#court of darkness x reader
dotster001 · 8 months
Summary: Dia Akedia x gn!reader Unfortunately for your sleepy self, your boyfriend's love language is biting.
A/N: inspired by my cat, and Dia's lack of embarrassment. Very short, but hopefully still enjoyable.
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You would like to think that, after so long in Saligia, you'd have adapted to the sleep schedule. But, sometimes, your body relapsed. It would remember how “morning time” used to be when you would wake up, and “night time” was when you slept.
Day's like today, you would just sleep through your first class. Not that your paramour cared. He intended to skip class. What he didn't like was that you weren't paying attention to him.
“Y/N,” he whispered, as he snuggled even closer to you. You were only vaguely aware of him, opting to grumble and turn your back to him.
“Y/N,” he whined, pressing his lips to your neck, planting sloppy wet kisses along it.
You grumbled some more, swatting vaguely around you.
He huffed. He leaned back into your neck again, and bit down.
“Dia, no,” you whined, pulling your blanket over your head. “Let me sleeeeeep.”
You heard an unexcited “hmph”, and for a moment, you thought he would just lay back down and go to sleep. Maybe cuddle with you a little.
Then you felt a puff of warm air on a part of your hip that was not completely covered by the blanket, and before you could react, he'd bit again.
You made yourself even smaller under the blanket, tucking it in around yourself so there were no gaps for him to get under. This time, you heard a “grr”. 
“Diaaaaaaaa, I need sleep!”
Now you heard a grumbling of words in, what sounded like, latin, as he began searching for the edge of the blanket so that he could drag it off you.
“I. Want. You. To. Love. Me.” He punctuated each word with a yank at the blanket. 
“I do love you. I just love you more when you let me sleep,” you whined, fighting just as hard to keep the blanket on on your still sleepy body. A particularly hard yank sent Dia tumbling off the bed, but it also meant you were now completely defenseless. He quickly got up, and leapt on top of you, laying his entire weight on you, as he leaned in and nibbled your cheek, quickly moving to nibble the tip of your nose.  You grabbed your pillow from under your head, and hit him on the head with it.
He froze, glaring at you.
“I want to sleep,” you said, firmly.
“Fine,” he said cooly, standing up and leaving the room, but not before kicking the blanket slightly out of reach.
You stood up to grab the blanket, laid yourself back down and snuggled up in the most comfortable way ever. Then you closed your eyes.
And it was then that you realized you had lost all your sleep fighting him off.
You reopened your eyes and growled in frustration. You stood up, got dressed, then made the trek to your, soon to be smug ass, boyfriend’s room.
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ithseem · 11 months
Hijabi MC Shenanigans+Headcanons in Saligia
Guy: *tries to kiss MC in the beginning*
MC, punching him: NO KISSING
Toa: This has absolutely no alcohol content. Have you ever HAD wine before?
MC: No, nor do I ever plan to because my religion STRICTLY FORBIDS EVEN GOING NEAR THE STUFF
MC be dodging his advances like a Bollywood action movie protagonist
MC: At least I can have some semblance of normalcy
Lynt tryna use her as a pillow, but she politely declines, since her religion forbids her from coming into contact with men
Other Things That May or May Not Have Happened
MC draping her duvet over her head as a makeshift hijab when unexpected visitors come
MC gets caught washing her feet in the sink for wudhu
MC feeling incredibly disoriented bc she has no idea which way the Qiblah (the direction of the Kabah in Mecca) is, so offering prayer is a nightmare and a half
MC lowkey upset bc the Quran does not exist in Saligia (iirc). And Lou wishes he could help
Rio and Thoma getting worried about MC during Ramadhan (whenever that is. It's super stressful not knowing when the Islamic calendar lines up with the calendar here) bc she's going from dawn till dusk without food or drink for a month
MC happily answering her friends' questions about her religion (they are genuinely curious)
MC's S-Rank friends apologizing for what they did in the first few chapters (I cannot be certain if they fully understand the true ramifications of what they've done, but they feel bad regardless, since they don't like to see MC upset)
Lance would be genuinely curious about her religion also and try to make a safe space for her (Lance doesn't discriminate, a person in need of a safe space is a person in need of a safe space)
Sherry and Violet go shopping with MC often and they often find some really cute and modest clothes for her
J*sper is normal in this AU, so he actually respects her religion
Tino freaks out and profusely apologizes whenever he accidentally makes something haram to eat for her. Knight would also do the same
Grayson wondering why she only eats fruits and vegetables here, and she tell him that she is not sure if the meats are halal, and she does not want to take any chances and accidentally eat something haram
to all the hijabi CoD players, I write this for you
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leander-simp · 1 year
How the princes plus Lance, Lou, and Dia are in bed.
Most definitely silently moans and grunts while degrading you every here and there.
Prefers to be intimate in the missionary and lotus position.
He would probably be intimate almost anywhere if you are able to convince him to do so.
Last for about 3 rounds maximum.
How loud his moans are tend to vary on the location, per say either of your bed chambers. He will most likely let out moans loud enough for the entire academy to hear.
Loves to be intimate at any chance given despite the location.
Loves the missionary and cowgirl position but still does the other positions.
5 rounds maximum.
Praises you most of the time during your intimate session while letting out moans here and there.
Prefers to be intimate in the bedchambers so that no one can see how good he makes you and how intimate he can be.
Missionary position most of the time or cow girl if he is too tired.
2 rounds at best.
He is a praise machine.
Prefers locations that are private whether it be that bath tub or the S-rank dining hall during lectures.
Cow girl and doggy style positions are his favorite of them all.
About 4 rounds.
Silent moans and whimpers.
Either of your bedchambers, bathrooms or somewhere that he can lay down and sleep afterwards
Cow girl or reverse cowgirl position.
1 or 2 rounds depending on his drive during that day.
Praises, moans and whimpers the whole time.
His bedchambers or the dining hall.
All positions.
6 rounds maximum.
Aquia(? Aquawei? He is Guy's younger brother.)
Whimpers and cries. (He is crying due to sensitivity as he is sensitive.)
Always in his or your bedchambers.
Cow girl position.
2 rounds maximum.
Doesn't care about the location, just as long as he gets to be intimate with you.
Doggy style position.
3 rounds.
Volume of his moans vary on the location.
Missionary, lotus and 69 positions.
Mostly his bedchambers or in the forest.
4 rounds.
Moans, grunt, whimpers, cries (sometimes) all of it.
Doesn't care at all.
He's the headmaster, what are the students going to do if you both are being intimate in the garden? Or the library?
Due to his high magic capacity. He can go for more than 5 rounds. 7 rounds maximum.
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onedayimgonnasnap · 14 days
What is one fact(or facts) that the CoD community need to accept
that I’m the hottest bitch alive 😩
Lou is not a good person
Guy is not a good love interest and trauma or whatever he went through does not excuse his dumb ass
assper doesn’t need rights
The knight being tall in his route felt weird as if it was showing how “short men can’t be mature” it felt really weird
don’t correct my grammar
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courtofmatchups · 21 days
Hello everyone 🤍❤️💚🖤
I am Majed from Gaza, from the north of the Strip.
My family and I were displaced to the south. After 188 days of exhaustion, constant fear, and losing everything we owned, we were displaced to Egypt and paid a large sum, but some of my family and all our loved ones are still suffering in Gaza💔. We don't have residency here, so that's what makes it complicated. I also set a goal of 6,000, which is a short-term goal
Of the total specified amount.
Your donation, no matter how small, will make a big difference in my life and the lives of my children 🙏🏼🇵🇸🍉
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marutsuia · 9 months
Prologue || Court of Darkness (pt.1)
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Summary: Justice for the Court of Darkness MC! A rewrite of the prologue.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: Thanks to @scrumptiousfirepanda for requesting! I got 2 requests for Court of Darkness, and I will do them both, but starting with the request for the prologue so that you have context! I not only wanted to make the MC stand up for herself, but I wanted her to not be magically useless, so I came up with some changes that I hope make sense. Enjoy!
"Voila! Today's offerings are served," You announced as you finished putting plates down on the table in front of the framed photos of your parents.
"Parentals... Today's feast consists of fried rice from the fridge, standard wilted greens, and delicious pork." You clarify to the altar, taking a breath as you bowed your head, in a silent prayer.
Your wide eyed, adorable black cat, stood next to you, "Mew." He said and you chuckled, "Saying your own prayers, Salem? What a good boy," You pet him, feeling his head nuzzle into your hand and his body move to match the shape of your palm.
"Are you hungry?" You asked him, opening a can of wet food. He meowed relentlessly, excited at the prospect of dinner. You chuckled and turned around, ready to put his bowl down, but instead of seeing him there, he was at the window, staring outside.
That was odd. Normally, he would be all over it. Nothing had ever managed to take his attention enough away from his precious wet food. Something immediately felt wrong to you, a pit forming in your stomach.
"Salem?" You called cautiously as you approached, warily opening the window to get a look. The moon was blood red, and you felt a chill. Something was definitely off. That's not normal.
When you felt the moon sucking you in, you instantly shut the window, "What is going on?" You asked as you felt a bout of dizziness overtake you. You stepped back, tripping over something as you began to faint, but you didn't hit the ground.
It felt as though a rift opened up, and you fell. Down, down, down. Deep into a pit of darkness. It wasn't like the kind of fall that you felt when you were about to fall asleep, no... This was much more real. The wind was whipping through your hair, and you could see your apartment getting smaller and smaller, and you could see Salem, standing at the edge, looking at you, alarmed.
Screams came through your throat, and you watched as Salem jumped down with you, the hole closing up behind him. "What the hell is going on?!" You screamed, continuing to fall at breakneck speed.
All of a sudden, yours and Salem's fall slowed, your hair no longer whipping in the rough winds, and you felt your body tilt backwards, almost as though it was being laid down by some sort of force, and your eyes felt heavy. No matter how much you tried to fight it, they closed, and you fell unconscious, feeling something tickle your skin.
The darkness faded away, and you were left laying on the ground, in a bed of flowers.
"Hello? You okay?" A distant voice called and your eyelids twitched, opening with a flutter. Your surroundings were different. In fact, they were like nothing you'd ever seen before.
"Ah, there you are. Time to get up I think." A young man with purpleish white hair tied into a braid, and an extravagant purple coat and purple eyes said with a handsome smile.
