#crazy fun park rp
rvnawaytrain · 8 days
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❝ I feel like something bad is going to happen to me. I feel like something bad H A S happened. It hasn't reached me yet, but it's on its way. ❞
INDEPENDENT & NON-SELECTIVE portrayal of an original character, JANE DOE, based on extensive lore including explorations of CLASSIC HORROR, FINAL GIRL TROPES, PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR, ENTROPY, GREEK TRAGEDY & MORE . Extremely verse flexible with dozens of established verses available
❝ █████ kept secrets. She kept the fact that she kept secrets a secret. ❞
Template credit to Jessource
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deadph0bic · 1 day
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"i'm siobhan! she/her, i'm the popular one!" // written by billie. indie siobhan from crazy fun park. follows back from coastercrushed.
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artstayed · 5 months
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Have you heard of a fun little show called Crazy Fun Park? Whether your muse of choice is canon, original, or just a verse, hit that heart or give this post a reblog!
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slateir · 5 months
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frieddiscjockey · 2 months
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“eat your cereal with a fork,” // written by billie. indie gregor "GONZO" vukovic from abc's crazy fun park. follows back from coastercrushed.
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purityran · 8 months
It’s not a very happy tale, nor is it one she likes to tell, but once upon a time: there was a teenage runaway. Now this runaway had seen more than she was supposed to, and she’d been on the run for a while. She didn’t have much to her name. See, Mariana Cross was not merely a runaway. For those who leave her happy little family didn’t often survive long enough to make it to the reunion.
Mariana was being chased.
–– –– She still remembers the last night of her life; the pounding of her heart and the feeling of breathing fire due to the distance she'd gone. She’d run far; surely they’d lost sight of her. All she needed now was some rest; a place to hide.
– A moment’s pause to ease the panic still within her.
She didn’t want to enter the park, but the breeze seemed to open the gate as her frightened eyes scanned the perimeter. It was empty; at least, she thought it was. She looks for a place to take cover, shaking with fear as she closes the gate behind her. There’s something in the air here. Something amiss. She just needed to stay until morning, then she could find another place to hide away in.
She just needed a place until morning. She roams for a bit, taking in the sights. It isn’t until she’s certain that she’s safe, that she finds her final resting place. Merry-Go-Rounds, she had learned, had benches long enough for her to sleep on. She stays, wakes, and goes to walk out the gate. It’s only at the voice of a boy who seems a few years her senior that she stills. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
She was forever safe and protected from those who sought her harm … at the cost of her life. She spawns on the bench of the Merry-Go-Round. It's oddly cozy.
There’s more to her past that she’s unwilling to share, but this is decidedly not the worst way to exist. She’s nineteen -- and newer than most in the park. Due to the way her 'family' warns others, she's not worried about disappearing anytime soon.
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gravevisited · 3 months
Colors rip through the evening sky like claw marks across flesh, bleeding into each other, messy, raw, like the breath rips from Lydia’s throat as she dismounts her bike. Shit. She’s never going to find her way back in the dark—she could barely find her way here in broad daylight! She almost regrets choosing to press on instead of going back ho to the new house. Almost. Except now that she’s here, staring the creepy clown tunnel right down its…mouth, she’s sure like never before that this is the place for her.
She leans the bike up against a tree and snaps a few pictures of the abandoned entrance, sun bleached police tape hanging like limp ribbons on either side. The trash scattered around the trash can, down the throat of the tunnel. The darkness deeper in still. Lydia pulls away and shivers despite the absence of a breeze. Her mother would say the veil is thin here, and for the first time since her passing, Lydia understands what she meant.
She leaves her bike and ventures forward, stumbling blind through the corridor, trailing her left hand lightly along the wall. Just in case. Soon enough, there is light: the barred gates of the theme park, black shadows even against the dying light of day, like a warning. Lydia stops and photographs the moment, but isn’t as struck by it as the last one. This gate is the last stitch of the veil, to borrow her mother’s metaphor: Lydia rips it open, metaphorically, as she pries the gate apart and shimmies between its lips physically. Her dress snags for a moment, but only for a moment. It gives way soon enough, leaving Lydia free in the park as the sun slips behind the western walls.
Lydia hikes up her backpack and clutches her camera unconsciously, looking around as she steps towards the carousel.
“Woah.” It’s the only thing that feels appropriate to say. She snaps another few shots, then begins to walk around it, talking mostly to fill the silence, make it less alone. “When was the last time this thing ran?”
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edgedgreatness · 8 months
new verse dropped! crazy fun park. still making my through watching it but... they're getting it - and if i feel like wiriting any of them, i'll add them here
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blubrrychef · 1 month
ooc post ^_^
francis mosses headcanons oouughhhe my wife…
disclaimer the headcanons i post don’t have to be applied to any of my roleplays or asks, but i wont forbid it from being mentioned in rp/asks ! feel free to to send any TNMN headcanons in my ask box, i LOVE hearing them <3 /srs
tw: paranoia mention(?) detailed OCD symptom/unhealthy behavior
bigender queen. WOOF WOOFOW
pansexual aromantic n demisexual . we love him sm
in a QPR (QueerPlatonic relationship) with Nacha !! smooch the best friend .
my beautiful princess with a disorder ❤️ /ref
OCD, believes he has to do things repeatedly over and over or else a doppelgänger will get him.
( he has therapy i promise ! ! ! )
has some muscle, i guess he’s kinda lean ? muscles are primarily in his arms, has slightly visible abs methinks
^^^^^ sorry i love him
his dates are either EXTREMELY outgoing (amusement park, carnival, etc) or EXTREMELY calming (music date, sleepover, etc) no in between 😭
prepares a little bagel with some kind of unique ass cream cheese in it (garlic, strawberry, etc) everyday. and usually does that whenever he doesn’t feel like making a meal
fucking hates milk omg
despite carrying cartons upon cartons of milk, his hands are quite warm. the rest of him is cold as hell though what tf
make fun of him and say mean things to him all you want, make fun of his friends he gets a little upset, but if you make fun of nacha/anastacha in front of him he’s swinging (and winning) 😭
he’s SUCH an instigator, loves drama (aespa reference /j) has gossip like CRAZY. (he’s the neighborhood milkman, everyone’s gonna yap to him)
he loves drama so much like he’s the kendrick lamar of the town. spilling any rumors he can lmfaooo
probably wouldn’t mind she/her pronouns or feminine labels (miss, ms, girlfriend, wife, etc) unironically. too tired to correct anyone who says it and too tired to laugh if it’s a joke
goes to the gym or tries to work out when he can (probably not that many times but. . . it’s the thought that counts)
Nacha has made recipes of dishes specifically for francis (and still makes them even if it isn’t for francis, just wants to be reminded of him) and he doesn’t know lmao, he thinks her cooking is perfect ❤️
doesn’t hate his job, he hates how early he has to wake up for it
do you guys think he could get sturdy if TNMN took place in 2020-2024
cat man. bird man. his favorite animal that he can’t really have as a pet would probably be a deer
sorry if any of these were very modern i don’t rlly care about the timeline
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marichive · 2 years
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A compilation of ridiculous things my and my friends’ muses have said to each other via wire rp. Change pronouns/etc. as necessary.
tw for light drug mentions, violence mentions, other non-PG shenanigans.
