shummthechumm · 6 months
genuinely horrible how aave has been twisted into either “teen slang” or something absolutely Horrible and Ridiculous and it’s made out like these quirky white people made it when it’s existed for YEARS. it leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. especially when our language becomes a meme and something you say to b funny when this is just everyday speak for a lot of us. the shit with sus and “sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler” or whatever stupid shit makes me go Oh. okay. y’all will just say anything ig
the amount of restraint it takes for me not to physically react to nbs butchering shit they heard online is. immense.
going to a majority non-black campus has given me my fair share of antiblackness through "haha i learned a funny word on tiktok!!! rizzler pookie!!! my deadass is so silly, no cap!!" LIKE SHUT THE HELL UP!!! SILENCIO!!!
part of me is glad that i went to a black-centric highschool cause idk id rather not be furthered conditioned into uncomfortable silence when a nb mf decides that a random word ive scarcely use even myself becomes their favorite buzzword of the month. it feels like EVERYTHING mooches off of black culture and it manifests through the smallest shit. im so close to blocking ppl atp but what sucks is that even then--a lot of folks genuinely dont know and would likely change their behavior if you just asked. BUT ALSO A LOT OF RACISTS DO IT TO PURPOSEFULLY!!! DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH PARANOIA THAT GIVES ME??
and the words that get butchered are just...some of the most random shit??? like theres too many regional dialects of aave for me to recount but. rizz??? thats the word yall are going to mutilate next??? YALL HAVE KIDS SAYING RIZZ??? "standing on business""??? LIKE THESE ARE WORDS/PHRASES IVE HEARD AND USED BUT NOW MY BRAIN IS GOING TO PERMENANTLY ASSOCIATE THEM AS MEME BUZZWORDS??? "ASF"??? I FEEL LIKE IM IN AN EPISODE OF ATLANTA!!
i dont know any other way to describe it then just the background surrealism episodes of atlanta give off. like the ultimate gaslighting of shit that is obviously off-putting and weird but the majority of niggas doing the harm in the first place either want to convince you its ok or dont realize the effect of their actions. and you dont know which.
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art-of-tek · 6 months
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Some new (very minor) background characters in DS. These are Pike and Zeta's pups; Beta, Delta and Kathryn.
Delta (left) is the smallest and most coyote-looking of the bunch. He is a jokester and doesn't take life too seriously. He was a Hunter.
Kathryn (middle) was average-sized for a wolf, however her ears are slightly bigger than average. She was a prissy Patroller and was named after her late aunt of the same name.
Beta (right) is the biggest of the bunch and a very serious no-nonsense type of canine. The coyote genes really don't show in him at all. His pelt bears a close resemblance to his aunt Kathryn, while his eyes and physique resemble those of his father. He was a Sentry.
All three of them died in the Fading Shadows massacre, alongside their parents. They don't formally appear in book one but they're there.
Also just as a note to confirm that in the DS universe letters from the Greek alphabet are used as names rather than titles like how you see in most wolf media. A wolf can be called "Alpha" or "Beta" or "Omega" etc. but it has nothing to do with their rank or standing within their Pack, as Dark Stones wolf Packs do not operate based on dominance theory.
[ID: Three digitally drawn fullbodies of canine characters. On the left is a coyote-looking blonde-and-cream canine with dark blue eyes in a playful pose. In the middle is a blonde-and-cream coywolf with wolfish features, however her ears are larger than average resembling those of a coyote. She has amber eyes and is in a walking pose. The last character is a large dark brown wolf-looking canine with blue eyes and a snaggletooth. He is in a standing pose with a serious expression. End ID.]
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genuinely such a beautiful view…🙏🏽 truly a sign to leave the suburbs behind forever
LICHERALLY koda i'm wishing you a swift escape from the cursed suburbs...
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isthedogawolfdog · 2 years
whats up w coywolves? how common are they
I can’t say for sure, but probably not as common as you’d think! Wolves and coyotes hate each other for the most part. Coyotes will hunt and kill wolf pups to prevent future competition and vice versa. Usually when they pair together it’s because there’s less wolves in the area, and since wolves tend to avoid inbreeding, coyotes are the next best thing. So, not all too common. Fun fact, wolves rarely if ever eat coyotes, they just don’t seem to like the taste of them from what I’ve heard.
