#covid19 screen
admsneezeguards · 2 years
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tashthefirst · 4 months
David and Georgia on zoom predicting the pandemic a few years before it happened, where they would then go on to make a TV show on zoom and predict the second lockdown almost to the day.
Do they have some power they're not telling us about? Besides sending bisexuals into crisis 😅
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adayephoto · 3 years
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Dr. Mike Lauzardo Photo Feature
I had the pleasure of shadowing pulmonologist and deputy director of the Emerging Pathogens Institute Dr. Mike Lauzardo who is also the director of the UF Health Screen, Test & Protect initiative which educates and oversees Covid-19 vaccinations to students, faculty and staff at the University of Florida and in the Gainesville community. 
Over the course of a few weeks, I was able to shadow Dr. Lauzardo who has held more than 70 town hall meetings for UF faculty and staff, went on a press tour conducting interviews to educate and update people on the Covid-19 pandemic and encourage vaccinations and has helped Alachua County vaccinate more than 11,000 individuals. 
In an audacious push to vaccinate 20,000 people a week for six weeks in Alachua County, more than 5,200 University of Florida students and Alachua County residents received a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium within the first week.
More than 80,000 people in Alachua County have received at least one vaccine shot as of the beginning of April, according to health department officials, but this initiative aims to spread the protection provided by the vaccines to a broader segment of the population in Alachua County.
“Even though we all don’t necessarily have the same risk of the same consequences, the way out of this is through immunity, and the safest and best way to get immunity is to get a vaccine.” said Lauzardo. Immunized college students can be “dead ends” for the virus’ spread, enabling them to play a key role in protecting their communities and helping everyone return to pre-pandemic life.”
For more information on Covid-19 please visit the UF Health Screen, Test & Protect website.
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welleazy · 1 year
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"Experience convenient and personalized healthcare with our online consultation services. Connect with expert medical professionals from the comfort of your space through virtual, video-based appointments. Access quality medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment recommendations through seamless teleconsultation, ensuring your health is always a priority."
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theechudar · 2 years
கொரோனா பரவலை தடுக்க பிரதமர் நரேந்திர மோடி தலைமையில் ஆய்வு கூட்டம்..
கொரோனா பரவலை தடுக்க பிரதமர் நரேந்திர மோடி தலைமையில் ஆய்வு கூட்டம்..
புதுடெல்லி: சீனா உள்ளிட்ட பிற நாடுகளில் வைரஸ் பரவாமல் தடுக்க எடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ள முன்னெச்சரிக்கை நடவடிக்கைகள் குறித்து அமைச்சர்கள் மற்றும் மூத்த அதிகாரிகளுடன் பிரதமர் நரேந்திர மோடி நேற்று ஆய்வுக் கூட்டம் நடத்தினார். அலட்சிய போக்கை கைவிட்டு, கண்காணிப்பு நடவடிக்கைகளை தீவிரப்படுத்த அதிகாரிகளுக்கு உத்தரவிட்டார். சீனா, அமெரிக்கா உள்ளிட்ட சில நாடுகளில் கொரோனா தொற்று மீண்டும் அதிகரிக்கத் தொடங்கியுள்ளது.…
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mastersoftheair · 6 months
ok, so my own final (and very, very fresh) thoughts, bc i wanted to wait until i'd watched everything to make a sweeping opinion of the whole series, and it's quite opinionated. and long. probably too long. i write essays for fun (everyone point and laugh):
my personal (and very, very fresh) ranking of the hbo war shows (not including gen kill bc that's a different war, sorry) goes- band of brothers > masters of the air > the pacific (it's the same for my title score rankings. that hasn't changed yet)
my main points of contention with MotA are 1) the nine episodes, 2) the length of the episodes, and 3) certain editing choices. nine episodes, compared to the classic ten, isn't Nearly enough time to showcase all that they wanna showcase (especially when the episodes are as short as they are, once you get past the recap and "next on" parts). and they wanna showcase A Lot! there so much going on! i'd ask them to pace themselves, but they literally Can't!
