#craftsman home gym
jackcbuck · 1 year
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Home yoga studio - huge craftsman exposed beam home yoga studio idea Yoga studio idea for the home: a massive craftsman studio with exposed beams
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simpleesong · 1 year
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Fiberboard Exterior Picture of a sizable, elegant, two-story beige home made of concrete and fiberboard
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roosterforme · 5 months
Aim for the Sky Part 1 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Deployments feel longer when you're alone and pregnant. You know Bradley wants to be home for all of the milestones, but you also know he trusts you to take care of yourself. That trust goes both ways when it feels like ages since you've heard from him.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing, pregnancy
Length: 4000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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You hadn't spoken to your husband in more than three weeks. Not once since he left on a deployment of undetermined length. When you were on base, tucked away in your office or working on a project in the lab, it wasn't so bad. You could almost get lost in the idea of heading home to start dinner and find him working on a project. You could nearly pretend he'd be ready to wrap you up in his arms and ask about your day. But you knew better than to drift all the way into that daydream, because he wasn't there, and you didn't know when he would be back.
At least Tramp greeted you with excitement when you walked in each day, but you suspected that was partially because he knew you were about to feed him. Your friends kept you busy on the weekends, and Jake stopped by the Craftsman on occasion with Jeremiah when Cat needed a break. Today, he even made a comment about the multitude of pallets lined up on your driveway that prevented you from pulling all the way up to where you usually parked.
"When Rooster gets back, I'll give him a hand building that jungle gym," Jake drawled as you handed a cracker to Jeremiah. "We'll have it finished in a weekend, and then Jer can test it out."
You watched Jake kiss Cat's son on the cheek as you said, "He can teach the Nugget all about the slide and the swings when the time comes." Your belly felt a little tender as you ran your hand over your shirt, loving the feel of the bump beneath your fingers. You were nineteen weeks along, and when Bradley left, you'd still looked just bloated. Now you were starting to get round in all the places that made you excited for what was to come. And after so many weeks of non stop nausea and vomiting, you were happy you could finally eat.
Jake snorted. "You've taken to calling the baby a Nugget, too? Thought that was just your husband."
You rolled your eyes and flicked his arm. "Maybe I miss him, okay? Like a lot." Your voice shook even though you were trying for a teasing tone, and Jake's features softened. You quickly asked, "Are you two staying for dinner?"
Jeremiah was such a sweet toddler, and you were so lonely today, you were hoping Jake would say yes. But he kissed you on the cheek before he said, "Not tonight. I told Cat we'd be home by six."
You just nodded, once again afraid your voice might shake. You'd be fine; it wasn't like you needed someone with you all the time. It wasn't like you couldn't get through the night. 
Once they were gone, you made yourself some dinner and ate it while you stood at the kitchen counter. Occasionally you dropped some bites for Tramp who snapped them up out of the air before anything ever hit the ground. 
"Don't tell your dad that this is the reason you beg at the table," you muttered as he sat next to your foot and wagged his tail wildly. Even the veterinarian didn't know exactly how old he was, but he still seemed like a puppy sometimes. You could already picture him and the baby playing together.
Your gaze caught on the newest set of ultrasound photos which you had stacked up at the end of the kitchen counter. The appointment with Dr. Morris made you cry afterwards, because Bradley wasn't there to gush over the baby. You drove his Bronco that day, and you sat quietly trying to compose yourself while enveloped in his smell. He had some older ultrasound images tucked in the sun visor, and you wanted him to see the new ones so badly, you ached.
"I'm going to get ready for bed," you groaned at Tramp even though it was still early. You took a bath with the floating thermometer Bradley bought for you to use while pregnant. You drank a can of ginger ale instead of your preferred pink champagne, and you listened to one of the playlists he made for you. 
When you were climbing in bed, you took the note he left you from your nightstand. It was folded into a paper airplane that looked exactly like his tattoo. He'd even written Baby Girl on it like always. Very carefully, you unfolded it and read the short message that you already had memorized, because it just meant something more in his handwriting.
I love both of you so much, sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming. Nothing could be this good. There's no way I get to return home to everything I ever wanted. I don't know when I'll be back, so I need you to take care of yourself and the Nugget until I can take over my duties again. I won't be gone a minute longer than I need to be.
You shut your light off before your tears could fall, and Tramp snuggled in next to you. When you thought about Bradley, you pictured him in his bunk. Maybe he was alone. Maybe he was with Reuben. Maybe he was rooming with a different officer. But it didn't matter, because you could easily imagine him practically spilling out of the narrow bed, one knee bent with the pink and blue notebook propped up while he wrote to the baby.
When your phone started ringing in the pitch darkness, you jumped, practically falling out of bed as you reached for your lamp and phone at the same time. It was a FaceTime call. It said restricted caller. You screeched his name, far too loud for your voice which has been resting just seconds ago. You shoved your glasses into place so you could see him, and shouted, "Bradley! Roo! Are you okay?"
"Hey, Baby Girl," he crooned, and his smiling face came into focus. You practically dropped your phone as he said, "I'm fine. Sorry it's so late."
You felt giddy laughter bubbling up inside you; the idea of your husband apologizing for calling and making your whole week was absurd. "No, no, no, this is perfect," you insisted. "This is great.
Bradley laughed and said, "I miss you so fucking much. Wish I was in bed right there with you."
"Me too," you replied. "It got chilly here tonight, and Tramp isn't as snuggly as you are." You missed his warmth and voice so much. It was almost Halloween, and the nights felt way too long. 
His voice was just a whisper as he said, "Tell me about the Nugget."
Your smile felt overpowering. "Dr. Morris said the Nugget looked great when I was there two weeks ago."
"Two weeks ago," he groaned, rubbing his hands along his face. "Sweetheart... I already missed so much." When he looked at the screen again, you were out of bed and on the move. "Where are you going?"
You flipped on the hallway light and said, "To get the ultrasounds to show you. I left them on the kitchen counter."
You propped up your phone and held up one of the photos so he could see the baby. "There's my Nugget," he said, voice thick with emotion as you held up a second image. "Fucking cutest baby I've ever seen."
You couldn't help but laugh, feeling better than you had in weeks. "I liked this one the best. I think it looks like the baby is waving hello."