To be honest I couldn’t tell you how common they are, perhaps anyone reading this could weigh in?
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fraseris · 11 months
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unfortunately i don’t have the main version of my oc on my phone </3 but i do have this au version of him!
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i love this animal
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luminecho · 9 months
i completely understand the need to eat cinnamon i support you 10/10
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sixstringphonic · 2 years
At least four coyotes came through the yard the other night.  Keep an eye on pets and small children.  Worth nothing - this is New England, and these are eastern coyotes.
Western vs. Eastern Coyote
Though eastern coyotes are still considered to be the same species as the western coyotes and retain the typical cleverness of any coyote, the eastern cousins do have a few different traits that developed as the animals and their descendants continued their expansion eastward after mixing with wolves. It looks like this “new” canine cousin of the western coyote may be so successful in the East because it combines coyote brains with wolf brawn. According to Roland Kays, who directs the Biodiversity Lab at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, interbreeding between eastern wolves and western coyotes probably helped the new hybrid coyotes adapt to going after the prey that is easily available in the east. “The wolves passed on characteristics that made these coyotes slightly bigger,” Kays says. “That also resulted in wider skulls, which we think allows them to have a stronger jaw that can handle larger prey, such as deer.”
Size Comparisons:
Western Coyote: 3.3 to 4.3 feet in length Eastern Coyote: 4 to 5 feet in length
Western Coyote: 15 to 20 inches tall at the shoulder Eastern Coyote: up to 25 inches at the shoulder
Western Coyote: 20 - 30 lbs Eastern Coyote: 30 - 50 lbs
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mildly-magpie · 1 year
coywolves are such funny animals to me like coyotes and wolves are such different animals it's wild that they can breed like
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slinky little fox man
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plus majestic forest dog
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equals mischief incarnate
you can really see the aspects of both coyotes and wolves in coywolves and I just think it's so cool. They're also close to being recognized as their own species which means we're literally watching a new species evolve from existing ones in real time!
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saviorfoxowlis · 2 years
N:Era: Where We Lie Part 2: As Seen On TV
Rosod explained, "Credit cards have a magnetic strip, you stooges, and are highly traceable. Owlis will know Cyras purchased 200 Drakold worth of ice cream if she looks at her bank transactions."
Cyras asked, "How do we stop the river transactions?"
"Wrong type of bank, and I don't know, do I look like a banker? Let's just say Ahmond is already done for."
Ahmond whined, "They're right, Cyras."
"No," Cyras half-shouted, "I'm sure that I can erase this information when I'm at the palace. I know some people. Wink wink, nudge nudge." Cyras playfully bumped her flank.
Ahmond's expression softened. "Thanks, Cyras, you're a good friend."
Cyras thought, how am I gonna do that? I don't even know how these credit cards work, much less erasing transaction history.
Owlis had books for holding records. The transaction history must appear in some type of book.
While she thought, Ahmond got a bag of loot around her waist, carried by a thin strap of leather. Cyras remembered Civics called the straps "belts".
The two departed for Lavandar, the empire's capital, with Ahmond having a bag of loot on a belt around her waist. At some point in Sunnyvilla, they'd see a flash and be walking down well-maintained streets. Tall and sophisticated lined neatly with each other, with various arches highlighting the next part of their destination. In the distance, visible throughout the city, stood the palace.
Cyras saw these mysterious flashes many times, but Ahmond finally explained how there was an entire system of teleporters throughout Wysdom for easy transportation from a kingdom to the capital.
Ahmond said, "I'm not sure how this all works, but Rosod told me they have some psychic coding. This is known as the Telehighway."
The girls arrived at the lawn of Owlis' palace. The giant purple structure fused elegance with sheer power. Vines dangled from balconies covered with plant life and exotic flowers. Banners patriotically displayed the coat of arms of Wysdom, a shield with a rainbow winged peryton in the center. Despite the age, periodically architects retouched with paint, keeping the place an architectural juggernaut.
