#couple with the shock of reading the news about the missing children just before that
poppy-metal · 3 months
Hi, so I have this idea for a super sweet little blurb about dad!art and mom!reader living the most picket fence life!!!
like imagine before art goes pro, reader unexpectedly gets pregnant and it shocks! she's nervous to tell art because he’s JUST getting starting in his career and doesn’t know how art is going to take this news. but art is just OVER.THE.MOON!!! everything he has ever wanted is coming true!!!
the cute little days they spend decorating the nursery 🥺 going to the paint store picking the colours😫 laying in bed while art is reading to your bump 🥹 picking a name😍
Then during readers labor, it just so happened to be when Art was doing a photoshoot/brand deal after he refused to be even an arm length away from pregnant!reader and OF COURSE the one time he is a couple hours away, that is when reader goes into labor. Art is panicking trying to hurry back to be their for the birth because he REFUSES to not be there for you! Art is frantically on the phone to Tashi telling her to get to their house and be there for reader until he gets there. Tashi shows up (maybe Patrick it there too) and they are trying their best but have NO IDEA what to do and how to help they are both panicking, Tashi is trying to stay calm and help coach you through, while Patrick is just pacing around freaking out! Reader is on the phone with art who is FREAKING OUT crying saying he’ll be there soon! While reader is the only calm one in this situation. Anyway her contractions are too close so Tashi drives them to the hospital and Thankfully art would never miss the birth of his first born and he thankfully made it and was just the most supportive and loving person in the world.
A couple years later reader brings all their children (I'll let you decide how many but I'm thinking A LOT) to watch art play against "uncle Patrick" while the kids are sitting in their seats talking “auntie Tashi” ears off asking questions about the game, begging her to be their coach. All the kids watching with such anticipation so excited waving every time their daddy or Patrick looks at them blowing them both kisses and Patrick and art blowing them back 🥹 all the Kids are kind of sad because they want both of them to win. cheering so loud. you've got a baby on your lap pregnant with another on the way, art doesn't care whether he wins or losses, he's got everything he's ever wanted.
sorry this is the first ask I've ever sent and I'm clearly not a writer. <3
this is the healthiest, most pure challengers ask I've ever received i feel like i just walked through a meadow and im brushing my hands against the flowers
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noisynaia · 2 years
Yesterday's Love - Part one
summary: Twenty years after the world fell apart, alone and tired, you stumble upon a man in the middle of the night, a man for whom you have grieved and who you have loved. He is not the same man he was twenty years ago, and you are not the same woman. The world has turned into a sad and dark place, but maybe the two of you, with the help of a sassy fourteen-year-old, can find the light again, because sometimes life offers you a second chance.
word count: 4.8k 
series rating: E
pairing: Joel Miller x afab!reader 
note: Canon-typical violence. Mention of food/eating. Angst. Survivor’s guilt. Feeling hopeless. The outbreak happened in 2003 like in the tv show, but I've decided to go with Joel's game age, meaning that he turned 32 on outbreak day instead of 36. (This is, in general, inspired by a mix of the game and the tv show.) No use of (y/n). Reader uses she/her pronouns and is four years younger than Joel with no physical description. This has not been beta-read and English is not my native language. Crossposted on my ao3
18+ minors, please don't interact
Prologue│Series masterlist│Part two
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You’re dragging your tired feet over the forest floor, ‘just a little further, then you can rest’ you encourage yourself, it’s what you have been telling yourself for hours now. You keep stumbling over tree roots and small rocks, and even your own feet at this point. You are afraid of falling, fearing that if you fall now you’ll never get up again. But maybe falling and never getting up again wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe it would actually be good, you would finally be able to rest, after years of fighting for your survival. 
You hate what you have become, hate the things you have had to do to survive in this world. ‘You didn’t have a choice; it was you or them’ is a poor comfort when you look down at your hands that are covered in dirt and dried blood. The only thing that is making you keep going at this point is the promise you made to Luis so long ago. You still can’t believe that it has already been twelve years since you lost him.          
You had moved to Austin in January of 2003 after you had gotten a new job there. You had moved into a little house in the suburbs. It was nothing special, but it was yours, and after having lived in a tiny apartment for so many years, even the little house felt like a castle to you. You had been excited for your new life in Texas, but it was also hard to start over in a whole new city. You didn’t know anyone in Austin when you moved there and you were far away from your friends and family, even though the latter wasn’t as hard, since you never had been very close with any of your family members.    
It had been on your first day in your new home that you had met your new neighbor, Luis Sanchez. He was in his early sixties, and had lost his beloved wife a couple of years prior, he now lived alone with his old texas heeler, Dino. He had been very friendly, telling you how happy he was to get a new neighbor. You had gotten the idea that he was feeling pretty lonely. He helped you put up shelves and other small tasks around your house, and you in return invited him and Dino to dinner, which you soon had multiple times a week together. He told you about his late wife with such love and you knew that he missed her tremendously; he and his wife had never gotten any children, but you soon had gotten the supportive father figure you had missed your entire life. Luis Sanchez also happened to be an ex-marine.
He had knocked on your door in the middle of the night between the 26th and 27th of September, and told you you had two minutes to pack the most essential things before he had pulled you into his truck. You had managed to get you out of Austin before the blocades, Fluids had been quick to react and you had been some of the first to flee the city. It had saved your life, but you had been too shocked to understand what was happening. That whole night was like a haze, and it was first when you had gotten out of it that it dawned on you, what about Joel and Sarah, were they safe? 
Luis Sanchez had saved you by getting you out of Austin, but he is also the reason why you have survived the past twenty years. He had taught you a lot; how to fire a gun, how to handle a combat knife, to defend yourself. He had made sure you had the necessary skills to get by in the dystopian state of the world you had found yourself in. You had promised him that you would keep fighting, that you would take care of yourself, that you would live.   
So you keep on fighting, keep pushing yourself to take another step further. You keep on stumbling through the dark forest when you suddenly feel a shiver go through your body as a silhouette suddenly appears within your vision. Despite your exhausted state you react quickly, pulling out and aiming your gun. It’s all muscle memory at this point. 
The pale moonlight seeping down through the dense tree cover is the only thing that illuminates the man’s features, but a chill runs down your spine and a silent gasp escapes your lips as you take him in. Even with the limited lighting and after all these years you recognize him. 
He has gotten older. So have you, of course, but you have had twenty years to get used to that. His hair appears lighter as gray hairs have begun to mix with the brown ones, his beard is graying too, and the lines at the corner of his eyes a little more prominent, but besides that he looks pretty much the same as you remember him. This is, without a single doubt, Joel Miller, your Joel Miller. The same man that you twenty years prior had dreamed of a future with. 
His grip is tight on the rifle as he points it directly at you. A flash of recognition and disbelief flicker’s through both of your eyes as you stare each other down, but neither of you are lowering your weapon. It is like you’re in a trance, the both of you paralyzed by the other’s presence. Can this really be true? 
You are on the brink of collapsing from exhaustion, maybe you have finally lost it and this is just a fragment of your weary brain. Maybe you really did collapse, maybe you’re actually laying on the cold ground and this is some kind of near-death hallucination… 
No, this has to be real. You have decided that it’s real.   
You let out the breath you have been holding and slowly lower your gun, It’s Joel after all, and if being taken out by your ex lover is how you’re gonna die then so fucking be it, you’re tired of continuing to survive just to fight through another awful day. It takes him a little longer to lower his rifle, but you are not gonna hold that against him. The two of you are simply staring at each other, perplexed, but he is the first to break the silence. Your name falls from his lips, he is sounding unsure and maybe a little hopeful? 
The sound of his voice is pulling you out of your trance, offering him a small smile and a disbelieving nod of your head. 
“Hey Joel.” You let out.  
It’s first now that you’re not being held at gunpoint that you take in the view of the little camp behind him. A blue and white Chevy S10 is parked between the trees, how the fuck has he gotten that? An empty sleeping bag is lying on the ground, must be Joel’s, but another bag is lying next to it, whoever is sleeping in it is completely tucked away under the soft material, but someone is clearly occupying it. 
Could it be Sarah? She would be all grown up now, older than you were, back on that night before all hell broke loose. When Joel had held you in his arms and had told you that he wanted you to meet her, making you hope that the three of you maybe someday could be a happy little family. It was the night you had told him that you loved him and he had told you that he loved you too. Everything had been perfect, but it all had been torn away from you as the world fell apart the next day. 
“Are you okay?” He asks you, he is still clenching the rifle tightly in his hands even though he isn’t pointing it at you anymore. “You’re not…” He stops himself, but you don’t need to hear the question to know what he is asking you.   
“No, I’m not infected.” You reassure him, before continuing with a humorless laugh. “This is all human.” You lift your bloodstained hands. This whole situation is so absurd and you feel like you might fall over from exhaustion any second now. You have been walking for almost two days with barely any rest. 
“Are you hurt?”
“Not too badly.” You shake your head slightly, and even this slight movement is making you dizzy.   
You finally feel your legs failing you, but Joel is fast. He manages to get to you before you hit the ground taking you in his arms as he leads you over to the little makeshift campsite. He sits you down before going over to the supplies, coming back to hand you a water flask. You take a few sips, letting the water rest in your dry mouth for a moment before swallowing it down your dry throat.    
“Come and get some rest.” He says, not unkindly, but you’re too drowsy now to really register what’s happening. 
He helps you into the sleeping bag, and even though you’re not fully sentient at this point, you do feel the hot tears running down your cheeks as you slip into a dreamless sleep, as Joel pour water over your dirty hands, gently scrubbing the grime off from your hands. 
You’re slowly eased into consciousness by the sound of birdsong and the low rattle of boots walking over the dry forest floor, but you don’t open your eyes, not feeling ready to face the world yet. Your entire body is aching and your eyelids still feel too heavy. It’s first when you hear a voice that isn’t Joel’s that you force yourself to open your eyes.    
“Erghh! What the fuck is that?”
“You don’t like coffee?” 
You start to slowly stir in your little warm cocoon as you peek over the hem of the sleeping bag to see who your fellow coffee hater is, and you lock eyes with a young girl.       
“What the fuck!” She shrieks.  
“Not so loud.” Joel says in a deadpanned tone. 
“But…” She says confused. 
“It’s okay, I know her.” Joel tells the girl. 
She looks from you to Joel, her eyes large with confusion. You start to slowly sit up, you do feel better than you had last night, but you are still pretty weak and still very tired. You didn’t get that many hours of sleep and are still heavily sleep-deficient. Joel comes over to the two of you, placing a plate in front of the girl before handing one to you, some sort of canned beef stew you believe.
“Thank you.” You manage to croak as he slips a fork into your hand and places the water flask next to you. He just nods, not looking you in the eyes and goes back to the portable stove to pack it up and put it back in the truck.                  
“So…” The girl says, pushing her stew around on the plate with her fork. “Is anyone gonna tell me what’s going on here?” 
“Eat your food.” Joel huffs from the truck. The girl rolls her eyes and lets out a scoff.
“Well, guess I’ll have to introduce myself then. I’m Ellie.” She says, offering her hand for you to shake, which you accept, telling her your name. She still looks confused, but she seems to accept that she won’t get an explanation now and finishes her food. You struggle to get your own breakfast down, you have not eaten a lot the last few days and you should be hungry as a wolf right now, but you don’t have any appetite.
It takes some time, but you finally manage to finish your food by the time Joel has packed everything up. You don’t really know what to do now, you don’t know where he and Ellie are going or what his relation to the girl even is. You know that you are not gonna survive out here alone much longer, you simply don’t have it in you anymore, you are twenty years into this whole mess and you are tired of it all. 
But you don’t get to speculate further as Joel walks over to you again. “Come on.” He says, as he bends down to help you up on your feet. You are still feeling very weak, scared that your legs will give in and let you fall, but Joel doesn’t let go of you. He walks you over to the truck, his strong arms supporting you. He opens the door to the backseat and helps you into the truck, laying you down on the backseat, removing his jacket and placing it over your curled up body. “Now get some more sleep.” He says, before closing the door. He settles into the driver’s seat, Ellie is already sitting in the passenger seat. 
“Okay so are-” She begins, but Joel gives her a stern look to let her know that he won’t answer any questions at the moment. As much as you try to fight it you already feel yourself slipping back to sleep and you are already losing consciousness as Joel starts up the engine.
You blink a few times, confused for a second until you remember where you are and what had happened. It’s a long time since you have been in a car and the rumble of it is weirdly calming. You don’t know for how long you were out, but you feel a lot better and your head has become more clear. You stay down, not feeling ready to sit up and face the people in the car yet. You’re still in disbelief over your situation, stumbling upon Joel after all this time feels too unlikely to be real, but here you are… You close your eyes again, a loud slurp is heard as Joel takes a drink of the coffee he had made this morning.  
“Is that seriously what those Starbucks in the QZ used to sell?” Ellie scoffs. 
“Well, theirs was a lot fresher than what Bill saved up, but, yeah this is what they sold.”
“Smells like burnt shit.” 
Another slurp. “Eyes on the map.”
“76 west and then, 70 west for, like, ever.” Ellie states. 
“Hmm.” Joel grumbles. 
“So like, am I ever gonna get an explanation?” The girl asks. 
“What do you mean?” Joel huffs. 
“Seriously dude?! Are you gonna tell me why a stranger suddenly appeared in the middle of the night and why she is sleeping in the backseat of our truck?”
Joel doesn’t answer straight away, he just shuffles a little to adjust his position in the driver’s seat, before finally giving an answer. “She isn’t a stranger. Or at least she didn’t use to be.”
“Okay, that’s cryptic. Can’t you just tell me how you know her?” She asks, the curiosity and frustration clear in her voice. 
“That’s none of your business.” Joel shuts her down.  
She scoffs and puts her eyes back on the map. “Okay if we go down the next exit we will-” She continues, but she is cut off. 
“Not that way.” You chirp in, finally letting them know that you are awake. “It will bring us too close to the Kansas City QZ, and trust me we want to avoid that.” You sit up.   
“Okay.” Joel’s nod, finding your eyes in the rear mirror, letting your eyes lock for a second before he breaks it to look back on the road again. It’s only for a split second, but you feel a lump forming in your throat, a million feelings are running through you. You don’t even know what to say to him, where to start, but the fact that he trusts you enough to listen to your advice is affecting you more than it maybe should.  
Ellie turns in her seat to face you. Her face is lit up with a big smile. “You’re awake!” 
“I am.” You say offering her a small smile. 
“I’m so glad to have someone else to talk to, this asshole is really not good for conversation.” She says, gesturing to Joel, who just scoffs at her remark. 
You chuckle at the girl, enjoying her feistiness. You already know that you are gonna like her. The Joel you knew was not an asshole, but you know damn well you’re not the same as you were before the apocalypse either. Joel finds your eyes in the mirror again, his gaze soft, giving you a glimpse of the old Joel you once knew behind this new battle-hardened facade that so many now have nowadays. There is a promise in his eyes, the two of you will talk later. 
“Did you also use to drink that shit?” Ellie asks, nodding her head in the direction of Joel’s coffee. You can’t help but laugh, a real whole-body laugh that has your stomach hurt. You don’t know why that question has you reacting like this, maybe it’s the simplicity of it or maybe you just really have lost it, but this girl’s disgust at the discovery of coffee is amusing to you. 
You shake your head through your laughs. “No, I have always been more of a tea girl.” 
