#crazy anon lady
lover-of-mine · 3 months
OK I will Lady Whistledown you. Somehow, I ended up in a private BT space. Probably because it was earl, and I looked at somethin, and I have no presence so they probably don't even know I am there.
Basically, on main, you have the general realization of Oliver's expressions in regards to asking about BT vs. Buddie. I watched, and I will be honest, I don't think he was trying to be mean, but I do think it was a genuine reaction for him. But then you mix it with the fact the old interview from Lou came up again, and a lot of people are starting to worry.
But behind closed doors, it's definitely that Oliver didn't champion Tommy at all. Mixed with weeks of wondering why he won't follow him or the fact Oliver posted the basketball picture for 4 and not Tommy.
So as dramatic as I am making it sound. It really is simple you know how a fandom works with the "popular" posters and the general audience. But yes as we watch Oliver and if he continues to ignore it, they are blaming him basically.
And I think in their overzealousness to make Fetch a thing. They completely did forget how close Ryan and Oliver are. How much Oliver probably hates how they are treating his story but also Ryan. As if he would choose Lou over Ryan as childish as that sounds.
Obsessed with this format, it made me giggle, thank you soskpakspskslaks
But basically, Oliver did what he has been doing since the beginning? And they are freaking out because they finally realized Mr plot device doesn't have the support of the people that maybe could've make him stay longer? Fascinating. It's not like we've been hearing that in everything that's not a cameo. Imagine being forced to turn of the selective hearing because since the cameos were shut down, there's no one on their side.
That mentality is one I never understood tbh, why do they think attacking Ryan and Oliver is gonna accomplish anything other than pissing the people involved with show off? Like, Oliver clearly cares about Ryan, why would he just accept the situation and decide to become a bt defender when he's clearly annoyed that Buck being bi became a ship war. As if Oliver is gonna pick Lou. And like, Oliver has some power in the situation, because while he's not a writer, Buck is a fandom favorite, keeping Oliver happy while playing Buck is very important for their numbers. But again, I am asking for logical thinking from people who clearly have no idea what logic is.
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
Do you think it's true that GRRM said that Sansa wasn't a Stark anymore after Lady's death? I've seen the interview passed around before but I'm not sure if it's an official thing
In regards to the conversation about the dire wolves and the Starks the point was made (I forget by whom) that Lady was dead and Sansa still alive to which I replied that Sansa wasn't really much of a Stark anymore. IIRC (this is a little hazy), at this point GRRM kind of leaned back in his chair, smiled and said something to the effect of "A very astute observation." (source)
I'm assuming this is what you're referring to. To answer the question, I wholeheartedly believe that George said something along these lines. A majority of fandom disregards it for obvious reasons but it definitely makes sense within the story. Now, he obviously isn't saying that Lady's death means Sansa isn't literally a Stark anymore, and that's the perspective I often see people use to refute this idea. She still has her Northern and familial connections and no one is debating that.
The fact is though that the Direwolves are a big aspect of identity for the Starks, on top of being the living embodiment of their sigil. They are soul-bonded, connected through magic, and they're going to be very important in the upcoming books. We have Nymeria and her large pack, Jon (most likely) warging into Ghost before his death, Rickon's direwolf being used to confirm his identity (and it's very likely he's developed his warging), Bran has a very strong connection with Summer and it's helped him develop his abilities, etc. All very tangible, plot-relevant aspects. The direwolves are also connected to each other and aware of their siblings, and Lady's death is acutely noticed by them. Sansa is, literally, disconnected from the other Starks in that aspect. George wouldn't have just put that in the story if it wasn't meant to mean anything. If he wanted Lady alive, he would've found a way to keep her alive. I don't think this means Sansa is destined to die, forever lose her identity as a Stark, or anything else particularly bad because of it. I just think that within the context of the story, her losing her direwolf is of some significance 🤷🏾‍♀️
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dailyfigures · 3 months
Have you done the bishoujo Transformers yet?? I would absolutely KILL to see them, especially Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker!!
sure have anon! i have nemesis prime and cliffjumper in the queue and i have posted thundercracker, starscream, skywarp, megatron, optimus prime and bumble!
