#crash b-daman
lesserknownwaifus · 8 months
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kogameh · 11 months
B-DA FOREVER by Matsubara Tsuyoshi
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arkneru · 2 years
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Crash B-daman works on 2022
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aho-chaan · 2 years
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Konta and Itto from Crash B-Daman
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fuzzychildchopshop · 3 years
B-DaBlade Generations by ZStarX
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mechaseraph · 4 years
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While twitter was having a breakdown my friend @kogameh and me decied to draw together again
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fallenqueen2 · 5 years
Writer’s Month 2019. Day 28. Family [Batfamily-WingFic]
Writer’s Month Day 28
Trope Prompt: Family [Wingfic]
Fandom: Batman
Damian has had enough. Grayson had ignored all attempts of communication for the past week. He had failed to show up for their weekly patrol together in Gotham, citing a cold of all things. Damian was not going to stand for it and was going straight to the source.
That was why Damian was marching up the stairs to Grayson’s apartment, noses wrinkled up at the state of the stairwell in the building in Bludhaven. Why was Grayson so intent on staying in this building that should be condemned? It only took Damian a few moments to skilfully pick the lock on Grayson’s apartment at the end of the hall. He would have preferred to go through the fire escape, but he was here as Damian Wayne and not Robin as per Pennyworth’s orders.
Damian stepped into the dark apartment and wondered if Grayson was at work, but when he saw a shadow move in the living room he threw off that idea.
“Grayson!” Damian blurted out as he stepped into the living room and his jaw dropped as Grayson spun around. Items crashed around him and the taller man winced before sighing and dropping down onto his couch.
“It took you longer than I expect to come to see me,” Grayson commented as he ran a hand through his messy dark hair.
“You have wings!” Damian knew he was staring with his jaw open but he couldn’t help it.
“Yeah…” Grayson sounded shy and unsure as blue wings curled around his body. Damian inched closer, entranced by the sight of the different shades of blue that made up the layers of feathers.
“So this is why you have stayed out of Gotham lately, not because you were weakened by a common cold. ” Damian said as things clicked together as he remembered his Father’s take on Meta’s in Gotham.
“… You’re taking this rather well, better than I did in fact.” Grayson chuckled in a strained voice as Damian stood in front of him, green eyes inspecting each wing with clear interest.
“They suit you, Grayson,” Damian admitted and rolled his eyes when the wings flared open wide as if they were preening at the compliment from Damian.
“How did this happen?” Damian dropped onto the couch next to Grayson and his lips twitched up in a smile when Grayson’s wing curled around him. The wing was warm, soft and emitted a feeling of protection much like Grayson himself tended to do.
“A week or so ago I was hit by this blast from a prep I was chasing down. I went down hard and when I woke up I was on a roof with these things spread out around him. I managed to get back to my apartment before the sun rose, but I haven’t left since. Can’t hide these guys with a pair of glasses or a jacket.” Grayson explained as he began to run his fingers through Damian’s hair almost out of habit and Damian was tentatively brushing his fingers over the soft feathers that were pressed to his side.
“I know why you didn’t tell Father, but he would be able to help you if this was just a blast of magic,” Damian said as his mind whirred.
“I called Zatanna and well… This wasn’t just a normal blast of magic little D… It altered my genes at a cellular level… I’m a Meta now and these wings are here to stay. She is working on a concealment charm for me so I can go out and about but it’s taking time.” Grayson’s voice was level but Damian knew his partner and knew he was not taking this well.
“I expect you to be at the top of your game nonetheless,” Damian said firmly as he tucked his feet up under himself and leaned heavier against Grayson, allowing himself to be a bit vulnerable to ease Grayson’s worries.
“Of course, let’s just keep this between us for now okay little D? Just until I get that charm and adjust to the weight on my back?” Grayson was smiling like an idiot now and hugged Damian closer with both his arm and wing-like he had been doing it his whole life.
“I insist that you take me flying when you learn how to,” Damian said simply.
“Without a doubt little D,” Grayson laughed loudly and dropped a kiss to Damian’s head. Daman knew that sooner or later the others will learn of Grayson’s new attachments but for now it is something just for Damian and Grayson. No matter what Father’s says, Damian was Grayson’s partner first and will always be no matter Father’s decision.
Bruce watched from his perch on a nearby cock tower in the middle of the night. Damian was leaning against a nearby gargoyle, green mask facing out over the city and a smirk was on his face. Bruce saw why a moment later when Nightwing dropped down onto the head of the gargoyle in a crouch and a beaming smile.