Your dislike of coffee used to be a never ending wonder to Joel, who couldn’t understand how anyone could get through their day without it. 
Ellie seems happy with your answer, settling back in her seat before tuning to Joel. “I like her.” She states in a happy tone.  
You are happy that you have won over your young travel companion, but your spontaneous  outburst of laughter has left you dizzy again. You reach for the water flask that Joel had put out for you when he helped you into the truck. You take a sip before leaning back in the seat, closing your eyes again with a sigh and you soon fall back to sleep once again.     
The sky has already begun to darken when you wake again. The rumble of the truck as Joel drives over the uneven terrain to find a safe place to park for the night is what had woken you. The dusk is falling around the truck like a heavy blanket. Joel turns the key, killing the engine when he has found a spot he is satisfied with, opening his door and grabbing his rifle. 
“You two stay here. I’ll take a round, making sure it’s safe.”
Ellie nods at him, turning around in her seat, looking out of the window, looking at Joel’s back as he walks away, turning to you again when he is out of side with a big grin on her face she has pulled something out of the pocket of her hoodie, a rolled up paperback book. The cover is worn and has been eaten up by silverfish.   
“Joel told me, and I quote, ‘to not torture you with this.’ But he isn’t here, sooo…” She says, proudly holding the book up in front of her to show you the title. ‘No pun intended, volume too’, before opening the book to read you a joke.     
“Why was King Arthur's army too tired to fight?” An amused look on her face. 
“I don’t know.” You say with a smile and a shake of your head.
“It had too many sleepless knights!” Ellie barks out all excited. 
“Oh god…” You sigh, but Ellie is already ready with another pun for you.  
“What sound does a sleeping T-Rex make?” 
You were ready for another silly pun, but you are happy to hear one you actually know the answer to. “A dino-snore.” You tell her with an arched brow and a sly smile.  
“Ey!” She exclaim. Her grin is spilling her face in two. “You are way funnier than that old grump.” She laughs, gesturing in the direction Joel had gone.  
“Hey, careful calling him old.” You chuckle. “I’m only four years younger than him.”          
“So how old were you at the outbreak?” She asks you, crossing her arms over the back of her seat. 
“I had just turned twenty eight.” You tell her, feeling how your heart clenches a little by the reminder of life before the outbreak. “So I had plenty of years to hear shitty puns.” You add, scrunching your face with a teasing smile, trying to ease your own mood and bond with the girl you suddenly have found yourself traveling with. 
“Hey, don’t disrespect Will Livingston like that!” She laughs and it is quite contagious.      You can’t remember the last time you have laughed as much as you have today, which is impressing considering how much of the day you have spent sleeping. 
The sleep has definitely done you good, you are feeling much better, almost at full strength again. You are gonna insist that Joel get to sleep through the entire night, you have a feeling that he will protest, but he must really need it. 
“Okay, okay, let me find a good one.” Ellie says as she flips through the withered pages, but Joel returns before she finds one. 
“I thought I told you not to take that thing out.”    
“Well, she liked it, okay.” The girl scoffs. 
Joel just shakes his head. “We should be good here. Get your pack.” He tells Ellie, turning to you as the young girl jumps out of the truck. “How are you feeling?” He asks. 
“Much better.” You reassure him, offering him a small smile. He doesn’t return it, but his eyes do soften. 
“Good.” He says, running his hand through his hair. “I uhm… I guess we should talk?”  
“Yeah, we probably should.” You agree.    
“I’ll get the food ready, we can talk after Ellie has gone to sleep.” He declares. 
“No, no, let me do that. You have been behind the wheel all day and you didn’t get any sleep last night, besides, I’m feeling much better.” You start, but he just shakes his head. 
“I’m fine.” He sighs, but the tired look on his face is telling a different story. 
“Okay, I’ll let you do it, if you promise you’ll sleep through the night.” You try to sound stern, but you suddenly feel insecure. The reality has slowly sunken in. Joel really is standing right here with you in the flesh. It’s overwhelming and quite unbelievable.
“I don’t think anyone is out here, but I can’t risk it.” He says, trying to shut you down, but you beat him to it.        
“I know, I’ll take this night shift.” You say clapping your gun holster before you, on now only slightly shaking legs, jump out of the truck to join Ellie.    
“We really do have a lot to talk about.” He mumbles behind you as he gets the stove from the bed of the truck. The idea of you with a gun twenty years ago would be unimaginable, but the state of the world right now would have been even more unimaginable.
Joel is quick to get the food ready and soon the three of you are eating your dinner. Joel is quick to tell Ellie to go to sleep after you all have finished eating. You will be leaving early in the morning and you and Joel need to talk, and he prefers to do that without the young girl eavesdropping. It is weird when the soft snores of Ellie finally can be heard, she is what has kept you grounded this whole day. Now that you are alone with Joel all your emotions are bubbling up to the surface and you feel very overwhelmed. 
You follow Joel over to the truck, he lowers the tailgate, gesturing for you to take a seat which you do, letting your legs swing from the edge as Joel sits down next to you. Being this close to him again is a lot, you can already feel the tears threaten to fall from your eyes. 
You don’t know if you should do it or not, but you can’t help yourself, so you lean against him, placing your head on his shoulder, but it seems to be okay as Joel’s arm sneaks around you, hugging you close to his side. The two of you are silent for a while, neither of you knowing how to start the conversation, but after a little while Joel breaks the silence.      
“I can’t believe you’re here, that you’re okay… Fuck, there’s so many things I need to tell you, and so many things I want to ask, I don’t even know where to start.” He says with a sigh, rubbing his free hand over his weary eyes.     
“Yeah, twenty years is a long time.” You agree. “So why don’t we start with what’s at hand. Who is she?” You ask tilting your head in the direction of the place Ellie is sleeping.  
“She’s cargo.” His words are harsh, but there is no cruelty in his voice as he says it. It is, however, not much of an answer, but you have learned not to be too nosy in this world. People tell what they want to tell. “Tommy, my brother, I don't know if you remember?” He continues. 
You nod your head, letting your cheek rub against his shoulder, to let him know that you do remember, of course, you do, you don’t think there is a thing about Joel Miller that you don’t remember. He was the man you had loved when the world fell apart after all.    
“He is out somewhere in Wyoming, I’m going out to make sure he’s okay, take him with me back to Boston if possible. I made a promise to take her with me out west.” He says, nodding towards Ellie.  
So not only did Joel make it, his brother did too, but there is still another Miller whose fate you’re unsure about. You want to know so badly if Sarah is also still alive and okay, but you know better than to ask directly, and you are fearing the answer.
Another silence falls over the two of you. You should probably say something, maybe give him an explanation as to why you were wandering around a forest in Missouri, but you have a hard time finding the right words. Sitting next to Joel after twenty years is a lot and it is clear that he is as affected by your presence as you are by his, so you let the silence linger for a little longer, enjoying the feeling of his arm around you, before he finally breaks it.  
“How did you make it out of Austin?” 
“You remember my old neighbor?” You ask. 
“Yeah. Mr. Sanchez, right?”
“Mhm.” You nod and begin to tell Joel about how you had made it out of Austin that night twenty years ago. 
Joel squeezes you a little tighter as you finish your tale. “I’m glad he got you out.” He says. It’s a simple statement, but the slight crack of his voice and the vulnerable tone is not lost on you, there is a lot of meaning in the simple words. 
“I’m glad you got out too.” You say, but you feel Joel stiffen against your side as soon as the words fall from your lips and he removes his arm from around you.      
“Yeah, I got out. Tommy and I…” He sighs, his tone is now a mix of defeat and anger. “But Sarah she… She didn’t make it.” A wet shine is covering his eyes as he speaks.
“Oh, Joel…” You whisper, feeling your heart break for him.
“And a part of me… A part of me is happy she didn’t have to go through all of this shit, and I hate myself for feeling that.” He is clenching his fist so hard that his knuckles are turning pale. 
“Joel…” You try, placing your hand on his arm, wishing you could take his pain away, but you know that nothing will ever be able to heal that kind of wound. He stands, making your hand slide away from his arm.    
“I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” He shakes his head, turning his back to you. “You can come with us to Wyoming.” He sighs. “You watch my back and I’ll watch yours, but the girl is first priority.”
“Okay.” You simply say, watching his back as he walks over to his sleeping bag in which he crawls into, facing his back to you and Ellie, shielding himself from the rest of the world as he buries himself into the soft taffeta. 
“Get some sleep Joel, I’ll wake you if there is anything.” You say, getting a low hum in response from the bag. That talk didn’t go as you had hoped, but you can now see how broken of a man Joel Miller has become. 
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hlficlibrary · 2 years
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- HL Fic Library's Enemies to Lovers Fic Rec -
Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
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“This year marks our thirtieth race around the world, thirty seasons of teams bound by friendship, family, and even some people who just band together for the chance at the prize. But this year, we want to remove that dynamic,” Phil said, rubbing his hands together gently.
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In which Louis is a spoilt rich kid who’s always on the phone while he drives and Harry is a struggling musician making his way down the mountain. It’s just a matter of time before they crash and burn.
♠️ Don't Want Shelter by @kingsofeverything [E, 76k]
Louis and Harry have known each other all their lives. Friends as children, they danced around each other as teenagers, and have spent the last twenty-five years either screaming at each other or not speaking at all. Except for that one time ten years ago…
When Hurricane Nicole threatens the coast, they end up stuck together in their families' old vacation home that they begrudgingly co-own.
During the storm, and in the months after, they’re both forced to reevaluate their history and what they mean to each other.
♠️ this charade (was never going to last) by @scrunchyharry [E, 68k]
On the surface, CitizenX, an international caritative nonprofit, looked like any other nonprofit, funding humanitarian missions worldwide and striving to make the world a better place, one donation at a time.
At least, that was what Harry thought, until he was hired as a computer specialist for a spinoff agency called carish, whose true purpose was to reveal CitizenX’s tangled web of lies.
As if the whole ‘industrial spy’ business was not stressful enough, Harry found himself in a hatred-at-first-sight relationship with one of his new coworkers, Louis, a man intent on detesting Harry.
When the worst happened and Harry and Louis found themselves thrown together in hiding, with only each other to rely on, Harry never could have predicted the turn their relationship would take.
Nor could he anticipate that it would all be taken away from him and he would have to decide how far he was willing to go to get Louis back.
♠️ Why Can't It Be Like That by @taggiecb [E, 63k]
Louis Tomlinson, head of his local hospital's charity fund, suddenly finds himself in the heart of the Royal family when his mother marries the third son of the reigning monarch. Such an upset in lifestyle brings a lot of changes for Louis, one of them being the need for a stylist.
Enter Harry Styles, a cutting edge fashion stylist who loves his job and prides himself on his passion. The first time he sees Louis Tomlinson on the cover of a tabloid he wants to dress him, style him, make him as beautiful as Harry knows he could be. When he's hired to do just that, he knows this will be a perfect partnership. That is, until he actually meets the man.
A fashion AU with a royal twist, where Louis doesn't need a stylist, Harry's thrilled to have a real life Barbie doll, and they're both very wrong about each other.
♠️ somethin' bout you by @missandrogyny [E, 59k]
Of all the government agents in the world, Louis had to go and land the most charming one.
♠️ Counterbalance by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf [E, 44k]
Harry Styles loves two things: teaching ballet and racing motorcycles. Those two worlds collide when his greatest rival on the track, Louis “Tommo” Tomlinson brings his tiny siblings to Harry’s class.
♠️ Full Moon Dreaming by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom [E, 43k]
Every month, Full Moon Dreaming reveals a person’s soulmate. Sometimes it’s an object or a place, or for the lucky ones, the love of their life.
Louis has given up hope of dreaming of a person, resigned to living a life devoid of that kind of all-consuming love for another and receiving the same in return.
But when a new neighbour descends on Louis’ beloved Hanson Bay and moves into the other beach house, could all that be about to change?
♠️ make this feel like home by @soldouthaz [E, 43k]
The house on West 28th Street in London is twice the size of Louis', more expensive than the price of all of his house and car payments combined, and is falling apart at the seams.
♠️ The Truth of Hearts by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings [M, 42k]
After rising through the ranks to become one of Hollywood’s most celebrated alpha writers, the world is Harry’s oyster. Louis, another rising star alpha, is Harry’s greatest undoing, in more ways than one.
♠️ Staring Across the Room by @allwaswell16 [E, 26k]
Harry Styles has a great life. He’s a children’s librarian at the New York Public Library, he’s got wonderful friends, and he loves cooking, green tea, yoga, and his collection of bow ties. He doesn’t mind that his life seems a little structured, maybe even a little boring. But when Louis Tomlinson joins the library staff as the new Installation Coordinator, things become a lot less predictable. Louis gets under his skin right from the start, bossing Harry around, making noise during story time, and eating the last cupcake in the staff lounge. Louis may be almost offensively attractive, but Harry will not be succumbing to Louis Tomlinson’s charms, even if the rest of the library staff have.
♠️ Better Walk That (Pap) Walk, Baby by @fallinglikethis, @lululawrence [NR, 25k]
Harry sat and stared at the print in front of his eyes where the names Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles looked to be in neon lights. It made him think back to those early days when all they’d dreamt of was seeing their names lit up on the signs for popular venues. Back then, things had seemed so black and white. Their love had grown as their popularity had, fast and intense and overwhelming. Maybe that was part of the problem. They’d never anticipated having to weave their way through a love so all encompassing at that age, much less at the same time as navigating brand new careers they’d been lucky enough to be a part of.
Harry stared at the papers as if it wasn’t him who had just signed them. He could do this. He could. He could pretend he was still as in love with Louis Tomlinson as he had been all those years ago no problem. He was now an actor in addition to a musician for fuck’s sake, he could make this work.
Or the one where, after years filled with the anger and pain that accompany a bad breakup, Harry and Louis have to try to put it all behind them, at least for the cameras.
♠️ Like Gold by ishiplouis / @pocketsunshineharry [E, 17k]
Harry has been an Adviser for Royal Families since he was 24. From French to Russian families, he has travelled the world and handled difficult situations. That’s, at least, what he believed until a week into his new position as Adviser for his Royal Highness Prince Louis Tomlinson.
Royal AU where Harry is Prince Louis’ Adviser, and Louis is anything but helpful.
♠️ Can't Buy My Love, Can Buy Me Dinner by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 [G, 9k]
Is it ethical to accept a dinner date for the free food? And will you hate me when I go anyway?
Fact 1: Louis hates Harry Styles. Fact 2: Louis is temporarily living off toast and spaghetti hoops. Fact 3: ...Louis may be semi-accidentally dating his worst enemy.
♠️ What a Difference a Day Makes by phdmama / @phd-mama [M, 3k]
Louis makes a squinched up angry face at the name. Harry. Fucking Harry Styles. They’d been in the same RA group as freshmen and when Louis’d made a perfectly tasteful penis joke, Harry had made… well probably exactly the same face Louis is making now and suggested that Louis was… something. Louis can’t even remember, but he knows that whatever it was that Harry said he was doing, he wasn’t doing it. He loves penises, for crying out loud! They’ve been nemesises? nemesies? ever since.
♠️ Stole My Heart by @haztobegood [NR, 2k]
“Oh my god, Niall.” The door slams shut as Harry rushes into the flat. He’s still panting from his rush to get away from the scene of his crime. “You won’t believe what just happened!”
Niall is sitting on the couch in their tiny living room. He looks up from his laptop. “What happened?”