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ssreeder · 3 months
Hi, genuine question for Ur well being
Since this Is the last part/book of the Fanfiction i wanted to ask if u would be 'retelling' the whole series like if u would have to rewrite the whole season (cuz that would be SO MUCH WORK ITS CRAZY😭) or if u will like stop at some point of thr 'og timeline' bcuz from there on its almost thr same as the original (ex: aang's final battlr w ozai or the last agni kai of Zuko n Azula)
If u had to rewrite the og-show w a new timeline' how will the povs work? Like will u write aang's pov in the final Battle against ozai (cuz if u do ESP the part where he Is in the A.S the Kyoshi novels DID a pretty good job explaining It when Kyoshi entrrs It)
This Is Just for pure boredom 😭 cuz im so curious abt how u will write EVERYTHING (cuz its a LOT. Especially rewritin S3 tbfh)
LIKE thats ACTUALLY a LOT of work and i dont know if u have the sanity for that 😭😭 (NOT IN A NEGATIVE WAY IM JUST ADMIRINF UR MOTIVATION🙏🙏)
antways i LOVED the new chapter SM It was SUCH A chill n cozy One that now im so scared abt the next cuz Ur... EVIL(/j)
I also expected the cliffhanger to be DEVASTATING SND CRY ONCE AGAIN 4 THIS FIC but It wasnt ACTUALLY so bad but NOW U MADE ME CURIOUSSSSS
(will We get to see the Fire NATION Boys flashbacks back when they we're on the ship e zuko? Im still waiting to find out if IROH know abt jee.)
Now im even more frightened abt the next haha
Ok im done lol, love Ur work and KEEP UP (Sorry u had to read alltat:P)
ok anon so I’m not sure if you’re asking me if I plan to rewrite season 3 and the shows canon ending? But if you are, let me reassure you that I am absolutely not going to do that haha. LIAB won’t even end the same way the show ended so it wouldn’t even be possible for me to do that anyway
I love that you assume they’re gunna win the battle in BSS and go on to fight ozai -
what if they lose? Maybe the city falls and they have to leave it all behind and hide from the FN? Regroup, care for the injured, mourn the dead…
Speaking of dead. Fuck if what if Aang dies? Can’t fight ozai if he’s dead.
Azula loves to throw lighting & hates to lose so anything’s possible when you believe in yourself that much.
or maybe everything will be fine?! They will all be ALRIGHT because it’s liab and nothing bad ever happens in LIAB :D :D
sorry anon I won’t say what happens but I can promise you one thing FOR SURE - I will not be rewriting canon season 3 haha.
YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAAAA I’m super happy you enjoyed the last chapter haha the plot is beginning to move and we are headed towards the battle!!
as for flashbacks, the iroh zuko talk is an iroh pov and he’s super focused on the convo so unfortunately there won’t be much “flash-backing” but the ship will be mentioned so you never know haha.
thanks for the ask anon!!!
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writteninscarlet · 5 months
Please dont take this as hate, but this is some criticism and I like to think its constructive. You're ships don't make sense to me. I think they seem Out of Character. I think Wanda seems needy and weak. She's acting far too soft, and I don't think it'ss a way anyone would like or want from her. It seems to me like it's pushying the ships onto others, the way she acts seems overly flirtatious. People are just being kind.
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‘Don’t take this as hate’ is always a good way to start things.
Everyone writes characters differently; for various reasons. I love the other Wanda’s out there. I think they all capture a great part of her essence, I’m sure I could direct you to others who are brilliant writers and love the character.
This is roleplay. We take what we want, remove things we don’t. We write the character as we see them. So it is very subjective.
It is honestly always a fear that I push ships onto people. But I hope I’m not doing that here and frankly I think I could list just on one hand the ships Wanda has. She’s a ‘friend’ or ‘mum’ figure in lots of things, a constant friendship type person. But that’s fine. She’s more than a ‘love figure’. I love exploring relationship of all kinds. But even if all my threads were romantic? Maybe that’s just how it goes! If someone personally feels I’m pushing Wanda onto them (and this I guess the reason I’m answering this?) please just let me know. I don’t bite and I know how to back off. Honestly, I enjoy ships. I also worry now because this is like the fourth or fifth ask I’ve had about this and I don’t really know… like what to change?
She IS sweet and affectionate, she can also be tough and stubborn and arrogant. Wanda is a big family/friend person. She will be soft. As in real life softness, politeness, and friendliness doesn’t always equal flirting. And I feel like the ships I do have are built up. They come from threads, memes, talking ooc… I love to chat about Wanda and sometimes things grow from that.
My Wanda is my Wanda and I’m not sure how else I would write her.