i mean, the editing choices are a Whole Thing! practically gives me whiplash sometimes lol. i feel like the weaker episodes still have parts that are Really good, but like. Individually. they don't work together as a stronger whole, which is to the episode's detriment. rather than jumping around (as the show often did), they could've benefited a lot from focusing on the One Story instead of squeezing three more stories into there (i say that, but i think the 4-5-6 episode run (all with multiple stories per episode) did this very well while Still being very good episodes, so it's not like it Can't be done, it just didn't work for 7, 8 and (partly) 9). granted, i suspect a chunk of the weird editing can be blamed on, well, there being only nine (and not all that long) episodes and no one wanting to cough up enough money for a tenth. ugh! i'm blaming both hbo And appletv for this (and covid19 ig). it's just One More Episode, how much could it cost?? and on the subject of episodes, why no episode titles? you used to love episode titles! i could've brainstormed episode titles for them For Free!!
when it comes to the characters, the rankings remain the same: BoB > MotA > TP. it's not totally fair tho, since BoB followed the exact same (and large-ish) group of guys from beginning to end, so you're Gonna know who they all are and get attached. this wasn't the case (for me!) when watching TP, since, unlike BoB, they jump around from group to group. i never felt like i got to know them all that well, outside of the main characters. i think MotA almost hits that sweet spot, especially knowing they had those two main things going against it: large cast And jumping from group to group. there's a case to be made for bias here (i Was the blog blogging about everything MotA for like. years.), but i still think they found a good enough balance of fleshing out the main characters while Also helping the audience get to know about a bunch of minor characters, of which there are a shitton (and their personalities, motivations, backgrounds, quirks).
there's also the representation of women. actual angel renée lemaire is and will always be a cut above the rest (bastogne is just That Good, argue with the wall). she's written so well that it almost makes me forget about how a bunch of women are portrayed in carentan. i have...issues with how women are portrayed in TP (even tho i love lena), so there's that. MotA falls in the middle (again) bc there's Way more women on-screen, but the writing can be questionable. balanced (as all things should be?) captain l'sandra wing-westgate is a character of all time, but episode 7 birthed the craziest discourse known to man (the hbo war fandom), but it wasn't all that unwarranted. manon and michou were sooo cool, but we didn't see nearly enough of them (another victim of the 'editing too many stories into one episode' problem. why not a whole resistance episode? or at least as the only b-plot?). paulina was interesting, but fulfilled one of those 'attractive foreign woman gives sage advice during/after sex' tropes (there's probably a tvtropes page for that idk). so many red cross girls, but none of the in-depth payoff :/ epic highs (multiple women!!) + epic lows (writing women??) = pretty tolerable. not great, not terrible. it was aight. i trust the fandom to build on this tho.
narrative is the big one tho. it's the whole "doing so much with so little" thing they've got going on (i'm ignoring their big budget here lol, could've been bigger). rather than having one main story with many connecting side stories (like BoB), it does the TP thing where there's many semi-connecting side stories set in the same general area. it helps that there's crosby's narration (i enjoy narration, sue me!), and he helps everything connect, sorta. but there's still other side stories that have Nothing to do with him (sandra's side gigs (revealing what she did takes away the mystery of what she Might be doing), the tuskegee airmen, quinn and bailey's eurotrip). would it have helped if there were two narrators (say, someone like rosie)? idk. gonna sit with that one. if there's a through-line, it's not super obvious like in the other two shows. which is insanely funny to me bc i literally like TP less, but that show's got an Extremely tight through-line all the way down. i can't lie and say it doesn't!
back to budget- i've seen people criticize this show for being called "masters of the air" when there's not much of "the air". ig that's fair, but there's the money issue, again. also, it'd get very repetitive if they were always in "the air". there was enough confusion about identifying who was who with the masks on, so imagine if that was Every Episode. out of All the issues the show has, this is the least issue-y. again, that's just my opinion, and it could change.
another budget thing (i think??)- idk enough about costuming and hair for period pieces so i can't comment on that with my 0 background in it, all i Can say is that i knoooooow people were clowning on marjorie cleven's hair in episode 1 (and i could see why, no such thing as 1940s beach waves). but from what i could understand- that actress' addition was a last-minute thing (bc i had No idea who the hell she was and i already found someone cast for marjorie all the way back in 2021). maybe there's something to say about the quality of rush jobs, but i really do think it was the most last-minute thing bc it came out of Nowhere, and timeline-wise, it looks like that bit was done long after everything else had been filmed. outside looking in, it seems something probably went wrong/didn't work out with who or what they already had and there wasn't enough wiggle room (time and money) to fix it. this isn't me being an apologist (lol), but i feel like a theorist at a big board bc nothing adds up! and i wanna know what happened! i'm just speculating! speculating on this blog is All i did for like Years lmaooo.