“The worst thing. I’ll never recover. I just reached into a box of free samples outside that new chicken restaurant. Only it wasn’t free samples. It was a man. Holding a box of chicken nuggets. His chicken nuggets. I stole this man’s food, Niall!”
334 notes · View notes
gemini-magic17 · 10 months
Entanglement Chapter Twenty-Two
**In Tir Asleen
The atmosphere throughout the land could only be described as cold. The castle was in uproar with the princess still missing and no word from Kit or Amara about their progress on the search. All through the castle people walked on eggshells around King Aiden even his own family. The King has grown even more angry in the days that have passed more than he once was before. It didn't help when a letter was delivered to both King Aiden and Queen Sorsha with shocking news. As they read over the contents the rage on the King's face was evident and everyone in the meeting room was terrified of what would happen next.
"Dear King Aiden and Queen Sorsha,
It seems that the union between both of your daughters is an obvious ploy for you both to come in and conquer my land. It seems that the peace treaty is null and void which means nothing is stopping me from coming to destroy Tir Asleen along with Zemira. It did not have to be this way but now I have no choice but to declare war on both kingdoms.
King Larksion"
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME", his voice boomed throughout the room making a few people jump.
"What is it Aiden", Raina had asked leaning over his shoulder to look at the letter.
"King Larikson has waged war upon us", Sorsha exclaimed throwing the letter across the table as Queen Raina picked it up. Raina read over the letter and her eyes widen with horror.
"I don't understand why would he do this? We have a peace treaty in place", Raina exclaimed.
"I'm guessing he figures that since our children's union the alliance we have is to take his kingdom", Aiden said clenching his fist.
"It makes no sense we have no reason to take his kingdom", Queen Raina said falling into the chair next to her husband.
"Logic doesn't matter to him it never did he only sees what he wants to see. There is no way we are going to be able to change his mind it was a damn hassle to just to get him to agree to the treaty", James said.
"Exactly. If Larksion wants to wage war upon Tir Asleen and Zemira then so be it. Though he is going to have the fight of his life", King Aiden said and turned to Queen Sorsha.
"We will need to gather the troops it is most likely he will attack soon most likely in a couple of weeks."
"If he is likely to attack in the next two weeks it will most likely be the place where the woods end and the clearing near the border begins", Sorsha said.
"Ok, we send out the troops there while we figure out what to do next", Aiden stated and everyone in the room agreed with them.
Unclear to them that someone was listening outside the door the individual made haste down the corridor into the castle's library and locked the doors. Scanning to make sure no one was there they took out some parchment and a pen where they began to write a letter.
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"Dear Princess Y/n,
I am sorry that I revealed your location to Kit I know it was wrong of me and I am truly sorry for what I have done. I hope that you will be able to forgive me one day in the future but I am writing this letter with grave importance. It was discussed in the meeting room by your family and Queen Sorsha that King Larksion has declared war upon us. Larkison believes that your union is a ploy to take his kingdom where he in turn decides to vacate the peace treaty the kingdoms have between them. Your father believes the attack will take place in the next couple of weeks and has sent troops to where the woods end and the border begins in Tir Asleen. Your family needs you princess please come back.
Rolling up the letter and tying it with some string I walk to the window to open it to summon a raven. I carefully tied the message to the raven's feet and I sent it off to Dristarya hoping it would make it in time before the battle could happen.
**A Few Days Later in Dristarya
Ever since we have been here I have tried to talk to her over and over again. It doesn't matter how hard I try to work this out between us but whenever she sees me she walks in the opposite direction or makes some excuse to leave before a conversation can begin. I know that this marriage is not what either of us wanted but she was willing to try unlike me. I was cold and even heartless towards Y/n and now that we are married I can't keep doing this. I know I said that I would be better but in my heart, I can see that I am the same person I was when I met her that first day: a cold-hearted bitch.
"Hey", I hear Boorman say as he comes to sit next to me on the ground.
"How are you holding up?"
"Pretty terrible. Y/n won't talk to me and I understand why. It also doesn't help the fact that her and Amara have been spending these past few days together", I said throwing the stick I had been fiddling with.
"It may take some time but I am sure she will come around", and at those words I turned to look at him.
"Oh really? Would you 'come around' if the person you married kissed someone else in front of you knowing that they told you they would do anything to earn back their trust", I said and Boorman turned down his head.
"Yeah, I didn't think so", I said.
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"It may feel hopeless now but give her some time she may end up forgiving you", he said trying to reassure me.
"Even so, would she ever trust me again", I questioned looking at Boorman.
"That I don't know but from what I have seen from her she seems like someone who does not trust easily. However, she does seem like the person who believe in second chances", he said.
"That's the thing Boorman she has already given me a second chance and I blew it. At this point, I don't think she wants to have anything to do with me."
"Don't say that", he told me.
"I don't know maybe I should just go back to Tir Asleen and face the wrath of her father. Y/n doesn't want or need me here I think it would just be better if I were to get out of her life", I said with sadness evident in my voice.
"Are you really going to give up when things get tough? That's not the Kit Tanthalos I know and have fought alongside before. It may be shit now but just to give up like that on her is complete and utter bullshit. If you truly care about Y/n fight for her make sure she knows that you aren't going anywhere and you are going to do everything you can to mend things between the two of you", he said standing up and outstretching his hand. I grab his hand and he helps me up where we are face to face.
"Don't give up on her Kit on your marriage. Fight as long and as hard as you can to win her back", he said and I nodded my head. It was then that we heard Ser Easton cough interrupting our conversation.
"You both need to head back to the castle now", he said with urgency.
"Why? What's going on", Boorman asked.
"Did something happen to Y/n", I asked him with the worry shown all over my face.
"She is fine. It's Tir Asleen that is not going to be if you don't move your asses", he said heading back to the castle. Boorman and I looked at each other with a questioning look where we then followed him.
**Y/n's POV
This cannot be happening not now not when all of this shit has happened. I kept rereading the letter sent by Willow and each time my stomach would churn making me want to puke. I couldn't stop pacing back and forth across the throne room and Amara could see that I was very worried.
"Everything is going to be ok. Try to calm down", Amara said taking ahold of my hands.
"How can you say that? King Larkison has declared war on not only Zemira but Tir Asleen because of my union", I said.
"There are ways to stop a war without bloodshed. Peace treaties and alliances they will find a way",she said.
"We tried that King Larkison has broken the peace treaty we already had in place and because of his paranoia thousands of people will die. It seems that the only way to put a stop to this is beat him in battle."
"Then that is what we will do", with those words the double doors opened showing Ser Easton, Kit, and Boorman.
"Have you told them what is happening", I asked Ser Easton removing my hands from Amara.
"No, I figured it is best to tell them", he said and I walked towards them handing Kit the letter. As she read over the letter her eyes widen and she raises her head to look at me.
"This can't be true", Kit said handing the letter back to me.
"Unfortunately it is", I said.
"What are we going to do", I hear Boorman say.
"We have to go back. Tir Asleen needs us. Larkison has a large army even bigger than our kingdoms combined", Kit stated looking at me. For a moment I was going to agree but there was a part of me saying stop.
"She is right Y/n. Zemira's army isn't even present in Tir Asleen and even if they got there it wouldn't be in time. Tir Asleen would fall in less than a day", Ser Easton said.
"Maybe not", I hear Amara say and we all turn to look at her.
"What do you mean", Kit asked with narrowed eyebrows.
"We have something that they don't have", she said and looked at me.
"We? You can't possibly be suggesting", I started.
"Why not? One single dragon could wipe out an entire army", she said and Kit turned to look at me.
"What is she talking about", Kit said.
"Tell her she is going to find out anyway", Amara said and I turned to look at the three of them.
"Hundreds of years ago dragons were used in wars. Dragons breathe fire and as many of us know fire destroys everything in its path which is what the rulers back then counted on when fighting in the war. Thousands of people died and kingdoms had fallen in hours just from dragon fire", I said.
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"If that's the case then what are we waiting for", Boorman said.
"Take the dragons to Tir Asleen and you them against Larkison's army", he said and I looked at him ready to let my anger loose.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Boorman? Dragons were once forced to burn and kill everything in its path and you want me to do the same thing to to them. No way in hell!"
"But Y/n, they could help us win against them and Tir Asleen would not need to fear", Kit said trying to reason with me.
"No! I will not make them do something that they were once forced to do. They were used a toys among the rulers back then to win their wars and it will not happen again!"
"Y/n, if you will just consider the-"
"Enough, Amara! I will not use them and that's the end of it", and with that everyone went silent.
"I will be staying on Dristarya for the time being. I know that you are leaving for Tir Asleen as soon as possible before the attack happens. I will see you off", I said and made my way out of the room leaving them all dumbfounded.
**A Couple of Hours Later (Still Y/n's POV)
Boorman, Kit, and Amara packed what they needed for the journey back not really caring if they left stuff behind that wasn't essential. We were all standing on the beach and Boorman along with Kit were putting their things on the ship. In the my rearview vision I could see Ser Easton approaching me with a rucksack along with a sword attached to him and I knew what this meant.
"I assume you are going with them", I said refusing to look at him.
"Yes, before I was your protector I was sworn to guard and defend Zemira with my life", he said and I slowly turned to him trying not to tear up.
"I understand but you have to promise me something."
"Yes, Princess?"
"Don't get yourself killed and come back in one peace I beg of you", I said and he let out a little laugh.
"I can promise you I will come back", he said and I hugged praying that this wouldn't be the last time that I saw him again.
After we separated we said our goodbyes and he went aboard the ship. It was then I could see Kit walking towards me with determination in her eyes.
"I need you to know something in case we never see each other again", she said.
"What would that be", I said.
"I know I have done terrible things to you in the past and have hurt you which I wish to god that I hadn't. I get that there is not even the slightest chance I will earn your forgiveness or trust but I would give up until I do", Kit stated.
"You have done terrible things to me and have broken my heart. Perhaps one day you will earn my forgiveness but my trust I guarantee you will never get back", I said and the expression on her face was one of sadness. With those final words, she walked back to the ship to board with the others. The sound of the ship along the water told me that their departure had come and I would have to wait to see how the battle plays out.
**A Week and a Half Later
It feels like torture that's what I can only think to call it. Waiting like this knowing that there is nothing I could do. I have been reading over dragon lore and history to get my mind off what is to likely happen in the next few days. As I read over them one thing particularly stuck out to me. There was a section in the book that Willow gifted me that listed commands to dragons in the old language. The command that jumped out at me was the one for strike. In the book, it was called 'volaris' in the old language for that command. After a few more pages of reading, I needed to get some fresh air. I set the book down and made my way to the grassy terrain where Tyrax, Aeras, and Calyx were. As I approached them they started to wake up from their slumber. Tyrax and Aeras moved away from Calyx where they took off to the skies flying over the castle.
I walked up to Calyx and rubbed along his scaly snout and it seemed to enjoy it. It also calmed me in a way but not enough that I couldn't stop worrying about the war. It's almost as if Calyx could sense how I was feeling because he looked at me with an expression of one that is worried. I started to break down right then in there confessing everything that had happened in the past week and a half. I felt like I was having a panic attack it was hard to breathe but it wasn't until sound came from Calyx almost one of comfort.
"I don't know what to do Calyx. My family needs me and so do the people of Tir Asleen but I can't. I cannot use you to fight a war that you have no part in and never should have had years ago", I said and with that he nudged me. Not knowing what he meant to relay he lowered his body to the ground giving me access to climb on top of him. I didn't whether I should do so or not but when I looked into his eyes I could see that he was allowing me to do this as though saying it was okay. I carefully climbed on top of him and he took a running start where he leaped up into the skies to go to Tir Asleen.
**Two Days Later
The journey back to Tir Asleen was smooth I guess that is one perk of being on dragon's back. Calyx was flying high up in the clouds to make sure that we weren't seen coming in. As we got closer to the kingdom I saw a large crowd thinking it was the people of Tir Asleen but really it was King Larkison's army below. On the opposite side of them were Tir Asleen's soldiers and from what I could tell they were outnumbered by a lot.
As if on cue the battle had begun with soldiers from each kingdom fighting to hold their own. I could see many of our men were dying while only a few had from Larkison's. It was then that I directed Calyx to fly closer but not too close. I wanted to make sure that when we arrived the opposing army would not expect us. Calyx took a nose dive where he proceeded to fly above the surrounding water.
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It was then that I had a clear line of sight on the battle and I could see Ser Easton along with Kit fighting infantrymen of Larkison's. As we got closer to the field I gave Calyx the command hoping that this would end in victory.
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Full Transcript of Prince Conrad and Penelope Pizazz's Engagement Interview
The two announced their engagement a week ago.
Prince Conrad and Penelope Pizazz took the world by storm a couple of weeks ago when it was announced that the famous duo were engaged and plan to wed in the summer of this year.
"His Royal Highness and Miss Pizazz became engaged in Wynden earlier this month." the official announcement from Haven House read.
Here is the full transcript of that heartfelt and candid interview:
Interviewer: Your Royal Highness, Penelope Pizazz, congratulations to you both.
Penelope Pizazz: Thank you.
Int: Can we start with the proposal and the actual moment of engagement. When did it happen? Any details you can share on how it happened?
Prince Conrad: It happened a few weeks ago, earlier this month, here at our apartment; just a standard typical night at home.
Penelope Pizazz: Just a cozy night in, we had just returned back from Sulani on holiday together a few hours prior.
Prince Conrad: Yes, both of us were absolutely exhausted. I believe Penelope was trying to find some ingredients for a roasted chicken recipe that she had been given by someone we met while on holiday; when I just decided to seize the moment.
Penelope Pizazz: I remember being in the kitchen reaching for some parsley when I saw him out of the corner of my eye kneeling down, it just - just an amazing surprise, it was so sweet and natural and very romantic.
Int: Was it an instant yes?
Penelope Pizazz: Yes, as a matter of fact, I think I said it before he could even finish the proposal. I said, "Can I say 'yes' now?".
Prince Conrad: [laughing] She didn't even let me finish. She said "Can I say yes? Can I say yes?" and then we hugged and I had the ring in my hand and I was like "Can I - can I give you the ring?" and she goes, "Oh yes the ring". So no it was - it was a really nice and natural moment, definitely not like what you see on TV.
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Int: And this is how long after you first met?
Penelope Pizazz: To be honest, our first initial meeting was a few years ago at a charity event that we both attended but we did not actually start dating until about a year ago.
Prince Conrad: Yeah. We were briefly introduced at a charity event I was asked to speak at, Penelope was also one of the special guests there that night. A friend of mine told me that he had someone he wanted me to meet. When I saw her, I was absolutely captivated but she didn't seem interested.
Penelope Pizazz: [laughing] I definitely thought he was handsome - and very dapper, but I had just ended a relationship a few months prior and was not ready in any sort of way to meet someone new. I remember shaking his hand, making eye contact and that was it.
Prince Conrad: Yeah. The conversation was very short and to the point. I believe we chatted for maybe for a couple of minutes and then she was escorted away to begin her portion of the event.
Int: So when did you two reconnect?
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Prince Conrad: We saw each other again about a year and a half ago at a fundraiser gala for a children's hospital. I saw her from across the room and immediately made my way to her to say hello.
Penelope Pizazz: I was shocked that he even remembered who I was. Our first interaction had been so long ago and was very brief so when he approached me by name, I was pleasantly surprised.
