#crazy blanket
dsumpsbluey · 1 year
Unofficial Bluey Timeline: Part II
Welcome to another post of my Unofficial Bluey Timeline. This part will be focusing on "The Weekend" through "Hotels". I will also be highlighting the recently found 2017 pilot of the show, since it pretty much is plot-for-plot a remake of one of these episodes (P.S. if you haven't done so, always read the alt text).
**But first, an update regarding my last post. While making the videos for this week, I stumbled upon a program called HandBrake, an open-source video transcoder. This was because the episode backups I mentioned were MKV files and couldn't properly work on my editing app. There, I found that it could do way more than simply convert file types, but also change resolution, apply video filters, and much more; so I found myself experimenting with how to enhance my copies, especially for the season 1 episodes. To keep it short, the program made the episodes better presentable (no distracting interlacing!), and I'll likely use them for any future video uses.**
So, without further ado, lets get in.
The Weekend - Episode 6 (and the pilot)
Bluey scams Bandit into buying magical statues.
Debuts and Details:
The walking leaf (which as of last week's recent ep "Slide", is apparently named "Leaficus") makes its grand debut.
Being as this was built off the pilot of the same name, the animation moves similar despite changes in the characters' models. This is why the episode feels janky and off-model compared to the rest of the season, b/c it is.
In the pilot, Bingo sleeps on a separate room opposite to Bluey's. While this would switch to both sharing the room in the final show, that exact room wouldn't show up in another episode until "Bedrooms" 3 years later. It's there where we learn that both girls used to occupy the room as babies before moving into their current room, which somehow lines up with the pilot (Bingo, the youngest one, occupying the leftmost room).
It would take ages dissecting every single change here, so I made a quick comparison vid of some key moments.
(Pilot video came from original Streamable upload [Just learned it was taken down :(]; Final video came from Internet Archive, as I hadn't set up HandBrake to clean my copy atm)
Differences in Character pilot design: Bluey: minimal differences aside from different orientation of back spots (They're not Disney-shaped, as I call it) Bingo: Snout shape and size bigger; Dark orange top is now two round spots on each side; back has many spots instead of just one. Bandit: Only left side of head is dark (reminiscent of a spot); no tan belly. Has the more drastic design differences of all. Chilli: Her dark brown spot is often not present, or swapping around sides. In the final episode, her brown spot overlaps her snout, other than the other way around.
What a weird way to make an episode about the weekend. This episode doesn't really rely on plot, and just shows us a glimpse of the Heeler family, which is still neat. As for the placement of this episode on the timeline, by rule the final version of the episode is considered canon as opposed to the pilot. Despite both version's plots being very similar, and the separate room pointed out earlier, it doesn't seem fair that an older version of an episode would be in the timeline, as it doesn't fit with the rest of the series.
Favorite part: The walking leaf scene, I quote it everyday w/ an exaggerated accent.
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BBQ - Episode 7
Bingo prepares a pepper capsicum salad.
Debuts and Details:
This serves as the introduction of Uncle Stripe (Bandit's brother), and his side of the family, featuring Aunt Trixie, and cousins Muffin and Socks.
There is a mention of a "Auntie Mary" and her salad dressing recipe, but she is never mentioned in another episode again.
This is the first of many episodes that have been altered in international releases. For this, every mention of 'capsicum' is replaced with 'pepper'; no significant cut of scenes occurs, as mouth flaps were the only aspect changed between versions.
Streamable link, cuz I just learned there's a one video limit
The intro scene with Bluey and Bandit prepping the grill serves as the first of a recurring element of the two copying each other, either through movement or verbal.
5 cans and a water bottle were destroyed during the episode.
Bingo learns how to turn on the hose
Chill episode, you get to feel the struggles of Bingo wanting to relax, while also tasked with creating the best pepper capsicum salad imaginable.
Favorite part: When Bingo is getting the salad dressing. The scream, in particular, gets me everytime.
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Fruitbat - Episode 8
Bluey learns to dream in order to become a fruit bat.
Debuts and Details:
This marks the debut of Mackenzie, his dad, as well as Rocko
This is the first episode to span multiple days, going from night to next morning (2 days)
The stairway wall has no changes from its last appearance, however the fridge is reoriented to how it was in "Keepy Uppy"
Bluey is revealed to like fruit salad.
Fun episode. However, the main plot doesn't exactly start until 4 minutes in. Wish there was more to the dream than just flying and eating fruit, though; perhaps something more imaginative.
