#craig bell
sippycuppup · 5 months
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here are some outfit boards based on some of my favorite regression shows !! :) also !! sorry i’m behind on requests, i’ll get to them as soon as i can, i only made this one first because it was half-finished in my drafts !
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bettingonducks · 6 months
How Corporate Clash cogs would say STFU
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bellacatt-art · 2 months
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☆ "But you know what? I'd trade it all in to have loved, and to have been loved...." ☆
Hello hiii, I absolutely adore the Observation Dome from S2, its so pretty, and I really wanted to draw it!! And I also wanted to draw something Rimster related so I thought I'd do them both at once! :D
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islandtarochips · 2 months
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FINALLY! I have done it been SO long for me to finish this piece! And I want to say thank you to @alypink for helping to color the cake, the season and the colors! I LOVE it!
Okay everyone! Since I saw some of my mutuals done this! I was thinking that I should joined in! With my BOCW OC! Koa Nikau and Ex who is now becoming his wife (again)! Aroha Arehe!
Their first marriage hasn’t been planned ACCORDINGLY since the two just ran off to get married somewhere else. Without Aroha’s family knowing. But since they have their 2nd wedding. They’ll finally have their WHOLE family (mostly Aroha side) to see them getting married!
Koa lets Aroha plan things out but will help out as much as he can. Aleks help out as well to ease things up a bit.
The two do like to have their wedding ceremony outdoors. But has different ideas of where to have their venues. Aroha decided to go with Koa’s ideas. For she had found it very romantic of these two dancing under the decorative lights.
Koa was planning to have their wedding around the fall season but changed his mind since he wanted to make his future wife happy. So he’s glad that he agreed to do it during the Spring season.
They also invited Koa's friends! Even though that the Groom has to tolerate of seeing Adler, Hudson, Sims and Helen. But luckily Aroha was there to calm him down.
The Groomsmen would be Frank, Alex, Craig, Charles and Aroha’s older brother (surprisingly he agreed to this). And the Best Man will be Vasili. Questioning of what happened to Sims, Lazar, Hudson and Adler? They’re just sitting down on the chairs.
Bridesmaids will be Jodie and some of Aroha’s cousins. And the Maid of Honor will be Aleks. Imagined these two women had gotten closer because of them talking about their hubbies🤭 Oh and Helen was with the other boys in the crowd.
Pretty sure the groomsmen (except for Aroha’s older brother) will try not to laugh at Koa’s, not his uniform, HAT. Koa would just shush those guys up as he tried to keep his composure.
Koa will also be blushing to see Aroha walking up on the aisle with her father. Wearing that beautiful dress. He was also sweating so much to see Aroha’s father glaring at him when he handed his daughter to him. (You should know why)
Marynee (Alek's daughter) being the honoree flower girl. And having one of Aroha's nephew being the ring bearer.
Since the wedding couples decided to do their own custom wedding vows. You can say Koa had took this one in the bag. For he had SO many things to say to his lover. About their past relationship, of his regrets, how much he had screw it up and blah blah blah and so forth and so forth. You get it right?
The beginning of the song will be “Endless Love”. Which it is Koa and Aroha’s cue for the slow dance.
Vasili and Jodie will be having a dance battle against Frank and Alex.
Kai (Koa and Aroha's eldest son) started talking to Sims about some mechanic nerd stuff.
Everyone will be seeing Aleks, Frank, Charles, Craig and Vasili having that drinking competition. Wait…KOA GET VASILI AWAY FROM THE VODKA!
Aleks dancing with her kids and Koa’s kids on the dance floor. TRYING to drag Adler to join in.
Charles will be doing the most embarrassing dance in HISTORY while being drunk. And Ari (Koa and Aroha's youngest son) joined in with him. (Koa had secretly recorded it)
Koa and Lazar was arm wrestling again. And once again, Lazar won. Which he received a kiss on the cheek from the bride as a reward. (Koa was ok with that. He’s fine…I think.)
And after the reception well BEFORE the ending of it. Vasili had surprised Koa with a special tradition of the Māori way. By doing the HAKAS. Which it gives Koa great tears to see his friend who had done it so well. Even Aroha was impressed.