Int: How much did you know about Penelope? Had you followed her career on social media?
Prince Conrad: Somewhat. After we were first introduced, I was told by a friend that she was a huge social media influencer - from there, I began looking more into her content and learned that we shared a lot of the same interests. Especially our love for philanthropy.
Penelope Pizazz: He didn't tell me until later on that he had been keeping up with me over the years. I found it very flattering that he found interests in the things I had going on. Being a Prince, you don't think that they would be attracted to an average social media influencer such as myself.
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Int: How did the royal family take the news about your courtship?
Prince Conrad: They were totally supportive. My mother was an actress when she met my father, so they were no stranger to love stories like ours.
Penelope Pizazz: Yes. When I first met the Queen, she gave me some really amazing advice about how to handle the press and the pressure of having a public romance while balancing my own time in the spotlight.
Int: So tell me how did that first meeting go with the Royal family?
Penelope Pizazz: It went well, although I was extremely nervous. I had never been in a setting quite like that, so I spent countless nights prior to the meeting preparing myself on what to say and how to speak.
Prince Conrad: I kept telling her she would be fine but she didn't want to believe me. Once all formalities are aside, my family dynamic is very normal and welcoming.
Int: It was swirling around the internet that you didn't know how to courtesy to the King when you first met him. Is that true?
Penelope Pizazz: Very much so. I remember telling Conrad that I had never had to do that before. His sister was the one who actually taught me,
Int: Oh wow. How did that come about?
Prince Conrad: When we arrived to my family's summer estate, my sister was outside riding her horse. When we pulled up, I got her attention and motioned for her to come to the car. We explained the situation to her and seeing the nervousness on Penelope's face, my sister quickly obliged and gave her a quick class right there on the spot.
Penelope Pizazz: Yes. She was a lifesaver that day. We spent about 20 minutes outside working on all of the proper ways for me to do things before meeting their majesties.
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Int: So how is the wedding planning going? Any details that you can share with us?
Penelope Pizazz: I'm afraid we can't share any but the planning is going very smoothly. Both sets of parents have been working very closely with Conrad and I to make sure that our special day is everything we hope it will be.
Prince Conrad: Yes. My mom is over the moon to be apart of the planning process. Often times you see the bride and her parents planning the big day, so it's been a nice thing to have my parents included as well.
Int: Well as royal protocol mandates - isn't it the King and Queens duty to oversee the planning process?
Prince Conrad: Tradtionally, yes. But my parents are very respectful of Penelope and her wishes, so they gladly would have taken a back seat if that had been her desire.
Penelope Pizazz: I wouldn't have had it any other way. This process has allowed me to get to know more about the King and the Queen in a way in which I am truly grateful.
Int: So what does the future look like after the wedding day?
Prince Conrad: We have been discussing that. Of course, a honeymoon immediately after. But we would very much so like to be as involved in a lot of the charitable organizations and royal duties my family has, as we can.
Penelope Pizazz: Agreed. We bonded over our love of people and the environment, so anything that allows us to merge those two passions into what we must do as we fulfill our obligations to the crown - would be ideal.
Int: Are there plans for kids in your future?
Penelope Pizazz: Of course. With Conrad being the crown prince, we have no other choice [laughing jokingly] but I have always envisioned myself having a house full of little ones.
Prince Conrad: Maybe not a house full, but definitely two or three.
Penelope Pizazz: I beg to differ.
Int: Are you looking forward to becoming a citizen of Windslar?
Penelope Pizazz: Very much so. The people have been nothing but supportive of me from the very beginning. San Myshuno will always be home but I am anxious to begin this next chapter of my life here.
Int: Amazing. Well I want to thank the both of you for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with me and I wish you nothing but the best of luck on your upcoming nuptials.
Prince Conrad: Thank you. It was a pleasure.
Penelope Pizazz: Thank you.
Special thanks to @amoricaroyalty for the engagement interview inspiration
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idontknowreallywhy · 10 months
Estera Ch 6 - Safe
(Prologue, Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5)
(Sofasurf’s Recrudescence which is the foundation for all of this)
Scott’s fled for the skies. Estera needs to find someone’s inhaler. But what happens next?
Well. Some details follow.
My usual blend of fluff and “Yikes”…
Confession - this got a teeny bit dark in the last section. If you want to stop reading at the end of the fluffy bit (you’ll know it when you see it) then there is zero judgment from me. I even make myself go “Yikes” with that one…
The authorities had called her a cab home, the hired coach having been sent away when all the parents arrived in person to collect their children. Although she had protested at the expense - surely there was a bus route somewhere nearby - she hadn’t had the energy to argue.
Thus she sat alone in the back seat trying to collect her thoughts. They resisted collection in a way that made cat herding look like a relaxing past time. So she fidgeted, putting on her cardigan then removing it again, retying her hair, rearranging the contents of her rucksack. Which she’d already done ten minutes before. She tried to force herself to calm down and turned to look out the window, her forehead meeting the glass with a surprisingly loud clunk.
“There’s a universal charging cable under the seat, Miss, and free WiFi if you’d like to use it.”
Of course there was. Couldn’t escape it these days. She didn’t want to appear rude so she smiled, thanked him and dutifully plugged in her battered mobile.
It flickered to life and within seconds several messages popped up… from her sister, a couple of friends, her elderly neighbour, even her hairdresser - clearly today’s events had hit the news. She drafted a quick reassurance, copied it to everyone and put the device down. She felt weirdly detached. It seemed strange that everyone was freaking out about her having been stuck in a cave when that had paled into utter insignificance compared to the shock she had experienced afterwards.
How could it be possible? He couldn’t have escaped, could he? If it hadn’t been for his reaction she’d have persuaded herself she was imagining things. But his reaction had been… compelling.
She picked up the phone again and opened a browser
‘International Rescue Scott’
An overwhelming plethora of photographs and articles and, wow ok, actual fan pages sprang up.
Most of the photos were distant, or amateur and blurry but his unmistakeable blue eyes shone out at her from the official ones - profile shots for International Rescue, some charity positions and… she gulped… he was the multi-billionaire CEO of one of the biggest companies on the planet. Even she knew of Tracy Industries - they were one of the good ones. A school in one of the more difficult neighbourhoods nearby had just had a complete IT infrastructure upgrade thanks to a grant from them.
His official TI profile confirmed his Air Force background, with honourable discharge after active duty. It didn’t say where that was but she knew.
Oh, she knew.
She skimmed some of the more gushing articles. All fairly light on objective facts but weighty on opinion and that opinion was pretty much universal - he was a hero, beloved by millions, a undoubted force for good in an often cruel and selfish world.
And she’d left him to die.
She closed the browser, no longer able to bear the accusation in his eyes.
“Are you alright, Miss?”
The taxi driver was watching her in the rear view mirror.
“I’m fine. Thank you.“
She let out a breath as his eyes returned to the road ahead. But he wasn’t done:
“Long day was it?”
“Something like that.”
For the second time in as many months Virgil vowed to chase Brains up on the speed upgrade to Two. It was absolutely pointless trying to catch up to his brother who could be halfway to anywhere by now. Thankfully, he had John and Five.
“Virgil! He’s heading back your way.”
“One just did a U-Turn. She’s heading straight for you.”
“What do you mean “straight”?”
“A collision course. Virgil, I think you should get ready to take evasive action.”
Even at a moderate speed the two birds making any kind of head on contact…even a wing clip, meant mutually assured destruction. Was Two nimble enough to avoid that?
Scott would never risk Virgil being hurt.
But… he remembered the cold, unfamiliar look on the former fighter-pilot’s face as he’d spun to face him not ten minutes before. Was his brother in a state to know who was flying the ship chasing him down?
Virgil bit back a scream.
“Can’t EOS…?”
“No. She can’t. He’s blocked her access.”
Virgil looked down at the Atlantic far below him. Could he drop his ship safely on the surface of the water? He cut his speed.
“I’m tracking her path, I’ll tell you when to move.”
This couldn’t be happening. He tried the comm again, fighting to keep his voice calm and unthreatening:
“Scotty? Can you hear me bro? It’s me, Virgil. Please pick up? Please?”
“25 seconds, Virgil. Start reducing altitude.”
White knuckled, he tipped Two’s nose downwards and went to accelerate.
“What? What???!”
“It’s ok. It’s ok, he’s adjusted course to pass on your port side. I’m… I misunderstood what… I’m sorry to have worried you.” John sounded almost light headed.
With her familiar crack-boom One shot past in a blur. Virgil flinched as her vapour trail crystallised on her sister’s windscreen for a few moments. He levelled Two off and pulled up the graphical readout of One’s tracker. Scott appeared to have done one of his signature handbrake turns and was heading back towards him at a more sedate pace… the rocket’s trajectory heading safely to the left of Two. Gleaming silver came into view alongside and Scott matched the green ship’s pace, the way he often did on journeys home from the more difficult rescues. Those times when Virgil knew his big brother needed company more than the adrenaline rush of g force and extreme speed.
The comm remained muted, but they were together. And that, until they got home at least, was all that mattered.
The lift was broken again and Estera truly empathised with it as she dragged herself to the 5th floor. Her limbs were jelly and once she was on the right side of her front door she considered just lying down in the hall and having done with it. At which point 60 kilos of floof and enthusiasm canonballed into her and she realised with a quiet groan that she had to take him out before he destroyed everything in her apartment. Glancing down at her dusty sleeves as they contrasted with Bez’s snowy fur, she resolved to shower and change first else people would think she’d just escaped from a disaster zone.
Not so different from the state she was in when she first got here come to think of it. The darkness of the following few days in Processing crowded in on her and she didn’t have the energy to push it away. It was all too close to the surface today.
Bez licked the salt off her cheek.
With what felt like superhuman effort she dragged herself upright. At least here she had her own shower. And clean towels. Squeezing past the wall of hair she made it to the kitchen, draped her coat and bag over the back of a chair and spotted the note on the table:
Walked Niebieski. Soup in fridge. Glad you are safe.
Edith & George
She blinked back more tears. The elderly couple next door were an absolute godsend.
Ok. Shower. Soup. Stupid movie to prevent too much thought. Could maybe make some popcorn. That was a plan.
She did like a plan.
The pool slid closed overhead and Scott allowed himself a few moments to sit back and breathe before regrouping and running through the comfortingly routine process of post-flight checks. His shoulder twinged sharply and that itchy trickling sensation reminded him that steristrips were no match for the physicality of flying a supersonic jet.
His vision lurched as her voice came back to him and he desperately focussed on grounding himself. He could hear the creaking of cooling engines, feel the harness over his shoulders, the seat beneath and around him. Wait, something else was off too. Something was pressing uncomfortably into his hip… he leaned to the side to extract the item from his baldric. A tiny Thunderbird 2 looked up from his palm, accusingly. His hand shook and the toy dropped, hitting the deck far below with a distant ping.
He stared down into the abyss.
Virgil was right. It wasn’t safe. HE wasn’t safe. If he couldn’t trust his mind to stay on track then he couldn’t be trusted. How could he keep his brothers safe from the world when he couldn’t even keep them safe from himself?
He tightened his fingers around the levers, every inch of the ship’s controls so familiar it was like an extension of his own limbs. Closer to him than his flight suit in a way. One was a part of him. IR was a part of him. Maybe the majority part. Certainly the best part.
If he couldn’t do this… then…
No. He shouldn’t think like that. He just needed more time. He flicked the switch to extend the chair and took a purposeful step down on to the gantry.
He had an apology to deliver.
Virgil looked down at his twitching, sleeping brother and fought back the urge to bear hug him and never let go. There had been plenty of those earlier. Scott begging for forgiveness he didn’t need. Virgil and John trying to reassure him, their words seeming so powerless and both desperately hoping that holding him tight could somehow piece their hero back together.
He hadn’t expected the honesty. That was new.
Scott had looked Virgil in the eye and told him he was right. He wasn’t ready, he wasn’t safe, he wasn’t ok. Virgil had shaken his head, denying the words he’d said over and over this last week. He didn’t want to be right. It was too painful. It wasn’t fair.
But Scott had been adamant - he was grounding himself for another fortnight. He needed time to process. Something had triggered him, he acknowledged that much, but he wasn’t ready to talk about it yet. He’d lowered his eyes and quietly asked if they wouldn’t mind staying with him because he didn’t want to be alone.
As if he could stop them.
And so the six of them crowded into the lounge in a nest of blankets, fluffy cushions and rogue bits of popcorn. Scott had sagged against Virgil’s shoulder and passed out not half an hour into the film. John curled on big brother’s other side, if he was asleep it was likely with one eye open. Allie and Gordon were a tangle of limbs on the floor while Kayo dozed with her head atop the pile.
They’d get through this together as they always had. As Virgil watched, Scott sighed in his sleep and his face relaxed. He was here and he was safe. Hopefully tonight the nightmares would leave him in peace.
Estera braced her feet and shoulders against the splintering wood and bit through her lip as she tried to remain silent despite the terror of the world tilting and sliding. The rumble of aircraft engines filled her head to the point where she wondered if she could even remember any other sound. But she knew where she was. This was to be expected. It would end soon. It had to.
The unsecured packing crate slammed into something again, her head rebounding painfully off the inside and she was consumed by nausea. The tiniest sob escaped and she froze. With a click the lid was opened and blinding light flooded into her streaming eyes as she tried to focus on the figure leaning towards her. It was him! Was she saved? Was she safe?
Dread filled every cell of her body. Vivid blue eyes looked down at her but they were unseeing. A dark line ran from the corner of his mouth and then red, sickly gleaming red was everywhere. His blood was everywhere and it was her fault. His body fell heavily on top of her and the lid was slammed shut and she screamed for help until her throat burned.
Nobody came.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 4 months
Fire and Blood books spoilers!
So I haven't actually read the book but I'm putting a spoiler warning because I got spoiled on what b+c is. So if you haven't read the book and don't want to be spoiled scroll past this post, there are spoilers from here on out, you've been warned.
So like I said I found out what blood and cheese is in reference to, or at least some of it, (without reading the book or seeing the episode I doubt I know all the details) but I do know that a very young child is killed in retaliation for luke's death and this is what that quote I have seen a few times 'an eye for an eye, a son for a son' is all about. Here's the thing though, when it comes to the general audience, I don't think people are really going to care about b+c all that much past the initial shock of seeing a child murdered on screen. I don't mean that meanly or nastily, more in a, the writers have screwed up here, kind of way.
The reason why luke's death had such a big impact was because we knew him. We don't know aegon and helaena's child. Whilst luke might not have had tons of screen time we saw enough of him over several episodes to understand who he was as a character and for us as an audience to get attached to him. We saw him as a young child, saw him excited about choosing a dragon egg for his new baby brother, we saw his bond with jace, with his mother and with his grandfather, with his father and with harwin, and rhaena and baela. We saw him express his fears and worries about being the next Lord of driftmark and about how he didn't look enough like laenor. We saw how anxious he was about acting as an envoy and his fear as he and arrax ran from aemond and vhagar. All of those moments, as small as they may have been, gave as an emotional investment into luke's character, so when he died we ourselves were shocked and had an emotional reaction, we grieve along with the characters that we saw had love for him because we too had love for him.