You sucked in a breath, sitting up on your elbows and moving back a bit, "Who the hell are you?" You spat. Before he answered, he saw as you looked around, panicked. An imposing building stood before you, in the lavish garden.
You gasped, standing up and rubbing your jeans down from the flower petals. "What the fuck kinda dream is this?" You mumbled under your breath.
"If only this was a dream. Then, there would be no rules and you and I could do whatever we liked. You have such lovely dark eyes, treasure. Care to take a turn with me?" You didn't miss the seductive, flirtatious tone coming from the man.
You took a step back from him, "Stay away from me!" You warned, scurrying back, but tripping over something, causing the man to reach out and grab you.
"Gods!" The second he grabbed you to steady you, his whole body was engulfed in a violet flame reminiscent of twilight.
You looked at it with wide eyes. Magic?!
"This should not be possible. I'm carrying a stone that prevents this," He said to himself, in shock.
"How can this be?" Another voice called, belonging to a princely figure with pink-blond hair, and that was when you realized you were basically being watched by a group of men.
"Fenn's radiating power," A sleepy looking blond man with green eyes said, surprised.
"So the light just now was your doing, was it? Explain yourself." A pale man with blue hair, blue eyes and clothes asked.
That was when you quickly gathered your wits and shoved the guy called Fenn off you.
"Making eyes at women again, are we?" An intimidating looking guy with dark hair and red eyes approached.
"Hm? Who and what are you?" He got closer to you and scowled, glaring.
He leaned down, meeting your eyes, "Get away from me!" You shouted and pulled away. "Your eyes are as black as jet... It cannot be." He continued to glare.
"Would I be correct in saying this girl has enhanced Fenn's powers?" The blue-haired man asked.
You don't say anything as you slowly start to back away while they're talking.
"Calm down, Guy. You, too, Toa." The guy in green urged. "You're frightening her." He said and moved to stand beside you.
"Are you alright?" He asked, putting a hand on your shoulder, and as soon as he did, his body was enveloped in a green fire. "Well, now," The guy in green said.
"My word!" Toa and Guy called at the same time.
"Such radiance... I daresay this is a magical flame." The princelike man exclaimed.
At this display, you shoved his hand off of you, taking more steps back. "It leaves you at a loss for words, doesn't it?" Fenn said, still glowing.
"She's something else, isn't she?" The man dressed in green replied.
"Guy, do you think she could be--" The prince asked.
"Yes. There is no doubt." Guy replied.
"You there." He called and approached you, causing you to try to back away faster. His gaze raked over your body, and unbeknownst to you, he liked what he saw. "Your name."
You refused to answer, glaring at him. You felt the corners of your mind begin to clench, as an uninvited force tried to enter.
No. Go away!
You gritted your teeth, clenching your jaw as you tried to stop it from entering, but Guy noticed and tilted his head to the side, driving his powers further. "I will ask you one more time. Tell. Me. Your. Name."
This time, you couldn't resist, "Y/n Y/l/n." You replied.
"Now then. Where do you come from?" He asked.
You fight your lips, pressing them into a line, but after a moment, you can't hold it back, telling him your entire address.
"What kind of a place is that? I've never heard of it." Guy scowled, angrily.
"Hard as it may be to believe, I suggest she may be a trespasser upon our world." Toa said.
"Meow!" Salem jumped out of a bush, causing the men to look surprised. You took this as your opportunity, scooping him up and making a run for it.
"No, wait! Please!" The princelike one shouted after you but you ignored him.
"Salem, where the hell are we?!" You shouted, as you made it to a colossal gate.
"Halt." You heard a voice call and looked up to see the men floating. "Where do you suppose you're going? Try not to make trouble, will you?" Guy glared and you glared back at him, your face and voice turning into one of anger.
"Go to hell!" You shouted, pushing the heavy gate open and continuing to run.
They continued to pursue you while having a chat as though they weren't chasing someone. "Guy, you mustn't glare at people. How many times must I remind you to be a gentleman?" Fenn asked, disappointedly.
"And you seem to have gotten to big for your britches since you got that magical boost. Does he look even more unhinged than usual or am I imagining things?" Toa replied.
"I am rather giddy; I feel as though I could do anything right now. And that was but a touch of her, imagine what a kiss could do."
"I'd rather die!" You screamed over your ragged breaths.
"Hey. Hands to yourself." Guy said, ignoring you.
"Don't scowl so... It isn't very becoming." Fenn smirked.
The princelike man suddenly descended in front of you, blocking your path, "Y/n, was it?" He asked and you stared at him. "I'm Roy. You needn't be so frightened of us, you know. We intend you no harm." He gave you a charming smile.
"I find that very hard to believe." You said, panting.
"We aren't the scary sort. You can trust us." The man in green also descends in front of you, and it gives you pause. These two seem to be the least problematic.
"It's not you I'm worried about." You clarified.
The other men descend too, "Let us test this theory." Toa called and you turned. Before your eyes even managed to focus on what you were looking at, Toa, grabbed your face, his cool hand chilling your warm cheeks, and his body was engulfed in blue flame.
You wrenched your face out of his grip, "Will you stop touching me?!" You shouted at all of them.
"Wait your turn. The first taste is mine." Guy ordered and you groaned, your heart hammering against your chest as you felt a burst of rage.
"Don't you dare!" You shouted, backing away as he advanced on you, and you bumped into the two men.
"Hold on, Guy--" The man in green tried to say, but Guy grabbed you by your waist. "A simple touch can accomplish all of this?" Guy asked, shocked, as fire exuded from his body, and you tried to wrench out of his grip.
"How dare you! I should go first." Toa retorted.
"Do. Not. Move." Guy ordered, ignoring Toa's protests as that force tried to weasel its way into your mind again. At first it took hold, and you stood still as a statue, as well as all the other men.
"I'm frozen!" The man in green said.
"All four of us at the same time? How is that possible?" Fenn asked.
"Her touch has amplified Guy's powers." Roy said.
"Your lips are mine and mine alone." Guy promised, leaning in closer. You felt more rage burst through your form, and as soon as he got close enough, with you trying to move and will your mind to escape this power, you felt the chain on your brain snap.
As soon as you realized you were able, you slapped him across the face. Everyone, who had been frozen before, were no longer under the spell due to your breaking it. But they still stood still as statues, jaws dropped as you moved out of Guy's grip and took off running once more, Salem still in your arms.
"That is quite enough." A man in an extravagant white cloak blocked your path, his hood covering his head and face.
"Headmaster," Toa called, still in the nonmagical trance you put on him by breaking out of a powerful spell and slapping Guy.
"Get away from her at once. That means every single one of you." The headmaster said an you took in a breath, trying to put some distance between yourself and this man encased in white.
"What do you want? Here to try to force me into submission, too? I promise you it will not work!" You growled, your tired voice brimming with fire.
"Poor dear. You need not look so petrified, you know." The headmaster said and you glared at him.
"Petrified?! No, sir, I am furious," You seethed, putting your cat down on the ground for a moment, "You're a headmaster, yes? These men are students?" You started and everyone watched with bated breath, "What kind of bullshit institution are you running, that your own students resort to acting like disgusting swine the moment they get the inclination of power?"
The headmaster stayed silent, listening to you, "Hey, woman--" Toa looked ready to stop you but the headmaster put up a hand to calm him, allowing you to continue.
"I am not an object. I will not be used as such. Not by any man. Magical or otherwise. Get your pigs under control." You spat and picked up your cat, ready to walk again, but the headmaster stopped you.
"Let me go." You warned, but he wordlessly raised his hand in command, and you felt something wrap around your neck. You touched it, feeling a chocker with a pendant hanging off it.
"That little bauble will be your salvation." He offered and you looked at him in confusion.
"No doubt, you are overwhelmed, having found yourself here of all places." You looked at him, a glare still present in your curious eyes, "This world is entirely unlike the place from whence you came. It is the magical realm." He explained.
"I beg your pardon?" You shot, your voice incredulous.
"The human world in which you live is divergent from our own."
You swallowed hard. "This is too much. I am in a phantasmagoric nightmare." You put your palm against your face, your voice sounding exasperated. "This is no nightmare." He said.
"Your very existence here will shake this world to its foundations. You, not only have the ability to give others power, but your own powers in themselves are stronger than anything this realm has seen." He clarified, raising his hand to perform some kind of spell.
You felt your eyelids grow heavy, but you tried to fight it. This was no time to fall asleep. "Don't fight it, child. That strength of yours will be put to good use, if nurtured." He said and you continued to fight it, standing up on your own two feet.
Everyone watched you with bated breath, as your forehead began to collect with sweat. Your body was warming up from fighting against the magic, and having already fought and broken Guy's powerful spell, you were worn out.
Your vision began to tilt and you fell onto the ground, whole body slick with sweat, but your eyes were still open. "Very impressive, Ms. Y/n. But I must urge you to rest." The headmaster said and you shook your head. "No... No..." You could feel your consciousness slipping, and you desperately tried to get a grip on it, but it just became harder and harder, until you couldn't fight it anymore.
"You are a rare and wonderful creature. But until you learn to hone that incredible power you hold within you, you represent nothing but an evil omen to the magical realm." The way he said it made it sound like you had the ability to be the strongest villain their world had ever seen. As though if you weren't trained and given the right direction, you could reduce their world to nothingness, with your own two hands.
And everyone should be frightened.
You felt something wet touching your hand and your eyelids twitched a few times, slowly opening. "Salem..." You mumbled, opening your eyes.
"Good morning, milady." You heard a smooth, elegant voice call and you looked over, seeing Salem with wings and his mouth opening and closing.
You screamed, jumping and accidentally falling off the bed. "What the hell?!"
"Are you alright?" He asked, and you stared at him dumfounded. "You can talk!" You pointed out, shocked.
"I understand your surprise, having never been to the magical realm before, I'm as thrilled as you are!" Salem exclaimed. His voice kind of suited his pitch black appearance. It was a little bit deeper than you would have thought, but still fitting. He had a posh accent, too, and you were dumfounded.
"All will be well, milady. You have nothing to fear as long as I am with you." He nodded, assuredly puffing out his chest and naming himself your protector.
"Lord have mercy..." You huffed, desperately, wondering what would become of you, now that you realized this was no dream.
