#crackship go brrr
straightdazed412 · 1 year
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"it doesn't make sense, why would I fall for that freak"
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god damn trifecta
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astrobuggy · 2 months
Okay, now hear me out. What if instead of Lunar being able to bag the whole astral council, he bags the whole negative star power constellations (Cetus and etc, etc). He practically pulls a steven universe move and gets a whole harem in the process that would destroy anyone who dares lay a finger on him, including each other. Boom! The universe and dimension is saved all bc the beings made of hatred and destruction are head over heels over a small robot who has an unhealthy nutella obsession w/ weather powers and don't want to hurt him😀 👍
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mushroom-for-art · 9 months
Oopsie Baby Upon Ye @ Darkness (sorry the precorrupt doesn't have swatches, I can find them when I get home!)
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Come get your boy he's being a whore all up with my twos (I love it I think it's great)
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Thank u again for doing the lineart for these king<3
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valorianknights · 8 months
Not me about to make some crackship art for Hazbin Hotel lol.
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gamerzylo · 2 years
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Fuck it, crackship time - Mad Scientist!Logan x Doctor Insano.
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@malvo-ish Starbula bingo for you! :D
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Unsurprisingly, I LOVE THEM. The ship that brought me out of a looooong writing retirement because I love them that much xD
Long ramble/essay below!
I actually started shipping them in the months leading up to Vol. 3's release as a crackship, thinking about how cute it would be if Nebula developed a crush on him, but also angsty because she is once again going after the love/approval of someone who prefers her sister over her. So when I saw the opening of Vol. 3 for the first time, I straight-up had an out-of-body experience for a second because it was exactly what I wanted but thought would never happen xD Like, I thought we'd get a couple of friendly interactions between them at best! And then the shippy moments just kept happening! (The sound I made in my quiet-ass movie theater when the "it sounds more like her" scene happened will haunt me for the rest of my life xD)
But yeah, I love everything about their dynamic in the movie. The old married couple bickering, the way they can communicate without words, how they take care of each other. And I genuinely feel like they could be really good for each other once they take the time to get over their respective issues on their own. Both of them are learning to love themselves, doing things that will help them grow and become better versions of themselves, and at some point down the line, I like to think that Nebula will know better how to deal with her feelings for him, and Peter will become open to loving someone new.
Their relationship is just, a combination of so many things that make my head go brrr. Like, just the idea alone of Nebula falling in love with someone is really interesting and something I didn't think would ever be explored, and it shows how far she's come since GOTG1. I usually don't care about romance in the MCU but in this case, it's a great direction for Nebula's arc if you ask me. Also, the DRAMA. Because I find a lot of the appeal of Starbula comes from both characters' relationship to Gamora. They both loved her and she loved both of them, so they probably connected over their shared grief, and once romantic feelings emerged between them, they'd retreat from it at first.
Like, this is all headcanon now but Nebula might see it as betraying Gamora if she were to act on her feelings, not that she even knows how to do that. And Peter would have a shit-tonne of trouble moving on from Gamora. And I think both of them would have this lingering fear that their feelings weren't genuine. Nebula might think her crush is a result of her still feeling like she has to compete with Gamora and prove someone will choose her over her sister. And Peter might assume his feelings for Nebula are just him projecting his love for Gamora onto someone connected to her. I know these are very real criticisms of Starbula but like... if they could get over these things, I think that would be the ultimate sign that they're getting over their issues related to loving and being loved; kind of a perfect conclusion to their healing arcs?
Idk I love that these two make me think like this xD I haven't spent this much brain power on something in many years, hence why I can't stop writing about them (I've got like seven WIPS now help). I adore them both and they deserve happiness and love, and I want them to love each other. And it'd be great if a future movie or special explored that, but if not I'm more than happy to rotate them around in my head and draw my own conclusions. That's the beauty of how open-ended GOTG3 is. <3
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yamperdazzzle · 2 years
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Hehe, crackships go brrr
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voidfell · 11 months
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FROM THE INBOX: MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. / @astraltm
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Crawling over the table like a gremlin specifically to gift you muse combinations we haven't talked about yet cause ilu.
Draculaura and Holt should be besties it'd be so fun.
Haruhi and Gal should be bros. Haruhi thinks she's found one sane friend but in fact Gal is secretly Feral.
Hannah-Marie should get a half-ghost big sis in Dani.
I don't think we've ever talked about Musashi and Satoshi somehow (I also have the usual Adjacent Twerpettes in Serena and Dawn) + there's Gladion. Also Musashi and Leon have insane crackship potential but that's the Zak Brain going brrr.
Kaz is a superhero doctor any of your superhero muses can come to this 16-year-old for treatment. On that note he and Kuki should be friends cause I think she'd kill him for his reckless attitude.
Also I'm not sure which muse but I will specifically go out of my way to make up a reason for someone to interact with Elizabeth cause I love her.
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Eleanor: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume?
Ella: *chugs entire bottle*
Ella: It’s perfume.
