#cp says things
consultingpiskies · 1 year
In case anyone was curious about how it’s going in the US Midwest
Just saw a car with a bumper sticker that said “Why do we need Jesus when we have Trump?”
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holedyke · 27 days
having a hashtag bad one 👍
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gunsatthaphan · 5 months
I heard that Jojo has 2 series lined up for the part 2 event. if thats true then which series would you like to see from him?
yesss I'm excited!! 🥹 also surprised though since I recall he said he wants to take a break after OF. but I'm not complaining.
I think another franchise-series would be fun like Girl Next Room or the Midnight Series where there's an umbrella theme with multiple short installments. Would also be a nice compromise for those actors who want to take it slow this year. but I will take anything from him really lol.
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spitblaze · 2 years
I think its genuinely more important to have a well-defined line that you personally draw in the sand irt what you find acceptable in fiction than it is to align yourself with a 'movement' or 'label' or w/e but that's just me I Guess
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Johnny wandering around the villa making all these quippy comments about what he thinks kerry does in the house, smiling when he sees the never fade away album and then giving v whiplash in the next moment complaining about why he doesnt get why kerry ‘hoards shit’ like that. “This is Kerry’s favorite guitar” he says before promptly taking it off the wall and playing it. weighing in unprompted on if he did or did not choose the furnishings, sitting there w his arms crossed w the most morose pout on his stupid face etc etc etc they’re so divorced coded it’s driving me insane
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ugly-anarchist · 9 months
I don't think "what they don't know can't hurt them" is actually a good argument anywhere ever but especially so when it's about people who are writing rape/incest fetish content of celebrities and their 6 year old children
Like... do you people hear yourselves speaking? Like actually? Or do you just shut your brains off and bash wildly on your keyboard hoping someway you'll come up with a reason as to why you aren't a predator?
"Kids are allowed to write erotica of the characters they're attracted to" ao3's TOS states you have to be at least 13 to use their site, so why are people writing fetish content of (again, real life) 6 year olds and younger?
If a 13 year old is attracted to a real life 6 year old and fantasizes about them having sex with their parent where the 6 year old in question is brutalized beyond that, then that 13 year old needs serious help and not a bunch of slimy "fandom mommies" and proshitters telling them that what they're doing is actually GOOD FOR THEM and NORMAL.
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prettyboyscollection · 11 months
“females are inherently victims and they can never escape this fact ever. males are inherently predators and no matter what they’re dangerous. this is the natural way of things. hey why are you walking away”
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consultingpiskies · 1 year
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Happy spring!
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lettucedloophole · 1 year
naw cos i have never heard anyone say cis women r not affected by misogyny bc they r bad ppl /say misogynistic things if you think someone like kffals doesnt experience misogyny bcs shes a misogynist and not a good person dont b surprised when i look at u sideways bc ur living in Unreality
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say what u will abt ms katy but she SPIT and i said SPIT on these commons it does not take a radical feminist to state common sense but it does take a (te)rf to deny it
of course there is the idea with some weight that misogyny is not only about what a person means but how it affects the person in question. clearly this uh, onlooker means misogyny, but because a trans woman is not Actually a woman it is not Actually misogyny becs it does not affect her as such. but you really have to be insane to say that's the case considering i don't know Society's Treatment Of Trans Women And How It Affects Their Mental Health (unless you think trans women are made to sate men which, obviously is not very feminist [terfs do, and it's interesting how their sympathy will extend to gay/gnc men who feel this way but shrivel upon reaching trans women])
but most importantly is the fact that sex/gender is a social construct, it's not based on anything stagnant or objective and thus, the very treatment of trans women with misogyny thereby proves their status as women
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dykethang · 3 months
ough. DID moments bolstered by weed. is an experience :)
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bellincurl · 11 months
Maybe I'm just desensitized from dealing with like cptsd probably ocd neurotic soup unchecked for my whole life and finding ways to just phase out the chatter of it but seeing ppl here talk abt moral ocd and stuff in a way where they refuse to be reminded of racism or anything is baffling to me. Like I don't get how that's helpful for you, instead of separating thoughts and morals from yourself and your actions you're just going oh no my religious ocd is triggered when ppl talk about me having privilege or benefitting from systemic oppression so therefore I'm never going to interact with marginalized people who talk about it ect ect ect. Or proship ppl being like it's too hard to take a stance against incest and age gap ships so they're just no holds bars for it now. Like again maybe I'm being mean, being online is hard I do think the way ppl talk is especially triggering for ocd and the whole born good born bad self flaggelation for forgiveness stuff never be wrong takes especially eat at me but they are symptoms ultimately and letting it box you out from ways you can actually genuienly improve as a person feels wildly unhelpful to me. Sitting with guilt and understanding what is real harm thats been done by you and actual bad things you believed and what is the brain chatter is crucial.