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
What pop music do you like? what have you been listening to lately?
oh baby the songs i listen to all came out six-ten years ago and they’re the clubbing music you white girl dance to 😭😭 sorry to disappoint!!
all time favs are lady gaga and glass animals. i used to be OBSESSED with melanie martinez and i still know all her songs soooo. still obsessed. the best era of music would always come around may when eurovision would happen bcuz im not kidding they have the best fucking songs but i will be boycotting from now on soooo. idk if that only includes watching the contest or if that includes listening to the songs, i will have to find out.
im just trying to think of consistent people i listen to and im really struggling urhm. used to be obsessed with nicki minaj and i still know so many of her songs but i do not support her and havent for a while…
in terms of recency i guess ive been getting into pastel ghost and crystal castles? idk if thats pop but i like how it massages my brain. iris by crystal castles is SO good
yeah this was a long way to say my recent tastes is actually decades old 😭
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Can agree that is definitely the best thing to be known for
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kaeinvy · 4 months
*shoots you*
*drops down to the ground*
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Hop in the whip n’ buckle up, babe. We’re going to the Waffle House.
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wuya and dashi a good pair because dashi has no hair and wuya has all the hair and they both make it look very stylish
Ok, it seems as if this was written in a rush but I wholeheartedly agree Dashi and Wuya make a great STYLISH duo.
Since we're at it, I think it's very hilarious how anon put 'dashi has no hair and Wuya has all the hair'. Well, yeah! Wuya has such a thick hair volume for both of them! 😂
And because of that, I have a silly HC now. Dashi always loved to play with Wuya's hair. 'Wuya you could lend me some, alright?' (proceeds to put as many red strands on his head) Damn, I feel warm now <3
Wuya tries to shoo him away but Dashi decides to make her laugh so he makes a mustache out of her hair xD Lol it works
And taking into consideration, Dashi wouldn't stop at this, he would even bother Chase and Guan to 'lend him' their hair xDDD
Dashi, running after Chase with scissors: Brother, I have a date! Just a little trim, I swear!
Chase, who likes his hair the way it is: WHY CAN'T GUAN HELP YOU WITH THAT??
Dashi: Have you seen his stupid braid? Your hair is way more fabulous than his!
Chase: That's a nice compliment but LEAVE ME BE!
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
Lady Whistledown. This is. This is just where we need to go into Narnia because I need everyone to know I would never think this or write this. But we all have to remember one thing. All summer they thought he would be main and he would be all over the BTS especially with the Gerrard stuff and the bees. We got the small bee clue with Chim and all so they need to give up his helicopter ext
Narnia. So, of course, AB PK and JLH are the upper tier of the cast. Of course, he won't BTS with them. But KC and AH should absolutely be trying to get BTS with him because in some aspects, he's more well known than them and has been for longer. If not for main, would people even know them? Also still big mad and resntful of us because we don't appreciate what we get. Hammering home, we make Ryan uncomfortable because he's repeated after his character is straight, and we are just trying to make a commitment phobe gay.
Back in the grass. We think he's more on set than they do. Personally, I go back and forth on the concept. But don't let them fool you. Until they see Proof of life they won't belive it. Especially with Oliver engaging again and some are blocked and can't leave comments anymore and he seems to be ignoring the burner account comments. So they are afraid of being on main and asking him anything about Tommy.
Hi love 🩷 I just need to say the "back in the grass" made me laugh lol
Now the rest of it, holy shit. He's more well known? Where? Only in Narnia, right? Is 4 times more followers a sign they're less known? (Let me be petty for a second, do they absolutely hate the way Ryan has a million followers on Instagram? I feel like that is something that would piss them off) Anyway, why are we getting the poc cast members to chase the white guy? Do they even realize how racist they sound at all times or is this all on accident? And, yeah, Ryan looks super uncomfortable implying he fucked Peter or when he brings up the Buck and Eddie thing every time someone breathes next to him. But good to know the crazy "they're hiding him" is just a front.
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
it’s wild that people hate Arya so much they’re literally defending septa mordane??? like septa mordane is every abusive, shitty teacher out there who shouldn’t be allowed to teach a vulnerable population (ie. children) because she’s literally out here emotionally abusing Arya for not being feminine enough. I’ve had teachers like septa mordane and the trauma they gave me lead way into adulthood, people like septa mordane shouldn’t be allowed around kids
Considering people excuse Joffrey's actions when he attacked Mycah, it's truly not that surprising. People dislike this nine-year-old so much that they're willing to excuse her being mistreated by her teacher. Septa Mordane was obviously a very flawed teacher and even more than that, Arya was NINE at the beginning of the story. People are really putting the blame on her instead of the adult who had authority over her. She left one lesson after being embarrassed and left a meal early while being depressed thinking about her friend who was murdered and people treat her like the antichrist. But this all ties back to people resenting Arya for not conforming and wishing that she would be punished for her behavior. They side with Septa Mordane cause they have the exact same mindset (+ they want their fave to be rewarded for conforming). They invent backstories and scenarios to make her seem more sympathetic to justify it. They hate that the narrative is on Arya's side and doesn't condemn her for not conforming to the ideals of a misogynistic, patriarchal society. It's just really pathetic to see how desperate people are to find reasons to dislike Arya and I'm over taking them seriously.