this is more of a side thing, but some of the lines in MotA feel really on-the-nose, almost corny. and that was Gonna be a knock against it, but there's some equally Extremely on-the-nose lines in both BoB and TP (Especially in BoB), so if i give MotA shit for it, i'd have to give all three shows shit for it lol. none of them are free of cheese.
another silly aside- no peaches, no main gingers, no main eugenes! we can't have 'em all, but c'mon!
there Is some good tho lol. one thing that MotA really has going for it, that i think the other shows have less of, is- and GOD it feels so weird to call this "world-building" when it's actual goddamn history, but- it's got world-building. maybe that isn't the best word for it. but i like how much Bigger ww2 feels in this show. BoB is one stop, then the next stop, then the next stop, which is, admittedly, good from a narrative-perspective (easy to follow), but not as good when you want a scale of how devastating the war is (in fairness, it was filmed in 2000). even TP feels pretty "enclosed" in a way. there's island-hopping, yeah, but all the damn islands look the same (not including australia lol). it's a theatre of the war we otherwise don't really get to see, but there still isn't all that much to see. it's water and sand and rock and dirt. which is the point, but Whatever! would've been cool if we saw sledge and co. in china, but moving on. MotA's able to really show the scale of it, both in the air and on the ground (that scene in germany during episode 6 was both harrowing and fantastic, also the inclusion of the actual children forced to fight nearer to the war's end in the finale). idk i just liked how it was able to zoom in and zoom out (and in and out again) in a way that the other shows weren't.
another thing it's got that the other shows don't is Really driving home how young everyone is (not "child soldier" young, but damn young). the cast is full of baby faces (rip babyface). a lot of ww2 shows/movies don't bother casting to reflect this, but i think overlooking that takes away from the overall impact. you browse through some old newspaper articles or photos of soldiers during ww2 enough and you're gonna Regularly get hit with the face of someone who looks like they could've sat in the desk next to you during a high school lit class. a lot of those b&w grinning faces look like kids bc they pretty much were (more so if they lied about their age). you don't really get that in BoB or TP (it's Crazy when the real life pics of the soldiers portrayed in those shows look younger than the actors).
i'm mixed about the tuskegee airmen. what we have, i love (thank you, dee rees). unfortunately, my biggest irk is that it leaves me wanting more of them, which i won't ever get. speaking as a black person (not speaking for All black people, just how i personally feel about it), having them included feels like a catch-22. if they weren't included in any capacity (all while knowing there were whole tuskegee airmen in stalag iii with the white main characters), there'd be a problem. however, including them (all while having these time constraints and not enough focus on them) leads to the feeling of having them "tokenized" (which i can see). there's no world where there'd be 50/50 split (even a 70/30 split) bc, at that point, just give them a show of their own. but there'd still be a general annoyance that big budget ww2 shows are only ever white. on the other hand, hanks and spielberg and orloff and miller and all the directors (except dee rees) are white, and how good of a story about black people are you really gonna get from the perspective of nonblack people? that in mind, i personally don't feel put-off by having the three tuskegee airmen in the posters/trailers/promos, bc i just Know there'd be a whole nother problem if they weren't included in them at all despite being in the show for however long (it'd be even worse if they made their pictures smaller). like i don't work in advertising, but i don't know if a "sweet spot" even exists for something like this. people would be pissed off no matter what imo (i'm also speaking with a bias here bc i had to browse through sooooo many comments written by white guys whining and crying and pissing and shitting themselves once they learned that the tuskegee airmen were gonna be in the show in Any capacity, so i'm just cool knowing they're in shambles rn (and josiah cross- he played richard macon- always goes Wild seeing his face in the promos, and his joy is pretty contagious).
i give it somewhere like a 7.5-8/10. 3.75 stars out of 5. not perfect, subject to change, gotta marinate, but i'm overall happy with it! MotA's best episodes are better than many other individual hbo war episodes. should i be grading it using the overall sum of its parts, not just the different parts? idk, i'm not being paid to grade lol.
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I need someone with a medical degree, ideally cardiology, to explain the test results of my ECHO. I was recently diagnosed with hEDS, which is why I had the test done.
