#craig boone x courier
I’m not just down bad for Boone, I’m inferiorly abysmal for him. Southernly heinous. Subordinately diabolical. I don’t just need him to dick me down, but also up, left, and right.
By the way, what do you think he smells like? Other than sweat from kicking the Mojave’s ass, obviously.
No because actually you're real as fuck for this.
I need this man CARNALLY. Like, I would make the devil afraid of how much I need this man in every conceivable way possible.
As a southerner, southernly heinous doesn't even BEGIN to denote precisely how much I want this man to bend me over and then have me in every position and direction possible.
ANYWAYS! Onto what I think Boone smells like. ❤️
I think, because of his constant usage of his rifle, he smells like gunpowder and lingering sulfur. It's most prominent when he's used it a lot in a short amount of time, but it always sort of lingers.
Underneath that is the smell of leather and canvas, a very military-type smell that just never leaves after wearing what he does for so long. There's a touch of old metal with it too from handling his rifle so much.
It's because second-nature for him to clean and polish his rifle nightly- he has to keep it in good shape otherwise he'll risk himself and his beloved Courier, and he cannot fucking lose them- so he has the lingering scent of polish, mostly when out in the Mojave.
There's absolutely the near-constant sweat from the Mojave heat, but there's delight he takes in the Lucky 38 having running water and soap.
When he bathes, you'll most often find him with that smell of sulfur lingering just enough to make your head spin and the leather and canvas mixes with his natural musk to really get you dizzy. You'll smell that the most when he's clean and content.
Tuck your face into his throat while he fucks you and all you'll smell is paradise in his skin.
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ellikiins · 1 year
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*Marge voice* I just think they’re neat!
Intended to be the sequel to the, uh…. *looks at watch* now two year old OTP thing. It became more of a just-cause and lineart/shading experiment. Maybe one day I’ll figure out my style with ProCreate.
In experiencing New Vegas for the first time, and being my first Fallout game to experience, playing and developing my Courier was a magical experience. Boone was always my favorite Companion, finding his character fascinating, first swayed by his terrible backstory and just wanting to take care of him and go through his quests in hopes to give him peace. I saw Skye and Boone’s in-game relationship as strictly platonic. Boone begrudgingly finding some enjoyment from her boisterous, compassionate excitability, and learning to survive in a new dangerous world she woke up in due to her amnesia respectable. I was low level when coming across him, and keeping him majority of the game just means he saw her abilities and attitude mature.
My boyfriend actually ships them 😳 Albeit under the premise of a slow burn, I think I do, too.
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lelelego · 9 months
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you. you get it
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viperra1 · 2 months
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crimebunny · 14 days
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...happy pride month
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grimbothefool · 5 months
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I like...him
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everydayyoulovemeless · 6 months
silly prompt idea even if November's already over: your choice of companions and their response to No Nut November? like whether they'd actually try it or their reactions to the games respective MC trying it. interpret it however you want
FNV Companions (+Yes Man, Victor, and Benny) Responses to No Nut November
➼ Word Count » 0.8k ➼ Warnings » MDNI ➼ Genre » Romantic, NSFW ➼ A/N » I had to cut out three of them, so I added 3 random ones! Hope you don't mind!
First off, Boone thinks you're stupid. There are so many things going on in the Mojave and you want to... not cum? Are your priorities questionable? Sure, but he'll follow along if you insist. He manages to make it the whole month, with no sweat. He's not an incredibly horny guy, to begin with, so it's mostly just him doing what he's always done. Even if you decide you're done with the challenge, he won't budge. 10/10, not only is he a team player, but he dominates the competition. Not literally (he's got a contest to win), but you get the idea.
"This was your idea. Stick with it."
Arcade gets a bit flustered when you ask him. When you said you had something you needed to talk to him about, this was the last thing he expected. He's not all that bad at it. He's got an occasional urge, but he's a focused man and can shut it down just as quickly as it comes. Although he was embarrassed at first, he gets confident throughout the rest of the month and will tease you to try and get you to lose. 7/10, he passes it with only a few issues and he's not above edging you on to get you to fail before him.