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pet-pet-peet · 2 years
CoD Characters and Their Hug Preferences
Clingy and protective; he holds you everyday, all the time, whenever you're together. Doesn't want to get his hands off of you for even a minute. He just loves the security; the feeling that you're in his arms and no harm could come to you while he has you. Typically the initiator, yet if you begin to hug him first he will melt. When you initiate hugs, he feels loved in a way he never has and wants to drink the feeling in as much as he could. So he's typically the big spoon, but he absolutely kills to be the little spoon. __________ Fenn, Dia, Roy, Aquia, Lynt, Rio, Tino __________ Pda isn't necessarily his thing, but if you want a hug then he has no reason to deny you one. Has a strong hold but the hugs are fleeting. He just much prefers to wait until you're alone in one of your rooms, then he doesn't have to hold back. He holds you while he studies, or reads, or just while you're talking casually about something. Completely different person behind closed doors for sure. __________ Jasper, Grayson, Knight, Toa, Lou __________
Will not hug you in public, but also won't push you away. He has a reputation to uphold, an image to cater, he can't let people see him soft and lovey-dovey. Behind closed doors he can make up for the lack of reciprocated affection, but he'd much prefer it not be in public where people can use it against him or you. __________
Guy, Lance
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
Hi. Can you write Roy x female reader fic? Where Roy finds reader crying because of stress and studies. He comforts her and kisses her on the forehead. Pretty please 🥺💗🌷
I physically can't stop myself from writing this now that I saw it
I'm gonna try and write this in one sitting
Watch me do that
Everything was going wrong today. First is was a failed test, next it was a failed potion, and after that it was a failed project and then an assignment. Assignments were pilling up day after day after countless failed attempts and essays because of these failed assignments started pilling up even more.
Classes ended early today, which is good because I don't think I could handle anymore fails and scoldings from my professors. Sure, some tried to help me, but they couldn't do my work for me.
The moment the bell rang I packed my stuff and ran out of the classroom. I needed to be alone right now. Where should I go so I can be alone? My dorm? No... Robin is in there and I don't want to worry him. Maybe the bathroom? But someone might walk in there... There were only so many places I could go to, and none of them were any good. The S-ranks should still be in their classes, right? Maybe the rooftop should be ok...
I quickly made sure no one was following me then I went to the rooftop. I looked around and found a nice spot near some flowers. Maybe these will make me feel better. I sit down and looked at the variety of flowers. Speaking of flowers, wasn't there an assignments about flowers today too?
Great. that makes me feel even worse.
I hug my knees and hide my face in them. What should I do about all that work? Am I really that stupid to not understand something I should know? I get I'm not from this world, but I've been here long enough to know these things by now! I try wiping away some tears that showed up yet they never seem to go away. Ugh, why am I crying? I shouldn't be crying over something so stupid...
"Miss- Oh!" I looked up to find a surprised Roy. "Are you alright?" He asks with worry on his face. Oh boy now he's done it. I try wiping my tears away on my sleeve but even more seem to replace them.
"I-" I choke on my words from both tears and not knowing what to say to him. I feel him sit down next to me and he hands me a handkerchief. I take it gratefully and wipe my seemingly never-ending flow of tears. We stay in silence for some time and I've somewhat calmed down in that time.
"May I ask what caused you this much distress?" Roy's voice is soft and gentle. "Is there any particular way I may help?" I take a deep breath before answering.
"I... I'm sorry for bothering you with this..." My voice shakes as I say this. "It's stupid..."
Roy puts a hand on my shoulder, "If it causes you to be this upset, it surely has a good reason for it." I stay silent for a moment to try and think of the right thing to say.
"I... I'm just... Everything is too much right now..." I start off. "I keep messing up everything and I can't seem to get any of it right and so much work has pilled up and I can't finish it all and-" before I know it, I'm crying again. Roy pulls me into a side hug and I lean into him. We stayed like that for some time. It was peaceful. Comforting. It was nice.
"Miss MC..." Roy says. I feel Roy kiss my forehead and I blush. "Please, allow me to assist you when you need it."
"Allow me to rid of some of your burden, even for a short time. Allow me to help you with this." My face feels like it's on fire as I stare up at him.
"I- Why would- Huh???"
"I deeply cherish you, Miss MC. I dislike seeing you like this." He smiles at me and takes my hand. I'm shocked into silence from what happened and Roy's fingers traces patterns on my hand.
I take a deep breath, "I... I care about you a lot too Roy." Now it's Roy's turn to be surprised, though he quickly composes himself and smiles at me.
"I am pleased to hear you share the same sentiment." I suddenly realize I've stopped crying all together now.
"Oh! Uh- Your handkerchief-"
He lightly chuckles, "You need not worry about it. All that matters is that you've stopped crying." I feel myself blush and I look away.
"I'm sor-" A sudden realization hits me. "Wait, how come you aren't in class? I thought the S-rank lectures were still happening?"
"Those finished not too long before I came here." Was I out here for that long? If felt shorter...
Roy got up and gave me his hand. "The next time you feel like this, please seek my assistance. As I said before, I wish to assist you in any way I am able. If you have any questions, I hope you will come to me." I grab his hand and stand up.
"Yes... Thank you again, Roy. I truly appreciate it." He gives me a kind smile.
"I look forward to the visit. Please don't be afraid to ask me anything you need me for. I hope to see you soon." With that, Roy walks off and his hand separate from mine. I feel the warmth on my hand linger as he walks away. As I process what just happened, I can't seem to wonder...
"Wait... Was I just somewhat confessed to?!"
I hope you liked it 💕
I did in fact write this in one sitting
I am very proud of this because it forced me to write
Thank you Anon for helping me write and do something productive for once 💀
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pieground · 2 years
To Love The Prince That He Is
In participation to @voltagefandomproject
☄️╎Roy x Reader
☄️╎Spoilers from Chapters 20 &21 (Roy's Route)
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Love, they say, was the cruelest curse of all. It wasn't until those amber eyes told you why.
Roy is a picture-perfect prince. That much, everybody knows. But you knew that under all of that lavish garments and picturesque smiles was a tangled mind with a brewing potion of remorse. He has the hunger to prove that can only be satiated by achieving his goal, thus he'd take every possible means to have it, to have it his way. That's what being the prince made him, the boy inside him cries ceaselessly; his needs turned into greed and envy. Roy's eyes of amber and citrine can never hide that truth the same way his lips can paint the perfectly polite smile he always has.
Then one night, it became too much.
In the empty ballroom, after the guests have left, you took his hand; they were cold. Most likely because of what happened during the party, when nobles whispered of criticism and judgment, purposely making him feel a lot more on edge than he should have. 
Then there it was again, that beautiful empty smile… you wonder, that if you show him a mirror, would he be able to see what you're seeing right now? A mask full of cracks.
Before a word could be spoken of your mouth to reassure him, he winced. Long graceful fingers then captured your jaw, leading you to stare directly into those yellow pools of topaz irises. It reminded you of what it's like to be held captive and somehow, you felt both sad and relieved. 
Keeping silent, you anticipate the words that will fall from his lips.
“Love. The. Prince. That. I. Am.”
There it is.
You knew it. Deep inside, you're aware that it is only a matter of time before Roy does something like this. As if a haze covered your mind, you went into a short state of a dream wherein you saw a genuine smile on his face. The sensation of falling didn't wake you but Roy's arms which caught you midfall. He was holding you against his chest, mumbling incoherent words while his lips stayed buried in the top of your head.
He must be whispering apologies, you think. But you knew better than to tell him that the ancient magic didn't work; he will never be able to forgive himself. This way, he will be able to tell you what he needs without putting you first. 
This is for him too.
It may feel wrong, but that's just how it is. Let the forgiving only be yours; love, after all, is the cruelest curse of all and however this ends, it is the consequence of loving the prince that he is.
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shytastemakerthing · 10 months
I know I asked you for a matchup before, but I like your writing too much. I'd like a matchup for myself this time for either Obey Me or Court of Darkness (I don't want to be paired with Guy or Jasper lmao)
Appearance: I am a 165 cm tall, average build, South Asian woman. I have wavy black hair that reaches my shoulders and I usually dress in South Asian attire, usually salwar-kameez. I also wear glasses. I don't really feel comfortable going out without them 😅
My MBTI and enneagram: INTJ 5w4
Star sign: Sagittarius sun, Virgo moon and rising
Sexuality: demiromantic asexual
Personality: I'm pretty calm, collected and hard-working for the most part. People say I'm intelligent, quiet, and polite. I can be sarcastic at times, although people often say it's hard to tell when I'm being sarcastic. I'm probably the most emotional unemotional person I know. I don't really show a whole lot of facial expressions, but I do feel things more deeply than people give me credit for. I also tend to get overwhelmed easily, especially when I'm in really noisy places for prolonged periods of time (RIP ADHD and Autism). When people get to know me, they say that I'm a good listener and that they feel safe to speak their mind to me. I also have a tendency to overestimate my own capacity to do work, so I often bite off more than I can chew and end up burnt out. I do this because most of the time, I can do a lot of things efficiently without breaking a sweat. Regardless, I still finish what I set out to do.
My favourite hobbies include reading, playing video games, listening to classical and lofi hip-hop, and making art. I especially like to draw and paint things that radiate a sense of comfort, nostalgia and serenity. Someone also told me that my artworks also hold a sort of innocence in the composition of the shapes, colours and the overall vibe of what I draw/paint.
Also, I kin Mishiro Usui from Blank Dream and Es from Alter Ego
I hope this is enough information for a matchup. Thanks for taking the time to read this
Hello! Thank you for the request and I am finally getting around to trying and finishing these up at long last. I hope that you enjoy reading!
Note: The match-ups are a little shorter for right now as I still have about 45 more of these I have to answer that have been sitting in the inbox and I feel so bad for having them all sit for so long. So much has happened in these last several months that I've just been on the brink of exhaustion at all times. Also, if the formating is weird, I'm typing this on a computer cause my phone be struggling lately.
TW: None
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I match you with..........
Lynt Akedia
This sleepy prince absolutely loves it if you decide to read to him, though the chances are that he will actually find himself dozing off to the sound of your voice, more invested in listening to you at this point than to the story. Chances are, he has already read it, he just loves to listen to you talk.