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❝ I’m going to fight [name]’s boyfriend and none of you can stop me. ❞
❝ Uh, I think the fuck not.❞
❝ He’s a menace to society. ❞
❝ Respectfully . . . or not, idc, your kid’s being a little bitch. ❞
❝ Come sort your kids out, they’re being little shits again. ❞
❝ This is all your fault [name]. ❞
❝ He said I look like a chicken. ❞
❝ All of you are dumb as fuck. ❞
❝ Why are you getting banned from Applebees, bro? ❞
❝ We’re all consenting to this ass-kicking. ❞
❝ Are we about to Hunger Games fight for the family spot? ❞
❝ No one asked you low-grade John Cena. ❞
❝ Watch your mouth chicken shit! ❞
❝ Jokes on you I’ve been bullied my whole life this is nothing. ❞
❝ Maybe one day the crazy old dude will snap and try to drown y’all. ❞
❝ [name] is the brain but on cocaine. ❞
❝ Not your business. Only cool shit allowed. ❞
❝ We know what he allows over there, don’t we [name]. ❞
❝ Forgot how to use a condom once. Voila. ❞
❝ No one here understands shirts apparently. ❞
❝ Shut up noodle arms. ❞
❝ I asked you to have my back and you chose chaos. ❞
❝ What kind of fucking shoes? ❞
❝ You can full government name me all you want. ❞
❝ There can be no peace. ❞
❝ Sorry [name] I don’t speak stupid. ❞
❝ He stole my dad, there is no mercy. ❞
❝ I had a cute little bum and great hair. ❞
❝ Takes one to know one. “Please senpai [name], notice me! Shut up. ❞
❝ [name]’s about to McFreakin Lose It I can sense it. ❞
❝ Am I the drama? I don’t think I’m the drama. ❞
❝ Goodbye now [name] I’m over you. ❞
❝ You can’t quit me. I’m like an unwanted baby.❞
❝ Childhood trauma said otherwise. ❞
❝ If y’all had just let me fight him in the damn Applebees parking lot. ❞
❝ Even though I didn’t do anything wrong, I’m sorry about what happened. ❞
❝ Please come snap my neck. ❞
❝ Ew you and [name] are going at it. That’s gross. ❞
❝ This family is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE. ❞
❝ You don’t get a tattoo for someone like that unless you’re whipped. ❞
❝ I pray for that boy. ❞
❝ I’ll be sure to personally deliver these to your boyfriend. ❞
❝ It’s okay dude. It’s just a box of condoms. Don’t let it get to you. ❞
❝ Toughen us up? How? In the bedroom!? ❞
❝ Just take the trauma and get it over with jfc. ❞
❝ Wrap your willy before you get silly. ❞
❝ I’m choosing to ignore that bullshit altogether, thanks. ❞
❝ I just wanna know what they’re scheming about, so I’m scheming.❞
❝ I see simp, I say simp. ❞
❝ Can’t believe “Jiffy Lube” is the name of an actual company. It just sounds like someone found an alternative, horrible use for peanut butter. ❞
❝ “You’re so dramatic” yeah I just watched my brother’s dick get called a fucking aubergine. ❞
❝ I will bludgeon you with a crunchwrap. ❞
❝ Talking bad about myself is so fun dude. I hate that bitch. ❞
❝ [name] kicked me in the dick. ❞
❝ Did you touch [name]’s boyfriend’s nunchuck!? ❞
❝ What did she say? Does that mean “bitch”? I feel like it means bitch. ❞
❝ Does that mean Dracula was a secret fuckboy in the italian translation? ❞
❝ Headlight right to the dick. He deserves it. ❞
❝ You’re offering to let him kick you in the face? ❞
❝ I just said you shouldn’t fight a bear, you’re the one that made this personal. ❞
❝ I’m gonna hit [name] with my car. ❞
❝ [name], tell me you don’t like [name] more than me and we’ll be good. ❞
❝ I don’t know what [name] wants, my dick kicked or a kiss. ❞
❝ A couple of virgins pointing fingers. ❞
❝ [name] and her boner can shut up. ❞
❝ Heard you had sex. Congrats you virgin. ❞
❝ Who are you swapping pants with? ❞
❝ No, not murder. I think. ❞
❝ First you think I’m mafia, now you think I have a ninja army? ❞
❝ Baby powder is a hell of a drug. ❞
❝ The other 20% is we all actually get along pretty well. Usually when we’re doing cool power rangers shit. ❞
❝ I’m gonna choke him out. ❞
❝ Would you be upset if I physically fight your father? ❞
❝ You told her to get DUREX? I’m going to kill you. ❞
❝ [name] be strong! Do it for Voltron! ❞
❝ You have violated the Geneva Convention I hope you’re happy. ❞
❝ C’mon [name]. Be there for your girl’s first weenie experience.❞
❝ I’m so horny and angry all the time. ❞
❝ I’m a short king so shut that down. ❞
❝ Any catastrophes today? Do I need to cause another? It’s too quiet. ❞
❝ If there are no problems I will make myself a problem. No one is here to stop me. ❞
❝ So the In-N-Out makes you jealous, but not the fact that I said I would tattoo [name]’s name on my ass in italian? ❞
❝ stfu you had a tiddy tat for your ex. ❞
❝ Now it’s a tiddy reaper thanks. ❞
❝ You guys wanna commit arson? ❞
❝ I’m not smart enough to leave. ❞
❝ The ancient philosophical question. How much simp should a good simp simp? ❞
❝ idk sounds like you just expressed intent to choke me. ❞
❝ I told a short joke and you made it about feet! ❞
❝ “Fragile princess feet” sounds like you know them intimately and I couldn’t blow past it!❞
❝ Never use the word “intimately” in my presence again! ❞
❝ I’m gonna go get banned from Denny’s you can either come with me and enjoy the chaos or pick me up afterward before the cops show up. ❞
❝ Because I am a wholesome innocent boy. ❞
❝ I guess I could shove some paper down his throat. ❞
❝ Fuck inflation, am I right? ❞
❝ I’m in your house bitch. ❞
❝ I’m tying your socks into a chain. ❞
❝ I’m the hot girlfriend? That’s so fucking cool man. ❞
❝ Stubborn gremlin, I’ll tell [name] to stop feeding you after midnight. ❞
❝ Squeezed my ass through this hole and idk how I’m gonna get back out. ❞
❝ Good morning, satan. ❞
❝ Your son did, bitch. ❞
❝ So? I’m a bad person! ❞
❝ Right line wrong person, bromeo. ❞
❝ Don’t “lol” me. ❞
❝ I feel like you’re trying to sneak in a lesson here somewhere but all I can think about is becoming an attack helicopter. ❞
❝ You put condom balloon animals all over my room! ❞
❝ Head empty, only angry, confused, and somewhat horny feelings. ❞
❝ Yeah look at you, with your fucked up internal organs. ❞
❝ I’m not insane I just ate an entire box of mini muffins by myself. ❞
❝ You had to get the most phallic looking one? ❞
❝ I did get kidnapped btw. ❞
❝ “uh, safe” doesn’t make me feel better bestie. ❞
❝ Jedi never get shit done anyway, they just sit and argue. ❞
❝ I made napalm by accident. ❞
❝ It’s the international emoji for ass. ❞
❝ That’s a cry for help if I ever saw one. ❞
❝ What’s a sugar daddy but like, the wholesome version? Fairy godmother? Can I have one of those? ❞
❝ That is an unholy combination of words. ❞
❝ I will literally fight you on your birthday idc. ❞
❝ The primary concern is what I refer to as “the Applebees effect”. ❞
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artstayed · 5 months
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Don't take this personally, you know how you are.
I'm going to just call it.  Arlo is Eyepocalypse the return. 
RNG we can't do anything about for items we need to even interact with the feature
Tiles get refilled and start getting dug again and we can't stop it, so a crab-bucket constantly ruining it's own progress.
Gotta depend on the kindness of internet strangers (the worst kind of stranger) to maybe, hopefully get a 0.002% change of getting a cleared tile present from one of them.
People figuring out how to monetize the currently shitty rollout within 20 minutes of the rollout. (good on them, honestly).
Staff with cotton in their ears going, "This is fine, it's the players who are wrong.  If we ignore them, the "haters" will shut up and we won."  Like they usually do until the whales complain.
Forced social interaction again. I dip my toe in on the random dragons and that's it. I just want to play my game and not have to kiss ass to other people to get anything done. If I wanted to socialize I'd do a hobby or play one of the spurts they're always talking about with the eggballs and the goals and getting the holes in one. 
I betcha we're like 1 month away from devs adding "Pay 7 gems to get additional Arlo items" and the simp toe-suckers will be like, "Well that's just one free week of keeping your dragons fed/sell some items/it's easy/ you're just lazy / if you just made friends you could use their notes instead/ you just want stuff for free/ RNG blessed my household so clearly you're just wrong 'cause confirmation bias is awesome."
This was a vent, mostly in jest, mostly in the pigeon-like superstitious belief that if I bitch about something obnoxiously, it won't happen, because that's been my life for the last 20 years and I do not want this place to start microtransactions ever. 
TL:DR I still think Arlo was hyped out to be way better than it is.  If they'd rolled out a gathering-eqsue thing it'd be more fun, at least then I could get all my button clicks in at once and feel like I wasn't just babysitting a low-rez Farmville clone in pre-alpha concept stage with just the one potato field for 3 hours a day. 
I'm an item whore so just gathering random mudclumps for a researcher NPC to "examine" for bits of random bones, second age rubbish and pottery scraps to then use to create another cool items or jurassic park some familiars would've been amazing (Even if it would just be Baldwin, but with dirt!). But no, we went with a stupid paperclip clicker instead, doesn't even have any existential angst, commentary on the trampling of history into dust to put up parking lots, or world lore in the items.
I want some stupid magical reactor pink plutonium items to hoard so I can RP Fallout:FR and have props that fit.  
The thing I hate the most is I can't even focus on clearing one tile at a time, you know, methodical, clean, like an actual archeologist would do on a dig site. The random scatter of actions just rubs me the wrong way soo much.  Like watching someone cut a square out of the middle of a pizza, because they don't like crust, and the square is somehow a parallelogram but lopsided and raggedly torn off on one corner anyway.
TL:TL:DR  IB4, "You could've just said you don't like Arlo, OP".  No one made you focus with your actual eyes and read my manifesto to overthinking a dragon picture game + general lockdown-induced crazy, lol.  :P
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🏮DotD debts part 1: Abandoned RPs🏮
Now this could get long so going to try to make a read more cut, hope it works!
First debt to settle here is probably the longest overdue and the one I feel most guilty about: the never finished “Slumber Party of the Departed” RP.
I’d like to both thank @purplerose244 , @brieflyshypuppy , @thatoneninjagosideblog , @geode-masterofcrystal , @letheboo , @ninjago12345 and apologize.
I was in my last year of high school when I was trying to run it, and not in a very good place stress wise, which combined with other life factors led to the abandonment. However, you guys are all awesome and don’t deserve to have put so much fun and work into my madness only to not find out how it would’ve ended, so here’s how it would’ve went!
Once we vanquished Chen, Kasia would have been in danger of being possessed by Morro. It would’ve turned into a giant game of keep-away around the house as we guarded her, with our choices depicting weather or not the possession would’ve happened, and if Geode would have turned into a ghost. However, no matter what, it would’ve been a ticking time bomb for the Preeminent to show up and I would’ve flooded the house with Nya’s full potential.
At this point, people would’ve been fighting off more of their character’s personality kinda seeping in, which sets the stage for the very angsty Skybound Round 2 in the now heavily damaged house.
I had planned on doing something involving a vengeful Delara as Nadakhan himself isn’t dead, but nonetheless the fight against fate would’ve ended the same as og skybound, me in a wedding dress (which for the sake of the story was going to be a cosplay I was forced into by the ghosts at some point) and the poison design on my shirt turning into the Tiger Widow Venom. Blake would have then had an epic moment, saving everyone with a final wish, which would have also fully repaired the house as well.
Since at the time that would’ve been the last aired season (crazy how time flies, right?) when we went to make a move to destroy the Ouija board, Yang would’ve popped out but instead of attacking like we expect, is impressed that we survived the onslaught and presents us each with pins of each ninja’s symbol that allow us to use the gifts we mastered over the night whenever we want/need to. After we send him off with the convenient eclipse happening outside, we would’ve destroyed the board and settled in to watch the primer of DotD, closing out the RP.