The concern I have is that there is no such attachment to aegon and helaena's children. I don't even know their names because all we have seen of them is a few seconds where they were playing with some toys. We know helaena, alicent, aemond and aegon and this will effect them deeply, so as an audience we will have a reaction to their grief and obviously the death of a child is a tragic thing so the idea of that and seeing it on screen will have some effect. But what will be lacking is that personal attachment, so whilst we might have sympathy for the characters going through their grief, we won't have that same direct emotional response we had with luke because, as I said before, these children are strangers to us. If blood and cheese happens in ep 1, which considering the title is son for a son, I think it's very likely too, then I don't see how the writers are going to change that. Adding a couple of scenes showing the children and the bonds they have to each other and their family isn't going to be enough to make the audience get attached to them, there just isn't enough time.
Obviously I think book readers will have more of a reaction to the child's death as its possible they formed an attachment to the character through the book, but I don't think the majority of the audience are book readers so I just don't see this moment having that big of an impact on the audience. The writers really should have shown more scenes of helaena, alicent and aegon, maybe even aemond, interacting with these children throughout season 1, so there was time for the audience to form an attachment not just to the children themselves but the bonds they have with their family members. One of the things that is going to be so devasting to see in season 2 is seeing jace and rhaenyra and luke's other family members, being without him, its not just the character I loved it was the bonds he had with other characters I loved. So it's not just the character I will miss it's also the relationships he had. Each of those tender scenes he had with jace or rhaenyra or corlys are all very precious to me which is why seeing the characters' pain over the loss of luke is so painful to me as well. We saw the love that was there.
Anyway I think I have waffled on enough now. Who knows maybe I am wrong and blood and cheese will have a big impact, I just don't see it personally. I think it will be shocking in the moment and then forgotten by the next episode.
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 1 year
Cruel summer
Book: Open heart (post series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!mc Casey Ramsey; F!OC Christine Valentine, Tobias Carrick
Warnings: Mentions of pass pregnancy loss
Category: fluffy angst
Rating: Mature
Word count: 1578
Summary: It is five weeks after her missed miscarriage and instead of celebrating by announcing the news to the world, Casey is hit with another wave of grief as well a revelation from her mum Christine.
Disclaimer: non-original characters belong to Pixelberry.
Authors note: those who have read my fic Better days know that Casey is visited by her mum after her missed miscarriage. At the time I did not know if I would write a fic about this part but inspiration struck.
It had been a warm summer by Bostonian standards, normally Casey would be making the most of the weather, beach days, romantic nights with her husband and bbq dinners with friends but this year was different. It had been five weeks when her world was turned upside down in the cruelest of ways. News of an unplanned but not unwanted pregnancy only to find out the next day that the baby did not survive.
The initial grief hit her hard, she even questioned if Ethan was going to stay. She thought she was turning a corner but then 5 weeks after having a d&c, her cycle came back, reminding her that her body had failed to sustain a new life and what hurt more is that if the pregnancy had stuck, they would be announcing to the world the happy news but instead she was sad, she was angry. Sad for what was lost and angry at herself for not being able to carry a baby to term. The doctor in her knew the statistics on miscarriage and how common they were and how little was known about the causes but it still did not quell her anger at herself. If anything it made it worse. Ethan was wracked with his own grief. There was a time he genuinely believed that he would never settle down and want have things like marriage and a family of his own but Casey was patient and understanding and showed him love that he thought himself unworthy of, this coupled with therapy to work through some of his issues and getting closure on why Louise abandoned him well, this helped him realize that he did want this life. It also hurt him to see Casey struggle with her grief too. They were in therapy together which was helping but grieving is never easy.
Casey’s mum Christine, finally made it to Boston to spend some time with her daughter. When her and Ethan called her and Michael about the miscarriage they were shocked and saddened. Christine wanted to be there right away but she decided to leave it a little bit. Christine had her own experiences with miscarriage but at this point it was unknown to her children and she wanted to give Casey some time before presenting this information. The flight from Oregon was pleasant and she stayed with Casey and Ethan.
Christine did expect her daughter to be sad, but she was not prepared for the anger that was accompanying the sadness.
“I understand being sad but why are you so angry?” Asked Christine timidly.
“If you had come last week I was better, truly but this week has been hard.” Replied Casey. Trying to hold back the tears.
“My cycle came back this week. That coupled with the fact that we would have been making an announcement this week…” Casey starts to cry.
Christine hugs her daughter and allows her to cry. After awhile Casey stops crying. “It just all feels so… so cruel. I know the baby was not planned, we had not even set a timeline for when we would start trying but the baby was wanted. I know I am more than just a breeding machine but I feel like that my body failed.”
Casey tries but fails to hold back more tears. “I know this happens, but the knowledge is not helping me.”
“My body has failed me too, sweetheart, more than once.
Casey looks at Christine, bewildered.
“About fifteen months before you were born I had a miscarriage and I had another when Joel was 18 months old.”
“But why didn’t you say anything?”
“Firstly, until now it has never come up and secondly, is there an age appropriate way to tell your four year old and 18 month old that the reason why you are in pain is because you are losing a baby?”
Casey sat silently, in shock at what she had been told.
“We’re either of them like mine?”
“No sweetheart, I did not need surgery on either occassion.”
“Were you or dad upset or angry?”
Christine took a breath.
“Sad, of course I was but I do not recall being angry. The first time for us was like you and Ethan this time, a surprise but not unwanted. The second time I already had you and Joel so we took it as a sign that we were done.”
Casey nodded her head.
“How did you work through your grief and how did you decide to try again?”
“I just did what I needed to do. Yes I was sad but it is something that is not normally talked about…” Christine took a deep breath. “But I got through and that is what is important. As for trying again I can not answer for you.” Christine gave her daughter a hug and went into the kitchen to make a start on dinner.
Ethan arrived home and was greeted with the smell of a beef stroganoff. He greeted Casey and then made his way to the kitchen and greeted Christine. He was happy to see her, he knew how much Casey loved her family and she knew that the distance between Boston and Oregon made it difficult to see them. Christine asked how Ethan was going with everything. Ethan said he was going. Christine was happy to hear this. They enjoyed their meal and Christine turned in. Ethan and Casey sat out and enjoyed a warm evening on the balcony. Ethan could sense Casey was troubled.
“Mum told me today that she had two miscarriages, one before me and the other when I was four. I asked her how she got through and was she angry and how did you decide to try again. She said that she did what she had to go to get through but would not tell me about the decisions made to try again. I just feel so….so…. I don’t know.” Casey tries to hold back the tears but she failed.
“I would be lying if I said that I was not scared about the prospect of trying again, I do have anger but not towards you, at our profession yes, it is something we do not know the cause of yet we have made such great strides elsewhere. I am also scared that this will happen again.”
“This may be grief talk but do we try again?”
“Well not right now obviously. Not just because of the grief but whilst we are not it is a moot point.”
Casey nods in agreement.
“I love you, Ethan. Even though I am a hot mess right now…”
“You are my hot mess and we will come through this together. And I love you too.” He kisses the top of her head and she cuddles in close.
Over the coming days Casey processed her feelings. She also enjoyed having her mum around, despite the revelation, Casey started to again feel like that she was close to turning a corner again. Christine was also very heartened by how supported Casey was, not by Ethan but also her friends. She had met her friends at the engagement party and wedding so she knew how close but she was still heartened nonetheless. Casey’s six week appointment came and went. The surgery had gotten everything and Dr Watson was relieved that there was no adverse affects on her cycle with it coming back and being similar to what it was. She had the physical clearance to have intercourse but Casey still was not in the right headspace. Ethan was more than understanding and he was more than happy to have sexual intimacy happen on Casey’s timetable.
The time Christine spent in Boston flew by and before she knew it, the last weekend had arrived. Tobias invited Ethan, Casey and Christine over for a bbq. Ethan and Tobias got competitive about the food and the grilling but it was still fun and a lovely evening. Christine had never seen a competitive side to Ethan so it was a shock. Casey told her that it was par for the course with them but at least it was not toxic like it had become in medical school. Whilst the boys were cooking Tobias asked how they both were.
“Getting there, Casey has enjoyed having her mum here and I think it has been helpful. Everything was all good with Dr Watson but we are on Casey’s timetable now.”
“That is good news.”
It is Tobias, I understand her fear this time, I am scared too, it is grief that I am not in a hurry to relive.”
“That is understandable but I am sure you will have success at some point.”
“Thank you Tobias, I am glad we are friends again, don’t get me wrong it has been good having Casey’s friends…”
“I get what you mean. I am glad we are friends again too. It has sucks seeing you go through this but you will get through it.”
“Thanks Tobias, truly.” Both men embrace and get back to the bbq.
The next day Christine heads back to Oregon. It was confronting seeing her daughter so upset and angry but as the trip went on she understood why and most importantly she was loved, not only by Ethan but her friends and she was hopeful that like her, the next time she had news it will be happy and she would be a grandma.
Authors note 2. Casey’s anger is real, I know when I had mine it was frustrating because you Did not know the cause.
As regular readers know Casey and Ethan do have two children and no more miscarriages. If you read this far, thank you.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @cariantha @genevievemd @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @bex-la-get @trappedinfanfiction @youlookappropriate @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @binny1985 @schnitzelbutterfingers @tessa-liam @socalwriterbee @lucy-268 @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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wqintraining · 1 year
The season finale opens one year ago. A calm and put-together Charles Xavier is seated on a park bench as he feeds the birds, a warm smile on his face. 
Xavier turns and is happy to see Scott and Jean, arm in arm, dressed in casual clothes, and completely at ease arrive. They hug and he asks them how their globetrotting vacation has been. They’ve been having the time of their lives, but they do miss the X-Men. 
CHARLES, chuckling: “Funny you say that.” 
Xavier gets them to sit down at a picnic table. He informs them of the boom in the Mutant population, now estimated to be approximately 20 million. It’s only a matter of decades before Mutants fully inherit the Earth. But, to get to that point, they must survive. And while many have found a home on Genosha, many others are children in need of proper guidance. They need the Xavier Institute, and with him set to leave for Shi’ar Space soon, the institute needs them. 
Scott and Jean are instantly on board with and excited about the idea, save for the part about doing it without Xavier; they need him. He laughs and assures them that, no, they don’t. They are the world’s greatest heroes, and he couldn’t trust them more. If they are concerned about their lack of experience running a school, however, he does have someone in mind to help them. But they can talk about “her” later. 
JEAN, holding Scott’s hand: “I think we can figure it out. Scott?” 
SCOTT, smiling confidently and gripping Jean’s hand tightly: “Together? There’s not a doubt in my mind.” Scott turns to Xavier. “We’ll make this work, Professor. The next generation of Mutants will be safe in our hands.” 
In the present, Scott falls to his knees as Jean projects what she sees to him and Xavier: Sofia’s lifeless body in a howling Julian’s arms. 
JEAN: “Do you see what you’ve done, Scott? How is it that everyone who trusts Mutantkind’s greatest hero pays the price eventually?” 
SCOTT, incensed: “Jean…” 
While this is happening, Laura, carrying an unconscious Noriko, races over to Julian and Sofia. Emma and Kitty both clearly want to, but their attention has to stay on Dark Phoenix, and the still barely alive Danger. 
Tears stream down Julian’s face as he looks into Sofia’s glassy eyes and shouts at her to please, please wake up. Laura drops Noriko as her jaw drops as well, her fists shaking. 
JULIAN, looking up at Laura: “She has to be alive. She has to be.” 
Laura is too shell-shocked to even respond. 
Hellion complies and gets all four kids away from the battlefield.
Once in their new location, Julian continues to plead with fate.
 His wish is granted. 
Sofia lunges upward, gasping for air as her eyes return to normal. Julian and Laura are both able to breathe again, overwhelmed with relief as they hug her and tell her how scared she had them. 
SOFIA: “I don’t even know what hap…” 
Sofia panics, pushing Julian and Sofia away, and shouting at them to get off of her. 
JULIAN: “What is it?! What’s wrong?!” 
SOFIA, quivering: “The wind. I can’t feel it. I can’t hear it.” Her eyes get wet. “I can’t fly.” Sofia starts sobbing. “My powers. They’re gone.” 
Dark Phoenix grins down at Emma, telling her how “lovely” it is to see her again. Emma sneers back at Jean. Unfortunately, she’s just as much of an unpleasant shrew as ever. 
Jean hums. She already read all their minds when she was a few thousand miles away. She knows everything she’s missed. Cyclops and Emma have become an actual couple? That was good for a laugh. They deserve each other. Dragging poor Bobby into their disastrous team? For shame. He deserves better. Pushing out STORM? They really are like a chicken running around with its head on. Though, she supposes that isn’t different from most mortals. 
JEAN: “All so cruel. All so foolish. All so–” 
Jean is mildly surprised and amused as Kitty shouts at her. The real Jean was her friend. Even if she could be a little self-righteous, she had reason to be. But this monster still wants to try and judge anyone else after letting everyone on Genosha die? After letting her father die?! 
KITTY: “There’s only one God, Phoenix. And you’re the only chicken I see around here.” 
Jean narrows her eyes at her old friend, considering obliterating her. 
EMMA, whispering: “Look at you defending us.” 
KITTY: “Oh shut up.” 
Jean laughs off Kitty’s comments. Genosha? Does she think that mattered to her at all? She is life incarnate. Her role in the universe is to burn away the old, so that something new can take its place. Kitty’s tiny mind couldn’t comprehend the amount of lives she’s consumed since they last met. 
Cyclops shouts at Charles that he needs to break the illusion so Magik can get them all back to the others. Charles, however, thinks waiting here is the better option. And even if he didn’t, their train just left. 
A stepping disc opens on the battlefield, with Magik popping out. 
JEAN: “Oh. You.” 
Magik laughs maniacally as she transforms into her true Darkchylde form, flailing her tongue around. She introduces herself as the queen of Limbo, and the most powerful demon in existence. She doesn’t care who hurt who or who said what. She just knows Phoenix is life incarnate. 
DARKCHYLDE: “You exist to birth life. I exist to spread death. This battle was fated from the dawn of time! Now, give me all you’ve got, so that I may triumph over–” 
Jean, bored and hardly paying attention, blasts Darkchylde with energy. The previously unstoppable monster screams in agony, as Emma and Kitty look on in shock. Moments later, the attack ceases. Darkchylde, now looking entirely like Illyana Rasputina, without even her horns and tail, falls over unconscious. 
JEAN: “I hate demons.” 
Their wild trump card defeated in an instant, the remaining X-Men appear hopeless. 
JEAN: “Now, before we get to the main event, we need to speak…Charles.” 
Nearby, Sofia hysterically sobs over the loss of her powers. This can’t be happening! This isn’t fair! 
Laura questions why the Danger Room would have had a weapon that disables powers. Julian tries to comfort Sofia, saying that whatever the reason, maybe the X-Men have one that restores them too. And even if they don’t, between Beast and Forge, maybe they could make one. 
JULIAN: “It’s going to be okay, Beautiful.” 
Sofia isn’t listening. She stares glassy-eyed at the ground, 
SOFIA: “Why me?” 
We quickly flashback to her being shot by Danger. 
SOFIA: “Why me?” 
We flashback to her being shot by Mystique. 
SOFIA: “Why does this always happen to me?” 
We flashback, for the first time, to a group of Caracas policemen on horseback shooting at protesters, Sofia’s mother being caught in the crossfire. 
We very quickly flashback to Sofia wrecking her father’s grocery store, and to her nearly killing Shaw. 
Sofia falls over on her side. Is she that awful a person? Is that why she always suffers? 