Sometimes he is a bit lost as to just how hard-working you are, given he is a bit more of the opposite, but he finds this trait of yours to be rather endearing and it is something he admires about you. It's not all the time that he sees people such as yourself. I makes him smile.
As the resident peacekeeper between the many princes given how much he does not like conflict, seeing you start to grow more on edge as certain conflicts arise, this is where you will see him trying harder for you to try and get things resolved as quickly and as smoothly as possible. It's one of the ways that he shows how he cares.
Given how you are able to see how others are around you, how they feel and such, you just know when Lynt is not feeling his best, especially if you've found him alone and reading one of the books from his grandfather, or asleep, or even asleep while holding said book. He never really conveyed just how much he felt all that much with others, but you are someone who understands him, who will actually listen to what it is that he has to say, and he is thankful for that trait of yours each and every day.
As a prince, he does not really have any issues financially, so if he sees that there are certain paints or any other art supplies you are in low stock of, he makes sure to get them just for you. There's no need to thank him, the smile on your face and the shine in your eyes when he gives them to you is payment enough.
Overall, the sleepy prince knows he can just relax around you, that you are there for him if he needs to actually get something off of his chest instead of just sleeping it away. Such things have certainly improved several aspects of his life, and he could never thank you enough for just being there for him.
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autumnshighlady · 9 months
Run For Your Life
Dark!Azriel x reader
summary: you have a stalker who has been following you for a while, and suddenly things escalate
warnings: DARK DARK DARK FIC! seriously, Az is a psycho stalker, dubious consent, oral sex (m and f receiving), voyeurism, masturbation, violent language, oh did i mention Az is insane in this fic
word count: 7.2k
see the playlist for this fic
this fic is the reason I'm never getting into heaven. y'all better enjoy it. let me know your thoughts! also it's heavily inspired by the book Haunting Adeline, which isn't a good thing haha. also none of this is proofread sorry lmao
seriously, this is a dark fic. consent is dubious at best, reader is definitely coerced. read at your own risk.
Darkness began to creep in, the shadow of the mountains swallowing the edges of Velaris. For most people in the city, the evening brought a new sense of life to the community. They’d go out dancing at the various pubs, or browsing the night market in the town square. Shop owners would be headed home to their families, content after a long day’s work. Everyone in Velaris looked forward to the hours after dusk.
Everyone except you.
While the crowds rushed towards the city centre, you went the opposite way towards your house on the edge of town. You hurried down the winding path, the noise from the city growing faint. A cold breeze stung your cheeks, making you walk faster. You clutched your bag tightly to your chest, a faint yet distinct sound of footsteps echoing in your ears.
He knew how to be quiet, yet he was making noise anyway.
Your heart raced as the footsteps grew closer. You didn’t break into a sprint like your instincts screamed at you to. He had never hurt you, never even come close. It was a game he seemingly liked to play with you – make his presence known and set your teeth on edge, creeping closer only to disappear at the last minute. Every time you turned around at the sound of his footsteps, there wasn’t a trace of a person anywhere near you. At first, you thought you were going crazy. But after a few weeks, you realised it was him.
Teeth chattering in the wind, you pushed through the gate to your house. The footsteps behind you had vanished, but you knew he was somewhere nearby. Watching. You could always tell when he was there – the world around you seemed colder, more silent, like the quiet before the breaking of a storm that never came. You would get a chill up your spine, as if invisible shadows were gently licking at your skin. That’s how you knew he was there.
You closed the door behind you as you entered your house, fiddling with the seven locks you had bought and added to the door. You grabbed your bag and pulled out yet another lock, one that had cost you a pretty penny. The shop keeper had assured you that it had an ironclad spell on it, making it impossible to be picked or broken. But that didn’t matter, he would somehow find a way through it just like he had with the other seven.
After installing the heavy lock, you scanned your house’s main room. Nothing appeared out of order, everything was where you left it. There was no eerie chill in your house, indicating that your shadow had not been inside today. Content as one could be in this situation, you made quick work of getting ready for bed. Your stomach screamed at you to get something to eat, but you ignored it. Your pantry door creaked open, but you grabbed the handle and slammed it shut. You could tell that he disliked when you went to bed without dinner, but after the long day you had, you couldn’t be bothered to care.
Weary, you climbed under the covers, knowing that somehow he was still watching. Despite all your curtains being closed and windows being bolted shut, he would still find a way to watch. He never touched anything – you or anything in your house, which reassured you enough to drift into sleep.
Until the next day.
You woke up to the smell of an omelette filling your nostrils. Blinking away the last blissful sensations of sleep, you sat up in bed and sighed before pulling on your fuzzy robe and waddling out to the kitchen. The fogginess around your head instantly cleared as you approached the counter, noticing a fresh veggie and cheese omelette sitting on a plate by your usual stool. A tall glass of orange juice was carefully placed next to it, and a bouquet of midnight-blue roses were perched in your previously empty vase.
Your stomach did a backflip. This was new. Your shadow had never done anything like this before – he had been content just to observe you, to play with your fear like a cat toying at a mouse. Evidently, he didn’t like being ignored. The rational part of your brain wondered if the meal was poisoned somehow, a trap designed to render you unconscious or dead. But some sick part of you knew that it was safe, and urged you to eat it.
You weren’t stupid, you knew he was a stalker. You were pretty sure you knew who he was, too. There was only one male in the Night Court with the ability to be so discreet. As an advanced linguist, the High Lord had come to you several weeks ago for help on decoding an ancient language from a manuscript. Alongside him was his spymaster, whose intense hazel eyes sent a chill down your spine much like the one that haunted you now.
If it was indeed the spymaster who was your shadow, then you had no hope. He was the best there was when it came to spying – there was no chance of anyone being able to help you. Not that you’d told anyone about it. If you had, they would never believe you.
So you accepted your fate, doing your best to live your everyday life with a haunting presence always a few steps away. Begrudgingly, you took a seat on your stool and took a bite of the omelette. It was still warm, and you scoffed. Surprisingly, it was delicious, better than anything you could cook for yourself. A cool but soft sensation gently stroked at your cheek, as if to praise you for eating. You ignored it, glancing at the door you had bolted shut last night.
It was still closed, but every single lock was undone.
A few days later, your shadow had made a new routine. You had gone to bed again without eating, and the exact same thing happened every morning – you’d wake up to a freshly cooked breakfast. Soon enough, you found yourself going to bed without eating on purpose, knowing he’d make sure you ate in the morning.
It was insane, you knew. Letting him do this to you – watch you while you sleep, eat the food he prepared for you. Evidently, your self preservation instincts were lacking, but you were lying if you said it didn’t send a little thrill through your body knowing he was watching your every move. You felt sacred, yet protected at the same time. It excited that sick part of your brain that relished in the danger of it.
After another long day in your office studying manuscripts, you headed home. For the first time in weeks, there were no echoing footsteps accompanying you. It felt almost lonely, which made you want to slap yourself for your stupidity – who misses being followed? So you walked in silence, an uneasy feeling churning your stomach. Your shadow had stuck to a single routine for weeks, and now things were changing. Now, you were less sure that you were safe in his presence. Yet you didn’t fight it. One way or another, he would get whatever it was he wanted. He would decide when to leave you alone, not you.
Immediately upon entering your home, you knew he had been there. A fresh bouquet of blue roses adorned your table, and there was that eerie chill in the air despite the heat from the fireplace. Heart racing, you set your bag down on the table next to the roses, scanning the room. Everything seemed in order, but something tugged you towards your bedroom. You found yourself blindly following it, anxiety making your bones jitter.
You stepped into your bedroom and gasped. Your bed was perfectly made, despite you leaving it a complete mess this morning. But that wasn’t what grasped your attention. At the foot of the bed there was a rectangular box. It was black, a dark blue ribbon wrapped around it and tied in a perfect bow at the top. There was no card, but you knew who it was from.
Any rational female would have simply grabbed it and thrown it as far away as possible, but the rational side of your brain was losing lately. Your curtain was slightly open, and you knew he was watching through the gap. With shaking hands, you undid the bow, letting the midnight blue ribbon fall from the box. Carefully, you opened the lid, holding your breath as you did so. You expected maybe a decapitated head, or a bloody knife, something to prove just how insane your stalker was. But no, what was inside the box was somehow even more startling.
Within the box was a dark blue nightgown. The cups were lacy and sheer, leaving nothing to the imagination. A small bow adorned the centre of the plunging v-line, and sheer panels of cobalt blue fabric were draped from the lace cups. Folded right next to it was a thong in the same colour, so thin it barely counted as panties. 
“What the fuck?” You wondered aloud, holding up the nightgown. It couldn’t even be classified as a nightgown, the way it covered nothing. You could have sworn a deep chuckle was carried in through the breeze from your window, so faint it was practically inaudible. But you knew he was watching, gauging your reaction.
For the first time, you spoke aloud to him. “No, I am NOT wearing this you sick fuck.” You shouted, tossing the lingerie onto the floor. “I’ll eat your stupid food because it tastes better than anything I can make, but I refuse to put this on. Creep!”
Fuming, you settled into a steaming hot bath. It was the one room your stalker’s presence never entered, the one place you got peace from him. At least he has a shred of decency not to spy on me in the bathroom, you thought bitterly to yourself. He was getting bolder, and his recent gift made you squirm. On the one hand, it was terrifying – a strange male wanting you to wear lingerie for him, breaking into your home day after day and watching you without you even catching a glimpse of him once. But on the other hand, it was exciting. Your life seemed so dull and mundane, having him in it brought excitement to your day.
Yup, you were definitely sick in the head.
You finished your bath and ignored the lingerie, opting for your usual t-shirt and shorts attire. You climbed under the covers, ignoring the eerie presence outside your window. “Go fuck yourself.” You muttered to him as you drifted off into sleep.
The second you woke up, you knew he had done something. Typically, the first thing you did upon sitting up in bed was brushing the hair out of your face, having gone to bed with it loose. Instead, you felt no tendrils of hair sticking to your cheeks. Heart racing, you slowly reached behind your head and felt your hair. To your horror, it was pulled back into a neat braid tied together with a fragment of the blue ribbon from the box. It was slightly damp, as if someone had put an oil in it. Your breaths shortened as you pulled the braid over your shoulder, hands shaking. You noticed the chair in the corner of your room. The lingerie that had been on the floor all night was nearly placed on it, ready to wear.