"You seem bothered. I can fix that, you know."
Raul chuckles at the idea. He's not hard to convince. It's not like he's got anything better to do, so why not. Raul doesn't have much trouble actually completing the challenge. He's old and too tired to do things like that frequently anyway, and he knows that's the case. So, instead, he tries to do everything in his power to get you to lose. He's like Arcade but way worse. He'll rasp into your ear more often, touch you for much longer than he needs to, or get right in your face in an attempt to make you flustered. 5/10, he's against you from the start.
"Don't know what you're talking 'bout, boss. I've always stood this close. Really."
Cass has heard of No Nut November before and has already tried it out a couple of times (with varying outcomes), so it's safe to say she'd be willing to try it out again with you. She thinks it could be fun, especially if you allow her to mix a few drinks into the picture. She'd love to see how long she'd last but if you get a few bottles of whiskey into her system, she'll be clinging to your shoulder and asking to fuck. 2/10, she tires?? I guess??
"Who said we couldn't take a couple of breaks? It's not like either of us are actually counting."
Veronica's never heard of it before, but she'd be lying if she said it didn't pique her interest in some way. She's curious about how difficult it's actually got to be, and to her surprise (and slight disappointment), she finds it to be easy. Veronica has incredible amounts of self-control when it comes to sex and masturbation, so she never really viewed it as a challenge. However, just because she finds it easy, doesn't mean she won't cheer you on. 10/10, she passes and makes you pass as well, there's no one better you could ask.
"Only a few days left! This'll be easy! :)"
Yes Man will be as enthusiastic as ever. Of course, he'll participate! There's nothing he'd like more than doing something with you. He struggles quite a bit when it comes to making it through the month, and probably won't make it, but he sure does try! And even if he loses early on, he'd gladly help you complete it on your own. 5/10, helps everyone but himself.
"Forget about me, I have full confidence in your ability!"
Victor has never been more confused in his life. What the hell does that even mean? He supposes he'll try it out, mostly because he doesn't know what's happening, but he's still willing to give it a shot. The only way Victor fails is if you fail. He only masturbates twice a year, and if he were to have sex, it'd be with you. And if you're offering, there's never a moment when he'd deny it. 7/10, could win but it solely depends on you're drive to complete it.
"Say that again, doll? What's it you want me t'do?"
Benny is utterly appalled. Why would he want to do something so silly? What’s even the point? He’s got you, this challenge couldn’t possibly hold. So when he hears that you’ve taken it upon yourself to actively participate, he’s at a loss. He doesn’t want to look like a chump in front of you, but at the same time, you can’t actually be serious. A month? Are you sure? He’s, by no means, a team player. 0/10 failed immediately and didn’t even try.
“C’mon, baby, rethink it, won’t you? You couldn’t really go the whole month without me, could you?”
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thapunqueen · 10 months
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he will learn to love the shirt dammit !!!!
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nukaberries · 1 year
New Vegas companions react to a teenage courier?
Another super late post from me (I'm so sorry lmao) but better late than never! I've already said this but I love reading/writing for Teen!Sole/Courier - my courier oc is actually nineteen during the events on New Vegas so stuff like this helps with developing her too! <33
Companions React to Teen!Courier
(Includes: Arcade, Boone, Cass, Lily, Raul and Veronica)
Straight off the bat, he's gonna have a lot more patience for a younger courier than he would an adult. He doesn't exactly have fond memories of being a teenager - but then again, who does anymore? - so he can't even begin to imagine what it must be like after what the courier had gone through. Although Arcade often prefers to avoid violence when he can, he's more than willing to resort to it when it comes to protecting the courier. However, this means he's all the more disappointed if the courier sides with the Legion, he understands they're far more impressionable and that only makes him harbour more anger towards the faction, but he'd still expected better from them.