"Shit," he gasped. "You're right. I can't wait to wallpaper our bedroom with copies of these."
You pulled the ultrasound away and gasped, "You're probably not even joking."
"I'm definitely not even joking."
You leaned on the counter and got a little closer to your phone as you whispered, "Another week or so, and I can go in for an anatomy scan."
Now you felt guilty as he nodded with his lips pressed together. "You get to find out if the Nugget is a boy or a girl."
Tears stung your eyes. You could already imagine him holding the baby in his arms, loving him or her no matter what. "Yeah," you said with a nod. "But I don't really want to do that without you there too."
It took him a moment to respond. "I wish I could get home in time to hold your hand and find out in person. But you know I don't care one way or the other. The only nice thing is that we can start narrowing down baby names soon. I actually wrote down a few that I kind of like in the Nugget notebook earlier."
Your heart swelled. "I can't wait to read all of your notebook entries. And if you're not home for my next appointment, I'll be practically vibrating with anticipation until I get to tell you if it's a boy Nugget or a girl Nugget."
You wanted to show him how your belly looked more curvy now, but when you and he both parted your lips to speak, you heard someone shouting in the same room as him on the aircraft carrier. Now your husband wasn't looking at you at all. 
"Bradshaw! It's time. Get into your flight suit."
"Yes, Sir," Bradley said before glancing back down.
"You have to go," you sobbed, unaware that you were actually crying until you heard yourself. 
"I do," he said quickly. "Right now. Listen, I love you. More than anything. You and the baby both, okay? I love you."
"I love you, too," you sobbed as your lips trembled. "So much."
"I'll be home soon," he told you earnestly. "I love you."
Then you were standing alone in your kitchen at 4:48 in the morning with tears streaming down your face. The abrupt end to the call set your nerves on edge just seconds after you had been feeling so good. You gripped the edge of your kitchen counter; that wasn't a regular call to order, that was the start of his mission you just witnessed.
There was no chance of you falling asleep again, so you let yourself cry while Tramp put his head down on your bare foot and licked your ankle. 
Halloween came, and you could barely manage to give out candy to the neighborhood kids. You'd had Bradley with you for the previous two Halloween nights in a row, and this year you didn't even want to buy a costume without him. You were exactly twenty weeks along, approximately halfway through your pregnancy, but it was hard to be excited even as groups of kids ran up and down the sidewalk. 
You sat on your porch and dropped goodie bags into pillowcases and plastic pumpkins while Tramp barked inside the house. You commented on all of the cute costumes. You cried a little bit. Your emotions were all over the place as you tried to imagine what it might be like going out to collect candy a year from now with your baby in a tiny costume. 
When the trick-or-treating ended, you went inside and opened a miniature sized Hershey bar for yourself, and then you almost screamed. The chocolate fell to the floor as you reached for your belly. Tramp looked between you and the fallen treat as you sank down onto your knees.
"Oh my God," you gasped, eyes squeezed shut tight. You could feel the baby moving. It was kind of a wild fluttering sensation. You rubbed your palm against your shirt a little more, and the slight movement felt like a response. Your baby was right there. "Hi, little Nugget." Then you felt something like a soft thump.
You wished more than anything that Bradley was here to witness it. He was going to absolutely freak out when he got home. Then the intrusive thoughts arrived. If he got home. It had been another week and a half since that FaceTime call where he got cut off by a commanding officer. If his mission was completed, he should have called you back by now. But at least you didn't have a fleet admiral dialing your number. 
You didn't move for a long time, not until the baby seemed to get into a cozy position where the movement slowed down and then stopped. When Tramp started sniffing around the candy bar, you crawled over to it and picked it up before he could get any ideas.
Time was simultaneously at a standstill and also moving too fast. In four weeks, it would be Thanksgiving and your first wedding anniversary. You'd been holding off making plans with your parents, because you didn't know what to do. You were already overdue for your anatomy scan, dodging phone calls from Dr. Morris's office when they told you that you absolutely needed to come in for your checkup. They were starting to leave you lengthy messages about how they needed to complete the full scan to be sure there were no underlying issues. 
As you walked to your bedroom, you promised yourself you'd call tomorrow and schedule an appointment. Bradley would miss finding out if the Nugget was a boy or girl, but at least you'd get to see all ten fingers and all ten toes for the first time. You could reveal the news to Bradley when you got to talk to him. You would go to your appointment, because he trusted you to take care of yourself and the baby the best that you could.
The cafeteria was packed when you walked in with your uniform shirt untucked and your pants unbuttoned. You finally caved and ordered a maternity uniform last week, and Bickel let you cry in his office about how ugly it was before he sent you back to the lab. It should be arriving any day, but for now, you were making do. 
When Nat saw you, she was on her feet heading your way immediately. "Your belly looks bigger!" she gasped, pulling you toward the table where she was sitting with Bob and Maria. "When's Rooster coming home?"
You shrugged miserably. "You think I know? I just work here."
Her laughter made you smile for the first time all day. Your nausea was back a little bit, and you were too afraid to even try to eat anything until you got home later tonight. When Nat scooted her tray closer to the edge of the table to make room for you, she asked, "Where's your lunch?"
You didn't want to lie, but you really didn't want them to pressure you to eat right now. "I think I'll just take something back upstairs with me." As you slid onto the empty spot on the bench, you asked, "Do you know if anyone has heard from Payback?"
You were met with shaking heads which didn't help your mood at all. What the hell was going on with this mission? Your tongue felt too thick, and your saliva practically made you gag as Bob said, "I thought they would have been home by now. Five weeks is a long time for a special mission."
Maria elbowed him in the side, but it's not like he was saying anything you weren't already thinking. This sickening feeling had been inside you for days where you were convinced something went wrong. You just couldn't fathom why you hadn't received a call yet.
"I know," you muttered. "It's okay." But you weren't actually sure if it was or not. It has been months since you had a panic attack where you had to spend a few hours with Dr. Genevieve, but you could feel it building up now. Worrying about Bradley and yourself and the baby all at the same time was mentally and emotionally exhausting.
You pretended to pick up a sandwich before heading toward the elevators in the lobby, and you stopped to throw up in the bathroom before you made it back to your office. Your anatomy scan was scheduled for Friday, almost three weeks after they originally wanted you to come in. If you were still feeling this anxious, you'd block off part of your schedule next week to visit Dr. Genevieve again.