Vasili “Bell” Sokolov - @welldonekhushi
Craig Alan Jones - @kaitaiga
Aleksandra Clarke R./Marynee - @alypink
Charles “Charlie” Moore - @deeptrashwitch
Jodie “Bell” Hall - @imagoddamnonionmason
Koa “Hunter” Nikau/Aroha Arehe Nikau - Me
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notonlymice · 9 months
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"haha what if I jokingly shipped them" + anyem/anyelle
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flipjack · 1 year
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Kristen Bell with Craig Ferguson
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toonrandy · 4 months
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Day 24: Belle in 1560s clothing!
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sidonius5 · 5 months
𝒪𝒻 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈𝑒 ℐ 𝑔𝑜𝓉𝓉𝒶 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓌 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒𝒹𝓎 𝒸𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝒸...
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aprettyspy · 2 years
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Photo by Jason Bell, 2019.
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ava-core · 5 months
so finals is whooping my ass and i can’t play new vegas because it’s either play or rest my poor posture in bed and i can’t really take the back pain any more than i have to when i’m productive </3 i miss my courier six may a lot so
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some informational tidbits about her under the cut! (her whole profile/backstory post is still separate i will make it when i have time ong)
she’s actually an alcoholic. the type where her tolerance is so high, in her story, her vault 13 canteen is actually full of scotch and not water. she brings a separate canister for water, but even then, it’s more likely the vault 13 canteen is full as opposed to her water bottle. she’s fond of scotch, and if she had more leeway, she’d be shaking csravaners and bartenders down for her native baijiu.
her birthday is June 6, 2253. Her birth time? 7:06 PM. (a gemini sun, libra moon, and sagittarius rising…yeah, and a cancer venus, too. as someone with a lot of earth signs myself, i genuinely think she’s fated to be doomed with melancholia LMFAO)
she will raze the wasteland for some banana yucca fruit. to may, it’s the universe’s gift for the little good that’s left in the world; it also reminded her of her mother’s pastries back home, which she’d sometimes use bananas for.
when no one’s watching (or so she thinks—boone has caught her a dozen times), while out in the wasteland, when innocents die, she picks broc flowers and leaves them by their corpses. when she can move their bodies, she does, laying them to rest behind a stone so at least they could get some respect in death.
on that note, it’s one of the reasons why the legion gradually infuriated her. in Shi culture, death rites are held in high regard, and that stuck with her. so to find corpses of murdered civillians disrespectfully laden with bombs and traps, used to bring about the death of another? it brought such a sour taste to her mouth even her aura, the air about her: it darkens, becomes heavier.
she has holotapes of Shi music she’d been meaning to make a player for, but just couldn’t find the time. her getting shot was a blessing in disguise: when doc mitchell gave her the pip-boy, it made her happier somewhat that it could read all the songs she’d been collecting for the past few years. so instead of Johnny Guitar, you’re more likely to hear Lily Chao’s Shepherdress, or even Slim Whitman’s China Doll.
in early game, may only uses one gun: the assault rifle she used to escape the Shi prison, which she added with a silencer and kept in good condition as it was the only weapon that kept her alive all these years. it was also the only one she could afford. however, as she builds her skill in guns, she starts to explore.
may is most proficient in melee and unarmed. back in the Empire of Shi, they teach the military a lot of martial arts techniques, and alongside her brother who taught her she watched military training and followed along—much to her father’s chagrin, especially during the times when she’d sneak out of class or a meeting with the Shi high society matchmaker to learn the latest move.
in this vein, it’s actually a reprieve that may guns you down. because while she’s got a small frame, she’s agile…and her hands and feet kick where it hurt. have you ever been on the receiving end of punches so strong and fast you don’t even see it coming until you black out, barely registering the surprise? a thug in freeside would tell you all about it, but he’d have to be alive to do so. unfortunately for him, may kicked a little too hard. oops.
there’s also a small moment after she returns from Big MT where boone asks her to teach him some of her moves. of course it’s a tension filled moment. of course may beats boone’s bigger frame. of course it turns boone on to be kicked in the face and pinned to the ground by this gorgeous woman.