The message couldn’t be more clear. He was escalating things – not once before had he ever touched you, until last night after you refused to put on the nightgown. Wear it, he seemed to say.
Your throat was dry as you peeled back the covers and walked over to the chair. Today was your day off, and you hadn’t planned on going anywhere. Several chores needed doing around the house – reorganising, cleaning, the works. You’d be damned if you had to do it basically naked. So you scoffed, strolling over to your wardrobe and opening the doors. Every nerve in your body froze as you faced an empty closet.
He had taken all of your clothes to ensure you would put on the lingerie.
You angrily slammed the door. “Fuck you!” You yelled, not knowing which direction to aim your fury at. “If I put on your gift, will you give me my clothes back?”
Something invisible caressed your shoulder. Yes, it seemed to purr.
You rolled your eyes, but took a deep breath and turned back towards the chair. You figured it was better to make him happy, and with a sigh you peeled off your shirt and pants. No doubt he was watching, taking in your naked form – but with the revealing lingerie, he’d be seeing it all regardless. 
Swallowing what little remained of your dignity, you slipped the thong and nightgown on. You tried not to think about how it fit you perfectly, clinging to the shape of your breasts like it was custom made for your frame.
By dusk, you had finally completed all your tasks. It was demeaning, washing dishes with your ass hanging out. No doubt your shadow enjoyed the view. But after a while you had begun to not care, trying to ignore the heat that pooled in your core at the thought of him watching you, exposed like this.
You groaned when you entered your bedroom, finding another gift at the foot of your bed. It was in a smaller, square box this time, but was wrapped the exact same way. “Mother above, what do you want now?” You muttered, sitting down on your bed and ripping the ribbon off your gift. You let out a gasp as you peeled off the lid and peered inside.
At the bottom of the box was a blue vibrator. It was shaped like an L with a white circle at the top and three buttons going down the side. Gingerly, you pressed the bottom button and the small ring at the top began to vibrate gently. So you clicked the top button and pressed the ring into the palm of your hand. The vibrating increased, and sucked at the skin on your hand.
“Fucking hell.” It was a suction vibrator. You knew without a shadow of a doubt what he wanted you to do with it. But you were stubborn, and chucked the device across the room. It hit your wall, and landed on the floor with a thump.
“Absolutely not.” You hissed. “I am drawing the line here.”
Deciding you had lost enough dignity for today, you crawled into bed grumpily and closed your eyes.
Hours passed, but sleep did not come. It felt hot in the room, so you kicked off the sheets, letting your warm skin breathe. You tried everything – counting down from 100, telling yourself a story, but nothing brought the peaceful bliss of sleep. He was watching you, without a doubt, laughing at your pathetic attempts to force your brain to shut down.
But you couldn’t stop thinking about how it might feel to get yourself off while he watched. Once, you had drunkenly confessed to your ex boyfriend that you wanted to explore the idea of being watched while he fucked you, or while you pleasured yourself. You had been shot down instantly, making your cheeks go red with embarrassment. But that hadn’t changed your feelings about it.
You flinched as an invisible shadow gently caressed your cheek. It felt like silk against your skin, cold but comforting. A few seconds later, it skimmed just above the curve of your breast, teasing the edge of the lingerie. 
“What are you–” Your question was cut off by a moan as the shadow flicked over your nipple through the thin fabric. You couldn’t help but arch up into it, your body already tempting to beg for more.
Your breaths became pants as the shadow graced your other nipple, teasing the buds through the fabric. It trailed down your sides before taking up residence on your inner thighs. Without thinking, you spread your legs for the invisible force that was touching your body and making your core heat up. That deep laugh you thought you had heard days ago sounded again, causing your cheeks to turn red. The shadows caressed your inner thigh, crawling up towards your pussy before jumping over to the other leg and starting again.
It was embarrassing how wet you were. Your core was throbbing, begging to be touched. But the shadows denied you, content to ghost over your pussy and continue their dance along your inner thighs. You reached down to grab the bedsheets, but your hand knocked against something hard. It was the vibrator.
He was persistent tonight.
You tried to hold out, to leave the vibrator on the bed and ignore the soft sensations driving your body wild. It went on for so long, to the point where tears began forming in your eyes. If the shadows weren’t going to satisfy you, you’d have to do it yourself.
“This is sick.” You muttered to yourself, grabbing the vibrator. Taking a breath, you switched it on and cranked up the setting. Settling into the sheets and spreading your legs wider, you placed the suctioning ring to your clit. Almost instantly, your body jolted at the intense sensation and you gasped.
A deep, velvety voice sounded in your ear, so low it was almost inaudible above the sound of the vibrator. Good girl.
You gasped louder, chills going down your spine. Your stalker was watching you get off wearing the lingerie he bought for you, and it sent a thrill through your body. You moaned, letting your back arch off the bed as you grinded into the toy. Your core was pulsing, and you nearly screamed when you felt that teasing shadow slip into your hole. It curled inside of you, instantly finding your g-spot. You whimpered at the sensation, as your legs began to twitch, approaching your orgasm at lightning speed. You shamelessly moaned as your orgasm ripped through your body, writhing your hips against the high speed of the vibrator.
You tried to pull it away, but that invisible force stopped you. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't drag your hand away. “No, no, no…” You whimpered pathetically, core screaming from oversensitivity as both the vibrator and the shadow relentlessly attacked it.
Yes, sweetheart. Take it. Give me another one. You heard the voice echo next to your ear.
“I can’t.” You cried, fighting with all your might to move. Yet your hand and hips remained frozen.
Yes, you can. 
You began sobbing, your body having no time to recover from your first orgasm as the second one rapidly approached. The shadow in your pussy pumped in and out even faster, hurling you over the edge just minutes later. 
Your pillow was soaked with your tears, and everything began to go fuzzy. You lost track of the amount of orgasms he forced you through before you passed out.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed when you woke up. Your body was back under the covers, a fresh soft pillow behind your head. You groaned, the memories of last night flooding back like a burst dam. You had never orgasmed so hard in your life, nor so many times in one round. You remembered that voice in your ear, praising you and talking you through it.
You sat up in bed, rubbing your eyes. Instantly, you knew he was there. But it was different this time, closer. You slowly turned your head, and were met with a pair of hazel eyes and towering wings at the foot of your bed.
You inhaled sharply, finally meeting eyes with your stalker – Azriel, the spymaster of the Night Court. “Good morning, sweetheart.” His voice was as cold and smooth as the shadows that teased you last night. 
Finally, after weeks, your survival instinct kicked in. You scrambled off the bed, making a run for the door as fast as you could. Your heart pounded in your throat as you reached for the handle. Before you could grab onto it, a scarred, cold hand clamped down on your wrist. It was like iron, no matter how much you fought, he did not ease up. You closed your eyes, too scared to look at him.
“Let me go!” You screamed, using your free hand to slap his chest as hard as you could. Azriel did not flinch, as if you were nothing more than a fly. He grabbed your other hand, pinning it to your side. He stepped forward, forcing you to walk back until you were pressed against the wall. You felt him lift your arms until they were above your head, hands digging into the cold wood. He held them effortlessly with one hand, his newly free one coming down to stroke your cheek.
“You have such pretty eyes,” He murmured. “Let me see them.”
You sobbed, tears wetting your cheeks. You were terrified – you had heard stories of what the shadowsinger was capable of, the torture he inflicted on his enemies. Was this one of his sick torture methods? And why you? Still, you kept them squeezed shut.
The male growled, his hand gripping your jaw firmly and forcing your chin up. “I said open your eyes. Don’t make me ask again.”
You obliged this time, prying your eyes open to look at him for the first time. He was much taller than you, his muscled frame towering over your own. His short dark hair was tousled, strands of it teasing his forehead and making those hazel eyes look even more menacing. His face was sharp and undeniably beautiful, and Mother above his wings flared menacingly behind him. They were enormous. Your eyes met his – hazel eyes that had watched you, unseen from the shadows for weeks on end.
“Please don’t hurt me.” You said shakily.
His brows furrowed, confusion that looked genuine crossing his features. “Hurt you? Why would I want to do that?”
“Because that’s what you do for a living.” Your voice was meek, and you tried to ignore how smooth his voice was.
“But not you.” He said, thumb stroking your jaw. “Never you. Unless you asked. Gods, I would do almost anything you asked.”
You gulped, jaw beginning to ache from the pressure of his grip. “Including leave me alone?”
Azriel chuckled darkly, leaning in closer. “That’s why I said ‘almost’, princess.” His hand released your jaw, snaking its way down your body and settling on your waist. He gave it a squeeze, letting out a chuckle as you gasped. Your traitorous body giving away the faint scent of arousal that grew at his actions. “Besides, we both know you don’t want that.”
“Leave me alone.” You begged. “I don’t want this.”
“Oh, but your body says otherwise.” Azriel moved his hand down past your hip, cupping your backside and squeezing sharply. More arousal pooled at your core, and you whimpered. “See?” His velvety voice was laced with satisfaction. “You crave my touch. After hearing your sweet moans last night I don’t think I can live another day without hearing them again. I hadn’t even touched you and you came so hard all on your own. You’re going to utterly fall apart when I get my cock inside you, sweetheart. I’m going to ruin you.”
 He pressed his hips into you, letting you feel his massive bulge against your lower stomach. You gasped, the sheer size of it almost unsettling. You felt wetness pool between your legs, and you pressed your knees together. Azriel noticed, and chuckled again. “Do you have any idea how hard I tried to hold off touching myself last night as I watched you?” He purred, lips grazing your ear. “I couldn’t do it. After your second orgasm, I finally pulled out my cock and imagined it was your hand wrapped around it. It took everything in me not to take you right then and there.”
You growled, baring your teeth. “Let. Me. Go.” You hissed, ignoring your body’s desire to give into whatever he wanted.
Azriel sighed, letting go of your wrists and removing his hand from your backside. Your arms dropped down, shoulders aching from being pinned up. You let out a breath, unsure what was going on. “Disappointing,” He said lowly. “I was going to let you have me any way you wanted. I was going to be gentle, take my time, give you whatever you asked. I’d have tied myself up if that’s what you wanted. But have it your way.”