Cyras came around the back as the garden was her favorite part. Not just because she was used to the outdoors, but because of rows and rows of weird vegetables. She plucked a carrot and bit down.
Ahmond winced as she heard the crunch. "You really should wash those first."
"Carrots are root vegetables. Roots go in the ground."
"Yes, but, that's gross."
Cyras shrugged as she came through the back door into the kitchen area. A brown wolf chopped potatoes.
Ahmond snuck a quick look at the butler.
Acknowledging her glance, Cyras said, "That's Cacao."
Ahmond asked Cyras, "How many workers are here?"
"Lots. Fifty."
The girls walked the stairs. Cyras, being in the prime of her life, made her way up quickly. Erstwhile, Ahmond, being athletically unendeavored, chugged.
Cyras pushed a double door with her head, welcoming a draft as she stepped out. There were two major towers on either the west or the east ends, both ringed by balconies. Columns linked the floor with the overhang.
Ahmond leaned over the small fence, and sprung back, her eyes bulging.
"Cyras, we're, 20, 30… 40 million feet above ground."
"Yup. My room is even higher up at the very tippy top of the tower," Cyras said while standing on her hind legs with her paw up as if she was patting the roof.
Ahmond whispered, "Oh that's horrifying. I can't go up there."
"Good, I wasn't inviting you."
"Hallo, girls," said a tall purple fox who walked towards them. Owlis' hazel eyes stared Ahmond down.
Tail flickering, Cyras knew the next crucial steps relied on what knowledge she could ascertain within this talk.
"Good news, Empress Owlis," Ahmond stammered, "I have enough money, that I can pay you off."
"Oh really?"
"200 Drakold." A shaky paw handed over the burlap sack.
"Tell me how you obtained all this money."
"Well you see, we have some investors." She stared at her paws. "and because summer is coming, our business is actually picking up-"
Owlis picked Ahmond up by the throat and shoved her against a column. Cyras gasped. "You listen here and you listen good you little PUNK. For your little scheme, I should skin you alive, boil you, and drain your fat for making rose-scented candles! I have never been this disrespected by a mere plebeian as you attempted in the past fifty years!"
Cyras bit on Owlis' tail and yanked, but wasn't pulling her away.
Ahmond choked out, "How did you know already?"
"I have a treasurer, genius, I guess they didn't put that in your daily almanac subscription. Anytime someone pays for anything more than 30 Drakold at a time on my bank account, I get an alert. In this case, several. You manipulated, maliciously, with scamming aforethought, my Wildborn cousin into buying 200 Drakold of ice cream. And I really doubt any of your stock is worth that." Owlis dropped Ahmond on her tail.
Cyras kept tugging and Ahmond wheezed. "I'll get the money, I swear!"
"You better, because for this little stunt, I will break you into pieces like a cheap set of plastic trademarked bricks."
Cyras charged Owlis. One hand got her nape and another her gut. The alpha flipped her, dropped her on concrete on her tailbone.
The spine compressed like an accordion but speed was the game. Cyras dropped on her back and bucked at Owlis' jaw.
The experienced fox slapped her feet away and when the younger followed with an uppercut, she replied with a headbutt.
A crack sounded. Cyras sucked on her now reddened knuckles and glared at the Empress.
"Since you two seemingly possess no other past times than angering me, you will both be passing out invitations for Cyras' birthday party. Perhaps that will keep you little fellas busy." Or maybe she said felons with an accent. Whispering, the alpha said, "I'm seriously gonna turn that little girl into a hat," as she walked away.
As Owlis left earshot, Ahmond began whimpering. "What am I going to do?" She grabbed Cyras' shoulders and began shaking the startled fox, "she will end me!"
Cyras smacked Ahmond with a fiery paw, some spit and stupid flying a few inches.
"Thanks," she said as she rubbed her cheek until Cyras launched an onslaught of many fiery slaps. The Karma slaps. A hundred slaps were dealt within exactly two blinks of the eye. Hopefully, Ahmond would think twice before shaking her ever again.