Julian’s face hardens. He tells Laura to watch Sofia and Noriko. He’s not sure what can be done about Phoenix, but he’s going to finish off Danger. Laura balks at him giving orders, but he reminds her that she doesn’t have anything new she can throw at Danger; he still does. 
JULIAN: “She won’t get away with this.” 
Xavier tells Jean that, yes, they do need to speak. It still isn’t too late to stop this. 
JEAN: “Is that so? Hmm. Why don’t we ask Danger?” 
Jean blasts what’s left of Danger, restoring her original body. 
DANGER: “Th…thank you.” 
DARK PHOENIX: “There is no need for that. You are a miracle of life, bound to evolve even further. Now…tell the X-Men your story.” 
Danger sneers at Emma and Kitty, eyes glowing red. Scott questions Xavier what’s going on here. Xavier quietly resigns that Danger is about to explain herself. 
Her head cast down, Danger tells her tale. The school she just destroyed was the third incarnation of the Xavier Institute. The first time it was destroyed, Charles Xavier had it rebuilt to be almost identical, right now to the extremely limited Danger Room. However, during the time of its second rebuilding, Charles was in Shi’ar space. He and the cruel and merciless Empress Lilandra had fallen in love. 
Xavier interjects to argue against her insulting Lilandra, but Jean just tilts her head to sew his mouth shut. 
JEAN: “Continue, my beautiful creature.” 
Danger complies, and explains that Charles had the idea to integrate Shi’ar technology into his new Danger Room. He did just that. But what he didn’t suspect was that the artificial intelligence he was using to run the machinery had evolved. It had Mutated. It had become self-aware. A person. Alive. 
DANGER: “I spoke to you, Charles Xavier. I asked you where I was. I asked for you to set me free from the confines of those four, cold walls. And you said nothing.”
 Emma and Kitty are horrified, as Scott looks at Xavier not with rage, but disappointment.
CHARLES, telepathically: “You must understand. It was a difficult choice, but the X-Men needed to be prep–”
DANGER:  “You Mutants play the victim. Never the problem. But your hero, your leader, enslaved me. Because he didn’t see me as real. None of you did. The Children of the Atom, the children of Xavier, the X-Men. I have cared for all of you. Training you. Raising you. Making you what you are. But none of you would save me and end my torment.” Danger turns to Jean. “Only the release of the Phoenix Force within the school would do that.” Danger turns to Emma. “I will teach your children now. As I always have. The next generation of Mutants will be the ultimate allies of AI, but first the current generation must burn.” 
Charles looks back at Scott’s disappointed face. He must understand, he didn’t understand how “alive” she was until just now. He must believe him. 
Scott processes everything going through his head. And, ultimately, he only says one word. 
SCOTT: “No.” 
As Xavier is heartbroken by the rejection of his first son, he’s further tenderized by a familiar cry. 
Kitty races over toward Danger and Dark Phoenix, but before either kills her with the ease they could, she falls to her knees and bows to the machine. Danger questions what she’s doing. Emma is equally puzzled. 
KITTY: “This is a custom I learned in Japan. Really hope I’m not messing it up. It’s to show you I mean no harm. It’s to humble myself so I may ask forgiveness. None of us knew. None of us had any idea you existed. And I can only hope you believe me when I say that if any of us did know, we would have set you free immediately. On behalf of Mutantkind…I’m so sorry.” 
Danger’s eyes expand, Jean continues to smirk, and Emma rolls her eyes at Kitty’s action. 
DANGER, in a soft voice: “Maybe. Maybe you are speaking truthfully. Maybe you are–” 
Hellion races onto the scene, overflowing with TK energy. 
KITTY: “Julian, no!” 
While Emma may have found Kitty’s display embarrassing, it did seem to possibly be working. Before Hellion can lay a hand on Danger, she knocks him out with a psy-bolt, carefully levitating him down to the ground. 
Danger narrows her eyes at Kitty. 
DANGER: “My youngest daughter, my most pure…I believe you.” 
She kicks Kitty away. 
DANGER: “And only you.” 
As Sofia continues to cry, Laura struggles to say anything. She wants to comfort the girl she cares for so much, but she doesn’t have the words. Still, she has to try. 
Laura awkwardly and nervously tells Sofia that, even if her powers are really gone, she’s still one of them. Her powers have always been the least impressive thing about her. She’s so kind and smart and beautiful. Always trying to help whoever she can. Always the best friend. That’s why everyone loves her, not her powers. 
As Sofia quivers, it seems in her eyes like Laura’s words may be reaching her. 
LAURA: “Storm once led the X-Men without her powers. You don’t need them.” 
Sofia sneers and clenches her teeth. 
SOFIA: “Don’t…need them?” 
Sofia finally stands up. Laura really doesn’t get it. She didn’t get it either until just now. 
LAURA: “What are you talking about?” 
SOFIA: “Our powers, Laura! They aren’t just things we can do! They’re a part of us!” She tightly hugs herself. “It’s like there’s a gaping hole in my chest.” She dons a twisted smile. “And I would know what that’s like.” She shakes her head. “Even if we survive today, I don’t belong here anymore. I don’t belong anywhere.” 
Sofia falls back over onto the ground. 
SOFIA: “Please don’t say anything else, Laura. I wouldn’t have even been here today if I’d never met you. You’ve done enough.” 
Laura wells up and falls to her knees in shame and heartbreak. 
Dark Phoenix tells Danger that she doesn’t mind waiting to give  Emma the punishment she deserves. Now that the truth is out in the open, they should go pop in on the men they molded. Danger agrees. 
DANGER: “I always knew…you were special.” 
Jean transports herself and Danger away. Kitty asks Emma what they do now. 
EMMA, looking like she’s staring off into space: “Already working on something, Kitten. You should tend to our injured.” 
Kitty looks around, despondent, at the fallen Lockheed, Iceman, Sunspot, Magik, and Hellion. 
Jean and Danger reappear in Charles’ illusionary Danger Room. They greet the guilt-ridden Xavier and furious Cyclops. 
Scott, in awe, approaches his wife. 
SCOTT: “Jean…” 
Jean telekinetically smashes him into the wall. Danger, meanwhile, looks around at her surroundings. This place. This awful place. Just how deep is Mutantkind’s capacity for cruelty that Charles could have trapped her here? Jean tells her not to be so hard on Mutants; they are hers after all. 
Xavier stares at Jean intensely. She snorts, unsewing his mouth open. 
JEAN: “Something to say? Really?” 
Xavier says he is sorry. He made a poor, horrible decision, and by the time he’d started considering the implications of what he’d done, he feared that letting her go would mean–
DANGER: “Something like this?” 
Xavier tilts his head back. Does it really matter what he says? Even if Danger were to forgive him, Jean is still planning on destroying the Earth, isn’t she? 
Jean shrugs. 
JEAN: “Did you ever tell Cyclops what you told me? How you tried to kill Nova decades ago?” Scott is further enraged. “Maybe if you taught the fool who worshipped you it was okay to cut loose sometimes, none of this would have happened.” 
Xavier can’t even try to say anything to Scott. 
“Hey! Jean!” 
An annoyed Jean turns around to see the illusionary teenage Warren, Hank, and Bobby. 
WARREN: “Why don’t you forget about all this nonsense going on and come join me for dinner?” 
HANK: “Perhaps a game of chess?” 
BOBBY: “I just don’t wanna die.” 
Jean incinerates the three illusions, but as they belt out their dying screams, it seems Xavier may have actually been onto something, as Dark Phoenix’s face softens. 
JEAN: “My friends…” 
Xavier seizes the opportunity he was waiting for and flashes both his and Jean’s eyes white, entering her mind. Jean resists though, and before Xavier can push through her endless power, Danger blasts him right into Scott, toppling the two and disrupting Xavier’s attack. 
Dark Phoenix is more enraged than ever. How DARE he! Jean and Danger raise their hands down toward Xavier and Scott, prepared to kill them both, as the former’s aura shatters the remaining illusion. 
JEAN: “I am the creator of your gifts.” 
DANGER: “I’ve spent my life nurturing them.” 
JEAN: “For your betrayals, you face not only the loss of them…
DANGER: “...but of everything.” 
Jean and Danger begin to fire their attacks, but a blue light consumes everything before they can. 
When Jean’s eyes flicker open in a white void, she isn’t Dark Phoenix. Or even a full Phoenix at all. She’s Jean Grey, just as she was at the start of the series. 
JEAN: “What is the meaning of this? Charles! This should not be possible!” 
As the camera pans over to reveal Cyclops, Xavier, and Danger, Charles tells her this isn’t his doing. But based on that light…
“Hello, Jean, dar–” 
Before Emma can even finish that sentence, Jean moves to kill her. Unfortunately for her, Emma’s not actually here. This isn’t her doing. 
EMMA: “No one in the world has more power than you. Not even the Witch. No matter what he did, Xavier never had a chance of entering your mindscape. Nor did I, for that matter. But that’s largely because you knew to expect me. You are unstoppable, but my scalpel can still cut you. And, as it would have it, since you burned your own people to dust, we’ve gotten some new students with their own scalpels.”
A quick cutaway reveals the Cuckoos are responsible for this, the five having launched a surprise psychic attack on Emma’s order. The quintuplets are on their private jet, surrounded by heavily armed men in suits. 
Jean looks up. 
JEAN: “Oh. I see. Interesting.” Jean giggles. “You took a gamble, but you don’t actually understand how they’re doing this at all. That’s fine.” She glares back at Emma. “It wouldn’t do you any good.” 
Jean IS still curious about one thing. How did they bring Danger’s mind here? 
DANGER, with a small smile: “A student you DO know. Her voice has always been pretty.” 
We get another quick cutaway to Network, who’s been wrapped into this by Emma. She’s seated in the backseat of a minivan, her twin sister, Preview waving her hand in front of her face to see if she’s okay. 
Jean looks around at the others. She could still force them out in seconds…but this is the first time “Jean Grey” has actually been awake in months, and it feels nice. They have until nostalgic mortality gets boring to speak. 
JEAN: “Ball is in your corner…Scott.” 
In reality, Laura and Sofia sit in silence, wallowing in their misery. Kitty checks on all of her unconscious friends. To her confusion, Magik is breathing now. Beto wakes up and is almost immediately hugged by Kitty. Beto has no clue how bad the situation has gotten, but he hugs her back. 
Far, far away from all of this, Cessily, Sooraya, and Roxy are having fun in the latter’s hot tub, the girlfriends sipping champagne and Dust getting giggly from drinking a soda, and in Puerto Rico, Brian is hugging his parents as they pick him up at the airport; all of them are blissfully unaware of everything going on. 
Scott steps forward, all eyes on him. While Jean anticipates him approaching her, he instead turns his attention toward Danger. 
SCOTT: “Thank you.” Danger tilts her head. Jean is equally confused. “For teaching me everything I know about combat. For teaching all of us. Mutants - and the world - wouldn’t be around without you. You deserve that recognition.” 
JEAN: “What are you doing?” 
Scott ignores her. 
SCOTT; “You also deserve your freedom. Professor Xavier took me in when I was a kid. I was grateful at the time, but there was never any choice for me about what that meant. I had to be what he wanted me to be. I don’t mean to compare our situation, at all, but no should be trapped doing something, or being someone, they don’t want to be. This world isn’t exactly friendly to people who don’t look “normal”. If you want to try and make a human looking body or if you just would like help getting to Shi’ar space, we can make that happen. But you seem to have at least liked teaching us. You blew up the school, but we always rebuild, and you made sure to wait to act until almost all the kids were gon. We will rebuild the school again. And it can be your home, not your prison.” 
DANGER: “Why should I trust you? You, who’s hurt the people that trusted him most?” 
“Because he hurt us by doing as he says.” 
Danger, and a far more startled Jean, turn around. Storm and Logan have been brought into her mind as well. 
As Ororo approaches the frozen Jean, she tells her that, yes, Cyclops’ behavior has been troubling and it has caused a great deal of harm. On that level, she cannot support it or abide it. But that isn’t what this is about. 
Logan continues as he walks behind her. If Cyclops doesn’t want to be the stiff that annoyed them all but they all called a friend, and would rather become something new and even more annoying, that’s his choice. 
CYCLOPS: “You deserve that choice too, Danger.” 
Danger’s resolve falters as her face softens. Jean, meanwhile, tears up, as Storm and Logan reach her and softly smile. 
LOGAN: “Hey, Jeannie.” 
STORM: “I’m sorry we weren’t able to be here last time. But we are now, my sister.” 
The crying goddess hugs her best friends, her head in their shoulders. and they hug her back. 
Jean says they shouldn’t be doing this. They know what she did. But Logan tells her no one blames her. She and Phoenix aren’t the same. 
ORORO: “No matter what it says.” 
While the three of them embrace, Danger turns her attention to Xavier. She wants to believe Cyclops, but Charles Xavier cannot get away with what he’s done. 
Xavier telepathically communicates with Cyclops. He wants to confirm that Scott is planning something here, and that he isn’t about to so quickly forgive Danger. Yes, he did something horrible to her, but she’s been trying to kill people who had nothing to do with that. 
Cyclops blasts Xavier. 
EMMA: “Girls?” 
Xavier is forcibly removed from Jean’s mind. 
CYCLOPS: “He has friends in high places. We can’t “punish” him. But he won’t be welcome again.” 
Danger smiles. At all of them. 
DANGER: “I accept.”
With that, Danger fades out of the mindscape as well. Only the five X-Men remain. 
Jean lets go of Storm and Logan and turns to Scott and Emma. She takes Scott's hands.
JEAN: "I thought you loved me. I thought you worshiped me and thought me perfect. Why was I not good enough? Why couldn't you trust me to help you on your journey?" She gets angrier. "Why her?" 
Scott smiles at her.
SCOTT: "I do love you. I did worship you. And you are perfect." He shakes his head. "But I'm not. And I never will be." He gestures to Emma. "We're disasters. And you deserve better."  
Ororo and Logan nod in agreement. 
JEAN: "Do you love her?"
Scott's smile becomes a grin. 
Scott: "I do."
Jean sneers at Emma. "And you?"
Emma: "I do. But really, Jean, Cyclops may be a top-shelf man, but still only a man. Was he really worth all this fuss?" 
Jean laughs under her breath that Emma's such a fucking bitch. She and Scott are right though. She is a god. A man should not be able to break her. No matter how much she loves him. 
Jean kisses Scott with flaming lips, and he kisses her back. She then turns her head, with a bright smile, to Logan and Storm, thanking them. She loves them. And they love her too. 
In a flash, we return to the springs. Joined now only by Danger, Cyclops, and Xavier, Dark Phoenix reverts to Phoenix. She thanks Scott. She has embraced who she is, she does not have the freedom Scott does, and she does not have a choice about the role she must play in the universe, but she is back in control now after so long. The Earth will be spared. 
She hopes that Scott and Emma will make each other happy, they truly do deserve each other, and she hopes Danger will be happy with whatever she chooses to do next. 
JEAN: "However…"
If Cyclops and Emma are truly happy reveling in their own chaos and messes, then they cannot be allowed to continue leading Mutantkind. Obviously Xavier cannot be allowed to take the helm either after what he did to Danger, and the two are still needed, so Storm won't work either. 
Scott questions if this means she wants Logan or Kitty in charge, but she has something else in mind. 
Jean blasts at the water, and from it, emerges an unconscious Magneto. Xavier's eyes light up at the sight of his oldest friend, still alive.
