#but I’m fine don’t worry about me
davnittbraes · 1 year
Dear Pocket Friends,
Two things I feel I should tell you:
1. Like many, I have been afflicted by notification issues
2. I have COVID
Both of these factors have led to slow response times and unintentional ignoring of tags and messages, for which I humbly beg your forgiveness.
Everyone cross their fingers and toes and pray to the hellsite gods that the notif issues are fixed soon.
Save your prayers for my health, though, this is the third time I’ve had COVID so obviously the universe hates me 😂😅😭
Probably going dark for a bit to save myself the anxiety of replying in a timely manner and respectable fashion.
See yall on the other side 🐙
Peace, love and smutty feels,
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technicallyneon · 3 months
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one day i’ll draw their canon appearances again. today is not that day
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miss-holloday · 10 months
Peter Spankoffski:
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Stephanie Lauter:
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Richie Lipschitz:
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Ruth Fleming:
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Grace Chastity:
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shima-draws · 10 months
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It’s literally like 500 episodes away but people keep WARNING me about it and I’m Scared
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shiiittttt why am I like thissss fuuuucccckkkk
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bifrostarchivist · 7 days
got locked in the archive in the basement alone at my archivist internship while i’m relistening to tma season 1. feels like a self fulfilling prophecy of some kind
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heyclickadee · 2 months
So…here’s one reason why I’m continuing to be optimistic about the Tech situation. Yeah, there’s the fact that Tech coming back around eventually is what makes the most sense to me for a variety of reasons, but another reason alongside everything else? I refuse to be depressed about this.
The reality is that this isn’t a situation we can control. That leaves me with a choice about the current situation; I can decide the current situation is permanent (something which seems unreasonable to me given how easily recontextualized everything is) and spiral about it, drop it, or I can poke at the text and theorize about how the situation can get better. And since I don’t feel like spiraling and my brain won’t let me just drop it, option three is what I’m going with.
Tech means a lot to me, and, despite the fact that I remain highly critical of the finale in the context of there not being anything afterwards, The Bad Batch generally does as well. So let’s say I’m wrong, because I very well might be. Let’s say that there are not only no plans to follow up on any of this, but that no one ever picks up the threads left behind, and no one ever grabs the grade A catnip that bringing Tech back would be. At least I’ll have had fun theorizing in the meantime, and will come out the other side with a bunch of ideas on how to finish things off myself.
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philsmeatylegss · 7 months
Literally what the fuck does this even mean😭 like I don’t even know what this is supposed to imply
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httpiastri · 1 year
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But the main sight…
HIS HANDS 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 the veins are showing 😭😭😭😭
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this is too much for me, i can’t-
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I have to be honest. As much as I love making fun of Bruce and Tim, I think that they’re more talented than fanon makes them out to be.
Like, the point of Batman as a character is that he’s unrealistic. It would be a very boring story if they made it realistic. Yeah, realistically, he’s not prepared for everything, but this isn’t realistic! This is a silly comic series about a man who has sent a box of live bats to another human being more than once!
I want that unrealism! I want Bruce to be able to get out impossible situations because he saw them coming! I want his convoluted, dumbass plans to work flawlessly! I want his plan to “fail” only for him to wink at the camera, revealing that failing was also in the plan!!
Batman is such a comforting character! I’m always “How’s he gonna get outta this one” instead of “Can he get outta this one” and it’s very nice!
He’s lame, he’s cringe, he’s the worst, he’s the dumbest man alive, but Bruce Wayne is never surprised and that brings me a great amount of comfort and joy.
Tim is the same way. I don’t want to think about a realistic fifteen-year-old being Robin, I want to think about the unrealistic ability Tim has to be completely unnoticed even by those with super-hearing. I want Tim to inexplicably think of every possibility and have a million contingencies, and while Tim does get surprised, he’s the most adaptable person on the planet, he can remake his plan in milliseconds!
I don’t want to think about Tim or Bruce failing or whatever. I want Tim and Bruce to inexplicably be all-knowing. Batman has managed to beat up Superman more than once, Robin xan inexplicably punch like a bullet through fucking water, and they both are billionaires with souls, do you really think I’m reading these comics for realism?
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ilovedthestars · 3 months
if you want me to see stuff, send it to me and don’t expect a fast reply. I don’t have power and therefore wifi right now. (I was already taking a short break from tumblr and discord, but now that it’s out of my control I think it’s worth actually announcing it so no one wonders where I’ve gone)
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teler-of-gallifrey · 16 days
@louve-garoue @m1kayu @anadorablekiwi @godmodebeginswithlesbians @lemonlinelights I just want to say that I know we don’t talk much, but I care deeply about all of you
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ilovefredjones · 27 days
actually gotta go my own way is so. like a massive part of troy & gabriella’s relationship is built on that initial connection they had with other, where neither of them had anyone they had to be so they were just being themselves. and that vulnerability and genuineness is what they both really value about their relationship & it means so much to them. and gabriella sings ‘i’ve got to move on / and be WHO I AM’!!!!! she doesn’t feel that same connection with troy anymore. she feels like she has to hide parts of who she is whilst troy is also faking who he is!!!!!! and in bet on it troy sings ‘did you ever / LOSE YOURSELF to get what you want?’. hsm is integrally about being yourself & the genuine connection and joy that comes with being true to who you are. troy loses himself but gabriella serves as a reminder to who he really is
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shiningstarr15 · 3 months
Alright I’ve seen enough takes on this and while I understand everyone’s viewpoint and validate it I want to give mine bc mine is probably a very niche perspective.