"Ow, my cheeks."
"Well, if we are preserving the other pair, I have a plan," Cyras told her. "On each paper, let's put an advertisement saying, 'get ice cream at Ahmond's Shop'."
"Our shop is called Freezer's."
Everyone called the shop Ahmond's shop. Cyras tilted her head but she only hung out with other kids. Maybe if she was with adults, she would hear the eatery be called Mosor's Malts, Vanos' Vanillas, or Kyofi's Krazy Kreams.
Ahmond said, "I guess passing out advertisements would be a good idea because Owlis has given me until 26:00 on Twiday night."
"That would be Woeday night at that point."
"Um, yeah, whatever, and we'll pass the flyers out for all of our friends."
Cyras said, "You have to do most of the writing." While Ryvoh made sure Cyras knew how to read while training her in the Wilds, she never taught writing, so if Cyras ever wrote anything she did so with painterly penmanship. AKA, horribly.
Both agreed this would be best if they conducted their business in the dining room. Cyras went to her room and brought the bag of little paper slips downstairs.
Hundreds of invitations became several thousand words, that Ahmond worked through with progressing injury. The coywolf learned about the exciting world of carpal tunnel.
So when they began the trek back to the ice cream shop, Cyras bounced down the streets, whilst Ahmond limped on three paws. "Ow, ow, ow."
A Violet approached them. He looked like the one from the shop they bought the lie detectors at except a bit lankier. Rubbing his scaly hands together, he said, "Excuse me, hello."
Cyras bristled her fur as she put herself slightly in front of Ahmond. "Hello."
"I saw you two girls. You see, there's a camera in my brother's shop and he works at the mall, and I heard, well you see, I invented these things, these devices known as lie detectors, and-" He gesticulated wildly, pointing at everything he was describing. "Well, I was noticing, that you two had, bought an awful lot of my machines. And that's lots of money-"
"Listen, I only bought them because unless Ahmond pays off her loan, my cousin Owlis will make her cry."
Ahmond whined.
"Like that. We didn't care about your product and just used you." Cyras gave him a shooing gesture. "Now remove yourself."
Daybreak took a step back.
Cousin, Daybreak thought as her brush brushed him past. He squinted, and realized that fox must have been Cyras, the new cousin of Owlis who was found and rescued from the Wilds.
If the cousin of Owlis bought the products, then, logic went that meant what was good enough for the Empress' cousin must be good enough for everyone else. Suddenly, marketing jingles rang in his head.
A smirk ran across his wide mouth.
Several days later, Ahmond said, "I really don't think we're getting more visitors."
Rosod spooned a mouthful of ice cream. "Well tweedledee and tweedledum, have you ever thought about the fact that anyone you two would be inviting are your friends? And how any friends you have already know about the ice cream shop?"
Cyras said, "Out of interest, Rosod, do you think you're helping, or are you just a jerk?"
"I'm not just a jerk, I'm a smart jerk, toots." She clucked and cracked her knuckles with her thumbs, then cracked either thumb knuckle with the middle and index fingers.
Lilu spooned at a mountain posing as ice cream. A few scoops of vanilla atop a slice of cheesecake, atop a chocolate bar base. And several cherries helped form the mouth.
Rosod said, "You know, just because your mom says you're fat doesn't mean you should make eat yourself sick to spite her."
Lilu's voice feigned interest. "Oh, then tell me what I should do."
"Personally, I start my mornings by having a nice bowl of oatmeal with raisins and a banana. Along with that, I have five milliliters of apple juice, because anything over is excessive with all the sugars. During lunch, I may have a sprig of broccoli, which I put in my fruit salad, as that provides protein in my diet. For dinner, you actually shouldn't eat because you're going to sleep soon, therefore I typically only have a few carrots for snacking-"
"Rosod, I should punch you in the face. That is literally the most upper-class crimson thing I have ever heard. Yesterday, I pounded back a steak, some mashed potatoes, some peas, a bowl of gravy, and a stick of licorice. Cyras, tell her what real food is."