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thekinglycrown · 4 years
How about Virtua Freddy or Mendo? if it's not either of them then it's one I don't remember.
*Looks at Mendo*
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🐇🤍💕 Angelshy Moodboard!💕🤍🐇
haha crackship go brrr
also am taking mlp moodboard suggestions. Can be a ship or not, it's up to you.
I can try to do other fandoms too, but if I'm not familiar with the source material I might not be able to do it.
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ridzakun · 4 years
What made you ship Terushima and Yams?
hooo, boy.
tbh, honestly, it started out as a crackship? i’ve seen this lovely fanart by @/camalilium and was like “oh haha rare pair of good boy/bad boy go brrr” and decided to draw (1) one fanart for it as a joke. i thought like “oh one fanart would be nice and then i move on hehe”
but then one fanart became two, two became three and it snowballed pretty fast after that, sksks.
idk, man. i just love their dynamic a lot. like a loud, bad boy who’s secretly a gigantic dork with a kind heart and a shy, good boy whos secretly very mischievous with an assertive side.
and because they had 0 interaction in canon, all the doors are fucking open, dude! you want them to be childhood friends who fallen out and then reconnected back in college? fuck yeah oh, you’d like them to be friends with benefits who then fall in love with each other but pine for ages? go for it! or could i interest you in rivals to friends to lovers with a side of misunderstandings perhaps?
tbh, that sums it up, pretty much. and because it’s a small rare pair, there are fewer people and less drama and idk , everyone’s chill and very sweet and i love it. :’>
( oh but also, after seeing a lot of hate for rare pairs on twitter and ig my additional motivation now is purely spite. :) )
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mushroom-for-art · 11 months
The first crackship child, Imp and @phlurrii 's Circe makes, Nymph!
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First art piece using Sai and a Wacom drawing tablet rather than my usual method and! I think she looks really good!!
She was originally gonna have green stripes on her arms like her momma Circe but as I couldn't make a nice green to go with the dark pink that was already established (based on Imps arm patterns) I just left them pink but I imagine as an adult she would get greener markings in those stripes and the shoulder stripes because adult mew patterns go brrr. Same for her legs I imagine she'd get more green stripes to go with, her leg patterns are based off Circes stripes and Imps spots with the patterns becoming completed spots going up the leg cause I thought it was good
Same for her second neck rather than a strip down the middle of green she's got stripes because of Imps striped neck and the spaces in between will probably grow in green patterns as well, her nose will probably become fully green too or just get more texture depth
Beans and heart bean because Im not immune to heart pattern and also Imp had heart patterns on her knees so had to squeeze in a heart so double beans
Her ear horn fluff is more pointed like how Imp has her little horn points so she's got more exaggerated fluff points and probably horn points in her horn cartilage/bone whichever
Both her mama have blue eyes so she inherited that she also got paler arms from great grandmeau and grandma mew. Big ol fluffy face in phlurri style because fluffy babyyy
She takes a lot after Circe physically because (Circe has the better reference of expressed features) Circes mew genes probably merge with and amplify Imps mew genes making them more phlurri world leaning in design than my world leaning
Also a shiny baby! Mainly because I probably couldn't mix Imps purple and Circes green into a nice color and I think her fluff works better with green plus she looks so minty! Like a little mint! Very cute to me with a darker tail tip like mama Imp rather than light like Circe
Her tail spots were originally purple like Imps and as much as I liked it and thought it was cool I had to accept that I couldn't force purple into the pallete, so I shifted and altered it to this green and then lowered the opacity, I suppose it'd make them like great uncle Flurry? Spots gang
I headcanon she's actually got quite a thin tail that's just incredibly fluffy, since Imp has a thinner tail reminiscent of a mew but it's definitely all muscle don't wanna get hit by it.
She'll either grow more visible chest shoulders as she grows or because of the way Imps cloned mew dna and Circes altered mew dna interact her shoulders remain quite fuzzy without a hard covering with just a thicker chest/half chestplate. Yes I just kinda forgor it oops
I'm noticing parts I missed when cleaning up if you notice no you didn't
I will admit I did struggle with this as Imp doesn't have many traits to mix, had I been clever (which im not) I definitely would've played into Imp having fairy dna and given Nymph features from that fairy line but I don't actually know where Imp gets her fairy dna from or if its enough to really express properly she just had parts here and there added to make her more docile so it unfortunately isn't enough to use in clever design.
She's called Nymph because the idea in my head was definitely more greens and pinks and what's green and pink? A flowering tree, Circes name is associated with magic, magic tree? Nymph. Plus a Nymph is a baby insect and Imp would probably call her Nymph with the expectation that when they're older they'll shed their baby name and pick a new one for themselves cause Imp definitely has weird mixed feelings on her own name. I think I'm also pulling from the concept of Elves having baby names until they're adults.
I love her very much your honor, there was gonna be other art of Imp and Circe holding Nymph while holding hands but the art spoons are gone and i feel guilty enough making everyone wait so long for these lmao, (tho I kinda wanna write a drabble for them we'll see)
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