When it comes to the relationship between Gregory and Vanessa, I do view them as siblings. And no not in the umbrella way, not in the “this is the only thing that makes the most sense” sort of way, I mean they have sibling energy period. And I’ll tell you why.
Bc I do not view them as being immediate found family. At all. They have too much trauma both independently and with each other. I don’t even think they’d like each other very much at first. I feel like their initial relationship would be more of a ”you saved me so I’ll return the favor by helping you out” way.
Personally. I don’t think relationships with strong bonds should immediately go into something romantic or familial (maybe it’s cuz I’m raging aroace and very platonic/queerplatonic bc I know that’s an unpopular opinion) but in my eyes, you NEED TO BUILD A FRIENDSHIP FIRST. and I think that’s exactly what they’re gonna do.
They’re gonna slowly and gradually form a friendship, one that most people would think is strange and unusual bc it’s an adult and a child but let’s be fr neither of them are what you’d consider “typical” (yes I personally hc them both being ND. Again, this is my opinion). I also don’t think they don’t really give af what people think. So why would they bother putting a label that they don’t really agree with on them? No imo they won’t do that unless they truly do mean it.
Again, this could very well be projecting. But I am personally someone that doesn’t like being given a “sister” label unless it’s actually meant. Maybe it’s my extreme sibling complex. But I don’t think I’m wrong for feeling that way. And imo, I think overtime they would view each other in the way best friends view each other as siblings. I don’t even think there would even need to be anything legal. But if there was, she would be a legal guardian at best. Bc it still gives the freedom to identify how they choose. And to me, it’s very similar to Lilo and Nani from “Lilo and Stitch.”
Bc I think two things can be true at the same time. Vanessa can be a caregiver, and have some responsibilities when it comes to making sure Gregory is ok and kept safe. But also, she herself needs someone to take care of her. Bc she can’t. And while I do like the idea of Freddy taking care of them both, I also like them taking care of each other.
She definitely has aspects that could be seen as maternal, but I don’t view her as essentially parental. She simply isn’t ready. There’s too much trauma and a bit of emotional immaturity (again not a bad thing, she’s very childlike imo). I think she sees him more equal than that. Not someone that is helpless and needs to be watched 24/7. But someone that needs a little guidance every now and then. And that’s where I think looking up to her in an older sibling kinda way comes in.
She’s like a combined playmate and caregiver. An equal partner but also someone that takes on the worst of the burden so he doesn’t have to. Even though he will do so anyway bc he cares that much about her.
So yea, that’s my take on their relationship. Again, it’s just my opinion, and I understand people not agreeing and wanting something else for them. But this is how I choose to view them, and I don’t think that it’s wrong ❤️
#this has been a hot take by Starrshine#I know most people will disagree and that’s fine#but I personally don’t like giving labels Willy nilly in order for things to make sense#bc in my experience the label is validation#and I know it’s not like that for everyone and that’s fine#but I really don’t think it’s more complicated than that#it’s not necessarily that they don’t fit into any category it’s just something that happens gradually over time#she has very strong maternal big sister energy imo#it’s not the first time we’ve seen that#found family can be labels too it doesn’t have to be unlabeled#but it CAN be#again two things can be true at once#and I think it’s important to understand sometimes that label IS important to people#besides I don’t think they’d call each other ‘bro’ and ‘sis’ all the time anyway it’d be mostly their names/nicknames#like he’d mostly call her that either to butter her up or in a state of extreme vulnerability#again you can interpret however you desire if you think they are something else that’s fine#but I’m always gonna interpret them like this so respect my interpretation and I’ll respect yours ❤️#fnaf#fnaf vanessa#fnaf Gregory#doublestar duo#they are still unique in their own way don’t worry#and I still like the idea of them viewing each other as equals//partners//buddies#just in a different way ya know#they are just very near and dear to me#starrshine speaks#starrshine’s hot takes#I’m just very autistic about them lol#and I just needed to get this off my chest
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maybxlle · 1 month
i think i put myself through too much denial. like, i’ve always denied the possibility of things because i don’t want to be called high maintenance or weird or attention seeking but it’s gotten to a point where i can’t tell if i actually don’t have it or im that deep in denial
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hunter216 · 1 month
Just took some photos of my sh bruises to use to try and show any progress I make with not doing it and letting them heal. I’m honestly kinda surprised about how bad some of it is😭. Especially for my legs. Like I knew it was kinda bad I didn’t realise it was this bad.
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