Cyras said, "Well yesterday, I had some carrots, some potatoes, a few gingerbread cookies, a few chicken nuggets, a few slices of pizza. And then I had some mushroom soup. Then for lunch-"
A commercial came on the corner television, catching Cyras' eyes as she recognized the Violet.
"Oh there's an idea, you could do a commercial," Lilu said.
However, the commercial showed the Violet with his product. "Did you know that a study showed two complete strangers will, within a ten-minute conversation, tell 3 lies each? That's incredible." He threw his arms out at the spit-stricken screen. "A lot of dishonesty is going around our parts, but I've been installing lie detectors after talks with police stations, courts, and kindergarten classrooms.
"My patented lie detectors are very simple." A model appeared. "Just put several sensors on the person and watch the biometrics. Signals figure out someone is lying with incredible accuracy. But don't just take my word, here's one of my satisfied customers."
An older crimson appeared. "I been a judge for 'bout sixty years now, and I thought I could tell lies easy, but we're gettin' more and more readings, and keeping many bad people off of the streets. I find this a mighty shame nowadays we're losing our cultural values, and there are no good, honest, young folks anymore, that's why I think this is a good investment."
Daybreak appeared once again. "Why our product is so great, Cyras Sumhyr ordered over 20 of them." He showed footage of Cyras entering the shop. "Order now, and I'll double the offer. Instead, you'll get two Lie Detectors for ten Drakold, that's double the value. Just call in the next fifteen minutes!"
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solvicrafts · 5 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
...except I'm getting to this very late and have no idea who has or hasn't done this yet, so consider this a free-for-all for anyone wanting to do this, too!
Last song: Follow Fi (extended) - good background noise when I'm working on my websites :)
Bregan D'aerthe fan-site will be returning soon-ish btw! PROBABLY in April or May but it really depends on how much more our relocation is gonna keep getting pushed back :(
Favourite colour: I am a BIG fan of colors just in general but um...
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GREEN. Let's just say 'green' and make this a bit easier.
Last tv show/movie: Oh lord... I really don't watch tv much at all. As in... I've watched 1 show in the last 3 years, which is the Loki series.
Spicy/sweet/savoury: Mostly savory with a bit of spice. I do not usually like mixing sweet and savory. There's an Indian restaurant around here that makes great tikka masala and if I could only eat ONE meal for the rest of my life it would be that.
Last game: Minecraft. I was feeling a bit cynical after corporate put up some more ~woo~ feel-good brainwashing customer service posters so I fought back by putting up signs in my spooky scary underground dungeon saying shit like "positive vibes only" and a few other things that might be too much of a giveaway for where I work so I won't share them (YET!)
Last thing i google "do people seriously believe this crap?" with absolutely no added context because that's the mood I was in
@foxboyclit thank you for tagging me in this, it was fun!
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rwuffles · 3 months
people find the craziest things to label "problematic". yknow art is meant to inspire and invoke emotions in people. people have been identifying with art for YEARS! does anon just find it weird bc you're making flags and stuff around it lmao..
FR !!! honestly it feels like that's the only reason anyone finds it weird.
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overmorrowpine · 11 months
post apocalypse story where disabled guy (gender neutral) accidentally befriends disabled coywolf
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pleasuresoftheharbor · 5 months
kathy's song - simon & garfunkel
And as I watch the drops of rain Weave their weary paths and die I know that I am like the rain There but for the grace of you go I
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lionblaze03-2 · 2 months
found out yesterday that wolves and coyotes can BREED??? This is news to me but it’s GREAT news, welcome Coywolf to the list of hybrid animals I adore, go sit with the ligers and tigons and mules just play nice :3
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mustlovesteve · 1 year
would've loved for lucy to be a wolf but steve isn't that dumb, alas
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toomanybs · 2 months
Homo Superior: Awesome New Species or Super Over-Exaggerated
Mutants being called a different species compared to baseline humans is a common trope in X-Men media. Sometimes by human bigots, sometimes by mutant supremacists. But that,,, doesn't sound right. So we're going to use a trio of Species Concepts biology taught me to test the question: Does this claim hold any water? Like, any at all?