Once again, thank you all for participating all those years ago, and if you’d like a copy of the chat logs feel free to message me!
Debt two is slightly more recent but also on the same note, “Ninjagoland: A Summer RP Experience”.
I thought I’d learned my lesson, but apparently not since life got wild while trying to run this one too. I’d hoped the flexible group setting would allow me to keep better track of it, but when they came out with more and more seasons at a quicker pace than expected I ended up with a writing paralysis that just didn’t clear up, which is what caused the abandonment. Also, I felt things were rapidly changing at the parks to the point it was hard to stay in the correct mind space to write this one, as it started to feel like a period piece in a way.
Same as with the last one, I’d like to apologize to and thank @geekywinemom , @ninjagogolion , @councillake , @kaospersona for participating, you all pushed the story into some crazy fun directions that kept me on my toes for improvisation!
I can’t give an exact closure to this one because it was very improvisation based, down to even what seasons we experienced in what order. Yes,this is why I would always ask what ride you all wanted to go on next, because that determined the next round of chaos! Also, there would have been a ‘lock and load’ montage at the Downtown Disney Lego Store, where the weapons we picked from sets would have become real for us to use against the villains.
The main plot for this one would’ve ended with Sons of Garmadon, which in a terrifying twist, would have seen us returning to the Fantasyland suit to find Harumi waiting for us (and yes, this twist is why I gave us the ultra princess-y suit to stay in!)
We would have worked together with the time twins and the ninja themselves to un-merge the realms before Harumi could fully start her conquest by completing the resurrection.
The archive for this one has its own whole side blog, but if you’d like me to post a list of rides and their corresponding villains/seasons, or are even interested in a possible revival this coming summer, just hit me up!
The last abandoned RP is so old it was on deviantart, but thank you so much @onyxcia-greystone for your amazing storytelling with the Morro-centric RPs of ours.
I’m sorry that the horrific combination of high school plus writer’s block stopped the RP dead in its tracks. Even though I feel like too different of a person now to go back and finish it, I’m glad to have been taken on such a thrill ride and that your RP turned out so well. Writing Morro is always fun!
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truth untold | jikook
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a/n: uh hey guys i know this isn't what i normally post, but i did a roleplay with a friend (they're so talented holy fuck i'm in love bro) and decided to post it on here since it's already on ao3! they wrote for jimin and i wrote for jungkook. so, come cry with us and watch jikook be all lovey dovey after their rainy day fight hehe <33 thanks for being an amazing rp partner @eglantinian​ and s/o to my baby @minloop​ for making this awesome header love you bb <3
pairing: park jimin x jeon jungkook
word count: 11.1k (yikes good luck)
genre: angst, fluff, smut, idolverse
warning(s): unprotected sex (pls be safe babies), finger sucking/fucking (yes, it's a warning bc fuck i love it 🥵), oral sex, fingering, the authors falling in love, Feelings™, okay i think that’s it ghfjd
summary: I love you, I love you, I love you, and I didn't want to be forgiven. That's the hardest part. I looked at you, and I didn't want to be forgiven. Because loving you is not a sin.
But that's it.
I love you, Jimin. In spite of everything.
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Park Jimin doesn't trust words.
Pretty ridiculous, given how much he loves being affirmed by it, but there's such a thing as "loving compliments'' but not allowing yourself to be deceived by it. There's also the fact that he's got a vendetta... against some words and how someone says it. Not to mention, words are highly fluid, able to empower or destroy when choreographed into perfection. Just like the twists and turns of chaînés or the smooth glide of a moonwalk. An emotion in motion rehearsed a-plenty with the intent to electrify.
To dazzle, to revive, to thunder people's spiritless lives.
That's it.
That's why he remains a stoic sceptic, pining and fawning over words, but never also completely trusting them until he's sure that the person speaking them does not intend to deceive him. It's very exhausting, but it's a struggle he puts up with in order to protect himself from getting hurt.
Honey, it is one of the sweetest things in the world, but only because they were a product of the labour of a thousand bees. Because while others may think he just readily wears his heart on his sleeve when he's acting like a mochi, they don't realise that it took years to get to the level of confidence he has today. Persistent and consistent labour, that's what it took to make himself appear effortless, not birth lottery.
Not ever.
Which was why he kept rewinding Jungkook's speech, nay, confession, in his head over and over again when they argued in the practice studio. He's practically memorised every word, the heartache and the love in the maknae's voice ringing clearly through the space between them. Jimin's stupid mind even etched in his memories the way Jungkook's brows furrowed in frustration when he shouted at him to "do what you want."
Or the way the tears fell from Jungkook's eyes when he slammed the door to his face, intent on leaving him there in the studio. Jimin wanted some time to himself while walking to their dorm — it was only 20 minutes away, anyway — because he doesn't trust himself alone with Jungkook. He'll end up ruffling Jungkook's dark hair before tugging it back so that he could tilt his head to face him and lose himself in the depths of his dark, dark gaze.
The sweetest eyes in the world, he'd once thought to himself when he first met the maknae. It was just. Just looking at him then, he already knew it was over for him. Jeon Jungkook wasn't just some band member of BTS to him. Neither was he just some cute boy that he can't help feeling fond of. Nor a younger brother he'd dote on endlessly. No, not at all. Once he looked at Jungkook and got to know him throughout the years, Jimin just knew.
One way or another, their lives will always be intertwined.
He didn't expect it. And yet here he was, falling in love with him. Can't get him out of his head. Can't get him to be affectionate with him even as a joke. Can't get him to stop pushing him away in front of the camera. But still. Still, he kept trying because Jungkook....
Just now, his eyes, his voice... none of it ever held any intent to deceive him.
Not at all.
It's just that today, Jungkook really had to tell him everything he's wanted to hear from him. And while Jimin knew that Jungkook's words carried weight, he just couldn't help doubting it.
Especially when Jungkook's hands kept fidgeting.
And that's the thing — Jimin suddenly felt that he might be uncertain. That maybe he said those words sincerely, but why was he still being unsure? Like damn it, it's not like he was never afraid every time he made himself look like a fool whenever Jungkook kept dismissing him or denying his affection.
It drove him a little crazy.
But still, even now as he's walking outside and ignoring his phone — it's been vibrating ever since he left the studio, and truthfully, his legs feel a little numb already, but he left that place with his head held high, so if anyone's going to do the chasing, it won't be him, not again — Jungkook's words were a chorus he can't help himself from repeating over and over again.
It's just that I've never felt this much for anyone before. 
I don't know how to take it. One day, you were there, and I felt like nothing made sense until I met you. I love you, I love you, I love you, and I didn't want to be forgiven. That's the hardest part. I looked at you, and I didn't want to be forgiven. Because loving you is not a sin. Why does it have to be, just because people are uncomfortable? Why does it have to be, just because you're a man and I'm a man? Why does it have to be, just because I got afraid? I just kept overthinking everything, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you.
But I've been in love with you. Still do.
Fuck. I just said it all. But that's it. I love you, Jimin.
In spite of everything.
And then he just had to look afraid. It's not as if he's the only one.
He sighed, closing his eyes only to blink them open when a drop of rain fell on his cheeks.
His lips curled bitterly. He didn't need to cry at all.
The skies will do it for him.
How lucky.
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Jungkook stands in the middle of the practice room, all alone with only cold silence surrounding him. There are silent tears falling from his eyes and gliding down his blushing cheeks. Where did everything go wrong? He was sure he saw the signs right. Sure, he had pushed Jimin away when he was just trying to show his affection, but what else was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to do when they had thousands of eyes on them, just waiting for one of them to make a mistake? It could have cost them their career. No matter how much he loves Jimin, he can’t won’t ruin the rest of the group’s careers.
He can’t help but feel embarrassed and hurt. How was he ever going to face Jimin after this? Would his Hyung make fun of him? Would he hate him? Avoid him? Jungkook really put his heart out there, did the one thing that has terrified him for years and he’s...shut down? Rejected? Was he wrong to assume Jimin had feelings for him too? Is this what heartbreak feels like? Like his heart was ripped out of his chest and stomped on a hundred times? Like someone tore it into a million pieces all the while laughing at him for being so idiotic? How long will he have to deal with this aching, sharp pain in his chest? Until he can get over Jimin? Will he ever get over him?
His head snaps to the opening door so fast there’s a loud pop throughout the room. Wincing, Jungkook rubs the back of his neck, praying that behind it is Jimin coming back to clear things up, to confess it was all just some sick joke he was playing on him. But it’s not him, and Jungkook doesn’t know how he should feel when he comes face to face with the confused one of Taehyung. He probably looks like a right mess with tears leaving a wet trail on his blotchy cheeks and falling off his chin, eyes bloodshot from how hard he’s crying.
“Jungkook-ah?” Taehyung hesitantly asked, slowly making his way towards the maknae, “Are you okay? What happened?” He places a comforting hand on Jungkook’s shoulder, the warm and kind gesture causing him to break even more.
Jungkook gasps for air. He can’t breathe and everything fucking hurts. What does he do? Should he call Jimin? Make sure he got home safe, or should he give him some space? The sound of thunder shakes him from his panicking, and he walks to the window to see dark clouds rolling in. Fuck. It’s about to rain and Jimin is walking back to the dorm. He’s going to get soaking wet and then he’s going to get sick. Jungkook is sure he’ll hate him even more if he does end up ill.
With his mind made up, he frantically grabs his phone. Opening up Jimin’s contact, he hits the call button, silently begging the other to answer. When he’s met with Jimin’s voicemail, he leaves a desperate message, telling him to call him back. He does this multiple times, each time feeling more and more hopeless.
Please pick up, Hyung.