Instantly goes into dad/big brother mode. Boone doesn't anticipate it happening, but he finds himself being much more protective over the courier than he'd like to be. He'd been so excited to be a father before Carla's death and in a strange way, the courier feels like a second chance. He won't mention it, of course, especially not at first, but he'll show that he cares in little ways like making sure Six has a larger portion of the rations than he does or by protecting them from danger before he even considers himself. Boone doesn't want to overstep, nor does he really feel comfortable talking about it, so he'll never bring up how much he cares, he just hopes the courier knows he'll protect them no matter what happens.
It doesn't make a complete difference to Cass. Of course, she's even more outraged over what Benny did to Six, finding their attempted murder horrific in general, but even more so when it's apparent the courier isn't even eighteen. While Boone takes on a paternal role, Cass quickly becomes an older sister and terrible influence all rolled into one. She'll offer Six whiskey to try, although she knows chances are they've already drank alcohol before - God knows she'd sampled enough as a teenager. She's always willing to give them advice, granted she knows it's not always the best and most moral advice, but she's doing her best regardless.
Honestly, not much about Lily's relationship with Six would change, even if they were a teenager. She takes her role as their grandma as seriously as ever, refusing to see any harm come to the courier. With Six being even closer in age to her Jimmy and Becky, it sometimes makes it even harder than it usually would for her to remember she's not actually talking to her grandchildren. She's just grateful that the courier is patient with her, even if she isn't the perfect grandma sometimes.
It's hard for Raul to not be reminded of Rafaela and Claudia when he first meets the courier - regardless of their gender. Almost similarly to Boone, he sees them as a chance to do better and actually protect someone for once (third times the charm, right?) He manages to play it off with sarcasm and quick wit, but he truly does care for Six and he wants what's best for them. Perhaps he won't always agree with their choices and he makes a point to voice that when it's the case, but there's never a day he won't stand by them. He refuses to lose someone a third time.
She's actually really excited to meet the teenaged courier. When with the Brotherhood of Steel, Veronica would love spending time with the squires, constantly being reprimanded for distracting them from their work - sure, Six is a little bit older, but she doesn't mind. But now? She doesn't have to worry about her commanding officers telling her to buzz off, she can spend all the time with them that she wants, if they're willing to put up with her. She's definitely a better influence than Cass, or at least she tries to be, but she knows showing Six how to cheat at poker probably wasn't the best idea. Veronica will also insist that she'll deal with Benny herself, but she knows better than to get in the way of the courier and their revenge.
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snail-eggs · 3 months
pairing: Craig Boone/Courier 6 (F!OC)
warnings: smut. sex. they finally fuck. are you happy, Rags? you've created a monster. Seriously though, this is my first attempt at smut. That's a warning on its own.
divider by @/saradika
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There’s something off about this. About the way Six looks as she’s counting their remaining bullets in the divot in her lap. She looks more alive than she has the past few days, despite the bags under her eyes growing worse and worse by the day. 
The house around them is falling apart. Foundation groaning with every strong gust of wind. He taps his boot against the steel bed frame. Rust flakes off. He has no idea how it’ll carry his weight, let alone both of theirs. Boone’ll let her take it tonight, he thinks. She needs the sleep more than him, even if her pseudo-prophetic dreams keep her from getting any real rest. 
What he doesn’t know, however, is that it isn’t just visions of tornadoes, swirling around the irradiated dirt and leaving nothing in their wake that’s haunting her. No, more recently, it's his hands. Six hasn’t been able to stop thinking about his hands. Looking at them. At the way they grip his rifle, pull the trigger just so. The way his hands clench, knuckles turning white when she’d asked one question too many. 
She wonders how they’d feel in her own. If his white-knuckled grasp would really hurt. She doesn’t think so, though. Not so long as he’s holding her. When it really comes down to it, Six thinks, all she wants is to feel him. If it hurts, then it hurts. So be it. 
Six looks up at him now from her spot on the floor. Bathed in the warm wasteland glow, he looks like something else entirely. Something not Boone—closer to the approximation of him that lives in her head and nowhere else. Lives deep in her chest too, she supposes. Close to her heart. And in her chest, her heart thumps hard against her ribs. Six can feel it in her throat. She swallows hard when he looks back; looks her right in the eyes in that precise, cutting way he always does. And maybe it's a trick of the light or the lack of sleep, but she sees something else there too. Something that softens the edge of his gaze. Her heart beats faster.
