#covid sux
davnittbraes · 1 year
Dear Pocket Friends,
Two things I feel I should tell you:
1. Like many, I have been afflicted by notification issues
2. I have COVID
Both of these factors have led to slow response times and unintentional ignoring of tags and messages, for which I humbly beg your forgiveness.
Everyone cross their fingers and toes and pray to the hellsite gods that the notif issues are fixed soon.
Save your prayers for my health, though, this is the third time I’ve had COVID so obviously the universe hates me 😂😅😭
Probably going dark for a bit to save myself the anxiety of replying in a timely manner and respectable fashion.
See yall on the other side 🐙
Peace, love and smutty feels,
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chernobog13 · 10 months
Me? Not so much.
So I woke up today and found the Interwebs working, which only took AT&T two days this time.
However, due to COVID my head is pounding like crazy. I will be on this site now and then, but not all the time. Hopefully this clears up soon.
Have a great day, everyone!
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quensty · 1 year
You sick bro 😭
i am fighting for my life and losing (i have sniffles)
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stonerzelda · 1 year
bro i am having a meltdown over this for real lawl lets hope i at least manage an hour of sleep tn o7
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aspio · 2 years
been hella sick for a while lol don't care enough to tag shit while scrolling
but if there's something you need me to tag for w/e reason lmk
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rezcowgirl · 26 days
I am Covid free! I just can't taste anything. Sux.
I made the difficult decision to go to Ladytron this coming Saturday night rather than see Twelfth Night with a friend. I'm really glad I did, because Bard on the Beach just sent out an offer for people 35 and under, and I got me and my best friend tickets for 75% off for Sunday.
Ladytron and Twelfth Night weekend? Hell.Yes.
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mouthlessmaiden · 9 months
yall i am so tired. covid sux
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low-po1y-princess · 1 month
Can my covid pack up and leave this shit sux
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emmashouldbewriting · 2 years
I went digging about E&B's living situation and this is all I could find:
Eugenie and Beatrice shared a 4 bedroom apartment at St James’s. Bea got the apartment when she started uni in London and lived rent-free until 2012, when Andrew had to start paying rent, £20k a year (commercial rates were between £100-150k/yr). Ahead of Euge's wedding to Jack, they moved to Ivy Cottage at KP grounds. Bea stayed at SJ, Edo moved in, they bought a house in Cotswolds in 2021 and moved there in November 2022. It’s possible they still have some London place since Bea is often papped in London. 
Euge and Jack moved to Royal Lodge around Covid, in Summer 2020 went back to Ivy Cottage and in late 2020 moved to Frogmore Cottage and stayed there only for 6 few weeks. Allegedly H&M wanted E&J to pay them rent and pro-Sussex source said they wanted to extend the lease so the family knew they weren’t going to disappear. This is an interesting H&M quote from May 2022 btw: „by agreeing to extend the lease, and with Jack and Eugenie focusing on Portugal, they have a firm presence smack-bang in the middle of Windsor Court where it’s all happening. They can now come and go any time they please. The coming year could be one of the most tumultuous in royal history and the Sussexes are making sure they have a foothold in Windsor.”
After moving out of FC in January 2021, E&J went back to RL and 2021 is when things get murky, I couldn’t find any reports, there were some articles that said they lived at FC again until 2022, who knows. 
Early May 2022 is when things get interesting again, there are first reports of then-Cambridges moving to Adelaide Cottage and York sources come out saying that Euge and Andrew tried to secure the cottage for her and would have if it wasn’t for Andrew’s scandals. Then the same month it’s announced that E&J will move to Portugal for Jack’s work and will use Ivy Cottage again as their UK base. 
Now we’re in 2023 and according to OK! Magazine, so I’m going to take it with a grain of salt, tho some parts are quite interesting. E&J moved back to FC in February and H&M couldn’t be happier that they took it over, Andrew is also happy that Euge got it, E&J packed up H&M’s items and when they visited, also in February, they brought small personal belongings, E&J want their kids to be brought up in England but also want to split time between England and California and will be staying in Montecito with H&M. 
Anon, you are a little investigative genius! Thanks so much for all this. I think that if Eug had Frogmore, it would have come out for sure around the leaks about the lease ending. All we got was Andrew instead, and it feels like Andrew would get it over her, to be honest. I can see her packing up their stuff, but we've heard so much about Eug's living situation.
Like I said earlier, anyone who isn't paying market rent now, soon will be. Charles is cleaning house.
As for this: "The coming year could be one of the most tumultuous in royal history" - boy were the Sux right, but it seems to be moreso for them than anyone else!!