ALSO: how boone and may met! of course, it was inside Dinky the Dinosaur’s mouth; hard-pressed for caps, may didn’t want to go into the lobby and lob over her precious caps, few and far between, for lodging. she doesn’t see boone’s gun, so she gets the smart idea to squat up that dinosaur’s mouth, just sleep for three hours before hunting down her platinum chip.
imagine boone’s surprise when a masked girl sneaks up on him silently. when he raises his rifle, it freaks may out, and her instinct in close quarters is to go into Butterfly Angel on this man’s face before he can pull the trigger. it ends with may overpowering boone, her face over his as he looks up at her.
“you legion?”
a pause. at this point, may only knew of them from nipton and rumors from the other people in the mojave. “the costumed freaks from the east? no.”
“then what are you doing here? who the hell are you?”
“wanted a place to sleep. cheap. didn’t think someone would be here,” she says, letting him go as the two stand up while the sun rises. and the rest is history.
may would never say it aloud, but she’d always wanted a family of her own. if survival was an assurance, not a slim possibility in the wasteland, she’d have more incentive to settle down—but alas, she doesn’t want her children to suffer the same fate.
surprisingly, she gets along well with veronica. may and boone stop at the 188 enough for veronica to chat may up, and eventually she lets her join them (to boone’s chagrin, but he eventually grew to like veronica’s chatter—because it often gave him a chance to hear may’s voice. later on, maybe even a dry laugh, when veronica says a stupid joke.)
may lives in an eternal conundrum in terms of her appearance: people can’t tell if 23 is too young for her expression and personality to be as grumpy and unsociable as it is, or if it’s surprisingly older because of her youthful face. she could pass for 19–hell, she could pass for a model.
it’s why she goes out masked in the wasteland. she knew being ‘pretty’ (she hated the word, like it was all she was supposed to be the way people gushed at her over it) was a reason to be targeted more often, so she always concealed her face.
boone doesn’t even see her face until she meets mr. house and he’s invited to the presidential suite, where jane the securitron gives may a change of clothes. after a shower and slipping into the black gown, it almost gives boone a heart attack: this is what this woman looked like? holy shit. what the hell?
after getting the platinum chip from benny, she also sneaks out of the strip using the NCR monorail because she had a bad feeling about Mr. House. it’s why she’s in businesswear and shades: not the best disguise, but at least it wasn’t her merc clothes.
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OKAY that’s a lot of rambling >< i just love may a lot?! i can already see people in new vegas in the tv show talking about “courier six” and one gambler going “i heard she was the meanist and smartist bitch in the wasteland!” and this gambler would be RIGHT.
(she’s also very in love when OWB rolls around but you didn’t hear that from me.)
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animatejournal · 2 years
The Adventures of Tintin | Director: Steven Spielberg Studio: Amblin/WingNut | USA/UK/NZ, 2011
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getscaredhellyeah · 2 years
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updating that one post of get scared and escape the fate together
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iridescentgleam · 2 years
Okay, yeah, romantic love is great and all, but I also want friends who would drive each other to a 24-hour convenience store at 3:00 am when the other called them because can’t sleep or woke up from a nightmare or some shit and just... roll with it. Hear the other person out if they want to talk about it and help distract them from the issue at hand if they don’t. Help them load up on snacks and sodas or coffees and just go back to their car and sit with them in an empty parking lot, illuminated only by streetlamps, as they stuff themselves with junk and play shitty radio tunes. And then, if the other person falls asleep, turn the radio down and drive them home. If not, then they stay up together and then wake the whole friend group up at, like, 6:30 to come over to one of their houses to play video games. And the rest of the friend group doesn’t question it a bit. Doesn’t fuss over whoever looks obviously upset because they know it won’t make them feel better. Instead, one of them threatens to kick their ass at Mario Kart with a teasing grin because, unless they want to talk about it, this is just a normal hang-out. And everyone in the friend group just understands this because they’ve been friends for what feels like forever and this is just the kind of thing you pick up on after a while, right?
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bellacatt-art · 4 months
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Tried to draw the boys from the Dwarf but honestly I kinda gave up :"3
I hope the next time I draw them they'll look a bit better hehe :D
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guillotineman · 2 years
The Adventures of Tintin
(2011, dir. Steven Spielberg)
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notonlymice · 3 months
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Emilie de Ravin as Ally Craig in Remember me (2010) [part 4]
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