Mitral Valve - The mitral valve is normal in structure and function. Trace mitral regurgitationis present.
Tricuspid Valve -The tricuspid valve is normal in structure and function. There is a trace or physiologic amount of tricuspid regurgitation. Right ventricular systolic pressure is normal.
From what I've been able to find on the Mayo Clinic website is basically my heart isn't working quite right and this regurgitation can result in breathlessness, feeling like your heart is pounding out of your chest, dizziness, and fatigue. I was recently screened for COPD due to the severity of my asthma and the constant feeling of someone sitting on my chest, which is why I'm in pulmonary therapy right now. My asthma nosedived when I contracted covid19 two years ago and hasn't made much improvement since then. For years, however, my heart will randomly feel like a huge drum in my chest, though it always happens when I'm startled.
I'll be seeing my doctor in a few weeks, but I intend to contact her for a referral to see a cardiologist if these test results indicate I should.
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thoughtsbeewild · 2 months
RNC feedback---
Some of the speakers are not good at public speaking with the camera. reminds me of friends episode ross and his eye contact preparing for his lecture lol.. how these smart leaders don't really have good public speaking skills, but smart/talented in other areas since they are the senator governors, congress representing USA.
Speakers who made thier appearance look like a screen prompter like Joe Biden. Some were natural speakers like vivek ramaswamy, he was good and his messaging was great and honest. some were meh, who cares, lets move on to the next . The pastor who gave a shout out to the homies, was hilarious and not boring lol.
RNC committee : American Individuals who were selected to speak on thier experience, i didn't like. It wasn't a good strategy if one is playing a game of chess, that would be a loss. I understand thier stories, the loss, fentayl and war to blame Joe biden the government for that happening. I think that would be a hypocritical move because republicans are doing same action as democrats.
Take note: Joe Biden debate he was mad at Donald trump for the loss of his son Bo Biden on Afgan war. Something Biden will have so much hatred for Orange man. then The RNC are doing the same shifting blame.
I think its truly stupid blaming the government for ones behavior, actions that resulted in a bad loss or consequence that one has to live with forever. I mean i would say government didn't force you, its your own Effin free will of choice I Don't agree with selection of americans they choose.
Example Las Vegas was built for gambling, money entertainment, music concerts, food etc. If you loss your money, got so drunk that resulted in a DUI, you cant blame Donald Trump if he was president of USA, cant blame government it would be your own action and accountability.
Just like American mom who spoke about Fentayl thier youngest was offered, well hello why the F did they accept, they could of said no. that's not Joe Biden fault or any government officials. I guess to put that out there in RNC is bad move.
I mean my hairstylist loss her husband from sucide and then months later her daughter died of fentayl. But her message was not to blame government orange man at the time. Her anger was towards the people who was selling it and the person thier friend who ask her daughter to take it, which resulted in death. But i know she blame government for COVID19 rules for her small buisness closing down, that would be the correct way that government officials are responsible for that happening. but not american behavior and choice.
Look at the market of making money as a business official, ya got to sell alcohol , cigarettes, legal drugs, thats never going go away. But kids should be well informed by parents and school education the consequences of the use.
Like if one Drink to much and drive thats results to car accident or possible death. Whose fault is that? The government, joe Biden. No, its thier own damn action and choice of the American. Like i said that is not a good strategy, you cant blame government for everything, just saying. Each individual American is responsible for thier own choices, action, they grown they should know.
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beyond-icelebrities · 6 months
Week 10- Digital Detox Experiment
1. DIGITAL DETOX Experiment: Leave your phone at home for one hour to take a walk in your neighborhood. Write down your observations when you return and draw a map of your path. (This is a hand drawn map, not a screen shot of Google or Apple Maps.) 
2.  Afterwards, take a photo of your hand drawn map to include in your book review. What did you observe? Did you notice animals, trees, sounds and sights that you'd never seen before? Did the experience provide any revelations? Were you anxious, relieved, inspired? 
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To be completely honest, I do a one hour minimum walk EVERY SINGLE DAY to simply disconnect from the game of life and find space to breathe and be alone with my own thoughts... Getting to do this for an assignment was simply refreshing and natural. Because of my extensive walk history in my area (home away from home while I am working on an acting contract), I didn't necessarily see anything I hadn't seen before; I did however notice some beautiful birds (ducks, irises, and geese), a gorgeous sunset, and most importantly I noticed how at PEACE I felt.