The spymaster took a step back, his eyes going dark. “I’m going to let you run. Run now, and don’t let me catch you.”
Your entire body went cold. What had you gotten yourself into? “And what happens if you catch me?” You asked nervously.
The smile that spread across his lips terrified you. “I fuck you. I claim you whatever way I want, and you take it like a good girl. You can fight it all you want, but you’ll learn your place by the end of the night. Now run.”
You didn’t hesitate before bolting out of the bedroom, throwing your door open and running towards the woods. You didn’t care that you had no shoes, or that you were still in the revealing lingerie. You ignored the freezing bite of the forest air as you ran into it.
You weren’t sure how long you had been running. Azriel had reverted back to his favourite game from when he first began following you – every time you heard footsteps, you ran. They caught up to you, and when you turned around to face him, nobody was there. It was torture, and you were ready to give up. You leaned against one of the trees, gasping for air.
“Giving up yet?” Your shadow’s voice sounded in your ear. You spun around, but he wasn’t there. “You’re making this too fun, sweetheart.” He called from a distance, suddenly further away.
Taking another heaving breath, you forced yourself to run. You zig zagged through the trees, trying to lose him. You knew it was hopeless, that he was just toying with you. But you’d be damned if you didn’t go down trying.
You turned around to see if he was following, and the wind suddenly got knocked out of your lungs as you crashed into a tall figure. You thought you were going to fall on your ass, but strong arms grabbed you and held you upright. You couldn’t help but scream at the surprise. Panting, you looked up and were met with Azriel’s sly grin. “Caught you.” He purred. “Looks like I win.”
You gave up. From the moment he had laid out the lingerie for you, you knew it would come to this. To him having his way with you. It all led to this, and while the thought terrified you, it also ignited something animalistic in you. There had been a certain thrill to running through the forest like a deer being hunted by a lion. Again, that sick and twisted part of your brain won over the sensible part. Deep down, you knew that you wanted this. You had only fought for the sake of your own pride. You craved the thrill.
As if sensing your submission, Azriel leaned down and buried his nose in your neck, inhaling your scent. “You smell so fucking perfect.” He groaned, lips brushing your skin. “I can’t wait to taste you. That's all I’ve been thinking about.”
Suddenly, the world spun around you, and you found yourself back in your bedroom moments later. The warmth was welcome against your ice cold skin, and you were secretly relieved he wasn’t about to fuck you like an animal in the dirty forest. You didn’t have time to question his actions before he bent down and captured your lips in his.
You moaned as his mouth claimed yours with a dominance that made your core wet. There was no romance behind it, just pure claiming desire. You melted into him as one of his scarred hands reached around your lower back and pulled you against his solid chest. His other hand reached up and grasped your hair, tilting your head back to get a better angle. 
You gasped at the tug on your scalp, and Azriel snaked his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch of it. You’d never been kissed like this before, and it was making your head spin. Hesitantly, you reached up and clasped your hands around his neck, tangling your fingers in the hair at the top of his neck. He growled into your mouth in response, kicking your legs apart with his feet and settling his thigh in between them. 
Azriel’s lips made their way down the column of your neck, biting and sucking harshly as he went. You moaned as his thigh moved against your throbbing core, sending a warm sensation up your body. The delicate panties you were wearing did nothing to hide how wet you were, the juices from your cunt seeping onto his dark pants. He moved his mouth down to the tops of your breasts, biting down hard with his sharp canines and making you cry out. You’d for sure be covered in a million bruises tomorrow.
“Fuck, I can feel how wet you are on my thigh.” The shadowsinger groaned into your skin. “I’ve barely even touched you and you’re this soaked already? It’s pathetic, coming from someone who said they didn’t want this.”
You could only whimper, defenceless as scarred hands grabbed the sides of your nightgown and ripped it apart with one pull. It fell to pieces on the floor beside you. You felt yourself being lifted into the air, and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. It was hard not to gasp as your sopping cunt was pressed into his rock hard bulge in his trousers. Azriel carried you over to the bed and roughly tossed you into the mattress, causing you to bounce over the sheets ungracefully. Quick as a viper, he snaked his way over top of your body, making you feel incredibly small.
He smirked as his lips met your nipple, sucking harshly and making you cry out. He did not treat your breast gently, covering the mound of flesh with bitemarks and bruises from his lips before moving to the other one. You went to push him by the shoulders, the intensity from his mouth bordering on too much, but his hands quickly found yours and pinned them to the mattress. You were utterly helpless beneath him, and it sent more wetness to your core.
Azriel lifted his head from your breasts, smirking at your flushed face before trailing his lips down your stomach. He let go of your hands, but tendrils of darkness snaked their way around your wrists, taking his place. They pinned your hands above your head, unable to move. You could have sworn they chuckled at you – the mischievous shadows at their masters command had been torturing you for weeks, finally getting to reveal themselves in their true form.
Azriel gripped the string of your panties in his teeth, hazel eyes making contact with your own. He pulled them down your legs with his mouth, the animalistic action making you even wetter. Instinctively, you closed your legs once he removed them. Once he tossed the panties aside, rough hands pried your legs open. “Now, now,” He tutted, his deep voice lulling you into obedience. “Am I going to have to restrain your legs, too?”
You shook your head, relaxing your muscles into his grip. Azriel smirked triumphantly, settling on his knees on the ground at the end of the bed and yanking you closer to him by his ankles. “Good girl.” He praised, wrapping his arms underneath your thighs and putting your hips in an ironclad grip. A fresh wave of arousal pooled from you, dampening the sheets – and his smirk grew wider.
“Do you like it when I tell you what a good girl you are?” He asked, cocking his head. “Or would you prefer if I told you that you’re a pathetic little slut, all spread out for me? An ungrateful brat who ran through the forest to defy me when she could have had things her way if she just asked nicely?”
You whimpered, screwing your eyes shut at the humiliation. It was embarrassing how much your body was responding to his words alone. If he didn’t touch you soon, you were sure you were going to explode. A harsh nip on your thigh brought your attention back to the spymaster.
“I asked you a question.” He growled dangerously. “Are you a good girl? Or are you my little slut, ready to give herself to me to do whatever I want?”
“I…” You tried to find the words, but found your ability to speak had gotten lost in the forest somewhere with your dignity. Before you could try again, your body was flipped over so that you were laying on your stomach, arm still bound in front of you. A loud cracking noise filled the room as Azriel smacked your left ass cheek with thunderous force. You couldn’t hold in the cry that slipped out.
“Every time you disobey me, you get ten spanks.” Azriel said firmly, his voice cold as stone with no mercy to be found. “You are to count them aloud. If you lose track, I start over. Understood?”
You nodded, but it wasn’t good enough. Your right cheek took the blow this time. “I expect a verbal response.” He hissed.
“Yes!” You cried out, skin stinging from the slap.
“Good. Now count.”
Azriel brought his hand down again, alternating sides. You counted out loud, tears dripping onto the pillow. The spymaster was a trained Illyrian warrior with three times your muscle, so it hurt like hell. But you couldn’t deny that it made you even wetter.
“Ten.” You sobbed as Azriel made his final hit before flipping you around so you were on your back again.
“You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” He hummed, leaning into your cunt and inhaling your scent.
“Yes.” You said eagerly, not wanting to endure another round of his fierce hits.
“See? You’re learning. Soon, you’ll be perfect at it, my own little toy who will do whatever I ask without talking back. Unless you enjoy your punishments, I wouldn’t be surprised if a slut like you acted out so she could get put in her place.”
You whimpered, unsuccessfully attempting to move your hips up in his firm grip. “Please.”
Azriel smirked again, lifting his head. “Please, what?”
“Touch me.” You couldn’t take it anymore. The feeling of his warm breath fanning right above your cunt was getting to be too much. You didn’t care about anything else right now other than him.
“Since you begged so nicely, sweetheart. I will listen to you just this once.”
Finally, those sinful lips met your core. You cried out as he delved in like a man starved, licking a bold strip up your pussy before attaching his lips to your clit and sucking hard. He was rough and relentless, putting the vibrator he got you to shame. His lips and tongue were everywhere, exploring every inch of your pussy. You couldn’t move your hips against his attack, forced to lay there and take what he gave you. 
The male who stalked you for weeks, who happened to be the spymaster of the Night Court, was on his knees eating you out. He slipped a finger in your hole, the scars and ridges making your body sing. After a few more minutes, he easily slipped in a second.
It wasn’t long before you felt your orgasm rapidly approaching. It hit you like a landslide, and you saw white as the tension between your legs snapped. You almost sobbed as it wracked your body, unable to even buck your hips to ride it out. Azriel groaned into your core as you soaked his face, but he eased up as you came down from your high, unlike what he did with the vibrator. When he finally pulled away, your arms were released, and your entire body was trembling like a leaf. You opened your eyes to see Azriel pulling his shirt above his head, revealing whirling black tattoos and a muscled abdomen that snapped you out of your trance. Immediately, you sat up in the bed, fixing your eyes on his shirtless form. You didn’t have to glance up to know that his face was a look of pure male pride as he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his trousers and boxers all in one go, stepping out of them and leaving both of you completely naked. 
Your jaw went agape at the size of him. He was long and thick, unlike any male you’d seen before. While you certainly enjoyed sex with males, your mouth had never watered with the urge to put their cock in your mouth.
Until now.
Azriel stroked himself, wings flaring behind him. He looked like a god above you, pure muscle and desire as he stared down at you. “On your knees. Now.” He ordered with an authority that sang to your desires. You didn’t hesitate to scramble onto the floor in front of him, kneeling. He guided his cock to your lips, which you gladly opened to allow him entrance. The moan he let out as you encased as much of his cock in your mouth as you could was otherworldly.
You looked up at him through your lashes. He had tilted his head back, the column of his throat bobbing with groans as you slid your lips up and down. There was no way you’d manage to fit it all in your mouth, so you reached up and grabbed the base with one hand, pumping gently to meet your mouth.
“Oh, fuck.” Azriel moaned, reaching down and gathering your hair in one hand. “Just like that, princess.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you gagged around him, but kept going. You had expected the shadowsinger to be quiet, given his reputation. But no, his groans and sighs echoed throughout your bedroom, spurring you on. As the minutes passed your knees began to ache, but you welcomed the pain.