Somehow, even though the only thing on your mind was talking to Bradley, you were shocked when your phone woke you up just before midnight on Wednesday evening. This time you rocketed to your feet as you yanked your phone free from the charger. It wasn't a FaceTime call. It said RESTRICTED CALLER. You braced your hand on your nightstand in the dark, and when you answered, you knew immediately that it wasn't your husband on the other end of the call.
"Hello? I'm calling on behalf of Lieutenant Commander Bradley Bradshaw," came a male voice in response, and then he was asking you to confirm your personal information. 
"What happened?" you gasped once he established that you really were the one and only person on Bradley's contact list. "What happened to him?"
There was a soft hum from the man, and you wanted to jump through the phone and strangle him for his lack of response. Then, as you finally managed to turn on your lamp, he said, "It looks like his flight just took off out of Hong Kong."
"Flight?" you gasped. "He's in the air?"
"Yes. A commercial flight into San Diego. He should arrive Friday morning, and I can give you the details now so someone can arrange for a ride for him." 
You were baffled as to why Bradley didn't call you himself, but if he was on his way home, you didn't care. And you weren't going to arrange for a ride for him. You were going to pick him up yourself. When you grabbed a pen from your nightstand, the only paper you could find was the love note he left for you, so you started writing the flight number on your arm instead. Then you gasped and almost dropped the phone when you ended the call. There was the slightest chance he would be back in time!
Bradley was exhausted. He knew he could sleep for two days, no problem. He would land in San Diego and hope you were there to get him, then he'd ask you if the baby was a boy or a girl, then he'd take you home and make love to you before falling the fuck asleep. He really wanted to start building the jungle gym playset, but that was just going to have to wait for another day.
It was Friday, or at least that's what he thought, and he wasn't sure how busy you had been at work, because he hadn't spoken to you in weeks. Maybe Bickel let you take the morning off. If Bradley didn't get to see you in baggage claim like he always had before, he was going to be so annoyed that he was delayed weeks longer than he should have been. This mission turned into a three part nightmare on the high seas, and all he wanted was his wife and his Nugget.
When his flight landed, he was up and out of his seat, ready to go. Of course he ended up lifting down carryon bags for a few older passengers and one woman who had two kids with her. Of course he knelt down to help someone find their reading glasses. But all he wanted was for this line of people to move it off the aircraft so he could get into the terminal and call you.
When you answered on the second ring, shouting his name into the phone, he couldn't help but smile. "I just landed, Sweetheart. Does that mean you're here to get me?"
"Yes! I'm in baggage claim! Hurry up!"
His whole body thrummed with need as he picked up his pace at the confirmation that you were here for him. "I'm coming as fast as I can," he promised, squeezing between two groups of people walking way too slowly. He wanted to know if you took the day off. There were a hundred questions circling his brain, but the first one that he needed an answer to was, "How's my Nugget?"
He could hear the smile in your voice as you said, "Your little Nugget is thriving, Roo. But get over here and see for yourself!"
"Baby Girl," he laughed, jogging a little faster. "I'm coming." 
"Hurry," you whined, and he needed to give you what you wanted. 
He bypassed the crowded escalator and took the stairs as quickly as he could, skidding around a corner as he turned toward baggage claim. "Almost there," he panted into the phone. And then he saw you and groaned, "Fuck," loud enough that a few people shot him nasty looks. "Holy shit, Sweetheart."
Bradley ended the call as you glanced around, and he stumbled when you finally spotted him. You were wearing a new dress. It was a pretty shade of green, and it was snug, hugging all of your curves. Hugging your bump. You had a bump. You looked so obviously pregnant to him, he was ready to crawl on his hands and knees and beg at your feet.... for what, he wasn't sure. But that's what his brain was barking at him to do right now.
"Roo!" you called out, prancing toward him in that tight dress and your boat shoes, and literally nothing felt better than being with you. As soon as you were in his arms, he was home. "Bradley," you moaned against his lips as his hands found your sides. You felt different in the best possible way. The swell of your belly wasn't huge yet, but it was definitely there. He could feel it. His growing baby.
God, you were kissing him just right, fingers threading through his hair as you rubbed yourself against him. "Jesus," he groaned into your mouth, but you kissed it away as he ran his hands along as much of your middle as he could reach. He couldn't help it; when you eventually broke the kiss to take a breath, he dropped to his knees in front of you.
Your fingers were still in his hair as you looked down at him in surprise. "Roo?"
He was kissing along that green fabric and rubbing his nose against that perfect, little bump. He knew you were twenty-two weeks along, and he knew what that meant. "Please, tell me," he rasped, stroking you gently with his thumb. "Please, Sweetheart. Is it a girl or a boy?"
Your softly parted lips and smile had all of his focus as he waited to hear you tell him what he'd been dying to know. "Oh," you whispered, pushing your fingers through his hair, leaving him in anticipation as your fingertips glided down his cheek. "I don't know yet."
"You don't?" he asked, brow creased in concern. But you just kept smiling as his heart pounded. "You don't know?"
"Nope," you replied easily. "My appointment is in an hour."
Bradley rocketed to his feet. "Are you serious?" he whispered, his voice a little harsh. "I didn't miss it?"
You kissed him softly as he collected you back in his arms. "You didn't miss it, Roo. I postponed it as long as I could. You're just in time."
"Hell yes!" he whooped, pumping one fist in the air as you giggled. "You waited for Daddy," he said, smiling down at your belly as he slowly walked you backwards. "That's my Nugget." You were looking up at him with trusting eyes as he pushed you back against a pillar next to the baggage carousel. "You said we have an hour?"
"Good," he murmured before his lips found yours, and his hands continued their excited exploration of your new curves. 
Next up is the big reveal!!! I am so excited!!!! Get your final guesses in now! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls and everyone who has been reading and interacting. Welcome to the new series!
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cosmicpuzzle · 6 months
3rd Lord in Houses- Where you need to put efforts?🏋🏼‍♂️
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3rd Lord in 1st House: Generally, you need to put a lot of effort in life, you may be a body builder, artist or someone who uses your body a lot. You may get luck only in proportion to the efforts you put in.