2. What is your favorite quote from the book and why do you find it meaningful?
“Our very idea of productivity is premised on the idea of producing something new, whereas we do not tend to see maintenance and care as productive in the same way.”
This quote really resonates with me because as an artist this is truer than ever, in an economy where creation is the mere basis of not only our livelihood but "success". It isn't spoken about enough how productivity can look more internalized than what's usually expected.
3. Why do you think this book, released by indie publishing house Melville Press, became an unexpected bestseller during the height of the Covid19 pandemic? Her book was so successful, she recently released a second title, Saving Time: Discovering a Life Beyond the Clock.
During COVID times, society's idea of productivity kind of got turned on its side as people found themselves unable to go about their normal routines; the idea of comfort also became more individualized and niche because everyone was seemingly doing the same thing: everything but NOTHING. I think this book became an unexpected bestseller because honestly people definitely had more time to read as it is, but also I think there was a spiked interest in self-care and mental health during the pandemic. This was a time where people collectively were acknowledging how hard it can be to "spread yourself thin" especially in dire times.
4. How does the attention economy benefit from our social media activity and media streaming consumption?
The attention economy has a severe chokehold on people of all demographics simply because we now live in a world where not feeding into media consumption and social media algorithms is seen as abnormal. Because we are seemingly all so connected all over the world through social media platforms and applications, not only is the demand for content high but we can clearly see how life online can impact the real world in the form of "trends" which continue to feed into that exact economy.
5. How does this book relate to the topic of celebrity culture?
"CELEBRITY CULTURE is an essentially modern phenomenon that emerged amid such twentieth-century trends as urbanization and the rapid development of consumer culture. It was profoundly shaped by new technologies that make easily possible the mechanical reproduction of images and the extremely quick dissemination of images and information/News through such media as radio, cinema, television, and the Internet." -Encyclopedia.com
This book acknowledges that celebrity culture is inevitably growing, becoming wide spread and accepted.
6. Do you take digital detox breaks regularly? If yes, describe them. Were they more challenging during the quarantine era? Why?
I take one every single day, and they are my "escapes" even though in reality these moments end up being where I feel most present and comfortable with myself, so often times I just look at it as a necessity. I have to admit, during the quarantine era it was slightly more difficult to truly disconnect from the digital world when again, that was singlehandedly the way information was shared and seemingly all I COULD do was open my laptop or scroll on my phone for example.
7. Do you sleep with your phone or computer? Are you aware of the impacts on your sleep cycles and relaxation caused by 24/7 proximity? Have you experimented with leaving digital devices in a drawer or another room?
When I am on my own schedule I tend to fall asleep with my devices kind of carelessly to be honest. I have frequently fallen asleep with headphones on for example, connected to either my MacBook or my iPhone and haven't given much thought to it. It doesn't seem to affect my sleep cycle or relaxation as I actually have a form of codependency with music, leading to using electronics as my form of intaking as much music as possible. I could even argue I feel more at peace with my phone playing a random playlist vs. silence in the air. But I have experimented with leaving my digital devices say in the kitchen or something in a past relationship of mine... This habit lead to more one on one focused time with my partner which was the goal.
8. What does Odell mean by 'doing nothing?' Are we capable of doing nothing? 
Odell defines "doing nothing" as avoiding the constant need to feed into the attention economy and instead focusing one's time and energy on what they need as an individual. I think it is extremely hard to convince certain types of people in this day and age to truly do "doing nothing" justice, as many many people actually revolve around consumer culture, so as a whole I am not sure if "we" are capable of doing nothing if that makes sense.
9. What is the role of nature in Odell's book, in particular the role of birds? (P.S. Did you know that birdwatching became a HUGE pastime in the Covid era?)
Odell genuinely shares the same appreciation and love for nature as I do as a human being. She and I see beauty in the simplest of forms such as grass, trees, bodies of water; And we both see birds as symbols of freedom and easygoing.