This adrenaline rush isn’t new. Odd, sure, but not new. Six can recall having felt it precisely once before. With Benny. At the Tops, on his bed after too many drinks, roughly fourteen months after he’d shot her in the head. But she wasn’t scared then, not at all. Guesses that means she isn’t scared now, either. Just nervous.
Boone has never made her nervous, though. Not back in Dinky’s mouth when he’d pointed his rifle right in between her eyes, not ever. 
Except for now, in this rotting house, sitting at the foot of some disgusting bed. Staring.
Six has forgotten all about the bullets now. They lay scattered on the floor, less than a handful still resting in her palm. There’s a flash of concern in Boone’s face then. He leans his rifle against the wall. Drops down to his knees right in front of her and begins to pick up the bullets in between Six’s legs like it's nothing. Like he isn’t so close. Her jaw clenches. 
“You need to sleep,” he’s tossing the bullets back into the box by the handful. His fingers brush against the ones in her palm. Hesitate for a moment before he grabs them up like all the others. “Look like you’re gonna keel over any second.” 
Her hands move of their own accord, cup Boone’s face on either side and tilt his head up to face her head-on. He’s deathly still—every muscle in his body tensed. Six runs her thumb back and forth on the rough skin of his cheek. Boone isn’t breathing, she thinks. He’s staring at her apprehensively. Like at any second, she’ll draw a knife and stab him right in the gut. Her eyes flit from his wary green eyes down to his lips. They linger there, long enough for Boone to notice. He inhales deep, exhales loudly. Their eyes meet again. 
Boone takes her by the back of the neck, faster than she can process. Pulls Six in and collides his mouth against hers .Its bruising—all wrong and still, neither of them break away. He can’t remember what it's like to kiss somebody—to really kiss somebody. Hasn’t so much as entertained the thought. Not after Carla. But now with Six’s lips pressed against his, it feels like second nature to have her so close. Feels like this is how it's supposed to be. He leans into her, the remaining bullets in his hand falling to the ground and he couldn’t care less about them. 
Six is halfway to having her back pressed against the dirty, splintering hardwood when his fingers find themselves tangled in her short brown locks and she pulls away. “Boone,” it's breathless, the way she says it. Nearly quieter than a whisper. She studies him as best she can from so close. Hasn’t ever seen him like this—so desperate. Hungry for more. Boone presses his forehead against hers. Leans into her, wordlessly begging to continue this—whatever this is. 
“Still want me to go to sleep now?”
And he chuckles earnestly before leaning in to kiss right under her jaw. Six’s breath hitches. She can feel Boone smile against her skin. He coaxes her back, tugs at her hair before he has her flush against the ground. It didn’t feel like this with Benny. Not even close. Six’s hands move down from his face to his chest; she clutches his shirt in a vice grip. Doesn’t think she ever wants to let go.
Her heart is beating out of her chest now, more so than before. She never imagined she’d have him this close, feeling the calluses on his hands run under her shirt; his fingertips digging into the skin of her waist like his life depends on it. Never thought she’d whimper at the pressure, only wanting more. 
This is dangerous territory they’ve crossed into. Despite the arousal muddling her thoughts as Boone grazes her collar bone with his teeth, Six wonders what comes after this. Nothing good, surely. She stares up at the ceiling, half hyperventilating now. He tugs at her shirt. She lets him take it off. Whatever the consequences are, they’re not worth losing Boone. Losing what she has with him. 
And yet. 