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Everywhere was grey.
The sky, previously golden touched with lilac at dawn, is ashen. The streets, once dazzling silver pavements in the moonlight, have returned to its original shape, a dull concrete in the day unlike the vision in his daydreams — mocking his stony reflection in the muddy puddles that have formed beneath his shoes as rain continued to fall quickly, wetting his cheeks. Jimin wanted to laugh, but the sound is trapped in his throat as his phone kept ringing in the background. It was supposed to be quiet. Yet even in this grey afternoon, his fingers couldn't help inching towards the source of the sound — a half-hearted wish to silence the chaos that was his heart.
Jimin took a deep breath, trying to gather himself. Well, more of trying to remember why he exploded in disbelief despite knowing the truth in Jungkook's words. It's just that after he made the decision to not be as affectionate to the maknae, that's when he suddenly tried to get close to him. It's like someone dropped a bucket of cold water on him, paralysing him. It made him feel like an afterthought — Jungkook's warmth towards him had come too late, the abrupt 180 of his efforts giving him a whiplash that when Jungkook finally said those words, he just saw red.
He ran a hand through his hair. He had overreacted.
Jimin is usually able to separate his emotions from his thoughts easily, enabling him to focus and see things clearly for what they were. It just so happened that everything about Jungkook affected him greatly, his control slipping every time their eyes met. Almost every time, that is. The thing is, Jimin had always prided himself with his willpower and resolve, but in that argument... he didn't care. He just lost it.
It's just that... when he saw Jungkook hesitate, he also got uncertain. Afraid. And Jimin hated being unsure, hated losing control, hated the bitter after-taste of regret.
And yet, leaving Jungkook in the studio, it was all he felt.
He bit his lip, no longer stopping the tears from falling.
I was wrong, he thought, averting his gaze from the puddle beneath his shoes once he realised he had halted on his way to the apartment — the pause feeling like a thread was trying to pull him back, stopping him.
I was wrong, he repeated, breaking down as he took the phone from his pocket, the ringing never stopping.
Never hesitating.
Never afraid.
Not anymore.
Jimin wiped his cheeks, resting a hand on his face as he answered the call with a quiver in his voice.
"What is it?" he asked, trying to sound firm, but all he heard was the way he sounded so broken.
And all it took to keep him afloat was Jungkook's voice.
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Jungkook is still muttering helplessly to himself, feet pounding against the wet pavement as he tries to find Jimin. He doesn’t know where the other is and there’s panic clutching at his heart and everything is just a gigantic mess. Did Jimin head towards the dorm? Or did he decide to go on a walk somewhere else? Somewhere Jungkook wouldn’t know about? Turning towards the opposite direction of their dorm, Jungkook sets a brisk pace, phone still to his ear as he waits for Jimin to answer his phone.
The rain is pouring now and Jungkook can hardly see what’s in front of him. There’s hardly anyone out, so no one can see the way he’s breaking down in the middle of the sidewalk. So caught up in his thoughts, he doesn’t notice that the constant ringing has stopped. Only when he hears Jimin’s broken voice coming through the phone does he react.
“Jimin, I am so sorry,” Jungkook sobs, feet frozen as he tries to stay standing. He refuses to break down even more when he's out in public.
All he wants to do is fall, fall into the older’s arms. To feel his comforting arms wrapped around him in a warm embrace. But would Jimin still want to hug him after this? Did he freak his Hyung out too much by confessing? Hurt him too much? Did he push him away for good? Jimin’s voice breaks his disheartening thoughts.
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His throat tightened.
Jungkook was crying. Because of him. Fuck. Jimin's tears suddenly halted, his frustration towards himself rising — not realising that he was squeezing the phone unconsciously until his nails dug red half moons on his skin. He took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair as he listened to the maknae's shaky breaths through the phone.
“I told you not to call me,” Jimin still tried to resist, his control slipping away yet again. Except… except he’s starting not to mind it once again.
Only for Jungkook. Only him.
Because loving you is not a sin, Jungkook's words filled his thoughts once again, breaking through every wall, every monument of fear he thought he built perfectly in spite of his trembling hands — afraid of anyone discovering his deepest fears, afraid of letting anyone in, afraid of no one trying at all.
I love you, Jimin. In spite of everything.  
He raised his eyes to the sky.
The rain ceased, and once again, the horizon burst with colours.
His lips trembled.
"W-where...," Jimin spoke more softly this time, hoping it would soothe Jungkook a little, hoping he'd understand, hoping he'd keep trying, "where are you?"
I want to see you.
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“I told you not to call me.”
Jungkook feels as if the breath was stolen right from his lungs. He thought the older wouldn’t want him to call, but he was hoping he was wrong. He has no clue how he should respond to that. I’m so sorry, Hyung. Please, just tell me where you are. I promise to leave you alone, just let me know you’re safe.
“Hyung…” Jungkook whispers and he’s not sure whether or not Jimin can hear him. He’s afraid to speak up. He’s afraid his voice will crack and that he’ll appear even more pathetic than he already does.
He wants to give up.
If Jimin’s made it clear that he doesn’t feel the same, then why should he continue fighting for it? Why fight for something that isn't even there?
Jungkook glances up when he doesn’t feel the harsh, cold rain pelting on his skin anymore. It’s stopped raining and the clouds are slowly dispersing, leaving behind a blue sky with a vibrant rainbow. The sun is shining down on him, warming his shaking body, and his body releases its tension.
"Where are you?”
Where is he?
Jungkook looks around at the scenery surrounding him. He’s… where is he? He can feel the panic returning, tightening his chest and lungs until it feels like someone is stomping on his chest. His eyes are frantically moving around, trying to find something familiar, something that will tell him where he is. Where is he?
“I don’t know where I am!” Jungkook sobs, fingers shaking as he clutches his phone to his ear. Jimin’s voice slowly calming him down, grounding him to reality once again.
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"Jungkook-ssi," he murmurs over and over again, hearing the panic in the maknae's voice. He almost burst into laughter, the shock of Jungkook's bewildered reply making his heart flutter despite his concern. But that would just set Jungkook off to even more panic, so he swallowed it, willing his mien to follow so that he wouldn’t laugh.
Fuck, he loves this boy so much.
"Jungkook-ssi, take a deep breath," Jimin said more firmly, trying to capture Jungkook's attention. He needed to focus, and as much as Jimin wanted to see him, they won't be able to do that if Jungkook can't calm down.
He looked around him — he's just a few blocks away from the dorm now, and it should be easy to pinpoint his location, but given the maknae's tendency to lose himself in the height of panic, he might as well be the one to go to where he was.
"Just — don't move. Stay where you are. I'll come get you," Jimin offered, trying to get a hold on the situation. When someone is panicking, you can't ground them with softness. You need to be assertive — turn off their impulsive urge to jump off the cliff with cool, solid, and sound facts.
Basically, logic the fear away.
It's just that Jungkook disagreed, his voice breaking, trying to fight against himself, anyway. A taxi, he said, tumbling over his words, the desperation making Jimin curl his lips in fondness, I'll take a taxi. Or I don't know. Run. I'll run to you. But no, a taxi. A taxi would be best, I guess, I really don't know where I am.  
At last, Jimin lets out a chuckle.
"Jungkook," he whispers, his tone the softest it’s ever been, dropping the honorific, knowing that the maknae will realise what he meant.
He heard the shudder in Jungkook’s voice, the sound of his name from his lips stilling the maknae.
“Jungkook,” he repeated, his tone firmer, but nonetheless just as soft as he uttered it a few moments ago, “I’ll stay.”
He looked at the sky again, lips curling at the rainbow.
“I’ll wait for you,” he says, voice low and husky — a sound he only uses for Jungkook.
I miss you.
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“I’ll wait for you.”
Jungkook’s mind is reeling.
Jimin will wait for him?
Does that mean….
He doesn’t waste any time trying to figure out what that means. He needs to get to Jimin as soon as possible.
As much as he wants to run to Jimin, run to him until he’s in his arms, he decides to take a taxi. If he ran then it would take him at most 20, maybe 30 minutes depending on if he got lost again. A taxi would get him to Jimin in around ten minutes. But would it be more meaningful if he ran to him? After all, who doesn’t want someone to run after them? Show them how much you’re willing to do for them?
“Don’t hang up,” Jungkook whispers, “Please don’t hang up, Jimin-Hyung.”
He wants Jimin to stay on the phone with him. Stay on the line and just talk to him, help him not have a panic attack again. He just wants to hear the voice of the man he’s in love with. Always wants to hear his sweet, warm voice. With Jimin’s reassurance, Jungkook’s shoulders slump and he waves a taxi down. Throughout the drive Jungkook holds his cell phone tightly, breathing gently as Jimin’s voice echoes through the speaker. The ride goes by quickly and before he knows it he’s rushing out of the taxi, throwing some money to the driver, and finally running towards Jimin.
He stops just a few feet away from Jimin, admiring the way the sun shines on him, casting a soft glow and making him look like a beautiful angel. Jungkook wants Jimin to be his angel.
His voice is timid, quiet among the growing crowd of people, “Hyung… ”
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"Hyung...," Jungkook breathed, his lips trembling before him as they stared at each other across the street.
Jimin could only eye him with his heart in his throat, his cheeks flaming, his mind pensive and out of control all at once. He curled his fingers, restraining himself from simply bolting towards Jungkook — much like what the maknae was doing when he halted — their dark gazes holding onto each other's — everything missing from their previous conversation spilling in the silent moment between them, the truth untold about to break free.
He shivered — not in a bad way, but an uncomfortable sort of shiver tinged with the pleasure and bashfulness that emanated from having your feelings reciprocated way — at the twinkle in Jungkook's eyes, shining with the hint of previous tears. Jimin mentally cursed at himself for making Jungkook cry earlier, but he pushed it down for the meantime because his heart won't stop pounding as the maknae's lips started to curl the longer they stared at each other.