Suddenly, Azriel pulled himself out of your mouth. You whined, wanting to please him further.
“Such a pathetic slut, whining that she didn’t get to suck my cock for longer.” He growled, hoisting you up by your arm and flinging you back onto the bed. “I thought about coming in your mouth, but no. I’m going to fill up that sweet cunt of yours instead. And you’re going to take it.”
You were laying on your stomach facing the mirror on your wall to the left of your bed. You watched your reflection as Azriel grabbed your hips and lifted them up in the air, forcing you to prop yourself up on your elbows. His hazel eyes were so dark, the colour barely showed. They met yours in the mirror as he learned down and grabbed your hair again, forcing your head up to face the mirror head on. “You’re going to watch as I fuck you.” He said, lining himself up with your entrance. 
He kept one hand in your hair as he guided the tip into you, causing you to cry out. The stretch stung, despite being prepared. He was bigger than any cock you had taken, and your body struggled to accommodate. Azriel didn’t give you much time to adjust before he was pushing himself fully in, groaning. You tried to force your body to relax, knowing you were going to be sore the next day. He slowly slid himself almost all the way out, relieving your muscles before slamming back into you with a force that nearly knocked the wind out of you. You gasped, and instinctively went to turn your head into the pillow, but a harsh tug on your hair from Azriel made you stop.
“Keep watching.” He said firmly. “If you take your eyes off the mirror, I won’t let you cum. Got it?”
“Yes.” You whined. Azriel grunted, and began pounding into you at a relentless pace. The loud sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room as you were fucked mercilessly.
“This is what you fucking needed, isn’t that right?” Azriel hissed as he thrusted into you. “To be treated like a slut? All those other boys been too nice to you, letting you get away with talking back. They don’t know what you truly need. To be put in your place, properly fucked within an inch of your life. Nobody can make you feel as good as I can.”
His words poured over you like honey, the pain subsisting into drunken bliss. The bed was shaking beneath you, headboard banging against the wall loudly. As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. Nobody had ever fucked you like this, in a way you didn’t know you needed. It was so wrong, letting him do these things to you. But it felt too good to deny yourself it.
Azriel bent over, covering your back with his tall frame as he adjusted his angle and thrust even harder. One hand was pressed to the bed to steady himself while the other gripped your jaw firmly. You watched in the mirror, and it was perhaps the most erotic thing you had ever seen – Azriel’s wings flaring as he claimed you, muscular arm holding you in place, utterly helpless against him. He sunk his canines into your shoulder, hard enough to draw blood. You cried out as his teeth carved into your flesh, the mixture of pain from his bite and pleasure from his thrusts sending you towards another orgasm. He released your jaw and reached down to rub your clit harshly.
“Nobody’s allowed to touch you but me.” He growled in your ear, watching your face in the mirror. “You’re mine, and mine only, you got that? If I even scent another male has touched you, I’ll cut his hands off and leave them at your doorstep. You belong to me now. Cum for me.”
He accentuated those last three words with thrusts, and it was enough to send you over the edge. Your entire body shook as you came around Azriel’s cock, black fuzziness surrounded the edges of your vision. You watched through your lashes as Azriel bared his teeth, growling like an animal as his hips sputtered and he spilled himself inside you. He let out a moan that could have shaken the entire forest. You screamed weakly as he spurted inside you while you rode out your orgasm, the sensation nearly making you pass out.
You both panted as Azriel pulled himself out of you. He climbed off the bed and you immediately collapsed. The room was spinning, your body completely spent. The spymaster casually put on his clothes and crouched down so his face was level with yours. 
“I’m going to have so much fun with you.” He purred before his shadows encompassed him and he vanished, leaving you alone wondering what just happened.
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dotster001 · 11 months
Hey!! Can I request for a yandere Lou from court of darkness with a willingly FEM reader? I understand if you don't want to write since yandere is a pretty dark topic but if you choose to do it, take your time. Your mental health is more important!! Anyways thank you for reading and hope you have a nice day❤️❤️
Vane and Vanum
CW: yandere, kidnapping(past tense), restraints, Stockholm syndrome, fem reader, loss of identity, implied past sedation, spoilers, but I doubt you'd be here if you didn't know....
A/N: so I do write Yan, but I write it because of ✨trauma✨ so the closest to "willing" I'll do is Stockholm syndrome. Hope it scratches the itch, and doesn't disappoint too much 😂
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"Vane," he hummed as he kissed your forehead. "Good morning, love."
Early on, you had snapped at him. Your name wasn't Vane. Just because you were once her, didn't mean you were now. But he'd slowly brought you to his side. Yes. Vane. That was you. Just because you were born with a new name, didn't make you any less Vane.
"Morning, Vanum," you hummed sleepily. His cheeks turned a soft pink, and a grin split his face, as he slipped into the bed next to you, wrapping his arms around you.
He loved when you called him Vanum. It made that empty place in his heart feel full.
"I don't want to leave you today," he pouted.
You giggled. "You're the headmaster. You have to be there."
He adjusted himself so he could stare into your face, scrutinizing.
"Sometimes I think you don't miss me as much as I miss you, when I'm gone."
"That's not true! My heart aches for you! But I also know that, because I love you, I have to let you do what you need to do."
He stiffened, continuing to scan your features for anything other than innocence.
You'd fallen into your role so nicely, and he hadn't had to actually fight or sedate you in months. But he could still remember the early days, where everything you said had a double meaning that was intended to hurt him.
And even now, even if you hadn't intended to hurt him, your statement felt like a commentary on the situation he'd dragged you into.
But when you looked up at him with those adoring eyes, he was able to calm himself. Those eyes would never try to hurt him. You genuinely meant what you said.
He sighed lovingly, and caressed some of the hair from your face," Your strength gives me strength, my beautiful Vane."
You leaned into his hand, and he sighed again. You were so lovely.
He stood up from the bed, and stretched, before moving to the bedside table. He grabbed what he needed, and then turned to you. You were already waiting for him, your leg stretched off the side of the bed.
He softly kissed you, practically purring as you slightly parted your lips to let him in, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him closer. Soon you fell back onto the bed, dragging him with you.
It went this way for another few moments, before he gently pried himself away.
As he stood up, he attached the ankle chain to your still stretched out leg, pressing a soft kiss to your calf as he pulled away.
You placed you leg down, and folded your hands in your lap, a soft smile overtaking your features. You didn't need the ankle chain anymore, but at this point it was part of the routine.
"I'll make you a princess one day, my beautiful Vane."
You giggled. He'd kill for that giggle. In fact he already had killed for that giggle.
With a final longing glance at you, he materialized himself into his office. Unsurprisingly, various of the princes were waiting for him there.
"Your highnesses," he greeted, receiving a grumble from Guy and Toa.
"Any word from Treasure? I miss them dearly. They must be so cold without my embrace," Fenn cried.
Beneath his robes, the headmaster pushed his nails into his palms.
"I have found nothing of them. Just as I have found nothing of them every day for the last several months. There's no trace of them, which leads me to believe they may have been returned to their home realm."
Toa and Guy grumbled, unsatisfied with the answer, but unable to deny it. Fenn pouted, and stormed out of the room.
Toa and Guy followed behind, leaving young master Akedia alone with him.
Dia walked over to him, wrapping his arms around him, and nuzzling against him affectionately. If he knew for certain Dia felt platonically about you, he'd adopt him into your little family.
Hearing that name was wrong now. He was Vanum. Your Vanum.
"If you knew anything about where Y/N was, you'd tell me, right? You know I'd never tell the others."
He believed him. But sharing you? After he'd spent months working tirelessly to unlock your true feelings. To get you to respond to his, and only his, touch?
"Truly, I have seen neither hair nor hide of them."
Dia looked up at him, his emerald eyes piercing him with suspicion. After a moment, he seemed to be satisfied. Or at least to understand that he was not going to give him anything.
He pulled away, a last long look at him, before nodding. He watched Dia make his way out of the office, saying nothing more.
He turned to his familiars with a groan.
"Do I really have to stay until the end of the day?"
"You've done a good job of training your paramore," Phinny snickered, "You have nothing to worry about."
He groaned. "But I don't want to be here."
It's the closest to a whiny teenager he's ever gotten a chance to be. He pulled out the mirror he used to secretly spy on you, and saw you humming on your bed, playing with your hair as you stared at the ceiling.
His patient, perfect, girl. His beautiful Vane.
If you could so gracefully wait for him, then he could be your strong, brave, Vanum, who defended the isle.
Even if he'd rather eat his paperwork page by page than be here.
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ithseem · 1 year
The Princes with a Gentle!Chubby!S/O
(because literally no one asked for it)
(warnings: none unless you're allergic to fluff, mentions of angst, or a lack of a beta reader)
(GN reader. Enjoy!)