3rd Lord in 2nd House: Generally, you need to put a lot of effort when it comes to earning and building wealth. You need to put efforts with your speech, your family and primarily to earn your livelihood. You may be an artist, chef, dancer, craftsman or someone using your hands and body to make money.
3rd Lord in 3rd House: Generally, you need to put a lot of effort for selling something (if you are working independently). You need to put efforts for sales, marketing, advertising. You may be an artist or musician or editor or writer.
3rd Lord in 4th House: Generally, you need to put a lot of effort for your happiness. You need to put efforts to find the right residence/home for you. You may put a lot of effort into finding a right buyer/seller for your property.
3rd Lord in 5th House: Generally, you need to put a lot of effort for having children but also for any creation you do. You may be a writer, artist who needs to refine your talents skills all the time. Your love life needs a lot of effort to make it work.
3rd Lord in 6th House: Generally, you need to put a lot of efforts for health, diet and nutrition. You may be a gym trainer or sports coach as well. You have strong ability to work hard. You have to put efforts in your daily job. Your job may be physically strenuous.
3rd Lord in 7th House: Generally, you need to put a lot of effort into your relationships, marriage and going out of the country. You may have to put efforts into your business.
3rd Lord in 8th House: Generally, you need to put a lot of effort into your research. You may be a scientist, surgeon, student of occult. You need to put effort to maintain your longevity too.
3rd Lord in 9th House: Generally, you need to put a lot of effort into writing, higher education (college, masters). Luck is generally dependent on the efforts you put. You need to put lot of effort into understanding religion, philosophy.
3rd Lord in 10th House: Generally, you need to put a lot of effort into your career. You may have a travel based career. You may experiment a lot in finding the right career for you.
3rd Lord in 11th House: Generally, you need to put a lot of effort in networking and making friends. You need to earn your own way.
3rd Lord in 12th House: Generally, you need to put a lot of effort for finding peace, enlightenment and happiness. You can put lot of effort to understand the sub conscious mind.
For Readings DM
To support my blog https://ko-fi.com/cosmicpuzzle
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Welcome to Villa De La Creme. (No, you don't need no damned landscaping. Less maintenance.) Don't know when it was built b/c other countries don't usually say, but it's in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, has 8bds, 7ba, asking $5.8M and that includes the golf cart. They describe the architectural style as a "bungalow." A $5.8M bungalow. Interesting.
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The marble floors are imported Marmara marble and the chandeliers are imported crystal from Vienna.
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To the left off the entrance hall is a large living room with high ceilings and wainscoting.
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Then double doors open to the dining room. I don't like the wainscoting- it's kind of Craftsman style and this is a European style home.
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The kitchen's very large and very white. The double doors open to the formal dining room.
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There's a brick feature wall, but the description says there're rare blue Calcutta marble counters and I don't see any blue.
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Back in one of the wide hallways, we're about to enter the primary bedroom.
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It's gigantic. Seriously, you'd need a riding floor cleaner like they have in stores, to keep these floors.
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Doors open to this small "terrace."
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Very large bath. Look at that- a park bench in the shower.
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This bedroom is nice, with the round window.
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It has a nice en-suite.
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I like the en-suite for this bedroom- it has a blue sink cabinet. At least it's a little different.
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The home office switched to floor tile.
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Large home gym with glass walls.
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Interesting. The stairs to the basement have a gate. Maybe for young children or dogs.
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Nice guest 1/2 bath.
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I didn't know it had an elevator.
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Huge empty basement.
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Basement suite. Fancy sink vanity down here.
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Looks like there are a few bedrooms down here.
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It's not isolated, but if you don't like close neighbors, like the house hunters on HGTV, this is a good property for you.
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And, you're right across the road from the water.
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octuscle · 9 months
Hello Sir! I know you can help me with my problem. Soon new year, and in new year I want become big brut hairy bear, with bald head. I ready pay any price for it. Can you help me in this question?
You couldn't necessarily tell by looking at Liam. But he was already 19 years old. He constantly had to show his ID. He was annoyed. At least he wasn't ugly. On the contrary. He had hundreds of followers on TikTok. But most of them thought he was a kid. No one believed that he had finished school and wanted to start training as a draughtsman the following year. When he asked a construction company for an internship until then, they told him that they didn't accept underage trainees.
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"Guys, how old do you think I am? And what can I do to be thought of as older?" Liam added to his new pic. Comments poured in. bears_and_boys_1982 sent him a link. Looked interesting. Probably something similar to FaceApp, Liam thought. He downloaded the app. And nothing happened. One of his buddies had replied that he should meet them for a cigarette and a beer at the bus stop. If he smoked enough, he would soon look older too. Liam laughed, put on his fake Moncler jacket and set off to meet his mates.
It was already after 11 p.m. and Liam was just about to turn out the lights when his cell phone beeped. "Installation complete, defining profile" was on the display. What the hell? Ah, the app from the bear and boy guy, Liam remembered. Let's see. It really was something similar to FaceApp. And it seemed to be free. You could capture a whole range of things. Age, occupation, hobbies, weight, height. Liam played around a bit. But it was awkward to use, the interfaces were old-fashioned, and there were no pictures or graphics anywhere. Liam lost the fun pretty quickly. He was also tired. He locked the phone, put it on the bedside table, turned off the light and soon fell asleep. The cell phone buzzed a few times during the night. Messages lit up. "Settings saved", "Target defined" and finally "Transformation started". After that, there was silence. Until the alarm clock rang at 04:30.
Quietly, so as not to wake his parents, Liam went to the bathroom. This internship was exhausting, but also fun. He was assigned to the bricklayers. Actually, he would have preferred to do something in the office on the computer. But his colleagues were nice and he had the feeling that working in the fresh air was good for him. Showering before work was silly. Liam sprayed some Axe under his arms, brushed his teeth and set off. The bus always picked him up at 05:00 and drove him to the construction site with the other colleagues.