Morphological Species Concept:
If two groups look different and distinctly recognizable, they probably aren't the same species. This is appearance, abilities, and behaviors.
Mutants can obviously do things that are impossible for baseline humans. Professor X can read minds, and Magneto can control electromagnetism. No "Homo Sapien" could, so they are a new species. Very cut and dry. However... can Professor X bend metal with his mind? No? Then I guess he is also a different species from Magneto. And every other non-telepath
Mutants are shown distinct from baseline humans by defining what they are not, but they are as different from one another as they are from baselines. A different species that does not make unless you want to try and apply that logic to each and every one of us, individually
Is a lactose intolerant man a different species than me, who loves to drink milk? No? Guess amazing abilities a nebulous ~~someone else~~ wouldn't have isn't enough to be a new species
Mutants think the same way humans do, socialize the same way humans do, and live the same way humans do. If they can hide their powers they fit right in, no greater difficulty than the stress, which they would not be able to do if a different species
Verdict: They are the same species
Molecular Species Concept:
DNA. If two groups have very similar DNA they are probably related. Similar enough and they are probably the same species.
It's called the X-gene, which seems to either refer to a group of genes or be very poorly understood/vague. Either way the genetic difference between baseline and mutant is small, possibly to the point of being unidentifiable. If you watched First Class, you've seen Charles flirt by naming mutations as an analogy for Mutants. We can assume the X-gene is so small as to be comparable to normal variation
Verdict: They are the same species
Biological Species Concept:
A species is a distinct evolutionary line. If two groups can reproduce together and get kids that can also reproduce they are probably of the same species, because the pair isn't an evolutionary dead-end. If anything gets in the way, be it mechanics, timing, genetic incompatibility, behavior, or kid's (poor) survival they are probably not the same species or on their way to diverging
Some differing species, like grey wolves and coyotes, can produce hybrids, but they won't be of either species. Instead the are something distinct and new (often less suitable to either of the parent's niches), such as the previously mentioned coywolves, who are on their way to being their own species
Let's look at some canon examples of human and mutant pairings, and their kids. I will include Comic and Movie characters, because I wanted an example of baseline parents = baseline kid without feeling pedantic:
Magneto (mutant) married Magda (baseline) and their first child was Anya (baseline). They sometimes then had Wanda+Pietro (mutants). Magneto and Suzanna Dane (baseline) had Lorna Dane (mutant)
Mystique (mutant) and Sabretooth (mutant) had Grayson Creed (baseline). Scott Summers (mutant) and Jean Gray (mutant) had Cable (mutant).
William Drake (human) and Madeline Bass (human) Bobby Drake (mutant) and Ronny Drake (baseline)
mutant + baseline = mutant or baseline, no hybrid
mutant + mutant = mutant or baseline
baseline + baseline = mutant or baseline
If you believe parents of a shared species could produce offspring of a different species, you are wrong. About as wrong as a guy who thinks the dinosaurs are all dead because a black hole was jealous of their beauty and sucked them all up. That's how wrong
Verdict: They are the same species
To Conclude:
Magneto is dumb. Apocalypse is dumb. Shaw is dumb. Trask is dumb. Baseline humans are not the irrelevant leftovers of a bygone area, or the blood-sworn enemies across town. They are the Mutants' identical twin in the bottom bunk with a slightly different freckle pattern
The fact that Apocalypse has existed since 10,000 years ago (according to X-Men: Apocalypse) and manages to find 4 other Mutants every time he shows up despite mutants being unknown to humans is evidence enough to be honest. Mutants are a part of humanity and have been for longer than literature. They are not the instantaneous, brand new direction to replace humanity. They are fully integrated, but often unrecognized, members of the Homo sapiens. No such thing as a Homo superior
You could argue they are a subspecies (Homo sapiens superior), but humans have spread across the entire globe and been cut apart by entire oceans for and have not a single subspecies among us. Native Americans are twice as old as Apocalypse, the oldest known mutant. Mutants aren't even isolated from baselines. It would be very hard to believe they are more separate than any real world group
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