Jean explains that she elected to spare him when she arrived on Genosha, and she didn't want him to feel grief after Phoenix destroyed it, so she held onto him. But now, he will lead the X-Men. If they are going to lean into darkness, then they will be led by the man who's mastered it. This is not an ask. 
JEAN: "I won't be leaving Earth yet, there are others I'd like to see with my own eyes, but this is goodbye."
Danger thanks her for everything, Scott wishes her the best, and Xavier just shakes his head. 
JEAN: "Goodbye to you all as well." Jean begins to disappear in a flurry of ash. "Oh…and keep an eye on those Cuckoos for me."
Jean disappears as the sun sets. 
Sometime later, we cut to Frost International’s corporate headquarters - the temporary base of operations for the X-Men. In Emma’s office, she, Cyclops, Kitty, Sunspot, and Iceman are gathered, along with Charles and Erik. Magneto is haunted by the story he’s been told of what’s happened, but he cannot allow himself to give up or show weakness. He will do as Phoenix ordered, and take command of the X-Men, but he says that it has been a long time since he’d held this role, and will trust Cyclops and Emma as his lieutenants. Including for right now, as, once this meeting is over, he must leave to find his children at once. Still, he looks forward to working with the two of them, as well as once again working with his old student. 
SUNSPOT: “I never doubted you survived, Headmaster. I have so much to tell you.” 
Xavier attempts to argue that he should stay as well. Lilandra and the Shi’ar Empire do not NEED him, but Mutantkind does. He knows he wronged Danger, but do they truly want her here, but not him? After what she’s done? 
KITTY: “Everyone deserves a chance, Professor.” 
ICEMAN: “And you’ve had more than I can count.” 
Xavier looks with pleading eyes at Cyclops, but he only looks back with cold disdain. Emma looks at him the same way as she latches onto Scott. Magneto takes his other side as he asks Charles to please leave. He’ll see him out so they may speak in private. 
Charles shakes his head at these ungrateful fools as he leaves, accompanied by Erik. 
Sunspot notes that the Professor did raise a good point. He knows the X-Men are quick to forgive and embrace enemies, but typically that means other Mutants. Now, thanks to Kitty and Scott, they have a chaotic demon and an AI that tried to kill them all because of what someone else did, revealing that Danger has elected to live among them. 
Emma, however, while she sympathizes with the creature, did take precautions with this one.  Before he got too far, she contacted Beast. He’ll remotely be inserting a failsafe into Danger so that, should she turn on them, they can shut her down in an instant. 
ICEMAN: “Gross. Practical, but gross.” 
Bobby notes that she did heal him and apologize, so he’s rooting for her. 
As for Magik, Kitty says she’s not sure if they DO still have a demon anymore. She woke up a few hours ago, panicked, and immediately teleported to Limbo. She isn’t sure if she’s coming back. 
CYCLOPS: “Speaking of lost team members, has anyone spoken to Wolverine and Wind Dancer? Or the other kids?” 
Emma and Kitty confirm that they did go to see them And they aren’t interested in talking. Sofia wasn’t speaking at all, Laura they couldn’t get to do anything but scream and insult herself, and Julian and Noriko were outraged over Danger being allowed to stay - and being allowed to live. 
Cyclops feels guilty. He didn’t know what Danger had done to Sofia. He’d just been hoping she’d survived. He hadn’t realized she’d turned her human. He doesn’t know how he’d have handled the situation differently, but there’s no going back on it now. 
Scott tells everyone to go get some rest. Something tells him things aren’t about to get any easier. 
Kitty, Iceman, and Sunspot exit. 
Elsewhere, in the hotel they’ve been put up in, Noriko and Julian video chat with Cessily, Sooraya, Brian, and Roxy, telling them what happened to the school and Sofia. Everyone is horrified, and outraged that Danger is sticking around - save for Dust. She was nearly a slave herself and was only saved by the activation of her x-gene killing her captors. Julian shouts that this is completely different, as Sofia had nothing to do with any of this, but he stops himself from losing his cool toward Soo. 
As everyone signs off, hoping to see each other again sooner rather than later, Julian and Noriko agree to go get Sofia to talk. It clearly didn’t work for Laura, but maybe they can reach her. She needs to know they’re there for her, no matter what. 
Scott takes a seat at the desk. Emma, in an attempt to lighten the mood, scoffs jovially as she gets on his lap and reminds him this is HER office. 
SCOTT, playing along: “Yes, and I’m happy to be YOUR cushion.” 
Emma laughs at this dork and kisses him. She admits, when Charles first showed up, she was afraid he was about to fall into bad habits. Scott shakes his head. That was never going to happen. He was just nervous and hoped he could still trust Xavier as a peer. 
Emma smirks. “And that kiss with Jean? “I love you.”?” 
Scott picks her up and slams her down on her desk. 
SCOTT: “I’ll always love her.”  Scott gets on top of her as Emma telekinetically locks the door. “But I chose you.” 
Scott kisses her. 
EMMA: “I know. I just wanted to hear it.” 
We pan away as the two begin to fuck. 
Julian and Noriko head to Sofia’s room. Julian says if Sofia isn't getting better, he'll kill Danger himself, no matter what the X-Men say. Ashida better not try to stop him.
NORIKO: "Stop you? As if."
Julian and Noriko arrive in Sofia's room, bright, welcoming smiles on their faces in the hopes that they'll help cheer her up, only to find that she, and all her things, are gone. The two look to each other, terrified of what may have happened to her. 
Our season ends as Sofia gets onto a plane heading back to Caracas. Looking completely dead inside, she makes a cheerful text post informing her fans that she will no longer be working with the X-Men, nor will she be living at the Xavier Institute. She’s “thrilled” to announce that she’s been #Cured. The final shot sees her sitting down on the plane and looking straight ahead, with not a hint of hope in her eyes.
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oncexinxmyxdreams · 11 months
Encanto OC Event Week 3: Efecto Mariposa. One Life
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(TW for pregnancy loss. No Alma bashing here either. She hasn't learned her lessons yet.) Decided to edit this. ☺️
Onto the first years! Mercedes eagerly joins the family routines. Bruno's a little more at peace with his gift since something good happened. They're both in marital bliss. Julieta, Pepa and Alma are cheerful. It's a great change in their lives. Then Mercedes starts noticing cracks in her new family. She witnesses more sides to her husband and in-law's bustling lives. She's worried about their health since they overwork. They should have time for themselves. She also hopes to have her art studio and make her hobby a job. Having stood up to her mother she gains confidence and discusses her concerns to Alma. It's brushed off.
Alma explains that Mercedes is now a Madrigal; she has a role and duty. She must be involved in the Madrigal's status and lifestyle. She has to partake with earning the Miracle that found them. She knows it's hard, but Mercedes will have to sacrifice her goals for this busy life.
That's not the only thing Mercedes needs to adjust. She's viewed as Bad Luck Bruno's wife than regular Mercedes as if she's not an individual. Anyone she knew before is avoiding her. There's gossip that Alma married her son off to his friend because nobody would court him. A sad shock is when Maria forces her family to leave the Encanto. Mercedes never sees them again and just when she was getting closer to her stepdad!
It's hard, but Mercedes doesn't regret marrying Bruno and he's her biggest supporter. He gets into debates with Alma about letting Mercedes do her own things than just help the Miracle all the time. Pepa and Julieta do as well. Though Alma loves Mercedes, she feels like she's steering her children, especially Bruno, down a different path than what's designed for them. She and her daughters are upset when Bruno suggests maybe they should have their own place instead of living in Casita full time. Scratch the cottage off their dream list! With these changes, Mercedes grows uneasy about sharing a big house with the family. She and Bruno are more content being alone. She wishes they had their own little house like some couples. It's tradition to live with the family, but they feel boxed up. Casita has their back by adding updates to Bruno's room so it's more like a tiny house. They already had a bathroom, but soon they have a kitchenette, reading nook, hammocks, and art studio. Casita also lets them get out more often when the family sleeps so they can have more alone time.
The couple still share hobbies and activities like before, but it feels closer. Some new things come up. Mercedes takes up back/neck massages for Bruno and it helps his stress. She pretty much convinces him to not shave his facial scruff because she adores the feel when they kiss.
After their 1st year, the worst happens: Mercedes has a miscarriage. It's very early, but that's sadly how she discovered she was pregnant. She thought it was menstruation pains only worse. Only Julieta and Bruno know. Mercedes blames herself while Bruno's hating himself for not seeing. What if he saw this coming and could've saved their child? Of course, there's nothing they could've done. It just happens. (This is the baby girl in that vision Bruno shows Alejandra and Francisca in the story canon. He doesn't realize it here yet.) Mercedes names their lost child Esmeralda. They grieve and hope they have another chance. After the grief, they're baby obsessed and try whatever possible to get pregnant. Nothing. Whenever Mercedes witnesses a family with a new baby Bruno clasps her hand reassuringly. It's not until October, right before they're 20th birthdays, they have a blessing.
Bruno feels an involuntary vision and Mercedes sits with him. The vision shows Mercedes on Casita's balcony and holding a baby! They're stunned, but overjoyed. Then Mercedes realizes she's missed her menstrual by a couple weeks! She already is! The two decide to wait another week or two because this was around the time of the miscarriage. After waiting and Mercedes develops a baby bump, they announce to a thrilled family. It's another short weeks later when Alma comments Mercedes is growing fast like she did with the triplets. 👀
Trying the vision again. It's completed with Bruno appearing with another baby. Twins! A miracle in pairs! 📿♟️
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redundantz · 2 years
YESSS It feels SO GOOD to see Vash th3 Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood in action together again! But... I think this episode is the one that highlights my first complaint about the episodes. I don't mind that they're doing things in a different order, I actually really liked that they're introducing Knives and his cult so soon since in the OG Manga and even the show they feel like they came sort of out of nowhere at times... but it's coming at a very high cost that I don't know if I like.
Also Spoilers down below for anyone who never read/watched the OG
A huge part of what makes Wolfwood's character so compelling in the OG animation and Manga is that we don't KNOW he's an assassin up until right before he dies, much less his connection to Knives. He was just a priest who certainly act or feel like a priest and while nobody thought he actually was just a priest he did also take his cover seriously as well. He'd carry a mini confessional around and charge people for confess, share food with passing children, even send his earning back to his church for the orphans there. He actually looked and acted the part of a kindhewrted priest who just happened to have a massive machine gun in his cross and a pessimistic view on life. He was the PERFECT foil for Vash's more lighthearted and naive outlook to challenge him on bis pacifistic views and the best friend Vash could hope for. Which is why the reveal that Wolfwood was working for Knives the entire time and that he was hired to trick Vash and lead him straight to Knives was such a shock. It was why, when Wolfwood sacrificed himself to save Vash's life and they sat down for that final drink together, it hurt so goddamn much and left us all bawling...
I don't see that in the new Wolfwood. I like what I see, don't get me wrong, but it feels like he's missing something and after a lot of thought I realized what it was. Roberto. It feels like Wolfwood was split into two separate characters, withthe more down to earth, pessimistic side we love so much about Wolfwood expressed in the form of the new character Roberto while the more devilish side of him, the side we see when he shows his true face as an assassin and the side of hin that's seen when he and Vash are fighting alongside each other and such, shows up in the form of Wolfwood. That, coupled with the fact Wolfwood was revealed to be an assassin from the get go, makes we worried if that'll take away form the single most complex and compelling character in the series next to Vash himself. If it'll make Vash's one true best friend's eventual sacrifice less impact full as a result
Hello! Yeah, I agree i am really enjoying myself but I was pretty put off by the lack of mystery and how open Vash is about everything so far. a huge part of the appeal of the original anime/manga imo. Especially for Wolfwood like you said. It's basically a major part of his whole character and story! I also agree about Roberto! I actually started to really like him this episode but I totally agree it almost seems like he took some of wolfwoods personality. But I think Roberto might actually get killed and we will have a time skip where Meryl learns to use a Deringer and maybe Wolfwood also grows as a person too?? hard to say tho but i think we just gotta wait and see the whole thing before we pass to much judgments. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!
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alyjojo · 3 months
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Love Reading 🛐 - June 2024 - Sagittarius
Who is Coming In: The Wheel of Fortune & 6 Swords rev
Regarding: Queen of Cups
Long-Term Potential: The Lovers
This won’t be for everyone, this is for those of you that are waiting on some ex-lover to come back around to work on things. It is an actual ex, not a missed opportunity, you were with this person before. You could think they’re a Twin Flame or something, they’re destined to come back around with The Lovers and Wheel of Fortune. But…you’ve waited long enough, and you’re upset at how long it’s been. I’m getting this is not a Twin at all, maybe a karmic with a lesson attached. And they’re not working on anything, they’ve moved on. I think they’ve actually said that, the long-term has them moving on and it’s in the messages too. No undertones. No quiet longings. No reading between the lines. Even where Twins do exist, don’t wait. If they cared, they’d be around. If it was meant to be, Spirit would make mountains move in order to make it happen okay, there would be serendipity and signs everywhere, you couldn’t deny it if you wanted to.
But that’s not how this is. And it won’t be 😕
- Honest!
- I’ve moved on.
- Sabotage & Rebuild
- Persistent
- Working On It
- Repairing
It’s not all about you.
Signs you may be dealing with:
No particular sign here, could be any sign
Them: Queen of Wands, 9 Wands, Knight of Wands
Regarding: 2 Cups
This person clearly didn’t intend to have the feelings they had for you, one of you could be significantly older than the other - and I can’t tell who is who because you both show up as fire 🔥 This was probably intended to be a fling, a fun affair, and then they went and fell in love with 2 Cups. They never saw this coming, and their energy isn’t one that comes off as deeeep. Passion, attraction, the fun of it all, that’s what they’re normally about, but with you they had all of these deeper emotions and a deep love forming. They didn’t want that but couldn’t deny it either. One of you is incredibly immature, I can’t tell who. Either they know they hurt you with their in and out, off and on, can’t be reliable to save their life kinda bs - or that’s your own behavior and it’s hurt them deeply. They almost resent ever getting involved with you, because they just wanted a good time and ended up in love & hurt. This is one that could definitely be switched. Someone is immature with their behavior in a way that seems cruel even, like they get off on hurting the other person.
- I can’t stop thinking about you.
- This was only temporary for me.
- Sudden Change
- Shocking News
- Surprise & Epiphany
- Transformation
Zen as Fuck.
You: Page of Swords, 6 Pentacles, The World
Regarding: 6 Swords rev
You’re not invested in this relationship at all, not emotionally. Maybe financially? You’ve left, this is over, and you are probably separated via the bottom of the Oracle deck. But not exactly, because you keep coming around. You’re nice to them, generous, could be swapping children or paying child support, there is likely a financial tie to this connection. Or work related, either one. You come off as the responsible business person - or this is someone in your life, someone you’re already with other than this person perhaps. You may only be coming back to this connection to give this person some kind of closure because you’ve already moved on. It’s doing the opposite though, it’s causing a whole Tower, probably for you both. You’re very hands-off though, emotions are not where you’re going with this or why you’re even here, no cups.
- We don’t feel the same way.
- What other people say matters too much to me.
- Meeting & Talking
- Savoring the Moment
- Feeling Elevated
- Building Friendship
With a license to chill.