Favorite part: Bingo's iconic shot of her sleeping.
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Horsey Ride - Episode 9
Bluey and the gang ride their dad's as horses.
Debuts and Details:
Polly Puppy, Bluey's special toy makes its debut
Bandit and Stripe play as Gallahop, and Sparkles, and they are technically married at the end.
There's what seems to be a porch in the backyard, that I swear never shows up ever again (unless it does, in which I've haven't seen it)
Universal Rule #1 of imaginary play - Animals can't talk; there is a clear violation by both horses during the wedding scene
Fun episode, nothing to say other than flirty Bandit is my favorite screencap.
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Hotel - Episode 10
Bandit books a room at the Heeler Hotel.
Debuts and Details:
Bingo is Slobber-Dobber, I guess? Aside from that, there's really nothing else to bring up
The episode, while being fun, doesn't really have much to talk about, timeline wise and in general. It's not bad per se, but it's very minimalistic.
Favorite part: Bluey smacking Bingo's head on the bed.
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With that, part II is complete. While there were some interesting details with this batch of eps, they haven't caused too much of a dent in terms of the timeline. Surely, next week, we get some nifty details for our timeline. As always, leave any comments about details I may have missed, and I'll see you next week.
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your-local-granny · 9 months
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"Our job is to find truth, no matter how painful it may be."
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bloominglegumes · 2 months
whoever recently sent me the ask about jazzprowl yuri i deleted it by accident im so sorry but i fully agree. world is harsh and cold tiddy soft and warm
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ooliecat · 2 days
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he is like a bird. sleeping. in a dog bed.
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full page
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person4924 · 3 months
i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held i want to be held
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midnight-leaf · 2 years
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@buggachat’s new fic, Drowning in Plain Sight, has consumed my thoughts.
It is so good that it destroyed my art block. I mean, I even drew a background, which is crazy.
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delta-piscium · 2 years
When Steve and Eddie start dating Wayne pulls Steve aside and is like “I know this sounds odd but you’re gonna have to take him on walks every once in a while.”
And Steve is just like “?? Sir? He is not a dog?”
Wayne gives him a slightly haunted look, muttering “sometimes I wonder,” under his breath before clearing his throat and telling Steve to just trust him on this one. 
Steve thinks this is probably something Wayne had to do when Eddie was a child to get him out of the house but the man is a full-grown adult now, Steve is not gonna walk him.
He kind of forgets about it until one day. Eddie’s been staying at Steve’s for the week and he gets home from work only to find the kitchen absolutely wrecked. He finds Eddie in another room standing in a pile of books. He very slowly approaches him, putting his hands out and making his voice soft and as carefully as he can being like, “Hey, babe, what’s up?”
Eddie whips around, eyes big and wild, rambling almost too fast for Steve to understand. “I needed to make a cake but I didn’t have a recipe so I improvised and that did not work so I went to find a recipe and did you know there are like fifty-year-old medical books here? There are so many descriptions of gross stuff in them.” He waves one of Steve’s granddads old books around and Steve has to lean back to not get smacked by it. 
“Yeah… my granddad was a doctor,” he says all while eyeing him warily. 
His hair is frizzier than usual and he’s about to turn around to grab more books and Steve does not know what this is or what to do? Should he do something? That’s when he remembers what Wayne said about walks and the way he had looked, a bit stressed and disbelieving. It’s about how Steve is feeling right now so he might as well try, right?
So he grabs Eddie, pulling him along towards the door, making up the first excuse he can think of. “Speaking of my granddad, he built a tree-house for me in the woods behind the house, let’s go look.” 
He walks into the woods at the wrong opening, leading them kind of far in before turning around to wander and pretending to look. He finally steers them back to where the tree-house actually is, all in its tiny rotten glory, and right at the edge of the lawn.
“Guess it was closer than I remember,” he says with a shrug as if dragging Eddie around for twenty minutes insisting it was further in is in any way a believable mistake. 
Eddie gives him a look like he’s acting insane, which, okay fair but Eddie did start it. And anyways he looks better now, judgmental as all hell but better.
“Cool,” He eventually says then stomps back inside. 
Eddie spends the rest of the day making fun of Steve for getting lost in the woods where he grew up but he’s not climbing the walls anymore so Steve counts it as a win.