After work, Liam drove back to his parents' house. His father needed help building the new carport. In other words, Liam was supposed to build a new carport. Initially, Liam's parents had grumbled that Liam didn't want to study, but only wanted to be a craftsman. Nowadays, the two wizened academics were happy that at least one of the family knew how to work. Before it got dark, Liam prepared the concrete for the foundations, dug the holes for the foundations, built the formwork and poured the foundations for the carport. Tomorrow he would install the support beams. Liam declined his mother's offer to stay for dinner. He had an appointment with a few colleagues for a beer. And even though the work had been exhausting enough, he would still like to go to the gym for an hour beforehand. He was increasingly developing a paunch from too much beer and too much junk food.
Life on the construction site was a man's world. The containers were small and stuffy. Especially for a colossus like Liam. The bunk bed, where Liam slept downstairs for safety reasons, was hardly more spacious than in a submarine. The air reeked of sweat, beer and male farts. But mostly also of cum and testosterone. Liam loved this world. He was almost always sorry to go back home at the weekend. Here there was always the opportunity for a quick fuck or a blowjob, just like tonight in the shower room. The apprentice looked almost greedily at Liam's fat, cheesy and uncut cock. It didn't matter whether colleagues were about to join him. At best, an orgy would develop.
The weekend at last. Liam had been a foreman on the construction site for a long time, but his boss still called him home at weekends to do smaller jobs. Hehehe, Liam knew what these tasks were. As a rule, his boss's wife wasn't at home on weekends like that. The boss would then cover the beds with the leather sheets that he hid from his wife in the tool shed and Liam would then fuck him on the sheets, in the hot tub or on the kitchen table.
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He always felt a little uncomfortable in his boss's house. He hated the pictures of that princess who died a hundred years ago hanging at the shithouse. And he constantly had to be careful not to lose any of his body hair or beard, which could make his boss's wife suspicious. And Liam was constantly losing hair everywhere. Especially from his head. But Liam also didn't give a shit about his boss's problems. There was a good commission for the weekend work. And there was also commission if he pissed standing up and didn't lift up the toilet seat or if he shot his cum on the carpet while he was cumming. The rest wasn't his problem. By the time his boss's wife came back from the yoga weekend, he was long back in his man cave. With a bit of luck, with the hot apprentice's head between his thighs.
Pic of the former Liam found @toughukladz and pic of the current Liam found @eurobeef
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gladlypants · 2 years
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Hey! I uploaded a ton of lots to the gallery today (id: gladlypants) Some were recent builds I was doing while I was waiting for GT, some I just furnished today, some I built last summer before HSY released and forgot about, and then vault Cleo’s grandparents’ house. I had a lot of fun practicing building over the last few weeks!  :) 
It’ll take me a bit to get all of these tray files up, will have to go back and take interior screenshots and all that. There are names of each and short descriptions under the cut, numbered like the screenshots, cuz I just felt like talking about em, and gallery images suck. I’ve playtested most of these at some point, except Charles E. Cheese’s, the shells, and the Batchelder house.
Lmk if you want any of these now for your new pack gameplay and I’ll shoot you a temporary dl.
1. Charles E. Cheese’s - Heavily branded for the feline version of Chuck, Charles! It’s a restaurant and I haven’t playtested it, sorryyyy, but I don’t foresee any issues. There’s a pizza vendor kiosk inside too if you want to change the lot type or have typical Dine Out problems. Intended as a kind of party space for kids. The upstairs feels a little chaotic to me but maybe not idk. ♥
2. Raymond’s Noodles - A little local noodle restaurant I built for a sim named Raymond I was playing in a recent rotation save. It’s small and cute. ♥
3. The Schneider House - a big ol’ traditional style Windenburg house. I was also playing a household on this lot, and I really loved it!
4. Batchelder Craftsman - I love the style of this house. Named for Batchelder tiles, which I am pretending this one has throughout! (reference)
5. Gray 2 Story Craftsman - The household I played the most in my rotation lived in this house and I love the layout, so it’s probably my favorite of the Craftsman shells I built, even if it is a little plain looking on the outside. It has an awesome, huge main bedroom suite! 
6. Green Family Craftsman - f*ck those rooves. This one has a a sunroom and a bedroom for grandparents/stay-overs. (reference)
7. Blue Craftsman - Built this one like a house my sister-in-law lived in here for a long time, it’s a common style and layout in older neighborhoods where I live.
8. Black Victorian Shell - It’s supposed to a small detached row house. I built it with the idea of using it for renting to roommates but you can use it however you like obviously.
9. Cleo’s Grandparents’ House - a desert mcm! Still has the camper in the yard that Cleo + Devon lived in before they got locked in the vault.
10. Single Mom House - I built this for one of my gallery households, who is a single mother and teenage daughter. It’s a little shabby, with some craftsman features and some Hispanic decor for them.
11. The LaFollette House - also built for one of my gallery families, a single military dad and his two daughters. I intended this one to be the same as the Single Mom house, but remodeled to be more modern and spacious.
12. The Gilbert House - for a gallery household, it’s a little retro inside!
13. Split Level Family Home - also for a gallery household, this one has very feminine style decor, except for one of the bedrooms for a teen, and a huge unfinished basement (just walls.) 
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^^ Also this “Colorful Craftsman Shell” that I forgot about and don’t think I’ll get around to furnishing/finishing it anytime soon. It has a bonus attic room. You’ll need to move the back door, place it on a bigger lot, or lower the foundation because I didn’t leave space for steps there. 
And a big modern “apartment building” with one furnished unit and a gym and indoor pool downstairs, which is kind of unfinished but idk if I’ll get back to it.
Sorry for the wall of text, thank you if you read it all. ♥ 
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macthekat82 · 1 year
Roll for build challenge
Inspired by @hiphiprenee over on tiktok I made my own Roll for build list. I am mostly using her lists but I have modified them, since I am not building for content, I want houses I actually want. You are all welcome to use or modify it all you want. 
You can either roll everything beforehand or do a few rolls and build, and then give yourself another challenge. Roll either a physical die or a online dice roller. 
I have tagged my build I do with this as #roll4build on the gallery and I am macthekat82 on there as well. 
Type of build 
Micro home  (4-32 tiles)
Tiny Home  (33-64 tiles)
Small home  (65-100 tiles)
Starter home (max §20.000 + 2000 per bed)
Regular home
Lavish home 
Open concept or closed concept?