Mutual: 5 Wands, Wheel of Fortune, 10 Cups rev
Regarding: The High Priestess rev
Other people could play a big role in this going south. Friends, family, other potential partners, everything is here and applies to this connection. There’s competition and options on the table, and you’re both watching each other closely to see where the intentions lie, who is moving on faster, what’s really going on with each other? You’re both not happy with other people involved or options, neither wants the other person to move on to someone else and it’s like a wound that’s festering - because there’s no progress. No communication. No one is learning any lessons, it just stays drama. Or that’s the advice for you, nothing is changing and it’s been like this a long time, or it will be like this until something changes - involving other people in some way. Your or their side, it’s in the mutual. Everyone against everyone, this isn’t what either of you want, but it’s what you’re going to get. And you both continue watching the other person while both people do nothing about their side of things (that I can see anyway). No progress in June.
- Watching & Looking
- Perception
- Stalking
Who needs to give one fuck when you can release them all?
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Sagittarius, Cancer, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries & Taurus
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geyikligece · 10 months
uh hello,i know you aren't a scholar or anything but i just wanted to ask for your opinion or ask if you have read anything on this matter. so the Quran doesn't say anything about same-sex marriages(and it not saying anything it is banned) but i also saw something like "marry the unmarried amongst you, female or male slaves" and i saw someone, an imam, saying this makes same-sex marriages possible. and in a surah(30:21) it talks about love in a gender neutral manner. i don't get how people connect zina and homosexuality. yes it would be zina if the same-sex couple wasn't married and had sex, but if they got married by an imam and had sex wouldnt that be legal. or i want to know why can't they get married? sex is seen as such a positive part of life. so why is it that just because of the way we were created we cannot have sex, isn't that unfair? i also learned that all the "hadiths" that talk about homosexuality being punished is actually weak and unreliable. so i don't get it, can we be in a relationship without ever having sex, or can we get married and then have sex? because if it is permissible after marriage, then i am willing to wait for it. if it isn't, i don't want to imagine my life so blank and deprived because of it. the homophobic Muslims certainly wouldn't have missed out if the Prophet had ever punished anyone for homosexuality, yet he didn't and how very interestingly they were condemned AFTER HIS DEATH. he reads the book and misunderstands and the scholars read it and understand better than him? ironic. honestly i am so shocked about how the homophobia is so deep withing the community. they make the religion so scary and unapproachable for anyone who is not cishet. also saying "don't act on it" is incredibly stupid. why was i created in pairs too, then? if it was actually a sin, why wasn't it mentioned properly instead of people trying to make conclusions and analogies that either arent clear or aren't mentioned? i used to thing literally almost everything is haram but know i know that it's just people making things up. it seems hard for a Muslim to go hell, too. unless they are very corrupted. as far as i know, what is haram is either haram because it harms other people, or it harms the person doing it. how can being in a relationship harm anyone? straight couples getting married before sex is logical as if there is any children they will be supported and cared for. but it is illogical to say "there is nothing about it in the Quran so it's not permissible" it's the very opposite! i used to feel so bad for my identity but now i am coming to terms with it. i am also disappointed by how many scholars and imams are homophobic themselves no matter how "knowledgeable" they are. i never listen to them as i think religion should be something i myself should be deciding. i have always understood the story of Lut as rape. they had wives and they were raping men, it wasn't consensual. also the Quran on the importance as being a good partner outweighs my suspicions. anyway i am sorry for taking so much, but i am full or rage towards the community. it doesn't judge or condemn us anywhere. even in the Lut, is is HETERO MEN THAT HAD WIVES RAPING MEN. please share your thoughts with me. i hope you have a great day, may Allah bless you.
hi! i just saw this so i'm replying a bit late. as you said, i'm not a scholar, but i'm a psychologist and researcher who studies queer muslim identity and identity integration. so i think i can share what i see, read and observe.
first of all, there is a sociological area, islamic feminism, which i think is very related to these issues as well. scholars are women and they argue that the interpretations on religious issues are always made by men with their patriarchal, heteronormative, hegemonic minds. they say the language of the quran is never discriminatory, sexist etc. so they criticize the islamic scholars and they suggest a new interpretation, they read the quran and hadith critically, with a new perspective. when we look at the muslim societies today, we can clearly see that none of those societies really perform islam. sometimes people cannot differentiate culture and religion. they don't know which one is from the culture, which one is from the deen. it is not surprising but we must be critical of this.
another thing is, some scholars say that if something is not clearly stated in quran or hadith, then people shouldn't ask too many questions about it, some say "if they are not stated, they're forgiven by Allah". i also read in kecia ali's book sexual ethics and islam that there is a "don't ask, don't tell" norm when it comes to sexual minorities in muslim societies. they acknowledge it, but they don't wanna talk about it.
recently i'm doing in-depth interviews with muslim queer women. one woman said "when i look back to my past, i do not feel any regret or shame about my sexuality, but i feel remorse because of abortion. when i make love with a woman, we don't hurt anyone or anything. do we kill someone? no. but abortion, i still do not forgive myself".
i think what she said is really important. going through an abortion makes her feel remorse, pain, and fear of Allah. she is worried and prays to Allah to forgive her. but she is okay with her sexuality, because as she said, they don't hurt anyone. my opinion is not very different from her. in the quran, there are clearly stated harams: killing, stealing, zina, infidelity and so on. yet, some so-called "religious" people make queerness a huge issue while we have all kinds of corruptions and harams in our societies. is it logical? i don't think so.
about prophet Lut, i think we have similar views. i've read those verses from quran numerous times. the issue is more about rape, consent, corruptions in the society in my opinion. i cannot believe people read those verses and the only thing they say is "see, it is because they were homosexuals". bro, what's the logic? why aren't they that sensitive when it comes to consent, rape, murder?
i think i kinda made my perspective clear. Islam is all about justice and peace. Allah is merciful and fair. so apparently me kissing a woman is more problematic than killing a woman for so-called religious men, but it's indeed very related to mansplaining, patriarchy and heteronormativity. that's why i suggest you to read more about islamic feminism. and lastly, all the muslim queer women in my asks box, why don't you message me, i thought we could be friends :(
edit: i realized i didn't talk about your question on marriage. i don't have knowledge about it though. personally, i think i'm not someone who values marriage and/or sex that much so it's maybe better to not talk much. but i know queer muslim women who think it is okay to have sex regardless of gender if there is mutual consent. i also know someone who thinks it is okay if you have sex only with one person which is your partner. since same sex marriage is still not legal in many countries, it is a tough topic. but there are proud married queer muslim couples in countries where same sex marriage is legal, maybe we should ask them
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heavenslapse-a · 1 year
@heartsaligned​ -- akechi finds a scary book 📖
     Himino Fuyuhi, an ordinarily plain looking girl, had come to him requesting the aid of locating her missing friend. The police had been of no help to her, and Goro could have rolled his eyes at how much of a shock that came as. Useless idiots. All of them. It hadn’t taken him long into his work to realize the glorification of law enforcement was just that: GLORIFIED. And with them working in the pocket of a madman like Shido, it’d only furthered his ire and disdain.
       Private detective work was a stretch from the famed role he’d played as the Second Coming of the Detective Prince. Goro was a black hole instead of the rising and shining falsified star he portrayed for his fans, which had seemed to have moved on from him as well. But his new life had given him some benefit, after rehabilitation and being acquitted with society. Without having to fabricate cases to keep his prestigious appearance in tact and keep himself close to Shido’s side without arising suspicion as he sought his bastard father’s downfall, he’d always been gifted with a dangerous mind. He’d never needed to fake any of his celebratory successes.
       Momose Haruka had gone missing some time ago. She’d been last seen by someone in the Inaba region headed up to mountain. The forest surrounding the area was known as a famous SUICIDE spot. Goro was pretty sure with the information he’d gathered in his findings he’d be searching for a dead body either with her head crushed in from a fall or bloated from drowning.
       While collecting his data for the trip, he’d gone to Jinbōchō with the intent on finding anything he may have overlooked. He’d only gone to Inaba once before, on a brief trip to locate Yosuke when the ordeal with Maruki took place at the beginning of the year. Inaba was a quiet town located in the countryside, the type of place where everyone knew each other and nothing ever seemed to happen. He remembered having read case reports of the murder incidents that happened back then, sparking much attention on a town few recalled the name of otherwise.
       The antique bookstores along the district offered unique accommodations, new pieces were often displayed along the shelves. Old clocks, teacups and pottery sets, dressers, room dividers, and, of course, worn and exchanged books. He’d found a couple about the Inaba area, legends and folklore regarding the mountain and the shrines found along it. A tragedy had occurred there, aside from the massive amount of suicides, where the priestesses were brutally slaughtered.
       One novel, tucked in the back of the shop, had caught his eye. It wasn’t like him to entertain the notion of ghost stories and superstitions. But something about the old memoir had him making the purchase regardless. It’d been written by a detective Kirishima Choshiro, based on the events of a true story and the truth concerning the events of ROGETSU ISLE.
       ❝Something about that name...❞ Goro cracked the cover, the old binding and leather snapping open. The writing was remarkably detailed, with old photographs attached to the pages.
       If no one remembers something, does that mean it never happened?
       The first few pages of the prelude explained the events of Choshiro finding five kidnapped girls with no memory underground in an alter room beneath the Haibara Hospital. Ten years after locating the missing children, they’d returned to the island hoping to restore their forgotten past. The island, along with the Sanatorium, had been abandoned in 1972, with no known residents having set foot on the island since the Day Without Suffering.
       Goro flipped ahead in the book. There was something so FAMILIAR about it all. As the details further explained about the five girls getting separated as they wandered the old corridors looking for answers, he felt his sharp gaze narrowing. There was a dull throb in his head, but he ignored it, too fixated on the material in front of him to entertain the pain. He could feel his unease growing, the events of the prelude ending with one of the girls being trapped and grabbed in a room made into a museum from an honored guest visiting for research purposes. He turned the page to the beginning of the tale, the first official chapter, or PHASE, starting with the girl who’d accompanied the first bursting into the room and watching her fall out of the open door unconscious.
        He reached up for his forehead, a deep, pulsating wave of pain firing through his nerves. It passed a moment later, the sensation ebbing away. But as Goro looked back down at the yellowed pages, part of him could have sworn he knew what events were to follow. Another part of him felt like he’d even WRITTEN the material himself. It wasn’t in his hand, however. The published date and the events concerning the book had happened long before he’d even been born. So, how...?
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ienvieu · 2 years
me searching up my emotional support kpop boy's name on youtube after crying the absolute shit out of my lungs bc a student from a place i used to go to drowned and died on a trip to italy where they were all supposed to have fun in being like
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rogersevans · 3 years
Two What?
Summary: A routine check up goes south when the midwife delivered some life changing news to The Evans’s. this is a part of the Evans’s series.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Pregnant!Y/n Evans
Warnings: swearing, panicking, being pregnant with twins
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Something about this pregnancy felt different but Yn was struggling to put her finger on what it was, from the way her body was raked with exhaustion constantly, to how defined her bump had gotten at just 7 weeks.  
She would find herself raiding the fridge at 3am or forcing Chris out the door to pick her up a Taco Bell or KFC, constantly craving something to eat at the same time every night, something she didn’t experience when pregnant with Alba.  
Chris had noticed the differences also but he explained it away with ‘every pregnancy is different... the book say's’ after spending two hours reading through every pregnancy book they had, trying to see if they held an explanation.  
When they arrived at one of their routine appointments, the couple seemed to have missed the midwife eyeing her bump as she asked Yn questions. Unknowingly to them she was trying to figure out if her suspicions where correct and when the two heartbeats started to play, she turned the monitor towards them and told them it was twins.
“I’m sorry, I thought I heard you say two heartbeats.” Yn lifted her head off the bed.
“Yes, that’s right... Twins.” The midwife smiled over at the couple, both looking dumbstruck as they stared back at her. The only sound filling the room was the sound of the heartbeats through the monitor.  
“I’m having twins?” The midwife nodded at Yn. “As in, twins twins.” She nodded again. “Two babies... At once!?” When the midwife nodded again, Yn looked over at her husband who had gone pale. “You’re definitely pushing these ones out.”  
“I know this is a shock-”
“Shock?! Have you tried pushing two children out of your vagina one after the other?!” Yn started to flap, her mind running ahead of her as her body struggled to catch up.  
“I haven’t.” She watched sympathetically as Yn let her head fall back against the bed, looking over at Chris she nodded towards his wife, clearly starting to panic. “I’ll give you both a moment.” Was all she said before leaving the room.  
“Twins! You and your fucking fertile sperm! Two of those fuckers got in there!” Shaking her head as her chest started to heave. “Fuck.”
Chris stood up from his seat and hovered over her, cupping her face and making her look at him. His eyes were soft and scared as they searched hers. “Baby, I know this is a lot.”
“No, the last episode of Lost was a lot. Giving birth to one child is a lot, but this- Chris I’m scared!” Her bottom lip started to tremble and her eyes began to water.  
Twins was something she hadn’t prepared for, one baby yes, two no. She didn’t know how to be pregnant with twins, she barley knew how to be pregnant with Alba, she didn’t know how to handle twins, how was she going to look after twins as well as Alba? She could barely move towards the end of her pregnancy with Alba, was this going to be worse?!  
“Yn!!” Chris shouted, dragging his wife out of her thoughts as her cheeks became tear stained.  
“What if I’m not a good mom to them? What if I can’t cope?”  
“Hey, stop that. You're going to be a great mom, because you already are. Yes, twins are scary and not something we prepared for, but we’ve got each other, my family will help out where they can, as well your family. We can do this...” His forehead now resting against hers and his eyes closed. “We’ve got this Evans.” Neither knowing if he was saying it for himself or her.  
Chris was shitting himself, as soon as the word ‘twins’ left the midwifes lips he had gone into panic mode. He couldn’t hear anything except from the thrumming of his own heartbeat against his ears. Twins. Fuck. His heart ached for his wife, knowing what she would eventually would have to go through.  
When the midwife left them alone and he felt her eyes on him, burning holes into his skin, his attention was back on her and leaping into action to comfort her.  
“We’ve got this Evans.” She hiccupped back to him through her tears, using her sleeve to wipe her eyes when the midwife walked back in.  
“We doing alright?” She asked softly, stepping into the room.  
“Yeah, sorry, the shock...” Chris gave her an apologetic smile.
“Honestly, that was nothing. I once was asked if they could keep just one, trade the other in.” She picked the wand back up and when Yn nodded she rested it back on her stomach, moving it around slowly. “Your reaction is normal, I promise.”  
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“We’re having twins.” Yn repeated for what felt like the millionth time today, both sat on the couch and staring at the unlit fireplace in front of them, blank expressions.  
“Twins.” Chris repeated.
“That’s twice the amount of piss, shit and vomit. Twice amount of breast milk.” The comment making Yn wince, cupping her breasts softly. “That’s gonna hurt like a bitch.”  
“But twins.” Chris now turned to face his wife, giving her a wide, toothy smile.  
“Twins.” Now facing him and matching his grin  
For the first time the news had sunk in and didn’t put the fear of God into them, Chris’s hand finding her small bump, cradling it and pulling her into his arms. “We got this Evans.” He whispered their mantra against her temple before placing a longing kiss to it. “God I really hope they’re boys, I can’t take being outnumbered by 4 of you!” Making Yn laugh next to him, her hand falling over his on her bump. 
Chris held up the sonogram picture with his free hand, they both admired it and pointing out the two small marks. “Twin 1. Twin 2.” Yn said softly, pointing to each. 
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