#craig mckay
sesiondemadrugada · 2 years
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K-PAX (Iain Softley, 2001).
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cinesludge · 3 months
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Movie #15 of 2024: Europa Report
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thebutcher-5 · 6 months
Cop Land
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo siamo rimasti ancorati sul genere horror ma spostandoci in Spagna e per la precisione agli inizi degli anni 2000, dove abbiamo ripreso a parlare di un regista che apprezzo profondamente con il film Fragile – A Ghost Story. La storia è ambientata nell’isola di Wight dove l’ospedale pediatrico Mercy Falls sta per chiudere e i bambini…
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SGA + Terry Pratchett
“Gravity is a habit that is hard to shake off. “ 
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
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dailystargatebooty · 2 years
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zayadriancas · 2 years
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Father Figure Part 2
“Maybe she couldn’t find you, until now. I’m Emma.”
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thatcatangelwriter · 1 year
what stories are you currently working on ?
Well right now I'm working on an emma centric story involving her feelings about her bio dad plus some cremma friendship thrown in.
There is also my semma multichapter fic our promise which is a post s3 AU
I'm also thinking about doing some drabble requests
Thanks for the ask !
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yoo the nominations are out now!
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connectcontemporary · 1 month
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Are you looking for the finest art galleries in Atlanta, GA? Then come to Connect Contemporary and immerse yourself into the world of creativity & beauty of unique art works by various famous artists like Craig Alan, Nikki Zarrabi, McKay Otto & many more. For more information contact us at 404-350-7193 or visit the website today!
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flickchart · 1 year
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Five Years Later: A Fresh Look at the Top 20 Films of 2017 Every year, we at Flickchart publish our current list of the Top 20 films of the previous year (as we did in January with the Top 20 Films of 2022). Then, a year later,...
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quillofspirit · 4 months
Mirkwood Terrain Inspo
For the wonderful @sotwk, thank you for your suggestions 💚
Again, I couldn't find photos from mostly New Zealand, but I am quite happy with the result! This is a much older, and mature forest, with a hint of darkness it didn't have before.
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From Top to Bottom, Left to Right
Twisted trunks by Craig Strahorn
Forest Reflection by Chloé Lam
River to Lake Town by Jeff Hitchcock
Mysterious Glen by Donald Gionnatti
Dried Stream by Mike Blank
Kahikatea Trees by Geoff McKay
Mossy branches by Matthew Smith
I wanna add, for headcanon purposes, that the Beech trees in Rotoroa are covered in black sooty mold that covers even the ferns. It helps the ecosystem (read about it, it's pretty cool!), but it looks a little scary and makes everything smell like vinegar.
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sapphirebluejewel · 4 months
Father Figure(2)
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-Through Snake's alumni database, Emma does locate her biological father, Shane McKay, at an address in Stouffville. When she arrives at that address, she sees that it is a medical institution and that Shane, mentally disabled, is a patient. Emma's first thought is that her mother is a heartless woman who deserted Shane during his time of need. Emma's view of her mother changes when she learns the full story and why Spike did not tell her the truth about Shane. But Spike may be in trouble when Shane escapes from the institution and wants to see his old girlfriend. Meanwhile, Spinner managed to get Hazel's locker for Paige, who deems it not to be the perfect locker. In her mind, Jimmy has the perfect locker. Jimmy, knowing that Spinner will probably do anything for the locker, makes a deal with Spinner, one not only that Spinner will find embarrassing to do, but one that Spinner does not realize will put Paige in a bad light.
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-Despite stating that she will no longer be his cover as his girlfriend, Ellie, who doesn't really get along with most of the others but especially Paige, decides to go along on Marco's invitation to the beach day. Also along as the chauffeur is Paige's openly gay older brother, Dylan. Dylan, attracted to him, suspects Marco may be gay. Marco, also attracted to Dylan, is not ready to come out, especially to his supposed best friend Spinner, who is openly homophobic. Marco goes out of his way to hide his sexual orientation. This includes showing an interest in team sports and going on a date with an unsuspecting Hazel. Meanwhile, Archie is staying at the Jeremiah's temporarily as he has a cold and Spike does not want him to infect Jack. Beyond ruining his weekend with Ashley as the unexpected chaperon, Craig thinks that Snake's symptoms may be a manifestation of something beyond the common cold.
Descriptions from IMDb
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kristenswig · 4 months
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Best Makeup & Hairstyling 2023
Evil Dead Rise - Jason Docherty and Hannah Wilson
Killers of the Flower Moon - Kay Georgiou and Thomas Nellen Poor Things - Nadia Stacey, Mark Coulier, and Josh Weston Priscilla - Jo-Ann MacNeil and Cliona Furey A Thousand and One - Jill McKay, Marsha Page, and Craig Carter
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maya-matlin · 4 months
So I just realized that Emma from Degrassi reminds me a lot of Haley of One Tree Hill: very ethical and concerned with doing the right thing, academic, a little uptight/self-righteous (not sure these are the right adjectives here but you get the point!), kind, helpful, loyal and with a slight rebellious streak. I see Sean and Nathan as pretty similar too and think Emma and Haley both ended up with the perfect guys to complement them! Manny is even a little like Brooke. Anyway, do any other Degrassi characters remind you of characters from One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Gilmore girls, or anything else else?!
Those are interesting comparison to make! Personally, I wouldn't have thought to compare Haley to Emma. To me, she's more of a mix of Clare and Maya than Emma. But you raise good points and I can definitely see where you're coming from there. Admittedly, I don't see a lot of Sean and Nathan parallels, but they're not.. totally opposite? It's just harder to overlook the class differences and Sean having more freedom and kind of being pushed out of his parents' lives vs Nathan who arguably had too much parental influence in all the wrong ways. But both had anger problems and benefited from knowing and falling for their main love interests. Manny and Brooke make a lot of sense! Hmm, I'd have to think. Off the top of my head:
Zig Novak - Pacey Witter (Dawson's Creek)
Sean Cameron - Ryan Atwood (The OC)
Ellie Nash - Peyton Sawyer (OTH)
Fiona Coyne - Blair Waldorf/Brooke Davis (Gossip Girl/OTH)
Declan Coyne - Chuck Bass (To be honest, Declan and Fiona were blatantly Gossip Girl ripoffs)
Zoe Rivas - Santana Lopez/Alex Dupre (Glee/OTH)
Eli Goldsworthy - Jughead Jones (I hate it so much because I really like one and despise the other, but it's the truth)/Dawson Leery (Riverdale/Dawson's Creek)
Miles Hollingsworth - Logan Echolls/Nathan Scott (Veronica Mars/OTH)
Craig Manning - Dylan McKay (Beverly Hills 90210)
Liberty Van Zandt - Jal Fazer (Skins)
Grace Cardinal - Mac (Veronica Mars)
Esme Song - Rachel Gatina/Valerie Malone (OTH/Beverly Hills 90210)
Bianca DeSousa - Jen Lindley/Theresa Diaz (Dawson's Creek/The OC)
Alex Nunez - Alex Kelly (The OC)
JT Yorke - Chris Miles/David Silver (Skins/Beverly Hills 90210)
Becky Baker - Donna Martin/Andie McPhee (Beverly Hills 90210/Dawson's Creek)
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A Series of Unfortunate Screen Caps (part 24)  
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dailystargatebooty · 2 years
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