Open concept (Even)
Closed concept (odd)
Household type
Single sim
Cape cod
Mid-century modern
Container or mobile home or pre-fab
Craftsman or arts-and-craft
 Roll for twice
Dealers choice
Colour scheme
Earth tones 
Natural materials
Cool tones
Jewel tones
Duo chromatic 
If you want more of a challenge do as many of the following as you feel like. 
Exterior features (roll twice)
Vegetable garden
Driveway or garage
Hot tub or pool
Fire pit
BBQ area
Play area (monkey bars, swing set etc)
Craft area
Tower, spire or turret
Second structure
Farm animals
Roll one more time!
Dealers choice
Interior style (reroll if you don’t have the items for it)
Cottage chic or cottagecore or English country 
Minimalist or modern or Asian Zen
Mid Century modern 
Farmhouse -  modern or traditional or French Country
Maximalist or Bohemian
Transitional Style (traditional + modern elements)
Eco friendly 
Traditional japanese 
Shabby chic or coastal
Very gendered
Hollywood Glam or Hollywood Regency
Child friendly or child centered
Mediterranean or middle eastern
Art Deco
Grandma chic 
Dealers choice
Bonus room/area
Storage room or pantry 
Art studio
Game room
Home theater 
Music room/studio
Craft room
Guest bedroom
Hidden room
Spice roll
So many plants
Ups another child 
A dark secret
They really love cooking
Pets are the best!
A big collection
A lot of clutter
A supernatural lives here
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monsterkong · 8 days
Luxury Living at the Beach 🏖️
Looking for your dream beach house? We’ve got the perfect spot for you at 6025 East Ocean Boulevard on the Peninsula! This four-bedroom, three-bathroom Craftsman home is bursting with charm and modern upgrades, giving you the best of both worlds. Ready to take a tour? Let’s go! 💫
🌊 Location, Location, Location!
Located just steps from the beach, this home is what beach living is all about. Whether you’re lounging on the sand or taking a quick dip in the ocean, this Peninsula gem makes it easy to enjoy the sun, sand, and surf every day. 🏝️ Plus, with over 2,500 square feet of living space, there’s plenty of room for all your beachside activities. 🏄‍♂️
🏡 Living Area & Kitchen: Homey Meets Luxury
Step inside, and you’ll instantly feel at home. The living area is cozy and warm, thanks to the faux fireplace and soothing décor. Need to get some work done? No problem – the little office nook tucked away near the stairs is the perfect spot for productivity. 💻✨
Now, let’s talk about the kitchen – OMG, it’s stunning! 😍 This fully remodeled Chef’s Kitchen has everything you need to whip up a feast, from coffered ceilings to high-end appliances. Every inch of this kitchen is packed with luxury details, making it the heart of the home. 🍽️🥂
🛌 Downstairs Bedroom: Guest-Ready
Whether you're hosting friends or family, the downstairs bedroom offers privacy and comfort, complete with its own bathroom. It’s an ideal setup for guests who want to enjoy a little bit of solitude during their stay. 🚿💫
🚿 Outdoor Shower & Garage: Beach Living at Its Finest
After a day at the beach, nothing feels better than a refreshing outdoor shower! There’s plenty of space for all your beach gear too, with storage for surfboards, paddleboards, and more. The garage? It’s not just for cars – it’s finished and offers room for a home gym and tons of storage. 🚗🏋️‍♂️
🛏️ Upstairs: Primary Suite & Bedrooms
Upstairs, things just keep getting better! Two more bedrooms, a full bath, and a laundry room make this home super family-friendly. But the real highlight is the primary suite. With vaulted ceilings, a fireplace, and a fabulous walk-in closet, it’s the ultimate retreat. 🔥✨
🛁 Primary Bathroom: Vintage Meets Modern
The primary bathroom is all about style, with Craftsman-inspired elements that take you back to the 1920s. From the stunning finishes to the thoughtful design, this bathroom is the perfect place to relax and unwind. 🛁💆‍♂️
🌿 Outdoor Space: Your Own Private Oasis
As you exit through the Dutch doors, you’ll feel the cool ocean breeze. With an outdoor shower, ample storage, and a finished garage, this home is the ultimate beachside retreat. 🌅🏡
💡 Conclusion: The Beach House of Your Dreams
This home is the perfect combination of luxury and location. Whether you’re looking for a vacation home or a full-time residence, this Peninsula treasure is ready for you. Reach out today to schedule a showing – your dream beach house is waiting! 🏖️🏠📞
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art-of-manliness · 4 months
An Inside Peek at The Strenuous Life: Spring 2024
The Strenuous Life is an online/offline platform that helps members learn new skills, pursue new interests, and improve themselves in body, mind, and spirit. Each month, members create and publish a newsletter — The Bugle — to highlight what’s going in the TSL community.  If you’ve wondered what The Strenuous Life is like, below we share a recent edition of The Bugle. The next TSL enrollment, and the final enrollment of 2024, will open in June. Click here to get on the email list and be the first to know when enrollment opens.  --- The Strenuous Life Bugle is the newsletter for participants of The Strenuous Life, which highlights the strenuous going-ons of our intrepid members. This Bugle brought to you courtesy of: @averyb, @clouden1, @eburres, @gwalliman, and @S-C-Hughes. Badge Work What badge requirements have you been working on? Here’s a sample of how your fellow members got action recently: For the Astronomer Badge, @marcusraider is using a book and his telescope and binoculars to identify the stars in the night sky over the year. For the Backyard Chef Badge, @maverick-man smoked a brisket for his family’s Easter dinner. @Fahey learned to string his bow during a lesson for the Archery Badge. @prometheus has been harvesting a cup of mulberries a day from his tree to satisfy the Backyard Farmer Badge requirement. As part of the Art Badge, @russjack has created several paintings of his backyard over the seasons.   @boots1164 read The Daily Stoic for 30 days for the Monk Badge. @flurry demonstrated holding a pen correctly, for lefties, for the Penmanship Badge. @jameshxn read Edmund Morris’ trilogy of biographies on Theodore Roosevelt for the Rough Rider Badge. @mrmeyers99 paid off all debt except for his house for the Personal Finance Badge! In the Handyman Badge, @roseman76 replaced some damaged slats in his fence. @ChrisZelihsen had fun checking off a Host Badge requirement as he hosted a “beer gathering” for friends at his home, where they played a quiz game while tasting various craft beers. For the InfoSec Badge, @timmydee got a free annual copy of his credit report. @repetition8932 made sushi for himself and his wife for the Kiss the Chef Badge. Finally, @russjak finished writing all of the required letters to earn the Letter Writing Badge.  @Brendan created a cool-looking bookshelf for the Craftsman Badge, and @Mickyjohn signed up for his first BJJ session at a local gym for the Fighter Badge. @Mickyjohn also purchased a first aid kit for his First Aid Badge — he’s been busy! @Stewart has had a few automotive adventures lately for the Gearhead Badge. He helped his son change all the fluids for his recently-acquired Jeep Cherokee, along with brakes, tires, battery, and starter. He also recently came to his daughter’s rescue when she got a flat tire, only to find that the spare was flat too! An important lesson was learned — when you perform your regular tire pressure check, make sure to check your spare’s pressure too! In the Scout Badge, @ofcaerbannog and @wpcopland practiced knowing their environment by using a compass to measure the height of a tree a river’s width and using their thumbs to measure far off distances. At the Sharpshooter Badge, @captcm54 completed the 5×5 handgun skill test. Over in the Shaving Badge, @tkrhanna restored a safety razor and @jtorres079 completed 30 shaves with a safety razor. @jgemerson snuck close enough to 4 different wild animals and snapped pictures of them for the Tracker Badge.  Chapter Meetups The success of TSL is dependent on members not waiting for others to take the lead, but choosing to take the lead themselves. Organize a meetup in your area! Here are some activities that local chapters have done lately: In the Germany chapter, several members gathered at Gut Berthelsdorf, an old manor with a rich history that the proprietor is trying to turn into a destination for local clubs and festivals. The men assisted with various chores, such as moving and stacking firewood and removing clutter, to help… http://dlvr.it/T7clm6
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prettypoisonsimming · 5 months
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Hey Simmers 👋
This is the 3rd build in my wheel spin build series. This house can have 8 sims easily. There are 4 bedrooms. Two bedrooms with double beds, that can have 4 sims, a teen room for 1 and a children's room for 3. This build also has a laundry room, a study, a garage and a small gym room.
✅4 Bedroom | 4 Bathroom ✅Available On Gallery: PrettyPoisonStef ✅No CC ✅YouTube Video | Speed Build | Screenshots
Please drop a like and comment on my speed build on YouTube to let me know what you think, your support means a lot to me!
Kind Regards, PrettyPoison 💋
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webberestates · 6 months
Homes for Sale Conejo Valley: Unlocking Your Dream in California's Paradise
Homes for Sale Conejo Valley: Unlocking Your Dream in California's Paradise Ah, the Conejo Valley. Nestled amidst rolling hills and bathed in California sunshine, it beckons with a promise of idyllic living. Whether you crave sprawling single-family estates with sparkling pools or charming townhomes with walkable access to vibrant downtowns, the Conejo Valley boasts a diverse selection of homes to suit every lifestyle. But navigating the exciting, yet sometimes overwhelming, world of Conejo Valley real estate requires a roadmap. Fear not, future homeowner! This comprehensive guide, optimized for your "Homes for Sale Conejo Valley" search, will equip you with the knowledge and resources to transform your dream into a reality. Finding Your Perfect Fit: A Journey Through Home Types The Conejo Valley offers a delightful smorgasbord of home types, each catering to specific needs and preferences. Let's delve into the most popular options: Single-Family Homes: Experience the ultimate in privacy and independence with expansive lawns, dedicated backyards perfect for summer barbecues, and the joy of creating your own personal oasis. Remember, with great freedom comes great responsibility. Yard maintenance, home repairs, and snow removal (okay, maybe not that last one!) become part of the package. Condos: Craving a lock-and-leave lifestyle amidst a vibrant community? Condos might be your perfect match! These shared-wall havens offer the convenience of shared maintenance, often boasting amenities like pools, gyms, and even dog parks. Imagine impromptu gatherings with neighbors on the rooftop deck or lazy afternoons by the pool without a lawn mower in sight. However, condo living requires a bit of compromise. Shared walls mean shared noise, and parking spaces can sometimes be scarce. Townhomes: Think of townhouses as the happy medium between single-family homes and condos. They offer individual living spaces with shared walls, providing a blend of privacy and community. Enjoy dedicated yards and patios for outdoor activities without the extensive upkeep of a single-family home. Be aware, though, that shared walls and potential HOA regulations can impact your sense of freedom. Architectural Gems: A Symphony of Styles Beyond the practical considerations, explore the magic of architectural styles in the Conejo Valley. Do you envision yourself in a: Spanish Hacienda: Imagine terracotta tiles, wrought iron balconies, and a touch of Old World charm. Modern Masterpiece: Sleek lines, glass walls, and floating staircases create a home that feels both futuristic and elegant. Craftsman Bungalow: Embrace the warmth and comfort of a classic Craftsman with its inviting porches, exposed beams, and natural materials. Mediterranean Villa: Bask in the grandeur of arches, sun-drenched patios, and a touch of European flair. Location, Location, Location: Unveiling the Conejo Valley's Hidden Gems The Conejo Valley boasts a collection of charming towns and vibrant neighborhoods, each offering a unique character and lifestyle. Consider these popular options: Thousand Oaks: This bustling city offers a blend of urban amenities and natural beauty, with top-rated schools and a thriving arts scene. Westlake Village: Imagine lakeside living with stunning scenery, world-class shopping, and a relaxed atmosphere. Agoura Hills: Nestled amidst rolling hills, Agoura Hills offers a peaceful escape with a strong sense of community. Oak Park: This charming town boasts a historic downtown, a tight-knit community, and easy access to nature. Embrace the Conejo Valley Lifestyle The Conejo Valley isn't just about stunning homes; it's about embracing an unparalleled lifestyle. Here are just a few reasons it's a dream come true for many: Award-Winning Schools: Provide your children with the best possible education in consistently top-rated school districts. Outdoor Adventures: Hike through scenic trails, explore hidden waterfalls, or simply relax on pristine beaches – the Conejo Valley caters to every outdoor enthusiast. Cultural Delights: Immerse yourself in art galleries, museums, and a vibrant cultural scene that offers something for everyone. Thriving Economy: The Conejo Valley boasts a strong and diverse economy, offering a wealth of professional opportunities. Your Conejo Valley Journey Begins Now Ready to embark on your Conejo Valley real estate adventure? Partnering with a local, experienced realtor is key to navigating the process seamlessly. Kevin and Carie Webber, Ramsey-endorsed and trusted experts in the Conejo Valley, can guide you through every step, from understanding your needs and budget to finding your dream home and negotiating a successful deal. Speak directly with us at (805) 558-3360 Read the full article
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collegecasuals9 · 6 months
Elevate Your Wardrobe with College Casuals' Best Oversized T-Shirts
Introduction to College Casuals
In the ever-evolving world of fashion, one trend that has stood the test of time is the oversized t-shirt. Offering a perfect blend of comfort and style, oversized tees have become a staple in wardrobes worldwide. Among the myriad of brands catering to this trend, College Casuals stands out with its exceptional collection of oversized t-shirts designed to elevate your everyday wardrobe.