Ah, Jimin is so far gone in the world of Jungkook land, and he doesn't even feel one whit of guilt, just plain pleasure — pure, unadulterated happiness filling his every being, making him feel like he's floating as he returned the maknae's tender smile.
Slowly, Jimin pressed forward, step by step — feeling calmer as the thunder of his heart calmed down each step he got nearer to Jungkook. And once they were face to face, almost a breath away from each other, Jimin couldn't help it anymore. He just broke down, tears falling from his cheeks — he rubbed them away with the pads of his hands, shaking his head at Jungkook who tried to do it himself, but he can't let him do that — Jimin had to do it for himself so that Jungkook would know that he wasn't alone and that he wasn't the only one who cried.
Once he calmed down, he eyed Jungkook once more, just taking in the way his dark eyes softened towards him.
That's it, Jimin thought, biting his lips in total surrender — he engulfed the maknae in his arms tightly, like a slam dunk hug, the kind that he wanted to shout at the rooftops, screaming, this is the man I'm in love with, and he loves me, oh my god, he loves me back!  
Jimin sniffed as Jungkook's hands encircled his waist, so he leaned back just in time to catch the wide, bright, completely enamoured grin that the maknae was giving him. It was enough to weaken Jimin's legs a little, but thankfully, the maknae was holding him tightly. He took a deep breath, resting his forehead on Jungkook's before holding his face in his hands. He brushed his thumbs over Jungkook's cheeks, feeling the slight wetness from his previous tears.
Oh, my love, Jimin could only think, caressing Jungkook's face slowly, just feeling him and soothing him. Then he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, pressing himself closer as much as possible — a silent way of asking forgiveness for how much he hurt Jungkook earlier.
He took a deep breath, resting his chin on top of Jungkook's shoulder before he lowered his head to the maknae's ear. Jimin bit his lower lip to stop himself from crying all over again just before he murmured, "Just... just let me love you, Jungkook."
And when Jungkook nodded against him, he hid his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck, letting the tears fall anyway.
After a while, Jimin let go of Jungkook, wiping his face as he gripped the bottom of the maknae's shirt.
"Let's go home, then?" Jimin asked, hiding his face for the meantime, willing his mien to cool while he searched for a taxi. They need to be alone now, but given how a crowd was forming around them, here isn't the best place to be — no matter how much they wore black hoodies to help hide their identities — two men hugging each other while crying is still an oddity in South Korea, no matter how much the country claimed they were progressive.
Jungkook understood quickly, though, only humming in agreement as his eyes scanned the streets before ducking his face a little when he saw some girls staring too intently.
"Let's go," Jimin repeated with a slight grin, and when Jungkook's hands travelled to his wrist so that they don't get separated in the street, his lips curled even more.
Once they get home, he's so going to kiss Jungkook until he's breathless.
Until Jungkook can only utter and remember one thing: him.
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Jungkook’s grip on Jimin’s wrist is tight, his other hand clutching at the back of Jimin’s shirt, trying not to lose him in the crowd surrounding them. He can feel the eyes of many people on him, probably wondering why he’s so close to another man. But, he doesn’t care. All he cares about is getting back to their dorm so he can cuddle with Jimin. He just wants to be held by the older man, feel his arms embracing him. He’s always said that Jimin was the best person in BTS to give hugs (he promises he’s not being biased).
Once they’re in the taxi, Jungkook glances at the driver, making sure he’s not looking before he grabs Jimin’s hand, intertwining their fingers and giving a gentle squeeze. He’s staring out the window, trying and failing to hide the grin spreading across his face. His heart pounds frantically in his chest as Jimin squeezes his hand back. That has to be a good sign. There’s a rosy blush going from his cheeks down to his neck. God, he’s so in love with Jimin it hurts.
Does this mean Jimin loves him as well?
Jungkook hopes and wishes on every shooting star out there that he returns his feelings.
Why else would he tell you he’d wait for you?
Maybe because he’s your Hyung and would be responsible if something happened to you.
The maknae shakes his head, getting rid of those self-deprecating thoughts. He wouldn’t think like that. Refused to.
He’s just about to fall asleep, exhausted from the events that happened earlier. His head is resting against the window, but Jimin’s soft voice fills his ears, causing him to sluggishly lift it. With tired, half-lidded eyes, Jungkook watches Jimin pay the taxi driver. Before he knows it, his Hyung is gently helping him out of the car and leading him into the building. Inside the elevator, safe from any prying stares, Jungkook leans on Jimin and wraps his arms around his smaller body.
“Hyungie, I love you,” he mutters, half-awake and unaware of the words he’s uttering, or the reactions from the older. He’s still filled with so much guilt for hurting the man he’s in love with, “‘m so sorry for making you uncomfortable. I didn’ mean to.”
The rest of the ride up to their dorm is full of Jungkook spewing apology after apology with a few “I love you’s” added into the mix.
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Jungkook was so warm.
Jimin was trying to control himself, ignoring how his reflection on the elevator betrayed him with his flushed cheeks when the maknae's hands wrapped around his waist. If that wasn't enough, Jungkook just had to rest his cheek on top of his shoulder, basically embracing Jimin everywhere, though he guessed that the maknae was clueless over how much it greatly affected him.
If only that was all.
If only.
But no, Jungkook had to murmur "I'm sorry's" and "I love you's" near his ear. His ear. Was it possible to be this jealous of an organ that was attached to his body? Seriously, Jungkook's lips kept brushing against it every time he whispered, voice a little shaky from tears, but hot damn was it so low enough to make Park Jimin's eyes flutter close and moan a little.
He bit his lip, cursing how slow this damn elevator was, delaying his chance to thoroughly kiss Jeon Jungkook he'd stop crying — so he pressed on the number of their floor with an impatient grunt while his other hand traced comforting half-moons on Jungkook's arms. He wasn't about to be cock-blocked by a fucking levitating metal box, thank you.
Finally, they reached their floor with a ping that Jimin felt was mocking, but that was just his anxiety talking because he really, really wants to hold the maknae in his arms — surrounded by fluffy padding and soft blankets to park their bums to. Like, c'mon, they deserve it after that gruelling dance rehearsal for No More Dream, all right?
Once the doors opened, he ruffled Jungkook’s hair to wake him, but the maknae groaned his disagreement, so Jimin laughed before kissing his cheek.
That snapped Jungkook to attention, his form straightening against Jimin’s back before allowing himself to be pulled towards their apartment. Jimin bit his lip again — Jungkook’s response to him amused and turned him on at the same time, BUT they needed to sort things out in a safe space, so he casually scanned the apartment for any open cameras. Unfortunately, there were a lot, so Jimin kept walking towards their room, gripping the bottom of Jungkook’s shirt so he wouldn’t lose him.
He mentally sighed in relief when he found that the staff were merciful enough to leave the cameras in the bedroom off for the meantime. They must have turned it off since the rest of the members were out, but that was damn more than enough. Shit was exhausting.
Once he locked the door, he pivoted to check on the maknae, who already plopped himself on the bed with pillows while waiting for him. The sight made his lips curl fondly — Jungkook’s wavy hair was all messy from the practice and hysteria earlier, so it made the weary gaze he gave Jimin looked cuter.
He bit his lip again, his cheeks heating for the nth time when his eyes met Jungkook’s — a silent plea he interpreted as please, come be warm with me again.
Ah hell, he’s gone off to Jungkook land once again when there’s a whole Jungkook that was begging to be kissed in front of him.
He shook his head, willing himself away from the trance as he laid down beside Jungkook on the bed and laid his forehead on top of the maknae’s before closing his eyes for a bit — just taking him in, feeling the tenderness seep in between them.
When it felt right — Jimin didn't know how he knew, but he just knew when Jungkook reached out for his hand and laced their fingers between them — fine, he bloody knew because he was waiting for a sign that it was okay from the maknae, okay? — Jimin opened his eyes and held Jungkook’s gaze in place, eyes never straying anywhere else when he pressed his lips on top of Jungkook’s fingers.
The gesture drew a shaky breath from the maknae, and it curled his lips. If this was how Jungkook reacted with a simple peck on his hands, what more glorious sounds would he hear when he kisses him on the mouth?
Jimin drew closer to the maknae, rubbing his nose on Jungkook’s cheeks affectionately before lowering his voice when his lips were just a brush away from Jungkook’s lips.
“May I kiss you?” he whispered even when there was no one else in the room besides them.
The question made the maknae’s brows furrow, as if to say, Why do you still need to ask, Hyungie?  
Jimin smirked, cupping Jungkook’s face in his hands. “If we’re gonna do this,” he explained, caressing the maknae’s brow, “I want to know you’re okay with it. I don’t want it to be like before when it wasn’t clear, so I’m asking.”
When Jungkook nodded and looked at him expectantly, Jimin laughed a little, shaking his head. “No, I’m not asking just to kiss you. I’m asking because in case you didn’t hear what I said earlier properly, what I’m asking your permission for is…”
Jimin took a deep breath, playing with the ends of Jungkook’s dark hair on his forehead. He looked down for a bit, gathering the courage to repeat what he said earlier. Ah, why was something so precious and previously hidden in his heart that he managed to blurt out earlier so hard to say again? Was it because he felt braver in front of other people? That’s not fair to the both of them — not when it mattered more to let the truth be heard when it was just the two of them.
He almost couldn’t say it again, but Jungkook breathed his name without honorifics, and that was it. That was it. Jimin raised his eyes and held onto Jungkook’s warm gaze.
“Just let me…,” Jimin said shakily, tearing up a little, the words making him feel like he’s handing his heart to Jungkook — which he was, okay, it’s just. Ugh. Feelings. He took another deep breath. “Let me love you, Jungkook. I love you.”