“It feels good to be back out!” Dick laughed as he straightened up, shoulders shifting strangely as he stretched his arms above his head.
“You seem to have gotten over your cold,” Bruce noted as Dick ruffled Damian’s hair, the young boy allowing the touch without even a ‘tch’ of protest.
“There is chatter of a drug deal going down near the docks,” Batman repeated what he figured out about something Black Mask was up to.
“Let’s go then!” Dick laughed as he and Damian leapt off the building, grappling hooks firing and the two swung off into Gotham together. Bruce took a moment to take in the sight of Robin and Nightwing and wondered what it was like when they were Batman and Robin. Bruce shook it off and fired his grappling hook and followed his sons.
Things were going as per normal when it came to a drug shipment arriving. Nightwing was up in a high perch, keeping an eye on things while Robin snuck around in the shadows and Batman made his entrance to throw the gang into disarray. Robin lashed out every so often, taking care of the thugs nearby with the blunt edge of his sword while Batman used his fists and Nightwing picked off the ones that were trying to sneak away.
“Ahahaha! You’re dead Batman!” Black Mask cackled as he held up a hand-held bomb and threw it at Batman, uncaring of his men that were fighting the bat.
“No!” Nightwing shouted and Bruce went to bring up his cape to protect himself even knowing he was not going to escape this blast unharmed. Batman gasped despite himself when lean yet strong arms wrapped around his torso and he felt weightless before he was next to Nightwing on an upper catwalk as the explosion went off below.
“Dick,” Batman whispered, his eyes widening behind the lens of his cowl as he took in the sight of Nightwing before him. Nightwing in his blue and black uniform and shockingly large and bright blue wings that were flared out in protection around the two of them.
“You’re okay, thank god.” Dick murmured before he slumped forward, Bruce holding his eldest in his arms on reflex.
“His left wing is injured, we must get him back to the cave.” Robin dropped down next to Batman and the barely conscious Nightwing, gloved fingers brushing over some bleeding and burnt feathers.
“You knew?” Batman hissed as he tenderly lifted Nightwing into his arms, careful of the other’s wings.
“Did you really think he was sick?” Robin snorted as he darted ahead to clear the way for Batman to get Nightwing back to the Batmobile and then the Batcave without distractions.
Batman didn’t speak again as they hurried Nightwing back to the Batcave, eyeing the way that Robin was familiar with Nightwing’s wings and pushed that aside to alternate between hoping Dick would be okay and why didn’t Dick tell him?
Alfred, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be phased at the sight of Dick’s wings and simply helped Bruce set Dick down on the med bed flat down on his stomach.
“Please relax Master Dick, do not worry you and your wings are in safe hands,” Alfred said as he eased an IV into Dick’s arm once they peeled him out of his Nightwing suit, being careful of his wings.
“Thanks, Alfie,” Dick slurred as his eyes closed and face relaxed as the pain medication and sedatives flooded into his system.
Time moved in a blur after Alfred shooed Bruce and Damian away to get showered, dressed and to eat something while he took care of Dick’s injuries.
Damian had just simply told Bruce that Dick would be fine and Bruce wanted nothing more than to interrogate his son about how and why Dick had wings, but he knew better than to do so otherwise Damian would clamp up. Best he goes straight to the source when Dick woke up.   Bruce found himself in a familiar position, sitting in a chair next to the med bed, fingers laced together under his chin as he stared at the sight of Dick lay out on the bed, his rather magnificent blue wings spread out behind him. Bruce’s mind was going a million miles a mile but it all came to a stop when Dick’s blue eyes opened up and his wings began to twitch. Dick hissed and touched his bandaged wing when he tried to move it.
“Don’t try to move around too much chum, you’re still healing.” Bruce set his hand on Dick’s ankle and almost winced when Dick looked away like he was ashamed.
“I’m sorry…” Dick started but stopped when Bruce held up his hand.
“You were always a Flying Grayson, now you just a bit more help,” Bruce said simply and something inside of him relaxed when Dick gave him a familiar, blinding smile.
“Thanks, B,” Dick whispered.
“Well, I’m just thankful that I finally have someone to help clean the gutters. I’m not as young as I used to be,” Alfred said simply as he brought down a tray of juice and some toast.
“You got it Aflie,” Dick said as he nibbled at the piece of toast.
“This puts on a damper on our flying practice Grayson, you will have to train extra hard when you have healed up.” Damian stepped out from behind Alfred and sat on the foot of the bed.
“I don’t have any doubts you’ll put me through the ringer Dami,” Dick teased.
