: sweet cherry blossom crown
Top: white spring shirt
Legs: black corduroy jeans
Feet: bobcats shoes (alt: dark blue cross-country boots)
Next is Miaeth, a sweet little angel appearing in sso as an icelandic! They wear an agender outfit <3
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Bridle: rex stamper ebony bridle
Saddle: ebony classic jumping saddle
Saddle pad: green riding instructor saddle pad
Leg wraps: steel grey and black leg wraps
Head: black trucker cap
Top: bright stable shirt
Legs: grey street pants (alt: stadium chic show jumping breeches)
Feet: black competition boots
Here's Sheep, a tiefling girl who gets into trouble alot. She appears in sso as a jorvik pony and here she's wearing bi pride <3
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Bridle: rex stamper walnut bridle
Saddle: 10th anniversary quiz saddle
Saddle pad: purple champion saddle pad
Leg wraps: charcoal corral boots
Head: iberian-style helmet
Top: fall wool knitted sweater
Legs: will-o-whiskers leggings (alt: black corduroy jeans)
Feet: high top sporty sneakers
Finally, here's Ophelius! He's the son of Vera and Grey, and shows up in sso as a lusitano. He's a cishet guy but i love him so much that I couldn't leave him out, so here he is wearing the progress pride ribbons in allyship :')
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Bridle: medieval black and gold bridle
Saddle: ebony classic jumping saddle
Saddle pad: natural white diamond quilt saddle pad
Leg wraps: gold baroque leg wraps (alt: betty western boots)
Head: effortlessly chic riding helmet
Top: one billion races jacket (alt: yellow fall t-shirt)
Legs: white riding pants (alt: raring racer pants with frost belt)
Feet: black competition boots
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jodgster · 13 hours
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Earrings jewelry country lightweight western cruise concerts.
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