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highlifeboat · 10 months
Those witches invented lesbians!/hj
Invented sapphics and didn't even know it pff
I'm just sayin, given how boy obsessed Sarah is through the movie, there's no chance she ever had a split moment of "But what about.... Girls?"
And I just think the realization she can kiss women would blow her mind.
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kalpasio · 1 year
this could potentially be a very stupid question, but does anyone remember if kalpas can canonically count to 14? I saw somewhere that he couldn’t, but now I wonder if I’m being delusional. It would make sense if he couldn’t considering he arrived on earth and was immediately thrown into the thick of it, it’s understandable if he never had the time or interest to learn to read or write 🤔
-yo hey anon
HIIIII!! honestly with how difficult it is to find flame chaser lore and how often that lore contradicts itself, I don't think any question related to them is stupid. like you can't just google anything about them except Elysia because devs have favorites
I don't remember exactly seeing that, but I haven't read any of the manga I know, had fan so I can't say for certain?
I don't know if anyone else knows this off the top of their head but personally I would definitely believe it to be true lmao like he doesn't need to count any higher, I don't think he'd learn. he very much gives the Sherlock Holmes vibes of "if it's not important, I don't wanna know and that includes basic facts like the earth is round"
also that scene that I mention way too often when he's counting kills and has to look at his toes which, to be fair, if I was counting things I'd use my fingers too but also I love this idiot man (affectionate)
double also now I'm imagining like even younger baby griseo learning to count and Elysia is teaching her and baby griseo is just bragging she can count higher than kalpas and oh my gosh I just want the flame chasers to be happy
OR RIN HOLDING HIS HAND AND GOING "nooooooo! Uncle Kalpas that's seventeen" and he just sits there pouting because some 7 year old is telling him how to count and he doesn't want to
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eureka-its-zico · 1 year
just finished listening to halsey's ya'aburnee and..................... i don't even want to say anything but I kid you not I had to pause and take a breath and then once it got over I deadass cried.
Not me continuing to cackle in my car while I finish listening to the same exact song while writing a scene I thought of while driving. (Don’t write and drive, my dears. Pull over first.)
That feeling you are feeling my sweet nonnie is the feeling I am working on trying to encapsulate for this chapter.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Honestly, I know Arl is going to literally rock her role as the fatui Harbinger of Fontaine, but has there been any other harbingers said to be in Fontaine aswell? Maybe one possibly being Sandrone. I know there's practically nothing out for her in the game but I hope they pair her and Arlecchino for the Fontaine arc. I mean, Sandrone literally uses Fontaine's technology, does she not?!
Sandrone is such an interesting to me, second to Dottore, but still. I want to know more about her robot thing, I wanna know more about her!! I don't wanna talk your ear off about Sandrone, but I have so much to say about her Smooches😭😭
I wouldn't mind Arlecchino being the only Harbinger of Fontaine though, she's amazing. 💓
Right, me waiting for Queenchino to carry Fontaine 🥱 Well, there haven't been any reliable leaks as far as I know about her being in Fontaine, but I'm pretty sure that another one is gonna be there. There seems to be a pattern of two Harbingers in the nation during the story (Liyue - Childe+Signora, Inazuma - Scara+Signora, Sumeru - Dottore+Scara) so at the very least we can expect one more! (Not to mention there's 7 harbingers left to be revealed in-game and we have 3 nations left 😭)
I'm also convinced it has to be Sandrone, her dress is reminding me of the ones we saw in the teaser, very elegant. I'm willing to bet her home nation is Fontaine! Not to mention Fontaine is hella technologically advanced like her.
Please talk my ear off about Sandrone, I'm willing and ready to listen 🫡 I am also so so excited to learn more about her!! There are a lot of possibilities for her... sometimes I wonder if she modified parts of her body to be puppet-like for the sake of her research... or if she is one or that's not actually Sandrone at all... anyway, I'm expecting amazing lore from her in general
I know so far none of the Harbingers really like each other in-game, but it'd be nice to see some actual interaction between them that's not completely hostile (me hoping Arlie and Sandrone will talk to each other)
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