#ig it's just that unpacking that and ingrained beliefs and the urge to be centered and coddled is#something you have to be doing regardless and i kind of jsut cant respect not doing that#like i care abt ballroom there is a ballroom scene here and my ruminations can play up on anything like#i absolutely cannot engage with the ballroom scene here its not a space for pakeha reslly and i dont want to come off as a white drag race#fan who isnt aware of privilege and wants to be inserted everywhere egotist ect maybe even being into drag at all is problematic ill never#understand ballroom bc i didnt go thru enough and bc im white and z and x and x#and like THAT is disordered thinking that is feedjng off scraps of white fragility and online discourse#but there is truth that the scene here is intimate and new and primarily for maori and pacific and takatapui and that is how it needs to be#like i hope im not wildly off base. idw be one of those ppl who are like just found out abt opression im going to make myself the singular#voice and educator on it coughing at breadtube phenomena kinda thing right right right#like just white ppl bouncing obvious things they just learned back and forth to feel more progressive#i just think ocd isnt a good reason to feed into the left cannibalizes itself cant say anything these days isms of it all and the like#ohhh ur a puritan bc u think cp is bad parts of the net#my self analyzing and ruminations are a thin line but it has genuienly improved me to understand that#your shame and guilt whether it's rational or disordered or not isn't the center of the world and does not need to be coddled#anyway LMAO it did spend 5 hours writing this bc it is disordered and got stuck on it#long post
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Is it just me or was it a really dumb move of Rhaenyra to leave Kingslanding? Putting aside the question of the succession, isn't the Crown Princess' place in the capital so she knows what the fuck is going on in the Realm she will inherit one day? Team Black seemed pretty isolated on Dragonstone, they didn't even know Viserys was ill (you'd think they'd have an informant or something) and by the time they found out he was dead, Aegon was already crowned.
I mean, I know Rhaenyra and Daemon (as well as their fans) accused Otto and Alicent of usurping the throne while Viserys was still alive, but like...the Realm couldn't go on autopilot while the King was barely conscious and the Crown Princess was somewhere far away, having completely resigned herself of any state duties.
As bad as it sounds, the last few years/months of Viserys' life would have been the perfect time for her to get accustomed to ruling, but instead, she was just living like an ordinary noble woman with her husband and her kids. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but I just don't get a sense from her that she actually wants to be a Queen, it looks like for her it's something like 'meh, if it happens, it happens' rather than something she takes seriously.
If she was there when Viserys died, there's no chance that Aegon would have been crowned King, especially since we saw most of the Council members were on her side. It would have been easier for her to take control of the whole situation if she had Kingslanding, but instead she had to catch up with the events that had already taken place because she just wasn't there.
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kharonion · 1 year
Though I detest the idea that V is just randomly declared "on death's door" by an AI... I also detest the idea that, if they were to be tended to at the space station or otherwise, V would be 1000% fine afterward.
Even in Vikt's case, after going to one miracle of a ripperdoc for months on end, he isn't entirely cured.
He never will be.
The Relic led to traumatic brain injury, after all. Though he's healed significantly and no longer considered terminal, there are still lingering effects—spells of persistent migraines; occasional difficulty being roused from sleep or getting to sleep at all; nausea; lapses in short-term memory sometimes; and rarely, mild seizures. And those are symptoms he'll have as long as he lives.
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Re; That Kerry being dismissive thing- RIGHT?! Wasn't he in the middle of setting up the concert? He was just busy at the moment! I'm sure that if V called at a different time, when he was travelling or had a free moment he'd talk to them properly. Other than his ego, which like, you're right about, he's a busy man, who can't just have an inpromptu catching up session because he has milions of fans and eurodollars on the line. I think that he's being reasonable, he gives V an estimate of when he will be free and when they will be able to meet up again, and he even promises them a trip to wherever they'd like.
I think that a lot of people have this very demanding attitude towards romantic interests in video games, where they are basically pure wish fulfillments who change 180 when you romance them and do nothing but cheer on the player's every decision and tell them how much they love and mean to them. In cyberpunk you really feel like they all retain their personalities, good and bad parts, and you just happen to be in a relationship with said person, not someone who lost all their edges to cater to your character. The characters take logical actions when viewed through their own internal logic- Judy leaves and gets married, Panam is furious when she thinks V ghosted her and is still pissed, River doesn't want to mix up V in a potentially dangerous situation and Kerry focuses on his career. They won't magically drop everything just because V resurfaced, things happened in these two years and V can't do anything about it but accept it.
I agree 110% with you. He’s in the middle of setting up a concert, and despite having his attention pulled every which way is trying to give V as much of him as he can. Which is quite generous, considering he is an international rockstar and incredibly busy. Not only do people have a strange view of romantic interests in video games, but I also think a lot of fans want the romance in video games to follow traditional Romance parameters, and unless it’s a dating sim, I would not consider most video game plot genres or even sub genres to be Romance. Giving up everything for your one true love is fine and logical in a traditional Romance storyline— Cyberpunk 2077 is not that. Cyberpunk is true to its namesake, it’s dystopian, it’s bleak, it has an amount of realism that a lot of traditional Romance pushes to the wayside in favor of happily ever after and tropes that, when looked at w any sort of consideration of realism, would actually be a collection of red flags.
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minnow-doodle-doo · 2 years
Personal rant in the tags :/
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consultingpiskies · 1 year
People who want to talk but don’t want to listen are incomprehensible to me
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