Guy Avari
Oh, Guy Avari... The ever-so-cold man who claims he wants nothing to do with romance, weakened by the chubby person who came into his life
I dare you to tell me he wouldn't appreciate a chubby s/o
Bro's often overworked so he would find comfort in hugging you in private
If you're ever worried about crushing him when he asks that you sit on his lap, he'll just straight up say "balderdash" and sit you on his lap anyways
And if you're insecure about your looks, lemme tell you something: it does not matter to him what you look like. Your presence is comforting as hell
He'll also hire tailors through Jasper to make clothes that flatter you
And if his fan club or anyone else harasses, you, Guy will make sure they stay FAR away from you
Toa Qelsum
Overworked and often burnt-out mf electric boogaloo
I've said this in a previous post, and I'll say it again: I dare you to tell me Toa wouldn't appreciate his chubby s/o holding him in their arms and telling him that he's doing amazing and that everything will be alright
I cannot guarantee he'll know how to react at first, but he will grow more accustomed to this, so please, do it regularly 🥺 (bro's touched-starved asf)
His family and the people he grew up with were cold, to say the least, so someone as warm and caring as you would be a welcome change of pace
Also, if you happen to cross paths with these people, or if his fan club harasses you it won't be hard for your insecurities to resurface, so he'll make ABSOLUTELY SURE you don't feel unloved by him
Will also hire tailors to make you clothes that flatter you
Lynt Akedia
I dare you to tell me this skinny boy wouldn't find comfort in using you as a body pillow
Lynt's already affectionate as hell, and that's only gonna increase tenfold with a gentle and chubby s/o
Your thighs are definitely his favourite pillow
If he finds out you're insecure about your looks, Lynt would look at you like: Do you even see yourself?? You're literally so beautiful
His fan club will stay especially away from you since they've incurred Lynt's wrath. And lemme tell you something, a quiet person's wrath is nothing to take lightly
Roy Invidia
It's no secret that Roy is among the loveliest people when it comes to you
He appreciates you for your gentle personality and truth be told, he does find your huggable figure quite winsome
How couldn't he? You're simultaneously paramour- and friend-shaped
You accept him as the person he is and he appreciates that he doesn't have to be perfect all the time around you
He always transcends to cloud nine whenever you give him cuddles
Fenn Luxure
"People are just hot, man" (paraphrased, of course, lulz)
There is not a single person he doesn't see the beauty in, and you are no exception
If you happen to be insecure about your looks, you may or may not be a little suspicious about why he flirts with you so much, since a lot of the flirting aimed towards you may have been a joke
At first, it was nothing more than just some casual flirting and maybe wanting a hookup but nothing more
But as he got to know you and your sweet nature, he can't help but feel drawn to you
Man's been neglected for a lot of his life, and you giving him the attention just makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside
It's not long before the two of you become paramours, and there isn't a moment where neither of you feels unloved
Expect lots of cuddling
Rio Voleri
Ah, yes. The resident Chubby Chaser Extraordinaire
It is, in fact, canon that he likes 'em big. He likes 'em chunky (source: Rio's book 1)
Rio never was all that interested in love, but not so much when it comes to you
Can you blame him, though? You're just too cute for words
And lemme tell you, he will ENJOY making food with you and, of course, eating with you
He also enjoys how happy you look when you eat
And if you're insecure in your looks and you bring it up, the poor boy will be SO baffled
How can you say such things about yourself??
In my headcanon, I see him built like Jotaro Kujo, so he would love to pick you up or have you as an extra weight on his back when he does pushups (He looks like a twig in the game's art style I'm sorry 😭😭)
Also, expect LOTS of cuddles
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leander-simp · 1 year
Sweet or Spicy?(18+)
A/n: This might have some few errors as I am translating this the best I can from Japanese to English. I also took a little inspiration from @bitchkay 's nsfw headcanons.
Summary: your date with Lou takes a twist when you suggest a method on how to find out whether he likes spicy or sweets.
Tw: Smut, Food play(do not try in future when near genitals), Praising, Dacryphilla, and slight degradation.
Two figures sitting down in a meadow, laugh as they ate the sweets and what not, that they had bought earlier.
"So Lou, which one do you like more? Sweet or Spicy?" MC asked as she watched Lou slurp a syrup-like liquid filled tube.
"I am uncertain as I find these delicious equally." Lou replied as he glanced at all of the food, they had bought. "Maybe if I continue eating them, I'll learn which one I prefer."
MC smiled. "I know of another way for you to learn that." She said while winking at Lou.
"Ahh~" MC let out as she felt Lou's tongue glide across her flesh, licking up the warm, spiced syrup that was smeared on her flustered skin.
Her hand was gripping Lou's shoulder while the other was gripping the edge of Lou's desk beneath her. "This was not what I meant earlier but, I can't com- Complain." She panted as she felt him slightly sucking on her flesh as he licked down her body.
Lou stopped at her belly and chuckled before getting up and reached for a bottle of spiced syrup. Opening it, he held it over Mc's body before he squeezed it, letting the syrup pour down onto Mc's belly. He stopped after a small pool of spiced syrup was resting on Mc's belly.
Putting away the bottle, he leaned down and licked at the pool while his index finger came to the pool of syrup, coating it in warm syrup before sliding down her belly to her pussy and began teasing her clit.
Mc's back slightly arched at the contact upon her clit as she moaned.
"By the creator, Lou. That feels so good. Your fingers feel so good and warm." She praised, squeezing her eyes tight due to the pleasure being inflicted upon her while her thighs squeezed together, trapping Lou's hand between her thighs.
Lou licked up the last bit of syrup on Mc's belly, as his middle finger joined his index, increasing the pleasure.
"Mm, you taste delicious, my love." Lou hummed as he lifted his head up, looking up at Mc's face, watching her reaction to his fingers on her clit.
"Perhaps, I should add another?" He added as his ring finger joined the two fingers, teasing her clit.
Using his other hand, he pushed on her thighs, pulling them apart, allowing him to rest himself in-between them. He took his hand away from her clit, watching as Mc's eyes flew open from the absence of his fingers.
He smirked as he brought his fingers up to his mouth, swirling his tongue around the syrup covered digits, licking away the spiced syrup while looking at Mc with lust in his eyes.
"Lou, please." Mc begged as she rocked her hips against Lou's, causing him to moan at the friction.
He groaned as he leaned down, capturing her lips with his. She replied eagerly by kissing back as one of her hands cupped the back of his neck while the other slid down his body to the hem of his pants. Tugging at the hem, she slightly pushed down his pants enough for his erect cock to pop out of its confinements.
His cock twitched at the sudden feel of cold air. Lou chuckled at Mc's eagerness before pulling away from the kiss. Mc whined as she leaned up for another kiss. Lou saw this and leaned down giving Mc a tender kiss.
Mc moaned as she tasted the spiced honey lingering on his soft, warm lips and tongue as she felt Lou poke his tongue into her mouth.
Her unoccupied hand reached down and grasped Lou's cock, gently stroking it as his and her mouth moved together in unison.
A whimper made its way out of Lou as he felt her hand stroking his erect cock, his eyes squeezed shut in bliss as he felt waves of pleasure roar inside. The closer that he got to his release, the harsh and plentiful the waves of pleasure roared.
He pulled away from the heated kiss, taking a breath as his eyes were glossy from immense pleasure, allowing small tears of pleasure to roll down his cheeks as he felt himself near his end.
"My love." He moaned softly as his hands gripped Mc's waist tightly.
His eyes flew open as he let out a small whine when Mc pulled her hand away from his cock.
"Not yet, Lou. I want you to cum inside of me." Mc whispered as she smiled up at the mess of a man above her. Lou groaned but nodded.
Aligning his cock with her wet folds, he slowly slid in, moaning and whining as he did so. He slid all the way in until the hilt was buried inside.
The pair both stayed still in that position, catching their breaths. Lou began to pull out until only the tip was inside before slamming his cock back in. Repeating this motion, mewls, moans, whimpers and gasps flowed out of Mc's mouth as she threw her head back.
Moans, groans, whimpers and whines flew out Lou's mouth in unison with Mc's. "By the creator, Lou, you feel so fucking good." Mc moaned as her hands flew to the edges of the desk, gripping them as she felt the desk creak and groan at the roughness behind Lou's thrusts.
Lou only whined in response as more tears of pleasure rolled down his cheeks. Mc chuckled as she saw the tears on Lou's cheeks.
"Mmm. You like it when I praise you, don't you? You look like a whore being fucked dumb with those tears, Lou." Mc said as she leaned up and pulled Lou into a heated kiss.
Drool escaped Lou's mouth as he kissed back with eagerness and dripped down his chin. His eyes squeezed shut as he felt Mc reach up with one of her hands and pushed his bangs away, revealing his other eye.
Mc pulled away from the heated kiss as she chuckled. "Don't close your eyes, Lou. I want to see your gorgeous eyes." Mc cooed as she felt Lou's thrusts speed up from the praise.
His eyes opened, one blue and one white staring at her face as small tears continued to weld up in them. Mc smiled as Lou shyly looked down to where they both were connected. He moaned as he saw her pussy take in his cock greedily while it coated his cock with slick.
"Oh, fuck! I think I'm close. How about you, my love?" Lou asked as he sped up, trying to near his end. "Mhm, I'm close too. By the creator, cum in me. Fill me up with your seed, Lou." Mc moaned as she began to thrust back, also trying to near her end with Lou.
The pair both went silent as they heard a knock at the door. They both cursed under their but Lou continued thrusting as he placed one of his hands over Mc's mouth, to silence her.
"Who is it?" Lou asked as he stared at Mc as she struggled to keep her noises in, hence why he placed his hand over her mouth.
"It's Guy. I was wondering if you knew about the whereabouts of Mc, she missed some of her lectures today."
Lou smirked as he felt Mc's pussy clench around his cock in arousal. He leaned in close to Mc's ear. "Mmm, the way you clenched around me, does that mean that you like the idea of us getting caught, don't you? " Lou whispered causing Mc to let out a small whine before Lou pulled away. "You need not worry, she had been feeling sick as of late so she retired to her chambers early." He called out.
The pair heard a slight scoff from behind the door, indicating that Guy didn't believe the lie. "Are you sure?"
Mc let out a small moan as she suddenly felt her end come upon her. She wrapped her legs around Lou's waist tightly as she came on his cock. Lou let out a quiet groan as he came inside of her a second later, as he felt her pussy clench his cock in place as it milked his cock of his seed. Lou scoffed slightly at Guy's question. "Yes I am sure, now leave and go back to your lectures." Lou huffed as he hid his face in Mc's flushed neck.
The pair both heard Guy scoffed again before walking away. They waited until they could no longer hear Guy's footsteps before they both let out a sigh.
Taking his hand off of Mc's mouth, he wrapped his arms around her form tightly, allowing her to catch her breath as her pussy let go of his cock.
"We should definitely do this again." Lou said as he let out a soft chuckle. Mc laughed. "I'm definitely up for that."
Mc whined when she felt Lou pull his cock out of her, allowing a few drops of his cum to seep out of her hole. "Let's go get you cleaned up." Lou smiled as he placed a kiss on her forehead as he picked her up from his desk.
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
Because i currently wanna keep this fandom alive I brought a stupid idea to the table from shower thoughts-
Like imagine MC waking up to all the princes from the prologue and starts screaming something like;
The princes: “What does ‘fuck’ and ‘Amish’ mean? 😃”
Or if MC wakes up and is like
“Are they trying to contact me about my car insurance-“
Or if another alternate scenario where Mc is like
- Im sorry 💀✋
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courtofmatchups · 2 months
Matchups are open again! And now I'll be taking Tokyo Debunker matchup requests :]
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