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basic204 · 7 months
Writing Prompt
Please write up your normal day but make it cyberpunk example:
The first size chirping of my digital alarm brings me out of the hazy sleep I barely got last night into a tactile world of sunlight and stuffy air that seeps in through my windows and past my air filter. I can already hear the sounds of the city outside of my window the film of grime on it giving everything a hazy look. I look away from the window to the universe and the palm of my hand. A 19 by 9 window Of 8 million pixels flares to life with a simple button push infinite configurability and it's the closest thing we have to the morning post Only a lot less friendly. The online forums are already active and justice like the city that never sleeps they continue to share, message and post reminding me that even after I die and my body is cremated the net will buzz on barely noticing my existence.
I leave the cubicle in my room and walk into my kitchen oh this tiny apt. I grabbed my cup and fill it with dihydrogen monoxide. I put it into a machine that blasts it with microwaves to make the molecules jiggle to simulate heat we don't even have real fire anymore just directed energy. As that's happening I spend the next 30 minutes playing catch up on all the things I missed in the twilight loneliness of my room while I slept. The only real connection now come what I see on my screen. The directed energy box beeps and lets me know that my dihydrogen oxide is Finally hot I steep my black tea I'm pouring some ultra filtered milk.
My com chirps once more encrypted message from my boss he needs me come in. He needs me to set up new cloud servers. I'm a Sysadmin. While the code Jockeys are tapping away all night to build you your quick serve applications. I'm the one who keeps it all running who keeps the firewalls hot so the keyboard cowboys don't tear it all down for the LOL's.
I spin up my encrypted Messenger making sure to set it to its maximum settings. I can already hear the transistors in my phone worrying as I type out my message and it prepares to send a 256bit encrypted message to the other side of the country.
We don't even work in the same cities anymore everything's remote. I even work from home. I've never even really touched a physical server in my entire life no I'd log in through command line interfaces plugged right into my eye sockets to the screen in my hand pair it it takes me a few moments to configure the servers spinning them up and then setting them out to their tasks like good little soldiers .
Cloud computing is all the rage but at the end of the day it's all just someone elses computer and I don't trust anything important anymore to be on someone elses system. If I don't own the network then I don't put anything sensitive on it anymore.
As I watched the code scroll as my configuration sets up I check the news and see a new cyberattack takes down AT&T the largest network in the country taking most phone services offline. For me I set up my own years ago piggybacking on the network this city set up. Yeah I said I'm a system administrator but it doesn't mean I wasn't a hacker in a past life you all got to start somewhere.
I see that pharmaceutical networks are being Disrupted by the digital chaos. I checked the configuration on the rest of the servers to make sure they're hardened just in case this stupidity continues. I drink down my tea and I decided it's time for me to head outside and meet up with a few friends I have left in this city
I put on my air filtration mask filtering 99.999% of all the air I breathe to keep out The noxious and polluted air but to also protect me from the return of the flu and covid19. Add over to my elevator and take it down and as I pass the various floors in here the voices of my neighbors talking once I'm on the ground floor I hear my neighbor Gloria arguing with the security guard about who they should vote for president doesn't matter they're both digital sock puppets nothing's going to change. I hear Gloria ask her phone her facts about one of the candidates the AI on her phone reaches out into the net and scoops up the most convenient pieces of information and presented to her just how she wants it curated to exactly the way she wants to see the world. I drawn out the political nonsense by putting in headphones and tuning into a consensual hallucination does it make my way to the Enter way to the trains.
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admsneezeguards · 2 years
Basic Key Areas of Food Guard | ADM Sneezeguards
Sneeze guards have been used in restaurants before the COVID-19 pandemic. But it’s become popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it's also required for global use. The sneeze guard barrier is so effective and popular and it must be required in all hotels and restaurants in all self-service food counters because there are gathering more people and some people sneezing or coughing and releasing germs and viruses in the air. If you searching for the best sneeze guard to install in your restaurants first clear the placements and positioning which you want to install.