“I love you,” he repeated, posing his mouth over Jungkook’s.
“In spite of everything,” he repeated the maknae’s words, lips crashing over Jungkook’s as his eyes closed with a flutter, his heart singing, the truth finally free.
He heard Jungkook gasp against his mouth when he deepened the kiss, his fingers carding through the waves of his dark hair.
Oh, my love, Jimin can only think again, breathing Jungkook in, lips yearning and burning, their hands slowly, tenderly reaching to pull each other close because space didn’t belong in the dictionary if it meant that all the years of pining wasn’t all for nothing.
Because right here, right now, with Jungkook’s lips tenderly caressing his in return, Jimin is finally free.
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Jungkook’s breathing is shaky with each loving action Jimin performs. His fingers tingle where plump lips brush, and his cheeks heat up as Jimin’s button nose lightly rubs against it. He listens intently, wanting to hear everything the other has to say. He had the chance to pour out his heart earlier and now it’s Jimin’s turn. There’s a slight pang in his chest, his heart hurting at the insecure expression on the older man’s face. He knows it’s not easy to discuss feelings, god, does he know. So, he’s going to give his Hyung all the time he needs. This time, he’ll be patient, he’ll bite his tongue and refrain from interrupting.
His eyes flutter as Jimin’s fingers run through his hair. It’s calming and he can feel his tense muscles relaxing with each passing second. He wishes he could pause time. All he wants is to stay here in Jimin’s arms, being held in such a comforting way, away from the public eye, and away from everyone that will try and keep them apart. Opening his eyes, he notices his frustrated expression. Lifting a hand, he caresses Jimin’s cheek, thumb rubbing against the soft flesh.
It’s all Jungkook can whisper before Jimin’s lips are being planted on his own and his eyes are slipping shut. He shakily gasps into the kiss, lips moving rhythmically against the older’s.
It’s soft. So soft.
It has Jungkook feeling dizzy.
Has him feeling light. Like he’s floating on cloud nine.
It’s all he’s wanted, more than anything he’s wanted in his life, but he still wants more. He wants to feel Jimin’s body flush against his. He has the strong desire to tangle his fingers in Jimin’s hair. Tangle his legs with his best friend’s. So he does just that. He slides closer, one hand coming to rest on the back of Jimin’s neck, the other carding through his hair, fingers gently grabbing a fistful of locks. He angles his head to the right, following Jimin’s lead. His heart is beating so fast he’s afraid it’s going to jump right out of his chest, and when Jimin curls his hand against his chest, he hopes he can’t feel the fast pace. Hopes he can’t hear how hard it’s pounding.
Jungkook sighs, leaning forward to press Jimin against the bed, arms caging him in, both hands now running through his tresses. He rests between his best friend’s open legs, unconsciously grinding down when his thighs wrap around his waist and moaning at the sweet, delicious friction. Jungkook teasingly bites at Jimin’s bottom lip, tongue slipping inside when Jimin gasps. Breaking the kiss, Jungkook’s gaze zeros in on the thin string of spit connecting their kiss-swollen lips. His eyes trail all over the older man’s flushed face before gazing into Jimin’s eyes.
“I love you so much, Jimin.”
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"I love you so much, Jimin," Jungkook's voice was full of tenderness that it made him choke up again, tearing up a little.
Such a sweet sound from an angel.
Ah..., he fell in love all over again. He doesn't even need to worry whether Jungkook will misinterpret his silence since he knew for sure that the way he was staring at the maknae was enough — he couldn't even look at anything else except him.
Jimin took a deep breath, appreciating the way Jungkook's lips were parted a little, his lower lip shining from the kiss they just shared. He could feel his cheeks heating up again, especially when Jungkook pressed himself between his legs, his weight sending a delicious shiver throughout his body. He bit his lip, raising his hips a little, just to see how the maknae would react.
A loud moan fell from Jungkook's lips, and it made him feel emboldened, tugging at the maknae's hair near his nape before he pressed an open-mouthed kiss on Jungkook's. The maknae shuddered, his fingers curling on the bottom of Jimin's shirt. Jimin bit on the maknae's bottom lip, making Jungkook roll his hips against him again.
The gesture made Jimin smirk, a mischievous plan forming in his mind when he saw how much Jungkook's eyes kept saying, I want more, Hyungie.
Jimin flipped them over, not losing one moment to sit just before the tip of Jungkook's bulge.
Slowly, he unzipped Jungkook's hoodie with his teeth, making sure to maintain eye contact until he reached the bottom with a loud smack of his lips. The gesture made Jungkook gasp audibly, the tent of his arousal swelling further as Jimin lifted the bottom of his shirt and caressed his abdominal muscles, dragging his nails a little before drawing little half-moons all over the maknae's stomach. Jimin smirked every time Jungkook could only utter his name with soft and frustrated sighs, his desire all too apparent for Jimin to see that he can't help leaving open-mouthed kisses too.
When he reached Jungkook's neck, he made sure to press his full lips on the spot — the soft pressure causing the maknae to cant below him with an alluring shiver, another moan falling from his lips as he stared at Jimin with half-lidded eyes, the swirls of his pupils growing darker when their eyes met.
"I love you, Jungkook," Jimin said softly, pressing a chaste kiss on the maknae's lips before dragging his lips on the younger's collar bones — punctuating every kiss with a small bite, another silent way he hoped Jungkook would understand to be —
I want to be with you for a long time, if you'll let me, so please, please, please be with me. Be with me, my angel, and I will give you all the best of me. I love you so much my heart glows when I'm with you, so please, let me love you.  
Fuck, he's tearing up again, so he blinked the tears away, caressing Jungkook's face once he finished worshipping the maknae's sculpted body just so he remembers that heaven is not a place, that home is not place, that love is not a place — that nothing matters, that everything is useless, that life is pointless if he can't be with him.
So please, let this be right.
Let him make things right.
Just for once.
Just for him.
"I love you," he swears it's the only refrain he can utter with his heart feeling like it'll unfurl wings anytime it's directed towards Jungkook. So he repeats it again, kissing Jungkook deeply once more, feeling their hearts pound at the same time as he laid on top of the maknae.
He could keep kissing Jungkook's soft lips forever, but he needs to breathe too, plus there was the really pressing situation down there — their arousal swelling against each other's, so he tugged at the maknae's waves when they paused their kisses, not yet opening his eyes as he rested his forehead on Jungkook's.
He just. Fuck.
It's, like, his mind has gone off to Jungkook land and wants to stay there forever with him because he kept falling in love with the maknae the more they kissed and pressed their bodies against each other. Just... just how much would he fall even more once their bodies united in one sweet rhapsody?
He took a deep breath.
Slowly, Jimin opened his eyes, gazing directly at Jungkook. He rubbed his nose against the maknae's cheeks again as he lowered his voice with a request.
"May I touch you now?" he murmured, his hands poised over the buckle of Jungkook's belt.
I really want to hold you.
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Jungkook can’t stop gazing at Jimin with wide eyes as he pulls the zipper down with just his teeth. It was one of the hottest things he’s ever seen and he knows it’s going to be ingrained in the back of his mind forever. A gasp slips past his trembling lips, feeling his dick twitch as Jimin’s warm palms slide against his taut stomach. Nails dig into his tan skin and he hopes, god, he hopes they leave marks for him to stare at later when he’s all alone. So he can gently trace over them and feel the slight sting reminding him of who left them there.
“Hyungie,” Jungkook moans, eyes growing dark as Jimin places a soft, open-mouthed kiss on his neck. He wants him to leave pretty, red marks. He wants to have Jimin’s claim all over him. He needs everyone to know that they’re in love and don’t care about the opinions of others.
His heart skips a beat at Jimin’s words. I love you, Jungkook. This doesn’t feel real. How is it that there is a literal angel above him, peppering fond pecks on every visible inch of his skin? How is it that this man, this wonderful man, loves him? It all feels like a dream to him. A dream he never wants to wake up from. He wants to live in this moment for all of eternity.
”May I touch you now?”
Well, if Jungkook wasn’t fucked before, then he definitely is now. Who knew Jimin asking for his consent would be this sexy? He can feel his cock throbbing at the idea of finally being touched by Jimin. He’s dreamed of this ever since he discovered he was in love with the man and finally being able to experience it has him feeling so many emotions. Love. Excitement. Arousal. This was really happening, he was really going to be able to show Jimin how much he’s wanted this.
Licking his lips, he whispers against Jimin’s lips, “Please. Please touch me, Hyung.”
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"Oh, is that so?" Jimin can't help tease, fiddling with the buckle of Jungkook's belt, flicking it open and close, casually dragging his nails over the bulge of the maknae's arousal, his smirk widening when Jungkook bit his lips in frustration — his pretty cheeks visibly flushed from all the foreplay.
He draws closer to the maknae, leaving soft pecks over Jungkook's cheeks until his lips met the maknae's ear. Breath hot and swirling with desire, Jimin licked his ear and bit it gently. "Tell me, then, my love," he murmured against Jungkook's lips, biting the maknae's lower lip when he said my love. "Tell me. I need words."
Jungkook let out a cry, suddenly placing his hands on Jimin's hips, grinding against him. Jimin chuckled a little before swatting it away, taking Jungkook's hands gently and holding it on top of the maknae's head. Jimin clucked his tongue, shaking his head at the maknae playfully. "You have to listen to your hyung, Jungkookie."
The maknae grunted, grinding against him again, but when Jimin didn't budge, Jungkook tried to caress Jimin's hands on top of him, thinking maybe being gentle was the way to go about it, but no, no, no. The moment Jungkook pressed himself between Jimin's legs, gentle was for kisses and their belated love confessions, not making love.
Tender was it.
Tender can be the red and the blue blossoms that mark their bodies when their nails and their teeth roughly drag over each other's skin, when their bodies cant towards each other's as they scream their names to oblivion, when their bodies shiver in the aftermath of the previously undelivered truth finally kissing the sun.