She’s got her hands on his shoulders now, beckoning him down further. His hands are starting to mess with the button of her pants. Six gasps—no, whines as he presses a chaste kiss to her abdomen. Then he stops. With her pants unbuttoned, zipper down as far as it’ll go, Boone leans back onto his knees. Takes in the sight of her before him. Looks a little spooked, even, and the sight makes Six smile. A laugh escapes her throat unwillingly. Boone watches her fondly through his heavy-lidded gaze. Runs his hand up and down her still-clothed thigh. The sun’s rays bleed through the windows as it sets. Light’s waning and he can still see those intense bags under her eyes better than anything else. His cock stirs in his pants watching the heaving of her bare chest. He doesn’t understand the scope of this—doesn’t want to consider the consequences—all he knows is that he has never wanted anyone more than he wants Six right now and it's killing him. It's been killing him since their last night at the Tops when he’d watched her disappear with Benny into his room for what he’s sure was a piss-poor fuck. Really he would have been fine with anyone else but Benny—never really thought he’d be in this position anyway. Something about it made his skin crawl. The thought of Benny running his hands all over Six’s body after what he did to her. After he shot her in the head and left her to die in Goodsprings like a dog.
Boone might not be deserving of Six, but Benny is even less so. 
If it has to be anyone, Boone sure as hell isn’t mad that it’s him. He’s fucking psyched about it actually—as psyched as Boone can realistically be about anything. He pulls his shirt over his head, unbuckles his belt with fervor and tosses it to the side. 
Six arches a brow, looks him up and down. She’s amused and he’s not entirely sure why. “What?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugs, “You’re—you’re really pretty right now.”
“Handsome. Whatever. Cut me some slack, I don’t do this.”
“Six, we can stop if you—”
“Fuck off, I never said that.” Six reaches up, brings him in close and presses a gentle, languid kiss to his lips. Words catch in her throat when they pull apart. Words she can’t quite place. Only knows the tug she feels in her chest when they’re eye to eye. She’d stay like this forever if she could.
Tongues gliding against each other’s, Boone grinds his hips into Six’s. She’s half starved with the way she’s gripping at him in any way she can. These messy, open-mouthed kisses aren’t enough. Having his body pressed against hers isn’t enough. No, she’d need to be in his skin to be satisfied. Though she’ll settle for the next best thing. 
She reaches down, palms his cock through the fabric of his boxers. Boone groans into her mouth. He’s breathless now, desperate. 
When they fuck, its slow. He’s got one of her thighs held up against his hip as he drives himself into her at an agonizing pace. Being with Boone is nothing like how it was with Benny. There’s something fundamentally different about this, she thinks as she stifles her moan in the crook of his neck. Maybe Boone is just better at fucking—she doesn’t entirely doubt that—or maybe she’s just more present now that she’s not drunk off her ass. 
Benny was fun. Quick, but fun. They’d fumbled and laughed and drank but god, it was nothing like this. She’s almost glad it wasn’t. Glad she’s feeling this way with Boone instead. 
Her walls clench around him. The room’s completely dark now—Six has no clue how long they’ve been at this. She’s closer to the brink with every second that passes. Her breathing is becoming erratic—so are Boone’s thrusts. She comes loud and hard, nails digging crescent-shaped craters into his back. It doesn’t take long for him to follow. He pulls out, spills all over the inside of her thigh. 
She gets as good a look at him as she can in the darkness. Stares him in those tired eyes, knowing hers must look leagues worse. Six opens her mouth to speak but the words are held hostage by some unseen force yet again. She kisses him on the forehead instead. Smiles and nods over to the bed right beside them. 
“Sleep with me?”
Boone shakes his head at her. Cups her cheek with his hand. The way he’s looking at her scares her. She doesn’t know she’s looking at him the exact same way. 
“I’ll sleep with you.”
For the first time in weeks, Six is not haunted by visions of tornadoes or of Boone’s hands. Instead she finds herself in a deep, dreamless sleep with Boone right by her side. 
By her side where he belongs.
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moristarcakebonk · 2 years
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Zero’s design has changed but I still love this comic.
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necrophatic · 8 months
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Get hoisted idiot
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lelelego · 5 months
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mirror, mirror
continuation from this post
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viperra1 · 4 days
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good night.
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corpo-rat · 9 months
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↳ If I was born as a blackthorn tree / I'd wanna be felled by you / Held by you / Fuel the pyre of your enemies
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Courier Six: This will not bring you peace, Boone.
Boone: Peace was never an option.
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