The Evaluation of Glass Shields
Food guard glass shields were used for buffets and self-serve food counters. All the restaurant owners want to protect food displays for avoiding germs and viruses because he wants customers to have pleasant germ-free food. Today during the COVID-19 pandemic sneeze guards are required in all industries and businesses. This is used for groceries, retail stores, clinics, hairdressers, etc. This helps to stop the spread of germs, viruses, and COVID-19. Sneeze Guards have the quality to slow down the transmission and make the distance between people
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jayhorsestar · 8 months
re.'emrata, 4days 7countries, the 'alpha formation yet of mixed wings, cessna and iar330 puma, resembles the carrier strike group sending out scout, the rover mission on mars, thus ingenuity lost, so perhaps NASA is about letting us know, a carrier group naval formation is currently being projected and assembled, and spaceX, even set that up by writing at boca chica, the Gateway to Mars. or cross-borders affairs. silver cuttle-ware (cubiertos de plata), of Morocco, then seen at Malaga Spain, 30yrs later on, were protected by gunpowder at Turkey MSC Poesia cruises Marmaris port. a shop of pistols and carbines the very next door, same street, the walking pedestrians avenue. legally, when you set up a heating unit 'boiler, inside an apartment, it becomes awarded ad_rem, benefiting to the value of the apartment, regardless whom brought in the investment. so silver should be seen as 'treasury derivatives, sort of paintings, art logistics, museums logistics, currently the Space Shuttle having been already MOVED and re-positioned at LAX, less 50h ago. so silver cuttle-ware from Morocco might had been the JOKE, one invested the cash dollars earned working constructions sites, my godfather, 50yrs ago. commis were expecting souvenirs, and Africa truth of ancient approach, regarded that as ad_rem. so no matter the HOUSE it would had been eventually deposited, the BRIEFCASE of forks, knives, spoons, so forth, a confidentiality stricken label, helped out through agency of 'leukemia inhibited PAX, living that HOUSE. the DO NOT ASK DO NOT TELL, ported onto civilian laws, perhaps. so therefore reason 45yrs and three continents apart, and still noticed and observed, 'cara carrying perhaps 'secrets of where she had last seen cutlery of gold or silver, or perhaps a 'black princess child risen in the USA yet w African blood. nonetheless we be witnessing OLD ANCIENT U.N. derivatives of ART relics and logistics going cross borders, the old ROMAN latin principle of possession is assimilated to title of ownership, manu_militari (strong hand). we had seen the U.N. applying old procedures even during COVID19, using cotton sticks up your nose, and generally speaking enforcing intrusive medical screening procedures, even when privately owned Corporations developed tests which were pricey, yet friendly. i hate to see the 2024 ages of fiber, of AI, of MARS endeavors, beginning w ages of 50yrs old U.N. safety regulations and 'leukemia over 'Miranda Right to sit silent, such as a 'gaijin swedish lady at LAX, who acted like she had to keep her lips sealed no matter, inspiring fear even onto investigating fellas. 'was that so important to shut up and protect, not confirming to us this or that, so it paid the price of silence. I HAD SEEN THAT, i never expected that to see when Elon Musk organizes NASA for MARS, ages. technically abusive, and also returning the 'torturing, if you please. AND Morocco and LAX kind of same latitude, so it should had been contaminated food plus certain medicine. m
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thetravelplannersblog · 8 months
When COVID19 infection started in China, Kerala state in South India started taking precautions and three medical students from Wuhan arrived in Kerala was identified with Coronavirus. They were isolated and given treatment and later announced state disaster. The people became more aware of this pandemic virus and started social distancing, personal high-gene. Airports come under vigilance and every traveller screened and later identified more international travellers with infection and proper tracking of fellow travellers and route map of the infected persons visited places were published and those were in contacts were taken to quarantine. Following the same protocols to check the infection more states implemented the same restrictions. India has managed and control the out break so far.
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aksaraer · 11 months
Reviewing Denny Ja’s selected work 26: Why “Death in the Corona Virus” should be noted?