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Why Oversized T-Shirts are Trending
Comfort and Style
Oversized t-shirts are loved for their relaxed and laid-back vibe, providing unparalleled comfort without compromising on style. Whether you're lounging at home or hitting the streets, these tees offer a perfect balance of comfort and chic.
One of the key reasons behind the popularity of oversized t-shirts is their versatility. They can be effortlessly paired with a variety of bottoms, including jeans, leggings, or even skirts, making them a go-to option for any occasion.
Expression of Personal Style
With an oversized t-shirt, you have ample room to express your unique sense of style. Whether you opt for a classic solid color or a bold graphic print, these tees allow you to make a fashion statement that is distinctly yours.
Benefits of Oversized T-Shirts
Comfortable Fit
The loose and relaxed fit of oversized t-shirts makes them incredibly comfortable to wear, especially during warmer months. They allow for ease of movement while providing ample breathing space, ensuring you stay cool and comfortable all day long.
Effortless Style
Despite their casual silhouette, oversized t-shirts exude an effortless sense of style. Whether paired with sneakers for a laid-back look or dressed up with heels for a night out, these tees add an instant cool factor to any ensemble.
Easy to Layer
Another advantage of oversized t-shirts is their layering potential. Whether worn under a jacket or over a tank top, they serve as versatile layering pieces that can be styled in countless ways to suit your mood and the weather.
Universally Flattering
Contrary to popular belief, oversized t-shirts are universally flattering for all body types. Their loose silhouette skims over curves and creates a flattering drape, making them an inclusive and accessible fashion choice for everyone.
How to Style Oversized T-Shirts
Casual Look
For a casual daytime look, pair your oversized t-shirt with distressed jeans and sneakers. Add a baseball cap and sunglasses for an effortlessly cool vibe that's perfect for running errands or grabbing coffee with friends.
Athleisure Chic
To nail the athleisure trend, team your oversized t-shirt with leggings and chunky sneakers. Layer on a bomber jacket and accessorize with a crossbody bag for a sporty-chic ensemble that seamlessly transitions from the gym to brunch.
Elevated Streetwear
For a streetwear-inspired look, style your oversized t-shirt with biker shorts and combat boots. Throw on a denim jacket and accessorize with statement jewelry for an edgy yet polished outfit that's sure to turn heads.
Choosing the Right Oversized T-Shirt
Fabric Quality
When selecting an oversized t-shirt, pay attention to the fabric quality. Opt for soft and breathable materials like cotton or modal, which offer maximum comfort and durability.
Fit and Length
Consider the fit and length of the oversized t-shirt to ensure it flatters your body shape. Look for a relaxed yet tailored silhouette that skims over your curves without overwhelming your frame.
Design and Graphics
Lastly, choose an oversized t-shirt with a design or graphic that resonates with your personal style. Whether it's a bold slogan, abstract print, or minimalist logo, opt for a design that speaks to you and adds a touch of personality to your ensemble.
College Casuals' Best Oversized T-Shirts Collection
At College Casuals, we take pride in curating a diverse selection of oversized t-shirts that combine comfort, style, and quality craftsmanship. From classic solid colors to trendy graphic prints, our collection offers something for everyone. Made from premium fabrics and designed with attention to detail, each tee is a testament to our commitment to providing fashion-forward pieces that elevate your wardrobe.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Don't just take our word for it! Here's what our customers have to say about our oversized t-shirts:
"I absolutely love my oversized tee from College Casuals! It's so soft and comfortable, perfect for lounging around or running errands."
"The quality of these tees is top-notch! I've washed mine multiple times, and it still looks brand new."
"I'm obsessed with the graphic print on my oversized tee! It adds a fun pop of color to my outfits."
Exclusive Offers and Discounts
Ready to elevate your wardrobe? Take advantage of our exclusive offers and discounts available only at College Casuals. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on the latest arrivals and promotions!
Why Choose College Casuals
Premium Quality: We use only the finest materials to ensure maximum comfort and durability.
Trendsetting Designs: Our team of designers stays ahead of the curve, bringing you the latest trends and styles.
Exceptional Customer Service: We're dedicated to providing a seamless shopping experience from start to finish.
FAQs about Oversized T-Shirts
Are oversized t-shirts suitable for all body types?
Absolutely! Oversized t-shirts are universally flattering and can be styled to suit any body shape.
How do I know what size to choose for an oversized t-shirt?
We recommend sizing up for a true oversized fit. However, you can also refer to our size chart for guidance.
Can I dress up an oversized t-shirt for a night out?
Definitely! Pair your oversized tee with statement accessories and heels for a chic evening look.
Are oversized t-shirts only for casual wear?
Not at all! Oversized t-shirts can be styled in various ways to suit different occasions, from casual outings to evening events.
How should I care for my oversized t-shirt to ensure longevity?
We recommend washing your oversized t-shirt in cold water and air-drying it to preserve its quality and
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cosmysla · 1 year
Portland Craftsman Home Gym
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Large multipurpose home gym image in the style of the arts and crafts movement with gray walls.
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Craftsman Home Gym New York Inspiration for a large, beige-walled, gray-floored, craftsman-style home yoga studio
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janlock · 2 years
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Craftsman Home Gym - Gym
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