“I’ll make up a schedule and some rehab for your injured wing,” Bruce added in and the last of Dick’s tension was washed away and he beamed up at his family and his wings flared in response to his positive emotions.
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uminakaneko · 8 years
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wionews · 7 years
ONGC chopper crash: Voice data recorder traced
The Indian Coast Guard on Sunday traced the Voice Data Recorder (VDR) of the Pawan Hans helicopter which crashed off the Mumbai coast yesterday, killing five out of seven people onboard.
The Navy has also widened its search operations for the other two missing crew members of the chopper.
"Search for the missing ONGC crew continues till recovery. Aircraft Voice Data Recorder (VDR) has been recovered and recovery of balance debris is in progress," said a Coast Guard spokesperson.
The helicopter crashed off Mumbai minutes after it took off for the state-owned company’s oil installation in the Arabian sea.
The Navy spokesperson informed that the two Fast Interceptor Craft, INS Tarasa and the frigate INS Teg, were coordinating the search in the area along with Indian Coast Guard (ICG) Ships Samudra Prahari, Achook and Agrim. 
The INS Makar (a twin-hulled catamaran hydrography ship) from Karwar was also en route to area to augment search efforts, he said.
The ICGS Samrat also sailed out from Mumbai to join the search and rescue operations, he said.
Besides, ICG Dornier from Daman, IN Seaking 42 B from Shikra (helibase) and nine ONGC Vessels were also deployed for search in the area, he said.
The ONGC vessel TAG 15 undertaking side scan sonar operations has found some debris 600 yards from the wreckage position, the spokesperson said.
The diving team from Samudra Sevak vessel is preparing to undertake the search while the team from INS Teg is kept on standby, he said.
The helicopter crash is not the first accident in ONGC's history. In August 2003, an Mi-172 helicopter crashed off the Mumbai coast killing 27 people and pilot on-board.
Pawan Hans Ltd said in a statement that the French-made Dauphin SA 365N3 helicopter met with an accident and the chopper crash is being probed by the aviation regulation DGCA
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alisonfloresus · 7 years
diploma in safety management , diploma in safety engineering , diploma in safety health and environmental management
safety Course list 1. fire and safety engineering 2.industrial safety management 3. EHS management 4. HSE management 5. environmental safety and health 6. environmental safety engineering 7. electrical safety engineering 8. mechanical safety management/ engineering 9. chemical safety engineering 10. construction safety engineering 11. textile safety engineering 12. food safety engineering 13. occupational health and safety engineering 14. safety statistics 15. marine safety engineering 16. nuclear safety engineering 17. thermal/ nuclear power plant safety engineering 18. road safety engineering 19. medical safety engineering 20. internet safety engineering/cyber security 21.office safety management/ corporate safety management 22. Forest safety engineering 23. radiation safety engineering 24. noise safety management Diplomas in Safety Management one year (full time & Crash) by Fire and Safety FIRE AND SAFETY FORUM the Pioneer Non Governmental Organization registered under the act of 1955 for empowering technical education internationally. The educational system is an ISO 9001-2008 certified in quality and service in India we have affiliated with RGEF under MHRD. Safety training as well as other activities are propagated internationally through action centres memberships and franchises. Any information of registration of courses safety franchises contact: +919895621248 Diploma in Safety Engineering students can study Distance education/ Correspondence diploma in health and safety courses in (Andhra Pradesh Assam Arunachal Pradesh Gujrat Bihar HaryanaHimachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Delhi Goa Pondichery Lakshdweep Daman & diu Dadra & nagar haveli Chandigarh Andaman & nicobar Uttaranchal Jharkhand Chattisgarh) at the main cities like(Mumbai Delhi Bangalore Kolkata Chennai Hyderabad Ahmedabad Pune Surat Kanpur Jaipur Lucknow Nagpur Patna Indore Thane Bhopal Ludhiana Agra Pimpri-Chinchwad Nashik Vadodara Faridabad Ghaziabad Rajkot Meerut Kalyan-Dombivali Navi Mumbai Amritsar Varanasi Aurangabad Solapur Allahabad Jabalpur Srinagar Ranchi Visakhapatnam Chandigarh Mysore Howrah Jodhpur Guwahati Coimbatore Vijayawada Mira-Bhayandar Gwalior Hubballi-Dharwad Bhubaneswar Jalandhar Salem Madurai