At least, this is what Jimin thinks, tracing Jungkook's lips with a finger, whispering, "Your mouth, my love, open it for me, please."
Jungkook's lips fell apart, eliciting a low growl from within Jimin's abdomen, the maknae's compliance turning him on so fucking much. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Jungkook's dark eyes were so, so dark that Jimin can't help biting his lower lip again.
Takes two to tango, after all, he thinks with a smirk, sinking a finger into Jungkook's open mouth, pressing the pad of his finger on the maknae's tongue before inserting another and pumping it rhythmically — his mind so gone that only the sensation of Jungkook receiving his fingers into his mouth without question kept him moving — that it was his idea to do this, that it was the taste of Jungkook's spit wrapping around his fingers, that it was all real, not a daydream he concocted each time he and Jungkook danced way too close for comfort on stage because every moment with Jungkook was just that electric.
Fuck, he thinks again, taking a deep breath as Jungkook stared at him like he wanted to eat him.
Jimin shivered as he drew his fingers away from the maknae's mouth — the moment all too real and too hot to the touch.
Fuck, he thinks again, his hold on Jungkook's hands above his head loosening, his pulse rising, his mind falling into another dimension of oblivion as the maknae growled and flipped their positions again, leaving Jimin to fall on the bed with a soft plop as Jungkook aggressively kissed him over and over again as they rolled their hips against each other in unison.
He bit Jungkook's lower lip, tugging the maknae's zipper open and dragging the maknae's cock out, pumping it quickly between them as their lips crashed on each other's, never letting go. When Jungkook gasped against his mouth, Jimin squeezed his cock again, enjoying it swell in his hands as they kissed each other again and again — the concept of time and space confining and expanding to several infinities with every caress.
Oh my love, Jimin could only think, tearing up again, even as he can't help smiling against Jungkook's lips when he laced their free hands together.
The universe has moved for us, and I'm so happy that you love me too.
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My love.
The pet name has Jungkook tearing up. That’s the only thing he wants in this cruel, twisted world. To be Jimin’s love. The thought of being the only one for Jimin makes him want to cry, to sob out how much he loves him and how much he would do for him. How he would go to the ends of the Earth for him. How he would run a thousand miles just to reach his hyung whenever he needed him. He doesn’t want to cry because of this. Only when Jimin finally breaks him down in the most pleasurable ways does he want to cry. So instead he grips his hyung’s hips and grinds up against him, his dick getting the much needed friction he’s been craving. He can’t stop the gasp that falls from his trembling lips. Who knew he would have a hyung kink?
Jungkook whines, lips parting and tongue sticking out. The need to please his hyung makes the action come easily to him. He needs to be a good boy for his Jimin-Hyung. The strong desire to make Jimin proud builds inside him. He doesn’t want to make him regret this. Jungkook gazes into Jimin’s eyes, his eyes pleading with him, pleading him to do something.
The moment Jimin adds another finger and thrusts them in and out of his mouth he’s a goner. His lips wrap around the digits, tongue licking in between them, and his eyes flutter shut as he suckles on them. There’s drool leaking from the corners of his mouth and Jungkook’s body is feeling hot, hot, hot. Everything about this moment was perfect to him. The way Jimin held his wrists in a bruising grip to prevent him from breaking free. The way Jimin felt on top of him, controlling the situation and playing Jungkook like a puppet. Jungkook opens his eyes, staring at Jimin with half-lidded eyes when the fingers are removed. He focuses on the string of saliva connecting his kiss-swollen lips and Jimin’s wet digits. Everything was perfect.
Jungkook notices Jimin’s hold on his wrists slowly loosening and starts to count, eyes still locked with Jimin’s, unadulterated lust in his gaze.
Once he hits three, Jungkook is flipping them over with a low growl. His lips smash against Jimin’s, passionately placing kiss after kiss on his mouth, hips grinding down to give them both friction. Jungkook breathlessly gasps, cock throbbing in Jimin’s hand. He cants his hips up, moaning as his cock slides in and out of Jimin’s grasp. Eyes shut, mouth parting, he frantically reaches for Jimin’s unoccupied hand and locks their fingers together.
Don’t let go, hyung, please don’t let go. Just hold me.
Love me.
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Oh my love, I am made anew with you.  
This is what Jimin thinks, removing Jungkook's clothes with trembling fingers as the maknae pressed his naked arousal against the tent in his pants. Fuck, he's just so damn good, he shivers with so much want and need, and everything else could just fade away, he is utterly, completely, irrevocably a goner for one Jeon Jungkook.
He holds onto Jungkook's shoulder before reversing their positions once again, his every being filled with just one intent — loving every inch of Jeon Jungkook for all the universe.
And so he does, taking his top off, reveling in the way Jungkook seemingly marked his skin like a painting, his dark gaze tracing through every inch of his body as he wet his lips like he desperately wanted to dazzle his abdomen and his chest with every languid roll of his tongue.
Just like that, Jimin feels every dream of his come true.
His mind is gone, gone, gone, it's all just Jungkook — his euphoria.
"My love," he breathes again, eyeing the maknae through the curl of his lashes as they slowly removed each other's pants, their fingers caressing each other's all throughout, never wanting to be apart even for a second, never wanting to be uncertain once again, never wanting to lose each other again.
Once they were fully bare in front of each other, Jimin took a deep breath, taking in the sight of Jungkook laid out before him.
Could he still sleep again? Could he still dream again? Could he still close his eyes again?
Would all that still matter when right here, right now were beyond his wildest dreams?
He's tearing up again, his heart so full yet so light with the way Jungkook stared at him with so much love.
"I love you so much," Jimin falls, resting his forehead on Jungkook's, before kissing the maknae's brows. "So much," he kissed Jungkook's eyelids when it closed, "my heart glows," another kiss on his nose before caressing the maknae's face just so he could kiss him fully and deeply on the mouth, "when I'm with you."
His tears fell freely when Jungkook's hands found its way on his back, tracing comforting swirls, every shape a reciprocation of Jimin's love for him. So he kisses the maknae's tears away when he tasted the salt of his tears afterwards. And just. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
The stars are in the sky, and they are flying, their hearts soaring to the vibrant horizon.
This isn't a dream, Jimin breathes, kissing the maknae's taut stomach until he reaches Jungkook's cock. So he grinds his bare arousal against it, the delicious shiver in their bodies just syncing as they both moaned aloud. Jungkook reaches for his hands, lacing their fingers together, not wanting to let go.
Jimin drew another shaky breath before sliding down a little, only a little at least just before the swell of Jungkook's dick, so that he could prepare to take all of it in his aching mouth. He wants it all — the bad and the good, the worst and the best, everything that is just Jungkook.
Just him. That would be enough.
And so he takes Jungkook's cock in his mouth, running his tongue along the length inside his mouth just to hear the maknae growl in pent up desire — let it all out, my love, Jimin thinks, eyes closing as he savours the feeling of Jungkook's alluring shivers with his ministrations. He dragged his teeth a little, testing to see whether Jungkook liked it or not, and was rewarded with a chorus of fuck, I'm so in love with you's, so he smirked and bobbed his head on his cock again and again until Jungkook tugged at his hair in frustration just to say I want you, Jimin, I want you, I want you, I want you.
His eyes darkened with pleasure when he opened his eyes and met Jungkook's gaze, the desire so fucking contagious he could just swim in the depths of those eyes forever, no kidding. So when Jungkook rolled his hips, grinding against his mouth, Jimin let him fuck his throat raw to oblivion.
Jimin let out a loud gasp once Jungkook came in his mouth, swallowing all his cum before fingering and licking all the salty remnants on his full lips. Jungkook was still trembling beneath him, so Jimin caressed his face and his hair, soothing him as much as he could.
"We did the annual physical just last month," Jimin muttered, languidly caressing Jungkook's parted legs before him, "and we're both clean, right?"
Jungkook could only nod, his eyes still closed from the aftermath. Unconsciously, he opened his legs more when Jimin's hands drew nearer his cock again. Jimin bit his lips when he saw how Jungkook's cock swelled up again, his arousal just so big and so full and begging to be loved again.
"Perfect," Jimin murmurs with a low growl, posturing his fingers right before the entrance of Jungkook's perfect ass. He took a deep breath, and eyed Jungkook so he'd do the same before he slid one finger in to let the maknae get used to his touch. When a moan fell from Jungkook's lips, he slid his finger further before inserting another, widening the opening a little more and pumping it, trying to loosen the tightness in Jungkook's ass.
When he slid the third finger in, Jungkook grabbed his shoulder, his voice shaky as he drew a breath and bit his lips. Jimin, Jimin, Jimin, was all the maknae could utter so Jimin pumped all three fingers further, settling within the maknae's ass deliciously.
"I want to hold you now," Jimin whispers, his forehead resting on Jungkook's as he posed his own cock in front of the maknae's ass. "So just... just let me love you, Jungkook."
And when Jungkook replied with, Love me, Jimin, love me. Because I love you, too —
Jimin forgot to breathe.
He slid his cock slowly, deeply within Jungkook's ass, his mind empty, his heart full.
The world is so different from yesterday, and now we're becoming a we.
Jimin tears up again, their bodies colliding in that sweet, sweet rhapsody.  
We love each other, oh my god, we love each other.
I'm so happy.
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Jungkook's hips jump, his dick twitching. Fuck. The feeling of Jimin's teeth lightly scraping his cock followed by his hot tongue has him wanting more, more, more. He wants Jimin to hurt him in just the right way until he's begging him to stop. He throws his head back against the pillow, hands reaching down to pull Jimin's hair, mouthing falling open only to repeat a mantra of Jimin's name over and over.