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codgod · 2 months
if anyone wants a random life update i have covid :/ honestly just feels like a bad cold but it still sux
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chernobog13 · 10 months
COVID, Day 4
I still feel lousy, but better than the first and second day. The non-stop coughing began the second day, which made sleeping near impossible. And when I did sleep, my dreams were non-stop and weird as heck!
Still have a slight fever, and my throat is super-raw from the coughing. I'm not feeling as weak, so I'm more mobile. Wish I could break the fever though, because it's messing with my vision. I usually only need reading glasses for reading (duh) and working on the computer, but even with them on print is blurry. Watching TV was a challenge, too, but I finally finished the latest Netflix K-drama I was watching (Strong Girl Nam-Soon).
And I've lost my sense of smell which, oddly, hasn't affected my sense of taste yet.
I feel like I'm getting improvement each day, and hope to be done with this nonsense by the end of the week.
Unfortunately, this morning my two nieces and their mother also tested positive. So yeah, the hits just keep coming at the ole Chernobog household.
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zaphic · 7 months
long covid sux xoxo
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world-of-wales · 1 year
Wait what’s the story with the covid vaccine center? Is it completely fabricated or is there a vaccine center the sussexes are taking credit for?
So during the second wave of covid in Mid 2021, the situation was very-very bad, I live in Delhi and my parents in Bombay and these cities were very badly it. The whole country was. I'm sure you saw news reports about it all.
Delhi was the worst hit. I think during that time as for the estimates by various journalists etc, every household in the city lost at least one member to Covid and related complications. My mum also lost her aunt because of complications after covid during this wave.
So at the time a lot of celebrities were jumping on to the train of trying to establish fundraisers etc to help. A lot of them never panned out or were ever mentioned it again because they got new bandwagons to jump on.
Now it was said that AW was collaborating with this organization which I don't remember the name of now to establish some community relief Center kind of a situation in Bombay. But the thing was that the press release or the articles along with the press release also mentioned that the same establishment would also serve as a covid vaccine center.
Now, community relief Center, that works. There were a lot of them during that time here, before that also and even now. But as for the vaccine center when the vaccine production started and when the inoculation of people started for covid, the government created a whole different kind of a setup which only allowed government government health centers, hospitals etc to be the one giving the vaccine to people. The reason for that was to make sure no dose goes to waste and everybody in the population gets at least the two doses which they needed to get.
They were monitoring how many doses were given to people at a particular centre, how many doses were left with the particular center in stock, how many doses were needed how many do how many people got the first dose, how many people got both the doses etc etc. There was separate app/website created to make sure that there was a record for every person's inoculation. It mentioned everything, the date they got inoculated etc. They were issuing a govt certificate to everyone through that too which stated how many doses one person got.
For a long time not even private hospitals in the contry were given the permission to give vaccines to people. This was the middle of the pandemic. Vaccine shortage was a big-big problem and the government needed to make sure nothing went into the black market market or if anybody with means try to take away doses for their own away from the people having a low income. ETC.
Thus the whole idea of them creating a vaccine inoculation center in collaboration with another charity in the middle of the city does not work. Only government health-centres and much-much later private hospitals were given the option to inoculate people.
The sux never mentioned it again, the center. No peep, nothing. But the thing is their fans try to always point to this thing that they established the vaccine centre in the country. they're the reason the reason people here got the vaccines. Newsflash they aren't. It just pisses me the hell off the way certain celebrities try to extract good PR and a better profile when it comes to such tragedies. Not even the Indian pm has been spared for his use of the covid situation as an election campaign and rightfully so. So ofc some other celebrity won't also.
So that's the whole thing in short.
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hollyjollybaby · 1 year
I’m so fucking sick of the constant onslaught of sicknesses!!! I spent this whole weekend sick in bed. Yesterday I slept more than I was awake. Body aches and a nasty cough. Covid negative. No fever so I don’t think flu? Today body aches were gone and I was able to get out of bed and sorta function but still super low energy. Now I can’t taste at all so just a super not great time. J and H seem unaffected besides our permanent runny noses. Just real real sick of it!!! Hate that I laid in bed sleeping away an actually nice sunny weekend, hate that I had to cancel plans with my bff, and feel bad that Jake was keyed up to start some outdoor house TLC projects that he didn’t get to do. Such is life, just sux 🤪
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drippity · 1 year
i feel so miserableeeee
i think whatever ive got has given me laryngitis as well, which ive never had before and is AWFUL
im hoping it's not COVID (i don't believe it is because i can still taste & smell, but may well be regardless) but ive locked myself away anyway because this shit SUX
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