After that he brings Eddie on regular walks, tells him it’s because he doesn’t do sports anymore and needs to move, doesn’t always feel like running and it’s boring going alone. Eddie accepts it easily but also says it’s so weird because Wayne will also drag him along on walks, and, like, what about him attracts these people who need to go on walks all the time and can’t do it alone?
Steve and Wayne have a pact to never tell Eddie, they do not even want to imagine how that would go because Eddie is a drama queen at heart and their system is working (until years later when Steve and Eddie live together hours away and Steve goes on a trip with Robin, he comes back to Eddie on his way to turn their living room into a greenhouse)
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nemurian · 1 year
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@bigboobyhalo Your sacrifices have been accepted by the great Dapper. I'm so sorry but I don't think you'll be getting them back anytime soon. Or ever.
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mercisnm · 8 months
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Sweater weather shenanigans
Plus the lines, before I throw colours on it like an excitable squirrel:
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
One of the great things about fiber arts (at least to me) is that... you outright own the things you make. It's hard for me to comprehend actually owning something, and that's that. The item you have created doesn't need to come with strings attached (pun intended).
In a world where you are constantly buying things but not owning any of it, truly, it's such an odd experience to actually have ownership of your labour, time, and love like that.
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antxnous · 29 days
Caesar hand over open flame as a grounding technique after the post nut clarity hits and he realises what he did to Joshua
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Newsie: Flipper
Actor: Brian Friedman
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Flipper is a young Newsie who goes by many names.
He wears oversized clothing that are in mostly greys and purple. He has red suspenders under his vest.
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He's been called Slider,
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Crazy Legs (only acknowledged by the actor),
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and Patrick.
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But he's probably best known as Flipper because of his dramatic hair flips.
Flipper has three Newsie big bros looking out for him:
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The first is Jake, who teaches him dance moves such as enthusiastic skipping and imaginary lassoing.
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The second is Bumlets, who gives him hair styling and hair care advice.
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And the third is Kid Blink, who always has a shoulder for him to lean on.
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Bumlets shows the pecking order by pushing Flipper down a stair.
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Flipper loses a sword fight to Les. The winner gets a head smoosh from Dave.
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Round two goes on in the back. Who needs Dave, when you have three adoptive brothers of your own?
Without his three bros to guide him,
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Flipper is picking fights,
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getting dragged around by Crutchy,
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climbing onto statues,
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and passing out on the job from staying up past his bedtime reading the comics section of The World.
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What do you call this Newsie? Personally I like Blanket the most, but I went with Flipper because it's the name he's commonly known as.
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quirkle2 · 1 month
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been dying to design new Little Guys. the moth creature is from a few months ago, but the wolf is new. neither of them have names yet
i also made this pixel version specifically for my forum signatures <3bc i love forum sigs im obsessed w them. the one for the forums is tiny but this is upscaled bc tumblr sucks
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drama-glob · 1 year
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With it being one year since I joined Tumblr, I thought I’d share something extra special that I’ve managed to keep from posting. Although I know it’s not 100% accurate, I did crochet this free hand and there’s no mistaking that I managed to make Globby into yarn form. ;) ^_^ This blanket is a little over 6ft long and I started it in December 2019 and finished it May 2020, just working on it a little each day until it was completed. I know it’s out of the ordinary, but I love to take characters I love and make fan art of them in various forms. (You should see all I did for Ben 10 ;) ). I hope you like all the hard work I put into it. ^_^<3<3<3
@spyrkle4 @enbydemirainbowbigfoot Here he is. ;)
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jazzandpizazz · 2 years
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Jeremy Brett and Edward Hardwicke in Sherlock Holmes (ITV Granada) “The Musgrave Ritual” (1986)
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stellorc · 11 months
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Thus together they were bound Forever condemned to remain watchful Trapped in hallowed ground.
Five months later and it's finally finished. I started this in the middle of a mental health crisis and it was an attempt to regain some control while my anxiety was running wild. Painting my problems etc etc. So enjoy this nonsensical personal piece <3 I'm a lot better now, and finishing this is a nice way to close this chapter, though I feel compelled to make a sequel of these two ladies exploring the forest and breaking their curse.
Process gif under the cut (flash warning!)
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I really wanted to portray this tiresome vigilance that I was feeling at the time, always wary of a foe I couldn't see. And since I was dealing with a terrible art block I tried to comfort myself with elements that just tickles my brain. I'm happy to have this done and I can't wait to make more spooky personal art on the future.
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