Hello! I am happy to be able to help you with your request. Here is an Indonesian language article that I have made for you. Happy reading!    Title: Reviewing Denny JA’s selected work 26: Why “Death in the Corona Virus Era” should be noted?    In the Corona virus era full of challenges, Indonesian artists and intellectuals continue to produce valuable work that brighten the community. One of the chosen works of Denny JA 26 that should be considered is “Death in the Corona Virus”. This work gives a unique and inspired perspective on how Pandemi Covid19 affects our lives.    In this work, Denny JA highlights the importance of understanding death in the Corona virus era as a phenomenon that is not only limited to physical aspects, but also psychological, social, and cultural. Death has always been an inseparable part of human life, but this pandemic has made it more real and hit us hard.    In his writings, Denny Ja invites us to reflect on the meaning of death in the context of this pandemic. He highlighted how important we face the fact that death is an inseparable part of human life. In a crisis situation like this, a deeper understanding of death can help us face it better, both personally and as a society.    This work also reminds us of the values of humanity which is increasingly marginalized in the midst of this Pandemic. Denny Ja shows that death is not only a statistics or numbers on television screens, but also true stories from individuals who have families, friends, and dreams. Death in the Corona virus era invites us to more appreciate every life and face this crisis with empathy and solidarity.    In addition, Denny Ja also underlines how this pandemic affects various aspects of human life. Not only related to physical health, but also psychological and social welfare. Death in the Corona virus era has changed the way we interact, work, and learn. We are faced with a big challenge that we must face and overcome collectively.    Through his writings, Denny Ja also invites us to think more critically about the actions and policies taken by the government and the community in handling this pandemic. He highlighted the importance of listening to experts advice and took effective steps to protect human lives. This pandemic is a test for all of us, and this work reminds us to keep thinking globally and acting locally in dealing with it.    In his conclusion, Denny Ja 26 “Death elected work in the Corona virus” became a strong reminder of the importance of death in the midst of this pandemic. This work gives an inspired point of view and reminds us of the values of humanity that must be maintained in the midst of this crisis.    We are invited to appreciate life and face this crisis with empathy, solidarity, and wise actions. Hopefully this work like this continues to be produced by Indonesian artists and intellectuals to enlighten the community and help us overcome the challenges we face.
Check in full: Reviewing Denny JA 26 selected work: Why “Death in the Corona Virus Era” should be noted?
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 11 months
473 of 2023
Words that didn't exist 100 years ago 4! [True or False] pt. 2
Created by joybucket
You've sat in a hot tub. You've taken NSAIDs for pain. (back in time) You taken an NSAID when you have cramps. Your mom used to pack string cheese in your lunches as a kid. You used to like to eat string cheese as a kid. You identify as "transgender." You know know someone who identifies as transgender. You just learned that the word "transgender" was invented in 1965. You own a touch-screen phone. 📱 You suffer from sleep apnea. You've known someone who suffered from sleep apnea. You've used a debit card. 💳 You like body piercings. You have a body piercing (other than ears). You want a body piercing. Your first Facebook profile picture was so cringeworthy. You sleep in a bed with a memory foam mattress. 🛏 You've been to an Open Mic Night event. 🎤 You've lived in a home with a satellite dish on the roof. 📡 You've lived in a home with a satellite dish in the yard. 📡 You have Lyme disease. You know someone who has Lyme disease. You suffer from PTSD. You would say you have a good support system of family and friends. You've recently uninstalled an app on your phone. 📱 You owned a boombox when you were younger. You still send letters via snail mail sometimes. You've recently taken a screenshot on your computer. You're a huge anime fan. You never really got into anime. Your mom told you that you used to coordinate your sippy cups to your outfits when you were younger. You've saved a JPEG image onto your computer. You've gone crowd-surfing. Your car has been carjacked. You spend a lot of time with your bestie. Your significant other is your bestie. You like receiving gift cards as gifts. You've downloaded a pdf document onto your computer. You've had Botox. You've regifted something. 🎁 You know what "phishing" means. You've had a friend with benefits. You've had an Amber Alert sent out about you. You've tried vaping. You've had norovirus. 🦠 You've photobombed someone's photo on purpose. You've had COVID19. 🦠 You're an anti-vaxxer. 💉 You've recently had a professional headshot taken of you. You like group hugs. You've tried a life hack you found online. Your significant other wears a man bun. You listen to Kpop music. You've drank a superfood smoothie. You practice self-care rituals to keep yourself sane. You want to start reducing your screen time. You like to drink energy drinks. You're allergic to energy drinks. You thought this survey was lit.
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thibaultjuvenielle · 1 year
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Is it real or just an other illusion ?
Virtual exhibition with south china museum, 2020.
During the covid19 epidemic, I had the opportunity to realize this virtual exhibition. At first, a virtual exhibition didn't seem to be to interesting to me, but as my work questions reality and it's perception, I thought it would be a good time to bring the illusion side of our perception into a space that itself doesn't exist. Here, I used some of the research I did in the past where the goal was to ask; what am I seeing? Is it real ? Is it a screen, or a photograph of pixels on my screen ? With this virtual exhibition, and even this post, we enter into the abyss of the concept of representation, what am I seeing? An image of the real world, or an other illusion ?
Scan the QR code to access the show.
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