Aligarh Bhiwandi Kota Bareilly Thiruvananthapuram Moradabad Tiruchirappalli Raipur Gorakhpur Bhilai Jamshedpur Amravati Cuttack Rajpur Sonarpur Bikaner Kochi (Cochin) Bhavnagar Warangal Ulhasnagar Kolhapur Dehradun Jammu Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad Nanded Ajmer Durgapur Gulbarga Guntur Jamnagar Bhatpara Saharanpur South Dumdum Jalgaon Noida Maheshtala Korba Asansol Ujjain Gaya Malegaon Tirunelveli Udaipur Belgaum Akola Davanagere Tirupur Ahmadnagar Jhansi Bokaro Kozhikode (Calicut) Mangalore Kollam (Quilon) Nellore Gopalpur Latur Lalbahadur Nagar Panihati Brahmapur Ambattur Dhule Quthbullapur Tumakuru (Tumkur) Muzaffarnagar Bhilwara Bhagalpur Shivamogga (Shimoga) Mathura Muzaffarpur Patiala Bellary Rohtak Singrauli Kamarhati Hisar Chandrapur Shahjahanpur Bally Firozabad Nala Sopara Panipat Thrissur Nizamabad Parbhani Bilaspur Kulti Etawah Bardhaman Alwar Darbhanga Rampur Naihati Kakinada Aizawl Dewas Mau Satna Jalna Sonipat Kurnool chalkaranji Rajahmundry Durg Hapur Deoli Ozhukarai Tirupati Gandhinagar Bathinda Avadi Baranagar Nangloi Jat Karimnagar Srirampur Bijapur Sagar Bharatpur Anantapur Sri Ganganagar Kapra Bihar Sharif Ratlam Farrukhabad Raichur North Dumdum Ramagundam Tiruvottiyur Hosapete Bidar Arrah Panvel Ambernath Loni Uluberia Dhanbad Bidhan Nagar Rewa New Delhi Pali Navghar Purnia Imphal Mirzapur) The cities are we offering courses in flexile study mode franchises and technical collaborations are invited from here. Diploma in safety is a highly honourable entry level safety management course which can be done by professionals from Engineering Managerial and other sectors of industries to excel them as a safety engineer safety officer safety advisor HSE advisor etc having attracting profiles in oil and gas petrochemical construction and in other corporate sectors also. For choosing the appropriate safety diplomas for you please talk to our Technical Advisor on 04846411210 Apart from these qualifications, we offer Degree and Masters’ Degree programs in safety (B. Sc., M. Sc., M. B. A) and PG diploma programs as well as certification programs in the fields of safety. Diploma in Safety: 1. Diploma in Fire and Safety Engineering 2. Diploma in Industrial Safety Management 3. Diploma in Health Safety and Environment Management 4. Diploma in EHS apart from these diplomas professionals can go for PG Advanced and certification programs in National and international level. Highly Recognized disciplines which excel with safety diplomas are
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kogameh · 1 year
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The Unlimited Kogami's Hyperfixation Works brought you... BAKUKYUU HIT! CRASH B-DAMAN EPISODE 1 - now with ACTUAL English subs made with LOVE and uhhh some dose of insomnia. >>DOWNLOAD HERE<<
Now you too can watch the first episode of the series that have molded the shape of my brain for these two decades!!
Note: Please treat this as a sort of test pilot side project!! While I would LOVE for Crash to get the better subtitles that it deserves, I CANNOT promise you that I'll be diligently continuing this project, especially when, uh, I am doing this alone and have other priorities (whether IRL or uhhh the form of other Things). In short: if I do release subs for other episodes, chances are the frequency would be slow. That being said, I hope you can respect my wish to not repost this on any piracy/streaming/etc sites, or just anywhere outside of my reach! Or else you won't get episode 2 and further at all :) But ofc, other advice/criticism is always welcome! (Just so I can fix that for any future releases/batch, if they happen)
I just, uh, wanna share the first episode of my #1 fav anime with you guys. That's all.
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mechaseraph · 4 years
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Happyba Kodoh
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mizuyan-il · 8 years
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2016.4頃 15時間前後
“爆球Hit! クラッシュビーダマン”(Crash B-Daman)の”荒崎キョウスケ”を描かせていただきました。
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bdamanga · 11 years
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Bakukyuu HIT! Crash B-Daman Story and Art by Tomoya Kuratani Extra Chapter - Two Hands TWO HANDS
Note: The Japanese Raws contain a computerized text version of the Fifth Page as well as the Transcription of all the Japanese Text.
Japanese RAWS 
English Scanlations
B-Daman Wikia Article
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kogameh · 11 months
Asu ni Mukatte Get Dream! by Lia
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