The maknae lets out a cry, grinding into Jimin's mouth as his best friend swallows around his thick length. His hands are tugging and tugging at Jimin's hair, tears blurring his vision before slowly cascading down his flushed cheeks. He fucks Jimin's face in deep, steady thrusts, and when he glances down, he can see Jimin's throat bulge where his cock is repeatedly sliding in and out. It pushes him over the edge fast. His back arches and he screams as his orgasm hits him hard. Jimin, Jimin, hyungie.
Jungkook's mind goes blank and he's letting out a loud moan at the feeling of Jimin pushing one finger inside of him. It feels amazing. It feels so much better than when he does it. Especially when he adds two more fingers inside him, scissoring them to prepare him for Jimin's cock. It's such an addicting feeling that he never wants this to end.
Before he knows it, Jimin is leaning over him, sweaty forehead against sweaty forehead.
So just... just let me love you, Jungkook.
Jungkook frantically nods, hands wrapping around the older's neck, holding onto him tightly, “Love me, Jimin, love me. Because I love you, too—”
He cuts himself off with a loud, breathless gasp because Jimin is finally, finally, pushing into him. He's connecting them in the most intimate way and it has him tearing up because goddamnit he's so in love and they're finally one. He lays there with his eyes closed and sighs over and over, just taking in the sensation of Jimin making him feel so full.
"Okay," Jungkook whispers as he opens his eyes to gaze lovingly at the other, "I'm ready. You can move."
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Jimin could scarcely breathe when Jungkook gazed at him with those dark, dark eyes, the swirls of it clouded with pleasure and love — his eyes seemingly repeating his earlier words, ...I looked at you, and I didn't want to be forgiven. Because loving you is not a sin... I love you, Jimin. I love you, in spite of everything.  
Angel eyes.
Eyes I'd fall in love with over and over again , Jimin catches himself thinking as his lips fell apart with emotions he can't even — didn't even — need to have words anymore, the assurance from Jungkook's words — Love me, Jimin, love me. Because I love you too — breaking him apart and making him feel whole at the same time.
You can move, the words fell so softly from the maknae's lips that Jimin almost came from just that, but he controlled himself, willing his mien to cool and adjusting his cock deep within Jungkook before pressing a kiss on his forehead.
Their hands intertwined, Jimin began to move, thrusting and pumping as deeply as he could, letting Jungkook feel every inch of his love within him. A shaky moan fell from his lips when Jungkook panted against him, pressing a kiss on his throat as they held onto each other's hands tightly — a gesture he felt was one of Jungkook's ways of assuring him that it was all right, that they wanted it both, that they don't have to be alone ever again.
He didn't even realise that his eyes have closed as they thrusted against each other, their bodies uniting so sweetly, so feverishly, so lovingly that Jimin could only see an explosion of colours when his lids fell and Jungkook cried against him. The sound made Jimin blink his eyes open, worry suddenly filling his heart when he saw that tears were falling from the maknae's eyes.
Jimin paused, caressing Jungkook's face, pressing his full lips everywhere — his eyelids, his brows, his cheeks — to take the maknae's tears away. "Don't cry, Jungkook," he murmured against the maknae's lips, "don't cry, my love."
When Jungkook only cupped his face in return, Jimin couldn't help crying too — the maknae pressed his lips against his, wiping all his fears away. The gesture caught him off guard, making him laugh as their tears mingled with each other's when they bumped on each other's noses afterwards.
Oh, my love, Jimin can't help thinking again when Jungkook laughed with him — the sound of it making him laugh and cry harder just like the maknae as they moved again within each other's depths, making love in the darkness of the room.
Ah, even the darkness was so beautiful — the shadows of their bodies moving and pressing against each other in a united rhythm, spreading their warmth all over the bed beneath the glow of dusk falling, sun and moon filling the skies in a chiaroscuro of colours — their love for each other silent, but loud, loud, loud in spite of everything.
"Hey, stay by my side and laugh," Jimin murmurs once they came together, his voice hoarse as they moaned and screamed together, the high from the unity of their fall filling them both with warmth.
"Live happily with me," he continues, kissing Jungkook's eyelids, not yet parting from the maknae's depths. "We'll make it work."
He just doesn't want to let go anymore.
"So stay with me," he whispers, kissing Jungkook's forehead. "I'll be with you, every step of the way."
Because a future without you is a world without colour.
"So will you still be with me, my love?"
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Tears gather in his eyes as they tangle their fingers together. As one. His head is thrown back, messy hair fanned out on the pillow. Dreamy sighs slipping past his kiss-bitten lips at the feeling of Jimin’s mouth barely grazing his neck. He tightens his hold on Jimin’s hands, praying he understands what holding onto each other means. I’m never leaving you, hyung. Not again. Never. You’re mine and I’m yours. Only yours. Forever.
Jungkook gazes at Jimin through blurry vision, taking in how beautiful and angelic he is in their moment of love. His eyes are closed, mouth parted with small sighs and moans being released in the air, cheeks flushed with the exertion of their activities. Of them making love. A lone tear trickles down his cheek at the thought of them making love. It’s what they’re doing, and Jungkook still can’t fathom how lucky he is to be able to love and be loved by Jimin.
Love. It’s such a crazy thing, but he’s so grateful he has the chance to experience it. With his best friend at that. What more could he ask for? It’s such an overwhelming thought, and he’s hit with so many feelings that he can’t help but to finally let the tears fall from his eyes and make their way down his cheeks.
He opens his eyes, gaze connecting with Jimin’s, and he leans into the comforting touch as he repeatedly whispers I’m okay. Jungkook just cries harder at the soft gesture and the feeling of pecks being lightly placed all over his face. God, he’s so, so, so in love and he doesn’t know how to handle it. So he returns the gesture and swipes his thumb under Jimin’s eyes, wiping away the droplets of liquid before placing a chaste kiss on his chin, giggling when their noses bump against each other.
And he’s so happy, so happy, that they can still find humor and laugh in this moment. With each pump of Jimin’s hips, Jungkook could feel himself climb higher and higher to his orgasm. With each thrust, he could feel his head getting fuzzy and his body rising in temperature. With each laugh and kiss they shared, he could feel himself falling even more in love with his hyung.
Jungkook’s release hits him hard, and he clutches onto Jimin, pulling him even closer as he cries out Jimin’s name over and over again, their hearts beating in sync. His breathing slows down, but he keeps his eyes closed. He’s so tired and all he wants now is to sleep in Jimin’s arms. It’s one of the only places where he feels completely safe and protected. He sighs once again when Jimin kisses his eyelids. He feels so tranquil lying here in his lover’s embrace and hearing his sweet, sweet promises.
So will you still be with me, my love?
The maknae slowly opens his eyes to stare at Jimin with unadulterated love and adoration, tenderly kissing him and whispering against his lips, “Always.”
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Always, Jungkook breathed against his lips —
And oh, oh, Jimin was crying again — how wonderful was it to love and be loved in return. His Jungkook, his sweet, sweet Jungkook. He... he really said that — the one answer he previously never thought of having when he earlier thought —
I want to be with you for a long time, if you'll let me, so please, please, please be with me. Be with me, my angel, and I will give you all the best of me. I love you so much my heart glows when I'm with you, so please, let me love you.  
Always — it is now the only refrain that exists in his heart.
Always — it is now the only word that his soul wants to know, wants to share with Jungkook.
Always — it is now the only light he seeks in this previously monochrome world.
A word filled with so much radiance, so much promise, so much euphoria.
"Ah, my love," Jimin murmurs against the maknae's lips, cupping his face, kissing him over and over again.
"You are me," his breath staggers as Jungkook kisses him back and whispers, his voice in the same quiet and tender tone, "I am you."
Park Jimin doesn't trust words.
But when it came to him, Jungkook never lied.
His eyes, his voice, his touch.
And if it's with him — if it's with him — Jimin will never fear anything ever again.
Because that's what they'll be. That's what they'll do. And that's who they’ve always been.
Never hesitating.
Never stopping.
Never afraid.
No longer.
Because one way or another, their lives were always meant to be intertwined.
Fate. Destiny. Serendipity.
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purityran · 7 months
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𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘆. 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗮, 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗮 𝗖𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘀.
written by kaliya. twenty4. minors dni. [ pin. playlist. ]
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gravevisited · 4 months
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let’s make a start on that whole “being dead” thing!
a mobile-only multimuse rp blog for horror-comedy media
beetlejuice muses primarily musical & headcanon based
18+ only
no seriously, 18+ only
not interested in drama
writing is fun and FOR FUN
best way to interact is to send asks or open a dialogue via dms
please specify muse whenever possible
please tag your snakes they scare me
will tag whatever you need upon request; common issues tagged automatically
semi-selective but not mutuals-only by any means
duplicate friendly!
Cool, glad we made it! I’m Ren, 30, she/her, CST (GMT -6). Discord available upon request. Thanks for reading!
Lydia Deetz: herself strange and unusual. CISfemale, human, preferences unknown, 17-32, lonely person. Primary. Thinks about death a normal amount.
Delia Schlimmer: life coaching and nailing it! CISfemale, human, heteroflexible, 45+, outcasted person. Secondary. Listens to crystals.
Heathers Heather McNamara: would probably jump off a cliff if everyone else was doing it. CISfemale, human, pansexual, 17-22, manipulable person. Primary. In need of a better lifeboat. Crazy Fun Park
Bridget Taylor: most of the time feels like a ghost in this town. AFAB NB, human, sapphic, 17-24, observant person. Secondary.
Original-ish Characters
Dio(nysus): the laughing god himself! CISmale (varies by life though), god, bisexual, no comment, jaded person. Primary. Tragicomedy at its finest. 🎭 @wineworshipped Will Shakespeare: the quintessential bard. CISmale, human/legend (it's a long story), bisexual plus, 32, romantic person. Primary. It's hard to be the bard!
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